Rabbi Aryeh Beer

Hilchos Tefilah Siman kuf yud part 7

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27 Jun 2024
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OK, so we're holding at the end of semicol field what I'd like to do, we have to sham, let's first finish semicol field we have one sif left, and then I want to come back and make a little summary on the inyonym of phils of death because there by no means clear. I'll tell you what I think is, is, uh, Mahalo, sif has things about something totally different, it speaks about the bracha to be made by the trailer, it's not a whole bracha, the trailer that one says before one begins learning, and at the end of learning, in the remarks the trailer of Robin Rene Gannakon, but there is an arc mask and it, an interesting thing is that the ramble holds it's a heave, it's very strong about in the Persian mishnais, so anybody is it, and sif has, and Mahalo tells us that a nearnastra basamidrash, somebody who enters basamidrash is going to learn, therefore a learning session, he is parlor, he should say it feeler, you're at the moment from there how I sham a locainu, a loca habaseinu, shall I acachele vidvar haloch, I shouldn't be near here, I shouldn't make a mistake in learning, okay that the, he doesn't tell you the whole nastra, would you, mishnais, I hope it's a regular mishnais there, you usually have the trailer in the beginning, and the mishnais is the way I'm out of here, there is a lot of trailers by the way, this is one, shall I acachele vidvar halocha, mishnais, mishnais, right, there is a lot of trailers, I will write, mishnais, mishnais, right, then my hands are okay, my hands are fine, also good, okay, I just want to see if he has the other trailers, once I have, okay, and you did, this is, this is more or less, by the way this slide is in the nastrais, this is the trailer that the Mahab is talking about, shall I write, what the color you need, the lower, I will write, the lower, I will write, the lower, I will write, the lower, I will we first learned it, then we'll come back maybe to the chat. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Then when he finishes (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Notice by the way, interesting, and a good question, it's the Los Chignorit. Now, the one at the end, in the usually in the same (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) If children at the beginning, I think everybody says as a Los Chignorit. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) There's a lot of people there with you. So, but anyway, that's the nuss. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) It's a private trailer. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) That's very interesting. (speaking in foreign language) The way it's printed here, it's a Shamalokai. It's a Los Chignorit. He has, okay, that's interesting. Let's see, now, let's see Mr. Brewer. Okay, we'll go a little quick. I want to sum up to finish it there. I just want to finish this. (speaking in foreign language) Says to Mr. Brewer, (speaking in foreign language) He has to say this every morning (speaking in foreign language) So, they put that in here. They put that in there. Whatever to you, they put that in. Then he says, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So, this is interesting. This is Dhaka Tfilah, (speaking in foreign language) Dhaka Tfilah said, (speaking in foreign language) This is Dhaka Tfilah (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) It's not a Dhaka Tfilah, (speaking in foreign language) Somebody's learning at home. He should also say (speaking in foreign language) Now, he says something interesting. The Tfilah is not to make a mistake, not to be neutral, (speaking in foreign language) So, Mr. Brewer says it's (speaking in foreign language) Has to pass to Shilis, should be very careful to say this. (speaking in foreign language) But if he makes a mistake, it might be a mistake in a row, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) And that's the other (speaking in foreign language) that a lot of the, they bring and he writes like, in this they bring here too. (speaking in foreign language) I think writes, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) In the light of your Torah, (speaking in foreign language) You should save me (speaking in foreign language) And he pitfalls and he mistakes (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) That would be a (speaking in foreign language) Or just limit without a row. Just to learn straight, to learn properly. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) If I made mistakes in the past, (speaking in foreign language) And now make it that I should come to the truth. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Okay, so that's a different feeling. Both those are printed usually, it's good to say both. If you have the time, you should say them. Wait, we'll come back to that in one more minute. (speaking in foreign language) Have a group (speaking in foreign language) You see how he's learning? (speaking in foreign language) Sir Mr. Brewer understood that filler, that when you say that (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) What are we afraid of? We're afraid that somebody might make a mistake and I'll correct him, which of course I should. So we have to, we have to, but I'll feel good. I'll be some air that I corrected his mistake. That's a problem. What is so some air about? 