The Evil Never Dies Podcast

S3 Ep272: Season 3 Mid-Week Show Finale

We discuss our last 3 years of the podcast and how far we have come in those 3 years ... Thank you to all who have subscribed to our YouTube channel and watch as well as all who listen on the podcast platform ! We love each and every one of you!!! Keep it SCARY.... Keep it Metal... Horns Up .... But most important STAY EVIL !!!!!!!!!
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Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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This is the Evil Never Dies Podcasts Midweek Show. Keep it evil, everyone. The Evil Never Dies Podcasts Midweek Show. The Evil Never Dies Podcasts Midweek Show. The Evil Never Dies Podcasts Midweek Show. The Evil Never Dies Podcasts Midweek Show. The Evil Never Dies Podcasts Midweek Show. The Evil Never Dies Podcasts Midweek Show. The Evil Never Dies Podcasts Midweek Show. The Evil Never Dies Podcasts Midweek Show. The Evil Never Dies Podcasts Midweek Show. What's up, Evil Ones? This is a bonus episode. This is a bonus episode. Bonus. What do you call it? It's season three finale bonus. We just had our interview with Asuka and we were, me and Brett were just sort of talking about, you know, that went so well and how we've come so far in three years. Yes, we have. Now, you're seeing the behind the scenes. I don't have all my latzones, so I'm kind of... He turned them off already. Yeah. We were talking about how we've... Backgrounds look so good. When we first started, I don't think we even paid attention to any of that kind of stuff. Oh, we didn't, really. But I'm very proud of how we sort of strive to make it look good. We do. We do. I'm really proud of how far we've gotten with this in three years. Yeah, for sure. I didn't think it would last. Three years, man. Starting four next week. Starting four next week and this come a long way, man. You know, me and Brett can do a show now just at a drop of a finger. We even know the timing. We know exactly when to stop without even saying any. We used to actually have a code which was Michael Myers when I thought we were rambling on. You heard that word forever. We don't need it anymore because we've gotten good at this shit. Yeah. We tried to keep it at about an hour, 45 minutes to an hour, you know. But yeah, when the beginning, we didn't know when to stop. We would just ramble on. The only show I was disappointed in in the last six months was that Amityville show. I think we we waited too long to start the show, man. I think it affected our pacing because we didn't really give that movie the attention. It should have got. I don't think. And I had a little bit too much to drink that night. You were that that that what was it the what that guy call you the sloppy guy. Oh, I was sloppy. Slop the slop the the slop on the left. And you're like, no, the slop on the left was full face drunk. He wasn't in the pier. Oh, I was in rare form that night. Yeah, but I'm really proud of everything. You know, I wanted to push the YouTube and I don't think you were so into it at first, but we were get we got 500 subscribers, which is a big deal because we don't promote this show. Not really. Except on on Facebook and that's, you know, just word of mouth. So I put a real out when I put an episode out. Yeah. That's about it. Any total views that we had on YouTube and we've only been doing YouTube for a year. Two years. Two years. Okay. I thought it was a year. Yep. Yeah, we didn't started it in 2022. Our first YouTube thing was with George actually. Yeah, it was actually. Well, it might have been had to do some heavy editing on that. Yeah, we might have done that stupid anniversary show first where we were back. We're back. Oh, God. I think that was actually on YouTube. Let's not even talk about that. After that, we decided we're not doing that no more. No. That just that was like a three hour episode. That's before we were paying for. And it was great because we had all kinds of people wishing us, you know, well for our anniversary and all and we threw them all on there. But well, we started, we started the YouTube like two weeks before they changed it where you have to pay. Yeah, we had to pay or you only get 40 minutes. Yeah, I think they had to because of COVID, you know, they were making a killing, you know, just. Because everybody was using it, but once COVID was gone, they had to start charging and that's the best money you could pay really the way zoom operates. Yeah, it's well worth. I think every podcast that's on YouTube uses zoom from what I've gathered because I hear people talking all the time. I watch all the wrestling podcast. And I think everyone of them's done on zoom. Yeah, I know Eric Bischoff who used to be the WCW president. He's gotten