Take Ten for Talmud

1638BabaBasra4- Herod Rebuilds the Beis Hamikdash

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29 Jun 2024
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"A very good morning, Abb. 56. 13. We welcome you to take ten foot downward. Baba Basra, Daffdaled Baba Basra, for a pagination is seven. We'll start on the facing page in the middle of the page and kind of do an overview of a very classic piece of Gomorrah." Amra of Christa of Christa said, "La lister inish bakanishda, a person's not allowed to demolish a shul, a debony bakanishda a karithi until the new shul is in place. Iqidah amri samsay mishampishi usa. We're worried about negligence and it won't get built. Vikidah amri misham tsu luye. And samsay because we're going to dive in. My beinayu. What's the difference? Iqid beinayu, Iqid beinayu, Iqid beinikanishda a karithi, if there indeed is a different basicness, so they have a place to dive in. But this particular endeavor, we're not sure that it's going to be seen through and therefore we want them to build before they destroy." Now, Rashi's wording over here is fascinating on the words mishampishi usa because of negligence. It's not that the Jewish people, Es hasvishalim, assumed that they might end up being negligent, but Rashi says, "Dilma misrami ones, may be an accident will occur. Tremendous pressures will occur. Upashi and then they'll be negligent, they won't be able to come through. Indeed, Gamara gives examples of such a possibility, the example of pigeon shivuyim that Jewish captives have to be redeemed and they have to come up with the money and the discussion of the Gamara is if they only have money so far towards the endeavor, there's a risk of pigeon shivuyim coming their way and they're still not allowed to destroy the existing basicness, the case of if they already have the building materials, there's still risk of pigeon shivuyim coming their way and they would have to sell them in order to obtain money. But once the building is built says the Gamara, de rasei de inchi lo mis davni. We don't sell an actual building and therefore it's considered stable for the use of the community once the building is built. Velo Amran de Gamara says, "A little hosibah to yuwa." If they didn't see something deteriorating about the building of a hosibah to yuwa, if they see it's in danger of falling, sastry uvani, then you're allowed to take initiative and knock it down in order to build in its place because that's already a fixing of sorts. The Gamara on the first wide line, ubhava ben buta heri asvele etsa lo hurdes le mistere le basamiktosh. Bhava ben buta, a great scholar in the time of the second basamiktosh, gave advice to Hurdes, king Herod, to demolish the basamiktosh to build a nicer basamiktosh in its place. Filha alma rafchistah, rafchistah toidas le listere enish. Beekinishtah, you're not allowed to knock down a basamiktosh, sastry uvani beekinishtah, until a new one is built. So how could he give advice to knock down the basamiktosh? And the Gamara answers, ibhayis emah to yuwa hosibah. Perhaps he saw something deteriorating about the basamiktosh. And therefore this was a fixing, it was a way to solve a problem regarding the basamiktosh rather than wait until it falls apart. Or you can say mal husa shiny de lo hudrabe when you're dealing with the king, it's different because if he makes a decision he'll carry through. This answer is not so smooth because we will see that Herod was dependent on Rome and he was indeed worried that Rome might interfere. So calling him the king and for sure he'll get it done is not such a smooth answer by the time the Gamara is finished. Now there's a fascinating rashi over here on the bottom of the page. The bottom of the rashi's, the last one. He if he asked me etsa lo hordis how could Bhava Ben Buddha give this advice to Hordis. Kida amrina le ka manbe shmaiten as is explained later in the Gamara that's daf dalid. The facing page, ar daf for today, where Bhava Ben Buddha gave advice to Hordis to a tone for his killing so many tami de rachamen. Torah scholars, he Hordis finally wanted to do something good. So Bhava Ben Buddha gave him advice that he should rebuild the basamiktosh and that was the question of the Gamara. How could you give such advice? No one is allowed to knock down a place of prayer to build a place of prayer in its place that's nicer unless certain parameters are met such as the Gamara gives the answer. Hoseba te ua, he saw that it was deteriorating and it needed attention. Now rashi adds on one line here that needs commentary. Rashi says uksuva he beo sifun ben gurya and this is written in Josephus. Josephus was a Jew in the time of the destruction