FiredUp Network

Thursday, July 11: Girls Beer Sports Speedo Burrito

Thursday, July 11: Girls Beer Sports Speedo Burrito by FiredUp Network

1h 13m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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1. Hello. Welcome into episode 4. 30 of Girls Beer Sports. A conversation with Girls About Beer and Sports and whatever else because it's our show and we do what we want. I'm Keri coming to you from Stanley Man or Studios to my right is Sarah and contrary to popular belief she was not a member of the Brat Pack. Nope. She was not. But she's a member of the GBS pack. I am. It's Lauren. It is me. It is you. Yes. I referenced that today for your intro because we watched that documentary thing last night. Brat. Because I heard it was not great. So it's on Hulu. Hold on. Let me beat beat beat. Let's back up. What is that? It's backing up. That's actually a sign for everyone too. Anyway. So you're familiar with the Brat Pack? Oh, yes. Yeah. Familiar to the Brat Pack. Yes. So if you're not familiar with the Brat Pack, it was in the 80s, right? 1985, mid 80s, something like that. And it was this group of young actors who pretty much made every single John Hughes movie there ever was to make. Six Breakfast Club, Breakfast Club, St. Elmo's Fire. And then there was some of these the actors who weren't necessarily in the Brat Pack, but were like Brat Pack adjacent, right? Yes. That were like, you know, did Red Dawn and I don't know, back to the future. It was just like, yes. Say anything. It's actors. Oh, yeah. At the time. Yes. Yeah. You know, they were it. So it was like Andrew McCarthy, Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson, Allie Sheedy, Rob Lowe. I want to say Robert Dine Jr. was adjacent. Yes. Emilio Estevez, Leah Thomas was adjacent. John Cryer was kind of adjacent. Anyway, any movie made but Matthew Broderick, I think was kind of adjacent too, but yeah, yeah, yeah. So basically any movie I would say made between like 1983 and 1987, right? Was was these actors? Yes. So an article came out in the New Yorker in like 1985 or 86 or something like that that labeled this group of young actors in Hollywood, the Brat Pack. And apparently it ruined their lives. At least ruined Andrew McCarthy's life. It may or may not have ruined their lives, maybe just ruined one person's life. Yeah. I don't know. I think some of them were already self distracting anyhow. Right. Yeah, a little bit. So the bottom one is the guy writes this article and then of course they this this it picks up in popular culture and that's what they that's what they are known as right. And obviously it's a take off on the Brat Pack, which was Sammy Davis, Jr. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, you know, which were the it guys of their time. Yeah, exactly. But apparently Andrew McCarthy got really, really angry and is harbored anger about this for 35 years being labeled a Brat Pack. Yes. So he decided to make this documentary to talk to everybody else who was in that group at that time to see how they felt about it, right? So he makes the documentary and it's on Hulu and we watched it because we're watching the bear, but we didn't want to blow through all the episodes of Bear season three. Yep. So basically right now before I get back into the documentary, kind of right now, we got seven Saturdays until college football. So it is now crucial to blow through as much TV list as possibly can. Right. So we got through the Sopranos a couple of weeks ago, which 25 years later, you know, I'd better late than never on that one. You did better than me. It's four seasons behind it. You know, I think I got three episodes and bail. I will say it's it really is honestly, I think one of really is one of the best written well acted, well photographed television shows. Yeah, it's good. Yeah, I just got a little ADD going on. So I saw a squirrel run off and I didn't do something. Yeah, that's that's fair. But I really do think it's in I would honestly at the net right now, like whenever I had time, I do a rewatch on it just because it really was that good. And I'm sure there's a lot of stuff, you know, that you miss the first time around that, you know, you pick up on the second time or whatever. So then we decided to move on to a recommendation by Chad from Burwood bad opinions, Lily hammer. Okay, that's on Netflix. Yeah, basically what they did is they took Steven Van Zant's character, like fresh off the end of the sopranos. Okay, they took him and they called his so his character is a pranos is still right. And they take his character from the sopranos, call him Frankie in Lily hammer. Okay, he's still in the mafia. He Steven van Zant's playing the exact same character that he did in the sopranos. And this guy decides to go and witness to turn. He, you know, he becomes a rat, essentially, and then decides to go to witness protection. And they ask you where he wants to go. He says, well, in 1994, I really got into the Olympics. And I thought Lily hammer looked really pretty. So I want to go there. Okay, the FBI was like, okay, but we're going to send you there. But once you're there, you're on your own. Right. So it's three seasons, eight episodes each. You got to be want to be either speak Norwegian or be willing to read subtitles. Oh, wow. Yeah, because they do speak Norwegian in the series, but the Norwegian actors do. That requires me looking at the television while the television is on. Yeah, you're not real great about that. These days, I mean, they're drawing or messing around on my phone or doing something else. So yeah, subtitles are not for me. Yeah, so this, it was okay. It's one of those shows where they tried to cram too much in. And they had these storylines that either ended super abruptly, or you just never saw again. And then one of the things that I didn't care for really was the fact that and I liked this bit in oceans 11 and oceans 12 or in, I guess, oceans 13, but well, I like oceans 11 and oceans 13. I refuse to recognize oceans 12. But the Chinese dude, who was the acrobat guy, he doesn't speak any English and he just speaks Chinese, but they all act like they all understand him. What are you saying, right? Well, so Stephen Van Zant's character, he's on the train in the first episode, like listen to these tapes or whatever to try and learn some Norwegian. Okay, then he gets there in two episodes in spoiler alert or whatever. All of a sudden, he can understand what they're all saying in Norwegian. Wow, fast learner. Come on. He doesn't, he doesn't speak it at all. Right, right. Through the whole series, he speaks English, but they are speaking Norwegian. I think it would have been like, why couldn't they have just read and like off-handed comment, he'd be like, oh, yeah, you know, and I want to go to Lily Hammer because, you know, luckily, I had a Norwegian girlfriend. And so like I picked up a little bit, I'll brush up on it, you know, to just like kind of help explain that bullshit, you know. Yeah. So, I mean, that was one aspect. And like I said, there were some storylines. And then I don't like at the very end, I think you kind of realize that Stephen Van Zant, Frankie Johnny is his right. Frankie Johnny. Well, Frankie is his real name, but Johnny Hendrickson is his witness protection name. His character name was Frankie Johnny, Frankie Johnny. But yeah, so you realize that actually he probably wasn't the main character in the whole thing. Yeah. So I don't know. It was okay. It was one of those shows where we were into it. And I was like, this is kind of a slog, but I'm going to finish it just to say I finished it. Yeah. And about like subtitles, maybe I'm in the minority. I don't know. I enjoy a subtitle because they make me pay attention. If it's something that I want to watch because I also have a bad habit of, ooh, this video I want to watch is on, let me pull up my phone and my laptop and let's get to switch out and let's do anything but pay attention this thing I wanted to watch. So if there's subtitles because I don't understand the language, then you don't read and it makes me I wonder what's happening. I get it. I enjoy this. And to be honest, this was also one of those shows where I didn't like most of the characters. Oh, see, I love a show like that, though. I love a show where all the characters suck. That's why you wouldn't like succession. Well, I just can't with that. That's, that's what I'm saying. I've got to have at least one character. I can't I can't hate the characters. Yeah. I mean, it's just like every single character on the