'Cause he had made a mistake and you got, and you showed everybody that you know better than him. It's a problem, it just came into my head now. I was in the spoil. I think they said it by the way, (speaking in foreign language) I just couldn't get over it. You know, at the end of when he was in there, get old, he needed a pacemaker. Motion needed a pacemaker. And he bothered him, what's wrong with his heart, right? What's wrong with his heart that he needs a pacemaker? So he tries to think back and he came up with one thing. Then when he was a youngster, whoever wants to ask the cashier, and somebody said a tale. Then he said a tale. And he felt good that he said better than the other guy. That's why he has heart. That's the problem with his heart. Something that when he was a youngster, that means if you look back through his life, he couldn't find anything else. Isn't that amazing? But anyway, he couldn't find anything. And so he says here, so that's the trailer. Now, others don't learn it. This is the mahlokus we're showing him. By the way, in the dish of the Shibuya, they bring down, I saw it elsewhere, (speaking in foreign language) that he sees, you see how far Hausal were afraid of a person's medus. Who's saying this trailer? (speaking in foreign language) It's not like, you know, (speaking in foreign language) is afraid that he might be happy at his friend's mistake. He's hoishish himself. He says, he has to say, I feel it today Mr. that his friend should make a mistake where I'm smart by him. There is someone, he's afraid that he might have to show him a mixture with that. Anyway, that's the child. Others learn differently. I think of any owner learns child differently. But it means, it's a much more appealing child. That means is, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) And since he won't make, he shouldn't make a mistake. And I'll be happy with him that he's not making a mistake. All right, now that he says it right, and I'm happy, oh, he got the right shot. It's also about the agent. He said in the right shot, and I'm happy that he said the right shot. (speaking in foreign language) What? (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) You'd like to imagine if you said the right thing in your (speaking in foreign language) You know better than me. That's what it's akin to, I don't know. Anyway, anyway, he said, Mr. Boer takes it like the first way, that (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) That's what he's saying. (speaking in foreign language) And then when he's finished, oh, now he brings this. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Now, I don't wanna make a census, but it looked like this killer was not so well said. People were not so marked with it. Mr. Boer says it's a hoe. And then he says yes, (speaking in foreign language) And this is not, doesn't make a difference how you say it. Standing, standing, standing, sitting, (speaking in foreign language) And there's nothing to face. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) And then when he finishes, he says (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So from the moment of almost much it's for a person who's learning all day when he finishes learning. Okay, anyway, the (speaking in foreign language) already mentions this, that doesn't seem that people are marked with this problem. So he says, he points it out, he says, are we, he brings to the mother. (speaking in foreign language) The arch of, he says, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Doesn't see people making the strings, not in the beginning and not in the end. So he says, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) He feels this is a triller essentially, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So he's, (speaking in foreign language) He seems to learn that's from my own laws, but the Mr. Board didn't seem to learn that way. He said, (speaking in foreign language) I was more careful, but it seems that it would be right. Now, this forum bring down some of this probably in the issue, or maybe in the Piscuubus, that a person who's learning all day says it once a day. He says it when he starts learning all day, and he says it usually if he's somebody learns all day, probably say it before he goes to sleep, because learning came out the whole day, 'cause he goes to sleep. But somebody who's not, if somebody has a say to leave with let's say for an hour to a day, so really he should say it when he starts and when he finishes. Now it's brought down some of (speaking in foreign language) which say if it brings it down, they don't remember. (speaking in foreign language) That's what they quote. He says interesting. Let's say a person has a say to leave it in the morning, then he goes to work, he learns in the morning, then he goes to work, and if he has an opportunity, depending on what's going