El Bethel International Ministries

Sunday Service - 07.21.2024 |"Thriving in God’s Will through Famine and Prosperity" - Audio

May the God of Wonders Bless You!

1h 24m
Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
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Genesis chapter 26 and I will read from verse one onwards. "There was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham." And Isaac went to Abimalek, king of the Philistines in Gerar. Then the Lord appeared to him and said, "Do not go down to Egypt, live in the land of which I shall tell you. Dwell in this land and I will be with you and bless you. For to you and your descendants I give all these lands and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham, your father, and I will make you descendants multiply as the stars of heaven. I will give to your descendants all these lands and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws." So Isaac dwelt in Gerar. I want to stop right here for a few minutes as the Spirit of God wants me to. We look at this chapter 26 of Genesis. We see here a suddenly a problem arose, all of a sudden. Everything was going well for Isaac, the son of Abraham, the friend of God. God was with his son, the promised child. While God was with him, there was a famine where he was. The famine was very similar to the famine that his dad experienced. In our lives, we will experience some famines. There are seasons of famines that we will experience, but we have to understand when God is with us. In the midst of famine, he will direct us. In the midst of famine, he will teach us. In the midst of famine, he will show us what we need to do in order to fulfill the will of God, which is to become an inheritor of the blessing of God and to be a blessing unto God. I want to say it one more time. We all will go through different periods and seasons of famine. When that famine comes, those who have God by their sides will experience God with them and God will teach them during that season. God will show them what they should do during that season. God will flourish them. Where? In the midst of famine, there is a scripture that says in the midst of famine, God causes his people to prosper. The promise from God. So, what do you have to do when you come across famine in your life or famine comes your way? Do we look at the famine and do we try to assess our situation and see what will be good for us, or are we going to depend on God as to what God wants us to do? Sometimes God will tell us, "Moo out of here," other times God will say, "Stay right here." So, when you look at Isaac, the famine that came during Isaac's lifetime was very similar to that which happened during his dad's time, Abraham's time, and he's trying to do something similar. He says, "Okay, let me do. Maybe this is how God will lead me, but God didn't lead him that way. But because he was someone who was not looking to do his own thing, God intervened. He was not someone who was a self-centered person. He was someone who had the covenant of God, just like his dad had, and who was committed to keeping his part of the covenant. God is speaking to our hearts today. When we keep our part of the covenant, God will stand by our side to make sure he brings to pass his side of his covenant. Now, Isaac is experiencing this famine. When this happened, the Lord appeared to him and said, "Do not go down to Egypt." He was going to go there. He was planning. He wanted to. God says, "Don't go there, but do this. Live in the land of which I shall tell you. I'll tell you where. Stay right here, and I will be with you and bless you. For to you and your descendants, I give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham, your father." God is saying, "Don't look at the famine. Don't look at what is happening around you. Stay right here. In the midst of what is happening, I will bless you." It's a big promise, and only those who have faith can inherit that promise. It was a test for Isaac also to see whether he was going to stay or whether he was going to flee. He had faith in the God of his father. God said, "I will give this to Abraham, Isaac and his descendants." And Isaac said, "I believe that." God was able to communicate with Isaac because Isaac had ears to hear. God is speaking to our hearts today. Do we have ears to hear? God wants to bless us. God wants to bless you. God wants to speak to you. He wants to give you the direction. He wants to help you to reach your destination. He wants to help you reach your Canaan. Are you willing to listen to the Lord when the Lord says, "Stay here." Lord, there is famine. Stay here. Where am I going to get my food from? Stay here because I will bless you. When he is our provider, we don't have to look at the skies to see. If it's going to rain, we don't have to look at the sun to see if it's going to shine. We don't have to look at the ground to see if it's fertile or not. Our God is a God who is able to bring fruits in the midst of a barren soil. How many of you believe that? As long as you stay where God has told you to stay, He will bless you right there. The most blessed place to be is in the will of God. Very simple. It may sound very simple. But only when we have faith can we be in the will of God. Because the will of God will take us to places where we may think that this is not the right place. That something is wrong, Lord. This looks wrong. The smell is wrong. The feel is wrong. Everything