FiredUp Network

Thursday, July 18: Girls Beer Sports Suburb Of California

Thursday, July 18: Girls Beer Sports Suburb Of California by FiredUp Network

1h 24m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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[music] Hello, welcome into episode 431 of Girls of Heroes Sports, a conversation with Girls about beer and sports and whatever else, because it's our show and we do what we want. I'm Carrie, coming to you from Fort Lewis Studios today. To Marite is Sarah! Hello. And no war in today. Again, life stuffs happen, but that's okay, because we've found a suitable fill-in coming off the bench. It's John. Oh, boy. Oh, boy, boy. You like that music, do you? Always. Always. I'm used to it now. You're done commenting on it, aren't you? No, it's just, I hope you'll remember it when you're deaf. What? Exactly. What? What? What? You'll have your memories. Yes, yes, we will. Yes, just silence. Here we are, Fort Lewis Studios. Always a good time. Maybe you can get those headphones that are like the bone conducting headphones. I've tried so many headphones with this thing. Remember the vibrations of the music. Oh, yeah. I can feel it. I can feel the music. I can't hear it, but I can feel it. Today's music sucks anyway, so what's the difference? It's true. It is true. I stand by that statement. I'm sorry if I offended anybody, but I stand by that. So that's the music you're going to go deaf to. By turning it up too loud. This today's music. No. I mean, technically, I don't even know when this song was written. Oh, well. I was just given oral permission to use it as the intro-attro music. I don't even think the band exists anymore, to be honest with you. It was Lee's brother's band. I don't even remember the name of the band. I guess I could look it up, but yeah, so there you go. Okay, but it's today's music that you're maligning and you're going to go deaf to. All right. Okay. Always. Always a joy. Always a joy. You always bring so much consternation to this podcast. I mean, it's my idea too. What do you think? I mean, I'm all about it. It's so contrarian. I'm just pointing out what's in front of me. He's just calling it like you see. You love him up. I'm not gonna help him. Well, we are in the second week of July. Is that where we are? I think the second circle of hell because it's so hot. It's hotter than hell out, but football season is coming close, right? It is. It's almost here. And then we can be hotter than hell outside in a stadium full of aluminum. That's right. We'll get to be in the frying pan in six short weeks. But it's so close that guess what we did, guess what we had to do. What did you do? Don't leave us on the edge. Don't. We had to go throw up the tent frame yesterday. It gets earlier and earlier every year. It does. It's like your Christmases or your Halloween, which I guess now we're in the midst of summer ween, which yeah, if you've got a summer ween, I'm gonna get that check out. It's hugely popular, I can't. Right. Hugely popular. I almost, well, I was gonna leave it for a few, for take it or leave it. But I mean, we're here now. So we might as well just talk about it. It came earlier than you expected, just like summer. I didn't even know this thing. When did this start? When did this summer ween? Like two years ago. Okay. That's what I thought. It's a new phenomenon. And I saw online that no one really celebrates Labor Day because what do you do to like to do that? Not work. You do nothing. You take a break from your labor. So there's no Labor Day decoration. So the next logical thing is to move to Halloween. So on July the 5th, that's when everyone gets their Halloween stuff out now. It's like Christmas as soon as. I mean, I think what happened is that the Christmas in July thing happened. And I think the Halloween people seized that opportunity. And again, Thanksgiving gets chaffed. So there is no summer giving or thanks heatmus or something. It makes no sense. But like there are decorations and I mean, it's one thing to do like a pool party with spooky like the idea is pool parties that had spooky costumes as swimming suits or whatever. And I've seen a lot of a lot of it was pool parties just with autumnal colors, which kind of are like, oh, okay. It's 95 degrees out. I've seen a lot of like, well, you don't want extra clothes, but obviously, but if you didn't like it, I just don't like when you see the autumn colors in a swimming suit or like in like the little inflatable pools that people had and they were swimming suit themes. And then people did like cheese and they cut the lies and it still looked like a pumpkin to put on your hamburger on the grill. It's some like candy corn, one piece bathing suit or something. And a mummy, you know, something like that, something if you like that, like it's a reason to have a party and it's for those people that I did see that, well, I was told I didn't verify this myself, that there was a haunted house that was opening at the end of this month. Yeah, no, no, no. And that's my first question was, I'm like, so is it air condition because I'm not going through some of these dilapidated houses in the heat. That's not for me. I'm not going through them. Any way I've had too many bad experiences in a haunted house. Well, and I get like, I get if, if Halloween is your thing and you like Suki season and whatever, but I just, how can you get in the mindset, especially for a haunted house, when it doesn't get dark in these parts still until about nine o'clock and it's 95 flipping degrees out, I'm not going to go stand in line for a haunted house in 90 degree weather, when it's not even doesn't even get dark till nine o'clock. Like I just, I can't get in the mindset. I have a very seasonal person and I do go season to season and I don't necessarily like to celebrate things out of season. So I just, I don't get the appeal of Summerween. I just, I don't get it. Yeah. Well, there's a John, John's right. There is a Halloween in July, like Christmas in July, celebrated on July 31st, it's just, it's not for me. Oh, so there, so somebody saying we're going to have one day for it. Okay. Yeah. Well, I've been seeing though this Summerween where now that Fourth of July is over, that's it. Oh yeah. That's what I've seen that. Yeah. Like that's literally July 1st. It's, it's, I think they, it's something to people, there are people who celebrate that like their, their Christmas or their, whatever it is, your big holiday. Some people, it's college football. Some people, it's the NFL. Some people, it's draft day or Christmas or whatever. If that, if that's your thing and that's what you like to do, to me, it's another thing that you can celebrate. You can find a way to do that. Yeah. If you want to have a theme party and a barbecue, I think that's fun. It probably stems from the fact that my birthday is the day after Christmas and I never got to have a pool party or a birthday party. Yeah, you're still bitter about that. So like if you got to have this half birthday business that everybody's been talking about for 30 years, like if you had a way to do that and be like, oh, we're going to celebrate this thing, but at a different time of year, so we can do something totally unrelated. Well, our summer ween has actually been a thing for like 12 years. Really? Yeah, because it was an episode of the cartoon Gravity Falls called Summer Ween, where they talked about it and apparently that's why it kicked it off. Okay. The citizens of the fictional town in Oregon love Halloween so much they decided to celebrate it again on the second to last Friday in June. This thing, connoisseurs of Halloween, have run with this fictional holiday and planned big summer blowouts to celebrate being spooky and pray for the cooler days of fall to come swiftly. And then all recipes, that's all kinds of wise free to celebrate. Oh, I know. You can carve a watermelon, put it on, some are themed Halloween movies, create some good scary snacks, tell spooky stories around the campfire. No. I think that's neat. I kind of do too. I do think it's also wrong because it should be in April. If we're talking about haves, we'll shuttered us to halfway to Halloween in April so all month long they bring back all their Halloween. So they have a math. They have a calendar. Okay. And good to math. I've always been irritated about Christmas and July because it really should be June. Yeah. I agree with you. Whatever. Totally agree. Well, I don't. I don't sit outside at like 10 o'clock at night when it's a little cooler and watch a scary movie on the big screen. It's been like coolers. 90, 86 degrees. Yeah. That's all the way down to the age and fighting mosquitoes and whatever else. Yeah, no. That's the real vampire. No. Mosquitoes. Yeah. That's not this. This is summer. We're actually dead. That's right. Mosquitoes. Fair enough. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just. I don't get it. I don't understand the question. I'm not going to answer it and I won't respond to it. That's exactly right. But the bottom line is football season is almost it. Football season is way closer than Halloween or spooky season. And Halloween happens during football season so far. Yeah. Right. So yeah. So we did have to go throw up the tent frame out in the parking spot yesterday simply because everybody else was doing it. I mean, everybody else is doing it. Everybody else was jumping off a bridge, Kerry. Would you drop off too? Possibly if it secured me my parking spot. Here's the thing with that though. It's mainly, I believe that this kind of parking spot, saving your space, throwing up your frames or whatever, it kind of always originates in the blue lot. Right. Because those blue hot people, they got to get to spaces. They got to get, you know. And then it kind of trickles out from there. Because if you're driving around near campus and you start to see these frames, you typically see them around the stadium, which is red lot, blue lots, orange lot, right? Yeah. And you're like, okay, uh oh, better. All right. Better. Right. Well, I mean, you figure if you're seeing them, then other people in your lot are probably seeing them and you don't want somebody to snake your space, right? Especially now that a lot's are becoming a hot commodity apparently. I, it's going to get worse because, you know, UK is start is expanding the hospital again. And they're at college and the ag colleges, um, but it's, it's just going to get worse because there's going to be fewer, those people who've been in the orange lot forever are going to end up being displaced. They already are. And where do you think they're going to go? All the other. They're going to go to the purple lot probably, um, and where do you guys reside? Remind us again. In the purple. But the bottom line is if you don't want, and UK's got all these cute little signs up everywhere that says no tents up until August 1st. And in fact, there were two tent frames that were up that somebody had put up right next to one of those signs, which I thought was absolutely hilarious. They just take the signs down where they, that's the worst you're going to do. Come back around. Put the sign back. Well, and here's the thing that I look at too is the university number one doesn't have the time or whatever, they've got other stuff going on. I just, I don't necessarily see them going around and just pulling up all these tents, right? And there's people in the blue hot that have trailers that are park their trailers. And those things, you know, they got TV equipment, probably in them and stuff, and they're, those things are expensive. And what's the university going to do? Tell them off? No. I'm sure there'll be a seven RVs and our parking lot next week just to get ready for a season six weeks from now. Yeah. You know, that's a, it's another bany, my existence. I know. I find somewhere else to go to be nice. I just, parking is, is shrinking around the stadium. I feel like, and it's, it's just going to get worse, but that's, this is my opinion on it. John, what do you think? Well, I think that's true. I was just thinking where, where could you expand? There's the, you can't get rid of the senior citizen center. I mean, you could, but that's not a whole lot of space. Cause there isn't really a big parking lot there. Um, so it's just the footprint of the building across the street, there, there's that one spot that's sort of a drainage area. And I don't know that the drainage would allow you to do that cause that's where they had that year that people parked there and their cars got flooded cause, again, in September, there are seasonal torrential rains and people had their cars flooded and ruined cause they parked in a place where you should never have parked in the sign said, don't park there, but it did anyway. Uh, Greg Page apartments, the university makes money off those. So the problem, it would tear them down. Then that takes you. Oh, I mean, that's it. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. They probably should carry those down. Yikes. But then again, I mean, I hate to throw up the old adage that all for seven games, seven days a year, but it really is true that long term, they're going to make more money off any of those buildings, including the residential areas and the senior citizen center, then they would off parking for cars seven times a year. Well, and we've established that the, that the athletic department, uh, the person who runs the athletic department in particular does not care, does not care about people and parking and tailgating and whatever else. Cause I was told straight to my face, oh well, I don't, I don't think he doesn't care. I think it's way down on the list priorities because you're still going to go until people stopped going. Well, and there are people probably that have stopped going, but I mean, I said this yesterday when we're out there, it's been fun to watch this team, the football program get better, but you get a bunch of, you get very irritated with the Johnny come lightly crowd, who's not football crowd, didn't suffer enough in your mind. And there's a point at which they may, sometimes in the history of Kentucky football, there's been a natural sort of culling of the herd because the team will start to stink for a while or get real bad. And you shake those people down and then the people that are there, we stay are dedicated and they continue to stay. And I just don't know what the answer is because the, the only, the biggest parking let the university has is the stadium. They're paying people pay rough. I mean, depending on where you park an equivalent amount of money for the same seat, I paid, I paid the same amount of money for my car to set in a lot to parking a lot that I do for me to set in the stadium every week. And it's, I mean, it's crazy. So then people stop doing it, but then you don't have enough room for people to Uber. There's no other large place to park to bus people in. You can't park like there's no parking. Well, and we've, we've had this conversation, we had this conversation yesterday and then talking about how Commonwealth Stadium hashtag not my curve field is probably one of the, the last stadiums in the SEC, I would think that I've been to anyway, where you can actually park that close to the stadium, you know, I'm saying and tailgate that that's all the tailgating is done right there because everywhere else we've been, Bama, Georgia, Ole Miss. But even in LSU, they had empty fields, they had soccer fields that were empty that you could park somewhere, you could park somewhere, but then they would, you could walk or they could bus you through. The problem, I mean, I won't say a problem, but at UK, everything is set up so that that was open space that you could do all that stuff. But in every situation, like I said, in most situations outside of, of UK, you've had to, it had to, it was like a park and haul situation, right? So in Alabama, you parked your car on a street and you better have a wagon because you're got to put all your stuff in a wagon and haul it or you, a lot of people had those tailgate setup things. Oh, the ones you can purchase. Yeah, you purchase. Yeah, in the UK, try that for a minute and no one purchased them. No, they still do it and I've seen, because they do it up, they're mostly around the purple lot and people do purchase them, I've seen it, yeah, but I guess they provide everything though. They do. The TVs and all that kind of stuff. But yeah, so... That's an independent company though. It is. I think what you're talking about is this God awful houses that they had down there. Yes. That's what I was thinking about. They were tragic. And they failed. I was going to say, I don't feel like I've seen the houses. Oh, those. That is what I was thinking of. Thank you. It's an independent company that if you can purchase whatever and you can do, I mean, bigger schools that are better at football do that a lot. Alabama, they did that and it was a regular thing. Sure. It was X number of people and you got the tables, the ice, the TVs, the setup, you paid for the tenant itself, the chairs and they had all that setup and you showed up with food and people and that was it. But it was better because it was set up in the quad area and there really was nowhere to park. Because they have one. Well, and is there football stadium like more on campus than UK's because UK's is right on like skirts where I imagine other people's better football teams are probably right dead in the center of campus where all the students can get to it. The only other place that I've been where you can actually park and do like UK has is South Carolina because they're just right near the by the fairgrounds. Yes, you're parking on with the fair. So the state fairgrounds have a lot of parking, right. Yeah. I'm just telling it's just earlier and earlier every year, it just seems like and once you see people in the blue lot throwing their stuff up, it's just a matter of time before somebody's going to snake your spot and a lot that you're in. Yeah, I hadn't noticed until you said something about it last week and then every day that I physically went to work this week, I just saw more and more of those frames up like in the red lot all around that area. They can't put them up with the orange lot at the moment. There was some mystery construction. I feel like there was some on the periphery of the orange lot like in the grassy areas because there is grassy areas on the periphery of the orange lot. Yeah. But as close to the construction is humanly possible, I'm getting their tents taken now. Right. Exactly. Yeah. Live life on the edge there. Yeah. So that's where we are. In fairness, we've been very lucky because most schools don't have this option. This is true. They don't have this space. Yeah, you're right. Because as a visiting fan, there is no place for you to tailgate. If you don't have a pass, if you don't have, you're going to have a pass or an established spot or you didn't buy something like that, you don't have choice. Oh, I agree. Yeah. Kentucky, you can, and people do, just roll up and we think it's a big deal if we can't tailgate with our car right beside us. Right. Nobody else does that. Yeah. You're correct. Everybody else is. You're correct. You drop off or you've got a wagon and you pull everything and you, like, that's a significant effort to think of multiple trips to take a tent, chairs, food, cooler, TVs, tables, all that stuff back and forth. That's a lot of work that I would not do. It is a lot of work that I'm not willing to do either. No. So that's why I had to slap it with a wagon now. That's why we had to get our spot. But we will have our spot and we will have our cooler and it will be full of beer. And speaking of beer, we probably should get to what we're drinking. Yes. Well, I'm drinking a nice summer. I don't know. I guess you could call it a summer wean drink. It's July and it does have orange on it. It's summer weaning. Sure. It's summer weaning. Aren't we all? It's Taft's Brewing, Nelly's Orange Cream Sickle L. It's an orange cream sickle flavored L. It's 4.8%. And let's see, Taft's Main Squeeze Chased Down the Ice Cream Man. This was