mr redder

Karen Steals My Car, I Get Her Arrested! | Reddit Stories

Karen Steals My Car, I Get Her Arrested! | Reddit Stories

Karen demanded I move from my table at the restaurant so she could sit there with her son. She then complained to the manager to the point where he had to call the cops on her. Once they arrived she still refused to cooperate, which resulted in Karen getting arrested! Subscribe for more reddit podcast stories.
Welcome to another episode of r/EntitledParents stories!
Here on the mr redder podcast YouTube channel we read stories about entitled people, entitled parents, and am i the jerk stories with Karen.
I'm a voice actor that narrates reddit stories. I record all of the VO and edit all videos myself. On this channel I play the roles of mr redder and Karen as we read reddit stories and discuss them. Story genres include entitled parents, revenge, malicious compliance, and AITA.
Our videos include music under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) and background footage from Pexels, under the Pexels license. Every Saturday we release a longer compilation video which includes some of our best stories from last year. Subscribe for daily uploads!
😎 One of my favorite Karen Stories!
r/EntitledPeople - Smug Karen Demands I Pay Her Car Off! It Gets WORSE.
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Karen and I can make a video for your special occasion! 👉
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Background Footage: Pexels, under the Pexels license.
If you want your story removed from a video, please message me on Reddit at u/mr_reddit_YT and I will remove it.
Stories in this episode of r/entitledparents: 
00:38 Karen Demands my Table, Gets Arrested!
04:07 AITA for leaving Thanksgiving Dinner?
06:33 Maternity Wear
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Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
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Welcome back to another episode of R/Intitled People Stories. Our first story we'll be reading today. Karen stole my car. After that, I called my brother-in-law pathetic at our family dinner. And after that, am I the jerk for making my cousin angry at her husband for not getting her pregnancy cravings for her? Now for every thumbs up this video gets, one Karen does not get her pregnancy cravings. The only thing I'm craving is for you to suffer Reddit boy. So please smash that like button and subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from Reddit every single day. Karen stole my car. I've been with my wife for four years. I have a 20 year old daughter and she and my wife were never able to form a strong bond. And one of the reasons for that is distance. My wife did try to get close to my daughter in the past, but my daughter claimed she was just attempting to control her rather than have a respectful relationship with her. They had past issues, but now get along a bit. My daughter was visiting for Thanksgiving and brought her Honda car with her. I was out of the house when my wife, whose car had been sitting in the garage for a month now, took my daughter's car keys without her permission while she was showering and left in it for nearly two hours. My daughter called me as soon as she got out of the bathroom and was freaking out saying neither her car or my wife were there. I tried to calm her down as I tried to get a hold of my wife, but she did not respond. We at this point figured my wife took the car, but did not know where she was or when she was coming back. My daughter searched my wife's closet, then called the cops and reported her car taken. She called back to tell me my wife's closet was half empty and cops were called. I got off work and went home immediately and on the way home, my wife called crying. She just got picked up by the cops at Walmart and was brought into the station. I went over there and met my daughter there. We discussed what happened and it turned out my wife took the car to go do some shopping and left my daughter a node in the kitchen to let her know since she doesn't have her number and took clothes from her closet she packed earlier in the morning for church donations. But my daughter thought she ran away and told the cops that this woman, my wife, ran away with her car. My daughter got her car back and my wife was let go after filling out a form. I took her home and that is where she had a fight with my daughter calling her crazy for calling the cops on her and a few other things I can't remember. But I told my wife what she did was unacceptable and she should be grateful. My daughter only called the cops in a moment of panic and did not press charges after what she did. My wife was shocked and started crying, saying she couldn't believe I sided with my daughter after she humiliated her and caused her panic and to be involved with the cops like that. I stated she should have not touched the car in the first place and she defended herself saying she was getting things done and buying stuff we needed for the house but we made her out to be the bad guy. She left to her sister's place saying she had had enough of my daughter's disgraceful and vindictive attitude towards her and said she'll stay there indefinitely or until I get my priority straight because after what happened she's no longer sure if she is my wife or whether she was treated as such. My wife's car isn't working and has been in the garage for a while now. That is why she took my daughter's car. Not the jerk, she stole a car. I mean, there are consequences to Grand Theft Auto. They even made a video game about it. If she wanted to borrow the car she needed to ask permission. Skipping that step puts you right in the felony theft category. Everyone sucks here, this whole story makes no sense. Okay, she took her car without asking which depending on the family might not even be that weird. Why did nobody find that note? Why didn't you just wait for her to return? Why the