Bishop Itiola podcast

Episode 863 - Battles that start in the womb

1h 5m
Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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The recording has started. Hello, hello everyone. The recording has started. That's what my engineer just told me right now, and I hope you are here with us, ready to pray, ready to call on God. Ready to continue where we left of last night, welcome. I hope you all have had a very good day so far. We bless the name of the Lord for being with us all through this week, at least this work week. And we are believing God he will be with us one more day for this week, which is going to be Saturday, and for many of you is already Saturday, we welcome you. We really, really, really do to part two of our prayers for tonight. Our favorite means are these words yesterday, battles that grow as we grow. But I'm going to just change it around a little bit, we're still going to be praying about battles that grow as we grow, but our emphasis will be on battles that commenced when we were stealing our mother's womb. Yeah, every single one of you, including yours truly, we pass through somebody's womb, and a lot of things happen to us, even before we get out of the womb. We're going to be praying about that tonight. I'm going to be explaining some things to you, so you'll be able to have a good picture of what this is going to be all about. Do us a favor, do your loved ones and your friends a great favor. Give them a call and let them know we're on the air so they can all come join us so we can all get blessed together. Thank you for so many of you that are on already. All right, Pastor David Bonete, I don't know whether it's yours, your wife or your children, but we welcome you. Michael Samsung, my good friend from Nigeria, God bless you, sister Audrey Lewis, a quiet easygoing woman in my church. But thank you for being here. Abraham Tae here, we thank you for being here. Rusling Callum, thank you, sister Bola, thank you. A.K. I love that name. We thank you for being here. Minister Angelo, the governor of Texas. We thank you for being here also. Broulary, my good friend, all the way in Europe. Thank you for being here also, God bless you. I'm sure they miss you in Nigeria seriously, especially in that radio station where you walked. I trust everything is going well for you in Europe, God bless you, sir. Let us pray. Father, we thank you for everyone assembled together tonight, both from the podcast and also on Facebook and those who are calling in, those who are joining us on YouTube and all the other platforms that we are on. We pray you make the prayer of tonight to be easy for us and you help us to pray in faith so we'll be able to receive the best from your hands. In Jesus' mighty name, we pray. Amen. Amen. I must confess to you, the Sophia on Facebook, I don't know what you did yesterday. By the time we finished yesterday, we had so many people, more than we've ever had joining us. I love you on Facebook, but thank you. Lady Flourish, thank you for keeping your word. All right, it's good to see you on the air tonight. If you were with us yesterday, I don't need to tell you what the theme is all about, but if you are not with us, you can go online and watch or listen to what we did on yesterday. I'm not going to go over everything again. But too tonight, we'll throw more light on this very important subject. Like you did yesterday, please don't forget to share again tonight. This one is serious, so this one are battles we picked up while we were stealing our mother's wombs, you say, "What, Bishop?" You mean a person can pick up trouble while stealing the womb, you bet. Just like you can pick up good things, and I'll prove that to you momentarily, you can pick up trouble right from your mother's womb, "Hey, may the Lord help us." Our text is from the book of Acts of the Apostles. In chapter 14, I'm going to read verse 8, verse 9 and verse 10, Acts of the Apostles, chapter 14, 8, 9, and 10, "And they are sat a certain man at leastra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had what." I wanted to play cross-attention to those words. The Bible says this man was a cripple, impotent, physically challenged. Not after he was born, but from his mother's womb. Now we are not told what led to this, the Bible lives that alone. The Bible says of course he never walked, so he got born, he was crippled, and he never walked. The same went to church and heard Paul speak, wherever Paul was speaking, who steadfastly beholden him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, stand upright on thy feet, and guess what happened? The Bible says he stood upright on his feet, he leaped, and he walked, beautiful. This is another classic example people of battles that grew with us as we grew, up until this time that Paul met this man from the time he was in his mother's womb, he was crippled. I got a few thoughts for you. I'd like for you to listen attentively to these few thoughts that I have to share, because they will help us formulate a prayer that makes sense. Number one, the Bible calls him a certain man. So this was a certain story of a certain man, of a certain event that took place. This was not a story, this was not a parable, it really happened. The Bible begins with a certain man in a certain city called Leestra, crippled from his mother's womb. If I were in church and I were to preach someone on that, that I just said, I'll take one hour to preach that, crippled from his mother's womb, crippled from his mother's womb. I pray for you, whatever has happened to you in your mother's womb may God have mercy on you and deliver you. You know this life, there are people who stay in that