New Life Church - Downtown Little Rock

The Book of Acts: The Riot - Pastor Bronson Duke

In Acts chapter 19 we see the Gospel confront a culture steeped in idols and sorcery. It becomes a battle, not with weapons of war, but a war of ideas with the ultimate weapon of truth. In this story we see that as Jesus disrupts the lies of our world we may be met with significant resistance and even violence. In the cultural push back we must hold to the word and continue to walk in truth.
Broadcast on:
07 Nov 2022

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In Acts chapter 19 we see the Gospel confront a culture steeped in idols and sorcery. It becomes a battle, not with weapons of war, but a war of ideas with the ultimate weapon of truth. In this story we see that as Jesus disrupts the lies of our world we may be met with significant resistance and even violence. In the cultural push back we must hold to the word and continue to walk in truth.