FiredUp Network

Thursday, July 4: Shpaholic's Guide By Izzy

Thursday, July 4: Shpaholic's Guide By Izzy by FiredUp Network

Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
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Hey everybody, welcome to the 10th, 10th, I say episode of the Shopaholics guide by Izzy. Can you believe it? 10th. Well, I wanted to say thank you again for continuing to follow me on this journey. Thank you for following me on Instagram and also thank you for watching my show, the Shopaholics guide by Izzy on the FEM Network. I kindly ask if you can ask your followers to please follow me on Instagram, IzzyB_Shopaholic and to also download the free TrueTV+ app on their smart TV, Roku, Amazon, iPhone or Android devices where they will be able to see my episode, my show and they can check out all the other episodes, other TV shows on the FEM Network which there are so many great, great ladies on there with great content, especially the Blaze that I've been on a few times where we discuss mom issues, day to day issues, just regular issues that you can all relate. But speaking of the FEM Network, as I mentioned before, the FEM Network is a great platform where it's a female empowerment movement. So it's a platform where we as women support each other, no bickering, no name calling, no negative comments, just there to support each other. And the reason why I'm bringing this up is this week's random factoid about myself is, I don't even know if it's a factoid about myself per se, but on one of the other platforms that I have a page on, which is open to the public and of course I know you have to expect and anticipate that there are some keyboard warriors out there who like to say negative things and say me things, say incorrect things, their computer, their laptop, their screen. I wanted to say, I know I, not that I really take offense to it, of course I'm human, I'm gonna get offended by it to a certain extent, but I know there are people like that out there who really just do that on purpose to get a rise out of people. And I obviously don't respond to them. I don't like all that negative, negative feedback. I mean, there's nothing wrong with negative feedback as long as it's constructive, not where it's feedback to just be hurtful and mean to a person. So, of course, I just block them and I report them to the, to the platform. I wanted to, I brought that up because I wanted to remind you to please check out on the FEM network or TV shows on the FEM topics on the blaze. There are other TV shows geared directly just for moms, the mom life and what we deal with every day. And also, there are other shows that just talk about life in general and how we learn to adjust. Other shows that help with positivity and just believe in ourselves and forget about all that negative talk the week, give it to ourselves. And I'm guilty of that. I have a lot of negative talk in my mind, in my brain, and it helps us. These shows help us to be more positive, just be kind to ourselves. So please check out the FEM network for all these great, great shows. So this week I promised that I would show neutral colors and how to accessorize them. Did you know that black is considered a neutral color? Well, I didn't know that. I learned that very recently. This week I'm not going to show the black outfits because we've done that in previous reels. But since I have this outfit on, this belt is mentioned, I bought it on Amazon. So you can check it out on my link page, navy, browns, off white. They're all great neutral colors. I paired this dress, gold, clover necklace. It's very easy to accessorize this against, put this against any, any outfit because again it's neutral. And then I also paired it with these earrings. I love the style of them and it just hangs perfectly. It's not overly big and in your face. I did get these earrings from my favorite store Decade in Aurora. This was from Sheen and same with the dress and this, these two bracelets from a local store up here as well. It's called, her store is called Lo and Co. I love the different colors because again you can wear it against gold and silver. I'm going to change and show you another neutral color and how to accessorize that. I'll be right back. Alright, I'm back. So here is another great example of neutral colors being blended in together white with a little blush pink, blues, light blue, navy. I also got this dress from Amazon so check out my lintry to pick them up for yourself. I have the same jewelry because I think it matches really nicely with it. This dress is actually a very comfortable dress. I love the design and like I said I kept the same jewelry because it does match with it. I can actually go with silver as well but to add texture and extra layer to it I recommend putting on a blazer as well especially if you're going into the office. This is a great way to, I did say that this dress was more of a casual going out, oh did I forgot to mention it has pockets, love pockets. So because it is casual dress you can still use it for work by adding a blazer to it just to make it a little bit more professional dressing it up a bit and adding some texture to it as well. It's a great way to accessorize yet another neutral. I'll be right back. Okay the last outfit that I wanted to show you is these dark brown slacks. They're a little bit more fitted the ankle. I like it because I'm only 5'4" and I like not having to hem my pants so this is a great length. These pants are from R.W. & Co. great store especially for the individuals who are going back into the office. This top I got from Amazon so check it out on my link tree to pick up for yourself. I did buy this like a light mint green because I love the shirt so much and another thing to do when you are pairing neutrals you can change, you can match it, that's Stan of course wanting to be in the show. You can match it or pair it with something that that has more of a texture to it so to add a bit of a dimension to the outfit this is a great way to do that. Again I love the sleeves on the shirt. I kept the same jewelry gold I think looks really nice with it. It really does actually. I really like it on here. But for the individuals going back to the office or even going for a brunch I'm going to pair it with this light colored blazer. It's another great way to layer add extra dimension to an outfit. I got this blazer from RW & Co as well. It's a great staple especially like I said a lot of