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Whispers of Lunabell Island Episode 39: The Doctor

With access to the Specimen Lab, Dr. Greenwood gets to work, while Scorp and Dan make a new friend.   Like what you hear? Find more of us here:

1h 5m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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With access to the Specimen Lab, Dr. Greenwood gets to work, while Scorp and Dan make a new friend.


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Welcome back, dear listeners. We're so glad you've chosen to join us for this very special multi-part finale of our second season of Delta Green. It may be a little bit of a different experience than you've become accustomed to. This was all recorded in one continuous pulse-pounding session. The momentum will build, things will start quickly and move fast. And for some, well, their end may come even faster. But don't fret, this is all part of the process, it's all part of the plan. Just be sure to brace yourself for what comes next in the exciting finale of Whispers of Luna Bell Island. So meanwhile, on the outside, yeah, the rest of you guys, you hear this horrific screaming and roaring from inside this room. Abate a bit, abate a bit, abate a bit, abate a bit. It goes, it goes quieter. I would say we masterfully abated the noise. There it is. Okay. So what are the rest of you doing? Are you guys coming back out of specimen storage at this point? I'm going to get them, for sure. Yeah, actually, seeing that the doc really wanted to get down to that specimen lab. Score by, I think we should escort the doc down to the specimen lab, and then, well, we know we're clear we can bring Ronnie back at this way, maybe. We can divide and conquer. You take the doc. I'll, I'll be here with Ronnie. I know you may have to prime a part, but that's the plan if we can do it. All right. That's the plan. We're going to go back. Okay. You see your friends return from this horrible room that you've opened. Rejoin in the hallway. Are you guys all kind of making your way back over towards the specimen lab area? I think during that time, at least Ronnie had been standing near the door to the torture they were, but watching towards the lab. I would have been standing next to Ronnie. So the doors have, I'm guessing, my eyes with this as well? Yeah. Okay. The doors have long completed their opening cycle at this point, and the facilities return to a relative level of calm, especially after everything in the specimen storage area seems to have calmed down a little bit. Just from what you can hear doesn't sound like there's any immediate threats. I'll, I'll lean in. I'll, uh, I'll say, are you doing okay? Do you need anything? Uh, I'll manage. I guess do my best. Hopefully. Just got to keep moving. We're going to get that here. And are you doing okay, Maya? Good as I can be. We need to get out of here. We need to get that cure and then get out of here. Ronnie is life's in danger, and we need to make sure that she gets out of here alive. All of us. All of our lives are in danger. That's very true. Scorpion's fine. Scorp's good. I'll live forever. Okay. So, sorry, you're all heading there. Um, if we, I'm going to walk up and just a runny. We got some, uh, some sort of electrical something in there. It might. I don't know. There's no way to describe it. Just come take a look. But, uh, brace yourself. Should we, uh, clear all our corners first? Is that what you guys call them? There's a lot of corners and we know got a lot of time. Let's go. Okay. So Dan and Ronnie are heading back down to that device. It's specimen storage. Scorpion Ronnie. I think they're all on. Okay. You're all going? Yeah. I mean, I don't know what to do except for stand watch or make sure everything's covered. I mean, I think you guys, did you want to go to the specimen lab? Doc here. I mean, I get to that lab. I go with you. Uh, let's, let's take care of this first and we can all go to the lab. Let's just be quick. It's my take a while. Dancers just smirk at Scorp. God damn it. He pulls his gun out. He's like, get all out. Put it in my own head. I'll fucking do it, man. I take my adrenaline and I stab my own. Just because I'm chained. You're all under arrest. Ronnie's chugging the liquid nitrogen. No, just lose. They all died with full sanity. It was really weird. Okay, who's going where? I guess we're all going to the. Okay, if you want to, if you want to provide resistance, I mean, Dr. Green was fine. Okay. No, no, you got to keep this might take a while because it is like an electrical prototype of some sort. Yeah. Okay. Um, as the rest of you enter this room and are seeing it for the first time, Maya, Dr. Greenwood and Ronnie, give me a sanity check as you see the state that these people were laughing. Oh, yeah. Dr. Greenwood's good. He's checked out. You can see the glass. He's not even looking. He's just Oh, yeah. But the ceiling, you can see the glass. He looked it was the 3,240. So yeah, you can see the glass. He just like. Maybe for those who have been seeing how Dr. Greenwood's been progressing over our time here. It might be a bit concerning, but he's just like apathetic walking through this thing. Just he's just got his blinders up. Yeah, pretty much. He has one direction on what he's trying to do. Because headphones and listening to one. Absolutely. And he doesn't notice the sounds and the, the visages of all these horrible creatures. Yeah. Just imagine one direction as a backdrop to this just awful, awful scene. Maya, what'd you get? I got 29 under something. Okay. Under 56. Ronnie. I also got a 29. I do imagine that Ronnie can't help but look at them in horror she's walking by. Yeah, Ronnie, I think specifically you're not really sure what to feel at this point. They're fucking looking into your future right here. Yeah. As you're walking down this hallway, there's that magnetic pole that's drawing you deeper somewhere into the facility. But you also start to feel this weird sense of familiarity, almost this familial bond with