panic? Who the heck goes straight to the closet to make such crazy assumptions that she just left? Who just calls the police on a rational, grown family member over borrowing something without asking once? I would get it if this was repeatedly. This was such an exaggerated chain of events I cannot follow your thought process at all. I feel like there's a lot missing here and a lot of motives and dynamics that are unspecified. Well, who do you think is the jerk? OP's daughter or his wife? Please let us know. This is why you don't marry a Karen. If I was your daughter I'd press charges. I called my brother-in-law pathetic at our family dinner. I, female 24, have a sister, female 32, who has a husband who's 38, who's the poster child of weaponized incompetence. They have four kids who are 10, eight, five, and three and she's pregnant. My sister works a full-time job over 40 hours a week, cleans her entire house, cooks, takes care of all her kids without him doing anything. It's seriously mind-blowing that she wakes up at like 4 a.m., cooks breakfast, does chores, gets all of her kids ready for school, takes them all to school and daycare and all he does is stay home and work. And when his kids get home, after my sister picks them up, of course, he will play with them for a little and play video games until he falls asleep. She actually makes more than him. My fiance, male 26, and I had to stay with them for six weeks while our home was being renovated. And since we both worked from home, we helped her. And it's amazing how much happier she is when she has health. I helped with the kids and my fiance even drove her to the doctor's appointments. Her husband literally only acknowledges he is apparent when his family is around. Then he is a God-fearing, hard-working father of five. He's the one that wanted more kids. She wanted to stop after her last baby, but he needed more boys. I'm seriously concerned not only for her, but her kids as well, because now her oldest is seeing what's happening and trying to help, but my sister is prideful and refuses to let her kid do anything. Me and this man have never gotten along. He's been acting like this since their eight-year-old was born. I tried talking to her about leaving, but she doesn't want her kids to grow up in a broken home. And unfortunately, her experience with our parents' divorce was completely different than mine, so she doesn't understand that a divorce would benefit her kids here, because she thinks they need their mom and dad together. Cut to this past weekend, her and her husband threw a pre-Thanksgiving potluck where our entire family plus his was there. I stayed with my sister a few days before because I knew he wouldn't help. So we're at dinner, all talking, and I mentioned we are trying for a baby, and my brother-in-law makes an off-handed comment to him about how hard fatherhood is. And I snapped and said, like you wouldn't know. He looked taken aback and asked me what I meant, and I unloaded on him, calling him a pathetic excuse for a man who makes my eight-month pregnant sister do everything for their family. I went off for a solid 10 minutes, and he sat there, shrinking in his seat. I left. Last night, my sister called me and thanked me for standing up for her and told me she appreciated me. Although, today, I got a very nasty text from him telling me I'm a terrible person, and because I lied in front of his family, his mom is angry at him and is moving in with them to help her out, and I've made him the laughing stock of his family. He certainly thinks so, but am I the jerk for doing this? Not the jerk. Not even a justified jerk, as some comments suggest. You had a breaking point, and he was taking credit for the kids upbringing that your sister single-handedly should be thanked for. He knows he's in the wrong, which is why he said quietly and kept pretending in front of his family. He would have driven your sister into an early grave. His true colors are bound to come out sooner or later when his mother has moved in. He will not be able to pull the facade forever. When that happens, he will either have to change properly or risk losing the support of his family. All of it is starting with you speaking up for your sister against his lies. Well done. Well, what do you think? Is OP the jerk for calling out her brother-in-law or not? Please let us know. That guy sounds even more worthless than you, vetted boy. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] And why the jerk for making my cousin angry at her husband for not getting her pregnancy cravings for her? I've had a lot of weird and oddly specific pregnancy cravings. So far, my husband has gotten me every single one without fail. A few days ago, my cousin, who is also pregnant, and her husband were visiting. While they were here, I got this random craving for these brownies I had from a bakery in France. I mentioned it to my cousin and her husband because I wanted to know if she was also having these oddly specific cravings. She told me she did, and it was horrible because her husband almost never got them for her. I said that wasn't nice of him, and I would be upset if my husband acted like that. Her husband got defensive and said he actually got her the food she was craving a lot, and that there was a limit to how many times he should be expected to run around after the food she was craving. He kept telling me my husband wouldn't get me my French brownies. We live in Europe, but not France, even though I knew he would, because I've had even more ridiculous cravings before, and he found a way to get them for me. I told him I would ask my husband, since he never believed me, to prove a point, and he was so confident that my husband would say no, which he obviously didn't. The brownies came after several hours, and the longer it was taking, the more arrogant her husband got. So, I was very happy when they arrived. My cousin was visibly upset at her husband for the rest of their visit. My