on, he has to say to leave it in the evening, right? So the Prime said he doesn't have to say the block of before. You know, even though he should say the block when you finish his learning his morning say to it, but he doesn't have to when he starts again in the afternoon or in the evening, he doesn't have to say the block of before. I don't know why. Why the block of before he doesn't have to repeat again, but that's what they bring down. So I co-partly, I think it is appropriate to me. It's a (speaking in foreign language) the ramen calls it a (speaking in foreign language) I don't see why a person shouldn't say it, especially it's always good to (speaking in foreign language) you know, that we should learn properly. Okay, so that's this. Now let me go back and discuss, make a little bit of a sikum here on the Indian street as a dev. (speaking in foreign language) I don't know, I don't know. So the part about I shouldn't make a mistake, maybe that's stuck a (speaking in foreign language) you don't see we shouldn't make a mistake. Yeah, but that's how the (speaking in foreign language) Now, I don't know why it wouldn't be. It's stuck another, maybe it's a (speaking in foreign language) not everybody made, so it's (speaking in foreign language) Okay, now getting back now to (speaking in foreign language) Okay, there is a major controversy, some of it you'll see in the (speaking in foreign language) What were they (speaking in foreign language) What were they (speaking in foreign language) So according to (speaking in foreign language) and others, (speaking in foreign language) because of a danger on the roads of (speaking in foreign language) and higher (speaking in foreign language) That was the (speaking in foreign language) in the time of (speaking in foreign language) And that was the (speaking in foreign language) Therefore, where did you have (speaking in foreign language) if you go with this (speaking in foreign language) when a person left a (speaking in foreign language) There was no, the danger of (speaking in foreign language) essentially was not in a (speaking in foreign language) That explains a lot of the (speaking in foreign language) which are (speaking in foreign language) that you don't say it unless you have to go up (speaking in foreign language) like three or four miles away from a (speaking in foreign language) And if you're going in the city, you don't say it. And that's why you have (speaking in foreign language) Does it apply on a ship? So they say yes, there's danger of pirates on the ship. There was a Shiloh weather that applies on the railroad. In fact the (speaking in foreign language) says he doesn't see why you should say (speaking in foreign language) at least when they make a (speaking in foreign language) There's no danger of (speaking in foreign language) on the train (speaking in foreign language) Okay, we're not talking about that we have in the city too. (speaking in foreign language) Oh, so according to (speaking in foreign language) And that was not the reason, right? That was not the reason why they, so all he says is that if you're ready on the road and in the car, so add in, you can add in the (speaking in foreign language) the ship should protect you from, they call it (speaking in foreign language) You can add that in, or if you're on a plane, you can add that in, but the Takhana was not because of accidents. Hazald were not beside the (speaking in foreign language) for that reason. On the other hand, it's brought down (speaking in foreign language) Yeah, I know, but the reason was, again, the reason they made (speaking in foreign language) was because (speaking in foreign language) That's why, by the way also, it's (speaking in foreign language) You have to be on the road, right? Now the sheer of a passer, according to the Mr. Brewer, is (speaking in foreign language) he went with that cheater, that the sheer of a passer is a distance, we'll come back, that's also an important question, it's a distance, it's about three or four miles. Shear a passer is a distance, and the reason why you need that distance is because when you're close to the city, there's no rush of listening high as hell. That's what seems to be the reason, okay? Now, the way that it's brought down (speaking in foreign language) This I saw in the Safer last night, because in the barn, yes, you know, the (speaking in foreign language) about (speaking in foreign language) So this is the lotion, and he writes (speaking in foreign language) and the same (speaking in foreign language) Very short, right? (speaking in foreign language) Not a far journey, right? So (speaking in foreign language) Now initially, this wasn't true, but because later on, it's certainly true today, probably, this house is all the way, I don't know, I don't know if it's there, so well, but anyway, that's what he writes here. (speaking in foreign language) You can say (speaking in foreign language) with a bar, even this house is all the way. (speaking in foreign language) Her ear, really (speaking in foreign language) That even you're traveling in the city, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) If you wanna say (speaking