Sunday Night

Sunday Night - July 14, 2024

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15 Jul 2024
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Well, good evening to you here in the chapel. Good evening to you who are listening by the Internet and other means. This is the first Baptist Church of Algiers. This is our Sunday night service, and we're located at 9559, Florida Boulevard here in Walcker, Louisiana, and I invite you, if you're in the area, come by and worship with us. This is our Sunday night service, and so let's open our service in the Red Book, number 243, the old-fashioned way, verse one, three, and four. We call the old-fashioned because I believe that the cardhold is God's holy word, that Jesus who lives alone, in long ago, is He led in the Christ of God. My sin was old-fashioned, my gift was old-fashioned, God's home was old-fashioned, I know. And the way I was saved was the old-fashioned way, filled above their feet, quiet and slow. Old-fashioned because I am now to derive, to walk in the straight-arrow way. Because I am given, my home, I am to go, old-fashioned because I pray. My sin was old-fashioned, my gift was old-fashioned, God's home was old-fashioned, I know. And the way I was saved was the old-fashioned way, filled above their feet, quiet and slow. Old-fashioned because I am looking upon, till Jesus died, born in thy gold. Because I believe in His coming again, for filling His holy word. My sin was old-fashioned, my gift was old-fashioned, God's home was old-fashioned, I know. And the way I was saved was the old-fashioned way, filled above their feet, quiet and slow. Amen. Our Father, we thank You for the day, thank You for bringing us back here one more time. We thank You for the praise and prayer service, thank You for Brother Howard and Brother Ken, and all we do ask is that you would continue to bless us tonight, that you would hold Brother Ken up, give Him words to speak, and Lord, may You use the words, put words in His mouth according to thy will, and use those words, Lord, to accomplish thy purpose, for Lord, You said that thy word would accomplish thy purpose. And so Lord, we look to thee, help us Lord, use thy word to save our people, our loved ones, our children, help us Lord. Bless us, bless our pastor, Lord, continue to bless Him, to hold Him up, to give Him more strength day by day. We thank You for Him, bless Him, bless Him. All the means where this broadcast goes out, we ask You for all the internet and the radios and all those things, Lord, bless them. And we ask You for all the mission places, Lord, that You bless each one, each one, where they're gathered there together, listening. We ask You for them, bless Brother Mel there in Jackson, Lord, on His way back home now. We just ask You for Him, keep Him safe on the highway, Lord. Help us, guide us, keep us now, and ask this in Christ's name and for His sake, amen. Well, I do want to remind you of all the means that First Baptist Church of Algiers uses, radio missions, all the things that we have to get the Gospel out. Let me just kind of remind you what we have, and maybe some of you out there on the internet listening for the first time don't really know all that we have. But we have for our website, and you can go there and you can find archived messages, recordings of all our past services here in the chapel. Everything here, all the messages, the services are recorded, and also at, that's our website, you can go there, you can find these services, the service tonight, it'll be recorded there right after services is over. But you can also find archives for the Voice of Truth and the Trailblazer. They're on Access Through Radio Missions website, so all those are available to you. And then you can also go to the Radio Missions website, and there's a link there, you can click it says Listen Now or Listen Live, I forget exactly what it says. But you click that and it'll pull up a page where you can listen to the Radio Missions Internet Radio, 24 hours a day, and there's music and preaching, 24 hours a day, and different, some of it's musical instruments, some of it's singing, and then there's just randomly selected preaching. 24 hours a day, and there's a schedule of generally what plays, you find that on the Radio Missions website also. And then starting in the next few days, I'm not sure exactly when, but at 8am and 8pm during the weekdays, the Voice of Truth Revelation series, it'll start playing again in the next few days. So, I want to just make you aware of that, and then also on, another website with lots of religious content there, but we have a spot there,, and you can go there and you can find all the worship hour services have been put there. Started putting them there a couple of months ago, and so you can go back and pick up the worship hour there, and it's there, plus it's also on the Radio Missions website, so there's plenty of places where you can hear our preaching, our church, the stuff that we put out. And then also, let me remind you, we have the CDs, the flash drives, the printed messages, all these things, and for you that are new, maybe don't know, the printed messages, we have over 500 titles in print. And they're free and post-paid, if you would like to have them, ask for them, we'll send you a bundle of them, you can take them to the doctor's office or wherever, give them out, give them to your friends and those things. So we have a great means to get out the gospel, and we're continuing on as the Lord gives us grace, and we're just