El Bethel International Ministries

WWTK - 08.31.2020 |"The Power of a Covenant Relationship: Trust, Faith, and Love" - Audio

May the God of Wonders Bless You!

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14 Jul 2024
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map the chapter 7 from verses 7 to 12, ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives and he who seeks, finds, into him who knocks, it will be opened, or what man is there among you, who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone, or if he asks for fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more will your father, who is in heaven, give good things to those who ask him? Therefore, whatever you want, men to do to you, do also to them, but this is the law and the prophets. God be praised. The spirit of the Lord wants to speak to us, something very substantial, something very deep, something very practical, something that God wants to see in each one of his children. Many times people talk about this scripture saying that God said to us, God said to us, and so we can ask and God will give to anyone because he said, for everyone who has will receive. But we must look at the context of this section and see, who is this section addressed to? Who is Jesus talking to? Is he talking to anyone and everyone, or is this to a particular group of people? When we look at what Christ is speaking here, we can gather something very significant here, which is he is talking to God's children. He's talking to people who are God's children. He's talking to people who are in that covenant relationship with God, the Father in the Old Testament through circumcision, they became the children of God, who are in that covenant relationship, he's not talking to people who are not in that relationship, he is talking to the children of God and he says, look, your Father in heaven will give you, he's your Father, he will give to you good things, he's your Father in heaven. The covenant relationship that the people in the Old Testament had with God the Father is such a beautiful relationship where they become the children of the Creator God, the all-powerful God, the almighty God, the children of God are called to be in the light as he is in the light. In the covenant relationship with God almighty, now we must understand, when God says for everyone who receives, everyone who seeks signs, and to him the door will be open to that person, the one who knocks, all of those fall under one category, all these things will happen to God's children. When God's children cry out to him, God will answer them, and God's children seek for something, God will give it to them. When God's children knock on the door, God opens those doors for them, why? Because he is their Father and they are his children. We must understand, there are certain privileges, certain blessings that come to God's children because they belong to him, and he belongs to them. It's a love relationship, it's a covenant relationship, it's a relationship that must be treated with great reverence, respect, love, honor, enjoy. This is speaking to our hearts this morning. Anyone of the children can go to him and ask him, and God will rent it to them. Anyone of the children can go and push the view and stick, something that they are looking from God, God will give it to them. Anyone of the children can go and knock on the doors that are locked, and God will open up for them, provided they are in that covenant relationship with God Almighty. When I say covenant relationship, we have to understand that God said in his word that if you maintain your part of the covenant, what I have covenant with you will stand. It will be there. I will do it for you. I will fulfill it. I will bring it to the past, everywhere, but I have spoken. But if you bring your part of the covenant, then my covenant will not stand. This is something God has said all along in the Scripture, even to Solomon, he said that. To every group of people who live during every time period, and Jesus spoke and God the Father spoke in the Old Testament through every prophet, this is something constant. We cannot claim to be God's children and follow Satan's command and serve him. That will not work, and in time of need we cannot say, "I am God's child, and I am under his covenant now." The true covenant relationship will be a relationship that is based on faith and trust, love, in God Almighty as we walk with him, and he sees our faith, trust, and love by actions. What are we choosing? Do you choose holy living? You choose to be in the presence of God, you choose to live and walk in the Word of God? These are the things God will see. When our words don't match our actions, our actions don't match our words, then our actions become the final marker, the final product of who we are, because out of their balance of their heart, the mouth speaks and our hands, they actually work. The output actually determines what is inside of us, whatever is hidden on the inside, it will eventually come out. The Bible says, Jesus said, "There is nothing that will be hidden that will not be revealed, it will be revealed, it will absolutely be revealed." So when our actions match our words, God says, "I see you, that you are my child, and I hear you, because I see that you are being faithful, that you are being sincere, that you are not using the name of the Lord in vain, that you are not saying that, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, and do the opposite. The reason God says in his word that he will send all the people who call on the name of the Lord, but did, works of inequity, sent to the lake of fire, pushed away by God whom they called Lord, but did the opposite, and we see this, God Almighty is not just interested in people calling him Lord, but if I am your Lord, where is my honor? If I am your