ReRole Gaming

Whispers of Lunabell Island Episode 38: At Any Cost

Ronnie Evans comes to terms with what she is willing to sacrifice to finish the mission and save her friends.

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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Ronnie Evans comes to terms with what she is willing to sacrifice to finish the mission and save her friends.

Welcome back, dear listeners. We're so glad you've chosen to join us for this very special multi-part finale of our second season of Delta Green. It may be a little bit of a different experience than you've become accustomed to. This was all recorded in one continuous pulse-pounding session. The momentum will build, things will start quickly and move fast. And for some, well, their end may come even faster. But don't fret, this is all part of the process, it's all part of the plan. Just be sure to brace yourself for what comes next in the exciting finale of whispers of the Luna Bell Island. Welcome back to the Re-world Gaming Podcast. It's Delta Green Season 2. Today, we have a very special episode for you. Today, we have Tana Prentice here. Tana Prentice. Tana Prentice. It was tough getting you on the show, but I'm glad that you could be here. Just talk about that. Just to get this out of the way, is it true that your penis is more blister than appendage at this point? I get this question a lot. And honestly, it's tipped over into callus. It kind of looks like a- All right, ladies and gentlemen, that's all the time we have for today. I will not be cut off- Get your hands off me, put your hands on me right here. It's like to do it myself, that's a whole point. So misunderstood. As the- I'm sorry, were you the representative of masturbators anonymous? Self-appointed. Oh, self-not anonymous. We want people to know. We're proud, baby. Masterbators apparent. Yeah. You're masturbating a parent? I'm apparently masturbating. Hey, how do you do you want this called? Well, if you're in it, you're in it now. Called self-crowdification. I'd give you a hand, but that kind of defeats the purpose. I need mine. I'm standing there. The dark is abated. Light fills the room as you guys have successfully restored power to this facility. The gentle humming of the HVAC system is starting to move. More and more of these spores out. You can see more than you ever could before. Dr. Greenwood, you're furiously rummaging through this office, trying to find any lead you can on this password or really anything to keep you moving through this facility because you know, time's running out and everybody feeling a little dejected is starting to get a little bit desperate. I imagine you're probably helping Dr. Greenwood, trying to rummage through these documents. Dan, checking the perimeter of the room, and you get assessed that door leading to the specimen lab, just trying to find any real weak point that you can exploit. Yes. Dan was in the administrator's office with me. Oh, you guys ahead back there already? Yeah, he was there when I was there. Okay. He was looking alright. You were doing whatever you were doing there in the administrator's office. Where were you? I don't remember. I'm probably back to working on trying to crack that lock that I think you said would take like two days and we definitely don't have time for it. Yeah, but you're just trying to learn whatever you can really about this mechanism at this point. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Ronnie here, sitting in the administration office, just pondering all the moves that you've made to get your team here. And though the light that you've restored fills the office, you still feel the dark edges playing at the fringes of your mind shadows moving the corner of your eye. You feel that almost magnetic pull deeper into the facility. What are you doing? Uh, as I finish up the note, I'm writing. I am just going to crumple it up and hold it in my hand, put a fresh sheet of paper on the desk and then start focusing on both the dirt mom and the password in that administrator's last moments here. Okay. I forgot this is where what you're doing. Oh, fuck. Yep. I forgot. That's why I was with you. I didn't tell you. I just told you to come with me. She's just like, hey, let's go sneakle. Let me as the player. I forgot this as well. Yes. I brought you to be able to put me down if needed, but I didn't want you to talk me out of it like scorpion did Ronnie in the midst of the emotions and the frustration and the chaos of the last couple of hours in this facility. You allow yourself to relax, maybe for the first time in a while, slowly close your eyes, holding that pencil in your hand, just trying to feel the air around you. Your surroundings seem to grow ever more quiet and muted until you feel like you can hear a voice. Quietly echoing in the distance among the silence. As you take a deep breath and try to steady your breathing, go ahead and give me a sanity check to see if you can maintain your focus on this voice. Interesting. Do I want to fail or pass this? That's a good question. That is a 61 over 56. Okay. Brutal. As your breathing slows, you feel your skin begin to grow clammy and sweaty. Your heart rate intensifies, though you're still and calm on the outside. You feel like you're starting to panic a little bit. You're going to take one point of sanity damage and you feel this voice growing closer and closer. Why don't you go ahead and give me in alertness, even though that might sound kind of weird. That's a 27 under 50. Okay. As it grows closer and closer, you begin to make out words. Let