The Duran Podcast

Biden Drops Out Of 2024 Race. Endorses Kamala

Biden Drops Out Of 2024 Race. Endorses Kamala

Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
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- Okay, Alexander, we are live. Yes, we are live, and Alexander will go for about 30 minutes, I believe everyone knows the topic. If you haven't heard the news, Alexander will do a quick update. Breaking news, historic news, Alexander, as I do a quick check to make sure we are live on all of the platforms. Welcome to everybody that is joining us. What is going on in the world today? - Well, Allensky's curse has now bagged its biggest victim. Joe Biden has announced that he is not going to run for the presidency of the United States in November. I'm sure this has come as a shock to everybody after all. We all knew what a dynamic, energetic, incisive, brilliant man he was fully in command of his brief, but events proved otherwise. He went down to a disastrous debate with Donald Trump. The party, the Democratic Party, on mass turned against him. It's very interesting now that we see the Barack Obama orchestrated it, and that tells us who is really running the Democratic Party now. That's an important fact in itself. Something I have not understood at all is the role of the donors, but apparently they played a decisive role. It seems that they were able to withhold money that they had assigned or donated or allocated to the campaign and that basically left Joe without money. And the result is that he's now had to accept very grudgingly, very angrily. He doesn't want to go that he has to go. He made an astonishing statement. I don't think people understand how bizarre he actually was, because he announces that he's achieved all these great things. He's led the United States through crisis. He's made it stronger than ever. He's got the best economy in the world. He's overcome a crisis in the economy as great as that of the Great Depression, which to anybody who isn't all familiar with the history of the Great Depression would know how bizarre that is. But then without any explanation at all, he suddenly announces over the course of this statement that he's not going to seek reelection. He says he's going to do that for the good of the country, but he doesn't give a reason why he is standing down. He then makes it absolutely clear that he intends to remain president until January, until in other words, the new president, the president who's elected in November, is going to be inaugurated. So even though he's not standing as a candidate for the presidency, he's going to remain president until January. And then in his actual statement, he doesn't endorse any body. He doesn't say that he's back's Kamala Harris. It takes a couple of, a short period of time for a completely separate statement to suddenly appear on social media, saying that he's actually going to back Kamala Harris. And again, I'm not going to say that I know for a fact that this is so, but I suspect that the old man was told, you've got to back Kamala Harris. He didn't want to do it. He didn't want to step down as a candidate. He didn't want to do any of the things that he's doing now. And he's going to provide the American people and the world with an explanation. Sometimes this week, it isn't giving us an explanation now, and it's not difficult to work out why there is this delay, because the wordsmiths, the people who are going to have to explain for the president in the statement, he's going to read out, are going to have their work cut out, explaining the contradiction, the contradiction between the president, announcing that he is not going to run for the presidency. Obviously, because his health and his physical condition is not strong enough to do it. And the fact that nonetheless, he considers that he still fit and capable enough to be president of the United States. Now, on the Duran, we were pointing out several days ago when all the rumours that he would have to stand down was circulating that this is an unsustainable position, that he can't at one and the same time, say that he's not fit enough to run for the presidency, and at the same time, continue to be president. But as of now, he has made no attempts to explain that contradiction. And he continues to insist that he wants to remain president. And of course, the Republicans are homing in. Marco Rubio started it earlier today. Then J.D. Vance did. Now, Josh Hawley has done. Others who are not Republicans, like Jonathan Turley, the legal professor, he's pointing out that this makes absolutely no sense at all. And, but there it is. He didn't want to go. He is furious with all of the people who pushed him out. He's very, very angry with Obama. This is what the New York Times is telling us, because he feels that Obama has undermined him. And he's absolutely right about that, by the way. He's furious with the entire Democratic Party. I know that he wanted to endorse Kamala Harris, which is why he didn't endorse this statement. But he wants nonetheless, in spite of