The Esoteric Order of Roleplayers

[Monsterhearts] The Next Generation: Season Two, Episode 8

Sparks reignite, tempers flare, and passions cool in this episode! Are you in or are you out? LISTEN NOW!    Back us on Patreon for lots of bonus content and an opportunity to game with members of the Order!

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Featuring:David as "Autumn the Cerberus"Kenny as "Lucien the Vampire"Rainy as "Cora the Fae"Santiago as "Riley the Werewolf"

2h 56m
Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Sparks reignite, tempers flare, and passions cool in this episode! Are you in or are you out? LISTEN NOW!    Back us on Patreon for lots of bonus content and an opportunity to game with members of the Order!


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David as "Autumn the Cerberus"
Kenny as "Lucien the Vampire"
Rainy as "Cora the Fae"
Santiago as "Riley the Werewolf"

This episode of the Esoteric Order of Role Players is brought to you by the generosity of our backers on Patreon. Go to to find out how you can become a backer too. We create and broadcast these episodes live on native lands. We acknowledge these are unceded lands, with diverse communities maintaining connections to these places, and recognize their ancestors, their elders both past and present, and future generations. Learn more by visiting the Native American Rights Fund website at [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] The Esoteric Order of Role Players present Monster Hearts, the next generation, featuring David, Rainey, Santiago, and Kenny as players with devs at VMC. On the level, are you ready to swear right here, right now, before the devil that you're on the square, that you're on the level, that you're ready to stand right here, right now, right here, right now. Content warning. Our season of Monster Hearts may include depictions and discussion of sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, physical violence, and identity-based discrimination and harassment, as well as other activating topics. We encourage you to care for your safety and well-being while listening. >> Let's move into, no, I don't want my jury questionnaire. I actually want my notes for monsters. >> Oh, yeah, it's got jury duty too, on top of the way. >> I have jury duty as well. I get that every year, somehow, and nobody I know ever gets it, ever. >> Yeah. >> It's wonderful. >> I had it for four months, and they never called me, which was great. >> That's true. Hello, everybody, and welcome to another session of Monster Hearts. We are all here. We're all ready to rock and roll. I hope you all are ready to have a stupendous and phenomenal time today. No pressure. You better bring your A-game. >> God. >> Or else. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Kenny, you're taking a lead on this one too. >> Yeah, I'm terrible at this game. I'm telling you. >> Oh, my God. Okay, so on that note, I just want to remind you all of our usual things, which we have here, which is the super cool guidance that you all know, make each main character's life not boring, keep the story feral, stay with the rules to ban, stay with honesty demands. I think you've been doing an excellent job at this, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. And then we also have, I just want to remind you of our stats in case you need to refresh. So hot is fucking gorgeous, alluring, exciting, smoking. Someone you can't stop thinking about and magnetic. And that's hot. Cold is stone cold, calculating, collected, unwavering, frigid, unable to be cruel, merciless, and keeping their wits about them while being obstinate. If you are high volatile, it means you are impulsive, wild, feral, quick-tempered, quick-to-fight or flight, aggressive, unpredictable, a basket case, and sudden. And if you are dark and you have a high dark stat, it means you are weird, mysterious, sinister, dabbling in the occult, comfortable in darkness, able to liaise with otherworldly forces and powerful. So, I just wanted to review those stats that you could look at your character sheets and be like, "Oh, yeah. Am I being a super-hotty-boe body right now? Yay or nay? Or am I being cold?" Because these all tie to your player moves, as you well know. I like to do these little refreshers once in a while just to kind of keep our head in the game. And if you have any questions, you know where to find me. Does anyone have any questions, thoughts, concerns before we head into this? Because I want to start to describe what we're going to be doing for this session. Y'all are good. Yeah. You're just stipulating mildly. I feel great. Last time, we, the trio, so we had Cora, we had Autumn, and we had Riley. And the three of you, we did this fun exercise where we called them David. I think you, or Rainy, I don't know, three of you, one of you, or all of you said, "Let's do interludes." And we'll call them interludes. So as David-- Yeah, that was me. I'm going to take credit on that one. Yeah. Yeah. Great. So interludes happened, which meant that each of you got to take the spotlight for an hour, hour 15. And the rest of you, while the person, the player, one of the players, one of you were playing your main character, the rest of you got to play your side character. So that meant you got to play your side characters more than once. So in this case, I thought, instead of running a solo session for Kenny again, as fun as that was, and as many roles as we did that fateful solo session, like two, I thought, it might be good for us to-- let's give Kenny a chance to have that experience. Only this time, there will be three side characters. I thought he's already pumped. So Santi, your side character is Henry. If we remember that, yeah. And then, so David, your side character for now is Dylan. For now, until he's drained dry by Lucy. Yes. Yeah. Dylan. And Rainey is just an evil. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Kenny's just nodding. And Rainey, your side character is Devon, who we all love. And will not be harmed. And will not die. All of us love Devon. All of us love Devon. Especially-- Especially. Slash. Lucy and Kenny. Yes. Kenny's speechless. So yeah. Okay. Nice. Nice. All right. A clearing of the sun. Yes. So what we're going to do is we're going to have it take place on the same night. Because that's kind of what ended up happening, I think, organically, is that it was like, yeah, let's just have it all on the same night. How did you get to where you got and got? And I just want to remind everyone, too, that where we ended up was essentially at the nouveau in Cora's room in the apartment that she shares with her parents, quote unquote parents. That's the stuff of nightmares. So everyone's in Cora's room. And so that means Riley and Autumn and Cora are all together at a certain time, you know, in the middle, like, I would say like later evening, but not too late, you know, probably around, I don't know, 9, 9.30, 9.45ish. And so y'all are in Cora's room. So that's where we will resume with the four of you. But we want to figure out how Lucian gets there as well, because Lucian lives in that building, too. He lives in the nouveau. You also have cell phones and all that kind of stuff. And I am very confident in all of your creative abilities to figure out how Lucian gets there as well. So any questions before we get started? Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah, isn't word the monster squad end up at the end of monster squad all ended up. They're also in Cora's room. So Devin's there. Henry's there. Xan is there. Eating chips and avoiding chips and avoiding touching anything. Dylan was the only one who was MIA at the end of the session. Yeah. Again. Where's Dylan? Well, just have seared it out. I've never seen walking off into the night. That's right. That's right. Yeah. So after his first interaction with the monster squad, Dylan was like, I need to leave and decided to walk home, which is a normal thing that any average kid, I think, in new percent of Bay would do. The most normal thing. The world of monsters. Yeah. And the most normal thing that's happened in this entire game is it was like, no, thank you. I don't walk the way that never happens to the damn game. Somebody listened to the fan in the audience, he's yelling at the screen. Yeah. Leave now. I should just go out of there. Damn. I'm just having a hot chocolate in his PJs. All right. Yeah. Exactly. All right. All right, so y'all are aware of who you are playing. And this could take place earlier than the open night, Mike Knight, when we get some music going and yeah, I'll start this, we'll start, we'll start, we just start, hmm. Again, tell me if it is too loud, too distracting seems okay. Okay. I think so. All right. Maybe a little loud. It's quiet. It's a little loud. Yeah. Come down maybe five percent, seven percent, seven point five, he can, he got that granularity. I don't. One click. That just has a massive mixing board in front of her right now. Right. That's what I imagine. All right. How's that? Is that okay? That's good. Perfect. That's the thing with the sound is we do a certain way, it records a certain way and yeah, you know, that it's so loud in my ears and you guys are like, it's perfect. I'm like, ah, okay. Silent tears on that energy. Yeah. Yes. So it has been 10 days since the closing night of the Wizard of Oz, a new placenta Bay high school and it is an open mic night at Jarza Clay. It's after school and or the evening and I'm very curious. I'm kind of curious where Lucian is and how his school days have been going since that huge incident that happened at the school and how a heavy made sense of it. Have you been attending school, Lucian? Well, we've established I'm, Autumn brought me out of darkest self, right? Yes. Okay. So I think the grown up thing to do would be to continue going to school and pretend like nothing happened. Okay. Have you been interacting with, I'm just curious if you've been interacting with any of the main characters, Cora or Autumn or even Riley? No, I've probably been avoiding them. Oh, okay. So you're avoiding them? Is there anybody at school that you are gravitating to? Adrienne's been out of school. Adrienne is in juries. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. So on that day, you may have heard of rumor that he was being discharged from the hospital today and he'll probably be back at school next week, but he's definitely discharged from the hospital at this point today. Good for him. Yeah. I've probably been hanging out with, well, I've definitely been talking to Henry. Oh, okay. So what, what are those discussions involved? Bizness. Meaning. Economic. Economy. Yeah. Economy. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Talking about. Mostly just, well, because he's working at the quick byte down by the Nuvo, right? Yeah. So the quick byte's located in the lobby of this apartment complex, and so it's one of the many amenities at the Nuvo. It's a good one. Oh, it is. That's where I go read the paper. Oh, I see. Okay. I saw a grown up do that once in the '30s. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. All right. Drink. Light coffee. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I go there. Yeah. I just go there and hang out. And then I know Henry's parents are trying to leak him up with my family. So I'm trying to humor that a little bit. And of course, I'm mostly, are his grades still slipping? I think. Yeah. This fool, he'll never get into college. Wow. He's working on it. He's working on it. He is. That's what we've established. And he was studying at Jersey Clay, finishing up homework there on a very evening. So you've been dropping by the quick byte to have a bite of him or chatting with him or what? I'm mostly just chatting with him. Does he remember? Does he remember me feeding on him? Do you hypnotize your victims after you've done that? I didn't have the hypnotized move at the time. Mm-hmm. So this is a thing that this is an arrangement that you two have. You tell me because this is the lore of your vampirism. Do people remember after you've fed on them or do you have to like, could you jog their memory to remember or how does that work? I feel like they have boggy ideas because it's not like in my mind it's more interesting and dramatic to be like the vampire feeds on you, you lose a lot of blood, you probably pass out. Or at least you are hazy enough to where you're not exactly sure what just happened. And then by the time they come to, Lucian is usually gone. So I feel like Henry probably doesn't remember that exactly happening, but probably has some kind of like gut feeling to question me. Look at me. No. Well, we can find that out. Yeah. Let's figure that out. Henry, how have you made sense of these really strange experiences that you might have sporadically with Lucian? They're not, and Lucian, you can correct me if I'm wrong, but they're not like consistently happening. They might happen every third or second conversation you might have with him. And you are suddenly left with a feeling maybe like lost time. So you can talk to me a little bit about you too can pass it out a little bit. Like how does that play out? Kind of like the impression that sometimes when we hang out, it gets weird and then it feels weird after, but it's not necessarily unpleasant or anything that puts up a red flag because of the inconsistency. Okay. If it was like every time you start being like, but would I be over speaking or if it's like this might be a reason why your grades are slipping because whatever vitality you may have in like concentration that you have when you're fully capable, like full of your own blood and to be able to not fall asleep like in the middle of class or you get home from school and you're just like wiped. And that's not normal for you. That might be another reason why your grades are slipping. I think it's part of it and not necessarily the main reason, but a crucial part of the conglomerate that makes all of it have that result. Okay. Yeah. So Lucian, why are you doing this to Henry? Why not? It hasn't bought back yet. Oh. You know? Yeah. Remind us of your darkest self again, not saying you're in it, but just remind us what that is. Right. So everyone is your pawn, your plaything. You hurt them and make them vulnerable for sport like a cat does with a mouse. And then maybe you'll even drain them dry though. You'll certainly take your time first, which is not my attention. Mm-hmm. Usually you escape your darkest self when you're putting your rifle place by somebody more powerful than you. Okay. Okay. And also like in terms of playing the vampire, the vampires, icy, manipulative, hypnotic and cruel, they thrive out of emotional entrenchment and control. The vampire knows how to undermine the will of others and often possesses an unsettling attitude toward consent. Let's be forget. Yeah. I mean, perfect. Right. So that answer was perfect from Ken. Yeah. Absolutely. Why are you doing this to him? Why not? Yeah. Exactly. Right. And my volatiles minus one, my darkest minus one, and then I'm hot and cold too. Yeah. So when I find somebody who like Henry, perfect victim where it's just, oh, he's confused, but still just goes along with it, I'm like, no, this is great. It's just Henry on tap and we could just hang out. Like you said, it's every third or so, hang out or conversation, maybe to Henry. It's listening, being like, Hey, what's in the back? Show me what's in the back. And then we go back there and then all of a sudden, like a loss of time, he's back at the register. Yeah. And yeah, I'll totally help you take a look at your books, right? Like that sort of thing to go to the office and that sort of thing. Oh, you just received some stock, I know that you can really lose a lot of money to shrink when that happens. All right. Let's go over the manifest, all sorts of excuses to be in a secret area and as boring as shit and mundane. So the idea that the time would get a little blurry after that and then you could just write it off as well. It was just, you know what I mean? Boring work. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like a self feeding engine because his grades are slipping and I'm like, let me help you with your homework. Yeah, self-sustaining. Yeah. So just getting these images, if you will allow me as you're MC, I'm getting these images of just the fluorescent lights a quick bite and you like walking in there, I don't know, some hour. There's not a lot of people around and you guys just start talking and it just turns into just talking about business stuff or how to make connections with people, how to network with people. And then sometimes there's these like chompy exchanges where just, they're just completely inexplicable and also foggy, it's dreamlike, which I love. Cool. Yeah. Go on. I give Henry a copy of how to win friends and influence people. Oh my God. I have a question for Lucian when you feed particularly on Henry, but I guess in general, if applicable, is it like a sexy type of feeding or is it just, you know, punching a straw into a Capri Sun, very pragmatic feeding, what is the overall fight to it? Yeah. I think it can change depending on the mood. I think with Henry, it's not a sexy thing. It's just him fulfilling a role right now. Interesting. Cause I'm like, do you use hot or cold to make that happen? That's a good question. Well, I guess all my moves are mostly hot or cold, but including, well, the moves that I've taken, I have one that's cold as ice. Oh, oh, I got it. Okay. The only other move that I've taken that uses a stat, oh, I can make others feel beautiful. So I might do that for him. That's a hot, I could call him in a shit. If he's down and out about himself, I can be like, no, dude, you're actually cool and then eat him. Yeah. You're, that's a hundred percent right. Yeah. Okay. So it could be either way. Okay. It could go either way as a website. I like that. So Lucian, you, it's after school and you're hearing a lot of people are talking about the open mic night, happening at Jersey Clay. There's a lot of other things going around and it's the end of the school week. What do you want to do that evening? Cause you may have, I think maybe, cause Riley's not subtle. He might have been talking up and you correct me if I'm wrong, but he might have been talking about the fact that he's going to be going to Jersey Clay first time in a long time, going to finally perform, like it's so cool. And so you're just hearing, that's the big news that's happening in town and that people are also like going off to volunteer at the boardwalk to start like signing up to volunteer for abalone days and that's going to be starting up very soon to end of the school year kind of stuff. If you like any starting place, knowing where the other three main characters were at that point in time, and also where the side characters were too. So this is kind of a fun puzzle, I think. What's your motivation? What's your impetus? Well, I have stuff that I want to do like what that would fit into this evening, knowing that we're going to end up a chorus at the end of where you are. It's just like little things and it really doesn't matter where I'm at to be honest. Well, that's to me, so let's figure it out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would probably be down on the boardwalk. Interesting. So that's where Autumn went too. Yeah, well. What drives you to go to the boardwalk? I'm there a lot because that's where Marcel just does his business quite often. This in likes when people know him, it helps a lot of things, so he likes going to the regular places and walking into the coffee shop or whatever, and they're like, "The usual," and he's like, "Yes," so a lot of that. On the boardwalk, he goes around his usual haunts. Is this immediately after school? I think so. Okay, that actually fits really well, so just to put you all into play. It's immediately after school. You know about drives of clay, that's happening. Riley and Devon have a date to meet up there. Autumn, you are, I don't know what Autumn's doing immediately after school, by the way, but Autumn was at the boardwalk later in that evening. We're not playing the main characters, so Dylan, you were probably doing things. I'm not, Dylan, we could talk about how you ended up there. I want the side characters to interact with our main. And then Henry, you were probably, I don't know, maybe you and Lucy and we're hanging out after school, like, just walking around together, but I don't want to tell you where you need to be. What feels correct to you three? Aside characters? Aside characters of Lucy and the boardwalk. And when did we end up at the jars of clay? It was later. I'm going to say it's closer to seven, seven thirty, yeah. So it wouldn't be a sense to want to hang out somewhere nearby and tell them. Mm-hmm. Yeah, because the weather's getting nicer, there's like places and booths set up like, "Hey, sign up for abalone days." I mean, Devon's probably volunteering for abalone days. Okay. And it's the first day to sign up. So of course it's going to be their first day. I love it. Obviously. Yeah. What are the details of the abalone days? Oh, well, let's... This is funny. Should I ask that? Let's... Abalone. First of all, it's a days. Multiple days. Just plural. We just caught an abalone battle on an iron-chefry run, so lots of inspiration there. Oh, abalone. Does it grow next to corn? No. Okay. Okay. So abalone days, let me see here. I don't know what abalone is. It's a snake. I was going to say, we might need to back it up now. No. I got it. Wait, wait, wait. I got it. Okay. An abalone is the type of a shellfish. Mm-hmm. And it has a beautiful shell and a delicious meat inside. It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a... It's a snail. Like... It's a snail. That's right. That's weird. Yeah. If you saw an abalone shell, you'd probably recognize it. Maybe. And you eat them. You can eat them. You can eat them raw, cooked, whatever. Abalone are... I mean, the shells are used in ceremony, but a lot of people appropriate them. Okay. So let me see here. Abalone days is a yearly... What, does anyone else want to read this? Go ahead. Are you sure? I've been on my handouts to help everyone out. Thank you, Rainy. Okay. So abalone days is a yearly springtime celebration in the Nuevo. Among other activities, the famous snail is harvested from the bay for their meat and shimmering shells. This event is attended by tourists from all over the globe. You can't escape the intense iridescence during this time of year. Tour guides like to play up the offshore volcano in the bay, but it was probably extinct at this point. What? Why do we have a volcano in there? The ground about the volcano. No, it did. It didn't exist. Another entity is rumored to inhabit the bay, but it's nothing to take seriously except that another pitiable person falls to their death from the cliffs, and their body is unable to be recovered for a proper send-off. What the fuck? I was just all getting into my... The summary turned dark, man. My god. Like a dark bass. How far we've come. It got taken fast. I don't know. Okay. It's just a day to celebrate abalone harvests, people sell things. There's vendors. I can think of it as like a fair that takes the place over many days. Okay. Does that help? It helps. They look horrific. Well, yeah. It's a snail. They're love, duh. They're nightmare creatures. Yeah, they're delightful. They're delightful. They're delightful. I love them as well. But we eat these. And everything's... We're all okay with this. Oh, my gosh. Well... For us locals, the locals are. I don't know about you outside. Well... It's defense. Yeah. Okay. Well, Lissian's from the East Coast. So I don't know... Way, way, way. Way, way. Way, way. Lula Memento. You've been living here for a while. So abalone days is nothing new to you. This is something that's happened many years. Yeah. Yeah. What I say is he's from the East Coast. So he's familiar with seafood. Yes. Lissian's all about it. That's cool. That's fine. All right. Okay. So abalone days are happening and Devin is there to sign up to help out with events to volunteer. Dylan, what are you doing at the boardwalk? I'm trying to decide because I might be there as well to sign up for abalone days. Oh, okay. Ooh, but as one of the street performers. That's what I'm thinking. Yeah. I'm there to get my buskers license. Yeah. You know? Okay. So yeah, yeah, yeah. This is feeling like a Sims game. So you're there to get your your busker. That's fine. Everything. I mean, we are your sins. I know. I love it. My Barbies and my little house things play with it. Okay. You are signing up for your buskers thing. So you and Devin are just there to sign up. And Henry, so Henry, did you leave and Lissian, did you meet up after school and decide to go to the boardwalk? Let's talk about that. I think that Henry would have had a meeting with his teacher, like right after school to get the info of the whole, can I get extra credit meeting and teacher being like, no, you can get normal credit though. And so he got that information and then probably texted Lissian to update him. Like, he got out of the meeting, I have a lot of homework to do. Where do you deal? Okay. So Lissian, you get that text at the, maybe you might be leaving the school. Yeah. I close out all my abalone tabs on my phone. Good. Yeah. And I'm like, I probably just tell him to meet me down by the pier. Okay. Cool. Yeah. Meet me at the spot, the usual spot, which I think when I first fed on Henry, it was by the carousel, wasn't it? I think Ferris wheel, the Ferris wheel or the carousel, whatever you think is best. Maybe I just, I just associate carousels with vampires. Always. I can't imagine. Maybe. Why? Who knows? Nobody knows why it's a mystery, but so that's probably the spot is like right near the carousel. Perfect. Probably like some vendors. What is it? I mean, you know, I'm way out of my depth here because I don't know. Okay. So I will describe the pier. I've been to San Francisco once. Okay. That was my only time in California. Okay. So there's a Marina district in San Francisco. Okay. But there's not only peers, peers is that like I would say, I mean, yeah. So when I think of a peer, I either think of the Santa Cruz boardwalk, which you should be familiar with since it's part of the scariest movie ever made that you love and Santa Monica Pier, which is where I'm from. And so it's this like jutting outward pier. It's pretty large. I mean, this one happens to be large and it contains rides. It contains vendors. It contains places to play games. It has maybe in this one, it's a little bit more like there's a restaurant on it or a bar or two or three. And so it's this pretty extensive outcropping into the bay that people can go when it's off season. It's very chill. There may not be as many vendors open, but when it's when the seasons, you know, starting to ramp up, more people are there. Does that help? Yes. And we're ramping into season. We're ramping up into season, abalone days is like a kickoff of tourist season, really. Got it. Okay. Cool. All right. So yeah, it's just like a big fair. You're 39. Okay. Sure. Well, that was implied when you said that there are no peers and Pier 39 just cried quietly into its sourdough bread bread because all I remember from from from when I was living in San Francisco where the bread bowls there, which are delicious, but also menopause the musical, which ran for way too long on Pier 39. I don't know why. That's true. Yeah. Yeah. Not with that, no, but no, Pier 39 does exist in San Francisco area. I just posted the best gift that will explain anything for Kenny. True. I'm there. You're there. Now you understand. I'm immersed on my way to eat ass at the pier. Okay. So let's move on here from there. Please I beg of you. And if anyone has to throw up a next card, remember that our one DMS are are in effect. You can say tell them to stop. Okay. Tell them to stop. Please. I can't barely talk. So you are waiting for Henry down at the boardwalk. It's a beautiful May afternoon, beautiful breezes. The sun is bright. The water is sparkling and it is just a lovely day on the coast. Beautiful. And yeah. And so giving your sartorial choices on Lord, you know, I'm going to always ask what you're all wearing. Yeah. True. And I actually just saved some new outfits. Oh, Hey, I like that. I've been working. I've been working. I could inspire you. True. Oh, yeah. Yeah. David gets really into it. My styles changed a little bit. Okay. You say that every time. I know. That's because I have to live. I think I'm very much channeling. Oh, here we go. Yeah. Some like. 60s. Oh, yes, the Bowie. Yeah, exactly. Like a lot of Bowie. I think Lissian just is mostly dressed like David Bowie. That's like thin, thin white, deep David Bowie. Correct. Exactly. That is correct. Yeah. Berlin, Berlin. Berlin, Bowie, Berlin. Which is like kind of mid century, also parkening back to the 40s kind of pleated pants. Yeah. Yeah. Like a, yeah, with a nice button down shirt with a kind of a wider collar. Okay. It's lovely. And the kind of physique you can only get from a diet consisting of milk, red peppers and cocaine. Correct. A hundred percent. No, you're not. Oh, my God. It's so not. It was nice knowing you. See you later. Bye bye. Yeah. So yeah, something like that, which is, you know, people. And how's your hair, how's your hair these days? Pretty, I guess, how it usually kind of keeps it kind of slicked back with some dangling bits of hair kind of over his face. He doesn't have bangs right now, but it's just like a loose kind of slick back. Okay. So your hair is glowing in the breeze. Henry, you see Lucy and standing there looking effortlessly stylish always. You're wearing your quick bite uniform under a sweatshirt and walk up with your backpack. And I will give the scene to you guys. Oh, P.S. This is near the sign at Booth, by the way. Dylan, you're nearby. Devin, you also notice that Lucy and standing there and he's a melancholic thing. Oh, I have questions for you too. Never mind. Sorry. Before I give the scene to Henry and Lucy. So, so Devin, what are you remembering from the last time you saw Lucy and he's been sort of a quiet presence in the school over the past couple of days. You heard that Adrian's getting out of the hospital today. When you see Lucy and what do you think? I think, because if I recall correctly, the monster squad was at the front like outside the school and all this went down. Yes. They know Adrian got hurt but have yes, but was it connected to Lucy and it all at the time? I don't think so. I think they were just tasked with making him get to safety. In that moment it was not because Riley was yelling, yelling at everyone and Autumn was the flu scene in the bathroom. I'm wondering how things have shaken out and I count on you and Dylan as a little more reliable sources for this information and Henry, how did it shake out as to be the final outcome? Are there multiple rumors? Okay. Sorry. I'm thinking a lot out loud. This session. So, Devin, what's the rumor that you heard about who's fault that was by Adrian is in the hospital and I'm going to ask the same question of Henry and of Dylan. So, Devin, what's the rumor that you heard that is why Adrian is in the state that he isn't? Um, I think one of the rumors that's going around because this particular bathroom has been involved in multiple violent incidents and sexy incidents and normally I wouldn't even give this rumor any mind at all because it's so obviously out there, but now that I'm part of the monster squad, I kind of have to like be open to that being investigated is that that bathroom is haunted. Oh. By who? What is it? It's true. I think every time someone tells the story, yeah, it's a some different Bloody Mary, Your Rona thing. Has Lenore's name come up at all? Yes. Yes. Lenore come up at all. No one knows Lenore's. It goes. It's fine. There are different stories though, but the central joining factor, the common thread is haunting and so that the injuries may be, it like weren't even physically inflicted by something else that there was something there that caused Adrian to be hurt. I like it. I like that. Okay. Dylan, what have you heard based on everything that you've seen and heard? I'm sorry. I think I remember you're like in Kahoot's with Cora, just a reminder. In Kahoot's, yes, I suppose, chasing after her more likely, right, you know, attempting to google with Cora. And since I'm not in the monster squad, I think my rumor is much more mundane, although salacious since since Adrian is, you know, the scion of a wealthy family and everything. I think I heard that Adrian's family is mixed up with the Russian mob and that he got beaten up by some Russian mobsters as a warning to his dad or something. I like that too. It's true. Yeah. Yeah. Not true. No. All right. Cool. Well, then if that's the case, then, yeah, Henry, what have you heard in terms of how all of that is shaken out? I heard, and this is a trigger warning. I know we do got one at the top and at the bottom of the apps, but it's helpful to know activation. Right. Yeah. Especially around terminal self-harm, et cetera, Henry heard that Adrian made a suicide attempt in the bathroom. He tried to unalive himself there and Cora found him and called out for help and Riley heard because he just seems to have really amazing hearing for some reason. Everybody knows that and that's why he was like rushing out all the way, everyone, don't make me kick you through a wall and all that crap and that Adrian survived and is in the hospital still after that, and then he might have to go to psychiatric care or something like that. Might knock you back for a while. That's true. So, no. So, Lucien, what have you heard? I'm sure you've heard you've had some feelers out. What rumors have you heard? And it seems like your name is being kept out of this, which is interesting. So what have you heard and how are you feeling about this with the whole thing with Adrian? Because he stood up to you. I'm just going to add that. Mm-hmm. True. Well, I think I've heard probably everything that's all of these rumors that are going around. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. They all make sense to me. Right. Of course. Uh-huh. And... But you're the cause. You were the cause of it. I mean... Yeah. I know. Oh. I feel bad about it. Do you? Yeah. A little bit. What do you feel bad about? Because that's... Made you didn't finish the job? No, that's not me. That was... Oh. That was young Lucien. Okay. Oh. That's some young Lucien shit. Interesting. This is not what normal grown-up Lucien would do. Mm-hmm. So you feel guilty or remorseful or...? Yeah. And in fact, one of the things I want to do is I want to text Adrian. Okay. Oh. Okay. So while you're waiting for Henry... I know. While you're waiting for Henry, you're walking up. Lucien, you're going to shoot a quick text off to Adrian, because you've heard through the grapevine that he's getting out of the hospital today. So what text do you send to him? What move is this going to be? What are you trying to do here? Turn him on. Mm-hmm. Because you could use hot with this. I don't have any strings on anyone. Not right now, no. Yeah. No bonuses here. So I think what I would do... Yeah. I would probably turn him on. Mm-hmm. But not in the... Obviously, that's just like the name of the move. Like, I'm really just trying to be like... You're charming. You're trying to charm him and trying to like... Yeah, exactly. Like, I just want to be like, I text him and be like, "Hey, I feel really bad for what happened and how I've treated you. I just want to meet up and talk. Let me know. All right. Okay. Let's roll it up. Oh my God. I cannot believe this. All right. Sorry. I was just blowing my mind for some reason. So... I'm wondering if I did the hospital. Hey, bro. So sorry about murder. Almost murdering you. It's trying to murder you. Yeah. Let's see. It's a very vampire move. So we're not judging you. Okay. We're just amazed. Success. Yeah, just the odds. You're sorry for the murder. Yes. Oh, poor baby. All right. So you gain a string on them because first of all, you see that he's read it. So gain a string on Adrian. And let's see here. Does Adrian still have, was the red field a condition? No. Okay. Just make it sure. Yeah. I don't remember it being, I may have forgotten, but I don't feel like it's been attached to him for a while. Yeah. Not anymore. Yeah. Okay. So... For the very least, he would have lost it when he tried to fight you. Yeah. Exactly. So he said... Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He says, he says, yeah, just give me some time. Maybe I'll see you at Abalone days. I just put a heart react on his message. And he just gives you a thumbs up emoji back. Mm-hmm. All right. So Henry, you walk up as the scene's texting somebody. Yeah. It's the idea that Henry walks up and is waiting there, holding the backpack. Yeah. And just standing there, not slouching, but looking like it because of his clothes. While Lucian calmly gathers his thoughts, holding his phone, and types out this crafted text message, and this whole time, Henry is just awaiting Lucian's pleasure, so to speak. The text exchange happens while Henry waits, and then I think that's where we would come in, right? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Lucian, you noticed Henry standing there. Yeah. So what I'm done texting, which I noticed him long before, obviously. Okay. Yeah. But then... But unacknowledged. Yeah, exactly. Right. And then I put my phone down and I'm just like, what's up, Henry? Hey, man, I have so much work to do. If I don't get, at least pulls out my phone, looks at it, 17 of these, I need 100 points. If I don't get these done by Monday, oh, fucked. Lucian takes a step towards Henry and wraps his lengthy arm around Henry's shoulders. Devin, you noticed this. What do you do? You're noticing, like, Lucian, like, hold, like, has his arm around Henry. Um, I mean, I guess somewhere in my heart, there's relief, like knowing that maybe he's moved on from autumn to, like, a new love interest, you know? Interesting. Okay. So I'm just like, oh, okay. Nice. Good for him. I know. [laughs] That was so, so. Dylan, you know this too. Dylan, you know this too. You're noticing this as well. What do you think of this? I guess, like, yeah, I kind of think it in a similar sense, but also maybe a little more cynically where it's kind of like, oh, now that Adrian's in the hospital, Lucian has to find a new, a new friend to pal around with, basically. All right, all right, all right. All right. So, Lucian, you put your arm around Henry. So what are you doing? Yeah. I just kind of lean in, and I'm like, hey, we're going to get these done, man. I got a study for the final two. There's no way I'm going to get my great high enough to not have to. So I still have to do good on that too. Oh, my parents are going to kill me. The books that quit by it are all fucked up too. I don't know what I'm going to do. Oh, no. [laughs] That's real. It's really digging Henry in here. Don't lose. So, yeah, so Lucian, how do you respond to that? Yeah, I'm just holding him close. Mm-hmm. I'm trying to comfort him and just be like, don't worry about it. We're going to get you squared away, buddy. Okay. Trying to put a pitch right through your strike zone of, if you want to, I don't know, do a move on Henry to build him up or something like that. Yeah, either. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you can do your grown-up move, I guess. Do a grown-up move because your grown-up right now? Make everyone feel better. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's the one. Yeah. Somebody feel beautiful. It's the same. Feel like just help them feel more confident about themselves. I feel like it's reassuring if you blow them up, it has the reassurance kind of flavor to it. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I need to figure out, like, what do I want from Henry right now? Yeah. What do you want from him? I want Henry, you're close to Adrian, aren't you? Yeah. Yeah, okay. You guys went to grade school, you guys went to elementary school together, like, your families hang out, again, your parents want to be connected, the brines want to be connected to the higher-up. So the O'Connor's are definitely another family that your dad is, you know, thinks he has a connection with. He's snuggling up too. That's right. He's to make some real estate moves with them, and you do, yeah, and you and Adrian definitely, you guys were like, you know, mini-kids together and he definitely enjoyed each other's company and stuff. So, Adrian kind of is a little snooty, yeah. Did Lucian ask Henry that, or was that, like, a tabletop? I think he asked him that. Yeah, I like that, yeah. So he's, like, throwing himself on a fainting couch, Lucian, and then he, like, that question hits and he snaps out of it, and I'm like, that seems like quite a right turn, it seems low. Yeah. We're talking about Adrian. Yeah. It kind of brings him out of his reverie like that, and he's, like, yeah, man, we used to have sleepovers and stuff. I think he still has some of my chiai-chos, but we haven't really hung out in a while, but I see him all the time at work meetings and stuff like that. Have you heard, yeah, have you heard about what happened, what went down in the bathroom? I'm hearing you crazy rumors. I've been hearing a lot, but the most reliable one that I've heard was... Oh! Wait, Henry, really quick. You want to give this information to Lucian freely. I'm just curious because you are part of the monster squad. I'm just curious because, well, Lucian, I'm just wondering if you might want to be more charming about this. Just think about it, Henry. Yeah. If Henry has it in him in this moment to have the level... Lucian's so charming and handsome. Yeah. Guile required for that, like, then yeah, he would definitely want to be a little key-gy, but I also... Yeah. Don't think that Henry connects those particular dots of what he heard happen to Adrian and his monster squad stuff. Perfect. There's not the overlap, I think, in his mind. Okay. So, Lucian's wanting to know these different... Like, what did you hear? Yeah. Most... I've heard a lot of crazy shit about that, but the most convincing one I heard was Adrian had kind of a moment, man, he makes a slicing gesture. He tried to check out early, but it was Cora that saved him and got him to medical attention. That's right. That's right. I swear I heard. I swear I heard. You hear Cora's name, Lucian. What do you think? I think good. Yeah, because I just want everyone to keep my name out of the mouth when it comes to this kind of thing. Okay. Damage control. Yeah. So, like, reinforcing that rumor with the... Yes, that's exactly what happened. Exactly. Exactly. So, I'm going to roll to make you feel beautiful here. Yes. Let's do it. Which is a hot roll, and any antenna, but a 7 to 9 would be fine, and I don't have any string of strings on Henry. Oh, wait. I thought, oh, yeah. You've won on Adrian. Go on. Adrian. So, yeah. I'm telling you about how, hey, we're going to get you through school, blah, blah, blah. And then once you start talking about it, I have that little divergence into Adrian, and then I'm right back into, hey, man, don't worry about school. We're going to get you figured out, you know, just want to sandwich that in. Mm-hmm. All right. So, 7. Partial. So, 7. What does it say on the... I'm going to attempt you to do what I want as if I just spent a string. Oh, nice. Okay. Okay. So, what I want to do is pull up the strings document here. Oh, yes. Stringy strings. So, pulling strings. Which is black for me. Yeah. Oh, lovely. So, when you spend a string on someone, you tempt them to do what you want. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty much all they want to do. That'd be like... It's okay. So, when you tempt a character to do what you want, if it's not something they can reasonably do and that scene, simply agreeing to do it counts, whether they follow through on that agreement is up to them. That's just something to keep in mind. Yeah. You can offer them incentives, and so what are you trying to get him to do? You could tell me if this is a good idea or not, but I either want to ensure that Henry will come up to my place after Jars of Clay tonight, or, well, I guess we'll start with that. Just be like, "Hey, why don't you come into my place after Jars of Clay? Don't worry about your homework or anything at night. We're just gonna have a good time tonight." And then, after everything winds down, we'll get up to my apartment and we'll bust out all your schoolwork. Whoa. Okay. Dang. He doesn't know what to say really, he does the whole hand on the back of the neck thing. Yeah. Yeah, okay. I think I can make that happen, doing all the calculus involved of who's gonna close the store, covering the shifts, and all that kind of crap. Yeah. I think he can make it work. Okay. Right. Yeah. I'll be there after open night night. Awesome. Yeah. Let's just go live it up, man. We're in high school. So Henry, you get a text, that you get a buzz on your phone. Do you check it? Right. Yes. Because it could be my parents, it could be whoever's watching the store. It could be important, you know, but I would say, "Oh, hang on, I gotta check this." Instead of just looking at it, you know, excuse myself. Okay. All right. So this is something, okay, because Kenny, because you're doing Lucian right now, I'd like to have a little bit of liberty with Zan, if I could. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So... Take him for the ride. All right. So you're checking the text. It's from Zan. Okay. So he goes, "Are they?" Zan says, "Hi." So you know that webcam, that stream of the boardwalk? I can see you in Lucian talking right now. What is he saying to you? Oh. Okay. Like the camera's right there, man. Got it. Okay. I don't know that Henry is, want to say Henry's shrewd enough to realize that he wants to keep this to himself or try to, but not smooth enough to do it in a smooth way, not to do it surreptitiously. Yeah. So he pulls off and gets the message, reads it, eyes immediately flick up to Lucian. Yeah. And then like, shit immediately looks down, but I think where you like look at someone and see that they're looking you right in the eyes, you're like, "Fuck it. Look back down. Look away immediately." So look back down on the phone and kind of tilt it, right? Tilt it up. Like private combo and type back to Zan, just nothing just talking about and since open mic nights on his mind. No. Talk about JOC later and hanging out. But Devin, you see Lucian's like standing there staring at Henry. Henry's on his phone. They seem like they're not really talking. What do you want to do? You know, I totally understand when you're trying to establish a relationship and you just don't know what to do. You know, I'm happy to help out. It's like, "Oh, okay. Cool. What do you do?" I would walk over to Henry, but I'd be like, "Hey it. Aren't you guys here together? Like you shouldn't be on your phone. Like pay attention." I think Lucian giggles. Yeah, Lucian. Yeah, Lucian. What do you think of this? Yeah. He just kind of smirks. The last time you saw Devin, though, you guys were like, you know, I mean, aside from the musical stuff, whatever, I mean, you had some words about Autumn, so... We did. Yeah. And... Which is apparently taken to heart. So now we're in. We're good. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. You know when you're also noticing the kids that you know are kind of grouping together and you want to... Sure. Yeah. So, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Lucian, what do you do? When Devin says that. I think Lucian is just like... so she's tossed you aside too, huh? No, I mean, we've been meeting up every week, like normal, you know? Sure. How are... You want to shut... It sounds like it's shut somewhere down. It's a little bit. It's a shut down. Little bit. It is a shut down. So roll cold. Yeah. Let's do it. Come on. It's really just like... I think he just follows that up. Yeah. And he just follows that up with... like... here we go. All right. See how much of a twinge it causes in my poor little heart? I know. Oh, no. That's what I'm worried about. You don't deserve any of it. No, no. Oh. It starts doing pushups. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, partial. How's Adam and Riley? Wow. Okay. So choose one from below, but you come across poorly and they give you a condition in return. So, Raina, you got to think of a condition to give to Lucy and for saying this. So you follow up with how's Adam and Riley? Mm-hmm. Okay. And so what do you want? Which one? Do you want to gain? Do you want to gain a string on Devin or they gain a condition or you take one forward? I want Devin to get the condition of third wheel. Oh. That's fair. Okay. That is fair. Okay. And you come across really poorly. It's just, I think Dylan, maybe you walk up when you hear that. Dylan, you walk up and you hear them. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. And so like Lucy just sounds so arrogant. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And just does not, is just like kind of ugly and so Devin, how do you respond to, oh, I'm sorry, Dylan. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, what were you going to say? No, go ahead. Finish it up. Finish it up. Okay. So Devin, Devin, what were you going to say to that? Since it is a partial success and I do get the third wheel condition, which means I feel it. Yeah. I know. I guess because he's still isn't going to come off great about it. Yeah. You know what? I guess we have more in common than I thought before. I'm sorry. Wait. So does he get a third wheel condition himself? No, I think he gets petty bitch. Petty bitch. Petty bitch. Alright. So petty bitch. Okay. So petty bitch. Okay. So just exchange is happening. Dylan, you're walking up when you're hearing like Lucy. Okay. Wait to use that. Yeah. Yeah. Pointedly kind of throwing this barb to Devin who by all accounts has been a very nice, it was a very nice kid in your class. Indeed. Well, and I was, oh, by the way, the music ended. It did not. Did it? I still have it going. Yeah. Oh, really? I don't hear it. I know. It's a low track. It's very low. It's just my inferior, your beds then. Okay. Well, I was already kind of thinking it's time for a beach off here because I got a beach off Lucy in here because like you off right now. Yeah. No one's looking off anyone. Battle of the cans here because, you know, I mean, yeah, you're a hottie. You're a hottie. Dylan's a hottie. So it's time for me to continue my climb up the ladder here because if I can sort of publicly put Lucy in his place, it'll only help my social capital. So unfortunately, as a side character, I can't actually initiate any roles. But instead, I'll come over with a bit of a swagger and I'll just be like, what's your problem? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Henry Henry. Yeah. And at that moment, since Henry has his phone and he's texting Zann, he's gonna be like, check this out and go live and send Zann the link to it and just be standing like, my God. Okay. So, so, so, so, hey, okay, Dylan, do you put your arm around Devin? I don't put my arm around him, but I definitely position myself right at his shoulder as if we're like locked together Voltron style. Yeah. Yeah. So what's your problem, man? Yeah. Listen, what is your problem? What are you going to do? Who here is in the snakes or the monster squad? Is it the snakes or the monster squad? Well, I'm in the same. Sorry. We call it monster squad is the colloquial name. Right. They are the snakes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, Sunri and Devin. That's what other kids at school call them is the monster squad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. Extremely partial to the monster squad. Yes. So, so Henry, Henry and Devin are Dylan is going to get, try to get recruited later in the evening. Right. Perhaps. But it doesn't work. It's not successful at this point. At this point. At this point. Yeah. But he's like, what's your problem? So you want to shut someone down, keep your cool or turn someone on. But certainly, certainly Devin is, even though Dylan is a little like torn in terms of his past as a nerdy band kid, he still views Devin as his buddy. Yeah, of course. Yeah. So what's your problem, Lucian? What are you going to do? Yeah. I'm going to raise my hands up. Hey. Sorry. Cool kid, gang, Henry and I are just having a conversation. He's coming over to my house later tonight. I'm going to help him with this homework. Dylan, what do you say to that? Devin, what do you... Yeah. Yeah. There's nothing wrong going over here. So then I'll like nod to Devin and be like, I think you owe my friend an apology though. Yep. For what? For what? I saw the way you were talking to him. Yeah. I saw the way you were talking. I saw the look on his face. Okay. Devin, Devin, what are you thinking about all this? Um, I mean, this is one of the first times someone's actually stood up for me. Oh my God. Oh my God. I hear you say that, and I'm like looking at his picture in the... Yeah. In that home school. Yeah. I feel bad. Oh, you're old, you know? Aw. Well, that's last year's... That's the whole picture. Yeah. He's not here on his ID, but in this year alone he has pubertized so much. Yeah. David, show the picture that we've updated. Oh, wait. Well, no, I just have the selfie that Autumn took with Devin here when they were hanging out, you know. Let's see. Oh, let's see. Something more contemporary. How about a profile picture that's not 10 years old? Come on. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That picture, the selfie picture is still the background on my phone right now. Aw. That's pretty cute. Yeah. It's cute. It's cute. So he's grown up a bit. He's... But still, we have... He's a bit of a beaten pole though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Devin, really quick. Yeah. Okay. So Lucy, and let me make it up. Just to clarify from earlier, I have the petty bitch condition. Yes. Okay. Good. You're gonna put it up. I'm gonna burn it immediately. Oh, my God. I'm gonna... Look, I'm gonna look at Devin and just kind of like put like a feigning cry face on and just be like, I'm sorry little buddy. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Alright. Roll cold. Roll cold. Roll cold. And then pat him on the shoulder. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I like that we're reacting to this at the same level of violence as if Riley was tearing somebody apart. Like... Yeah, he did. Right. Jesus. The emotional violence. Alright. So roll with cold. Let's see. Let's see. Oh, my God. Would you just start failing rolls please? You're not failing. Oh, shit, man. I refuse. Sorry little guy. Wow. Okay, so you choose one from below. You could either gain a string on Devin, another condition, or unless this is interacting with Dylan. No, this is too. But you were talking to Devin. Yeah, this is to Devin. That was a shut someone down roll, right? Yes. Oh, I forgot. So cold as ice, I get to take two. Oh. Okay. So if I can retroactively grab one. Yes. From how's Ottoman Riley? Yes. I would like to gain a string on Devin. Sure. Yeah. That's great. Yeah. Because I am hurt. Yeah. It's feeling like it hit hard. Yeah. Oh, wait. Let me make sure that's true. On a seven or higher. You make it. Okay. Yeah. Okay. And then for this one, you get to choose two again, like you said. Yes. I'm going to take a forward and I'm going to get another string on Devin. Okay. Damn. Yeah. So this is successful. So Devin, what do you, Devin and Dylan, what do you do? You can see how much he doesn't give a fuck about either of you. Has this level of confidence and coldness and Henry, you're seeing Lucian in full, like full sway. Yeah. I've seen it through the lens of my phone screen and talking to Zann about it. Yeah. Like, do are you seeing this? So Zann, Zann's messaging you as this is happening. You're like, dude, you got it. Like he's dangerous. Because like looking through the phone screen, it usually does like stabilization and stuff like that. He's like looking at the phone and looking up at Lucian and looking back down and just the pretty natural stillness. Yeah. It seems to happen between these calculated strikes is showing up. It's something human about that because people don't move, don't not move like that. Yeah. Because you see Dylan and Devin are probably having these little adrenaline surges as this is happening. Yeah. Especially in a charged situation, you know what I mean? There's like elevated breathing, elevated heart rate and all that kind of stuff. Even just blood rushing to their faces, right? And like you see, Lucian's just like more still, more cold, so still. Yeah. They're beautiful still, completely unruffled, right? Completely. Yeah. It's, there's actually a, I've been reading Carmilla a lot and there's this description of her when she's a vampire that like, it says like a block of stone couldn't have been more still. That's right. That's exactly what I'm harvesting right now. Okay. This is scary. Because it's so close. It's eerie. Yeah. Because normally you're not right up in it like that and it's, it's terrifying. It's really scary. Okay. So, Dylan, you're seeing this response. Devin, you're seeing this. What do you two decide to do? I mean, go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah. I was going to say being thoroughly shut down, I would probably, it's very deaf and response to apologize for someone being mean to them. Yeah. And so. Yeah. So I'd turn to Dylan and be like, don't thank you, but don't worry about it. It's, it's fine. Okay. Whereas, whereas for me, since this was me trying to like earn social capital and I got shut down, my response to get mad. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, and, and, and furthermore, I'm not a member of the Monster Squad. So I just think Lucian's is the prick basically, you know. Yeah. Yeah. So I just take a step forward and I put my finger up and I'm like, you better watch yourself in. You're going to get it one day. And then I'm going to turn around and leave to go home and get my guitar so I can go back, go to the jars and play. Yeah. I have to have the best performance of your life tonight. It's a, a, a, a, a, that's all adrenalineized. That's right. That's a fueled your moves. Okay. So. And then I would, yeah. Yeah. Because obviously I'm not going to stay in this situation. I have to go try somewhere. Yeah. Eat comfort food. Totally. I would turn to Henry, like just, and I'd be like, Hey, I really hope he's nice to you. But if he isn't, you've got people that I just walk away. Oh. Lucian, what do you do to that? What do you, when you hear that? What do you think? I wrap my arm back around, back around Henry and I go, Hey, let me know you had drank Henry. Drink that moment. Do you know this? Yeah. Like a coffee or a bulb a tea or something. Yeah. I would say, like, I see milk. I see milk. I see milk. So Henry, you're still holding that phone. Did you are, and you're still holding it and it's just such a quick movement, right? Yeah. Of course. Yeah. Just next thing I know, Lucy's here and then it's over here. Yeah. It's still holding that. Yeah. So Lucy, do you notice this phone? I do, but I don't say anything. Okay. And so if you're getting buzzed, Dan is buzzing you, Henry, like, watch out, watch out. Somebody donates five subs. Right. He likes the chaotic stream chat where it's just, like, flying. Watch out. Watch out. Watch out. Yeah. Walls of, like, yeah. Shut it down or whatever. So what do you do with your phone, Henry? I'm going to try to turn it off and not turn it off, but do the thing where you, like, turn off, lock the screen and stop the stream at the same time and bumble it and actually drop my phone. Like, look at that. What do you see in what you do? I'm a consummate. I'm a consummate, gentlemen, so I lean down to pick it up in our hands touch. Oh, okay. What do you do? What happens? Yeah, exactly. Slow stand up. Yeah. And then, I, and then... We met each other. I definitely lock eyes with you. Um, and... What do you, what do you try to do, Lucy? What do you try to do? It's like a turn on. Yeah. Let's do it. Let's throw it up. I had you in my pocket and now there's all these motherfuckers getting in the way. So now I have to ramp it up a little bit, which means I, I, sorry, you're about to be the victim of a vampire's affection. Oh! Sorry. I think I'm very sorry about it, but yes, let's throw that up. All right. So I have my plus one forward, so I'm going to use that. And then, apart from that, though, I don't have anything on you. So this is just going to be the hot roll. Mm-hmm. Oh, sorry, you're mine. Damn. You keep succeeding. Don't say I never gave you nothing. Now we're going to get a fuck. I, this is what I'm saying is that I cannot level up in this game. I know. I mean, you're just... He's sucking up all the good dice rolls, but none of us are going to have any. I know. It's going to be fails galore. Okay. So you're successful. And so you gain a string on Henry and Henry, you choose, give yourself to him, promise something you think he wants or get embarrassed to neckdockward during this hand touch and the staring. Henry's going to choose, give you what I think you want, which, based on sorry, your mine on the roll, is that yes. Yeah. Okay. I am yours. Right. Like you are promising to help me take care of my shit. So I'm going to have your back and help you take care of your stuff. That's so good. Because now I'm flashing forward to thinking about all of Henry's questions of autumn. Remember, like with all this kind of stuff. And even though you're talking about Riley, there's something about Lucy and that's special possibly too. It's like this weird amalgam possibly? What do you think? Kind of a double agent kind of thing going on right now, but less of like split allegiance and more. You know, over your head, two masters kind of deal. Yes. Yeah. Love it. Just wrapping up. Yeah. So I wanted to fade out on Lucy and taking Henry to get a drink of his choice and just being like, so tell me about this gang. Oh, okay, I'm not fading out on that. I'm not. No way. No way. So you're at one of the booths and you're getting like a lemonade or something. It's so Lucy and asks this of Henry and so what, how do you want to convince him to tell you something? Are you going to roll with hot again or what? I can unless my heart stays around for that question, but I can move. No, I think let's do another role. Let's roll with hot. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's the move. Yeah. Okay. Oh my gosh. I review my Yeah, please, please. You have to review. That's what I do. And then I have a string on Henry. So that's one of this Oh my god, sorry, I'm taking a run of the title with that 15. Oh, Henry. So Henry, you are just getting, I want to say it's beyond a love bomb. It's like a power bomb. You are being inundated by somebody who is so charismatic, attractive and wants to know everything about you. It's just so into you. Yeah. And I do. Yeah. I do that thing where, you know, I buy you your drink. What is your drink? What drink do you want? Oh, man, Henry likes something that he can't get at the quick bite because he's always stuck there. Yeah. So that's very fast food, very 7/11 type of thing. So probably like a tea, like a green tea, matcha. Yeah. We matcha latte. Yeah. All organic, artisanal, all that shit. All right. So I order it. I get you whatever size you want. And then when it shows up, Lissian very deliberately wraps his lips around the straw and drinks them before he hands it to you. Mine melts. That is exactly what I was thinking. I love that so much. So gross. I love it. Okay. And the drink gets handed to Henry. Okay. Do the thing where after you take the deep sip, go to hand it on the straw like sticks on your lip and trudges it out a little bit. All maintain contact, snaps back and it'll work. All right. So what do you say to this question? How do you answer this question, Henry? I think I'm fully convinced right now that I need to tell all of the other snakes that yeah, suspicions confirmed. Lissian is definitely part of whatever is going on based on what I just now see, but I am willing to try to hold back as much information as I can, but I don't think just given the magnitude of the success of the hot rule, I don't think I'm going to be very successful. Okay. So, so is it embarrassed and act awkward? No, I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it would be an awkward sort of thing where there's trying not to, to tell stuff, but it's still like staring at you with these like beautiful eyes, handsome face and just you're like, Oh, no, right, it's just us two, you know, and then if I may, Lucy, maybe you just raises an eyebrow or something and then it's below and you know, definitely. Yeah. And then it's all crazy. Who else? Right. Right. Yeah. Nope. Yeah. So that's how we start spilling the beans about who is in it, right? Okay. Who the snakes are and who we suspect are the main movers and shakers in that. Do you mention musician? Like I'm like, that's wild. What do you guys think about me? You say that? I think it's a whole folder. So, because it's like that, like, well, as soon as you start bringing up other people, well, autumn is mentioned. Autumn is mentioned. Right. The ringleader. Correct. As are like, yeah, not a ringleader, but. Autumn is the gang. It's autumn's gang. Our first among equals is like how Henry says it. Yeah. Not how Henry gets so much. It's delusional. We are. Yeah. That's true. Got it. Got it. Okay. Okay. All right. Yeah. I think, yeah, I think once Autumn is mentioned, I'm like. The mental gymnastics that he's done. I'm like, yes. Yeah. I think once Autumn is mentioned, Lucina is like, oh, I bet she has a lot of stuff to say about me, and I think that she, yes, right, Autumn has talked not since the inception of the snakes, right, and like how that is very close to when she hooked up with Riley, it seems to have shifted to a focus on, on Lucian and Marcel, but I don't know have, have you mentioned that to, as far as to your game? Have you mentioned Marcel? That we're, Marcel, I'm hinting at it. We're moving towards it. I'm kind of setting it up, basically. Okay. So Henry would be able to truthfully say that it's like, yeah, she talks about you a lot, man, but only in the context of being like a kind of a path to something bigger. I don't know, chef. I feel like she's getting us in a lot of trouble, man. True. And, and Lizzie is just thinking, she talks about me. Oh, man. Oh, man. Okay. So I think this, this conversation, so the conversation continues and the sun is going down and Henry, you want to go to that open mic night, so you might be bootscooting out of there to Lucy and you and Henry part ways. Yeah. And just like, I'm like, hey, remember, hit me up when you're done over there. Yeah. Yeah. He's walking away and pointing out, hey, Marty, they're men. Okay. Nice. Okay. This is a detail we want to add. And so I'd like to submit for your consideration that when he fumbled his phone, didn't actually end with a stream, so when he put it on in his pocket, Zan still has all the audio and maybe it's garbled, but they're really good at digital scrubbing of audio files and that stuff. So if that's a nugget, we want to. I love that. That's perfect. That works for me. What do you all think? I love that. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Lucy and you're alone again on the boardwalk. Do you want to stay here? A good question. I feel like I'll probably dodge jars of clay just because so much happened there. I don't want everyone to confuse themselves. So I think at that point, yeah, I just imagine a shot of Lucy and like sitting alone on the pier and he's looking at his phone and he's bouncing around between all kinds of different social media, looking for notifications, opening his text messages, nothing, looking through Instagram, nothing, and it's just this scene of Lucy and loneliness and desperation for somebody. Autumn, you being on this boardwalk? I like the idea of you not seeing Lucy and there and having your own experience there and then Lucy and how long do you stay on the pier? I think a while. Okay. So it's around, I don't know, 9/15 and I think that's when Henry would text Lucy and to let him know where everyone is at Cora's place. Right. Yeah. Like as soon as we were headed that way, yeah, let me arrive. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Cause I feel like Henry would definitely still be under Lucy and strong enough to as soon as everyone's like, we're going to go there and it's like, okay. And maybe even Phyllucian on the events of the evening, not everything, but the big fiasco that ended the evening there. Yes. I agree. So there's some details. So that's like you're texting him as you all are meandering your way over there. Lucy and but one thing I want to close with, I mean, you're obviously going to be arriving at Cora's. Let's do an abyss gaze because I would say any time you're looking at social media to that extent that it is definitely an abyss gaze. Yeah. I don't have the brain rock move. You don't what? What? I don't have the brain rock move yet. Well, it is abyss gazing as far as I'm concerned. So let's do it. Let's see. And I think I'm probably gazing into the abyss. Yeah. What are you looking for? That's a good question. You're very lonely. You're looking for connection, but I'm looking for connection and I texted Adrian. So I think I'm thinking about Adrian. Oh, okay. I want to know where he's at. And so. Yeah. Well, he's leaving the house left at home now, hopefully. Yeah. So because I'm gazing into the abyss and he is marked for the hunt, I get a plus three modifier or act as if I had a plus three modifier on this. Okay. So you're not going to fail again. Let's. So I got a 12. Yeah. Holy. Yeah. Everyone just log off. We're done. Oh my God. This was a nice monster. Her. I ruined it. You did. You did. So you're looking for, you're looking for Adrian in terms of in what way, like you want to connect with him. You want to talk with him. What? Yeah. I want him to message me and be like, Hey, yeah, let's hang out. Let's talk. So as you're looking for, I guess what I'm looking for from Adrian or the abyss is I'm looking for, I'm looking for forgiveness and a path forward. Okay. How grown up I am. Well, apparently. Yeah. So you are looking at your phone, you're, you know, you're, you're swiping between different apps here in the little tunnel vision, like blinders on, that's all you can see. And you have this on your mind of just like Adrian, just eating you up and you're not resisting. You're remembering that, how it felt to have him raging at you, but then how happy you were to have him respond back to be like, we'll figure out a time to meet up. And you're looking for a way forward for forgiveness. You go on to one of his accounts, I'm not sure what the kiddos are using, but something that's documenting some of his moves around. Snapchat. Yeah. Are they back on Snapchat now? Some of them. You see some stories or whatever the hell they do there that are talking about not allowing people to have that much power over you. If you want to have relationships with people, he's professing all of these like lessons that he's learned from being rejected and how just because things don't go your away doesn't mean that it was meant for you. And he's trying to like work his own little grown up moves there, but there's still, you still see in his eyes as you're looking at these videos and these confessionals, you're still seeing like that there's this intense sadness and hurt and betrayal in his eyes, and you know that that is your way forward, like you can, you still have him on some level. You did that, you still have him, you know, like there's, yeah, exactly, it's something to work with, right? Yeah. And that even if you're telling yourself it's forgiveness, it might be something else. Yeah, I can definitely, I can manipulate him into coming back. That's right. So you realize that you do have an in, you get a buzz from Henry and you start making your way to the new voe where you know exactly who's going to be there and there are more pawns and people to play with there. And that's how we will close the scenes interlude. Thank you everybody and it's about to get even more complicated with everyone in the room. It's going to be a mess. Fucking. I'm excited. And all the, and all the fails that are about to happen too. Well, the day, there'll be many, many fails. David and I are both about to get an advance in this