Is Your Mind an Obstacle between You and Your Dreams?
How Your Mindset Shapes Your Life!
Are you living the good life or a great life? Today on the podcast, Dov shares rare insights from the famous “Think and Grow Rich”.
Leaders, what are the major character traits of success? How many of them are innate and how many are learned? Is your mindset preventing you from climbing the executive ladder? Are you looking for long-lasting relationship? Do you know how to prevent your mind from self-sabotage?
Today we discuss, how your mindset affects every aspect of your life and how you can overcome your own mind to achieve your dreams.
In this episode of the Mind Mastery Podcast, Dov Baron is joined by guests: Scott Paton and Shane Jeremy James as they discuss how your mindset affects not only your daily life, but your wealth and poverty.
James is the founder of Shane Jeremy Media, Branding Talent and Actions of Compassion. In addition to being a critically acclaimed author, he is a board member of the of Volken Foundation and has developed numerous programs and coached thousands of marketers world-wide on leadership and marketing.
Paton, an executive producer and co-host for over 35 podcasts, is an internationally renowned speaker and currently teaches courses in strategy, management, relationships and more for students in over 190 countries via Udemy. In addition, he is currently a podcaster with Life Enthusiast.
To find out more about Shane Jeremy James:
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To find out more about Scott Paton:
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To find out more info. on "Think and Grow Rich" click here:
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I created the Authentic Leadership Matrix after a lot of experience and research. One of the questions I'm asked often is what authentic leadership is and how do we define it. As a result, I created the matrix. It splits what leadership is into five separate categories. So, that you can take a clear look at how you perform in each of the five main areas that are required for you to become a world class authentic leader. The process takes you through each category simply with yes or no questions.
With gratitude, Dõv Baron
“In 2015, Dov Baron was cited by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership Speaker to book for your next conference! He speaks internationally and is The Leading Authority on Next-Gen Authentic Leadership and creating a Culture of Fiercely Loyal Leaders.
P.S. To get your hands on Dov Baron’s new book “Fiercely Loyal” How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent, go take a look here and get your FREE: How to instantly bond any team infographic”
To contact: Dov Baron International, and Authentic Paragon Alliance INC. Contact Authentic Paragon Alliance at +1 778 397 7717"
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[music] Welcome to the Mind Mastery Hotcast! I unlock the secrets to your mind and get everything you ever want to. Let's join our host of Baron Scott Patton and Shane. [music] Alright, welcome back everybody, listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast. And in our last podcast we were talking about the 3% rule. So, welcome gentlemen, how are you doing today? Good, thanks Scott. Doing totally awesome, Scott. So, 3% of the population are successful in business. They're successful in relationships. They're successful in their fitness level in health. They're successful in whatever they put their mind to it, I suppose. And that leaves 75%. Where's the math map? 97% of us wishing we could be a little bit better. So, one of the things we talked about in our last podcast is moving from that 97 to the 3%. And I think it would be great to delve into that in a little bit more detail in this podcast. Thank you. One of the things about, as I was saying in the last podcast, is that one of the things about being in the 97%. That's not necessarily bad if you aspire, if you're doing what it takes, to be in that top 3%. And here's where the trap is. The trap is that everybody has got something that they're in the top 3%. And the problem with that is we can get a chance to that as our identity. So, we're in the top 3% of baking cookies. And the rest of your life can be in the bottom 3%. But we sort of hang on to these things in which we're great at. And I think that's good. There's nothing wrong with that. But we have to look at where do I need to move my life? Where is my life? If there's things in your life that are not in the top 3% and you genuinely, genuinely is the key word. Happy with that. I don't have an argument with you, you're going to do what's right for you. But if there's areas of your life that are not bringing you joy, that are bringing you suffering and stuck frustration, that you'll need to move up, then you've got to start doing what it takes to move into that top 3%. And you can hang on to the area of your life where you're in the top 3%. And that's part of the challenge. So what we do is we say, "Yeah, well my life sucks, but at least it's better than jumps." And so that really is saying, "Here's my permission to stay stuck." Rather than saying, "I'm not willing to do that." So we're comparing ourselves to people that are not very successful at. Exactly. An old comparison