in foreign language) you could, why? (speaking in foreign language) And he says (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) And we do pass in that way. (speaking in foreign language) That that you have to wait a pass until you get out of the city is in general. But if you know where you're driving, it's a (speaking in foreign language) Now, he's not talking about accidents. Let's say a person (speaking in foreign language) was also masking. If a person takes a wrong turn, he winds up driving through an Arab neighborhood and there's a sword on especially if he's on the, toward the east side. Okay, now, if he goes into an Arab neighborhood, it's dangerous, could be dead. So he held, you could say it. If you know you're gonna be having to drive through a dangerous place, let's say in the (speaking in foreign language) Now, the people who live over there on the West Bank, right? If you're an Arab neighborhood, you're good. So anyway, but then he added (speaking in foreign language) Looks like the (speaking in foreign language) that because of, and that's because of accidents. Any, any, any travel with the car is called a (speaking in foreign language) So theoretically, there has a need seems to have held that (speaking in foreign language) is a good enough reason to say (speaking in foreign language) Okay, and then after (speaking in foreign language) will be this question. According to, if you learn that the problem of (speaking in foreign language) is because you're isolated. You're away from the issue of if the place is all built up, this house is all along the way, you don't say (speaking in foreign language) You don't say with a (speaking in foreign language) My chain came, if you're all that the problem is telling us about (speaking in foreign language) That's also considered a good enough reason to say it. Then theoretically should say it in the city too. But the reason you don't is that was not the (speaking in foreign language) It says (speaking in foreign language) When you go on, it's not called you going on a dare. Now, interestingly enough, I didn't notice it. I didn't notice it when I learned it initially, but I didn't see it. The (speaking in foreign language) seems to be learning that the sheer of a passer is because of this reason, you're away from the issue. See, as a whole Shylah, if you're going on the road, there's no issue here, but let's say on the sides, within a passer there's a issue. Maybe you can't make a (speaking in foreign language) He claims in the (speaking in foreign language) But interesting that (speaking in foreign language) says (speaking in foreign language) He says (speaking in foreign language) The (speaking in foreign language) Not because of (speaking in foreign language) It's not called dare. The trip of less than a passer is not called you (speaking in foreign language) You're (speaking in foreign language) It's a trip of a passer. Now comes the other issue. So there's a (speaking in foreign language) And the (speaking in foreign language) in your (speaking in foreign language) goes with him. That passer means time. You're (speaking in foreign language) means you're going on a trip that lasts 72 minutes. That's the time walking, it takes four mil, four mil, four mil, four mil is a 72 minute walk, right? It's a three or four mils, it takes about 70 mils there. So they, the (speaking in foreign language) you hear the hell that your (speaking in foreign language) means a trip that lasts a passer. Time, not, the Mr. Board definitely did not call that way. It's clear that he didn't learn that way because he says when you're on a train, you better say it right away because (speaking in foreign language) that you're supposed to say (speaking in foreign language) within the first passer. Some say it's (speaking in foreign language) Mr. Board doesn't pass in it, (speaking in foreign language) but the (speaking in foreign language) So he says, when you're on a train, you better say it right away because in a few, right and a half a minute, you're in a passer already. So you have to say it right, the same thing with the plane. When the plane starts, that was interesting (speaking in foreign language) by the way, I don't understand it so well. I don't remember who said what. I think Rabionka fell once the plane starts going fast down the runway, say it. If he didn't say it before, I don't know. Maybe he was in the airport. - So maybe he looked at the wheels. - Oh, oh, and from it's almost as when he starts going up. But really, when is it dangerous? On the ground, when he's doing that fast, dangerous too. It's something, once he's on the air, obviously it's dangerous. The take of landing, probably the most dangerous part, of the, of the, of the, but at any rate, at any rate, they learned it's a question of distance. (speaking in foreign language) learned the question of time, and so (speaking in foreign language) went with that. So we have a few issues, and that's why it's a bit hard to figure out when yes to say it, when not to say it. Someone told me that if you go to deal, now when you go to deal, what happens? You're traveling, you are traveling, at least three or four miles, and you're getting on the Garden State, so you're taking the Garden State, right? So you're getting on the Garden State. Now, when I went to deal, I don't think we said it was a dare. I don't know if that was right. 