The Dov Baron Show

Discover How to Guarantee Your Ideal Life

Broadcast on:
22 Jan 2008
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Discover How to Guarantee your Ideal Life. 

The Answer is in Your Mind!

Everyone has goals they are working towards and problems they are overcoming, whether it’s getting promoted into leadership, creating a lifelong relationship, or simply seeking happiness. Only those can who have learned to master their mind can achieve their dreams.

“Your life is run by your mind and a little known secret is this: you can run your mind. So when you run your mind - you run your life.”- Dov

Today, we discuss the type of questions you should be asking yourself, why you are asking them and why people are focusing on the wrong ones. Leaders, especially tend to dwell on their faults and the weaknesses in their businesses. 

In addition, we explore why everyone should ask themselves “what could I be grateful for today?”

In this introductory episode of the Mind Mastery Podcast, Dov Baron is joined by guests: Scott Paton and Shane Jeremy James as they discuss the secret to manifesting your mind. 

James is the founder of Shane Jeremy Media, Branding Talent and Actions of Compassion. In addition to being a critically acclaimed author, he is a board member of the of Volken Foundation and has developed numerous programs and coached thousands of marketers world-wide.

Paton, an executive producer and co-host for over 35 podcasts, is an internationally renowned speaker and currently teaches courses in strategy, management, relationships and more for students in over 190 countries via Udemy. In addition, he is currently a podcaster with Life Enthusiast. 

To find out more about Shane Jeremy James: 

 To hear more about Actions of Compassion: 

To find out more about Scott Paton:

 To hear more about his courses: 

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I created the Authentic Leadership Matrix after a lot of experience and research. One of the questions I'm asked often is what authentic leadership is and how do we define it. As a result, I created the matrix. It splits what leadership is into five separate categories. So, that you can take a clear look at how you perform in each of the five main areas that are required for you to become a world class authentic leader. The process takes you through each category simply with yes or no questions.

With gratitude, Dõv Baron

“In 2015, Dov Baron was cited by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership Speaker to book for your next conference! He speaks internationally and is The Leading Authority on Next-Gen Authentic Leadership and creating a Culture of Fiercely Loyal Leaders.

P.S. To get your hands on Dov Baron’s new book “Fiercely Loyal” How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent, go take a look here and get your FREE: How to instantly bond any team infographic”

To contact: Dov Baron International, and Authentic Paragon Alliance INC. Contact Authentic Paragon Alliance at +1 778 397 7717"

