Bishop Itiola podcast

Sermon- Bring Him To Me

Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
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[Music] Hello everyone, welcome. Yes, welcome to our broadcast for today. It's been a while. I sat down to speak with you because we've been doing live streaming for the past couple of weeks. But for today we're gonna talk like we used to talk. I hope you've been doing good. Whether you're joining us for the first time or you are a regular, today promises to be a great blessed time. My message is about the responsibilities of fathers to their children because not only fathers and mothers also, but we're gonna just talk more to the dads on this broadcast. My message is one that you cannot shake off. You see, we are not called to cloth our children alone. We are not called to feed them alone. Neither are we called to send them to college alone. We're also called to make sure that our children are spiritually healthy children. And that's what this is all about, people. That God will make your children and my children very, very spiritual. The passage of scripture we'll be considering today will shed a great light. What I just said for fathers and for mothers as well. Much truth awaits you on today's broadcast. So please don't go anywhere. In fact, I would like for you to call a friend and call a neighbor and let them know we're on the air so they can come and join us. They will be greatly blessed. Seriously. Before we go to the message, as usual, I'm going to make my announcements. Well, you know, the broadcast from the church director has no announcement, but when you're with me, are you alone? We're going to make some announcements. And the first has to do about my podcast. Bishop A.O.E.T.O's podcast. Like I've always said, you can access that podcast by downloading my podcast app on the Google Play store. For those of you who use the Android phone, or you can listen directly on the Spreaker app, which can be downloaded on both the Android and the Apple phones. Spreaker is spelled as PR, E-A-K-E-R. You'll be joining listeners from over 50 countries around the world that I've downloaded over 138,000 episodes. I implore you to please share the links, tell others, and also help us tell others about our presence on YouTube, on Facebook, on Twitter, on the podcast, and of course on TV. Yes, we are on TV in Ghana, on RBS TV 13, the giant station. We respect the owners of that station and the people that walk there. They put us on every Saturday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. local time. I would like to thank those who are watching us in 23 Caribbean Island countries also, on the giant, messy and truth TV in the great country of Jamaica. I keep dreaming about Jamaica. It'll be one of these days of a flying aid to see the great country that has impacted the world in so many ways. So we're on there, messy and truth TV every Saturday to 30 to 30 local time. And they put us on every Wednesday morning also at 1.30 a.m. local time with the blessings of the Lord be upon the owners of those stations with the blessing of the Lord be upon those that walk for them. But more importantly, with the blessing of the Lord be upon all the countries in the Caribbean islands. Talking about our own radio station, don't forget us, fresh waves radio. It's on the air 24/7 people and on that station you can listen to a variety of programming. That's been a blessing to many and a guarantee will be a blessing to your soul also, fresh waves radio. You can download the app for both the Android and the Apple phones by going to their respective app stores. Just type in fresh waves radio, install the app and you are good to go. It's all free, no charge. Please help us spread the word. Don't forget we're still holding our weekly prayer meetings 7 p.m. New York time. On Thursday nights and on Friday nights, make it a point to join us. You're going to be glad you did. Like you always say, try will convince you. Join us this Thursday and this Friday for a life-changing experience praying at the throne of mercy. Here is my final announcement. I've never made this announcement before. It's very important that you hear it. You can now buy any of my 20 plus books on Amazon. All you have to do is do a search in Amazon website with my name in it. I-T-I-O-L-A press enter and it will bring out all my books over 20 of them. You can select the ones you want to buy and the rest will be taken care of. That's something we used to do but during the pandemic we kind of toned it off but this past week we toned it back on and many many people have been buying our books. We wanted to join them so you can be blessed also. Those are all the announcements. Let's announce our presence to God so He can bless us too. Heavenly Father, we need you today. You may be anointing to speak and give your people the anointing to assimilate. In Jesus' mighty name I pray. All God's people said amen. And amen. I want to begin by asking you a very simple question today. By the way, the title of my someone is bring him to me. Yeah, bring him to me. Or if you want to change you to a little bit, bring them to me. The question I have for you is this and I know you are all Bible students so I expect you to get this. You ready? After the rebellion of Chora, Nathan and Abiram