FiredUp Network

Friday, July 12: Wrestling Spotlight Weekly Champions

Friday, July 12: Wrestling Spotlight Weekly Champions by FiredUp Network

1h 0m
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12 Jul 2024
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Now welcome in to weekly champions here on the wrestling spotlight network you can also see it on fired up network best place to see both those channels the true TV plus app you can download that anywhere now Google Apple Android Roku Amazon available everywhere and totally free got a big week of wrestling money in the bank is in the bank and done eight W is officially on the road to all in in London and will be there covering it live on the channel to a just a little bit over a month away now from a flying out to London so definitely looking forward to the build up to that and a lot of news going on with signings I'm joined by sunny the man Eagle Kane on his quest to hit that junior heavyweight championship in the NWA again and Mark Madison for a pro wrestling post in the back another big event another sell out pay for view premium live event for the WWE as they keep nailing these big events and I wanted to ask the biggest takeaway I had is that Drew McIntyre once again and it's a stomped out of his moment by CM Punk and you know it's coming up soon we've been waiting for CM Punk to get back in the ring just Drew McIntyre get his revenge on CM Punk at SummerSlam Mark you're you were able to catch out the festivities of money in the bank and Drew tried to get his title back and stopped in his pants by CM Punk is Drew going to get his revenge on the second city saint I'm gonna say he's like as far as a result no I think there it will definitely be a fight I don't think he's going to get a modicum of how I put this I know first I would think for sure that there's going to be some there's definitely going to be a battle between the two whether it's a's in the ring or not do I think it ends up being resolved definitely not I whether this match ends in a I know I'm in a DQ or they can't compete or something to that extent I see that because there you've spent so much time to build up to it I can't see it being a one and done it's a lot of time and energy and effort out to just drop everything kibosh it after and what would that say right if one of them loses does does you really want punk losing and is technically his first match back and what does that do for McIntyre if he loses so he adds to his is the anger because then he becomes that unhinged rage it's kept into capture so sorry I'm a little struck struck for words right now so that's how I'm kind of feeling when it comes to this I don't see it being a one and done I think to some extent he's definitely going to get his hands on him what the end result is going to be I can't see him necessarily walking away one that's a good point you made Mark too because it would technically be his first one on one match on WWE TV CM Punk's only been in the ring twice during this run in the WWE he had a match at the Madison Square Garden house show against Dirty Dom Mysterio and then the Royal Rumble and that's been it son of a you know he's pushing 50 not quite 50 but he's pushing 50 and like Seth Rollins pointed out on Monday night you know there's only so much his fragile brittle body can take Seth threatened to as soon as he's medically cleared snap his arm and put him back on the injured list and it honestly probably wouldn't take that much because unfortunately for CM Punk and I'm a I got his shirt on here man how hasn't been his friend you've been in the ring sonny in the injury pile enough are you able to keep going or that are good signs that hey man I had three injuries for years time to hang him up Well keep going to picture livelihood um restaurant that comes to mind who's kept going to trick flair he's still doing ring bits so you know you can't roll a guy out and I'm a CM Punk fan so I'd like to see him get one more robbed before going to the house um you know so that's kind of what I'm waiting to say you know I'm I'm thinking it's more passion for CM Punk than it is it is money he's fine money wise but it's the passion and wanting to keep going and to keep keep fighting and keep telling the story I honestly believe that he really loves he really loves the business and he's been rejuvenated in this post retirement era both in a EW and now in WWE because he's kind of getting to tell his story it's just the mind's willing the body hasn't been able so far and yeah I don't know Mark I mean I'm not sure if there's if there's enough gas in the tank to have a big feud with Drew McIntyre or if it has to just keep being these hit you know kind of sneak attacks hit and runs I think they really want to max like I'm sure that they've reassessed things I think with Triple H and Punk and TKL they've had to look at this and and if they're going to treat punk like commodity they want to get value for to make his matches not having him compete all the time is a good thing yeah it's a bad thing because I guess he doesn't develop the calories on his body and develops those bumps and get accustomed to things therein lies the problem like he's a he's a value because he's a name he sells at arenas he delivers on the microphone and you know we get a fairly competitive match the downside is when you don't compete you run the risk of injury too so it's kind of like that catch 22 with him how do they handle it I think there's a lot there has to be lots of conversation with him and his treatment and conditioning and all those things but yeah time time catches up as someone said time is undefeated and so that's the case then they have to be really careful with how they do this they tease of something with him and Rollins but they probably don't they just maybe just tap their toe into the water that potential