begging, pleading, praying that the Lord will take some of the gospel home and awaken to the hearers, our people, maybe someone that's never heard before, maybe the Lord will use it. So let's keep praying, let's keep onward Christian soldiers, keep going, the Lord's faithful, and He's given us all the means to do it, so let's continue on. So let's turn in the red book, number 321, does Jesus care, and then Brother Ken is going to come up and bring the message. [Music] Does Jesus care, when my heart is praying, to take me for work and soul? As the Word of stress and the cares distress and the way grows weary and more? Oh yes, he cares, I know he cares, his heart is touched with my greed, and the days of weary alone, I swear he died home, I stay in pain. Does Jesus care, when my way is for, when the name is spread and free? As the day by date, sent to me by chance, does he care, he'd love to be made? Oh yes, he cares, I know he cares, his heart is touched with my greed, when the days of weary alone, I swear he died home, I stay in pain. Does Jesus care, when I cry and fail, to resist some temptation strong? When the mind is free, I can move really, though my tears fall all the night more? Oh yes, he cares, I know he cares, his heart is touched with my greed, when the days of weary alone, I swear he died home, I stay in pain. Does Jesus care, when I say goodbye to the dearest honor to me? As the day by date, sent to me by chance, does he care, when the days of weary alone, I swear he died home, I stay in pain, when the days of weary alone, I swear he died home, I stay in pain. When the days of weary alone, I swear he died home, I stay in pain. I think the Lord to be back with you, this songwriter said, as the daylight fades into deep night shades, does he care enough to be near? And I can tell you, he said he'd never leave me, nor forsake me, the likes of me. So I tell you, you can come, he can be trusted, he must be trusted, he can be believed, he must be believed, he's the only one. Is there anyone else can help us? And I can tell you there is not another one. I definitely follow that I thank you yet one more time, you tell us to come to the throne of grace, and our time of need, dear Father, to obtain mercy and find grace to help and time of need. And that's all we are, dear Father, it's just those needy creatures. We come to the throne, and as Pastor Shelton said this morning, "In the name of the greatest name ever known, your precious son who came and died, the awful death of the cross, the likes of this old son of the father, Christ died for me." I ask you, please, for those who do not know you in the pardon of this sin, thou has all power, and it's nothing for you. Would you send your spirit among us, dear Father, accompany your word, please, dear Father. You said we're two or three are gathered together in your name. You said you'd be in our midst. You tell us to come in your name, dear Father, we come sick, afflicted, the brave, the widows of this ministry, we rest them all with you. You said to come in your name, we come asking, dear Father, if I did Pastor Brother Freddie, I did Brother Glenn, we ask you for Brother Mel, ask you especially if it's traveling grace, my dear Father Howard, the mission, mission, places, the leaders. We ask you for those apart of this ministry, far and near, dear Lord, please, you said your word would not return unto you, Lord. Bless hearts this night, dear Father, please, with the likes of this old dung hill beggar, dear Father. That's all I am, that's all I'll ever be, but I thank you for your mercy and grace to believe that Christ died for me. We continue again to ask for our family members who do not care, unconcerned, dear Father, but again, thou has all power, it's nothing for thee, O Lord. Turn them and they shall be turned. That's our cry, default. We rest which we please, our worries, our cares, our concerns. This day-to-day life that is in front of us and behind us, and we're in this present hour, but now can bring us through, because thou don't go. And beside thee, there is none else. There's no one else to turn to, dear Father, but unto thee. I thank you for grace to turn to you and ask you, please, the blessed leading God, to clean up these old words and use them as you see, dear Father, for this is my prayer. You precious name, your namesake, amen. The title of the message tonight is eternal punishment. Abraham said, "She shall not the judge of all the earth do right." The short answer is, yes, he has, yes he will, yes he does. We have before us his word and his word the judge of all the earth, he judged Israel. She shall not the judge of all the earth judge this world, the judge of all the earth, he judged Israel. She shall not, he judged the nations, the judge of all the earth, he judged Israel. She shall not, he judge individuals. She shall not, he judge individuals. I can tell you he will. Do you believe, have you not heard that the judge of all the earth? We'll do right where judgment is concerned because he has all power. This is nothing for him. Oh, some of the judge of all the earth will always do as he has always done, and as he is doing, he will do right, he will do right because he is sovereign. He is the sovereign God. He is the sovereign God who does as he please, when he please, where he please, how he please and why he please. In the affairs of men and none, none can stay his mighty hand. Not a one, not a one, but old sinner, do you know? Well, you believe that the judge of all the earth loves you with a never lasting