The Esoteric Order of Roleplayers

[The Veil of Isis] Session Two: Eyes of a Stranger (Part I)

In which five Investigators, members all of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, become swept up in the Murder investigation of one John Bidwell, noted Gentleman and Explorer. A Crystalline Cube, a Murderous Butler, a fireplace Poker: all feature prominently.Present for this Session:Celestia Adams (Jen)Det. Sgt. Wesley Pike (Des)Dr. Miles Hume (Bill)Oswald Finnegan (Shal)Padma Daschel (Jade)And…Edie the Dog.

Broadcast on:
21 Jan 2013
Audio Format:

In which five Investigators, members all of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, become swept up in the Murder investigation of one John Bidwell, noted Gentleman and Explorer. A Crystalline Cube, a Murderous Butler, a fireplace Poker: all feature prominently.Present for this Session:Celestia Adams (Jen)
Det. Sgt. Wesley Pike (Des)
Dr. Miles Hume (Bill)
Oswald Finnegan (Shal)
Padma Daschel (Jade)
And…Edie the Dog.
The Veil of Isis, a Cthulhu by Gaslight, Golden Dawn actual play with David Larkins as the keeper of arcane lore. Oh wow, that'll be special. Little less intrusive today. Slightly less. Oh, I gotta make sure to pick the right spot and then on my live, this is where D.D.D. I live. I know that you live way down. I'm down by what's that in Park? He's paired. Oh god. Oh god. I'm by there. I forget. All I said was that I would either live in the best part of the worst neighborhood or the worst part of the best neighborhood. Right. So basically I just seen some reading and I figured that would be off of Oxford Street because that's sort of a recently gentrified area that's on the upswing now. But it used to be basically horror lane. Okay. So you have some horror lane? Well Miles moved in to help gentrify. Is it so? There we go. This is so like a center of it all too. So at this time is mostly just the bohemian kind of artist colony kind of thing. So it's very low. It's a lower class but with the sort of. interesting. Let's make a chic about it. No interesting crazy people. They're fauper share. They don't even wear ties. Yeah, I hate dandy too. Yeah, what's up? Those people. They wear crevats. I'm scared. I'm like, oh, you know, I always, I've always heard about people using music and I was going to get it. Yeah, but this is actually really cool. Yeah, he doesn't really, I don't normally. I haven't done it in years. And then for some reason I just thought, you know, what the hell, you know, and they worked out. Sometimes we do for pin dragging sessions. Yeah, we're weird. Yeah. It's just our game. Okay. So yes, we left off with it being two weeks, two weeks, yes, you actually going to buying the house. I did. Why do we do like previously on previously on? Yes. So yes, which I first intend to do it to the work. Oh, after all, you know, some choice. Yes, it was the estate and everything in it. Oh, joy. Maybe it's the on gaslight. Yes. So we had our intrepid investigators attending the fall equinox ceremony, where in afterwards, Celestia was contacted by her ally in the order of forms far, who informed her that one of the high ranking members of the inner order, simply by his acronym DEDI had a job, and wanted some sort of lesser known outer order members to do it. So Celestia gathered together a crack team of yeah, definitely outer order people. Well, the doctor to evaluate the the mental condition of this fellow and the Scotland Yard investigator to make sure everything was on the up and up and the antique stealer to make sure the books that there was something actually worthwhile because we had this guy or Thomas Arthur Pelgrain wanting to join the inner order straight away on the basis of having family, everything basically that would allow him to be this awesome worker. Yes. Turns out he hadn't seen himself. They were in a sealed room. Oh my god, I'm kind of having flashbacks now. Holy crap. Yeah, it was very intense. The sealed room was opened up with a sledgehammer. Within was revealed a fresh pool of blood, even though the room had sealed for 45 years, as well as his grandfather's library and workshop. Turned out his grandfather's a bit of a douche. It's a team effort though. Grandma and Grandpa were both assholes, both assholes, tag teaming the servants. They were having affairs with all of their staff, basically, from their honeymoon onwards, and but his grandpa that really did have some memories of him. Grandpa really did have some magical chops. He was researching this astral travel techniques that appeared to have worked because he was able to appear out of thin air and drag his wife's lover off into the ether. But then she tried to get the lover back, summoned up something else that looked like him but wasn't him. He didn't kill the damn grandpa that he did, didn't speak the things to him and shortly his corpse. I distinctly remember that. It was really rude. It was well rude. And then she thought she vanished it but watched it. Ergo the pool of blood. So you guys basically all had these weird episodes happening at night where you went into varying stages of insubstantiality, I suppose? Yeah, like I woke up and my hands were totally transparent. I couldn't grab anything. I got up out of bed and left my nightgum behind with me, or without me, laying in the same position I was. My servant pointed it out, Janie. Yes, you're naked. Oh my. Plus, I merely woke up under the bed. That's not a big deal. Dr. Hugh, on the other hand. Yeah, I was sweating blood. Oh, yeah, that was bad. I can't imagine you're laundry though. Yeah. That can be horrible. We anticipated teensy music back to you by a whole century. Yes. So. I wouldn't saw my real doctor friend. You're right, you did. Yeah. I'm an alienist. I'm sort of a proto psychologist or psychiatrist but I didn't learn much in med school. A biology skill of six percent. It's like a guy at work four who had a laundry from Harvard and he's like, "I didn't learn a thing. I ran a poker ring out of my dorm room for four years." He's like, "I cheated my way through Harvard." That's what you learn in law school. That's what you learn in law school, yeah. I've talked to enough