so into YouTube that he just goes live on YouTube and does his own show now and he used to just be podcast only. And, you know, the video and the element of that just brings a whole new world to this stuff I think myself. Exactly. Because honestly, I don't like listening to people talk unless I'm in the car or something. But I'll sit on the couch and watch YouTube videos. If I see somebody, it just, it changes it for me. Especially when it's on the big screen. Yeah, but I'm just a visual person. That's, you know, I always have been. Yeah. So I'm here to brag on us and I can't think of too many negatives. I mean, we probably need to do more interviews because I think we've got our interview stalls down really good now. So we need to we got somebody lying. He's a fucking hoot, dude. Yeah, you and him be buddies, I think. Oh, shit. That's funny. Reminds me of the Muxley days the way we would all get. He made me a little moist. I know. But yeah, I think this has been the most successful season we've had, obviously, you know, we've sort of got the format where we do a movie for the main episode and do an album review for the midweek. I don't know how we got to that format, but it seems to work. You know, originally we were doing these top 10s and whatever, but I think our format works. I don't see really changing around. You know, we were supposed to be reviewing haunted attractions and we got away from that. That's kind of hard to do. Yeah, we can still do it, everyone. I know everybody. And it's it'd be hard for me to criticize. Honestly, I'm hard. When it comes to the haunts, since I've done so much in them, it's hard to criticize anybody that does anything in the haunted house industry because you put your heart and blood into it. And even if it doesn't work out so well, it's hard for me to say, well, this sucks. Yeah, music and movies. I can criticize all day long. Yeah, I don't think I could be very critical on the haunts. Exactly. Unless we're just going to interview somebody, you know, I wouldn't mind doing interviews. I wouldn't mind getting Richard on here. Maybe I couldn't review haunted houses either. I couldn't, but I wouldn't mind interviewing. We were going to do that last year, but we really sort of lost track of it. Yeah, too much oil to Moxley man, and everybody knows that we're always going to be loyal to Moxley over anybody else. I love the dark hour and and Alan, but you know, Moxley's our home haunt. So it would be really hard, you know, to do a, you know, not put Moxley on top. So, but we definitely could do some interviews, you know, yeah, we have to look into that this year. Oh, James from the cutting edge. He actually wanted to come on last year when I talked to him at the Texas Honors Convention. Well, let's get in this year. I know we really got to start focusing on interviews. And, you know, we talked to all those people at Texas primary weekend and we didn't do anything with it. So, not really. No, we were, well, we were, we sort of had a bad taste in our mouth because of the Friday night fiasco where we couldn't part. Well, that's true too. Not knocking the convention or anything. It wasn't the convention. It was fucking Irving. They didn't book their shit. Why didn't the conventions fault? No, blame that on the city of Irving. Yeah, exactly. But I don't, you just can't move a convention overnight. So I don't know how long they're going to be there, but parking is definitely an issue. Exactly. But again, I don't blame the convention at all. The show was great. We had a good time off the Lord and his wife. Definitely. We had an awesome time when we got in there and talked to a lot of people and made a lot of contacts. I've still got a lot of them. And I think we need to push for that. Yep. Because I think if we could get an interview a month even, it would add to the show for a season four to make it, you know, we got to keep improving. So that would be a way to improve. That's my take on it. Like our buddies from Middle Ages creeped out. They're doing an interview every week almost. They are. They are. So you kind of have to evolve, you know, or to get still. Exactly. And I think we've gotten a little comfortable with our system. So yeah, we need to sort of maybe add and, you know, add to it, not change it. Just do a little bit of addition. Well, that's what our evil talks will be. We'll be an interview. Yeah. Yeah, because everybody loves evil talk. Yeah, I know. I don't know what we used to call it. We had a different. We've had three names for the evil talk segment. Yeah. We don't know what the fuck we're doing with that shit. But now that doesn't seem to be our forte and that's what we're doing tonight. But we're not going to call it an evil talk. We're calling it a bonus episode. Well, it might come out for a