El Bethel International Ministries

WWTK - 08.28.2020 |"Don't Be Afraid" - Audio

May the God of Wonders Bless You!

Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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Matthew chapter 14 from verse 22 onwards immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boats and go before him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away. Jesus goes in one direction and he commands his disciples to go in another direction but in the direction where he wanted them to go to understand this Christ the Savior is telling his disciples to go somewhere else without him he's telling them to get on the boat and go to this location most of the times Jesus went with them but there are times when Jesus told them you go I'll be there you go I'll be there we need to understand if God tells us you go I'll be there his word is enough for us it's good enough for us it's as if he is going with us his word is sufficient he told the disciples get into the boat he made sure they got into the boat he said go before me I'll be there while he sent them altitude away he has a very specific plan for his disciples for them to reach a particular location now they cannot go there and do anything without him he has to be there the disciples knew if Jesus is sending us that means he needed time by himself they have seen him go and pray in the desert in the mountain area in the garden of Gethsemane they knew he was the man of prayer the disciples began their journey he sent the multitude away he sent the disciples away and Jesus went up on the mountain by himself to pray the king of the universe the word of god the living bread that came down from heaven he's going alone to commune for the father that's why he drew his strength as a man on earth he was a man a sorrow a queen that would grieve yet a man full of joy he knew what suffering was he knew what pain was he knew what sorrow was he knew what brokenness was he knew what heartache was he knew everything as a man he is going through everything people tried to throw him off the cliff why because he did good who did that those who hated him those who were enemies of him then on the other hand he's seen the broken the needy the wounded the dying he sees death he sees suffering he sees a suffering of sickness he sees the suffering of pain he's a suffering of torment and his heart is moved to the compassion he was someone who stood by Lazarus's grave and he wept he was a god who saw the tears of mankind and it sheds and he shed tears with them Jesus is the lord god who understands what we go through the one who understands what we go through prepares himself to be poured out for the people by sending his disciples away sending the people away climbing up on the mountain by himself to pray what a selfless savior you see what a selfless savior is he think about that after a long day of ministry so tired and everyone came they came to watch what Jesus did they came to get healing and the disciples were with him but who was doing the ministry Jesus was doing the ministry he was the one who was doing the talking he was the one who was doing the healing he was the one who was being poured out in the morning good evening after all of that he chose not to just go and get some rest before the next set of ministry that he was going to face he was about to face but he chose to do something which was difficult for him humanly in a human body after a long tired day of ministering to hundreds and hundreds of people he climbed up on the mountain by himself to pray why did he have to do that why did he have to suffer that way why didn't he just go and sleep why didn't he just go and eat why did he have to sacrifice so much when he knew that he was going to be crucified he was going to stand before pilot he was going to carry the crew across all alone all alone none of these people for whom he's going to climb up the mountain floor and sacrifice himself nobody's going to stand to say oh he healed me don't do that to him not even the disciples he knew all of that he saw the plan before he came down from heaven and all of that he chose to sacrifice he chose to have compassion he chose to receive the strength that he needed to to continue to pour out the anointing of God upon the people so that they can be healed and delivered think about the sacrifice of Jesus think about what Christ did not only the cross but even before that way before that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary man was so selflessly sorry people not just few hours day and night he sent the people away he sent the disciples away he didn't sit he climbed up on that mountain all alone he knew one day he was going to carry the crew across he was going to climb up mount Calvary all alone he knew it off he knew then from the beginning yet he chose to climb up that mountain all alone to go and pray why so he can be poured out against for the people who would come to him bless me bless me bless me bless my child give me give me give me I need this I need that now one thought about what was going to happen to him where is he going to sleep did he eat every man and every woman came to get the need met and they all happily went home the Lord of compassion and love love himself he's loved himself he climbed up on the mountain after such a long day of being poured out continue to pour himself out for the people by climbing on the mountain all alone to pray oh after he finished praying you don't see him okay i'm done i'm just going to sleep here no he came down from the mountain if you know how strenuous climbing is up especially after a hard day then after some time coming down you would appreciate the sacrifice of Jesus even before he went to the cross his love for mankind is unlimited his sacrifice for the lost the lonely the broken the needy cannot be put into words he comes down to the mountain and then he's going to words his disciples in order to fulfill his next mission after he was done praying verse 24 and the boat was in the middle of the sea tossed by the waves for the wind was contrary the disciples are going they're going by the boat and all of a sudden they are facing an obstacle all of a sudden they're facing this huge problem they're furious as if they're going to think they're furious as if they're not going to reach the other side while the winds were blowing in a very unfavorable manner Jesus Christ abused there verse 25 says