me in. It's hard to tell if it's a man's voice, a woman's voice. It seems to just lightly echo all around you. What are you doing? Are you fighting this or are you? I'm thinking like an affirmative if I get the password. The darkness begins to ebb away though your eyes are closed, you start to feel like this empty landscape is opening up in your mind around you. The more you try to focus on it, the more it shifts and moves. But then through all the noise, you see a figure emerging through this mist that's around you. Give me a, um, give me a, uh, give me a power times five check, 58 under 65, okay. The mist parts and through it out walks a neatly kempt man in a very well-pressed suit. He carries himself with a certain level of distinguishment. As he looks at you, the moment passes in silence and the voice that comes from him almost seems like it doesn't belong to his form in front of you as it still echoes around you, but he looks at you and he says, "Well, well, Ronnie Evans, I suppose it was me you were looking for." She's gonna reach her hand out and say, "You know what I need." He looks at you and cracks a smile and he begins pacing a slow circle around you. It's Evans you've been through a lot to get here it seems, but it seems she's asking that you give just a little bit more to get what you want. How far are you willing to go to get this, uh, password you're looking for? As long as I get it, as far as I need, he laughs. I thought I was willing to give it all to maybe in the end I was, uh, emaciated skeleton still sits just where I left it I assume. She has a way of promising, she has a way of digging into you and getting you to relinquish yourself to her. If you're willing to do what it takes and you're willing to give yourself over, maybe we can make a deal. You are willing to take that step, I'm assuming, is your hand still out? He completes this circle and approaches the front of the desk, maybe adjusting his tie and then the cuffs of his sleeves. He reaches out to shake your hand, he has a devilish smile on his face, are you shaking his hand? Yup, you slowly reach out towards him. And as your human flesh makes contact with his incaporeal form, you feel what feels like lightning shoot through your arm, into your head, throughout the rest of your body. Go ahead and give me, give me another willpower, times five, check. Eighteen, under six to five. Nice. Very good. Very good. I'm not, that's going to save you. As this lightning courses through your body, you jerk back, and just at the moment that you think you're about to lose consciousness, you see Ronnie's eyes come back down and lock with director Conrad's as you squeeze his hand tightly. And in a moment of surprise, he regains his composure, says very good Miss Evans. From the time to collect has come, you will know, he releases your hand, as he's walking back off into the mist, kind of trailing his eyes, where the sky would be. You know, this is a silly dance we do, this power struggle, this need for control, but maybe this silly dance is all some of us have left and gives you a nod as those words echo in the empty space around you as he disappears back into the mist. And just as quickly, or sorry, just as slowly as you allowed yourself to slip into this place. This vision and this landscape around you fades, give me actually will hold off on that. As the administrator's office comes back into focus, maybe Dan keeping a sharp eye on you from across the room, your surroundings come back in and sweat, pours down your skin. And notice your hand is shaking, gripping that pencil with an iron grip, but on this paper, scrawled in handwriting that you're not really sure is even yours, is one word, cadence, seven letters. I knew it just exactly what I was just going to go type that at that moment you hear scorpion go got it. Yeah. No big deal. Ronnie. How you doing? You look all fucked up over there. Yeah. What did Dan see while this is going on? It's a good fucking question. And you saw Ronnie kind of quietly steady her breathing, close her eyes and like a tranquil sort of meditative state. And I think just as that scene progressed in her head lasted a little while, but I think it was pretty quick from your perspective. Her grip tightens on the pencil. Her body begins to shake almost imperceptibly. And in a naturally quick movement, Ronnie writes that word on the paper, and then a few moments later, her eyes open, Ronnie. Looking down at that word, trying to regain composure of yourself, you feel that darkness that was creeping on the edges of your vision feel ever more present now. As these tendrils in your head tighten their grip on your mind. Give me one more sanity check. I think probably the first thing you see is Dan reholstering his sidearm. I got a five. Let's go. That's a failure, right? That's what she got a five over four. Too bad. Five over zero pretty good Dan before in the moments before you holster your weapon. You're watching Ronnie and the shaking seems to intensify even further for a minute. And small, jerky head movements back and forth only for a brief moment, but go ahead and give me an alertness check. Dan. Dan. I myself really confused because I'm on my girlfriend's computer side. I was looking for my name and I was like, where's my roll? My boyfriend rolling. I was going to say, I love the couch here. I'm glad you got one too. Thank you. Thank you. I'm just going to say, is that Octavia? I didn't like it. Yeah. No, it's going to be a 14 under 80. Okay. In the brief moments in between these head jerks, you catch sight of Ronnie's eyes. And they