El Bethel International Ministries

FBS - 08.27.2020 |"The Power of Oneness" - Audio

May the God of Wonders Bless You!

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Acts chapter 2. And I'm going to read from verse 1. When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them, divided tongues as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews devout men from every nation under heaven. And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together and were confused because everyone heard them speak in his own language. Then they were all amazed and marveled, staying to one another. Look, are not all these who speak. Galileans, and how is it that we here eat in our own language in which we were born? Part the end and Medes and Illimites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Capidasia, Pontus and Azia. Phrygia and Pampalia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining, Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytized. Crecians and Arabs, we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God. So they were all amazed and perplexed, staying to one another, whatever, for this mean. Others, mocking, said, they are full of new wine, praise be to God. We're going to stop right here. And we're going to go to verse one again. There was a specific day. God appointed day. Understand this, God has days, moments, months, marked out in his calendars. You call that God's divine seasons. If you're taking notes, write this down. God has God's divine seasons appointed in his calendar. And according to his seasons and according to his timing, God moves in the lives of God's people. The Lord told his disciples to wait. He said, wait. And he told them where to wait. He said, Terry here in Jerusalem, stay here. Don't go anywhere. And he said, I'm going to send you the comforter. He's going to come. He's going to feel you. When he tells you, you are going to be somebody different. Your face is going to be the same. Your body is going to look the same. Your hair color is going to be the same. But on the inside, your spirit is going to be joined together with the spirit of the Lord. There's something that's taking place uniquely. It's not something that happened when you were born again. This is a very specific, special power that comes from one high that goes into a believer and turns them into people who become witnesses. Their lives, all of a sudden, takes a turn where they are no longer what they used to be. Doesn't mean that they were bad before. No, but they become something different. These were the disciples who follow Jesus Christ, where Jesus momentarily gave them. We saw this a couple of weeks ago. He gave the power to the 70 momentarily for them to accomplish a particular task where they went and they did the work and they came after that they no longer have those powers. It was a power that was given for a particular task during a particular duration of time. That means if it was for five days, one week, whatever the amount of time that was given, according to that he gave the power. That means you're going to have this for a certain number of days as given to them. And according to that, when they went and they served the Lord, they saw signs and wonders happen. That means all kinds of demons left. All kinds of sicknesses gone. Whatever Christ told them to do when they went and did, they saw the results that followed doing what Christ told them to do. The key is this. If God has told you to do something and you go ahead and you do it, the results that God says will happen. Will happen when you follow through with what God has told you to do because when he tells you to do something, he gives you what you need in order to accomplish that. But to understand this, unless power is given from one high, we cannot have it. Understand that. A lot of times people think that we can automatically do it. If I have faith, they can do it. Absolutely not. If you have faith, you can move a mountain. You can do that. Do you know what? That faith without doubt has to be there. The result, when someone has the gift of faith, this is the indication if someone has a gift of faith or not. When someone has a gift of faith, what they believe for will absolutely take place. That is the gift of faith. The gift of faith operates like this. Jesus spoke to the fig tree. What happened? The next day when they came, the fig tree was gone, completely with it away. How can that happen so fast? How can it happen that fast? Jesus said something and it was gone the next day. And Jesus told the disciples, you took and do that. But you do not see them doing that before the baptism of the Holy Spirit and receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit and anointing that came along with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When the commission was given, that is where the anointing comes from. When God calls somebody, God anoints them and he sends them out. That is what the real ministry is, where God anoints them for a particular task, understand this. Elisha was called the first time when the mentor was thrown the first time on Elijah. Elijah called Elisha and he threw his mentor the first time. And when that mentor was thrown on Elisha, it was a call of God that came to him to follow Elijah. There was no contract, there was no deal over here because it is heaven calling, right? It is not a business deal. When heaven called, he understood this is heaven's call and he left what he had and he followed Elijah. After he followed Elijah, as he is going with Elijah, as he is serving Elijah, he is seeing how Elijah is ministering. He is seeing how Elijah is praying. He is seeing how Elijah is prophesying. He is seeing how Elijah is healing. He is communicating with people. He is seeing the life of Elijah day and night. So the first mentor came to Elisha calling him for the mental that God had for him at a later point. But in the meantime, it is called preparatory period where he was prepared for