looks wrong, but God will stay. Stay. I'm going to keep you here and I'm going to bless you. God looked at Isaac and he said, "Don't go. Don't go to Egypt. Live here." And I will bless you and I'm going to give this land to you just like I told your father. I'll give this to you. In order for Isaac to inherit the promise that was given by God to Abraham, Isaac had to do his part. We all have to do our part. That which God has given to us will become ours totally. Promise received and promise inherited will come to us when we believe in the Word of God and do what he tells us to do. I will do what you say. I need to hear from you. When we ask God for direction and God gives the direction, it's important for us to just do it. So now, in this place, Isaac stayed. Isaac listened and even though everything looked opposite, Isaac was a man of faith just like his father. We can transfer our faith to our children. Very true. Just like Abraham, Isaac was a man of faith. He had faith in God. God is telling me that he will bless me in famine, I will stay. We can transfer our faith to our generation. We can transfer that which God invests into us spiritually to our generation. It is possible. It is possible. It is possible because it is called precious faith. In a lot of times, people have inheritance. They give inheritance to their children and sometimes their children value it, sometimes they don't value it. People say, "Okay, this is my business. I get it. They don't want to do that business. This is my house. I get it. They don't want to live in that house. They go all the way somewhere else." But one thing that you can be sure of, you can transfer to your children. You teach them how to value it, is that precious faith. It will go with them wherever they go. Silver and gold won't go there. That precious faith can move mountains. That precious faith will take them before kings. That precious faith will cause them to stand before God. Abraham transferred that to Isaac. God said this about Abraham. I know that Abraham will command his family after me, and Abraham did. He knew Abraham well, and God was right. We need to be people of faith, and we need to have enough passion to be able to transfer that to our generation. We see that in Isaac. Where Isaac is here in this land, in the midst of opposition, everything looks opposite. It's not just hymns I will give to you. What I told your father, I'll perform that to you and to your generation. He believed that, just like how Abraham believed. Isaac believed also. I'll make your descendants multiply the stars of heaven. Same thing he told Abraham, he's coming and telling this too. Isaac. You know why? Because the promise was given to Abraham and through Abraham to Isaac. Every blessing that God has given to you, if you're faithful to God, through you, it can be transferred to your generation. They can actually live in that prosperity that God has for them, prosperity of the soul, prosperity of the mind, prosperity of the body. I'm going to take you to the next scripture. Let's just go here. Verse 5, very important, because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes and my laws. This is why God is blessing, because Abraham obeyed my voice. He obeyed, he kept his commandments, his statutes, and his laws. God is talking about Abraham, the people who stay, right? People can't keep God's law. People can't do anything right for miserable human beings created to be a failure. They can't do anything. That's where Jesus came. When you have power with God, that means if you have this relationship with God, his power flows into you. It does. In the Old Testament, it did do anything for this God. God is speaking to our hearts today. God was able to trust him. He was able to trust him. He said, "By this, I know, by this, I know. You fear me, Abraham." I know that you will bring your family in my ways, because God saw Abraham. God is seeing each one of us every day. God should be able to tell that about us. I am blessing you, because your father obeyed my voice and kept my charge, kept my commandments, my statutes, and my laws. You know what a beautiful testimony that will be? When God looks at our children and he says, "Your mom, your dad, kept all my commandments, obeyed my voice, and dear blessing I am giving to you." To Isaac who walked in obedience, who walked in the footsteps of his father, he transferred his faith and he transferred his blessings to his son, Isaac, but a glorious way to live. The power of God that flowed from God into Abraham. Now is flowing into Isaac. That's how Abraham was able to keep. That's how Isaac was able to keep. They knew who this God was. Get to know the living God. When you get to know this living God, it will be easy to do whatever he says, because whatever he tells you is for your own good to prosper you, to bless you, to multiply you, to increase you, not to take something away from you, no, but to give to you. If he takes something away, that means it's not good for you. How many of you feel will feel really upset if a virus was removed from your body, a bacteria was removed from your body, that which should not be there. You had a sore throat and the doctor gave you some medicine and the doctor took that sore throat away because of whatever medicine he gave you. You had a strep throat, whatever it is. How many of you will feel very upset that now this bacteria that was there is gone. This doctor did this evil to