look almost glow a deep crimson red, but as the small fit. She's having subsides and she crushes that sanity check. She drops the pencil. Ronnie, you blink a couple of times, maybe bring your hand up to your forehead to wipe away the sweat and Dan. Her red eyes seem to have faded back more towards a normal color. Ronnie, very good job. There's a lot of bad ways that could have been rolled for you. I expected it to go poorly. It could have gone very well. You're going to have two player deaths on your hands. All right. Like for a second there, Dan expected it, but you're, you're out of the, you're out of the tree or not out of the forest, as they say, and I never heard that. I will have. I will never. So any pushback on that, it's a old, from Abraham Lincoln himself, Abraham, the man who chopped down the cherry tree with his own face. Oh, I heard like a weird, like, music sting that you guys probably just heard to. And I thought it was my neighbor, like, screaming. Ronnie, you're coming back to the reality that surrounds you. That paper in front of you. You see Dan Holster's weapon. You hear Scorpion swear kind of loudly from the other room. I don't know that she necessarily even notices Dan with the weapon. And yet I think she puts her hands like kind of flat on the desk and is taking deep breaths looking at the paper before she looks up and locks eyes with Dan and says, I got it and pushes it towards him. And then I think she kind of just backs up against the wall and slides down. Yeah, I saw that shit. You got it. It was terrifying. Hey, next time you want to do that to me, let me know first, maybe next time you don't cost me a half second of draw time. Well, I thought about that, you know, probably would have been less risky, but would you have talked me out of it? No, soldier. Dan, kind of actualizing what you just watched your friend go through, go ahead and give me a sanity check. You hear from the lab, Dr. Green will go, hey, there's a sticky note with cadence written on it. Is that something? Yeah. Yeah. You start noticing it's like that confirmation bias thing. You start noticing all the places you've seen cadence written down. It's the officer at the end of usual suspects where he just turns around. He's like, mother, writer immediately started building one of those like crazy ass spider webs on the wall. Yeah. Weird. You know the password. You don't need to do that. No. I'm doing it. What does it mean? It's going to be a 67 over 56 on sanity. Okay. You're going to take one point of sanity damage out of it. All right. Now that Ronnie has scirted an unfortunate fate for the time being, Maya and Scorpion. Maya, where are you? I placed everybody in places. Maya's in the offshoot of the specimen lab with me. Okay. So, yeah, I mean, you guys tell me, what are you doing here? I'm still baby raging and throwing stuff that I'm so angry. Real man. So, man is like wondering if Ronnie's going to tell anybody how she got the passcode or not. Just kind of like sitting in the back of the head. I'm not going to be the one to say. I'm not. I'm not a snitch. Well, I think she just kind of pushed it towards you in like a I need a moment here you go do it. You want with it? I see. I see. Well, I think I've given the word just in the next room over Dan's going to go like stick his arm through it and be like, Hey, I think we got it. What? But he's definitely still keeping one eye on you. So make sure you're all right. What is it? I don't know. Spanish. Don't worry. I have a 40% in Spanish. How do you how do you spell cadence? Shit. If I know you have a piece of paper in front of you, I can read it. How do you spell that thing? It's not written in crayon. You don't know how to read it. Are you are you just popping this password in? Yeah, I'm going to be like, give it here, Dan. Okay. He goes court. Are you going to warn the others? Nope. Yeah, I'll grab it put go on my radio like, I think we got it. Everybody be back in the dicks off that short for the director's office. The short for the penises off my you would you'd see confusion come over doctor. What's faced like? How the fuck did they get it? She'll kind of give you a shrug and just kind of like head for the door. I'll follow you. And I think if I have to roll like a human for this, that's really fine. But you know, scorpion would probably pick up that there's some weird tension here. I have a 50 in human and I think that's fair. My and Freddie walked through administration. They see Ronnie in the corner against the wall just kind of sitting with her head on her knees. And like scorpion, you probably would notice this too, but definitely Maya with your with your weight, you also have a 50 in human to right Maya, 70. Damn. Okay. Yeah. So yeah, I think with that level of human, you would be able to quickly determine that Ronnie's having a tough time and on further examination, you could see pretty clearly. Ronnie just went through something fairly traumatic. Even if she doesn't know it yet, yeah, I'd probably go straight for Ronnie and crouch in front of her and be like, what, what's going on in fact, you'd probably say you see Dan actually kind of postured like putting like a one finger up like I'm not telling you don't go over there, but I'm telling you one second, you know, kind of over towards Ronnie. I mean, yeah. Yeah, just try to give her like a bubble. All right, even a little might be a lot right now, just move careful. I will step aside like, no, no, no, I get mad at you. Mm. Over our relationship with Ronnie rather me intervene or rather give her a minute. Uh, you know that