Lord, where is the obedience?" It's like a mother saying, "Don't simply say, 'Mommy, mommy, mommy,' and go be with my enemy." It is very important. You cannot flatter someone with your words and your actions are completely contrary. God is not looking for flatterers, God is really looking for people with integrity. God praises, must come from an upright heart, our, I love you to God, must come from a sincere heart, our thank you to God, must come from a sincere heart. God is looking for integrity, God is looking for truth in the inward part of our being. And when we live in a relationship that is based on truth, and our walk is a true walk with God, God says to you who is really my child, to you the one who is really my son, my daughter, to you, I am giving this promise, the promises ask, and it will be given to you. It's not may, might, probably, no. It will be given to you. Are you in that covenant relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? If you are, then whatever you ask, will be given to you by God Almighty, no matter how big, maybe, no matter how impossible it may appear. If you are his child, when you ask, he will give it to you. When you seek, you will find, when you knock, it will be open to you. These are definite promises God has given to his people, to his children, who call him our father and behave as his children. Our behavior is very important, our talk, our mannerisms, clearly show what we made up from the inside. So to those who truly say, "He is my father," be like your father. To those who say, "He is my Lord," let him be your Lord, that means whatever he says, do it. When he say, "He is my savior," then show by your actions that he has saved you from your sins, not you being kept in the same central state. There has to be truth in our confession and truth in our walk with God. Our relationship with God must be based on truth. It must be based on the truth, the Lord Jesus Christ. To such people, God says, "You know what, ask, and you are sure to be answered by God Almighty. He will give it to you whatever you are asking." When you are a child of God, your desires will be conformed to the desires of God the Father. Not like they say, like father, like son, like mother, like daughter. When you belong to God the Father, your desires become just like his desires. And in him, he grants you everything. God puts a desire in the hearts of his people to get good things, to live a life that is of use for his kingdom, for his glory, for his honor. And because God delights him as he wants to flourish us, he wants to nourish us, he wants to prosper us. God wants to see us happy, joyful, victorious. He wants to crown us with glory and honor. That's who our God is. And are we in that covenant relationship with God Almighty, really walking, humbly without God? If so, whatever you ask, we'll be given to you, which you must ask, whatever you seek, you will find, you will definitely find. You might have lost something, you might feel like, you know what, I don't even have this in my hands right now, but if you seek God for it, you will find it, God will give it to you. No matter how hard I try, I'm not able to get through this season of my life, I'm not able to get through to this person, or I'm not able to get through to victory. God guarantees, open doors for people who will truly, truly walk with him and knock. A certain thing, we must do, we must do. See, finding a marriage contract is not just signing a piece of paper, is surely signing a document saying that I will be true. I will be in this covenant relationship with this one person. And because of that, whatever benefits that go with being married, may become inheritors of that, but for that you need to be married, understand this. In order for you to get the blessings that need to come from God, you must be in that covenant relationship. You know what, it's not just signing a piece of paper by saying, "Oh Lord, I receive you today as my Lord and Savior," and act like Satan is the Lord. It's not going to work that way. If we say that, we are marrying this person and we have to be true, we have to be faithful, we need to stay married, in order for the blessings of marriage to take effect and continue to be in effect. God is looking for people who are faithful to God, true to God in that covenant relationship with God Almighty. To such people, God says, "Whatever you ask, it will be granted." When it just comes out of your mouth, even before you could close your mouth, I'll give it to you. Whatever you seek, you will find. You never said that you will never have shortage, you never said that you will never have to seek, you would never have to knock, no. He says, "When you come close to that Red Sea, I'll do a miracle for you." When you come close to the River Jordan, I'll do a miracle for you. When you stand in front of the walls of Jericho, I will do a miracle for you. When you see the Philistine Goliath stand there, I will do a miracle for you. That's what God is promising. He says, "I'll give you great victories." If you would honor the covenant relationship that you are in, and be true to God Almighty. For everyone who asks, receives and he who seeks finds into him who knocks, it will be opened. That means when you are in the covenant relationship, perfect love casts out fear. If you really, really are in a real love relationship with God Almighty, like a little child that would run to the Father to say, "My car broke, my airplane broke, my toy broke." Taking it to the Father or to the Mother, looking to them for them to fix it, we would run to God our Father for everything, not try to fix it ourselves, but take it to God first, and what do we do as parents? We see if we can fix it, if we can't fix it, what do we tell them? Don't worry about it, we'll buy another one. We want to wipe their tears and we say, "Don't