show, like I'm just like, God die. Please die. Please go away. Please die. Yeah. No, thanks. I feel like life has enough of those people. I don't need to watch it on TV. Yeah. Speaking of I was living across the street from one and didn't know it. Don't ever watch a Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon either. Yeah. Because there's a bunch of people there that no one really likes either. But most of them get theirs, don't they? They do. But that's a special like kind of hating a character because people hate these characters. There's there's two characters in the lore that people hate so much that they get online and dog the actors. I've heard that. And they made the kid that played Joffrey in Game of Thrones. He got back so hard on on the internet. He quit acting. Really? Well, he was so awful. His character was the most awful person. But he was supposed to be awful. He did a good job. He was supposed to be such a good actor job. He made people hate him. Yeah. That's really bad. Yeah, like, please don't do that. These people aren't really those characters. Right. You have to realize people. Well, and that's that's what's like this in the sopranos. What's so funny is there's a there's an episode where and again, 25 years if you haven't seen it. Yeah. Spoiler alert. Tony is in a coma and he has this dream that he's like this businessman or something like that. And in the dream, James got to Gandolfini is using his real voice. And I told John, I said, that's James Gandolfini's real voice. And John's like, no, I don't want to hear it. No, no, because he's not doing that kind of nasally New Jersey. Yeah. You can hear tinges of it, but it's actually James Gandolfini's real voice. That's in the dream sequences or whatever. And I was like, no, no, don't are like walking dead when you hear the British man talking on the radio. It's really Rick's real voice. Right. Yeah. Extremely British. Yeah. Well, in the the girl and ghost, the American version, she's Australian. Oh, really? Yeah. She's really. So anyway, back to the Brat Pack thing real quick. Oh, yeah. Wow. Totally derailed on TV shows, Carrie is trying to watch right now for football season. So yeah, I mean, if you liked those 80s movies and you liked some of those actors like back then or whatever. Oh, yeah. I guess I would kind of recommend it. There's the thing that is it's funny because Molly Ringwell did not want to talk because she's like, nope, I'm done with talking about this stuff. She's kind of anything I've ever heard her talk about her like young career. It sounds like she's sort of already like processed at all. She's already made her piece with it. Like she's not like she's embarrassed of that or trying to hide it, but like she's done. She doesn't have anything else to say about it. And she's like got like personally, she's fine with it. Yeah. And so she's done. She's still acts like it's not like that. Yeah. Your entire life. Right. Yeah. She's got like a family and stuff. Like she's, you know, she's fine. And she she just doesn't want to revisit all that. Sure. And that's totally understandable. Yeah. So healthy way, probably. Yeah. So he talks to Demi Moore. He talks to John Kari. He talks to Rob Lowe. He talks to Amelia Estebes, who scarily looks exactly like his father. Now it is creepy and weird. It is very strange. But you know, and he talks to Ali Shidi, who looks really good. Like she you talk about somebody who's aged well from that period of time. She has. But you know, the whole and he actually talked to the author of the article too, which was kind of worth it because the author basically is a journalist and starts kind of backtracking and scatting bebop and all over the place about the original Brat Pack. Well, no, about writing the article. The Brat Pack article. Yes. Even the monocurf Brat Pack. Yeah. The one that crapped all over Andrew McConan. Yes. Yeah. So and then he talks to some other people like producers and I don't know, casting people and that kind of thing that were work with John Hughes and that stuff. And a lot of these people were kind of like, dude, you need to go straight. Yeah. Like give us 40 years ago. Yeah. They're like, dude, it was 35 years ago. It's time to let it go. And a lot of people were like at the time, you know, he's like 22 years old. They were in their early 20s. So you're not thinking about this, but I don't know where these people were and didn't tell them, but they're like, you should have put a positive spin on this. Like this was a positive, like it was a positive thing. Like you were part of something or whatever. And he was like, huh, I never made the connection. I mean, people, so many people have fond memories of the Brat Pack and all those movies. Yeah. Like even like people my age, we watched those movies. I mean, yeah, I remember watching the Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I still watch those movies. I mean, I'll watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off anytime I see it on TV. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, I feel like a lot of those are, you know, they're classics. Yeah. Like they're relatable to any generation, honestly. And they kind of went down that road about how in that period of time, there was no phones. There was no Facebook. There was no social media. Yeah. So how did you find people that you could say, Oh, I that I relate to that person? You found them through these movies, right? You went to these movies and said, Ali Shidi character, Allison, I think is your name in the Breakfast Club. That's me, right? Or I'm ducky, right? Yeah. There's always characters that like anybody can relate to, you know? So I don't know. I think it might be worth it. If you have like an hour and a half to kill and whatever, it was okay if you want to watch Andrew McCarthy kind of whine a little bit. Yeah. Andrew McCarthy's throw a documentary pity party for himself. Right. I just heard them talking about it on another podcast. This podcast. Oh, never not funny. And they were saying the same thing. Like it was fine. I wouldn't watch it again, but it was basically a pity party that Andrew McCarthy threw like threw for himself and nobody understands why because he went on to be in like weekend and burnies. Yeah. He's directed like he's dozens of movies and TV like he's known as a director like no one is just sitting around like remember we had stupid Andrew McCarthy is in those dumb ass movies. Dumb movies everyone hates now with an idiot. Like no one thinks about that. So I just don't know the point of that was like it seems like he maybe just made a avenue for him to be embarrassing himself even more than he thought he was. Yeah, I think a little bit, but you know, I like the I actually the it was worth it to see the old news footage that they cut in like interviews with some of them. And the soundtrack they had was pretty good. No, the soundtrack to all those movies. Yeah, I write it out. So anyway, yeah, like to check it out. It's not necessarily a GBS recommends, but if you're looking for something, a GBS man, if you've already watched all of Sunfield, all of the sopranos, all of Willie Hammer, all of succession, all the gram of thrones and house of dragon watch it. Yeah, watch it. There you go. If you finish the bear. Yes. Yeah. There you go. All right. I guess it's time to get to some a beer. Oh, yes. Are we drinking today? Well, I've got one that the CFO had the other day. Yes. He was on the show because I was very curious about it. This is the urban artifact capy snacks fruit ale. It's a five percent fruit punch. It's got a little capy bear on it. And I don't want to say I'm obsessed with capy bears, but I have a mild bordering on moderate interest in capy bears. They're very cute. They are very cute. I realized they're giant rodents, but they're so cute. They're fascinating. Yes. People have them as pets. Well, and you can go that. Is it Japan? You'd go that cafe and pet them. There's a capy bear cafe. Oh, well, there's one somewhere. I think it's in Japan. Yeah. That seems like something that would be in Japan. And they're just so cute in this one's way in sunglasses sunglasses. And he's got a bird on his head to put a bird on it. Yeah. It's like Portland. Yeah. I'll love her. Put a bird on it. But yeah, I like a good fruit ale. I heard through other, well, through the CFO that maybe it was quite sour. Maybe you thought it was really sour. I thought it was really sour. So we'll see in the end if it was sour or not. Yeah. Your capy bear is a sour bear. Well, I've got also a cute, small animal