the indulgent result. Had you see adults only cream L brewed with heaps of orange to transport you back to a simpler time. It's sweet and nostalgic because the can says so. Oh. Isn't that precious? I like a good cream sickle. Yeah, me too. Tasty. It was always one of my favorites to get out of the ice cream. In school, the ice cream cooler school, it was either that or the crunch one, not the chocolate one, but the strawberry crunch. That's our own good option. Yes. So John, I picked you out another sour because you bought all these sour so now you're going to drink them. Well, that's nice. This is Urban Artifacts Fire Iron, a tropical Midwest fruit tart, which I'm excited to say, pink guava, banana and passion fruit. Reward the curious. What a call. And it has some man with a fire and a stick. I guess that's supposed to be iron and fire iron. It's a fire iron. I would imagine. Spinning his iron in the fire. A parrot. On one leg, that seems very dangerous, but whatever. Maybe you need an iron walking stick, or I don't know. Good. So the share here today is from Dookal and this is part of their Pastry Arkey series. And this is actually, it's interesting because this is called Super Freak and it's a coconut caramel and chocolate. So it's supposed to like, I guess, be reminiscent of a Samoa, if you will, Girl Scout cookie or caramel delight, depending on where you're from, where you use Samoa area or caramel delights. Do you remember? Probably, but I never had those because coconut is not my jam. Okay. John was a caramel delight and argued with me and argued with me and argued with me that they were caramel delights and not Samos and they will always be Samos to me. Not if they're supplied by a specific bakery that services a portion of the country that I lived in. So you would think that this was going to be a stout, but it is not. It's a brown ale, which I thought was interesting. Interesting. We'll see how that goes. All right. So the Stuart Rush moral house to glass today is celebrating best deal day. Yay. Today's best deal day. Well, you know, Stuart was a French historian, you know, so yeah, he, I guess, did he celebrate best deal day? I feel like he did. I'm sure he did. Anyway, but he is getting the high wire and bearded, bearded iris collab this week. And this is their periphery, it's a hazy IPA. It says it's dry hopped with necka, neck of Tehran and HBC 1019 firm and it's fermented on Colce yeast. It's a collab with bearded iris and if anyone's familiar with bearded iris, they're a brewery at a Nashville and they kind of specialize in like farmhouse type of stuff. They do sediment a lot of cloudy stuff, not, not filtered, I guess, if you will. So the dry hop thing, that's why I'm suspicious because I feel like bearded iris isn't really, they're not really dry hop people. Yeah. I agree. Farmhouse. I think you're right, it's a farmhouse ale kind of place that everything I've had there was seemed to have that very similar cloudy. Yes. Unfiltered. Not yeast, but it's, it's always that same sort of feel, which is a, an interesting signature that's not bad, but if you're. If you like that kind. Well, yeah, I mean. You're expecting something different. Yeah, I mean, if you expect a variety that I was surprised by that. Yeah. I guess I'll say it like that. So yeah, uh, Bastille day plus tour de France is still going on. Still going. Uh, we watched the heads. Stage 14. Stage 14. Yes, it is. Stage 14. Stage the 14. Yes. I believe it's 14. Um, but they're in the mountains finally, I get tired of seeing these sprinters. I need some hill climbers, right? And uh, there has been in the mountains for the last two days and it looks like unless something happens, that Tidy Pagacha will probably end up winning the whole thing. Um, him and Jonas Vingago or the two guys to beat, uh, they have been the two guys to beat in the last, what, four tours, five, five tours. The last four champions, I believe. So you know, they're, they're kind of the, the face of, of, I guess cycling right now. And I believe I talked about this in the last episode where, you know, as Vingago had a big crash in Spain in April, Berg's carbon, cracked four ribs, collapsed long, the fact that it hasn't raced since April. So this is his first race back was a tour de France. And uh, you know, he's just, you know, I just don't think he's quite there yet, but he's in second place. That's pretty impressive. Yeah. In my opinion. 1500 miles. Yeah, and two giant mountain stages and the Pyrenees, which you're talking like 10% gradients for like 10 miles. Yeah. Riding uphill. Yeah. Yeah. Would have died. And, uh, John keeps convincing himself that he doesn't dislike Tidy Pagacha. I'm not convincing anybody. I don't care if you believe it or not. I don't, I don't dislike him. That's what you're constantly saying. I don't dislike him. I mean, I feel like that anytime you sponsor, if you have to say it a lot, I don't dislike him. I mean, I'm going to dislike him, but I'm sure not a fan is what it feels like should be coming for that. Yeah. Well, and you got your little, uh, you got your little tour de France conspiracy hat on there a little bit too. Yeah. I'm not saying that. I'm saying that it's interesting that the only person who wasn't involved in the same wreck that put him that put you on his thing and go in the ICU, uh, two months before every other person who was a top contender in this race except one was in the same wreck. And it's all, I mean, it was completely coincidence and just a terrible, a terrible confluence of events. But I do think it's now that person's, uh, in the lead is what I'm hearing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Certainly the heavy favorite at this point with, with so few stages left and the way that they built this this year, there were a lot of, a lot of the mountainous stages were toward the end and it historically that was where Vingago had the advantage, but it's been proven in two back-to-back days that's just not going to be the case now. So yeah. Well, I don't think there's anybody that can beat him. And you know, I talked about that idiot woman, her cell phone last week, right? Any more idiot. Oh yeah. Bad. Like this is, this, this was worse than the cell phone, cell phone woman, uh, last week. So yesterday again, they're, they're in the, the Pyrenees. They're climbing up these mountains, um, not an easy task. And there's just wads, wads of fans on the road and they're, you know, they, they run and they yell and they scream and they, they kind of half jump in front of these guys and I'm just like, scream at the TV, move, get out of the way, get out of the way. You know, this kind of, all of a sudden I see this guy and he comes up along Tati Baguachar and he's running kind of and he throws chips in his face. Like he has this bag of chips and you see him like, like take the bag and kind of like, I'm trying to make him, right? I don't know what he was doing. I don't know. I don't, I don't know. I don't know. But the, the announcers were like, it's lucky that Pragacha had sunglasses on because it, you know, you get a chip in the eye, you're going to wreck. I mean, the old chip in the eye, the old chip in the eye. I don't know if the guy was drunk. I don't know if the guy was excited. I don't know what it was, but it looked like he deliberately took this bag and like, through the chips in his face. Maybe he thought it was holy water and he was just trying to annoy him. I don't, I don't know what he was doing, but that's an odd situation. He looked hungry, he had to eat. Well, you know, if they do eat, they take in like 7,000 calories at some points while they're racing, but I don't think they do it in chip form. I'm just saying, you know, but apparently this guy was detained immediately. So they said this morning, he was detained immediately this morning is what they said once it happened. And it, that's the, I think that's one, going to be one of the difficult things to balance because they're periods in the race where people do are able to stand out on, just park on the roadside and get out there and cheer. It doesn't make any sense to stand in the way. I don't care if it's a car race, a bike race, somebody running, speed walking, that doesn't make any sense at all to stand in front of somebody, but I think they just want to be on TV. But you see, I think he's drunk, but you see how he throws at you in his face? He's just like, bam. Yeah, he's like, eat my chips, buddy. That's what it looks like to me. He's like, oh, here he comes, have a chip to celebrate like here, just take mine. I've got a other things going on in my body right now. Crazy, just crazy. He's trying to run my front for some reason than I had. And then today, some guy I saw was running along, again, tied, but got you, he was leading. And this other guy in the crowd took his foot and kicked him out of the road. Yeah. Good. So yeah, that guy was arrested yesterday after the race, but has been released. No charges as no team wants to file a complaint. Yeah. But still, don't throw chips in people's faces when they're trying to ride. Don't throw anything in his face actively competing in a competition of any. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This guy looks like he's really yeah. Yeah. He's in for the next. Right. He's just trying to see what it was like to be in the bag. I guess something. But anyway, so remember last week two, we kind of talked about like the, um, uh, people juice in and stuff like that, and that had been done in past, well, speaking of cheating, apparently Nick Weary has been accused of cheating in the Nathan's hot dog eating contest, but he didn't win. He didn't. He came in fourth, but he is being accused of using slight of hand trickery in order to inflate his tally of eaten hot dogs and falsely place himself among the sports elite contenders. And apparently there's video of this of him reaching over to somebody who had, has an empty plate and then taking it and putting it on his area. Nick 100% he cheated. One source told the post, um, on the day of the competition, Weary score was respectable 46.75 hot dogs when they called it out at Coney Island. Good enough for a fourth place finish. The figure later jumped to 51.75 on the official major leading results website, allegedly giving him credit for five full wieners more than he was actually served during the competition. Eater scores are tabulated based on the number of empty plates stacked in front of their spot after the allotted time has concluded. Um, so yeah, I mean, it's a, it's a big, it's a big scandal, it's a big scandal. It's not a good look. Weary has been accused of stealing plates from another competitor's stack and putting them on his own place, setting to race his score above 50, which is considered the threshold separating everyday competitors from the sports, true top dogs, top hot dogs, yes, if you will. So for shame, he's never really been to the top. So it sounds like he's just trying to be a, just like, I don't know, grasping at straws trying to make it look like, right. So he's as good as his wife. His wife ate more needed. Right. So a lengthy post on an internet forum devoted to eating competitions includes videos of this year's contest, along with time codes that purport to show Weary acting suspiciously, including moving plates around the table. In the video's view by the post, Weary can be seen hovering around the stage well after the competition was over, appearing to pick up and move items on the table, including at least one empty plate, which he twirls in his hand end over end. So she may have allowed to be on the stage after ends. I think so too. And of course, he vehemently denies it and says he would never cheat. And of course, his wife also says that he would never cheat. So I don't know, but you know, big, big, big to do, big to do. And he still, I think would have gotten fourth place anyway. Yeah, I mean, maybe it's just intimidating because his wife said that world record could be a hour before. Could be. Yes, saying. But cheating in Nathan's. Well, I'm glad you provide details because I have no idea who this person is. You would know him if he saw him. He always has a little red white, blue mohawk. Oh, yes. Unfortunately, I do know who that is. Yeah, right. Agreed with that sentiment. I'm also shocked that others haven't cheated before. Oh, they have. I'm sure they have. What systems such as, well, how many empty plates do you have? That's stupid. They just let the people wander the stage way after it's over and you haven't officially counted them yet. Yeah. Yeah. That's as dumb as thinking that 50 is some magic number where a serious eater is separated from the average person such that 46 hot dogs in whatever amount of ridiculous time that is. Yeah. That's a normal person. Nothing is normal. I can argue if you go follow him after the race, if he's acting normal, because if you ate 50 hot dogs in that period of time, you're not going to be normal. Well, I've also always thought that those counters that are behind them that are flipping the numbers over. Yeah, that seems not accurate. Yeah. But those aren't the counters. The counters of the people down low who say something to the fool behind with the flip chart. And they're like, always way behind. And they look like volunteers raising money for the high school cheerleaders. And they're like, oh, I'm supposed to flip forward. They're the same people that run there and there's same people that run the concessions at Commonwealth Stadium has checked out my career field. Math is not the strong suit. But yes. So there you go. Big, big cheating scandal. First they lose. Oh, yeah. Now this. And now this race. What's it coming to? I don't know. I don't know. Shame. It is a shame. Shame on you. George. Shame. Somehow your fault. Actually, it probably is. And your brother. Yeah. Any. Yeah. Okay. We do have several R.I.P.s this week. It's not been a good week. Hasn't been a good week. So we might as well just get right into those R.I.P. to Shelley Devol. I always felt sorry for that. Me too. I really did. Me too. If you don't know, she's an actress mainly in the like 70s and 80s. She was in her, her biggest, I think, claim to fame. She was in that Popeye movie with Rob Williams. She was awful. But her biggest claim to fame, I think, what everybody knows her from is the shining. Yeah. And cheers. Or the shinning. Yeah. No, shoot. Wasn't. No, you're getting her confused with somebody else. Oh, Lilith? I don't know. I never watched cheers. I just thought that was about. No. It wasn't Shelley Devol. Shelley blonde hair. Winters. No. I gotta look it up now. She was definitely in the shining, though, because I'm listed the other day. Yes. So she was in the shining or the, or the shinning. She was in the shining. She was not in the shining. She wasn't in the shinning. That was Lily. That's the Simpson's episode. It's Lily, the caretaker. Shelley Long. That's who you're thinking of. Shelley Long. Shelley Winters is the one who had to squeeze about through the portal in the side. Yes. Yeah. And nobody believed that. Yeah. You're thinking of Shelley Long. Yeah. But we all have it right now. Yes. Yes. But Shelley Devol's biggest claim to fame was that she was in the shining. Yes. Okay. We've established that. I've always felt bad for her because if you've ever watched the making of the shining or it came out, it's come out much later, right, that she was literally, I mean, it shines a great descent into madness movie, but she really literally in real life was driven crazy to the point where she had a mental breakdown or came down close to having a mental breakdown. Yeah. And that made it better to get the authentic effect. So you just like screamed at her constantly to make her say she was wigged out all the time. I mean, it showed. She was wigged out. In performance, I couldn't stand her character Wendy, but I think she delivered what he wanted, but to the detriment of her own real life mental health, from what I understood. Yeah. Wow. She was in everything in the 80s and 90s. Oh, yeah. She was huge. She was in something last year or two. Looks like the forest hills. Oh, I don't know what that is. But the bottom line shining was her biggest claim to fame and a damn near like broke her in real life. And I always felt bad for her for that. Yeah. Yep. What was her name again? Shelly Devalle. Yeah, I've never heard her name until then. Well, you know who she is in the shining. I know she is now, but I've never heard the combination of words in my life. Oh, okay. Well, I don't I can't help you then. Let's see. Oh, here's an interesting about the shining Stanley Kubrick's insistence. She and Jack Nicholson performed 127 takes of the baseball bat scene in the shining, which broke a world record for the most retakes of the single movie scene with spoken dialogue. Devalle said she learned more from working with Kubrick on that film that she did on all her previous films. I mean, I'm sure she did, but I think she also had a mental breakdown anyway. Yeah. All right, Peter. Her. R.I.P. Tamanti. Kiffin. Lane Kiffin's father and a prolific defensive coordinator in football. In fact, wasn't his name, where is his name being thrown around that Lane was going to hire him as the Ole Miss defensive coordinator or something? Wasn't that being thrown around somewhere at some point? Are you talking to me? Yes. That that man's greatest feat was getting his son a job period. That means that man's defensive prowess with Tampa Bay and others in the NFL was revolutionary. He was an excellent defensive coordinator, excellent defensive coach, had a wonderful resume was very well respected. His greatest feat was getting his loser son a job who got a job at Tennessee when he was like 25, flamed out there. But Monty was his defensive coordinator, flamed out there after one year, destroyed the whole thing, burned it to the ground. I'm not saying I didn't like it. I'm just saying that's what happened. Then he goes to USC, somehow he fails up. Monty ends up there. He isn't the defensive coordinator there and he falls flat on his face. It's where he got fired on the tarmac and wasn't allowed to go home on the plane. And then he went nowhere for a while, goes back to Saban's rehab camp, comes back and now is the toast of college football by on a team to see if they can get the playoffs at Ole Miss after a stop at Florida Atlantic. But in fairness, I mean, he did amazing things for Napa babies everywhere. But he really was a good defensive coordinator. Oh, he was? Yes. And so it was a disaster like Lane, you'd have to realize, well, he's either going to be in my house forever. I've got to find him a job. I would do the same. Fair enough. Fair enough. All right. RIP to Dr. Ruth, who I didn't even know was still alive, to be honest with you. Oh, wow. I didn't know this was going to be one on your list. Yeah. I did not see this one. I'm thinking of other people. Oh, okay. Yeah. No, she just died yesterday. Oh. She was 90. The weekend has not been conned. No, it hasn't. 98. I think she was. 96. I had no idea. She was still alive. Yeah. I really didn't. Yeah. How else were we going to know about sex education? I'm telling you what, that woman was prolific, especially in the 80s. But I feel like she also began like that Dr. Drew kind of thing, you know, but she was kind of the original. Yeah, for sure. Is she Hungarian? I think she was Hungarian. She had a European background, well, her accent was certainly European. If I'm not mistaken, she was a European background. And that may have been what disarmed the American public was nobody really understood a lot of what she said. So we didn't realize what she was talking about until you realized that she was talking about. What? Oh my God. Yeah. Fair enough. You can't talk about that on television. Right. But in fairness, if you told me she was 98 and died in 1988, I would have believed that as well. Yeah. Yeah. Because when you do the math, you're like, that woman was 50 when she was doing this. Yeah. She looked like she was 98. Yeah. Yeah. So. And speaking of prolific people that we're in. She did appear in a scene with the other one of the other people that she may mention. I don't know. Who? I don't know. Oh, I mentioned me. She was 96. 