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[Music] Welcome to the Mind Mastery Podcast. Unlock the secrets to your mind and get everything you ever wanted. Let's join our hosts, Dove Baron, Scott Patton, and Shane James, now. Hello, everybody. You're listening to the Mind Mastery Podcast. I'm your co-host, Scott Patton, along with my fellow co-host, Shane James, and Dove Baron. Hey, guys. How are you doing today? Good to have you, Scott. Good to be here. Yes. Awesome. So, the purpose of this podcast is to talk about the mind, how it interacts with our reality, and how you can master your mind to have the reality that you want. Mm-hmm. So, Dove, is that actually possible? It's absolutely possible. In fact, it's the only way you can have the reality that you want. The only way your life is ever going to be what it is that you want is by mastering your mind. Everything floats out of your mind. So, you're saying it's actually possible for us to master our mind? It is possible to master your mind. Is it going to happen overnight? No. Oh, that's bad news. I was hoping one podcast would be done. You and everybody else. You know, it's one of the big, one of the big tracks is that people have become quick fix. As a teacher said years ago, there's this cocaine mentality where people want things instantaneously. And my mastery is not something that happens instantaneously. It's accumulative. But you can get better management of your mind over time. And as it gets better, incrementally, your life gets better. So, it's always ongoing, but your life's always ongoing and getting better and better and better. Great. Well, Shane, you want to add to that? No, I'm just listening right now. All right. So, I think probably since this is our first episode, can you share a little bit of your background with our listeners? Some people may not be familiar with you. Sure. I'll start with saying my name. My name is Dov Barham. It's D-O-V. Pronounce the O. There's no E. I have no wings. It's the usual mistake people pronounce my name. I'm going to call you Mr. Barham from now on. Yes, that's fine. Hey, you. Hey, you. Thank you. My background is that I was born in Northern England, in the UK, in an industrial ghetto. It was a pretty rough background, and one of the things I was talking about is that when you grow up, you've got a lot for mentors to help you out and find, to help you, you know, this. You're a mentor expert there, and Shane, and how important it is to have mentors. But in that environment, there wasn't any mentors. There was nobody who was helping me to get where I wanted to go, and they were actually showing me out where not to go. I always had this inherent interest in spirituality as a very little boy, and those kinds of things. And by the time I was 21, I knew that if I stayed in this environment that was filled with alcoholism, and drugs, and gangs, and violence, and all kinds of things. If I stayed there, I would be crushed spiritually and emotionally. I left them when traveling, studied with a lot of different spiritual masters around the world. I wanted to study different religious philosophies, understand how other people saw the world beyond where I was from. So did you actually leave where you were and travel someplace? Yeah. Okay, where were some of the places you went to? I left the UK when I was 21. I started off by going to France and Italy, and just sort of looking around and trying to understand, you know, I mean, I was 21, I was having fun. Right. And also trying to understand this distinction of culture that I just didn't get. Why did people see things differently? It was interesting, because I was warming, as I said, in the northern of the UK. And even from the UK, northern England and southern England, see things very differently. And I always had this part of me that was able to go, "Oh, why do they see it that way?" And I would ask that question. So I started off with those travels, then I went back to the UK, and I actually went to New Brunswick of all places for a year. I've lived in New Brunswick for a year. I lived and worked out there. And that's when I started studying with one of the capitalistic rabbis, who was one of my teachers, and he taught me a lot. I studied a lot with him. I'd time him, lived with him, and studied with him. And then from there, went to Asia and Australia, and lived in Australia for many years, and then traveled out of Australia into Asia and Indonesia, back to Australia, back to the UK. And then came here, came to North America in the late '80s. So got around a bit. And studying just all those different backgrounds, all those different spiritual understandings, while at the same time being in business, finding my own businesses, and studying psychology. Which is the interesting thing about the whole spiritual thing was, I was fascinated with it, had this spiritual center with myself, who felt an affinity to it. But I have a very strong, rational, logical brain that was gone. That's all good, but where's the truth? Where's the evidence? Where's the science behind it? If you put a crystal on your forehead and hum, that doesn't mean you're going to make a million dollars. Well, you know, and for a lot of those people, they don't necessarily want to make a million dollars, but for me, you've got to be grounded. And a lot of the time, a lot of the people who walk around like, I don't know, they've got the feet firmly planted in the air. They're not very grounded. So, you know, have a tummy, do you think it metaphysically means this, or do you think it means that? I think it means you ate pizza, and you've got a dough ball in your gut. And you need to go do something else. It's not, it's like you've got to have this balance. One of the things about my work is that having the balance between a very strong spiritual connection, a very solid emotional presence with yourself that you can be honest and real, and not be too caught up in what everybody else thinks of you, but just standing in your truth. And at the same time, getting up in the morning, going to work to do something you love that you're passionate about, and putting some money in a bank and live in a decent