just like Freddie, Ronnie is always okay with Freddie being there for okay. I'll I'll put a hand on a dance show and be like, I got this all crouch in front of her and I won't, you know, I won't be in her face, but I'll kind of be like, what's going on. Well, I did it. It worked, but I may have made a deal at the devil. You did what? You can't trust me anymore. What do you mean? I reached out to her. Dr. Greenwood's head would just kind of sink. Okay. I'm going to get this cure and you're going to be fine. You're getting out of here. I know you'll do your best and I will too. You're going to get out of here, but you all got to keep an eye on me. Yeah. Thank you for doing that, but I regret even bringing it up now. It was already in my head, Freddie, and we're getting desperate the quicker we get in and figure this out, the more likely we can save people. It's not people I'm worried about right now, it's you. Yeah, maybe we should, uh, tie me up somewhere, I don't know. You think that'll stop you? Come on. He'll stand up and he'll extend a hand to help her up. She'll take it. All right, and we'll turn around towards Ronnie as room and you reach up. Oh, sorry. As you reach up your hand towards Dr. Greenwood, Dr. Greenwood, you probably noticed this too. That part of your hand that made contact with that ethereal form is glowing a deep red. She snatches it back. Would I have caught that? Oh, I'm sure you saw it, but she didn't want to touch you. That's right, right, right, right. Ronnie, unless you specifically want to say you're going to hide it from a monster. She wasn't trying to hide it. She was just afraid about getting it close to him. It looks like we don't have a lot of time. Dr. Greenwood, make a sanity check. Your friend is slipping away from you. Maya is watching because she knows that she's in distress, so she'd want to be like observing this whole thing. Apparently, I'm cool. I'm keeping my sanity 13 under 40. Is this a quick question? Is this something we all overheard? We're all in the same room, right? Yeah, we're all in the same small office. I think you guys are in the dicks off and then they're in the dicks off. Yeah. I mean, we're not trying. I'm not trying to hide it, but it's not like I'm yelling. So I guess, but you guys are also waiting. I think I weren't standing right there. You might not get the vibe of what's going on. I mean, I think I knew something was up and then, I don't know. I think Scorpion would have kind of read the room of something was wrong and then seeing the doctor approach, Ronnie, just kind of watched from the doorway of the dicks off and just maybe Dan, you're close to me so maybe you see this. He slowly moves his hand, pulls out his son off shotgun and doesn't aim it or anything, but just takes a break barrel and opens it up. These two shells loaded, close as it. Ronnie might look past Freddy and see that and just kind of nod. Nothing but ice just glaring at you. If looks could kill and these ones might. All of the ace bandage and give it to Ronnie, I'll be like, you should wrap that. I'm going to turn the score, but I'm going to say you shouldn't see her while she was in it. I think we're okay at now, school, but I'm not telling you not to be care. I hope to hell here, right? We got the password, let's not waste any more time. Maya, I think with your psychotherapy score, Ronnie's through it at this point, but I think you just kind of like maybe could help her back up on her feet metaphorically and literally if you wanted to. Yeah, I mean, I think that Maya would just offer, you know, like talking through the event and just, you know, at least putting it out there and, you know, establishing a more in our reality, maybe that would help. Also, as you see, Dr. Green would stand up and turn around. There is no one home anymore. Disassociation has taken hold. What new exciting Dr. Greenwood personality will manifest next. We shall see. I mean, you saw my name is Jeff, Jeff, hot dog hot dog, hot dog. All right, so, hold on really quick. I change my mind, of course, because this is a serious campaign, but the character I originally had to play this. I can't remember if I've said this on air was a used car salesman, you rad. Yeah. Yeah. We, uh, she test drove Brad Bradshaw for like our little one off thing we did. I did. And it was pretty great. Brad Bradshaw, owner of Bradshaw and Bradshaw, you need Cadillac come down Bradshaw and Bradshaw. There's a third Bradshaw somewhere, but we lost him, unfortunately. We don't know where he is. We don't talk about Brad. The black sheep of the black rat of the family. The Brad sheep of the family. So, um, anyway. As Dr. Greenwood turns around, he would, uh, he could just go, I want to put the code in. We need some people in the hallway to make sure nothing comes after us. Yeah, what's the, uh, I guess Dan would probably, Dan would probably be watching that specimen storage door. From this hallway, we could also kind of watch through to the, uh, the egress from the specimen lab. I mean, I don't think we can see quite where we chopped this thing. Or there, but yeah, what'd you say? I said, I don't think, I mean, unless you wanted to stand like right in the middle of the bio lab, I don't think you could see both doors at the same time. If I just was going for, no, I just want to be between both doors and the rest of the party. Okay. So I think one of those two, like, I'll be able to see it once it starts getting closer to this. What's everybody else's plan? Because you don't know what's going to happen once you enter this code. Uh, I think Ronnie will