96. Okay. She's not on the 12th. I still thought she. Right. That'll make you think. That'll make you think. So speaking of 80s icons, I guess, R.I.P. to Richard Simmons, maybe. That was the one. They were in a. Were they? Yeah. They were huge 80s people. Yeah. They were. They were. They were together. Oh, there wasn't that video of them together. I guarantee you they were on Donahue. Oh, probably. Many times. Yeah. For sure. I just I kind of say that jokingly, maybe I'm I'm sure that he did legitimately pass away, but this is he they died on the same exact date. Okay. Yeah. So, you know, but I did I preface I said that maybe thing because, you know, he's been one of these these figures celebrity figures of the last couple of years, who he wasn't seen for a while, then people speculated he was dead. And then, you know, you had that podcast finding Richard Simmons, which I because he just he just kind of dropped out of the public eye, right? Yeah. And there was a lot of rumors going around about him that he was being held hostages of house and some some other things, right? Yeah. In addition to that. And then there was that podcast that blew up that podcast is blew up. Yeah, that was a pandemic podcast. Wasn't it? Was it? I feel like I listened to hearing. Okay. I never listened to it. But I just I know that it blew up in like the guy was like adamant that his theory that Richard Simmons is being held hostage in his own house was completely correct and that he had to prove it. And he proved something I don't think he proved he was being held hostage. Yeah. He just proved he was trying to live his life like a normal person. Can you say a podcast got kind of weird towards the end like it was interesting in the beginning, but then it kind of got took a took a little bit of a turn. Yeah, like just leave the poor man alone. He wants to be left alone. Yeah. I mean, if you don't want to be in the public eye anymore, you don't want to be a public eye anymore, you know, it doesn't mean you're being held hostage in your own house or being taken advantage of by people. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe you just want to be left alone. Yeah. I mean, he helped thousands of people there on his career. He did. Yeah. So it's not like he like he was out there. Yeah. Sometimes you just want to rest. Exactly. Well, you know, be interesting now. I was thinking about this because, you know, probably sure cut that like that little part that little kind of promo thing that because he wants to do the the biopic on Richard Simmons. Yeah. And I do think I watched that little thing. He cut and I do think he would be perfect in it, but, you know, Richard Simmons did not like that. No. And he came out and he said he didn't like it. So now he's not hearing more. I wonder if Paulie put out the thing like begging him to let him do it. Yeah. How much he loved it. So now I wonder if it will come to fruition was literally the first thing I thought when I was like, well, I guess I guess to make his movie now, maybe I don't, you know, you never know what happens with people's estates, right? And this estate could come out and say, no, but, you know, I don't know. Yeah. So you listen to that. Did you listen to the podcast? Which podcast? The Richard Simmons. Yeah. What'd you think of it? I mean, I thought it was interesting. The thing that I thought it was interesting, but also believable because you do hear about those people, the people as you hear about people, old, at least, I guess, maybe, maybe it's just me and my line of work. You hear about older people who are unable to go places and do things for themselves, so somebody comes in and maybe they have the best intentions, maybe they don't. But then you hear about, especially that happening among celebrities because people realize, you know, that person can't be, that person can't be young. Maybe they need a helper and you come in there and then you start siphoning money off or you start to... Sure. I mean, it happens all the time. It will wait control whether it's through surreptitious means, whether you have foul intent or whether you're just helping somebody who needs it and can't do the stuff themselves. But in the end of the podcast, like once you realize the person's alive, then you've kind of proven the point that they're alive. But then it seemed to transition into, "Well, now, are they not doing things of their own free will? Are they being held captive?" Right. Which is noble to think I'm trying to help somebody... But there was no evidence of that, right? But that's not your job. Yeah. If you think they're alive, then go tell somebody... Yeah. Yeah. That's when you get them police involved. They're alive. Yeah. Right. Make you do a welfare check. Yeah. Let me see what's going on. Wow. And that's all you can do. I mean, the guy was like standing outside waiting for him to come bust up out in the trash can. Yeah. Like that's where he was. He was like borderline stalking. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. But, you know, to Richard Simmons credit, when he was at the peak of his career, I feel like he was trying to like... And he breached up? Yeah. He was... Yeah. But he was like legitimately trying to help people with their health and nutrition and that kind of thing. So he was kind of on the forefront of that. He spun that dick Gregory thing where they'd go to these people that were stuck in their houses cooking out because the doors were too small or they couldn't stand. Yeah. And then you had... It was the precursor to that thousand pounds. That's six hundred pounds. Or whatever. Yeah. For sure. Thing is. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Before there was reality shows, it was dick Gregory and somebody... Yeah. Again, he held on a cue with a camera in the corner talking about what's going on. Yeah. And somehow, Richard Simmons thought sweating to the oldies and deal a meal was going to save the world. Well. And it may have had... It may have helped some people. He ran out of cards. Yeah. Well. He finally did, I guess. All right. Finally. Finally. This one just happened today. Like this morning. RIP. RIP to Shannon Dardery. Obviously Brenda, her big claim to fame, 90210, but she was in Charmed. She was in Heathers. She was one of the Heathers. Yeah, she was. She was in my favorite Kevin Smith movie, Mallrats. Mm-hmm. My favorite scene with her because she plays Renee. And Ethan Supply is the dude and he constantly just comes and he stares at this with 3D pictures. Remember when 3D pictures were popular? All he does is he goes to the mall every day, his character, and just stands there and tries to look at the 3D picture. And she comes up to him at one point in the movie and says something to him. And he looks at her and he goes, "Brinda?" Yeah, and she goes, "Go to hell." That's like the best part of it. I love that. He's just like, "Brinda?" But yeah, you know, and I know she was always, you know, she was in the tabloids a lot for being like a, not so nice person, but you know, it sucked. She was sick for a long time. Mm-hmm. 53 years old. Yeah. Very young. Yeah. Yeah, it seemed like as long as I knew of Jane Doherty, she was always sick or head cancer. Yeah. But you know, I was... This is crazy. I was never a big 90210 fan. Oh, I've never seen one second. Was never... I watched a little bit of it, but it was never... That was not my scene. Heathers, however. Yes. It was several times. Yes. Heather's is a great movie. She was Heather Duke. John, were you ever into 90210? No. What? I have watched it such that I remember, oh, the peach pit, I remember that. Yeah, peach pit. And did they all live in an apartment complex or was that Melrose place? That was Melrose place. No. I didn't watch either of them, but I know one of them had some dark haired dude. Heather Lockley was in Melrose place. Oh, I know her from TJ Hooker. Okay. Even 20 years before that. 90210. 90210. It was high school. Yeah, it was high school. And it was the peach pit, and his name wasn't Al, but it was all based on Al's diner because it ripped off happy days. I don't know. I do remember that. And it was not... No. Are you thinking of Jason Priestley? Luke Perry? Well, I was thinking the fact that Jason... So she's the second person that showed me to be gone. Yes. Both of them. Luke Perry. Luke Perry is also... Oh, Luke Perry's been gone for a while. Yeah, no longer with this. Did he have cancer or did he die on a car accident? I think so. No. What's his name? Was it a car wreck because he started racing cars? Oh, was he in a car wreck? He was a... One of them started racing Indy cars. Luke Perry died after complications from a stroke. That's right. He was Jason Priestley. That's right. He became a... He got a car accident. He was the best of his face. I meant Jason. Yeah, he's not dead though. No, he's not dead. No, I thought you were saying he was dead. I was like, I don't think he is. No, but it messed up his face. Gotcha. Yeah. He lived, but he became this... Like, he got way into Indy cars, and he had this terrible crash. Oh, wow. And there was concern that he wouldn't make it. And then Priestley was one because he had a stroke which was... Yeah, that's right. Yeah, he did. Which was like, it was just... And he was... And he was young. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was just one of those freak things. Yeah. But, yeah. Shannon at Darnery, she... Like, I feel like her personal life had obviously, she had a lot going on. But I feel like she made some good shows, not a 2-1-0. I know a lot of people like Charmed. A lot of people love that show. Charmed for Halloween. And again, mall rats... Oh, geez. Well, was... It was three witches. It's true. Yeah. And it... Because it was her. It was... Oh, my God. Neve Campbell. Wouldn't it Neve Campbell? And somebody else... Her... Alyssa Milano. Alyssa Milano. Alyssa Milano. Oh, yeah. That's... Samantha? Was a witch? Yes. Yeah. Uh, yes. Holly Marie comes Alyssa Milano. That's right. It was Alyssa Milano. Yeah. Okay. And then Rose McGowan was... Yes. Yeah. A lot of people like that show, though. Yeah. I never watched it. It was never intended. TNT used to do reruns on it, ad nauseam. There was... It came on before something I watched, and I can't remember what now what that was. And then was Angel the spin-off of the arm? Yeah. No. No. Angel was a spin-off of Buffy. That's right. Yeah. But Angel... Angel may have done a crossover with Charmed. Maybe. I wouldn't be surprised. It was all supernatural in the '90s. Yeah. I don't know. Anyway. Once you believe that there was a vampire hellhole opened under a high school in Los Angeles, and the slayer was born to live there, then you couldn't read anything. Sunnydale. It's Sunnydale. Wasn't that a L.A. adjacent? It was a suburb of California somewhere. I don't know. It's a suburb of California. Actually, it is kind of long, but I do like it's a suburb of California. Yeah. Anyway. Sad. Sad. Sad. Thank you all for your contributions to society. Look, I'm not toasting with the empty glass. Thank you very much. Yes. Alrighty. You know what? I think I'm going to put the news of the weird in the refrigerator. For when Lauren. Yeah. For when Lauren comes back. Gotcha. Because I really... I saw this and I was like, oh, this would be a super fun one to do. Mm-hmm. I want Lauren. No offense to you personally. Oh, boy. Hoy. Hoy. But, yes. Just crying. Everyone, you can't tell. I can see it. But there's no reason that we can't play your favorite game. Hm-hmm. Take it, leave it or fix it. That's right. Oh, so now we've admitted that there's a third option. No. Well, there's always been a third option, but it's called Take or Leave It. Oh, it's hidden. It is hidden. You have to know the cheat code. Yeah. You have to be an insider to know about. Yeah. There you go. There you go. Nothing says welcome like rules no one else knows. It's like the house rules whenever you play a beer pong. Yeah. Yeah. Or a casino. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Speaking of casinos, real quick, so did you see where the... You saw where the mirage is closing, right? Yeah. Okay. Did you see that they have to give away or give away? But they have to deplete their... By Nevada law. Yeah. By Nevada law, they have like, what is it, $18 million I think? So the way I read it was by Nevada law, no casino or house of chance. Gambling. Can close without depleting to zero any progressive jackpot that's accrued. So they have this huge progressive that's been there that nobody's won, that's the thing you see when you walk in and that sort of stuff. Nobody's won it. Now they have, 'cause they're trying to wrap this business up in a certain amount of time, so they have a certain number of days to give away this money and they've got to figure out how they're going to do it. And so there are people like flooding the casino. I'm sure. Trying to win this money, like just do slots, everything. One thing I read said the way that they're going to, the way that they should have to do it is by turning up the odds. I don't know if that's the phrase in the industry, the parlance, but you'd have to improve the odds and a lot of those get, either every game gets the odds improved or you randomly go and crank some of them to 11 and you're just like, "Everybody wins." Yeah. Or you just turn off the god rails or whatever, just every time you do a spin. Knock it out. When it wins. $1,000. $1,000. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It would be a quick way to get rid of it, I would think. Yeah. But that's crazy and I guess I never knew that when a casino closed if they had any kind of jackpot or whatever, it shouldn't be able to just take that money with you. It's not really your money, I don't guess. I can't believe that somebody didn't better have a handle of the rules and skim this off the topic. Right. There you go. When they thought there's a chance we're getting the hell out of here. Yeah. Before you got to the point, if I know about it, somebody should have known about it a year and a half ago. So do they have to get rid of it through the games? Yes. They just be like, "Here's some money." No. I think they have to get rid of it because it's part of the gaming-- It's part of the gaming commission's rules. And they said it was-- the thing I read said it was mandated by law that they had to deplete that to the two before their final day. Yeah. Crazy. I guess it's up to them how they do it. Yup. Well, speaking of games of chance, take it or leave it. Here's one that's not a game of chance. That's kind of not, I guess. The game of the one that has nothing to do with it. Taking a chance on picking your answer, I suppose, agreeing or disagreeing with topic. All right. So subway, we've talked a lot about subway. Subway is trying to desperately revive themselves because they had the footlong, the cookie, the chiro. Apparently, they sold out of that cookie and had to get the factory that made them to make more. So I don't remember what I originally said about the cookie and just this little interjection. It's been a while. Interjection. Yeah. No, because they have decent cookies, they make a good cookie at the subway. Yeah. It's about the only thing they make that decent. So now they have these, these dippers, right? I would argue they don't make it to the subway. They sell it at the subway. Yes. I think they sell the cities. The cookies they provide are good. They are. Because they don't make them. I agree. So they are bigger as well. So they also have this, these, these new dippers or whatever, I think they got like a pepperoni and a cheese. It looks like kind of like a tequito or something like that, right? Now, what they're introducing is something called subway crunch and it's a topping for your sandwich. But let me, let me describe this to you. So the restaurant company describes that the offering as first of its kind crunch topping. Additional explanation describes the topping as crispy bits were developed to add an audible crunch to every bite coated with a savory seasoning and then fried to perfection. So not sure exactly what they're supposed to taste like, but they're supposed to give your subway sandwich crunch. So you've just described chips. Yeah. So they're trying to find near the idea of putting chips on a sandwich. I'm just going to go ahead and start by leaving this. I can do that all by myself with the chips I have in my house. I have been putting chips on a sandwich, specifically Doritos on a bologna sandwich since I can remember, which has to be at least 30 years ago for no longer. So really, they should be giving me some of that sweet, sweet subway money because I've been doing this my entire life since I was old enough to eat chips and sandwiches. So I'm going to leave this because why would I pay for this when I'm already getting a bag of chips that are crispy, fried, and have a savory flavor on them that I can just flop right down on there and crunch up. Facts. And you know they were fried to perfection. Perfection. I forgot about that part, thank you. Completely leave it because first of all, it sounds to me like it's whatever is left over in that pan that gets too crisp and you've decided to put it on my sandwich I'll pass. I didn't thought about that, that's gross. It also, I think the only reason you need to find some sort of food product to provide crunch to everybody is because your soggy, nasty bread is not good. Made for yoga. Yeah, made for yoga. Yeah, I'm leaving this. If you can't tell me beyond oh, it's fried and savory, yeah, I'm leaving this. You got to give me some more description and I agree with Sarah with the chip thing. People have been putting chips on their sandwiches since the early sandwich put chips on his sandwich. I almost guarantee that their own sandwich put chips right on there. Yeah. And I am not a huge fan of Subway. They can keep trying to bring this stuff out but that does not mean that I am going to eat their product. Yeah. Oh, you know what though? The only way that I would say that I would take this is if they came up with a collab with Long John Silver's to put Long John Silver's crunchies on their sandwich. Now, now we're talking but otherwise I'm leaving this. Okay, so. Fish batter crunchies on your baloney, on your BMT, that's awesome. So Taco Bell, Sarah loves Taco Bell. Mm-hmm. I like Taco Bell. I still don't know how you feel about Taco Bell. I think you're okay with it. I don't have an issue with it. Okay. Except once you go in when you realize- Like you just have an issue for that guy from the top. Right. I mean, I don't dislike it but once you realize you're going in and everything you've seen, every picture you've seen is a lie, then you accept whatever those words mean today. If I order from your menu whatever those words mean today and I know it's not what it was yesterday or on the television, that's what I'm going to accept and yes. Okay. It's fun. So, we got married in a church, yeah, we did, technically. Correct. Yes. We did the traditional wedding route. But if you like Taco Bell and you don't want to do the traditional wedding route- Well, that's two things for me. Right. You can go to Las Vegas and you can go to the Las Vegas Cantino Taco Bell and get married there. Now, here's what you get. Okay. Oh, $777 for this wedding package. You get, let's see, 30 minutes from the chapel includes both your wedding and your reception. Taco Bell will give you a taco party pack and your very own cinnabon wedding cake, which I'm here for, right? The couple received a set of just married t-shirts, champagne flutes and a sauce packet garter and bow tie. Taco Bell, oh, there it was, Taco Bell will also provide a sauce packet bouquet for the bride, which does have to be returned. Yeah. But all this for $777, John, Taco Bell wedding, what do you think? Should we, should we renew the vows? And this is in Las Vegas? Yeah. No. Leave it. one thirty minutes what's the time between ceremonies because somebody needs to hose down that can't chapel and I use that term loosely. Number two I don't want your your contaminated. What is it your contaminated spice packet