everything, to remain president. Now, this could be the death rattle of the Democratic Party. I mean, to try to explain to the American people all of these contradictions, the contradictions of why they backed Joe Biden for so long, pretending that he was, as I said, this great, incisive leader and manager that they were saying he was, when he obviously wasn't, why they suddenly turned on him, why they did so purely when it looked like he was about to lose the election. And how they're going to explain that there's no support Kamala Harris, but Biden is still president. I really don't know how they explain all of these things, how they square the circle. But American politics is nothing, if not unusual, and unpredictable, and we'll just have to see what happens. Anyway, those are my initial thoughts. - They all hate each other, don't they? Well, but I must explain to Biden's, because earlier in the day, NBC News was reporting that Clinton was behind Biden. She wanted Biden to stay, the Clinton family. So, I mean, I guess you can see the power struggles that were going on over the past couple of weeks between all the families, the clans. - Well, you're absolutely right. The Democratic Party, the party of Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, senior, none of these, doesn't exist anymore. What we have is a collection of factions and clans who fight each other constantly as they struggle relentlessly for patronage and control of the party, and if it's political machinery. It has some kind of, you know, neoliberal ideology, which it promotes across the country. It has a certain ideology of identity politics, but it is no longer what it used to be, the party of the working class of the United States in abandoned the working class years ago. The working class are now shifting to supporting the Republican Party. One of the most important events, underreported in my opinion, one of the most important events of this extraordinary week, this has just passed, was the fact that the Teamsters leader, the leader of the most powerful union in America, went to the Republican convention and addressed the Republican convention. So the American working class, the blue collar workers are now supporting the Republicans. They have partyed company with the Democrats and what is left of the old Democratic Party is a husk consisting of various factions, all of whom, exactly as you've just said, hate each other, struggle for power, constantly fighting for power, for control of the levers of power and for the patronage and the clientage, to put it, say it's simply the money that comes with it. - Right, okay, so let me ask you one more question and then we'll get to some of the questions from everybody and we'll wrap up this update, this breaking news. The geopolitics of this, what do you think the world is saying as this goes down? Russia, China, the European Union, what do you think is going on? India, what are they saying? - They are asking the same question that people in the United States today should be asking, who is running the United States? It can't be Joe Biden. It is not fit to be candidate for the presidency and he clearly isn't, by the way, we've all seen the kind of person that he has become. If he is not able to run the United States at this time, who is, who do they call if there is a crisis? Do they speak to Obama? Because Obama apparently can make or break presidents. He made Joe Biden and now he's broken you. Do they call Obama? Do they call God help us Tony Blinken? Would take Sullivan? Who do they call? So that is the question that all the major governments of the world are asking at this precise moment. Now, every other government, of course, has issues, it's issues with the United States, be they friends or enemies, and they will all be trying to work out. Now, what is going to happen over the next 10 months until January and they will be very concerned. They will be very worried because they sense a vacuum of power at the center in Washington. Nobody, as I said, clearly in control. They will be very worried that the president, the current president, the incumbent president, assuming he states is going to try to do something dramatic and dangerous in order to secure his legacy. They will be worried too about some of the people around him and most of the world has seen them and measured them and come to the view. The Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken and all of the others are no more fit to do the job that the president himself is. So they will be worried about that. They will be calculating that this is a very, very dangerous time indeed. And they will all be asking what the next president, the next true president of the United States, the one who's going to be elected in November is going to do. And they will now be hoping because most of the world wants certainty. They will be hoping that it is Donald Trump with the exception of Europe. We'll come to Europe in a moment. But most of the world now wants Donald Trump to win because they want somebody in Washington