tell me what happened to the three of them and those that were connected to them. Yeah, after the rebellion what did God do to the three of them and those that were connected to them? One, two, three. What is your answer? Is that your final answer? I know most people we say they were all swallowed up by the ground. But do you know that that answer is incorrect? Yeah, they were not all swallowed up my friends. The whole story is in Numbers chapter 16. So what I'm going to do with you is piece together that scripture in a way that would enable you to get who died and who did not die. It will enable you to understand who was swallowed up and who was not swallowed up. There's much truth away from you today my friends. Numbers chapter 16 verse 27 I read. So they got up from the tabernacle of Chora, Nathan and Abiram on every side. Nathan and Abiram, now watch this, Nathan and Abiram came out and stood in the door of their tents and their name, wives and their sons and their little children. Notice that Nathan and Abiram came out and stood by the door of their tents. Notice Nathan and Abiram stood by the door of their tents with their wives, with their sons and with their little children. Notice that Chora is yet to come into the sin, is Nathan and Abiram that came to the tent with their wives, with their sons and with their little children. Nothing is mentioned at this point about Chora until verse 32. Now let me read verse 32 to you and the earth open her mouth and swallow them up and their houses and all the men that are patined unto Chora and all their goods. Now Chora comes into the sin and it says the grand swallow them up and all men that were are patined unto Chora. All right? Nothing is said about the children of Chora, nothing as it was said about the children of Dittan and Abiram about just talk to you. It only talks about the men and the family of Chora, nothing is mentioned about the children. I'm going some way. I have to go to verse number nine of Numbers chapter 26 and the Bible says, "And the sons of Elia, but name well, and Dittan and Abiram, that is that Dittan and Abiram which were famous in the congregation, who strove against Moses and against Aaron in the company of Chora when they strove against the Lord. And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up together with Chora." So you see Chora also went in. "When that company died, Chora died with them. What time the fire devoured 250 men and they became a sign." Now look at verse 11 is the key verse. Many people read this passage of the scripture but they miss the truth in verse 11. What is in verse 11? "Not with standing. The children of Chora died not." What? That's what the Bible says. "The children of Chora did not die." They never died people. No, they didn't. Neither by pestilence nor by fire nor by the earth swallowing them up. The children of Chora, they were spared. Why? Because they were not part of the counsel of their father Chora. Rather they followed the doctrine of Moses the prophet. That's right. Your righteous never perishes with the righteous. Those who are living right never perish with those who are not living right. As a matter of fact Jewish Rabbi Jonathan, one of the respected writers of old, wrote something and I quote, talking about the children of Chora, he wrote, "They either disliked their father's scheme. If they engage with him in it, then they're repaired and departed from it, and were exempted therefore when the judgments of God came upon Chora and his company." No wonder the time and the name of his descendants came up again and again and again in the Bible. Let's begin the book of Psalms. You will see the names of the sons of Chora, sons of Chora, came up again and again. Let me read some of them to you, Psalm 42 in verse number one. Now one thing I love about the King James version of the Bible is that it gives you some introduction to every Psalm who is saved to the chief musician so and so to the chief musician so and so many of our translations don't have that. So let's read the King James version. What it says in these Psalms, it is that you really come up with the name Chora again and again and again. Let's begin 41-1, 42-1, rather, to the chief musician Maschio. What does he say next? For the sons of Chora. Then it goes on to the scripture that you begin reading from that don't have King James version. "As the heart planted after the water broops so planted my soul after the oga." What it says, this son was sent to the sons of Chora. Chapter 44, it says again at the beginning. "To the chief musician of the sons of Chora, Maschio." Then it talks about this scripture. "We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us what walk you did in their days in the times of old." Psalm 45, the same thing. It begins by saying to the chief musician on to Shosh Hanam of the sons of Chora, Maschio, his Song of Laws. This is my heart is inducting a good matter. I speak of the things which I have made touching the King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. 