The Dov Baron Show

The Secrets Behind the Law of Attraction You Need to Know

Broadcast on:
12 Feb 2008
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The Secrets Behind the Law of Attraction You Need to Know

The Strategies that Actually Work 

Do you think having an open mind will solve your problems? Leaders, do you think a positive outlook will help you become an upper level executive?

The Secret Law of Attraction may open your eyes to a new way to manifest your dreams, but almost everyone who has seen it forgets the two most important parts: Choose Wisely and Take Action. 

Choose Wisely: You have to make sure what you want is truly what YOU want, not what anyone else wants for you. Working towards someone else’s dream will only leave you unhappy and greedy for something else. 

Taking Action: You need to actually work towards manifesting your dreams. No one can expect their dreams to come true just by dreaming them - You have to physically work towards them. 

“The First Part of Attraction is Action!” 

In this episode of the Mind Mastery Podcast, Dov Baron is joined by guests: Scott Paton and Shane Jeremy James as they discuss the secret to of the law of attraction and how it impacts the laws of manifestation. 

James is the founder of Shane Jeremy Media, Branding Talent and Actions of Compassion. In addition to being a critically acclaimed author, he is a board member of the of Volken Foundation and has developed numerous programs and coached thousands of marketers world-wide.

Paton, an executive producer and co-host for over 35 podcasts, is an internationally renowned speaker and currently teaches courses in strategy, management, relationships and more for students in over 190 countries via Udemy. In addition, he is currently a podcaster with Life Enthusiast. 

To find out more about Shane Jeremy James: 

 To hear more about Actions of Compassion: 

To find out more about Scott Paton:

 To hear more about his courses: 

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With gratitude, Dõv Baron

“In 2015, Dov Baron was cited by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership Speaker to book for your next conference! He speaks internationally and is The Leading Authority on Next-Gen Authentic Leadership and creating a Culture of Fiercely Loyal Leaders.