inspired brewery here. This is the fat orange cat. A jalapeno jack, which says no heat, jalapeno ale. And it's got a great can art because it's got a bunch of cactuses on it in kind of a southwestern sort of feel. But instead of the cactus blossoms, it's little orange cat heads all over the cactus. So I really dig that. And I also really dig a spicy beer. I love like a jalapeno bear. You don't see much at all. You don't see good ones. Yeah. So they're kind of a rare thing. Country boy used to have a good one. Yep. Country boy had a good one. I haven't actually encountered a whole lot of other spicy beers, maybe ones or twice. But I'm excited to have this because I do enjoy a spicy beer. I think I got that one. It was supposed to be a Sharon beer, but now I'll just drink it. Oh, yeah. I saw both of the people. I'll tell you whether or not it's worthy. Okay. You're just all right. There are two Capy Bear Cappelles. Okay, yes. Yes. Cappineco Cafe and Capy Cafe and both are in Tokyo. Okay. It's only two in the world. Nice. And of course Tokyo has two where you can get them. Cappelles. They are cute. They are cute. Yeah. You feed them a lettuce leaf and cut them on the head. Doss all, right? Yes. Yes. They have giant guinea pigs kind of. A little bit. And then there was that episode of Bob's Burgers where they go on the cruise ship. So Bob can cook on there and they get a free trip and the captain walks around with the Cappy Bear the whole time and he gets a dollar of shenanigans. And then they get stuck on the boat and everybody gets food poisoning. It's great. There you go. Yeah. So there's something else. Oh, I was going to say that country boys, the best, the best jalapeno beer I've ever had was country boys jalapeno porter, which they only bring back now for like anniversaries and special occasions. That was so delicious. It was. I wish they'd can it because it is so good. Yeah. They're not sure they used to be good, but again, they tamed it down to can it. Yeah. I think it's just it doesn't work as good and can. Does not. All right. So we're still in summer technically we've passed 4th of July. So I guess now it's back to school season. I suppose, right? Yeah. Well, it's the beginning of the Halloween season. Yes. This is true. Anyway, it's still summer to me. And so Sharon beer today is from Skygazer who we've had before and is one of those one of those breweries where 12% brews their stuff. Okay. Right. Yeah. It's one of those 12% cans, their stuff. No, they brew it. Oh, they can. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Brewed and packaged by 12%. Okay. So I guess just Skygazer pays for it. Yeah. Or has the recipe. Yeah. So like that. Anyway, this is a this is a style of beer that I like. I like it better on draft than I do in cans or bottles. Um, line in Google makes a decent one, but that is a summer Shandy. Oh, yes. It is Shandy. Yes. Love a summer. Yes. Love a summer blend blogger with lemonade. And this is made with real lemon juice, y'all. Real lemon juice. All right. Yes. The Stuart Rice house tooth memorial glass is getting excited as we move closer and closer to college football season. It's very exciting. And so today in the Stuart Rice memorial hounds tooth glass is a goliath brewing who I haven't had in a little while. But this is one, this is a IPA from them, not a fruit beer, which is kind of exciting. This is their Hayes Smacker IPA and it's got frog on it. So this is this is kind of like a I would say play on sugar smacks, you know, yeah, I think so. Yeah, Hayes Smacker. But it has Mosaic, Citra, Simco and Galaxy hops, which I like all of those hops. Yeah. And it also is very nice on the can because it says unfiltered beer, sediment is normal. But I did kind of Yeah, roll a little bit turned out. It looks nice and thick, but I don't see that the bottom doesn't look like it has too much crud floating around. No, no, because when I saw that it evenly distribute. Yeah, when I saw it said sediment is possible and I'm sure as it sits here, you know, some of that sentimental fall to the bottom, which whatever. Hey, it's nice of the can to tell you. Yes, what I say. All right. So yes, Fourth of July has come and gone. Yeah. And of course, they they still have the Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest. I absolutely watched it. We did go downtown here in Leisten for the parade. Yeah. That's what you want to call it. It's just gotten sad. Well, you know, yeah, it used to be trades ain't what they used to be. No, but the festival was fun. And there was a lot of people downtown. You know, and Ramsey's was giving away free corn. They did that last year, which was kind of hilarious. I got really excited by the corn flows, you know, and anything out corn. I would have they were just had people walking around saying, would you like some? Yes, last year, that's what they did. They were throwing years of corn into the crowd. And we were so excited. We wanted to catch an ear of corn. We couldn't, though. We missed the corn. Yeah, no, they were really basically just coming around and asking you if you wanted an ear of corn. Yeah, which would have been fine if I hadn't had a beer in my hand. And I'm sure the corn was 150,000 degrees. Right. Right. Because it was down on the sidewalk. It had been on the grill. So yeah, you know, that was nice. But yeah, now I've completely, oh, the Hot Dog eating contest. That's where I was going with that. Not the corn eating contest. The Hot Dog eating contest. We were eating corn growth. So yeah, so I recorded it and then I watched it. You know, I didn't watch it live. I watched it back. Yeah. And so they had the Chug contest again with Badlands Booker, who set a world record for Chugging Lemonade. There was no one anywhere about later. There wasn't going to be. Have you ever seen that guy Chug on YouTube? Yeah. Good Lord. That dude is insane. He used just not need to breathe. He used to eat hot dogs. Like, he used to be a one of the dudes. It was a staple on a competitive eater. Yes, at Nathan's. But now he's a competitive chugger. Yes. He's transferred to Chugging and they made this. They made her a chugger. Made the Chug transfer. Yes. He transferred. He went in the portal and he transferred decision. Yeah. I'll chug Chug's decision. I like that Chug's Chug's decision. The French's transition. Anyway, so he won as he was going to, but then this dude threw up on stage. It was really gross. Oh, you didn't see that part. Oh, that was on Twitter. There's a dude like right next to him who just. Oh, God. So gross. No, no, miss me with that. It is otherworldly. It's like, does he like breathe in through his nose and his mouth? I have no idea. But that guy, he will, he will, like his YouTube video or his YouTube video, his YouTube channel, he just lines up like leaders of stuff and just chugs them. It's crazy. It's probably not good for you. No, but anyway, so, you know, the hot dog contest, no Joey Chestnut, right? No, it was funny though, because I think I knew every single person on that stage. I knew the majority of people on that stage, which I don't know if that's sad or not, but yeah, here we are. There's, there's a niche interests for everyone. There is. I was really rooting for Jeff Esper. I really was. He's, he's, seems like a good dude on his YouTube channel. He like, I think he teaches at like a vocational school or something. Oh, wow. And, and then he just competitive eats. Like, that's his thing that he does, you know, everybody's gonna have a thing. Everyone's gonna have a. Right. So, um, who won Patrick Bertolletti won 58 hot dogs. That's it. I mean, it's a. That's a lot in 10 minutes. Joey went to Texas to a military base down in at Fort Bliss down in Texas and his, he did the his for charity. He ate 57 in five minutes. So, he definitely would have crushed some people. Of course, the guy who runs the contest, George Shea and his brother, he dropped hard. Yeah. He said, well, he chose not to be here, so we don't have him. Oh my goodness. Yeah. He's just like, whatever, them, them's eating words. Right. That's, it's just whatever. Um, but Mickey Sudo, who has, who has held the women's title for years now. Yeah. 51. Yeah. World record. Yeah. Yeah. I saw that. I was like, oh, that's cool. I just saw like some highlights here and there and the, the eating. And of course, they kept showing it and it was. Yeah. Yeah. There's a new, that's something to behold. There's an up and comer from a women's side too, the, the Japanese girl. Yeah. I remember her name off the top of my head and they were like, I think she's gonna win it this year. Nah. Nah. She was like at least 10 behind me. Yeah. Nah. Nah. Nah. She tried. And Mickey just had a baby like two years ago. Yeah. But yeah, I still, I, if they would let Molly Schuyler in, she would dominate both men's and women's categories. I'm, I'm a hundred percent positive. I would put, I would put money on her to break 80. That's wild. I really think she could do it. That woman is insane. Like she's insane. If you've ever watched her on YouTube, like she, why does she not do the, it's a major league eating thing. She don't want to sign a contract. It's a, it's a whole thing. Plus I don't think, honestly, in my personal opinion, I don't think they want her in there. Cause she's in shadow band. I think she is being a shadow band. I honestly do because I think they know that she would run, run in there and beat everyone. She legitimately does not have a gag reflex. No, she doesn't. So they just, she just, while at home, she don't have to chew it. Yeah. Right. It's a very popular, interesting talent. But, you know, as much as. She could, I mean, she could win the chug too. I think, but one of the chug, one of the chug, chugtastic. But yeah, I mean, as much as people were like, Oh, Joey, boy, nobody's going to watch that crowd was packed. Yeah. It was packed out. Oh, nice. Yeah. Beard was there in the splash zone. Oh, was I didn't see him? Okay. So I mean, I think not having Joey there, did it, did it kind of suck? Yes. Because you always want to see, like, if he's going to go to break that record, right? He's going to go for 80 or, you know, whatever. But at the same time, it was also kind of nice to like have someone else or some like better, like competition, like, you know, saying to not know who's going to win it. Right. If like, if you're into that kind of thing, it just felt bad for Jeff Esper, because if there was going to be a year for him to win, it would have been this year. And he came in second again. Yeah. It's almost like, always the broads made and ever the broad poor guy built for second place. I really want him to win. Yeah. He may, he may not. Yeah. Okay. So that's hot dog eating, which some people don't consider a real sport. But bicycle racing is a real sport. Yes, it is. And that's going on. And I have watched every single stage of the Tour de France, up to this point, all nine stages. They just went through stage nine today, which was a very cool stage, actually, because they were transitioning from pavement to gravel through the whole entire they wrote, they wrote for five hours. And they have to ride through gravel for a part of them. They had, it's really hard to ride a bike. They had 14 gravel stages. So the gravel stages, think of like a, like a farm road or like a road you drive, like a tractor on or something like that. So like, I'm from the land of gravel roads. Right. So yeah. My friend, Jim, who's the, the director at Southeast Missouri State, his driveway growing up was about a mile of nothing, but gravel. And you had to drive on one side. So you didn't drag, you're getting away from my aunt's house a couple of weeks ago, you have to drive at like a half mile down around like that. Yep. So also had a long gravel driveway. So yeah, for some reason, I was just imagining like, only just straight loose gravel. I mean, there is though loose, I mean, it doesn't matter. And anyone, anyone who's had, you know, a gravel, lived on a gravel road or had a gravel driveway. You know, that there are spots of loose gravel. There's spots where like, you know, it's been compacted down, but there's areas of that that will be loose. That's what this was. That's what this was. Yeah. Like, and it will eat your, your bike tire. Yep. So that's exactly what this was. And there were several hills that were straight up. Like it's a couple of points, like guys that were in the big peloton had to get off and try to run up the hill and like get back on the bike because it was just, you couldn't get traction and you couldn't pedal. I was going to ask, are you allowed to get off your bike and walk your bike? I think in that case, like you could probably, it's probably going to walk it a little bit. So you could try to get back on it and get going again. Because that made me, I'd be like, smelling all later. And push my bike. I'm not even going to run. I'm just going to take a real slow walk. Yeah. But that's carry the bike. It was very dusty. Just like, just like dust, just dust fly. I can't believe these guys were breathing that in. And I think each, each gravel portion was a, it was a couple of kilometers. So you're like, yeah, they weren't short at all. Now I would have been even more interested if it had rained and made it mud. That could have been really, I think that would almost be preferable though. Because at least you're not breathing that dust and it does was bad. It was bad. Yeah. A little more attraction or something. Yeah. And of course, what's the, because gravel drains fairly well. So like, unless it was like a deluge, you would not really have like puddles on the gravel necessarily. Yeah. So only a few pop tires that I saw. I think it would also, I told John, I think it would be more interesting too, is if they were, if they came to the gravel stage, they had to get off of the road bike, get onto a mountain bike, ride the gravel stage, get off the mountain bike, get back onto the road bike, ride the road and get off and on, off and on. That would be cool. Yeah. Or if they had to carry the mountain bike on the road bike and then carry the road bike on the mountain bike. Or they had to actually switch the bikes back and forth. Or they take different tires and they're a little kit. Oh, and then they have to like, pick the different tire on. Oh, yeah. Put the rugged tire on. Yeah. Put the real thin tire back on. It turns into like a NASCAR pick screw race. Touch your mechanics. Yeah. I actually kind of like that better where you're switching out tires. That's a good idea. Yeah. Or you have a pick crew that just tosses you a wheel with the preferred tire on it. Here you go. And then you just quickly undo your entire wheel back on. Yeah. And if you don't do it right, then you just, you know, wah, wah, wah, yup. Yeah. You can beat yourself over your bike. Now we'll say there was, there was one big crash and it wasn't, it wasn't even on the gravel. It was on the road. And this dude went, he went in over in, flew off his bike and landed in a ditch. Got up. They were trying to put him back on the bike and he's like wobbling around. And I'm like, this dude does not, he got back on the bike and kept riding. I was like, what is going on? It's just got whiplash. Right. But as fun as, as, as that stage was, and I think all the stages have been really good, history was made this past week with Mark Cavendish, who actually wrecked out of the, the tour last year. He wrecked his bike and they got a broken collarbone or whatever. Yeah. He finally won his 35th stage, which is the most stages one ever in the Tour de France. It will probably never be done again. Think about how hard it is to win one stage in that race. Yeah. You know, I mean, you have to have like, the conditions and your team has to position you correctly. And I mean, just, but the win 35, that's insane to me. Yeah. That's some skill. Like, I, that's one of those things that I'm not sure, I don't think it'll ever be done again. But it's one of those things too, where I think that's probably one of the hardest things to do in sports is to win that many stages of a Tour de France. Yeah. That makes sense. I wonder if that's something, you know, you said it might not ever happen again, but I wonder if that's something like, you know, we're seeing with other sports, where like the technology and the training is getting so good for these, that people are like, you know, blowing records out of the water left and right, you know? Yeah. And we talked about that a little bit with horse racing. Yeah. Yeah. With that. So I wonder if that's like kind of a symptom of that as well, that it's, you know, just that like these people are like, you know, at the, the technology for being really good at this is getting like towards its peak. Yeah. Cause I mean, those bikes just get lighter and lighter and lighter, I think like, you know, every, every single year. And I know the guy who had 34 stage wins, who he ended up surpassing, trying to stage wins per writer. I can't remember how long he held the record. Yeah. So Eddie Merck from Belgium had 34. First win was 1969. Last win was 1975. Okay. So that's how long it took him to get those 34. So