for you but not really have it be something that they're going to hold their head on right now I think seeing this this map entire feud through to the end maybe it's the best three and this is something and but they're really careful and accidents will happen and there has to be tons of communication between Mac entire month so yeah well now what they seem to be setting up on Monday night and let's get back into the story of the gentleman who held on to the world title despite despite taking a three count Damien praised he's still the champion Seth freaking Rollins can't challenge for it again as long as Damien is the champion do we see Seth getting involved because Seth's healthy his knees good now and he can flack go does this set up a Seth Rollins Drew McIntyre battle and maybe Damien priest drops the title to Drew and now Seth can get back in there and challenge again and you can kind of expand the story out He's studying what do you think? Thank you Mark I think we're going to see an expansion of the story I think it's too soon to make any quick judgments on the angle that they're running and I think we're going to see a further expansion Yeah because I mean to be fair Sonny Seth Rollins has had one match back but it's just if they're going to go at it I mean there's certain guys that are able to be that workhorse champion I mean we talked about Ric Flair quite a bit and I heard a story about Ric Flair showing up totally jet lagged hung over for a match and he said hey put the alarm clock on give me a coffee and then just wake me up like 40 minutes before the match let's go And then he went in there and did an hour so the guy could just go and not that Seth's showing up hung over a jet lag but I think he's one of those guys who you can wind him up and let him go and he can carry He can kind of carry a show if you just let him run with it so I'm sure he's going to get involved somewhere off the top of the card that loss isn't going to end up moving him down any either But he wasn't pinned in any way so if anything it's built some animosity with with punk which seemed to kind of be resolved but not so much I don't see him getting involved because of the fact that he knows that priest is bothered by the fact that every one of pre-swins has had somebody get involved as he's heading to face Gunther at SummerSlam that if somebody does get involved it's going to be the cost priest rather than support him I think there's way too much dissension The guy corner looks from Finn Balor, Wind Trusts the day as far as I could throw them and so therein lies the There's if anything they're probably heading with a Gunther title reign and really try to elevate him but true yeah they really long Gunther's kind of been out of sight out of mind Yeah and so after winning that King of the Ring the whole idea is if you're holding on to this claim and that he's going to be the one contending for the world title and as he's as he put it once when Rawlings and priests face each other the best of you will be the lesser of me So the lesser to me so is that going to be the case possibly possibly coming out of SummerSlam but they have lots of people threatening for that maybe Rawlings is still going to threaten Gunther and priest contends but then maybe maybe Gunther priest has this other side issue with Judgement Day so yeah yeah One that I think Sonny I think something that's really going on and they're doing a terrific job of is having those layers of stories because you can talk about one possibility and then you can go off to three four other possibilities Which is a it's a formula that works great in television programs works great in movies you want that layered writing where you're not sure really how something's going to end and everything's kind of a surprise and it keeps you engaged And that's really the best wrestling when you don't know who's going to win that was a knock that we've talked about with the end of Roman's reign you knew Roman was winning it didn't matter who was in the ring because he was going to hold that title until at least WrestleMania Right now any given show somebody could lose and it wouldn't be a surprise I mean, well that's why Sammy and losing right? Well that's why that keeps so much of the story going to run to different angles and the different ideas leading up to the to the big pay for bees and Yeah, we've had the writers to thank for that who who work hours to put their thoughts and ideas into into the finishes and how it's going to be. I like watching watching a good story about two people and I'd like a surprise finish so that's just me. Yeah the old dusty finish, right? I don't know what it's going to add. Well hey let's talk about the women's money in the bank. It's tiffy time Tiffany Stratton wins. Are we seeing the next generation of women's stars in the WWE. Tiffany Stratton and Jake Cargill, are they next? What do you think Mark? Name that she didn't mention in the question there but I would throw Lira Valkaria and she'll be part of those that crop of NXT women that are coming up. We haven't seen much of Keanu James who came up from NXT but she's also somebody that if they've put enough behind her. She's someone that they've got stock in. She's got ones in the pipeline like Roxanne Perez when Cora J gets better. There's they there's certainly working towards developing their future now. And that's going to be a really really fun division. And we talked about it offers some signees that will come in and yeah they're really working towards making it super super special. I think we are seeing the future now for sure. Yeah, this may be this quite possibly right now. This is the best women's roster that they've ever had. And that's coming to the company. Yeah, that's a company that had Charlotte Flair, Bailey, Bianca Belair, Mercedes Monet, Sasha Banks. All going at the