El Bethel International Ministries

FBS - 08.13.2020 | "The Cost of Discipleship: Sacrifice and Surrender" - Audio

May the God of Wonders Bless You!

1h 35m
Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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Look 10 from verse one on verse After these things the Lord appointed 70 others all so and sent them to by two before his face into every city and place where he himself was about to go now Jesus Christ you see here if you look at chapter 9. I'm just scrolling up There's any time you see the word after these you to see after what you see the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ in chapter 9 if you just go back up you see Christ is talking about the cost of discipleship and Chapter 10 he is speaking to his disciples so if you understand The section is not for anyone and everyone but this section is for people who really want to follow Jesus And who are showing it by their lives that they're following Jesus Christ So we see here Jesus talks about you know what if you just want to follow Jesus and say I'm also his disciple God says you know what this is not for you because You see how the son of men is leaving how Jesus Christ is living if you want to follow me he says follow me wherever I go and I want to take you there before we go here as the spirit of the Lord wants me to sit Just just go to chapter 9 and verse 57 Luke chapter 9 from verse 57 onwards and Then we're gonna go into 10 verse 1 as the Lord will lead us to because God gave it to us So we will be going into that now 57 chapter 9 verse 57 onwards now it happened as they journeyed on the road that someone said to him Lord I will follow you wherever you go There's a statement that we're saying Whereas someone is saying Lord, I will follow you wherever you go This seems like a genuine desire it seems like someone wanting to follow Jesus Christ Jesus here is that and Jesus is answering this man this a lot of times people say a lot of different things But God knows the hearts of people and he sees the genuine desire is your heart In tune with you words that are coming out see out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks but also The mouth can speak something totally Different than what the heart feels that's what you call deception now if you are having something really Bad on the inside eventually it'll show that's what Jesus meant Whatever is coming out Even if it's hypocrisy inside the heart when Evil is there eventually it'll show up Because whatever is there it's gonna show up But when the mouth is not matching the heart Even before it could show up God sees the heart through and through So this man is saying Lord, I will follow you I will follow you you know many times you know you can sing the song Lord wherever you lead I will follow and you can have a whole church raise the hand and say Lord I will follow wherever but you know what God will see only one or two really following one or two really meaning with all their hearts The rest are simply saying being emotional, but they're not following through they will not follow through and Jesus knows that So this man comes does Lord. I will follow you I'll follow you and When Jesus heard that Jesus said to him foxes have holes and birds of the air have nest But the son of man has nowhere to lay his head Then he said to another follow me You don't see Jesus telling this man who said Lord, I will follow you follow me in a while because he knew that His motive to following Jesus was not pure. I Want to follow Jesus? I want to be among the crowd that does miracles when he does it I want to be his disciple. I want to see what he's doing and also It's a status you see where you have miracles and a lot of people are coming and you're with Jesus who's doing the miracles But Jesus knew that if he would say that foxes have holes birds have nest the son of man has nowhere to lay his head This man will immediately back off like the rich young ruler who said Lord I want in the hair eternal life, but when Jesus gave him the answer for that He went away sorrowful. So this man went away sorrowful He was not someone who said Lord even if you have nowhere to lay your head. I will be there I'll be with you. He should have said that, but you don't hear that answer from him So what was his commitment basically? What was his commitment? We said? Oh, I will follow you. What was his commitment? It was not a genuine commitment. It was something that came out of his mouth You know just to say I'll follow you too Lord. I will follow you too, but It had nothing to do with his heart his heart was if what if he calls me to do this? I don't want to do that. I don't want to give up this. I don't want to give up that how many people are like that? Today, I'm not willing to give up this. I'm not willing to give up that I can make all the changes that God is requiring me so I'm not gonna follow Jesus. Let someone else do that job So what happened this man who said he wanted to follow Jesus When Jesus places before him the cost of disciples ship that means a disciple is a disciple who's willing to do anything for Jesus Christ Whatever the cost may be that's a true disciple And so this man when you heard the cost know what I may have a place to say I may not have a place to say Oh, this is not the kind of life. I was thinking I thought Jesus had like a lot of people who will take them and they'll have like a lot of Good food and comfortable, you know places say and this is Jesus you see and if you go with Jesus imagine But Jesus you know what yes, I am Jesus. This is my true condition Discipleship is laying down one's life To do the will of God Jesus came down to do the will of God and how did Jesus live Jesus was born at a stable? Jesus was not in a palace He laid down his life so that we can live so true disciple will be those who will lay down their lives So then others can live and doesn't mean that you're gonna be homeless No, it doesn't mean that God is not gonna give you anything No, when we serve God he will provide us with everything Royally he will provide for us because it's the king of kings and the lord of lords but there has to be An understanding that there will be times when we won't have a place to lay our heads like Jesus did There will be times when we will walk through the valley of the shadow of death There will be times when people will spit on us. There will be times when we'll be falsely accused By doing the will of God there will be times when we'll be left all alone. There are times when we'll have to go through that Understanding this is what it means to really follow Jesus Christ. Will we still follow him? That's the question. God has asked me today Why are you doing? What you're doing? What is your motive behind? What you're doing? That's why many people they're very happy when they when the life is good when you have good testimonies. Yes But when something is not going the way they think it should go their faces like long power They look miserable make everyone else look miserable. Why? Because they have not really understood the cost of discipleship Neither do they know what it really means to be a disciple so What do you expect? If you fall under this category, oh lord, I want to be a disciple, but when Jesus says the cost Yeah, I will but Jesus just think about it think about what the cost is and He looks at another one because you know why he's not someone who said I'll follow I'll follow There are people who talk a lot, but then it comes to action very little But this man You don't see him saying anything with Jesus said follow me. You know why he saw his heart Jesus saw his heart and he said come follow me now this man is saying Something Lord, let me first go and bury my father Let me first go and bury my father. So he's saying Lord. I Want to follow you, but I have something to do. I'll take care of that first Jesus said to him let the dead bury they own dead, but you go and treat the kingdom of God I want to show you the emphasis here the emphasis over here is not about Not taking care of the family The emphasis is the kingdom of God takes priority over everything True disciples goal is Jesus life is Jesus everything becomes Jesus Now Jesus is giving him this truth Let the dead bury the dead. How can the dead bury the dead? Think about this is Jesus telling don't go to the funeral Is Jesus telling don't say goodbye? That's not What Elijah did when Elisha said he wanted to say goodbye to his family. So we know Jesus is not telling abandon your family He's not telling that don't you know say bite your family or don't talk to your family or that's not what Jesus is saying here Jesus is talking about a whole community of people Who embrace depth and live in depth? The whole lifestyle and the way they're living is embracing depth Death loving culture. We see that even today Everything that's dark. They will like everything that's destructive. They will run after and God says those people will take care of those things We have something far more important God is speaking to the hearts today God is not telling you to be a responsible husband is a responsible wife a Responsible child. No, if you see in in our website under my bio Something very important is written there My first job before God is to be his daughter And being his daughter is fulfilling my first responsibly which is to my husband and to my children. That's my number one priority then The people that God has given into my hands If I don't do that and if I say that I'm not gonna take care of my husband I'm not gonna take her my children