is negative. I don't care what it is. It doesn't really help you. Rather than saying, "Where do I want to be and what am I going to do to get there?" And as you were saying before, if you want to get to that top percentage, that percentile of people in the world in any area of your life, and particularly at this point we're going to talk about wealth, you have to find mentors. It's imperative that you find people who have already done it, who have walked the path. We talk about it this way. In the path to success in your life, it's a minefield. There are always going to be mines on that field, and those mines will blow your legs off if you're not careful. You've got to pay attention. But what if you could walk that across that minefield with a guide who has crossed it many, many times, and got to the other side and made success, and they've offered to carry you across the minefield? You've been an idiot not to do it. That's what a mentor is. A mentor will put you on that back, walk you across the field so that you can follow in their steps and show you exactly where to go. So we need top mentors in any area of our lives that we want to accelerate. How come people are so fearful sometimes to step out of that comfort zone? Well, you call it comfort zone. I call it prison. I think one of the most dangerous things we ever have is a comfort zone. I think it's what keeps us stuck, is that we are comfortable, and human beings like to be comfortable. In fact, people will return to old relationships that weren't great, and describe them as a comfortable, old, perished slippers. Well, I don't know, slippers look pretty ratty to me. So the comfort thing, it's important to acknowledge and be grateful for what we have, but aspire at the same time. It's important to stop along the path and join if you recognize how far you've come, but still aspire for more. And I think that people get stuck purely simply because of the unknown. They say, "Well, I don't pack it." This is nice. I can remember working with a lady on a workshop who said, "All these opportunities are now showing up in my life. I've learned all this stuff from you, dog. This is marvelous, but I'm scared." And I said, "Why?" She says, "Because my life is really good." And I recommended that she goes away and reads a business book in the business book, which I'm sure you're gentle and familiar with, which is called "Good to Great." And if you get stuck at good, good eventually starts to decline and it becomes average. And so we must be willing to aspire for greatness in all things. And I think that people are afraid. They cling on to what is safe. And the ego of mind says change is death. Very important message. Very important thing to learn. Your ego mind says that change is death. And so therefore things are good. I like it as it is. I aspire to more of change is death when people stop themselves in their own tracks. And they'll sabotage themselves to keep things the same. Do you find that people put more successful people on a higher pedestal? And I find sometimes that somebody has, you know, making some good money, say they're becoming a millionaire, and they look at them and say, "Well, they're just naturally gifted. They're just naturally talented. That's how they got there." So they really don't believe that they can get there. Well, I think that that's a very, very important point you've made, is this assumption of naturally. I mean, I know that you guys are very familiar with, and I'm sure that many of our listeners here will be very familiar with one of the foundational personal growth books, which is called "Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill." Awesome book, amazing book. "Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill." Napoleon Hill was not an expert. This is what most people don't know. He was a reporter. That's all he was. Andrew Carnegie was the very wealthy man who employed Napoleon Hill to go out, interview the most successful people in the world of his time, and look for character traits that they all had in common to see if there was a formula for becoming exponentially successful in any area of life. Napoleon Hill found 16 dominant character traits that cross the board in every single one of these people. Here's the thing that most people don't realize. We're talking about natural, but the thing that most people don't realize is what he discovered through his further questioning was not one of those people had every single one of those character traits naturally. Many of those character traits were learned. They had one or two. They might have had even as many as five or six, but they had to learn the rest of them. So it wasn't natural, and I guarantee that our listeners have got at least one or two or maybe even as many as 11 or 12 of those 16 character traits were truly successful. And one of them, just so you know, was the willingness to find a mentor. The willingness to be what we would call today cultural makes a big difference. So I think when we have this assumption that it's natural for them. That's a massive mistake, and the great examples of it are people like Wayne Gradsky or Tiger Woods. Everybody knows Tiger Woods, and we consider him contemporary. The word is contemporary. Contemporary. Anyway, that word. We get it. We get it. Modern