El Bethel International Ministries

FBS - 07.09.2024 | "God Will Unblock What is Blocking You from Your Inheritance" - Audio

May the God of Wonders Bless You!

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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1. Then Joshua rose early in the morning and set out from the Kecia group and came to the Jordan. He and all the children of Israel enlarged there before they crossed over. So it was after three days that the officers went through the camp and they commanded the people saying, "When you see the art of the covenant of the Lord your God and the priests, the Lord your God." "And the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it. Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about 2,000 qubits by measure. Do not come near it that you may know the way by which you must go. For you have not passed this way before." And Joshua said to the people, "Sentify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." Then Joshua spoke to the priests saying, "Take up the art of the covenant and cross over before the people." So he took up the art of the covenant and went before the people. And the Lord said to Joshua, "This day I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that as I was with Moses, so I will be with you." Verse 8, "You shall commend the priests who bear the art of the covenant saying when you have come to the edge of the water of the Jordan, you shall stand in the Jordan." Verse 9. So Joshua said to the children of Israel, "Come here and hear the words of the Lord your God." And Joshua said, "By this you shall know that the living God is among you, and that he will, for that fail, drive out from the full you, the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Hittites, and the Pearsites, and the Gurbishites, and the Amorites, and the Jebusites." I want to read this verse one more time. I want you to read this really painful attention to this because it's a promise from God. Also, pay full attention to this. In Joshua's said, "By this you shall know that the living God is among you, and that he will, without fail, drive out from the full you, the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Hittites, and the Pearsites, and the Gurbishites, and the Amorites, and the Jebusites. In Joshua's words, "God is in your midst, how he is going to be with you, and he is going to show his power in your midst by not only delivering you from the hands of your opponents, but driving out your enemies from the full you, every single one of them, every single one of them, he will drive out from the full you, the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Hittites, and the Hittites. And the Hittites, and the Hittites, and the Pearsites, and the Gurbishites, and the Amorites, and the Jebusites, whatever is before you. God says, "He will stand with you, and he will drive it right before you. He will just drive them away from you right before your eyes. He will do it." We hold the ark of the covenant of the Lord, of all the earth is crossing over before you, into the Jordan. This is very important. You know, when this will happen, when the ark of the covenant of the Lord God is with you, the presence of God, the word of God, the commitments of God. When the ark of the covenant of the Lord is going before you, the ark of the covenant carries the power of God, the presence of God, will be this. Symbol from God, from heaven, if God is going before you, and he is going to drive out your enemies that are in your midst, he is just going to drive them out, drive them out. And what does God do? Driving the enemies out. What does he do? What does he do? He drives them out so that you can take that push. That push, the enemy was holding all this time. That is speaking to a heart's name. When a Satan was holding in, he says, "This is mine. God says, "No, no, no, no. This is mine." The earth and everything that the earth consists of belongs to the Lord, belongs to the Lord God Almighty. The earth and everything that belongs to this earth, which is with an aid in it, the earth and the fullness thereof, belongs to the living God, the creator of the earth. The earth and the fullness thereof. Satan says, "I took it, I desuplated it, I have it, and this is mine." And God says, "No, no, I am going to drive you out. I am going to drive you out. Right before the eyes of my people, I am going to drive you out." And I am going to give that which I made for my people to my people. This is God's word for you. Take this, you believe it, you will receive it. That which God prepared for you before the foundation of the world. And Satan said, "I'll take it, now desuplated. I'm not going to give it to you. You're not going to have a good family. You're not going to have the prosperity that you need to have. You're not going to have the help that you must have. You're not going to have the house that you should have. You're not going to have this that you should have. Whatever it is, Satan says, "I will hold it back from you, because it is mine now and he is holding it back from you." God says, "God will take it from the hands of the enemy and God will give it to you by driving out the enemy before you." And how will this happen? This will happen as long as the arc of the covenant is with you and it's going before you. That means you put the Lord before you. The