midweek here this week. I don't know. Yeah, it might. Because we'll be busy with the hot convention. Yeah, I got a lot of stuff to do. Yeah, I'm looking at all the things I have to do right now. I have nothing planned to do for it. I'm just going to show up. I know you text me like, go out to show up Friday. Yeah, I don't want to show up Friday. You know, no, Carl, I'll get your pass for you. You're the producer. Just show up. Just show up Saturday morning about nine. Hey, you're the producer and I'm the talent. There you go. Well, that's another reason why I have to stay over there, man, because I got too much shit to do. So, yeah. It's like, you just get to show up. Then after you're done, you get to go to the dark. Like I said, I feel like I'm more than the talent than I am. You know, for making anything happen. If you quit, then I wouldn't be doing a show. I have no idea what to do. Well, I have no plans of quitting. So, okay. Yeah, you quit and I'm like, well, I guess I'll just start putting stuff on YouTube here. Let's like kick the bucket. Well, I think I got the password of the YouTube account now. Don't I? Yeah, you can get on there now. Yeah. But you kick the bucket. I'll keep you on the other hand. That is. Well, we're going to be refreshing zoom and we might get some different stuff on it. I'm hoping. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see. I think they've changed it in a year from what we originally paid for. I hope so, because, yeah, you're wanting to, you'll never know. WrestleTalk depends upon it. Yeah, you're wanting to do your wrestling show and. We're also probably going to be changing podcast. That's what you keep saying. Yeah. Well, I'm waiting here. I'm working some stuff out. You're the producer of the show, dude. So might be moving over to iHeartRadio. Like I said, in this case, I'm just the talent on the show. I don't do anything to make the show happen. I kind of creative. You know, I give you a little, you know, you need to learn. You need to learn. I don't want to. I'm too busy. I like being the talent. I just like to show up and talk. I don't want to do none of the behind the scenes. I've had to do all that stuff for my whole life. I want to just have it easy for a while. Yeah, but you're the producer. So what's some of your highlights of the last year, Carl? The hammer films we did because those people love. Yeah, especially the Dracula's. Exactly. Yeah. I think I'm proud that we did a lot of the newer movies this year. Like Megan. And that was a dark swim, whatever it was called. Yeah, I always get the name of that movie confused. That was a highlight that we did, you know, modern stuff and not stuck, you know, we're not stuck in the past always. Now, hopefully continue that in the future too, that we keep, you know, keep track of the more up-to-date movies and. Well, I've seen a couple of new movies, actually. Yeah. Well, you know, we were going to do the, the Adam stuff and we never got that in season three. That would be a down note. I'd like to move in season three. Yeah, we definitely need to get John and Toby on the show for sure. They're so such cool people. And I've seen all the movies now too. You know, that was another thing because I didn't have access to a lot of them because shit, I only got so much I can pay for streaming. My wet didn't have them all right together. And I finally did. Exactly. Didn't you get the free preview for Shutter or whatever? I did. I was watching something on Shutter and I managed to get the last Adam's movie watched. With the AMC or whatever the hell it is. Something like that. Oh, the thing with them. Shutter. Dude, we almost went two hours with the ask. I thought it was two hours. I thought that was, I could feel it. That shit. You guys are going to love it. We, yeah, this is a good one. This isn't boring. We covered an entire 30 year band history in two hours. So from start to finish, well, we didn't get into the actual where they formed Panama. But from album one, all the way up to the current day album in two hours. So I'm pretty impressed. I kept that thing going well. I was good, good interviewer tonight. Yeah, Carl. Carl. Basically ran the show tonight. So now sometimes I just take over. Well, like boys talking earlier, you know about them guys. You've known them for 30 something years. You've been to all their shows. And I can't wait to see them again live and see them play the new album for sure. Yeah, for real and get Eric, you know, completely, you know, on board with the band here. They said they're working, you know, to get him and George down to where they have that. Iron Maiden is what I would call it mix. Yep. Exactly. So when, you know, and again, I love Chris and we didn't mention Bryant tonight because he just sort of like flaked