love. Will you believe that? He has loved you so much. He gave to us the guilty sinner his perfect son is our substitute, the Lamb of God slain from full to foundation of the world. God gave to guilty sinners his son, the very love of God died on that cross. The very love of God, his son was marred more than any man, the any man for you, the sinner. The very love of God was beaten, shamed, ridiculed, shed his blood, gave up the ghost, buried in a bar of tomb, and in the grave, thank the God of all power that the grave could not hold him. He arose and laid the linen aside. When he yielded up the ghost, the veil, the temple, was written twain from top to bottom. The earthquake, the rocks rent, the graves were opened and the bodies of the saints arose, and these things were occurring, as these things were occurring. The centurion there at the grave site and they were there with him watching Jesus said the earthquake, saw the earthquake and those things that were done in the scriptures says they feared greatly. Do you fear him today? Do you have a reverence for him? This world does. He says in his word, there's no fear of God in their eyes. Truly, this is what that centurion said. Truly, this was the Son of God. Do you believe God's word? Oh, sinner, this world today has no fear, no respect, no reverence for God, the Father, who has magnified his word above his name. In his word, we find for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, but who's ever believing in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Every sinner, regardless of condition, status, portion, can have a personal relationship with the Father, with the Father's eternal love, his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the righteous. The Lord said in Jeremiah, "Yay, I have loved thee with an everlasting love. Therefore, with loving kindness, have I drawn thee?" You talk about a tender hand. Thank you, Lord. Thank you. And you didn't let me go. You didn't let me have my way, but I can tell you as I stand here tonight now, I'll mention it here in a minute. It's hard to talk about eternal punishment without telling you about his loving kindness. He's not willing to anything parents with that all should come to repentance. That's the God he is. And there's none biking. There's none biking. My whole heart is relieved to realize that to talk about eternal punishment, one must also talk about his eternal love, his mercy, and his grace. It is by his grace to present to you this eternal hope of God. It's his son. It's his son. Just think guilty sinners condemn sinners. Dead and trespasses and sins are drawn with his loving kindness. He could have let me go on my way and I would have been like the world uncaring and unconcerned. I would have given very little to no concern about the suffering Messiah and would be as this generation rejecting the very love of God, his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the righteous. I think by now I would have perished and rightly so because I am a guilty sinner. But he passed me not while on others he was calling me. Instead he pitted me and said this was my time of love. And he said live because he has all power to the judge of all the earth has that power. He crowned me. He adorned me. He fed me. He put on me a guilty sinner, a dumb hill beggar. He put on me the best robe. And he covered me with his own, with the blood of his son. That's what he did for me. Oh son, I know the judge of all the earth to be merciful. Therefore I hold out hope. I can hear the pastor singing over and over again. I don't stand here to condemn me. I stand here to hold out hope. It's hope. He's the hope. The anchor of the soul is him. He is full of grace and truth and his mercy is abundant. His mercy is new every morning and great is his faithfulness. His mercy for loss, guilty sinners is his very son, his very own son. Jesus Christ the righteous, the very mercy seat of God. Oh son, I know him. The judge of all the earth to be gracious. For I have found him so. The judge of all the earth is so gracious. He's willing that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance. All sinners have not come. But those who have come is a number that God has said no man can number. I thank him for that. Because it looks like in this day and time we're in. It's like it's a lost hope. But it's not. It's not because of the one we serve. The one of all power. Oh son of the judge of all the earth has a throne of grace and guilty condemned sinners can come boldly to his throne to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Because Christ is at that throne seated at the right hand of God. He has made the way. He is the way. Oh son of in your moment of greatest need which is always whether you believe it or not. There stands the judge of all the earth saying come unto me and I will and know why cast you. I have found the grace of the judge of all the earth to be greater than all my sin. I can tell you trust him and so will you. I have found the grace of the judge of all the earth did much more bound even where sin abounded and I had to ask myself where did sin abound. It is in the very loins of Adam. All of sin come shut of the glory of God. Oh son of I have found the judge of all the earth to be my lord and save you Jesus Christ even when I was sometimes foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lust and pleasures living in malice and envy hateful and hating one another. But after that the kindness and love of God I save you toward men appeared