and I'm just gonna you know run around doing ministry That it will not be that will not be approved by God So it is very important for us understand especially those of you who are married understand your first Ministry is to your spouse For husband it is to build up his wife The Bible says the way you treat her the way you church her the way you Give her the word and live by an example. It's not like hammering someone with the word Do this do that do that Bible says that you know be submissive Bible says that you know obey Bible says no you live by Leading a life that is pleasing to God Where your life will be an example to your wife a life of love A life of love is the life that Jesus wants Jesus said But this you will know that you are my disciple how by really showing your love for one another and where does it love begin? It begins right in your house with your spouse same thing goes you know for a wife to her husband Your first responsibility is your spouse Be the wife that God has called you to be by Being Jesus to that person show God's love very important the parents to your children Show them God's love spend time with your children. That is your priority We understand that this is very important. Yes, this is very important at the same time Well, I say this is very important So I'm gonna just ballgame soccer swimming and this and that and then where's the time? I have no time for ministry. No time to take care of the needs of others. That's where God's balance comes into play where you take care of the first Circle that God has which is your family the for God and Then you will have time you will have God's grace to take care of those God is Interesting into your hand even if it is one co-worker even if it is one friend even if it is one relative Whatever God has put in your hands You take care of them After you take care of your home. This is our order from God according to his word and it cannot go wrong family Living as an example in our house in our homes And whoever God has put in Our midst they need to be witnessing How loving we are how patient we are how godly we are How do we speak? How is our tongue is it raised a sharp is it like an arrow piercing or is it? Filled with the love of God How are we living our life before God and men very important? So God never tells us to not Love our family. No the defining line here is If you love your husband wife or your child more than God than we are not worthy of him That means We need to give our time to God We need to spend time with Jesus our personal prayer time We need to read the word of God We can't say oh, I need to go grocery shopping to my mom on Sunday and then not go to church That is disorder. That is putting someone above God Time that we need to give to God we need to give to God When someone really wants to follow Jesus Christ no matter what obstacle they may have They will find a way to overcome that, you know, this is very true when someone really is in a relationship. They really love You this spouse of the four you got married Or you were engaged, whatever the case is You know how to find a way to meet your spouse, you know how to Somehow call them, you know how to communicate with them, you know, it is possible Even if everything looks like it's not possible you find a way to get it done And you can transfer that to people who you know are involved in addiction thin You know how to get to what you need to get to in order to get what you want But when it comes to things of God many times People feel that they're very weak. They cannot really take a stand for Jesus. They really cannot pray. They can't find time They really can't love God with all their hearts mind soul and strength. Why is the devil more charming? Is it ever more loving? Whose love should attract us towards himself that Jesus Christ not Satan? So when Jesus has followed me like how Peter immediately left everything and followed him The other guy should have Well, when Jesus said foxes have holes Birds have nests, but the son of man is nowhere to lay his head. You see no response And Jesus looks at another person because he said you can't You can't follow me because you need to have a determination To follow Jesus Christ. So you see the choosing over here God has been speaking to us for the past few weeks How God chooses one over the other God is choosing one over the other Not because they have money not because they have talents not because they have business not because they have you know Charisma not because they look a certain way. No simply because of their willingness to follow him How available we are And to what extent will be loyal to King of Kings to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords His eyes are running to intro the eyes of the Lord They run to and for looking to see whose hearts are loyal towards him So He saw this man who came and said Lord. I'll follow you. I'll really follow you But you know what he saw his heart already. So he said Son this is the deal here You can't handle this and he went to the next person. He said come come follow me as soon as he said that The guy says I got to take care of this First so he saw that this guy will be a good candidate He will accomplish the purpose of God. Do you know what something is standing in the way? God is speaking to you hard today. You may fall under that category Not under the first one the first one is oh no, I can't take any hardship. I'm going I'm not gonna follow Jesus The second category is I'll take whatever I'll do whatever he says but family oh If family comes that's it. I'll forget God That's the second category God is looking at your hearts today God is asking you this question How lawyer are you? How loyal are you when it comes to following the Lord Jesus Christ? Has he called you for something? Has the Lord God called you for something? If he has called you for something, what is your response? Are you telling the Lord Lord? I will follow you If he's telling you this is the cost of following me I'm gonna say okay, bye. I'm not gonna follow you. Do you fall under that category? Or do you have a character to say Lord? No matter what I will follow you God is looking for those who say No matter what I'll follow you Lord. Let's just go to the next one verse 61 and another also said Lord. I will follow you, but let me first go and with them farewell who are at my house But Jesus said to him no one having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God again This is not Jesus Christ saying oh, you can't say bye to your family. We see how Elijah Led by the Spirit of God gave the dream for Elisha to actually save their well-invited family So this is really not talking what some crude Christianity is saying that you know, you know Don't talk to your parents and don't look at your you know spouses face. No, that's not what it is Jesus is bringing something deeper which is in a person's heart the moment they say Lord I'll follow he is exposing what's in their heart See when people say God. I want to do it then God says let me show you what you have. Will you really follow? Will you really follow with this? That's what Jesus is bringing. He's bringing something deeper that is inside a person's heart To the surface so that the person can see it so This person says Lord. I want to follow but Let me go and do this first So what happens is God becomes second whatever a person wants to do becomes first. Do you fall under that category and Lord? I'll follow But let me do this first God says if your order is reverse You're not fit to Be a soldier in the kingdom of God Whoever but his hand to the plow and looks back Cannot be God's disciple. So disciple is someone who makes up his mind to say that God you are number one in my life I will do whatever you tell me to do include which includes loving God Loving myself Which is doing what is good for my soul my body my spirit and loving my neighbor as myself, which is my husband my children That's the first neighbor and then you have next neighbors the family of God and then your co-workers and all those around you That's the right order That will be a disciple that will bring glory to God because that's God's divine order Now he has a whole bunch of people who actually said will follow and will actually follow To those people Christ is giving something now think about it. We have a desire. Oh, I want to do this Oh, I want to do this. I want to prophesy. I want to heal the sick. I want to raise the death I want to cast out devils. I want to do this. God will look at you and he'll ask you this question Are you disciple? is someone was willing to Follow me no matter what the cost is have you thought about it Following Jesus Christ will cost us salvation is free Even though salvation is free It is for those who believe and will show by their works that They have received the salvation that Christ gave to them on the cross By doing what he said see now if you really look at whatever Jesus said, it's nothing complicated Jesus is not telling you Oh, by the way go and Leave everything and go to some mountain and sit over there for you know End number of days and you sit and think about the world and the suffering and everything and do some meditation. No Jesus didn't say oh go for some pilgrimage and travel here travel there. No The word of God is so simple Whatever God has taught in his word is very simple But what he is telling is choose that which is right Discard that which is wrong and God defines what is right and God defines what is wrong. Not me Not you God defines what is right God defines what is wrong You and I don't