these creatures around you. And they, despite all of the other people in this room, they seem to mostly be looking at you. Uh, I don't think she would reach all the way, but you might see her hand kind of lift in the direction of one of the creatures. If if that happens, Dr. Greenwood's gonna put a hand on her shoulder and kind of look at her and be like, I wouldn't do that. She'll kind of shake in herself and then quickly walk to the end. Yeah, Ronnie, you kind of shake back out of that and you do feel like, you do feel like you were always in control of your movements there. But in hindsight, you do think, why did I just do that? And you proceed down this hallway into this room. And you see what Dan and Scorpion saw before. Same thing, there's an old desiccated, seemingly human corpse encased in this fungus, as well as some various hand tools and what looks to be a couple of ham radios that have been dissected and are wired into each other. Can I try to make sense of it? Ronnie, give me an electrical. Whatever that thing is, Ron, pissing these things out. Can I teen under 40? Nice. What's up, Ayla? I was just gonna ask if I could help with my computer science, but it seems like she's got it. So what's your computer science? It's 40. Okay, go ahead and roll it. There's certain boards and shit in here. Nope. 96. Okay, we ain't found it. Damn. It appears to be running on salt water. You need to get more salt water in here. Ronnie, this is a little out of your wheelhouse, but you are able to kind of notice some standard components that you are familiar with, at least roughly. You know that most things run electricity, so there's kind of a bare level of knowledge that you can apply to it to sort of understand what it's doing. And with that success, it looks like they were implementing two sets of components from two different radios here to try to modulate a signal in order to, whereas a radio would typically transmit one signal. They look like they were trying to transmit two signals alternating at some sort of point. And I think that kind of, maybe if you're explaining this, that kind of reciprocates with what you heard, Dan, it sounds to be like two different wavelengths switching back and forth at regular quick intervals. I assume Ronnie's like close to this, right? Working on it. Probably looking at it. I don't know if I was messing with anything. I'm gonna plug it in. Okay. Like stealthily, like when Ronnie's close, I'm gonna try to plug it in. You get a look in you. Yeah. Yeah, the second she touches a circuit board. Funny little prank I like today. Scorpion watching Ronnie, you reach over, grab this plug and return it to its socket on the wall. A couple clicks come from various capacitors inside this radio. But as soon as those lights come back on, Ronnie, suddenly you, out of nowhere, feel a sharp stinging in your head and you reel back from this thing as the sounds of all of these creatures around you return to that fervent state before where they're groaning and growling and bashing on their cells trying to get out. You feel this signal, this noise piercing your mind feeling like it's almost going to split it into. Go ahead and give me a power times five check. You can feel those tendrils of darkness in the back of your head reaching to try to regain control. Also, 31 under 65. Nice job. Okay, everybody else around reacting to this, you see Ronnie stumble back, gripping her head, her eyes wide and bloodshot as they've seemingly turned to a deep red color almost instantly. But Ronnie, as you're trying to regain your composure and you're struggling to keep your footing, you see around you this red mist that you saw in your vision return in and sweep across the room and it is enveloping your friends. And as they're looking at you, you see their faces twist and contort as well as more figures approaching from the edges of your mind. Until so many people are standing in front of you can't tell friend from foe anymore, you begin to swing your arms wildly. But for now, you still feel like you're just barely in control. I unplug it. Okay. As the electricity to this radio is cut as quickly as it came, Ronnie, the scene dissipates. And whereas you guys saw Ronnie desperately struggling and fighting against something before she stands alone in the middle of the room. Ronnie, give me a sandy check. So do I get the sense that like it was making the dirt moms hold on me stronger? Let's see how the sanity check is. Should we all take a sandy check? I mean, did we see that whole scene to play out or is that only like in her own head? No, you saw that you're well, not the red, probably. We didn't see the like vision, but we saw her like stubble. Which did we see her like swinging around wildly? Yeah, you saw her fighting against something that you weren't that you weren't sure what or where it was. And you did see her eyes immediately kind of start to change. And I think as you're coming back out of this, Ronnie to again, drenched in sweat, even from how brief of a period that was, there is a rhythmatic pulsing along your skin where you can see just barely these red striations, though, like veins crisscrossing under your skin. What was your role? 51 under 55. Nice. Okay. That sucked. You're still going to take one sanity damage. I it's like I'm getting close to like, like in with one. Is it worth it? Can you deflect the one? Yeah. Yeah. You have to take all the damage you roll on that D four, though. Yeah, all the willpower and the right bond damage. Everybody else rolls sanity check. Yeah, I'm going to I'm going to deflect. Okay. Do you get a there's is there crits on sanity rolls? I cannot remember. Yeah. You just don't take damage if it's like a it is a roll or something. We're several to four. We also, we know it. We want to talk about how crit fails work. Oh, no. You take the max with you take the max possible, which only it might only be one. It might only be one. Yeah. Hello. Can you go with willpower before you're to out? Okay. So can I do something with my crits to tour? Perhaps. So as