now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them walking on the sea and when his disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a ghost and they cried out for fear but immediately Jesus spoke to him saying be a good cheer it is I do not be afraid while the winds were contrary while they were having a difficult time Jesus decided to go towards them to help them he could have just gone on the scene he could have just gone to the other side he didn't have to go towards the boat he didn't have to but you see the love and the compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ he is the Lord God of heaven and earth who comes to our rescue many times even before you call he's there that's what happened here even before they could call when they're going through a hard time there comes Jesus walking on the sea towards them where they could see someone walking they couldn't believe that anyone can walk on water it's true no human can walk on water unless they have supernatural power of God Jesus did the miracle working power the Lord Jesus Christ was flowing freely through him he had a power time on the mountain and now he is on the sea walking on water the disciples are scared they don't know what's going on and Jesus says don't be afraid it's me don't be afraid whatever you may be going through Jesus says to you this morning don't be afraid I see what you're going through I see what you're going through that's why I'm here I see what you're going through that's why I've come to your rescue I see what you're going through I've come to do a miracle for you God has come to us in our hour of need to do a miracle for us because he's seeing you struggling because he sees you know what the wind is blowing the up as a direction my son my daughter is struggling they're suffering God has compassion he is my God has compassion you don't want to leave the disciples just like that struggling and him going to the other side he said let me go and see let me go and help them let me go and be there for them he will not let you struggle by yourself he will not let you suffer by yourself why do you have to think that you have to suffer by yourself why do you have to think that you have to suffer all alone why do you have to think that nobody understands yes others may not but Jesus does you don't have to face the opposite current the wind and the waves all alone Jesus comes to your rescue Jesus has come to your rescue and the very same words he spoke to his disciples two thousand years ago he's saying the same words to you hear up don't be afraid I have come to help you don't be afraid be happy it's I the Lord Jesus who has come to you when you are heart is troubled when you're facing the opposite situation when the currents are against you and not for you I have come to help you God is speaking to your hearts this morning be of good cheer don't be afraid God has come to help you Jesus has come to help you Jesus has come to turn your situation around he has come to take you safely to the other side when he comes into the scene everything will change once he comes into the scene your situation will change once he comes to the scene you will make it to the other side with Jesus by your side yes he was the one who said go go to the other side when he says go it's enough for us his word will take us but in the middle of our journey when we face things that are too strong for us to face he sees that he comes to our rescue the Lord said ask ask new receives ask until you receive God is speaking to you this hour he says when he sees you struggle when he sees you going through fear and difficulty he will not let you in that spot God will not let you struggle there without him coming to help you in Jesus comes to help you what is your response when he is there to help you what is your response at that time Peter answered him verse 28 says Lord it fitted you command me to come to you on the water all of a sudden even though the winds were blowing against something happened to Peter you know why because the very goddess spoke this world into existence he spoke now he said don't be afraid the moment he said don't be afraid and when he said be happy be a good cheer all of a sudden whatever fear that was there whatever looked opposite all of a sudden disappeared all of a sudden Peter got that faith in the midst of whatever is happening he was ready to walk on water he said you just tell me Lord you tell me if it is you you just tell me I will do anything that's what will happen to a man or a woman who has an encounter with God Almighty in the midst of everything that is opposite they would say I will do this in the midst yes just a few moments ago there are fields with worry they're full of fear but all of a sudden what happened there's a shift that took place all of a sudden that fear left worry left joy took over them instead now they were to say Lord you tell me Lord you tell me the same place the same see the same waters the same current whatever is happening Peter said you tell me Lord you tell me to walk on water I will do he has never seen any man walk on water what was he talking about did Peter realize you think you realized what he was talking about maybe maybe not because Peter usually says something all the time but even if he didn't realize and he just blurted it out you know what God said you asked for it right I'll give it to you come you asked for it right I'll give it to you come I'll enable you to walk on water come that is who my God is when you ask when you put your faith in him no matter how opposite your situation may look he not only comes to a rescue but he says I'll grant you what you want I'll grant you what you're asking me I'll grant you your heart's desire you got so excited not if it is you I'm seeing Jesus walk on water I want to walk on water too all of a sudden his faith rose just seeing God almighty just hearing the words of Jesus Christ all of a sudden he wanted to walk on water and Jesus said granted come very important what caused him to walk on water was the words of God Jesus Christ his poke Peter got down because he trusted in the word of God because he chose to walk my faith and not by sight very important the Holy Spirit wants you to understand this because Jesus said come he is stepping out of the boat not because he looked at how the weather looked not because he thought all of a sudden he became somebody not because he became delusional thinking that okay this is the land no because he