not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us. By the washing of regeneration the renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ I saved that being justified by his grace. Just as if I had never sinned justified by his grace we should be made as a calling to the hope of eternal life. This is a faithful saying these words are God's words and they are truth and the truth shall make you free. The truth shall set you free and the guilty sinners shall be free indeed. Oh son of in Christ is our eternal hope leaving no place nor space for eternal punishment because the greatness of the power of the judge of all the earth. He has done right will you come to him his love in his love is his call for you to come will you believe him. A scripture says will give thanks unto the Lord for he is good for his mercy endured forever. This mercy is the Lord Jesus Christ himself seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Interceding now but one day if you don't come to him and death finds you here he will be your judge. Now he can be your intercess the lover of your soul. Oh son of the judge of all the earth does not save us by his love but by his grace. All that we have all that we are saved the loss is the very mercy of the judge of all the earth. Oh son of justice Abraham reason with the judge of all the earth so can you about his saving grace and the very mercy of God which is his son. Again that scripture I think brother Fraley loves that scripture come now and it's a loveable scripture. So let's reason together said the law though your sins be a scholar there shall be as white as snow though they be read like crimson they shall be as wool. If you be willing and obedient you shall eat of the good of the land but if you refuse he says and rebel scripture says ye shall be devoured with the soul. This is the judge of all the earth for the mouth of the law it had spoken it. The scripture says in Hebrews it says for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword piercing even to the dividing of some of soul and spirit. You know he's going to do this because he has all power and none can stay his hand. So in spirit of the joints in the marrow and is the discern of the thoughts and intents of the heart neither please hear this. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open under the eyes of him with whom we have to do. There's no getting around this there's no going under it there's no going above it. But you can come to him now at the throne of grace. It is an eternal must that all of us guilty sinners, condemned guilty sinners will one day have to do with the judge of all the earth. Question is are you ready? Do you know Jesus Christ the righteous and the pardon of sin? Do you have his pardon? Are you covered up by his blood? Is he your substitute from the garden? Do you know him whom to know his life and life eternal? Please oh son, shall not the judge of all the earth do right? I couldn't get away from that scripture. This was by this was said by Abraham just before the destruction of Sodom where Sodom was judged and sinners were eternally punished. Abraham had become the intercessor in fact the judge of all the earth said of Abraham he says shall I hide from Abraham that which I do? Listen to him. Listen to him. He says seeing that Abraham's you're sure to become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him. Have you said thank you Lord? Have you thanked the judge of all the earth that through Abraham's line came our intercessor? The Lord Jesus Christ proving that the judge of all the earth has done righteously? We have an intercessor tonight. We are seated at the right hand of the throne of God. He is there interceding on our behalf providing all that we need and truly we stand in need of everything. And God has provided for us everything in Jesus Christ the various son of God. He is our advocate, our mediator, our reconciler. Our mercy seat our substitute our resurrection. Our High Priest our King of Kings our Lord of Lords. Our kinsmen redeem our great shepherd of the sheep our atonement. Our truth our way our life. Our scapegoat our sacrificial lamb. Our brazen serpent our Passover. Our light and utter darkness our anointed Messiah. He is the very word of God made flesh dwelling among us full of grace and truth our Emmanuel. Our righteousness our Alpha and Omega our resting in abiding place our city of refuge. And I haven't touched the surface except to say he's our all and in all. That's what he is to me. A song writer said and I thought of his grammar. He is so precious to me. So precious is Jesus my Savior my King. His praise all the day long with rapture I sing. Listen to this verses these words he says to him in my weakness for strength I can claim. For he is so precious to me. His strength is made perfect in all my weakness. A song writer didn't stop there. I had to write all four verses down he stood and my heart's door made sunshine and rain. And patiently waited an entrance to gain. You know I said from standing here he's knocking at your heart's door. What shame that so long he entreated me in vain. I just walked away from him and I can still say it's a song writer. But he is so precious to me. He was I tell you and he is forbearing with both St. Anson. I praise him because he appointed a place. You know I think about it's just one just a place is a place and it's a time. And it was a it was a method and a manner. It's all of him and none of us. I praise him because he appointed a place where some day throw faith. And it's the faith he gave