have a say in that thank God for that If we just define what is right and what is wrong, I think we wouldn't even be saved If we let a human being define what is right and what is wrong one will say what's wrong in eating another human being Another one will say what's wrong with slavery Another one say what's wrong with burning women Another one will say what's wrong with you know killing x y and z We live in a society That is dominated by evil spirits that influence the thinking their emotions their speech and their actions their relationships the friendships their transaction Where they go Where they come from when we understand that every person makes decisions Based on the influence or the input that they're getting Either from God or from the enemy. We're going to evaluate every thought that comes in And be careful not to let it land on our soil Our minds Where is this coming from? Where is this dark thought coming from? Where is this depressing thought coming from? Where is this anger coming from? Where is this hatred coming from? Where is this jealousy coming from? Definitely not from God Where is this insufficiency coming from? Where is this inferiority complex coming from? Where is this lack of understanding coming from? Where is this confusion coming from? Where is this? talking down coming from Where is this feeling superior to somebody else And putting someone else down coming from These are not the qualities of Jesus When you understand those things where's lying coming from? Where's stealing coming from? Where's cheating coming from? Where's covering coming from? Where's immorality coming from? Where is Pride coming from When you think about all these things You know the origin is the devil It comes from Satan Just like how God is a vast clean crystal clean clear river Satan is a vast sewer water He'll just spew Venom spew wickedness spew that's what he does Those who go under his sewer water to get a shower will be tainted by those droplets and showers Carry that stink and it's not wherever they walk Their lives will be affected and wherever they go that smell affects others around them This is what is happening in this world But when you think something is coming to you you have to understand Just like how you know when you go to a place and it smells bad You just run out of it You need to run out of things that pollute your mind pollute your body that tries to take you down Make you feel like you know what you can't do this or I don't know what to do And that's everything is gone. It's the end of the world and Those who don't have God's word in their minds They've given themselves over to everything that is in the world that is not of God Every news every garbage that is out there Even in the name of Christ and even in the name of scriptures When has nothing to do with the scriptures directly They feel he feel they feel he feels she feels they feel everybody is giving opinions Who cares about it? Is it the truth the truth comes only from Jesus Christ There was a man When I first came to the US things Um, it was a radio station And um, he started preaching about the end of the church age, you know this no more church churches all over Then he started preaching That jesus is coming. I don't even know what year he predicted He was giving all them, you know figures and this and that yet a whole bunch of People who had no regard really regard for the word of God so He was In delusion the man was in delusion the people who gave themselves over to that man They were in delusion as a result of it. He had a huge following When you look at it, how can you have people in their right mind follow somebody like this You know what he talked like he's talking in a very logical manner But when we hear it just by hearing that voice itself will shut it off because it'll be nauseating. It's demonic They have a whole bunch of christian people lots of christian people who felt for that Until the date he predicted the jesus will come and jesus didn't come how will jesus come Will he come according to some false guy who will come and say something? Oh, you know this says that says this calculation old testament the new to demonic His wisdom and whatever calculation he did was satanic Yet people will not study the word of god simple gospel message Holiness and living a holy life. You know, that's the only thing that matters Because whether jesus is coming or not We all believe that he is coming. God has spoken to us many many times But you know what? Before he comes he can call me home before that If i'm ready to see him tonight, i'll be ready when he comes doesn't matter Unless we are prepared preparing ourselves to be left behind or go to hell Then we can worry about i want to see you know what this number does and what six six six does and what antichrist does and you know whoever does And i'm going to worry about what you know this man says and that woman says Unless we set ourselves for a disaster like that and waste our time on those things A person who is really walking with god has nothing to do with any of those things because it's not only a waste of time It takes a person to delusion other delusions So the bottom line is God is looking for a church with that spot or wrinkle He is coming for a bride without a spot or wrinkle And the job of the shepherds that god has placed on earth is to Do the work of god so that The bride can be prepared to be a holy bride without the spot without any spot or wrinkle So as the believers give themselves over to what god is doing through the church that god has provided that is god's order That's the bible and not saying my own thing As they do it They become sanctified in the process And every spot that is there every wrinkle that is there the word of god is ironing it out the word of god is washing it out He's just cleansing us and making us More like jesus christ that should be our focus and that should be our only focus Which is becoming like jesus When we walk in such a relationship with the lord jesus christ if god would call us home tonight Will be ready before him if i'm ready Tonight tonight to meet god Then i'll be ready if he comes to see me tonight Whether i have to go there to see him or he is coming to see me I should be ready. So whole goal is about what's going to happen to the people who are left behind or what's going to happen If i'm left the unless you're planning to be left behind Now there's a hope and other people saying we don't know whether he's coming whether he's coming now or whether he's coming after tribly who cares Who cares whether he's coming before tribulation or after tribulation who cares? god has put these things in his word You know for a reason and when time comes it'll happen But our whole focus is not that that's not what the bible says. That's not what a puzzle poll said That's not what was a post john said The whole focus is as he's speaking he's saying Make sure you're ready make sure you're ready make sure you're ready not about like look at these things and see what's going to happen Five years from now 15 years from now 20 years from now. That's delusion god is saying make sure today You're ready to meet god Make sure today you're walking with god Make sure you listen to the word of god that i'm giving to you and follow that that's what god is saying If we don't have that then we'll fall away very easily because Satan is a thief he'll come and take everything from us and leave us with nothing Whether it's pre tribulation or post tribulation doesn't matter if I can live my life for him now Whatever I have to face power will be given to me because i'm already lifting weights If i'm walking with god in holiness, I will have the power of god to face anything At that hour power will be given to who the bible says his disciples So coming back to what the spirit of the lord is speaking here is Those who walk with him those who are true disciples of the lord jesus christ will receive power from one high To live an extraordinary life that god has for them Extraordinary lives that god has for them God is speaking to our hearts today What is our goal? What is our motive? What is our focus? What is your focus? What is your focus? What are you spending your time? Looking at reading trying to research and Waste our time if our focus is not On the lord jesus christ and it's word alone We are wasting our time This is enough the word of god is enough that means read your word The word of god read the word of god and follow it read the word of god and follow it That's all is needed and jesus said that person will be a person who is built like a man Who builds his house on the rock? No matter what happens? He's not going to fall. He's going to stand strong. So the secret behind living a steady life And being able to face god with great joy not with shame, but with great joy is Hearing his voice and doing his work. Only one thing he'll ask He's not going to ask how much statistics, you know, and how much biology you know and how much chemistry you know and and how much end times events You know, no, he's going to ask us one thing Did you do my well? Did you do my well? Now to those Of the disciples who said i'm laying it on at your altar Lord, i'm going to follow you Your extraordinary and you call me to be extraordinary by joining with you. I'm coming with you I'm coming and my family is going to come with you We're all going to serve you as a family when we have that heart before god almighty Then god will empower us to do his book now. He's doing something very special here For his disciples and want to emphasize that not for