The Esoteric Order of Roleplayers

[Deadlands Reloaded] Lost in the Maze: Character Creation

A trio of Savage World novices, guided by their able Marshal, come together to create characters for a new Deadlands: Reloaded campaign.Present for this session:DesJadeJenAnd...Edie the Dog

Broadcast on:
25 Mar 2013
Audio Format:

A trio of Savage World novices, guided by their able Marshal, come together to create characters for a new Deadlands: Reloaded campaign.

Present for this session:
And...Edie the Dog

[music] The esoteric order of role players present Lost in the Maze, a deadlands reloaded campaign with David Larkins as the Marshal. [music] Where do you think? All right, we are now recording in the midst of drying medicine parts. These are official. Everyone can start having fun now. Yay! This is really for me. I'm going to read this on my newsletter. I really want to take this in, you know, because this is really good stuff. Mm-hmm. [laughter] I just went for it. I'm hungry. She's feeling right now. [laughter] I'm wondering what I'm feeling right now. It's all over the place. Interesting to see what comes out. This is, I know, I'm really nervous because I have to play a ball. Mm-hmm. I have my character. I know that you do. I don't have it. I don't have it. You're sticking with it? Oh, yeah, yeah. I felt quantified. Mental physical. What's the main focus? Mental physical? That's a really good question. Because I want to know what I have to make in terms of like what, you know, because when you come to the table with something. Yeah. I never have anything. Oh. Which kill? Fox. Mm-hmm. [laughter] Yeah. Yeah. [laughter] Mm-hmm. Crazy puppy. All right. I'm thinking... Oh, you over-proper shot. I'm thinking like, well, sweetly useless. I've got a prospector here. Oh. So that's physical, but he's got an idea for a new invention that he's peddling. So he's sort of a prospector peddler type. Yeah. Yeah. He's got this protolist drywashing system. [laughter] Of course he does. Mm-hmm. Because it's such a straightforward thing. Well, it's important. I immediately got a mental picture of like a pamphlet with all the Victorian scroll work around the corner. It's exactly right. It's a protolist drywash system, and then like a text wall. You know? Yeah. A little tiny figures. Really cute. All right. So... A little pointy hand at one point. It's right. Let's see. So, um, lots of male character. Yeah. Quad hoarder protolist. Okay. Dutch. [laughter] He says he's Dutch. Oh, he says he's Dutch. He says he's Dutch. And then I have clues to his actual heritage. And they're an... Which is not Dutch, in fact. I guess so. I'm probably going to Dutch. I'm calling my Dutch anyway. Pardon me, I always lost a play like a shaman or something. Yeah. But then like... But then like... I've never worked out for me. [laughter] So the water started kicking ass. Yeah. I know the feeling. You guys so bad! All right. Oh my God. You're the one who one day destroyed me. Yeah. [laughter] He's so ugly. That should be said at every wedding. [laughter] That's true. The best man gets up. Yeah. So totally introduced me to Lindsay. [laughter] I said this is the one who one day destroyed me. That's right. [laughter] So David's haircut. Yeah. 1920s. Yeah. I'm out of period. I should have gotten an old lesson. Yeah. We were just kind of... Oh, yeah. Big mustache bolt. It'll be fine. That's true. Yeah. It's not too much difference. I think it looks okay. I'm fishing for compliments. I can... Yeah, she did it. Oh, it's wonderful. I thought it was very complex. I looked at it and I said, "Now that is a complicated do." Yeah, I'd cut it. And you did it. You did a wonderful job. Thank you. You really did. [laughter] Fucking hell. No, I'm not kidding. Take it in. I'm telling you. Let me tell you about when I did Jenny's hair. [laughter] David Oster. And I accidentally sent it skating. Oh my God. It was a big old gash. And everybody at work laughed at her. So you did really well. Yeah. Exactly. Oh, shit. It wasn't back and I didn't say anything. Oh my God. Until then I was like, "You're just so open over there." I'm hoping no one would care. Yeah. Mostly people will say things. So hopefully, I don't know. We'll see, David. I don't know. We'll see what happens. You couldn't very well leave it like it was. No. I can't tell you how much hair I cut off. I believe it. I believe it. Well, it looks like he washed it. So it's not as wild as it could look. I know it's fine. Your hair looks cute too. Thanks. It's very 20s. Mmm. I think that's the thing. Yeah. It's going to run. It's going to run. It's going to run. It's going to run. Oh my God. David. Oh, David. I guess I'll pick something to see. Well, hell. See where I'm at today. I'm at today. That kind of points you shaman. Points you shaman. It does, man. I want to kick out so bad. But hummingbirds are freaking terrifying fighters. Have you seen them fight with each other? Yeah, they're pretty fierce. I believe they are. But that's why I want to be a warrior. Like, I'll be a... This is your shaman, doesn't it? This is your shaman, but still it's your spiritual. You could be a who-do person. Mmm-hmm. I mean, there's a lot of ways to take it. Yeah. They know. You could really make it nasty. I got the glamorous grouse. Oh. They're fancy dancers. They're fancy dancers. They're fancy dancers. That doesn't help. It's not helping. You're saying that's not helping. Okay. They both fight, though. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Quickie. There you go. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Pretty dirty. Mm-hmm. Oh. Oh, that's what I forgot. That's so hot. The grouse. Wait, not today? No, I didn't. The grouse. Forgot grouse in these spinach bars. You forgot your grouse. You know, I really... I felt that something was missing. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely exhausted minded, but... Yeah. No, I'm just like... No, I thought I'd met for about something I didn't. Like, everything I remember. I'm just out of sight. Yeah, it's all about movement and spiral... Yeah. Filing now. Filing. Sacred spirals. Yeah. Yeah. Personal vision and light minutes. Okay. Also like twist. These boxes are about camouflage, but... Ooh. ...that have to build in the cunning observation and narration. Ooh. But there's a spot. So... Do you have a list of the things? All the people? Things with the things. Applications. No, do we have to jump in that list? Not at all. That's just... ...ring food. Oh. Clearly? I mean, um... There's a lot of three continuum, um... Uh-huh. That's my phone. That's wrong. It's a... It's a classic. Really? Oh, yeah. I was totally inspired by... I don't need a curator with a veterinarian who has to... to act as the doctor. Yes. And I was so heartbroken when you died and I'm like... Hmm. I can't. You're just not. Bye. Well... What if he didn't? What if he didn't? Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm. That'd be great. Yeah. Oh, awesome. There you go. Well... I can't even see that. Well... ...if he didn't die in that adventure. Right. Right. This is a previous... a big German. Okay. Good job. That's a big mustache. His name is Skunk. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Alright. No. Wow, nice. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. Oh, you didn't have to. Alright. I kind of felt bad about it. Oh, you can do it. Oh, my God. What were... I love that. I love my poker chips. How much grit? What's your grit? What's your grit? Pencils. Pencils? Oh, my God. How lucky you are. Oh, do you all need anything? I have pencil. No, you're pencil. Pencil. Pencil. Pencil. You'll be penciled. Yes. Alright. Okay. So... What did you do? Yes. What? Oh. So, yeah. This is Deadlands and it is powered by a system called Savage Worlds. And Savage Worlds is... Their tagline is fast, furious, fun. Okay. So, it's all about keeping it light, keeping it moving, action, you know, that kind of thing. Okay. So, it's a bit more kind of new school in terms of its design sensibilities than called Cthulhu's, called Cthulhu's, like old school, post D&D, roll your attributes, merciless dice rolls, that sort of thing, you know. Savage Worlds/Deadlands has mechanics that allow players to make re-rolls or influence rolls or even introduce plot elements into the game themselves. Like, no, I think, I think I'm going to have a romantic interest show, you know, that sort of thing. Wow. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Or what have you? So, character creation is entirely dice-less. Oh. Yes. Oh my God. Okay. I don't either. I don't either. I don't either. I don't have freedom. So... Just think of us taking off the corset of Cthulhu. The corset of Cthulhu. Very good. It's very good. I'm putting on the cozy dunderies of the sheep's, the savage world's chaps of... Yes. The chaps of... The ass-less chaps. It's just a redundancy in line, asshole. Nice. Nice. It's a genius. So, yeah, I mean, it's pretty much wide open. Like I said in the email, we're going to be starting off with everyone on a train together, so you guys don't necessarily even have to know each other. But basically, the train is going to be west bound, of course, crossing the Sierra Nevada heading for California. What about it's in the ocean? No. It sort of is. California, basically, the setting of deadlands is an alternate history with the point of divergence being July 4th, 1863, and the current year is 1879. Well. And so various things have happened since that point of divergence, and one of them was the Great Quake of '68, in which basically the entire coast of California shattered into thousands of little islands and was flooded. Okay. So, it's now known as the colloquially known as the Mays. And when that... Wait, what's New Mexico doing? It's hanging out. It's part of the Confederacy. Nothing has changed. Yeah. Guess what? Guess what? Oh, man. There's a lot more difference. Yeah. So, yeah, the Civil War has recently sort of ended in a ceasefire. And California is technically part of the Union, but sort of its own entity because it's so far away from everything. Okay. Utah is its own entity. It's called Deseret. It's a Mormon, you know, state. Salt Lake City is colloquially known as the city of gloom because it's not a city. Um, because it is sort of the center of the new science as they call it. And the new science was made possible by the Great Quake because the Great Quake exposed this new mineral called Ghost Rock, which burns a hundred times hotter than coal. Mm-hmm. It can be immersed in water. And when you smelt with it, you produce lighter, stronger steel. So, in addition to possibly hearing. Uh, well, when it burns, you do hear something that sounds an awful lot like the soul of the dam screaming in pain. But, you know, that's... Smoked right off for me. No, no. Well, you know, it's just due to the air pockets inside the rock. Right. You know, and the air gets heated up. Sure. Ghost Rock. Any other claims are postrous. Mm-hmm. Anyway, um, so there's a whole, there's a