The Esoteric Order of Roleplayers

[Deadlands Reloaded] Lost in the Maze: Session One - The Hellbore

"A magical adventure of friendship."The posse is thrown together (literally) by a train derailment that takes them off one track and onto another.Featuring:Cuad Hoyter Pertullus (Jen)Kangee Taken-Alive (Des)Tobias Calvin Funk (Jade)And…Edie the Dog.

Broadcast on:
01 Apr 2013
Audio Format:

"A magical adventure of friendship."The posse is thrown together (literally) by a train derailment that takes them off one track and onto another.
Cuad Hoyter Pertullus (Jen)
Kangee Taken-Alive (Des)
Tobias Calvin Funk (Jade)
And…Edie the Dog.
[music] The esoteric quarter of role players present Lost in the Maze, a deadlands reloaded campaign with David Larkins as the Martian. [music] All right, so... [laughing] We're really good. As I mentioned a couple times already, we're starting out with everyone aboard train Westbound. Right. That's right. Basically, you're writing the Denver and Pacific Railway West over the Sierra Nevada's toward California. Perhaps parts in between. Depending on what you feel. [music] At any rate, it is December, 1879. Oh, snow. Mm-hmm. Okay. The skies are clear, but snow claims in deep patches in the shadows and ravines in the mountains. There's the railway car mumbers along through the Sierra Nevada's. Everyone's been on board a day or more already. Oh, man. Yeah. [laughing] Now I know what that feels like. Mm-hmm. Then I can't even imagine back then. Moving around where you can feel every single rail. Probably. The suspension's definitely not as good as the seats. No. The smell. The smell. Forget about it. On top of the seats. Wow! Wow! Mm-hmm. Wooden seats, right? Mm-hmm. [laughing] That's the apple. The apple's driving. [laughing] I apologize for not having a train sound effect in the background. Oh, how dare you? [laughing] When Horror on the Orange Express first came out, my friend bought it, threw on it. And then we went to Virgin Megastore to get a CD of train sound effects. And the clerk's like, "Oh, right, man. Are you like a DJ? You know, if you're going to make it this way." Oh, God. He's like, "Yeah. I am." [laughing] I'm glad Alex would have the word with all this in life. Mm-hmm. Wow, actually. [laughing] [laughing] Mm. [laughing] Mm. Anyway, this would be a good time since it's really the free of you and maybe just three other personages on board in this particular car. You can take a moment, just go around and establish new characters and who you are. Mm-hmm. Well, do we have to reveal everything? No, no. This is just, what would you look like to the other people on the train? Okay. Should I go first? Go for it. Oh, okay. Um, you would find other places to stand in the car? The aisle. Oh, so I'd be sitting. Okay. Basically. Okay. Which is bench seats. I'm going to boil down the car. Okay. So you're going to see me... If you see me. Whoa. I'm sorry. I was just going to say, as you're envisioning this, you're going to be very good. [laughing] Descriptive blue balls. As you're envisioning this, just keep in mind that the company of Smith and Robards who runs the Denver Pacific does allow passengers to carry on their personal sidearms. Yeah. I was going to ask about that, but I'm not foolish enough to play with my gun on a moving train. Well, no, certainly not. So what you would see is a... You definitely see an Indian woman with a hat. What the hell had a hat did I get? You got to go work. No, I have a derby. Yeah, a derby. I have to go work. Um, the feather in it, of course. I have typical. But anyway, um, and her head down focused, she has a silver dollar and she's moving the silver dollar through her fingers back and forth while the train's moving. Moving, keeping, trying to keep busy and trying to focus on, um, getting off this goddamn train with all these white people. Um... Well, white people. [laughing] No, no lulling going on. Oh, black guy. Come on. Well, from what I can see. So, um, I'm not really paying attention to a lot of the people on the train except for the ones that, you know, throw off a little something that I can perceive as possible, like someone I have to look at for. Uh-huh. Um, so you look harmless. [laughing] You not to sure about. Um, but for now, I am just trying to stay focused on how many more hours on the train. Oh, God. At least, uh, another couple days. Oh, wow. So, I'm just trying to keep myself calm. Mm-hmm. That's me. Mm-hmm. I'm quad. I am head on. I've got fedora. I've got boots on. I'm kind of Eastern looking. I've got glasses. Mm. That's a dude. Got a whole lot. Mm-hmm. Got, uh, old up materials next to me. Materials. Materials. Materials. It's kind of a banner. Woken down materials. Yeah, in a box. So, would they be able to carry on, like, these things? Oh, sure, yeah. A personal item. No, my materials. [laughing] My materials. You don't trust anyone else. But, unless there's, like, kind of brass railings overhead with the, um... Okay, it seems like you have, like, a big trunk or something. Mm-hmm. You've got to kind of keep it with you. Yeah. Pretty much, yeah. So, you have a pack. It's just various stuff. There's that. And then, up in the rack, there's a nice... It's all located. Mm-hmm. I'm looking for people who look, like, maybe their prospectors. Mm-hmm. I have black hair and black eyes. Mm-hmm. I have some with pale skin. What? I imagined you with many mustaches. Many mustaches? [laughing] I don't know. You know, like, the guys who have got, like, the... Oh, right. Tenderly. Mm-hmm. Clean shaving? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I guess I'm trying to get a gait on how old you are. Yeah. I am a little cleaner. I'm kind of younger than you might think I am. Mm-hmm. It's a sun. Mm-hmm. Are you stubbly? [coughing] Oh, yeah. Now you are. Yeah, at this point. [laughing] Oh. I think I've got, uh, some kind of a something around my neck. Maybe, uh... Or a big nana? Something a prospector might wear around your neck? Okay. Do you want to sign a non-duteness? Mm-hmm. I have some prospecting experience. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. All right. Well, I'm not funk. Mm-hmm. Veterinary income doctor. [laughing] Uh, tall, flanky. Mm-hmm. A little on the thin side. So that must be, like, painful in terms of sitting in the seats. Oh, yeah. Oh, probably. You're not made for somebody tall. No, but I do have my bed roll and my pack and the size probably gonna... Mm-hmm. Roll that out. [laughing] Drop yourself up on it. Mm-hmm. Probably just sitting back. Got his hat flipped up just a little bit. Reading a book. Mm-hmm. Cool. Yeah. And actually, I found a picture online. Mm-hmm. It's not like you're doing that far. Oh, really? That was super perfect. Awesome. It's totally perfect. I was very excited. Oh, it's good. Damn. Why don't we get notified? Did you get notified? I didn't even know. I didn't even know. I didn't even know. I didn't even know. I didn't even know. I got notified when you update a character portrait. Mm-hmm. It's kind of weird. Okay. That's what you want. Alright. Okay. Mm-hmm. Very good. So we have a couple more days on this train. Indeed. Wow. It does not please me. [Laughs] So you're contemplating your silver dollar. Mm-hmm. You two are contemplating your neighbors. That's right. Um, but you, all three of you have sort of gradually become aware of a sort of strange, um, rattling noise. You know, you're used to the sounds of the train at this point. Mm-hmm. This, this definitely does not sound unusual. Um, and you see one of the conductors, uh, enter the car. You know, there's, there's a brief sound of loud clank tracks. Yeah, flattering. The door slides out. Mm-hmm. It comes in, shuts the, shuts the door. Mm-hmm. Um, and without a word, passenger heads over to a little, uh, box on the wall of the car near the, near the door. Opens, opens the, uh, the hinged lid, the box, and flips a switch. Instantaneously, on all the windows of the car, uh, metal shutters start to, uh, come down. Is that normal? You never seen this happen before. Oh, fuck. I put my dollar away. They are. I put my dollar away. There are, uh, uh, once they're fully down, you can see that there are, you know, like, four-inch, uh, slits. Uh-huh. Oh, no! Yeah. Uh, basically it's become an armored car. Ha-ha-ha! Fuck! Sounds like her. Uh, uh, I'm pulling my gun into... An ambush trying to look out the hole. Ha-ha-ha. Thumbs up. Yeah. Wordlessly, the conductor then turns to an empty, uh, seat near the door, flips up the cushion. Oh, my God. And pulls out a Gatling rifle. Ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Okay. That's not normal. Are we under tax, sir? Um, he takes up a position at a, um, sort of concealed gun court. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. It's all routine, man. Oh, yeah. It's all routine. Normal. Okay. Well... Uh-huh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm, yeah. I'm like, okay, something's up. What am I going to say? I'm just sitting. I'm just sitting observing. Got a cold thunder. I'm not moving yet. No, I'm going to say Doc Funk's definitely looking out. Uh-huh. Curious for videos. Okay. Well, sure enough, you can see, um... No gun holding. You can see along the sort of nearest rise, this was sort of a barren hill. You can see maybe about a dozen men on horses, you know, riding at a pretty swift trot. Okay. Alongside the train. It does appear that the train is under attack. Okay. Okay. If that's the case, I'm going to position myself in a good spot. Um, with my gun, poking out of the little spot, just like they were. It just takes me a little longer to think about it. Who am I giving my alliance to? Mm-hmm. So... Because I've heard of trains getting hijacked, but with from within. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. But, you know, what with the rail wars going on. Right. You never know what it could be, though. Mm-hmm. I'm alive to the possibilities. [Laughing] Yes. Yes. You are the port cigarette. I'm alive. That's abilities. That's not bad. Alright, let's go. So does you ready yourselves? Yes. Put the ammo on my gun. Possible trouble. Mm-hmm. You hear deafening screech. Oh. Oh, correct. I'm like anything you've heard before. Yeah, that's bad. It's the sound of the locomotive's wheels grinding on the tracks. The brakes thrown so hard that you're all thrown into the seats in front of you. Oh, no! Okay. Alright. Suddenly, the whole world is tumbling. Oh! Basically, you feel yourself being thrown against the roof against the floor against the floor. Oh, no! Oh, no! You're body slammed up and down through the car like a morocca. Wow! Alright. Everything goes dark. Oh! Oh, my God. Then you hear a scream. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Not the screaming of your fellow passengers, though. Oh! It is the high-pitched howls of the damned. Typical of burning ghost rock. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So, you're all sort of just, you know, a little day is trying to sort of clear your heads. But you feel the heat from burning ghost rock nearby. Mm-hmm. Okay. Forcing your eyes open, you find yourselves lying amongst the shattered debris of the railcar. Wow. You can see the entire train sort of sprawled out of our tracks. It was right outside. Yeah, it was a major derailment. Mm-hmm. And surrounding your piles of burning ghost rock and mangled corpses of your fellow passengers. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Where's the conductor? He's nowhere to be seen, but a man does run by screaming and blazing with flame. Wow! Shit. All right. He stops right in front of you. Right in. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. No? Fongy. Mm-hmm. Fongy. Fongy. And three arrows slam into them. Oh! Oh! You can see the mounted men galloping down the slope, whooping like wild Indians. All right. And firing arrows. All right, then. Okay. Your guess is that they're patchy. I'm pretending it. I'm pretending it. Yeah, I'm pretending I'm dead. You're pretending you're dead? Yeah. Okay. For the kind being. Okay. They're not going to do anything to me if they think I'm. If I'm alive, then they're going to probably know as well. Mm-hmm. I'm afraid about these guys. They're fuckers. Oh. Okay. I don't have an arrow on me. Wait, how close are they? I'm sorry. Mm-hmm. You have two guns on you. I know. How close are they? Um, within the shooting range. Okay. Well, I wasn't aware of that. It sounded like they were really far away. Thank you. Mm-hmm. So, I'm going to shoot. So, I'm going to use both. How about you, guys? Well, what's happening with us? Yeah, where are they? You're saying you're all kind of just sort of scattered around the general vicinity. I'm probably going to try and find a big piece of debris to kind of post myself up behind. Mm-hmm. And then get my rice back. That's easily done. Yeah. Is it light or night out? It is daytime. It is daytime. And I see you know. It's chilly. But, yeah, because chilly but there's, you know, it's more or less clear in the sunny areas. So, basically, once the engine hit, all the ghost rock went everywhere. The boiler exploded basically. Oh. And it sent these. Everything went flying. So, there are burning piles of ghost rock around here. And that's where you can hear them. You don't want to get near those. No. No. And so, all right. Okay. So, I'm ready to start. Okay. So, here's how that works. Okay. That's it. We're in it. Thank you. Basically, I deal out a card to each one of you. Oh. And that's the card you act on. All right. Based on, oh, you've got a Joker. I don't know what that means. Oh, cool. Oh, you've got 10, 10 of spades. All right. So, you go off the numeric value. So, face cards are the best. All right. And you're anywhere in the round. Okay. So, you just get to jump in whenever you want to act. And you get to add a plus two to your roll. Wow. Whoa. That is awesome. That is awesome. Mm-hmm. All right. Okay. So, yeah. There are, let's see here. Along this stretch of rail, you see four mounted Apache. Jesus. Mm-hmm. All right. So, quad. You are up first. I know. Rowing for the Colt Thunderrer towards one of the quad. One of the Apache. Mm-hmm. What do I have to do to win or lose that roll? Okay. First of all, what is the range on the Thunderrer? 12. 24. 48. Okay. Basically, what that signifies is. It is kind of designed to be used with little tokens or miniature figures. But you can use it with that one, obviously. Okay. So, but the number there is, so it is tabletop inches. So, if we have little figures on the table, you know, we measure the distance. Okay. So, where are we? But in abstract terms, you just double that and that's yards. So, short range. Short range is 12, right? 12 yards. 24 yards. So, that would be 24 yards. The medium range would be 48 yards. Went to the top of the scale. That's a very close. It was 12, 48. That's what I'm saying. You double it. So, the 12 becomes 24. 24. Oh, okay. Okay. And 96. Mm-hmm. Yard. So, they are within 20 yards of you. Good. So, my first value would apply. So, you're a short range. So, there's no penalty there. Okay. If they are at medium range, you'd be at minus two. And if they're at long range, you'd be at minus four. All right. So, you're just going to roll a normal shooting roll. There's two D6 damage. No, it's your shooting skill. Let's do it. Roll the skill first and then you roll the damage. Yeah. Two D6. I didn't pick shooting as a skill. Oh, you didn't. Ruh-roh. No, I didn't realize I had to. Ruh. Ruh. Ruh. Ruh. Do you have fighting as a skill? I have persuasion, weird science, writing, knowledge, notice, climbing, and taunt. Okay. Okay. I have an idea. Okay, yes. Yes. So, I notice you are like... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, I'm going to like whistle in your direction. Uh-huh. It's behind me. Right. Okay. So, I'll do that. So, then I can start, you know, shooting. Shoot it. Okay. That's fine. Also, if he's moving, then it's distracting them and they won't see me pull my gun. Yeah. For the white guy. Exactly. Yeah. Kind of glowing. They're not... What, are they from Pine Ridge? Yeah. Let's mention they're in the units. Nice. Good job. All right. Um, also you can use... Sorry. Okay. So good. You can use taunt as a, um, test of will to, um... All right. Sort of like... Yeah. Basically, um, if you, if you want to actually try and like, pull them, you know, distract them like she was saying, you know. Uh-huh. If you want to try that. That's just an idea. If you want to try... It's just an idea. I'm going for it. Okay. Okay. Okay. So, uh, go ahead and make your taunt roll. It's opposed by their smarts. Mm. Three. Okay. And don't forget your wild eye as well. Wow. Three. Okay. So we... Three. Mm-hmm. So that would be a three. So you used to roll water better, right? Mm-hmm. Now, if you want, you can spend one of your fate chips to re-roll your roll of US. Oh. All right. I'll do that. Strictly up to you. Blue, red, or white? Yep. That's fine. You're going to pass it up. Yeah, let's put it back in the house. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Thank you. All right. We're going to throw it in. All right. Three here. Can't believe you. No. Okay. That was worse. I got a one and a three. Well, at least the three is the same. Yeah. Okay. And... All right. Let me check. There's marks here. Okay. Well, I got a one. All right. Okay. So you beat them by two, so it's just a simple step. So this actually worked. Yes. To confuse them. Yes. Need a meter. Need a meter. It only worked. I don't know. The classic neater meter. The classic neater meter. And... I don't know if they're used to the neater meter. It's new to them. They're not. They're like, what the... Wait a minute. What God's name. Yeah. You stole me? Yeah, exactly. All right. So, one of them does kind of get fooled and starts following you as you begin to run. Okay. Next up, we've got... Unless... I can finally jump in. I got my rifle. You ready to jump in? Yeah. All right. Jump on it. Oh my God. So you're going to roll shooting? Yeah. Shoot it. I'm going to have to target number four. I got a two and a three. Okay. So, again, if you want to spend the fake chip to reroll, you could do that. I don't know. Thank you. I'm going to roll them separately and send together. That's also a three. And a one. Gee. All right. Yeah. So, you get a shot off. Oh, wait. But you're playing on a joker so you get a plus two. Oh, yeah. Okay. Five, actually. All right. So, that is good enough for a hit. Sweet. You need damage. All right. So, I didn't mean to be able to... Well, you could have gotten a better result. A little bit. Okay. So, real damage is 2D8. Okay. Whoa. Yay. Yeah. 'Cause I got a winchester. Holy crap. All right. Got a six. Okay. Six. And a four. A ten. Ten. Yay. Nice. So, how do you... Do you see... Like, how far away are you from? I'm probably not too far away from some car. You guys are all open. So, we're all encountering the same group. But I'm behind a pile of debris. So, I'm going to say, well, one of them was distracted. I cracked off a shot at it. Nice. Yeah. He didn't even realize you were there. Nice. Okay. So, you got ten. I got stealth, man. Nice. Now, I compare that against his toughness. His toughness is six. So, that means you beat his toughness with a race. 'Cause it's four higher than his toughness. Since he is an extra, if you will, a non-wild card. That causes a wound. And all it takes is one wound to take out a non-wild card. Nice. So, basically, and easily. Whoa! You know, total stun man fashion takes a ball off a horse. Yeah. They're all spaghetti. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Now. All right. So, two-fisted. That's one of my edges. That means basically means you can just fire both your guns without penalty. I'm going to do that. Mm-hmm. I got my piecemeal. Same target. Different targets. Different targets. Okay. So, you got, basically. I hope this works. Give me a quick notice roll. Oh, notice. Notice. Notice. Notice. I have a notice. I don't. I do as well. So, you're going to roll a D4 minus two. 'Cause it's a unskilled roll. This is brutal! God. No. You forgot your wild eye. Oh, sorry. But that's also the minus two. Okay. Two. Okay. All right. So, who are you shooting at? Um, well, there's four total. One was picked off. Right. So, the two in the front. Whoever's in the front. Okay. All right. Okay. Whoever's nearest to you, basically. Yeah. Well, one that's there and the other one. Mm-hmm. We'll save. One is the one chasing quad there. Okay. All right. Well, that was a little bad. That was, no, that was the one that Doc got. Oh, you shot it. 'Cause he was the closest. Yeah. Since he was going after him, I picked him off first. Gotcha. Okay. So, the two that were heading, because they were heading my direction first. Yeah, more less. So, that one went off that way. Yeah. Doc got that one. Yeah. And then I'm getting the two that are coming toward, or two out of the three that are coming toward me. Mm-hmm. Okay. Uh, yeah. I'm nervous. Five for one. Okay. That'll hit. And I rolled two threes. So. So, that'll be a mess. A mess. Oh. Okay. So, you get with one of them. Right. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Nice. Oh. Yeah. All of them. This one is twelve. Twelve. All right. So, it's all on one of them. That's a, that's a, beats his toughness with, uh, with the rays. Okay. And, uh, so that takes him out. Dude. So, another one goes flying off his horse. Okay. Um, you see that these, uh, Apache, they're riding bareback. They just have bows and arrows and tomahawks. Nothing, uh, you know, nothing modern. Basically. Wow. That, so they're not, they're calling it part of the Comanche niche. Uh, what was it? Oh, Coyote confederation. Um, the coyotes, basically they're both the Sioux and the coyotes. There's, um... How organized are the Coyote? Pretty organized. So, that's weird. Why would they? Well, the Apache are kind of the third, you know, victory. Their way down to... They're just another variable. And they're, and they're a variable. They're not as organized as a Sioux or the Coyote confederation. Okay, so they're probably not part of the coyotes. It's probably not what you're saying. But you're, but you're saying, oh, uh, they're using old fashioned technology. Therefore, they're not part of the Coyote. I'm just saying the Coyote also follow the, a lot of the Coyote follow the old ways as well. Mm-hmm. And as do the Sioux, there's, there's actually a big split in the Sioux nation right now. Right. No. I'm aware. Yes. Probably why you're not here. Mm-hmm. Anyway. Okay. So, they are up. So, um... Put two her down. Two more. Yeah. I'm going to shoot again then. Okay. Well, we got our, our Indians here first. So... Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So, let's see. One of them is going to loose an arrow at Kange. Okay. All right. And the other one, uh, fires an arrow into the back of one of the other passengers as he's done. Yeah. Fuck. Okay. So, let's see here. Mm-hmm. Shoot him. Okay. That's no good. Okay. Ace the Wild Dog. Ace it again. Okay. So, I got a 13 total. So, that is, uh, I guess the target number four to hit you. Oh my God. All right. I hit with two raises. So, let's see here. It took him a doctor. Yes. I forgot about that. Yes. My character doesn't know that yet. I get an extra D6 of damage, basically, because I got the raise. Roll it up then. Okay. Break it down. Okay. So, 11, what's your toughness? My toughness is six. Okay. So, uh, beat your toughness with a raise. So, basically, uh, what that means is, first, you're shaking. Right. Okay. Uh, and second, because I got a raise, that causes a wound. So, on your wound tracker there. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I need a pencil. Oh. If you want, the way, you, you notice on the side there, the way it's positioned, you could use a paper clip if you want. And you just put the paper clip on the side and slide it up and down. Yeah. Oh, these ones, um, yeah, but we're, are you sure? Yeah. So, what's my wound at? You're, you're at one wound because I only got one raise. So, it's negative one, negative two, negative three. Uh-uh. Incompacity. Incompacity. There you go. Oh, this is smart. Oh, because it's fatigue on the other side. Yeah. And then they both meet up and they'll bring capacitated. Right. Okay. I didn't see fatigue down there until just now. Yeah. I know we need them. I can't believe that. I guess you mean it. Well, you're kind of a science dude. Yeah. So, I wouldn't know. Yeah. And it sounds like you're relying more on your wits. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I do, actually. Which obviously works so far. Mm-hmm. There you go. Okay. There you go. There you go. All right. All right. So, where am I at? You're at one. Okay. Okay. And basically the negative one just means that's a penalty. And everything. And are there the past ones like still around us? They're basically at this point they're the ones who survived or attempting to flee. And there are those that kind of like mail it. It's just like, yeah. It's chaos. Yeah. Okay. People are like getting erred. Yeah. People get erred. Yeah. All right. So, so you're shaking, which means you're basically like basically the arrow, you know, slams into your shoulder. And you kind of fall back against some rubble. And all you can really do is, ah, you know. Right. When your turn comes around you can attempt to shake the shaken. Right. You can also spend a fake shift to automatically remove the shaken if you don't manage to make the roll. Okay. Okay. Okay. So. Let me just check something really quick here. So, that's the end of that round. So we go back to the top of the order, but I'm just going to check because I know when a joker comes out. Yeah. It's up to Jade really. What we do next? No. Here we go. Oh, it's going to play a little bit better. Oh, you get a plus two to your damage too. You killed the guy. Wow. That's good to know. That's awesome. Plus two and plus two. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, yeah. Just making sure. Okay. So, we're back to the top of the round and so that would go to quad. It's me unless Doc wants to do something. I'm going to fire off with the guy who shot the guy in the back. Oh, okay. Nice. Okay. Yeah, I know. Check it out. And it's a four. Yes. Well, card it. That's five. That makes it seven. Oh, this one. Since I get a plus two. Plus two. But that's an ace. You get two rolls. So you can reroll that. Yeah. Wait, wait. And that's three. Seven, seven, eight, nine. So that's even better. It's be nice. Okay. So you hit with a raise. So you're going to roll your weapon damage. Okay. And add a D six. Okay. So it's two, eight and a D six. Yep. So it's five. Three is eight. And five. Oh, 13. Plus two is 15. Okay. I like the Joker card. I love it. It's good. All right. I just love it. You're just like out of nowhere. Just like. Yeah. Like totally like a badass. So you put a bullet right through this guy's head. Oh, sweet. Sweet justice. Sweet justice. Oh, yes. All right. So. That still leaves one, though. Yeah. I've got writing. Guys. It's kind of close. Can I try and get the horse in some fashion? Like kind of. You'll find it. He's riding faster. He's crazy. You could try that. He's about 10 yards away from you right now. Shit. That's kind of far away. What's your case? Plant. Six. Okay. So again, that's like table inches. So you would double it to find out the yards. So that'd be 12 yards. So you could run towards him. And try to jump up on the back of the horse. But that would be a multi-action. You'd be trying to cram more than one action into a round. So you take a penalty on your attempt to jump onto the horse. Shoot. Would you maybe just try to corral the horse? What if I could grab the reins? Grab the reins. Grab the mains. Doesn't. Because they're bareback. Oh, you're right. They wouldn't even have like a little rope. They're on the hair. Some of them. Yeah. Some of them dead. I know. But these guys are. These guys are fanatics. Oh, shit. Nothing. Fanatics. Fanatics. Fanatics. What? They're barebackers. This is that kind of day. It is. Okay. Easter. Should I get strong? Happy Easter every day. It's everything's all Twitter. Rabbit's. What he unmanced fancy lightly turns to barebacking. Oh, my God. That is recorded, right? It is recorded. That doesn't get chopped out. You better not go that way. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Lost history. Oh. I'm charging it the whole I don't know what else to do. That's true. Yeah. Either just hide like a survivor. Actually someone would survive. Yeah. This battle. Yeah. Who's also that? Me. I'm just already wanting to kill my character somehow. Oh, my God. I never, I don't really mean to. I mean, I just need to be wagging. I'm really glad you didn't pick one of your editors. Just like. Yeah. I'm going to have a little side-wind run. Okay. I know what I mean. Okay. Going for it. Yeah. Because he won't be able to draw a bow on me if I'm side-winding. Sure. Sure. Okay. So, like a bunny. What? Yeah. All right. So you're just going to try and what? Like grab the horse, jump on the back of the horse. What are you doing in the back? Running towards him. Ziggy-dee-zaggedy. Right. And then he's probably coming towards me. More or less. Not much shorter. But the brighter's off the horse, right? No, he's on the horse. Wait, wait, wait. I thought you were trying to get a dead guy's horse. No. Oh, shit. Okay. I'm going to sit back and watch this happen. Yeah. I want to get out of that horse. Uh-huh. So, uh-huh. I might grab him before I grab him. A leg. I might grab whatever he's going to try to pull him off. Do the knife. No. And your weapons? Uh-huh. I have a tomahawk. That's good. How close am I to? You're shaking. Oh. Shaking? No. No. You're getting rich. I'm just going to break up. Yeah. Don't do that. Don't touch it. Yeah. Oh, now I've got to get the forceps. Damn it. [laughter] Fishing is finished. Uh-huh. Yeah. I'm just going to try and grab on hold of him. Get up on that horse. Go, go, go. Go, go, go. Okay. Wait, wait, wait. Fighting roll? Uh-huh. Don't have fighting? Okay. No, you can. You can. I don't know what you got to write. I've got writing. See, I was trying to take my writing. I was trying to work on whatever I got. Yeah. What you can do. I have climbing and writing, to me, the scene, the option, but I guess. Yeah. Writing is, uh- No. Writing is more about if you're actually on the horse already. Um- Which you may be very soon. Yes, indeed. Now, what you could do, what you could do is try and jump up on the back of the horse. Like what you originally said. Right. Okay. Yeah. It says, if you want to try and engage with this guy, that's a fighting roll. Couldn't one move the jumping up on the horse? Yes. That would be a writing roll. That's it. Well, that's what I wanted to do. So go for it. Then if you want me to shoot at him, you're going to be in the way too. You're right. So I mean- You don't know. Maybe I should scuttle that plan. Ooh. And what could I do then? I've