lifestyle, too. Right, well, I mean, that's the key to success. Yeah. I mean, that's everybody's dream right there. Yeah. So, is that what you're going to be teaching us or at least podcasting? Yeah, absolutely. Awesome. You create that connection spiritually while still having your feet on the ground, and understanding that you can't deal away with the emotional. And what happens is we tend to compartmentalize ourselves, sorry, I borrowed this now. It's a loan from the wife. I hope I can't mind back in the morning. So, we compartmentalize our lives, and so we become these machines that work, you know, we're so supposedly grounded, we're just working. Yeah. Or we can become emotionally robots and, you know, cut all that off, and I'm not going to feel, and the whole emotional thing is no good, or emotional basket cases. Or we become these fluffy, excuse me, sorry for the insult. And anyway, you've got new age people who just, you know, they want to home for the rest of their lives and think that, you know, God, all the creative force of the universe is going to give them everything they want because they owned last Tuesday. Sorry, this doesn't work like that. No. It's this balance between these three realities that makes things work for us. That is the triad of reality. Right, yeah, yeah. The mental, the emotional, and the physical. Putting the spiritual, making, you know, getting that connection with all those things. So, would you say, do they go in order, mental, emotional, and physical, or does it matter? No, I think that people start in different places. Okay. But the bottom line is you've got to get them all. So, there are people who started out very spiritual. I started out as a very spiritual person, born into a very physical, rough reality, but my focus was spiritual. But many people start out, and they're very heady. They start out very mental. You know, they need spiritual. They don't have anything even physical. They are academics, you know. It doesn't matter where you start, but you do have to have all three. So, I don't know that there's a particular, has to be in order. Normally, it has to be that way. But I do know that for a person to get really healthy and really have mastery over their own mind is that they've got to go through all three of those, understanding that all of it is connected. Cool. I'm excited just to be here, because I can tell how much I'm going to learn. Yeah, no, that's great. So, tell us a little bit about the Beren Master Institute. Beren Master Institute is interesting because it's become an evolution. And it's interesting because that's our byline is the evolution of excellence. And it's become an evolution of our excellence. And it's really what we're committed to. We're committed to helping people evolve into their own excellence. You know, one of the things is that we, you know, start out some of us. It doesn't matter what time of the day, some of us now. So, I start out with some of my workshops with Good Morning. Because I think people are walking around a half asleep. Right. And it's like, let's wake up. Let's realize how powerful we really are. You know, we all know, we've all heard that we only use 10% of our brains, 10% of our minds. But if you woke up the rest of it, it would be fantastic. Well, that's what Beren Master Institute is about. It's about waking those parts up. So, the Institute was about creating a body of work that addressed all the different areas of our lives. So, whether it's relationships with like our Quantum Soulmates programs, or whether it's the mind with Quantum Mind Mastery programs, whether it's Quantum Physics in the attracting force, and understanding how to apply it into your life to manifest what it is that you want in your life, whether it's Quantum Wealth Mastery and understanding of the financial and putting that together. It's about, it was to put together a body of work that allowed people to have a holistic balance in their lives that connected them to all the different areas of their lives. Because we tend to be dropping in one when we're doing one one another. Right. And it's understanding that all of that's an evolution. Yeah. All of it. And I think that's a really good point, because oftentimes we may be focusing on, well, say losing weight, or we're focusing on our physical part of our body, and then our job's not doing that well, or our relationships are suffering. And I think it's really important that we work on balancing all those different areas without dropping the ball. And that's a pretty tough thing to do, I think. It's extraordinarily tough. And you guys would know this, because, you know, we're all entrepreneurial, and we're all sort of go-getters, and we've all heard, even from as long ago as the early '90s, that we've got to have balance. You've got to have balance. You've got to have balance. Well, do you know anybody who has balance? I don't. Yeah. Honestly, I don't. Let's... I thought of you. Let's take the BSL. Let's take the BSL. Who do you know has balance? I'll admit it. I don't. No. I don't know anybody who has balance. You know, and it's one of my teachers, Kim Yance, who said years and years ago, you know, it's great you've got to have balance, but you've also got to understand when it's important to be out of balance, and for how long. So, you know, if you're building your business, you're not going to be in balance in certain other areas of your life, but you've got to have a timeline on that. You know, if you are wanting to get in shape, and you're out of shape, you've got to get out of balance for a while, in that you've got to put so much focus on your physicality, that you've got to be eating right, that you've got to be taking all the right nutrients, you've got to be working out in just the right way, and it will obsess your mind for a while. That's not balance, but it's okay for a while. If you're still doing that two, three years later, where you eat, sleep, breathe that, you're looking at every detail of what you're eating, and you can't do it out the gym, and you're spending four hours a day in the gym, you're out of balance too much now. Yeah. But it may be where you need to be when you stop. It's