lawyers. No, that's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, just sort of compensate for that is fast talk. His persuasion skills are really high. They have to be. Talk you good. Yeah. That's what he's got. Yeah, we got best of burgers. They can have those, I don't know. Probably not. Maybe. It's a gray area. It's not like three of them. Yeah. Anyway, and then you guys returned to the Pelgrine estate and found out that that estate had even worse night than all of them. Oh, man. Highball's going to eat now. It's all the halls. People sinking into the floor and so forth. Various strange creatures. Yeah, floating around. I'm sure in the air. We see an increase in, you know, gun shots because you're going to shot that thing. Did you take a check on that? Oh, yeah. Check your gun. Absolutely. Oh, I did too. Oh, I got a psychology check. Yeah, but we'll do check seriously. Okay. I'm just saying, like, that was pretty impressive. That was impressive. That was impressive. Yeah, basically there's this giant lamprey came out of a dead servant's mouth and started flying around. These two, like, open up with their revolver and derringer just floating out of the air. And the three silver piece. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I meant to email you back. It was confirmed that it was human blood. It was human blood. Okay. Yeah. One. Yeah. At any rate. Then we found the initial guy. Arthur Pelgrain. Or Pelgrain. Oh, yeah. He was like half in the floor. I put him out of his misery. Yeah. Like that. In the head. And everyone's like, "My God, he's badass." It needed to happen. It needed to happen. It needed to happen. He was not in addition to being part of the floor. Right. That's right. He was not there. He wasn't there. No, yeah. He was not. Yeah. So, and then, and then DEDI performed the binding ceremony on the School of Blood, which was obvious. At this point, it was obvious. It was some sort of portal while you guys basically held the door shut while something was trying to bang the door down. I had slime shrimp try to technical my eyes. Yes. That's right. It was the only one who did not lose any sanity points from the experience. That's right. You didn't. You didn't. I think I really bolstered my courage having shot the thing out of the air. Sure. That would do it. I would walk the screen myself. You didn't. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, um. Yeah. So, um, basically, what else? Well, and then that was basically it. I mean, we didn't burn the house down, which I thought. I told DEDI that, uh, DEDI that, that, that I protected him while they were. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. Well, they did something. Yeah. I don't know. They were doing something. I mean, I was a little terrified of my shrimp. Yeah. Well, no, that's true. I was just trying to hold the door closed. Yes. That's terrible. I don't know. She's overjoyed. All right. All right. So, do you ever gain? Uh, there was some panting. Okay. We did? Yeah. Did I get it? I gained two points back. I don't think you did yours. I remember we talked about, it's in the recording, but... Well, here, I'll just... This is dramatic. I had the lowest I've ever been. You're at your lowest end. Yeah. No, I dropped two, and then I got back, too. Yeah, I lost a lot. I started at 45, and I ended up at 40. Are you at the lowest you've ever been? Yeah. Oh, well, then, forget about it. Oh, wait, no, no, but no, the lowest... Oh, no, no. No, the lowest I've ever been is 37. I got back up to 40. All right, okay. All right. Yes. I'm just getting water. Does anything need anything else or water? Can you take some more? More on the water. What? General water? No, I'm good. Somebody else is good. Yeah, okay. Yeah. So, yeah, I think I covered everything. Oh, thank you. What do we do when we get a check? We have a check. Yeah, yeah. Oh, we're waiting? All right. Oh, yeah, 'cause plan month. And then Pike have checks. Yeah. We have a check and spot hidden. Okay. Chin, a lot of water. All right. Well, those are... No, so... I know how it goes. The check process. You can have a check. You want to roll your skill and you want to fail it instead of making it. Okay. If you fail the roll, your skill goes up. Oh, so it's hard to go up if you have a... The higher goes, the higher goes. There you go. There you go, okay. You can eat. All right. These are kind of cool 'cause they tell you, like, which ones first? Oh, those are neat. There was actually a really good gaming story in Denver that I used to get started. Yeah, Denver's in Denver. Denver's in general. Yeah. Denver's in Boston. Yeah. We had another... We had another bill in the group very briefly. He moved up to Boulder, but he was coming up in Denver as well. Oh. And it would be switch places. Yeah, basically. I think he's in Florida. Okay. Did you roll? Yes. You're rolling. Everything you've checked. What have you checked? You're going to roll against it. Everything and handgun. Okay. So you're going to roll those two. You're going to try and fail it this time so it'll make you... Okay. ...and let me know if you fail it. So, credit rating at 57, I have 85. So, no, fail it. Unfortunately. So you're going to erase the check now. My failed. You failed it? Mm-hmm. And I failed both. Okay. Okay. First one's going to go up by three points. And, oh, no, 40 and I'm at 45. So I missed the check on that one too. Wait, three? Three on the first. One on the second. Okay. I failed to fail by. Oh. Do I just roll once for both of them? You're going to roll for each one. Okay. Cool. I failed mine. Okay. Three. Ten points. Okay. Oh. Damn. Spot hidden. Nice. Oh my God. That'll be useful for everybody. Uh, yeah. Wait, what's your spot hidden now? All right. I'm wondering if I could buy a gum at some point after this. No. Mm-hmm. I can do that. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. I can believe I let those two. Yeah. Women. No. Shoot me. Wait, no. No, wait. Yours, yours, yours. Well, I don't know. I don't know. It is a big thing. It is a big thing. Yeah. I think you're hot. It's just a touch. I'm so pretty. Yeah. We have basically, of course, Pike has a huge walrus mustache. Yes. So we have a whole running gag about how his mustache goes into various convulsions to indicate his emotions. And then when he's really excited, it actually twirls on the central pivot. He's like truly shocked. Awesome. Which is rare. Which is rare. It's rare. It's rare. But I get really truly shocked. I want to see that. You should hire someone to be a good guy. Well, you know what I'm thinking is I think he would buy a gum that was way too much gum for you. Yeah. Like a four-gauge shotgun. Yeah. Just like that. I can handle this. Yeah. Okay. That would be good. How would you? He goes into the firearm shop and like, I'll take care of this. Oh, yeah. What the fuck? Maybe it's a touch under the elbow gun, but when I get it all over, I'm going to say, I guess what a 20-gauge shotgun might be. Ready would buy? Sure. Yeah. What's interesting is that I have a feeling you would go into this shop. There's a shop and just be like, you already know everything. And if you have a 20-gauge shotgun, 20-21, whatever it takes. Yeah. Yeah. And they're just like, I wanted to shoot something. Yeah. This big. I wanted to shoot something that kind of was there, but wasn't there. I'm trying to catch a lamprey on the wing. That's the name of the session, my friend. Okay. So I have a 20-gauge shotgun there. That is an awful, awful, awful versatile gauge. Yeah. 20 is a versatile gauge. I'm probably was leaping out of the water, so. Yeah. I'm really impressed now. Apparently my tarranger on has a base range of attack of 5 yards, and I've had to just shoot it up. Yeah. That means basically, yeah. You're at full skill out to 5 yards, and then every increment beyond that, you're at half and half and half. Oh, right. No, it didn't. If you weren't crushing it. Yes, you do. You invented it. It's called fire arms. Yeah. Look at all of yours. Oh, yeah. So your default with the shotgun is tool. What is it? It is. Was it 30%? 30. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's not even taking into account the spread on this. So, Oswald, in terms of your, so you're just like essentially detected for hire, right? Yeah. It's all thing detected. Okay. Basically, this Helm's fellow came along. It started to hold craze. So. No. I mean, that was even a really appropriate laugh. And he got it all shorty. And that was a swell laugh. Right. They're all copying you really. Yeah, of course. Then he got back. Oh, no. Not another ego man. Oh, he's still trying to figure out where he lives. That's true. What is the admiral? What is the admiral team? The admiral team is, that's where the Navy headquarters are, you know. Okay. Mustache central. Mustache. Mustache. You were probably a military man, though. Yeah, that's why I'm thinking I need to live. I would say that's all a London mustache center. Yeah. Right. We're mustache out of fashion at this point though. Only for the young people. Yeah. So I have 50. Oh. That's right. Yeah. Mustache is never good at style for cops. No. We're talking about the last time. Larger, busier ones are kind of over the living a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. They need silver. Yeah. Oh, my definitely trans. Definitely. I always look neat. I always look neat. Yeah. And pranning. Okay. Kind of like a. But I. Stop the dog. Do you know? They're like, that was a funny joke. I'm like. I'm laughing. What are you talking about? I'm laughing. You can hug me. You can hug me. You can hug me. Look at Finnegan. He's cracking up. I almost see his teeth. Change yourself, man. That's at the core. All right. And then speaking of the wheelchair and everything. So I was just thinking about how we're, you know, again, about 100 years out from the ADA and so forth. And I think it would be reasonable to say that you're not completely paralyzed, right? You're just, you're in a wheelchair because it's very difficult for you to get around. But you can if you want to. You know, that's why I have to cane. You get up with a cane. Right. And move very slowly. Because it's extremely difficult to say that you're not completely paralyzed, right? You're just, you're in a wheelchair because it's very difficult for you to get around. Totally. Because the dexterity of three is terrible. Yeah. You're only three. It's dexterity. Yeah. But, you know, if you were truly paralyzed, you'd have a dexterity of zero. Right. Right. So quickly. Yeah. So he has some movement. He has some, you have some movement and you're on. My upper body works really well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I get around mostly by upper body power. But I can still move around. Okay. That's the, these are important things to know and I'll say you're being chased by something. Aww, I wonder what that would have for your life, man. We're so scared. We're also, we're also way ahead of racing wheelchairs. Especially if we're going downhill. I don't, I don't know how. And wheelchair access. I'll remember you with my bib one. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. So on that note. Yes. So, it is late November. It is Friday, November 24th. Okay. 1893. Day after Thanksgiving. Yes. A certain kind of a call at us. Yes. For you, it's just another day. Yeah. And yes, it has been pissing rain. On Steve Merchant Day. You're all, yes, right. You're all back in your various residences in London. When you all get a hand delivered envelope from a courier. No. Those are the worst. Yeah. It begins. It's, you know, printed on fancy, you know, heavy bond paper with a, with a little blue satin ribbon tie. It looks like an invitation. Oh. All right. Don't let the music throw you off. It's just an invitation. An invitation to horror. To end. All right. So I'm going to undo the ribbon on my invitation. Yes. What does it say? Your invitation reads Dear Person, whoever it's addressed to, you know, the pleasure of your company is cordially requested for tomorrow evening at the residence of master John Bigwell. The music's so inappropriate. No. Actually. I don't, after last time, I probably would be feeling like. Yep. Yeah. Can I have any invitation you get now? It's like, John Bigwell. John Bigwell. You can all give me no roles at one quarter. Oh. Wow. Okay. Um. Not to do math. Yeah, I know. That's the worst of it. I know. Oh, it's free. One