times, the best golfer in the world. Now the question would be, does Tiger Woods have a coach? Is several? Many, yeah. Why does he have a coach if he's the best? Because he wants to keep being the best. That's right. So the very successful people in life all keep learning. There's a great story about him and John Daly. If you know John Daly, not a very famous golfer. And John Daly has, he's had a bit of a train wreck of a life. And one day on the PGA tour they have a gym. There's a gym and all this reason all the guys get to use it. And one day, Tiger's passing John Daly to go into the gym. And John Daly has had a few too many drinks the night before. It's a bit wobbly, a bit shaky and smoking his cigarettes as he does and he's a train wreck. Right? And John Daly says, what the heck are you doing going in there to the gym? And Tiger said, if I had your talent, I wouldn't need to. Now, most people don't know outside of hardened golfers don't know John Daly. But everybody knows Tiger Woods. Because he understands it's not about natural. It's about commitment to growth. So that evolution. And that really is about why we've come together even to do this. It's because of our own commitment to growth and learning from each other and sharing with each other and sharing with people. And that's what we have a program called Quantum Wealth Mastery that we're all going to be on the platform together with a bunch of other experts in wealth. And we're talking about wealth here in a much broader spectrum. It's not just about money, although it will be the focus. It is about the mindset of creating wealth. So, for instance, we'll have a speaker who will be talking about taking inventions and taking your invention from the conceptual to the infomercial to making millions of dollars. These guys had many infomercials, made many, many millions of dollars with these ideas. We're talking about people who have taken their concepts and turned them into movies. Well, when you tell us a little bit about what you're going to be talking about, Scott? Well, there's this thing called the Internet that seems to be somewhat popular. I've never heard of that yet. And there's many, many ways that you can use the Internet to improve your business or to start a new business. One of the big problems when you want to buy, say, a franchise, which is a relatively good type of business to go into, as Shane would attest to, is that there's a large cost of entry. But when it comes to the Internet, you can have a website and basically sell something online for a very small cost of entry. The trick, of course, is to sell the right thing, to have the right thing, position it in front of the right market. And one of the areas that I'm in, probably the top 3% in, is podcasting. And Shane and I have a podcast called Weight Loss in the Mind, where we have over 120,000 subscribers and over 750,000 downloads in the last year. And so that's a very, very good way to communicate with prospects and customers. And I'm going to be talking about all those different opportunities that lie on the Internet for people. So let's just explore that for a moment. How does podcasting, so exactly what these people are listening to right now, how does that translate to money in your pocket? There's a whole pile of ways that it can translate to money in your pocket. The one I like the best is you position yourself as an expert. As we were talking about Napoleon Hill, it's just an amazing story because he really wasn't an expert on how to make money or how to be successful. In fact, he was probably in the bottom 3%. He had no money. And he didn't know how he was going to get home at that time when he was talking to Andrew Cardi. But by mentoring, by talking to all these people, he was able to become an expert. And of course, everyone then listened to him and were attracted to him. And that's the power of being an expert. I think there's two ways to sell. One is to have a widget and go around to everybody you see and say, "Here's my widget. You want to buy it." And I've done that. It's incredibly hard work and very, very disappointing because none of these people really want it in order they really need it. But when you're an expert, all of a sudden, everyone comes to you and says, "Oh man, you know all about this? I need to know about it. Will you teach me? Will you show me? Will you help me?" And the beauty of the podcast is that that is one very, very easy way to position yourself in the world as an expert on your field. So the way that podcasting translates to money in your pocket is that the people who listen to that podcast begin to realize that you are the expert. And they may not have known of you before. That's right. So it makes them aware of you as the expert. And then they want to buy your widget, which you normally would have had to knock on the door and sell to them. But instead, they're coming to you. So it actually becomes a way to attract people into your life who you wouldn't previously have known of, wouldn't have previously known you. You'd have no hope of ever connecting with before. Yeah, that's very cool. And there's five other ways you can make money that I'll be talking about at the symposium. Fantastic. I actually really love you both. I'll tell you something when I talk about finding mentors, and