got climbing. Ooh. What if I ran towards the engine, ran in the other direction, ran away? Okay. The engine is a flaming pile of ghost rocks. All right. And they've been shooting people in the back. So yeah, they haven't shooting people in the back. So that's bad. That's a bad thing. All right. Is there any debris I could hide behind? Oh, plenty. All right. I'll do that then. All right. All right. I have to do that again. I had nothing. All right. That's fine. They don't call this novice level for nothing. No novice level. Okey dokey smoky hiding. All right. So kangi, you are up. All right. Now what you- You're shaking, you said. You are shaking. So what you get to do now is try and shake off the shakiness. Okay. Okay. Shake it. So that is a bigger role. Bigger. Bigger. Bigger's a D8. You're keeping your mind to the minus one of your really penalty. Yeah. So it's a D8 plus your wild die. Minus one. Mm-hmm. Oh fuck me. Well what? Three. Minus one. Two. So do you want to spend a chip to automatically shake it off? Yeah. That's a good idea. Big. Thank you. And now what can I do? So now you've automatically shaken off the shaking result. So you've still got an arrow sticking out of your shoulder, but you've recovered and you can act normally. I'll be able to find this one. All right. So is that horse? How close is the rider to me? About ten yards away. Ten yards away. I'm a tom hawk. I can fucking use it. I'm gonna- Mm-hmm. All right. What's the range on that side? The range is strength plus ten. I don't have a range on it. I don't have a range on it. It didn't come with a range. It didn't come with a range. Wait. Damage is strength plus d6. Honestly, you're probably better off shooting him. Okay, fine. Then I will shoot him. I know you're trying to be fancy, but- No, I was not trying to be fancy. I am fancy. I don't have to try to be fancy. I am fancy. All right. So I'm gonna shoot. All right. Shooting. Shooting. Both. Yes. Okay. Five. Okay. That's what the minus one. Four. Okay. I'm still minus one because of my arrow. Yes. Okay. So that's one. Mm-hmm. I'm gonna chip it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. And so I can reroll this one? You reroll both. Both. Ten. Oh, you did it. Minus one, nine. I used one again. So reroll the V10 to add two. Two. Okay. So 11. Yeah. Okay. So you hit him with a raise, so you get plus one D6 on your damage. Oh, nice. Okay. That was for, well I succeeded on one regular success. Correct. So let me do that one first. Okay. So it's gonna be seven on that one. Okay. And then basically- Four. Oh, five for the other one. With the V6? Yes. Yes. Yeah. That's what happens when ones get rolled. Yikes. Okay. Okay. All right, so- Damn. So basically the first shot wings him on the bicep. Mm-hmm. The second shot should have been a headshot. It should have, you know, should have just taken him out. But instead all you do is blow off the feather that was- Are you serious? Oh, man. Yeah. Yeah. Nice. That's why I was angry. That's a little testy when you were talking to me there. Uh-huh. All right. All right. So- Damn it. Sorry. Let me start. Okay. Wonderful. So- So he sort of pulls his horse back around and raises his tomahawk at you. Like he's challenging you. He shot something at you in a patchy. I have no idea what the fuck you're saying. But it's obviously like a- Threat it. But defiant taunt. Taunt. And then he- You recognize that. You can recognize taunts at any level. Sit down! I don't want to go! Maybe that makes me- Yeah. I wonder if you're a creep. You're like, "That's a taunt!" That's exactly what he's telling you. He's toning you. He's toning your ass. Anyway. And then he, uh, you know, he kicks the horse's planks and goes galloping back up off the hill. Mm. So he's gone. Yeah. Where's everybody? All right. So, yeah. So it takes thought. Whatever with that guy. Yeah. So yeah, there's bodies lying around as the burning goes rock. Well, I'm definitely going to try and see if there's anyone who needs my assistance. Most people were, uh, killed in the wreck or- Or just- Or shot in the back. Or shot in the back. Yeah. Or shot in the shoulder. Here's our- Here's our walking wounded hair. I'm just standing there. I'm putting my guns away. Staring at my shoulder. Mm. Well, I can, uh, take a look at that if it's bothering you. Um. Okay. So, uh- Yes. Definitely. All right. All one word responses. Yeah. Sure. All right. Okay. So go ahead and roll your healing still. Oh, wait. No, this isn't a magical. Yeah. Whoa. Oh. Fumbled that. Well, you get your wild eye too. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's only a fumble if you roll one. And you have chips. You have chips. But roll the wild eye first too. Yes. Let's do it right. Oh. Oh. Okay. Oh. So, yeah, you might want to spend a chip. Maybe. Do you hope- We're not. We're not. You don't have to. We have red ones. She rolled double ones. That's a fumble. Oh. It's up to you. It's only the beginning of the game. So that, once you roll G6 and add it to one of those ones. Okay. G6. Two. So that's still a failure, but at least it's kind of a fumble. Yeah, wow. She's really like, oh, oh. It's not helping. It's just you and my hands are shaking. Yeah. I'm sure. No, I mean, that actually makes a perfect sense considering everything that's just happened. Yeah. And I finally snapped at the guys running away and I'm like, yeah, you did it. You did it. I'm doing it. Can we show them? Can we get a ball out of it? Oh my God. Yep. It happened. I'm just staring at it. Yeah. I'm just staring at him. Who's talking? I'm just staring at me. You're amazing. Oh Lord. I'm in a lot of pain right now. Yeah, basically all you can do is just cut the shaft with some surgical shears. Oh God. It's like it's pretty. It's kind of in the collarbone. Oh. It's probably like the air is lodged under the bone. Yeah. Like, oh, it's going to be stuck on something. Oh. Let's see the collarbone. Oh. Oh. I'm biting on like a piece of leather. A piece of leather. Yeah. So basically all it can be done right now is just wrap it up, sling it. All right. So my arm is slinging. You can still use it, but you know. No, it's painful. It's painful. Well, I'll just say you can't go. So try it next year. Exactly. Shoot from there. Yeah. Shoot from there. Exactly. All right. So we're looking around. There's red. What would it be? Yeah. We're trying to gather my stuff. We're only going to go see if I can get horses from materials. You materials. Yeah. So the back end of the train fares pretty well. The sort of cargo. I don't want to check on my horse. Yeah. Oh. You guys walk back down the track. The further you get from the engine, the better condition the cars are. And actually the livery car was the last car on the train. So is that odd? Right. It's still on the track. Okay. Still intact. That's red. Yeah. So you can get your horse out. The, let's see here. The cargo car is intact more or less. That one came off the track a little bit, but you can get up into it. Okay. No problem. So. Yeah. Get your horse together. Yeah. All right. So coming back to pack all together again. She put kangy on the horse. She's wondering. Well, she has her in the house. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm sure there are horses around. Do you want to take a horse? Yeah. I'm going to take a horse. We just shop for people. Yeah. I think there's horses. Yeah. And there's horses in the livery. So they have like tack and everything on them. Okay. So I'm going to find the best one I can find. Yeah. Give me a smart tool. I'm like, right? Right? I have no smart. You're a d4 smart. I have d4 smart. So you get your wild diet? I do. I got it. Three. Let's put the minus one. I'm still at minus one. For every roll. Forever. Until I get this. Until you do your move. So two. Rude. Two. Two. Then I picked the stupidest horse. Are you happy? No. That was me if your old double one. You. The Gimp horse. That's so groachy. Yeah. It's like, why do you want the three legged horse? I just do okay. I'm sorry for being grabby. Grabby. Grabby. Later. I'm sorry for being so grouchy. And grouchy as well. Crouchy and crabby. I apologize. I want to do well. And I don't want my character to die right away. I'm feeling a little scared. Yeah. At least you can shoot. At least you can hide. We can screw you. You're really good at hiding. And dancing, apparently. Yeah. Oh, you got to be able to do that. Okay. So I find a mediocre horse. You can't tell if it's good or not. All right. I'm just so blinded by pain. So one hand and I pull myself up onto the horse. Can I help boost you? Oh. Well, I know. I want to do it myself. Ah. All right. I'm going to stand here and watch you like this. Push yourself up in one arm. All right. I'm doing it. I'm going to be writing a roll. All right. I wouldn't ask for one, but in this case. All right. All right. I keep trying. You don't have to give me a chance. It's horrible. Okay. I'm just going to leave my horse. I'm just going to. Yeah. What am I doing? Yes. I do need some help. I'm not really huge. I'm like, I don't know, five, two. Mm-hmm. So. All right. I'm on the middle of nowhere. You two are both on horses. I have to have a horse, too, when I'm going anywhere together. Well, there's, there's a horse and I saw a pack wheel there. Fine. So what do I have to roll to get a horse? A new smart roll. Oh, shit. Wait. Why are they? I don't know. It's just about choosing the type of horse. Yeah. Double four. Wow. Four and a four. So either one could. Well, oh, you ace the. Ace the. Ace the. Mm-hmm. So you roll. I roll that one. Ace it again. Nice. Oh, my God. And then a three. You picked one in a rabies. I go. And a pack wheel. I would say you would get a two for on that one. Well, this is just to pick a good horse. So you pick a good horse. You pick a good horse. You can always take the pack wheel. You have to do some. Thank you. Cause I want to put all of our bags. Okay. Yeah. You have things. Well, I got a backpack. What are you doing? I plan on having everything on my horse. I'm going to have to have something on. I can't carry anything. You can't carry anything. It's right. All right. Find a pack. Well, you're at it. And you do. Mm-hmm. Are you going to dance about it? Okay. So I turned on. Are you going to dance about the. Finding the horse? No. That's what I thought. Well, that was a sure thing. That was my life of death. Thing. So as you're coming down out of the delivery car. Leaving your horses. Getting mounted up. You can all see that the wreckage of the engine is sort of half submerged into the earth. Oh, wow. It was like, it was like something was detonated underneath it. Like if there's a hole there. Yeah. Oh, yes. Well, can that just be like ghost rocket exploding? Like the boiler explosion? Or maybe there's just a cavern or something underneath it. Maybe. Possibly. Could be. Do you want to take a look? I'm going to go take a look. Okay. Ho, ho. Guide your horses over there. Mm-hmm. And sure enough, there is a large crater in the earth that looks not fresh. Oh. You know, it looks like you're feeding up for a little while. Okay. Mm-hmm. Um, and you can see that, um, let's see, it's about 40 feet across in all directions. Yeah. And below there is a sort of a cavern, if you will, with a set of train tracks running through it. What? What? What? A secondary set of tracks. Yes. These are underground. Underground tracks. Mm-hmm. Well, how do we get that one? Oh my God. Oh my God. For the record, David just made the most bizarre face and a the stronger, confirming the fact. I'm still wondering. We've never been any long-held suspicious. All right. I'm wondering if this wasn't just, uh, you know, like this is just going under the tunnel. Like, there's a tunnel through the mountain. Yes. That's exactly what it looks like. Oh, okay. So it's not a magical. It's not a continuation of our train track. No. It's just a second set of tracks. Yes. It's a second set of tracks going through a tunnel under the freaking mountain. Yes. Oh. In training, huh? That's what I tried to eat something and make a weird face. All right. Well, yes. Your train tracks are hanging down into the hole in the twisted spiral. So there's tracks in the mountain. Yes. That's strange. Is it strange? How strange is it? Like train tracks are like mining tracks. Train track gauge? Really? Why would it be? Wow. Why would it be? Okay. So is that unusual? We never saw train words. We never saw train words. That's true. That's true. We had never encountered an armored train before, right? Yeah, but it's also maybe not something that relates to writing for the public yet. Yeah. Maybe it's not complete. Maybe this was part of it in terms of, you know, destabilizing this. Well, why did people have to die in order to... Well, what do you think dogs should look like? It's easier. Down there and check it out or... Should we... I'm damn curious. I can too. I can't deny it. Yeah, no, I am curious too. Do you have any rope? Although that doesn't really get me. I got a rope in medical care. Well, there was a cave in so there's, you know, there's slopes of the cave in. I mean, you can... Let's just have a look-see. Do you want me? I'm on top of my horse. Yeah. Well, I'm waiting for your country. You know what? I'm afraid there's going to be some other people coming around. So I'm going to... I'm going to hold... I'm going to stand guard. Sounds great. We're already separating the party, so... Yep, separating the party. But if they were gone longer than an hour, then I'm going to head in. Okay. How about that? Let's break it all agree on that. Okay, fine. Do you have a canteen? I do. Of course I do. All right, then. We're good. All right. What do you think I am? I don't know. Exactly. I'm finding that out right now. Yeah, I don't want to say about that. It's a magical adventure. A friendship. I think I should be the title of this. Deadland. A magical adventure. A friendship. I'll drop that down. Okay, go. All righty. All right, so... So Doc and Quad, you descend along the slope. Slippery right in the debris. Shh. Down the shale. Wow. Is the ghost rock still -- is that burnt off enough? Oh, it's burnt. Ghost rock and burn and burn and burn. So yeah, you're sort of left up top. The howling of the -- the howling and the smoke kind of blowing. Sure. Looks very cinematic. Yeah. For what it's worth. God, this could be just like one of them, soon to be moving pictures. One of them, they're motioned pictures. When the trains come right at you. Those motive pictures. So the two of you descend into the subterranean world of the Darrow. Oh, did I say that? What? No, no, I'm scared. So you're down? I am. You're down in a darkened tunnel. There's the train track. About 15 feet clearance on either side and about a 30-foot ceiling. The tunnel itself is roughly circular. Yeah. And you can see that the walls have been smoothed and worked with pickaxes. Wow. Wow. Okay. The -- it's running on -- Oh, it's running on them. It's running on them. Oh, no. Oh, somebody can blow it. Don't be cool. Don't be cool. Don't be cool. Don't be cool. Don't be cool. Don't be cool. Don't be cool. Don't be cool. Don't be cool. Don't be cool. Don't put you up on dark shingling. Okay. Okay. So we're in -- Anyway, so it's been worked with pickaxes. Yes. It's an east-west tunnel. Right. And the eastern branch has been blocked off by the cave-in. You know, the cave-in blocks the eastern branch. The western branch just continues off into e-read darkness. I put my hand on the rail. Damn. There's any