of the second basamiktosh who is a very controversial character but for the most part we consider his history to be accurate and he aligned himself with the Romans during the wars and recorded what happened at that time and what happened historically leading up to that time. So Josephus indeed discusses Herod but rashi says it's there in your sifun so I went and looked for it and I can't find in Josephus this concept that Bhava Ben Buddha gave advice to Hordis to destroy the basamiktosh and rebuild it. What I did find was a very remarkable section in which Herod presents his idea to the people to knock down the basamiktosh and rebuild it in a nicer fashion and the people are in trepidation that he might end up knocking it down and not rebuilding it. Going back to this rashi there's the frustration in understanding this rashi firstly is such a statement that Bhava Ben Buddha gave advice in Josephus you got to find it but more than that why would rashi go ahead and say it's lakamon bishmaiten Bhava Ben Buddha gives advice and it's also in Josephus like wow we have an expression even vihu dava ode lykra from the gamara in kiddushin you don't bring a proof to a posuk from the activities in judaya. The posuk is an endoal in our case the gamara should be an endoal why would anybody add on comments from Josephus if you have a gamara. I'd like to suggest perhaps that the punctuation here in this rashi has to be analyzed and that perhaps what rashi means is Bhava Ben Buddha gave this advice to Hurdis as it says later in the gamara and this question that the gamara is now posing how could Bhava Ben Buddha give such advice we know there's a rule you're not allowed to knock down any basicnesses any house of prayer lest you not end up rebuilding it that concern is indeed recorded in Josephus in parak non hay chapter 55. On today's dive starting from the top Hurdis encountered Bhava Ben Buddha and despite the fact that Hurdis was responsible for Bhava Ben Buddha being blind and for killing so many of his colleagues nevertheless Bhava Ben Buddha refuses to curse Hurdis and when Hurdis realizes Bhava Ben Buddha's integrity on the first white line on Malay he says who I am Hurdis I am the person tricking you to try to curse me Ihava yadana desi hirraban and kulei I had I known that the rabbis are so careful not to curse a person integrity and loyalty Lava katundaloo I never would have killed so many Hashtamaitakante dawugavra what is the way that I could fix the wrong that I've done and Bhava Ben Buddha said to rebuild the base amiktosh and that's the Gamora's answer that perhaps Bhava Ben Buddha knew that it was deteriorating badly and it needed this attention either way and therefore he gives him this advice to go ahead and do it Hurdis sends a message to Rome this is a major activity asking permission but the advice that he gives that the advice that Hurdis gets is that he should have the messenger dilly dally so that there will be time to rebuild the base amiktosh before the response from Rome comes through indeed Amrit they said Michel Orah Ben Yann Hurdis whoever didn't see Hurdis is based amiktosh laura binyan nom miyama I've never saw a beautiful one a beautiful building it was astounding and one of the things that was unique about it among other things was that the tile the blocks of stone that were the floor were kiyud vossa diyama like the waves of the sea apparently a bluish and Hurdis wanted to make it even nicer but he wanted to add gold but the rabbis told them that this is perfect and the marshal says because like by trellis we say that it reminds of the ocean which reminds of the heavens which reminds of Hashem's heavenly throne so similarly the floor of the base amiktosh had that imagery of the ocean the gomorah asks how could bhava benbuta give advice to such a bad person the gomorah compares it to the case of damil giving advice to nivukhat netsar to give tzadokka to mitigate the punishment how could he give advice to Hurdis the wicked person and the gomorah gives two answers one is shiny avda de high of the mitzvahs because Hurdis was on some level jewish and he's obligated in mitzvahs and therefore there is a connection with him to encourage him to do mitzvahs and to do the right thing vibayasaima and a second approach is bhava benbuta needed the base amiktosh to be rebuilt because it was failing in its structure and elo malkos lamas bani if the king isn't going to do it it's not going to get done and therefore it's a little bit more like we have more to gain on this than he has to gain we need the base amiktosh to be done and he's the kindlewit and therefore he enlisted the assistance of Hurdis to get it done yashekohah thank you for joining