worry, I'll replace what is broken with another one, which I'll have to go to the parent." God is speaking to your heart this morning, the confidence that we need to have in God the Father, the innocence that needs to be there and the faith that needs to be there, in order to go to God the Father, knowing that you know what, whatever is damaged in my life, whatever is broken in my life, I can take it all to Jesus. I can bring it all to Jesus, everything, possible, impossible, everything. I can bring it to Jesus, and what does He do? What will Jesus do? He fixes it for us. He fixes it for us. He fixes it for us. Everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened. Definitely it will be opened. No doubt about it, or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will he give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him? What things? Anything? Good things to those who ask him. Where is it coming from? Where is it coming from? When you ask your Father in heaven, where will it come from? It comes from the Father of light. It comes from God our Father in heaven. It comes from heaven's storehouse. It comes from heaven's merchandise. It comes from the King of glory, understand. When you ask God, it is God who gives it to you, and he looks to him, it is he who would provide for you. You need to have that confidence in him. I can go to him and I can ask him. In order for that to happen, you need to be in the covenant relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that he is my Father and I am his child. That means whatever he says, I must do. I must live the life that God has called me to live, and not just say, "Oh, I know him. I know him. I know him. I know him. He's done miracles for me in the past. Don't talk about your past if your present is not in alignment with God's will. Pastful just become a faded glory, which is practically non-existent if your sin has overtaken that. Every day you need to have a testimony, every day you need to walk in holiness, every day you need to show that you are for God and not against him, that you're not a traitor in the kingdom of God. You're not in league with Satan, that you are walking with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. God is speaking to your heart today. Where is your faith? Where is your heart? You sign the piece of paper, saying that I do, and then is your heart in the wrong place? God is speaking to your heart today. Be loyal. Learn to be faithful. Truth in the inward parts of your being is what God is looking for. When you have that, you have everything that goes with it, because God will just lavish His good things upon His people. How much more? How much more will your father in heaven give good things to those who ask him? So whatever you ask him, God will give you from his storehouse, good things. God wants to give you good things to those who ask him. So it's not an automatic thing. You must learn to ask him, like a child that would run to the parent and say, "I want to eat whatever they want to eat. I want cereal, or I want milk, or I want eggs, or I want chickens." Whatever the child wants, the child will go and ask. We need to learn to go and ask. The dad doesn't give anything, everything also. The kid will not want to eat food, but they will want snacks, and that's when the parent would say, "No, how do you food first?" God does that also many times out of His love, because sometimes we don't know what we're asking. The maturity is not there. So God will say, "You know what? You have to wait. I have something for better for you. Look, this is what I'm going to give you." When He gives it to us in His time, it gladdens our heart, and we're so thankful to God that He did not give it ahead of time, and He did not give exactly what we asked what He gave us, something far better, far greater. One thing we can know for sure, a Father in heaven will only give us good things when we ask Him. Learn to pray. Learn to pray. He says, "Asking is praying. In prayer, you ask Him. Praising is part of prayer, worship is part of prayer. Prayer is our communication with God the Father." That's it. It's not a big dramatized version of some old English words that we cannot even say, that you try to memorize and come and just say some things before God knows. And it's something more than that. It's just a simple heart-to-heart talk with our God the Father, a heart that obeys, is a heart that truly is in love with God, a heart that would seek to be with Him is a heart that is truly in love with God. How much more will your Father in heaven, good gifts, and good things to those who ask Him? Very important is first of all, therefore whatever you want the men to do to you, they will also do them, for this is the law and the Prophet. You want something? You want something good? You be the same way. You want God to give you good things? You make sure that you please Him with everything that is within you. You want to receive good things? Make sure your life is in alignment with the will of God. You want to prosper in your life? Then you do that which is right before God. What this is, what God has been saying from the beginning, that's what verse 12 is, whatever you want the men to do to you, in this context Jesus is saying, they will also do them. They will also do them. If you're looking for good things, learn to be good. If you want to have a good life, you want to live a good life, you want to enjoy good things, then God says you become a person who is really worthy of that by being good. You want God to do dramatic things and possible things in all kinds of supernatural things and be worthy of that by doing good. It must begin with our relationship with God Almighty. You want God to do good things for you and in your relationship with God be honest. You want God's love and you want to enjoy His love, then