whole brave new world of new science. Uh, or mad science, if you will. Uh, and the, uh... That wink. I don't know. I'm so wondering. You think it's a meme. What are you making it before? You never make a meme. Uh, what are you doing? Uh, um... It is a dick. It's a dick. It's a dick. It's a dick. You used to it. [laughter] So, uh, so yeah, Darius Hellstrom is the, um, is like the sort of premier mad scientist. Okay. He's headquartered out of the, out of Salt Lake City. Huh. All right. Darius Hellstrom, are you sure? Indeed. Hellstrom? Hellstrom. It does sound a lot like Molly. Let's go. Okay. Oh. Why do I play her? Well, not hers. Literally. But I don't like her. You can do that. Mm-hmm. You can do that. Um... I was really intrigued. Yeah, I keep thinking about it. There's a lot there. I'm gonna, I'm on my shield here. All right. So, um, let's see what else. [laughter] Um, now there are two basically, uh, sovereign, uh, Indian nations because of the Civil War. Uh, the Indian War is pretty much ground to a halt. And so the Sioux nation is more or less autonomous. And then the Coyote Confederation constitutes about half of the territory of Oklahoma. Um, the Sioux are kind of a bit more willing to, um, deal with the white man. Coyote Confederation is very exclusionary, very xenophobic. Mm-hmm. And, um, let's see what else. Oh, well, um, currently the biggest thing going on in the west is, is what's known as the Great Rail Wars because, uh, essentially there's no transcontinental railroad yet. Mm-hmm. Um, but President Grant has offered a big fat monetary prize to the first rail company that builds one. And so there are all these competing, uh, rail companies attempting to get, be the first to, uh, to link the two coasts. And, uh, they really stop at nothing to, uh, ensure their own successes. So they're, they're literally wars. Well, there's not a war is going on. Exactly. Mm-hmm. Um, let's see. That's about it in terms of general knowledge. Is the Tombstone Epitaph, which is a, uh, nationally known tabloid paper based out of Tombstone, Arizona, that, uh, publishes all kinds of crazy stories about other things that are going on in the world. Mm-hmm. Um, but, you know, some people are not so sure how much to believe in terms of Tombstone Epitaph has to say. Um, yeah, there's, uh, there's high technology. There's those who claim that they can harness magic through the power of Hoyle's Book of Games. Um, there are those who claim that the spirits are, once again, growing stronger and, uh, are, and that they are in communion with those spirits. Um, on California, there are even some, uh, Chinese immigrants who claim to, uh, harness the power of Ching mastery. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So. Mm-hmm. That sounds really dangerous. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Um, so yeah, it's, uh, it's kind of wide open, you know. Mm-hmm. In terms of- And there's no more slavery? There's no more slavery. No. The, uh, the South. Yeah. That's based on history, actually, that, uh, the South came very close to freeing slaves and, uh, as a political move to get Britain's, uh, backing. Yeah, that sounded really good stuff. Yeah. It did. And, and basically the only reason they didn't is because, you know, in our continuity, they were already losing. Mm-hmm. And so it's sort of like, well, you know, when you're losing, people get desperate and crazy and stuff. But, uh, since in this continuity, they were doing all right. In 1864, they went ahead and did it. Mm-hmm. So. Yeah. Pretty wide open. Okay. So when you say that we don't roll for characters, how do we choose our character traits then? You get points to spend. I see. All right. And then there's this stuff. Oh, uh-huh. It feels different. Is it too soon to speak of that? The edges and hindrances. Well, any of the, like, actual mechanics? Yes. Oh, no. Not at all. Fills. We can, uh, we can start pressing forward into that if you want. And just kind of go along. So we're all playing humans. Yes. It's all human. It's all human. All human all the time. All right. Okay. But we're kind of strange humans. Mm-hmm. You can be. You can be. I have one question. Yes. Why is a train headed? That's a great question. That's why am I on this train? That is a great question. Where am I going? Mm-hmm. Why would I be going there? You are headed, I believe, and I might have to retcon this. But I believe you're headed for the city of Lost Angels. Okay. Which is a religious community founded by the Reverend Ezekiah Grimm on the banks of the New Coast basically. Okay. Thank you. Mm-hmm. Because I mean, I think that's important to know. Yeah. One of them is what I'm making. For me it is. Absolutely. And you could be going to California for any number of reasons. Or I could be going to any stops in between. Well, you're in the Sierra Nevada. So you're pretty much on your way. Oh, I'm definitely going to California. Okay. But you could be intending to, you know, head back east at some point. You know, maybe you're just heading out to California briefly. Mm-hmm. Or maybe you're heading out, you know, because you want to get it on some of that sweet ghost rock mining action. Somebody. Ghost rocks turned up elsewhere in the country. Mm-hmm. But the maze remains the best place to find it. Mm-hmm. Okay. I don't see how we can lose. No. You're good. Yeah, it was great. Mm-hmm. Are you going to go with the veterinarian notion? Yep. Okay. So you are a... A half black. Oh. Oh, yeah. No, I'm doing a mess. Definitely. Mm-hmm. And if we're going to go that route, I like this. Mm-hmm. Okay. All right. Okay. That's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. It's just a clap related to the bean cave. Mm-hmm. I know. It's like a merge 3 to the u-month with ravenous. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Trying something that works. Beautiful. I'm liking this. All right. How are you doing, dear? Yeah. It's so good. Are you collapsing? It's so good. Um, I'm thinking. All right. I'm thinking. It's like in a long run. Okay. We're going to jump into character creation here. That's fine. It's like when a dog's bonk. [Laughter] Awesome. Oh. My God. I'm going to see the doctor. That's actually good. Oh, my. It really works. It works. It works to me. Okay. That's a great idea. Okay. So, yes. You're all humans. Um, now. First up is traits. So, this is another way that the Savage World's Deadlands works a little bit. It works a little differently from, um, Hulk. Who are most other RPGs? In that it rates your skills and attributes as dice rather than as numbers. Okay. All right. So, you might say you have a strength of a D6. And that just means if you have to roll your strength, you can roll a D6. Um, like in the heat of. While we're playing. Mm-hmm. Okay. All right. You're not rolling against your attribute. Your attribute is your dice roll. Okay. Okay. That works. So, um, everyone gets a D4 automatically in their attributes. So, if you look at your character sheet there, you'll see, um, the tin star. Ah. You've got your attributes. And the four is already blacked in for you there. Okay. So, and then you just buy it up by step. So, it goes D4, D6, D8, D10, D12. And each step that you buy up costs a point and you have five points to spend. So. For each. No. No. Total. You've got five attributes. So, if you spent one point each, you'd have a D6 in each attribute. D6 incidentally is average. D4 is below average. Okay. Okay. So, yes. So. Divine spirit. Um. Okay. So, bigger. Right. Mm-hmm. So, spirit, bigger, smart, agility. Agility is like the Xterity Sparks is like wisdom. Um. Is that still resorting? Would spirit be like Will? No. No, it is. It is. It's really form of personality. Mm-hmm. Spirit is, uh, your inner wisdom and willpower. Inner wisdom, willpower, strength, strength. Bigger is like. Your endurance. Resistance to disease, poison, toxins. How much pain and physical damage you can shake off. That's a good one. Con basically. And Starks is intelligence. Mm-hmm. Okay. And agility is like the X. Yes. No, it's charisma. No, charisma is a derived stat. Okay. And you get five. All right. All right. Now, guess. FYI, you will have a chance to raise your attributes a little more possibly if you want to. It's not a guaranteed thing. But, you know, it's there as a possibility. And, of course, attributes can always be increased as game play goes on as well. Okay. All right. So I'm going to go six on everything then. That just seems sensible at the outset. Okay. You may want to go back and change that because, like, sometimes if you want to take something you'll say, "Oh, you need a smarts of a D8 or something." Right? To do something. To get something. Yeah. But I'll let you go back and change it if you run into that. So, no worries. Fine. Mm. I hate to be below averaging anything. Yeah. That's just me. That's not quite hard. Well, maybe he doesn't feel it away. Maybe he doesn't know that he's not seeing anything. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Hi. Hi, feeling. Oh, good. Good? Good? Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. How about you, dear? Well, I'm still thinking. You know, what I think is something I'll write it all down. All right. Shall I press on? Yeah, press on. Okay. I'm just thinking. Okay. So there are these secondary statistics. Charisma is automatically zero unless it's modified by edges or hindrances, which you're going to take very soon here. Great. You get one point. Pace is equal to six. And then Perry will figure out once you've done your skills. Oh, actually shows on your skills. Excuse me. Anyway, go ahead and toughness is two plus half of your vigor die. That means basically you take the numeric value of your dice, cut it in half, add it to two. Repeat two or what? Half your toughness. Oh, no. Half your vigor. Half your vigor. I mean vigor, excuse me. Half vigor is toughness. Mm-hmm. Half vigor plus two. Oh. Okay. Okay. So yeah, just skip over the skill part. All right. So the skills you see. Okay. So you see the column there for skills. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Let's see if I can get a master list here. I forgot I didn't have those written down. Just to get it myself. That was good. I know. Oh, the spinach first. Two or three. Thanks. Let me just see here. Thanks. Anyway, skills are rated in dice as well. Mm-hmm. And the trick with those is that you buy them up just like attributes, one point per dice. Well, first of all, it costs a point to buy a skill at D4. Okay. So you'll spend a point just to get it. Just to get it. Mm-hmm. And then one point, we'll buy it up to the next dice level until it equals the attribute that is linked to. So, for example, fighting is linked to agility. Mm-hmm. So if you're fighting is a D6, it would cost you one point to buy fighting at D4. And it would cost you another point to buy it up to D6. Now it's equal to your agility. Right. You may have to make it equal to your agility. No, you don't have to. Okay. But, you know, at this point it's equal. All right. Now, if you wanted to buy it up to D8, you could. Mm-hmm. But since that's higher than your agility, you have to pay double. So that would cost you two points to buy it up to D8. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Let me get a list here. Okay. I'm definitely playing a female character. Okay. It's percolating. (laughter) Send her in. Send her in. I got, I got. You got your prospect? I had an idea. You have an idea? Mm-hmm. From my character? Yeah. What? A, uh, a songbird for a musical. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. All right. Well, this is enough to get started with. I'm going to go print a list out, but it's just, this is the, you know, the written down list. So. I'll skip this. All right. We have some thinking, like... Yeah. Those are really good cases. No, you don't. Freaking delicious. Stop it. They're so good. They're just unzipped themselves. And they just... They do. They're not. They're better than gummy bears. They are. I'm just saying something. They can be good. They hibernate and you're colon. Do they? Oh. No, they kind of do, but, but actually that was on the Simpsons. It's just a little thing. They hibernate and you're colon. It's like... Oh, that's kind of true, actually. A little gummy bear colony just like that. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to think about it. Don't mind. I'm sorry if anything I'm saying is off-putting or weird or freaking people out. I don't know. Oh, I'm so used to that. I don't know. But like, I guess I don't realize. I feel very self-conscious about it right now. I usually don't. I'm like, oh, whatever. Exactly. Oh, not me. But I'm playing. There's too many here. I can't focus on this at all. This is completely ridiculous. What is it? Wait, what is it? It's a skill list. I don't know if it goes on for pages. It does. Boding. Boding? There you go. Driving. Mmm. Fighting. See, I feel like we need a fighter. I need somebody to go and heal her. Heal her around. Heal her. You're kind of like the mad scientist. I'm the mad scientist. So I feel like I have to do a fighter. It could be a fighter. Because I love Sharon Stone's character and the cook and the dad. Oh, my God. You're not the only one. She's being my Chinese and has crazy martial art skills. All right, exactly. I was thinking about that. I was thinking about that. I was thinking about that. In terms of being able to be a knife wielder. Mm-hmm. Oh, one of those crazy cans with the blades. Yeah, with the blades. If I'm a fan, that's a really good idea, too. Mm-hmm. I was thinking about that, actually. I know. That's a limited... I only got one bag, unfortunately. Sorry. No, it's fine. Grum. Grum. Um. We're going right now. Get in the car! We need more. Well, they're on sale at the co-op. Mm-hmm. They were, like, all different. There were so many variety of flavors. That was, like, the most promised flavor that I could find. It was really good. Yeah. Book is. Yeah. There's a whole book, see? Yeah. Oh, my God. We have a kind of time. Yeah. David, we don't have time for your skill book. Hey, you can be obese. [laughter] Is it a skill? What's a hindrance? It's a hindrance, really? Yeah, see, you're in the hindrances. Take it back. Take it back. We thought it was a whole book with skills. Well, it was very... No, no, no. Skills up through here. That's it? Yeah, they're very few skills. They're very few skills. I can be a robot. Uh, I guess so. Well, probably this was, like, seeing healing rolls, maybe seven. Be a robot on the inside. Be a robot on the inside. I'm not a robot again. Yeah, exactly. All right. One of them. Although, I was thinking about solo controller, really. That was such a good... I thought that was really fun. There was a lot of them. It was fun. Yeah. I know not everyone enjoyed it, but I think I had a good time. I played the hell out of that game. You did. It kind of reminded me of that play test that we did. Really? Yeah, the one that David ran. The, um, D&D play? Mm-hmm. With your character and the big explosion at the end. I was like, so I'm supposed to be... You should be... Yeah. A theme. I forget to die hard and shit. Running out of... I don't know. I don't know. All right, so... Let's see. Yeah, I feel like I need to offer some level of protection for everybody. I can make myself pretty tough. Yeah. I mean, I've been out on this song. No, I'm sure. No, I understand that, but... I think like... You want to be aggressive? Well, I want to be dependent on the kick ass if I have to. All right, well... What if you were a songbird that was male? No, I don't want to play male character. Ah! Definitely female character. Okay. Definitely... I don't want to wield her in this woman. Yeah. Just out of the way of something like that. What? She was a spiritual. Hey, people. But you're in her community. Really? Hey, Dougie. Hey, Dougie. You're gonna keep... Thanks. You got skills? You got skills already? The thing is when I'm thinking of a set that I think will suit my character. Right. Healing, definitely. Definitely. So as I pull the foxes thinking, notice and stealth. Yeah? But also, I'm thinking, where I'd probably travel around the wad. So I'd repair and tracking. Oh, you would know tracking, yeah. Definitely. I thought that that would be... Yeah. That'd be cool. I thought that that would be... It's a good idea. A good set. And then I was like, all right, knowledge would be nice, but I don't feel like it would be necessary to explore. No. There's a doctor? I think it could be specialized enough, but... Right. Okay. Is it saying knowledge had to do a little more with like archaeology, history? Oh, no. It might be a little more like... Yeah, you were just saying. Yeah, a apprenticeship and kind of... Right. I'm on a farm probably. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. In Southern Wisconsin. Right. Oh. Oh. See. A better point. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Good list. Oh. Faith. Mm-hmm. All right. Can you tell the right of your book? Yeah. Thank you. Oh, and you just want to look cool? Mm-hmm. Hey, it's cold today. I was just going to say each other day. All right. David, would you be able to print your email? For the... Oh, I got it right here. Okay. Did you get used to a grip here? Yeah. I'm thinking of it. Yeah, I'm thinking of it as well. I'm also trying to think because you say if you go to whatever your thing is when you have time. Right. Mm-hmm. Okay. You may notice that the skills are pretty broad. Mm-hmm. You know, shooting covers. Any kind of shooting from bows up through rifles. Fighting covers everything from fisty cuffs to two-minute swords. Throwing covers. Throwing. Okay. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. That's the right. Okay. I'm going to have a ready. That's the right. Okay. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I'm going to have a ready. I don't know what we read about Panorama last night. What? What? What about the possible? Oh, yeah. Oh, Jen, you probably made a story. Yeah. That he's possibly the father of Barbara Bush. Doesn't surprise me at all. It really doesn't fit. Elster Crowley, like basically Barbara Bush's mother was like going around and like Elster Crowley's circle. The same year that Barbara Bush was conceived. Yeah. So that's a really good chance that Crowley could be that father. Because he did this massive sex magic ritual that year too. Yeah. So. Huh. Yeah. His semen was all over the place. Yeah, it was. She didn't even necessarily have to have sex at all. No. That's the disturbing part. It was just in the air. It was just in the air. It was in the air. It was in the air. It would have been semen. Yeah. The spring is, I think, just walking. Sure, sure. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. That's why we're all like. Mmm. I think I'm going to be Indian brave. Really? Yeah. You know that. Yeah. Yeah. All right. That's fun. But I'm a woman. Mm-hmm. So. You're going with the woman. Yeah. Okay. I think that would be best. I just think in terms of what's involved with that. There's different shades you can do on that. Right. I mean, because there's a hindrance you can take called the old ways vow where you basically say, and it's this whole philosophical movement in the Indian nations where it's like, I'm refusing to use any kind of new technology. Or you can just be, well, yes, I'm Native American, but, you know, I use a six-year-old or like anyone else, and, you know, I've got my tomahawk instead of a Bowie knife, but, you know, apart from that, you know. I'm thinking that might be good to do. Kind of a modern. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Cool. It's more like in a similar model. Exactly. That's fun. That's cool. That's me. Yeah. I mean, that's a guy. Yeah. This is what we're dealing with here. That is awesome. Very good. I like the hat. Yeah, I know that. Sorry. All right. All right, so I'm still stuck in this, a can of gorgeous in the push family. Oh, well, if you think about that for a long time. You don't really want to... There was a very well-written blog post. Yeah, there was. It was really interesting. Compelling. It is compelling. What you get into that stuff? Based on... She's got the sort of bug. I know. I know. Buggy guys. She has one together. It's similar. Got it. Which totally cracked me up. It was like something. Oh, is that something? Yeah. There's so much of that crazy shit that's happening in this world. When you get up to those levels, people are really connected. It really are. It's interesting. So anyway, that said... Can we listen to some music while we do this? Oh, sure. Yes. I've got a list. How many do we pick? How many do we pick? Yeah. Can we pick a bunch? You have 15 points to spend. Oh, okay. So you could theoretically buy 15 skills all at a D4, but that's not really good. Do you know what? You're not a good idea. It's too late now. It is at this point. What? Oh. Oh, nine years. I'm just realizing this right now. Your marriage is bad. [laughter] That's weird. He'll be the one that brings you to life. He's a... He'll be the one that'll destroy you. We gotta find that sketch and show it to them. Wait, so we get 15 points to distribute an arm? And their skills apply. Okay. All right. Psionics is like... Not in the setting. Not in the setting. All right. Of course, then we're gonna one thing that's not in the setting. Like, cool psionics. No. No. No robot. No psionics. No. No robot. Well, you could do a robot, but it would be a very obvious, like, steam-powered robot. Yeah. Like TikTok. From his version of Oz. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love these more clockwork cuts, though. What? Oh, my God. Maybe... What if TikTok had a cousin that was, like, steam run? Mmm. So, there. All right. Haircut. It's literally a haircut. Haircut. It's your haircut. I know. It's a funny word. I love it. All right. So... Um... Oh, I thought that's why it's a weird science. We're not doing weird science. Weird science is in there. It is? That's if you want to be a mad scientist when it goes wrong. Yeah, I kind of have to have that. What's matter? Weird science. Weird science. Elfman. Huh? That's right. Okay. Mmm. How do I spell weird wrong? You do? Every single time I spell weird, I spell it wrong. You just spell it with a Y. It's true. All right. You just spell it with a Y. You're really weird. Spell it with a Q. All right. So... Oh, you're lagging behind. You better catch up. Yeah. Have you done your trades yet? Why much? I got nothing. Yeah. I'm, like, cool. I'm playing a game with you guys. You're like, "Well, I've done for the game." I've decided. All right. So... I've reached my decision the rest of the year. Oh, yeah. I already know what their character is. I know. Exactly. It's like I live in ant levels. Yeah. Slowness. Okay. So, um, so Brave's... Is there another category that I can draw from in terms of making my character? Like a template? Not really. Like, I'm going to be... I don't like this. I'm going to put the course in a Cthulhu. I don't like this. I don't like this. I don't like this. I like this cheap white fleas of chaps. Would you pre-enjoy? You don't like these diaphanous robes? Mmm. No. All right. Well, obviously, if you're going to be a fighting type... I am. For your attributes, you would want good agility, good figure. Right. Um... Yeah. Well, bigger, I almost want to put it at eight because... Sure. Yeah. Well, obviously, it's important too, especially if you reckon... No, I know. Agility, figure. Sure. Sorry. I lost my laugh. That's awesome. It's pretty good. Well, this is kind of awesome. Well, 'cause I was like, "Oh, no, you can only go up to the certain closer thing, and then you need to start painting extra points." Yeah. So, like, how are you going to evenly distribute this if he's well-rounded? Mmm. But... Yeah. That's good. Oh, this makes so much sense. I'm happy for you. I really am. 'Cause... I... I want to get to that level someday. I just can't stare and like, hold my pencil. Like, in your null fairness, I have my... You can't already create it for me. Yeah, but, you know, I mean... Half black, I want to eat it, essentially. Yeah. Yeah. That works. Alright. It's got some. Um... It's amazing. So, let's see. Agility, spirit. You're gonna have to repeat things for me. I would prioritize agility and bigger. Right. Which is what I've done. Mm-hmm. One's a six, one's a eight. Okay. Smart's is at four. I have five traits, right? Sure. So, one, two, three... So, you've used three points so far. Four, five. So, I'm gonna... My strength is six. That's four points. Spirit will be six. Okay. Okay. My smarts, you know, I'm trying to like... Sure, it doesn't need to be high. No. I have different taxes. Smart's. It's right. Okay. And then... Chill. Chill. Oh, hello. Skills, you get... That was... You can get a pet for that. Oh, the feelings are shocking. Yes. Lightness will get you everything. Okay. So, skills are... You get 15 points. Right, that's right. It's one point to buy a skill. One point to raise a dice type up to the linked attribute level. Yes, thank you. So, you would definitely want fighting and shooting. I'm aware of that. Yes. Okay. Hey, anyone else want to water the thing up? Oh, no, no, no, thanks. What are guts? What are guts? They're all over the place. No, it's... That's all over the place. Basically, it's sort of... You know, it heads a tape to use the term because it's loaded, but it's sort of like a sanity check. It's what you would roll against to mitigate fear effects. You have guts in your situation. Exactly. You're going to jump in half longer. Mm-hmm. Do we even have guts in this side? Futs might be replaced by grit. Is it? I think it might be nice in here. Because I think I'm going to have that. It's one of my skills. Hey, Angel. Hey, Angel. Oh, where did you find in my bag? Where did you find? Does it smell like a cat in there? Mm-hmm. Actually, smarts is a lot of things that I could use, like, tracking and... Yeah, but you've got, you know, other people who can do that for you. Oh, God. I got one extra point. It's about writing. You got one extra point? How did you end up leaving? Writing is good, yeah. You just kind of split it up. I didn't remember writing. I gave, like, start off with two points, but the ones that were most important gave one point to each other one. Mm-hmm. And then based off of what attributes they were linked to, I just bumped them so they wouldn't go over there. Oh, so you're not. It's six on everything? I have eight on smarts, six on bigger, agility and spirit, and then I will strengthen four. Okay. I picture them as slim, wide, and... a little physically smaller, but it's really up for being a little fast and stealthy. Yeah. Intimidation? Okay, yeah, guts is a skill. I can do guts. You can do guts. But what is the guts's spirit? Okay, guts. Biting, writing, shooting, street-wise guts, and... Oh, I'm thinking... Survival. Why not survival? Yeah. Did you look at intimidation? I did. Yes, survival. I couldn't do that. I couldn't do intimidation. Intimidation is good. Survival is good. Survival is like your ability to find food, water, and shelter in the roof of an arm. Right. However, it is linked to smarts. Yeah, that's the thing. That's the problem. So, that's why intimidation is more... Yeah. ...of street-wise is what? Street-wise is spirit. Street-wise is smart as well. You have to get rid of that. Yeah, you don't need that. Yeah. You can just intimidate your way through things. Okay, wait, let me just see here. Yeah, you can do that. Intimidation. I'm definitely painting intimidation. Okay. What about faith? Is that not in this name? That is... I can see. See, anything that has an asterisk like that? Yeah. You get that with an arcane background. Oh, okay. So, turn it on. Turn it on. Turn it on. Turn it on. All right, will I... All right. I'll be quiet. So... This will put survival notes much too. Again, super pro. Okay, strength. Well, I mean, you can always... I mean, it's just don't let that completely throw you off. That's not... It just means you're paying double above a D4 level. Who has healing? Do any of you have healing? Oh, that's right. I have a dot. You're the dot. Um, it's okay. So, what do you have? What are your skills? Persuasion, possibly weird science after week. Uh-huh. Please, yes. Yeah, all right. You're going safe. I think so, for sure. That's awesome. Especially if you're searching for this... The ghost. Yeah. Writing, knowledge, notice, and climbing. That's good. So, I have fighting, writing, shooting, intimidation, and guts. Yeah. See, I have healing, writing, notice, repair, stealth, and tracking. Very good. I think this is good. I think you're well covered. I didn't want to, like, double, like... No. Sure, sure. I know we're going to be probably separated at some point. So, we won't always let each other to... Oh, my tone. I'm just saying. What a zombie confederate soldier. Yeah, I know. All right. So, now I get to do this. Yeah, 15 points. One point to buy. So... Five. So, I have ten points to raise. Two or three. Do you think it's the one to go ahead and you can do that? Oh, no. I have one point remaining, and I also purchased an arcade background. Skill. Right, and you'll be purchasing your actual arcade background or next step. Five. So, that's good that you plan to head. You plan to head, Jeff? So, you might as well spend that last point, just pick up the skill of D4 or nothing else. Dude, something really... Well, I've got him. Well, if you're going to be prospecting in the maze, you might have to be... Dude, Tom's taunting. Or taunting, yeah. Taunting's good. Are you taunting? No. Intimidating. I have intimidate, so I'm just going to stare at him from under my hat. It's a key skill when I showdown. Yeah, sure it is. The showdown rules are so cool. Really? Okay, well, I hope that we'll encounter some of those. Oh, you know they won't. All right, so I think taunting is good. I think I can imagine a prospect you're taunting people. This is your flinging rocks. Dude, you gabby hazel with a dance up on the hilltop somewhere. Yeah. All right, you've got to go D4 for Tom. I like the prospect, so I started too. Oh, I sure. Exactly. Fighting. Okay. So the sheriff is near. Oh, right. What did you say? All right, fighting. Ooh. Agility. D6. Right. A little bit. A little bit. A little bit. A little bit. And good. And good. Oh, my. I'm going to put on my water. So slow. I'm sorry for being so slow. And I'm sorry for apologizing. That's the main thing, yeah. Yeah, so you're fine. I'm in a really weird space right now. Okay. You're okay. You're okay. I mean, it is. You got it. Yeah. So 10. That's why we have a whole session just for character creation. All right, yes, no, it's true. It's not like, you know, character creation is the first 15 minutes of the session. No. So then I get to want to raise it. It takes one point to raise them all. Correct. Well, let's see. You're right. So you've spent a point to raise them all. So now that's five more points that you've spent, right? No, I bought them all. At D4. At D4. Oh, the fact that they're just there, I raised them up. So that was 10. So I have five more points. Five more points. So I can. So what are any of these bumping up against the maximal attribute yet? Yeah. Let me just skip this really quickly. I do. Great. You should do. Yeah. I mean, four of them, my intimidation is spirit. Spirit. And guts is also spirit. Okay. So these three are agility. They're at D6 and spirit. These are also at D6. So they're all up at D6. They're right at their limit. Your agility is at D6? Mm-hmm. What did you buy up to D8? Bigger. Nikon. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. All right. So basically you could buy two more of these up to a D8 and that would be four points. And then I'll leave you with one point left to buy another skill at a D4, basically. So I could do four more skills? No. Oh, sorry. You could bump two of these skills up to a D8 or bump one skill up to a D10. Right. That's what I want to do. Okay. I want to do that for my shooting. Cool. Yeah. This is a D10. Mm-hmm. And then I'll leave you with one point to buy a skill at a D4. Oh, wow. Oh, my God. You're going to be awesome. How about, thank you. Wow. What? What are you doing? Oh, who's a big beauty? It's a pecan. It's a pecan. It's a pecan. It's a pecan. It's a pecan. Oh, God. Come on. Get it right. Shh. Okay. I'm not too bad. So, I don't know. There's no such thing as a D7. No. I screwed that up, haven't I? I still got to get rid of something. What did you do? You bought it up to the next highest level? No. I'm not too bad. I don't know. I don't know. There's no such thing as a D7. No. I screwed that up, haven't I? No, I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. I'm not too bad. It's a pecan. - Here's, really? - Yes. - Oh, that's good. - You had time, come on. - Come on, it's really bad. - You really said anything. - Yeah, exactly. - Oh wow. - All right, so to say we're sending. - Yep, you're done. - You're done. - All right, so now we're going to edges and hinders. - Well, everyone can go back to Perry now and figure your Perry out. Now she got your fighting skills. - You need toughness? - No. - Perry, well, did you figure your toughness out? No, you didn't. - I almost did. - Half your vigor plus two. - Half your vigor plus two. - It's six, I'm really tough. - Good. And then your Perry is half your fighting dice plus two. If you don't have the fighting skill, it's just two. - Mine's three. - Mine is. - Grit is one, charisma. - No, no, plus two, plus two. Half your fighting dice plus two. - Oh, like with toughness. Oh, mine's five. Sweet, don't worry. I got this covered. - I know. - All right, I'm going to become friends with you though. - Oh, we'll see. - For charisma? - For your somehow. - Oh, she knows of mine. - Charisma is zero for now. - Point frankly. - Point. - Charisma is what? - Zero for now. - Point. - Because it can go up or down based on edges or hindrances that you buy. - Oh, yeah. - And. - Super hot. - Speaking of which. - We're going forward with this. - That would be a huge waste of, - What? - Anyway. - So, super hot. - I'm going to be super hot. - I'm going to be super hot. - I'm going to be super hot. - I'm going to be super hot. - I like the lens. - No, you feel like the Lance Henrichs and the fighter and the quick and the dead. - Oh, wow. I love him. - He's all talk. - I love him though. - But he's awesome. - That movie, you've seen the quick and the dead. You have to, oh, that movie's so good. - I know, it really is. - It's gross. It's so perfect. - No, it's wonderful. - No, it's gross at times. Like, Gory, like, ooh, I don't remember that. - Sam Raimi. What can you do? - But that's what I like. I love that movie. - Have you ever been at home? - What? - Where? - I was doing what it used to be. It used to be at Ew's movie ranch. - Oh, my gosh. - There's deer. Remember again? - I actually had tears when I volunteered for the-- - Oh, you're familiar. - Yeah. - I wanted to have our first game for this in that saloon. Wouldn't that have been awesome? - That'd be awesome. - That'd be cool. - I always wanted to game into some wacky place. It's like my thing. - Oh, wait a second. - Maybe that salooned down at the Lamey station. - Dude. I'm not even joking. That place is just like, what the hell out of that thing? - You went up. - You went up. You went up. - You could squat that church. - Yeah. - Just pull one of those plywood sheets off. - Church, what church? - The one up the road in Lamey. - I'm not going that fucking. (laughing) - You know, the one where you can hear the cries of the victims in midnight. - Crys of the victims. - All right. - All right. - So the next thing you're gonna do is pick up some hindrances. - Okay. - Well, you can make me think of Lance Hendrickson in the theater. - You can pick up some Lance hindrances. You can take-- - I almost said that. - You could take one major hindrances and two minor hindrances. - Okay. - Two major, two minor. - No. - One major, two minor. (laughing) Jesus, H. Christ. (laughing) - See, I love my game. Something's been thrown off. - It's a betadrill. It's messing with you. - No, it's not. It was before that. I mean, you ever saw me yesterday. - I'm giving you an out. I'm giving you an out. (laughing) It's in the stars. - I love that you can have a death wish. - That was great. - Mm. - No, it's not. (laughing) - That is good. - That is good. - What? - No, it's not. - No, no, seriously. You understand? - You understand? - All day. - All day. - All day. - All day. - All day. - Okay. - One major. - All right, so many stay major minor. - One major, two minor. - Yes. - One major, two minor. - Yes, some say major minor, meaning you choose the degree of that, like, bad eyes. - Okay. - How, how bad are your eyes is that minors are major? How much of a pacifist are you? So poor. - That obese is killing me right now. Plus one to chuckness. - Minus one to pace. - Yeah. (laughing) - You can take a beating, which is good 'cause you can't run away from 'em. - Mm. - Slow, you're a slow poke. - That should've made the San Elliott character. (laughing) - A double douche. (laughing) - Can we, can we smell the truth now? - Thank you. - Are you yellow? - That's hilarious. - A yellow person? - One eye. - Mm. - Oh, okay. All right, well, I gotta be greedy, I just wanna say. - Well, yeah, that's a given. I thought that was a given. - Yeah. - All right, I will see you right now. - Greedy. - Greedy. - Oh, okay. - I'll take that as my major hindrance. - Go! - One, exactly. (laughing) - Okay. I think mine's gonna be curious. - Mm-hmm. - It's actually, he's still getting some kind of a little bit. That's gonna be his major one. - Oh, dude. - But, you grew up in a farm, perhaps, and funny. It's minor ones where you need a heavy sleeper. I like that. (laughing) - Now you can take two-- - Probably snores, too. - You can take two minors, so. - And I picked Lyle, too. - Ah, okay. - Mother makes two minors, where it comes in. - Mm-hmm. - So, a major Greedy hindrance. - Mm-hmm. - Your miserly hero measures his worth and treasure. - Mm-hmm. - If a major hindrance he fights over anything he considers unfair, and may even kill for his fair share. - Oh, that's so serum, Andre. (laughing) We are so doing that. - Oh, but curious. - Four. - It killed the cat, and it might kill your hero as well. - Okay. - Curious characters are easily dragged into any adventure. They have to check out everything, and always want to know what's behind a potential mystery. - Mm-hmm. - And then you have a heavy sleeper man. - Mm-hmm. - And Lyle. - Mm-hmm. - Lyle means you can never leave a man behind if there's any chance of all you could help. (laughing) - Yeah, I'm gonna steal that. - And heavy sleeper. A thunderstorm from hell itself won't wake this dozing dooley. Once he drops off, he must make a notice roll at minus four to wake up. He also suffers a minus four penalty of the bigger rolls to stay, made to stay awake. So there we go. - Look, I know this is kind of high. (laughing) - Oh my god. (laughing) - Right there, it's gonna be cute, so. - Nice. - Open it up, Lyle. - I think it works out well. - You know what? (laughing) - All right. - You got your minors, okay? - I have minor want and I want it in the same way. 'Cause I put my qualitative study. - Indeed. - Your qualitative study. - Whether or not your cowpoke did something wrong, the law thinks he did. His face is on posters all over the territory, aka Missouri, and maybe farther afield too. The nature of the crime and the martial sense of sport determines how far and why the charges may have circulated but someone and somewhere is looking for you. As well as having someone after his hide, your own Bray also has a price on his head. For a minor version, there's a reward of $1.06 times $100, and the player in martial should agree where the bounty can be collected, obviously. St. Louis. - So what does Doc think picked? - I'm curious for major hindrance and then minor he teaches me heavy sleeper and loyal. (laughing) - That's good. So you have gravy and wanted? - Yeah, now I'm looking for my next minor, which I think it could be enemy. - Hmm. Which is the recurring nemesis of some sort. Okay, maybe relate to St. Louis. - I'm gonna put hard of hearing for minor. - Minor, okay. - Too many gunshots right now. - Yeah, that's right, yeah, that works really well. - Hard of hearing, that's minor. - All right, yep, that's fine. - A minor enemy. - I'm gonna put myself as heroic for major. That's just the kind of characters I play. - This noble soul never says no to a person in need. She doesn't have to be happy about it, but she always comes to the rescue of those she feels can't help themselves. She's the first one to run into a birding building. You usually agrees to hunt monsters for little or no pay, and it's generally a pushover for a slop story. - Yeah. - Minor enemy, someone out there hates the character who wants him dead, the value of the hindrance depends on how powerful the enemy is and how often he might show up. - Will that help you? If you had someone who had an enemy? - Oh, you do, oh, oh, you're saying. - A minor enemy might be a lone gun slinger out for vengeance, a major enemy might be a supernatural gun slinger who wants your hero dead. - That's minor. - If the enemy is one day defeated, the GM should gradually work in a replacement, or the hero may buy off the hindrance by sacrificing an advance. Okay, I'm gonna take that. - Yep, all right. - Wait, wait. - No, I'm gonna go with Code of Honor. - Code of Honor. - Instead of heroic? - Honor is very important to your character. He keeps his word, won't abuse or kill prisoners and generally tries to operate within this world. It's a particular notion of proper gentlemanly or ladylike behavior. - Yeah. - Yeah, it sounds better, right? - And, let's see, Code of Honor is kind of heroic, which is, it's kind of like heroic. - It's more personal, right? - It's a little more personal. - Let's see. - I mean, you guys can keep going, I'll just-- - Oh, I'm done. - Yeah, just-- - I know, that's what I mean, like, oh. - Wait, what? - No, Biggie. - This is like-- - Doubting Thomas' interest. - I know, that was one of those. I was kind of considering-- - Is that a minor? - Yeah, it is. - Yeah, that's fine if you want to swap out with that over in here. - Do you want to take it? Let's hear the sign. - Well, I'm a scientist too. - Yeah, I don't know. - I'm kind of feeling like, I was considering it, but it's not-- - I'm going to go for that. - I'm going to go for that. - I'm going to swap it out for enemies. - Yeah. - All right, that's fine. - That's true, I've been wanted and having an enemy. - Yeah, I would think that's true. - That's true. - Well, it relates, though. - It's true, but this is the way of it. - Yeah. - Oh, yeah, here we go. - 'Cause it's not used to wanted by the law, but you're also wanted by a person. - Particularly the person. - Probably for why you wanted. - Yeah, right. All right, doubting Thomas. Some people don't believe in the supernatural until they're halfway down. Some features go it. - Yep. - D doubting Thomas is their skeptics who try their best to rationalize supernatural events. Even once a doubting Thomas realizes the supernatural exists, he still tries to rationalize weird events following red herrings or knowing evidence. - I'm already doing that because of my incident. Something happened to me in a graveyard in Northern New Mexico. Not quite sure what it was, but my foot has bothered me ever since. - Uh-oh. - And I think it's changing color. - Oh! - But the doc says it's fine. - Well, this doc doesn't check it out. Something happened to me in a graveyard in Northern New Mexico. Not quite sure what it was, 'cause I know what happened, but I don't believe it. - Yeah. - Well, essentially if you're into weird science, that sounds like you're very, probably putting around the size I think we might as well. - Straight, straight narrow. - Yeah. - Yeah. - D doubting Thomas' stuff from minus two to their fear checks when confronted with undeniable supernatural horror. - Okay. Unniable. (laughing) - Well, that's debatable. - Okay, so we're gonna get that done out of town. - What do you think of that? - No, so. - I guess I'm gonna pick outsider. - Oh, well yeah. - That's a good one. - Yeah. - Absolutely. - I was torn between small, young, and outsider, but I'm gonna go with outsider. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay. - Heroes with the outsider hindrance. Know a different language instead and must drop a couple points 'cause it's knowledge English to make themselves understood. - Yeah. - I don't think so. - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. - Okay. So I would, what did you take at D Forest Health? You want to replace that with knowledge English. - Oh, are you getting rid of the thing? - Yeah, 'cause you want to be able to talk, talk, right? - Yeah. - Dang. - Does it have to be stealth? - That's what she bought at D Forest. - Yeah, that's a point. - You might be able to buy it back. - That's fine. - Yeah, depending on how much. - Outside. - Okay, so hard of hearing. - In a society made up of only a few types of people your hero isn't one of them. An Indian in western town. - Mm-hmm. - An alien in a sci-fi game from the Marines. - Okay. - Locals are likely to raise prices on the outsider nor please for help and generally freedom as if he's only a lower class, as if he's of the lower class than the rest of society. In addition to the role-playing effects above, your hero's charisma suffers a minus two modifier among all those own people. - Oh, summit negative two. - Well, the parentheses negative two. - Yeah, you're-- - Great. - Yeah, negative two. That's what you're holding on. - Okay. - Okay, so this, these hindrances then, just got you all four points that you can spend. - Okay. - Okay, so here's how you can spend them. For two points, you can raise one of your attributes by one dye type or gain an edge. - I'm gonna gain an edge. - I'm gonna get an edge. For one point-- - I'm gonna be messed up. - For one point. For one point, you can gain another skill point, okay? So either buy a new skill or raise a skill that would cost you one point. Or gain an additional $250 starting money. Everyone starts out with 250 automatically. So you basically double your starting money. Now, everyone gets an edge for free. - Oh. - Okay. - Okay. - So you have four points. You could theoretically start with three edges, okay? If you wanted to spend your four points to buy two edges in addition to your free one. But you don't have to do that. You can mix and match. So we know that Dutch here will want-- - Quad. - Quad. We'll want one of those edges to be arcane background. - Okay, so I have to buy that one. - You have to buy that one. - All right. - Okay. - So the rest of you, look at your edge lists, see what looks good. - Okay. - Okay. - So you want one? - Mm-hmm. - It's fun. - Mm-hmm. - I thought it was fun. (laughing) I don't know if you're able to qualify for it or not. - That's WC. - WC is wild card. That's what you all are. You're all wild cards. - Okay. - You're all wild cards. - Okay. And? - Novice level. You're all Novice level. - No. - Got St6. - I edited out every edge that's not Novice level. - No. - So. - Knowledge a cult D6. I don't have that. - Okay. - All right. - That's fine. - Novice. What's A? - Agility. - Agility at two to eight. Can I buy up my agility and? - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - That'd be two points. - That'd be two points. - Mm-hmm. - And then I'm gonna buy one edge. Right? - And that would be two to six. - Two to six. - Yeah, huh? - Okay. - So how did this one point break down again? - Okay. - Okay. - So you can buy an edge for free. - You get one edge for free. Then you can buy an edge for two points. - Okay. - You can raise an attribute of one die type for two points. For one point, you can get a skill point or gain an additional $250. - An extra $250 just for how many points? - One. - For one. - Okay. - Okay. So that's it. That's all I have. - Well, let's see here. - I have four. - You raised your edge of your D8. - Mm-hmm. - You bought an edge. And then you get your free edge. - So I have two points. - No, no. You spent, you did spend your points. - Oh, so it can be another edge. - But you have your free edge. So. - Ugh. - So the ones that have an asterisk are. - Yeah, what's that? - Oh, there's also arcane skills. - Like that. - That's noble. - Hmm. - I don't know why those have it. Oh, background. Oh, yeah. Those are ones you have to buy carriage creations. So those are open to you. Those are called background edges. - Oh, so we should probably take advantage of those now. - Yeah. - Because when we get points. - If there's one that, if there's a background edge that appeals to you, it's now or never. - So we can. - You can take it. - Okay. - Absolutely. But only now. - In the future. - Yes. - Your character, you get more edges. So. But background edges are. - So you think charisma would not be a good spot to. - Probably not. Unless there was nothing else that appealed to you. - Nothing. - Okay. - I want to do a list for example. - I want to be a good show downer. - Well. There's also quick draw. - I don't know. - Which is appealing to me, of course. - Sure, sure. - So you quick draw. Quick, really quick draw. Draw a weapon is a free action. - That's good. - I think I'm going to go with that one. - Okay, that's good. - Yeah. - Although it's not asterisk so I can always get better at it. - Right. So yeah, you just want to look at the asterisk to make sure there are any others that appeal. I know. So hard. - Alertness might be good actually. - Mm hmm. - Oh, you're not really into it? - It's not for your character. - Why not? Luck? - Yeah. That's always possible to me. If I can't buy luck now, I might as well buy it now. - Okay, sure. - Yeah, and you can always buy quick draw. - Look, it's true. - Look would be quicker because yeah, you've got all that on your side. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I need as much as I can get. - Mm hmm. - Yeah. - Mm hmm. - Absolutely. - 'Cause quick draw is better than quick. And I can buy it in quicks available. Quick draw is available. - Mm hmm. - Right. - Mm hmm. - So that'll be my next thing I'll be getting. - Okay. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - There's no right answers. - I know, but I just-- - It's purposely set up to make you sweat. - So what kind of weapons? 'Cause I'm gonna have weapons. - Right. So we'll get to equipment. What? Let me actually print out a couple of... - Beastmaster. Animal companion. - Mm hmm. - I was thinking about those. I was like, I don't know. I was thinking about those. I'm like, "I don't know, I'm a veterinarian." I think that's kind of... Yeah, it only comes with the territory. Yeah, you shouldn't have to spend on that. Oh, that's good. Oh. Oh, it's going to do you have enough music? Yeah. It's going to do you have enough music? Yeah. Can't get me more focused. It's very helpful. I'm a driver. Edge. I know, I think I'm going to go from a diver. Oh, cool. Because I already have repair. Yeah, I feel like that'd be a good one to take for sure. I'm about to go in my feet, but it's late. Oh, that's good. Danger sense, it's good too. David, if something says... Like, some of these I'd have to buy up one before I could buy the other one, right? Like luck and great luck. Great luck. Yeah. And you have to do it now because they're asterisk. I know, but it's like I don't have any more footage. Yeah, no, it's definitely set up. What's SM? Hmm? Where? Oh, smarts. Smarts, yeah. Okay. Okay. So what is the end center? M is novice, which is the level we're at right now. Oh, okay. I see. Okay, I'm pretty happy with that. Yeah. Let's see if I can find some extra edge, point for extra money and one point for extra scale. Very good. I have to get the arcane background because I'm after the ghost mineral rock. Then I got, since I got arcane background, I'm getting gadget tier. Nice. That's got a novice. That's a really good idea. Not as weird science. Gosh. It's a major array device with any available power once per game session. And then snake oil sales. Nice. Bonus to persuasion and street wise roles. And I have persuasion, so we probably could use the level of persuasion. Mm-hmm. I'm going to go well if you have talent, too. I don't know. I see that as being very like kind of a playful banter where we can just start throwing it at them before they even know it comes. Right. Yes. There was something else specifically for taunt, though, that I thought was pretty good, too. Oh, strong willed. Oh. Just plus two to intimidate and taunt and plus two to resist. Mm-hmm. It counts all but that one too. If that might be better than snake oil sales. You know? Strong willed, yeah. But you guys buy it up when... Later. Yeah. The main things I'm concerned with are the asterisks. Right, because that's the transliter station on that. Mm-hmm. Oh, fast healers. Nice. Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah. Correct. You got the MacGyver? Open theGyver. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, that's a good one. Well, because I have repair and notice at D6 and D8 and I've smarted to D8. That makes sense. So, it fit really well. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And then I'll flip foot it. If he's not going to be very tough, I'd feel like he should be able to run. Yeah, he should be fast. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Especially if he's curious, that's going to be a fucking difficult one. Yeah. I like that tailtail. But as to persuasion walls, when recounting the heroic needs of the posse. Yeah, that is awesome. Yeah, that's a good one. That is, actually. Trade my weapon, that's pretty cool. Yeah, that's a good one too. Of course, really. Oh, no, it's really great. That just sounds awesome. Great is increased. But that will increase over time, I think. Yeah. As we encounter more things. David? Yeah. Why did you dissuade me from, what are you doing? And why did you dissuade me from alertness? With the notice roll? Yeah. That's really not important. Why? Because you're in swan, the appropriate line of things will make you go to fighter. True. I have noticed D.A. I have noticed D.A. Oh, you do? We're both noticing. Okay, so I'm not noticing. You can just point me in the direction. I'll start shooting. We'll both have a shot at seeing it. Do you have one eye? No, it's hard appearing though. I think that would affect your alertness. Definitely. No, it's minus two to notice. That's why I was like, maybe I could balance out my notice, but no. Because David, the thing is with the alertness is that it is plus two to notice. And I have minus two to notice from a heart of hearing, so that would like. Well, that's reinforcing an already penalized attribute, so that's really the waste of the image. You want to take edges that are going to make your strengths stronger rather than, you know, because you really have that many edges to go around. Right. No, I know. I don't know it. Okay. What about Brony? Do you have a Brony? Oh, wait. This is for everybody. This is the whole thing. That's a whole weapon. Oh, it's all over. I'm going to look at Brony. Toughness. Strength D6. Figure D6. Strength. I don't know. Toughness, low limit is eight strength. Brony? What does it do for you? Toughness, 10 times more absorbent than the other leading paper towel. Did you hear that from them? I did. They wouldn't lie. No, they wouldn't lie. What? Brony, toughness plus one, low limit is eight time strength instead of five time strength. No, it's a priority for you. You have to prioritize. I'm more of like a gun slinger. Fighting, riding, shooting, intimidating person. That's what I'm doing. Mm-hmm. Okay. There you go. So, yes, I need a gun. There you go. Oh, yeah, this is, um, automatic, Derringer's Revolvers. That's just a copy of what you're doing here. Oh, no, we can keep looking at that correctly. Oh, no, we can keep looking at that correctly. Oh, no, we can keep looking at that correctly. Oh, no, we can keep looking at that correctly. Oh, no, we can keep looking at that correctly. Oh, no, we can keep looking at that correctly. You can fan the hammer. Double action is faster off the trigger, but you can't fan it. So, if you get your shooting up high enough, you can pull a Clint Eastwood gun down an entire fence. Load of villains with the fanning of the hammer. All right, how much money do I have? Two fifty. And close on it back. Two fifty? Two fifty on the close on my back? Mm-hmm. I might get two peacemakers then. All right, so we start with two fifty? Yeah, two fifty. All right, I need a shotgun. I'm going for a Winchester. All right. Nice. Nice. Okay. I think it was forty dollars. Yes, it was. Um, and then I speak about what I have to make was like four dollars. Two. No, that's the wait. Yeah, four dollars. So, I would have like two hand areas on this. Mm-hmm. And a shotgun. Okay. Sure thing. Sure. That's good. That's good. Yes, it's good. Yes, it's good. Yeah. All right, so two peacemakers. Okay. How much is that? It's going to be thirty big ones. Each? No, fifteen eight. Which is not bad. Oh, I just want to see that. Sure. And then I'm going to show you here the common items are a couple pages back. So, there you go. That's the other place you spend your money. Oh. Oops. Okay. It's a little tatty taps. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. So, let's see. Two. And you got my ammo too. That's extra. Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm. And then. I was just going to check with this. Are you done with guns? No. Okay. Sorry. But we printed more of everything. Yeah. No. That's a lot of peeping ones. You're very disappointed in me. I'm just going to cancel a little campaign now. Oh. That wouldn't be good. There's nothing else really you can do. I shouldn't switch it down. It should be fluffy up. That's not good. You'll figure it out. Don't worry, baby. You'll figure it out. All right, I don't see an awful lot of my choice here. It's my book. Cool. I got a cult thunderr revolver. Good Lord. Double action. And I've lost all since I'm a prospect. I have a couple of sticks of dynamite. Hey, cool. You would. I'm glad. And now it makes total sense. Uh, the rules for dynamite and the book are hilarious. Because it talks about how if one stick of dynamite goes off it and then another stick is in the blaster and he used to set that one off. And it says, "Note that this can cause a chain reaction of explosions. Try not to grin too much when this happens." Oh. You can put your weapons down on the weapons area. Oh. Okay. Here you go. Here it is. Oh, I didn't do any of this. Okay. That's fine. Okay. Gatling gun. 500. Holy shit. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I have two. I have two. What is this? $1,500. Yeah. I know. I'm just trying to see what you're doing. Here we go. There's also a Gatling pistol. I'm a Gatling rifle. Give me that. Give me that. I'm a Gatling rifle. $1,200. I'm fucking up for that. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I'm getting a apology. Please don't play a text on it. So essentially, like, for clothes, like, you have to buy, like, you have to have boots or you have to have boots. Basically, you start with an outfit. You start with clothes. You start with an outfit. So really, you're just paying for extra stuff. Mm-hmm. Exactly. Okay. Additionals. Horses. That's a master's. Somebody get a Colt revolving shot then. What? Good stuff. Good stuff. Is that bad? No, no. I love what this game is. Expensive? $45. Not too bad. They had to be prepared. Yeah. Yeah, sure. It appeals to you. You should get it. $75 left. I'm sorry about that. What? Did you buy ammunition yet? I'm going to. Where is it? I need to arrange damage in it. Secondly. Oh mine's $45. Okay. What was the shotgun, the revolving shotgun? Probably $12. $12. Not yet. Let me see. Um. So, we get 50 bullets per box. Yes. Okay. Okay. $12. There we go. There we go. Good stuff. 3D6. We're going out to series. Definitely. Totally fun. Yeah. I think we'll then shut down. I've never seen a revolving shotgun in real life. Have you? No. That'd be something to see it, but. Yeah, no. There's all kinds of fun level. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Let's get myself a whole block of games. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. First edition is the best. Okay. Yeah. Ready, right? Okay. Okay. And then just ammo. [MUSIC] So I bought. About $30 worth of ammo. You haven't even looked at the gear list yet. Oh, by the way. I want to make sure I have bullets. You can always buy your gear el cheapo. Uh-huh. That's half the cost. Okay. How do you get that? You just say I'm buying it el cheapo. And you make a note of it. And that breaks down a lot more easily. Or wears out a lot faster or so forth. Okay. And the el cheapo horse would be an egg. That kind of thing. Oh, we have to buy our horses. Do you want one? You don't need one. I don't need one. Yeah. Shot's fine. Okay. Oh, go ahead and look at that. I haven't done ammo yet. But I'm going to ask you. I'm here. I'm right in front of you. So, do we get a dumbo on all that? Uh-huh. No. Just a close on your back. Oh, that's so good, too. Oh, by the way. Which one? Which one? Which one? Which one? Which one? Which one? Which one? Okay. Good. Okay. Wait. I need, uh... I can give you a knife, too. Same there. Oh, that's not quite right. We have a tomahawk. Instead of a knife. Whoo! Nice. These couple work a little bit better for me. Mm-hmm. And then those are the common items. Mm-hmm. I don't know if I'm part of the suit or the coyote confederacy. Mm-hmm. The coyote confederacy. Why? What's new? I've got them coyotes. Think about it. I do some stuff you don't want it to do. That's true. Oh, damn. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, pretty much. Oh, can I open the tomahawk? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Thank you. Thank you. Mm-hmm. This is in pounds, right? Yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Damn it! What kind of hats did you all buy? Got a Studson. Studson and you. Dora. I don't know. I kind of thought the Derby would... Yeah. I kind of thought about the Derby too. Actually I'm gonna wear a Derby. Oh yeah. That's cool. I like that. All right. I'll throw that in it. And then it'll knock on my weight right. Super excited. Very good. Very good. I don't know. It's tremendous. Nothing. Quick draw holster. Oh there you go. Oh look out. Holster. Two or just one. It's a holster for both. Oh wait that's what I've got. One holster per gun. So I have two holsters on. It's times two. Twenty-two which I can't afford. So I have one regular holster and one quick draw. How dare you. Do it in my dreams. Okay there we go. I have a little weapons too. I don't know. It's just fun. Okay. I'm gonna say to that. Okay now. I feel prepared. Well I had to include the weight for my weapons. Gonna have a soaking soaking tobacco. Yeah I got that too. I got matches. I got matches. I put a canteen to get a canteen. I got a canteen to a mess kit. That girl matches. Yep. Rifle boot. Stetson, saddle, hatchet, backpack, rope, and a horse. I got a gold watch. Got a horse. You have a watch. Well a watch, Marion. Of course not a horse. Is it on the train somewhere? And or car? Right in the stable car. Yeah. I don't know what her name is yet. Probably Bessie. Well I gave myself an extra 250 bucks on my points. So I still have $242. Very good and 50 cents. Your staff's from your boot. Well I'm near a veterinarian. I probably actually get paid for my services. Occasionally I suppose you do. I have to look at people too then. So that sounds like sort of a nest egg like you're planning to maybe settle in California or do something. Anything. Okay. Something important. That's another thing about that. Okay. I have one more dollar to spend. You could just have it on you. I am. I'm gonna keep it on me. All right. I have Tomahawk trail rations. I got one more silver dollar. Federal quick draw holster, regular holster, derby hat, canteen, smoking, tobacco, and a rope. Get a rule. No, that's not necessarily rations, but I already got one. I'm adding rations. Trail rations figure out how much is it. I think they're three dollars each. Three bucks piece. That's firm one. No, 50 cents. That's a day of rations is 50 cents. So I have three days. Three pounds. If you spend three bucks you have six days. And 18 pounds. That's how much you're carrying. That's why I didn't want to carry that much. All right. All right. I'm trying. So, you know, finish up by filling out your hero's background. Give him a name. Think a bit about where he came from, why he's traveled less. Or what he's done his whole life if he started out there. This all helps you to play your character. Well, finally, think a bit on what really scares your hero. What's he afraid of and why? Now think about what kind of dream makes him wake up with the cold sweats at night. Write it down under worst nightmare. No reason really. Trust us. All right, and so that'll do it for Jade and Desiree's characters. All right. For our resident mad scientist. You need to figure out what your mad science is. So, is there a little spot there for power points? I don't know if there is or not. I don't know. What about permanent wounds set? That's for later. Hey, oh, yeah, you'll need that. Not now. Not now. That's weird. I'll put it somewhere. All right. So, you started out with 20 power points. Okay. So, all right. All right. So, mad science. Oh, boy. I'm improving on my worst nightmare. It's getting better. Oh, but then. Yeah, exactly. Got weird science. Okay. So, basically, the way it works is that you start out with a single power, which represents an invention. Okay. Or device. Or gizmo, as they call it. You must write down exactly what the device is when you gain the power and inventor with the invisibility