sauce packet bouquet that's disgusting and I'm sure doesn't get cleaned. I was out when you said something about a sauce packet garter belt which is not good. Yeah your face was not good. Not like in that. The most valuable most interesting you first of all that that party pack might not be terrible. It's going to be all the again all the tacos that don't look like they say they do. The cinnabon cake I want to know if it's one big cinnabon. Or if it's a bunch of cinnabons not described in the article. Of course not because they'd have to then follow through. Is it a bunch of cinnabons. That are like ice together to make it look like a cake or is it the flavors of cinnabon made in a true cake. I have to have more information. So far I think that's the most valuable thing in this whole package. Seven hundred dollars is pretty cheap compared to some of the weddings that you can have out there. So it's not bad if you can if you think to yourself. I get t-shirts I'll never I don't care about champagne blues I would rather not. And but you get food. food of some quality. Well, and I think it also said that up to 25 people, you get up to up to up to two, the limit was 25 people to come to this thing. Okay. So you're still leaving it though. $700 for that amount of stuff. I don't think is bad. So you've changed your mind. No, I'm not taking it. Okay. I want more clarification on the case. No way that cakes were $700. I don't care what it looks like. I agree. Yeah, it is. I'd be curious to see if the cake is like in a cone form, like they take them and wrap them around like that very fancy French fit history thing. Oh, the forgetting the name where they use pot of shoe. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Is it like that? Or is it just a regular cake and it's just topped with them around a circle? Oh, I hadn't thought of that. Many cinnabons like yeah, because they're the little like the little balls or whatever. Yeah. You just kind of like adorn them atop each tier. It wasn't surprising to me if that's what it is because in that what they sell at Taco Bell. Yeah. Yeah. They're little balls of dough that have cinnamon on it. They have a filling inside, like a cream cheese filling. And then don't you get like some kind of dip? No, because they're inside. Okay, I got you. I've seen that. Well, this is derailing your story, but I've seen these stuffed cake, a department called stuff cakes, but they're called mystery cakes or something. I don't know. Anyway, you take a cake. You hollow out the inside and then you put a bunch of stuff in there and they do like skittles and candies and that kind of thing. So when you cut a surprise cake, the surprise cake, so you could do that fill it with cinnabons. You cut a slice and then there's all these cinnabons that pour out like that. I just I need more information about the cake. That's the most interesting part of the whole story. I'll take it because I mean, like John said, $777 is very cheap for what you think. Yeah. Yeah. Normally you pay more than that. I feel like for your cake, for sure. Yeah. I don't know wedding prices. I've never been married. They're not cheap. That's why a lot of people nowadays, like your friend and then John knows somebody who also did this or getting married, like on a Thursday, because stuff so expensive. I'm taking this again for the price. I, you know, I mean, that obviously the tickets to get out to Vegas are going to be a little bit expensive. Depends on maybe right out of here. It's like a hundred bucks a piece. Yeah. So, you know, and $777. Yeah. I mean, plus Taco Bell plus you get the party back. Plus you get this cake that nobody knows what it looks like. The only thing that I'd be worried about is the 30 minute time limit. Like, I got to have 30 minutes for the ceremony and the reception. Yeah. Right. Then how long is the ceremony? 10 minutes. Then you're spending 20 minutes cramming tacos. I would hope that if they give you some kind of party pack, that it comes like in the carrying case. So that maybe you could take it with. Oh my God. What if instead of having a flower girl, you had a taco girl. And as they walk down the aisle, I would have handed everybody a taco. Oh my God. Yes. Yes. I'm here for that. I ever get married. That will happen. Yes. That's how you'll get rid of that stuff in 30 minutes. That's true. Without having a true reception where nobody's paying attention. If you do that, that's a perfect idea. Yes. So you're sitting there, gnashing on your tacos. Yeah. Yeah. Y'all have that. There you go. We're a pair of napkins doing the legal stuff. Yeah. Now, I'm taking this. I like the price points. Good for a wedding. Yeah. For sure. Okay. Burger King. I feel like, I feel like we've had Burger King on take her, leave it. Several times. Yes. We are having her our way. But they've come out with this new fiery menu lineup and it goes five levels. It's five spice levels. Okay. So you got your fiery strawberry and sprite. That's spice level one. Fiery mozzarella fries, spice level two. And these have a fiery calibre and pepper breading. Yeah. Calabrian pepper breading. Fiery bacon whopper, which is spice level three. And it has fire season bacon, pepper jack cheese tomatoes, lettuce, and creamy fiery sauce. Fiery chicken fries, spice level four. Chicken fries are marinated with a fiery seasoning encoded in garlic and pepper breading and fiery bacon royal crispy chicken sandwich, which is spice level five. That has fiery glaze top with fiery seasoned bacon, pepper jack cheese tomatoes, lettuce, and creamy fiery sauce. So what do you think about this fiery menu from Burger King? I'm going to leave it. First of all, I don't want a fiery drink. I want to have a drink that's not on fire or spicy while I eat something that is spicy. A second of all, I learned my lesson after eating a chicken that's been marinated in something hot. Yes, you did. Yes, you did. Please don't eat that. Don't make me repeat what happens to your body when you eat chicken that's been marinated for a long time and something spicy. Your body is not made for it. You found out the hard way. I did. Please. I should have gone to the doctor over that. It was bad. Now, I'm going to leave it. I can tell you the last time I went to Burger King, and this is not going to entice me back. I'm not saying I'm quick, but spicy food altogether, but go into the four and five level. I can maybe do that. I can whopper that would be your head tapped out, but I'm not interested. Fine. I can see that. I don't understand on level one. I don't understand how that's a spicy drink. It's just got a kick to it. I read that three times, and I still don't understand how it's spicy. Unless you put Tabasco in it. Maybe it's got a little jalapeno juice in there. But you didn't mention it in the story. Because it didn't say. I know. That's my point. There's nothing listed in the ingredients that are disclosed. Nothing about that spicy. I think that's a zero because it's not spicy, but I digress. I'm completely taking it. I'm all over those. I would take them all. They had me at spicy chicken fries. I knew it. I would go for the spicy chicken fries. The spicy chicken sandwich to me would be wonderful, but the idea that you can figure out a way to spice up a whopper, which I think is not a terrible burger anyway. Whopper is decent. I haven't had a whopper in a long time, but it is decent burger. Oh, I haven't had one in 25 years or more. But my memory in the '90s, they were good, and I have no reason to think they're not. And if you give them a spicy twist, I'm for that. The sprite I see here on their blog is a sprite taken up a notch with a fiery strawberry puree, but it doesn't say what they say. Yeah, I'm guessing it's jalapeno. That's what I'm guessing. Because that kind of goes with strawberry. Jalapeno and strawberries go a little bit. I'm going to leave this. I'm a spice surf at any level. Do not like spice. No spice. The zero. Spice surf is zero. Yes. I'm a spice lord of five. Yes. But again, I question even level five because as we have seen with a lot of these fast food places that claim that they have spicy things on their menu, they are really not that spicy. We talked about dumbing down spice for the masses before in beer and other things. So I feel like that's even this chicken sandwich isn't going to be that. And I'm sure that there'll be plenty of YouTube people reviewing this stuff. So you can, I guess, make the judgment for yourself. Okay. Finally, the SEC, which also now includes Texas and Oklahoma, and it does just mean more because the SEC now has an official airline. Southwest Airlines has agreed to a new multi year deal to become the official airline of the SEC. Again, thank you for an office sports. You're like the best account on Twitter. And I love you because you give me so much content. It's adding new routes and service for several games, including USC LSU, Vegas kickoff, Bam out, Wisconsin, Tennessee at Oklahoma, UGA at Texas. And I think I saw that that you're going to have like maybe possible like deals and stuff for some of these games or whatever. But John, what do you think SEC official airline is now Southwest? No. No, you go tell Kirby that the SEC is sponsored by you tell them and the people of Delta that the SEC is sponsored by Southwest. It's in the name Southwest Airlines and Southeast Conference. This doesn't make any sense. Somebody just come in there with a money grab thinking all these grown men barking like dogs. Texas and Oklahoma or Texas is in Southwest. Is it not? Okay. You can have your own conference called Southwest Conference. Get the hell out. I don't care. Shouldn't Arkansas be in that then? Oh, wouldn't that be an interesting idea? Wouldn't that be an interesting idea? No. No, I'm not flying them. No. So are you taking it all that the SEC has an official airline now? I don't believe it because it's not everybody in the SEC flies Delta. If you want to get there by game time, you fly Delta. All righty. I agree. I'm a Delta girly. I've discovered that about myself. I'm a Delta girly. I will not get on another airline