Cavendish's first win was 2008, and then his last one was 2024. So Lauren, I think there's something to that possibly, you know, with the technology. Yeah. And also in the training and just the science. The physio, like the way these guys recover to training. I know it's like big in that area. Yeah. Like just how things evolve. Well, and nutrition, just nutrition. I mean, you know, we talked, we talked about like kind of the history of the Tour de France on here before and how, you know, these guys that had to ban cigarettes at some point. Dudes are smoking. I mean, I feel like that's with a lot of sports though. You know, you see like baseball players of long ago, and they were like, you know, weird fat guys with like, you know, cigar hanging out of the corner of their mouth right before they go play. Yeah. You know, it's, you know, the skill level is definitely increasing, I think, across the board for all sports. Oh, yeah. You just kind of wonder where the ceiling cap on it is. Like at one point, you know, can like the human body not really do much better? Yeah. No, it really is. And it's also like the where, and you know, you had like the Lance Armstrong things. Where does the human body, where does where is that limit without? I was going to say, where does it really be true without doping or blood doping or drugs or steroids or whatever, you know, I mean, because like with the home run, with the home run derby and baseball or the derby, with the home run chase and baseball between Maguire and Sosa. That's true. They were right into the guild. Oh, God. Nobody cared because they were so exciting and they were coming out of that strike and they needed to get people back into the sport, in the sport, right? Yeah. With this, I think they, you know, people got mad when it came out that Lance Armstrong, you know, was, was doping really betrayed by that. Well, they probably see like cycling as like a pure sport, like, you know, why, why would you do that in cycling? This is just such a, you know, special, like, I don't know, you know what I mean? Well, I mean, people, people in Europe, for sure, very much into the professional cycling thing, right? You know, and that's why I think the 35 stage wins, unless you have somebody who is you know, on, is juiced or something like that. I mean, perhaps I just, I, because I asked, I also don't think these guys are going to be riding as long. Yeah, that is interesting too. Because I think you know, when the cap is on, like, these athletes longevity, especially performing at that height, right? You're going to train that hard. Yeah. You're going to really take some, because I think, but I don't know, like, you've got a lot of players now who like, you know, play at really high levels, like, you know, in tennis or something, who play at really high levels for a lot longer than they used to play at high level. So, I mean, maybe we're going to see, like, you know, Tour de France and other Olympic athletes actually having longer careers. Maybe, but I think it depends on the sport because, like, in football, you're, especially in a position, you know, in a running back position, you're looking at maybe five years, six-year career, if you're lucky. That's true. But I mean, you know, quarterbacks, they seem to be lasting a little longer. Depends on what team you go to. That's true. It depends on how much money your team has, but, you know, it's, you know, I feel like it does there, that it is being extended slightly, though. I think, no, and I do career. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. But very little, like Serena was like 41 when she retired, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The dudes are retiring in their late 30s. Yeah. Well, and I think Cavendish is like 41. Yeah. So he's, he's up there. This is probably his last tour. You know, he got the record. So there's no, there's no reason to, it would be a good time to go out. Right. Who knows. But like, you know, in a spin ago, the tour winner from last year, he suffered in April. He suffered a horrific crash, broke his collarbone, broke three ribs, collapsed along. He's racing. It's wild. And he's racing now. Right now. He's like in second, he's in like second or third place. Well, that's insane. Yeah. Like that's crazy. Like that again, that's the testament to the science behind it. Like, there's like, you know, actually know how to recover now. The guy who, the guy who won the stage two days ago, I think Evan Pull, Evan, I think that's how you pronounce his name, Evan Pull. Um, he also had a horrific crash where he fell 30, 30 feet off of a bridge. His team had to like help him, like give him CPR and stuff. And he, and he won a stage yesterday, or the other day, kept racing. If I have received CPR and like the last 24 hours, I will not be competing in a bike race, right? Or any kind of race. I mean, look at, look at Christian Erickson who collapsed at, uh, was it the euros two years ago, I think, on the field and had to, they had to, yeah, that was scary. Yes. He's played. He's playing again. Demar Hamlin. Yeah. That guy, he still plays. Yeah, he still plays. So yeah, I think, Lauren, you make a really good point that medicine and medical care and science science has come a long way, especially in sports, sports science has come a long way to the point where I don't think that people, and I'm going to say this, and I'm probably acutely wrong, um, need the performance enhancing drugs like they used to, but I could be totally off base with that. I mean, yeah, might, might come out to find something unfortunate about this year's Tour de France, but I hope not, but you know, uh, it, it seems that more sports are able to get these athletes performing at really, really high levels and breaking records without the aid. And it does, I feel like it depends on like your training staff too, and how highly trained that they are like medically. And let's be honest, how much money is behind you too. Sure. Absolutely. Yeah. Cause if you don't, like you can have trainers all day long, but like what if they're not like quit to notice that something is wrong when no one else would notice that, you know, like that's crazy. Like that's life and death. Yeah. Well, you know, like in professional football in the NFL, um, you know, they just send guys it'd be like, how many fingers am I holding up? Uh, uh, two. Okay. Yep. Good. Go back and turn on it. Right. Go back out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And now, now they have a whole protocol where it's very, uh, we just go, you know, very strict if you're going to go back into the game or not. Right. To, to, you know, try to get some more years out of players rather than quality years, quality years when they retire from the game, right? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. To increase quality of life for athletes. Yeah. I think it's really important. I agree. So yes, if you're not watching the Twitter for us, um, there's still two weeks left. So yeah, there's still riding the bikes. They are still riding them bikes. I like that. Well, we're going to ride on to the GBS news of the weird, date line England foot model. And let's see if you can figure out where I'm going with this. Cause I've had to, I would just say that I've had to cut some stuff out of this article and change some language in the article. Oh no. I would just say that from Audity Central. Foot model sells wine from grapes crushed with her bare feet for $130 a bottle. 