who is back in control and they will be beating there. They will be going to Donald Trump's door trying to work out what his policies are going to be, what he's intending to do when he is president. They'll be crossing their fingers, hoping that he is going to become president. They'll be wanting to know what he's going to do about the Ukraine, the Middle East, East Asia, Taiwan, the global economy, all of these things, all of which they're now worried about. The only part of the world that is going to be in crisis, in absolute meltdown at this moment is Europe. All of the European states have tied themselves to the sinking ship that is the Biden administration. An incredible thing to do. We discussed this in program, after the program on the Durab, what an idiotic thing that that was, that they did. Now that ship is visibly sinking. In fact, it sunk. And they are going to be absolutely terrified. They're going to be absolutely spooked up and wondering what is this Trump administration which is coming going to do. They'll be worried that the Trump administration is going to cut them off. It's going to leave them hanging out to dry over Ukraine. It's going to do all sorts of things that they don't want. And they brought it about because they refuse to talk to Trump. They've acted as if Trump really is the person that Joe Biden and all the people around him say he is. And now they are in very, very serious trouble. But we mustn't focus too much on Europe. The Europeans have their own set of problems brought about by their incompetent and mismanaged politics. Most of the rest of the world, Russia, China, India, all of the African states, all of the East Asian states, all of the Latin American states, they want Trump to win, even the Chinese, who have had a difficult relationship with Trump. They're not as difficult as some people say. They want Trump to win because they want somebody in Washington that they can telephone and speak to and deal with in the belief that he can actually run the government of the United States and provide a coherent way forward for the United States. Man, the Europeans, they followed Biden straight into a war with Russia. What a mess up. - Wow, wow, absolutely, absolutely. Well, you know, do you remember, I'm sure you do remember, I've seen, I've seen some other people now cited that, you know, we spoke about that, Charlton, we went back in 2020 when they nominated him as a candidate. We spoke about that, Charlton Heston, Phil, in which Charlton has some place, a Spanish knight, Elsid, who was tied to the horse and sent him to battle, even though he's actually dead. Well, that's just exactly what they did. They let themselves be followed by a man who, politically speaking, was essentially a cause. And of course, instead of leading them into battle, he's led them off the cliff, and that's what they've done to themselves. It was astonishing. It was absolutely bizarre, but that's what they did. That's what Ursula von der Leyen on our shelves, Emmanuel Macron, the end of the selection. British prime ministers Johnson, Truss, Sunac, even Stonner, still, Stonner. The last thing he tells us, last thing he tells us, yeah, what a brilliant and incisive and, oh, you know, on top of the world, the master of detail biding it. They have brought all this upon themselves and upon Europe as well. - All right. Do you have anything else to add? Should we get to questions, Alexander? - Well, let's go straight to questions. I mean, this is a huge amount of a week inside, but no doubt, we'll get to all of it as the week unfolds. - Exactly. - We'll get to everything, yeah. Steve Resurrected says, "Alex and Alexander, I have only one question. Are you ready to focus on what can be unburdened?" By what he said. Wade says, "Attempted to delete Trump, but deleted the 2024 Democratic primary results instead. Two coups in the same month." - So, absolutely true. What what has been done is a coup. We discussed this in a recent program. Alex asked me that question and I said, "This is a coup. He had what they needed to do." I go back this, you could search it, you could probably find it in one of our programs, which we did in the early autumn of last year. Alex said, "What they needed to do was to resolve the problem of Biden before the primaries. But they didn't, and now we are where we are. And as a result, they've had to remove him through what is in every respect, a coup, one orchestrated by a bomber, but a coup which is incomplete because he is no longer candidate for the presidency, but he is still the president." - How does that work? Yeah, it doesn't work. It doesn't work. - Yeah, absolutely not. - Take a pick, 1313 says, "I think Democrat move wasn't to win the presidency, but more to save the House and Senate seats." Also, do you think they will crash the economy of Trump wins? - Well, I think you're right on both points. I think you're absolutely right that it is now basically about saving the Democratic Party's position in Congress. Now, you know, I'm not an expert on what goes on in