people are going back into the office so it's great to have a nice neutral blazer that will match with so many things. I hope I've been able to help you provide some ideas for the great pieces you have in your closet and again message me on instagram let me know what you've come up with maybe it's something that I never even came up with as well. So check me out on instagram is he be underscore shopaholic and send me a message. Welcome back. So what did you think of my options on how to accessorize neutral colors? I hope I was able to give you some ideas and help you accessorize your existing wardrobe. Before I go on to my first ever Walmart haul I wanted to give you all an update on my date piercing. Luckily I did go to a great place in here in Toronto the Blooms on King Street. They are a professional establishment and proof because my date piercing, the doc piercing is doing really well. I'm really loving it. I love the piece of jewelry that she picked out for myself. I am still cleaning it twice a day with the cleaning solutions that they recommended and I don't think I mentioned this before but they also recommended that you change your pillowcases every two days because to keep that area clean you don't want all that extra oils and hair to somehow infect it or affect it anyway. I am still doing all those things and I'm very happy with my piercing because now again there's absolutely no medical evidence of this but for me it's actually working. Not that I don't get headaches. I still do. I feel the pressure on the top of my head but they're not migraines. They don't last as long so I am very happy. I haven't or maybe I have only taken some medication to ease the pain but it's definitely not as often so I'm so very happy with my decision to get this piercing. Up next is my very first Walmart haul. Enjoy! [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Welcome back. So what did you think of those dresses that I discovered in Walmart? I love them. They were a great fit. It was just really nice and good quality and such a great style. I can't wait to do more Walmart hauls. Stay tuned for those. Up next, of course, some more Amazon hauls. Enjoy! Hey everybody! Another on-box thing! Let's do this. I'm a little boring because I mentioned I buy grocery items on occasion because they're a good price so your dishwasher is never too clean. Next up is this a nude bra. I had already purchased this before. It's a front closure because I'm getting old and I'm having a difficult time but reaching behind me. So I bought this. I like the detail on it and nude bras are always very handy for outfits and no I'm not going to try it on because I'm not a Victoria's Secret Mom. It's this cute gingham dress. What a thing for gingham. I like the pattern. It's very very cute. Look at this dress. I'll try it on in a different reel but I like the stretch. It's like it's and I love the design at the bottom. Oh how adorable and then there's a tie in the back which obviously I don't need help because like I said I can't stretch behind me. I'll be right back. I'm sorry but this is the most adorable thing I've ever purchased. I love the neckline. I love these sleeves, the puppy sleeves and I was able to tie the knot in the back. I was able to reach so adorable. Run to my lintry and pick up this adorable dress for yourself. It's so great for summer and they do have other colors and of course I got it from Amazon. Hey everybody. Another Amazon haul. Let's do this. I love this print and it was a great price. I had bought a dress. I was on a previous reel and it was a little loose on me so to add some dimension and provide a waste on myself I decided to buy this. It's so great. I like it. It's nice and loose so it's very comfortable. It's time to show those legs and arms. Look how pretty. I can't wait to try this one. Sorry Stan. I'll be right back. Okay I'm back. Oh I love this. It is so comfortable. You can just roll it up a little bit so you can blouse it out. I love the ties. It's very comfortable. Pockets. Look at that. Of course pockets just make the eye fit. I have no idea why but it does love the sleeves. I love this neckline and it was a great price. I'm back. Oh my goodness. Look how pretty. Look at this design. I love this neckline and it cuts you right here so it's very flattering and I love the little back. I just don't like having to ask someone to help me because I can't stretch any more back there but that's okay. That's the price. I will pay to be able to wear such a pretty dress. It was a great price. Check it out on my lintry and of course I got it from him. Hi everybody. I did a reel about this belt but I put it on incorrectly. I put it on backwards. So the reason why I bought this is because I found this dress a bit too boxy, too loose. So to solve that I bought this belt but in my original reel I had it on the wrong way. See that's when you know that I shop too much because I don't even remember what I have bought and why I have purchased these things. So this is why I purchased it is to give this dress a little bit more shape which is better I think than how it was because it just was too boxy for me and not very flattering. So you have any boxy dresses run to my lintry and pick up at this bad boy. They have other colors as well so and of course I got it from Amazon. Welcome back. So did you see anything from my Amazon haul that you would be interested in? Well if you did run to my lintry and click on the item that you would like to purchase and then it will automatically take you to your Amazon where you can buy, buy, buy. Next week I will because we are in full force summer mode now. I will show you the different dresses that I purchased from Amazon and give you ideas on which dresses that you would love to buy off of Amazon. Unfortunately boys and girls it is now time to end this episode's Shopaholics guide. Bye. I wanted to say thank you again for continuing to follow me on this journey. I greatly appreciate it and if you can please ask your friends to follow me on Instagram izzyb_shopaholic or to check out my website and of course check me out on the fam network and just download the free TrueTV+ app on your smart tv, Roku, Amazon, iPhone and Android devices. Also I wanted to say thank you to the individuals who have gone to my lintry page and just even just checked it out and also purchase items off of my lintry links. I greatly appreciate it. I wouldn't be here without any of you. See you next week.