same time and at an Oscar and right now it may be better. Lira Valkaria was an NXT UK champion which was Triple H's idea. So I mean she's she's positioned to do well and she definitely captivates the fans. I saw her in person at the NXT event during WrestleMania weekend and yeah she definitely had the fans on her side. And that's that's a big part of the battle. You know, Sonny, if you get the fans on your side, you can do a lot. Yes sir. It's an open door for sure if you get the fanfare behind you. And that's what the promoter sees at the show. He sees the chair and the bone, the whatever. And he says, well that guy's hot or that day he's hot and I want to continue to run him. I think the women are in the best position that they've ever been in in the industry right now. And I have watched them women since the 70s. So I think it's the day of the women in professional wrestling. And not just flair. You have four or five eighties that can easily step up and start being bought into the nine right and I wish. Yeah, I mean we didn't even mention Becky Lynch who's on a leave. We didn't mention Nia Jax who's been probably on one of the best runs of her career. And we didn't mention, Naomi who came back from TNA and somebody who's made some appearances in the WWE Universe and whose contract is coming up supposedly at the end of the year, Jordan Grace, the juggernaut. So, and that's going to be an older roster. Go ahead. That's all today, pardon me, that Rhonda Rousey might be making the return and making some noise for Triple H. So, that's fantastic. It's a huge name. Well hey let's talk, let's talk about the lady that made news and stepped out of the Forbidden Door and into the WWE Universe. Stephanie Vaccour, she vacated the CMLL title. And the new Japan pro wrestling women's strong title. Her signing with WWE was announced on Twitter by Shawn Michaels, the heartbreak kid. So she's there in NXT. Sonny I wanted to ask you because it seemed like a pretty bold move to walk away from a contract that she had with CMLL and just abandoned the two titles. What do you think about that? Well I think it puts her back into the stream of things. Sometimes you have to make tough decisions and you know a title around your waist can pinpoint you to the league for an indefinite period of time. So she may be thinking without the title, she's a free agent so to speak and can go on and do other other great things without having the title. Okay so there's the pro side. My take mark was at wait a minute. You just got the biggest thank you the biggest gift in your career by getting to be on a major pay per view going up against an international superstar and Mercedes Monet. Having a good match dominating most of the match and being elevated and your thanks for that is to walk away from your contract, toss out the titles from two companies, two big companies, and walk away on the second biggest company and pro wrestling to go to the direct competitor without notice. I mean, I hope it works out for her because that's burning a lot of bridges on the way. Well, yeah, to put it mildly certainly is in burning bridges but I think it wouldn't also not affect if if WWE is working on building relationships like AJ Styles this weekend is facing a Marfouji in Japan right so if you're going to do these things and build these relationships does that not tarnish one was CMML, CM LM potentially new Japan I don't see there being one of them just because they have one with a w that said, I thought there was an issue with members of Los Ingle noblis when it came to them competing on a same show. Members competing on the same show that was for been door so because of past sour grapes and bad relationships and bad business. Does it affect that do they really want to have their talent or even the association to be there. Cooler heads may prevail but yeah, but at the same time, apparently in having a trial if you read some of the sheets that are out there there was belief that she this was always where she wanted to be because she had a trial. It didn't work out but when growing up in Chile that was always the dream was to make it to the WWE and maybe it's not a matter of money. So, the waiting on a fake that is the case right. Yeah. Because you know I mean Mark I mean heck nobody's grown up wanting to go to a w grew up wanting to go to WWE. Yeah. Right. So that could have been just the case for her and the decision and where she's decided to go. But I just from everything that I've ever heard good businesses still complete which you're obligated to complete on the way out just to up and drop. Doesn't leave me to think can you trust this talent when you need them to do things and does it look bad on you because then. People have short memories right if this happens and she decides that things are working out the way she wants them to in the WWE or as she had hoped. Can this person be someone you want to work with again in CML or New Japan and like well hold on a second. How do I not know you're going to not do this again. So it's it's that precedent to leave so I don't know. And then she's going to join Julia who was the super in demand free agent that legitimately both companies were going after a w and w she's at the NXT event WrestleMania weekend sitting with Lord William Regal and signed with WWE hasn't been in the ring since because she did break her I believe she broke her wrist just shortly after in a new Japan match finishing up. Are are they going to be the difference makers that people are talking about or are they really just people that die hard wrestling fans and no offense to die hard wrestling fans because I mean heck that's who's watching this. But are they just people that die hard wrestling fans really like and they're not going to be any bunny different than anyone else who comes up from NXT that the fans don't know up