cousin's husband asked my husband if he had got them just to prove my point, but my husband said he got them because I said I was craving them, and that French brownies were much easier to get than some of the other cravings I've had. Cousin's husband asked about what other cravings I've had, and was upset when he realized I knew I would get the brownies if I asked. Before they left, he called me out on setting him up to look bad, and claims his wife has matted him because of me. Am I the jerk? You're the jerk. I don't care if you do live in Europe. Expecting your spouse to pick up food from a different country as well above and beyond reasonable accommodation for cravings, and you're a jerk for encouraging your cousin to be a diva about it. You're the jerk. You basically used your husband as a performance animal to show off in front of your cousin and her husband. It's great that your husband has the ability to keep up with your cravings. Just because someone else may not have the same ability doesn't make them a bad husband or lesser husband. You want it to brag and show off and cause a fight between your cousin and her husband. Make no mistake, I understand exactly where your husband is coming from. I tried to fulfill all of my wife's cravings both times she was pregnant. I would have been upset with her had she used me as a pawn to try to gloat or make someone else look bad though. Instead of appreciating your husband and his efforts, you use him to show your cousin how much better your husband is than hers. Good for you, I guess. Everyone sucks here. Good Lord. The whole lot of you just sound insufferable, except your cousin. Cravings are totally a thing, but what a weird flex for you to prove how terrified your husband is of you to make him leave the country to get some brownies. Not brownies in general, mind you, which would be honestly a reasonable request, but an extremely specific thing that sounds like required momentous effort on his part to satisfy. And for what? So you could make her husband look bad? Granted, it sounds like her husband could be doing more to help her, but you're just way over the top, and I don't get why your husband is on board with this. Not the jerk. To be honest, I would do the same thing. As men themselves will never have to be pregnant, the least they can do is run a few errands here and there. They've basically had it made since the dawn of time. If he's too much of a baby to run to the store for a pregnant woman, I don't know why you'd stay with him to be honest. And lol at everyone who was triggered by this story. If Illigit made you upset, you are literally part of the problem and should seriously check your privilege. Well, what do you think? Is OP the jerk for treating her husband the way she did or not? Please let us know. Hope you've got your plane ticket, Reddit boy. I'm in the mood for some German brownies. You got your big day. Now you have to deal with the consequences. I'm 29, female. My brother, who's 31, and his wife who's 34, got married two months ago. They had a destination wedding. Unfortunately, none of our sight, except a cousin, could attend, due to multiple valid reasons which I list a short few. Grandparents, 95, 98, and 89. They're too old. Our parents, mom has breast cancer and dad takes full care of her. Me and our youngest brother's girlfriend, heavily pregnant, slash newborn. Our older brother and aunt, busy doctors who have to be extra careful. Everyone else either couldn't afford it or couldn't afford to take two weeks off. We tried to explain to them the situation months before the wedding, but were hit with our wedding, our rules. Don't like it, don't come. We asked to be able to help in any way we could, but a few weeks before the wedding, their attitudes changed. We were told they'd prefer to go low contact because we weren't coming to the wedding, which meant we didn't support their marriage. I even begged to pay for the bride's mane's dresses, but my brother told me he didn't want my money. He wanted me at his day. I tried to explain to him his wedding was four days before my due date. He ended up screaming at me, calling me a spoiled entitled brat, then blocking me. They did similar stuff with everyone else. They even went as far as getting my extremely sick mother upset to the point my father stopped talking to my brother. So onto the situation. After months of passive aggressive posts on social media and brides/groomzilla tantrums, they wanted to make up with everyone due to my mother finding out extremely heartbreaking news. Six months left. We all ended up having dinner at my family home tonight with everyone being extremely cold to my brother and his wife. No one really cared to listen to about their wedding, nor looked at their photos. My brother ended up getting us, the siblings, alone, to ask us why we were being jerks. My youngest brother told him tonight wasn't the time, then walked out. Oldest brother said when mom passed, he would never speak to him again, but due to the fact I'm his only sister, he seems more mad and upset at me. I told them, "You got your big day. Now you have to deal with the consequences." My brother and sister-in-law got extremely upset, then left. My mother asked what happened, but we told her he had an upset stomach and needed to leave. My brother sent me a heartbreaking email afterwards on how he felt so rejected that we weren't at his wedding nor apologized afterwards. Sorry for my bad grammar, but with the news of my mom and having a newborn plus the situation with my brother, my mind is like a noodle right now. Not the jerk. Your brother and his wife obviously had grand visions for their wedding and seemed to be entirely tone deaf about the viability of those visions. That's not your fault or issue. They seem pretty immature. Not the jerk. OP, I am so sorry that at this time when you should be celebrating the birth of your child, you have to deal with your mother's bad news. My mind