me. No, you're going to be happy. When God takes something out of you, he takes that which destroys you, that which causes pain to you, that which is not good for you. When he tells you to do something, it is for God to bless you. When the God came to Isaac and he told him something, it looked contrary to what someone would do, but it was for Isaac to be blessed. There's a transfer that is happening from Abraham to Isaac, from the hand of God, in order for Isaac to get it, Isaac had to do something. How legal papers are transferred, you have to go and sit there and sign. You can't say, "Well, I am the son of soul and soul or daughter of soul and soul. Why don't I sign anything?" Everybody knows it's my birth certificate and you don't sign what's going to happen. We need to do our part. The blessing that God gave to Abraham was coming to Isaac now. Isaac had to do his part, Isaac passed the test here. God said, "Stay here, and this is what I'm going to do." When Isaac stayed here, now I'm going to take you to verse 12, then Isaac flowed in the land, in that land, and reaped in the same year, a hundredfold, and the Lord blessed him. This is prosperity that is coming upon Isaac, not a regular solving and reaping. This is from the hand of God, a hundredfold increase. God said, "I will bless you, right? If he blesses what will happen, it's going to be very different from anything else that you've ever seen before." That's the hand of God, and you will know this is God. That's what God did for Isaac, he blessed him and because of that, Isaac, whatever he sawed, multiplied a hundredfold, divine multiplication, then what happened? The prosperity is increasing more and more, verse 13. The man began to prosper and continued prospering until he became very prosperous. I give a message on this, you can go and listen to the recording. How many of you like this verse? He prospered, he became more prosperous, he became even more prosperous. The hand of God, you know why? He stayed where God told him to stay. When it looked impossible, he stayed. He did not reason with his mind. He didn't say, "I'm going to do it man's way, and I will ask forgiveness to God." Some people do that. They know what they're doing, and they'll say, "Alla is forgiveness from God." You know what you're doing at that point? You're short-changing yourself. When God tells you something, we try to play smart and we say, "I'll just tell him, it was too hard, Lord, you know I'm just a human being." We short-change ourselves because he wants to bless us. Don't miss the opportunity when it comes to you. When God wants to bless you, he'll tell you to this, that's it. When you do that, there's this prosperity that comes because when God tells you something, there's this blessing that is attached to it. The man began to prosper. Now, he already had this inheritance from Abraham. Someone can say, "What more does he need in order for him to prosper?" God just wanted him to be this man that people would see and say, "He's God's man." That's the promise for God's people. When God sees you and he gives you a word, and he says, "Do this and I'll bless you." We abide by that. God will make sure that people around you, when they see you, they'll know that you are his son, you are his daughter, they will know. They will know when they see you because the way God would bless you. God is speaking to your heart today. Don't run after the blessing. Be faithful to God. Little things and big things he tells you to do, just do it. When you do it, you will begin to prosper. You will become more prosperous and you will prosper so much that everybody around you will think, "Oh my God, what is happening and why is he prospering and why am I not?" That's when you can actually tell them that the God who made the stars, the God who made the sun, the God who made this land, he has prospered me because I listened to him. You took him prosper if you listened to him. God is speaking at this hour. When you give yourself over to God, God will stand by your side to make sure you prosper. Prosperity is not given just to satisfy your ego or satisfy your cravings, no. It comes as a result of character building. He builds your character and then he pours into your hands. Imagine your hands are very weak, you're not able to hold anything and someone comes and gives you something very expensive and very precious but you can't hold it. Will they give it to you? No. You need to have strength to get it and hold it so you don't drop it. You can value it but if you don't have the strength word, you're going to drop it. God builds that character and then he pours into us so that we can hold it, value it, enjoy it and bring him glory. Now, the man began to prosper and continued prospering until he became very prosperous for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great number of servants. The Philistines envied him. The Philistines had stopped up all the bells which his father's servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father and they had filled them with earth and Abimelech said to Isaac, "Go away from us, for you are much mightier than we." When God moves in you, when God does wonders in you, when God blesses you, the enemy will always work through people around you to cause trouble, it will always happen. If that doesn't happen, then something is not right. You're probably partnering with the enemy. When God blesses you, the enemy will be bothered by it