activity, any vibration. Give me a notice roll. Do you notice? I do. Yeah. Let me see. We were trying to do -- You. You. I have a little dance. I have a little dance. All right. Here we go. Thank you. All right. Well, what I'm thinking is -- Yes. We all balanced our characters so that we would be good. Yes. Everyone has different hands to shine. That's true. Only would minus -- Oh, I got a two and a one. Oh, crap. I got a notice. You can try. Try the other rail. Let's see. Out of four and two. Okay. So the four, that is a success. Okay. You feel a very slight vibration. Oh. Look at that indicate. I don't know. We're sorry. That maybe was underneath us. There's some activity maybe further west, but far, far away. Well, how long have they been in the caves? Not an hour. I'm just wondering. Really? Yeah. Oh. We're in real time here. Damn. Okay. Hurry up. Hurry up down there. Do we see anything? I mean, let me walk six feet in and see what is or anything. Anything. Anything. Debris. This is the sound of your boots crunching gravel. Yeah. Oh. I don't know quite what to do with this information. There are nothing kind of fishy looking. Nothing fishy looking though. So. Aside from the track. An underground train. Well. Well, it's time to start. It's time to start. Mr. I don't know what's down here. This is like trouble down here. We could travel along down here to be out of the sun. And the cold. The cold. It's actually quite snowy. So it would be nice and warm down here. I don't know where you're going to be. No worries. No worries. Not to mention any more people coming by on the railroad. Although we don't know where it's going to poke out either. We don't know if there's going to be any water or anything. You want to go back up until come to you or yourself? Sure. Hi, Doc. By the way. Oh, hi, Doc. Bye. Bye. [laughter] Okay. Let's go. [laughter] Just had to throw that in there. So conscious. Subliminal messages. Just practice on your spiel. Yeah. All right. So you're back up there. Are you telling me what's there? I'm saying, oh well. Could this have just been part of the the rail wars that they kind of try to destabilize each other's tracks in order to prevent them from traveling? It seems like I put a lot of work into it. Well, it could have been a couple of sticks of dynamite. They've got track around. That's expensive. That is. It's more than that. It's more than that. Okay. Well. Do we want to travel surface level or do we want to travel? I don't know where those tracks go. I know. That's the disturbing part. There's no way I'd rather travel above ground where my horse can for sure find some meat. Exactly. Because we don't know if we're going to breach ground again. We don't. Until the end of the tunnel. The end of the tunnel. So no. Yeah. That's a long ways away. And it goes a couple of days by train. Yeah. No. We're like a couple of weeks ago. Yeah. Exactly. Quad, you can give me a smarts or weird science for all of your choice. Okay. Weird science. It's the same difference. Let's say weird science. Let's say weird science. Let's say weird science. Wait a minute. This is a long D. One D. Three and a two. Nope. Okay. Used up on each other. No, I haven't. I have chips. Let's see what I got. I got a red. I got some. I have one more chip left. Obviously. I got one more. I have one more. I read this in half too. You might get a full one. Shoot. What are you special? Mm-hmm. This is what I feel like you're like a... Like I feel like for some reason you're like a combatant. Yeah. Player versus GM. Well, usually I don't feel like I don't have that attitude. Because I feel like you're facilitating the tail. But in this case I really feel like you're kind of a sneaky player. Yeah. I'm sorry about you. Exactly. Exactly. It's a bit like a game of poker isn't it? It is. Oh. It's good. I gotta wear my shades and my douchey visor. Do you want a douchey visor? I don't know what's important. Oh my gosh. I'm just green. I'll get a city's of gold visor. What is that? Oh, what is that? I'm trying to get a race-cino visor. Race-cino. Yeah, it's a race track-cino couple. Oh, it is? Yeah, it's a blue gold one. Oh, I didn't mention the real treasure. Wow. That's pretty exciting. You want to? There's so many bears. Oh, I hate that. Like, yes, that's what I want everyone to see. Yeah. No. No. I have to admit, I said that I was like... Oh, Jesus. Like, where did I move to? Now I'm just digging up. Three years later. Thank you. Oh, I gave him a bad one. I gave him a red one. I only have a blue one. Well, I think he got to save that one. I'm saving that one for the big deal. Alright, so essentially you're re-rolling your... An S3D6 to add to total. To add to total. Yes. You're going to add a D6 to the 3. Correct. To five. Five. Make of it. Great. Okay. The impression you get from this tunnel. Yes. Is... At least two holes. Possibly three holes. Cool. Well, first of all, the amount of earth that would have to be moved to tunnel through the Sierra Nevada Mountains is unprecedented. Yes, it is. There's not something you could accomplish simply with dynamite and pickaxes. Right. Okay. You get the feeling that there is some major work being done here on a technologically unprecedented level. I think it's just a giant, like, bolder. It's really attached to the front. Yeah, it is. Secretly. No, right. It's a boot. Get it. On top of everything else, you've heard no rumor, whisper, or indication whatsoever that something like this would be going on. In the earth moving world, it says not been mentioned. Right. Massive. Villain from the Incredibles at the very end. Hmm. The guy... I haven't seen the variance. I haven't seen the end. Yeah, I've seen parts of it. She's seen parts of it multiple times or something. But... Yeah. No. We're cut. This is what we're old people. This is what we're kind of older than usual. I guess it's the movie. No, it is a movie. I've seen it while I've been eating class. That's like one of the best. Shall we fix our movies? Yeah. No, my brother likes it. No, they're just like, you know... What is he thinking about? And he, like, has... He, like, bursts out of the ground in, like, a parking lot and a giant, like, drill. Yeah. But that's definitely a classic... Oh yeah. Classic mad scientist. Definitely. I mean, it's definitely adventure brothers, right? It was in the beginning of Halloween 3. Are you serious? Serious. A giant drill. A giant underground drill with many teeth. A classic. Serious. Wow. Okay, well, there we go. It was meant to be. All right, so you're telling us this and so... But I'm thinking this wouldn't have been discovered unless... Right. Did they want to be discovered? Nope. So we have secret knowledge. Now we're in the horn of the dilemma. But now they can't get in... But now we can't... They can't get left. Because they're blocked. I mean, they're going to find this. I wonder how fast it's going to take them to clear it out. That's a good question. I'm just curious. I'm just throwing out my ass. Probably a step long though of doing that good. Wow. That's remarkable. Very strange. No one's going to believe us. Well, I'm not going to tell anybody. Are you? I don't know. You seem to be a bit of a loudmouth. Yep. I'm not going to tell you. You call me a lard? Yeah. What? When we're at the next stage? Next to you, everybody's a loudmouth. [laughter] I just not an agreement. Yeah. Yep. Well... Great then. Just be careful. I'm just telling you. Be careful on who you say this to. I'll try. No promises. No, I don't. You don't have to promise anything to me. I'm just thinking about common sense. All right. As we go, Clippity Club. So, shall we? Yeah, we're... What? What are you doing? We're going west. So, we follow the tracks. Yeah. We're following the tracks heading to next. Keep bringing the horses down. No. We're not going into the A8. No. We're following the ground. Above ground. This is what we're talking about is we're like... We're going to follow the tracks above ground. We are going to follow the original track. They're following the original track. The original track. Check it, check it, check it. They're all continuing. Because the motor tracks are freaking us out. Yeah. And it's not good. Right. And that's not... The upper tracks only went right across the town or something. Exactly. So, you're going to take... You're going to take the... Possibility of more Apache attacks. Yes. For the unknown of the underground. Yeah. For a while. We always know where to go back if we wanted to. And, mostly, in terms of navigating. I think he's going to attack... I think the GM's going to attack us above ground until we go underground. I agree. To kind of be... Oh, I'm not going to force anything. I'm just saying that you know that you know that you're in a Apache country. I'm aware of that. You've been attacked by a Apache. Apparently. One of them got away. Yes. It was Christiany. They'll soon return and integrate your numbers. Oh, shit. But now, I think I probably should have shot him while I'm running off. I didn't think of that. Well, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to do... So, I mean, I'm just saying. You guys can do either one of these. I'm just pointing out what your character would know, which is that... Right. No, and I need that. That's helpful. Is that you know there's a significant risk. All right, you guys. There's a real risk. There's a significant... It's basically a real risk versus a possible risk. Either way is risk. Well, there's a long term risk though. So, I'm going to sit. Yeah. But I think that here's what we can do. I have my bag on me or whatever. I have three days of rations. Trail rations. True. We're going to raid from the train too. That's what I was thinking we should do. I want to go up to find to see if there's any other type of equipment we can get. Like a compass or you have a watch on you, right? So, if we could find a compass maybe up in the other cars. There we go. I think we should find a compass. Because who knows? This may not be going west at all. You're right. It may end up going back north. This may... Who knows? Maybe going south. Go back to New York City. I've been in some subways that have felt like that. So, I think we need to raid the train, loot the body, and see what we can find. And then at least camp out here for the night because those are that guy. I think it's a good idea. Why not? Well, you know, we're here. I'm assuming their patches are romantic. They'll probably come back and loot it anyways. Well, that's what we should loot it now and then go underground. They're not going to go underground. Oh, no, no, no, no. I think we're going to... We should find what we can, including a compass. And camp out at least there overnight. So, I'm in so much pain right now. Somebody has to be like... Someone had to have been to have some morphine pills on this train. No, no, no, they're going to have another morphine addict. I'm going to have a lot of them. Yeah, something. Because I'm in excruciating pain right now. So, my pain may be clotted by judgement. True. But I think we should loot the train. If they have evidence. Yeah. So, I'm going to start doing that. Fine. Alright, notice rolls all around everyone. Oh, for crying out loud. I've got a six. I don't have notice. Seven, four. You got a six. Okay. So, if you don't have notice, it would be a D4 minus two. Oh, boom. And your wild day. Minus two. Minus two. Why am I minus two now? Because it's unskilled. Oh, okay. So, actually, it's minus three with your wound penalty. I don't mind my window. Oh, but you just aced your before there. I did. And I aced this. Oh, so you get to be real, both. So, it's ten. No, no, you're not adding them together. Oh, okay. Three and two. So, it's a nine. It's your highest there. Minus three is a six. So, that's pretty good. So, all you guys meet your target numbers. So, you find a compass. Yay! Quad, you find, actually, the Gatling rifle that the conductor had pulled out. And Doc, was there anything you were looking for specifically? Notice it. Probably just extra supplies. Probably some extra food. So, yeah, you scrounge up. You find a lantern. Awesome. Can you give me this back? Oh, yeah, actually, hand me all of your parts back, because when a joker is pulled, I reshuffled the action deck. Oh, okay. So, thank you. So, yeah, you find the lantern, and you find, you know, some food. More food? Yeah. You want to do more water? More water. Especially if you've got to pack me a little bit less to make sure you load it up with, which is why it's probably for all three of us. You know, for the animals. Any medicine? Uh, no. No, no more scenery. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure I want to have some to eat, some calm down, and look at it again. Mm-hmm. So, you guys, descend into the tunnel? Mm-hmm. Whereabouts do you want to set up camp? Burn up down, and I'm going to see it out. We're going to get out of eyesight. So, wait a minute. Burn her over to you. Down. I need to wait west. Yeah. Wait down from the kitchen. Mm-hmm. Oh, my go down. Yeah, I know. What I'm worried about. Mm-hmm. And this is only 15 feet of clearance from the train? On either side. It's not bad. It's not very cool why it's on all with a 30-foot high ceiling. Yeah. I'm just thinking like, size of our horse compared to how far the train might stick out from the edges. The other way? The other direction? Possibly. I mean, otherwise, how's it going to get back? They can't just hold it in the train. Hey, Nick. One one. Nick heard of me. But me, do you? I mean, if they have the technology to root under the ground like this, then they may have the technology to know that there's been a capin. That sounds a little too 21st center for my taste, doesn't it? A little light going off from a beep, beep, beep. It looks like an LED light. It's just a lawn light. I'm just saying. It's an 89 cent card. All right. I'm just saying. Yes, there may be an alarm when, you know, ex carte doesn't come through. I mean, this is the guy who said that it was advanced technology, whatever that is. It's unbeknownst to normal. Not including these operations. They're talk normal. I know. It's not my horse be able to clear the train. Probably. I'm just trying to figure out. What is this that we're going into? I don't know. It's exciting. No, it's not. Oh. So rather than talking distance, let's talk time. How long do you want to walk down the track before you set a camera? Well, if we, how far, how fast are we doing? Walking pace. So, I say we can get like five miles in. Okay, sure. So that's about an hour of walking. No, that's about, I would say an hour and a half of walking. No, five miles an hour. That's walking pace. Oh, is it? No. Okay. An hour of walking. I guess I'm releasing more horses too. I'm like, I'm such a man. You're like, what in the hell now? That's totally normal. No, I was not thinking that. Um, I was just thinking if the horses were for ambling, taking a pig back sightseeing. Yeah. Yeah. It's a magical, it's a magical friendship. That's what we're doing. You're trying to eat fun. Yeah. We're arguing and hashing it out. Yeah. I'm arguing with this guy. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So there's a bit of bickering going on. I'm doing this. Yeah. You're just gonna eat. Shake my hand. But you do at least have the landing which provides the source of light in this pitch. Otherwise, pitch dark tunnel. So my got me some matches, so. Dr. Funkermann. I have, I watch as, uh, matches. Excellent. I watch. So it kind of casts these, you know, big exaggerated shadows up on the tunnel walls. You know, as you walk along. Okay. So is my compass still reading like. West. Okay. All right. Let's do West. So you've actually been walking for about a half hour. Oh, shit. When you hear, um. Yeah, no. And incidentally, I was prepared for the Overland journey too. So. Vampire paggies interesting, interesting, uh, convergence, you guys. So, um, you've only been walking for about half hour. When you hear a distant sound of heavy machinery. Finally. And pick axis. Okay, good. Oh, we're upon the operation. Well, that's worrisome to me. Yes, it is. I don't think they want to know. No, of course they don't want us to know. Around the state of, and, and as you're beginning to hear this. You also hear a faint explosion. From back where you came. I've cleared it already. Or they'd finish the closure back up. Yeah. What do you mean? We'll close it from the other side so that people don't see the tracks down below. Okay. Maybe just assume that something's split and created a crater. No, there's a secret tunnel under the ground. They'd have to lift the engine. Not at least just collapse the other side. Yeah. All right. That makes sense too. It does. It's like cutting. It's like cutting to ends of, um. Like you tie a knot off. So it's like they, they tie it, like there's a free den. But they tie the knot, like where they're not tied up is where they're closing the herb. Does that make sense? No. Kind of following you. Keep going. Like the terrain pressure on the ground. Yes. You got to walk on one of the tunnel. That's the free den. It just collapsed the other side. So it just looks like a crater. Right. Like maybe they just tied a knot. Got an explorer. And then you put some craters? No. It's converging in the center. Yeah. It just kind of looks like a, that's what I was saying. The rope's fraying. You tie a knot. So the fraying, fraying stops. There's a knot there. Oh. That's my best way of thinking about it. Oh shit. Either way it sounds like we can't go out the side of us. Yeah. A lot of mine can't go back that way. And we have to keep going forward. And who knows what we're going to meet? Let's do that. Well if we go back, it might be less people. We might still be able to escape. Going forward. I'm going to be completely blocked off. We've got to know how many people with how big a machine. Yeah. I think we should still keep going west. I do too. You said so little lady. Wow. I think if we go back the way we came. Did they just close off that? They'll be, they'll be. Oh wait, that's right. Golly, what do you think would be up there? I have a major hindrance, it's curiosity. Oh shit. There you go. I want to know what's up there. All right. Off we go. Go ahead and take a check for us playing your major hindrance. Yeah, my notice, my notice is a minus two. Is that what you were talking about with my heart of hearing? My notice is already a minus two. Oh Lord. So that's whenever you make, that's whenever you make a notice roll for the time here or something. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to try to hear something. So you have to differentiate if it's a notice hearing. Right. Or a notice visual. Right. Or tactile I guess. Right. Exactly. So yeah, notice all you, the notice all you made before was visual. So. Okay, good. Thank God. But I'm just reminding you. Yes. You're pretty, you're pretty dense when it comes to hearing. Thanks. Oh, I had a lot of things shoot off in my ears. So I thank you not to point it out. Strange voice. Everyone make notice rolls please. Are they hearing or visual? This would be non-hearing. Oh, nice. Yay. So. It's 12 total. Okay. Four. So I got a raise. I ate one. I ate one. Six. Okay. Seven. And you got a four. Four. Okay. So all of you notice as you're walking along and sort of bickering about whether you can head back or not. You all notice. That's funny. Yeah. Y'all notice the occasional bit of earth or rock kind of falling from the ceiling here and there. And doc, you notice, you kind of just kind of look back over your shoulder. You notice as a little pebble plinks off your shoulder, you kind of look back. And you see a very dim light down back the tunnel the way you came. Oh shit. Oh, light? Well, it's still daylight outside. Oh, but you've left daylight behind. Many hours ago. I saw a half hour ago. So, yeah. Wait, what time was it when we went in two miles? So what time was it when we got in two miles? Probably like after me. Yeah, it was an afternoon. That's weird. So it's just a pinpoint light. Yeah, that's what you see. Okay. Oh. It seems like it's coming towards us though. Mm-hmm. Shit. Yeah. Well, it looks like we got some company. Mm-hmm. Let's just keep moving. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Um, so presently the light begins to grow larger until all of you can see it. Um... Really fast. Really fast. I mean, this is like after maybe five minutes. Mm-hmm. But now you're beginning to hear the sound of a train. Okay. All right. Right. Shingle file against the wall. Yep. I wonder if the horses can handle this. We'll see. So... Put some cotton. Stick it in the old base. [laughter] I love my horse. [laughter] All right. So... Um... I'm going to check on the dog, because she's been... [laughter] Speaking of animals... Really quiet. Yeah. I'm a veterinarian first. I'll have her second. [laughter] So, um... All right. So you get up against the wall of the tunnel. Mm-hmm. Okay. So, uh, presently a train does indeed come rumbling down the tracks. I'm gonna say they'll be okay if they had to ride a train. Mm-hmm. Yeah. You know, they shake their heads a little bit, but they're fine. Um, it's just a, uh, single engine. And, um... And a couple, uh, flatbeds and caboose. Uh-huh. Flatbeds have a lot of crates and other things under tarps. Uh-huh. It flies. Yeah. Um, and it's moving at a fairly slow clip. Um, you know, not like a... Mm. Looks like the two miners doing this. Yeah. [laughter] It has a small engine. Uh, you can all give me, uh, notice rolls. I don't know. Why do you keep doing this? I should have gotten noticed. It's pretty important. It's six. It's got a five. I got the same thing on both. And that is... Three. All right. All right. So, Doc and Quad, you both note, um, the, um, Wasatch, um, Rails logo. It's on the side of the engine. Mm-hmm. What were we writing? You were writing Denver Pacific. Denver Pacific is owned by the Smith and Robards Company. Mm-hmm. The Wasatch line is owned by Helstrom Enterprises. Oh! Arch Rival of Smith and Robards. Helstrom. Helstrom. Helstrom. Helstrom. Most of an accident, which seems... Mm-hmm. You don't give me common knowledge rolls, which is just a straight up smarts roll. No. I wish I had more smarts. And Quad, you get plus two on the roll. Ace-t-mon. Two. Yeah. Oh, Ace-t-mon again. Four. Four. Mm-hmm. And one. So, let's 17. Wow! And... I, I, I, I, I rolled five for that. So, you did well as well. Damn. All right. Um, so, you're all more or less aware of Wasatch as being, um, sort of one of the minor, uh, players in the, in the Rayman Wars. Okay. Uh, Quad and Doc, you, you both actually remember, uh, reading. And episode, uh, episode, uh, an issue of the, uh, Tombstone epitaph last year that reported that Wasatch had actually bowed out of the race entirely. Whoa. Cranky. Wow. Mm-hmm. Okay. Can't see 'em coming if you can't see 'em coming. [laughter] That's right. No argument that logic. [laughter] All right. So, the train passes you by. Mm-hmm. And, uh, and soon has disappeared into the darkness. I wonder if they see us? I'd say they can slow down. Let's see, we're lucky. Um, I have 15 feet of clearance. I mean, probably... We have a lantern. They gotta see us. Yeah, I'm thinking it's, they would be strange to see, although there may be workers in the... They may have tunnels. Well, that. There may be workers in the tunnel, so they're used to seeing people in the tunnels. Mm-hmm. That'd be could be. We're just talking, you know, even though we're talking, we're walking. I'm assuming it's mine. Yeah, good. Of course. Nobody's probably listening to me. No. Well, there's no radio, so we have to do something. [laughter] The "I" spy with my little eye. [laughter] Who's laughing? Uh, Brock. [laughter] All right. [laughter] All right. So, yes. And then at one point, one of you spies will feel alive. [laughter] Uh, up ahead. Um, standing, um, sort of on the other side. On the other side of the tunnel. But near to the wall on the far side. Yes. Uh, a rather large, uh, humanoid, sort of, silhouette. Yeah. Looming into view from your lantern lights. Humanoidy. On the side? No, on the far side. On the far side. It's good, like, maybe eight or ten feet tall. What, what, what? Uh, oh. You know, two arms, two legs. A sort of large, large torso and small overhead. Amazing. What the hell? How's the turn? Right. Just, you know, put my rifle across my lap. [laughter] Yeah. Yeah, I'm going to get my gun ready. How's my horse doing? She's not, she's not freaking out by that. No. Hmm. Just going to keep on riding. Try and play it cool. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. I don't think we're going to be whistling. Whistle through the graveyard. No, we're not whistling. All right. So, as it comes closer into your lantern light, you can see that it is a metallic, uh, construction. Uh-huh. It is brass and iron sort of glinting in your lantern light. And yes, it has this giant sort of barrel-chested torso, almost like a, uh, boiler. Uh-huh. And then this very tiny little bell-shaped head, right? Uh-huh. Uh, but the head, even though it lacks any kind of, like, outward sign of viewing apparatus, or anything like that, is rotating slowly, sort of tracking you as you write. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. One of its arms ends in a sort of, you know, free-pronged pincher. Uh-huh. And the other arm just mounts this, uh, Gatling gun. Uh-huh. It's armed. Yes. But it's just sort of... So... I think we need to fucking book it, so it doesn't see us. It's seen you, but it's not doing you. Oh, it's still a scene-ess? Yeah. That's what, you know, it's tracking us. Okay. Mm-hmm. I just thought it was just... Okay. I can't shoot it now. Well, I don't think we do. What do you call it? Shoot it. It'll just shoot back. Yeah, I don't wanna... Mm-hmm. Uh, actually, uh, again, common knowledge rules all around. Okay. So, what's the time? Three, three, six, seven, two. Uh, smarts. Okay. Two, three. Mm-hmm. Five. Mm. So, quad, of course, you have heard of this. You realize this must be one of the famous Hellstrom automatons. Yeah. Okay. They've been heralded as the cutting edge of the new science. Um, they are, um, I mean, it's not unusual for, um, new scientists to construct, um, sort of animatronic, you know, simulacrums that can move around and do things. But, you know, they use kind of, like, studded paper, like, a player piano to sort of program their movement, you know. So, it's like, behold, the clockwork woman who dances, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But the, uh, but the automatons, the automatons seem to be able to move and function of their own accord, respond to environmental stimulus, adjust their, uh, behavior accordingly, sense when things are sneaking up behind them. That's the point, uh, evaluate, uh, friend from Faux. Okay. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. And no one knows how Hellstrom is pulling this off. Uh-huh. So. Oh, that Hellstrom. Okay. Do you want me to say we just play it cool? Yeah. No. No, I'll just keep going. Do, do, do. Um-huh. Tip, tip, tip, two loops. It's pretty awesome to see when some folks out of that was pretty cool. Indeed. For some people. Oh, and, uh, of course, but at this point the sound of the heavy machinery and the construction has gotten quite a bit louder. Um, so you carry on and have only gone about 50 yards past this automaton. When you see the train that passed you now stopped on the tracks, uh, blowing steam off, you know, and you see a crew, uh, unloading supplies off the flatbeds, sort of, uh, cloaked in the steam, you know, they've got their lanterns out. You know, uh, you can barely hear their, their shouts due to the, uh, the unholy racket that now echoes through the tunnel. All right. But, uh, with the noise and the steam you feel like you could, uh, probably get pretty close to them without them noticing, you know, if you were so inclined. Well, I mean, we're just passing through. Oh, I'm just going through your secret tunnel. We didn't see that robot or the, uh, whole operation. Anything. We didn't see you. Right. And she's deaf, too. Yeah. I can't hear shit. I'm just moving along the wall. Um, how close can we get? We can close enough to, like, check out what's going on. Oh, we hop on the train with all of our gear and animals. Y'all boy. Well, are there just, like, empty cars on the train? There's, uh, uh, the engine, two flat beds, and then, like, a cooking store. Great. And there's three, three men. They have tarps. Tarps. They have tarps. Oh, yes. So they, they've pulled the tarps back. There's three men, uh, currently unloading off the flat beds. You can't sneak on there. No. Maybe past them, maybe. Yeah. Let's try to get past them. Can you give us a shot? Yeah, let's try. All right. Well, maybe I'll unload it on one side and on top, and we can sneak through the steam wall on the other side. Mm-hmm. Give it a whirl. Mm-hmm. Who has stealth? I do. I don't. I've got snow. No. Just to surf. Okay. So, we're actually rolling on the worst stealth, which would be choice between the two of you. Oh. Actually, it would be congee because you've got your wound penalty. Nice. I'm gonna roll D4 minus three. Wow. I'm gonna fail. And a wild dying minus three as well. Why am I even bothering here? Possy. Zero. Negative three. Negative three. Okay. So. Ugh. All right, guys. Aah! Well, I don't think they'd be able to hear us with all the commotion. I think they would possibly be able to see us, right? They wouldn't be able to hear us. But probably not be able to hear you. So you get to within like, you know, ten yards a bit. Uh-huh. And there's this one guy who's kind of up on a flatbed sort of supervising the other two as they unload. And he's got a, a cold thunderer strapped to his belt. And he sees you all and puts his hand on the handle and puts his hand out to stop you. All right. And, you know, he's shouting something but you can't really hear him. So he, uh, he hops down off the flatbed and sort of ambles over at a relaxed pace. Uh-huh. Okay. Uh-huh. Um, so he, uh, he looks up at all of you and he's, he's close enough now that you can, you know, make himself heard. And, uh, he says, well, what are you all doing down here? You know, up top we have to attack with some Apaches and then run, run right towards a train wreck. And I would took shelter in this year's tunnel. So, uh, he kind of squints off back down the tunnel and he says, oh, they all came down through the cave in, eh? Yeah. That's about right. I got chased right in. Mm-hmm. All right. Um, so he, uh, you know, he takes his hand off his gun and hooks it in. Well, uh, I'm afraid I'm going to have to keep you in protective custody. What? Until we get to lost angels. Well, that's fine. Buy me. It shouldn't take but another week with any luck. That's the best we can hope for, really. Well, yeah, it's not awful. I'm sorry, we just can't let word get out that we're almost there and we'll have every rival rail gang in the