me. In his wonderful grace I shall know I shall see him. Shall look on his face. But he is so precious to me. And I can tell you one day faith will give way to sight of all of his feet is dead. But he is so precious to me. So precious to me his heaven below my redeemer to know. But he is so precious to me. The value of redemption of his redemption is he measurably more than silver and gold. His blood is of value until eternal punishment was made for Satan and the fallen angels. When Satan fell he took a third of the angelic host with him. Eternal punishment was not made for man but should you continue to be a part of this generation. Rejecting the suffering crucified Messiah the very Son of God. You too will spend eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone with the devil and his angels. You know I've heard it said I don't see that cheerfully. I say that as a warning turn a burn. Pastor Shelton said you don't have to go there. Scripture says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Crisis the way back to the Father the truth of the Father the life eternal in the Father for fallen mankind. The sacrificial lamb was provided for man by God himself. He did not provide a way back for Satan and the angels. There is coming a day when Satan and his shall be put into the eternal fire for eternity. Fallen mankind due to Adam's sin of disobedience will be punished by the holy God for sin for eternity. To inhale where the worm died not in the fire is not quenched should the sinner not have the covering of the blood of Jesus Christ. When Adam sinned we all sinned and Adam all died the entire race. The hunt that death is the spiritual separation from God for eternity but God who provided no way back for Satan and the fallen angels has given unto us unto sinners. Unto Adam's fallen race nor his descendants he's given us his son his very own virgin born son. His son the Lord Jesus Christ the sacrificial lamb of God slain from before the foundation of the world. He is the way the truth and the life and no man come into the fall except by the sun. God's eternal unchanging verbally inspired word says the scripture had concluded all under sin that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. May he give you grace give us grace to believe have you asked him for grace to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of your soul. Will you turn with me please the revelation 20 it's just five verses over the 11 through 15 revelation 20 11 through 15 and as you're turning there. There is coming a day when the Lord would dispatch a lone angel and the devil shall be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be torn in it day and night forever and ever. Will you be with them in a place not created for you. There is this is where the unbelieving will be those who have trampled underfoot the precious blood of the son of God. Verse 11 says and I saw this is John speaking and I saw a great white throne and him that set up on it from whose face the earth and heaven fled away and were found no place for them. This is the great white throne of judgment. This is where lost centers of all ages ought to be raised and judged. This is where your works will be measured by the blood of the crucified one the only begotten well beloved son of God the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh son of no one is saved at this judgment because no one can be saved by works. According to God's word Paul writing to the Roman said to him that work is the reward not reckoned of grace but of death. But to him that work is not but believe in on him that justified the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness. There is time there is time now to make your declaration as the ungodly and go down son of begging for mercy and grace. Oh son of the only way to stand before the Holy God is to be clothed in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ the very one who was crucified and who was justified in the spirit. Will you believe on him? He Christ is the only way for for God had made him to be sinned for us the one who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God and him in Christ. John saw the great white throne and him that set on it. Who is that one seated on the throne judging John 5 22 it says for the father judge of the no man but hath committed all judgment unto the son. As I said before that our intercessor he's there now at the throne of grace that throne will be the throne of judgment. The judge is now the judge is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Paul wrote to Timothy he says I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead and his appearing in his kingdom. Oh son of scripture says for the hour is coming in which all that are in the grave shall hear his voice and shall come forth. They that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they had done evil unto the resurrection of damnation. Oh son of your urged your worn flee from the raft to come come in reason with God about his son for the well being of your eternal soul. Verses 12 and 13 says and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were open and another book was open which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books. According to their works and the sea gave up the dead which were in it and the dead and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works. The dead mentioned here the small and great a host of unbelievers they have no place to hide there is no mercy at the great white throne. Their names are not