and he will try to cause trouble. But it's there. God will actually open many more doors for you. There's a prophecy God is giving to you this hour. Whatever hindrance there may be, whatever problems you may face, if you are in the will of God, God will use that very same problem to prosper you. God will use the very same problem to prosper you. There's a prophecy God is giving to you this hour, the very same nagging problem, the very same problem that is coming to you because of those who envy, because of those who are moved by the devil to pull you down. When you stand with God, you will not be pulled down. No one can pull you down, you cannot be pulled down because the Lord holds your hand. And God's strength flows into you when God holds your hand, what will happen, when somebody touches the live current, what will happen, the electricity will flow, right, very forceful. And someone touches them, what will happen, it will flow right into them, that's a killer. But when you hold a hand of God, who is the real power, but that power will cause you to prosper, that power will make you mighty, that mighty force will make you mighty. And as a result of that, no evil shall befall you, no plague shall come near you to a link places all around it can be. But when it comes near you, you have the supernatural power from this all-powerful God that you are able to kick that down and bring it under your feet. That's the word from the Lord God Almighty. Don't fret when you see or look at evil doers. Don't feel bitter on the inside, why are they prospering? They are like the flowers that are on top of a grass. They're here today and tomorrow it's gone. But when God wants to prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemies, he'll let that flower that's on top of the grass to stay a little longer. He'll let that grass to stay a little longer, only for it to witness the power of God in your life. God is speaking to your heart to this hour, whoever comes against you and who is jealous of you, who tries to cause trouble for you, God will use that very same environment to actually bring forth his glory to show the power of the Lord God Almighty. So these people started messing up with Isaac, his servants. The servants are trying to restore Abraham's, well these are the people who closed Abraham's well. Every time Isaac's servants are trying to restore that, they came and they fought with the servants and now every time these people fought with Isaac's servants, Isaac and the servants didn't fight back. We have to understand this principle behind it. When you trust God, you let God rule your life. You see here, Isaac dug again the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham's father, who the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham. He called them by the names which his father had called them. Also, Isaac's servants dug in the valley and found the well of running water there. But the herdsmen of Girar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen saying, "The water is ours." So he called the name of the well, Isaac, because they quarreled with him. Then they dug another well and they quarreled over that one also. So he called its name Sitna. And he moved from there and dug another well and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Reheboth because he said, "For now the Lord has made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land." This is promised given by God to Isaac. And when we obeyed the Lord, all of a sudden he started prospering. He suddenly had this exceeding great prosperity, God prospered and he prospered and he prospered and he prospered and prospered. He kept prospering. Everything went well until the enemy rose up and he said, "I'm going to challenge you. I'm going to stop what you're doing." You've been happy. Look, I'm going to destroy everything. He just came suddenly like a tsunami. While Isaac is working to restore his father's wells that the Philistines stopped, the enemy says, "let me see how I can stop Isaac." When Isaac servants dug the well for Isaac, all of a sudden the enemies come and they say, "No, no, there's ours. You can't do this. We want to let you do this." When you see opposition, one thing you must know, don't give up. And don't waste your time on that which you shouldn't. Isaac was not standing there, "I'm going to fight with you. I'm going to fight with you. I'm going to fight with you and I'm going to see that I get it from you now." Isaac was a man who depended on God. The Spirit of God moved him from there or the next location. He went there, his servants do the same thing, they dug the well and these people came and they fought with him again. And he didn't say, "This is the second time this is happening, I'm going to really fight with them. I have lots of people here. I've prospered so much. Let me use my well to intimidate them." He didn't do that. He did not use human means to secure himself. He didn't. He didn't let his ego to kick in saying that. You did this to my servants, "Look, I'm going to teach you a lesson." He didn't do that. He let God's nature be revealed through him. God's Word says this, "When a man's ways please, please is the Lord, he will make his enemies to be at peace with him." He fought, who fought the enemies of Isaac, who got jealous, they fought, they fought again, they fought again, but there came a point where they backed off. They backed off. They did not interfere with that