is totally blown, but your family needs while everyone is digesting the news that she only has six more months, and your brother and sister-in-law want to discuss their wedding. Get you and your siblings alone, not to discuss your mother, but his hurt feelings. Maybe he'll grow up someday. Someone thought maybe sister-in-law was trying to alienate him from his family, but it sounds like he's stuck in a me, me, me stage of life. Am I the jerk for choosing to live in a city, which will make it nearly impossible for my ex to see his kid? I, 28 female, got divorced from my ex-husband, John, 38 male, of six years in June this year. In 2019, I was diagnosed with PCOS after having multiple treatments and many complications was told that I probably wouldn't be able to have a baby naturally. We'd been trying for a baby for three years, and as expected, this devastated us. Our marriage suffered because while I eventually made my peace with a situation, John couldn't seem to get past it. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to You can see the link in the description below. I suggested fostering an adoption, but his heart wasn't in it anymore. After months of hostility, zero intimacy, and withdrawal affection, I asked for couples therapy. He responded that he'd rather have a divorce. He said he had been checked out for a while, and there was no point dragging things out. I was heartbroken, and it didn't help that I was stuck living with him throughout the lockdown. I eventually accepted the end of our marriage, and as we went through the divorce process, I prepared for the move back to my hometown across the country. Shortly before I moved out, we hooked up. I know, I know. It was an impulsive mistake, and he made sure I knew it meant nothing. Anyway, I eventually moved back, and it's been wonderful. I'd forgotten how much I love being near my family and friends. I was slowly adjusting to single life when I found out that I'm pregnant. Yup, I know, right? What are the chances? I told John about the pregnancy, and he was over the moon, but for some reason, he assumed that I would be moving back to live with him. When I told him that I have no intention of moving back, but rather raising our child in my hometown, he lost his crab and accused me of trying to keep our child away from him out of spite. I told him that he could move if he wanted to be closer to his kid, but he insisted that he wouldn't be able to find work out here, that it made more sense for me to move back because I've only been at my new job for a few weeks, and it wouldn't be as much of a sacrifice as leaving the job he's had for 11 years. He offered to pay for the move, a new apartment, etc, but I turned it down and explained that if I stay, I'll be able to keep working because my family is here to support me, and that my mom and sisters have already been such a big help with finding a place to stay, preparing for the baby, seasoned mom advice, moral and emotional support, and so I feel much more confident having them around. If I moved back, I would essentially have to be a stay at home mom, which I really don't want. He told his family about the baby without warning me, and now I'm being bombarded with criticism from every direction and being threatened with legal action for alienating them from the baby. I don't see why it should be the one to compromise after having to up and move my whole life the way I did. Not the jerk, oh my word, the unmitigated guile of this guy is insane. Tell him to find a different surrogate and to leave you alone. He tossed you aside when you didn't get pregnant and now wants you to sacrifice everything to be his new nanny to your own child. Of course his family is behaving like this, they're the ones that helped create that monster. I'm just so glad you were back home with your loving and supportive family just in time. Congratulations on your baby and happy holidays with true family. Not the jerk, you need an attorney and you need to start looking for one now. Start making calls, you won't have anything hit the courts until the child is born but you need someone you trust on your side before that happens. After the birth, you will be exhausted and not in a place to successfully advocate for yourself and your kid. The last thing you'll want to do is interview family law attorneys. Screenshot every awful thing his family is saying and document everything he says as well. Get everything in writing via text and email. Try not to talk to him on the phone but if you do, take notes and be as objective as possible right after about what he said. Don't make any promises about coming to visit, do not tell him he can be in the delivery room. You need someone who will support you and will be capable of making the medical choices you would want if you became incapacitated for any reason. Just for your information and talk to your attorney about their threats. Grandparents' rights are a thing in multiple states in the US and cases of death and divorce but they only apply if it's the best interest of the child. The grandparents typically have to have an established long-term relationship. Your husband abandoned you. He expected you to move back and live with him like he didn't choose divorce. You can work out an arrangement through lawyers and court mediators. You're not a jerk for that and you're not keeping him away from his kid. He chose this route. He can deal with the consequences of his choice. Don't let them bully you into anything. Edit. I'm not a lawyer. I worked in a directly related field for a long time. And if you move back there while you're pregnant or after the child is born, he can file to prevent you from relocating with a child in a lot of jurisdictions. You would need his permission to move. It's very important that you talk to an attorney about all of this before you do anything. The problem child and the PTA parent. I had to switch high schools my senior year so I was just finding my footing