power, for instance, actually has an invisibility cloak belt, etc. Players are encouraged to give their devices pseudoscientific names as well. Dr. Z is chromatic disfibrillating device. Oh, and then do you have a weird science skill? I do. Oh, you do. You took the skill weird science. I did. Oh, good for you. So, that's the skill you use when activating most devices. All right. If the device uses a different skill such as driving, fighting, or shooting, the inventor, inventor uses that instead. A ray gun, for example, uses the shooting skill. All right. Well, what about my pretelest dry wash or separating system? We'll always find a piece of ghost rock. Yes. Okay. That could definitely work. Let's see here. Mm-hmm. No matter what I put into it, it will come up with a piece of this. Wow. Oh. But only for me. Oh. Well, anyone can use the device. Oh. But they would need the weird science skill to activate it. To be able to know how it works. Wow. That's exciting. I'd be real good at selling that, too. Yeah. Even persuade, right? Persuasion. I do. So, it's not how easy it works, but it's not how it works. Yeah. Look at this. Yeah. Look. Look. I'm putting money for it. The dishes. And I came up with some ghosts. They're dishes. I don't know. One of my dishes. Putting a bunch of puppies now. We got those door. Well, shit. Well, who wouldn't buy that? Mm-hmm. No. Well. Come up with something else. Come on. No, I just, I think you're limiting yourself. That's the thing. It's not fun. No, that's good. So, what is your invention called? It's the patellas dry wash or separating system. That's good. That's good. I love that. I could do something else, though. Well, that can just be a totally mundane thing, which is fine. I got the invisibility cloak in my head. That's all. Okay. Let me take you through here. Yeah. So, basically, the way it works is that there are these generic powers that have what they call trappings so that, you know, if a mad scientist uses the power, it takes one form. Like, you know, I don't know if someone else uses this. Okay. So, aim, for example, which gives you a bonus on shooting or throwing attack. It would be a high-tech scope or heat-seeking bullet. Okay. Armor would be a bullet-proof vest or skin hardener spray. Skin hardener. All right. Barrier would be an instant trap, a freeze gun, or a flaming gel. Flaming gel. Yeah, that creates like a wall of flame that someone can't cross. A beast friend would be a pheromonal control spray or beastial manipulator ray. Blast would be like a ball lightning gun. Bolt would be a ray gun or lightning cannon. Let's see here. Boost or lower trait would be a potion, a mood manipulator, or an invigorating device. Burrow would be a personal burrowing device or small vehicular contraption. Oh, that's pretty hunting and that could work for prospector. That could. They kind of do rig those things up. They do. That's true. That's an awesome little mole contraption. Let's do that. Well, let's go through the lecture. Burst would be a flamethrower, shrapnel gun, or energy beam. Deflection would be a deflection field belt. Detector conceal arcana would be detect only, and it would be a spirit detector or ghost rock goggles. That would be kind of cool. That would be cool. I might want that. Dispel would be a negative energy, just discharger. Elemental manipulation would be a lightning generator. Intangle would be an entangling device or memory metal bolos. Environmental protection would be a metal suit or a force field projector. Exorcism is not available. Fear, an emotion manipulator, fright spray, or terror generator. Fly would be a flying disc, ornithopter, or jetpack. Greater healing would be a healing potion, invigorating ray. Healing would be a healing potion. A hunch, available, the invisibility would be invisibility belt or potion. Light would be phosphorous paint, mind writer, a tiny transmitter lodged in the recipient's head or a flying eyeball. Wow, that's pretty cool. Obscure, a light negation device, smoke bomb or smoke potion. Puppet, a mind control ray or chemical. Quickness, a speed potion or time accelerator or decelerator. Smite, a hyper-sharpened blade, sharpening gel or pneumatic jackhammer. I spiked me! I kind of like that one. That might work. To speak language, it's a ciphering machine. Speed, a speed potion, pneumatic shoes, or muscle accelerant. Stun, a concussive grenade or vacuum-collapseer. Telekinesis, a magnetic projector or force generator. Teleport, an atom scrambler/reassembler. Oh wait, that's not available. Wilderness walk, a track covering device, shoe brooms or wind machine. Shoes? A track covering. It allows you to move through outdoors quietly without leaving a trace. Yeah, but it'll be a party of us, sorry. Windstorm, a hurricane machine. Well, this is not available to you, but right now, but just to let you know, you could build a zombie device. Spinal activators, electric animator or necrotic revitalizing fluid. You could be a Jeffrey Combs if you wanted to. Oh my god, that'd be awesome. Basically, you can buy new gizmos, i.e. new powers with an edge. As you get more edges, each edge could be a new power. The cool thing is, every time you develop a new gizmo, there's a madness table that I consult. And you start to develop little eccentricities. And the more things you invent, the more crack you get. All right, well. So, what do you think? An offensive, defensive, lifestyle? I'm thinking offensive. Okay. I'm liking the flaming goo. The flaming goo, the barrier. The barrier. Okay. That would be defensive now. That's sort of defensive, but it, I mean, it, you know, it causes damage for anyone who tries to cross it. So it's a little bit about it, really. Let's do that. Oh, excuse me, that's seasoned only. All right, so let me go back. Can I, uh, it's kind of hard to. All right, that's fine. I just don't want to belabor it and make you read through it and make everybody. No, it's fine. Yeah, it doesn't really break it up. Because there's, there's ones that are only available to you at Mava's level. So let me, let me see if I can just, uh. Well, let me very quickly go through here. All right, you probably don't want to. We had aim, armor. Okay. Beast friend. No, I don't want anything like nature. You know what, what about the ghost drunk goggles? That was kind of cool. Okay, sure. Detect or canna? Yeah. Detect or canna. That's fine. That's totally doable. All right. There we go. That's 20 power points, eh? Well, yeah, basically, um, you get 20 power points invested into the device. Okay. Okay. And it costs two points every time you use it. Okay. Every time you fire it up. Okay. So two points per usage. And that will allow me to see, uh. The last character is to send supernatural persons, objects and effects within sight. This includes invisible foes, enchantments on people or items, mad science devices, the activity of hucksters and so on. The power can be reversed. Oh, no, it can't be. Okay. Um, you can't reverse it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, yeah. Okay. So what my character will be is like, he's developed these goggles that he thinks are going to show him ghost rock and he starts seeing other stuff, which is rough for him. Because he's down at Thomas. That's right. It's really hard for him to see things he wasn't expecting. Which kind of is happening with the with the night goggles vision? 4th generation. Oh, there you go. I don't know what you're saying. We're lurking again. What's up? I'm going to get your mail. I just sent you a website with names for my character. Okay, sure. All right. So that'll do it. I have detect arcanic. Oh, god. Detect what? Arcana goggles. Goggles. Ghost rock goggles, basically. The lenses are made out of super thin ghost rock. Which can see other ghost rock? Can see ghost rock? Super natural enchantments. Invisible peoples. Looks cool. Yeah. Magic of all sorts. Yeah. There you go. All right. I don't know what that'll do. We're going to have ourselves a time. All right. Let me just scan your character sheets really quick. So I'll have the costume. Oh, no. Oh, my. Oh, I live here. Excuse me. Yeah, thank you. I don't know. I live here. I, I have my name yet as a baby yet. She's a surprise. I live here. I live here. You need to ride home, guys? Yeah, pretty much. Good. He's very, um, I don't know. I mean, I guess it's a touristness. But like once he gets on the track, it's like, it's hard to lay. It's tourists all over. Stir it, steer it into another direction. Ridiculousness. Okay. Okay. Okay. So you all feeling good about your characters and everything? Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. This is the way I came up with them now. Oh, that one was looking at. It was like, quad hoarder. Jenny came up with that name. What was it? My name is quad hoarder Prittos. Jenny came up with quad, quad hoarder. Jenny came up with it. How? I just came out. I have to eat. After, no. Nice. Let's see the farmer's market, just. Looks great. All right, David. Good. Good. Yeah. [ Knocking ] [ Laughter ] Let's try to get a smart one. The voice guy now. [ Laughter ] [ Laughter ] [ Laughter ] [ Knocking ] [ Knocking ] [ Knocking ] Thanks for the scratch keeper. Mm-hmm. Huh. Huh. Hmm. I know. I'm like, oh, interesting. Interesting. I like the beauty, but that's nice touch. Hmm. [ Laughter ] It's not this bad. [ Knocking ] [ Knocking ] [ Knocking ] [ Knocking ] They're made of all. [ Laughter ] I like that. It looks that very well. [ Laughter ] Complete fabrication. [ Laughter ] That's sadly true. [ Laughter ] I don't have any of those perfects in there. [ Laughter ] So is the unusual item of an unapparent value? Is the goggles? No, it's something else. So there's something else. Mm-hmm. I just seem like it would come up with something. In this world. Yeah. This world would be. Cool. That's fun. Mm-hmm. So the name of my character is, um, Kongi. Um, taken alive, taken dash alive. And, um, the last name is just a formality. It's not really, it's just something that, okay, it was passed down to me. So, but, uh, Kongi is K-A-N-G-E. That means Raven. Oh, I love it. Oh, that's wonderful. Mm-hmm. All right. So that's basically. Um, quat. Quat. Quat. Quat. [ Laughter ] Quat order proteles, but you know what? You don't have to, you can just come and quat. Just quat. Yeah. All right. He's sure you can just call me Doc Funk. [ Laughter ] Wait, Doc. [ Laughter ] But no, Doc Funk. I like that. Do you want, do you want it to, Toby Calvin Funk, or just Doc Funk? He's calling Doc Funk. All right, that's it. Toby perhaps to his mother. Oh, okay. Right. All right. It's like that. Yeah, it's cool. So that's it. That's it. Oh, that's it. Perfect. Yeah. So I'll set up the Obsidian Portal page this week. Send me an invite. All right. We will need a floor for session next week. What? Need my dice. That's really interesting. Mm-hmm. Biceless. Biceless. Quick. [ Laughter ] Wait, I still feel so strange. Yeah. But he needs their little box. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay.