El Bethel International Ministries

FP - 07.20.2024 | "Do God's Work God's Way" - Audio

May the God of Wonders Bless You!

1h 40m
Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

I should be able to say after we do, whatever work that God is giving to us, whether it's most work or work, which a workplace or during the work of God, which God has been, everything has to be done into God and not into man. And every time you finish it, you should be able to say, "Jesus, I have done it as a service unto you as a worship," it's a pleasing sacrifice unto you. We should be able to say that. And we also have heard many messages on able sacrifice before. My God had regard for evil and did not have regard for gain because of the attitude, the heart and the quality of there often to God. Resented to your bodies is living sacrifice, surely acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And it has to be acceptable to God. We also say yesterday that if you don't do it as a divine, it has no eternal value. And it is like a sand castle, zero, worth, and it is living a sand castle. We've heard also about how David was so small, smaller than King Saul, who was the tallest in Israel when God chosen to become the king, while the one was about his shoulder. David was much smaller than him. When Saul was terrified of the light, he was way bigger than him, in appearance. So David was even smaller, much more smaller. But his walk with God, he was so distant, he was so powerful, he was moved by God, any time he spoke, he was moved by God. Whatever he did, he did, they moved by God, many of his spirit moved him, God's spirit moved him. That's why he was chosen by God to lead the people of God. So, there was chosen by God, because he was humble. The one who was living in his own sight, when God had picked him, suddenly, he had ruined the pride. He had grown for self-seeking, self-preservation, that people would think. All of a sudden, he forgot, he had planted him, where he was serving, and what he was doing was no longer to go up with himself, ended up becoming a murderer, ended up becoming someone who was filled with demonic spirits, spirits of suicide, depression, anxiety, rebellion, fear, everything. He was David, a replacement, the fool who gave up the treasure that God gave, much smaller than him, much younger than him. But for someone who walked with God and looked with God, since his younger days, he moved by God, he did what he did, to bring down the light. This is why God gave him that great honor, where the woman in Israel sang, condensed saying, "So I killed a thousand, David, ten thousand." It was an honor that came from God, which was owned by David, because he, oh thank God, what should it be done to him then, who doesn't does this? He was already qualified before God, where he only would block down lines and bears. It used God's way of fighting. He used his slang in a stone to bring down the line, and bring down the bear, and bring down the line, and bring down the bear, and then, because he was, oh, person was very proficient and scared, and using the same, and on the stone, he did the same thing and gave it a shot, and somehow it worked to bring down the light. Now, the spirit of God, he used his hands, just bare hands that I assess. That's what he used. He'd say, "I'm a God, anything that I'm going to do, no." Being moved by God, the power God flowed through his hands. He had him strongly done the strong men, and the bear was brought down. He just tore this world base, and we just came, moved by the devil, they came. The new, this is a young man that is going to become a mighty weapon in the hands of God. The Messiah was going to come through his line, ready to kill him. The Satan was the bear, Satan was the lion, Satan used all kinds of things. Like, he was not someone who said, "I'm going to be in hiding for some time because I can do this. I'm so small, and my dad gave this job, and my brother should be actually doing this." But it's such a risky thing to do, he didn't leave all his flock and run for his life. He just shows character, being with his character in the midst of all that was happening, then he came after his flock. He went after them, very young, very strong. Strong, strong, moving, spirit-filled, obedient, wise, great in the sight of God, as an expert guest today. Simon was great in the sight of God. Now, many people say, "Oh, I'm a friend of God, I've spoken on this, but God is bringing this again this morning." We can call whatever we want to call ourselves, but it means nothing before God. God has his long line, God has his weighing skill, he has the word they want to inform to see his hearts are loyal towards him, but Lord is the one who gives the grade. But actually, the way it is, it comes from God Almighty. David was a hundred. Some people are really serious about it so much. David was a very young fellow, very young, always responsible. But what God gave him, because he did it unto God, David was young, but always was concerned about what was given into his hands, was willing to lay down his life to protect his flock, and he was not a fool to just go and die, and then let the place come and take the rest of the flock now. He had such confidence in God, and he was filled with the amazing of God, and the line came when the veil came being ruled by God. He just went with his bare hands, the way God led him to to bring it down. It must have suddenly attacked him, because he did have a rod or stuff, he was a shepherd, but he didn't names any other things, because his bare hands about the system, he just broke them down, tore it, that's super human strength, super human strength, can only come from God almighty to do his weller, the monarch strength is there, or on the strength of God, super natural strength of God comes from above, it subdues every demonic strength, that's what happened. What he had based, ruled that a devil filled with a devil came to kill David, Satan made the service come, when it come through, David saw, he overcame, came here that he wasn't going to die, because he walked with God, he had this power, just like Samson. The line, worship of God, walked with God, went through not suffering and became the king of Israel, wandered and wandered and wandered, he never wanted to preserve himself, he wanted to do the will of God, he went from one place to another, every place he went, he said, how can I subdue the enemies of God, what was his focus, mine who never had his eyes on himself, as always on the father's business, did everything as unto God, not into them, and his reward for sure came from him, God crowned him by the floor, so died, and God crowned him, again, through the hands of his enemies, people who didn't want him to be the king, now where, ruled by God, put in a place where they wanted him as the king, God is speaking to a harsh day, God said that this man will lead my people Israel, that's where none of his brothers became the king, we say the attitude, and God is moving there to do something, we say the