anyone and everyone but for his disciples in Luke chapter 10, so we're going to go there for a few minutes We're going to dwell there as the holy spirit wants us to and then we are going to finish for tonight So let's read verse one after these things After jesus christ getting the disciples now these are disciples beyond the tall disciples So jesus not only had 12 he had more than 12 But 12 were like his core group and within the 12 he had three who were even more closer than the rest of the Nine were there. So Let's go here Verse one after these things the lord appointed 70 others also and sent them Two by two before his face into every city and place where he himself was about to go. What does this mean? in jesus's place to fill in jesus's shoes jesus christ appoints people you see before this he's selecting people He's selecting based on who will really follow him who will count the cost of discipleship and who will follow him Now when he selected those people he had this in mind that i am going to Appoint them and i'm going to send them out So he's doing this He chooses them Based on their heart that will be willing to follow him wholeheartedly and Then he does this he Points them two by two and he is sending them Where where he himself would go to fulfill his work? There's a reason why god wants us to read this today. We're going to see what god is going to speak to us even further verse two And then he said to them the harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few therefore pray the lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into his harvest Go your way. Behold i send you out as lambs among wolves Carry need the money money bag knapsack or sandals and greet no one along the road But whatever house you enter first say peace to this house And if a son of peace is there your peace will rest on it if not it will return to you And remain in the same house eating and drinking such things as they give For the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not go from house to house Whatever city you enter and they receive you eat such things as are set before you And heal the sick there and say to them the kingdom of god has come near to you But whatever city you enter and they do not receive you go out into its streets and say The very dust of your city which clings to us We wipe off against you nevertheless know this that the kingdom of god has come near you But I say to you that it'll be more tolerable in the day but stardom than for that city God be praised We're going to go back to the beginning But jesus the lex people and he is sending them to Do his work to fulfill his call two by two As he's sending these people there's one important word that jesus says over here. He's not saying i'm sending you Um a sheep away. He's saying i'm sending you as lambs in the midst of boss Because he is our disciples who left everything in who came but they are like baby disciples And they're coming there and jesus is training them He's training his disciples understand this he's not people these are not people who say i'm coming half heartedly And i'm a baby christian so i'll have some things that i will do and i will keep some things and i will not follow in some areas. No The selection process is very clear Only those who have a hundred percent Then on following jesus christ are selected. So that says it all These are people who have decided to follow jesus no turning back So such people were called and such people were trained by the lord jesus christ while he was on the face of the earth And when he was there specific instructions he's giving look i'm sending you among these wolves Be this way Behave this way Do this and he's giving very specific instructions And when you see these things the lord jesus christ after selecting He's telling the harvests is plenty the laborers of you imagine that Imagine that for a second he's saying that the harvests is plenty the laborers are few after having 70 people imagine that He was able to find the 70 people and he was able to Choose them he was able to import into them and he was able to send them out 70 with their seven stands of perfection And the lord jesus christ chose 70 people And he sent them out two by two Because they were Young they cannot really go by themselves He's sending two by two. So one can be a source of strength to the other both to them Go together to serve god the bible says one will chase a thousand two will chase ten thousand And that's where if you're married you have greater strength if you have oneness between you and your spouse That you can serve god To a larger extent That you can bring many people to the lord jesus christ if you're on the same page If you say that god i will do your will No matter what we will together serve you as a family we will serve you God can use such families in a Great manner to a large extent god will move them in ways beyond the expectation now two people two people another two God is sending says christ sends two by two by two He's giving them very specific instructions. He doesn't say i just go just go you saw me right? Yesterday do these things just go and lay hands and heal. No, he's getting very specific instruction And the instruction is the harvest is plenty the labors are few God says do something let's see what he says over here Pray the lord of the harvest is send out labors into his harvest. So number one the first thing is pray Write this down if you're taking notes write this down pray What do you have to pray? God? We need more labors. We need more labors It doesn't mean that anyone and everyone jesus didn't do that. Oh, we need more labors Come on. You said you want to follow me. Come on. Good. Good. Good. You said he followed me. Come on. No he actually Stopped some people from following him because he knows they will come and halfway they'll drop everything and they'll go He was looking for faithful followers not any followers God is looking for faithfulness in your heart understand this Spirit of the lord is speaking to our hearts What kind of a follower are you? What kind of a follower are you? Are you a faithful follower or just any follower just says i'll just follow I will be one among the followers. I'll do whatever If it's fine with me, it's fine. If it's not fine. I'm just going to drop the plow and i'm going to go Jesus says he who puts his hand to the plow and does not turn back He is fit to be my disciple But if he turns back and he goes he's not fit to be my disciple So the spirit of the lord is asking you this question. What kind of a follower are you? Where will Jesus Christ put you under under which category? Which category are you going to be placed under are you going to be under the one? You know who said oh lord. I want to follow like excited like the ground that received the seed but it had Thorns It received the word of goggle great joy. It said oh I've never seen a church like this the president was like a lot of talk But when it comes to real commitment not much Jesus is not looking for anyone everyone said come count on me. You can count on me And he knows if he can count on them or not What kind of a follower are you? What kind of a follower are you do you have the character? To be a true disciple of the lord Jesus Christ Are willing to lay everything Down don't just say yes because he knows your heart Check yourself before god I'll be someone who is trustworthy. Will you be someone who is trustworthy? God is looking for trustworthy people So pray That's the first thing Jesus says he got 70, but you know what? It's not enough 70 people are not enough. He's saying pray As the lord lord send more laborers. That's that's our prayers. That's for deep in that Then more laborers not anyone and everyone People who really have the same passion that the pastors have People will have the same sacrifice that the pastors are sacrificing where People will have the same integrity that the pastors have At least 80 percent Should have at least up to 80 percent hundred is what we're looking for To do anything at least that has to be there Jesus didn't mince word He didn't say oh We are right now a short stop. So anyone and everyone get on board. No No, that's what he did when it came to Gideon's army. He just downsized everything Because he was looking for quality god is looking for quality In discipleship god is looking for genuine disciples not anyone and everyone He defined it If anyone would desire to be my disciple even if you have the desire He said this is what the cost This is the cost let him come after me But denying himself Picking up his cross and following me Now to those disciples jesus says i'm going to send you out. I'm going to send you out now. We cannot go Where wolves are there as little lambs Because they'll eat us What is actually protecting those lambs from the wolves if they're anointing of god Jesus anointing these disciples and that's how they were able to do miracles. That's how they were able to do signs and wonders that's how they were able to Go there and be The hands and feet of the Lord Jesus. How can you even think about filling his shoes? Going to the same place as Jesus went where he himself was about to go. He's actually sending these 70 people Hacking you received the call of god and not respond to it If You know The glory that comes with the call. I want to repeat this How can you Hear the call of god and not respond to it If you know the glory that comes with the call of god Only those Are short-sighted We don't care about the glory that comes with the Cross with a call Will say that oh, you know what? No mind