with a lot of people who had known one another since kindergarten since the school itself was attended solely by the kids of one small town. I first remember seeing Betty, not her real name, doing something she was apparently famous for. Running into people and not stopping. Let me describe this for the full effect. Betty had a habit of expecting everyone and everything to move for her. So if she was walking down the hall and you were at your locker, she would ram into you full force, stumble back and then immediately do it again and again and again until whatever she was running into moved or she tripped over it. So if you were at your locker and she ran into you, you had to move or she would just keep repeating the same action. Even going so far is to ram into the locker door until she could get through. She even went so far as to step on you if you fell to the floor during this. She never apologized and honestly I wasn't at all shocked because her expression never changed and it really looked like someone just left a game running with a drifting controller and the character was just wondering in that direction. Seeing anyone said or did during these moments even registered on her face or her eyes or even her life because if you confronted her about it, she would look at you like you were crazy and act like it never happened. No one thought this was even a lie because it was clear she genuinely believed nothing happened. I learned from the rest of the school year over time that she had always been like this and if anything she was worse when she was younger. The other students knew she was not very smart and should buy rights have failed every single class she had ever been in but her mother was head of the PTA since her oldest daughter was born so she was just moved along every year and God forbid any teachers try to bring attention to her grades or complete lack of attention span or they would be fired. Maybe it was because I was new or maybe it was because I seemed an easy target but it took no time for Betty to cling to me and for every teacher to encourage it because it meant less work for them. It was honestly a nightmare. She was everywhere I was and they even switched my gym period around to be with her because and I quote "someone needs to help her change before and after gym". That was a big noob for me and I made sure to basically run out the door the second gym was over and change my clothes in a random bathroom because they could not punish me for not helping her and frankly there should have been no reason to help in the first place. It was like this weird game of chicken was going on with Betty's mother and the rest of the school faculty. She couldn't admit her daughter wasn't really fit to be in that school in any way because she was already on thin ice for reasons that are not really important to the story. But at the same time it was immensely clear Betty needed help well beyond the teachers pay grade for a public high school in a small town in the middle of nowhere so they were at a stalemate. The teachers kept passing her and the mother didn't push too hard about weird things like helping her get changed and would instead just show up at the school and do it herself multiple times a day for various things like eating lunch with Betty and making sure she was using the bathroom correctly. Now at this point I'm sure you're thinking that she was developmentally disabled in some way and counseling and therapy were needed. That may be true but it was from nurture and not nature from what I was told and from what I experienced. I was informed that Betty actually had two older siblings both about 10 years older who were basically angels on earth. An official message for medicare A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs maybe you can save too. With medicare's extra help program my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. [Music] These two, a boy and a girl, were so kind and so sweet but her wouldn't melt in their mouths. But they both seemed to be afraid of their mother and Betty and a lot of their hard work and high scholastic achievements were based solely on graduating and moving away as soon as humanly possible from their mother and Betty. Apparently Betty was a miracle baby, conceived well after medical science would have said it was no longer possible and Betty's mother went bananas after her. She became obsessed and did literally everything for Betty and just never let her grow up. She was never punished, never learned how to problem solve and never learned how to think independently because why would she need any of that when mommy was here to do all those boring things for her? Add all of that with the mother's place in the PTA and Betty had never done homework or taken a test of any kind at any point in her 12 years of school. Her mother had done all of it. She had also pumped Betty full to the brim with unwarranted praise and adoration to the point where Betty actually believed it. Betty, the person who had never done anything involving school except being in the building and sits still during class, full on believed she was a genius. She also believed she was better and prettier than every other human being on the planet and thought the reason she had no friends was actually envy. She full on believed everyone was just so upset they weren't as smart and pretty as her and they decided the only way to live with their own mediocrity was to full on ignore her. Now at this point you might feel a little bad for Betty, I would have too. But then then she opened her mouth and the amount of toxicity and venom that spewed forth was strong enough that I'm still shocked the EPA didn't show up and in case her in a glass dome labeled toxic waste dump. She was hateful, arrogant, self-centered, apathetic and cruel. But that is all just a setup for the thing that finally broke Betty's mother and yeeted Betty out of the school forever, the senior play. Now the