divided by. Pretty sure I failed. See one. Wait, am I just waiting for me? Okay. So like 16. What's going on? So your note is next to your invitation here. Oh, no, I did not make it. So you want to, you want to quarter that. Five by four. Oh, I see. My measure looked out. So mine is like 16. What's your note? Five, how much? Twenty-five is. Twelve point. Five. So, thirteen or thirteen. Six or less. Oh. Oh. Oh, wait. Oh, I'm sorry. Twenty-five is already half. Yeah. Okay. So twelve. Or thirteen or less. Twenty-five. Twenty-five. How did you do that? Oh, no. I failed. Oh, I mean, not you. Maybe I should change my character again. No. You know, if you have to use me. If you have to use me to die, I'll do it. Oh, I'll use any of you to die. I have to. I'm just saying, my character obviously I can change. Are you already angling for a character suicide? Yeah, absolutely. It's okay. All right. So, no, no. Anyway. I'm just saying, because since we have to detect him. Well, no, he's a consulting detective. No. I'm a detective. He's not legal in any way. He's not connected to Scotland. He's like MacGyver. Exactly. You're MacGyver. Yeah. MacGyver. MacGyver. MacGyver. MichaelGyver. All right. Joe McGyver. Joe McGyver. Joe McGyver. So, you all know John Bidwell. It's just basically, you know, sort of a minor upper class gentleman. You know, his name's familiar to you. He's a wealthy entrepreneur involved in shipping and industry. And something of an adventurer. That's mostly how you know him. He gets his name in the paper with travels to America, the Orient in Australia. Well-educated man known for his keen mind and sharp weight. And very well-connected. However, he's been conspicuously absent from society for some time. Remember how he was suffering from an exotic illness that he kept up during one of his travels. And was confined to a hospital until recently. I'm going to go with typhoid. I'm going to go with typhoid. This is yes. I've heard of those. Well, okay, so deep disease. I've heard of real disease. Okay, so we all got these invitations. And we've all been invited. When is this? Tomorrow evening. Saturday. Oh, so is it like formal attire? Oh shit. Okay, so I'm going to break out my suit. Oh, my clothes look. I'm going to start brushing my tuxedo off. Oh, you're going with the tuxedo? Yeah. I'm going with the tail coat. I'm going with the tail coat. I'm going to start brushing on my tail coat. Brush, brush, brush, shine my shoes. Alright. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm going to plot my nicest chart. One round line. Make an excellent deal. Prepare my pomade for the next one. One more pencil. And do have a oyster shell. Now, you can still have a man serve if you want as an NPC. Okay. Yeah. A Robin Ward, if you will. Yes. Yes, I will. We'll take the fun out of that. That does really well. I know. I'm sorry. Well, if I fight the bullet, then you can always interpret the word. Yeah. That's fine. I'm malleable. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So, you're all RSVPing. Oh, yeah. We're going to tux, though. No tails. Because tails restrict my movement in my chair. That's true. Oh. We have a different type of suit. That's good for you. Mm-hmm. Okay. So, you know, it's a pretty typical late November in London. Have we seen each other since our adventure? That's our up to you. There haven't been any Dawn complications. There have been the flying roles. There have been correspondence between different members and so forth. But... I'm just thinking. I'm going with the, you know, and four people have gone through something like that. They never want to see each other again. Yeah. So, I think we're not, I would avoid. I mean, honestly, I've been busy at the yacht. Yeah. That's true. You missed a bit of work. Again, I invited you over for tea. All of you. Oh, okay. We'll take a pleasant treat. Oh, sure. Okay. And nobody showed? Did we show up? Probably not. I probably wouldn't have expected you to. But you put it out there. I can't even win. Why is anyone else coming? I'll be like... Who are you? I haven't met. All right. Well, I'm thinking the last thing I did was sort of take credit for all of the things that you did. I'm not likely that much. Excellent. You all hate each other. Excellent. At this point, I think because I'm like all low on the totem pole, that stuff doesn't bother me. It's gonna work my way up. And, you know, I'm of the mind that credit comes. I'm not doing it to get credit. I'm doing it because I have to. It's just like the good part. That's right. Okay. Okay. That's my stance on thing. Okay. Although, you know, and I got the haunted estate out of it. So yeah, it's a pretty typical late November weather in London. The rain does let up Friday night and gives way to pretty much just do me overcast. It's ominous. It's ominous cloud and sort of steady temperatures in the low 40s pretty much around the clock. Okay. With the occasional late stamp fog. Such as, that has descended on the city Saturday night. The point that you all arrive in very, very times at the did well residence. London Terrace. Nice. A fashionable neighborhood in St. John's Wood. Okay. Now, I also didn't participate, but we know him. Yes. So, we arrive. I mean, I'm there, right? Yes. You're all sort of pulling up your carriage. Okay. Do I notice anybody else like from the order? As you, as you debark in the carriage. No, it's most, well, of course, you know, it's just, you know, with the, with the light fog in the dark and everything. It's hard to see. You know, there's, there's gamplat gas lamps flickering in the, in the fog and the, the clatter of folks and carriages along the, you know, the brick street. Big Ben chiming with this nice. And you can see several carriages. Yeah. Are you kind of standing and waiting? You know, the various, what are they called, journeys, the carriage drivers sort of clustered under the gas lamps, you know, warming their hands and gossiping. But there is a warm glow emanating from the Goodwill house and a door man at the door to show you in. So you all show your invitations. Mm-hmm. It's like. It's clustered in. And yes, there are men in formal attire. There's a buffet table set up with