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[music] Welcome to the Mind Mastery Podcast. Unlock the secrets to your mind and get everything you ever want to. Let's join our hosts, Dove Baron Scott Patton and Shane James James James James. Now. [music] Welcome back everybody. You're listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast. I'm your co-host Scott Patton along with Shane James and Dove Baron. Hey guys, how are you doing today? Good, thank you. Very good to be here. Awesome. I'm better than excellent. Better than excellent? That's all. [laughs] Not terrible for you. [laughs] So, Dove there's been a lot of talk about the secret and the law of attraction lately. And I thought that might be a good place to start today's podcast episode. Yeah, it's a lot of buzz, huh? Yeah. So first of all, what is the secret? I doubt that the secret is the law of attraction. I actually remember watching that movie at the beginning. At Bob Proctor, I think he wasn't revealed, you know, the secret is the law of attraction. I thought, that's the secret. Okay. Well, I studied that about 25 years ago, so I don't know that that's the secret. But I think that that movie did a great job of letting people understand that they are responsible for their reality and they get to create their reality. And that the law of attraction is a part of that. But it's a lot deeper than that. And I think that the challenge became, like you said, that a lot of people sort of sat around looking in jewelry shop windows, wishing and hoping, and maybe the jewelry would pop on their neck. Of course, that's not what happens. Yeah. Yeah. I tried that, it didn't happen. [laughs] Oh, you've got jewelry on, so I thought maybe I never did. [laughs] Came right through the window. Exactly. So, how would you define the law of attraction? A lot of attraction in a couple of ways, but in its focus, you know, the teachings of the law of attraction come out of new thought teaching, which was at the end of the 19th, early 20th century. It's from lots of those older books that were new thought. It was great stuff for those days. It was a break away from traditional Christian teachings of the day, and it allowed people to understand that there were other forces in the universe that were not necessarily a God who decided you've been better, you've been good. You are a direct part of that. Of course, there's more than one universal law, which is what those are described as, beyond the law of attraction. There's a whole range of them. It's just one of them. The law of attraction, as referred to in those teachings, really, it's about what it says, is it's about what you think comes back to you. And really, that's been the pothole in the road of this process of manifestation, is that people think that they should think about what it is that they want, and if they think enough about it, it's going to show up. And what we know is that positive thinking is great for your attitude, but not much else. And that it doesn't actually manifest anything because what we bring into our lives doesn't come from our thinking alone. It comes from our beliefs, it comes from our emotions, it comes from our feelings. And so walking around all day going, "I am happy, I am happy," it didn't have some moderate effect. But if you're walking around saying, "I am wealthy, I am wealthy," then your bank account will still empty, and it's going to give you a bit better attitude, but not much more. So that's part of the trap with the whole thing around the law of attraction. Do you think that with the law of attraction and everything, do you think it was very generalized? Do you think it needed to be more specific and more in depth? Do you think it led people in the wrong direction? No, I think it was. I think it led people in the right direction, in that it allowed them to know that they had some power within them. Was it too general and not direct enough? Yeah, I think it was if you're talking about dealing with one person at a time, but you're talking about a 19-minute movie where a bunch of teachers on there trying to get a message across, it was done in a way that was very entertaining, it was visually entertaining, it was very well done, they did a great job of it from a general, here's a general overview, and that's what it was, and it did a great job of that. But the challenge with it, as we talk about it in our programs, is the problem with it is that too many people have watched the show 10, 20 times, some people have done repeat, never take it off, because they think they're missing something because it's not giving them the tools. I don't know that it was ever designed to do that. I think that if you, I know that in some of my conversations with some of the people from the secret, if you sat down with them, they tell you we never intended to be able to walk a person through every single part of that process, it's not possible within that time. They would say, you know, come to my workshops or whatever, and I'll teach you the finesse of it. So I think it was too general for some of you who had a little bit more knowledge, who had done some of that work, but it was wonderful in that it opened the door to look and go, "Oh, wow, okay, so I don't have to be a victim of circumstance?" Yeah, I know. But they need more now, I think, because it was a good example, I got a friend. She's watched it 15 times, but she doesn't do anything in the daytime. She's seeking no action, and then she watches the movie again, and she goes, "This is not working for a machine, but you've got to do something. You've got to get up and take some action," right? But she just swears by it, so I look at, "She's actually lost her motivation more than when she started." Well, and that's a really great point, because part of that, if you're getting hooked on that, is this development of false hope. Like I said, there are people, I honestly, since the -- I think there's people who are literally sitting around watching it, meditating them home, you know, whatever they're doing, and really expecting them when they wake up in the morning, whatever it is they're trying to manifest, there's going to be that in the living room with a big bow in it from the universe, saying thanks for meditating. It just doesn't work like that. You know, the first part of attraction is action, and that is