Northside Church - Sydney

Headlines with Graham Agnew

Broadcast on:
26 May 2013
Audio Format:

I live through a day a number of years ago that I shall never forget my parents were staying with us in Adelaide from Melbourne and I had a very busy day ahead, I remember that. As is my custom, I worked on my to-do list the night before I had it all laid out, I put it in my diary and I was ready to face that day. I thought I would just go out and say goodbye to my parents before I went, they were staying out in our family room, we used to have the old air beds and stuff, you know, as you do when family come and visit and since I walked into the family room I can see that my dad was in real trouble. And he was a terrible colour, he was clutching his pajama top in the region of his chest, I said are you okay? And my dad said something, I never thought I'd ever hear him say, he was a very strong man, a very independent man, a very confident man and with a broken voice he just simply said I think you better get an ambulance. Unfortunately living in Adelaide we made the call and I'd hardly put the phone down and I heard that siren just up in Sturt Road, not very far away, it's one of the blessings of living in Adelaide, you're not very far away from anything. And so within minutes the ambulance guys were there and my dad in his mid 60s was suffering a massive heart attack. I want to give you all the details, I get to say that within a very short space of time my mother and I were sitting in a very small waiting room in the Flanders Medical Centre waiting on use of my father and the irony was that I administered in that city at that stage in two churches for about 17 years and I had sat in that room with, I couldn't remember how many people as they waited for word about their loved one, I've been summoned to the hospital, I've been sitting there ministering and praying and waiting and here I was with my mother just a tour, we're sitting in the same room and over the years I thought I'd minister to these other people in a reasonably effective way and looking back I think I probably had but I got insights that day into what it means to sit in a waiting room waiting for news of a loved one, I got insights that day that I could only get when it was my loved one I was waiting on use for. My dad did survive that heart attack, he lived with us for another nine years and then passed away in 2004. Now here's the point, I know one thing about that day, everything that I thought was of earth shattering importance, all those priorities that I'd neatly set out on my sheet, tasks, phone calls, delegation, got it all worked out, every single one of those that day was less important than that particular event and I spent the rest of my day comforting my mother, waiting on using my father and trying to minister to my family as best I could. My team gathered around me of course as you'd expect and it was amazing you know, you suddenly realise you're not indispensable after all, other people can do the things that you thought only you could do, it was pretty you know, revealing and pretty yeah guys that's how priorities, I never cease to be amazed how under certain circumstances priorities can be just turned upside down, if you had days like that can you recall a moment in your life when you had everything all planned out and you thought that day was going to go a certain way and all of a sudden within a very short space of time it was turned upside down, well you know at the heart of this incident with Mary and Martha is the theme of priorities, that's at the heart of this familiar passage, verse 38, it's a beautiful homely touch to this verse, verse 38, Jesus came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home, what an honour, what an honour to be able to welcome a physical living, breathing Jesus into your home, I mean you want to make sure everything was right, wouldn't you? I mean you really want to make sure everything, I remember the days when ministers used to do a lot more house calls than we do today, we tend to meet people for coffee and dinner, we still do some house calls but in the day when it was expected you to house calls you always tell when people had rearranged the house before the past is coming, let's hide those magazines and oh let's turn the radio on, oh we better change that TV program and I actually had a family put on some soft religious music just to ease me into that and I think I said at the time, is that all you guys listen to, it's middle of week, you know, I'm getting a bit of rock stuff happening here, oh was that okay, Martha of course it was okay, hang loose, relax, so I don't know what the expectation would have been but I get the feeling like here's Martha, here's the older sister and she's out in the kitchen and she wants this to be the best meal she has ever cooked, she's kind of referring to all those things, she's learnt on master's chef and she just wants this to be absolutely perfect because Jesus Christ who can turn water into wine, who can turn loaves and fishes into a meal for 5,000, she's going to be at my guest tonight, I mean the pressure beyond it and so it's understandable that she's out in the kitchen and she's fussing and she's getting everything right but there's something else, you'd also want to recognize that he was a unique opportunity to sit one on one with Jesus Christ, I mean how good would that be, so that point wasn't lost on Mary the other sister and that was her choice, I mean here's the thing, both Mary and Martha appear to be involved in important activities, that's the first thing we know about this story, you can say oh one's more important, I mean they both seem to be involved, true Martha is the more down to earth, practical kind of woman, she's getting her things ready and making sure everything's just right, Mary is adopting a more contemplative, more we might say spiritual approach to this visit by Jesus, but they're both involved in some important activities but then the part of the story that I think we all find a bit harder here and a bit harder to deal with, and it really is, it's a bit harsh, it's Jesus rebuke to Martha, here's Martha's, come on Jesus, get Mary to the kitchen, things are happening out here and I'm falling behind and here's what Jesus says, verse 41, Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled over so many things, but just one thing is needed, this is the Lord's response to her plea to get Mary into the kitchen and get some help, now look I think we, I know I do, I think we all resonate with the sense of justice that Martha is looking for, don't we, I mean there's a sense of justice here, there's got to be a meal prepared, things are got to be right, somebody got to do it, Martha's out there doing it and so we all sense you know, yeah she's got a point and I think this story would be much easier to handle if Jesus had said to Mary, you know what, look I appreciate you wanting to hear you know all about what's been going on and so but look, let's just go out to the kitchen, you got to help your