chefs with the puppy hats and everything. Oh, wow. Yeah. Oh, shit. Yes. A string quartet is, you know, playing over in the corner. How many people are there already? Quite a bit. Quite a, quite a, quite a number of people. And quite, quite a few that you recognize. Yeah, I'm going to say. There's many of the wealthy and influential of London are there. So for those of you in the middle class, perhaps, you know, these connections that you forged with, uh, some of your betters in the order are paying off as you landed your. Maybe they are. Imitations here. Um, so yes, we can assume you're all there after certain points. And, uh, actually, yeah, you guys are going to be, uh, no rolls or decorating rolls. Your choice to identify various. I'm going to say chroma, no. Make it. Oh, okay. I make it. Nice. Okay. Go on. Maybe I'll do now. No, whichever is higher. No, I know. Yeah. I'm just trying to think. No, it would be up to characteristics. Made my credit. Nice. Oops. Ooh. [Laughter] And I just have to get. Under. Under. Under. Yeah. OK. Made it. OK. So, um, Celesteia, you, you don't really, uh, note anyone because as soon as you come in, you see that Florence Farr is there. Right. OK. So, you know, she's brought to you, you guys greet each other, you know, kiss kiss and all that. Mm-hmm. She's, uh, she's there with Dr. William Westcott. Right. Actually. Oh, who's that? He was one of the, he was one of the, um, founders of the, of the order. He was a beautiful character. No, that's matters. That's matters. Westcott. There were three founders. One is dead. Masters is in Paris. Westcott is the one in London. Oh, okay. This is a confidential matter for these guys, but, but I talked to him recently. Yes. Exactly. You did. Mm-hmm. Some interaction with him. Um, okay. So, Pike, you, you identify, um, Henry Matthews, the home secretary. Um, actually, no. You would recognize Major Henry Smith, commissioner of the city of London police. Oh, wow. That's cool. The police commissioner is here. Uh, Oswald, you, you identify the home secretary, Henry Matthews. And, um, had my, you pick out, um, Andy Bassant of the, the, the esophopical society. And, um, uh, Dr. Hume, you recognize the noted psychic God-free Williamson. Ooh. Nice. Um, and so, you know, you guys sort of mingle, um, you know, and, uh, you know. Florence sort of points out to you like, uh, you know. Oh, there's, um, there's the, uh, the author, um, Arthur Conan Doyle. He's the chronicler of the adventures of the consulting detective fellow. Mm-hmm. And, um, oh, and, and, uh, come, let me, let me, uh, let me introduce you to, to Henry Irving and, uh, Ellen Terry. Oh, wonderful. Hi. Geez. I've met Ellen Smithy. Yeah. Oh. He's lurking around here somewhere. I love you, too. Uh, Pike, you, you see, um, a fellow who's, um, he's wearing, uh, you know, tails and, and, and a white tie. But the, the jacket's made out of sort of a crushed velvet. He, he's sort of a tall and gangly with like sandy blonde hair and a hook nose. Oh. And, and he's just, he's just sort of like... Dr. Hume? He's just, he's hair, uh, as he, as he sort of stands off to the side and, and quietly, um, sips some champagne hands. Who is it? He kind of gets under your skin. He's really bothering me. Uh-huh. He looks like one of those hipsters. Yeah, I don't like, uh, I don't like dandies or fobs of any kind. He's bothering me. I know who it is. I know who it is. I know who it is. I have a feeling too. I have a feeling too. I have a feeling too. I have a feeling too. He's bothering me. I should probably go... Well, I should avoid him at all costs. I'm going to go to the other side of the room. You're going to go to the other side of the room. Alright. You, you start talking with, uh, Major Smith. Yes, definitely. Business. Um, uh, and, uh, Oswald is your, you know, sort of sitting in your chair with your, with your ward. Mr. Ward, uh, excited. Uh, behind me is always pushing me. Of course. Of course. No, you don't use those arms. Yeah, exactly. Uh, a fellow, um, you know, sort of an older gentleman comes over and, uh, uh, uh, Oswald Finnegan. I, uh, thought that was you. Yes. You didn't work nice. You didn't work nice. Yes. Correct. I'll snuggle you. Do I know you, sir? I can prove you're, you're, uh, consulting detective skills by giving an idea role here. Oh, yes. An idea role. Oh, gee, that should be hard. Oh, bad ass. Okay. Uh, yes, you deduce by, um, uh, you know, small details on this person that this is wealthy, shipping, magnate, Nigel's standard. Okay. In case you were wondering. Yes. So, you know, he just starts chatting with you. I wonder when our guest is going to or that. Alright. I wonder when our host is going to, uh, present himself. Oh. I'm wondering the same thing myself. Mm. Mm. Mm. So, uh, as he says that, the, uh, the clock strikes nine and a non-figure enters the ballroom. Woo. The man is pale and frail looking. Um, he has a black hair and a goatee both of which are streaked with silver and is dressed in, uh, black formal wear. And he's walking with the aid of a keem. Oh. Very, really, walk-a-ish. [laughter] Uh, the, the string quartet hushes. And, uh, and he walks in. All eyes turn to look at him. And, uh, one of the servants, um, presumably the Butler steps forward. Ladies and gentlemen, this evening's host, John Bidwell. So, we all in a little way. Hi. Uh, thank you. Mm. Uh. Um. [laughter] I'm king-clapping. [laughter] This is stuff on the ground. Yeah. So, uh, Nigel's standard and, uh, you know, Florence far. And basically, everyone you're all talking with, you know, various locations around them. Basically, there's sort of this murmur ghost in the room because everyone's basically saying the same thing. He's like, "Oh, he doesn't look well." Oh. Most of the people here haven't seen him in years. Right. Um, he's in obvious ill health. But he smiles and waves. And the music starts up again. And, um, you know, the party kind of swings back into progress. So, he starts to sort of slowly mingle around the room. Um, you know, just sort of, um, chatting with people and so forth. Um, so, let's see. So, who does he go to first? He can all give me psychology roles. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Oh, fail. Not fail. I'm in. Oh, fail. Fail. Oh, thank God. Okay. All right. Um, so, so Dr. Hume is you're watching him. You can tell that although he looks very, um, frail, his mind seems to be still sharp. He seems to be in full possession of his faculties, basically. Can I approach him? Absolutely. Yeah, you know, he's sort of mingling. So, you can just kind of sittle over and wait for him to finish talking to somebody. See, I was wondering who he talked to first. Yeah. He's, he's, he's chatting with the, the home secretary. Uh-huh. But, you know, he can feel free to kind of sittle over. So, you're, you're right there with, you're with them. No, no. He's talking to the shipping magnet. Oh, Nigel. Oh, Nigel. Who's here? Oh, but he's still on the home secretary. He recognized him. Yeah. Okay, thank you. So, let's have, introduce myself. Dr. Miles Hume. I, yes, of course. Imagine. I'm sure you can. I'm sure you can give me a medicine. You're part of me? I'm sure you can. Oh, my God. A medicine role? A medicine role. Oh. One of your strong suits is doctor. Actually, I didn't even put any points. I know. Oh, I feel miserably. I got a ninety-six. You got a ninety-nine. Oh! Oh, really? Oh, no. I'm not familiar. He's obviously suffering from syphilis. So? So, this isn't a delicate matter. But I could tell that you're suffering from syphilis. Oh, my God! No! No! So, so... That's not syphilis. That's not syphilis. That's not syphilis. That's not syphilis. He's a... He's a... He's a... I could tell, however, that your mind is keen. All right. Oh, my God. His cheeks that darken a bit. You don't need to be embarrassed, sir. Oh, my God, my God. I am a doctor. Oh, my God. I see. Um, I assure you that anything can tell to be able to help the district is confidence. Now I must ask first, where are you receiving your medical care? Oh, okay. All right. Let me be for Balesar Colleagues. Yes, Balesar Colleagues. That's the infamous Balesar Colleagues. Oh, yeah. Which is... Oh, by the way. Whenever you critically fail something, you still get a check because we always learn best from our worst mistakes. Oh. Oh, I just made my day song. So, he's cordial. And he's sort of just knitting and smiling politely. And he says, "Well, doctor, in my experience medical professionals do not make a snap diagnosis of that nature. And I can tell you that it is not any sort of disease that I am suffering from, but merely getting back my health after a prolonged period of non-syphilis-related illness." [laughter] I understand, and I will back you in that story. [laughter] Oh, my God. That was down. Oh, my God. I was almost like a swab swab. [laughter] I say, excuse me a moment. I have to go talk to between the psychic and having most pressing questions for him. So he moves off. Oh, my God. He's psychic. So he begins to mingle. He comes around. He talks to Oswald for a bit. Just sort of pleasantries and so forth. But as he's talking to you, he's sort of asking a few things. I say, what do you make of this whole spiritualism movement? St. Lawrence's and that sort of thing? You're putting these talk in it. I don't know, have I? It's a habit. It's a habit. And I've done extensive research on the matter. But I'm not liberty to discuss much of it. Go ahead and give me a cult role at double your normal skill. Nice. [laughter] That's fine. So you chat about matters of cult for a while, but don't really manage to connect. Don't really manage to connect anything meaningful. So he continues to circulate. He comes around to Inspector Pike. Detective Pike. Detective Sergeant Pike. And he's like, well, so nice to have a man of the CID here at the party. Oh, it's fine. I appreciate the invitation. Yes, he. So you know, chat chat and so forth. I say, what do you make of this whole spiritualism movement? So go ahead and give me a cult role at double your normal skill. What, ten? I roll 11. Oh! Ouch. Wow. Anyway, I have a question for you. Yes. I have a question. I was wondering, well, I mean, I'm wondering how you feel about it. Seeing as how there are so many people here that are, you know, well versed in that area. Oh, you're right. I suppose as a man of the art, it's your job to know what everybody's occupation is. Indeed it is. And so I've noticed that there are many people here who are attached to the spiritualism. Can we observe detective's origin? Yes. Will you answer my question? No, I don't see that. I don't see that. I don't see that. I don't know. I don't know. You wouldn't have much tagged, I think. I don't know. You're holding a notebook at her. I said I got the questions for you. So I'm just curious what you feel about what you think about that particular movement. I don't know yet. That's part of the reason why I've invited so many distinguished members of that community here. I'm looking forward to getting a chance to talk to them. I see. All right. Very good. Well, thank you very much for inviting me. Indeed. Please help yourself. I have one more question. Who's that gentleman over there in the, uh, with the crushed velvet suit and the, um. John Pearl, just in fact. That's Mr. Beardsley. He's an artist. Oh, I see. Yes. Thank you. That's a professional. So, you know, he's sort of. It's nice school. Certainly. He comes back around to, uh, to where you are in Celestia and, you know, you're there with, um, Dr. Westcott. Yes. Yes. So he sort of, he's sort of chatting with Dr. Westcott primarily. Oh. Okay. Um, sort of, sort of giving you a Florence, uh, the old cold shoulder. Mm-hmm. I get that. Yeah. Yeah. Not surprising. Half psychology. Mm-hmm. Failed. I have low psychology. He comes around eventually though in the conversation. And he comes back to you in Florence. The ladies. So give me, uh, give me a double your cold roll there. Pass. Okay. So, so he gets into a conversation with you in, you in Florence and you're able to kind of talk at length a bit. You know, well actually, you know, spiritualism goes back to America, uh, Northern New York, you know, that kind of thing. Mm-hmm. Yes. Sort of in the 1840s, that sort of thing. Mm-hmm. You know, so you, you give him some, you know, some chit-chat about that. Mm-hmm. Oh, I see that. Mm-hmm. Well, I'm in cancer for purpose. So, right, he sort of, he sort of warns you a bit, but you still feel like, I mean, like when he leaves, he shakes Dr. Westcott's hands, but not you or Florence. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, that would be really. Yeah. Um, well, I mean, he doesn't even like bow or, you know, anything like that. Oh, shit. He just, he just sort of like. I'm sorry. I mean, this is amazing. Call it. What a douche. Yeah. It's surprising. Yeah. It's surprising. This is surprising. This is surprising. This is surprising. Yeah. Wow. This year's cut. Crought to you. Oh, wow. Nice. Alright. Step to shark. Alright. Let's talk about William Westcott. William Westcott. How does he react? Yeah. Um. Does he like, is he like, okay with that or? Well, he's, he's being very cordial and boring. Okay. I mean, he's, he's a guest. Yeah. So, it's like he's not going to be looking. So how are you going to insult to these ladies on it? Mm-hmm. Okay. Um, unfortunately. Yeah. Yeah. So eventually he does come around to, um, Padmon. Yeah. Cool. Um, he can give me his, like, old-year-old half. You're normal there. She's doing a bit the dog. She's looking at him. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. She's doing a bit the dog. 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Just thought I'd go poke around a bit as we say. Have you found anything? Not too much. It's a little obscure. We're still looking for Hanson, as you know. I'm also wondering, well, he had a gala the night before. Yes. I was wondering what you knew about that. Well, I think you've known more since I believe you were invited. I was invited, but I'm just wondering what you heard about the who I was inviting. Just a pretty good sample of the high society of London. Were you invited? No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Exactly. I'll thank you enough for that. Well, I can't think of a name for you. Well, before we leave, do you recognize this symbol by any chance? I'll show him the ring. Oh, nice. So he takes it. It's pretty makes it simple, isn't it? I believe so. Thank you for verifying that for me. Yes. Can we look around the room and see if there's anything interesting? You're going to be spotted in the hole. Spotted into that. I fail. Come on. You noticed the frame of being a macrame hanger. Oh, nice. Thank you. I failed. We're going to marry you. How tacky. It was very chic at the time. This is wrong. This is wrong, yes. It's very cheap. It's the wrong way. It's inside. Oh, no. All of his drawers are closed. He's hidden it all. Well, thank you for your time. There's no Freemason banner hanging. Thank you for your time. I'll see you at the odd. Oh, yes. I'm always happy to help if you have any questions at all. Indeed. All right. That was a bust. I was just sitting on that. Piking up here. Well, that was a bust. I wonder if I could just drop in on Westcott. Hmmm. Drop in on one of the highest ranking members of the order. At his mansion. You would have the balls to do it. Oh, by the way, he's the head corner of London. Oh. Are you serious? Yeah. That's good because we could ask him questions about the body. Yeah. He probably examined his body by now. Hmmm. Okay. So that would be a excuse to drop in. There you go. There you go. Okay. For whatever other reason you wanted to do that. Well, let's just go in and, you know, I wanted to just sort of pump in for information on compidwell, you know. Thank you. Isn't that something? Well, he did it as well. What a coincidence. That was, you know, one of the odds of that. I didn't want to try to calculate it. Well, I mean, I haven't shared this, but he did come to me and asked me for some assistance with the dream interpretation. Yes. I didn't do much more than tell to keep the journal and not talk to anybody else about it. Right. The dream journal. Yeah. So I could pop by and just say I was deeply worried about him and that didn't work too well before when I tried it, but... No, it's not. Okay. Well, I'm going to strap on my parents. [laughter] Okay. All right. So, um, so yes, you show us. I didn't mean it. Yeah. What time is it at this point? Evening. [laughter] After supper? Yeah. Yeah. For sure. So go ahead and give me a credit rating. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Oh, I missed it by... Three. I don't know. [laughter] Ooh. There was... I forget the protocol. But basically you go to the front door, the, you know, butler or the front door guy answers the door. And Darwin? Yes. Thank you. You give him your card. He disappears. He comes back and he either says right this way or he says, you know, the gentleman is not in and that's to be taken to mean he doesn't want to talk to you right now. Okay. So you are told the gentleman is not in. Womp, wom. Mmm. But... He did read the card. [laughter] Oh my God. [laughter] Oh. Yes, and I, and I assure you, I will give it to the doctor when he returns. All right. [laughter] Well... [laughter] [laughter] Oh my God, no. I sure would hold the camera. Offered pause. [laughter] What the hell? [laughter] I'm sure you... [laughter] What is she doing? Let me find her. Sorry. Okay. So, can you get a sleep finally? Yes. Yes. The next day... Firsting off. The next day arrives. It is... It is today. Tuesday the 28th. And you all gather for tea to, to, you know, sort of compare notes, I suppose. Should we talk to the coroner? Yeah. It's like something the detective should do is talk to the coroner. It does. Yeah. Maybe we could go there in the morning like before tea. Yes. You know, like... Well, you can just, you can try and obtain the coroner's report. All right. Let's do that. All right. Well, the, the coroner's report, uh, indicates that Bidwell was killed by a sharp instrument that he stabbed into his heart. No, he didn't like that. Yes. He showed no signs of syphilis. But really? No, but just basically, you know... No, there's sores. It's, it's, uh, he bore the signs of someone recovering from malnutrition. Mm-hmm. Um, but, uh, otherwise seems to be free of diseases, uh, and was killed by... Yes. Study, study, study. Study, study, study. Study, study, study. Why do you have a cane? Well, not from no nutrition. Yeah, just, yeah. Can we just really, we... Rickets, maybe? Yeah, definitely. Butters. Yeah. All right. No, nothing else on his body. Nothing else on the body. No. All right. Well, that was really fruitful. Mm-hmm. So, um, at tea that afternoon, um, you're all gathered together. And you haven't really had a chance to get into the notes. Uh, when your doorman comes in. Oh, goodness. And so, uh, terribly sorry about you, man, but, um, there is a caller at the front door. So he hands you a card. Mm-hmm. And, uh, it is a card of God-free Williamson. Yes. Who you recognize is the fourth fellow order member. Mm-hmm. And, uh, noted psychic. Please be mentioned. So, uh, Williamson is shown in. And, um, you know, you also recognize him from, uh, the same house. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. So, he's, uh, you know, in his late 50s, small and pale. Um, dressed in somewhat outdated clothes. Um, and, uh, you know, so he comes in and takes, takes a seat. Uh-huh. And, um, I'm glad to find all these order members gathered together. Um, I wanted to consult with some of you on, um, on some disturbing visions I've been having lately. I, I tried to go to, um, uh, Scotland Yard, but, uh, that beastly inspector trout didn't want to speak to people. Oh. Mm-hmm. So he kind of looks at you. Where do you know him? Yeah, I'm sure a desk for him. He's not the most, um, uh, open of, of mines. Yes, well, um, I just, uh, I, I have heard through channels that, uh, that you were assigned to the case and knowing that you were, um, a member of the order. Mm-hmm. I felt, uh, that any information that I, I had could be of assistance to you. Absolutely, absolutely. I'm glad you're-- I'm glad you typed in Finnegan also, working on this with me. Indeed. Yes. I don't know. As are all of these members. Yes, right. I remember you well from the case of the Scarlet Monkey. Oh, my favorite cases. [laughter] Yes, the Scarlet Monkey. Oh, yes. [laughter] Oh, wow. That was a large-- So damn, Scarlet. [laughter] [laughter] Yes, I keep, I keep getting a vision, uh, something to do with, with a name, uh, like a Duncan or, or a Dougian. Something like that. It, it, it, it, it comes to me, um, my, my visions, they give me headaches. Well, are you having, um, I mean, the only thing I could think of is it being similar to Kentucky. And Dougery. And Dudgery. And Dudgery. And Dudgery. What was that? That is a, a small village in Australia. Mm. No, I don't, I don't feel that. It's, it's, it's here. It's something here. Well, Hanson is the name of the man who killed, probably, more than likely killed, but Duncan? Duncan or Dougian? Yeah. Hmm. What else? I guess it was an assumed name. Mm-hmm. Yeah. What else? I was terrible. Oh my God. What is that? Um, so what, um, what else do you feel around this name? Uh, that's, that's all I can really offer. But there is something else. I, I sense a great many faceless men involved in this affair somehow. I can't see them clearly, but I feel they can see me all too clearly. Mm. This is, did you feel this before the sands or after the sands? This is all since the, the night of the murder. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Any faces? Many, many. A kind of dude. A kind of dude. A kind of dude. A kind of dude. A kind of dude. Okay, any more. Yeah. 30. 30. You're both. 29 and 16. How about any sense of danger? Four. I sense that, um, these faceless men can see, uh, anyone involved in this investigation. Right. So that is mostly what I wanted to meet with you about. You know what? I, I wouldn't have practiced hypnosis, but I might, is there a way I can maybe talk to and relax, try and gather, give more information? You can try a psychoanalysis role. Mm-hmm. No, I don't even think I have psychopaths. This kind of psychology. Yes. Yeah. So, if you put the faulty your psychoanalysis role down. What's, okay, so just, so, uh, just my, my case. Whatever's in the percentage there. Oh, for psychology. In the parentheses. For psychology. For psychoanalysis. There's no, there's no, there's no. Psych analysis had been invented. Yeah. Um, so how dare you for making that up? Um, let's see. What are you talking about psychoanalysis? Myles, who was in the process of inventing psychoanalysis. That's right. [laughter] Mm-hmm. Let's see here. Mm-hmm. Doesn't even note that, uh, oh, here we go. Uh, yeah, it doesn't even know under skill alterations. Yeah, it's not part of the landscape. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's, it's got the names psychoanalysis, but basically it's, it's meant to represent, um, you know, what it says. Practicing what, yeah. Yeah. Like, sort of putting people at ease, helping them. Could that be fast talk? Um, persuasive? Persuade. Persuade. Okay. Okay. Let's do Persuade. I've got a, what? I made it. Nice. Okay. Um, so, yeah, you, uh, you know, you, you, you talk him into a somewhat more relaxed states and, um, and he, uh, you know, he relaxes, it's a little less jittery, more sometimes. Um, so I just, I fear that, um, your lives may be in danger. Oh. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Uh. Not again. I'll just talk to you. Oh, come on. You love the adventure. Yeah. We're just sensitive to that shit. Well, father's safe. Um. He's in the lecture room. Yeah. What do you say, father? Um, sure. I might even be having tea with us. Yes. Yeah. Well, um, excuse me, sorry. I appreciate the warning. Um, I'm not sure we all do, but there's not much we can do unless we continue forward with the case. Mm-hmm. Okay. So he, uh, we're into this. None of our skill pathetic skills. No. (Laughter) Cardamancing. We're going to do. I wonder if at some point we're just going to end up in Australia. (Laughter) I know. I'm feeling too. Right. Australia is inevitable. That's, that's a great choice of life. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. Australia. (Laughter) That it often stems from fear of, um, specifically like creatures in the water. Oh. That's perfect. That's perfect. That's perfect. Creatures in the water. I have that. I have that. Whatever that is. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. It's the last equilibia. This is the last equilibia. 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