called faith in action. And faith in action means, "Okay, I am putting that out there in every way, shape, or form, and I'm going to walk my path to make it happen," because it's not waiting for it to magically appear. It's waiting for the opportunities to show up so that it can appear. And that's not going to happen if you're sat on the couch watching the secret over and over again. You've got to get off your button, do something. I was just thinking, it's kind of like if you watched NASCAR racing on TV every Saturday and Sunday, and then you thought you could drive one of those things. Exactly. This is not going to happen. It's going to trap you. So, you know, for me and for those people who are going to get used to listening to this podcast, I'm going to discover that I don't mince words much, but the law of attraction for those people who are just doing that, who are just watching the movie over and over and over again, like I said, I think it's good for what it is. But those who are just doing that, really what it is, is mental masturbation. That's all it is. It's not ever going to get you what you want. Yeah. And to get out of mental masturbation, you must be in action. You must be taking action, because the action is the part of attraction. Yeah. And you tell lead up these out. Well, and I think you made a really, really good point when you were talking about being prepared for the opportunities to come. Like we talk a lot about goal setting and different things like that. And I think one of the advantages of knowing what you want in life is when the opportunity comes for you to do that, you recognize that's one of the things that you want in life, and then you take the opportunity. And if you don't recognize the opportunity, you don't know what you want when it comes by, you just miss it. I think you're absolutely right. I mean, when you do a business program, it's called building your business from the inside out, because you can't build it from the outside end. It's what everybody tries to do initially. You've got to build it from the inside out. And one of the first foundations, but it's based on five foundations, and the first foundation is clear intention. Right. Clear intention. You've got to know exactly what it is that you want before you can take the action. So you've got to get clear on that. Your intention is not clear. Like you just said, Scott, when it shows up, you don't even recognize it. And the problem with that is, there goes the other way. People become hyper-vigilant. I mean, this is the wonderful thing about the mind. We're talking about the mind here. But mind works in polarity. So people become then the polarity of that, which is this hyper-vigilant person who is saying it has to come, and it has to come through this tiny little hole. So I want $10,000, and it must come through this person in this way. You know, meanwhile, everybody else in the world is tapping on my shoulder saying, "Hey, turn around. I got money for you." "Oh, no, no. It's got to come from my hands, Sally, on Tuesday afternoon, because that's what I've been manifesting." No! Get off that. The universe is smarter than you. It'll give it you in all kinds of ways. You just have to have the clear intention about exactly what it is that you want, and the openness to how it can come. Yeah, you remind me of a friend of mine who wanted a Lear jet. And he was broke. And he was talking to another friend of his. He says, "Yeah, really want to fly. It's one of my big passions, and I want a Lear jet. And I don't know how I'm going to make a million bucks so I can buy one." And his friend turned to him and said, "Well, it could be alright if you had a friend who owned a Lear jet that was willing to lend it to you once in a while." And he goes, "Oh, never thought of that." Exactly. So there's lots of ways you can have what you want. Yeah, so let's say I'm sitting there and I don't know what my intention is. How do I get it? That's a great question. So now we get back to what is intention. What actually is intention? An intention is actually the emotional fuel that will get you into action. So what that means is what does whatever it is that you're going for, let's say we use money because that's a common one for people. What does that mean to you? What does $10,000 mean to you? Is it an operation? Is it being able to give that to charity? Is it being able to buy that certain thing that you really want? It's getting the emotional connection to it that is yours. You see, most of the problem with people, whether it comes to goals or manifestation, are going for things that they think they should want. You know, we are a massively materialistic society. We're massively greedy and overgrown with all that stuff and because of a lot of problems in our ecological environment because of that. And people said, well, you know, this whole consciousness thing and the manifestation thing is all about greed. No, not really. If you understand what it's about, that's absolutely not true. What it's actually about is getting clear first. Because if you get clear of what you want for because it's what you want, you don't actually want all the other stuff. But the problem is we are motivated to have the new thing because the media tells us we're supposed to have the new thing. And my buddy, Johnny's got the new thing and God, I don't want to look stupid because he's got it and I don't want to lose it because I don't have it. And, you know, so I'm going to mug the kid down the street and get his Nike's. I mean, it's crazy stuff. Yeah. That's what drives us. So it's not a clear intention. That's an intention given to us by the media or by, you know, here's another example of it. Intention, somebody goes to medical school to become a doctor. Why? Because mom and dad wanted them to be a doctor. And they have no interest in it. They want to be a ballet answer. Now, do you think they're going to make a great doctor? No. Are they going to be qualified to be a doctor? Probably. Because they're running on their moms or dads or whoever's in tension. When you run at things from your own intention, then what happens is you have, you have this purity about you, about what it is you're doing. You know why you're doing it. And so what's really cool about that is, of course, we all want to be doing a divine design purpose, whatever that