something that God had for him. Now he had to pass a test, always understand. Before God can give you something substantial where the real mental comes, the ultimate mental comes in order to do the work of God, there will be a test. There will be a test for humility, there will be a test for faith, there will be a test for endurance, there will be a test for perseverance, there will be a test for integrity. All these tests will be given. Now Elijah called Elisha when the first mentor was given, he received it and he responded to it, always understand. There is something that God helped us to see. I think Tuesday, I believe, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to us that when God calls us or when God tells us to do something, we must respond. Our response to our healing, our response to what God wants to give, our response to, becoming what God wants us to be plays a major part in our lives. You know, I remember telling you to write this as the Spirit of the Lord wanted us to. And God is bringing that up again. When that mantle was given to Elisha, it was thrown on him. Elisha was not someone at that time was sitting and expecting that mantle to come. You call that grace. When God comes to us first, then we need to respond. But in order for God, God's grace to come to Elisha at that point, are all the people in that region. Elijah was only sent to Elisha and not to anyone else. Understand this, God sent Elijah to Elisha and not to anyone else. You know why? Are all these people there? God saw that Elisha had faith. God saw that Elisha will persevere. God saw that Elisha will follow through. God saw that Elisha will respond. God saw that Elisha had what God was looking for in order to make him the next person. Once the ministry of Elijah is over, to fill in Elijah's shoes, God had to look for somebody who would continue the work of God to the next several years. In order for that to happen, the eyes of the Lord had to scan the whole region of Israel to see who would qualify for his call. Understand this, God doesn't randomly select, pick or choose anyone. He looks at everyone and he sees who will meet his requirements. God calls those who would respond to his call in a way that he wants them to respond. Always understand this, God is God. He is the God of heaven and earth and he sees our hearts. He knows our thoughts. He sees our sitting down and our rising up. He hears every word that we speak. He is looking for those who are about the Father's business. He knows who is working and who is thinking about God while they are working. He knows who is working and thinking about themselves while they are working. He knows who is working and thinking about money all the time when they are working. He knows who is working and thinking about what people think about me while I am working. He sees all of that and he knows who will take something and drop it and not bring it to completion. He sees that too. He is looking for Godly character. He is looking for people who will put their hands to the plow and not turn back. That is who Elisha was. God saw him. God saw that he was a God-fearing man. When the prophet of God stood there and put his mantle upon him, he recognized that immediately. That was God's call coming to him. I am not going to be sitting and thinking about, "Should I go? Should I not go? Should I get three signs or four signs? Should I try to consult my family, consult them? This and that?" No. He understood who the prophet was who stood before him. He understood when that mantle fell upon him, what it meant. He understood that he is supposed to respond to it. Now, if not, he will miss the call of God. God help you to understand the urgency and the time that we are living in. If we don't understand that, if we're just shortsighted, just think about, "Oh, this present world, all my feelings and how I think and what I think and what they'll think about me." We will miss out on the blessed things that God has for us. It is about the Father. It is about what the Father wants to do in the lives of those who will respond to his call. Now, when you look at the working of God in seasons, according to God's calendar, how God would work in the lives of God's people, it is those who would pursue the King. It is those who would set their mind on his kingdom will inherit what the King has for them, not the other way around. Elisha was working while he was working, his mind is on the King and his kingdom. So when the call of God came for him, it was so natural for him to just leave everything and just switch gears for him to say, "I am going." You have to understand, there was no word from Elijah here. It was only the action, but you know what? He was so sensitive in his spirit. He knew that there's a prophet of God. If he threw his mantle on me, that means a call is coming to me. I leave everything. He was not somebody who when he said, "Well, I followed you for one week. When am I going to do the miracles you did?" That was not who Elisha was. Elisha's whole mind was on. This is what God called me to serve Elijah. This is what I'm going to do. While I'm with him, I'm going to see how he is serving God. That's how I need to serve God. So Elijah's whole mindset was on, "God, how can I serve God? How can I learn how to serve God? Our motives need to be pure." When our heart is all for God, God will give us what we need in order to serve him. Write this down. If your heart is to serve God, God will give you what you need in order to serve him. God himself will drop it inside at the right time. This is the season where Elisha leaves everything and he follows Elijah. The reason why this spirit of the Lord is speaking to us is God looks for people to bless them. God is looking for people today to bless them. God is looking over here in our church to see who can I bless? Who can I call? Who will really respond to my call? Who will be faithful enough to respond to my call? God was looking for people whose hearts are loyal to