soon as Ronnie started having her incident, I would have stepped forward and been not like right in her face, but like in front of being like, we're here with you. You're not alone. Nothing's here to attack you just kind of like doing a mantra of like, you're fine. You're safe. We're here for you. You know, type of thing trying to bring her back into reality. Okay. Is a crit fail? That's just max damage. Max sanity damage. It was like a four before. Yeah, it's whatever the max for that. I wasn't going to I wasn't going to do more than one. So it's still one. Yeah. Sounds fine. Thank you. D four out of the out of been in trouble. I could have been at D eight. You never fucking know, dude. I rolled four on my deflection, which is going to cause me to lose my bond with my political constituents. No, you are not getting reelected. Oh, maybe he's like shit posting everything that like has come to your mind right now. My opponent in this election season is Ronnie Evans. She was known to have lost her mind on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean off the coast. They're calling people dirt mom. We thought that was a little bit racy. Here's a video of her taking mushrooms and abandoned factory. Is this the type of future you want for where the hell gets her reelected and actually elected as president? I don't think she did anything. Yeah. She might be. I've seen someone who's willing to do what they want. Yeah, even though she's guilty. I'll vote for my. Did you did you? How'd you do? I did good. I passed. Okay. Scorpion 48 over 36. No, okay. You are you are going to take one sanity damage. That makes sense. Yeah. Because I think we're prepared but you weren't like this is still kind of hard to see like if anything you were hoping that this wouldn't work. Yeah. And this is also just like scorpions feeling this kind of sinking whole of helplessness because he thought that he convinced her not to do what she did. And then she did it. And now it's like these are the consequences. And yeah, you know, it's like I was right. I really don't want to be right. And he flicks open his car in his cigarettes. And there's two left. He just goes, fuck. Pulls one out. Like you're lucky in there. Is that your last one? My lucky's my last one here. Last one left. Upon completion of of Ronnie kind of regaining herself. I also Dr. Green will straighten up and he'll go. Someone needs to come with me and start walking out of the cell block. I need a break to wrap up this experience you just had to to kind of answer your question. As soon as that signal kicked on and you felt it invading your mind, you felt a couple of things. And the first one that you notice is that that pole and that like bond that you had that sense of familiarity that was kind of growing increasingly present was all the sudden just cut off. And you felt alone. This like sort of deep void that your mind had begun falling into where there was none of those connections you were expecting before. And that left you with nothing but violent anger. So it and you felt like you were able to maintain control as best you can. But you do feel like that ability is slipping. So it would probably weaken the dirt mom's knowledge of what's going on. Like the hive mind aspect. But it would make me worse with the level of experience you have with this so far. You can pretty distinctly say that it felt like that connection was severed. Just going to be carrying a fucking to a radio under one arm and a fucking tank of liquid nitrogen in the other. Which radio is on your radio or this thing's like a radio, isn't it? Or whatever it's well, it's it's definitely like a prototype thing. You wouldn't be you could take it with you if you wanted to, but it's definitely not portable. And it's in like a state of disrepair because they were clearly working on this still before they died. I don't know if we should plug it back in after Ronnie leaves. I think Ronnie probably does look at scorpion and tell him what she thinks it does. And one thing to Ronnie that you're able to kind of determine from this, you didn't you maybe like in retrospect felt kind of the twinges of this as you're approaching the door. But it seems like this cascades and falls off by the time it gets out of the room. So it's pretty like a short area of effect, at least in its current state. Yeah, and she'll probably just make a comment about how she didn't notice it before. Hmm. I don't know what to do with that information. I mean, I think to Ronnie with your electrical, I don't think you guys really need to say and to determine that you could there's a read out on the front of the radio that gives you like the frequency band that it was operating frequently season one. Yeah, go watch this. But you are able to kind of determine that that seems like that was the wavelength that they isolated that was effective. So you at least have that information. Like we could potentially play it over and produce it. Yeah. And I mean, we should get that information in Delta green if nothing else. You wouldn't be able to do it with a handheld radio because it's a pretty limited wavelength. And also the problem is just power to it looks like that was maybe sort of what they ran into here was that they were able to get it working, but they were able to get it to like penetrate further into the facility outside of this room because they don't have any way of boosting the signal power to it. All right. This right here. This is our Alamo. She really hits the fan. We come back here and we turn it on. Ronnie. I don't know. But if you get into trouble, come here because whatever whatever this does to them, it might make them angry. But it might make them, I don't know. Dumber, weaker, something crazier. I don't know. Definitely a trade off. Yeah. Take the B out of their line to us. Yeah. All right. You guys heading out. Dr. Green was already left the cell block. Okay. I'm a company. Dr. Greenwood. I think as everyone's leaving, Ronnie does kind of glance at one of the cells like pondering if she should just like