shove the other piece of paper in her pocket that she was holding and start wrapping her hand and just listening to what my is saying, but she's not hiding that she is very like afraid and scared. Okay. I'm going for you entering the code. I'm waiting until people are ready. I think the doc wanted to enter the code. Oh, someone else can enter the code. That's fine. I don't know. I don't know if Scorpion would want to after he spent, like, you know, the past two hours of fun going with this. I fucking hate this machine. I would just feel like you can't do anything. I was more insinuating that since Scorpion and Dan are shooting, shoot amends, they'd post up in the hallway, supposedly, just so that if something were to come out of one of the containment rooms, we could neutralize the threat. Um, yeah, Scorpion will, at this point, rip his gas mask off and pull out a cigarette and light it. But he doesn't ask back on over the cigarette. Don't know why I didn't know this before. This is great. He's going to look at Maya just with this look of fear and anger and just be like, watch her. And I'm going to leave and I'm going to go ahead and watch the hallway to the south outside of the administration room, uh, just making sure something's not coming from behind us if Dan's going to watch the other doors and, and watching the other door that leads to the, I don't mean, I don't know when anything's called in observation map anymore. Observation room. It's almost like defacing every single informative piece of info on this map is come back to you in the air. It's just a form of obfuscation. I can't even say that word obfuscation or obfuscation one. I'm watching the doors to the south. You're watching. You're watching the wall and the dirt that fell from the ceiling. Um, I have my son off holstered and I have my pistol out. I think you still have my shotgun. I think I do have. Yeah. So you still have it. I thought you gave it back to him. I thought I'd get. Okay. Who wants to get back? It's fine. I have my show. I give back. Okay. We still have a can of liquid nitrous or liquid. Yeah. You never use that. I also remind you you have that. Um, do you remember that tripwire mechanism that you picked up from the soundtrack like way back when you guys found the safe house? Oh shit. Uh, yeah. I was thinking about that. I might be definitely set that out right outside the specimen lab then. Well, I mean, that would take a minute to configure so you guys would have to like hold off for. We have a can of whoop ass still. Yeah. His name is Dan Durgen. Dan. Oh, yeah. I will. I'm not going to hold this up at all. Uh, sooner we get through this sooner. I just wanted to remind you that you have that. Yeah. Yeah. That is the priority now. Mm hmm. Okay. What are you doing? You just holding up with a either score per day or somebody or you in the office with the password. I'm probably still nearby Ronnie. Okay. But probably you have like after, you know, we're done with our little moment there. Also, did I was able to help or? Yeah, you were. I wasn't going to make you roll it because you were pretty good score and she'd already gotten through the bulk of it. Mm hmm. Also, scorpion was like watcher. Just yeah. I mean, then you don't have to listen. Maya would be prepared and probably have her gun just in case something comes through that door. Okay. Doc. Yeah. I think you move pretty fast after you enter that code. Maybe a call for that kind of liquid nitrogen strapped to your head. You just want to take it. I could, but score might need it. You're going to come out right in the middle of us. All right. My first move is to the specimen lab. Just put it, put it in the administration doorways. All right. Then we could just grab it if we leave. There you go. Okay. Dr. Greenwood, you're standing there with that piece of paper in hand and that word written on it staring down this terminal. I want to enter the passcode since everybody gave me the affirmative. All right, your fingers to press each individual key C A D E N C E on that final key press. All seven of those wheels lock into place and after a moment of silence you hear a couple of mechanical words come from inside the desk and the right hand side of the desk pops open and a small panel is revealed with two key card slots for fuck's sake. You have those though. Oh, I thought we had one. Yeah. Thank God. I was going to freak out. I think I have one of Maya has one so it's fine. We can say perfect you have. You have both. All right. I will look up at Maya and Ronnie. Now I will just chunk, chunk, chunk. All right. As you insert the two keys, another moment of silence followed by a loud locking noise as the key cards are pulled further into the mechanism and that panel closes itself. And after another moment. You hear several more mechanical words come from inside the desk. An alarm brings out over the facility throughout all the halls. And as it does from around the facility you hear, pneumatic and hydraulic systems kick into effect as every door in this facility slowly begins to slide open. The light on the console that blinked red on lockdown is now a solid green. Between the power, the HVAC and the facility erupting to life. There's now a lot of noise going on in here. What's everybody doing? Will these doors slide open? I think Dan's on the right. You guys read. Hey, chances are closed. The doors not take a little lockdown button that might be good. That might be a good thing about them right now. Is there a way to manually close doors from here? Not that you can see from your time, spending searching