trusted in the word of God the Lord Jesus Christ just like the child would say I'm going to jump to the father and the father says jump and immediately the child jumps all of a sudden Peter trusted God one hundred percent the word of God and the very word of God that he trusted became like a pathway or a road for him on the water the moment he said come the word come became like a layer for him where he was able to walk without thinking I pray that the Spirit of the Lord will open your eyes of understanding to understand what God is speaking dear this hour man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God is so powerful it's powerful enough to create powerful enough to sustain powerful enough to heal powerful enough to deliver God's word is enough for us we can understand the power of God's word we can put our faith in him and we should put our faith in him if you put your faith in him if you put your faith in him the word of God and that word of God will do wonders in your life all Jesus had to say was come on Peter Peter said Lord can I come and say is you you tell me Lord he knew that the power of God resided in the word of God the moment Jesus had come he knew that he would be able to walk on water the moment Jesus says come the word see oh me was like the bridge for him he trusted in that all he saw was the word see oh m e that was it that's all he saw he didn't see the sea he didn't see the wind he didn't see the waves he didn't see anything the moment he heard Jesus say come that's all he heard and that's all he saw that's why he walked on water because the very word that Jesus spoke to see oh and me it came from the mouth of Jesus became his bridge over water and he was able to walk on water without thinking what happened whatever happened we know it was the word of God now that something happened to Peter and Peter became like a ghost now the word of God sustained him the word of God caused him to walk on water may God help you to understand those who put their trust in the word of God for whatever it is whether it's for healing they will be healed those who place their trust in the word of God for a miracle will receive the miracles those who place their trust in the word of God for whatever it is just like Peter trusted in the word of God the word see oh me in order to walk on water and that was granted if he didn't doubt at all not even a bit that's our powerful God's word whatever Christ told you to do you trust in his word whatever promise that God has given if you trust in his word whatever you're trusting for will happen because the moment Jesus said it it has happened already according to swear now it is your part that you need to do in taking hold of the word of God and walking in it when you walk you're going to actually walk in whatever Christ has already provided for you God help you to understand what the spirit of the Lord is speaking and is our when Peter had come down out of the boat he walked on the water to go to Jesus what was he walking on he was walking on the word the Jesus spoke to him the spoken word would sustain him but when you saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid what happened what happened all of a sudden his focus shifted the wind was boisterous before we already saw that the currents were against him everything was the same his focus was on the word that he heard all of a sudden his focus shifted from the word that he heard to the wind that he heard when God does a miracle in your life he's about to do a miracle in your life and you believe in the word of God always now the enemy will do all kinds of things to get your attention away from the word of God and to cause you to pay attention to what Satan wants you to say that's how you lose your miracle that's how you lose your blessing that's how you lose the peace that's how you lose very answer to your prayers that God wants to release into your hands because he was afraid he began to think until then he didn't think all of a sudden the bridge that he had the coami word that Jesus said all of a sudden was no longer there why because he lost sight of that word that sustained him because that word will be there as long as he keeps his eyes only on that word the word will be there as long as he keeps his ears open only for that word that was spoken the moment the eyes and the ears are transferred from that to what the enemy is showing the word that was there so long becomes practically non-existent it practically becomes non-existent what happens as a result is like the phone cell phone the moment you turn your phone to airplane mode all of a sudden you don't receive any signal that's it you walk by faith and not by sight the moment you cease to walk by faith and keep your eyes on your circumstance whatever blessing whatever God has spoken God has spoken and he had given already but you know what it becomes ineffective in your life it becomes a zero not because God is not powerful no not because all of them God decided to pull his blessing away from you no sin does that yes rebellion will do that but they all stem from lack of faith they all stem from taking your eyes off of Jesus so they all fall into the same category the moment you take your eyes off of Jesus and your ears off of his voice that he said and you start focusing on your problems all of a sudden you begin to think in that problem you begin to think in that fear you begin to think in the sorrow you begin to think in that confusion you begin to think in everything that the enemy has brought before you God is speaking to your heart at this hour call unto me in the day of trouble I will answer you and you shall glorify me didn't he say that there's no change in that do you trust him if you do how much do you trust him you trust him like how Peter trusted him enough to not think even for a second of what is happening around you not pay attention to even for a second of what you're hearing from his surrounding are you able to fully reward yourself 100% devote to the promise that God has spoken if he said come that's enough for us your word keeps me alive your word brings healing to my mind your word heals my body your word is all I need how true is that you can sing it only life and not experience it at all if you keep on looking at everything that is around you the wind can be boisterous the sea can be boisterous everything around us can be boisterous in the midst of all of that we can still walk on that yes why should see if