Jesus you have 70 right you managed with the 70 Well, you pray I can pray too that the Lord will send some people who will Be there for you. We understand harvest is plenty. We'll pray that god will send more laborers Can you understand what god is speaking of this hour? That's not genuine Heart Those are not genuine words That's hypocrisy Because if you really care about the kingdom of god, we will be there If I really care about what god is doing, I will be there I'll roll up my sleeves and I will be there put my hand to the plow and not look back God is looking for such people. God is looking for people with integrity. God is looking for people who would say Lord I will be there and I will pray for more Laborors in the meantime. I will labor with you. I will pray for more laborers God is looking for such people and To those who say Lord, I'll be a disciple. I'll follow you. This is what Jesus will do. Just continue in a few minutes. We're gonna finish Jesus says this go your way We hold I send you out as lambs among wolves Carry me the money bag napsack north sandals and greet no one along the road Why is he telling them to mean and root? They don't say hide anyone just keep going no No, why because when it comes to serving god when it comes to doing the will of god Faithful will send a million distractions So if you see in atleast, you know, I was I used to be a runner When I used to run no matter who screams along the way you'll hear lots and lots of students screaming My name out because I'm running If I turn on say hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. What's gonna happen? I'm gonna let someone else pass by Once I start running even before I start running my ears are very very alert to the call that's gonna be the word go Once I start running no matter who screams nothing enters my ear. Nothing. I don't even recall anything entering I heard a lot of people screaming, but you know what it didn't matter to me at all Now why what mattered to me was where I'm running Where I'm running that's all my track and where I'm running We need to have that before us All the distractions that will come our way Satan is very clever Can't say I'll send a lot of people loving people mushy people I'll send a lot of people who throw rocks at you I'll throw all kinds of things to confuse you You know why because I don't want you to accomplish your mission If I'll just stand everywhere and greet everybody I'm not gonna be doing the will of god. So what god is saying be a soldier Be going to be a soldier. You have a mission It's not about being mean. It's about being smart It's not about being mean It's about being job conscious. It's about really being god conscious. It's about having that focus your mind That I'm going to do the will of god And not distracted by anything Not get distracted. Don't let yourself get distracted by anything anyone doesn't mean that you're not going to say hi And I'm going to talk to anyone There's a principle that the spirit of god is speaking here For those 70 he said don't Stop anywhere to greet anyone and they have to follow that it's very important. Jesus said it He said it because it was a reason because Satan would enter into a lot of people to greet them and keep them From doing the will of god and there's something called the anointing of god that is upon them If they would stand and talk while they're greeting somebody could talk like, oh, do you know what happened? They aren't Helen Do you know what happened to, you know, uh, Jackie over there? Do you know what happened to James over there? You know what will happen? They can stand there and talk something and say something that they shouldn't say and you know what will happen to the anointing of god at that point It will not be there if sin is there the anointing of god won't be there Jesus giving them very specific commandments usual new believers when they say believers these are disciples I'm not talking about these days loose terms called new believers now These are disciples of god who's who've left everything, which you know what they need a training and he's training He's training them to be straight think straight look straight via soldier And so he is closing all the doors to where the anointing that he poured into them will not leak out of them So he says go straight do your work and come back because See you're not going for some celebration or some festival you're going on a mission. You're fulfilling the wool of god Understand this. This is how Jesus functioned Jesus was not going there and say hey, by the way, um, how was uh your business over there? How many vegetables do you sell? No Jesus was mission made when he went people knew He cared about people At the same time There's no Extra word that came out of his mouth He didn't waste a second And he's training his disciples to be just like a master Jesus said this It's good for disciple to be just like a master. That means what he should be just like a master That's our goal for our church to be just like your shepherds who are following christ to be just like Jesus christ very important very very important We have to be that way If you're not going to be that way, then we're going to waste our lives. You see How God is leading your pastors how God is leading This church followed that there's a blessing to it Now Jesus gave very specific instruction to them. He didn't they didn't say oh man. This is too narrow How can we not greet anyone? What if James thinks bad about me What if Johnny misunderstands me? What kind of a testimony that's going to be at these all the words and thoughts that Satan will bring If God tells you to do something the most important thing is to simply obey God will take our Johnny and James and Susie and everyone else Has God told you to do something just do it. It'll be a blessing for you There's a cost in discipleship There's discipline in discipleship. Now let's continue reading few more verses See he says here So there's a reason why he said don't greet anyone It's not because Jesus is trying to be really stern and trying to be mean and telling them to mean no Jesus is the one who said right greet people who do not greet you. Jesus said that So he's not telling his disciples don't greet anyone just you know act like a big shot and just walk over it No, that's not what Jesus is saying There's a reason like I said Satan would use people to take away the anointing Satan would use people to bring loose talks Satan will use people to waste their time and Jesus Christ is blocking all those avenues and he's saying Right now today you're going on a mission. So don't get yourself distracted. It's like running the race I can say hi to everyone other times, but not on when I'm on the track. No No No My mom could be there. My mom used to be there, you know when I was in sports running But was I looking at her? No, my eyes were straight When do you think I would look after I won the trophy? That's when you look That's when you look at your mom. That's when you look at people not when you're running There's a time the Bible says to sow there's a time to reap There's a time to mourn. There's a time to rejoice. There's a time for everything under the sun If we don't look at ourselves and if we don't say you know what I want to be like Jesus I want to live like him. I want to make a difference in this world We don't have that in our minds We are not living the best life We are not living the life that God is intended for us because God wants us to be like him God wants us to minister like him Look at what Jesus did. Jesus didn't say oh, okay. I'm a superstar here. I'm not going to train anyone. No Jesus was the superstar of all superstars however It's training people because he knows only three and a half years. I'm going to be here No one can be compared to Jesus Christ. No one he knows that very well But he wants us to be like him And he says if you can pay the price, I'll train you to be just like me That's my father I'll train to be just like me So while he was there, he started training his disciples and that's what God wants to do in this church But he's looking for people with character. He's looking for people who would say If you call me, I'll answer your call and I'll follow If you tell me don't stop anywhere. I'm not going to stop If you tell me don't greet anywhere. I'm not going to These are all things that the spirit of the lord is bringing to us at the tower Whatever area the god is speaking to you for you to obey him. Just do that Like I said Jesus said greet even those who don't greet you love your enemies But this is not talking about oh Jesus telling not to greet so I'm not from tomorrow saying hello or good morning is wrong So I'm not going to say no No Reading is a good thing But in this context where he's choosing the people and sending now I'm sending you for a mission. You're going to go on this trip Don't say hello at this time Remember the the race At that time you're not going to say hi to anyone who is there. You're going to keep your eyes on that Goal there finish line and you're going to run We God speak to our hearts today Be someone Who is about their father's business? God has great things in store for you. Let's just see a few more verses Now he says here, but whoever whatever house you enter first say peace to this house And if a son of peace is there your peace will rest on it. If not, it will return to you. What is the meaning of this? It's very important. There's not about everybody saying hello and god bless you and anybody can say god bless you Anybody can say hello anybody can say peace