which belonged to Isaac. There are times when God will allow the enemy to come and meddle with that which belongs to us. Instead of asking God why, when I say why, we have to examine ourselves and make sure that we're not the cause for that, besides that we shouldn't ask the Lord, "Why me? Why is he taking my stuff?" He should be doing this, so I'm going to stand here and fight. God can say, "I have something better for you." Get going. Get going. That's why these people came because they were jealous of him. He had much more than these people. But Isaac showed the nature of God. His men also were with him. They knew how to live, just like how Abraham's servants got their faith and their mannerisms from Abraham, Isaac's servants too. You see a godly atmosphere there. We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities, with powers with wicked rulers in the high places. There are certain times we just need to move. God who sees what the wicked does. He will bring you to a place after you are right about. This is the prophecy God is speaking of the Zower. Whatever the enemy may try to take from your hands, God says, "He will give much more to you." After a point, they couldn't do anything, they just backed off. When God sees you display Christ-like nature, he will cause your enemies to back off. He doesn't cause them to back off, "No, that is the test for you." Just show what's inside of you. When you pass the test, he will tell you, "Enemy, shoo, shoo, shoo, go away. Don't bother my kids." That's all they need. They'll all run. God has the power. God wants you to prosper. Your Rahaboth is very near. God wants to bless you beyond measure. Your Rahaboth is very near, but you need to be someone. The Lord can say, "I'm going to take you into Rahaboth because you displayed my nature, because you displayed my nature. Blessings come from the bluster. God comes into our hands, must come from God alone." When we look to him and we say, "Lord, you see what this person is doing. You see what these men are doing. They're coming and stopping or taking. That which we work so hard for. They really work so hard. Isaac's men, they dug the well so hard. They work so hard. These people came and they lied. It may look like God is not doing anything for you. It may look like God is not actually vindicating you. It may look like God is letting these people get away with what they're doing. God is speaking to you at this hour. Not a single hair from your head will fall to the ground without the will of the Father in heaven. He watches over you day and night. You are His treasure. Nothing will happen without His knowledge. If He is allowing the enemy to act up, then you know that it is your opportunity. God give an opportunity to display the nature of Christ, then God will defend you. Then God will take you into your rahabot. God is going to take you into your rahabot, where you will say, "God has made more room for me." In your spirit, in your spirit, in your spiritual life, in your emotional area, in your family, in your future, God is going to make more room for you. It may feel trapped, it may feel suffocated, it may say, "Lord, you blessed me so much. After you blessed me so much, I'm having this headache to deal with." God wants to see what you'll do with the headache and how you'll react. Are you going to manifest the nature of Jesus Christ? When He sees that, He'll say, "I'm going to give you something far greater." The very people who gave you headache, they're going to see you prosper even more. What are they going to do after that? What are they going to do? They can't do anything. They know that we can't do anything. We try bullying. He is not reacting. We try doing this. He is not giving me what I'm looking for. We're trying to take things away from Him, He says, "Okay." God comes and He says, "I give you." The blessing of the Lord, it makes it one-rich, and He adds, "No sorrow with it. No sorrow with it." But before that, God will test you integrity. God will test you humility. God will test you character. God will test where your heart is, where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. If your heart is on a pilgrimage, if you know God is your provider, you won't look to man, you'll look to God. If you know God is your provider, you won't fear man, you'll fear God. If you know God is your provider, you will not worry because you know He will provide all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. By all your needs according to His riches, who's riches, His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. God wants to bless you like how He blessed Isaac. Isaac was blessed by the Lord because Isaac proved to be faithful because he had faith in God. When you have faith in God, you'll be faithful to every word that God speaks to you because you know that this is for your blessing. In famine, God is able to not only keep me, keep my spouse, keep my children, keep my camels, keep my cattle, keep my men's, their mates and all the whole bunch of people. God is able to sustain. I mean, if Rebecca was able to draw water for the camels, right, all the camels, and to Eliza, can God supply all your needs for your whole host of family members? Yes. And that's what He did for the widow of Zarifat. Not only did He feed her, not only did He feed her son, her entire household, all those who depended on her in famine, they all had good breakfast, lunch, and dinner because God suddenly