out and just left. But Bryant and Chris never had that chemistry with George that Daryl had. And I think Eric is going to have it. I really do. And again, it feels like Daryl's back in the band almost, you know, without. I could see that when we've seen him that last time, you know, Daryl, you know, had a lot of, you know, he drank pretty heavy and stuff. So there was always those, you know, and the band's not into that, you know, they're pretty, they're not into the, and that was part of the problem with Daryl, you know, he'd get a little drunk and shit. So that was a takeaway from him. But man, you get some drinks and that dude could play. He was a player. Still Miss Daryl Norton. To this day, one of my favorite people. So, what else we got going on? Well, you got Evil Bunny is on every show now. Oh, Evil Bunny. Bad Bunny. Sorry. Evil Bunny's on the floor. Oh. But yeah, you know, we've updated the set here at the Carabi studio, I guess we'll call it. We have our own studio. I want to do something different. We have our own studio within a museum. Now, for season four, I'm going to get me a sign that says on the air so people will quit walking through. Although that is part of the, I think the best part of our show, and I've said this before, is the fact that we just have it, you know, two guys talking about things. It's not like, you know, not scripted. Yeah, we don't script anything. Oh, I don't even write notes down anymore. We started, we fucking had notes everywhere. And, you know, I know, I just, I got the new desk set up here and I went through. I found the original notes from like season one. And anytime I look something up, everybody knows because I look on my iPad when we want to know something. So, like, oh my God, do I need this shit? No, we don't do notes. We do it all improv. And it's like I said, I wanted to feel like just two guys hanging out talking and you're just kind of listening in. Well, that's like I've always said, you know, like, we'd be texting or whatever. Yeah. It's like, we just need to be recording this. See, that's a thing. When me and Bob, you know, the video Bob show, which it's evolved to, didn't used to be that. It used to be just me and him bullshit and like me and you do. And when Bob got, you know, more famous and busy, you know, that sort of lost that avenue and, you know, I've had a couple guys in the past that were friends with and, but you know, YouTube wasn't as easily available and neither was podcasting. And when you want to do this, I'll be honest. I was like, I don't know if Brett can handle this and my God, you have proved me wrong over and over again. I can't brag on you enough. Well, thanks, man. I appreciate it. It's just an outstanding job you do with this. Like I said, you amaze me every week with the production stuff and you really, you've set the bar high now, man. I don't brag on you a lot. Then I'm going to brag on you tonight. Well, I appreciate it, man. You definitely cry. It keeps me grounded, man. It's, you found your calling with this stuff. Not saying that the hot stuff isn't, but this definitely is a, you found your creative vehicle with the production side of it, especially. And you've gotten so good. I remember how timid you were in the beginning and now you're not at all. Yeah, I don't give a fuck. No. Scott might get his band from YouTube. We're just joking. Well, if anybody gets his bar from YouTube, it's what's his name tonight. Scott, yeah, on his puffy nipples. Yeah. Oh, shit. That's funny. But that'll be the end of the season three. We're moving on to the Texas Honors Convention. And we'll be back for season four with a new theme song of some sort. Yeah. It's probably going to be the thorn. I'm pretty sure probably at least to start. Maybe season five will finally get our own produced song. Yeah, we're on a budget. So we are on a budget. We can only afford it. We can only afford $2. Yeah. Where's my $2. But yeah, we're working on that. And like I said, you're working on going to be doing your wrestling channel. WrestleTalk. And get some stuff coming up. We're building the Evil Never Dies brand is what we're doing. It's a brand. It's a brand now. It's sure the fuck is. Like I said, I was amazed that I went to Google and just put in the Evil Never Dies podcast and all this shit came up. I'm like, hell, all the crap I've done over the years, I don't think I've ever had anything that pops up like this. Every podcast platform pops up for sure. And then what was that one thing I was reading to you? I just, it was reviewing the whole show. I'm like, how the hell did this happen? Oh, yeah. What was that? It was. I'm gonna find it again. Pod chaser or some shit like that. I can't even though we're a podcast. You know, we're on the YouTube. So. But. Yeah. I don't even know where