because I'm scared to get on another airline. It has something in good experiences with Delta. And I guess I'm a little confused at first when you said the SEC has its own airline. I thought you meant like this is like the official partner or whatever. The airline that all of the teams will take to go to their places because then I thought, well, Kentucky won't do that. They'll just get right on their private jet and go wherever they always go. No, no, no, no. But no, if I'm first of all, I didn't hear there's a flight for the UK, Texas game in Austin. Fair enough. Yeah. We'll have to Delta to that when I guess. But yeah, I just I just haven't heard great things about Southwest. And also, yeah, I like John's answer. We're the South Eastern Conference, not the South, the Western Conference. And I saw something on Twitter the other day that there are so many like good football schools in Texas alone. They could just be their own conference, like just the state of Texas conference. There's like 14 schools with good football teams. Yeah. Oh, speaking of that. On the Southwest Conference. And then they could use Southwest Airlines to get to all their planes with half their luggage missing and on delay. I saw somebody on Twitter and I don't know if I can find it, but it took they said it took them 40 hours, but they managed to map out all every single high Texas high school football team in the state of Texas. Oh, here it is. Someone made a map with the logos of every Texas high school football team. It is ridiculous. It's it's huge. 1800 plus Texas high school football logos broken down by county on this map. Apparently it took this person like the tweet I saw said it took him like 40 hours to do this thing. Yeah, here it is there. Oh, my God. Someone really just that's their hobby. That's insane football. Yeah. After 40 hours of work, it is complete in this Isaac at Ike. Dryas. Dryas. Nearly 1800 Texas high schools on one map. That is insane. But anyway, I digress. I don't know how I feel about this. I guess I get I get like the have because you have partnerships with everything. Remember when Golden Flake was the official chip of the SEC. Golden Flake is the official. Still is. I believe. Yeah. Are they still? Yes. In Dr. Greg's school. The SEC. Okay. 10 grade schools. And we have supported them all those years here at Golden Flake. Yes. That's all they serve if you go to the SEC tournament is Dr. Pepper and Golden Flake. That was in the 90s. I don't know about now, but the bottom line is see. I mean, I told you I knew they weren't. Come on old man. Oh, hold on. We have official frozen snack, though. It's farm rich. So you can get those. Oh, there's mozzarella sticks and fried pickles. I'm going to I'm actually going to fence this. I'm going to take it for the sponsorship or whatever and the fact that they're going to prioritize some of these games and flights and stuff. And I thought maybe I made this up in my mind. It didn't say power size. It's if we're going to add. Okay. That means one. Whatever. Good luck. But I'm going to leave it because of the arguments that you all made. I think they were good ones. Yeah. Yeah. I just recently saw a YouTube video of like a travel come or a travel and not a company, but people that do all these traveling and they tell you like the best things to take with you or whatever. And they were showing you like the best airlines to take based on. Oh, yeah. How many or what percentage of the time are they on time? How often do they lose your luggage and delta was by far the best? The best one. Yeah. All I know is that delta helps me get home from France after some moron put a jazzy in the bottom of a plane without unplugging the battery. That's all I know about it. Thank you, delta. Plus, they have superior in flight entertainment. They do have nice in flight entertainment. Yeah. It's really good. Unless you're flying from here to Atlanta, then they don't. Well, but when you're going across the country though, yes. Or overseas or whatever. And yes, definitely for sure. All right. Well, that is going to do it for this week's take your leave it. So Sarah, what did you think about the TAFS? I'm just going to call it the cream circle. What's it called? The Nellies orange cream. OK, close enough. It's it's a lot more beer. It's a nice summer drinker with the hint of orange. Just a hint. Not a lot. Yeah. I'm this bad habit of not putting my beers in the fridge until the morning. I'm supposed to drink them. Yeah. So this one was already not like super cold. So I think if it had been like very, very cold, I would have liked it a lot better. I mean, I still liked it. I got warm. Yeah. Have that goes. But there's a hint of orange cream circle there. So it doesn't like overwhelm it though. So you can still definitely tell that that's like an ale. Yeah. Sure. But it's not like super artificially flavored. Oh, that's good. Okay. Yeah. So what do you think of your far arm? I thought it was good. The it was advertised as pink guava banana passion fruit. As you drink it, it reminded me of the there was a like a banana strawberry something that banana strawberry combination that they have a banana tropical combination that people have for a lot of different. Like smoothies and stuff. Yeah. Like the ice bars or that kind of stuff. Dessert sort of frozen treats. So it was good. It was tart. I could not. If you gave me the other choices, I might have. I would have told you sure I tasted that. But in general, I thought it was banana tropical banana flavor. But overall, I thought was balanced. It was pretty good. It wasn't as tart as pot as it could have been, but it still was balanced with that. What can be sort of a sickly sweet combination in some things that I've had. But I thought it was overall pretty good. Was it super sour? Was it sour at all? There was a tart. I didn't try it. I poured it into the glass for you, but I didn't try it. There was a tartness to it, but it was not sour. And to me, it was balanced enough, but it still left you with a sweet banana tropical flavor, but it was not overpowering, which I was happy with. So what do y'all think of dewclaws, patriarchy, super freak, coconut caramel chocolate brown ale? I don't drink a lot of brown ale, but to me, this didn't taste like a brown ale. It tasted like that lethal weapon six that Meritwin puts out. Like the blonde stout. The blonde stout. The weird messes with your mind, yeah. Like a blonde stout. I didn't really get any coconut. It was very chocolatey, I guess, caramel-y. It was a little coffee-y, but I guess that comes with the territory. Also, I had coffee before I drank this, so maybe that's influencing it. No, I don't think so. I liked it. It's very light drinking for a... Seven and a half percent. That's seven and a half percent. I mean, I enjoyed it. It wasn't as heavy as I expected it to be. I got the caramel, the chocolate. There was some coconut flavor, but it wasn't hitch over the head coconut. To me, the nose and even the aroma after is just in the glass once it's gone is very reminiscent of a caramel cookie like that. Caramel chocolate coconut kind of thing. That was very good. I like it. I thought actually it gave me more of dark chocolate bitter vibes. Then it did like a milk chocolate type of thing. Oh, yeah. It was very bitter. I actually liked it because I thought that bitterness kind of helped cut the sweetness, which I think is what you want. Sometimes if you get like a chocolate coconut caramel, I can get overpoweringly sweet, just coilingly sweet, but I felt like that whatever chocolate maybe that they leaned more toward a darker chocolate, which with the bitterness helped. I just finished mine and now you're talking about it. I get a ton of dark chocolate on there and I got some coconut at that time. Yeah, but I think the dark chocolate helped cut that sweetness. Yeah, in de-clause these pastry are good and they've not been super heavy or like anything that just wouldn't bog you down. I think the brown ale probably helped add a little bit of coffee notes to it. You'd rarely see this kind of thing. You see more of this with a stout, like this combination with a stout than a brown ale, so I was intrigued with the brown ale thing. Okay, so the high wire bring bearded iris periphery, hazy IPA dry hopped with neck tar on and HBC 1019 would have been a lot cooler if it was 10-13, fermented on colch yeast. You could tell this was a collab with bearded iris. It was borderline dry hopped. First sips, I was like, "Oh, yeah, this is coming perilously close to being wet hopped." You could tell it had just that slight dankness to it, but overall was pretty solid. It was pretty good. Props to bearded iris for kind of maybe holding back a little bit on what they usually do for a dry hop collab with high wire. Speaking of collabs, I think we have one coming up. Yeah, I'm going to record a new episode of Hunger and Kentucky this week here at the Fort. Got some snacks lined up for that from the snack cave? I don't know. I just thought of it off top of my head. The leftover snacks that I have from earlier in the summer. I was like the gas stations that had the beer caves. I like snack caves. This came from within the snack caves. I checked all the dates. We're good. We're going to get them out of my house because I've been there for a while. Let's do it. If you want to hear what those snacks are, you can find us on Twitter and Instagram @hungryandky. I shoot me an email, "" and then you can find our podcast every other Wednesday, wherever you find your podcast. All right. Well, John, Ahoy, Hoy. Thank you for filling in. Hello, Hoy. We're jumping in, coming on off the bench. As always, appreciate it. Nice to be here. Yeah, isn't it? I'll guess I'll see you after we're done and then more after that. Anyway, as always, thank you for listening to us. You can find us on the Twix at GRLS for your sports on Instagram or Facebook. We are on the fired up network or on Apple Podcasts. We're on Amazon. We're on a heart radio. We are everywhere. Good podcasts are free and we will see you next week. See ya! Hoy, Hoy, Hoy. [ Silence ]