lock herself in before following. All right. As you guys make your way back through the bio lab, Dan has the highest alertness, right? I'm not sure. Yeah. Okay. So you guys cross through that hole you made in the wall. And obviously the destructive power was enough to impede the door from being able to open as normal, but it doesn't really matter because you have a giant hole in the wall. As you guys reapproach and go back into that segmented office to the east of the bio lab on that side that leads to the specimen lab and down to observation. What are you guys doing? What's the plan here? I'm just continuing continuing on. I want to take a look in that specimen lab. Okay. Is everybody else following? Yeah. In fact, Dan would probably even take point if the dog would let him. Yeah. Okay. I got the liquid nitrogen. Scorpio. Stop drinking it, man. We need that. It's really good. It's really good. That's what it feels like to shoot five gum. I think is Ronnie enters in season pushing towards the lab. She feels drawn towards the other door and will walk towards it. Dr. Greenwood will look at that and say, no, don't go in there. Not until we clear it. We're doing it child's leash. Yeah. Is there is there any way Ronnie could do this quietly if she wanted to? Are you guys keeping an eye on her? I think being an eye on her especially after the request for her to do that specifically. Not that she I mean, she was going to do it anyway, but. And I don't think she's going into it. She's just kind of walking and looking. Also, Dr. Greenwood, you might not notice and buy your own. That's true. I was walking towards it. Never mind. So yeah, I was just walking towards the specimen lab. You know what? If you I'm just going. I'm just going. She was behind. I didn't notice it. Yeah. Nope. I don't know where my is, but I think you three were in front of her. I think my is keeping an eye on you. So she would probably just suggest that we stick together. One, let me set the scene up a little bit. As you guys are approaching the specimen lab, you see the door open and inside there is a soft blue glow that eliminates the room, but Ronnie, you feel that attractive force. Pull the side of your mind guiding you towards that other hallway and you stand at the threshold of this door peering down into the darkness, this dark narrow metal floored hallway curves around to the left. In Maya, you see Ronnie kind of break off and stand there pensively for a moment. Maya would just say, Ronnie, we should stick together. Yeah, I'm not going in just watching. And Maya, with your with your psychotherapy and your humans, you can see that definitely Ronnie, if it wasn't clear before, is feeling a very strong urge to get to something at the end of this hallway. But you don't get the impression that you couldn't redirect her back if you needed to. I think if Maya knows that, then she's probably not. She's probably just waiting intensively and nervously to hoping that she'll kind of decide to keep going and Ronnie that that poll you're feeling is just ever more intoxicating. And I think what really throws you off is just how calming it is, but it's not overwhelming, at least not yet. I think Maya would keep just speaking casually just to keep trying to keep her attention that we should keep moving. They're waiting for us. Ronnie, give me a alertness. And I mean, I do think that like while Ronnie's feels the poll, her intention is hopefully not to go in, but just as keeping guard as they're checking out the lab. Okay. I've tried giving Ronnie a bunch of cocaine. Maybe that's the cure. Mm-hmm. Never really until you try. Just coker over 50 for my alertness. Okay. Ooh. You're lost in the intoxicating poll of whatever is down there, but you're, that's sort of where that stop starts and stops. Meanwhile, you guys are entering through the doorway of the specimen lab. And what you see, it's not so much what you see before. It's what you smell. A, this room's had a long time to sit, but what hits you first is this really pungent chemical smell that bites at your nose. And inside this room, it's surprisingly dark, even though the power has been restored, but clicking on a couple of your flashlights, you take a look around the room. Seems pretty quiet. And in the corner, amongst rows of what looks like broken glass, human-sized pods, you see one left intact with a soft blue glow emanating from years of dust and crime that have built up on the outside of it. And next to it, the only other thing in this room that you can make out in the darkness on the floor is another desiccated corpse wearing a lab coat. And on the wall, as you trace your flashlights up above him, you see a message scrawled in faded deep brown blood. Kill her. That chemical smell seems to be coming from a broken pod in one corner of the room. And then you have another pod next to that corpse. What are you guys doing? I'm immediately looking for paperwork, research, vials, anything that I think could help me try and start to understand or synthesize a cure. Okay. So I guess out of all the things in this room, what would you gravitate towards? First, it seems like each one of these containment pods kind of is in its own section with some loose lab equipment scattered almost like station by station. I go to the blue one. Okay. Abadi Abadi. Good point. This could be a good point. This large cylindrical glass pod stands before you and upon closer inspection, it almost seems to be a little bit bigger than the rest. You can see that where the rest of the pods are empty, desiccated, broken. This one is full and it is receiving power. You can't quite see inside through all the dust and crime, but go ahead and give me a search. Meanwhile, is anybody else doing anything differently in this room? I'm pointing again at that pod. The second the doc even looks at it 47 under 60. What are you up to? I'm finishing the last in my cigarette because the last straw almost pulling it all the way down to the filter and I'm looking at this writing that says kill her. Open to