we were talking about this the other day. Natasha, who's one of the people in our team, and she's the executive administrator for our company, was saying, "Well, you know, and you guys know my schedule is like." She's saying, "Well, Doug, you've got the quantum wealth symposium in May, and you're going to have all these great speakers who are flying in to teach out people, and you're presenting the first presentation, the last presentation, and one in the middle." So can I book you other things during that time? Oh, yeah. And I said absolutely nuts. And I am so looking forward to it. I am going to be in every one of those classes, and nobody, and I'm telling you, nobody will be taking more ferocious notes than I will from every one of you guys, because that's the thing. You've got to have great mentors, and you've got to be willing to sit there and do something with it. Why do you tell us a little bit about what you're going to be talking about, Shane? Well, I think that the thing that I'm going to teach is one of the most important things that you can ever learn in your life, and it's exactly what we've been talking about and what Doug has been talking about. I'm going to teach how to acquire millionaires and billionaires to mentor you, and this comes from a place of what I did. See, everything that I teach on a firm believer that I have to go on and do it first before I teach it, or I won't teach it. So what I did is, when I moved to my city, I didn't know a soul. Remember, nobody. I had no money, too. I was broke, right? B-R-O-K-E, broke. And I had to acquire these people to help me go to the next level. So I used all kinds of techniques and strategies to get millionaires, billionaires, multi-millionaires, all different kinds of people in my life. Now I've got access to all different kinds of resources, the knowledge in the head. I mean, there's just so many benefits that have happened in my life for it, let alone just having great relationships. I mean, think about this. Be able to pick up the phone, call somebody that makes $100 million a year, and ask them for a certain way to do things, because maybe I'm having a business problem, and they have the answer like that, right? Or, you know, one of my mentors said, "Shane, if you ask me for a dollar, or a million dollars to invest with you, it's all the same to me. I don't have to go to banks anymore." Pretty big, pretty important thing in life. Very important thing. So I truly believe that this is probably one of the most important things that you can ever learn in your life to take yourself to the next level, because I believe that you cannot go to the next level in business unless you're surrounded by the best. Well, you guys have attended one of my events in which we talked about resonance. And resonance is this quantum field of energy that human beings all put out that can be measured with certain equipment. But human beings put out this energy, it's called a quantum resonance field, and it determines what you can attract and cannot attract. In fact, it actually determines what you'll repel from your life as much as what you'll attract. And one of the things we say about that is, if you really want to change your quantum resonance field, you must get yourself around people who are at the higher frequency, because the bottom line of physics is that energy moves to the dominant frequency. So if you've got those mentors that you're talking about, Shane, who are, you know, in a hundred million dollar frequency, and if you're a $50,000 of $50 frequency, you know, that's going to pull your energy up. Now, the interesting thing about that is, I think you would fully agree with this, is that it's one thing to have the mentors, it's another thing to get in the energy of those people so they start looking your energy up. But the next thing is, you've got to take action. Absolutely. A hundred percent. You've got to take that action, and that's where a lot of people fail. And it's interesting, because if you start taking action as a mentor, and we're all mentors to others here, I know, if I'm mentoring someone and they don't take the action, I'll stop mentoring them. Not interested. Effectively, that means we'll push them away. And let me say something on that. That's why a lot of my mentors say they like to work with me, because they say, "I love your energy, Shane. I love how you just get things done. You take the action and it reminds them of when they were young." Of course. Right? And they kind of, I can see how they live through my eyes now again. Because most of my mentors are at the stages of giving back. You know, they're starting to build big charities and give back and change the world in that way. They've already created wealth. They don't need any more wealth. Right? So they're at a different level now. Right? And one of my mentors had said, "You know, I'll help you as much as you want, but you promise me. When you get to that level, you do the same thing as you give back." And I made that promise 100 percent. Right? So. Well, there are three stages to life. And in the first stage of life, it's called entitlement. These are actual psychological stages of life. The first stage is called entitlement. It generally lasts anywhere between up to 25 years in the first stages of life. And it's