'Cause in terms of distance, you're on the, you're on the Garden State for a while, and that's very long, but certainly more than the plaza. (speaking in foreign language) I know, but what's the difference? Look, I'll be there. What's really the difference if you go there, or you go along with you? When you go to deal in New York, people go to Brooklyn, they say to you, they said that. So if you hold it's a question of time, okay, make sense. It takes a little more than 72 million, depends on the traffic, right? But if it's not a question of time, why not? You left the city, you're leaving the city, and you're getting on a highway. It's not the, okay, it's not cross-country, right? When you can't go to a country, the attack is isolated. It's true. It's at the sometimes places that you won't see a soul, so for miles, if you go into a cross-country. But if you're going to New York, and also somewhere at the Monetina, and very interesting, I think of Sean's arm brings it down, you're in a caravan, there's all these cars. You're never in, you're never isolated, even if there's no houses. There's, it's rare that you're the only car on the road. - Okay, it's still left the city, though. - I know, but what's the problem, of what's the problem of being on the road? You're isolated, you're not with the issue. If you got a lot of cars going, right? You're, if the problem is listed in the car, it's worse. You don't have that problem. Okay, anyway, a lot of controversy. - If you go in the mountains, I don't move for months, so... - I'll leave it in the dry, and it's, I don't move for months, but... - Okay, so, so, so, so, look. - Okay, so, in the first Gaelic, okay, of Chubus Van August, he goes a little bit through this. So, first of all, he says, you should be very careful to say to us there, because a lot of things happen, at Juan-Litzman, and we know. Then, then, but then he brings this thing about the Zichon Yeruda, that he, Taka, said not to say it on the train, or on the bus, right? Because, unless it's 72 minutes, right? I mean, that's what he says. So, Lanier's IT, I haven't been doing this this way, but it seems to me that you have to leave the city, 'cause there was no takan of a Chirus there in the city. I, accidents are just as, more, I might even be more likely. I'm not sure of the statistics, but accidents can happen just as much in the city, right, in the, as under, on the highway. It doesn't seem that it might even be more likely, 'cause it's a, but nevertheless, Chirus Adere, you have to be, I'm gonna go to the office shop, and you have to be under there. It's not called under there, unless it leaves the city. Now, if you're going on a road, that this house is all over the long, it's very hard to say, where are you, when did you leave, right? So, but I would think that if a person is going on a highway, and he's traveling, I will, you know, I think from the Mr. Boer, it's clear that it doesn't, it's not a question of time. So, if he's going on the highway, and he'll be on a distance of more than a passer, I would don't see why he shouldn't say, Chirus Adere with a braha. Before that, then he has the tat, that really, theoretically, according to the hazzanish, I don't know if he said it, or am I said, you could really say it, he says, "Rishus," if you really say it anytime, you go in the car, right? So, I would think, "Rishus," you know, with the braha, the Chirus. - So, you're going to Paris, so why do people wait the Chirus Adere and want the Chirus to step right away in the driveway? - Because they have to leave, because it says-- - They don't leave. - I know, no, but I know. That's a Chirus Adas. The tat's agree with you. The tat says when you get ready and leave, you can already say it, it's true. But the Chirunara says, you have to leave the city. - What's the story? - What? It's not called Yochil Adere, yeah. That's what's called Yochil Adere. No, that's the question. Some say because you might turn around, but that's the law, should we learn that? - What should be the city where you have to leave the city? - I know, but you have to leave the city. - But you already have to leave the city? - No, no, no. You say, "Omi also acha shehhekzudvedere," and what does that mean? So, it meant when you left the city. In the first pass, she says, "Shalloyo Mrena michiboura," she says, "Shalloyo Mrena da inke shubes ochre here." You don't say it in the city that you live. You have to leave that city. (speaking in foreign language) And in fact, you have to leave (speaking in foreign language) That that's when you run into trouble, because you have to leave the last houses. When is the last houses? So, that's why, if you get on the highway, more or less, you're leaving the house. More or less, it might be still on the side. Okay, I'll call upon him, it seems to me that if a person is traveling, he's gonna get on the highway, and it's a distance of more than a passer. I would say it when he gets on the highway.