front. Well, the same argument could apply to you right the die hards really follow him. Yeah. Did they have a greater appeal to those that didn't follow new Japan and will all spray? Probably not. But it doesn't make it any less valuable. I think how they treat them as long as they're being treated like stars. I think and being treated special that they mean something that's different. I think if you diminish that there becomes a concern. So, yeah, worry about what's happened to Nakamura who was this major star in Japan and was looking like he had that trajectory in NXT. You bring him up and now he's not even close to that. Is he even on TV? Yes, he's one title. Are they things that you'll remember? Like do they mean something in the long run. So, yeah, that's a good point because I mean, really hasn't he hasn't had a prominent role since Rick Boogs left and the biggest thing he did then was dancing to Rick playing him in on the guitar. It wasn't exactly the king of strong style. Yeah. Well, Sonny, let me ask you that. When somebody comes into a territory new, is it their ability that really magnifies them or is it. That hey, this person is presented as the superstar. A little bit of both. Their personality, of course, sticks out and if they go over well with the doctor room, then usually they get a chance to work more in the ring. I've been in territory in areas where people didn't get it all well with the guys and will never give it a chance to tell their story in the ring. So, it's a combination of the two I think. And I think that's why these younger guys are looking into now coming up from the. Well, I would have called the lower digs working their way into the WWE. How well can they get over at the big time. I think it's great the WWE is still the big time. So, yeah, and everybody eventually wants to go there. So. Yeah, no, man, I can see that because you want to, you want to make it to the top, right? The top you want to be in the big leagues. Well, a guy who's gone through. The Indies gone through TNA gone through a E W. Canada's own all ego Ethan Page. You can see him on wrestling spotlight. He just recently had a running glory pro wrestling out of St. Louis. He is now your NXT champion. Did it in his home country of Canada. He whipped that trick, Trick Williams props the NXT title to all ego. Is Trick staying in NXT to challenge Ethan Page and stay that top baby face in NXT. Because they're going to be a nationally televised promotion. And will be the only promotion on network television free TV moving forward once they move to the CW. Is it really that big a deal to move up to the main roster or is Trick OK staying on NXT. What do you think Mark on a couple? It's a it's a long question because you got Ethan Page getting up belt, which I think is great. He deserves the title reign and and trick Williams. I don't think it hurt him losing. So as a very proud Canadian seeing Hamilton's Ethan Page win was great. And I think the fact that they put the title on him in in a way in which poor trick is like I wasn't even beaten for the title. It's so dastardly, but it works for him is a good call. So I trust that they know what they're doing with that. I don't see trick. He's got such a great following in NXT going anywhere just yet. I feel like there's still more grooming. I think there's still more work on his follows. There's still any of the ring work. Nobody I think now is being rushed. He's part of a major storyline that's working when it comes to the title and Sean Spears is part of it. So guys are seasoned along with those that are on the fringe. Working together can also learn from each other. So I don't see at least trick being in any position right now to be moved up because then there's going to be that parallel. They called up Carmelo. And he's the guy that really should be pushed on Smackdown. So I see you see you'll see that comparison if they're both up there. Yeah, that's going to look like because we see how Braun is really being projected on Raw. And I think the bronze reflection or brown breakers reflection would be a Carmelo haze and what's that going to look like for Carmelo. If trick comes up and is used in a greater light. So, super more yes. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. You can still be an emerging star still learning your your craft right. Well, and yeah, and I think NXT the job that Shawn Michaels has done there. I think NXT is getting pretty darn close if not there with where it was in the black and gold era that people revered so much because you have weekly stories there unexpected. Our friends from TNA are showing up. You had the rascals reunite. And if we say Joe Henry's name a few times he may show up. Jordan Grace and Sonny. This may be the opportunity for the Hardy boys to make a return to the WWE Universe coming over with the impact relationship. I think it's okay to stay in NXT. This isn't the NXT 2.0 anymore. It's, it's on a different level. And being on network TV, I think it's going to raise the profile even more. Yes, sir. I think the television plug is where it's at. And I think NXT is about where it once was. The stars are coming back never before. The hardies are leading the way. And I think Jeff and Matt Hardy are going to have another run at the WWE. Yeah, there may well. I could see it because the sides are the battle lines are forming now in this new wrestling war where there's so many opportunities for places to be aired. There's really no losers. I mean, I did see for the first time ever last Wednesday, AEW Dynamite was not just the highest rated show on cable. It was the most watched show on TV period last Monday night. Yeah, so everybody's doing, everybody's doing just fine. And the WWE is making bank because you keep selling out these PLAs you're going to do just fine. Now, AEW gearing up towards there. I guess you