you love Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Whatever you want others to do to you including God the Father, you make sure that you are the same way with God the Father. Many people easily say that, oh I'm not faithful to God yet He is faithful, we should be ashamed to say that. I hear many Christians say that and even post on Facebook daringly, and God help us, it's a mockery, it's a mockery to God, it's a mockery before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord. You're giving leverage to Satan by saying that, that's so easy to worship Satan. It's so easy to be faithful to Satan, be unfaithful to God and say it without any shame to say that, I'm unfaithful to God, so you're unfaithful to God and you're being faithful to Satan. Think about that, think about that statement, how wretched the hearts of human beings have become, treacherous towards God and not ashamed to even say that, no remorse can a man say that, boldly before his wife, can a woman say that boldly before a husband, I'm fooling around with many different people, still my spouse is faithful with no regret, with no shame, that mouth should quiver even to say that. Perhaps many times we dare say that before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord and post it, post that rottenness all over, spread corruption and evil, it's not just ignorance, it's treachery, it comes out of a treacherous heart, God help us to never be that way, and tall for righteousness, stand strong for holiness, have the backbone to live a godly life, one life we have, live it for Jesus, not for Satan. Whatever we watch, whatever we hear, whatever we listen to, whatever we interact with really defines who we are, whatever we give our moments and our days really define what's in our heart, what are we going after? Jesus said this, where your treasure is, there your heart will be also, where your treasure is, where your heart will be also, because the treasure is, or whatever the manifestation of a person's behavior is like the symptom of the disease, and a person has a disease on the inside, they have symptoms on their side. You don't try to treat the symptoms, you try to treat the disease itself, you just try to treat the symptoms, then the disease can get bigger and eventually kill a person. You need to find out why a person is having fever for 20 days, not just keeping them pylenol, it could be cancer, it could be something far serious, understand it, whatever you have on the inside, whatever you have deep within your heart, God wants you to know that it can be treatable, it must be treated. If you don't, if you don't treat it, it will become something that will destroy you, it will totally, totally destroy us, if we don't take the disease seriously, God is speaking to our hearts at this hour, God Almighty, the maker of heaven and earth, the one who sits on the throne, looks to his people and he says, are you coughing, are you sneezing, do you have a temperature that is high, do you have an appetite that is abnormal, then come to me, I will treat you. The problem is people don't take that problem to God, instead they boast about it, that's what the problem is, when you demonically boast your unfaithfulness in God, something is seriously wrong, something is seriously wrong. When you demonically boast that you have some disease, instead of looking desperately for a cure, something is wrong, those who really want to live, will look for a cure, will not magnify your sickness. God is speaking to your hearts today, if you want to live in that covenant relationship with the Lord God Almighty, faithfulness is very important, faithfulness is very important. Be faithful to God, be faithful to your spouse, be faithful to your children, if you have children in your home, be faithful, if you tell them don't watch something, you don't watch that, if you tell them don't hear this, you don't hear that, living a hypocritical life will send your children straight to hell, understand because they will not want to have anything to do with your Jesus. There are many, many, many children who have gone into witchcraft, who have gone into addiction, who have gone out of churches, you know why, simply because hypocrisy that they've seen in the lives of the parents, they want nothing to do with the God of the parents. Why? Because they forced something down the throat of their children, meanwhile, they did not do it themselves, that's what Jesus talked about the Pharisees, he said, you put helly weights on the people that I had never gave, meanwhile you don't lift them or you don't even touch it with your finger, don't do that, be real, be real, yeah, there are some people who are being real and they are very open and proud about their sin, that's satanic. Be real, be true to God, be true to yourself, be genuine in your work with God, your family should see how you lift, not a show on the outside. So our life with God is very important, our relationship with God the Father and we as children will determine the blessings that will come from God our Father. God is good gifts, God wants to give, God says ask me, but it is for those who live real before God, be real, let your life be real before God, tell the Lord, Lord I'm never going to say ever again like other people who are inspired by Satan, they say that. I'm always unfaithful but he is faithful, never going to say that because it's a very hurtful statement of God when mixed Satan, very happy, is so wrong to say that. If you do anything wrong, your heart should smite you and you should fall on your face before God and cry, oh my God forgive me, I won't do it ever again, that's a genuine heart and if you're careful, it will not even go to that but having a pattern of unfaithfulness and boasting about that with no conscience at all is treacherous before God, never think that God will