I found that now. And just all the people that just over the last year that we've met and know just on Facebook or whatever. Yeah, we've met so many people. Yeah. You got dark all of a sudden. That's because I had my iPad up. Okay. But, but all the friendships, you know, with, with the creepy guys and then well, we got the, you know, the call. Well, them guys have been in the beginning. You know, they've been from the beginning. They've always still support us. And I don't know why. I don't know why either because we're just. Yeah, because we're idiots, you know. And Jerry and Tracy and I love them for sure that, you know, we're here. We're here. We mentioned these guys, but they just really were the foundation that helped us get to where we are. And, you know, I've just met so many people and, you know, that you've never even met in person before that are just tight, you know. Yeah. They're just good people. Yeah. I haven't had this much fun since me and Bob sitting in my living room over next door and recorded recorded the metallic episode that was shown on public access cable like three times a week. And we were in the hamburger place like, Hey, you're Bob and Carl from the Metallica show and we're like, what? So yeah. But yeah, hopefully we meet some more friends at the Texas Honors Convention here coming up next week. And we'll probably by the time you hear this, it'll. I don't know. We're going to put it out for the midweek. You'll hear it. So you'll hear it. Yeah, this will be the midweek. And then you won't hear from us for a week. We come back. Well, we're going to go live and we're going to go live. We're going to have our shorts. Like, remember that the infamous killer clowns from outer space short that this went viral. Yeah, that's three quarters of our views that in the, the, the kiss concert with Jeremy drunk in the floor. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we had a lot of good stuff go on season three, man. We had a lot of fun for sure. And we track on to season four and after the hot convention. That's, that's our new thing every year. We'll have our season finale. And I don't think we'll ever top this year season finale. That was a great, great interview. It was for sure. It was fun, man. Good people, man. They are. That's why when I attached myself to a band, they were the ones I did. Yeah. And yeah, that everybody who knows me always like, yeah, you and ask you are like a attached to the hip. I said, yeah, pretty much. You know, that's, that's who I pretty, yeah, there's a lot of local bands I liked and, but ask it was always different because they weren't really a local band. They were like a world band that was just based in Dallas Fort Worth. Well, they're good, man. They're excellent. I remember when you first turned me on to them was like, damn, anybody I've ever known that's been in the, that likes heavy metal. I've turned on to ask it. They've always locked them. My friend Sammy Haber, who I'd love to come out to the show. I'm going to invite him out. I remember you sent me some songs even before I was even on Apple. He said, listen to these. I was like, damn, man, Georgia's got just such a wide range that he sounds, he can, he can sound like anybody. Yeah. You get hints of maiden, halford. Well, when he said cloven hoof and the other bands, it's different. But ask, it's just really his is where he belongs. Exactly. Exactly. Actually, he never recorded with Omen. I wish he would have. I think that would have been a great record if they would have got it out. But Kenny pals crazy. So he is. Man, she has definitely got more stuff coming with George. So that's something to look forward to because those have been some really good releases as well. So. Yeah, that mine slave albums. Fucking awesome, dude. I got the fucking picture desk too, man. I would add a record player. Yeah, record player to listen to that shit on, dude. Well, if you get you some records, you can go right up the road to born late records. Yeah, I want to go there and my friend, Henry and John. I want to find something new there for the studio to get a poster or something. John will be there tomorrow if you want to go up. And maybe we should go up there, man. I need to come up with some money and he's got a motley crew poster that with karabi and all of them signed. Really? Yeah, so I'm going to have to negotiate for that. Goshiation. I'd actually make room to put that on the wall because that's the only part of motley crew that I, that and Mick Mars, I was listening to Mick's solo album today. I haven't gave that enough credit. I don't think so. That's a good album, man. I was listening to it a couple weeks ago. And again, I think that's my biggest weakness on the show is doing the album reviews because I'm not an album guy. So