sister and we can finish off this conversation over dinner, I think we'd all feel a lot better if that's the approach that Jesus had taken, but no Jesus responds to Martha in a way that sort of indicates you know you've missed the point, you just don't understand what's going on here, you've totally missed the point, it's a fairly firm, a fairly harsh rebuke, it's hard for Martha and it's hard for us to hear that would you agree, it really is, you think Jesus may have spotted, I mean looking at it you know from a textual point of view, you think Jesus may have spotted that there's a link here, in what's happening with these two women there's a link here from which he could have made a very powerful spiritual point, you see on many occasions Jesus was asked, what is the greatest commandment, in fact he's asked that question earlier on in this very chapter, verses 25 to 28, you can check it out, somebody says yeah what is the greatest commandment, and without hesitation Jesus says the greatest command is love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and love your neighbor as you love yourself, that is the greatest commandment says Jesus, so have a look at this, this is how I see it, Mary is a great example of love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and all your mind, while Martha is a great example of love your neighbor as you love yourself, get involved in practical ministry, be ready to serve, so you know it's a perfect balance here in the Christian life, a practical others centred approach to Christian ministry and discipleship, born out of a very close and intimate relationship with Jesus, isn't this the one thing you're talking about Lord, this is the one thing surely practical ministry and a devotion to you where we sit at your feet and listen and learn it's beautiful it's just the right balance, well in the Bible there are a number of people who talk about the one thing, it's not only in this passage it's not only David Psalm 27 verse 4 I've asked the Lord for one thing, one thing only do I want to live in the Lord's house all my life to marvel there at his goodness and to ask for his guidance, and then some of you are one step ahead of me and you're thinking already of Paul's words in Philippians Philippians chapter 3 verse 13 I really do not think that I've already won the prize, the one thing I do however is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead and then just a little bit before in verse 10 of this Philippians 3 passage when he talks about his one burning desire the thing he's most passionate about his mission his purpose what is it he says all I want the one thing is to know Christ and to experience the power of his resurrection to share any sufferings and become like him in his death now these guys are talking essentially about priorities David, Paul and in this instance Jesus they're talking about priorities as they seek to make an impact, as they seek to be the best they can be for God back to our story and to Jesus words on Martha or to Martha rather Martha you're worried and troubled about many things but one thing is needed and then he adds then he adds and these words are so crucial he says Mary has chosen priorities about choice Mary has chosen that one thing and it will not be taken from her now I would imagine that at this point some of us who are perhaps more oriented toward the practical more inclined to serve intangible ways you're perhaps becoming a little uneasy thinking that the one thing Jesus is talking about the one elusive thing is in fact the more spiritual the more contemplative approach to the faith and that service and ministry in a practical sense are not as important you could conclude that yeah what's happened to the idea of balance you know Jesus discounting service elevating contemplation and spirituality what's happened to the to the balance what what if I finally you're saying that you know my gift things aren't in you know deep intensive study it's just not something that comes easy to me what if my gift is not public prayer what if I find those things a little bit tricky what if my what if my sort of thing is you know living it out and showing by my actions and by my attitudes and by my words that I'm a Christian and then grasping the opportunities that come my way to to talk about it well what if that's more my wiring well I got good news I mean both are required the practical and the more spiritual both are required there's tremendous evidence in the scriptures that following Jesus is a combination as Lily beautifully pointed out tonight a practical service practical ministry and she's one of so many of course involved weekly in a connection group drawing deeply on the word drawing deeply on the support and the and the fellowship and the strength and the accountability of others within the group and so here's Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus learning praying worshiping both components are important to fulfill the greatest command which Jesus said love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength love your neighbors you love yourself there's the devil thrust in what it means to be a disciple so what is the one thing i'm a pretty simple guy and I think of things mainly in simple ways not not simplicity or not simplistic I should say but in simple ways to me the one thing clearly is our relationship with Jesus Christ that's the one thing that Jesus is talking about but again wait a minute somebody says hang on are we being a little bit judgmental here so are we saying that Mary because she's the one prepared to sit at the feet of Jesus are we saying that like she's the one who's the more spiritual she's the one who's the more pious she's the one who's exhibiting more devotion to the Lord where Martha and Martha's had a lot of criticism over the years she's the non-spiritual you know out there in the kitchen not really aware what's happening forfeiting the opportunity to talk with Jesus like she's the bad one Mary's agree is that how it is I don't believe that I don't believe that at all there is no evidence to suggest that there's any difference between the allegiance to Christ between Martha and Mary in fact if you get into the Lazarus passage Martha figures really prominently in that and she shows tremendous depth and spirituality there's no evidence to suggest that either the these ladies were different at the point of their allegiance to Jesus Christ no difference at all however there was something there was something that distinguished them on this particular day and I think it can be best summed up this way arising out of our relationship with Jesus the one thing is our ability to discern priorities that's the thing that distinguished these two ladies on this particular day when Jesus Christ came to visit that's what made the difference those two words of Jesus Mary chose that's the point of distinction Mary chose both women were engaged in important activities we've established that both expressing an aspect of the discipleship we've established that but