this office. Good. Dan, give me an alertness check from where you're at. That'd be an 18, not an 80. Okay. As you go, as you press the button on the radio and all these doors are being to slide open. Dr. Greenwood, you hear his message, but Dan, you notice you're getting some weird feedback from your radio and you're not really sure what to make of it. But you notice it only, it only kicks on when you press the button down. Does it, I guess, could I use my military science skill to try to determine whether or not it might be a jammer or if it's just something else random? You could and that will take you. Well, go ahead and what's your score? It's not great. And I was just thinking I would do like a, does it sound like a sound that a jam would make? It's 60. Okay. Yeah. You don't recognize that it is any sort of jammer, but you don't really recognize it at all. And that might give you a little bit more information, depending on how you interpret it. But it is a regular set of clicks at regular intervals. Kind of repeating. Interesting. I think at this point, Ronnie is taking a deep breath and then it's going to stand up and start moving towards the door to administration. Okay. Yeah. I've already, as soon as the password's been entered, Dr. Greenwood is belining it towards the specimen lab. You can see reckless regard and abandon. So she's probably following Freddy seeing him dash past. And as the door to specimen storage reaches the point where it's open most of the way, anybody who's nearby and really, I think anybody in this wing hears this horrible groaning and growling noise, almost to a low roar erupting from inside of that room. There's clearly something in there and you might have just let it out. Which room? Specimen storage. Fuck. Uh, dance back on the radio. I got contact specimen storage. Some's alive in there. Anybody that's. Free. Use backup. How am I getting there? I'm running up and I'm grabbing the liquid nitrogen. Okay. I'm not going to waste any time. I'm going to start moving on in. I'm going to wait carefully. I want to make sure I can't shoot me. I want to keep the mic and I'm going to say, do you need me or am I good to go into specimen lab? It's hard to say if you can't close for just a moment. Copy that. I'll stand, I'll come back and stand in the doorway here. Okay. While they're moving in, Ronnie is going to look at the door. She's not trying to shut it yet, but she's looking to see if there's a way to just manually pull it shut if she needs. Okay, Ronnie, you can tell just from looking at this door, it's the same as all the rest in the facility. It's on a very, it's a very thick solid steel door that's on a mechanism that opens and closes it. It doesn't look like there's really a way to manually manipulate it. I just wondered for now that it was like all unlocked if there was a way, but okay. But as you're the closest one to the door, you can hear coming from inside among all the groaning and growling is a metallic banging noise happening repeatedly amongst all of this. But a few moments pass, Dan, your eyes trained on that door, Ronnie, you're there waiting, seeing what's going to happen. Everything emerges, but that banging noise is getting louder. I think Dan was going in already. Dan, are you moving in? Yes. Yeah, I was getting as soon as the score gets up to me, I was thinking we'd just move double file down the hallway. Yeah. Okay. Well, I got this. I, my pistol is, well, this is probably pretty heavy, right? Liquid nitrogen. It's like a decent sized canister, but I mean, it would, you can carry with one hand if that's what you're asking. Okay. Yeah. I've got my pistol in my hand and my left hand. I'm carrying the liquid nitrogen. Okay. It's going to break the cap loose on that fucking before we go in just to make sure it doesn't stuck and do some dumb shit. On what? The nitrogen? Yeah. I'm not unscrewing it, but I'm going to lie. Oh, I see. I'm going to break the years old seal and then like loosely rehand tighten it just to make sure. Gotcha. Okay. As you guys tandem around this corner, look through this door. The site that greets you is something maybe you weren't totally expecting. The label on this room is specimen storage, but what you see almost looks like a prison block. Oh, it looks like if they were to store test subjects, this is more what you would describe it as is a holding cell for those test subjects and looking down this hallway. The site that greets you is disturbing, to say the least. What were probably humans at some point left in here to decay and rot. Covered in this fungus, lining both sides of the wall in various states of distress. Some banging on the doors, some retreated to the corner, unmoving. You're not even sure if they're still alive. What the fuck? But there's a couple in here that definitely want out. Once you guys go ahead and both give me a sanity check to process what you're looking at. Fuck. Get you. Is that a good fucking shit or a bad fucking shit? I haven't even rolled. I just don't feel good. Yeah. This is awful. Roll the vomit. I'll give that to you. You can have that. $4,755 for me. $74 over $77. Scorpion your mind flashes back to the time that you spent in a cell just like this. The thought of somebody leaving a person like this and walking away, that doesn't quite sit right with you. You're going to take one sanity damage. It's not quite. It's just like almost acceptable, but they all got bucket. It's quite like half of them have buckets. Yeah, that's fine. You're standing at the threshold of this makeshift prison block down the hall past these