when you think when everybody says peace it happens to them. No, it doesn't These people were the disciples of god who were anointed by god So when they say peace that peace will rest on them Rest on who is the next question Those are worthy of that peace that means when jesus said that you say peace To a family and the family really values the presence of god values the servant of god Well is a disciple that goes there and when they speak it they believe that they are worthy of that peace that peace will rest upon them That means that'll really become a reality now. I want to tell you this Do you cannot apply death and life on the power of the tongue and say oh, i'm saying god bless you so that means you know you know this is very different There's a importation that takes place here The death and life on the power of the tongue is a told told totally whole different issue When god says something When we say it when you say his words because we say his words Those words have power When Satan inspires someone to say something and you use Satan's words those are destructive words and it'll cause destruction That's how a lot of curse takes place when someone curses someone They are filled with the demonic power Anger whatever it is and they curse and that curse rests on someone who is worthy of that curse Blessing falls into the same category Abraham blessed his generation and that blessing rested Let me tell you why Because god told Abraham whom ever you blessed i would bless Whom ever you curse i would curse It's very different if death and life on the power of the tongue and everybody blesses and everybody says god bless you and everybody We got you know blessed by god then this promise would have not been given to Abraham This is specific power a right that god gave to Abraham the friend of god when he blessed someone that blessing rested upon them So with his disciples, Jesus Christ is actually empowering them empowering them and giving them the anointing when They enter in and when they say peace to that house, that means there's peace literally going over there. It's not like hi It's not like shalom like you know like people say no It's nice to say but will it really happen to them? No, it's not going to Anybody saying anything is going to happen if somebody says good morning you think the good morning means they're going to have a really good morning No, it's a nice way to say it but when The disciples will receive the anointing of god they say it there's a huge difference because now something is really going to take place So the other end who need to be receptive When they are in a receptive mode, that means all they're saying peace i receive that peace then they become owners Of that peace with to understand that this is very important As well when you hear the benediction, it's very important to hear the benediction it's very important to hear the blessing of god and the and the prophecy and the prayer and the Pronouncing of god's blessing that comes through the anointed servants of god because it actually rests upon those who are worthy i want to underline that If i'm not worthy if i'm not if i have no regard for the servant of god if i have no regard for anything that god is doing then no matter what blessing that is said It's going to go right over it I had to um talk and pray with someone today as they're going you know for a ministry and as i was speaking the holy spirit showed two different types of people and One was a part that is open when it rains It rains right rainwater comes If you want water and you put a big base and you put a big pot and you fill it and you take it And there's another one who takes the same kind of pot and puts it upside down There's a pot that's a pot. What's the difference? One is in a receptive mode and the other one is completely closed upside down where the rainwater goes on it and just runs away What kind of a vessel are we and how are we positioned to receive the blessing of god right this down Are you positioned to receive the blessing of god have you positioned you are soft to receive the blessing of god Whoever is worthy of that blessing They will receive that blessing whoever is not worthy of that blessing Will not receive that blessing that blessing will just go right back To whoever gave that blessing So the lord is speaking to our hearts today when the blessing comes when peace is pronounced to the house it's important for us to Understand that word that comes from god and to be in a receptive mode to receive what god has for us not take it casually don't take it casually And if a son of peace is there your peace will rest on it. That means someone who's worthy of it Who is the son of peace? Jesus said that blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the sons of god So when something is common that's there what a blessing that is there and you're worthy of it you become A worthy vessel of that blessing that is being distributed by god through his disciples That means that's what anointing is anointing is the power of god to distribute something very unique very special that is healing whether it's Whatever miracles whatever it is the anointing of god carries those and as it's distributed The other side should become recipient of that that means I believe and I'm receiving it it takes humility And it takes openness with faith to receive that If they're not worthy of it what happens it goes right back to them To who the disciples will forsaken everything who came to Jesus following Jesus anointed by Jesus sent out by Jesus now So this is not something that anyone and everyone can take and use these scriptures We have to look at the context and we have to see what Jesus is doing Why he's doing how he's doing very very important seven And remain in the same house eating and drinking such things as they give for the labor is worthy of his wages Because they're being sent to by god their god's labor and they're actually going and setting people free delivering them Breaking chains and healing people Jesus said the labor is worthy of his wages That's the work that they're doing for god That's they're not simply going and doing something wasting their time. They're working It's a very important work. They are doing without that people won't be healed Without the anointing of god that is coming through them people will not be delivered They will not be such free So god says the labor is ready of his wages So stay wherever you go there in a city stay in the house that well comes you And then do the ministry and then get back home Those are specific counsel given by god the lord Jesus Christ to the 70 disciples now very important verse 9 And heal the sick there and say to them the kingdom of god has come near to you understand this When does the kingdom of god come near to us when when healings take place Who was healing the sick? the disciples Is a command and a commission given by god through the anointing of god to the disciples To heal the sick. It's a work. They're doing it's god's work. They're doing they're healing the sick Through the anointing of god given to them, but who is who is doing it? who Is there being the hand of god being the mouth of god Being the feet of jesus christ being where jesus Was supposed to be filling in his shoes the disciples So jesus said heal the sicks he didn't say go and pray in and i will come and heal the sick No The anointing was given by god and now who has to heal the sick the 70 disciples there was a job given by god to do the people who are in need Specific man killed by god larsians people don't know They don't study the word. They don't care to study the word They don't know all they listen is all the junk that they hear from everywhere else They don't know What it really means to heal the sick Merely say, oh god is the one who does god. Yes. God is the one who does it But god does through people And people who are surrendered to god like the 70 disciples God is looking to send the people to heal the sick to cast our devils to Do signs and wonders exactly the way how jesus did He's looking for people who are surrendered to god So that he can anoint them and tell them go be my hands and feet Now you go you go and do what i did So who is actually doing it the 70 are doing it But we hear jesus is not doing it jesus is actually giving the power to the 70 and saying go do it Now this is the power that came from god It's nothing of the disciples in themselves Is the power that came from god. However, it is a disciples who are using that in order for others to get healed So the disciples are getting the specific command from god go heal the sick go you heal go you heal the sick Someone who doesn't have the anointing of god they will meet and say how can you say go heal the sick How can you say that he is healing the sick? She is healing the sick Only god is healing he can't say like that And they will spiritualize that And talk for Satan We need to know the scriptures Jesus said heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers Cast our devils who has to do it the disciples the disciples who have left everything they have to do it And not by sweating and working something that they don't have no having received from god And they have the power They go and they do it. It's like a powerhouse That has received the power now. It houses the power now it distributes the power That's a separate powerhouse that is distributing the power which it received from the main source The god gave us an understanding of this hour Now pray me the lord park A genuine thirst in your heart towards becoming a