46 is the same thing. "To the chief musician for the sons of Chora, a song upon alamoth." Then it goes to what you have in your Bible that don't have the King James version. "The Arisarethivian strength is very present hell." In time of trouble, you go to 47-1, the same thing. It says, "To the chief musician a song for the sons of Chora." Then it says, "O clap your hands all ye people shouting to God with a voice of triumph." That's the one you have. But the one that precedes that is missing in many Babbles. Psalm 48, "Baswan King James version begins with a song and song for the sons of Chora." The same chora that died in the Book of Numbers. His children never died. His sons never perished. We find it also in Psalm 49, "Baswan to the chief musician is some for the sons of Chora." Then it begins in the real Vaswan that says, "Here these all ye people give air all inhabitants of the world." "My soul pasteth for God and for the living God, it must do. When shall I come and appear before God?" Do you now understand the point I'm trying to make I'm sure you do. You can now understand why the descendants of Chora were still mentioned in the Book of Psalms. Why? It's simply because they were not swallowed up when their daddy and their father and their children were swallowed up into the ground for their rebellion. By the way, lots of all that great things came up from these children of Chora, this descendants of Chora. Did you know also that prophet somewhere actually rose up from the lineage of Chora? Yes! That genealogy is recorded in the Book of 1st Chronicles chapter 6, Vastari 1 through Vastari 8. Let me read it to you. "And these are the whom David said over the service of sung in the house of the Lord after the ark had rest." And the minister before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the congregation was singing until Solomon built the house of the Lord in Jerusalem and then they waited on their office according to their order. "And these are they that waited with their children of the sons of the coattites." "Himan is singer, the son of joyeld, the son of sheboyld." Look at the next statement. "This were Lindyvel, wasn't it? The son of Elkhana, the son of Jihoram, the son of Eliel, the son of Torq, who was Elkhana?" You know him. You know who's father he was. You see the connection between Cora and Samuel. Let me read on. You'll see the connection in a minute. "In verse 35 you see the son of Zuv, the son of Elkhana, the son of Meha, the son of Amasai, and then he says in verse 36 again, "The son of Elkhana, the son of Joyl, the son of Azariah, the son of Zephaniah." And then in verse 37 he says, "The son of Ta'ath, the son of Isha, the son of Abhisath." Look at the next statement. "The son of Cora! Yes! The son of Isha, the son of Cora, the son of Levi, the son of Israel." So you see now the connection between Cora as you go up you get to Elkhana and from that of course you get to all the Samuel. What a blessed people that did not die with the rebellion of their father and they produced a great prophet of God called Samuel. Do you know that the Cora heights also became the door keepers and the custodians for the Tabernacle? Yes! They were the door keepers and the custodians of the Tabernacle. 1st Chronicles tells us that in chapter 9 verse 19 through verse 21. Let me read it to you. "And Shalom, the son of Cora, the son of Ebesa, the son of Cora." That's the name again. "And his brethren of the house of his father, the Cora heights. They were over the walk of the service, keepers of the gates of the Tabernacle. And their father has been over the host of the Lord and keepers of the entry. And finished as the son of Elkhana was the ruler over them in the time past. And the Lord was with him. And Zechariah, the son of Mechelemiah, was part of the house of the of the door of the Tabernacle, of the congregation. You can see these people coming up, coming up. They were always working for God. One of the group of the Cora heights in 1st Chronicles chapter 12 was Sid's "Join King David." And many of the military exploits and in one irreputation of being expert in warfare. Look at it in 1st Chronicles chapter 12 was won. Now these are days that came to David to Zechlide. You remember that? While he yet kept himself close, because of Saul, the son of Cajun. They were among the mighty men held past of the war. They were armed with bows and could use both the right hand and the left in rolling stones. And in shooting arrows out of a bow, even of Saul's brethren of Benjamin. The chief of them now goes into mentioning who they were. The chief was a heiser, then Jewish, then the son of the sons of Shema. They give you a bite, and Jizil and Pilate, the sons of Azmabheth and Berachar, and Jill the Anthropite. And look at those six. El Keneige and Josiah, and as a real and Jewish and Jewish beam, and the all heights. So you see all these people, they didn't just descend from chora. They were people that were actively involved in the things of God. But it's another remarkable thing to note about this son of Chora that died in the book of Numbers, is that during the time of King David, these men became the great leaders in orchestral music in the tabernacle. And the people that sang the choruses, they were also from the lineage of this man that died of rebellion. They played an important role in the thanksgiving services. They played an important role in the pageantry. When the act of the covenant was brought to Jerusalem, you remember when David danced and danced, and his wife thought evil, thought about him. They were part of the people that were singing and playing music. And of course David, with the help of the descendants of Chora, formed the elaborate organization for song, for instrumental music, and also for prophesying many times. When David composed a song, he will send it to them to put music to the song and sing it because they were anointed singers. Did you know of all the songs in the Bible, 11 of them were attributed to the songs of Chora? What's checking out? Some 42, some 44, some 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 84, 85, 87, and 88 were connected to the songs of Chora. And these beautiful songs express a spirit of great gratitude and humility to an awesome and mighty God. That's who the songs of Chora, they're rebelled. That's who they were. Their songs express their confidence in God. You remember some 46, 1 to the chief musician for the songs of Chora is sung upon Alamoth. God is our refuge and strength, a very present helping trouble. That's one song we sing till today, after so many years. Some 46, but two, therefore, will we not fare? Do the earth be swallowed and removed? And do the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea? These people sang songs that expressed a longing for God. They sang songs that express a deep devotion. And these poetic songs songs, rather, include some 42, verse 1, contains that beautiful line that was sang till today. Remember as sung as the deer panted for the water. So my soul longeth after you. You alone are my heart's desire, and I long to worship you. You alone are my strength and my shield, and you alone to you alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart's desire, and I long to worship you. I love that song, especially when it's put into instrumental music. The descendants of Chora, they were the brains behind their people. They did not follow their father in his foolishness. Consequently, they did not die when their father died, and the whole family of Deethan and of Byron also perished. Now, judging by the way their father died, we can simply assume that it was not their father that exposed them to the ways of God. Or if he did, he did not continue in it. Maybe it was their mother who we don't really know. Then who exposed them to the truth of God, the children of Chora, the Bible is silent about that. So we have to just give God the glory, like how God doesn't share his glory with any other. So God allowed them to come to the knowledge of the truth, and that's good enough for me. But there's a lesson here to learn for you, and there's a lesson here to learn from me. You know what our lesson is? Seize and make use of any and every opportunity to expose your sons and daughters to the gospel. Somehow the sons of Chora, they were exposed to the truth. They embraced the truth, they shamed their lives. And when destruction came upon their daddy, they were exempted. You know how fair God, God is not a respected person. You don't get salvation by family connection. If God is not willing to walk with God, God would take the children and leave the daddy condemnation. That is serious. So I beg you, fathers, and I beg you, more of us. Listen, even if you don't want to be serious with God, that's your choice. Don't hinder your children from pursuing after God. Can I repeat that? Even if you don't want to be serious with God, don't hinder your children from pursuing after God. And I spoke with a mother last week, and she told me something that really, really touched my heart. And it was about her son. She said to me, Bishop, one of the reasons I never miss church is because of myself. She said for herself, she can stay home and watch good services online and be blessed. But staying home will be detrimental to the spiritual life of her son. Because if she stays home, the son is not going to stay on the watch in online services. No, he will just be playing on his phone games and on the computer games. And guess what? He will grow up having no spiritual inclination whatsoever. I guess he will regret it. The child will regret it. But the mother will regret it much more. And on the last day, when the mother gets over, God will ask her, Why did you do that to your son? I repeat what I said earlier. And hopefully, we will still repeat it before this program is over. Seize and make use of any and every opportunity that exposes your son or your daughter to the gospel. You know, I love four words that Jesus spoke to a father in the book of Mark. Very powerful words that Jesus spoke in the book of Mark. There was a son that needed help. The disciples could not help the son or the father. So what got to Jesus about the need in the family? See what Jesus said to the father in Mark chapter 9 was 19. But I will read from verse 14. So you will get the full story. You're going to be blessed by this. Mark chapter 9 and verse 14 I read. When he came to his disciples, he saw a great multitude about them and describes questioning with them. And straight away, all the people, when they bear him, while greatly amazed, running to him, saluted him. And he asked his crimes, what question you with them? One of the multitude answered and said, "Master, I have brought thee unto thee my son, which had a dumb spirit. And we is so ever he takeeth him, he teareth in, and he foment and gnasheth his teeth and pineeth away. And as fed to thy disciples, that they shall cast him out, but they could not." He answered him and said, "O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I so fight you?" Look at the last four words of that verse, "Bring him to me." Or a bit, "Bring him to me." Can I say it one more time? "Bring him to him to me." And he answered him and said, "O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I so far you? Come on, bring him to me." Those last four words, they made the difference in the lives of the children of Quora. Yes, they did, and they still do till today. Somebody brought the children of Quora to the truth. And the truth now came into the world, in bodily form. And they cried out to those people, "Daddy, bring your son to me. I'll give him solution to his problem." Like I said, the Bible is silent as to where they received good teaching that pulled the fear of God into them. I'm talking about the children of Quora, the fear of God that even their father did not have. But somehow, somehow, they got exposed to life-changing truth of the Word of God. Now, it's a very important truth, and I want you to grab this and run with it. Your children may never get saved under your roof or even in your church. But you just keep exposing them to the truth. A little here, a little there of sound doctrine will bring them to the place of total surrender to the Savior. That was what happened to my own son, my own biological sons. They didn't get saved under my roof. No. Neither did they get saved in my church. No. I preached there every week. They were there every week. Rather, you know what God used? God used a youth group church treat in my church. They went away to Six Flags in New Jersey, and it was a Christian program they went to. They came back and they were never the same again. Please, I'm pleading with you, make use of every opportunity. Expose these precious children to life-changing truths. So the clarion call still goes out till today. Bring him to me. You see, I don't know how they hear my, bring her, okay? Bring her to him. And we'll do many things for these children. We'll take them to many places. At least you bring him to school. At least you bring them to the park. And I'm sure many times you bring them to the movies and you bring them to soccer shows during the summer. You bring them to birthday parties. Jesus is saying to you, hey, if you can bring them to school, then bring them to me too. If you can bring them to the park, by all means, bring them to me. If you can bring them and take them to the movies, come on. Take them to where Jesus is and where his word is being preached. If you can take them to soccer shows where they just do nothing but watch animals and jump on tampolines. Why don't you bring them to the Lord? Don't be too busy to bring them to Jesus. That way what the children of cora became will be who and what your children will become. Bring them to me. I'm sure your church has many bring them to me opportunities available. I don't know if any church in this world that does not have bring them to me opportunities. They vary from church to church. Make use of them whichever church you attend because Jesus is crying. Bring them to me for Sunday morning service. Don't take them fishing on Sunday morning. Go to church with them. Bring them to Jesus. Please heed that call. Jesus is crying through the children's Sunday school in your church. Bring them to me. Jesus is also calling through youth meetings and youth conferences and youth camps and summer camps. Bring them to me. When you bring him to me what happened to that son of the father? He was healed. He was delivered. He was set free. When you bring your children to Jesus you never can tell what Jesus can do and I can tell you this. It will be something good. It will be something wonderful. It will be something life transforming. You know something happened in my church just this past week. We held our yearly vacation Bible school last week Monday through Friday. You know the wish I had I wish more parents in our church brought their children to that program. I wish they did. The reason I said that is because the teachings were powerful. The teachers were annoyed. The songs they sang they were uplifted. Even the arts and crafts lessons were beautifully crafted. They even visited the park where the mingled play with spirituality and they were so blessed and all I thought through our best program is we are the rest. Why didn't they bring their own children? I was so impressed last Friday about what the children said concerning the lessons that they learned during the week. Jesus keeps saying bring him to me bring him to me. He brought him and the boy's life was transformed. Unfortunately in the case of my old church only 50% of our children were present for the vacation Bible school. 