Tea and Tales

S1:E1 Who Dis?

Introduction to the Hosts of Tea and Tales, what the podcast is about, and our writing community.

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Introduction to the Hosts of Tea and Tales, what the podcast is about, and our writing community.

Good morning, now. How are you today? What a dream good morning. It is a good evening over here. Well, I got my team You ready to do this? I am ready to do this. I have my Eros to as well. Let's do it So welcome everybody, I can't believe we are finally here. It's our first episode of T and Tails. Can you believe it Sarah? I can't. I'm Sarah This is now and we are talking today about who this Who are we? That is a good question. Who are we Sarah? It all started in 1964 I think it started in 2020. I feel that might be more accurate So in 2020, Noah and I joined a writer's group together That were pitched to publish and we have inside that group afternoon for us morning for the United States Called writing Satan writing sessions. Oh my goodness writing sessions. Yes, there we go We've had great people in those writing sessions, especially a Guy named Edward not Edward. Edward is fantastic and he's been helping us along this whole time But he'd join in while me and Nella were just sitting there chatting because it was just us true And what better way to not write so then talk to each other? Procrastination hashtag It just means sitting there sipping his morning tea and do what he does. We're like Edward, we're sorry. We're boring. He's like, no You guys are interesting. I love listening to you Right, and then he came up with the idea and he was like you you two should start a podcast And then it's that typical like yeah, we should stop. No, we're not gonna do that that that that doesn't sound It's like something we would do and decide that we're supposed to be writing like that talking right now So you need to tell us to quit talking so we can all get some work done Yes, he should have pulled the clear on us and be like, uh, I can't people crack on You should jump in and be like, how have you been talking? It's like been half an hour Exactly Yeah, so then actually like a few months went by and we just kind of not not months like yeah a few months I think and we just kind of continued writing and continued talking nonsense and continue cracking on as Claire would say And then the one day was it you that's that that said to me, you know, we should really do a podcast and I was like You know what? Maybe we really should do a podcast What bit is that? Here we go. It's like we should take Edward seriously take him up on this Right little did I know how much goes into actually starting a podcast? But he is so then we kind of started thinking about it and started like doing a little Title what what title are we gonna use? What like episodes are we gonna do? What are we gonna be talking about? And so what did we decide Sarah? What is this podcast gonna be about? We settled on tea entails sipping our romance fantasy and writing because That's who we are. That's what we do Nell is on a romance writer Your romance, sorry, I got it backwards I don't know what I feel. There's a lot of fantasy and writing romance. So I don't think you're very wrong So, yes You feel like reading in your fantasy the sort of fantasy romance Do you like to read? What's that? Ooh, is it gonna make me sound cliche if I say you think a guitar series? I feel I'm gonna make me sound very cliche, but I think that was actually one of the first Romantic novels that I've read which they kind of lead me to fourth-wing Other than that, I actually haven't read a lot of fantasy A romantic, gosh darn it. I shall get it right I mean number one stuff that I do read is romance love my contemporary romance novels Do you read my historic romance novels? I have one author that I will read paranormal romance from but I just run author and it's christine phian Because I don't know what she does. I don't know what magic she puts in her words But somehow it just works and I'm just like drawn to her pages Also, like if you read a romance novel 350 pages like that is the sweet spot If you make me start reading 400 pages, I'm like I could have been 50 pages into a new book like honestly But her pages she would be like up to 450 500 pages and I'm just like oh this is nice. Like how is it so short? I'm like, what is this? Then I feel like you know, you know what you're doing So or you have easily writing it doesn't matter how long it is. You just love it Right, right. So yeah, and then actually I I do sometimes read misty mystery cosy mystery crime novels Sometimes I do slip into young adult. I read like the inheritance game and of course You know divergent and there's type of novels once in a blue moon Once in a blue moon and that is if I maybe got hit on the head And foul onto this book. I would read like woman's fiction So I have dipped my fingers into different genres But what do you read? Why do you like to read? Well, I will have to admit I have read One romance notable in my entire life calm down. That's too many calm down Hey, I got one in I tried it I tried it. I really did I like a good romance subplot, but I prefer Definitely prefer the fantasy and the sci-fi my favorite sci-fi book that I've ever read is Called the Icarus hunt by timothy's on Published back in 1999, but I still it's to this day my favorite book I will recommend it to anybody and everyone okay, but Yeah, most recently I've been reading a lot of Brandon Sanderson Who doesn't when you love high fantasy though. I've also discovered Nk jemisin She's a fantastic writer fantasy high fantasy writer. Enjoy her to death But they're like big names. Those are some big writers and we don't often read the big writers when we're trying to figure out what Coming out right now sort of new books are coming out right now. So right now I'm actually reading a book called empire of exiles by erin evans Ooh that I'm enjoying I've got a lot of Newer fantasy and sci-fi authors Mostly fantasy because I write mostly fantasy And it's very important to actually read in the genre your writing because As you know and as I know if you want to do traditional publishing And you want to get an agent and then you have to write a query later and in your query later you have to have comp titles which is kind of You have to comp the titles that your genre is in And so you have to know what titles are out there I was actually just having a conversation last night with a writer friend of mine who's just getting into the query trenches He wants to start putting stuff out And he was like what is a good comp title and I was talking to him about how you have to read what's coming out now by authors who write On your level not the big guys who get Sales because they have a name but people who are Just starting like us. We have to know who they are have to know what's going out there And so I read a lot of those kinds of books a lot of the debut novels or is their second or third book Between actually writing and reading I feel like writers have full-time jobs as well Which is so hard to Juggle and I think that's also why we kind of want to do this podcast because I think a lot of people feel overwhelmed Because I think that I don't spend enough time writing and you have these other writers that write new novels every three months and but I have this and I have that and This is just I want to say almost like a community for all writers and all readers and all People involved in the literary world to say that you know what it is. Okay. You are not alone You are not the only one who has an i-5 job and then have to squeeze in an hour at 5am in the morning To be able to get you 200 which felt like writing 1,500 words in Yeah, we still have to have day jobs. We still have to raise children. We still have to do all those things beat ourselves and Yeah, and learn all the buzzwords and understand an industry that isn't our day job most of the time So we want to be able to help people Understand what do we mean when we say these terms and what do other people mean? What does it look like to an agent and to a publisher? What does it look like to? Publish yourself to be an indie publisher. How does that? Happen how can you succeed doing that? We want to throw out resources, but we also want to bring in people who know more than us because we're still learning too Because we want to make this a community people can put in hey You talked about this in this episode and here's a fantastic resource. I found for this Yeah, not very true because we did join our writers community there We have learned a lot of things, but I always say you can never know enough So we as writers always want to know more. So it's always great when we can connect with people That no more than we do Or no less than we do and we could be like you know what i've been there. Let me show you Let me show you the way Exactly what we want to keep our episodes short and simple here at tntails because we want you to get those pens back on the paper Get your fingers back on the keyboard and get writing while you have the time to write Absolutely And if you like what we are doing if you want to hear more about we we are We are about and the people that will be having on our podcast You are more than welcome to go and follow us on instagram at tntails podcast on facebook at tntails podcast We can see how original we are with our wording here and on x or twitter at podcast ttails And if you like us and you want to set us up up up up to the top then you can go on to your apple podcast purple icon and then you can like our podcast you can comment on it because We just love to talk to you. We love to connect with you Absolutely and share with all of your friends and anyone who wants to be a writer or is a struggling writer just like us Happy writing Bye You You You You (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)