attitude, the mouths away, they were used by the devil, to put down the spirit of God who was working through, David, how can God make them, king of Israel, who needed some money, who was freely surrendered, worthy of me in my self and I, some one, who is full of the Holy Spirit, some one, the lights in the Lord, some one, who is enraged in the presence of God, immersed totally in the presence of God, God bless his life, now one day he was able to have this overcoming power to overcome all the power of darkness, no wonder, no wonder, many people want to have power, don't have a character for you, many people want to do big things, don't have the integrity for you, don't have the stamina for it, but here was young David, very angry when all of them, but had no one in Israel had, there's always this one in every generation, this Moses was, Joshua was, Daniel was, Enoch was, Elijah was, Elijah was, Elijah was, these were the people who did many things for the world, the rod of Moses became the rod of God and was given back to Moses, Aaron used that, Moses had a music, Moses used it primarily, every time that was used, wonders happened, Aaron using it according to the own world, Moses used it according to the will of a father, God placed Moses as God to follow, God placed Aaron as the mouth of Moses, Moses was the mouth of God, to work for Moses, Aaron was appointed by God, to do that which God would tell Moses to tell Aaron, as long as Aaron followed the word sports from Moses and death, it worked, when you see when the Moses left to the top of the room to the meet with God, what Aaron did, it just shows why God chose Moses, look at the nature of the people, they are there, after seeing all these things and having, after seeing all these things, then God did, look at the nature of the people of Israel including Aaron, this is why Moses was chosen, is not then to lead such a large nation, I am going to be giving stiff-necked people, stiff-necked people, no matter how much they saw God do, they were still able to place the order of the moment in the next moment, they were able to go, next moment didn't resist, God had Moses lead them because God needed that, Moses was the weakest of everyone in the face of the earth, no one would qualify like Moses, no one, because everyone was without themselves, no vision, Moses had the vision of God, because he was someone who did what ever God told him to do because he had faith in God, he did what he was, when that was there to do the will of God, God moved in and through him, man who spoke face to face with a living God, man was called up to the mountain and no one else could draw near to that mountain, and go near and touch to be killed, but that man was able to go up, why, why, was he created in a special way, he is not a new man just like Elijah or a new man, and he was born, he was born just like the rest of the world, he was a new family just like the rest of the world, and then he was in the palace, the environment where idolatry everywhere, where Satan was left to use, but he was a man who kept himself knowing who he was, someone who did not give himself over to, the pleasures of sin, someone who did not conform to the patterns of that palace, as the Bible says, don't be conformed to the patterns of this world, it's a choice, what we want to do is a choice, because this was faith, he is in someone who's saying I'm going to do all these things so that I can become a big shot one day now, those people will not really do much for God, they will fall away, they'll be led astray about the devil because their focus is not right, when we people in many parts of the world think that God will lift me up in ministry, that sentence itself is a problematic sentence, yesterday God spoke, if you want to be great in God's kingdom, learn to be the servant of all, that's Jesus way, those who learn to be the servant of all will be placed by God because placed by God in places of honor, this in those places of honor, there will still be a servant of all, because they had to do that, but to simply say just for what, to God almighty, because they know that God is the boss, he is the Lord, and whatever he says all you do, nothing wrong, nothing less in the love-tent, but one of the hearts, mind, soul and strength, many people easily will say, even if he slows me, it will I trust him, and if you look at their lives every day, not a big talk, no substance, these are clouds without water, God does not want anyone in this house of God to be like that and become like that, it's always to move you, move you forward, keep moving forward, keep moving forward, now goal is to do the will of God and finish it, that's all, many, many, many times in the morning call, I will be there, I will stay too fast to see if I'm dead, one is mine, I don't change the name, because the Lord will say just stay there, I won't even say a word, because God did not tell me to say a word, say that I will be the boss, I will do something, I need to play for people, I need to get the word in it, God gives me the word, I speak if he doesn't, I don't, it's important to do the will of God and to finish it, Jesus said I speak what I hear my Father speak, we want to places where God had him on his schedule, that were streamed to zip our lips and to sit down, not to have that wandering feet that are hasting us, it's not from God, and the place of spirit is not from God, hasty spirit is not a fruit of the spirit, but running ahead of God or lagging behind is not of God, and God says stand up, I'm going to say like, I'm coming, you know, some children will link that, and it called them, that's I'm coming, next 10 minutes you want to see them, I'm coming, next 10 minutes you want to see them, I'm coming! Just they'll be doing whatever they want to do, many believers are like that, that's why there's no progress, or very little if any, because they'll come after a long time, and I will say as being slow to speak, quick to listen, quick to listen, listening ears is very important, very important, very important, then God can tell them what they need to do, God is speaking to a harsh today, what would it be to do, let it be, something that will touch the heart of God, what your works following you God's talk yesterday, we encourage you to listen to the recording, it's important, need to have something to show, people are so keen on having a portfolio and they go for interviews, they need to have a good resume, they have a good portfolio, their people will go to the extent of even lying to put false information on the resume to make them look great, can't do that with God, in a person's spiritual life, a portfolio in your resume will come from what you truly achieved before God, when that goes in, when David killed the bear, a bad victory went into his portfolio, when he killed the lion and was added, every turn this happening was added when he killed the lion that was added, before he could become a king, much less added, that's a bad works, before God can actually put a person in place, what