got to say for right now, their equivalent of WrestleMania all in coming up in Wembley Stadium in August. They have their co main event set now. Mariah Mae. She wins the women's Owen Hart championship, take it on Willow Nightingale and beaten down her mentor, her her guardian, her guardian, timeless Tony Storm, timeless Tony Storm, a bloody mess and Mariah Mae walking away knowing she's going to get to face her for the championship in her home country. This may be the best long term story, AEW is done. What do you think, Mark? Are you a fan of Mariah Mae turning on a timeless Tony Storm? Well, the running joke is poor Tony. She didn't watch for the shoe. And that clearly showed itself. Yeah, and to find out the connection to a film, I think it's called All About Eve out in the 1950s. And so when Tony Con tweeted out All About Mariah, therein lies the connection of where this had all kind of originated from really, really, really well done. Tony was always seemed to be in that position where her character was just drawing the greater reaction. And it was going to be hard to keep that character as a heel too. So, that, it was funny. We thought that something would have happened. Almost thought, well, maybe Tony's going to be the one to turn on Mariah out of insecurity when it was all, it was the other way around. You never saw a hint of it and blam, she was just hit with it. And yeah, just like you said, battered and bloodied. It's really is the visual that you left with as she holds your bio and looking limp and just just so disappointed in what had happened. Couldn't understand it. And that's what we're left with. Yeah, I think that's going to be really a meaningful feeling. We're going to see what's going to happen. It's in a home country for both of them though. Tony's also from the UK as you know. Well, I think she's from Australia, but she lived in the UK for quite a while. Oh, okay. Okay. But yeah, she has a lot of history in the UK. Yeah, actually her, Jamie Hader, Mariah Mae. Yeah, there's a, there's a, a click of British female wrestlers. Yeah, Sonny, in the spirit of whole time wrestling. I think Luther has done a tremendous job as the bottler. He already has. I think the way he plays the role and goes out to the ring and is there. I think it's a tremendous job. People could go into character just like cutting on the night switch. That's how I haven't did it. And all the years I knew him, which was 25. Yeah. That's kind of what I'm getting into habit of doing now. So, you know, your character's everything. And the butler's one of the greatest gimmicks I've seen in a while. Yeah, and then it tried and true pro wrestling gimmick too. There's been plenty of pro wrestling butlers and servants and valet. So, Luther doing a good job. Quite of switch from his previous work as a death match God in Japan. I believe in frontier martial arts wrestling. So, Luther actually could go but very violent crazy matches if you find them online. On the other side, the men's Owen Hart championship goes to Brian Danielson as he takes out Hangman Adam Page. So, the American Dragon gets a chance at the championship to see if Wembley Stadium is actually Swerve's house. I think Swerve's going to maintain the title but definitely a big match coming up for Brian Danielson as he winds his career down at the end of the year. What do you think, Sonny? I think it's well be Swerve. Swerve's been there a long time and it's his day. And I don't see Swerve going anywhere in the foreseeable future. And Mark, I wanted to ask you, how do you feel about this recurring story going at Brian Danielson's matches now that he's almost totally broken down. And after every match, he needs medical assistance. Well, that's showing you that physically he's on life support, and that's the story that they want to go with. And sharing that this last year's the full time talent, working towards potentially never holding the title. And that's what you try. He's really it's like the ultimate underdog that gets by, but he just battles until the end. And there is no quitting them. So that's the story that they tell. I'd like to say Swerve too, but there is so much pointing to this, like the end is near. He's not going to do it. He's never wanted the title. And he's like winning it. Is it really important? I just, I, if too many times reporting in the opposite direction, I have a hard time throwing in that direction with how these guys are telling stories, especially with you root for him. And how can you not want him to ultimately succeed and to do it in front of 80,000 people? Wow, it's funny. Right. So. Well, and keep in mind, they have the built in trap door to get out of anything because less than two weeks after all in is all out in Chicago. So you could easily have a rematch. And if your hesitation is put in the belt on a guy who's going to be gone in four months, well, he could have the belt. And then since the story is the guy's broken, he's almost done. Everything's going in every match. Yeah, it would be perfectly okay for him to lose it in his first defense. Mm hmm. And the first defense is coming like now. Yeah, because it's not about the length of holding the title. It's just about having the title. And he's always going to be one to want to do business as they say. And who is the next guy to go over, right? Maybe, maybe it is the will all spray who gets that title. Maybe it's the next person. Maybe it is a lot of maybe it's somebody that they want to jockey to be in that position longer term, right? Or maybe it's back to hangman page. Who knows? Yeah, I don't think at this point, I don't think Swerve really needs the title anyways. Probably not. Not bad to have it, but I don't think he really needs it, nor does well, actually. Especially when they got their continental classic coming up, the tournament's going to be coming right