only one showing the spiritual discernment and and the ability to get priorities right you see is there any evidence to suggest that Mary never picked up a detail in her whole life that she was just permanently in this sort of like spiritual mode no she was probably as involved in the kitchen as anybody nor was there any evidence to suggest that Martha never left the kitchen no evidence at all it's all about this one day on this day Jesus was in their home and it was this day that Mary realized that the number one priority for that day was to get everything else and sit at the feet of Jesus just like that day when my father had the heart attack the one thing to do was to go in a completely different mode of the one that I thought I'd be in for that day guys let me earth this a little bit like these are the decisions I said at the outset that you know finding your purpose finding a mission in life whilst it has to do with some striking revelation can be some kind of Damascus road experience mind was like that my call in the ministry was very strong very clear some of you have are invocations where you know that's what you're meant to do others of you you're in a vocation but it's kind of like a means to an end you haven't had that moment of you know wow this is what I meant to do but you're pressing on and you're still in search of some kind of revelation from God I want to say tonight that the revelation of his purpose and mission often comes as we consistently make the right decisions about priorities as we exercise spiritual discernment for example we make decisions about worship on a regular basis there's so much happening on Sunday I've been invited to so many things yeah worship I missed a couple but you know seem to be going okay I know people who make big decisions with families and say you know what sorry we'll be there late or sorry you picked the wrong day for us we're heavily involved in our church before my family I hate that well I know people who do that and families eventually kind of get the message you know there's a there's an exact there's an instance where some tough decisions sometimes have to be made not I'm not saying every time but like you know if the if the balance shifts and if it's more friends and family and and and social activities that it's getting the then priorities are out of whack we're making the wrong decisions on a consistent basis same with prayer am I going to watch this next episode of revenge because I missed the last couple away you know am I going to I'm I've hadn't prayed for a couple of days maybe I need to really kind of you know get on my knees before the Lord and really see what's going on because I kind of sense I'm drifting about yeah I wonder why when I guess the Bible really you know Bible reading connection group oh you know it's a bit bleak out there you know what I think I think maybe it's time to stay inside look maybe it is but if like that's the third time you've made that decision on the run then that's there's an exact there's a mark a moment there's a mark a moment kind of missed the missed the whole thing what's going on here the need for for priorities getting involved with people showing compassion getting ministering volunteering to get involved in a ministry like like the glee backyard blitz or our age care ministry or hope street or whatever you know thinking with assembly there at the church I'm sure others that must be doing it so many Madagascar not sure about that for me lot's on lots happening but I don't know how God's all I know is over the years of my life there are those defining moments when you kind of just you just know this is the this is the right thing for this moment this is the merry moment for me are we going through it life or are we really going for it are we really embracing it are we really looking for and responding with spiritual discernment to those moments when to choose the right thing like Mary and put other things aside is going to move us increasingly closer to that which God has in mind for us because after all isn't that what purpose is about isn't that what mission is about you can be in an unfulfilling job and still be on a mission for God not all the pieces fall into place perfectly to be on a mission for God you can be on a mission for God finding incredible purpose and fulfillment in in a setting that's not all that exciting if God's in the center of it and you're serving and discovering your gifts and honoring him and consistently coming up with some merry moments that's your purpose that's your vision and in some cases God will bless your socks off in other cases it'll be a hard grind for quite a while but if you're part of a supportive church and of caring church like Northside hopefully you're gonna get through it guys I don't know what this may mean for you I know for me looking back over the years it's kind of meant it's meant that I've been increasingly led into that initial purpose of ministry but that's that was just the beginning there's been other aspects and other dimensions to my ministry where trying consistently to watch for those Martha moments when you miss it and afterwards go whoa how could I miss that looking for the merry moments and embracing them to the exclusion of all else and of course that's one of the season for Jesus Christ ultimately it's about and some of you are there at the point where that's your next step to make a decision for Jesus Christ to actually embrace the new life that the Paul has demonstrated tonight in baptism the new life for Jesus Christ offers it comes to a point where you put aside the other voices the other influences the other factors in your life that are weighing heavily on you and guiding you in a certain direction you put them to one side and say you know what I'm giving priority to Jesus Christ he's the one under whose management that's the one thing I want and I'll just see how he helps the other stuff fall into place and he will and he does and some things continue and some things you thought would never ever go including friendships including circles of influence they do go in ways that you can't imagine now but they do go if they need to go to keep you on track for God that's been the story of so many in this church I could call on people just left right in the center to say you know what that's that's what you have that's me I was in a scene that I thought I could never do without I came to Jesus Christ and I just never want to go back that scene again I was a certain people in my thought I would need for my journey couldn't imagine life without them well was that like they're not around I got I've got new friends now I've got new influences now I'm moving in a new direction I'm on a new pathway the one thing what is the one thing you're striving for tonight what's the one thing that you need to embrace that you should embrace if you're on the pathway with Jesus embrace that with all you've got if you're yet to start the journey embracing tonight you'll never get a bit of an opportunity let's be impressed shall we