is accomplished before that, before that, then he runs to them pal, then he runs to them pal, that's how Moses was, he was killed and everything the Bible says before he left Egypt was mighty, he was a highly learned man skilled and everything, then he left Egypt and went to Midian according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, the faith he went to the Bible says in the book of Hebrews, he went there and for another 40 years he was working with God, kept the call of God alive, someone who didn't go around doing his own thing and God had to drag him by the call, it doesn't look like that, if you want to be useful in the hands of the living God, we tap into a very enough character to obey him, and make God your priority, and show God your consistency, it's more important, Moses had a whole bunch of things in his portfolio, before he became the leader of Egypt, it was only he was qualified to leave the stiff-necked people, imagine what happened to all these people, within 40 days what happened when Moses was gone, it's like a lot of people, who have no experience, the infinite school, then study, one or two hours work, but they will say if I were the president, I would do things differently, so also when I hear these statements, the arrogance of ignorant people, there's no need to get up there to be the president of the nation, it didn't simply happen, just like that, he had a pretty good portfolio, and he was appointed, it was qualified to sit there, they were both people, we just talked, we can't even do a simple housework properly, consistently, we can't live there in a proper relationship with their family, where they can't hold a job, we'll do this better than that, we can talk, it means nothing, we don't have to show what it takes to be up there, to be better than the one who is there, God is speaking of this hour, and we are a simple person in this house of God, who wants to serve God, must become like your master, the Lord Jesus Christ, God will help you, you need to do what you have to do, a selected member becomes a president, who did the studying, who pursued all the avenues they needed to pursue, work day and night, to get into their local offices, to run for local elections, and work hard, and before that, the work relationship did, all those things, and they knew about politics, and they were all different things, treated themselves, that's the one in mind, they gave themselves over to becoming what they became, I want to say it again, is that who you spoke once, me too, these people who are qualified gave themselves to becoming what they became, to become my God, please, so you have to give yourself, they will become my God, please, your will has to be surrendered to the will of God, you know, there are some people who say, oh, it's so hard to surrender to God, well, are you surrendering to the devil, that it's so hard, but what God tells you to do is it for you, we have enough sense to know that, it's the easiest thing to do, Satan will be obstacles, that's what makes it harder, but God is always there by his side, can you say, do you believe God is home, do you talk properly, it's insulting to God Almighty and he will not be mapped, battle is tough, but being a soldier of the army of God is not tough, it is a privilege, it is an honor given by God, and God gives everything you need to overcome, because if you are in the army of God, you are a winner, by default, you are a winner, if you play by the box, God's world is, as a spirit of God will teach you, we overcome, he gives you bigger tools that you can handle, and he will teach you, God's world says, he trains our hands for battle and our sinners for war, it's important, this is what the spirit of God is saying, it's high-time, where we must understand that God wants to move you forward, so now a three-year-old, or a three-year-old wearing a little apron, and as a little dollhouse, and as the little kitchen set, now like the plastic ones, the wood ones, the points by, and they pretend play, it's very cute, whenever preschooler does that, or a kindergarten man, or even them older than that, but if you are a 20-year-old, instead of cooking in the kitchen, you will go, and say, well, I am not interested in that, I will pretend playing, something is wrong, this high-time, I am a single person must get serious, you need to know your purpose, you need to know that which God has for you, you need to know that he is able to keep you from falling while you are under his keeping, when you are giving yourself over to the way of God, which is the easiest thing a human being can do on this side of eternity, any human being, easiest thing to do, what you do something, you say, yes Lord, it's the easiest thing to do, because he gives grace, you say yes, Satan will fight against that, and those who submit to God always has the power to resist the devil, when more strongly you get, then more, touch of the bottle you get, because Satan will send it, case, captions, and his generals to fight with you, well, that's an honor, if it comes to that, that many people are still there trying to practice handwriting, writing "A" is hard, "B" is even harder, the more you practice, you graduate from practicing your alphabet stew, writing words together, to going into closer writing, to be able to have a proper handwriting, the people will be able to understand what you are writing, but that's important to you if you want to communicate, they are people who are right and they are located five times, because they won't even know what they wrote, they can't even understand their handwriting, I've seen all kinds of people like this, in the same words, in the spiritual world, I've seen them too, blah, blah, blah, blah, and what I've blabbered, God is speaking to you, what is this honor, well, people will justify what they've blabbered too, there's more I said to my husband, there's more I am right and as long as you think you're right, you're never going to know where you went wrong, God is speaking in this hour, it took a long time and David fell into his interests in, for him to have that in country with the prophet and God, God just waited, David would have said that he's my wife, we'd, we'd, we'd, some hundred and ninety to say how well and how steadfastly he was, walking with God, then he became a very innocent after he became the king, because after sin came in, he never comes over night or told on this and my idea is not an overnight thing, oh, I was welcome in God yesterday and today morning I suddenly fell, no, it never happens like that, always happens and stages, if someone is surely walking with God, the walking with God, all the days of their lives, then we'll never fall, just like him, Joseph had a glorious end, enough had a glorious end, Elijah had a glorious end, Elijah had a good beginning, good middle, good end, good everything, that's the way to live, that's the way to live, that's the way to live, start to stick in to your hearts of the sun, it's important to understand the power of God, in