written in the book of life those who did not come to him those who did not trust him those who have not believed in him that they might have life and have life eternal. There are other books there out of which their works every idle thought word or deed will be judged. Will you meet him at the great white throne and judgment? Do you believe your whole life can do you believe your whole life can stand against the scrutiny of the God of all grace who gave to mankind whom you have ignored and rejected his son? Is that what you're comparing it to or will you come now while today is the day of salvation or come now come boldly until the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy and find grace to help and time of need. May the Lord reveal his grace unto you verse 14 and 15 and the dead and hell cast that were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death and who and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Remember the scripture says that the last enemy to be destroyed is death. It will no longer be said that in Adam all died but that time will be over the true church which is in Christ will never die again. Therefore if any man be in Christ he's a new creature all things have passed away. Behold all things have become new and this hell mentioned here is Hades are the place of torments where the unsaved are until the opening of hell the lake of fire. When Christ died scripture says he descended into this place to the portion of it known as the place of paradise where the Old Testament saints were in Abraham's bosom. He ascended from his place from this place and took the Old Testament saints with him. Scripture says when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men. It says now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth. He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things. He did it all all to him I will send it left the crimson stain he washed me thank you Lord wider than snow. This is the throne of judgment and all the books with all the records are there. If your name is not found in the book of life you would be cast into the lake of fire and torments forever and ever. You will not be able to speak for the record will be will speak for you. Scripture says let God be true in every man alive. This is the second death that separation from God for eternity in hell with a worm died not in the fire is not quenched. This is where Satan and his angels are located for eternity. This place was not made for you but if you are not in Christ this will be your eternal abode. So have you ever seen yourself as worthy of eternal punishment? I have and I will until that day when faith will give way to sight and I will know as I am known. We are sinners because of who and what we are. Do you realize that the only difference between Cain and Abel was the offering that they bought? They both came to the same place at the same time with an offering but it was the offering to God that was different. One had the work of his hands and the other had the blood of another. One believed and obeyed and the other denied. We, you and I, descendants of Adam are born with Adam's tainted blood. God said of Adam's fallen race and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Can you believe? You need to believe. You must believe that our whole imagination which is all our purposes and desires is only evil every day. This is still true of us today, our wickedness is great and the imagination of our hearts is only evil continually. Do you believe this to be the truth of God about you? When Adam fell we all fell and therefore we all deserve eternal punishment. But there is none good, no not one. We are all doing better than we deserve because we have not received our just desserts because of the forbearance, the long suffering, the compassion, the mercy, the love, and the grace of God. The space to repent is being held out to you from God himself because the blood of Christ is only all to as the atonement, the amends for our soul. It is the goodness of God that leads to repentance. There is no remission of sins without the shedding of the blood of Christ. The blood of the Son of the Holy God is the difference between eternal punishment and eternal life. Paul wrote, he says, "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled unto us unto, excuse me, reconciled us unto himself by Jesus Christ, and had given to us the ministry of reconciliation." And in Isaiah it says, "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him. He had put him to grief. When thou shall make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand." Have you made his soul an offering for your sin? Truly, the life of the flesh, that's yours in mind. The eternal life of Adam's fallen race is in the blood of the crucified one, the virgin born, the only begotten well beloved, the son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the righteous. Oh, son of without the blood covering of Christ, the wrath of God, his eternal punishment awaits your soul's arrival. Remember the scripture says, "Behold, all souls are mine, as the soul of the Father, so also the soul of the Son is mine." The soul, let's send it, it shall die. That death is the separation from God for eternity and hell, where the worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched. Centers of Adam's fallen race can be and will be justified freely by his grace. Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God had set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God. Our Creator, our God, has been forbearing, patient, forgiving, long-suffering, with both St. Anson from the garden because of the blood of the Lamb of God, slain from before the foundation of the world. Man is still attempting to be religious without God, trying to make themselves acceptable in his sight as did Cain. The scripture says, "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness." Is that you? And going about to establish their own righteousness. Is that you have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God? Is that you? So what righteousness? So what is the righteousness of God? That scripture continues. It says, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth." And again I ask you, is that you? Do you believe in the law of Jesus Christ? Oh, sinner, to escape eternal punishment you must believe. He Christ was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification. Oh, sinner, how shall you escape eternal punishment if we neglect so great salvation? The righteousness of Cain was a self-righteousness. The righteousness of Abel was by faith of the sacrificial Lamb of God, which looked forward to the cross of Christ at Calvary. Again, another one of those old songs, "Father, forgive them" is what the scripture says, but the song writer says, "Father, forgive them." Thus did he pray even while his life's blood flowed fast away, praying for sinners, while in such woe no one but Jesus ever loved so. I believe the love of God is so great that Cain, a murderer, could have turned to God by way of the sacrificial Lamb, slain from before the foundation of the world, and would have been forgiven. I believe in my heart when God says he would forgive all manner of sin, he means it. In this old wicked heart of mine, I believe only the sin of unbelief will not and cannot be forgiven. Unbelief will send you to a devil's hell, where the worm dies not and the fire is not quenched. Turn a burn, for there is nothing in between, there's no temporary punishment, no purgatory. As sure as heaven is everlasting, so is hell. O sinner, flee from the wrath to come. He that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not, the sun shall not see life, but the wrath of God abided on him. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can deliver from the wrath of God. The wrath to come, total separation from God for eternity, which is eternal punishment. Scripture says, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. Are you under the wrath of God because of unbelief? Unbelief is an insult to the divine veracity, the honesty, the validity, the truth of the word of God. Have you dismissed his word, the very word that he magnified above his name? His word that was made flesh and dwells among us full of grace and truth? I think we read one, two more scriptures and we're done. Hebrews 10, 29, it says of how much sore punishment. I want to slow down and read that. How much more sore punishment. Supposed ye, shall ye be thought worthy, who hath trodden underfoot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the spirit of grace. O Son, to walk away from the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, to walk away from the gospel is to say in your heart Christ is not sufficient for me. Have you foolishly unknowingly made the blood of Christ something despised? The old song says, "What can wash away my sin?" Nothing but the blood of Jesus. I think him for his precious word. It shall not return unto him for it. It shall accomplish in prosper when, too, he has sent it. And I tell you this tonight, before we go, if you want to find an example of eternal punishment, and it's the account that has been given here time at the time at the time, it's the account of the certain rich man and the certain beggar Lazarus. That's Luke 16, 19 through 31. That was the last of the message. I wanted to read just this one thing that Spurgeon said, and we'll go. He says, "The state of the ungodly in the world to come, when all their earthly riches will be taken from them, and their guilty souls shall be driven from the presence of the Lord." The Scripture says, "You came in here with nothing, and you were going out with nothing. You bought nothing in, you'll take nothing out." I asked the Lord, "Please, to have mercy on us, not just you, but on us. Please, default, awaken, convict, and save as only he can." But he gives us grace to try and stand. And he's given us this ministry for the years past. I thank the Lord for it. I do. I really do. I definitely follow you up one more time. I continue to ask you, please, to bless the leading God, to keep. I thank you, dear Father, to know that we can come in the name of your precious son, and we can come no other way, and we can come pleading the precious blood of Christ that covers a multitude of sin, even me. All my sin, Lord, I lay before you, please, again, I worry as I care, as I concerns. Dear pastor, Brother Freddie, Brother Glenn, Brother Mike, excuse me, Brother Mel, and my dear brother, Howard, those who stand, default. The mission places, we rest with you, please, desictive, bereaved, the widows of this ministry. Lord, help us in this hour, default. Send your spirit among us, please. Give us grace to tell some soul Christ died, yea, Brother, he arose. Seated on the right hand of power. That may sound so simple, but it's all, it is the power of God unto them, unto salvation to them that believe. Lord, please help. Bless the leading God, dear Lord, for this is our prayer and your precious name. Your name's sake, amen. [BLANK_AUDIO]