I'm going to come up with some unique things for season four for mid weeks that I can do that I'll have a little bit more fun with and just talk about an album that I only like three songs from, but I love the band. Do it to it, man. I've got some ideas brewing for that. I may not really do the album review format. It might be a top 10 format for certain bands because there's thousands of bands, man. I could go in that way. We ain't got this where I'm stealing your out of your thunder and your albums away anymore. Yeah, you're not going to be able to do anthrax sound of white noise. Yeah, like I'll be able to cover it when I do my anthrax episode. I think I could do that in about 15, 20 minutes and do a fresh take on all the different bands. The John Bush air. So I got some ideas for some mid week. Armored Saints got a new album out too, man. It's pretty good that I heard the first single off it. I'll have to check it out. Oh, it's fucking awesome, dude. Yeah, his voice is not John Bush's voice is not waver than 30 years, dude. Not at all. Awesome fucking vocalist. Different, unique vocals. He don't sound like anybody else. Remember, he was going to be the lead singer of Metallica at one point. That wasn't a plan around. They were really trying to get him. I don't know how that would have worked out honestly. I just don't think it would have. It's hard to believe that at one point James Hetfield thought he wasn't a good front man. It's just sort of I'll scratch my head like what? But, you know, we've had our love hate relationship with Metallica, but I'll never knock James. He's one of the best front men out there, really. He runs that band. Great. Yeah. Now what else is there? I don't know, man. Just thanks everybody. We really appreciate it. I'm very humbled. You seem humbled. I am. I'm very humbled about, you know, just every time I get a notice that somebody's left a comment or something. And it's like, I just, I just, good or bad, you know, whether I'm a slob or. I don't ever get any negative comments. I don't know why. I'm just an idiot. I don't know. Like I said, I'll just be the talent you be the producer and we have. I'll be the slob idiot. And we always pick on you, Brett. I know. I've been picked up since I was two. But you like it. Like me and Jimbo when we pick on you. I don't know. It's fun. You like it. If you couldn't take it, I wouldn't do it. I never get mad. You get mean when you pick on me. I get mean. You do. You have a mean streak when you get in your little moods. Like when I was fucking with you with the sound that time. Yeah, that's mean shit. That's going to make me just say, well, fuck the show and quit for the week. Not quit the show, but just not do an episode because we can't get the shit to work. Oh, fuck. That was funny though. That was a highlight of season three. No, it wasn't. Oh, shit. All right. Well, you got anything else, Carl. You want to? I don't have anything else except look for more haunted house. Corabi's yard, haunt content coming hopefully between now and October because we don't hardly ever talk about the haunt anymore. It's like it don't even exist. Yeah, we got to start working on stuff. I got stuff I'm got in the works here. Okay, I'm going to told you to that because I don't have anything in the works except actors. I need actors. Yes, actors, actresses, staff, water throwers. We need all the above. Fire eaters. Fire eater. That's a nasty album. All right, everybody. I love God and thanks everybody for everything. We love you all. Not everybody. There's a lot of people I hate. Not anybody that listens to the show. Probably. I'm a dickhead though. I'll always say I'm the asshole of the bunch. I'm just I'll just I'll piss people off. I was talking shit about ask his ex base player at the Danny and George and they tried to divert. I don't give a fuck. I didn't go suck a dick. I don't give a shit. Don't like the guy didn't like him when he was in the band thought he was a dickhead. That's why. Yeah, that's just me. That's awesome, man. I'm glad you're you. Yeah. All right, everybody. I didn't like you, so sorry. Love Chris Menta. Chris is our buddy. Yeah, he is. Love that guy. Yep. I just love his accent. It makes me moist. Love Jason Sweatt, their former drummer. I keep up with a lot of the ex-ask a guys. All right, everybody. And I'm deck us out on the YouTube and all the social media. And I gotta get bread off of this thing. So we will be at my second. And back for season four. Come out and see us. Mesquite, Texas. Table five. I think it is July 13th and 14th. Which will be this week. I'm going to have T shirts for sale and stickers. Yep. All kinds of fun. Lots of fun, but that will be it. We will be back in a week. So till then. Stable. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]