interpretation. Oh, no. Okay. No, Dr. Greenwood. Amongst the loose paperwork and you search through briefly scanning each of these documents, it just seems to be reports on different compounds. They were trying different things specific to this one chamber. It's chamber 13. And you can't really interpret a whole lot of information directly from this. It seems to just be kind of rudimentary mundane reports, but you do find a clipboard that's hanging on the side of the canister. Do you reach out and take it? Yeah. Okay. Iing this monolithic glass tube, you reach out and pick up the clipboard. On this clipboard, it seems to be a initial report on what they were doing. And if you could determine it was probably written when they set up some kind of new course of experimentation here. And from what you can kind of gather with your biology background, it looks like they were culturing things here. They were taking different cellular combinations, trying to introduce different types of various chemicals and stimuli, seeing how they react. And the initial report is it looks to be a small sample of a variation of the fungus that they hadn't really experimented too much with before introduced with human blood. And they cultured it, grew a small little starter, and then placed it in this containment cylinder. But all this aside, what you get to the bottom end of the report, when it talks about which implements they used, which mixtures they decided to go with here, you see that, in fact, they did apply my 27 dash D to this particular experiment. And you get the impression that that's probably what is filling this cylinder. And you were looking at what very well could be the only remaining intact sample of that my co inhibitor formula. And you also get the impression to from all of this that among the different iterations of this experiment, this was just another test bed. They weren't sure if this was going to work or not. Okay, immediately, I'll start pulling the notes out from the bio lab and start comparing notes between this document I have about micro inhibitor 27 delta, and what how it how it works notes that we got from Dr Simmons and these notes that I've just acquired, trying to piece together the puzzle of the missing link that would ultimately cure not just Ronnie, but the folks on the island. So go ahead and give me the biology role. Okay, secondarily, I'm also going to look for the missing link to make it weaponized. Okay. Oh, it's my biology, 3350, crit fucking crit success, bitch. Yeah, you don't find anything. My God, I don't find anything. I lose your wallet, actually. Yeah, no, it's just sucks. That was weird. All right, moon all right, a 33. Okay, so this is still going to take you a little bit of time. That's fine. But you feel like you have all the information you need to work with here. You have all the pieces, it's just a matter of putting them together now and seeing which piece is missing and inferring what you can from that. But it's still going to take you a little under an hour to really settle in and look at all this stuff. So yeah, good. I'm going to turn to the group and I'm going to say I cannot be disturbed. You need to cover me. No funny business. Let's not induce anything that we don't have to. Ronnie, your job is to sit down. Stay in here with me. Stay calm. Just talk to me. Maya, I could use your help sifting through this paperwork. If I have any questions, I know you sling paperwork over at the FBI as well as anybody else. So I'll really need your help. Dan, scorpion. It would be really cool if you guys could find a secondary means of getting the hell out of here. Be very careful. Let's not disturb anything. I need about an hour and I think I got what we need. Got it? All right. I want to immediately just start going to work. Maya's not doing anything until Ronnie either comes with her or some. Uh, Ronnie will listen to Freddie. She'll move into the lab and probably just move to the south end and sit down. Then Maya will follow you in and get to work. Okay. Dan, scorpion. What are you doing? Well, we got a door in this room that is opened right in the bice, whatever the bice down the aisle up where I'm picking the south door that Ronnie was looking at. Yeah. And according to the map here, this leads to a viewing station where we could see their containment. I don't know if you want to clear that first because yeah. So and just so it's clear to when you're looking at this map with all the doors outlined, this is a dead end, meaning it doesn't connect in any way. Yeah, sure, sure. Containment. I just do with that information to what you want, but it seems like this whole place has had quite a bit of trouble with containment. Yeah, that's a fair assessment so far. I don't know what you're talking about. I was like, it's going fine to me. Okay. So what do you want to do? Do you want to go check it out? Yeah, I think you got a point, scorp. Not knowing what's in there is more dangerous than fucking anything else I can imagine right now. Right. If if all this shit out here isn't what they wanted to contain, let's go quietly. Yeah, I agree. All right. So yeah, we just want to stealth down there and clear it. Yeah, go ahead and give me a couple of stealth checks. Ooh, this is either really good or really bad. I can't remember myself. Is it close? It's going to be a crit. Something. It's a crit. Something. Yeah. Oh, thank God. I got a 44 under 70. Okay. Yeah, I thought you're still. I thought it was pretty good, but I was like, I don't know if it's pretty good or or not. What did you get? It'd be a 66 under 70 for me. Are you kidding me? Holy shit. You guys win. Do you kill the big bad guy and y'all if you find a bunch of soda and you guys get some pop rocks and you have yourself a good old time. And then we mix soda and pop rocks and find out that urban legend is true and our heads explode. And the least stealthy candy available. Expleting rocks. We enjoy it. We get to drop on the dirt mom and we're like, oh shit, why doesn't everybody just do this instead of going just facing the boss