west, sending on us like fly us on a cow pie. Well, we are awfully obliged to be out away from the damn patches. No, no need to worry, uh, you're in good hands. Do you have a doctor in sight? Uh, we've got, we've got several doctors on sight. We've got, uh, we've got the best doctor, actually. Let me, uh, let me introduce you. I am just a veterinarian. Sorry. Yeah. All right, so I'm going to go with him to get treated. Who's the best doctor? Yeah, I know. You want to know? I know. So I love you and I'm just like, yeah, and I go with him. All right. So it's me. Y'all can just follow me. All right. What can we leave our horses there? I don't want to leave our horse because it sounds like we're going with them. Yeah. So you can leave your horses here. We've got a, we've got a little, uh, corral area we can put them in. Okay. Uh, uh, uh. Dude, look, if you were underground. I'm good. No, I'm sorry. I'm just saying add a character. If you were underground, what else, what other options do you have? I don't like it. Well, I'll keep my eyes open. Yeah, sure. I don't like it. Going to the doctor. Okay. So you, uh, um, so he introduces himself as Charlie Bill Buckner and, um, Bill Buckner. Charlie Bill. So Charlie Bill takes you beyond the, uh, takes you beyond the re-supply train and you enter into a, uh, sort of camp, you know, there's a Kansas tents and, um, uh, carbide lanterns and fire pits going nice, all underground. Amazing. Indeed. Well, there's enough, uh, you know, air circulated. Sure. Yeah. Come on, Jen. We're role playing. Go on. So. Just dubious. Um, and then along the walls you see several dozen men working with pickaxes to, uh, to smooth the, um, the rock wall beyond where they're working with their pickaxes. You can see the rock wall has these like deep sort of spiral gouges in it. Mm hmm. That's strange and, um, and the, and the machinery noise is sort of rattling out from the darkness beyond, but it's incredibly loud at this point. So there's stacks of equipment, railroad ties, foodstuffs, water barrels, uh, creates dynamite, that kind of thing, um, and there is a very fancy looking caboose attached to a second train engine, uh, on the tracks beyond the supply train that you just passed. So he, uh, Charlie Bill takes you to the caboose, um, at the back of the caboose to, uh, grim face sort of salad skinned guards are standing, um, both armed with, um, uh, shotgun relolvers. Damn. Um. That's awesome. Um, and, uh, buckner nods at them and one of them turns and knocks, obviously in some sort of like code, you know, rhythm that you can't hear over the, uh, over the loud, uh, reading and machinery, um, but then the, uh, the guard turns and nods you all in. Um, so you step into the most luxurious railcar you've ever seen. Um, the walls are carpeted with rich red velvet panels in set into cherry wood, brass fixtures and handrails at contrast. There's a short dining table set with what looks like more silver than came out of Virginia City. Damn. Um, and there are two figures, uh, seated in plush chairs at, uh, the other end of the car. Um, one is a man middle age in a sort of rumbled, uh, white suit and hat. Um, he looks, uh, looks a bit, uh, care worn, a bit, uh, Darren McGavin issue, though. Uh, but he smiles at you a billion tips his hat. The other figure is sat back in his chair with a clipboard in his hand, wearing a scarlet smoking jacket and puffing on a pipe. Um, his face is initially hidden in shadows, but as you enter, he leans forward and, uh, regards you with his, uh, rather Vincent Price-like fake features. You realize this is none other than Dr. Darius Helstrom. Wow. You're like, sweet. Wait, are these medical doctors? Wait, are these medical doctors? I think it's medical doctors. Yeah, exactly. I need a medical doctor. I can try taking them though, okay, you know, it worked kind of, maybe in a bit. Maybe they'll release it in fumble it again. You know, give me a metal arm. Holy smokes, Dr. Helstrom, what an honor to meet you. All right. All right. Nice. Wait, does Jen, does not trust Helstrom or quad? I don't trust anybody. I mean, yeah, is Jen or is this quad? Oh, no, this, I don't know. It's a good question. Where does quad be said? I don't know. I'll be good. Yeah, exactly. I can't answer that. It's like, I don't trust you. I'm going to be really tough at the movie for you to see, called "Mazes and Monsters." I've seen, I own that one. All right, so, so you're excited, so quad's excited to see them. I'm excited to see them, but you know, we're kind of in a campbird seat here, right? So, so we need to get your shoulder first. I need to get repaired. Okay. So, whatever you were expecting when you met Dr. Helstrom, he seems remarkably congenial. He smiles and rises and says, "Well, welcome, Travis. That brings you to our little expedition here." Well, making our way west and not chased by a couple of patching down into a cave-in. So, Helstrom looks at bucking and bucking and goes, "We already have a group patching that lobster." Yeah. Very well. Continue. And here we are. Yep, I'm trying to seek some shelter and head west. I see. And I'm injured. Oh, no. I already hear that. Let me take a look at that. Creepy wreath thing, actually. Oh my God. Oh my God. First, he just fell out first. He just kind of sliced. Yeah, but you want a dolly? Yeah. All right. So, maybe Leshman's surprise is more Gary Oldman, I don't know. Yeah, that would actually be really cool to my... I like Gary Oldman. But he scares me more. It's so cool. All right. And I'm surprised to seem somewhat friendly, even though I knew he was being evil. Too full of them. Yeah. But because he was happy. Well, you've never seen any bobble about the vibes, have you? Well, I guess you should see that. But I think Gary Olga is so much self-hatred that it can't come through in his eyes. I love him. He's one of my most favorite actors. He's one of my most favorite actors. Okay, so we'll say alcoholic, eric, eric, eric, eric, eric, eric, eric, eric, eric. Definitely the alcohol fueled his vehicle. His hate. Okay. So, I'm going to show my shoulder. Mm-hmm. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Well, it looks like, um, it's a little that we can do here without any kind of, um, facility for, uh, cutting in there and getting the head out. It looks like it's been patched up about as well as it can be. Damn us. Oh. Basically, basically the way healing works is that you have a golden hour to affect any kind of immediate healing. Oh. You get one chance. If, uh, someone else can always try it, but if it's outside of that hour, it's too late. Wow. It's up to natural healing. Ooh. I'm locked. My body has to essentially expel it. He'll round it. He'll round it, form a cyst around it, basically. Wow. Yeah. Sorry, dude. Oh, shit. What? Well, sir. You know what? I've seen, uh, I've seen a lot of, uh, eric injuries in my day, and so, wait, that one's still been a little crowded. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. I'm gonna. Well, basically, natural. I just nod. I nod bravely. Natural healing is like pandering. You get one roll per week. That's so cool. Okay. So you're going to have that wound, at least for another week. No, I've seen people with worse wounds. I have things on me that I can- Just carrying them around. Some of them do, but some of them haven't, and some of them have gotten through, and some have it. That's true. That's just part of the journey. So, I'm going to, um, I have some things on me. That I can apply to it, in case something like this would have happened. Mm. Okay. I can make a little poultice. Sure. Yes. Yes, you there. Yes. Yes. You on the white shirt? I was just saying, uh, to myself, the, uh, I've got for you to take our cana. Yes. Oh, like, whip that sucker out. Work it out. Work it out. If you, if you- Do I do it discreetly? Your invention in front of the greatest inventor in the Western world. Ooh. Do you have the stones to do it? Do you? I do. Oh! Dude, this person did a dance. It's true. He did. He crossed back to your dance. Uh, yeah. He has the gravitas. I'm just going to put him on for a moment and take it off. He's like that. So what is health trim? Health trim season? So, so you've always gotten around your neck. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. These are goggles in which cost me two power points to use with, in which I can detect any enchantment, supernatural person, Huxter, and so on. Awesome. So it's two power points out of the 20 power point reserved in the item. Right. Just, to be clear. Okay. Then, and then you need to make a weird science role to activate them. All right. Let's see if it works. Yes. Ooh. Oh, okay. The Bible do that. All right. So yeah, you, you kind of put the goggles up and just sort of turn a knob and, and, you know, the, the, the, the ghost rock lenses give everything this weird sort of greenish glowy tinge. Yes. They do. Oh. But you don't see any kind of, uh, strange, no Huxters. No Huxters. No. Wow. So everyone's genuine assholes. Everyone is a genuine. Yeah. Sorry. So, uh, a genuine super genius. And then, you know, purchase them up on here. Yep. Okay. So, uh, so Helstrom kind of, uh, look, you know, gives them an interest to the, you know, you know, and he says, I see your fellow, uh, fellow follower of the new science, sir. Did I am? Oh, a dabble. A dabble. I'm going to find a soft like us to sit. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to find a soft cushion to sit on. There's a bench. I'm going to go sit. I am exhausted. I'll try to help you. You'll probably. Yeah. Like goof. Yeah. Oh, very good. Um, we saw one of your automatons in the way down here. Oh, did you? Incredible. Thank you. Incredible. Thank you. I was quite proud of that one myself, but I have to say I really have done myself this time. Oh, do tell. Well, perhaps you've heard that the Wasatch dropped out of the grave rail race. Yes. Got like a mustache twist. Could you hear it? Yeah. Yes. I did. It was. That was in there. Yes. There's a real mally here, and he points at the man in the white suit, reported as much last year in his, in his periodical-- That's true. Mally. Pleasure to meet you, sir. Ah, sir. You as well. Lacey O'Malley. Yes. I do read your columns. Oh, thank you. I'm just ignoring, because they're ignoring me. Yeah. Mm-hmm. There's an angry little, any woman sitting in the corner coming outside, or I'm playing my hindrance. Oh, oh. Oh, oh. You get chips on it. You get chips. I get chips. I get chips. Being an outsider, you know what I mean? Yeah, chips. Just what, I get chips. That's right. I take chips from you. Oh, shit. I got chips on my shoulder. I get chips on my shoulder. I get chips on my shoulder. I get chips on my shoulder. No, you know I actually will give you chips on that. There you go. Thank you. Because she outright played her hindrance. She did. All right. So, yes. Well, the truth of the match, sir, is that we've been working on a restaurant. We've been working on a revolutionary way to avoid the treacherous mountains. After your experience with those buffoons at Smith and Robards, I assume you can see why. Yes. I'm shaking my head right now. Do you see me shaking my head? Probably. Yeah, I couldn't go outside. Mm-hmm. Oh, yes, any woman I know. Ahead of us, beneath approximately a half mile of earth and stone, is a new machine of such staggering complexity that I alone can service it. That is why I'm here. Fantastic. Hmm. By my estimations, we should be emerging in California in a few days' time. From there, we will link with my existing line and roll into the city of Los Angeles by high noon in two days. There, we will confront the Reverend Grimm with the inevitable approach of the progress and end these damnable and expensive rail wars forever. By having a monopoly in it? Yes. I say. Do you say that out of New York? Uh-huh. My dear woman, that is the entire point of the rail wars. It is a government-sanctioned monopoly. No. Do you just have one of these tunnels going? Just the one for now, yes? So, I mean, all it takes for a wrench in your works is just for them to collapse part of your wife's bottle. We have means of clearing any collapses. You have no doubt been made aware already. How quickly can you clear a cave in? Quite quickly. In the hour. It's about ten at once. Yeah. Well, that is why it is in our best interest to keep our ventures safe. Keep our ventures secret for now. Of course. That takes. Once we reach the city of Los Angeles, I don't anticipate any more trouble from our competitors. What? What? What? All right, wait. Have you encountered any other people who have fallen into your plans here? Um, no, we have not. Um, but I'm sure you are trustworthy folks, just as Mr. O'Malley is here as well. And just as Mr. O'Malley will, um, is planning to give this venture a complete and thorough coverage in his paper, you too can be witnesses to this historic moment. Mr. Buckner, please see that our visitors are fed and shown around the camp. I can't do anything for my shoulder. Thank you kindly. I can thank you, but you're making fucking well. That's the only thing I care about. I'm trying to push off the other side. Yeah. Cool. You know potions? Uh, any fairies around? No. No brails either. Oh, shit. Okay. Well, that would have come in handy. Mm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm. Who would change the passing head? Mm-hmm-hmm-hmm. I heard score. Score. Score. All right, so, um... [laughter] So, um... I made the sound of a bird. Yes. So, Malley gets up and accompanies you all outside. He has a little camera, an epitaph camera, hanging by a strap over his shoulder. And then he's got a notebook and a pencil as well. And he says, "Oh, just a moment, if you please." That's a few questions. Who's this guy, Malley? Who's this journalist? Yeah. Okay. Oh, I have no time for this guy. I just want to find my bunk. So, I'm impatiently stopped. I got plenty of time for this guy. [laughter] I have all the time, not the good time for this guy. I'm not doing anything. [laughter] You got days. So, um... So, what does he want? Well, you know, he just asked you about, you know, who you are, how you got here, personal history. We have a tale of terror to tell this man. Our train exploded. Well, that's a real... Well, that's a real... Yeah, no, that's a... It barely escaped with our lives. It was incredible. That's a big deal. Not a big deal. Yeah. You knew we could do it. Yeah. Okay. Great interest. Mm-hmm. All right. So, you tell the colorful tale. I'm telling the colorful tale. And, uh, if you don't mind me asking, how did they, uh, how did the Sioux Squad end up as a gunfighter out west? Oh, she's just giving that love. She's just giving that love. She's giving that love. And you, sir, you're a doctor of some sort, I take it. Veterinarian, actually. I see a veterinarian. Mm-hmm. Southern Wisconsin. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. And, uh, those were some interesting goggles you had there, sir. Thank you. They're my latest invention. I see. Really? Utilizing ghost rock and completely new metal. Oh, fascinating. Ghost rock and sand. Ghost rock. It is the future. Oh, definitely. Absolutely. All right. You guys are like two serpents on a honeymoon. It appears that way. It appears that way. Oh, yes. So, um... So, yeah, yes. You have a few questions. So, I'm sorry. Now, um, so Mr. Buckner, um, takes you over... Can I please go to a bunk? Yes. He takes you over to a spot of earth. What? Yep. To, uh, where you can make your camp and get some food and water. All right. They also have some wine, if you'd like. Uh, it's a good distance from the main work effort. Okay. But it's still late on the construction site, essentially. Yeah, exactly. But, uh, but you are, you know, this is, this does give you some opportunity to just kind of... I'm gonna rest. Rest up. Yeah. You know. Pass out, hopefully. Pray that I pass out. Not roll over on my way. Mm-hmm. That's a terrible thought. Yeah. It does. I dealt with that personally. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. All righty. So, um... It's a dance. It's a dance. It's a dance. All right. So... Yes. It's a few hours passed by anyone who's sitting one in the pocket watch. I do. It's 10 p.m. by your watch. All right. Okay. Or 10 o'clock. Mm-hmm. 10 p. Um... Somebody get out of guitar? Do I hear a little plinkin' in the camp? Oh, no. It's still working. All the time. All the time. Working at 10 p.m.? Whoo! 24 hours a day, right? I mean, they probably bring shifts in. They bring shifts? They can. Well, that's why there's a big camp. Well, it's like they've got a machine doing the bulk of the labor. Yeah. How many people? Dozens. Dozens of people, but the machine is doing most of the labor. The people are sort of smoothing the tunnel while showing it up where you did. All right. Sort of thing. Clearing debris, probably. Clearing debris. Clearing debris. Mostly alone in the camp. No. There's a certain amount of coming and going. All right. You know. Okay. But at this time, Buckner, Charlie Bill, comes around. And, sort of, pointing back towards the coos. You can see one of those guys with the revolver shotgun. Yeah. Sort of standing down off of the platform and looking very alert. And so Buckner kind of thumbs back towards him. He says, "Dave says there's trouble brewing up." How kind of trouble? I don't know. He has a sense about these things. Oh, boy. As if on cue, over the sound of the machinery, you hear the distant rattle, the Gatling gun being fired. It's on the tie, this? It's on the song? See it's on the song? Oh. Yeah. Holy shit. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So Buckner, you know, kind of swears under his breath and rounds up a few guards, including the two from the caboose and yells back to you. You folks stay here, we'll take care of this. They head off into the darkness. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Oh, look at my rattle, at least by you. Yeah, I'm going to -- oh, my gun, ready. And both guns ready, but ready to see what happens. Okay. So sort of adding to the clatter of the Gatling gun, you know, here, you know, it's sound of revolver shotguns and pistols going off. But then, from the west, directional machinery sound, you see a bunch of crewmen come running down, you know, carrying -- you know, it's just running, flat out. That's why I grab our horses now. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And so I do that. I'm going to get our horses. And so you hear one of them chattering like, "What about Doc Haggerty?" And I was like, "Screw him!" Oh, my gosh! He's trapped in the machine. We can't help him! Oh, no! Uh-oh. Doc Haggerty. I want to go help Doc Haggerty. Yeah. That's unfortunate. He's trapped in the machine. Do we know Doc Haggerty? No. But I want to save him. He's another Doc, goddamnit. Yeah, another Doc. Either it's going into the Gatling gun, fight. Or... Whatever the hell they're running from. It's always seems like we're between a rock and a hard place. It's so hard to me, man, but... What? You're not really in any condition to be doing any fighting. Right now, but we're going to get out of here. I mean, we're going to have to grab the horses and get the fuck out of here. Which way? Do you want to go east or west? Well, you can go west. We're going to hit a rock wall. Yes. We'll go east. But why? We at least might get out of the tunnel. We're in both directions. We're going to hit a rock wall where people run away from. Or you can at least maybe run past everyone else. True. In the melee. Going towards the exit. The exit. Mm-hmm. If it's just on the all the exit. So, where are the... where are some health strips caboose and everything? Nearby. What's he doing? He's still in there. He hasn't come out. Yeah. So I think we should tell him that there's something going on. Well, maybe he can stop the machine. You saw the guards. Maybe they should not have an approach. Sort of check in with them before they laugh, so presumably he knows what's going on. Oh, alright. Okay. You want to go east down in the west. Mm. I'm going to problem. We're almost out of her because she's all hurt and stuff. Okay. What are you doing? It's my model. My model. Well, unless I see it. It's like a teaser and adventure. Where do you want to go? Yeah. I kind of feel like if Hellstrom hasn't left, then we're fine. You want to go peek in on Hellstrom then? Yeah. Alright, let's go peek in on Hellstrom. Okay. How are you going to do that? Knock on his door. Mm-hmm. Knock, knock, knock. Well, he's not evacuating. If he's not evacuating, then I don't think there's anything wrong. We're going to let you hide behind this thing. Exactly. I say we sit tight, but I am curious about the Doc Hagerty. Mm-hmm. Because we know what's going on over there. Somebody's invaded the caves and done that. But these workers are running. Let's go work. What's going on? Yeah, grab one of them. Grab one of them? Yeah. Alright. Thanks. Why are you running? I am awfully curious. That is true. Forget the curiosity. Damn it. Alright. So he looks pretty panicked. Sure. He says giant bugs coming out of the earth. Oh! Forget the poor getting out of here. No. See ya. Other direction. Wait, have you ever seen these before? No. I think he's gone. Yeah, the other guy. Yeah. What's this happen before? How big we talk? Is this how we go? Big! Alright. Aw, let's get out of there. We're grabbing the horses. We're getting out of here. Okay. We're moving. Move, move, move. Alright. Well, the sound of gunfire from the east is actually intensified. Oh, shit. Well, it's there are the ones. I'm thinking of creepy crawlies. So at this point, one of the workers comes running back from the east. And he's sort of doing this dance of panic. You know? Yeah. He's a bigger box back that way. Aw, are you kidding me? I say we just get in a caboose and hide somewhere. I say we hide until they run through. Stick with house from. See what he does? He doesn't want us to get in there. We can hide under the cars. Oh, under. Oh, God. It's pretty good. I like that idea. Yeah, me too. It's crazy enough to work. Yeah, we're going to hide under. Probably we're going to leave the washers going on. Yeah. We can hang on. Like hang on. I do that for dear life. Yeah. Still. Yeah. Alright. Okay. So you're going to hide under the loose. Okay. Alright. And in due time. You hear some sort of yells and screams and you see, let's see here. You see about half a dozen. Are there analysis beetles? Sorry. There's a sci-fi channel movie about that. Really? Yeah. They're like doing some sort of cave expedition for like minerals. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Try what it's called. It's really funny. Really bad. Yeah. Oh, you mean it's supposed to be fictional? Yeah. It's a sci-fi channel, original movie. Okay. Yeah. Sci-fi, S-Y-F-Y. Yes. Sci-fi. Okay. Those ridiculous sci-fi movies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The shark deposits agree. Shark deposits. Yeah. There we go. Yeah. Something. Okay. So basically you see about half a dozen insects about the size of a large dog. Wow. Ooh. With bodies like centipedes and large mandibles. Uh-oh. Okay. Well, those look fightable. And they're sort of, you know, swarming across the ground. So they're actually, they can see you quite easily. All right. And they're sort of coming straight for you. I'm playing a card. Okay. What are you playing? Burn the witch. Bono. Play during combat. A mob of angry locals equal to two per hero joins the battle's allies. Treat them as soldiers armed with whatever the GM is appropriate. Nice. They stay for the current battle only. Very nice. They're gonna be your friends. Excellent. Kill host room. What? It's fantastic. It's great. All right. Keep in mind. Mm-hmm. So. So band together, Matt. Mm-hmm. So yeah. So basically the miners, having seen that there's basically no way out, um, have their pickaxes. And, uh- Oh, I was thinking about the bugs. I thought we were gonna get the bugs to VR out. Wow. Sorry. That was so dumb. I don't know. Did you get that like spirit animal beast master thing? Oh my God. Yeah. Only me. Mine. Sick. Oh. It's party, guys. So they're little legs just trying to hug you. Yeah. Oh. I wanted to love you. I'm sorry, you guys. I totally thought they were talking about. No, we're standing together. I'm still embarrassed right now. All right. Let's just press on through. Yes, please. So. So. I didn't hear the sci-fi thing, so. Yeah. Here's your initiative card. That's that again, please. Good. Seven. Three. King. I got it. The bugs got the joker. Oh. Oh. And your ally's got a two. What did you guys get? Great. I got a seven. Three. So. And you got a king? Mm-hmm. Yeah. All right. So, basically, the bugs are on top of you, even as you emerge from beneath this. So there's six of them. There are six of them. Okay. Oh, god. Minus one to whatever rule. You had, like, hold on a second, you have how many allies? You have two per hero, so you've got six allies. Excellent. All right. So. Let's see. Here they go. They're going to check out. I'm going to use a joker and have an attack first. Of course. Damn. I didn't even think of that. Okay. What happens when the enemy gets injured? Oh, that's cool. Does that mean? I know, like, the arrow leaves. All right. So, one is going to attack. Can he? Oh, no. What is your parry? It's five. Five. Okay. So, you got four. So that's not good. Not good enough to hit you. Okay. One attacks quad. Mm-hmm. Parry's two. Okay. I got a five. Okay. So, that's a hit, but not a raise. Okay. So, he's going to do five damage. What's your toughness? Five. Okay. So, I did not see his equal toughness or beat the toughness. Beat. That is the question. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat. Let's see here. There we go. Damage. Yes. So, just equal to. So, you are shaken as it's mandibles. Click in your face. Okay. So, it'll bite on you without actually breaking skin or anything. That is creepy. That's creepy as hell. Yeah. And then, and then, one's going to attack dog. That's the worst. Your parry is two. Two. So, I got a five. So, that's a success. Oh, no. Oh. Uh oh. Damage is five. What's your toughness? Five. Okay. So, you're shaking as well. Oh, no. Come on. Come on. Come on. Okay. So, can we shoot them? So, and then the other. Can we attack the bugs? So, the other, the other three are attacking three of your allies. So, I'm just going to roll it in a quick. Yeah. Okay. Okay. What? The one we get to capitate it. Yeah. Well, one, one. Oh. That's like half scissors and half. Yeah. Starship Troopers level. Yeah. So, one of them actually does have his neck torn out. Oh, God. Uh, and then another one is sort of, you know, press back like you guys are being. Okay. All right. All right. So, honey, you're up. Shooting. I actually have a revolving shotgun. Okay. You can do that. Okay. Plus two to shooting. Oh, actually, you're in close combat. So, you can still use range, but only pistols. Oh, I can't even shoot. 'Cause it's right up on you. You can't get. Yeah. No, I understand how it works. All right. God damn it. All right. Well, I have two guns on me. Yes. You can do both your guns. Sorry. I was trying to do a dance. It doesn't really suit me. All right. Um, so. Don't worry about yourself. You're taking me. Ten to shoot. It's too late, man. Too late. I love that you did the dance, by the way. Just for the record. Yeah. No, that was amazing. All right. No, that was a thing to me. Not you. All right. So, you win your dance. That's right. No. We're going to do. We're going to in a couple minutes. All right. So. Exactly the spirit. So, here it is. Okay. Okay. Six. Okay. Plus six. Oh. Plus four. Oh, see. That's on one. That's on one. Let's see. So, basically, you can only direct both shots at the one that's attacking you. So. Okay. I'm going to shoot it with both. Okay. I can't do damage yet. Not yet. Okay. Six. So, six for the other regular success. Okay. That's a regular success. Right. Okay. So, you get regular damage and then damage plus one D six. Okay. Eight for one. That was the regular. Okay. Okay. Ten. Eleven for the second one. All right. You blow it's head off. Whoo. Much of green, accords. Yeah. Is it acidy? Uh, no. No. Just smell it. Okay. Check that. Yeah. It's going to burn through. Maybe I could use it to. All right. Now. I don't know. Who is delirious with pain right now? I'm going to use my bowie knife. All right. Well, you are shaking. So, um, try a bigger roll to shake off the shakers. Bigger. What's your bigger? Six. All right. Plus a little bit. Six. Plus a little bit. Plus a little bit. See this. That was six. Nice. Hey. Oh. Oh. Oh. Hey. Hey. Can you roll both? See which one's better? Uh, three. Nine. And four. So basically on a success, you shake off the shaking, but you can't do anything else. But on a raise, what you got, you shake off the shaking and you can act. Yeah. That's my bowie knife out. So that is strength plus D four plus one. Well, it's fighting first. Uh, I have fighting. So D four minus two. Okay. Oh my God. Rude. Three. That's one. And your wild eye as well. That's a three minus one. Okay. So it's one, one, one. Ineffectively swing at it. Alright. Quad, you're up next. I have a gatly rifle that I took off the train, but I can't use it because I don't have any shooting. Oh, you can use it. Alright. What happens? You may shoot me. No, I don't know. Well, actually, no, you're being, you are in close combat, so you can't use the rifle. Can I use the cold thunder? Uh, yes you can. Alright. Well, how is that? How would that work? D four minus two. Uh huh. And wild eye minus two. And you have to beat their parry, basically. But I can't do anything because I'm shaking. Oh, so do you-- Shake it off. Yeah. Okay. You're bigger. Bigger six. Alright. Five and six. Nice. You roll my six. Mm-hmm. Three. Nice. Nine. Okay. So that's a success and a raise, so you can-- Try to shoot. On this one. Okay. I'm going to try and shoot with the cold thunder. Okay. Okay, minus two, so here we go. Alright. Alright. So, uh, your gun goes off, but it goes wide. Alright. So now the allies get to attack back. The bugs. Roll them really quick. Yup. The allies. Yeah. No, not-- The allies are attacking the bugs. No. Yeah, I'm sorry. That's how I confused it. I just-- It was reminding everyone of my-- An adequacy. Yeah. It was a player. Alright. Alright. Alright. Work. Oop. Okay, one of them is going to hit. Okay. So I killed mine. Doc swiped at his. Okay, good. And you-- Wild shot. Your car-- Your guns went everywhere. Alright. One hit with a raise. Mmm. Ugh. Ugh. Shake. I'm gonna go to that one. Uh-oh. Alright. Okay. Alright. So none of them managed to kill any of the critters. However, each of you now has an ally fighting at your side. So you're all now going to get a gang up bonus. Yay! You all get a plus two to your role. So for those of you who are unskilled, it'll-- Maybe it does. Okay. Right. That's good. Alright. But our both friends are at the top of the order here. Yeah. So-- Hey. So you note that the guy who had his head scissors off by the manibles, that bug is now sticking its rump down the bloody stump. Oh, dear God. And they're sort of like a pumping motion. Oh, Jesus. That's horrible. How could you drink something after this Friday? Yeah. Yeah. Solar, could you pass the salmon eggs for this? That's disgusting. Well, I think we know what to burn after all is said and done. So, um-- Alright. So anyway, you've all got a bug on you. So here we go. Oh, still? Oh, yeah. Oh, no, you killed yours. Yeah. Okay. So maybe you ran to your allies to where he has his-- Alright. Uh, so quad? It's dock first. No, it's dock first. Oh, well, this is an attack. Oh, there it is. Oh, there it is. So one's attacking. I forgot. Oh, yeah, that whole thing. Yeah, I'm kind of still thrown by the whole egg laying. Seeing a scenario, thanks for that. Your parry was... Two. Two. I got it three. Alright. So that's good enough. Uh, damage. Your toughness is five. What is it? Okay, so you were shaking again. Oh, okay. Okay. And dock. That means five. It's not good enough for a raise. So parry was two or three. Two. Two. Yeah. Um, damage. Oop. Seven. I don't know. Uh-oh. Oh, you got a card here? I do. It's better you than me. When your hair has been hit by an attack and there's an adjacent character, the other character suffers the attack instead. You can push it over onto the ally. Baby friend or foe. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, dude. Like that? No. No. Alright. I don't have to put up with this crap. Yeah. So you dodge out of the way just in time. It's the mandibles. Whoo! And, um, let's see. Seven. I can see. Toughness. Well, I'm just going to shake him anyway. So. So your ally is shaking? That's alright, maybe while he's shaking. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. So, um, let's see. Who's at the top of the order then after? Okay. So kind of you. Yeah. Get your gang up bonus plus two. Plus two. Two. You're shooting. Mm-hmm. Okay. Both guns again. Okay. Six on one. Two. Eight. Ten. So that's ten. Okay. Is that a success? Yes. Okay. And I raised it one. It is a raise, y'know. Okay. So I can roll 3d6 from my... Mm-hmm. Okay. My... Plus six is fifteen. So that's on the one gun. Nice. I think that's going to... Yeah. That's going to kill it. Oh. You get it right in the midsection. It actually splits in half. Mm-hmm. But if it's like, just miggling what you have. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Go for the head. That is... Yeah. Oh, I didn't even have to use my other gun. Yeah. Cool. All right. Well, could you? Is there anything else for me to shoot? Yeah, there's the one laying eggs in the guy's torso. I'm going to go for that one. I'm going to go for that one. Exactly. I'm going to go for that one. Although that body is going to get burned. I'm just telling you guys, seven. Seven? That's it. Okay. Regular success. Mm-hmm. Come on. Let me shoot it's ass off. Eleven. Eleven. You shoot it's ass off. Yay! Yup. I know. It's a bit gross. Yeah. Oh yeah. Disgusting. Disgusting. So you're killed three. Disgusting. One is shaken. Three-half of them are dead. Okay. Yes, they are. All right. So, who's up next? Me. Okay. So I'm going to try and defend my shakin' patriot. Mm-hmm. I have my bow in there. Get yourself together. Slap him on the face. Come on, man. So easy as a kill. Plus a D4. Plus a... Oh, I aced my force. Ooh. Okay, so that's four plus four. Wow! Plus one. Oh, I'm picturing. So that's eight, nine. Nine. Plus four more. My strength, which is thirteen. Oh no, that's your damage. So you just got straight up nine. Okay. So, but that's good enough for race. Let's see. That's good enough for race. Oh, okay. So you're going to roll your normal damage plus a D6. Okay. No, no, no, no. All right. So four plus... Then I got another D6. Oh no, one left. A D6. A D6. Yeah. A four. Eight. Eight. Nine. Plus four. So thirteen again. Thirteen. Okay. So... I'm picturing. I'm just going straight up the... Yeah, just gut net while I was clamped. Yeah. Basically, yeah. It's sort of like weird up and it's like... Oh! You just get under there on the soft underbelly and just unzip it. Oh! But you get some on your arm. And a bunch of little gelatinous eggs fall out. Oh! Step on them. Wow! That's so veterinary of you. Wow! I have my hands up worse. You're used to seeing this. You ever had a cow constipation? Oh! Oh! God. Oh man. Turn a calf around. Oh, yeah. Two for sure. Oh yeah. Doc's gritty. All you need is some castor oil, a little lantern. [laughter] Okay. All right, so quad. You're up. Is there just one more bug left? There are two more left. Two! There are six. Right, you go four. Four. Yes, five, six. And one is shaken. Quad, you're fighting the non-shaken one, so go for it. Wait, one of the bugs is shaken? Yeah, it's one of the bugs. All right. It's freaking... [laughter] The knife hurts, so yeah. Basically, while your ally sort of knocked it on its back and it's trying to like so. Okay. That's the equivalent, see, of the shaken bug. So I've got the gang of bonus, which would negate the negative two. Exactly. Yes. To the full thunderbird, so I'm just going to straight up roll it. Okay. Three to five. Five. Five? Five? That'll hit? Yay! All right, 2d6 now. Okay. Yup. [gasps] A six and a three. Nice. Okay, that is good with the rays, so... One more? No, no, I mean, you wounded with the rays, which means you cause a wound, as opposed to shaking it. All right. Which means you kill it. One. Yay! Okay, so you blow it off around the shoulder area, I suppose. It has shoulders? Yeah. [laughter] Sure. The first segment. Yes. Yes. Very good. Yes. Exactly. You put a nice big round hole through it. I just meant to have a bug with shoulders, though. Oh my god. So... I'm just... I'm thinking... [laughter] You may just meet something like that. Oh my god. With a little hat. Look at all of your veterinary skill. Yup. In this campaign. We will here. Well, never seen a bug this big before. Well, what seems to be the problem? [laughter] So, wait. So... So, we still got one more. Yeah, there's one more? Yeah, there's one more. Now it's your ally's turn. Well, come on. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. So, two of them are attacking with shaking one. And let's see. It's shaking. So, one of them hits. Okay. And, uh, yeah. They caused a shaken, but since it's already shaken, two shakins equal a wound. And that's good enough. All right. All right. So, we got to do that. And no other ones are approaching. So, yeah, it's trying to like flip back and just... Oh, yeah. All right. So, uh... No other seem to be approaching. Um, Doctor, can you check that body of that other one to see if there's any eggs inside of the body? Do I really need to check? I really rather not. You got that already egg. I'm pretty sure. Uh... Everyone help carrying it out of the fire. 'Cause we need it. Yeah, we need to burn this. Oh, okay. I'm probably going to check our ally who's injured though first. Oh, yeah. All right. So, um, I'm going to talk to the allies. Well, the other ones are kind of raising a Q and cry. Let's go see if, uh, if Doc Haggerty's okay. Right. You know. Or if anyone else is okay for that matter. There's dozens of men and we only have six of us. Okay, it'll take time for the eggs to develop. So, let's check on the doctor. Yeah. All right. Well, I don't know what kind of bug this is, man. It might. Well, not but... Well, the bigger bugs are coming from the east though, wouldn't they? Yeah. And these guys were coming from the west. Yeah. So, they're still bigger bugs. Yeah. They're bigger than this. The, uh, the shooting to the, uh, to the east seems to have died down. Okay. So, we're going to go check on the doctor and the machine. Well, you, uh, you make your way down the tunnel. Yeah, it was the safest place for him, actually. Probably, yeah. Or not. You move down the tunnel about 50 yards and you find the end of the tunnel. What? And indeed, there is a gigantic, uh, machine up on, uh, caterpillar tracks with a huge steam engine behind it. Mm-hmm. And this massive drill bit for... Yeah. Yeah. I don't know how I imagined it. The caterpillar tracks in a car. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, ironic. I'd say. Yeah. The, uh, the, uh, the, uh, the outside is covered in a bunch of, uh, mandible, uh, scratches. There's the things sort of swarmed over it. They're angry. Try to get in. Yeah. Um, but as you're approaching, you see, uh, sort of like a, a ship's hatch. You know, like a stone patch. Oh. It's like a tank, basically. Yeah. And this, and this little, this little sort of mousey guy with goggles on, like, kind of comes up. He's like, "Oh, it's safe to come out now!" Yeah. Those guys were worried about him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think to myself digitally. Oh. He's sort of wielding a big, like, two-handed wrench. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He, uh, he actually looks kind of, uh, kind of, uh, gnome-like. You know, he's got, he's got big old mutton chops, and he's just very small. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Are you okay? Yeah. I'm fine, thanks. Those, uh, those tunnel critters, whatever they were. Mm-hmm. I don't know. Have you ever seen any like that before? Yeah. Nothing like that. But then again, we're digging through some, uh, you know, never before seen strata. So we're bound to turn up some odd specimens here and there. I think. What's the odd specimen you've seen? Yeah, I'm not a liberty to say. There's a hell of a fight. We gave him what for, didn't we? Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! You didn't answer. Get him, get him, get him. Get him, get him. I'm gonna hold up my lantern and see where they come from. If this is a solid rock wall you were telling. Yeah. Yeah. It was a hive. There's, um, yeah, there, there does seem to be like these little, uh, sort of cells in the rock. Whoa. Hah! That doesn't look like, like, tunnels or just like... Just a little like, honeycomb. Cause you know what things that you see like attached to like, is there a tunnel where more of them might... It's sort of like when you split open a, a termite infested, uh, branch and you can just see the little cells and little tunnels, you know. Okay. I'm thinking of those like, I don't know if they're the wasps. Mm-hmm. It's attached to the side of the wood, like, on a tree. Yeah. Yeah. Oof. And then you click it off and then it just sits there. Mm-hmm. You do. You know, like you do. Like anytime you just flick a little wash up. Open up, can you? I don't think they're wasps, but it's some weird type of like honeycomb pod. Mm-hmm. So... Massey, I'm usually not freaked out about cells and things like that. Oh my god. Honeycomb, that is a bother me. Yeah, but when they're the size of a great dame, that's, you know. That's terrifying. Give me a little bit. Mm-hmm. So, at any rate, you return to the camp. Mm-hmm. Just kind of wrap it up for this week. You return to the camp. It just seemed how Hellstrum just... Didn't give a shit. Didn't give one fuck. Nope. Oh, you knew he was in good hands. No, he knew he was in good hands. It's all about him. How many survivors are we talking? Oh, uh... Majority or...? That's majority. Oh, good. Only a few casualties. Do you remember the bodies now? Mm-hmm. Well, as you return, the crew is already... People are returning from the east portion of the tunnel with these insects that are about the size of ponies. Oh, okay. All right. It's good needing on one of those. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Piling them up along with the two bodies, the two deaths that occurred. The other one only eggs in that one? Do you want to ask around? The other one has eggs in it. I'm going to tell this somebody who I think is in charge. Don't worry, we're burning everything. All right. So they're sort of making a pile of the fire into the camp and... Oh. That does smell amazing. Well, they fire up the tunnel bore to create sort of a back draft from its... There you go, okay. It's awesome. Blow the smoke back up the other way. That guy is okay, by the way. Yeah, in case everyone's fine. All right, yep. Guy, we're so concerned about it. Lacey O'Malley is there, of course, making sketches of the bugs and getting survivors. He interviews all of you. Maybe I'll talk to him. Yeah, sorry about the whole getting off with the wrong foot there earlier. That bug lady is not, man. I only walk away. Fascinating. I got to go back to my bug. And, yeah, Helstrom emerges from his caboose and he and Haggardee head down to kind of inspect the machine, which you hear Helstrom refer to as the hell bore. He wouldn't name it after the song. So off he goes to the hell bore. Yep. Pretty nice. Generous? No. [laughter] Just head shaking. All right. And so we'll wrap up there this natural stopping off point. Basically, you're going to have a few days to rest, heal up. Days. You just do so as you... At the wine. Of course you do. I want a week. But... Yes. Here is one of the twists I'm going to put on the living taster. Oh. Basically, there's a little mechanic inside what's called the interlude, which is that when there comes down time, one of you guys, one of the PCs, can take the opportunity to sort of share a little bit about your backstory. Oh. Okay. All right. And if you do it, then you get your choice of a bonus adventure card or bonus spaceship at the next session. Oh. Ah. So basically, it'll just be a midweek taster that you've posted on your own. Okay. And if you do it, you get a little bonus of a bonus session. So who wants to take the first interlude? You all get a chance, but who wants to do the first one? You guys get bites for it or...? Does it have to be truthful? It has to be...well, basically what I'm going to do is pull a card, and depending on the suit I get, it will determine the theme of the interlude. Oh, no. I'm going to rip off of that. All right. Cool. I'm going to just collect all the cards here and resouple. Oh, shit, man. Oops. I need to...oh, what? Thank you. There's no cards. I'm going to set this for you. I know. Well, what are you worried about? You're an awesome writer. You guys are awesome writers. Well, this is a part of the midweek tasters of all the really enjoyable periods. I have no doubts, no doubts. Pick a card, whatever card you want to pick. You got to spread them out so she can pick them. Well, if not, I'm going to rip it back. Oh, okay. I don't know that. I'm sorry. I'm being bossy. You got an ace. Wow! Hearts. Okay. It has a mummy. Oh, that's cool. It's a mummy. Oh, do you know what I mean? All right. So with a heart, that is the theme of love. Oh. Speak fondly of the character's greatest love. You lost found or waiting on him back home. Oh. What is her name? Where does she live? Or his name. Why does the traveler? Or his name. Yes. Why is the traveler not with her now? Him or her? Who? Why is the traveler not with zero now? Talk about how Z feels about them. What can you do? I have your greatest love. Okay. However you want to sound on that. It could be. It could be anything, really. It could be a story. Yep. This has to be love. Right? Mm-hmm. That has to be human. Does it have to be human? Yes. I want to love the giant bug that I had to kill. All of us here in the battle. Oh, she knows. She knows. She said you live me. She said you live me. You live me. Yeah. Yeah. That's something great as well. Yes. That's crazy. Oh, thank you. She's now mad as well. See how good he is? Oh, yes. Alright.