Bible says, "I've always set the Lord before me and therefore I shall not be moved." When will you not be moved? When you have the Lord always before you, when you have the Lord God always before you, you shall not be moved. You shall not be moved to the right. You shall not be moved to the left. You will not be uprooted. You will not be displaced. And that which God has for you, no one can take it from your hands. And that which the enemy has taken from you, God says he will take it back from him and he will give it to you. But it is based on one condition. The arc of the covenant of God almighty must be in front of you. It must go out before you. If you don't put God first in your life, if you don't put the Lord Jesus Christ first in your life, this will not happen and this will not apply to you. But if you make the Lord God do everything, if he becomes your life and you put him first and you put him about everything and he goes before you, then he will straighten up all your crooked paths. He will make all the valleys to be raised up. He will bring all the mountains down. He will make all the rough places smooth. The arc of the covenant of God must go before you. When that happens, you are bound to prosper. How will God do this? Is it something you have to understand? Which is going to continue to read here? Verse 12. Now, therefore, take for yourselves 12 men from the tribes of Israel, one from every tribe. And it shall come to pass as soon as the souls are the feet of the priests who bear the arc of the Lord. The Lord of all the earth shall rest in the waters of the Jordan. That the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off. The waters that come down from upstream and they shall stand as a heap. I will read this one more time so that you really get the meaning of this. It shall come to pass as soon as the souls of the feet of the priests who bear the arc of the Lord. The Lord of all the earth shall rest in the waters of the Jordan. That the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off. The waters that come down from the upstream and they shall stand as a heap. God is telling this, Joshua, he says. The arc of the Lord. The Lord of all the earth. When that goes before you and the priests are the ones who were commanded by God to carry that. And they bear that presence of God. They bear the power of God. They bear this arc of the covenant on their shoulders and they walk. And when their feet touches this Jordan driven the waters, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off. Means that which is coming towards you, that which is supposed to drown you all of a sudden will cease to function the way it functioned all this time. There's a prophecy God is speaking this out. Whatever is happening at this hour, which was meant to happen, shall be cut off by the Lord of all the earth. If the Lord of all the earth goes before you. When he touches that which is giving you a problem. All of a sudden that which is giving you problem will cease to give you problem. That means this river that says that I will be here. I'm not going to let you inherit Canaan. I am a hindrance before you and I am standing here tall and strong. I won't let you pass by. If you come near me, I will drown you. If you try to cross over, I will kill you. I'm not going to let you cross over this. That which stands there, God says, when you do that which I tell you to do, when the feet of the priests who carry the Ark of the Covenant, they touch that water. All of a sudden that which was actually doing what it was doing. It had the power to do that. All of a sudden stopped doing what it was doing, which was to drown people who would walk on it. You can't walk and go to the other side. God is speaking to your heart state. That which is impossible looking, that which is threatening and that which is trying to block you from inheriting your blessing, God says. He will cause it to be put in a place where it won't have that power anymore. Rather, it will be commanded by God to move so that it gives way for you to go through it to the other side. That means to get to where you need to get to inherit that which you must inherit. God is speaking of this hour. Do you have faith for it? Do you believe God can do this in your life? Do you believe that through our God you will be able to cross over to the other side? Do you believe that in the midst of your impossible situation, in the midst of that which looks completely impossible? God is able to bring that down because you had faith for it and you were willing to obey what God said and you obey the voice of the Lord your God who is the Lord of all the earth. He is the Lord of all the earth. It shall come to pass that says, this is what will happen. This is what will happen. This is what will exactly happen in your life when the Ark of the Lord goes before you and you follow them. When their feet touches the ground, when their feet touches the water, when the feet of the priest who carry the Ark of the Lord, they touch that water, that river, then all of a sudden there is this partition that is going to take place. The one that was there all this time, all of a sudden it just runs away from there. All of a sudden they had this way, this path where the priest said, they have touched the water and the water is moved. All the people are going to fall and they are going to go through it and get to the other side. And it shall come to pass as soon as the souls of the feet of the priest who bear the Ark of the Lord. The Lord of all the earth shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off, the waters that come down from upstream. And they shall stand as a heap. It's all going to just stand. And it's going to be apart from where they were. It's going to stand as a wall so that you can go through them. So it was when the people set out from the account to cross over the Jordan with the priest bearing the Ark of the Covenant before the people. And as those who wore the Ark came to the Jordan and the feet of the priest who wore the Ark dipped in the edge of the water. But then Jordan overflows all its banks during the whole time of harvest. Now I want to read this so you understand the greatness of the wonder working power of the Almighty God who is the Lord of all the earth. So it was when the people set out from the account to cross over the Jordan with the priest bearing the Ark of the Covenant before the people. It's important. Everybody does their job. When God told the priest to carry the Ark of the Covenant, can say that, "Well, I can carry it too." As a matter of fact, I'm stronger than the priest. As a matter of fact, my family can carry it. Everybody is called to do a specific job. They all did it. And that's why they all went through it. The priest carried the Ark of the Covenant and now they are going forward. Imagine the priest said, "Well, why did you find someone else do this?" Because what if we go there and start walking and nothing happens and you just always keep going, keep going, keep going and then we all die. Now, those priests will delete in the word of the Lord that came through Joshua. And the word of the Lord came through Joshua to them. They did exactly what they were told to do, which was to carry the Ark of the Covenant and just go. They went with faith. You know how they went? I want you to understand this. This is what faith is. Faith will see before it can actually feel. Faith will see before it can actually see with their eyes. Faith will actually experience it before it can experience in the physical realm. These people believe when you walk, this is going to open. So as they carry the Ark of the Covenant, they're carrying and they're walking, expecting the waters to bark. You know, when you go in front of an automatic door, you go there and the door opens, right? Any store. Whether you go to Wal-Mart or J.C. Benny's or Mises or, you know, a lot of the stores have these automatic doors. You just post and then it has a sensor. It just opens. You go and set. Then it closes. You know when you go that this is an automatic door, it's going to open. It has to open, you know. It opens because it has that sensor in it. If it doesn't have that sensor in it, it's not going to open. It's going to be a door that is closed. If you go to a door that is closed and it's not an automatic door, you say, "This is also the last door." You're going to pump your head on that. You're going to get hurt. You're going to go there and you're going to just bang yourself on that. But to a door that has the automatic sensor, it's programmed to open when you go near. You go near that and you open. In a lot of times, you know this is an automatic door because sometimes it'll say on it, there's a sticker on it, or sometimes you see people walk through and you know they're going and it's open. You're going through it. Sometimes you see the design of it, you know, but you have this knowledge. A knowledge comes from seeing or hearing. There's something that you are aware of about that door. And you know that when you go near that, it's going to open. Sometimes you walk near it and it opens. God is speaking to your heart to this hour. Knowing the power of God's Word that God can do, knowing the power of God's commands, what his commandments can do, is very important for every believer because it will open the door to the supernatural realm. If you don't believe, then you will not be able to enter into the supernatural realm. It is important, very important to know the Word of God, what God can do and have faith in him. Now these priests had faith in what Joshua said. They believe that God is going to part the Red Sea, you know, what they had in mind. The testimony they heard about how their parents came through the Red Sea when Moses lifted up that rod. He lifted up that rod, when he lifted up that rod, the Red Sea split into two. When it was divided, when it's Red Sea, the parents all walked through it. They told that story to them. They knew that the parents came through this. They knew one thing that Joshua has been appointed by God through Moses. Moses has laid hands on him and the spirit of Moses is resting upon Joshua. Not anyone, everyone can just stand up and say, "Well, we're going to cross over John tomorrow and let's all go and everybody will follow them." Now, they knew that the spirit of God was upon Joshua and when Joshua says something, it's about, it's bound to happen. It's going to happen and we must do it. They had that understanding. And so when Joshua said, "We're all going to cross over," they had this testimony that they heard from their parents. Oh, can you hear? Can you hear me? Please, God, Pastor, we are able to hear you, Pastor. Oh, oh, please. That's what Ingen is not able to hear. Maybe it's on her end. Please, God. So, when Joshua gave this command to the children of Israel, they had this testimony in front of them. What was it? God did this for my parents and they all went through this Red Sea. We know that this happened before and Joshua said this. They knew that as Joshua has hurt from God, Joshua was always with Moses and Moses appointed Joshua. They knew that Joshua said this, which means it's going to happen. But where did the Lord came from the mouth of the servant of God? That means it's going to happen. The servant of God says something so important for us to simply do it. And I'd say that, "Well, only God has just done me too." You know, there are people like that. I need to hear it from God too. I need three confirmation, four confirmation. That's unbelief. If a real servant of God says something and they say, "God said this," then it's in the story. We know that when we do it, we will see results taking place. We will see the corresponding results to what God said. The blessing is that God said, "Well, take place in your life." And that's what happened with the people over there. Joshua said, "You're going to carry this and you're going to go home, and when you go, God is going to open this Jordan for you." They heard this and they went. They believed in how they walked and they went. As they carried it, they believed they had this testimony in front of them. God opened the Red Sea for my parents and we're going to see this again. So there is this excitement now. This is going to happen again. We just heard this before, but now we're going to experience it. We heard this before, but now we're going to see it. We heard this before. Now, we are actually going to walk through this river. Hallelujah. What he did for others, he can do for now. Now, these people have experienced about the children, the second generation. They have experienced the miracles of God. They drank the water that I had for them coming at the rock. When they ate, the food that God gave, and they saw lots of miracles, are in the wilderness that they are sandals and wild and occluding them. And none was feeble and everybody was healthy and God blessed them and God multiplied them in the wilderness. They just grew exceedingly strong. They saw the power of God upon their parents and themselves. So they know that this God can do all these things. So now they have this excitement. Having experienced God for themselves, now they are in for a greater experience that God had for them, which was to take them through what their parents went through into that Jordan River, through that river. When the river is going to make way, there's not going to be water, there's going to be dry ground, and the people are going to pass through. And God is speaking at the zone, the spiritual experiences that came from Moses, the spiritual experiences that came to the people, that Moses ministered to. Now, the children experiencing that from Joshua, that is speaking, this word to you, this is a prophetic word from God Almighty. He will do it for me, what he did for his people, over and over and over again, whether it's a Red Sea or whether it's River Jordan. As long as you follow the whole Council of God, as long as you do that which God has told you to do through his servants, as long as you trust in that which God has told you to do and do it with expectation. See, you can do something because you have to do it. That's not going to do much for you. It's okay, but it's not going to give you the benefit, the full benefit of the blessing that God has for you. Doing it with faith and doing it with expectation will actually give you that 100% result. Now, you look at Joshua, he heard from God and he's giving this to the people, the people took it very seriously. There's no hesitation, there's no grumbling and complaining about this, they all are going forward with expectation. What are they expecting? They're expecting the River Jordan to part, just like how it did for their parents. Many, many testimonies we have shared, many, many miracles you've seen and you've heard. The promise that is giving to you is God wants to replicate that in your life. You've heard so much and you've experienced a lot also. But with what you've experienced, God wants to take you to a whole new realm into a greater realm of greater miracles and greater healings and greater prosperity and greater glory from God Almighty. If you want to experience that, you need to have faith. You need to have 100% obedience. You have 100% humility to listen to the Joshua's God is placed in your life, to the Moses God is placed in your life and simply do it. That's what faith will do. Faith will not say, "I don't believe it, I don't know if it will happen." And I don't think it will happen and why can't I do this and jump into where you should not jump into and do what you should not do or not do what you should do. You know, many people use their blessings like that because they think that they know more than God. Or they think that they know more than the servants of God and be deceived by the deceiver. So it's important for you to understand here. This is not God leads, God led the people of Israel and now they are following everything because everything the Joshua says because they have this experience from before. Whatever God says come true, it comes to pass. Now Jordan is in front of that, very true Jordan is a river. It's an impossible thing to go through the Jordan. Now that they have the testimony there, my parents walk through the Red Sea. God is speaking to your hearts of the zone. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask for. Imagine able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask for. Imagine God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or imagine according to the power that he has given. So God's power is resting on Joshua here. The ark of the covenant carries the presence of God and it's going before. The people of God, the priests are carrying it going before. It's important to follow. And so now with excitement everybody is going young and old and everybody. They are all taking their belongings and everything. They are not saying that maybe one person can just to the open sea will walk. If it opens then will all come until the will all stay well scared. No, they all have faith. They all cross through the river by faith. That's why they are very important. It's important for you to have faith in the Word of God. In what God speaks and what God says, having faith in that which God has spoken. In His total duty to do, you have to do. Such people will be blessed by God. You don't do that which God has told you to do. You're not going to experience the blessing of God. It's not going to happen. So you see here, those who bore the ark came to the Jordan and the feet of the priests who bore the ark tipped in the edge of the water. For the waters, for the Jordan overflows all its banks during the whole time of harps. But the waters which came down from upstream stood still and rose in a heap very far away at Adam, the city that is beside Zaretan. So the waters that went down into the sea of the Arba, the salt sea, failed and were cut off. And the people crossed over opposite Jericho. Then the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan and all Israel crossed over on dry ground until all the people had crossed completely over the Jordan. It's very important. What happened to the water? It got cut off. Who cut off the water? The Lord of all the earth. The Lord of all the earth cut off the waters from the Jordan. Who stopped the waters that were coming from the earth, from underneath the earth? Did you know this time? The Lord of all the earth. The Lord of all the earth has the power to cut off. That which needs to be cut off. The Lord of all the earth has the power to cut off. That which needs to be cut off so that you can pass through. What is stopping you? What is keeping you from moving forward? What is stopping you from inheriting your Canaan? God says the Lord of all the earth will cut off that which is cutting off your blessing from you. The Lord of all the earth will cut off that which is hindering you from inheriting your promises. But you must do one thing which is remember to hear and do that which God has commanded you to do. Be where God is working. Be in the house of God where God is working. Listening the sermons of God that God has placed over you. Following them as they follow the Lord. When they inherit Canaan you also inherit Canaan. When they cross over Jordan you are also crossing over. As they go you go with them. We all go together. But it's important to follow and it takes faith to follow. If the faith is not there then all kinds of twisted things will happen there. Because of unbelief. God is speaking to your heart of this hour. If you want to inherit your Promised Land that God has for you. It is important for you to be where God is working and the art of the covenant has to go before you. The art of the covenant of God has to go before you. The priests who bear the art of the covenant of God must go before you. And God will cut off that which is hindering you as the Lord most high. The Lord of all the earth. He is giving you his word today. That which is hindering you. That which is keeping you from inheriting your Canaan, your Promised Land God says. He will cut off that which is hindering you. And he will cause you to move forward. He will cause you to inherit your Promised Land that says the Lord most high. How many of you believe that which God is saying to you this hour? Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Do you have faith to believe if you have faith to believe then he has the power to do it? If you have faith to believe in obey he has the power to do it. If you don't have the faith to believe in obey then he will not do anything even though he has the power to do it. As I shared with you a few days ago and I've shared this before as well. The word of God that God gives God speaks. Which is one take you right here. Let me just take you before. Take you to some verses before which I had to read which is verse 10. By this you shall know that the living God is among you. That he will without fail drive out from before you. The Canaanites and the Hittites and the Hittites and the Pericites and the Dukshites and the Analyze and the Chapasites. But this you shall know. How will you know that God is among you? Because God will do some outstanding miracles. God will do some outstanding wonders. This is how you know God is in your midst. He will drive out the Dukshites. He will drive out the Hittites. He will drive out the Canaanites. God will drive them out. But how will he drive them out without your participation without your obedience? Well not. Your faith in the word of God I told you before. That the word of God is the key. The word of God is the key. Your faith is your hand. That there is hold of the key. You open it by your obedience. That there is faith. The word of God is the key. Your faith is your hand. You open it so that you can enter in. God has told you to do something. God has placed you in the house. But God is moving. It is important to give priority to his word. Put God first in your life. Don't put anything else about him. Don't put anything else about his word. Don't put your work about God. And don't put your appointments above being in the house of God. Don't put your personal jobs preferences over that which God has called you to do. Don't do that. Because that will keep you in a land of wandering, wilderness. But if you want to inherit that which God has promised for you to inherit. It is important for you to listen and follow through. Only when you listen. Like Jesus said many times in the Gospels and also in the book of Revelation. Keep who has ears to hear. Let him hear. That means whoever will hear and obey. Let that person hear. That was the waste of time. You need to hear that which God says in order for you to obey. That means you are healing to obey. Then this worthwhile hearing God says is you listen to the voice of the Lord, your God. And you hold on to it and you just do it, God says. He will remove that. Jordan, that is in front of you. That which is standing for you. That which is not letting you go forward. God will move that other way. And he will give to you who the Lord of all the earth will give to you. The land of the Kingdom Knights. The land of the hetites. The land of the hetites. The land of the hetites. The land of the Turkishites. The land of the Amorites. And the land of the Japaneseites. He will give you every blessing that the enemy is holding. And he is saying, I won't give it to you. God will drive those enemies out. When he will do it, when he will obey. When you obey. When you do that which God tells you to do, then he will use you to do that. Every time you partner with God and you do that which God is telling you to do, you are overcoming the enemy. Remember, every time you disobey and you delay and obeying, you are giving access to the enemy to kick you in bondage, to rob more from you, to see your Lord from you, to kick you in a land of wandering and waste your life. God is speaking to your hearts of this hour. God wants to bless you. God wants to kick this into your hands. God wants you to know that he is with you by seeing what he can do for you. By seeing God do the impossible for you. You know that he is with you. When will that happen? When you are with him. When you are with him, you will be with you. When you do that which God has told you to do, then God will do that which he has promised to do. He will drive out all these out of your life, out of your family. And God will give you the land of the enemies. That which the enemy is having which actually belongs to you, because you belong to God. The earth and the fullness are all belongs to God Almighty. Right now the Canaanites are having. Right now the parasites are having. Right now the Hittites are having. Right now the Japasites are having. Right now. Right now. They are having it. You should be having it. You are wandering around. You should be having it. And God says, "I want to get this to you." When you believe in the Word of the Lord, you God. And you obey that which God tells you to do. And you are where the Ark of the Covenant is, and you follow the priests who carry the Ark of the Covenant. And God says the Jordan medicine in front of you will depart. It'll depart. And God will take you from point A to point B. Now from point B you need to go to point C. From point C you'll have to go to point D. That's what happened here from here. The conquest began. But before the conquest they need to cross over. That wants you to conquer many things. And become an inheritor of many things. But before that you have to cross over. In order for you to cross over, you need to obey the Lord. You know things. D, where the Lord is working. Follow the servants of God who go before you. You will see your Jordan part in your life. God wants to bless you. God wants to increase you. God wants to flood you with his miracles. God wants to get into your hands. That was the enemy's holding back from you. But not until you obey him fully. When you obey the Lord you God fully. He becomes your life. You trust him, but you know that. He's done so many miracles in your own life. And he's done many more big ones in the lives of your pastors. You know that he can do the same for you. He can do the same for you. You need to have faith to do with God's community. To have the faith to see the big segment. It's not like, oh God, I got to do this enough. I don't do this then. He's not going to give it to me. No, no. You're going to do this because you know you're going to get it. You're going to do it with joy and with expectation. Following God has to be with joy and with delight. The Bible says to light yourself in the Lord. He shall give you the desires. You need to light in him. He will do, you know, for God's servants who they live for God alone. Getting before a word can go out of their mouth. God knows their thoughts and God knows what they need. When a sentence comes out of their mouth he hears it and he takes action right away. That's how that is. That's how he invoked his. The very same doctor. The part of the Red Sea through Moses. His part in Jordan through Joshua says this to you. He says this to you today. If you want to go through this Jordan river that is in front of you. You want to succeed. You want to be someone who will have faith in excitement. Not like, "Oh my God, ever Jordan, for me, now I have to go. I know these priests are going to do anything. Let's see what Joshua's going to do. Let's see if what Joshua says is going to come to pass. Let's see if Joshua's like Moses or Joshua's just pretending to be like Moses. None of those things, they believed in Moses. They believed when Joshua said. And when it was time for them to go, they were all excited. They were all ready to go. They packed up everything. They got everything. They had all their families lined up. And they were ready to go. They were excited. We are going to go up and take the country. We are going to cross over. They were excited to cross. Oh, this is Jordan. Are you excited? Do you have faith? When a promise of prophecy comes from God through his servants. Are you excited to receive it? And when you receive it, are you excited to hold on to it? Do you keep it in front of you? Are you excited to obey God? You have to do it with excitement because excitement is linked with faith. When you have faith, then that you are going to do it with expectation. Expectation is linked with faith. Expectment is linked with expectation. Not just doing it for the sake of doing. But doing it because you know what is going to come out of it. God is speaking of this out. God wants to build you up. God wants to build you in the most holy faith. Which will put that wings on to you to raise you up with two off of the ground. And to cause you to storm into the realms you have never been. Shall we close our eyes and let you know what is up? Thank you, Father. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord, for your word that you have given to your people. Thank you for what you have spoken. The big things that you have installed for your people. All that our God wants to do, and is about to do, you are about to do big things, hallelujah. You are already doing big things. You are about to do even greater things hallelujah. Oh, Lord, I pray that you will stretch the faith of your people in the name of Jesus Christ of nature. That they may have the faith that will cause them to do that, but you have called them to do. With the understanding that this is the gateway to miracles, hallelujah. This is the gateway to healings, hallelujah. This is the gateway to the supernatural realm, hallelujah. Oh, Holy Spirit, touch your people at this hour. In the name of Jesus Christ of nature, I release the power of the Lord God Almighty upon this house of God, upon every single one who is here connected to the house of God. That each may receive that which you have for them at this hour received by faith in the name of Jesus Christ of nature. That was the Lord asked for you. Receive that right now in Jesus name in the name of Jesus Christ of nature. Every bondage of unbelief he broke and I break it right now in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus Christ of nature, when the oil consuming fire of the Lord God Almighty consume everything that is standing in the way of your people. Every unbelief he consumed right now in Jesus name. Thank you Father. Oh, cover your people with your precious blood. Cause every single one. Oh, to experience God with them, hallelujah. Wherever they go, they know. The same God who drove the Canaanites out. Who drove the Jebusites out. Who drove the parasites out. Who drove the girdlishites out. Who drove the Hittacks out. It's going before them to drive out the enemies. It's going before them to drive out everything that is keeping them from moving forward. It's going to drive out everything that is having their progress. It's going to drive out everything that is holding them back. Oh, from inheriting the Canaan that you have for them. That they may do that which they must do. And experience the glory of God. All the more in the days to come. I thank you for doing this. As your servant standing in the presence of God. Before the throne of God. According to the power and authority given to me by the all merry God. And bless your people. With this blessing that you alone can bless them with. That each may receive from the hands of the living God. That which you have for them. By faith. That they may bring down their enemies. Under their feet. When they may cross over their Jordan. They may inherit all the great things that you have for them. By the air. Humble. Faithful. Faithful. Obedient. What with the living God. Who is the Lord of all the earth. I thank you for doing this. In Jesus' most precious name. I pray. In. In. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the love of God the Father. And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and remain with us all. Now and until we see Jesus taste the things. May the Lord bless us and keep us. May the Lord cause his face to shine upon us. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon us. Bless us. In. [BLANK_AUDIO]