senior play was a big deal at this school, only seniors could be in it and everyone else was stage hands and lighting. Betty not only wanted to be in it, she wanted to be the star. Here's the thing though, Betty could not act, could not take any sort of direction and was functionally illiterate thanks to her mother never letting anyone teach her to read. Betty's mother decided that, because of this, she was going to basically co-direct the play and by that I mean stand next to Betty and repeat all her lines to her over and over again while moving her around the stage physically. It took less than a week for the actual director, a teacher who was retiring in less than three months and could not give less of a hoot anymore, to throw his hands in the air and say this was clearly not going to work out and that Betty needed a role with way fewer lines and much less stage time. The mother actually agreed to this, everyone's guess was out of sheer exhaustion but was not willing to be the "bad guy" and tell her precious little NPC no. So she scuffled off to the bathroom while the director broke the news. Betty lost her mind, she immediately became very violent and started trashing the stage screaming at the top of her lungs. When the director tried to get her to stop, she and this was all verified by no less than five different stagehands and directors tackled this old man to the ground and bit him. She bit him so hard she drew blood. The director was trying to get her to let go but she was just digging her teeth into his arm and clamping down for all she was worth. I honestly don't think she had ever worked as hard at anything else in her entire life before or since as she did trying to take a chunk out of the director's arm. At this point her mother ran back in. I guess alerted by the sudden screaming of the director and lack of screaming from Betty and spent a good hot minute trying to pry Betty's jaws open and get her off the director's arm. She was dragged away by her mother. The director wasn't a sling with bandages all over his arm for a while and no one ever saw Betty again. Word got out that Betty's mother tried to play the whole thing off as it somehow being the director's fault for upsetting Betty and getting in her way by trying to stop her from destroying everything on stage that the students had worked so hard on. This was different though. This was assault and Betty was already 18 so mommy couldn't save her this time. It was decided behind closed doors that Betty would never return and just be mailed her diploma and in exchange no charges would be pressed. That was the last time I ever saw or heard of Betty but from what I understand she still lives with her elderly mother to this day and it has sucked the soul right out of that woman. It's so bad for her but she made Betty into who and what she is today so she can live with it. Am I the jerk for not agreeing to a name change for my daughter despite her father wanting one? My ex and I were engaged living together and planning on trying for kids after the wedding. The wedding got delayed and I found out I was pregnant shortly after. My ex freaked out and insisted it couldn't be his baby because he wasn't ready to be a dad that this was all happening too fast and it wasn't how we planned it and said he needed some time to think everything over. He then moved out, blocked me and didn't answer any kind of attempted contact for 10 months. Our child was born without him there and I named our daughter Elizabeth Loris Smith without his input. Elizabeth because I like it and it reminds me of my favorite book character. I work in literature, Laura after my grandmother and Smith is my surname. My ex has reached out. He said he waited this long because he wasn't sure how far along I was when we were together but he figured the baby had to have been born by now. I said that his timing was a little off because she's 5 months old. Ex has said he's planning to sort out custody. We've not discussed logistics yet but he's unlikely to get anything before she turns one. He asked if I'd named her yet and I told him what I'd named her. Ex then said he hates that name. He thinks it sounds old and stuffy. He says that as his mother, Mary as recently passed, November 2019, he wants to name our daughter Mary. He says Mary must be the first name and that I can have either Elizabeth or Laura as the middle name. I made clear and no uncertain terms that I will not change her name. I hate the name Mary. I hate how it sounds, both alone with Elizabeth/Loris Smith on the end of it. Plus I didn't like his mother either though I didn't remind him of that. Ex said that if we're going to co-parent then I have to learn to compromise and that this is the place to start and that it's unfair that I got to choose both her first and middle name. I said that if he hadn't blocked me for the better part of a year he'd have been able to say all of this when she was born. Ex said that the above is proof that I'm being petty and that he can't undo the past but I can't prevent any feelings of dislike or resentment from him over this name in the future and that as the father he should have a say in his daughter's name. He also says that he's willing to let her be a Smith and not force me to use his surname which he feels is proof he has already negotiated. Am I the jerk? Support our channel by joining as a member today and we'll give you a shout out in our next video or come watch this video next. You won't believe what Karen does in that one. An official message from Medicare A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs you may be able to save too with Medicare's extra help program my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low who should apply single people making less than $23,000 a year or Mary couples who make less than $31,000 a year even if you don't think you qualify it pays to find out. I'll see you next time. 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