30 year old Emily Ray claims she was contacted by London based winery renegade urban winery about a collaborative wine project because of her expertise in quote footwork. The self described quote foot icon who makes a living uploading photos and videos of herself standing in bank means her squishing birthday cake in between her toes for people who were in that kind of stuff made her wine by mastering the ancient technique of stomping on grapes. Although she is convinced her fans will gladly pay $130 for a taste of her quote perfect feet. She claimed the wine is worth it because she risked her life to make it. One little bit of my foot is in every bottle. And I think that's what the foot fans love Ray told the Scottish Daily Express in the process of actually trampling on the grapes. I nearly lost my life. Obviously, when the skins of the grapes break, they become really slippery and it was in this half barrel that was lined with a bin bag. I was stomping away trying to look sexy in his ball gown and then next minute I'm flying off to the side. The wine is made with grapes from the Spanish region of Catalonia and from Lebanon and is being marketed as a full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon with notes of black cherries, black currant, and of course perfect feet. Emily claims she chose to be involved in the unique project as a way to thank her fans. It's an enjoyable wine that a lot of love has gone into. Emily said, it's a cool funky project. And if you want to be one of these people who wants to be part of a cool project, then grab a bottle, have a sip online and say her the flavor. Just in case you're interested in this dubious sounding concoction, the limited edition wine is only available online on its dedicated website. No, gross, gross, gross and gross. I hate feet more than I hate anything in this world. I would eat whole onions like an apple before I thought about anyone's feet. That's disgusting. You hate onions? I know. And also full-bodied, more like full-footed. But I don't bump. I've been waiting for like two minutes. It's good. It's good. It's good. It's good at eating me a lot. Now this is disgusting. I would never even fathom drinking wine that has been stomped on by someone's feet. This is not like the 1600s. We don't need to make the wine. I don't like pink shaming one, but that's disgusting and I don't like it. It's gross. And why does it she hold on to the sides of the barrel? Yeah. You know how you don't slip into the slippery grape, but juice is to hold on to the sides of the barrel. Although, I really hope that she releases the video of her in that lovely ball gown that she was wearing trying to sexually stomp the graves and then just like like flailing around and falling over because that's really funny to me. As long as her feet fall up in the air so you can see her purpley stained feet. That's true. You need a good foot photo there. Yeah. I don't want anything to do this with this wine. I think that if you went to like France or Italy, you know, wine country or whatever, there would probably be some kind of like historical demonstration. Like, you know how you go to Shakertown? They say they had a blacksmith made blacksmithy stuff and they made brooms and things like bread and like a ye oldie oven. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to see ye old grape stomping, right? Yeah. But we're not going to drink the wine. You're not going to drink the wine. Yeah. And I mean, I think I would like if someone was like here, this was like a wine made in the authentic way. Like, it was, you know, stomped grapes. Like, would you try this one? I would try the wine, but like, I'm not going to like, I'm not into feet. So I don't think I would be like into trying the wine because of that. I'd be more like, oh, this is a weird, like, you know, historical thing that I'm experiencing rather than like, oh, yay, this has got someone's delicious toasties in it. Yeah. It just seems unsanitary. Right. It does. I don't know your feet have been. Well, and of course, the only thing I could think of when I saw this article and then I read through it and I was like, Oh, I'm probably going to change some language in this. Um, was that, uh, that King of the Hill episode for Peggy, uh, Peggy unwittingly becomes a foot, a foot foot model. Yes. Yeah. With her giant 16 feet. Yeah. So number one, I want to know how big this girl's feet are. Like, it wouldn't rate. Can she stomp the grapes? I don't want to know anything about this girl's feet. I hope she doesn't actually have feet. A hundred thirty dollars a bottle. That's way too much. That's way too. But people pay a lot of money to see other people's feet. Yeah. Yeah. We pay a lot of money for one and people pay a lot of money for feet. But here's together. It's a perfect match. Sure. Like peanut butter and jelly. Like footy peanut butter. Pass. Going, going back to the wine thing though, like, I can't tell you could give me a hundred and thirty dollar last one and a two butt truck and I'll be like, I don't know. They're usually bottled from the same vineyards. Right. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, yeah, I don't, I, I guess, yay. If you like this and good and hey, she's out there making money, I guess. I'm a good friend. I'm going to fault people for making money. You know, you're like living somehow, I guess, but you just won't get any of my money. But I'm also for holding on to it. Let's hold on to the tub next time. Yeah. I don't know. Safety. Safety. Safety. Well, safety handle. Also, there's that, uh, there's that I love. Safety is sexy. Okay. Right. Yes. There's that I love Lucy episode. We're, uh, Lucy stomping the grapes. Oh yeah. She should have dressed up like Lucy. Oh, she should have. Oh yeah. She could, she could hit her right way. I bet there's another fetish. Oh, yes. That's a Lucy fetish. Oh, there's probably a vin diagram. Oh, yeah. I'm sure, yes. The, the circle of wine, feet and Lucy all converge and like somebody or the new thing. I like somebody out there. It's just like, thank God. Finally, someone gets me. Hey, you know, that's what we used to have 80s movies for. And now you have the internet. Yeah, that's true. You know, all right. Well, I was going to do it for this week's GBS news of the weird, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. Okay. Y'all remember cup noodles came out with that pumpkin spice cup noodles. Oh, yes. I know what you're going to do. Okay. Yeah. So, I don't know why this even exists, but it does. What they put in a noodle cup cup noodles can't fire s'mores. Oh, God. Yeah. So let me, let me tell you a little bit about this first cup noodles can't fire s'mores. The offering is meant to be unlike any other offering on the shelf. Well, some people might scoff at a sweet yet slightly savory food. It is one that deserves to be tried before passing judgment on its validity. Um, overall, let's see, although it is not a dessert, consider this idea like a sweeter cereal meal. Um, for the person who might prefer a slice of cake to a breakfast sandwich, these noodles could be a great lunch or light dinner. Um, yeah, dollar 18 at the Walmart's for a limited time. Uh, the ramen captures that chocolate marshmallow and graham cracker flavor. What? It does, it does not capture the gooey factor like traditional s'mores. Uh, that noodles in s'mores flavor profile does work according to this article from Yeah. Oh, does it have like little lucky charms marshmallows floating around in it? I don't think so. Oh, at least there's that. It's just ramen noodles in sauce. Okay. So it's just the sauces. Yeah. I think so. That's, yeah. And I think this is what I saw on a like YouTube video yesterday, possibly trying it. It's out and like the water in it turns like a weird milky white. It was really gross. Like it's so gross. One person was just like, I'm trying to let my walk away. Um, I would try it. I would try it. I'll take it. I'll try it. Dollar 18 at the Walmart. I mean, I'm not saying I'd like it, but I guess I would try it for the novelty of it. Yeah. It doesn't sound so awful that I would be like, yeah, that I would refuse to consume it if it was presented in front of me. Um, but it does sound pretty awful. Like, yeah, like what, why do you want to put sweet things in ramen noodles people? This is not something we need. Just the standard flavors are fine. So no, thank you. I'm leaving it. Yeah. If I want anything snore, I'll just make a s'more or I'll get like a cookie that is supposed to be s'more flavored, right? Or pop tarts. Remember pop, popped on pop tarts has s'more flavor. I think it's more flavor. That's good. That's it. That's a quality. I just stick that in a toast drum. Oh, this isn't the one I was thinking of. Sorry. Well, there's another disgusting ramen noodle on there. Everything bagel. That's why I missed that one. That's one with a milky from the cream cheese. Well, I would still fence this one, but yeah, that's not the one I saw. I'm leaving both of those. Yeah. And our boy Gary in Brooklyn would absolutely leave my every single ramen. Everything bagel ramen is none of those words. I'm gonna stick to my chicken ramen. Yeah. My routine. Well, you know what I do? I just buy, I buy the big ramen packs, right? And then I'll cut up mushrooms and do chickpeas. And then the Japanese barbecue sauce, have you seen that? Delicious. And you can do like a nice vegetarian ramen. And maybe I'll add the chicken flavor to the water that I cook the ramen in and then like drain it out. But I'm just using the noodles. Yeah. I think my own chicken stock, I usually use that as a soup base for the broth. I'll throw in bok choy and some