This week is all about global and local missions. Reaching out to the lost is core to God’s heart and who we are at New Life Church. So this week we get to highlight a lot of different missions in and around our church and meet some of our friends who are making a huge difference in people's lives. As you hear about these opportunities, we challenge you to pray if God is calling you to sow into the Storehouse here at the church as we are supporting a lot of these efforts, give to one of these ministries, or sign up for one of the volunteer opportunities. Be in prayer. Get involved!
“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’”
Matthew 25:40
“Empathy is the ability to relate to how the other person feels, while sympathy is feeling bad for them, but failing to relate to them emotionally.”
Brené Brown
To plug into our daily bible study, text "DLR" to 501-200-3122 and follow the link to sign up. For more information on how to get connected at New Life Church - Downtown Little Rock, follow us on Instagram @nlcdowntownlittlerock or visit our website at