really about, "I'm entitled to, so just give it to me." Right? And that's pretty natural if you're three. Yeah. You know, it's pretty natural if you're two. Since you're natural if you're fifteen. Because I have fifteen-year-olds, it feels that way right now. Any of us who have got teens, we know, I mean, my daughter's in her thirties now. And I never remember that phase. And I can remember being in that phase myself, feeling like somebody owes me something. You know, just by virtue of the fact that I'm on the planet. And I don't think that it's getting better. I think it's getting worse in our society because we'll become more materialistic. And it's become a challenge. The second stage of life is called status. And the second stage of life is where you start to establish yourself as a person, and your status in the world. So I, you know, "Hi, I'm Bob and I'm A, this." You know, they're like, "I'm owning this job or this position or this, you know, this thing." So we do a lot of that. And it becomes egocentric from a statement of, "Here I am." It's the place where we go looking for trophy parmes. It's the place where we go looking for bigger jewelry, more bling, a better car, a bigger house. All those kinds of things to say. "I have arrived." You know, that's that second stage. "Here I am." "Here I am." That second stage of life often lasts again about 25 years. The third stage of life is called legacy. And in legacy, it's all about what can I give back? How can I lift the planet? How can I raise the consciousness? How can I make a difference? How can I give back? Now it's interesting, those are the three stages of life. You don't have to go through them. Sadly, some people never leave stage one before they die at old age. Some people never leave stage two. It's all about their status. They just get stuck there. And some people never get to the place of legacy. However, if you get to the place of legacy without going through the first two, then you become an author. Oh, you know, I'm going to save the world. I don't need anything, money doesn't mean anything to me. So let me just give anything away. I know it sounds like I'm being mean and I'm poking fun. I am poking fun. I'm not being mean, I'm poking fun. Because the bottom line is, if you're telling yourself that you don't need money, but you want to make a difference in the world, I'm sorry, you're lying to yourself. We live in a materialistic world. I don't like seeing starving kids in any country. And for me to make a big difference in that, I can certainly get on a plane and volunteer my time and do things in Africa. Happy to do it. Would be interested in doing it. Yeah, that's fantastic. But how much more difference can I make by having a couple of hundred million dollars on the side that I can filter into the right systems to make sure those kids are getting fed? I can be far more effective. So we've got this distinction, and I'm a very spiritual person, we have this distinction that says spirituality or spirituality and wealth have to be kept separate. That's not true. Yeah, you can't have one if you've got the other. Yeah, we hold these things in polarity with each other. And the truth is that some of the greatest spiritual people on the planet have a ton of money. And sometimes some of the worst rotten people in the world have a ton of money too. It's not mutually exclusive. I like what Oprah says about money. Money's the great magnifying glass. Whatever you are, it'll make it bigger. That's right. If you're a selfish rap bag, it'll just be a wealthy selfish rap bag. If you're a generous kind giving person, you'll be just being more of a generous kind person. If you're rude and arrogant, you'll be just rude and arrogant with money. It just expands everything, that's all. So we have to understand that we've got to create this wealth consciousness. And that doesn't mean we stop being spiritual. So we need to learn from the best who already know how to get that. Who walked the path like you were saying before. Who walked the path. Because for me, I'm exactly the same philosophy. I mean, you'll teach me what your podcasts got. How many podcasts have you done? Close to 20 different podcasts with hundreds of episodes. Right. So literally in the thousands. Literally in the thousands. Now let's say that Joe Wilkinson says, "I'll teach you how to podcast. How many have you done?" One. Yeah. There's not a great mentor. No. For me, the bottom line is, you want mentors who walked the path, who have done what you want to do. And because the thing about that is, that speeds up the process. Like I always say to people, I spent 20 years traveling with the world to study with these different masters. You don't have the time. You don't have to have the time. You can learn what I did and apply it into your life. Because this is the information age. And we're bombarded by information. But we don't have the way to narrow that down to find the specifics of what we need if we do it in ourselves. But we can find people, like Scott, like Shane, who will show us. If you want to do this, if you want to get to this outcome, I've done it. I've walked that path. Show up. Here's what you do. Then you do that. Because with podcasts, they've been around since 2004. So we're in 2008, right? So cut four years off your learning