us. Not me-centered people, but God-centered people. So seasons are appointed by God. Seasons in which God works. Now you look at Elijah. It was God's appointed time. When God actually spoke to Elijah and he said, "You need to anoint kings. You need to anoint Elisha. You need to do this." And God had that season where God sent Elijah to do the work of God in this area. God is a God of season and time. We cannot rush that into anything. When it's God's time, God does. Until this time comes, he doesn't. He didn't send Elijah to get Elijah before he sent him to the widow of Zarfat. He didn't send Elijah to anoint or to call Elijah, I should say, to serve him. Before he went and stood before Ahab, God is a God of seasons and calendar. Understand, seasons and time, and he works according to God's calendar. So when that time came in God's calendar, for God to send Elijah to get Elisha, he sent him and Elisha was so smart he responded right away in a manner that is pleasing to God. We need to be like that. Now in Acts chapter 2, it was God's season, God's calendar, God's time has come. When that day of Pentecost was there, when it had fully come on that appointed day, they were all with one accord in one place. I want to emphasize the word one accord and I want to emphasize the word one place. The word one is the word that I want to emphasize. When they were all in one accord, when they were all in one place, something glorious happened. The Triune God who is one showed up there in a powerful way by sending the third person of the Trinity there. Understand this, if you want God to do something in your home, oneness is important between a husband and a wife. If you want God to do something in the church, oneness is important in the body of Jesus Christ. If God has to do something in any one's life, they need to have oneness between themselves and the spirit of God that has to be there. If that oneness is not there, God cannot work at that point, not something supernatural. It's not going to happen. So understand this, the enemy knows, oh, this is God's season. The enemy knows, oh, God is about to do something. When God is about to do something, the whole heaven gets very busy. When that supernatural activity is there, Satan will sense that something is about to happen. When he senses something is about to happen, the first thing he will try to do is go and disrupt the oneness that is there. Very, very important. There are a lot of people who try to win an argument, win a point. They don't care if the house is split into two. I need to be proven right. At the end result is a big fat zero. God's work was not accomplished in that family. God's work was not accomplished during that time period. You know why? Because the wife or the husband was saying, what I'm saying is right. What I'm saying is more important. I'm more important than you. My opinion is more important. What happened there? That oneness was easily destroyed by Satan. Satan didn't have to do much at all. He didn't have to bring somebody. He didn't have to bring anything bad. He didn't have to do anything. He just had to touch a person's ego. That was enough. Yes. Many, many, many places. This happens. Many, many churches. It happens with Satan will look for someone who's all about me. He will enter into them and he will enter into the house of God through them to cause division. That's where the shepherds are standing there when they see the lion coming near that sheep. When they see all of a sudden a wolf trying to jump into the sheep or their wolf and sheep clothing lurking there. God reveals and that's where the shepherds begin to fast and pray. Fight that wolf. Fight that lion. Now David says, when the lion came and took his land, he went and he fought with a lion and he rescued that lamb. When he was fighting, the lion tried attacking who? The shepherd. But it couldn't overtake. But the shepherd had to fight. David had to fight until he rescued that lamb. That's the work of the shepherds. Many highlings that are there were not shepherds. They don't care. There are people who don't care. When somebody is falling away, they don't care. If somebody is into something, they don't care. As long as you come to church and as long as I play that I'm blind to your sins and you play that you can do whatever you want to do in front of me. But I'm just going to ignore because I don't want to need any disturbance here to do whatever you want to do. God will hold such shepherds accountable. Why the enemy comes and he takes one sheep at a time, she and 10 sheep at a time, 50 at a time, you'll take whatever he wants to. But you have one neglectful shepherd like Eli in the Bible, the sitting not only was he physically blind, spiritually blind, willfully neglectful. And as a result of that, there was chaos as a result of the whole Israel army and Israel nation God defeated and the lamp of God was put out in Israel. Why? Because of Eli, because of his sons, because of the people in Israel. Nobody cared what was happening in the temple of God. Nobody cared. Nobody cared. God did. That's why God came and he spoke to Eli. He didn't listen. God did. That's why he came and he spoke to Samuel. That's why he overthrew Eli and brought Samuel up as young as he was. He had the anointing of God and he stood there as the prophet and priest for the whole nation of Israel till the day he died. Understand this. The eyes of the Lord, they run to and fro, looking for one thing to see whose hearts are loyal towards him. When sin enters a camp, God departs. The ark of the covenant will depart. When sin enters a camp, God is no longer that the house of God is a house of God as long as God of the house of God do us there. It's not going to be there where sin is flourishing in a camp. So it's very important to guard your family, to guard your heart, to guard yourself from every presumptuous sin and from every sin that will try to enter in. Guard yourself. If you want God to be in your house, you want God to