hear the praises such people who blatantly are unfaithful to God and rejoice in the unfaithfulness and boldly spread that wickedness to others as well, saying that it's okay to mock God, it's okay to be unfaithful to God, it's okay to stab Jesus again and again, it's okay to hurt the one who gave us life for us, let me tell you today, God's word says God will not be mocked, whatever a person will sow, that's what he will reap, if you are unfaithful to God, God will make sure that you will face unfaithfulness in your life from others, it is God's word, it will happen to you, if you think you can play games with God, God will make sure it will come right back to you, that's what verse 12 says, "Therefore whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them what they say is the law and the profit, whatever you want to receive from God, make sure you are in the covenant relationship and you are doing what you should be doing which is loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, make sure, make sure, make sure, make sure God is speaking to your heart today, in your heart, in your mind, esteem God more than anything else, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct you path, make him first to make him everything, make him the Lord of your life, make him the love of his soul, get your heart, mind, have Jesus as your everything, guarantee whatever you ask he will give it to you, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them for this is the law and the profit, Jesus said it, Jesus said it, Jesus said it, understand these are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, he said, you know what, whatever you want, whatever you want, that means you want good things then be worthy of receiving good things, you do the same thing, you want good things, you do the same thing, you want good things, you do the same thing, you want to reap good things, so good things, you want kindness, you be kind, you want faithfulness, you be faithful, you want love, you give love, you want God to give you good things, you be in good terms of God, very important, we should not twist the scriptures, we need to understand, God is watching, he's watching always to give us good things, God is watching or alive to give us good things, God wants to give us good things, God wants to bless us beyond our wildest imagination, God wants to exaltest people, God wants to give the best for his children, whatever you ask God will give to you, you know this, we need to be in a father's son relationship or daughter, father relationship, be under his lordship, be under his covenant that he is my Lord and I am his child, I am, under his lordship, that means whatever he says, that's what I will do, whatever he says, that's what I will do, tell the Lord to the Lord, I am going to have you as my Lord, call you as my Lord, serve you as my Lord and to you and to you alone, I will bow down, I am out threatening a situation up here, no matter who says what, I will not bow down to fear, I will not bow down to anyone, but I will only bow down to you, O King Jesus, I will be in that covenant relationship with your Lord and see you as the father beyond any other father on earth, I know that you will take care of me, that I know in times of trouble I can come running to you, I know that I can talk to you, I know I can seek you for anything, I know I can come and knock on your door and you will immediately open the door for me and you will grant to me my petition that I leave before you, shall we close the eyes and look to the Lord, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, that is a wonder working God, on this last day of this month of August, God is giving to us this promise, very important promise, he says, I want to give you what you ask, I want to grant you the desires of your heart, if you are my son, my daughter, and you are in that covenant relationship, and you really, really my son and my daughter, that means you are not on the opposite side, you're not, Satan's child and she's claiming to be mine or calling me as your father but, you really my child, you're really seeking me with all your heart, that you're really following me, that you're really on my side, on my team, that you'll form me and not against me, then whatever you ask, I'll give to you, whatever you seek from me, you shall find, I will give it to you, whenever you come and knock, I will open the door and any door that you need to open, I will open it for you, God is speaking to your heart today, whenever for, as a hindrance, God will remove death from you, whatever lack is there, God will fill it for you, he's the Lord God Almighty, whatever you need to sat right before God, you need to sat right before God, in God will do it, many times God at his mercy, he grants things to draw you to himself, that doesn't mean, that you can continue and sin, that doesn't mean that all, even though I'm doing this, God is still blessing you, that means he is approving my actions, no, absolutely not, thank you Jesus, not everything you get, you could claim that is from God, if you're not working with God, you could understand that as well, Satan, show Jesus, his false glory, and he said, you know what, I'll give all of these to you, if you're about down to me, the Satan can give too, but whatever he gives is not real, he's the one who has a whole bunch of thick gold, thick stones, God is the real thing and he's the real deal, he'll give fake pleasures, fake riches, fake everything to steal your soul, and to keep you by his sight in order to take it out, but when you step into the sanctuary of God, hide yourself in him and you look to him for every need that you have, and you're faithful to him, Jesus, the real deal will give you everything that is real, and the best from his hand to yours, thank you Jesus, Father, thank you Lord for