head on. Just cutie girl. Yeah, that's good. Pour a bunch of mentos into her butt and then fill it with Daiko. All right. God damn. Can you describe the specimen lab one more time while we're waiting? Along both north and south walls, there are rows of these old dilapidated broken chambers, floor to ceiling, like large glass containment chambers. If you ever seen like any horror sci-fi thing, you probably know exactly what I'm talking about. And at each individual one, there's maybe about like, let's say there's 24 total in this room and at each station or at each chamber, there is a research station that looks like to have various implements and like documents and things like they're running individual experiments using each one of these chambers. But the only one that's left intact is the one that Dr. Greenwood and Maya are working at currently. But there is that still that strong chemical smell coming from in here too. And I think spending more time in this room, you get the impression it's not coming from that chamber that Dr. Greenwood's at because that thing seems pretty well sealed. Dan, scorpion. You're approaching this door, scorpion, you suck down the last tiny bit of your cigarette. Flick it onto the floor, stomp it out, but stealthily, because you got a criss accessory, you stomp it really quietly. Bring it out on your tongue. Yeah, it's super, yeah, super cool. Even as his tongue peers too, he's just like that much of a badass. Also, just for the record, I left the liquid nitrogen in the semen lab with the where it belongs. All right, crush your cigarette out under your boot. Check your weapon. Raise it up. Swiftly proceed down this hallway. Rounding this corner, you just see more darkness in front of you, but you do see an open door on your right, which is a bit of light coming through it. And as you approach this door, scorpion, you swiftly and deftly cross the threshold quicker than you and quieter than you know anybody would be able to notice. You're perched up on the store, you guys peeking in, you feel like you have the advantage here if there's anything inside. Yeah. Yeah, we'll peek inside. Peek on it. Looking inside, not even really knowing what to expect, you see a large room. On the other side of the room, thick glass window running the entire length of the wall. Well, they soft yellow light emanating through it. On the other side of the window, you can't really see much. It looks like it looks like some type of sediment, maybe from these spores over the years is built up, caking a layer over the glass that doesn't allow you to see. It doesn't. It doesn't allow you to bleh bleh bleh. I just needed to get that one out before it became a problem. And I think I handled it well. You weren't able to see anything through this window, but I think with your crit successes, especially you score, but I'm not going to make you roll on alertness. I think you have the advantage to the point where you can take your time and look through this room and see as much as you can see without entering it. But what immediately catches your eye when you both lay eyes on it is on the west side of this room, on the inside of the door to the right along the wall, there is a large mass of this fungus. And through the darkness, you can't really tell. You can't make out many details, but it's definitely not quite like anything that you've seen in this laboratory before. But it's quiet. Nothing in this room is moving. The only thing really shifting is just the soft, wispy glow of the yellow light coming through this window as the air behind it seems to move rhythmically. And it definitely looks contained. It's not moving. There's no like cracks in this window or anything. Maybe from what you can see from across the room, it definitely doesn't look like it's compromised at all. But it wouldn't maybe be a bad idea to get a closer look at it. It's hard. Are we in observation or in the hallway just outside of it? You're in the hallway mounted up on the door. Okay. And you're going to have some time to kind of explore this because while Dr. Greenwood and team are pouring through stuff in the specimen lab, so go ahead and tell me what you guys want to do here. I mean, I think it's a good idea to just enter in and make sure that there's no pattern, even though, even if we found a crack in the window, there's nothing we could do, I guess, except be like, well, duct tape. Well, you know about it. That's true. Let's just go take a look, make sure this is as secure as we hope it is. Yeah. All right. Do you ever let those if you're going to gather into? Yeah. As you cross the threshold into the room, maybe keeping an eye out to that weird mass on the wall. You hear a voice. Maybe immediately turning and pivoting on your foot and bringing up your weapons. You see, partially emerging from this mass. Now moving in response to your presence. Shit is a person, but not like, not like the people that you've seen thus far in case. In this fungus that left a rod with time, this figure looks more human, preserved. And he looks between you guys for a moment. For you hear that voice come out and he just says, my God, you're, you're not infected. What are you guys doing? I don't know about that, man. We're not. And in response to that, he looks between you two again and says, perhaps I spoke too soon. But he has this look on his face of Bill Wilderman, just says, you are not like, you are not like them. You are still human like me. No, why don't you stop right there and you tell us exactly who you are. And I'm going to give you no less than 10 seconds before I put a bullet in your brain. You hear me? He looks at you, scorpion and says, Mr. Davis, I believe you. I know you won't hesitate. You piece of shit, please. You son of a bitch. I've been down here a long time, my name on paper. My name is Jeffrey Simmons, but my real name is Dr. Carl Heinrich. I was brought to you decades ago by Majestic 12. Please, I will tell you anything you need to know. And in response to this too, you feel as well as hear a slight groaning