As we explore the book of Colossians together we will discuss the importance of our traditions and how we can use them as a guide in our personal walk with God. God has set out a life of faith and practice for us in the library of scripture that, when followed, leads us into a life of internal peace and external fruitfulness. We have all experienced the negative pressures of misguided theology, so we must be proactive in recognizing the negative social and religious pressures and build a true foundation guided by the wisdom in our traditions and in partnership with the Holy Spirit.
"Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers."
1 Timothy 4:16 (NIV)
"The danger to faithful believers, rooted and grounded in Christ, lies not so much in false teaching from outside the boundaries of the Christian church… No, the danger for the enthusiastic young convert comes from error within the churches, teaching that is largely, even emphatically, Christian, but which has been influenced more than it knows by the spirit of the age."
Dick Lucas | The Message of Colossians
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