congressional and Senate races. I mean, this is the kind of thing where others have a much deeper understanding of it than I do. But again, talking about the kind of conventional electoral politics that I am familiar with, you know, that I used to work in, sorry, in Greece and in Britain, this is a catastrophic situation. It's the worst outcome actually they could have because they've got somebody as their president who's still the leader of their party, by the way, who is Joe Biden, who they now say is incapable. They're running someone else who is unpopular and who didn't win a single primary vote. Either in 2020, as I understand it, or in this election. How do you explain it? How do you justify it? How do you turn around and tell the American people the people who are voting for you for Congress? Well, I supported this man because I thought he was brilliant, but actually I've now suddenly discovered the deism. And my loyalty is now effortlessly transferred to Kamala Harris. It hardly makes any sort of sense. So I think, you know, applying the kind of election logic that I am familiar with, which might not apply in the US, this is a disaster. It's more likely to lead to a collapse in support for the Republican Party in Congress. But I agree. I think that is what the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party, sorry, in Congress. But I think that exactly like is that this is ultimately what this is all about. They understand that they can't hold on to the presidency. They want to retain whatever they can in Congress. So that's why they've got rid of Joe. As for crashing the economy, I'm afraid that is a real possibility. I don't know how they will do it or if they can do it or what they might do. But probably they will want to conduct a scorched as policy, give Trump as difficult a legacy as they possibly can. And that will be cynical and terrible. But well, we see how cynical and terrible these people are. - Yeah, they're going to spin it. They're going to spin it and say Biden's a man of integrity. They're already saying it. He loves his career more than himself. We're all going to line up behind Kamala. They're going to spin it. They're not going to talk about the uncomfortable truths and they're just going to focus on spinning the narrative. And they're going to hope that people believe them. And there will be people who believe in it. They have the whole media. They have the whole media behind them to help. - There will be people who will believe it and there will be people who will want to believe it. But to be absolutely clear, if Biden was a man of integrity and he made this decision on his own, he would have pulled out before the primaries. He would have told the American people that look, I'm getting old. This isn't something I'm able to do. I'm going to stand aside as president, as candidate. I'm going to lead the way the door opens. Whoever emerges from the primary process to lead the Democratic Party, that person will have my full support. That would have been the honorable and proper thing to do. Instead, until just a few hours ago, he was still insisting that he was going to be the candidate for the party in the election. This is not an honorable exit, not by any conceivable stretch. And I don't really think the American people will be full. - Yeah, all right, let's move along. We've got about 10 minutes. So let's wrap it up. The Amazing Blumkin says, our long national nightmare is over time for a new one. Thank you for that. (speaking in foreign language) May the force be with you. Holy kavole. Thank you for that. Bauke says, habeas corpus Americans should immediately demand proof of Biden's compass meant this when signing his letter. If he did, by the way, of a presidential address to the nation. - Yeah. - Could you even drive the letter? - Well, he didn't, nor did he drop the message endorsing Harris that appeared shortly after. Look at that, the fact that they had to do two statements tells you everything. - Not a band account says, "Will President Biden standing down in Bolden Putin?" You answered that. - No, it will, I mean, he won't embolden him, but he, everyone, all the leaders want to see a strong president in the United States who can lead the country and provide certainty going forward. - Yeah, Torontonian says, "Great breaking update, guys, and on a Sunday." Thank you for that. Sparky says, "President Kamala can use her Wallace Simpson level oral talent when negotiating with foreign leaders." Thank you for that, Sparky. Sparky says, "Break it off in BlackRock. Make Ukraine Russia again." Thank you for that. Bunny Ripley says, "Hello, Alexander." Trivial question, "What is, what is a Duran, or is it a definite article required in the capital letter?" I did, I did do some internet search engine, but didn't get the bingo moment I was after. We'll explain it Duran. - We'll explain it one day, actually. - One day we've been. - Sparky says, "Nico House said that Kamala's sister used to work for Hillary." I don't know. - I didn't know that. - Yeah, I don't