means. You know, fulfilling my mission, doing my purpose, doing what's right. We all want that. But at the same time, when you have a clear sense of who you are in your own intention, you're always on purpose. So what I mean by that is, when you get clear intention for yourself, you know it is what you want. You can be in any career, any job, and say, no, no. Here's my intention. It doesn't matter that I work at McDonald's. My intention there to talk about me as in Darth Baron. My intention is to raise consciousness. So I can go work at McDonald's, not for long, because I get bored out of my mind. But I can go work there for long enough and still understand that my intention is to raise consciousness. And I know that working there, I would change the consciousness of not only the people I work with, but my guess is it would start to infiltrate and impact people down the line. So the customers, the management, et cetera. That's clear intention. It's the emotional fuel that drives us. So what happens is, when most people try to manifest, they pick something, oh, yeah, how manifest this? No intention. Therefore, they have no emotional fuel. Therefore, it doesn't show up. Does that make sense? Yeah, that's a cool stuff. Yeah, or you end up going after the wrong thing. Right? Yeah, we've got something that doesn't really matter to you. What starts to matter is having something manifest, and that's not what it's about. It's interesting. I was listening to you, and I was relating it to the thing that happened in my life, which was I'm single, and I'm trying to find a woman that I'm compatible with. Right? That way. And one of the things that I discovered was there are some women that I attract, for some reason, who have issues. Really? Really? Right? One of them was that they're attracted to a certain type of person that's not me. So I'm attracted to them, and they're attracted to me, but they're not attracted to me. Right? Even though they're attracted to me. If that's not a sort of a roundabout way of saying it's- By the way, listen, as if you're not confused, I am. And I'm a therapist. Yeah. And I'm starting to write it down. So don't worry, I'm not alone. We're not asking to translate any moment now. Sorry. So I had coffee with this gal, and in the course of the conversation, she says, "You know what? The only guys I date are guys that my mom will not approve of." There you go. And I thought, "I'm probably someone that her mom would approve of." Right? I don't want her to approve of us. Yeah. And I thought, "Ah, okay. Well, you know, nice knowing you move on to the next." Right? Whereas, like six months ago, I probably would have not paid attention to have been unconscious of the comment that she made. Just would have gone right over my head by, "Wow, you know what I mean? She's nice, she's this, she's this, she's this, so let's see what we can do." Right? And she probably would have done the same thing, and we would have had six months or a year of trying to get together and just banging our heads against the wall and having a very frustrating time. And it seems to me like when you're, "I'm very clear on my intention," and I've also spent some time figuring out what are the qualities that I want, and I've had a little bit of an experience. So now all of a sudden, I'm pretty clear. Right? So here comes somebody, and it was like, "No, definitely not the right person." Right? And so I thought, "Wow, that's a good example of putting that clear intention." If you don't have clear intention, as I said, if you don't have clear intention, whatever it shows up won't be coming from anything that's true for you. It'll be driven by something else. See, because we can be run by other people's intentions, as I said, you can go to medical school because you won't want you to. But if you've got clear intention, what shows up is what you want because you want it. And then you really can see the opportunities. You know, you brought up something interesting, which is relationship. And I think for our next podcast, we should probably go into that and talk about attraction and intention as it directly applies into relationship, because it's a huge subject area. And I think the listeners would be very interested in, you know, going into that. We'll talk about it from a place of being already partnered with somebody, already having a spouse, or a significant other, and from a point of being single. Yeah, I'm single. Oh, I hear that, ladies. By the way, I'm single, Shane James. And your mother won't like it. You've got any last comments? I'm just so looking forward to the next one, because it's a relationship one. Like I said, I just want to remind everybody who was listening, and just as a quick review, that what we got to talking about really was the law of attraction and how that is general and how we need to be more specific about that, and the way we get more specific about that is not just by taking action, which is imperative, but by getting clear intention for ourselves. In other words, making sure that what you want is what you want, not what you think you should want, because if you get what you think you should want, even if it shows up, it will be dissatisfying, and you will be disappointed. So that's a major factor in the unhappiness in the world. That's why we live in a society that is enormously greedy and incredibly dissatisfied, that it doesn't satiate us, it doesn't satisfy us. And I think it's such an abundant society too. Like I look around me and I think, "Holy smokes, I have more of everything than I will ever be able to use." And it just blows my mind. Everybody in the first world has got cupboards full of stuff. We haven't even looked at any year. That's a big clue that we're not motivated by what we really want. Can you give our listeners your URL? Anyone wants to know more about you? Absolutely. If you want to know more about Dolph Baron, you can go to www.baron, b-a-r-o-n, mastery,, and now you'll find all kinds of goodies. There's e-books, and there's audios, and interviews, and videos. And all kinds of great information for you, all for free. And you can also find out about upcoming programs, and teleseminals, etc. Have a forward seeing you on the next cast. Yeah, great, thanks. Thank you. This podcast is a part of the C-Suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit .com.