be in your heart. If you want God to be in your family, keep sin out. Keep sin out. Keep sin out. If God has to be in a church, sin has to be kept out. It is very important for sin now. No oneness can be there if sin is not kept out. Some people can say, "We're all one. We're all one happy family. You come to adultery. I won't see you watch pornography. I'm not going to say anything." As long as you just come to the church and just dump your ties over there and go as long as all the bills are paid and everybody gets fed and that's it. May God help us. That is why this nation is the way it is. That is why Europe is the way it is. That's why every nation is going backwards. Even India is going backwards. Corruption has penetrated everywhere because these are the last days. May God help us. When there is sin, you close your eyes to sin. No longer the priest of God. When the sin is there, you close your eyes to sin in your family. God will hold you responsible for that. Never close your eyes and turn the other way. Understand, be on your knees before God. Fasten pray and cry out to God. Take responsibility for what's going on in your family. Be on your knees before God and God will show you what to do. God will show you how to eliminate sin, not the person, how to eliminate sin. When it's a wolf comes and sheaps floating, then that has to be chased out and God has done that in our church many, many times. God will show what this is and he will drive that out. God himself has done it many times. We have to guard ourselves. God, our hearts. God, our families. God, our territory that God has given with all diligence because it is our job that God has given. So not at the expense of compromising one's holiness. One's should never be entertained at the expense of holiness. Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord. If you're coming to the house of God and see God, God is not there. If holiness is not, they understand. We can come and sing. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord. God Almighty Satan will be dancing also, demons also believe. They will say, sing some more. I'll give you more contemporary songs. Sing some more. Raise your hand and sing some more. Jump up and down and sing some more. Go home and watch another day and smoke and drink and do whatever you want to do. Come back next week and jump some more. He will take the entire congregation to the lake of fire. Many are there already from the pastor down to the congregation. We have to understand every family in this church. Every man who is the head of the house in this church, you are responsible for your family understand. If the head of the household is not walking with God, then the woman there understand. You are accountable before God. You be on the knees before God. You be what God has called you to be. When a man was not able to listen to the voice of the prophetess and go for war, God said, I'll give the victory to the woman. But you know what God's heart was to give victory for Israel. That wasn't going to stop the Lord as long as he could find someone whether it's a man or a woman. In your house, if you say, oh, my man is not up to it, then you be the one to be on the knees before, on your knees before God and intercede for your family and fight spiritually for your family. If you are a man and you're walking with God, be the one to have the eyes open. Eli was there, but you know what? What's the point in being there when you are spiritually blind? Blind to what is happening in your home, blind to what is happening in your own household. One that is important, but not at the expense of personal holiness, family holiness, church holiness. So on the day, God appointed day, when Pentecost had fully come, when the season was ripe, when the time was right, when they're all in one accord to gather together, having one thing in mind, Jesus said this, and he will give this. So we are going to wait here and we're going to see camp. That was the right spirit with which they were gathered together. Nobody was sitting and saying, I need to get the Holy Spirit. I wish he doesn't get it. I need to get the Holy Spirit. You know, I want to get the Holy Spirit. I want to be somebody here. If that would have been the case, God would have never showed up. They were all sitting there. Jesus is gone. He said he's going to send the comforter. He said he's going to send the Holy Spirit. He said, we're going to be different. God help us all. Help us all. Help us all. That's what one accord is. God is like, are they better than me? Am I better than? That's demonic spirit. It's really sickening spirit. When I see that, it really makes me feel sick to my stomach when I see that in believers. Think that I want to be better than somebody or comparing. It's a sickening demonic, ugly spirit. Everyone should care for the next person and pray. Together we want to move forward. Together we want to move forward. Together we want to do great things for the Almighty God. It's not for personal gain. It's for God's kingdom. It's for the king. It's all about the king. It's a privilege to be in the army of the king. It's a privilege. Understand this. One is just so important. It's about the king. It's all about the king. He's called you into the kingdom to serve the king of kings and the Lord of lords. So what happened? They were all in one accord and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as if a rushing mighty wind and fill the whole house where they were sitting. I want you to understand today that the Holy Spirit is not a wind. He's not just a force. He's not it. He is he, the third person of the Trinity. God Almighty understand that. He's not a thing. He's not something that you think or some power is coming here. Something is coming and throwing something is going. No. Just as the Spirit of the Lord descended upon Jesus in the form of a doubt. He's not a doubt. He descended in the form of a doubt. We don't exactly how the appearance was. We don't understand