around the corner too. So they definitely want to keep that significant because you want to follow in the spirit of the G1. And just keep it rolling. Hey, talking about a couple of older guys. You guys okay with TV time with Chris Jericho, the learning tree. Hi guys. Hey guys. What do you think, Sonny? You okay with Chris Jericho as the kind of condescending jerk pro wrestler and just giving advice to everybody. I've been a Chris Jericho fan in a long time. And it's great to see somebody still going at it. Yeah. It's it's it's moment now we're going to see what he's what he can do. Sending Samoa Joe to the hospital. I think this is coming for another match. It'll probably happen at all. And got to see hook getting his dad's title back from the learning tree. I think that's the the setup that's coming hook and it's going to go ahead and take out Chris Jericho. We kind of saw some teases of it with the Judas effect coming from hook. And, you know, there's another young guy, 25 year old champion that AEW can can build up and probably needs to look at signing long term because his contracts coming up fairly soon. And I could see him being attractive to any company. Oh, for sure. For sure. Him and potentially Ricky Starks like what's happening with him is he. I think he's gone. Dutch Dutch think he's gone. He's going to go Cody. You know, if your mentor is is in another company and has a really good working relationship and can vouch for you. It's really hard not to take advantage of networking. Yeah. There's plenty plenty of space. Um, in a couple weeks is blood and guts and it looks like. Yeah, leads all figured out. What are we thinking as far as the. Swerve Mark Briscoe, Darby Allen's back. And then question to see who else do we get in there. Right. Who else do you want to see? I don't know. I mean, it does. Do you go with a John Moxley because he's part of the foundation does Kenny Omega. Is he anywhere closer to returning? Does that make sense? I don't think Omega is anywhere close. Unfortunately. Yeah. Kyle Fletcher, if he gets elevated up some, maybe it will all spray. Maybe it will all spray. We can see that. But the team AEW is really a little confusing in that you thought that it would be based around originals. I guess that's when you think of like an originals versus but technically. Three of the four of the five guys that are on team elite are AEW originals really. Yeah. There they are. It's a little confusing and how that's been situated. Is it those that are booked that have a long shirt like I don't really see Mark Briscoe's role in it. Just so he's entertaining. Really four of the five on the elite because Jekyll boy was there at the beginning to. Yeah. Yeah. For the final. Yeah. Hey, main page in the in the box. There's four to the five. Yeah. No, it's definitely interesting because so far, I believe all we have locked in is Swerve. Well, is Brian Danielson going to compete in it. It doesn't make sense to. No. He's on a course for the world title. It's just, are you just putting him in just to kind of put him in because he was the one that took the fall at anarchy in the arena. Well, and honestly, the last thing, I mean, in a totally legitimate way, the last thing Brian Danielson needs to do is get involved in a high impact match and get hurt and miss all in for the second year. Not going to do. Yeah. No, that wouldn't be a great idea. The fees recovered. Yeah, it's going to be interesting. Sure. We'll find out next week. When he comes back is he headed more from JF because they're in lies. That's the story that they know we want to build on already. Oh, the acclaimed. There you go. There you go. The acclaimed that they're gone after the young bucks. So that gets you for now. No, you're you're there. Darby Allen, Mark Brisco, Swerve, and the acclaimed with the system from Prince Nana. There you go. Five on five. Swerve while you drive. And you can get Prince Nana coffee now, too. Some great high quality coffee. Hey, I wanted to hit the National Wrestling Alliance as well. I've been been following what they've been doing. They're signing up wrestlers every day. They're announcing new signings and they're really they're building up their own. They're signing their current roster to long extensions started with Brian Idol, Natalia, Markova, Mims. The slime balls just signed a young tag team out of Exodus Pro. They're keeping their guys going and building that foundation up because they're ramping up to their TV distribution deal with the CW app. How do you guys feel the NWA is doing by establishing a roster. So you're going to see the same wrestlers continuing forward. It seems like they're trying to not repeat what happened to him previously when they got real hot and then all their wrestlers were gone and signed elsewhere. How do you think about that? You just built in up the pillars. I think it's fantastic that they're bringing new time in and I think they have learned from their past mistake and we're going to be seeing the not more great things. I don't think they're going anywhere anytime soon. No, they're not going anywhere there. They're in a much better position and they're they're building up Aaron Stevens resigned to a long term contract and he's doing a great job as a manager. Of their tag team champions blunt force trauma and he's a guy who could go work for any company right now. Mark, how do you feel the NWA is doing? I think they're doing a good job with that kind of old school presentation and I think it's a good idea to build up your talent and hold on to the base that you've developed over the last couple of years. No, you're right. You can't beat that anybody that's trying to develop talent and make them notable and you're investing. It's an investment too. You're putting the time and the energy and the where with all to make them known. It's just smart business