New Life Church - Downtown Little Rock

The Book of Acts: The Unknown God - Pastor Bronson Duke

In Acts 17, we follow Paul to Athens where he is overcome with distress for the culture he encounters. Paul turns his concern with their idolatry into bold action and delivers the Gospel to them with grace and truth. Like Paul, we are each called and equipped to share the Gospel of grace in the midst of a world that distresses and grieves us. From this section of scripture, we draw some ways that we can approach people in our culture and deliver the gospel in a relevant, powerful, and effective way.
Broadcast on:
24 Oct 2022

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In Acts 17, we follow Paul to Athens where he is overcome with distress for the culture he encounters. Paul turns his concern with their idolatry into bold action and delivers the Gospel to them with grace and truth. Like Paul, we are each called and equipped to share the Gospel of grace in the midst of a world that distresses and grieves us. From this section of scripture, we draw some ways that we can approach people in our culture and deliver the gospel in a relevant, powerful, and effective way.