when you're doing your own personal development, and you're clearing your crap out of your head. There may be a time now where you are sitting and you're spending three, four hours a day writing in your journal, reading personal development books, listening to audios, watching DVDs on personal development, and you're going to be out of balance for a while. The out of balance is not bad. It's a catalyst, it's kind of like, as you, I'm sure you guys have heard this analogy, when a rocket blasts off from here, the moon, most of its fuel is used getting out of the stratosphere. That's the out of balance. Yeah. Yeah. But you get more balance by choosing what to be out of balance with for now. This is my focus. Yeah, it's more powerful if you're making that choice as opposed to having it just sort of happen, and you're kind of buffeted by the winds. Well, that's a great point, Scott, because, you know, what you just said is your choice. Yeah. And what most people find is that they are out of balance, but not volitionally. Right. So what's happened is this situation or that person, they feel victims of those things, and now they're out of balance, and it's not their fault. Yeah. As opposed to choosing the saying, "I need to be out of balance, and this is going to be my focus for now." Yeah. That actually happened to me in a previous life when I was working for a Fortune 500 company, they bought another company. Huh? And so I went to work in that other company's environment. Of course, their culture is totally different than the old companies, the buying companies' culture and everything else. And I said to my wife at the time, I said, "You know what? This is going to require 12, 15-hour days for the next three or four months, but after that, it should be fine." Ooh. Right. It should be. You know, and after three or four months, my boss was saying, "You know, you're working way too much. Pull back. We're giving you extra support, extra help, so that you don't have to be there all the time." Ooh. And gradually that's exactly what happened, went back to a normal work day. Right. And then it repeated itself because it transferred me to another area of the country where the same problem was. And I said to my wife, "Well, it's going to be the same thing, but it should be shorter because we've got more experience." And she says, "No, I understand. You went through this, what you're doing, what the goals are, and probably in two or three months we'll be kind of back into a normal lifestyle." And again, that's what happened. But I could see this is what was required to be successful in the position and not to fail, like the company to fail. And it was sort of an emergency and then going on. But I think it's really important that people look at their lives from that perspective. Right? Okay, it's going to take me three months or six months to get fit. This is what it needs to happen that's going to take me this long to be successful or this is going to take me this long to improve our relationship. So... You just brought up another key word that's a very important word to do with all this. Yeah. And that word is emergency. Most people wait for emergencies. Yeah. Right? They don't get going. They don't decide on something. They wait for some devastating emergency. And then, of course, they get out of bounds. So, you know, as you guys know, I was a therapist for more than 20 years. In the years of being a therapist, you know, people would come in as a couple, you know, and I'd say, "My name is Dov. It's not Superglue." You know, I can't glue you back together. And why? Because now that marriage has got to a place where it's an emergency. Right. We're falling apart of the scene. She's leaving me. She's leaving me. She's had an affair. She's had an affair. Whatever it is, you know, there's some devastating emergency instead of... Instead of consciously making a choice, hold on a second. You know what? Our relationship isn't bad, but it's dead. It's numb. And before it becomes an emergency where one of us is so fed up with it that we've done something drastic, let's do something now. Let's create a place of being out of balance in a positive way, out of balancing the way that we're talking about it here, which is focused. Let's put our mind and our heart and our soul into this. And you know what? We don't have a bad marriage, but it isn't a great one right now. What can we do to make it great? Okay, let's go take Quantum Soulmates. Let's go read these books and let's commit to something. You know, our life isn't that bad. It's okay. We can pay the rent. You know, but we never get a vacation. Well, let's not wait until the banging down the doors. We're dead. Let's do something now. You know, so as I said about an emergency, rather than a choice to get out of balance being focused. Right. Yeah. That's a great point. You remind me of something that Shane says all the time, which is the quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions. And you're just talking about the sort of questions people should ask before it's an emergency and they're forced to ask the questions. Absolutely. And the bottom line is, and Shane, I'm sure you would back me up on this, is that most people's life is a result of the questions they ask. And the reason that that is is because they're asking crappy questions and getting crappy answers. Yeah. Yeah. And if you want better answers, ask better questions. I mean, how many, here's an example of mind mastery. How many people do something and it doesn't work out and they say, "What's wrong with me?" Well, here's the interesting thing about your mind. Your mind is automatic. It's an automatic machine. You see, it's like you put the $2 coin or you put the $2 bill or whatever it is in the machine and you press Coca-Cola and it produces Coca-Cola. It doesn't give you another drink. It gives you whatever you ask for. Your mind works in exactly the same way. So if you wake up in the morning and say, "What's wrong with me?" It says, "Well, your breath's bad. Your feet stink. It has a bloody mess in the morning. It'll just tell you what's wrong with you." But if you wake up and you say, "What's right with me and what's