curve. Exactly. So four years off your line curve, you can go back and start. If anybody can go online, they can do it right now, go online, search podcasting, how to podcast. And you will find out how to do podcasts. But it won't tell you how to avoid all the challenges, all the problems that you're likely to face, that someone like Scott can walk you through it step by step, including five or six ways to turn podcasting into money in the bank. Now if you want to take that money in the bank and you're in stage one and buy yourself everything you want, stage two and buy yourself more bling to make a statement about who you are. That's fine. Or stage three to make a difference in the lives of others. You can do whatever you want with it. That's your call. Your strengths. That's right. So I think that's a very important thing for our listeners to understand. That wealth and spirituality or whatever we want to call that is not mutually exclusive. We have to find a way to bring them together. And that is actually a lot of quantum wealth mastery. The program is about bringing those people together so they really understand that you can embrace wealth at a spiritual level. You can embrace spirituality at a wealth level. Because when we get down to it, we talk about this, this quantum field and we're all tied into it. And that when we make a shift, that shift changes the world. One mind, one consciousness at a time. You know what I found out was extremely important in love with me, you know, calling the mentors and stuff is once I got around them, I learned how to get into their neurology. Once I learned how to get into their neurology, I figured out exactly what they did. Now, I just caught my learning curve and my success rate down by 15 years, 20 years from that alone. So tell us, because I'm sure, and you and I know about this, but I'm sure that many people don't know what that means. Tell us what it means to get inside some of these neurology. Basically, to sum it up will make it easy. I get in and I start to model them, really, and figure out how they're running their brain. Let's just go back right into the brain, right? So how they're thinking, right, is the most important thing. And why they're doing the things they do. And again, I go back to a series of questions then, too. And my questions, you know, bring out exactly what they're doing. I mean, I have lists and lists of questions and answers from my mentors. And it tells me exactly how they're thinking. And I take that and I have tape recordings of them. I did a series of tape recordings. And so when I listen to them, I can really get into that recording and I play it back. And the knowledge that I've taken from that is just phenomenal. I mean, one little tip I'll give you, one of my mentors said, you know, I became a billionaire shame because I found the gatekeeper in every industry, right? And so I found the gatekeeper I thought about. And he says, I cut through everybody else. I went to the right to the top, right to the top, right to the top. I got to the gatekeeper. I didn't focus on anybody else, but the gatekeeper, right? And then I got in and I started to figure out how he was running his brain to do that. And you know, which I'll teach in the course. We'll go in depth into that in the course. So, you know, you'll walk away from real cool stuff. That's really exciting stuff. Yeah. Because I mean, any of us who have been in business know that getting past the God-dog, not the gatekeeper, but the God-dog. Like, you know, to get himself to me, there are several gods. You know, because my time is so valuable. And my time is, you know, very short. And I value it extraordinarily. And I don't, you know, make that freely available to everybody. So there are certain gods to that process. So getting past that is one thing. Getting to the gatekeeper, having the access to a person at the top of the field. Fantastic. I mean, if you can, well, if when you share that with people, that is going to be very... I'm getting my pad now. Yeah. I'm waiting ready to go for my... It's a shortcut to success, really. And that's just one of the things that you're going to be sharing. Yeah, it really is. And that's just one of the little strategies that I use. And I mean, I've gotten, you know, 13 to 25 different strategies from millionaires and billionaires that I'll share with you guys. That's a very good, I mean, it's really where we've been going. It's the top 3% and how do you shortcut your way to that? You know, we're all in a hurry. We've all got a limited amount of time on the planet. How do you shortcut? And it's one of the things for me, you know, we're talking about mentors and being around people who are at the top. And you guys, I'm sure, like me, read lots of books and get all the information and maybe listen to the audio programs like these podcasts and maybe even DVD programs or whatever it is. But there's something that happens when you're at a live event. Absolutely. It doesn't take place anywhere else. And part of that is, of course, being around those mentors, but also being around other people who are as on fire as you are. And maybe at the same level as you are, but you suddenly get a sense of, I'm not alone. I am committed and others are committed to going to that. And when you get around