to make them special and then it's up to them. You give them the platform. What do they do with it? With EC three as the world title holder. Have you seen him carry that and act like that. Like the face of the company is somebody you can lean in on. That's good. Absolutely. They've taken somebody that had achieved previously was capable of doing so and then surrounding them with lots of other names, faces that are going to be there too. It'll be really special to see what the end result is, but Aaron Stevens has always been super entertaining and we know what he's capable of doing. So the fact that he's he's leaning BFT. It's great. Well, and hey, I wanted to ask about one person who's had kind of a reamaging on NWA television of late. The former Tim Storm, the perfect storm performer and WA World Heavyweight Champion. He is now going by Baron Von Storm and seems to be channeling the great. Maybe somebody you ran into in the past, Sonny. Baron Von Raski with the iron claw. How do you feel about the iron claw being a feared finishing maneuver in 2024, Sonny? I think it's awesome. It has always been the one of the most feared holds in the business and people tried to get out of it and can really put you to sleep. So it's a little move. And for them to be bringing it back is showing me that they're serious about long term, trying to continue to tell the story of the past as well as to press. Yeah, did you ever have runs it run ins with the Baron with Baron Von Raski, but it was always here in Ivan and I couldn't get ready near him as near him as I wanted to, but I was in the locker room with him and I was in the general area with him. Now there's somebody who could go into in the character in two seconds, and make you think, think he was coming for you. But the iron claw has been around since the bond Erickson before the bond Eric's to bond Eric's just bought it to the forefront by capitalizing on. Yeah. Mark, have you seen the documentary the Baron following the career of Baron Von Raski? I haven't. Where would I be able to access that result? I think it's available on Netflix. Yeah. Very interesting, very interesting character. And I think this is a good idea by Tim Storm because Baron Von Raski used the iron claw to have a career going until his heck I think he was wrestling on the independent circuit well into his 60s. So, Tim Storm, still a capable wrestler. The Baron can wreak some havoc with the iron claw. I've got the book about this. It is for the heart punch to make a reality. And see if that plays. It's like pullback from some of the old TNA storylines that, sorry, NWA storylines and fans maybe never got a chance to see and make those to bring those to the forefront and see, you know, could that with a new modern spin or how would that be carried over. There's always this call back and the mourns have played a part in it. And so, I think there's a lot in which what's old could be new again it's just how you take it and make it special and I wish interview all the luck in the world in that they can't really scaffold these findings into something really, really special. Yeah. And I think EC3 has done a terrific job as the champion in a couple of aspects. One, principally as being one of the driving forces behind the rebirth of the territory system through his ownership of Exodus Pro in Cleveland. We had a chance to talk with the Exodus Pro champion just just a couple of weeks ago. Pretty boy smooth and he is a great example of what the NWA is building up to because you can take that regional champion and this is a very much a throwback to the old NWA. Take the regional champion and the regional champion moves up to the national territory and they're instantly a legitimate contender. So that's a good move and I think it's those kind of foundational moves that you really need because you don't have to be in the bidding war for every free agent. They didn't have to go after Vacor, they have Natalia Markova, they got Kenzie and Kylie Page, they got Ms. Starr, they have their own stars, they can build them up on their platform and you know if you can win on your platform. Well, that's enough, you can be on that equal footing to the fans mind and that way there's like I said there's plenty of space for everybody to win. With that, let's take out the wrestling spotlight TV title here and pick our weekly champions, Mark, who's your champion of the week? Oh, well, we're here on a Thursday and I was fortunate enough to feed money in the bank live with my daughter and my wife. And the energy was so palpable, believe it or not, being there and seeing that live crowd Chelsea green. That crowd up with just from her just catastrophic in the most safest way possible, ending to money in the bank. Oh yeah, her reaction, that that fan base had her in the palm, she had them in the palm of her hand, and her not winning was crushing, but if you're going to go out, you got to go out the way she did right. She loses in the most dramatic and entertaining fashion of any wrestler in the business today. Yeah, yeah. It's not all sweet and that's just proof that you don't necessarily need the title to be the one that everybody wants to see or is the one that's creating the reactions. She has made the most of this second opportunity and all the power to her I'm hoping just the sky to limit and they actually do strap another title to her. Yeah, that's definitely one of the most entertaining people in the business. That's a good one. Sonny, who's your champion of the week? My champion of the week is Carrie Morton from the NWA. I've been keeping up with Carrie and Carrie, thank you and Carrie is wrestling anywhere and everywhere he can get a match and that's what it takes to exceed in this business. He's doing backyard wrestling. He's doing gems. He's doing it all. And I think we're going to be hearing a lot from