became their provider. That woman, the widow of Zarifat, she passed the test. Always remember, before God can pour into you, He will tell you to do something. When you do it, He will open the windows of heaven. He will open doors from heaven, or He may do it without any window or door opening. One thing is, He can do all things. Job said this. I know He can do all things. His plan can never be thwarted. God's plan that He had for Isaac, did it come to pass? It did. It came to pass. God's plan for Isaac, no Philistine could stop. No Abimalek could stop. No enemy could stop. The plan of God in your life, God can bring it to pass, provide it. You don't stop it. You have a choice. You can partner with God or resist God. When you partner with God, you will see the plan of God unfold, and God will bless you, just like He blessed Isaac. You will prosper, you will prosper more, you will prosper even more and when the enemy rises up against you, the hand of God will take you even higher than the enemy. As you continue to display the nature of Jesus Christ, God Himself will bless you. He will cause you to be the head and not the tail. Be above and not beneath, lend and not borrow. Shall we all stand up together? Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. How they do you? Whatever God did for Isaac, Isaac, and whatever God did to Isaac's crops, there was this some kind of nourishment that went into these crops. From heaven that caused to multiply and bear fruit a hundredfold, hallelujah. God wants to bless you. He wants to bless you with a supernatural blessing. God wants to bless you with a supernatural blessing, hallelujah. Not something that is from the fruit of the ground, but something from a bow that causes supernatural increase from the ground. Let your kingdom come, let you will be done on earth as it is in heaven, hallelujah. When Isaac was blessed by God, he was blessed by God the way it was in heaven. Heaven's increase is multiplied increase hallelujah. May the Lord prosper you spiritually. May the Lord prosper you physically, may the Lord prosper you emotionally, may the Lord prosper you financially, may the Lord prosper you relationally, may the Lord cause you to be blessed by him and to become a blessing, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Isaac faced a famine similar to his father and Isaac is facing again very similar to what his father faced with a Philistines game and they stopped his wealth. But now they're coming to him, a whole set of enemies, they're coming to him. Let his father experience and what he saw his father experience and what he experienced with his father. Now he is experiencing by himself here and Isaac did what he saw his father do hallelujah. Let your meekness be known to all men, God's word says hallelujah. Let your meekness be made known to all men hallelujah. God is your bluster. God is your bluster. Today resolve in your heart that I will look up hallelujah to God who is my bluster, hallelujah. I'm not going to look to man, but I'm going to look up hallelujah. You will enter into your rebel if you look up and display the nature of Christ to your enemies. God himself will bless you. God himself will prosper you hallelujah. God himself will multiply you even more. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord, hallelujah. Oh, thank you, Holy Spirit, hallelujah. You talk to God for a few minutes and tell the Lord this hour, Lord, I give myself over to you. Let the nature of Jesus be formed in me. Tell the Lord, you tell the Lord, hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. The mighty force is here to do mighty things in your life. The mighty force is here, hallelujah. The mighty force is here. He's here to cut off. The line, the evil force, to put a stop to it. The mighty force is here to take you into the rebel boat that God has for you. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. You give yourself over to the Lord and you pray, you pray, hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Praise you, praise you, praise you, praise you. Lord God, He's seated on the throne, fighting for His sword, crushing all of us. Jehovah nissi, my God, you're seated on the throne, you're fighting for your sword, crushing all of us. Jehovah nissi, my God, you're seated on the throne, you're fighting for your sword, crushing all of us. Jehovah nissi, let all of the trees come. Jehovah nissi, let all the hills sleep for joy, let all beings shout, He has triumphed for His love, He has triumphed for His love, Jehovah nissi, He has triumphed for His love, Jehovah nissi, He has triumphed for His love. He has triumphed for His love, He has triumphed for His love, He has triumphed for His love, He has triumphed for His love, He has triumphed for His love, He has triumphed for His love. Whatever your problem may be, God wants to take you from a place of famine, to a place of prosperity. Isaac didn't have to move out of that place, prosperity came to him, Hallelujah. God is speaking of this hour, Hallelujah, staying in the will of God will cause you to prosper Hallelujah, physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, financially, relationally in every way. When you stay in the will of God, even when it looks like there's famine all around and right where you are, God says He will prosper you. When you stay within the will of God, God will prosper you, God will prosper you, Hallelujah. God will flourish you, God