coming from the other side of that window in containment. And it seems that the air that was shifting inside stops and is almost pressing its way onto the window trying to get through. And at this, Dr. Heinrich shutters, seemingly in pain and says, I will tell you anything that she allows me to. Sorry, just to be clear, is he in containment? No, he's in this room with you, but he... Yeah, I guess I'll do a little bit better job at explaining the state of this man. He is almost entirely fused to this wall in this mass of fungus, partially in cases, most of what's left of his form. And it's hard to tell where the tendrils and the spores that have gravitated over time stop and he begins, but he has his head and most of his upper torso, as well as one arm free. But the rest of them has just been lost to this fungus. He's clearly not a threat if you don't get close. And yeah, if you're gonna do what I think you're gonna do, go ahead and do that. I'm gonna probably see Andy check. I think he's probably fair. Dan, give me one too. Yeah, that's about what I expected. Yeah, now I'm rolling. 30 under 55. Okay. 61 over 30 something. Four, I think. Dan, I think that the amount of time you spent seeing fucked up shit in here is kind of like prepared you for whatever you thought you might see when you came into this room. But Scorpion, I think it's just your mind just goes back to that thought of just somebody being stuck down here, imprisoned for all this time, and it just gets to you a little bit more. So that's only going to be one point of sanity damage, but I think that you are feeling a very physical and emotional aversion to this thing in front of you. That you're not even sure is human anymore. This could just be a trick. I think at this point, Scorpion's really certain to kind of lose his grip. He's lost a lot of sanity in the last hour, and he's just like, how the fuck do you know my name? I will try to speak plainly. She is, well, she is inside all of us, especially your friend, Miss Evans. I'm afraid she is running out of time. How do we help our friend? We were, there wasn't a lot we could get away with down here under the eyes of Director Conrad, but a colleague of mine were working on some way of inoculating ourselves against the intrusions of this fungus. But we hit several dead ends. We initiated research into some type of Myco inhibitor that we needed to bond to the cells to get them to stop aggressively invading whatever they came into contact with, but the one missing piece to all of this was, well, the inhibitor would stop propagation of the fungus. It wouldn't trigger the body's own natural immune system to fight it, so it merely puts them into a stasis of sorts, so that is one thing we needed was cells, blood cells from somebody of this immunity, and we were not able to find somebody who fits that description. So I apologize if this just brings up more questions than answers, but it is as far as I got, and believe me, I may have been down here for a long time. I may be in her clutches, but she does not control me. She needs me and my mind intact. I think over time she has been learning to copy us. She's learned to use my brain to build her own, but I'm afraid my usefulness is running out. She's ready to do whatever she needs to do next, and I don't think it's good. In the other room, I found a body smeared, killed her on the wall. Who is her? The one that's inside all of us is a dirt mother. Where do I find where is the dirt mother rooted? Not this question. He flinches again against some unseen pain, but then that same groaning emanates from the other side of that window, and you hear a slight rattling coming from the depths of that fog and that haze right where we found her, all those years ago. If you can somehow find those components that you need to make set cure, if you can apply that to where she is now, you might be able to stop her. Where's Caroline? Caroline? He has this look, probably with your human, so you could decipher this fairly easily. She's a tear wells up, drops down, runs down his face. How do you know of her? It's my fucking question. He gets this heavy look on his face, and he says, "Caroline was my daughter." She was one of the first to die from but everybody on the island simply called Zillness. I tried to, after an autopsy, I tried applying sitting mixtures as a fungus to see if maybe I could bring her back, but we seemed to, I was pressured to shift more research into the fact that she was at least partially immune. Certain people on this island, the fungus cannot bind to them properly, so when their immune system responds to it, it merely attacks and kills. She was one of those people. I didn't see myself living a life without my daughter though, so she is where I left her in pod 24. It's a specimen lab. Okay, anything else, Dan? How do we know that she and artists started crossing the ocean? Are you directing this towards Dr. Heinrich? Yeah. He seems confused by this question. Again, scorpion, you can probably pick up on this. What do you mean by that? I mean, how likely is it that somebody on land has already infected? This thing is, oh, this is highly contagious. One subject can pass it to another. You were, you were all infected some moment that you made contact with a local on the island. It's in the air. It's everywhere. If it's, if this fungus were able to find its way to the mainland, the outcome would be catastrophic. It wouldn't matter whether or not we did kill them. No. She can build one brain from you. She can build another and another. From what I understand during my research, this thing is able to communicate between different subjects. It infects, but you cut up a weed by the root. It dies. I don't know if you can kill it, but if you can somehow stop it, neutralize it with that cure. It might have a chance. That's good enough for me. It's almost saying you will not seize this in any research papers in the laboratory, but am I clicking my radio on? I had a wife. Her name was Eleanor. Zamasa Takarayan. She was instrumental in keeping