know. Sparky says, "Just to reiterate, break it off in BlackRock, make Ukraine Russia again." Thank you, Sparky, for that. And from Matthew, "How does this affect the Ukraine war? Will Biden try something knowing he is leaving? Will the Russians react to long-range weapon strikes?" - There is a real, this is a very dangerous thing. This is the most dangerous thing of all, because Biden has visceral feelings about Putin and Russia. It's entirely possible that he could now do something very desperate to try, as he sees it, to secure his legacy before he finally goes. And there are people around him who might help him. Now, I'm not saying that's going to happen, but it is very dangerous, and we shouldn't. And overlook that possibility. It's another reason, by the way, why he should go. He shouldn't be president at this time, making important decisions about Ukraine or any other conflict at this time, not when he's leaving the White House, when he's admitting that he's not a candidate to be in the White House in the first place. - Yeah, Tabernac says, "Full board, mask off, "and the machine assumes full control." Well said, Tabernac. Oh, Loco says, "I will only vote for Big Mike." Ricardo Alfonso says, "Whitney Webb "would be a great guest to interview." Yeah, she would be great. We should get in touch with her. Mr. Tom Flance says, "With Zelensky's peace over jurors "in Biden out, the project Ukraine is crumbling." - I agree, actually. This is a big topic we'll need to discuss in more detail, but I agree, actually. - Yeah, Alexa Zatizalo says, "Can't believe it took "three and a half years for Biden to step down." Gonzalo predicted in 2020, we just thought we'd pick someone smarter than Kamala Heatpik, someone smarter than Kamala. - Well, absolutely, yeah. - Well said. Soapy Arc says, "It's gonna be Kamala Buttigieg." It's the ultimate diversity ticket, and then when they don't get elected, they can blame it on racism and homophobia. The DNC will be a shot of the Kamala problem. - I agree completely. I think you have a very strong probability of being proved completely right. - Just say, "Hating clogs welcome to the drag community." Elsa says, "Pooten must be devastated "because his favorite candidate has dropped out." Wonder how the mood is in Kiev. - Yeah, Nicola is a new member. Welcome, Nicola Buttigieg says, "Thanks for all you do. "This is quite the gamble." Yes, it is. "Life of Brides has Obama controls the ballot "harvesting operation that gave him the high card "with hold the harvest and the Dems are a rump party." - Yeah. - Very smart. Boj says, "Boj is a new member. "I'll have them clog," says, "Thank you for your work. "Gentlemen, Christian, think of that super sticker. "Life of Brides," says, "The assassination attempt "makes more sense knowing the plan all along "was to install Kamala who could only beat Nikki Haley." Interesting. - It's interesting to vote. - Yeah, very interesting to call it. I think there's some sticker. Alexa says, "I think if you just did the opposite "of what Biden and Kamala did, you'd do well." (both laugh) True. Drew Sparky says, "Post assassination attempt, "there's even more of a can't beat "um join him dynamic around Trump. "He needs to realize he hasn't won them over. "Instead, they surround him as evil influencers." - I hope he understands that too. There are all kinds of people now going to be moving towards Trump and they're not necessarily, he's true friends. But we'll see what he does. I think he's more savvy about all of this now, this time. - Yeah, I agree. Sparky says, "Not long after the attempted assassination, "YouTube clamped down on super chats, "which didn't match the establishment's narrative, "so I switched to Rumble for the time being." All right, well, great to have you on Rumble. Sparky, Caratos says, "Buckle up for the DNC. "It'll be 1968 all over again on the chaos level, "predictions on who the nominee choices will be, "predictions on who the nominee choices out there." - Well, I'm not gonna make any predictions. I mean, I haven't had the time to think about that. That's hard one, but, well, I mean, Kamala Harris, I think, is a shoe in now for the candidate. I mean, how can they get around her? I mean, she's the only person who's in a position to do it now and she won't. - Yeah. Chris Gowne says, "Olenski Chris strikes again." Yes, it does. Yes, it does. That's what we called it. A while ago, the "Olenski Curse" and it never fails. Matthew says, "We are talking about the passage of time here, "the passage of time." Think about that, the passage of time. Thank you, Matthew, for that. Haten Kloggs says, "Thanks for all your info "about the world from the U.S." Thank you for that. Raphael says, "The Curse of Z." Alex was right. Thank you, Raphael, for that. Constantine says, "Color revolutions for two elections "in a row, welcome to the 21st century America." Yes, you're completely right. You are completely right. Yeah. Yeah, Kostik says, "They wanted a-lee-verse Harris, "but the bullet missed." I agree. Yeah. I think that was the original