cells. It looks like it opens up a little bit. What are you guys doing? I think slowly proceeding inside, right? Yeah. Yeah, it doesn't look like anything here is making any progress on getting out of itself, right? No, but looking around, give me an alertness. Justin? You can do it too. 17 and ready. Can I go into an overrated poop? Can I actually, instead of alertness, as we're proceeding, can I try to use my like, human to try to ascertain like, their mindset, sort of like, are they like a feral beast or is it like? Yeah, totally. Like, oh, I like that. That's a good idea. Dude, yes. Yeah. 11. Nice. Fucking crazy success. Hell yeah. Yeah. To be fair, if you had a role in alertness, that also would work too, because it would be under 20, but I like, I like human better for this and I will tell you why damage yet for your alertness, 17 under 80 or whatever, 17 under 80. Yeah. Nice. Goddamn. Okay. We're rolling hot tonight. I'm excited to roll very poorly later. Hell yeah. When you need it, like when we're trying to shoot something, just wait a while. Just keep missing who's taking point in this situation. Is it shotgun? It's probably Dan. I have my pistol out. Okay. Yeah. So have there. Dan, you're proceeding down this hallway, lined on both sides by these old cells with scorpion and toe, kind of as trying to assess the structural integrity of these locks and doors as you proceed down, you do notice that while they've held this long, sitting down here, potentially being exposed to these creatures or these people inside is not done the many favors. And this kind of like transitions nicely over to your human role, scorpion. What really on the service level just looks like violent and explosive creatures. And you can tell whatever humanity existed in them once is long gone at this point. But there's still an instinctual side to this that you feel like you are kind of understanding the more you proceed down this hallway. Between the figures cowering in the corners and the ones angrily trying to break their way out of the cells towards you. With that crit success, you can say pretty accurately, there's something in this room that's specifically agitating them and it looks like it just started happening recently, maybe even when you turn the power back on. And they're just increasingly with elevated ferocity at your presence, trying to break their way through these cells. You can see that there's about four of them that are trying to break out while the rest are either long since dead or cowering away from something that's at the end of this room that you're walking towards. These, these people, they're scared of something. Something's got us, something's got them acting like, like this and it ain't us. There's something down there. Ah damn well, shoot the us, let's go see what it is. Alright. Okay, so at this point, I'm going to holster my pistol. And I'm going to put both hands on this tank. And I'm going to whisper Dan on and be like, we see something, I'm throwing it. You shoot. I don't really know if that's how these things work, but actually it's way better to pour it slow. Otherwise, in most of all, just balls off its skin. Take a sip. Take a sip. Okay. Yeah, keep contact. Take a sip. Good. Three or four seconds. Okay, so how do these things work? You screw the top off and it lets out. Just think of it as like, it's like a thermos canister, basically full of liquid nitrogen. Okay, so yeah. And of course, I'm going to get ready to pop it and toss it. You guys probably don't have like a biology score or anything do you? I do. No. I know. I know Dr. Greenwood does. I don't. No. I'm just trying to think of any sort of way you could assess this thing and like know the best way within the confines of the way that I've set things up to realize it. I mean, I think I am treating this like scorpion would treat any sort of almost like a grenade or something, just kind of like, well, I guess I don't really understand this because I'm not smart and didn't take chemistry or anything. But you said it pours like a liquid, so maybe I'll just fucking dump it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, think of it as a canister full of extremely cold liquid, but it is a liquid and it's like an thermos canister. And maybe if it lands on the floor, like it's not unheard of to like very people's boots to the floor and shit. So sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think that's kind of the plan is just something happens. I'm going to dump it and this is a narrow hallway. After us, it'll have to go through this shit. Okay. All right, as you proceed down this hallway, it's uncomfortably cramped in here. Some of these things are reaching out for you and they're not too far away from being able to grab a sleeve or an arm, but you pretty carefully just kind of keep yourself in the middle of this hallway away from them. Moving down into the specimen storage room, it opens up a bit more cells, more angry creatures, but over on your right, there appears to be sort of a desk in a break area, maybe for like a guard station. As you approach it, you see a couple of things you see a body encased in this fungus left here probably hasn't moved in a long time, but it looks like he was working on something. There's a looks like an old military ham radio and it's in a fairly disassembled state parts strewn across the desk in the floor. It looks like he was trying to build something, but you're not really sure what and it is connected to power. You can see lights on the front. It looks like it is functional to a certain extent. If you have any kind of skills on electrical or anything like that, maybe you could kind of try to get an understanding of what's going on here. I do not. I got nothing. Yeah. All right. So I think Dan would, Dan would have made it respectful to me. Go ahead and give me. I'm sorry. Okay. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. If you made that connection, I'm not going to make you roll for it. Well, he would, he would suspect he has no basis for thinking that. He'd be like, I suspect what? That is why the radios are clicking off said, Oh, okay. So he knows what that means at all. He just, are you, um, are you like pressing the button on your radio at this point? Oh, I could. Yeah. Yeah. If you're making that connection, I just want to know what you're doing with it. I mean, I guess if the radio isn't making the noise, like without the button being pressed, I'd probably press it to see if it's stronger in this room. Okay. You press the button down on your radio and you do get a lot of interference. It's not, it's not in the same, um, the same pattern, really, but it is a more unrefined version of it, you get the feeling that these two incidences are separate and not being caused by the same thing, because you don't hear that original clicking coming over. You just hear this newer, rougher, less accurate one, man, I don't know. They were doing all kinds of shit with radio stuff down here, score. We need Ronnie, Doc and Maya. We do. They need to take a look at this, let's clear this room. Neither you, especially you, Dan, do you have SIGINT? I do not. I know. I've been looking at the, about this whole time, I was like, no, I don't think any of us have SIGINT. Zero percent. Okay. Yeah. So that's about the most information you can get from it is a, there's something that's like a live and moving down here. Besides the creatures locked in the cells, you mean? This is the end of the specimen storage, right? Oh, yeah. There's, it's flanked by several more cells with a couple more angry volatile creatures, trying to get their way out of the cell. But yeah, that's pretty much all you see in here besides maybe some rudimentary storage. Do I? Is it? They're all closed. The cells are open or they're closed. Is this radio thing have like an obvious, uh, is it like a wall plug that you have at home? Uh, yeah, it's connected to power. I will, uh, but it's not like a specialized, like Dan can walk up and unplug it theoretically. Yeah, he can unplug it. Yeah. Um, I think he'll do that because if there's not like a, you know, a creature in here getting him riled up, then it seems like I do. I have a theory and I'm very curious to see how this works out. So, yeah, you're going up and unplugging it. Yeah. Okay. Danny walk up and grip the plug, giving it a firm pull. It pops free of the wall, the lights on the front of the console fade and turn off. And the creatures behind you that were fervently and angrily banging on the cell doors before seem to abate their assault a little bit and as silence returns to this specimen storage area for a moment passes and the creatures that are now in this room are now focused directly on you, but they seem less agitated now. But as you kind of stand up and turn your attention to them, one of them starts pushing his way towards that corner of the cell that's closest to you and is reaching out for you, trying to grab you, but to no avail, you're 10 or so feet away at this point. I don't know, I don't know if this thing either kills him or just pisses him off. Anyway, I feel like that's likely to break out now. Wait, we didn't, when Ronnie, when she was getting that password, what happened exactly? You ever see the movie, the exorcist? Love it. I know everybody does. It's like the hottest thing out right now. He came out in 1970, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Dan's a little behind. He usually spends long stretches of time on deployment. Yeah. They get to cut back when he gets back. What is the exorcist? What? 2004? And it's like, this is for years old. So, I don't know, it seemed like you went somewhere, it's hot, but then something else came out, wrote that word down, went back and said. And that shit came in. They, all these things in the cells, they were agitated. Tell you we'll unplug that thing. I don't know, man, but what if that interrupts their ability to do whatever Ronnie did? You've been listening to the multi-part finale of Whispers of Lunabell Island. The horror doesn't end here. Next week, we will pick this up right where we left off. See you then. Thank you for listening to the re-roll gaming podcast. This actual play, Whispers of Lunabell Island, is published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership, the intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are copyright-zane-garing, accepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green Intellectual Property. Want to follow us on social media, listen to another episode or send us hate mail? Check out our link tree for all our info. You can find that link in the episode description. Big thanks to the tabletop audio for producing quality RPG music and ambience that we can use in our games. The re-roll main theme, and all character themes are copyright-zane-garing, the Chronicles of Rel theme and the frequency theme are copyright-tanor-prentice. Please consider donating to our Patreon if you liked our content. We are hell-bent on making more and with your support we can make a lot more. New episodes of Whispers of Lunabell Island release every Friday at 12 AM Pacific Standard time. you then. You