he said if he would tell us God whatever God has spoken is very powerful it's powerful enough to sustain us it's powerful enough to give us victory it's powerful enough to give us the healing and immediately Jesus stressed out his hand and caught him and set him all you up little faith why did you doubt why did you doubt why did you take your focus off of my word that caused you to walk on water why did you take your eyes off of my word that did that miracle in your life you started receiving the miracle you started walking in this miracle you started living that miracle what happened all of a sudden Peter what happened oh you have little faith that's how much faith you had Peter only to walk a few steps that's how much Peter that's how much faith you had why did you doubt God is looking at your face this morning he's asking you the same thing oh you can say oh I did well once upon a time that's all that's how much faith only for once upon a time how about today how about today how about today can you trust God can you trust his word to make you walk over your circumstance today do you believe that God has a power to cause you to trample your circumstance today your boisterous circumstance that is against you you have the faith that his word is enough to cause you to be victorious today to cause you to be joyful today to cause you to go against the current that is against you in God speak to your hearts this morning done be one among those who have little faith just believe and get excited when you see something and then within a few minutes gone oh lord i'm thinking don't be up little faith don't doubt don't take your eyes off of his word for his word sustains us don't take your ears off of his voice with voice sustains us he got help you to understand what the holy spirit is speaking of this hour if you want to see miracles if you want to experience miracles if you want to sustain the miracle God has done you need to walk by faith and not by sight faith won't do anything and everything he's a big dramatist he will do anything and everything in order to infuse fear if you would let him too that's the key if you would let him too if you would refuse to watch his show and would choose to keep your eyes on Jesus and Jesus alone keep your ears open to the voice of Jesus and Jesus alone then you'll be able to continuously walk on water you'll be able to continuously be triumphant in your situation as we sing let the winds blow let the tides grow let the storm clouds rise above me the maker of heaven helps me i don't care what happens around me i don't care who says what if i have my eyes fixed on my savior my ears open to his voice alone i'll be the most joyful most victorious person in this world living with the purpose of God fulfilling what God wants me to may you take this word that the spirit of God has spoken this morning and move from living a shallow life of faith to a deeper sustained walk of faith you don't want to have little faith oh i have faith but little very little you know why because doubt became bigger than faith and faith ceased at that point a little bit of faith enough to walk a few steps then the doubt just thank him in that boisterous situation but how boisterous your situation may be through God you should abeliantly and it is he who shall tread down your enemies his word is enough his word is enough his word is enough his word is enough his word is enough in your circumstances word is enough for your bodily needs his word is enough for his spiritual needs his word is enough for your financial needs his word is enough for your daily needs no matter what it is your relational needs his word is enough and your workplace his word is enough to prosper you his word is enough to flourish you his word is enough to grow you in your spiritual life it's where is enough you need to come to that point in your life where his word is all you need shall he close the eyes and look to the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus your word keeps me alive your word brings healing to my mind your word heals my body your word is all i need your word keeps me alive your word brings healing to my mind your word heal my body your word is all i need oh by your word i live oh by your word i live your word is all i need your word is all i need your word is they laugh unto my fate your word is they lighten to my back your word keeps my feet from falling your word is all i need your word see my hungry soul your word refreshes my weary soul your word restores my wounded soul your word is all i need oh by your word i live oh by your word i live your word is all i need your word is all i need your word is all i need your word is all i need your word is all i need bye bye thank you lord for this hour that you gave us in your presence we use folk to eat in every one of your people who are here i pray that the living word that you have given from heaven may register in this spirit so lord i pray may bring about the change that you're looking for that the spirit of unbelief may no longer reside in any believer's hearts our minds our bodies there is spirit of unbelief may no longer find a home in any part of your people your people may be truly the people of god would truly trust you be true believers of the living god i ask you lord let you go continue to work this word a deeper level a deeper level a deeper level i pray what you've given to us is very rich as you always do but no one treated casually father but no one wasted away like the seed that fell on the wayside but each one take it to heart meditate on this and live by this and may they eat the fruit that would come from this seed that you have sown this day in the hearts of three people as you serve in standing before the almighty god in the presence of god before the throne of god according to the power and authority given to me by the almighty god i pronounce your blessing upon you people but they may become inheritors of this word that you have spoken of god this day from your mouth to their spirits may bring forth much fruit o lord i pray the division of the lord jesus christ and the walk of the lord jesus christ and the life of the lord jesus christ may radiate through your people or if they may live like how you live they may walk like how you walk that their lives may become a reflection of the savior and i pronounce his blessing upon the people i pronounce it a god may they inherit it my father for this i ask in jesus name amen Amen.