them in the coming months and years. This is the southern six. They advance to the Crockett Cup finals. That's going to be on NWA TV next week. And if you follow Carrie on LinkedIn, you'll find out that he's actually involved in the marketing for NWA too. So these are really talented individual, both in the ring and out of the ring. Yeah, that's great. And of course, the ultimate babyface Ricky Morton son. So second generation star, yet another one in pro wrestling. Well, I'm going to stick with the NWA, Sonny, and I'm going to go with the man holding the 10 pounds of gold to EC3. I talked about his role in the territories, but something that he's done that I think is really a great idea and elevates that 10 pounds of gold up to be in the legitimate world championship that all the old time wrestling fans see it as. He defended it in Italy and France over the last couple of weeks. He took the 10 pounds of gold and went on a European tour and defended it in Europe, which I think is a great idea because it gives you that true traveling world champion, where he can show up anywhere and it's going to be an NWA title defense, which I believe is the first time that's happened since the NWA championship was around the waist of the American nightmare Cody Rhodes. So, good move by EC3. Well, and hey, with that, we'll wrap it up. It was a big week, plenty of developments going on, WWA, AEW, TNA, and, you know, like we talked about the NWA as well, the world of wrestling rolls on and will be rolling on and covering it as we had down towards all in. And Wembley, it's coming up in just a little bit over a month. We're talking about that right here on wrestling spotlight for Sonny the Man Eagle Kane and Sonny, people can see you showing up on some other wrestling shows around the Wrestle Dad's podcast too, right? I am, sir, I have recurring roles, a role here with you on wrestling spotlight and Wrestle Dad's. I'm on YouTube Spotify and Apple, and I can be found up real Sunday Kane. Awesome. Great. And Mark, people can follow and read a lot of great content in the pro wrestling post. Where can they find out? You can find us at pro wrestling Actually, we also have our pro wrestling post podcast. We just recorded today myself. Awesome. Thanks myself and my partner, Smart Mark Blake, and we're going to have an episode coming out this coming weekend. Great. And the podcast available anywhere you get your podcast. Podcast available anywhere you get your podcast. Spotify, Apple, we're up on YouTube as well. It's, um, yeah, stay tuned. I should upload and everybody get access to it. I guess. So we had some issues the last couple of weeks, health wise domestic life tends to pull us in other directions and for sure. And so yeah, but good thanks. Well, like we said earlier, time unfortunately ends up beating everybody. I did want to mention just one more story before we go, because I think it's something that, you know, if you're able to, by all means, go ahead and reach out, give a little help. One of the, I'd say the icons of professional wrestling, the taskmaster, Kevin Sullivan in pretty bad shape had a really bad accident following an autograph signing. I saw Tony Khan from a UW donated $10,000 to the GoFundMe. If you're able to go ahead and find that GoFundMe account for Kevin Sullivan, his work has definitely been influential on today's pro wrestling. And just wanted to ask Mark, because you're the resident wrestling historian. How important of a personality is Kevin Sullivan to today's pro wrestling. Oh my gosh, like his footprint is massive. Going as far back to his time developing in Florida, and the entire devil persona per se and Prince of Darkness, and what he created, and the characters that came from it. And the relationships that forged there to his time in the NWA, and this time is a book or like it's, it really is taken on different forms, and it just seems to have been darker and darker and darker but so important. And it's got a sense of humor. When you look at the dungeon of doom to know that that as silly as that, those characters were they were intentionally structured so they were so over the top that they were unbelievable. That was part of the joke right, and to do that, and yeah, his, his footprint is important, and so to those that have worked either with him or under him, the definitely know how important it was, and how important he is so we just wish for a really speedy recover we know that he's got a long road ahead. But the best support is the half support, and so just hope the best for taskmaster, for sure. Yeah, for the devil. Yeah. Sonny ever run into Kevin Sullivan, the, the dungeons. I do. The bigger stars kind of kind of keep to their selves at the shows and you only see them when it's time for them to come out to the ring some show up later than the average workers at the event to avoid some of the publicity so they could go back and change and do what they need to do. But yes, I counted Kevin a couple of times, and he spent a huge impact on the business and I hope he'll continue to be. Yeah, so seek it out. It is totally legitimate. He had has good health insurance, but as you know, if you have to get multiple surgeries and stay in the hospital health insurance gets maxed out pretty fast. So, Poland, Poland for you, Kevin best of best of wishes and just an endorsement to go ahead and help them out on the GoFundMe. And with that, we'll wrap up the week here on wrestling spotlight. So I guess we give a, give a second champion of the week. Kevin Sullivan, an extra title here. Thanks to Sonny the Man Eagle Kane and Mark Madison for joining us here on wrestling spotlight. Stay tuned for more from the world of sports and entertainment right here and download the true TV plus app to watch wrestling spotlight and the fired up network on your own TV. Thanks a lot. Have a good night. Bye.