that a lot of times. Without the revelation of God, everything is twisted. The Spirit of God in this occasion came as a mighty wind. He is not the wind. But he came as a mighty wind. Many times in our church it has happened during the service. Many of you have testified. All of a sudden you felt the breeze, cool breeze. You have felt warm breeze and you see there's no draft that nothing is open in the middle of winter in the middle of summer. We've all felt that. He is not the wind. But when he comes, there is a manifestation of something. Just like when you walk into a room, you hear the footsteps. Can you just say that the footsteps is you? Footsteps you hear as a result of you walking in. I am more than the sound of the footsteps. Understand. I'm not the sound of the footsteps. This is not me. This is me knocking. The Spirit of God, when he comes, you see the effect of it. He is the third person of eternity. The third person in the Godhead, God himself. We need to have the reverence for God, the Holy Spirit. Same thing. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not our body. You cannot call him, hey? Don't say he's the man upstairs. We have to be very careful when we use words. When we talk about God, the reverence for the Lord and the fear of the Lord has to be there deep within. He is not J.C. Have some fear of God when you talk about God Almighty. He is Jesus Christ, God the Son, the second person of the Trinity. We need to take his name with the reverence and fear in our lips. He is God who created the world. He laid the foundations of the world. If you can go to a court and say your honor to a man there, but he is there. He has that honor there because he is in that post because he earned it. He's sitting there. He's passing justice. He can throw us some person. He can throw a person for 40 years in prison or give a life sentence. When you go and stand, you are able to go and say your honor. When you go for a motor vehicle, ticket, because you're looking for mercy. You can say whatever you want to be when it comes to God. How much more? You're standing with the King of Kings who laid the foundations of the world, which is holding your breath in his hands. He just touched the socket of Jacob and he limped. That was it. He couldn't walk after that. He imagined the power of the Almighty God. How much reverence we need to have when it comes to the things of God. Sometimes people don't know and they say it. That's where the Spirit of God comes and gives the teachings. They say this is how you need to speak. This is how you need to address just like someone going into a court before going there. They say this how you talk to the judge, the lawyer coaches the person. You just can't go and stand and say hey, hey buddy, you can't talk like that. That's it. Your case will be gone. When it comes to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the judge of all judges, we need to have joy but we need to be having inward, trembling also the real fear of God that we need to have when we stand before the Almighty God. Oneness is important but not at the expense of truth, at the expense of personal holiness, family holiness. Oneness is very important. Don't let the enemy come and disrupt the peace in your home. It's better to be humble and let the other person who is used by the devil to ramble and think that they want and you close him up and pray and see God move mountains for you and bring that person to his or her knees. Then to stand there and fight till you split the house and bring peacelessness in there. Now Satan is so happy. He says, I accomplished my job. There's no peace. There's no peace. Now he can bring the rest of the chaos inside. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. The sons of God, daughters of God, children of God. Why did Jesus say that? In God's word says, follow peace with all men. Why is he saying that? Because peace is so important. It's essential. Peace of God is essential. If you are a child of God, if he is a Prince of Peace and you have to be a little Prince of Peace, you need to be someone. Bring the peace of God. If he is a King of Peace, you need to be a carrier of his peace if you have him on the inside. Those are the traits of the Kingdom of God. Peacelessness chaos and being argumentated, fighting, screaming, kicking, throwing stuff. Those are all the works of the flesh equals the works of the devil. A child of God should manifest the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. We don't have self-control. Spend time with God. You will get it. If you don't have patience, spend time with God. You will get it. Don't say, I'm not perfect. Nobody is perfect. That's the vocabulary of Satan. Don't say that. Everybody has some flaws. I have some flaw too. It's a crown for you. It's an ugly crown of Satan. God said he shall perfect everything that concerns you. He's a God of perfection. He wants to bring you to his glorious realm of perfection. He's working in you. You have to identify the things whatever is in your life that looks ugly, that is stinky, that needs to leave your soul, your spirit, your family, your life. You need to write those things down and take it to God in prayer. If you don't do it, no one else will do it for you. Understand. Every human being needs to become responsible. They need to have that responsibility for their own soul. They need to become responsible for their own soul. You need to have that sense of responsibility. I'm the keeper for my soul. He watches over me, but he's given me a duty to guard my own soul. If you want to do it, nobody will. Take care of yourself. Make sure you maintain that oneness. It's not about you in your family. It's not about you in your marriage. It's not about you. It's about the king. Do you want the kingdom to come down? Do you want his kingdom to come down in your family? Follow the king's principle. Go to Matthew 5 and follow that. See if you're following that. Don't give any excuse. Don't