plan. I think, quite apart from anything else, putting aside the question of the bullet, I think they thought the legal cases would knock him out and that that would open the way for Haiti. Yeah. It didn't happen. It didn't happen. My mom, Phil Pirokov, says, "The Biden House of Cards collapsing fast. "Will the Republicans approve anything from Biden "if he is done?" That is an excellent question. I would have thought not. I think you're going to see a major push from the Republicans now to get Biden to stand down. And when he does stand down, which, by the way, I think there's a fair chance that he will, then the Republicans will, of course, stay credit for him. Yeah. Zola Richards, welcome to the Drag Community. T.R. says, "This is a coup. "Biden's letter had no presidential seal letterhead or title. "This is unheard of for a sitting president, "commodal to power pretends not to have been sworn in "while she consolidates her power." That's interesting. You're completely, I mean, I haven't gone into the whole details of this, but those two statements, as I said, were absolutely bizarre. By themselves, I'm not even sure to what extent the president himself, Biden, was fully involved in drafting them, certainly the second statement, which mentions Kamala, whereas the first statement doesn't. I mean, why do you need two statements in that way? The whole thing is most odd. That's a great observation there. Yeah, T.R. Mike Gay says, "We'll buy to become more reckless in Ukraine, "not that he is knowing that he's not running. "I think he is." Yeah, I'm afraid he may. I'm afraid he may. And this is where, as I said, the political situation in the United States now becomes very important. This is a very dangerous moment, actually, in my opinion. Raibou says, "Thinking about the timing, "they intended to assassinate Trump "before the VP in RNC convention. "Now that failed, they have a real insurrection "against the candidate that won all them primaries. "Straight clue." Yeah. Yeah. Raphael says, "My prediction, both Biden and Trump "will be replaced." Right, difficult to see how I can see. I mean, why would Biden-- Biden's been replaced, Trump? No, I don't think so, not now. Katherine Gillan says, "Here, guys, have a nip of whiskey. "Do you think they showed their hand "when they said Iran will try and assassinate Trump? "Don't get taken out in World War III on the table. "I hope I am wrong." All of these scenarios now are becoming possible and very dangerous, and we should be very alert for them. They say, "We're actually entering a very dangerous time. "We don't have a president in the Oval Office. "The first time in its history, "the United States is without a president." I mean, Biden, at this moment in time, isn't a lame duck. He is far worse than that. He holds the office, he holds the title, but he has no effective power, except the people around him do, and to the extent that he is able to do anything viscerally, he's likely to want to, you know, do something dramatic, as I said, to secure his position and his legacy as he sees it. So this is a very, very dangerous moment in the history of the United States, and by the way, given how important the United States is in the world. - Alex Zatazala, welcome to the drag community. Kratos 2022 says Alexander, do you expect an acceleration in the Russian offensive in Ukraine to shore up its position ahead of next year due to all the chaos here? - The Russian offensive is already accelerating. It doesn't need that impetus, and I think the Russians have made a decision, made a decision a long time ago that they were going to conduct their operation, their military operations in Ukraine, according to the military objectives, and not let themselves become distracted by the politics in the United States, and I think they're going to stick to that. - Comrade Curtis says, "Gentlemen, the timing of this is highly suspicious. "Do you think the failed Trump assassination "was Biden's last chance?" - I don't know, actually. I think that the momentum to get him to step down was already intensifying. What would have happened if that assassination had succeeded? And thank God it didn't, by the way, but what would have happened? I really can't say, if I suppose thinking about it, if it had succeeded, well, maybe Biden would have been in a stronger position, but let's sort of explore those dark possibilities. Let's focus on what we know and what is, and analyze it and take it forward from that. - Golden Sun says, "Had it anti-war booth at the Ann Arbor, "art fair this week and got to recommend the Duran channel "to people who had questions about "where to get cogent geopolitical information, "keep up the good work." Thank you, Golden Sun. - Thank you very much, that's very, very time. - Alexis says, "I wish Gonzalo was around "to laugh about the failed assassination "that had been Biden." - Oh, absolutely, I agree. I mean, he would have been wonderful at this time. - Yeah. - Galesca News says, "Hi guys, "is there any truth to the news that the Pentagon "has given Ukraine