genuine disciple of the lord Jesus Christ now Let's read verse Nine again and heal the sick there and say to them the kingdom of god has come near you anytime People are getting healed I'm not talking about Random thing. Oh, I prayed for an elbow pain and elbow pain was gone. That's Jesus answering prayers That's very different from God anointing his disciples and sending them to pray for people and you're saying One two three four five stakes many many many healing staking plays on a consistent basis That's called the ministry of the lord Jesus Christ extending through his disciples And who can really operate in the gifts of the spirit those who are completely surrendered to god 100 Clear before god without that you can't Jesus chose them Gave them and gave specific command so that the anointing is intact What he gave them he said just take this and go release it don't stop anywhere Very important that consecration that self-control not to stop anywhere is important. That's why he picked Those people would obey him obedience is very important And by doing this he said the kingdom of god tell the people See it's so important. Jesus says here after he healed the sick. They won't know that the kingdom will have an issue So he's saying tell them the kingdom of god is so near to you tell them Say it comes by hearing That this happens need to preach So he's telling here preach preach here here preach and preach here Who is behind all of this the anointing Is a holy spear? Without measure Is upon these disciples Given for a particular task now these are not disciples who are baptized in the holy spirit Understand this don't confuse These 70 with what happened in the upper room These 70 were given the anointing for a specific task Period, that's it When he sent them out they were anointed for that and that's it after that they were not going around doing miracles. No This was only for a specific time. Jesus did the miracles Only after they received the baptism of the holy spirit in the upper room where they able to Duplicate the ministry of Jesus Christ on a consistent basis now. This is more like practicum Jesus gave the training and he said now i'm going to give you a fieldwork go do so you can experience so when i'm not there you'll know what it is And also it was a test Will you follow everything as that and go do it? They did it May god help each one of you to be that way to have the character To really hear the voice of god and do it The kingdom of god has come near you Tell them Tell them that's exactly what we're doing Every time a healing takes place with to let them know the kingdom of god is here You know people who are struggling suffering bring them here the kingdom of god is here The anointing of god is overflowing like a river bring them and they will know the king They will get to know the king see the kingdom of god is here That means who is there when the kingdom comes there the king is here the king is here and who will be 70 They're the servants of the king. What are they doing? They are announcing the kingdom of god is here How by healing the sick every time a sick person is healed and they are delivered They are announcing that the king is here the king is here the kingdom of god comes there as a result of People's bondage is being broken. You know why? Until then Satan was dominating that was Satan's field that was Satan's territory Now when healing state plays when the disciples go and conquer that territory through the anointing of god that was given to them by jesus The devils run away and they have possessed that area For the lord and what is happening the kingdom of heaven is come because it's an expansion there And who is there the king is there? Okus is the king Let's be the lord now Whatever city you enter and they do not receive you go out of its streets and say The very dust of your city which clings to us we wipe off against you Nevertheless know this that the kingdom of god has come near you Jesus said this and he does that even today Then healing to the miracles and the teaching that god gives we give as god servants When it's taken and it's received and they grow people grow but When they take it and they abuse it when they take it and they beat that down Joining with demonic spirits At that time god never says that oh if they're not receiving you just keep running after them. No That's not what jesus told as disciples He said Shake the dust off your feet against them because The kingdom of god is there You saw the kingdom of god You tasted the kingdom of god you experienced the kingdom of god Now It's a judgment against you because you experienced the kingdom of god shake the dust off of your feet And it's a judgment against them and you move and go do what you need to do To others who will receive you it's very important. This is real ministry Jesus actually gave a little type of What kind of ministry what kind of a pattern a ministry should have with these 70 disciples before he left While he was there he gave the training and he set a model there This is how it has to be this is how a worker has to be this is how The work has to be done These are the ones will be drafted as workers Jesus laid a pattern here What happens here to those who are not worthy of their 19 of god that was upon the disciples once the dust of the feet is Dropped there It becomes a judgment He says verse 12 It'll be more tolerable in the day for sodden than for the city. Why is that? Why is that? Because those people don't experience this These people experienced the miracles that came Through these 70 disciples And when they experience that And still they go against that God says This miracle These healings if they would have been done there In the next time Or to the other people who did it that It would have been different would have been better But these people have taken all of that that means they've taken all the water that they shed from the rain them didn't produce fruit God is speaking the hearts of that as a church Who experienced a lot of miracles lots of healings You fall under the exact same category We'll receive the wonders of god We're accountable to god for every healing for every blessing every benediction for every Wonder that god has done We have to cherish it And we have to be the disciples god is calling you to be What kind of a disciple are you? I want to take you to a few more verses before we close for tonight as the holy spirit wants me to Let's go straight to verse 17. What happened after the ministry of these 70 people Then the 70 returned with joy saying lord Even the demons are subject to us in your name key is whose name jesus's name They had the anointing And the name of god name of the lord jesus christ And so they saw healings they saw miracles and they saw demon possessed people that free You're so happy They've never seen something like this because they only saw jesus do Now they're doing the same thing that jesus did They're saying lord we've never seen something like this So excited And he said to them, I saw satan fall like lightning from heaven Behold I give you the authority to trampool serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy And nothing shall by any means hurt here Nevertheless do not rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you But rather rejoice that your names are written in heaven Very very very very very very important understand this Jesus gave very specific command here They went and they did the work. They healed the sick They cast out devils. They did all these things and Came back with such victory and with joy. I would praise report And uh, someone would think oh jesus would have said oh Well, none. I'm gonna have a party for you guys. No While they were rejoicing that the victory was won jesus saw satan fall as lightning, you know why He's mad When god's word is Moving forward The enemy is mad He says oh You did this to my kingdom You got this many people healed you got this many people set free And he falls For what? To cause chaos To cause havoc That's what happens in churches when the spirit of the lord is moving very powerfully The enemy gets mad and he gets busy However To those god has given the anointing of god Who have laid down everything to follow jesus christ the disciples Of the lord jesus christ To them this promise is given a lot of times people take scriptures out of context. Oh, he has given power over serpent scorpions nothing is going to affect me to who Who was this promise given only to those who have given themselves 100% of god That means i'm not saying i've given 100% of jesus and then run back To do my own thing again. No, these are the people who left everything to follow jesus. That means one track That's it. No more Turning anywhere else One track that's it. No more God is speaking to us today This kind of a protection royal protection comes to only those who does his royal work Royal protection comes for those who do his royal work Oh Satan felt like lightning. Who is he the old serpent? Who is he he comes to sting But you know what it will not hurt you Yeah, he came. Yeah, he tried what he failed All the time Satan tries He screams like a maniac And he loses that's all So that says don't be scared about his screams He can do anything because i've given you royal protection To those who truly serve the lord they have god's royal protection Think about this Is it worth becoming a disciple of the lord jesus christ Is it worth following him Is it worth giving up everything to follow him? Let me tell you as a possible said He left everything And he counted it as rubbish so that he