the power of your faith and God, to really know who he is, it's the easiest thing to do, because that's the smallest thing to do, you cannot but fall in love with Jesus, you cannot but do what he's telling it to, you cannot get, you cannot get mad at the devil and fight him even harder, God is speaking to the hearts of the day, whatever you do, do it, harder and to go hard and not into man, Elijah will work, comes from him, your works, follow you, all the way into eternity, whatever you do, we'll follow you, everything else is the same castle, everything else is the same castle, everything is right, night and day, night and day, night and day, night When they buy two houses, three houses, four houses, five houses, have a big empire here. Even Alexander the Great didn't carry anything with him. All one. King have it or farewell. Not present Kennedy or Abraham Lincoln. No one can read anything with them. If they didn't have God, their life was a vapor, and whatever they did was sent to us in order to face God Almighty. If they didn't devoured, then the works will follow them. God will bless them here, he will be able to bless them there, and the works will follow them. That means, the works were standing, like we've seen. God will look at that. If someone comes and tells you, "Well, that doesn't see your works, and it's not about works." But everyone would need to understand that there. This is for speaking. It's from Genesis all the way to Revelation, you see, that our world talks about the importance of our works. Because without our works, to prove our faith, there's nothing to show. This is the way God sees it, and this is how it is. This is how it is. Even though all you have to do is you don't need any of it, we'll show you. I'm drinking lots of water. The face will show you, the face will show you, when you're sick, if God is not absorbing, it's going to show you. If you're claiming to do something and you're not doing, your appearance will show you. That's not going to lie. The works will prove who you are, who you belong to. That's a big area in which Satan has been lying to people who want to hear that lie. Look, I'm looking for that lie. You know what, the Bible says, God gives them good for it to that lie. He gives them over to that lie, because they heat up for themselves teachers. Forgive them what they want to hear. 10 days course, 10 days seminar, come over here. I'll teach you how to see in this spirit. I will teach you how to prophesy in the whole bunch of wolves in sheep's clothing, running around. All in themselves to be prophets and prophets, then you have a whole bunch of wolves in sheep's clothing, running around. All in themselves to be prophets and prophets, then you have a whole bunch of wolves to be deceived, because all the night in the south is not something they can do. Give me a shortcut so that I can feed my me, myself and I. Oh, can you hear Lucifer's voice in that? God is speaking of desire. God is speaking of desire. God is speaking of desire. If anyone would desire to come after me, let him deny himself. That's the first thing. You know, spiritual details is the best thing you can do for yourself. That's what God says when he says deny yourself. In the spiritual details of it, you can be healthy, so that you can bear food. If you have junk in your body, full of diseases, that needs to be taken care of first. And for you, go and infect another person and kill yourself in the process. Self-denial is such a valuable thing, foundational. It is foundational. If that is not there, then a person will become a disgrace to God's name. And there are many half-baked kicks. There are many organizations sitting. The big big turtles being damaged to many people. People wonder, they wonder. They choose, teachers will suit their itchy ears. You say, what does God do? He's doing frugal. He says, that's what you choose. Okay. Choose this day. Give yourself, yourself, and God. Blessings on places. Choose this day. A life for a boat. A place new for you, says God already. Choose this day. Broad way or the narrow way. Choice has been given by God to us. Feel that Christianity is not true Christianity. Slowly your own heart is following the devil. It is important that we believe we hear in these thousand God to know what it means to listen to the face of the shuttle. Many times have we heard wolf in sheep's clothing, how many times? It takes good vision to see. What's behind the sheep's clothing? Because Isaac was not able to see, he got deceived by Jacob. He went by feelings. Many questions were by feelings. Satan will give you all the feelings to deceive you. That's where he's called the deceiver. He transforms himself into an age of eight. He comes and stands before people saying, "Oh Jesus Christ." He goes, "Oh no, I've got a vision." Really? The vision of Lucifer was transformed himself into an age of eight into a walking regard to even detect. That's how close deception is. To deceiving a person who doesn't know what the word thing is. As when in this church you hear again and again and again, "No, the word of God." Because if possible the Bible says, "Even the elect shall be deceived." When the disciples say, "Oh no, we want to know signs of numbers." Jesus, the Lord gave them their 30. It was a temporary authority God gave. There was a rule of the demons that subject me to be wonderful. Jesus said, "More than that, the joys that your names are written in your lungs with the flood." This is the most important thing. All I see is Satan throwing a slight bit. They couldn't see. They couldn't see. They didn't realize to see what Jesus saw. That's the difference. You have one point out in the spirit of God. Even the elect can be deceived. It's possible. That is all the lecture we see now. It's possible. That's how close deception will look. To deceiving those who don't know the real thing. We're going to say that again. Those who don't know the real thing will get deceived. There's why this also God can have his place and shepherds of God to show the real thing. Show the real thing. Show the real thing. It's so important to have the eyes to see and ears to hear. If we're just there, this will have me speak last week or so. And the week before, how important it is to prepare yourself to attend every meeting that God has. Every time God speaks here. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And every time you end that law, the most important thing that Satan would have robbed would have robbed you. Be happy. And he got your dishes done and you got this done with the mind was now here. And I was like something else. Oh, I'm going to build this building. And we have this pastor here in the background. The name can be on the screen, or you can be in the church. Shout out to God in the place of Christ. And most of the thing didn't get in. Oh, it's so important to the sin Jesus said. He who has ears to hear. Let him listen. There's so important. This is why he gave the goggles. God is speaking unto your heart today. God knows you do something big. He wants you to do something big. He wants you to do something big. And he wants you to do something big. And he wants you to do something big. He wants you to do something big. He wants you to do something big. He wants you to do something big. He wants you to do that. That's how we can actually breathe forward as a mighty army. That's the only way we can move forward as a mighty army. Now as we can become a disgrace of the name of God. It is important. It is important. It's very important to pay attention to every word that proceeds from the mouth of God because it is meant to make you live. Every word that comes is meant to make you live. It's important. Important. The greater your diseases, the more the treatment will be if you want to get well. Because I don't want the reason I have to take all these tablets and I have to go for this doctor's appointment. I need to go for this law book and I need to go for this. Scan and I want to do all these things. That will happen. I'll just go when I want to go. I'll just take the medicines and then it will take. Tell me, feel it taking on my go. Tomorrow, maybe, I'm not sure. That's going to happen here. You'll be dead soon. Decide to do something. Tell me big consistently so that you can live. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Not as speaking of this hour. The wages of sin is dead. The gift that God gives through Jesus Christ's eternal life. And this is not the gift. A lot of times people take that verse. There's a gift for the qualified. It is a gift for the qualified. If you're not eligible for the gift, you won't receive it. Yet God wants everyone to be eligible so that you can receive it. What is it? How can you be eligible? It's given in top of scripture that every single one in this church should know. By grace, you can say it through faith. Because it's one of the scriptures that have been misused so many times to take multitudes to hell. By grace, you can say it through faith. Through faith, if you take the three feet out, there's no salvation. And what is real faith is in the book of James and it's all over the gospels. It's all over the says. Is there something that says, "Who's all about this?" You just say, "Let I read it." And that's it. You need to be eligible. And the two feet is the repentance part. When the spirit of God works, the conviction of the Holy Spirit will come. That's when true salvation happens. It's not just a showing of your hands. The true salvation happens. The conviction that comes from the Holy Spirit to repent for your sins will happen. It will take place. And running to fix what which was wrong will tell you. The empowerment that comes from God to enable you to fix it will be given by God to you. That's what true salvation is. Now it's important after that what you do is very important. After being saved what you do, this is where the discipleship and being in the apostle teaches, being in the house of God is so important that God is given. The local body, the church of God. Every believer in shepherd God has given. After his heart, not after your heart, to lead you. It is important. Very important to understand these things. God places the house of God. And it's the word that contains the enormity of God. Now we add strength upon strength and grace upon grace. And we see how the five offices are so important. It's for the perfecting of the saints. Without that it will not happen. People think that I won't be able to. Or how is the worship of God is actually working. God has opened my house and I am the priest of the priestess. We will not be affected by God. Because God has placed these things to be perfected. Super, not sure, giftings God has placed on part of the verses to them. When did we pass the test that we can put the fire? God has placed them. Just like how he placed Moses. Just like how he placed Joshua. Just like how he placed Elijah. Just like how he placed Elijah. Just like how he placed Elijah. Just like how he placed Elijah. Just like how there are many people in which time it is real. It is just a gorgeous we have. Same thing happening now. If you ask them no. My Christian saying that. If the Moses would come and tell you to do this. Oh, how do we do that? Just say lie or lie or lie. There is lying. Father Abraham said this. To the rich man in hell who said, "Oh, if we can just send Lazarus, send Lazarus, send Lazarus." My brother said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. If they don't listen to Moses in the process there, they will not listen to a person who comes back from death." Look at that. Look at that statement. "People did not listen to Moses in the process there." The same spirit runs everywhere. God has speak into our hearts today. How women with ears to listen. Valuing that which God is giving, saying that, "Oh God, this is your word coming." Become a student of the word. Every single person in this hazard that should know the word of God so that you won't be deceived. Otherwise you won't be deceived. You won't be deceived. God is speaking to your hearts today. We were God is working and keep your ears in your eyes open. Then you will grow. I will be able to go into prayer. I want every single one here to understand the ways in which God has been working. And say, "Lord, I'll give myself over to you today." I hear the members of my brother to you today. Every time I do something for you. With a clear conscience I should be able to say, "Jesus, I did this for you." That means you did it. 100% in its pure and holy. And you put your heart into what you're doing because you have this faith that you are doing this, doing this for God. Whatever you do, do it. Whatever you do. And do it as into the Lord. If you sound like a very simple scripture, it's a very powerful scripture. Even if you start doing like that, you will change. You will change. The way you work will change. The way you talk will change. The way you live will change. You know what? You become a ranging of change. Such people will become a delight to God. They'll all be delighted to pour his power into them and use them. God is speaking to you harsh today. God wants you to make things that you learn to become part of what God is doing. It's you're going to become a part of what God is doing. Let me give yourself forward to God. And say, "Yeah, every member, every member of my body, every member of my body, every member of my body." Every member of my body. God is speaking to you harsh today. Don't let the deceitful deceive you. Don't let delusion come near you. In order for that not to happen, we need to be immersed in the presence of God and be led. Thank God Almighty, through the reading of the Holy Spirit, the God has pleased through the Shepherd's God is given. It's very important for your thrive. Now this is your open fine posture. Where in the fold that God has placed will flourish before building God. It's important for us too. It won't be discouraged, but the all the more encouraged. This is a battle. This is a battle. This is a battle. This is