next scene. Yeah. I'm going to end this fucking campaign for the next hour and a half, Mark, I worry. All three of us are going to love them while you're just sitting there, successing all over the place. Yeah. Must be nice. All right. We'll take an eight minute break and then we will resume with the reunion. Mm hmm. Yeah. All right. It is night at the Nouveau. Cora, we are on the, I think you said 14th floor or eight or you're on the 14th or 17th or which floor do you ever have? Yeah. A few floors down from the fancy one. Mm hmm. So you all are gathered. Riley has been collected from downstairs, autumn has reunited with Riley. You are very happy. Thank you for reminding me of that wholesome moment. Well, it was very wholesome and a healthy relationship called wholesome, super healthy. And then we could append it. I would just imagine you're just like basically sitting on his lap in the bedroom. Definitely. And your arms are around his neck and you're just like together, Cora, what do you make of this? I mean, you have a pretty big bedroom. So all the kids are gathered. So we have Henry there, right? We have Devin there, Zan and Leetweye have shown up as well. This is a full fledged meeting of the snakes. Yeah. Plus me. Plus Cora and plus someone else because the doorbell rings. Oh, great. Let me go check that one. Okay. All right. Continue to not touch things except each other. We're going to play a little, we're going to try to do this as organized as possible. You all have your side characters. So again, Rainy, you're playing Devin, Santor, you're playing Henry, David, you're playing Dylan. I don't know. We can figure something out. It's okay. I'm good. He can text me later. Right. And, and Ken, you're playing Zans, but you're also playing your main characters. Main characters are the main focus. Doorbell rings, Cora. So your mom, I, I don't even think we'd establish names for your parents. I don't think I've taken the time to. Yeah. That's fine. So mom is getting up and going toward the door. What do you do? I think I would just tap her on the shoulder and be like, that's enough today. I got it. You can rest. All right. So she stands there staring at you in the corner of the kitchen like she does. Mm-hmm. And so she, so you open the door and who should be standing there, but Lucian. Lucian, what do you, yeah, what do you do? You just say, Hey, well, yeah, I guess I wait for what Cora's going to say. I feel like a little Lucian. Hey, Cora, do you mind if I come in? I don't mind. A lot of other people have shown up. It's weird. Like, I don't necessarily, I'm not looking for people to show up, but I'm just like surrounded by people at the time. Like the opposite of lonely. It's so weird. No. It is true, though. Like, Cora is not looking for any of these people. They just appear. Yeah. Like, yeah. But yeah, no, but I would say, yeah, but just so you know, everyone who's here is looking for you. Nice. Well, let's give the people what they want. Excellent. So I like put my arm in yours and walk you back to the bedroom. Yeah. So suddenly, arm and arm, Cora and Lucian appear in the doorway. Yeah. Yeah. And my head is in Cora's neck. Oh. Okay. Yeah. So. Is that? Yeah. How's that? Yeah. I told you. Are you trying? I don't care. I don't care. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So roll to care. Roll to care. Roll to care. So I'm just looking at, I'm always looking at these moves. You know, I'm always looking at these moves and how we can make this fun. Lucian is is burrowed in Cora's neck. Cora, what do you bake about? Are you cool with this? I mean, it's fine. Yeah. We appear in the door frame. Autumn Riley. Autumn, what do you think of this? I think I'm still writing high off the endorsement rush of reconciling with Riley. So I'm cool. I'm fine. I'm not bothered at all. Mm-hmm. Do you want to keep your cool or do you want to? I think I will keep my cool. Are you going to shut them down? Are you afraid of something? No, I'm not going to shut anything down just yet. But I guess I am afraid that, yeah, maybe I'm not cool with this after all. Riley, we'll get to your reaction in just a moment. All right. All right. So... You know what I'm mostly afraid of is testing out these dice rolls. Yeah. Yeah. The first fail of the night. Yeah. Look, I just want to say... Well, yeah. You have brought this on yourself. If you do fail, y'all have been saying, after every time I roll, you're like, "Everyone else is going to fail." So I just want you to know, you've been putting that energy out. We've created a self-fulfilling property. Oh, sure. All right. I've been quietly absorbing it, and you just, like, put it on your lips. Can he saw? His casual positivity that makes him roll so well, and it was brilliant. He just terms those dice. It's a secret. But Sati's trying to transmute it, which I admire, I think that's great, because holding the line, we'll see what happens. All right. You want to keep your cool? What are you afraid of? Yeah. Maybe you actually give them a fuck. Maybe you actually give them a fuck. That I still care, yeah. By the way, the lap sitting and the nuzzling and the giggling and so forth, can that... That'd be the extra harm for me to heal this session? Yes, yes. Okay, good. Because I'm constantly on the verge of filling up all my harm boxes, so I have to be very... Yeah, but you literally do it to yourself. Well, yeah. That's the point. That's the metaphor. That's the metaphor. Yes, Riley does. I think this reunion also removes that harm, so I'm going to... Yeah, yeah. Yeah. You guys are all nice and slushy. Absolutely. And it was from pre-transformation, so that kind of checks out. Yeah, totally. Yeah, totally. All right, here we go. Hey! Ooh! Hey! Hey! Hey! Bonti, do your job. All right. So, I don't care. Do I? So, you are going to... Nah, I'm good. You're keeping your cool. So, you gain insight. Keep your cool and gain insight. Ask the MCA question about the situation, take one forward, to acting all that information. So, what do you want to know? Lucy and Cora, you're a feelings, Riley's here. Devin is there. My name. Feeling so third wheel. Oh! Oh! Oh! No! Oh, man! Everybody's paring off for Devin. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Devin's in the corner on his phone. Mm-hmm. So, I can ask you a question? Is that... About the situation to gain insight. Because you were afraid. Is... Do I have feelings? Okay. So, since it's all business now, is this a good time to reveal my plans about taking down Marcel to everyone present? Yes. Excellent. Thank you. Okay. That's all you wanted in there. Just a yes or no question. Well, I don't know. You can expand on that if you want. It doesn't really specify, does it? It just says I can ask you a question. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah. Yes. So, just a good time. Everyone is here. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. So, just a good time. Everyone is here. Yeah. Yeah. Almost everyone. Who's missing? No, no, no one's missing. I just wanted to, you know, check Riley's react. Yeah. So, exactly. That's what I was getting there. I just wanted to make sure that Autumn... Alright. So, in theory right now is a good time, except... Right. What's Riley going to do? Yeah. So, Riley, what do you see these two walk in? You were a thought of, what's up? Riley smelled Lucian before they walked in, but I want to say that that perception was dulled by having a mouthful of Autumn's neck in the moment, right? And I think that he would break that off, getting as that sink gets closer, it overpowers that moment and stuff like that, and would whisper to Autumn just to motherfucker we want to see a split second before they round the corner. Nice. And then the spotlight, I want to say, would shift to Autumn for a big thing, if I like that. I always feel like I'm going to overstep my shit here. I'm like... No, no. I got it. I like it. No. Yeah. Everyone's just there. It breaks up whatever weird stuff was happening before they walk in. So, you all enter the room and Autumn, what do you do? I'm not going to immediately act, but I'm just noting that, noted. You know what I mean? Yeah. Back to Lucian and Orcora. Okay. So Henry sees Lucian there too. What does Henry do? Oh yeah. He would probably look at Lucian and immediately give him the hopeful expression, the nascent smile and the eyebrows rising and then maybe even the chin check with that. But then it just fizzles as Lucian's not looking at him at all. Yeah, Lucian. Are you looking at that? Obviously. Right. Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, exactly, because Henry's still a part of the game. Cora or Lucian is just like the, that's like the habit. She is feeding his habits of, well, feeding his, again, I don't want to say addictions, but yeah, those compulsions of needing attention, being physical, he doesn't have that with anybody else. Right now. Right now. So with Cora only. With Cora only. So Cora gives that. But yeah. Okay. But yeah. But when, but when he sees Henry obviously. Yeah. Yeah. And Henry is going to get the eye, you know, and even a wink as Lucian is still nuzzled into Cora's neck. Okay. So I think it's important that yeah, in front of everybody, Henry kind of lights up when Lucian comes in and is, oh, hey, man, you know, like that in spite of himself. Because I feel like the only person privy to Henry's shiftiness is Sam. Mm hmm. Yeah. And also, I mean, Devin might notice this as well. If Henry's acknowledging verbally, Lucian coming in, Devin, what do you think of this? Um, I mean, having just been thoroughly shut down and conditioned by, yeah, Lucian only powers previously, and then having to sit through like the make out session. Yeah. Yeah. That's supposed to be our game meeting and it's like, I'm like, yeah, like, why am I here? Yeah. Yeah. I think more than he has been recently, because he's been coming into his own, like he's reverted back to his shrinking in on himself, like low confidence mode. Okay. Good. Oh, good. Cool. So, so Lucian, you see Devin there, you see Zann there. I'm curious what Zann thinks of this, because Zann has all of this feed and I'm very curious what Zann has gleaned in the hours since receiving all of this information between Henry and Lucian and then being at this meeting and then seeing Lucian walk in the damn door, which I just, I don't know, I just love this. This is so chaotic. So, so yeah. So Zann heard everything basically. Yeah. Okay. I think Zann, when Lucian walks in, probably just gets up and leaves or, or is like, just like fuck this. Really? Like, maybe not leaves the house, but it's like, I need to air and go through the room out. Yeah, exactly. Go through it. Like, I got to use the bathroom or something. I'm gonna make a pop tart. Yeah. Exactly. Like, I got to get a snack. Like, he just needs to get out of, or they need to get out of the room, like that moment to collect themselves, because it's like, what is Zann going to do? They're rat out Henry in front of the whole gang, and then what happens there. Okay. Or go for it, Santi. Just if Autumn was about to like, tell everyone the master plan, if Zann starts to leave, would not Autumn be like, no, no, you should stay or something like that. Yeah, no, I mean, that's what I'm attempting to do. So I'm, yeah, I'm on it. I am on it. So, Zann, you're getting up to leave, Levi's right next to you. And he's like, where are you going, man? Zann's like, I need to get a snack or a drink or something. Okay. So Levi's looking around, and so Autumn, you see Zann trying to leave the room. Okay. What do you do? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I'll kind of detach slightly from Riley and just be like, you're not leaving, are you Zann? I'm just going to go get a drink. You want to go? Bring me one. Cool. Just whatever you're going to get is fine. Cool. And Zann just walks out. Okay. Devin, you see this. What do you make of this? I mean, I guess it feels like something's about to happen. So I'm just tensely waiting to see what this is because we had a whole, like, weird time even getting here to begin with. And now it's extra weird because I had bad stuff with Lucid that went, fed everyone's bassy milk. Riley tried to kill people and like, we're all back here. And Riley's like sitting there now, right? Yeah. They're just like, I think this is the first time I'm starting to realize that I'm in a scary situation. Ooh. Yeah. Yeah. And I think, so Levi rolls up to you and says like, oh, why are these guys here? This doesn't seem right. I mean, I know I always say we have to trust Autumn and wait for what Autumn says, so hopefully we'll know more soon. Yeah. I don't know. This seems this is just, they don't belong here. And so Levi is looking at you, Riley. He's like staring at you. What'd he do? Riley's going to stare back at Levi, but it feels weird because I don't think that Riley sees him as a threat, but he does sense anger and aggression coming from him. And that never goes over well. I have to assert my dominance in this situation here in that you don't want to stare at me too long, you know, to watch that hide a hard eye kid, you're going to be scooping it up off the floor. Right. So what move do you want to use? I am going to have to try to shut him down, I think. That doesn't play to my strengths, but I think that's on the one hand, that is an appropriate move. I think of what is like the intimidating kind of thing without making an overt, physically aggressive kind of move. Yeah. I think that's challenging for someone with your steps. So he's staring at you. Yeah. I propose to shut him down as the most appropriate, but I'm also open to other things that I would do. Yeah. What do you all think? Better at. I don't think volatile has to be physical, right? It can just true if you could start barking at him or something, you know? Lashing out physically can even just be like, I would say posturing, like using your physicality in some way to to interest to intercede or to intervene. That's my interpretation of that. I'm curious to what you all think. I agree. Can he agrees? I mean, it specifically says lash out physically, though. That's the thing. It doesn't. You feel them harm, right? You can feel them harm, right? Okay. Whereas I think I think, um, shut someone down is more of the posturing thing, you know? He can start there and see how it goes and if you can keep your cool as well, because if you're like, if he's like looking at you in a certain way, you might be afraid that you might get into darker self, you might be afraid of something you may do if he keeps staring at you. It's just these are just some different ways to interpret it. Rainy, what do you think of this? Yeah, I mean, Riley's stats are either he's going to try to use his wolfish charm or he's going to either get physical in some way or try to avoid getting physical in some way. I mean, that's it. Right. Yeah. Okay. I want to say that I want to try to keep my cool because I am afraid of using my shit, right? And it, it, I have a very, and you're not great at it, not good at it. It's a real bender from breakfast club type of situation, you know, where I want to get into this with you right now, man. Yeah. That's all fucking killing you. Yeah. And everyone here. Oh my God. So keep your cool and act despite the fear scene from breakfast. Yeah. Like, where bender wants to kill everyone. So I think, well, or he does kill everyone. So we get it. We get it. We get it. We get it. Okay. So you want to keep your cool and you're what you're afraid of, of unleashing hell if he continues to look at you like that. Yeah. Okay. Roll with cold. Oh my God. Let me do this. All right. Okay, what kind of modifiers do we have to cold here? Oh, okay. Only thing I have is my spirit armor, which is dependent on moonlight, unless we're in some, yeah, bay window seat, like every window is like a ceiling window. All of those screws are only gauzy because, of course, they are, but I don't think that there is a full moon yet. I wouldn't be basked in moonlight for this because I would add two to roles to keep my cool if that was the case, you don't have that. I don't have any strings on me by not pursuing power here. I'm trying to avoid that here. Okay. I want to figure out before, before I roll, what happens, right? One way or the other, you succeed. Well, yeah, you name what you're afraid of and roll with cold on a 10 and up. You'll keep your cool, get inside, ask me a question, or we will see how your actions would be vulnerable. So yeah. So what actions would you take? I think that if I can't keep my cool, I'm going to actually physically confront Levi, which has a whole bunch of bad looks involved in that, and I'm afraid of doing that. I don't want to do that. Yeah. Heard and understood. Let's roll this up. Okay. Let's do it. There it is. Oh, there it is. There it is. We knew it was going to happen. And it happens. Oh, my God, that's a fail. Okay. So it's my fifth experience to figure out an advance that works. Let's see this. Let's see this. All right, so what do you want to pick? So something that makes sense in this moment, right? There's maybe two things. Okay. One is another werewolf move. Which isn't necessarily the one I wanted, but the one that fits with this is unstable, right? Yes. You become your darkest self mark experience. At this point, yes. Yeah, go on. The other one, I think, is add plus one to one of your stats, right, which I think would maybe in the whole philosophy of you learn by fucking shit up, right? Are we talking about a volatile three? I'm like, holy shit. No, I was thinking of taking cold to zero because he's learning by making mistakes, learning your debt. Yeah. Yeah. It's about not keeping your shit together. Yeah. Exactly. Right. You feel very human. Whatever's about that. Oh, God. Yeah. Right. So you end up, okay, at least a little more better. I like that too. So it's up to you. It's up to you. It's up to you. It's up to you. Either way, I'm going to give you a Picard head in my hand. It's always going to happen when we're running Game Tree All. So anyway, what do you want to do? I think either choice is amazing and or any of those are amazing. You know? Okay. What do you think? What do you guys think? Do you think cold come into zero or unstable being highlighted? What do you, which, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, unstable. I'm like an unstable as well. Yeah. Yeah. Good. Cause it's how I was eating. You went on. I mean, I could go the other way, but it doesn't matter. Cause it's like. All the way. It's not so bad. It's not so bad. It's not so bad. I mean, well. Well, so what are the. Also once unstable. This is the thing. Right. So I was talking out of it. And no one did. No. That's how it was leaning. I was saying. So we'll talk me out of it. We're all like unstable. Good. Unstable. Yeah. So I'm like character. Unstable. Like burn it down. Yeah. And this economy. No. No. So when you become your darkest self mark experience, so anytime Riley is darkest self, he gets to mark experience. If that's a great time, that's why my whole goal and I'm going to take that. Destroy. What? What? I need XP. Well. It's true. We'll start failing roles. Yeah. I know. So Santi would he pick for Riley here? I think learning from my mistakes makes more sense. It feels more honest for you. Yes. You can throw the grown-up move here. Interesting. If I'm 100% on it. Okay. Let's do that. Then let's do that. I can't go and move to cold zero. Especially because you're about to embarrass yourself in front of me right now too. Oh, yeah. So. Well, that's a really good point. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be difficult. Yeah. It's going to be very painful. It sure will. There we go. Okay. Cold zero. It's official. And here we go. So Levi is staring at you and you're staring back and you suddenly remember everything. You remember killing his dad. You remember the scene. You remember crushing Levi's spine. And you remember just, I mean, taking a chunk out of his dad and eating it right in front of his eyes. Okay. Well, he's laying there smashed like a bug into the street. You remember everything. Whereas before, your memories can sometimes be foggy, but in this case, as he's staring into your eyes, you're remembering his glassy eyes staring at you as you're devouring his dad in front of him. While he is in, he can't feel his legs. He can barely feel his chest. And this is all happening and then off you go into the night. What do you do? Okay. That is psychically going to hit me like a truck and, but Riley's reaction to assault and aggression is assault and aggression. And at this point, we're still sitting together, right? Yeah. Autumn is on your lap. Cora and Lucian are kind of, where are you sitting in the room? Cora and Lucian. Well, I mean, we were still in the doorway. I don't think anything's changed yet. But maybe to make space for Zann, Zann kind of just busy watching her brush by to do that. And then yeah, your nemesis over here, I guess, Levi is over by Devon near the windows. All right. Remembering all this, I mean, that's going to put Riley in a pretty dark place. He's been trying to be a lot better, but right now is this hasn't really spooked. And I think he knows that Levi's always been suspicious of that. So I think that he's going to go ahead and confirm those suspicions, right, while remembering all of that now. Oh, yeah. And it's, oh, God, I can't believe I did that, but was trying to stare me down. So it's going to channel against his will. He would have been able to like not do this at he succeeded, keeping his goal, keeping his goal, but because of that failure, he's, he's channeling that as aggression back towards Levi. Yeah. So what do you do? Oh, I'll reach out. And I think that as I reach out, this kind of shrugs autumn off, you have kind of no choice, but to stand up. Yeah. What's going on? What? I'm waiting for my turn. Carry on. Yeah. Okay. Grab ahold of, I want to say a part of Levi's chair. That's not necessarily a crucial piece of its workings and stuff. It'll still work. But something that would show like a display, a vulgar display of strength, because he's going to grab ahold of it and squeeze it while he's looking at Levi and say, you know, yeah. Okay. So I would say that there's like the handles behind his chair. I mean, they're not so jetting out. I mean, it's a very streamlined chair, but they're, they're still handled there. And so if you got like close to him enough so that your arm is almost like over his shoulder to hold this handle and so the handle being whatever you're going to do to it, whatever you do to it. Yeah. You got the idea is that the metal is being deformed where like, it's beyond normal human strength. Oh, yeah. So it's being like bent and like it's making that screeching metal sound of like cold metal being bent against its will. And he's looking him in the eye and saying try and to growl it out of him. But I want to say it's loud enough for everybody to hear. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. You're lucky you made it out alive last time. You miss your dad so much. Maybe I can send you to go see him. Oh, my God, bad over the top. Jesus. Oh, my God. Okay. So, Rainy, you have some fun. Whatever violence is going to happen, my one complication would be, especially with Devin being right there and lead by being his friend, he's going to get in the middle of it. Yes. Because he's not just going to let someone do something to lead by. He has no ability to do anything about it other than being in the crossfire as it were, but he will get in the middle. No. For sure. Okay. Operation issue. He's been over two talked to him. They're like, right next to him. They're right there. And so you are like, yeah, you're receiving it. And once again, I'm being ignored by these weird monster people while they just act like I'm here. Yes. Oh, my God. The rage. I'm here, baby. Damn. Oh, my God. So, Autumn, you are. Okay. So, Devin noted. Okay. So, this is, but this is all happening at the same time. So, Autumn, you're like suddenly, whoa, Riley is just up in a swift movement and just in Levi's face and Devin's face almost like essentially, what do you do? So I'm watching Riley to make sure that it doesn't look like he's about to, to hulk out, so to speak, but I think I'm also in danger of losing my cool cause I'm also volatile too. Yes, you are. So try to keep your cool and I am all the X men's eyes are getting white at the same time. Where's Professor X with you? Yeah, I know. This is happening in my bedroom. You love it. That was really real. But it is messy. It is messy. Okay. So, let's see here. All right. So, I'm going to try and keep my cool. Try it. And what I'm afraid of is that obviously I will be able to, because what I want to do is spend the string I have on Riley to compel him to calm the fuck down, right? Yeah. The mechanical terms, what I'm afraid of is that I'm going to lose my shit to the extent that I can't even do that, you know. Okay. Okay. So you can't control him. You have to control him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm afraid I won't be able to control him, which is. Okay. Okay. So we're going to do, we're going to see if Autumn can have some type of mitigating. Yes. I have a feeling that Lucy and is just loving every fucking minute of this. Can I say something while this is happening? Yes. Okay. So would it, would it fit after Autumn does what she does or fails at what she does? Before. Before. I think Lucy, I just kind of like, obviously he's loving it, but he's going to be like, Hey, Autumn, get your dog on a leash. Oh, fuck. It ain't. Right. So that's kind of simultaneous. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And Cora, Cora, what are you thinking about this? Because you're just like, I, what the fuck? I mean, honestly, what Cora is probably thinking about is in this chaos, how do I get to the files that are here to keep my promise? Okay. Okay. So how do you want to really care what they do to each other? Yeah. Okay. Because everything's sort of just like in, in play. Yeah. So where are those files? I mean, it has been established that every member keeps some of them in their backpacks. That's right. They've gotten like scattered to the wind at this point. Yeah. Yeah. Levi has some of them. Yes. Levi does have some. I don't know if that then has any because he's not really one of the info people he's more than Henry. And Henry. Yeah. Henry has some too. Okay. So Henry Levi, I think Henry and Levi, we can say safely that they have both files if you combine them together, it's all of them. So I'm going to say Levi has Riley's files and Lucian's files and Henry has Cora and Autumn. Okay. Would that be okay? Because I like the idea of Henry not having Lucian's files. Yeah. It makes the most sense too. Okay. It can be as delusional as he is. Exactly. So Autumn. It's so old. Thank you. So very much. Yeah. Well, yes. Hello. So Lucian you're like, keep your dog at a leash or whatever. So you hear that cold voice that Lucian has, a powerfully cold voice in your ear. It's just like getting blasted with like cold. And yeah. Are you trying to? Trying to keep my cool so that I can keep cool because I can spend a string on Riley and compel him to calm the fuck down basically. But I'm also wondering if Lucian's trying to shut you down a little bit. Yeah. But I've got to keep my cool first. Yeah. Let's keep your cool and then we'll go. Okay. We'll go from there. No, but this is how you get roles. This is how you roll. Okay. That's how you get fails. Watch. Watch me fail. Watch me. Watch. Watch. Watch as Autumn fails. So Autumn roll. Keep your cool. Success. Wow. Okay. Success. Wow. What a concept. So choose one from below. So choose one from a blow. So Riley, this is a string on you. If they have no strings on you, you gain a string on Riley. Riley gains a condition or you take one forward. That's for keeping my cool. I wasn't shutting him down. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. That's my insight. There's a lot of moves being thrown around. There are a lot of things happening at the same time. Okay. So I can take one. I can take a plus one forward. I'll ask you a question. Gain insight. Okay. Ooh. Can we change it up a little bit? Because I want to ask you a question. Oh. Yeah. Sure. Ask them to take questions and gain insight. Yeah. Okay. So if I spend a string to compel you to settle it down, will you accept that and take it? Oh, yeah. Okay. Thank you. Only because we still have this sex move still active. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. This is for now. Till you hurt. Okay. That's right. Right. Right. Right. Right. This is for now. Till you hurt. That's right. For now. Okay. Or not. All right. But because of that deep spiritual connection. Yeah. It lets you jerk the leash and instead of turning around and snapping. Right. The leash gets jerked. The leash. All right. Good night. Y'all need Jesus. We're fine. We're fine. We're all stocked up. Thanks. I think though that not a condition but a flavor of that would be that the aggression gets redirected to you for just a moment and you like see that before it evaporates. Like you need to pull the attention and you're like, whoa, maybe this dude could. Yeah. And Devin sees this too. Devin sees the way that Riley turns on autumn. This is all happening at once. So autumn, what do you do when Riley does that? Yeah. So I think I definitely, I'm not going about it in a very constructive way. Nonviolent communication is not my strong suit. And so what happens is basically Riley, you're, you're staring down at Levi and his chair and you spent the handle on his chair and you growled at him. And then all of a sudden, and I, I don't know if we've ever specifically said how tall Riley is, but I'm picturing him as quite a large person, six foot at least, right? And whereas autumn is five foot one, if she's lucky, but suddenly she's standing between you and Levi and just looking up at you. And it's like, Riley, I swear to fucking God, if you make a scene here, sit the fuck down. Nice. Okay. And so all that. Yeah. There we go. Thank you. Yeah. Riley's not happy. Thanks. So yeah, if you accept that request, you get an XP. Yeah. To sit the fuck down, I'll accept that request. But like I said, as soon as you like, yeah, say that, Riley snaps around to you. And for just a split second, you have that doubt of, this is my. Situation ship, my lover, my, whatever, my, it's complicated. They would never hurt me. And that shifts to, oh fuck, are they going to fucking hurt me? It's like real bad right now, you know, and then it drains. Right. Okay. Yeah. He'll sit down, but still be looking at Autumn. What just happened? And that's the cold, and that feels like the cold zero, which I love. Yeah. Okay. That's cold growth. Yeah. Okay. So this all goes down. Devin, you see this, all of this. And what do you do? Um, weird exactly does Riley. Slink to when he backs off. Now I'm picturing the room like they were sitting on the bed. Right. And then I like to mangle to wheelchair. Yeah, which is facing like your backs and Levi's back is to the windows, right? So the windows are facing the bed. They're on the edge of the bed, the foot of the bed that he leaps forward. Autumn leaps in the middle. And you're right there too. Holy shit. You can feel the energy is just totally strange. So that's how I'm picturing it. Whereas Cora and Lucian are like on the side near the door frame still. All right. Devin has definitely stood up during this whole altercation. And as Riley moves away, he's standing with his hand on Levi and just staring at Autumn. Wow. Like waiting for her to fix this. Yeah. Oh man. So Autumn, what do you do? Oh, Lucian, yeah. Well, I was gonna say, I think Zann by this time is back with the dreams, but is outside the door and recording with his phone. Ooh. Specifically on Riley. Nice. Okay. Yeah. I'm gonna get million views for real. So, Autumn, what do you do when Devin's looking at you? So I'm assuming like it's one of these situations where the air has just been completely sucked out of the room. Oh, yeah. The vibe is in shambles as they say. It is. It is in the shambles. Yeah. Well, all eyes on me to quote the possibly late, great Tupac. We don't know yet. You know, could speak out there. Oh man. Waiting to reveal himself, allegedly, exactly. So I guess this is the good, this is a good time as Eddie. I say, look you assholes. Everybody, everybody, I break eye contact with Devin and I look around and I say, look, I've had about enough of this shit because we're all fighting amongst each other. And we're not the enemies here. The real enemy lives one floor above us. The real enemy is the person who built this fucking tower, whatever the hell it is. And it's the person who's destroying this community and who's robbing people of their lives and livelihoods. Do you look at Lucian when you say some of this? Mm-hmm. Lucian, what do you do when Autumn's looking at you with these words? I need to keep my cool. Let's do it. Definitely. What? Which I've never done before. I don't think. Maybe once or twice. Maybe once. I could have sworn we just did it like two hours ago. Did I keep my cool? No. No, shut everyone down. That's all. Oh, okay. I think that's why it was. It's what I've got. Lucian's never afraid of anybody or anything. That's true. He's afraid of some things. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. No bonuses here. Okay. Let's just try it. Yeah. It's just raw dog and cold here. Mm-hmm. Do I need to name what I'm afraid of, I guess? Yeah. Where are you? Straight off. I don't know. Autumn. What about Autumn? What about Autumn? I know. What about Autumn? It's scary. Then I've done my job. Yeah. Okay. So this whole thing with Cora, trying to grab all these other people, it's really just to fill this hole that Autumn left. And when I came in, I was muzzling in to Cora's neck or whatever, but it was really just to be kind of a fuck you to Autumn. Also, there's something very alluring about Cora's blood. I mean, yes. Let's be forget. That also, yeah. But I'm afraid that when Autumn's looking at me, she's going to catch the way that I'm looking at her. Which is what? Because this is what I- Longing yearning or- Yeah. This is like pride. Like look at her, she is again, this is what she could be. This is what she was meant to be. And because of me, she's now achieving this kind of status. She's beyond mortal now. Yeah. You're enjoying the fact that she is being a supernatural being. Yeah, exactly. And it's a point of pride, like you said, but also yearning for her to get close to her. Okay. Absolutely. Yeah. To just be like, look at what we could have been. Hmm. So you don't want her to see you looking at her like, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I can tell you how your actions would leave you vulnerable and you can choose to back down or go through with it. What action do you want to take? I guess the action is just staring at her. Like her. Do you need to stare at her? Yeah. Like a bit too long or in some kind of way. Okay. I mean, okay. So I'll tell you that- I'm no longer in Cora's neck or anything like that. Right. Right. You're just transfixed by the way that she's acting and then her intervening with Riley and then her standing up feeling like, look, you assholes, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Seeing, seeing autumn in her power. Okay. So in terms of what would leave you vulnerable, like I never view that as necessarily a bad thing is that she would see how you really feel and she may, she may return the feelings. She may cut it off with Riley and be with you or figure out a way to include you and whatever the hell it is that they're doing, but all I'm saying is, it would leave you vulnerable is that she would give you exactly what you want if she saw the look in your eye saying and you can choose to back down or go through with it. I think when she looks at me, probably catches a bit of that stare and then Lucian averts his gaze, turns away, backs down. Oh, so Autumn, how much of this do you see? Does it register at all? I don't know, did Lucian roll? Did Lucian roll? Yeah. It kept his cool. I got a partial. Okay. Partial is a partial success. So I told him how his actions would make him vulnerable and then he could choose to back down or go through it. He kind of, he kind of semi went through with it. Yeah, yeah. So it's whether or not, I would say. Well then, I think, yeah, I think, I think definitely, yeah, yeah, definitely. What do you think of that? I think that went away for the moment. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So she returns your look right before you look away, but you don't know how long she's looking at you. So Riley, you're sort of like, been neutralized a little bit. So Autumn. I think. Yeah. Okay. So all of this is going on, Cora, what do you make of all of this? So Cora lives in this fancy apartment building with her big parents, her big parents. Yes. So I guess to complicate this matter since everyone's like, let's get Marcell or whatever. Like they're the only possible way that I live here is that I have made some sort of promise to Marcell, so abyss when I ask you is, what is the promise that has given me this apartment? It's spicy. Ooh. Ooh. I like that. And oh, yes. And this is reminding me too of something that we promised to do at the top of the sesh, now that we're like almost done with the sesh. So, Rainy, you and I were talking about how when everyone started that we're starting with more advanced skins, the skins than you, is you're starting with a whole new character, a whole new skin. So we were trying to figure out a way to make it so that you would be powered up within reason so that you could keep up with everyone and have some more agency in your role. So I am asking if you would like to take an extra move so that you can be on the same level as everyone else. What does the group think of this? You're cool with this? That's fine. Yeah. But I always think right now, because of how wonderfully I failed last session, I literally I'm one away from advancing at this point. And I would like kind of okay to let it riot if you. Are you sure? Yeah. Okay. I'm okay. But I want us to at least be as this is part of our process and understanding like, oh shit, we maybe should have done that at the start of the session because core is so good. But we just want to make sure that maybe in the future, if any of you were to decided to take a new skin and a new character, like you can take a new skin as who you are now. But if you take a totally new skin, totally new character like what Rainy did, I think and you're playing with more advanced characters, I think what we could do is modify it slightly so that kind of taking one forward as his ability. Yeah. Yeah. Knowing what you're getting into with all this. Exactly. I think we just didn't notice because Rainy chose the most OP skin. You know, Rainy's OP. Well, yes. Well, also Rainy's OP. Yes. It's true player. Uh huh. Not for nothing. If I were you, Rainy, I would take another move and then when you advanced, take it. And then level and take another. Yes. That's the way to go. That's what I'm offering. That's what I'm offering. I would take it. I think that makes sense. Thank you. Santi for saying this. It's like a balloon payment. Thank you. So we're going to do it right now. So that's it. That's it. You are taking it. I don't give a. No. So if you fail, yes that's happening. So if you are, if you are going to move, you take a move now, you'll probably get in advance in the next five minutes and then you can take another move and we're just going to deal with it because I feel like Cora and we can justify it narratively. I have an idea for the letters going to take and it would make sense. I think Cora didn't really feel their power until that whole night with Lucian when they realized that like where they have power is in reflecting the people that they're interacting with. I love them. And the one that I was going to take next because of that was the hollow skin ability strange impressions. Yes, read that with strange impressions when a main character harms you or helps you heal, you can respond by studying them with wide eyes. If you do temporarily gain one of their skin moves and add it to your character. It disappears once you use it. I love it. I love that so very much. So let's say that because I've been in this wheeling, dealing, figuring everybody out. You know, I'm the only way because I literally don't have other than people breaking contracts. I have no way to really harm anybody because my volatile is negative. I don't have moves that harm is not how I do. No. So I feel like now I'm at a point where if someone decides to fuck with me, I use their own shit against them. I love it. I love that. I mean, it feels even though it is a hollow move for the hollow skin, I feel like it is bay-ish, you know, it is bay adjacent, yeah, for sure. So let's do that, beautiful. In the meantime, yeah, what were you wanting to do when all of this is unfolding in front of you? I think what I would do is obviously autumn starting to give the speech and everything and like making eyes with Luzan and all that stuff, which is kind of... And as Luzan peels away from me to be all intransceden stuff, yes. I would make my way over to Levi to show concern. Love it. With Devon right there because I ignore Devon too, because we all do. I'm squatting down to be at his level, you know, and everything right in the eye. And I'm like, are you okay? And then quietly, even though I know Devon can hear it, I'm like, I can keep those files safe so he can't get them from you. So that's great. I love that. I love that. So are you rolling? Do you want to roll something for this or you roll it off? Yeah, I think this is a turn on because I'm trying to make him do something. Because also like it's hardening back to when Levi was asking you to help him collect the files, right? Yeah. When you're in the hall. He has an active promise to me to help me figure them out anyway, so I feel like there's some trust there. There is some trust that's been built. So let's roll it up and see what happens. See if I can get another move immediately, right? Oh god. Okay. Oh my god. Mm-hmm. I have no strings or anything to hold anybody. Hold on. Actually. Oh. Riley is scary. I would like to use that. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. This is all part of this. Oh my god. Because it's about Riley. Yes. Okay. Bye. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Okay. Okay. What the hell? Oh man. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man. You didn't even have to wait for it. No. We all knew. I mean, the way we were talking about it, we knew. We knew. We were like, okay, this is going to definitely happen. Yeah. Okay. Oh my god. This is fantastic. I just want to put that on the record. Right. I am going to with my advance. Yes. I'm going to take a fame move. What is it? I'm going to take unashamed, I give someone a string on me to add three to my attempt to turn them on. Oh damn. Okay. Because I'm not going to be not hot again. That's, that's good. Never again. Never again. Yeah. I'm going to get risk with how I do this to make sure it works. Yeah. Especially in this room, right? Because this is the same room that you were ugly, quote unquote in, right? Oh no. That was my self. That was my self. That was my self. That I agree with you. Okay. Okay. No, that's right. That's right. Okay. Okay. Okay. So when you see Levi look at you, when you're offering this, right? Yeah. And something must have happened and you can help me with this if you want, but I feel like again, your true image, your true visage is coming through again. It's so obvious. It's so unearthly and weird. And he rolls away like, like, he's never seen this before. It's totally scary. And yet, and yet it is also mesmerizing and really staggeringly beautiful. Yeah. Like he is. I mean, my true form, I know people say it's not about it, but it's great. It's amazing. I'm so it's like, I think so too. And so I feel like it goes from like this mixture of horror to like, then just being ostrich in. And so it's almost like that whole thing when they talk about like angels, what angels actually look like, and they have to be like, be not afraid. Just chill. I know this is really weird. I have been with cool angel. But it is that sort of thing where then he is suddenly like, really like, oh, like, I can, I can trust you. So it's almost like, y'all, please keep me honest about this. I just want to make sure that I'm doing this right because it's really actually harder to think of fails than you might think. Yeah. And to justify the advance at the same time. So I feel like it's this roller coaster of being terrified at first and then being ostrich in and mesmerized with what he's seeing. If you don't mind me taking Devin over a little bit. So I think, I think what ends up happening is Levi doesn't act on it. He's mesmerized and doesn't know what to say or do. But Devin hands you the files, takes the files out of the, like he knows where they are. So he gets them and hands them to you. And then since it's a fail, can we just assume that Zann has gotten all of this on the everyday? Zann is filming all of it. Even your fluctuation of your face, he's getting all of it. And so Levi might not have been able to hand them over to you, but Devin definitely could, which again, he's just seeing you look even more charismatic, whereas Levi is seeing a mixture of the two. Okay. Does everyone feel like that's a good way to, I think it's messy enough to still work. Yeah, because one of the reactions is exposed to the danger of secret to the wrong person. Yes. Very young. Yes. Okay. And having to delve into Levi's backpacks, he and the handle of the chair all fucked up right there to you. Yeah. There's so much here. Yeah. It's a delicious layer. It is. But you get the files, Cora. What do you do with them? Um, I think I would. Just to make it as obvious that I have them. I don't know that's an art, you know, it's the whole thing, but you know, I'm very much playing it off. Yeah. And also to make space, because this is one of my allies who I want to feel safe here, is I kind of like flop over on the bed forcing like Riley and them to move aside and make room between and then just like the file on the other side. Yeah. And like that. Yeah. Yeah. That's so good. So, Autumn, you're attempting to rally the troops. This is happening. A bit of chaos. Zann is kind of paying attention. No one's really paying attention. No one's really paying attention to you. And the last person who gave you a look, Riley's getting flopped around on that bed. And then Lucy is the one who's staring at you with a meaningful look. So what do you do? No one's really listening to you. All right. So even though it's not my forte or my idiom at the moment, I need to try a turn on roll. And I know that normally these are directed as a single person, but I'm wondering if I can broadcast it out into the room to just try and get everybody to focus on me. You know. Okay. Okay. Right. Because that's what I need is for people to pay attention to me so that I can like actually tell them what's up. Yeah. Yeah. Right now the only person who is Lucy. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which I mean ironically is maybe the person who most needs to hear this. I don't know who needs to hear this, but what are you doing? Yeah. I'm going to, I'm going to apply my plus one for my gang. I have a plus one forward from last session for talking about my plans to take down Marcel. That's a plus two. So I'm just going to say this isn't really a, this isn't really like a, it's, it's hot in the sense of what is she just saying kind of thing, you know, because I'm just going to say Marcel needs to die and this building needs to fall. Oh, that is very, well that feels more volatile really. It is a bit volatile. I don't know. Can I, can I make a turn on rolled my volatile? No. Um, I'm only going to go hot. It's fine. Yeah. It is very hot bludded to say that, but hot is really about sexiness. It's not really about saying we have to commit violence. Yeah. So I don't know if that's even, I don't think you can use hot actually. I think what you want to do is you want to shut down the chaos and you're saying this needs to happen like, wait, sorry, I'm losing track of all my handouts. So you want to shut down everyone with cold. Okay. I mean, I'm equally terrible with that. Oh, no. I'm cold. Good. I'm good. I was thinking about dark. I was thinking about dark. All right. So you're shutting down, you're trying to shut down this chaos. Yes. Yes. And that feels, I mean, I would say you would so coldly say this. Yes. Yeah. All right. So let's switch. If I may, David, please, even just to, to rephrase what you're saying, harnessing cold, just be like, I'm going to fucking kill Marcel. Okay. Yeah. I'm going to fucking kill Marcel and blow up this fucking building. Yeah. There we go. All right. What do you want to say? I was wondering if did you have any flavor in there of, and you're going to help me? Or is that? That comes next, that comes after everyone. Yeah. That comes once everyone looks at me. Ah. If everyone. I just need to get everyone's attention. That's it. That's me shutting, shutting down here. So hold with the plus two further modifier on that. So I'd like to see this roll fail. Oh. Oh. Oh. Fifteen. Sixteen. Really toilet. That one. Yeah. Oh. So on the way you say this is so chilling. Yeah. I mean, it is very, very cold. You can choose one from below. I mean, taking one forward makes the most sense there. Okay. So everyone in the room is looking at you. Cora, you hear this, Riley. You hear this. It cuts through all of whatever feelings you're washing. Lucian, you're actually broken out of the spell of wow, isn't she amazing? And I made her this way. She has this idea and you hate Marcel from time to time. And all of the side characters too are all staring at Autumn because she is the ring leader. Autumn, what do you do? Next, they're all looking at you. All eyes on you. I'll just scan around that room again. I say, who's in? I'm the first one to stand up. Oh my God. Is that true? Okay. Riley, what do you think of this, Cora? What do you think? I'm going to give you all a chance. So when Riley sat the fuck down, I think the way he did it wasn't a very Riley sort of way. Like the aggression drains out of him, but he steps past Autumn so that he's not near Levi anymore to the nightstand by the bed. There's a corner there. Just kind of swipes everything off of it, turns around and sits down on it, but crosses our looks down. So when she does her whole enthrall everybody thing that's when he looks up and stares at her. And then when she says who's in, he doesn't have to stand up or anything like that. It's just a nod kind of thing. It's uncharacteristically subtle for Riley and very, very cold and collected and calm and going in with that, there's just a fuck yeah, a nod that he does. Okay. I like that. Cora, what do you, I want to, between Cora and Lucy and I don't know, because Lucy, I'm willing to play that. I just want to see what the other main characters are thinking before we give you that moment. I would not be the first person to volunteer to get in the middle of this because I'm too intertwined in some of these situations. Because we need to find out what, we need to find out what Marcel, you, you, the promise, right? Yeah. Because somehow I've been living here with two fake parents who apparently never leave or eat. Yeah. So there's something going on. There is. So we'll get to that. We will get to that. So Lucy and yes, you are the first to, to stand up and you say that. So Autumn, what do you do when Lucy and does that or Lucy, are you trying to turn her on or what are you trying to do with this move? Yeah, I think that's a turn on. Let's do it. I just needed to suss out the other main characters to see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is true. Okay. So Autumn, you say who's in and Lucy and is like, I'm like, what did you say again Lucy and do you remember? I just stand up. Stand up? Okay. Yeah. And I just, I look at her and, and not. Yeah. Okay. All right. Let's try this. I don't have anything. Well you have hot. I mean, hot is one of your, yeah, yeah, I don't have any bonuses though. No. Seven, partial. Okay. So, so Autumn, you can give, you can give him a string or then you can choose Autumn, your reaction from the three here. Oh, let's see, I'll give him a string. Okay. Describe that action. So Lucy is looking at you, Autumn and Autumn, you're looking at it. So we had had that, we had had that moment of, yeah, very subtle. Yeah. And then I turned away, did my little thing, quietly dropped my bomb and then he stands up so that brings my focus back around on him. And this time we actually do lock eyes in a longer gaze that's a little more meaningful and Lucy and you can see in Autumn's eyes, there's a little bit of a thank you. There's a little bit of a gratitude there. So it's kind of like plus one to Lucy in the moment. Lucy, what do you think of that? I think we just look at each other. I think he starts to say something and then what does he want to say? We don't know because Zann cuts him off. Oh. Hmm. What does Zann say? Zann comes in with the phone that they've been recording that they've been with. Yeah. Yeah. God damn it Zann. I know. And Zann just goes, what the hell are you talking about, Autumn? And puts his phone away. Oh, finally. Yeah. What's the phone? Good thought about about a half hour ago. Yeah. Is there like, but now I have like a video of Autumn being like, I'm going to fucking kill Marcel and burn this. There's so many ground birds. Yeah. And what are the building of? Yeah. Or probably as much extra referral murder. Yeah. Exactly. And Zann just tell me you're joking. Oh, my God. Okay. You say that? Yeah. Okay. Autumn, what do you do? Those files, where are they? Were they produced? Were they brought out at all? Which ones? The folders that Cora was trying to get. Yes. Cora has them. And if you, I mean, you don't have to worry about those. Henry also has some files as well. Yeah. Henry has them. He's right there next. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Devin handed the files to Cora and I put them somewhere in the pile of laundry at the other side of that's right. All right. So I'll look at Zann and I'll say you're all in on making this town. That's better. Right? You want to, you want to drive all the monsters out. You want to kill some monsters. Right? That's why you signed on with me, right? I think that's nice to just has like a growing look of horror on his face on their face. Yeah. Levi is looking at Zann. Levi looks over at Devin. Riley picks this moment to stand up behind Autumn to kind of outline her. So she's all little in front. He's just by sheer presence, standing behind her, not, I really doing anything, just being there and being huge. So Zann says, yes, Zann says that Levi's looking at Zann, Levi's looking at Devin. Devin, what do you think of this? Um, Devin looks down at Levi says, yeah, there are innocent people who've been hurt. He looks at me and I mean, all right, Riley would probably try and keep it real from his perspective because, you know, it's not as though he hasn't sustained all kinds of harm. Some of it pretty. Yeah. But you just sexy. Oh, that's true. It doesn't kill. Yeah. But, well, you're a monster. So, I mean, you know, but, uh, no, we dream in the hospital, Levi's dad is dead and he's in a wheelchair. Try to talk to me about your problems. Mm hmm. Look, it's not, it's not suffering Olympics, okay, trauma is trauma. So. Um, so when Devin says this, what, what do you really. But when Devin says this, I think Riley would just say, oh, I know you have no idea how much some of us have suffered the links we've gone to to get where we are right now. Just to be here and watch all of you fuck around and try to fuck it all up. You can't see what we're trying to do here, what she's trying to do. What's it going to take? How many more are going to have to die or end up forever changed eyes flicking down to Levi before he realized this is bigger than all of us? It's another hot Riley's beef. All right. Okay. Mm hmm. It's got my back. Oh, yeah. So autumn, you're into this? Oh, I'm into it. Absolutely. Oh, it's interesting. Stuff, okay. Fending, auto my thing. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Can't you see what you trying to do here? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay. So you want to roll hot for autumn because I don't know. Yeah. I mean, it's kind of a bird growing me on. Yeah. Yeah. Let's be real. Okay. Yeah, okay. All right, here we go. Oh my God. We've got one for defending autumn, not calling us a power move here. There's no autumn conditions here and strings, I do have a string on Devin that I think I'm going to pull to see if you can get to, well, hang on. Well, it's with the strings you can attempt them to do what you want. Give them a condition, add one to your role against them or add one to the harm you deal them. Yeah. And I'm not really rolling against him, so I'm going to take that one back off of there. That's not what this is. Okay. Where does adding one? Yeah. Yeah. All right. Let's see here. Partial. All right. Partial success. Get on the water. Be a new string. Yeah. So, autumn, you want to give Riley a string or do you want me to do it? Absolutely. Definitely get him a string. By the way, not to throw chum in the water or anything, but I'm thinking for my next move or maybe the one after that of taking loyal, whoever currently has the most strings on you is your master. When you take action to protect or help your master, add one to their role and they gain a string on you. When you become your darkest self, your current master loses all strings on you. You know, not saying that Riley and Lucian should be competing to gain strings on me ahead of me taking that move, but if you were smart, you would be doing that. Yeah. He would be. Totally heard. Totally heard. If I was a man. So, autumn, you feel buoyed by this support from Riley. Yeah. So, what do you? Yeah. Oh, I'm sorry. Go. Oh, I was just going to say, I'll actually reach back and then take his hand and look up at him with a little smile, you know. Lucian. What do you make of this? Yeah. What do you do? Yeah. I think he just goes and sits back down. I'm sorry. What do you do when you see this? Um, I think my main concern right now, because I know things are about to get very complicated, is I'm like, I'm reading the room to see it because not everybody is as convinced. No. There's a lot of movement. Absolutely not. And so, like, understanding where the weak points are. I actually, I want to take mine back. Oh, yeah. Lucian goes up to Zann. Okay. Um. Okay. So, I can be Zann. That'd be great. Okay. We'll play with yourself. Go. I know. Yeah. Um, and, uh, Lucian just looks down at Zann's phone. And he says, you've got a lot of stuff on that. Zann just squints at you. And then I think, Lucian is just like, look, are you in or out? Roll with something. Make a move. I think I'm in it. I think this is a shut him down. Try it. To just be like, shut up and take your roll. Try it. Yeah. Don't have anything there. No conditions. I need to eat Zann. Hmm. Okay. Hey, wait a minute. No. No. Beating my gang members. Come on. Actually, I think the gang is changing, but that's just my MC thought on to share with all of you. I, well, I think they're very volatile right now, but that's how gang should be, right? I mean, they're, they're not like automatons that I can just control of my twin. Nope. Okay. So what do you want to do, Lucian? I'm debating if I want to shut him down or if I just want to straight up hypnotize him. Ooh. It's up to you. It's up to you. Enter the hypnotize move. Yes. And I was saving it for later. Fucking for later. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Shit. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because this will be good either way. Okay. So I'm going to hypnotize him. You're going to attempt to hypnotize them. Yeah. And then it looks into my like squints at me and looks into my eyes. Yeah. Like that's when the eyes like. Yeah. Mm-hmm. All right. Remind us about how hypnotize works again. They have no strings on me, which I've seen in his notes. I roll with hot and on a ten up they do exactly as I wish and have no idea that anything is wrong. Mm-hmm. On a seven and nine, it still works, but there's a complication. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Oh, my gosh. Oh, cow. It's a cow. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Hey, look, you got experience. This is what I'm saying. This is finally happened for you. There is cosmic justice. Like 10 more. Did you say 10 more? Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I need one more. I need one more. Okay. Okay. So what do you say? What do you say to Zan? I just say do what you're told, Zan. Whoa. And Suzanne. Because he's not my gang, I don't care if he leaves. Zan is looking up at you, Lucy, and still squinting at you, and just looks down smiles, puts the phone into their blazer, takes two hands, pushes your chest and says, "No white boy is going to tell me what to do." Oh, I think Zan should also know that I was in their mind. Oh, and oh, okay. So when I think, okay, so I like that. Because on a seven to nine, one of the consequences is they realize exactly what you've done to them. Yeah, so that can add to the fails. So not only are they pushing you, and then so then Zan turns to autumn and says, "You need to make a decision whether or not you're siding with them or us." And looks at Devin, looks at Levi, looks at Henry, and is like, "I'm leaving," and turns and walks out of the room. Devin, what do you do? Um, Devin's not going to stop Zan, obviously, for sure. Yeah, but I'm standing right next to Levi because there's also no way I'm walking out of here and leaving. I'm vulnerable. Levi starts to roll towards Zan, like, starting to lead. All right, so if Levi is going to leave, I think on the way out, I would turn to autumn and say, "Everyone needs some time to cool down." This was a lot today, but you know where I am, like, we can set up another meeting, we can figure this out. Oh, man, still things are going to be salvaged. Autumn, what do you think of this? I'm just kind of, uh, oh, boy, I'm going to have to try and keep my cool, actually. What are you talking about? What are you afraid of? I'm afraid my gang's disintegrating before my very eyes. Fancy that. Fancy that, because if I don't keep my cool, I'm going to tell Lucy and to make sure that phone does not leave the building. I was just going to say, "All you got to do is give me a look." That's right. Oh, my God. Okay, so actually-- And then Riley, Riley, then worst of ever, okay. I will limit this my way. No. Call is coming from inside the building. That's right. Oh, my God, I'm going to-- So actually, what I'm afraid of is I'm going to give Lucy and the look. You're afraid that Lucy will act on whatever you tell him to do? Mm-hmm. Huh. That's what you're afraid of? That sounds like something to be excited about. No, because I don't want Santa to die. Okay. Well, you're afraid Lucy might take it too far. I might go too far. Exactly. You're right. Because it would just be like, "That phone can't leave the building." That's not like I'm telling them, "I'm really afraid." You would say, "You would look at Lucy and while you say, "That phone can't leave the building." Exactly. They're behind you and they-- Well, ooh, school. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Nice. Okay, so I have two boyfriends that are going to kill everyone, so that's a bad thing, I guess. It's kind of annoying. Ooh, my gosh. It's kind of annoying. It's kind of annoying to have people like this who are so ultimately just regulated. Okay, so-- What's going on? What's going on? But there you go. I know. It's the worst. Here we go. Here we go. Okay, so-- So I got my cool-- So you kept your cool on the 10 up, you keep your cool and gain insight, ask me a question about the situation, take one forward to acting on that information. How can I keep my gang from disintegrating? That's a good question. You're like, "I don't know, I had pretty much planned on them disintegrating." No, I don't-- No, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I'm teasing. I'm teasing. It's fine. God. How can I keep my gang from disintegrating? There's a lot of information that's out there, and so what Kenny said, that phone is now everything. The files are the files, but this phone now, you need that phone. It's all about the phone. What are you going to do? I'll go after Sam. I'm not going to say-- You're going to go-- Riley or Lucy and after Sam. I'll go. So you're leaving-- so Devin says that to you. Yeah. So instead of looking at Lucy and O'Reilly, I'll look at Devin instead. And I'll say, "Don't worry, you're right. We'll patch this up." And then I'll leave. And I'll just-- I'll look at Riley and I'll say, "I got this, don't worry," as I'm walking out. Okay. So, Riley, when you hear that, what do you think? I think Autumn has a plan. Has it under control? And I think that frees me up to make my own moves in support of the overarching plan. Okay. I also think that the phone is extremely important, right? After the spectacle Zann made, before they left, and also the thought of their technical expertise when it comes to digital media, I feel like we only have a very limited amount of time, right? I need to get after that, because I don't know what Autumn has planned. Oh, yeah. Don't worry about it. I'll go get the phone. Riley is like, "Fuck, I got to hit that phone." By any means necessary. Okay. Lucy, and what do you do when you hear Autumn say I'm going to take care of it? I know she can. What do you do? Thank you. Just let her walk by and smell her. Oh my God. Never mind. What does she smell like? What does she smell like? I can't help but smell people. They don't always smell in each other. Yeah. That's true. That's true. Very old factory. What does she smell like? She smells like, I guess, sulfur. Mm-hmm. And cigarettes. Yeah. That's why I smoke is to cover up the sulfur smell. Autumn, is it safe to say that you're leaving after them? This has been a couple of minutes after they've left. Yeah. So Riley, would you be leaving with Autumn? I think that just coincidentally, but I would talk to her too. He would have no choice but to outline his plan to Autumn, especially, because Riley's very transparent, but he's also used to having kind of a partner in crime, so to speak. Okay. So that's, yeah, that they would leave together presumably with different destinations, but maybe not. We don't know. Yeah. If you're heading home, you're heading in the same direction, I would think, right? If you're heading home. So, Ellucian, where are you headed after this unsuccessful gang meeting? Well, I'm kind of successful. Yeah. Five out of ten. I, yes, I'm keeping my eye on the prize, and I'm going to see if Henry wants help still with his homework. Okay. Yeah. You had that arrangement already. Taking them upstairs. Yeah. Yeah. Taking them upstairs. All right. And then Cora, you are finally alone. Yeah. As people are leaving, I'm like, "Oh no, no one's going to eat the bagel bag, Sarah." So, you're alone now, like, you close the door and they're all off on their way. What do you do? I take out my phone and I text myself. Yes! What do you say? Um, I think I would say, "Hey, I found something today that might reduce my rate." If we should meet about it, he sends something back saying, "Absolutely." And we will cut to black. All right, never straightforward, never simple, always awful. Sorry. Okay. But I'd like to apologize for not the story, not being feral, and I'm going to start chasm here in four years. All right. I was just trying to make sense of everything that happened, so let's move into next time on Monster Hearts, who wants to go first? Next time on Monster Hearts. It's immediately following the events of tonight. Still the same? Same night. Lucian and Henry in his room working on homework. Oh, yeah. And then it very quickly turns into Lucian just feeding on Henry, and it seems, and there's like flashes of all these things going through Lucian's mind as he loses track of what exists exactly as happening. And Henry starts dragging his arm up, tapping Lucian, trying to get him to let go. But Lucian just bites down even harder. One of the many possibilities we could possibly explore may or may not have happened. Holy shit. Thank you. Who wants to go next? I don't have to worry about the books and homework and everything. Oh my God. Finally, finally, I don't have to go to work. Oh my God. Yeah. Exactly. What have they done? That's your first thought. What have they done to us? Sorry. Is that it for Lucian's next? Okay. Yeah. All right. Who wants to go next? I have one. Okay. Next time on Monster Hearts, it is Twilight in the woods, Autumn's trailer, rapidly falling into shadow, but there's the flickering light from a TV on inside, so it's just seemingly a quiet night at the homestead. And Lucian appears as if from nowhere, stepping out of the shadows himself, and he's looking at the door to Autumn's trailer, and he's holding something in his hands that's wrapped up in a towel or cloth of some kind, and it looks heavy, looks like it's maybe carbon of stone, perhaps, you know? And he's clearly weighing literally and metaphorically this thing in his hands, trying to decide whether to walk up to that door. Hmm. Who wants to go next? There is a knock at Dylan's window. Yeah. Yeah. Going back Lenore's style, not using doors, and, like, confused, like, throws open the, like, heavy, I'm sure, blackout curtains, because then you have to play at night. You have to sleep during the day and stuff. And Cora is there, blood on her face, all around her mouth, dripping down clothes and everything. And I say, you promised you would believe me, and you said everything would be okay, and I didn't have a choice. I would have had to go back. Oh. Oh. Love it. Love that. All right. All right. All right, all right, next time on Monster Hearts, we have Riley sitting in a dimly lit room, and he's sitting quietly elbows on his knees, hands dangling between them almost claw-like, even though he's not in any form of dark itself or anything. He's looking across from him, speaking to someone, saying, "I know you hate me," and he come by it honestly. The only way you're going to know is if you listen to me, because I'm the only one who can tell you exactly what happened. How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? That's who he's talking to with their head down, and you can see that they're shuttering a little bit with some sobs, and they murmur something, and he can barely make out tell me everything. And Riley says, "What was that?" And Levi's head whips up his mask face of grief with tears streaming down it, and he screams at him, "Everything!" Next time on Monster Hearts, we're back in Marcel's office. Every time, every time, is always back in Marcel's office, and Cora is there, and Marcel, they're standing like they'd just been talking, and Marcel's hand with its glassy fingernails strokes the side of Cora's face and says, "Well, we've gotten ourselves into quite the little predicament, haven't we?" And smirks, and Cora's eyes are huge, and that's that. Thank you again for your presence, for your nimbleness, and your ability to... I mean, I'm hoping other people understand what we're doing with the side characters and main characters at the same time, but I think you are all doing an amazing job, and I think as long as we understand it, that's what matters. And I think we're all getting it. I think it's going well, and I hope you all know how much I appreciate you going on this adventure with me. I want to thank you all for bringing your creativity, and presence, and you all. It's so nice when everybody is here to add to the mix, it just makes it really fun, but I thought it was also fun that we can explore things in different ways, in different formats. So we will see what happens next time, and thank you. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'd like to take a moment to thank all of our patrons, both past and present, and thanks as always, to those of you backing us at priest level and above. That includes Jonathan Morgantini, Marley Griffin, Alexander Lanwett, Hunt Cal, James Gilbreath, Jathar 132, Max Wraith, Mika Tertiannon, N.J. Colton, and Tim Leonard. And we'd like to offer a warm welcome to new patron, David Fox. Thank you so much for your support.