can gain christ you know why No matter what we have in our house in our in this world in our hearts in our minds No matter what ambition no matter whatever we want to do If you put that on one side and put jesus christ on the other side, there's no comparison Whatever you're giving up To gain christ you're actually giving up whatever that is it's rubbish when you bring it to this It's like you're taking a fig jewelry and bringing it next to a most expensive diamond gold ring And when you look at it that will stand out. You cannot even compare this with that God is speaking to our hearts today Are you willing to give up trash for treasure? Are you willing to give up trash for treasure god is speaking to you willing to give up trash for treasure What are you actually going to give an exchange for that royal king For that royal court to be his royal disciple to be his royal ambassador to receive his royal protection to do his royal work I wouldn't trade it for the world. I held the hand of the king of kings and the lord of lords About 34 years ago and he never failed me He's given me his royal protection royal provision royal authority royal crown Royal ring to do his royal work. I wouldn't trade it for the world But i've left everything to follow him I've laid down everything to follow him I've paid a high price and I continue to pay a high price and i'll don't i'll have to pay a lot more As the days go by Is it worth it? Absolutely It's absolutely worth it It's worth it to be an ambassador the king of kings and the lord of lords His divine protection his divine provision He himself is with us Jesus himself is with us. He himself is with us. Jesus right here with me He is there to endorse my work He is there to endorse my work by performing signs and wonders. You know why? He says you're my ambassador That's what he did with the 70 You're my ambassadors go in my name Where I have to be there You fill in my shoes you stand there and you do my work You go heal the sick you go cast our devils They all went you know why because they were called of god Annointed by god appointed by god And sent by god And god speak their hearts today. We're going to finish off in about a couple of minutes When they were so happy He said look All these things are good Delivering the people all those things are good, but you know what more than anything the most important thing To really be happy about Her names are written in heaven Her names are written in heaven You are heaven's citizen You are heavenly Citizens You are children of the king of kings and the lord of lord ambassadors of the king of kings and the lord of lords so We must understand You know our name is in the registry Of the record of the king of kings and lord of lords if you have given your life over to jesus That's one place But there are other places In the king's record where if you serve him your his ambassador your name will be written there too Like Hebrews 11 There are other books in the king of kings and lord of lords kingdom Which will have our names in it If we are faithful to him Faithful to the very end is very important Having good track record a good testimony is very important living an upright life before god Without blemish is very important Having a clear conscience before god and man is very important It begins in your home It begins at the feet of jesus It begins at the foot of the cross Shall we close our eyes and look to the lord thank you jesus. Thank you jesus Thank you jesus Thank you jesus Thank you holy sphere Thank you holy spirit You've called us to greatness We're called us for something far more glorious How many are really willing to follow jesus How many are really willing to pay the price How many are willing to say lord i'll answer the call i'll answer the call jesus christ is standing and he's saying the harvest is plenty the laborers a few who are going to be my laborers How many are really going to say lord Here i am Here i am Here i am send me Here i am lord i want to be a witness My home I want to be a witness to my friends. I want to be a witness my family. I want to be a witness I want to be ambassador. I want to represent you lord If you're willing to lay everything down at the altar he's willing to tour he's a 19 upon you If you're willing to lay down everything at the altar once and for all not just go back and take go back and take god Does not want inconsistency God is looking for people of character Lay down your life so you can take it back again You say lord not me not my will Let time be time God is looking for such people God is looking for such people at this hour God is looking for such people at this hour What are you gonna lose? What are you gonna lose? All you have is to gain By leaving everything In order to gain Christ Is the wisest choice One can make and i've made that And thank god for the privilege God is extending that same privilege that he gave me to you also God is not partial Not is coming to you with the same call And when he looks at people he looks at people with great burden Where are the real genuine gems? Where are the real genuine people? Where are the people with character? When i said follow me To really drop everything follow jesus Is looking to see whose hearts are loyal towards him Thank you jesus Thank you lord Thank you lord Thank you all this spirit Thank you, holy spirit Take some time in the presence of god Be real Tell the lord lord i really want to be A royal diadem in your hand I want to have my name In the lambs book of life and in your registry lord Of your ambassadors of your soldiers of your generals I just simply want to love you with all my heart my soul and strength and don't just say you want to do it God says God is not looking for flowery words. He's looking for simple faithful loyal hearts Thank you jesus Just give yourself over to the lord. Well the lord i want to serve you as a family I want to serve you with my family Lord, I want to just dedicate myself. I'm dedicating myself. Don't say I want to say I am And stick with it have the character to stick with it Thank you jesus Thank you, holy spirit Praise you Praise you jesus wherever you are Play in your own words stay with your own emotions matter More than emotions True commitment being genuine and being real matters to god Thank you jesus Thank you, holy spirit Thank you, holy spirit Thank you, jesus I give my all to you All to you, lord Jesus, I give my all to you I give my all to you All to you, lord Jesus, I give my all to you I give myself As a living sacrifice Holy Holy to you I lay down my rights And take up my cross Lord, I'll follow Follow you In life and in death I'll only follow you Not my will let dying be done I give my all to you All to you, lord Jesus, I give my all to you I give my all to you All to you, lord Jesus, I give my all to you Jesus, I give my all to you Jesus, I give my all to you Thank you, holy spirit Thank you, precious father I pray that you'll continue to work in the hearts of people That there may be a genuine commitment, lord Putting their hands to the plow and not looking back, holy Putting their hands to the plow and not looking back, holy Putting their hands to the plow and not looking back. Thank you, jesus father Raise up a mighty army lord You're looking to raise up a mighty army and I'm just Oh, jesus, I pray Work this word in the hearts of your people In a deeper manner Holy spirit in a deeper manner In a deeper manner In a deeper manner In a deeper manner I pray in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Touch your people, lord Wherever they are Touch your people, lord right now in jesus name Touch your people, lord right now in jesus name In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth father Touch your people right now in jesus name And I pray lord, every hindrance lord to total surrender Be broken down right now in jesus name Oh father open your eyes of understanding in the name of jesus That they may not be like the rich young ruler That they may not be like the man Who just came and saw that Oh jesus had nowhere to lay his head and just went back Oh father, I pray That your people come to you for who you are Not what for what you can do For them Even though You'll do so much more We gain so much more in this world and the world to come By losing everything Oh father Help people to understand this eternal principle, lord They may Have the eyes wide open to the things of god And have the eyes shut totally Oh father to the things of this world Open their inner ears or lord to the things of god And when they have the ears totally shut to the things of darkness Oh god And whatever is distracting them wasting their time Oh father help them to be obedient children of god Lobe the voice of the holy spirit As he's 70 dead Did not stop for anything Help them lord to have the character Show you that they are true disciples So that you can show them your power in their lives And thank you lord for doing this So bless your people lord It's your servant standing before the almighty god In the presence of god According to the power and authority given to me by the almighty god Bless your people lord With all your blessings pertain to life and godliness in jesus To be true disciples Of this royal king who my sir And I pray holy spirit this blessing that rests upon them There may be genuine in the relationship with you That they may be true to the one Who's calling them for this Great call High call Higher ways Glorious paths of god Let the desire to pursue the king Become stronger and take over every other desire For this I ask in jesus name Amen