how it will be. Then now we move forward. Then we'll first feel the enemy will come. It's not fun. There is not fun. There is not new about pain. It's very painful. The children Israel fought. Moses had his hands up. I think it was easy. He had his hands up until he could not allow him to have his hands up and they had to hold his hands up. Because it's a human body. The bruises that all of this might push through. Because even in people holding and hoping for this, we don't know because none of us have had our hands up that long. But that man did it. For the people of Israel to win. His hands need it to be up. He has made a proud person who said that I held my hands up and beyond this I can't hold it up. And so God somehow wrap this up. I don't want anybody holding my hands up because I'm Moses. No. No. His body needed that help. He received it. Such a great make with Jesus. No testimony sent. A powerful brand of God. A friend of God. And God came and defended him every single time. Start his speaking to the house today. Enduro. Enduro do. God's work. That's why. The speed of God is speaking to the hearts of the south. With your minds and hearts being focused on believing God. As a Lord, in my life, I give unto your hands. The way is higher than mine. And thank you for every moment you gave to us to be in your presence. And thank you, Lord, for every service you gave for us thus far. The way unto the same. And the way unto receive more from the living God, so that we couldn't move for him. The speed of God wants every single one to keep eyes on Jesus. And say, Lord, whatever I do, I'm going to do it for you. It's going to be a service unto you. I'm going to read. Do it. How do you do God? As Lord spoke yesterday. If you do then, you'll be great in the sight of God. Everything is within, is a sandcast. Everything is... What are we doing? What are we cooking? What are we doing? What are we doing? What are we working at your workplace? Are we doing something for someone? We do it as unto the Lord. Those works will receive the God as a sweet, sweet, and sweet. And it will stay next to you. It will follow you into eternity. And at times people say, the job said, we brought nothing to this world and we take nothing with us. It talks about material possessions. That means we can take chairs and sofas and cars and houses. Physically, we cannot take them. We don't bring anything to this world. True, in the same style. We don't come with material. Things that we came with. Gods, in our history and into us. We came with God's plan upon our lives. We came with the terrorism wherever God is. Please, the plan is to put to the loose, to the loose. The plan is God. Through our bodies which God has created. So God didn't send us into this world empty. No, it's another solution. Nobody should say that I have more tyrants and I have more skills. That's not who we really do. That's lying. To every single person God has given us something. When he sent him to this world, he gave us something. That's why when we check out from this world, we have to answer the word to what he has given to us. This puts a joy he gave into us, invested into us. Talent, skills, abilities. How to choose he has given to us. A soul which carries this image placed upon our lives. Do we have a lot that has been given already when he placed us in this world? Now when we believe we should be people who have multiplied that to the maximum. We have been using everything as unto God. And it says with the revelation to his end that our works will follow us. And I come quickly, we hold our good quickly, Jesus said. Dear would you? So what you have done to anybody's? Really amazed with the heart, with the hands, with the feet, with the ears, with the brain. With the heart, with everything that God has given to you. What we do to God, what we do on this side of eternity, we put his end to God, then it is going to follow us. So when we visit, it's not like you're not going to take anything. You will take much with you if you have a multiplier. If you like, the guy with the mentality which is bad, you don't do anything. You won't have anything when you leave. Which is not good, because it will ask you. But if you are like the man who has steam and you have multiplied it, then whatever you have multiplied will go with you. Share that with 5, you will multiply it. God will go with you, what you do for Jesus, the lust. So today as we go into prayer, we want you to take this as a spirit of God wants me to drive into your spirits. So unless we have one of the time that God has given to us, we must maximize it. Let's maximize it. Be a wife steward, maximize it. Everything else will be a same castle, same castle. Which if you are born in the sight of God, that means you truly love him. And if your peace is God and not yourself, then, when Jesus said about John the Lord, his God has said that to you. Great at the sight of God. The enemy was called to believe it. These are all very specific special titles that come from heaven, from the mouth of God, to special people. I live their lives a special way for the most special one, the King of Kings and the Lord of yours. All is tremendous. We can hear what our bodies to be borned is the close-up process in First Corinthians chapter 13. And be a zero because it had no love. So when you do forgot that the period is more important, why you do what you do? Doing it isn't a God. The God is important. We're going to pray for you today. So you can receive God's love and recipe for Peter's love. The love of the Lord endures forever, because it is there. But until you receive it, until you take it in, you're born to benefit from it. You can have all the water right next to you, right next to you, right next to you, right next to you. If you've given to you in your hand, you can say, "No, thank you." Or you can say, "I don't want to find that person." No, no, no, no, no, thank you. You do nothing but what you see. The cap is still sealed. It's tight. I'm thirsty. Please, what God is saying in this hour? God wants to flood you with his love. Open your heart and receive it. What's the big thing of your life? Open your heart and receive it. He is here to pour into you. Open your heart and receive it. Open your heart and receive it. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Go on over to God and he will draw me a tear. And draw me to God and he will draw me a tear. And draw me to God and he will draw me a tear. Nice to draw me a tear. Thank you, Father. God wants to give you a big hug. Don't be so wrong. He'll just stand and not even give a kiss. He wants to give you a hug. Don't you stand stiff and pour yourself away. We need people. I like that. Because the mind is elsewhere. God wants to cause his love to flow into you. You need to open your heart and receive it. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. The deception is the most at the enemy. We'll never continue with two holes and big tail and big teeth. And say, "Hey, I'm the devil. One more to get you now." He is the liar from the beginning, the liar from the beginning. He is the deceiver from the beginning. He will continue. Me, who he is, being a liar and a deceiver until God casts you into the lake of fire. What are we supposed to do? If we are normal, the truth will be one fall into slice. If we are normal, then we will be deceived by the deceiver. This is where God has placed you and his house so that you don't be going to pray. P-R-E-Y to the deceiver and the liar. Don't go by what you see. Don't go by what you hear. Because your eyes can deceive you, ears can deceive you. Don't go by what comes into your mind because your mind can deceive you. Satan is someone who can only give information that he knows. He can give you information from the prophecy. Once it's come out, you can go out there from there. He can give you information that he knows. He is not bad. How many times do you like these things? At any time a wolf comes and wants to take a lamb, it will attack the shepherd. It's all about this and about this and about this. That's when you come to switch that lamb out of that church. Because the shepherd is protecting you, right? You know, say about things about the shepherd in the mind. Twist that. You listen to the verse of that verse that comes in sheep's body, which looks more religious and very saintly looking. You're going to delusion. Delusion is in game that you're right when you're wrong. Believe in a lie. And truly believing it's the truth is delusion. It's a very deadly place to be in. Then you're not having years to hear after that. Is it from that? God said it's not from that. You say that now it's from that. Satan will flow you with lies, as long as you listen to him and worship him. There is a worship God who listen to God alone. The moment you listen to the enemy, they're going to worshiping him. You're saying, talk more, talk more, talk more, talk more. You get too angry, you get too miserable, you get too bitter. All kinds of evil spirits will begin working. What is the product of what he has revealed to you? What Satan has revealed to me? That my product is death. God gives you something equal to life. It's important to know that God has placed a shepherd to protect you. The shape was supposed to follow, not to lead the shepherd. Moses brought the tomb of Israel from the land of Egypt, and all of a sudden a group formed and said, "Oh, we need to go back to Egypt. Moses brought us to kill us. We need to go back to Egypt. All of a sudden they're blinded. All the milk, they're blinded by the devil." So all the milk is got dead. How they were beaten and how desperate they were and how God brought them? If you got everything, everything was done. The moment is done, Moses became the enemy. It's a big red flag. You have to understand. It's a big red flag. And Satan tries to go to you and speak into your ears, just like how you did with Eve. Did God really say that? Something's wrong with God. God is really impossible. God is really becoming. You say that? The very protection that God had for Eve, a strict away from Eve when Eve entertained, suspicion, death, and evil that was spoken into our mind against God Almighty. Same thing happens in churches, where God is working. It's fit. Faithful people. We need to work with God when we listen to the devil. All of a sudden there's a change that will take place in their minds, in their conscious, in their emotions. Everything will start flipping. Why? Delusion is stronger than a magnet. If you give room to it, it will be sparing just like how it didn't spare Eve. That is important. And Satan's goal is to get a person kicked out of the garden. God is speaking to the hearts of this hour. So not let the enemy take you out of your protection zone. Don't let the enemy take you out of the zone of prosperity that God has placed in you. Don't let dreams and visions run your life. Satan will give you plenty of them. He will give you plenty of them. He will give you plenty of dreams. Showing you something bad about the master, bad about the fellow believers, bad about the church. Give you all these things. Why? That's all of this. The wolf wants to eat the lamb, she will come and speak bad, give dreams about God, bad about God, bad about the world, bad about the house of God, bad about the ship. This is how he operates. When you pull yourself, you will eat too. You will even know that you are in the stomach after that. You will even know that you are. Being slaughtered by the enemy, even when the wolf is above us. A drunkard, when he is drunk, is beaten by a human in the world that he is being beaten. That's how delusion is. You will even know what's happening. Because it will make a person to think that is wrong and straight and wait as one. Don't listen to the voice of the Lucifer. It is important to know the word of God and say within the fold that God has given. It is important. Don't go by dreams and don't go by visions. Satan can give you both. Satan can give you both and he won't give you both. If you don't have the word, ask your everything. There is why the word is being preached day and night. And the emphasis to the word in the word is given here. Don't be someone who just listen a little bit. That's the dangerous case to be. When you don't fully pay attention, pay a little attention to what's being said, even just twist the whole thing. And the pastor said this. So it will be very happy. Listen to the whole message. Listen to the context. Listen to what the spirit of God is speaking. It is a pathetic place. We're not in any ordinary church. We're sitting there. The whole week prepares a sermon with PowerPoint and newspaper clippings and going on to other people's messages and regurgitating and vomiting lies. We hear the voice of God in this place. Take it. Take it. Because the word of God is being sent to cause you to live. So in this third day of fasting and prayer, be a person of God's word. Be committed. How do you know that I'm going to commit myself to shoving your word to being a doer if you want. What I'm going to. Well, I'm going to receive every bit of grace that you're doing. I'm going to be someone who will multiply it in my life and through my life. Your works will follow you. You won't fall under the people. Under the group of people who are slaughtered by the enemy. But many are called. Few are chosen. And there was the way. Really seek to enter in, but they were not. So strive to enter in. God has placed everything with free. Put you in a place where the supernatural power of God is working. Just make film use of it. Dive in. Dive in. Dive in. And experience everything that God has to you. Thank you, Holy Spirit. Thank you, Holy Spirit. So poor. Obedience. Feet like a mustard seed. This one is necessary. If you put those two together, you can see the heart of a child. Humility. Jesus talked about it. He said, "And unless you're converted, you can come and let this little child go by when he is entered into the kingdom of heaven." Someone says, "I ages confess Jesus your Lord and say you