say, "Oh, it's hard. I can do that." And if I do that, and he takes advantage of that, she takes it. These are all vocabulary and philosophy that came from Satan that the world is following. Don't let someone step all over you. Well, Jesus became a doormat for us. That's why we are going to heaven. He humbled himself all the way to the depth of the cross. Can you do that? Are you following his footsteps? Oh, I can humble. I humbled for five years. I can't humble anymore. Well, he followed what God the father had for him. And he consented to that. And he humbled himself by leaving heaven. And he humbled himself all the way to the depth of the cross. Entire life till he died. He humbled himself. Can you do that? He humbled himself before God and before man. Don't say, "Oh, I'm very humbled before God, but not before man. I can't do that. I'm humbled before everyone, but not before that one lady, or not before that one man, or not before my spouse." And there's a big problem. You are letting the demon call pride. Rule your life. God is speaking to your hearts today. Be the peacemaker in your home. I mean, don't cause a tornado and then say that I'm a peacemaker and try to make peace. The spirit of God is speaking to your hearts. When someone looks at you, may they see Jesus in you. When your husband or your wife, look at your face, may they see Jesus. Now what? That'll bring conviction to them. The enemy can only do for so long. When God sees your integrity, when God sees your perseverance, when God sees your faithfulness, he will honor you. This is God's word. You bless those who curse you. You pray for those who spitefully use you. You show mercy to whom mercy should not even be given according to the standards of the world. I want to emphasize the word world, not God standards. If God would have done that for you, you and I wouldn't be here. When we didn't deserve, he showed us mercy. And he said, Jesus said, "Go, love the next person, just as I have loved you." Just like when I showed him mercy, when he deserved and I did it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, you go do it. If we cannot do that, then we are hypocrites before God in God's court. In his court room, we will be found guilty. God speak to the heart today. Oneness in the kingdom of God is very important. Oneness in a marriage is very important. Oneness in a family is very important. When the enemy comes after the oneness, when you see, oh, here you go, Satan is trying to start an argument again. You be the peacemaker. Learn to close your mouth and take it to God in prayer. Learn to go on his knees before God. Learn to humble yourself and say, "Lord, I will follow Jesus." He humbled himself till the very end and I will humble myself. And what happened when Jesus humbled himself? What happened? Therefore, God exalted him and gave him a name about every other name. There's an honor that comes to those who humble themselves. You humble yourself and see what God will do for you, within your workplace, within your home, wherever it is, to those who genuinely humble themselves. God will exalt them. Now why God remembered Hannah? She humbled herself before Eli. God gives grace to the humble. Her vow, her prayer, God accepted and a response came only after her response to Eli was given the way God wanted her to speak. Understand this, every situation in your home, every situation at your workplace, every situation in the house of God is a test from God. Without God allowing, nothing will happen. Even the enemy using your spouse or someone else will not happen in your life without God allowing that to happen. Understand this, because you're in the picture, you see, because I'm in the picture, you see, because we are God's children. Anything happens. Any fiery dart, any arrow that can happen, trying to poke you, trying to hurt you, will not come without your Father in heaven, giving the permission to the enemy to use a usable tool of Satan. It could be anyone in your house. It could be anyone anywhere. But how is your response? Don't say he said, she said, she said, she said, I can take it anymore. That means you're full of eye. You have to come to a point as the Holy Spirit. We say, Lord, I will lay myself down so that someone can let it begin with me, let it begin. In my house, let me be that person. When you do that, God will lift you up. God will lift you up. God will give you his power. God will give you his strength. God will use you. Only such people God will use. To close your mouth is God strengthening reveal through you. When the enemy wants to open him up and sin with your mouth, when you don't do it, it reveals God's power. When you fold your hands and not strike back, it reveals God's power that is working through you, because you have not sinned with your hands. When you don't think in your mind, wish I could have given this wish I could have said, you know, all angry thoughts. And you don't do that. You refuse the enemy that brings that arrow and say, Satan, shut up and get out in Jesus name. I will show God's love because this is what God taught me to. This is what Jesus does. And I want his love to flow through me and pray, God, let your love flow through me. Let me be Jesus to this person. Then what will happen? This power will be revealed in you and through you. It becomes easy to love your enemies. It becomes easy to do good to those who hate you. It becomes easy to respond to your haters to God's love without compromise. It becomes easy. Blessed are the peacemakers, what they shall be called, the sons of God. It is about the king. It is about the king. It is about his kingdom. It is not about you. It is about the king. It is about the kingdom. And God says here, when the people were in one accord, when it was all about the king, he showed up. One got to do amazing things in your life. You need to have bitterness put away. You need to have stuff put away. You need to step on ego, step on pride, step on the enemies that the enemy sends to you on a daily basis. If you overcome the attacks in your house, then you can fight a battle that comes from your city. If you overcome your city and you are able to take a city, then you can fight an over combination. If you can overcome a nation, then you can fight an over combination. That is how God multiplies. That is how God empowers. That is how God uses his people. That is how he forms and he feels. Those are faithful and they are constantly about the king and the kingdom. Not a jot of self should be there. Not a dot, not a drop of self should be there. Learn to say this night and day. It is about the king. It is his mercy that he has drafted us in his kingdom to be his warriors. But if a warrior, if a soldier thinks that, hey, it's about me. It's not about the king. That's it. He has lost focus. Everything is done at that point. He will be easily defeated and he will be in the grave. But a person who is all about the king, he will get all the help he needs. He will bring all the truth he needs. He will look for the strongest person to bring to his side in order to overcome his whole goal will be we have to fight. We must overcome. That's it because it's the kingdom. And he genuinely rejoices when victory has been gained. God is speaking to our hearts today. When this happened, the spirit of the Lord came. He came as a mighty rushing wind, filled the whole house where they were sitting. Rest is history. After that, it's the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He just came and filled the entire house and transformed everyone who was sitting there. If the Lord would have me continue, we will go from here next time. I want you to understand before God can do anything in your life, before you experience a supernatural, the real supernatural, not here in this sporadic result, but real rainfall, real showers. I have been under a real waterfall in India, a real one, a nice big one as a child. You cannot compare that to a shower. You cannot compare to a rain, the force and the smell and the beauty of it right there. You're right there, right underneath that. It is so beautiful. When you think about the Holy Spirit, he's even more greater than that. The force of God is so real. The force of God is so real. And it cannot be compared to anything that is out there. But you know what? It's for those who would really want to run there and stand there. It's for those who will say, "I want this. I want to be there." It's for the parents who will say, "I want to take my child there." It's for those who will say, "I want my family to be there. I want to be there. I want my family to be there. I want my spouse to be there. I want my parents to be there. I want my kids to be there. I want everyone to be there. Where are the waterfalls? I just want to see. And I've been away from there before we went under it. You can feel the drizzle. You can stay there. Some were afraid. They will stay where the drizzle is. And they'll be happy. It's a totally different experience for you right underneath that. It is so powerful. It is so forceful. It is so beautiful. Creation of God. The spirit of God cannot be compared to any earthly waterfalls, even the Niagara. It's so beautiful. But you know what? You cannot compare him to that. He's far more glorious than that. In our minds, we have to understand. In a way that we can handle, the spirit of the Lord comes and reveals and stuff. He comes into a room in this place. He just came as a mighty rushing wind. He made his appearance in an unmistakable manner for everyone to know because it's the first experience. It's not that every time they came and knelt down, it was like a tornado inside. No. The first time is God Almighty, the third version of the Trinity, coming down to the earth to begin the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He showed with his power in a way that people can handle. Otherwise, the whole place would have blown away in a way that people can handle. In a way that they would know that, "Oh, there's a supernatural being in here." They cannot deny that at the same time in a way that they can handle. God is speaking to our hearts today. God wants to take you from the natural to the supernatural. But if you want to go from the natural to the supernatural, you have to put away the works of the flesh. You have to take it seriously. If you don't take the works of the flesh seriously, you can miss out on what God has for you. We're going to close our eyes and look to the Lord. Tell the Lord today. I don't want to miss out what you have for me for something trivial. I don't want to miss out on your glory because I want to hold on to something that's trivial. I want to work on the work of the flesh, not by sweating it out, by letting God work through you. For that you have to spend time in the presence of God. Really spend time in the presence of God. See, when the spirit of God comes and works in the lives of God's people, there's a change that takes place from the inside out through the spirit of God working in you. It is the Lord God Almighty drawing you into his presence. Again, I would say those of you who have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, make it a priority. Just seek God for that. But at the same time, look into your heart. And see the things that God would say. It has to jump out. It has to get out. It has to go out. God gives the Holy Spirit to them that obey and whoever has received the Holy Spirit, ask God for a fresh spirit of God to come and take over. We've been speaking the same language for the past 10 years or same language for the past five years, same language for the past one year, same language for the past one month, you need to grow. Understand this. If your language, if you've been baptized the Holy Spirit and you have spoken the same language for the past two, three weeks, you've not gone forward in that area. Seek the Lord. Ask the Lord to cleanse you more. Spend time in the presence of the Lord. And God will do great and mighty things in your life. Shall we pray? Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. You're the living water. You're the precious fountain. You're the streams of light. I need you now. Spirit overflow. Let that be an overflow. Holy Spirit overflow. I cannot live without you. Let that be an overflow. Overflow in me, precious Holy Spirit. Thank you for being in our midst of God. Thank you for being our teacher. Thank you for your overflowing presence that is here in our midst. As you've given enough to wet the appetite and stir up the desire in the hearts of your people, I ask you, Lord, that you will stir up all the more in the name of Jesus. Let no one miss out on what you have for them. Father, I pray. Let us sincere desire towards seeking you. Begin, O Lord, this day. To a greater degree, my Father, I pray that you may do your work that you have determined in your heart before the foundation of the world that should be accomplished on this day that you have appointed, O Lord, God of heaven and earth. I ask you, Lord, that you'll breathe your living breath upon your people at this hour, that they may thirst for more, that they may desire for more, that they may look to you for more, that they may come to you for more. All Father in heaven, I pray that the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords may be exalted about every situation, about every circumstance, about every life experience, about everything that the enemy may bring upon your people, that they walk with you, maybe a walk that is steady, that it may be a walk that is progressive, that is going towards eternity, that is going towards the glory land, that it is not a stagnant walk, that it is not a dragging walk. I pray, Father, that you will touch your people at this hour. All those who have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and all those who want to draw nearer to you. I pray that you will touch them, as this is so important, without this there is not going forward. We cannot live in a New Testament here without the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I pray that you will bless your people, that the thirst may grow to a larger extent until they receive this precious gift that you have for them, O God, that they may surrender their lives truly on every level, so that God Almighty may fill them to the overfly. For we cannot serve you without that. May people understand that. True doorway to the spiritual realm, true doorway to even understanding anything from the Word of God is true, the Holy Spirit. I pray, I mean, if people understand the need for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and do everything they need to do before you, Father, in order to become recipients of the gift that you have for them, Lord. Thank you, Father. I also pray for those who have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We're living a stagnant life, who have not grown in this area. I pray that you will touch them, Lord. I pray that you will cause a deeper desire. They may not be satisfied with where they are, having a false sense of satisfaction, but they may understand the need of the hour. They may understand that without your continuous progress of working, there is no going forward in anything that we do for you. And I pray, Father, that they may earnestly seek you. And I ask you, Lord, that you will continue to bless our church, bless our people. They're going on and they're coming in, maybe before you. They're sitting down and rising up, maybe before you. Whatever they do, maybe before you, may integrity, honesty, be their foundation. May humility truly be the garment. May the love of Jesus Christ be the covering of God. If the Spirit, the Almighty God, they flow in and through them to others. In an unmistakable manner, before the return of the Lord, may many be one to a kingdom through our church, Lord. Each one be totally committed, truly committed. There will be no hypocrisy. There will be no false humility. Let there be no manipulation for it cannot work in the kingdom of God. Let there be no pride or even a hint of pride. Let each one humble themselves in the presence of God and seek you with everything that is within them. They may prepare themselves to receive more from the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, but each life may become a sweet fragrance to God the Father and a delight to God the Son, all an offering to God the Holy Spirit. I thank you, Heavenly Father, as your servant standing before the Almighty God in the presence of God, before the throne of God, according to the power and authority given to me by the Almighty God. I bless your people, Lord, this night. They may inherit this word that you have spoken to them, O God, with humility and with faith. The true integrity they may pursue you, they may leave everything that they need to leave behind. But no one have the spirit of a lot, or the spirit of Egypt, a lot's wife, lots children. The people who came out of Egypt, but their hearts were in Egypt and they caused so much tears to Moses and Aaron and ended up dying in the wilderness. May none of those spirits come near our Church of Father, that I pray that you build your people upon the most holy faith. The truth and truth and truth and truth and truth alone be found in the inward parts of your people, O God. Each one be committed to living for Jesus Christ every single day, and a die for him, if need be, that the strength of God may gird them, that they may be people of character. They may live this life, thoroughly for you, for this I ask, in Jesus' name, amen. May the Lord bless us and keep us. May the Lord causes face the shine upon us, and be gracious to us. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon us and bless us with his peace. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, may the love of God the Father, and the sweet fellowship of his holy spirit rest and remain with us all now. And until we see Jesus, face to face, amen.