will bless the works of your hands. When you stay within the will of God, God will increase you, you need to have faith to believe this word, Hallelujah. God is showing me unbelief in some of you. You need to have faith, Isaac had faith and therefore he prospered Hallelujah. Isaac had faith in what God spoke to him, do you have faith in that which God is speaking to you this hour? Don't look at the winds, don't look at the waves, don't look at the earth, don't look at the ground, don't look at what is around you, don't look at what is near you, don't look at what you have, don't look at what you don't have, Hallelujah. God can do anything without any assistance from you. He can do anything without any assistance from you, Hallelujah. He's looking for one thing which is your obedience to him, Hallelujah. When you obey God, God will cause you to prosper. Prosperity will come to you, you don't have to run after prosperity. He will come to those who obey God, Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. God wants to bless you. God gave this promise to Isaac, I'm going to bless you, Isaac. This is how I'm going to bless you. He told him how he was going to bless them because God loves to bless his people, Hallelujah. God loves to bless his people, Hallelujah. God wants to bless you, Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Are you ready to believe? Are you ready to believe? He's not only the God of Abraham and Isaac, he is your God, Hallelujah. My God, you are seated on the throne. You're fighting for your own, crushing all my foes, Jehovah, Nissim, my God, you are seated on the throne, to fling for your own, crushing all my foes, Jehovah, Nissim. He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, He has triumphed for his foe, Jehovah, Nissim, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Who are you afraid of? What are you concerned about? Your God, He's seated on the throne, hallelujah. He's seated on the throne, hallelujah. If He allows the enemy to touch anything that belongs to you, it is for God to display His power before the eyes of the enemies, remember, He will never let the enemy take anything from you without giving you a substantial increase before the eyes of the enemies, hallelujah. Right in front of the eyes, hallelujah, God will cause you to prosper hallelujah. This is the word of God that God is bringing to you, hallelujah. Patience, patience, patience, is what God wants to see in you, hallelujah. You can only be patient when you have faith in God. You can only have patience when you trust Him with all your heart. You don't lean on your own understanding. The spirit of God is speaking to your heart today, hallelujah. He's going to give you the power, hallelujah. He's going to empower you this hour, hallelujah. He's going to empower you this hour, hallelujah. God is going to empower you this hour, hallelujah, all with His holy fire, hallelujah. With His holy fire, hallelujah. To have faith in God, to have extraordinary faith in God, hallelujah. To believe that which God tells you to do, to simply obey the living God, hallelujah. To be content in doing the will of God, hallelujah. Oh, the most precious thing is to be content in doing the will of God, hallelujah. Knowing that He works all things together for our good and for His glory, hallelujah. He's going to overturn, God is going to overturn, God is going to overturn, hallelujah. God is going to overturn, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Thank you Lord. All of us in the enemy will be shocked, hallelujah, shocked to see, hallelujah. Oh, the mighty hand of God, mighty hand of God, mighty hand of God, hallelujah. Move on in behalf, move on in behalf, hallelujah. All this time it looked as if God was not involved. Oh, He was, He was, He was, hallelujah. You may be thinking what's going on, God is not doing anything. The enemies are waxing stronger and stronger and stronger, hallelujah. Oh, God is working, hallelujah. He is working, hallelujah. He's preparing a table for you in the presence of the enemies, hallelujah. Oh, God is busy, hallelujah. He's busy, hallelujah. And God says, you get busy too, hallelujah. You believe God, and you get busy too, hallelujah. You tell the Lord, Lord, I believe every word that you're speaking of this hour, hallelujah. And I will be patient, hallelujah. I will be patient, hallelujah. Inpatients possess eer souls, that's the word of God, hallelujah. I'll be patient, hallelujah, oh, I'll be patient, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Oh, praise him, praise him, praise him hallelujah, praise him hallelujah, praise him hallelujah. Praise him hallelujah. Praise him hallelujah. Praise him hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, oh, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, oh, praise him, praise him, praise him. I'm going to pray for you in a few minutes, hallelujah. I want you to enter into an atmosphere of worship, but there's our hallelujah. Enter into an atmosphere of worship. God is going to touch you, there's our hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I will not be moved, I will not be moved, I will not be moved. I will rest in you, I will rest in you, I will rest in you, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, Jesus, you are a strength in my weakness, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I belong, and you I 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