will go to heaven. I know you don't." That's like telling a person, just print out a paper of American Airlines you'll be in the plane and you'll go to whatever destination you'll be. We need to pair your tickets. We need to have you. We need to have the right kind of language and we need to not take that, but you should not take into the airplane. We need to be buckled. We need to be buckled. We need to be inside the airplane until we get off. God is speaking to our hearts today. Because of the Lord of God, with all the heartlines of instrument. It's the easiest thing to do. It's the most pleasurable way of living. Because he is all together, beautiful. He's the perfect one. He's the most faithful one. There's no one like him, no man, no one like him. Tell yourself this morning, I'm never going to open my mouth and speak what's safe and wants to hear and knit the devil head and leave your heart. By saying, walking with God is hard. Christian life is hard. Obeying God is not easy. It's hard. The moment this church should open your mouth and say that. It's a shameful thing if you say that. Say it with a jump for joy, you'll say, "That's what I want to hear?" And I said, "This fellow, this woman, is saying that. All we have is a fool, is easy. All we have is a fool, is good. Say it this way, is good. You can trust God. All that they can trust me is a fool, say. Don't do that. You don't want anyone doing that to you, okay? If you do it, you'll not only grow up, but you will do with your own heart. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, don't enslave yourself by your own words. Don't bear, knit on your feet by what you speak. Let praises to the Lord God Almighty come out of your mouth. Walking with God is the most blessed life. Living for Him is the most blessed way to live. Fighting the good fight of faith is the most victorious way to live. The enemy who comes to still kill and destroys the enemy, realizes the enemy who gives pain, is the enemy who brings sorrow, is the enemy who brings a loss. Well, that you should hate Him. Following Him is the hardest thing to do. It's repulsive for me. All we need are repulsive. To even utter. Every time I write statement, when it articulates and put a table at us, I already hate it. It's not even worth having that. God is good. It's all kind. It's a perfect God. Let's be layered to Him. Let's be faithful to Him. Walk in integrity. Walk in humility. Live like how Jesus left. Live like how Jesus left. Live like how Jesus left. Live like how Jesus left. Live like how Jesus left. Live like how Jesus left. Live like how Jesus left. Such a privilege to build a Lord Lord. God loves you so much. That's why He has you here. So much. It is so much in His door for you. That's why He has you here. Don't be a queer. Don't be a lazy. Don't be a careless person. Really whole of everything that God has for you. We like a little child. We tell a little child that we're going to give something. We may figure that the child won't forget. We like that. When something is given, the child appreciates so much. We like that. Live for Jesus. Be grateful to God. And expect God to do big things tomorrow and the house of God. Prepare yourself for that. Let's go to spoken. Take what the Lord has spoken to you this morning. Don't forget. Tell them more. I want to make it home safely and I want to be in the way of God every day away with the deceiver will not let myself get deceived. When you learn or stall, I commit myself to your word. That's the key. So I commit myself to knowing the root. That's the key. If you don't do the real Jesus, the fake Jesus will come and deceive you. You will come and deceive you. Now easily he will draw you into the fake crowds. He'll just go like a world war. Take your hand. You're free enough. Never give ear to the voice of the enemy. Thank you Father. It is time that you give. Cause you people to be vigilant. Cause you people to be steadfast in your ways. As we pray, day and night. It has a God to be saying to fight more and more. As every single one that you brought into this house of God. It has many different needs spiritually, emotionally, mentally, variation in every way as this is a spiritual hospital. We're here, working and eviscerable one, eviscerable day. And as we work, we keep changing. Now many of the enemies that used to be changed. But that's why you have them here. So here can work more so they can get to know their Jesus. So pray in the Holy Spirit. To help every single one to keep their eyes on Jesus. So they can receive everything you had for them to know their house of God. But we're here to the voice of the Lucifer. But we're here to pray in the hands of the evil star. What the evil star thinks to be called if. And many others, many others. As we get started, we took a third of the heaven down. It's not stopped. We still want texts. Many down, many, many as many. As we care. We take them down with this deception. We pray for the protections that are repeat for. Continue to protect them every brother, sister, child that you have brought into this field of God. Be kept for the loving, safe hands of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every single one, keep their eyes on the cross, every single one, keep their eyes on Jesus Christ. Every single one, be equipped, only equipped with the word word. But more wrong, be deceived with more wrong, sell away. Continue to protect this house of God. We can pray to any kind of choice, experiences, a sacred gift. And no one be dragged down by Lucifer. But no one lay him to drag him down. But each one know your word, Father. Every single one have eyes to see, ears to hear. Every time they come to this house of God to the moving question. The Bible studies the first in prayer to sing their services. Oh Lord, I pray to cause you people to be alert. But they will not be deceived like how Isaac was deceived by Jacob. They will not be deceived by how he was deceived by the serpent. They may not be deceived. Oh Lord. They may stop the deceiver, mine is away. And now I am the first in the good shepherd. And more than the word of God, by staying within the boundary that you have placed or the protection of the shepherds that you have given to them. Bless your people, I pray. More than not in the most holy faith, Father. And pray your blessing upon every single one here, Lord Jesus. All the holy fire upon them tomorrow, let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that. Let no one be in the house of God and keep themselves out of what you are doing. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. Let no one miss that Lord. I thank you for doing this in Jesus' most precious name. To become like Jesus, let no one perish, when you become like Jesus, continue what the new people are. Continue what the new people are. Interval, hold it in thirst for your righteousness, or drive to pursue the things of God. I thank you for doing this. I thank you for doing this. In Jesus' most precious name, I pray in the name of the new people of Jesus.