mushrooms. Yeah. Maybe a little sliced chicken. Do a nice soft bowl day. Cut that baby in half. Yup. Put that in there. That is way better than any s'mores flavored ramen. Yeah. No, miss me with that. That's what I'm getting for hungry and Kentucky. Hey, you know what? I'll try it like y'all. I'll try it. I'll try it. We'd probably both puke on my floor, but I'll try it. All right. So Chipotle, I like Chipotle's. Yeah. You like Chipotle? It's good. You like Chipotle? It's all right. Yeah. It's pretty good. Pretty good for fast, whatever it is, you know. And don't, but you know what? Don't go in there and whip out your phone and put it in the poor person who's making your meal to give you more food. That's ridiculous. And I hate it. I hate it, right? There are those people who are doing the best they can, and you know, they're just, they're working their job, leaving it alone. So anyway, Chipotle, because the Olympics are coming, right? They, I guess they did this, yeah, right? I guess they did this four years ago, but they are going to now start wrapping their burritos in gold foil in honor of the Olympics. Right. Yeah. I guess starting on July 25th. Oh, in both United States and France locations of Chipotle. Oh my God. Right. Yeah. Get me to France, or Chipotle France. I would like to know what Chipotle Francis has different than Chipotle America. Yeah. And I would like to know if any French people ever go to Chipotle France. I'm gonna say. You know what? When we were in France, I didn't never, I never saw a Chipotle. Never saw one, saw Burger King. Oh, yeah. Never didn't go in. No. Yeah. Also, I guess that that Chipotle in the United States also has a couple of athlete bowls that that you can get. The Anthony Edwards bowl, half steak, half chicken, brown rice, tomato salsa, roasted chili corn salsa lettuce. That's good. Sofia Smith burrito chicken, brown rice, slight on the black beans, pinto beans, roasted chili corn, salsa tomato red chili, tomato salsa cheese, sour cream, Taylor Fritz bowl. Oh, there's a bunch of them. Oh, so nice. But you can pick your favorite athlete and get their bowl styled. Yeah. I guess, is that the bowl that they would normally get? I think so. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. I'm looking at the menu for the Chipotle in France. Oh, okay. What do we got here? I don't know French, but it appears to be just like the menu from America. Oh, there's a burrito. Escargo burrito. Not that I can tell. You can get a burrito or a bowl, a car burrito, tacos, salade, and then there's chicken steak, barbacoa, carnitas, vegetarian. You can get tamat fresh. It's probably that fresh tomato salsa. Yeah, it looks like, like, I'm just going to guess this is all the same sauces that you can get. You can get, like, four different kinds of salsa. Oh, yeah. I'm sure it's the same. It looks the same. It's probably exactly the same. I'm going to use my reasoning skills, my, my critical thinking skills, and guess that it's all the same thing. Yeah. That's what a Chipotle menu looks like. Yeah. Very similar. So, Sarri, you're taking leave in the gold foil for the Olympics. I don't leave it. I mean, so it's gold aluminum foil instead of regular aluminum foil. It doesn't, I wouldn't have, it wouldn't have screamed at Olympics to me. Like, if it had, like, America flags and, like, all the rings on it, yeah, then I'd be like, oh, this must be Olympic themed. Is there Olympic themed, like, cuisine? No? Okay. No, I'm leaving it. And I got some athlete bowls that you can get, but yeah. Okay. Still all the same. That's fair. It's just the different mixtures. It is. It's true. I'm leaving it. It's so true. That's fair. I kind of like the athlete bowls, because at least if you were, like, super into one of those athletes, you'd be like, oh, hey, that's what they would order. I'm going to get that. But as far as, like, the gold foil thing, I'm totally going to leave that because had you not told me that that was Olympic's theme, I would have probably gotten something in gold foil and literally not thought twice about it. I would have just been like, oh, I guess Chipotle has gold foil. That's, I guess, just what Chipotle has. I didn't know that, but sure, why not? Yeah. So that's a little too subtle, guys. But the athlete bowl thing is vaguely interesting. And maybe because I was reading too much about the French menu, I missed this part. Are the lids for the bowls gold too? I don't think so. Well, then, how would you even know unless you're getting a burrito? Because everything else just comes in a bowl. I guess they just figure that everybody gets burritos. I don't, I get bowls. I get a bowl. Very. I get a burrito from there. Yeah, I will get a burrito if I'm feeling like treating myself, but I hardly ever see anyone getting an actual burrito. It's all bowl. Holy crap. Their tacos are good, though. There are six Chipotle's across Paris and one restaurant in Lyon. What? You're kidding me. Maybe that's like their fast food of choice over there. They want Tex-Mex in France. Yeah. Weird. Go to Chipotle. Hey, I'm taking this because, yeah, Olympics. I'm going to take it. I mean, make it more obvious that it's the Olympics. Okay, that's fair. Yeah. I mean, if you just said, ooh, you can get an Anthony Edwards bowl, I thought it was an NBA bowl. Well, like, you know, some people would have thought it was the actor. Oh, yeah. For me, or it is not. Yeah, he's like the burrito wore a tiny little gold medal. That would be hilarious. I was hoping you were going to say for the burrito or a tiny little speedo or yes, speedo burrito. I would have thought more into it than speedo burrito. Speedo burrito mystery to my burrito. I love it. Yes. A burrito hammock like speedo burrito. Speedo burrito burrito burrito. What'd you say? No, I was still laughing at burrito hammock. Burrito hammock. Sorry, learn me to face. All right. So Heinz ketchup. Yeah. Yes. Heinz ketchup. I don't like ketchup. Oh, I knew. I knew somebody on the show didn't like ketchup. I can never, I can't ever keep track of your own preferences. I can't ever keep track of your all's food dislikes and food allergies. I just, it's very difficult to wear a diverse bond chair. Yes. I mean, I'm not just like drinking the hot, but I'll use it. Okay, Lauren. So you, you don't like ketchup, but you may like this one. And this now mind you, you can only get this in the United Kingdom, but it exists. All right, this exists and it exists on this planet. It could exist in the United States. I don't know. But Heinz now has a sauce called every sauce that has 14 sauces in one bottle. Now hear me out. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Okay. So it's got burger sauce, garlic, saucy, ollie sauce, smoky bacon, a sweet chili chip sauce, saucy sauce, uh, mayor, mayo, must, which is the man is mustard combo, right? Truffle mayo, garlic and caramelized onion mayo, curry ketchup, pickle ketchup, smoky bacon, ketchup. Mm. No, but it comes in this like bottle with a gold label. It can come in a bottle that shapes like a toilet because that's where I'm going to put it. Like I'm not eating that, uh, it should be peped up visible color because you're going to need that after you eat it. I mean, that's all the garlic. Too many sauces, too many flavors. A lot of those things are quite sweet, too, which is going to be real gross. Um, this is not for me. I'm, I'm a sauce purist. I like my, my flavor profiles to be nice and simple and mostly for condiments. I just like mustard. So yeah, I am. I am totally leaving this. Some other, uh, trash panda who enjoys mixing all their sauces together could, uh, enjoy this in my stead. I would try it. I'm gonna fence it because I would try it. But first of all, I don't know what six of those sauces were that you said. They're just some sort of weird British sauce. Sorry, anything from Great Britain. I don't know what your chip sauce and saucy sauce and whatever other weird sauce you said was, but, um, chip sauce, just ketchup. If that's what I was thinking, like, or maybe it's like, is this just malt vinegar? Oh, I would like that. Like, I don't, I don't really know. I would try it, but I'm not venturing, um, cross the pond to get some, you know what I mean? Like, maybe, maybe if it hits big over there, they'll bring it to the United States. Yeah, maybe if someone bootleg didn't from there to here and brought me some, maybe, but I'm not like seeking it out, you know? Yeah. Now, I'm, I'm leaving this is too much. It's too much sauce. Too much garlic, right? You can have too many cooks, too many cooks, too many sauce, too many sauce. Yeah, too many sauce. Yeah. I'm, I'm, I'm here for the too many sauce, not, not that I'm taking, I'm totally leaving this because yeah, it's just, because what, what flavors are you going to end up being? Just, yeah, garlic or just, but sweet. Yeah. Yeah. And there's a Australia and a fine line between me and like too much and not enough with garlic. I totally agree. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I 100% agree. Okay. So you know, like that, there's something you can get in the United States that we won't like either. No, I think, I think you actually might like this. So 711 and Hostess has teamed up to come up with a cherry Twinkie, which has cherry slurpy flavored filling in it. Yes. Slurpy Twinkie. Slurpy Twinkie. Yeah. Cherry slurpy flavored Twinkie. Fence it. I don't really like Twinkies. Yeah, I try it, but Twinkies are never my go to their, they're too sticky. They're sticky. They're very greasy. How are they sticky and greasy? Yeah. They're, I'm greasy at the same time. No, I just recently learned that they were discontinued for quads on time and that they just recently returned. I didn't know that, but this, this, the cherry, I like cherry stuff. This doesn't help me. I'm, I'm changing. I'm going to leave it. I don't like Twinkies. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. I also, I'm not a huge Twinkie fan, but I do enjoy the nostalgia of the Twinkie and the fact that Twinkies exist as a snack kank. I enjoy that. They're not my snack kank go to. I, but you know, if you gave me a Twinkie, I would eat it and I don't know, the cherry kind of sounds good. You know, it's slurpy flavored, so I can't go too wrong. Plus my, excuse me, my daughter really wants to try a Twinkie. She got really excited because that in my in-laws house this week, they had a box of Twinkies and she was like, Oh my gosh, I've never had a Twinkie before. I was like, Oh, that's weird that we've never given you a Twinkie, but yeah, totally go get one. And so she pulls the box down and of course in fine fashion, the box was empty. Someone had put an empty Twinkie box back in the cabinet. Totally rude. But yes, she she got a hostess cupcake instead, which she likes still good. She liked quite a lot. But yeah, for me personally, I'm not terribly excited about it, but you know, yay, other Twinkie flavors, I guess. Gotta, gotta keep that Twinkie fresh. Twinkie fresh. Twinkie fresh. Yes. I like Twinkies. I'm a Twinkie fan. I could get the greasiness though or whatever. But I don't know about this flavor. I would much prefer an Icy, a cherry, Icy. It would probably be the same flavor as cherry, cherry filling. Sugar cherry. Yeah, I don't know about this. I'm kind of fencing it because I'm taking the Twinkie, but I don't know how I'm taking this flavor. Now you said hostess cupcake. Yes. I think hostess cupcake cherry slurping flavor filling would be a chocolate cherry cupcake. Chocolate cherry cupcake, yeah. And you can do it and you can make an extra cute and put that little swirly frosting, but you can make the swirly frosting pink. Yes, sign me up for a black forest hostess cherry slurpy cupcake thing. Oh, that does sound good. I'm here for it. Now that I would eat. Yeah, hostess. See, hostess, you need to talk to us. We got the ideas. The boat, you put in a Twinkie and you could have a cupcake. Yeah, don't put it in the Twinkie when you can have a cupcake. Okay, lessons for life. Well, that is going to do it for this week's take it or leave us. Take it or leave us. Take it or leave us. Take do whatever you will. Most people apparently do. Take it or leave it. So, Sarah, what do you think of urban artifacts can be snacks? I must just have some sort of crazy sour tolerance. You're supposed to not sour. You're pallet's blown out, man. You're pallet's blown out. This was not sour and not in the least little bit. I mean, it tasted like fruit punch. I couldn't identify the fruit. But I thought about it after I drank it all and I was like, what fruit was that? Can't go back and taste it. Don't know. An amalgamation of several fruits, but it was good. I liked it. But you didn't think it was very sour? No, it's not sour at all. You're pallet. There's not even sour on this. Yeah, all right. It doesn't say sour. And a cappy bar has quite a sweet animal. So, it's the natural sweetness of a cappy. That's true. That is a good point. That's good, though, which would recommend not sour. Okay. Okay. Well, the fat orange cats, jalapeno jack, no heat, jalapeno ale, it was very jalapeno-y. It had a nice, bright flavor, good flavored beer. It wasn't overly hot, though. It didn't have any spice that kicked you in the tongue at all. So, the no heat is definitely appropriate, I think, because it wasn't particularly spicy. But it definitely did have that kind of green chili sort of flavor, which was good. It was a really enjoyable beer and I would totally recommend this and I would get it again. All righty. And it's only five percent. Yeah, it's a five percent. So, it's a nice, like, burger. You know, a good one to enjoy. I would say that if you, you know, had some tacos or something, I would enjoy this with. That'd be good. Or, you know, a chipotle burrito wrapped in gold foil. There you go. Yeah. All right. So, what did y'all think of this guy-gazer summer shandy made with real lemon juice? I liked it. It was very shandy, like, um, I mean, it wasn't anything just outrageously out of the ordinary. It was just a good refreshing shandy. I drank like 30 minutes ago. Yeah. Yeah. I'm enjoying it. It's a very refreshing shandy. Um, and with some of these shandies, they kind of get, get kind of, you know, artificially tasty. Yeah. You know, chemically tasty. Somebody dumped a bunch of country time lemonade in a beer. Yeah. And they, they have an off taste. Shandies are one that can either, like really hit with me and I super enjoy them or they're in a total mess. And I do not enjoy them because I do not enjoy artificial lemon and a lot of things like lemon iced teas and things like that. Do not dig that lemon flavor. Um, but this totally real lemon flavor, really good, nice and fresh. Would totally get this again. Um, and as you said earlier, this would be delicious on draft. Yeah. I think this would be even better on draft. Again, I'm not a huge. I did roll. I rolled this can just because I wanted to get the mixture because sometimes if you have a shandy, I think in a bottle or a can you lose that kind of mix with the beer in the, they do tend to separate. They can, they can separate. Um, but this was, yeah, this didn't have an artificial lemon taste. It had a, it had a nice lemon flavor. Um, this is a really good shandy. It's solid, solid offering. Was it too sweet? No, it wasn't, which you, which yeah, I think in the times they can get a little sweet, they can sweet, but not super sweet. It's all right. So toppling Goliath's haze smacker IPA. It was good. I didn't get any sediment, but again, I think that's because I kind of like turn the can upside down a couple of times back and forth. Um, so, you know, if, if you get this beer, do that. If you don't like sediment, if you don't care, then just pour it into glass and drink it. Hazy, solid, uh, all the hops you ever wanted in it. Uh, it was good. Yeah, it was good. I enjoyed it as I do most IPAs, except for the wet hopped ones, because I am a dry hopped person. Yes. And I have no transitions. So I don't know how to say dry hopped in check. So no one does no one does. And I'm not going to, um, it's, I'm not going to full with looking it up on Google. Is it Chechia? Is it the Czech Republic? Is it Czechoslovakia? No one knows. Definitely not Czech you should check it out. Oh, and you should also check out. I'm hungry. Oh, there's your transition. Good job, Lauren. Yes, she goes to and get your own Chechia and or Czech Republic snack box. And you can hear what we thought about it on this past episode of Hungry in Kentucky, which you can find out more about on Twitter and Instagram at hungry and KY. Send me an email, hungry and K, hungry in And then you can find our show ever other Wednesday, wherever you find podcasts. Yes. And you can check us out. I'm just going to check Republic. I'm just going to keep using that transition on the Twix at GRLS for your sports from Facebook. We're on Instagram. We are on the fired up network or an Apple podcast. We're on, we're on Spreaker. We're on iHeartRadio. We're on Amazon. I think still, I don't know. I don't remember where I put this, but we're everywhere. Good podcasts are free and we will see you next week. See ya. Bye.