speaking the hearts today, I know you gave the word and I know you've spoken to your people, and I pray that you will, quicken every heart this morning, that your word may sink deep into the spirits of your people, that they may not worry about anything but bring everything before you and simply ask you, and whatever they need, they may seek from you, and whenever they need, they may come and knock at your hand, and I pray that you may have people, Lord, live a life that is pleasing to you, and surely be your children in all the times of that, you will open your hands and you will give to them according to your riches and glory of the Christ Jesus, but there's no disappointment with God, he's the way, the truth and the life, if he said I will give it to you, he will give it, and I thank you for your faith from us, we your children must be faithful just like a father in heaven is faithful, that's what shows that we belong to you, so I pray that you will help if you will understand more, and to look at the hearts in your presence and to be people who would do what they would want you to do for them due to you Jesus be faithful to you, to see your faithfulness in their life, and thank you Lord for doing this, thank you for your promise that you will give them throughout those days as we walk in you and live in you, we have the confidence that we can come running to any time we have a need, we can simply ask you, and you will faithfully, so faithfully, give it to us, and I thank you and praise you, cast all your cares upon him for he he cares for you, you said, so this morning Lord we cast all our cares upon you, for you care, and we bring all our petitions to you knowing that you said bring it, knowing that you said you will answer it, so we lay it at your feet this morning, we also know, you said, whatever we do to others, whatever we want others to do to us, you want us to do to them and it begins with you, whatever we do to others that's what will come back to us, and I thank you Lord, so I pray help us never to treat our relationship with you lightly, if we want you to, as team us and bless us, help us never to be unfaithful to you, if we want you to be faithful to us, help us never to miscope scriptures, and live in a false state, live for you, that truly be children of the truth, the Lord Jesus Christ, live a life of truth, for anything beyond that is a lie, which belongs to the Father's life, so I pray help us to exhibit characters that show that we belong to the Father in heaven, the Father of truth, truth himself, I pray blessing upon you people this morning, that they may inherit the blessings that you have for them, that they may receive every blessing Father that comes from the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ, that they may ask you Lord every time they have a need, before they could even ask any of the human being, that they may come running to you knowing that Jesus said ask, Jesus said seek, Jesus said knock, and he said he will give, he said he will give, thank you Jesus, me and people, this pontine isn't running to a present Lord, I pray that you will continue to build their hearts and make their hearts all Lord, to be steady and stable in the ways of the Almighty God, thank you heavenly Father, thank you heavenly Father, I want to give you a few minutes in the present of the Lord of the Holy Spirit wants me to, and tell the Lord Lord, I don't want to be unfaithful, I will not be unfaithful to you, I'm going to be faithful to you, I'm not going to be treacherous in my relationship with you, I'm not going to hurt you ever again Jesus, I'm going to be faithful to you, tell the Lord in everything, Lord I'm not going to compromise, Lord I'm going to be true to you, I'm not going to do my own thing and claim that God told me to, I'm going to live a life of honesty and integrity, tell the Lord that, and tell the Lord Lord, I'm going to do to you what I want you to do to me, I want to show my love to you and receive your love from you, tell the Lord, tell the Lord that, thank you Jesus, and you will have that confidence that comes from God that you can just run to him any time, because he loves you and you love him, that you have that simple, profound, straightforward, honest love relationship with Jesus Christ, thank you Lord, Father I commit to your people and your hands, as you serve in standing before the Almighty God, in the presence of God, before the throne of God, according to the power and authority given to the Almighty God, bless your people, Lord, on this last day of August, to inherit this blessing that you have run to them this day, that their lives may go forward with the strength of God, with the boldness that comes from God, with the humility that comes from God, with the love that comes from God, that they may be faithful to you, that they may love you in everything, Lord, in every test and trial, they may be proven faithful before you, thank you Lord, you are such a faithful God, you have been so faithful to us, how can it be hard for us to be unfaithful, how can we even say it in any good conscience that it's hard to be faithful to God, how can we say it to such a good God, to such a faithful God, so I pray that your work is true in the hearts of your people, Father, and walking with you may become their life, living for you may become their lifestyle, and I bless this blessing, O Lord, with the blessing that you are giving into my hands to bless them with this morning, that each and every brother, sister, child is on the score, it truly represents you on earth, that no one must represent you, my God, that they may represent you accurately on earth, those are on them when they look at their lives, may they see Jesus in there, for this I ask in Jesus' name, amen, amen, amen, amen, Jesus. 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