50% and I kept asking myself what happened to the remaining 50% that did not come. They were holiday. The day remaining 50% that were absent refused to come. The answer is no. Children will gladly go anywhere to get away from the house. The responsibility to bring them belonged to the parents. But guess what? The parents didn't bring them so they didn't come. Those who are not there could not come because for one reason or another their parents could not bring them or did not bring them because there's a difference between could not bring them and did not bring them. I wanted to listen closely to me because I'm now here to beat up the parents. I understand your predicament. Sometimes our work schedule, our business schedules the fight against our having time to expose our children to life changing and life transforming experiences. But please, I played with you on this broadcast today. Lay aside every excuse. Sacrifice to the utmost. Sacrifice time. Sacrifice money. Count every other thing. Every other engagement. Every other business. Not as important as seizing the opportunity to expose your children to the gospel. Because I was what I held the children of Cora to escape the dreadful end that their daddy and other families fell into. How busy are you? If you are too busy to expose your children to the gospel, you are busier than God wants you to be. Get up on Sunday morning. Be the one that leads your children to church. If they are signing up to go on a conference in your church, sign them on. You see, I don't have money. Go and borrow money or use your credit card. It's worth borrowing money for. Because you never know where they will go and they will change masters and become sons and daughters of the Almighty God. Did you know something? I have to tell you this. Did you know that children are the only athlete possessions that you can take to heaven? May I repeat myself? Your children, those children that I know you love, they are the only heavenly possessions that you can take with you to heaven. Hang out for your job. You cannot take your employment to heaven. Hang out for your business, that makes money for you. But you cannot take it to heaven. Your pursuit for money or whatever the world has to offer. You cannot take any one of them to heaven. No. I want you to leave your life to make it to heaven yourself. But also leave your life to expose these precious gifts that God has given you to opportunities that will save their souls and change their lives forever. Won't you make a resolution to start doing that today? It will be the best resolution you have made in your life that you will expose these children to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because what happened to the children of Torah only happened because somebody exposed them to the truth. He may not have been their dad. But he saved them from being swallowed up. Let me say what to you, man, because I'm one of you. I don't know why the enemy has got us cornered as men. We are not as spiritual as our women are and then bothers me. We are going to a church on Sunday morning, especially in the West. In third world countries, it's okay. When you go to church on Sunday morning, you are likely to find equal numbers of men and women. But in the West, in America, in Europe, and all these other so-called developed world, we are so developed, we are on the developed spiritually. And the Father just stay home on Sunday. I used to pass to a church. It's not even funny. Where the Father will bring his children to church on Sunday morning and go back home and sleep. I've been walking all the way. I'm not gonna do this. And you will never go to church. So it's okay for the children to go to heaven and you go to hell. God forbid. You men are supposed to be the priest in your families. And yet we men, we are the ones that are spiritually redundant. We don't pray. We don't read the Bible. We don't go to church. We are not so much excited about spiritual things as our wives are. Many of us even make fun of our wives. We call them mommy church, mama church. So which papa are you? papa club? Come on, let's change the narrative today. Let's take the position that God has given us as men. We're supposed to be in the front of the line spiritually so that when you look behind you, your wife is behind you, your children are behind you and you are all on your way to heaven. Man, please wake up. God is depending on you to be the priest in the home and to be the priest in the church. What if the priest has fallen back? What's going to happen to the family? You know, people talk about the state of the families around the world today and they blame the devil for it. But frankly, I think the men ought to be blamed because we have not taken the spiritual leadership that we ought to take. I know he had to knock you, but I'm just here to make it plain and I hope I've made it plain enough. I want to pray for you and then I'll give you a few prayer points that I want you to pray and then we'll close. But I pray for my friends that are watching me. I pray, Lord God, that you will wake us all up, men and women, but especially we men, to see the need, to be spiritually alive and alert and not end up like horror. We pray, Lord God, that you will help us to help our children to be like the children of horror. Who got spiritually alive and alert and when judgment came they were exempted. For our pray that we will ride these words on the tables of our hearts and let them not depart from us. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. And amen. I see I have about five more minutes and I want to use it for us to pray together. I wanted to say after me, say, Father, God, go ahead and say it. Let our children be uncorrupted by the corruption that is all around them. That's what the children of Corawa, they were not corrupted by the corruption that was around them. The children of death and the children of a Byron, they did not pass. They got corrupted and they got destroyed. Your children shall not be destroyed. Open your mouth and pray that pray, Lord, let our children be uncorrupted. Let my children be uncorrupted. Let the sons and the daughters of those that are watching me this morning or this afternoon or this evening, depending on what time you are watching me. O Lord, let their children not be corrupted by the corruption that is around them in the world. I pray that we will break the yoke of corruption that we see all around us. That is eating the fabrics of our children's lives in the name of Jesus. It was a young child that took his gun and shot President Trump the other day, a 20-year-old. I wish that child went to church when he was younger. I wish he gave his life to Jesus while he was young. Yeah, you may disagree with Trump, but why waste his life? I want you to pray that your children will be children that have the fear of God. There will be the children that love God. There will be the children that live for God. Open your mouth and pray that prayer. Even if your children are 25 years old, 55 years old, if they are your children, they are still your children. I want you to pray that your children will grow up to be useful instruments in the kingdom of God. Say, O Lord, let my children grow up to be useful instruments in the kingdom of God. Look at the children of Quora. They were everywhere. In music, they were there. Instrumental, they were there. Quora, they were there. In war, they were there. Working as doorkeepers, they were, ah, Father, help our children. Oh, when we parents don't have interest in the things of God, how will our children have interest in the things of God? Father, bring this yoke from our families and touch us and touch our children to be useful people in the house of the Lord, in the name of Jesus. Look at the children of Quora. We are talking about them today because they grew up to be good examples. I wanted to mention the name of your sons and your daughters. Say, Father, let my children grow up to become good, good, good, good, good examples, good examples in the home, good examples in the community, good examples in the nation, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and I pray that we are ourselves, who are parents, would also be good examples to the children God has blessed us with. Papa, touch me, touch me, touch me, touch me, make me a good example of God. So my children can look at me, look at my behavior, look at my life, and say, I want to be like daddy, I want to be like mommy. Father, please touch us today in the name of Jesus as parents to be good examples to our children to follow. They are looking at you even though they are two years old. They are looking at you even though they are three years old, and they are making up their minds to follow your example. For my example, the upright man, my example, the one that is worthy of being emulated in the name of Jesus. I pray for the man that on this program today in the name of Jesus, I will help you and wake you up. God is telling me there is somebody watching me right now that used to be very fervent for God. You used to be very, very spiritual, but some things happen that cool you down, and it's going to affect your children, my friend. Get up today and go to church. Get up today and read your Bible. Get up today and revive yourself and go back to where you used to be in God. Father, revive these people that I'm talking about right now. Let your fire begin to burn in us in the name of Jesus. Wickers, wickers, wickers up in the name of Jesus to be who you want us to be, to do what you want us to do, in the name of Jesus, that me and my household, we will serve the Lord. I like what Joshua said in the book of Joshua, said, I don't know what the rest of you will do. I don't know what plans the rest of you have, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I pray that you, Cora, and the sons of Cora, and the daughters of Cora, all will serve the Lord, and on the last day, none will be missing. Father, when we get our mansions in heaven, let everyone that live together on earth be able to live together in our mansions in heaven, in the name of Jesus. Don't let daddy be missing. Don't let mommy be missing. Don't let any of the sons and daughters be missing, in the name of Jesus. Let our final destination as a family be heaven at last, in the name of Jesus, when it is done here on earth. Father, hear this prayers. Father, answer this prayers, and even the ones that we have not been able to pray will pray that you will add to us today in the name of Jesus, that our focus will always bring, be to bring others to you, especially people in our own household. Thank you, Father, for answering us today. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. Amen. May God hear your prayers. May God answer your prayers, and may God make it impossible for anyone to shake off what you have heard today. Thank you, Father, for the answer. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much for joining us today. We're going to have to stop here until next time when we come your way again. May God bless you. May God keep you bringing them to him. Bye-bye. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]