good about my life?" The mind is automatic. It has to give you that. So you're asking questions like, "What in our relationship needs to be improved? What in my life needs to be improved? What do I need to do? How am I in my own way? What can I do to get out of my own way?" Start asking questions that bring the potential problems in the front and then a potential solution to back it up. As opposed to, "Why am I such a loser?" Exactly. "Why am I such a loser?" Well, there you are. You can feel it. If you have it, it's not going to help you, right? But she's a great way to just end up on a big downer. Yeah. So it would be fair to say that a person should maybe go through the questions in the morning or at night and just start, you know, doing that repetition because maybe a lot of listeners are not asking themselves. Good questions. Right now they don't know how. No. I think it's a great way to start the day. I think it's a great way to actually finish the day. We certainly recommend that. If you finish each day with, "What can I be grateful for today?" You know, "I don't care. You, me, we all have crappy days." Yeah. I think my experiences, I have a considerably lot less of them than most people because of the mind-mastery. However, most, you know, you still have those moments. If you think about it, I mean, I don't matter how bad your day is going. If you start, you know, you just lay down, and you just lay there, and all that nonsense, that horrible chatter is going on in your head, and you just stop for a minute. "What could I be grateful for today?" And that's a key word. Mm-hmm. Good. "What could I be grateful for?" Can you say, "What am I grateful for?" Nothing. What could you be grateful for? Nothing. Well, think about it. What could you be grateful for? Could you walk today? Yeah, I could walk. Do you have a full head of hair? Right. [LAUGHTER] I don't. Me and Dove do. That's right. [LAUGHTER] I've lost any. Yes. I've got, actually, I've got a full transplant on my back for you, if you need it. [LAUGHTER] I could be a donor. All right. I may take you up on that. [LAUGHTER] But, you know, it's like, what could I be grateful for? You know, could I be grateful for today? Was there enough food for me to eat today? Was there a roof on it? It was the somebody who was kind to me today. Mm-hmm. Was there somebody I was kind to? Like, just starting there, the end of your day. I feel much better just listening to those questions. Right. You know, 'cause I'm going, "Yeah, I can feel about this and that." And there's lots of-- Lots of things. Places to start. Yeah. And then you start each day with the same thing. What could I be excited about today? Mm-hmm. What's coming up that I could be excited about? Isn't it cool how you just notice that the brain will come up with those little things that you might not even ever recognize? Yeah. All of a sudden, I'm just grateful to walk. Well, you know, it's one of the things, again, it's part of our society, is that we've got this stuff going on. That nothing counts unless it's massive. You know, right. Success is only-- only was mentioned and it was gigantic. If I don't make a billion dollars this year, then I have a month. Yeah, you know, I have a failure. Well, it's not even-- what's the point? It's like, I have a failure. Yeah. Right? You know, I had somebody who set a goal, they were working with me, and they set a goal, and that goal was to do 100 grand that month. That's a decent goal. Yes. They may-- you know, they came in at the end of the month, and they were kind of in a downer, and I said, "Oh, what's the matter?" "Well, I didn't mean my goal." So we talked about it a lot. And then they said, "Well, let's just find out how much you made." '96. Like, come on, where's your gratitude for that? And when you compared to what it was doing the month before, is that a lot better? Yeah. Where's your gratitude? So what could I be excited about as you wake up each morning? And this is just the beginning of conditioning yourself and conditioning your mind for mind mastery. So that you start to master that mind. You see, the interesting thing is this. Your life, whether you know it or not for all of us, our lives are run by our minds. It's something we never think about. We think about, you know, how our lives are run by our bosses, or maybe our wives, or maybe our husbands, or maybe our children, or maybe by our obligations. But the truth is, your life is run by your mind. The little known secret is this. You can run your mind. So when you run your mind, you run your life. And where you start when I is, what could I be excited about today? What about today might be really exciting? What about today what could I be really grateful for? And let's start your day with what could I be excited about and finish your day with what could I be grateful for? Those two very simple, but very profound exercises will change the direction of your life forever. Yeah, those are powerful. I mean, just think about what kind of state so let's put you in. Exactly. Man, that's some powerful stuff. That's a great place for us to end our first podcast episode, I think. In an awesome state. In an awesome state with two awesome questions. So that's the homework. And three awesome guys. Three awesome guys. That's right. So if you've been listening to this, and you're serious about mastering your mind, ask those questions in the morning and in the evening from now until our next episode. And then let us know what happened. What are the changes that you've experienced over the next week? We're looking forward to hearing your feedback. That's right. So this is the Mind Mastery Podcast. Thank you very much for joining us, everybody. Thank you, gentlemen, for taking time out of your busy day to share this great information. And we'll see you next time. Any last words? Thank you, Scott. Thank you, Shane. And again, I'm just going to repeat the questions. In the morning, what could I be excited about today? And in the evening, what could I be grateful for? And right now, as you listen, what could you be grateful for? This podcast is a part of the C-suite Radio Network. For more top business podcasts, visit (chimes)