several things secret. I was working on a series of inoculations that could introduce immunity to a subject, but this is a very long-term process. It would not help you here, but if you seek her out, there may be more information there. That was on our to-do list for a long time. And another grown emanates from behind that window, and he winces further in pain. And after a moment, breathing heavily, he catches his breath and says, "I fear I may be in more trouble than I'm worth. You may not have much more time. Do you have any more questions for me?" I do, but I'm not there. I mean, you guys, here's my mystery voice coming through. Can we stay in hindsight? We had the radio on for this whole thing. Just the... Yeah. I include everybody. Yeah, I mean, I mean, if nothing, like, also, can you repeat everything you just said so that everybody else can hear? Yeah, no. Yes, every question. Every question is the question that I have for you while you're, you know? I just think, like, how do we test for immunity without just completely getting infected? This is the presence of fungal spores into blood. It would be much different, inactive, non-hostile. If you can find somebody who doesn't seem compromised by this infection, look at that blood. And you said that we're all infected just by being here, so that means we could test all of our blood. Well, you're specifically looking for somebody with immunity, right? It was your question. Yeah, like, how would we test for that? Like, and you said, I mean, uh... You have a doctor of issue, no? A biologist? Yes. If he can look at the blood of an infected individual, he will most likely be able to easily determine if they are immune or not. Anybody else have any questions? Yeah. What with the radio you're going to hear? Have you tried combining the micro inhibitor with some sort of anti-fungal? Well, you would understand from what you read the micro... the micro inhibitor is an anti-fungal. Okay, so the micro... okay, got you, so... But micro inhibitor is the anti-fungal. Okay. Yeah, but this specific variation of it, whether this was their intention or not, doesn't destroy the fungus. It just, like, neutralizes it. Right. It basically paralyzes it, but it's... yeah. Then I will come back and say, did you make a weaponized version of your micro inhibitor? Were you able to make one that killed the fungus? You've been not able to formulate such a thing, but it is not impossible. In fact, the biology and the... chemical synthesis of something such as that may be easier, but far more destructive. It just goes right back to work. Okay. One last question for you. You were scientists here in the 70s? 60? Right? So as the initial outbreak, Zidudmaza produced a large amount of spores and sent some rounds of facilities. So the version of me that you are seeing now, I think... 67 of the years that I lost my body. Does that answer your question? Yeah, is this a German accent? It's supposed to be. Do you vote for Nixon? I can't vote. I can't vote. I'm sorry. I am a felon. I am a felon. It's war crimes. Last question. Where were you in 1941? This dude's definitely a Nazi scientist, right? Oh, yeah. Obviously. Absolutely. Where all the monsters of the world are. It would seem that he's a level of orchestration that took place. Majestic 12 had just as many hands in operation paperclip as everybody else did. Yeah, that's what I thought. And I'm gonna shoot him. I want to know how he even is able to exist in this form. You're not in the room. You can't even see his body. You did tell us earlier that actually that is a fair point. The dear mother that needed him. I was like using him to ring his random brain, so I assume she was keeping him alive. I mean, my uh, would probably not know what it looks like, but it is weird that someone from so far back down here is alive and talking, so you could ask about that. Provided did Scorpion, are you shooting him? Because that's totally okay if you want to. I mean, I was gonna shoot him when I found out he was a Nazi. I'll fucking put a bullet in his head with you. Yeah. Like at the same time, you pull your gun up. I'm fucking doing it too. This line of questioning was leading question. I knew the answers to this quick. Gotcha. Okay. So, um, this described me exactly. Are you just doing this quick? Or are you like giving him a moment to react in anyway? Quick. Execution. Quick? Okay. Yeah. I mean, after the answer to that question, the room hangs in a moment of silence. And yeah, the next noise everybody hears is the blast of a shotgun coming from down the end of this hallway. Just one. Immediately followed by the pop of an AR-15. Okay. We took our hands off the walkie so you guys didn't hear a loud gunshot. It took your hands off the walkie so they don't hear it. And silence returns to the room. The ringing in your ears subsides. As what was left of this Dr. Heinrich bleeds onto the floor in front of you. You've been listening to the multi part finale of whispers of Luna Bell Island. The horror doesn't end here next week. We will pick this up right where we left off. See you then. Thank you for listening to the reroll gaming podcast. This actual play whispers of Luna Bell Island is published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are copyright zane garing, accepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property. Want to follow us on social media? Listen to another episode or send us hate mail? Check out our link tree for all our info. You can find that link in the episode description. Big thanks to the tabletop audio for producing quality RPG music and ambiance that we can use in our games. The reroll main theme and all character themes are copyright zane garing. The chronicles a rail theme and the frequency theme are copyright tanner prentice. Please consider donating to our patreon if you liked our content. We are hellbent on making more and with your support we can make a lot more. New episodes of whispers of Luna Bell Island release every Friday at 12 am Pacific Standard Time. See you then. [BLANK_AUDIO]