New Life Church - Downtown Little Rock

Rooted in Christ - Pastor Bronson Duke

Broadcast on:
08 Jan 2024

How do we stay rooted in Christ and built up in him? If something is rooted, it means it is connected to a source that is providing life and growth. If we are going to grow spiritually we must stay connected to Jesus every day. To walk with Jesus as a disciple, or an apprentice. The call of Jesus is to come and follow him, not just believe. 

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

John 15:7-8 (NIV)

“Everyone receives spiritual formation, just as everyone gets an education. The only question is whether it is a good one or a bad one. We need to take a conscious, intentional hand in the developmental process. We need to understand what the formation of the human spirit is, and how it can best be done as Christ would have it done. This is an indispensable aspect of developing a psychology that is adequate to human life. The reason for the recent abrupt emergence of the terminology into religious life is, I believe, a growing suspicion or realization that we have not done well with the reality and the need. We have counted on preaching, teaching, and knowledge or information to form faith in the hearer, and have counted on faith to form the inner life and outward behavior of the Christian. But, for whatever reason, this strategy has not turned out well. The result is that we have multitudes of professing Christians who well may be ready to die, but obviously are not ready to live, and can hardly get along with themselves, much less with others.”

Dallas Willard - The Great Omission

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