permission to use the Dragon's GN?" - I'm sure those are, sorry. - I think it's a weapon, I'm... - You know, maybe, I mean, I don't know. - Has the Pentagon given permission to Ukraine to use any long range of missiles or anything? - Oh, deep, deep, not yet. No, that's been consistently opposed, I think, by the Pentagon. But now, you know, he's not running for re-election anymore, so you could, you know, it may be that all those constraints are off, and I can easily imagine, he's still the commander-in-chief, he could still make that decision if he chooses to, to allow them to start launching strikes deep inside motion. So that's a possibility, it's a greater possibility now than it was a week ago. - Tisham says remedial math monkeys. - Tisham, gl. 1416 says, "My girlfriend was very impressed "because I predicted by the dropping out "on Sunday because of your videos." So thank you, thank you, gl. Maxity says, "Harris has to be president to run effectively. "She will lose to Trump. "Trump will be killed. "Vance becomes president for presidents in one year." - Well, Vance, of course, there's not speculate about that, but I have people who already say that Vance is now, Donald Trump's insurance policy. I mean, I've already read this. I mean, the people say, you know, if you're, you really don't want to get rid of Trump and make Vance, you're the president, given the positions Vance has on foreign policy, which by the way, I think are going to be increasingly popular with more and more people in the United States. - Arcana Collective says, "Please do an interview "with Whitney Webb." - Yes. - "Abranak says, "Trump Biden was bad. "Wait for Kamala in Haley." St. Max says, "Deep state may be enter stage right. "We must have discernment." - Yeah. - Yeah, Pichamunga's shift says, "Gift Kamala some." Ellensky number five. Love the show, thank you for that. Thank you for that super, super chat. I can't make out the writing, but thank you for the five. S.A.R. Life of Brian says, "Kamala always being non-negotiable, "explains why they waited until after the primaries "to turn on Biden, despite the risk Kamala was "unelectable in a real primary." - Well, maybe so, but look, what kind of a mess it's learned in the mint. And purging everybody in the Democratic Party to clear the way for Joe has left them with a desert. And in this desert, the only tree left, you know, withered, hopeless, nobody wants it. But the only tree left is Kamala Harris. And that's why they've had to turn here, turn to her. - Sancho Ralaxo says, "Karmala, Kamali." And she comes, he goes. - Yeah, true enough. - Well said. And the last couple more, Tristan G says, "This topic reality is now our present world "is in the most unique state of change. "Looking to SCO bricks and an effectual NATO US "is an indicator of this. "Change is present and indicates danger." - Yes, yes, I agree. Matthew says, "I don't think you two know "how important this channel is in times like this, "where we get no information from anywhere else." Thank you. - Well, thank you very much for that. - And Tony T. says, "Our presidential parties in coming." - That is something that Robert Wells has anticipated. Might indeed happen. We might indeed start to see presidential parties coming. And it'd be interesting to see who will be receiving them, by the way. - Sparky says, "Hoping against hope that JD Vance "and Trump's warmongering rhetoric about China and Iran "is just to keep the mega donors happy "until they're in office." - Well, about Iran, I would to some extent agree, but on China, Trump's actual comments to Bloomberg, I thought were very conciliatory actually. - Yeah. And Evans, thank you for that super sticker. Thank you so much. - And Caspian Leake, thank you for that super chat. And Alexander, any final thoughts before we wrap up? - Extraordinary times. Now, if of course, the project Ukraine had been successful, there'd been regime change in Russia and all that, we would be in a different situation and we wouldn't be looking at the news that we are looking today. So just to repeat again, this is the Allensky Curse. It's played a huge role in bringing this about. Obviously, he's not fit to be president and wouldn't have been fit to be president anyway, but he's going down as the most unsuccessful president the United States has had in modern times the most disastrous presidency. I think anyone can remember, since perhaps Buchanan on the eve of the civil war. Just say. - Yeah, and we'll finish it off with Josh Woods, who says, "Do you think Biden will be allowed to finish his term "even if he has now dropped out of the race?" I think in the end, the pressure will be too great and he will have to step down, but it's going to be very messy and it may take a very long time and we'll see how it plays out. - Sanjeva, thank you for that. Super check, great to have you with us. Alexander, we will wrap it up on this breaking news live stream. Thank you everybody for joining us and we will have more videos and lives on this topic in the week. Take care. [BLANK_AUDIO]