that, like, I'm really excited about quantum wealth mastery, the symposium. For us all to be together. One of the big deals for me is, you know, for us to have a dinner together. All of us to sit and just, you know, find out about each other as people. Because it's something that takes place when you're in that room with those other people who are also wanting to grow, to be the top 3%. And what's interesting about it is, as I said, the person who is up on that platform, maybe the top 3% in that area, you might be top 3% in another area. They want to know about that. They want to know about that. That's right. And that's the interchange. Like, I am not in the top 3% in how to podcast. I don't know. It's not all about it. But you do. That's right. And that's why I want you to be part of this because you are in the top 3%. If people want to know about podcasting, they're getting touched with Scott Penn. They're flying around the world to bring his knowledge. Now, having you at that event does that. It gives those people that jump. Lots of people would love to find out how to get in touch with this person or that person or that person, and actually have them mentor them. But they haven't got a clue. They haven't got a clue. I've got some great mentors in my life. But I can tell you for certain, I don't know some of the things that you know about how to get those mentors to walk you through a process of guiding you to do what you need to do to get to the top. Being in the room with those other people, one after the other after the other. I mean, can you imagine, can you feel what that would be like? What it's going to be like is awesome. For all of us, not just the students that are there, but for all of us who are speakers that are there. And because we're all dedicated to growing. Yeah. Well, I look at it for myself. What a learning process that I get to indulge in. All these great people around me. It's just a bunch of new mentors around me. Exactly. It's awesome. It's like good. I get to acquire, you know, eight more new mentors. It's fantastic. Geez, what's going to happen to my life? I'm going to go to the next level. Exactly. As an old saying, I like came from some book I read once, which is where all students and we're all teachers. The question, of course, is what are we teaching. And I think a lot of the people that will be sitting in that room, whether they're up at the front or in the audience, are all going to be have things to teach everybody. And my experience has been, because I've gone to every month to pretty well go to a live event and talk, right? And you just never know who's in the room. And you have an open mind and you can talk to, you know, I've talked to people and I thought, oh man, you know, that person needs a lot of work and then found out they make $50,000 a month. Right? And thought, well, I'm really glad I was nice to them, right? Because they've got a lot to teach me and I just didn't see it at that point. Well, they become great friends afterwards. But they bring themselves in their area. That's right. So when you're looking at saying they need a lot of work, you're looking in your area. That's right. And they're looking in their area. So that's what's neat about this. We get very judgmental when we say, you know, all of these persons are right off. But we don't ask the questions, because we're back to this thing that we've been coming back to the theme. Like, what is your area where you are the best? That's right. And everyone has something. Everybody's done. Like I said, making cookies, changing diapers, I don't care. Yeah. Flower arranging, I don't care. What is it? Because that is your expertise. That's your gift that you actually have to give to the world. That you're allowed to be paid for it, but you need to share that with the world. Yeah. But with that gentleman, it's been a real pleasure being here today. Yeah. It's been awesome. Yes, really. So if someone wants to join us at the Well Symposium, where should they go? Again, you can go to,, And there you can look up live events. And it will tell you exactly where Quantum Wealth Mastery is. And when it's taking place, it will take place in May 2008. And it is going to be amazing. Of course, us three will be there with many other terrific mentors who will guide you and mentor you to creating Quantum Wealth. Awesome. And if you're interested in listening to more of our podcast episodes, you can head over to There's a place where you can leave comments. Let us know if you've got any questions. We'll be happy to bring them up on upcoming podcasts. And also, we're just interested in hearing some feedback, what you think of the podcast. So head over there. Yeah, very interested in hearing your feedback. Oh, and excited to know that. And that is one of the things I personally really enjoy taking the time to do is to look at and listen to those comments because they help us to refine what it is that we're delivering to you so that we're really giving you exactly what you want. Awesome. Chain, any last words before we sign off? Yeah, success to mean means discipline, persistence and patience. Nice. Very cool. Bye, everybody. Thank you. Bye. [music] [music] [music] [music] This podcast is a part of the C Suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit (chimes)