womb for nine months and nothing happens to them. They get found perfectly, but there are also people that get in that womb and things happen, that they have to live with for the rest of their lives. My people, things happen in the womb. I'll repeat that, things happen in the womb, a lot of things. They can be good and they can be bad. Let me share some of them with you in the scriptures. Let me first share the good with you that happened in the Bible. Look chapter 1 verse 15, this is exciting, this is something good that happened to somebody in the womb, in the Bible. Now the angel told Zechariah, even before his wife was pregnant, he said to him, "For John the Baptist shall be great in the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink." Look at the next statement, "For he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb." Wow, from his mother's womb this guy was filled with the Holy Ghost. No one that ever says that of all men, no one was as great as him. Why will he not be great if you are filled with the Holy Ghost from your mother's womb? Now the same way he was filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb, I have seen children filled with a ghost from their mother's womb. See everything good that God does, the enemy duplicates in a very bad way. As the Holy Ghost filled this man from his mother's womb, so does the enemy also give his spirits to some people, to some innocent children from his mother's womb. Now look at what happened in verse 41, you are going to learn a lesson from here, and it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, listen to what happened, in the womb the baby leaped in her womb and Elizabeth herself was filled with the Holy Ghost. Look at that, John the Baptist heard the voice of Elizabeth and leaped in the womb of his mother. Listen people, and I want you to hear me very well because you're going to be pregnant soon if you are still in that trade of pregnancy. The only God preserves babies in the womb, did you hear what I said? Only God preserves babies in the womb. This baby leaped at the sound of the voice of a good woman, that means that these babies can hear, that's why I love parents who lay hands on their pregnancy and pray for their babies even though the babies are not born yet. Can you think like I thought for a minute because I think like this all the time? What would have happened if it was Jezebel that was the visitor that day, and Jezebel with her witchcraft came into the house of this lady and spoke. I wonder what would have happened to the baby inside, huh, just a thought, just a thought. Can you imagine how many pregnant people come in contact with day in day out? Can we say that all of them are filled with the Holy Ghost and we see all of them are good people that when they talk the baby will leap for joy inside the mother. Now there are people also who are filled with evil spirits. Children can be influenced inside their mom before they are born. Listen to this, Isaiah 491. This is what the Bible says, "Listen o' aisles unto me and how can ye people from far. The Lord have called me from the womb." Did you hear that? This guy was not born before he was called from the womb. From the bowels of my mother, he hath made mention of my name. Let's look at Jeremiah also. This is what God said about Jeremiah while he was still in the womb. God said, Jeremiah, before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee. And before thou came us out of the womb, I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Things happen in the womb, I'm telling you. I'm only reading good things for now, I'm going to read something bad before I close. But Jeremiah was sanctified, set apart, set aside for the walk of God while he was still in the mother's womb by God. I said, "Those of you who plan to be pregnant, these are prayer points for you. When that pregnancy stays and this area is three weeks old is one month old, stop praying for that baby to be filled with the Holy Ghost inside you and to be called of God and to be used as a prophet to the nations." Galatians 1.15, even Paul the Apostle, look at what he says, "But when it pleased God, he separated me from my mother's womb." Did you see that? And call me by his grace, he separated Paul the Apostle, I'm laughing and I'll tell you why. This Paul the Apostle, who was son of Tassos, had actually been called. But it went astray for many years, but the call of God is not what is without repentance. You've been calling your mother's womb, you keep running. And if you are listening to me or you are watching me tonight, you know you are called, you are running from God. He will catch up with you on your way to Damascus one day and you will fall off your horse and that call will come up on your life. This shall encourage you mothers whose children are wayward and you say, "But I dedicated this baby to the Lord in my womb." Don't worry about it. Paul was separated right inside his mother's womb and it turned out to be a man that killed many Christians. But at last, the calling spoke for him. Now those are good things. Let me show you one bad thing that happened in somebody's womb. Yeah. In Genesis 25, it was 21 and Isaac interpreted the Lord for his wife because she was barren and the Lord was intrigued out of him and Rebecca, his wife, conceived. So what happened in the womb, battle in the womb, war in the womb between these twins and the children struggled together with vain hearts, struggled together. Can you imagine this baby who cannot even count one, two, three, they knew how to fight inside the womb? So this woman went to God and say, "If it be so, why am I like this?" And she went to an choir of the Lord. The battle between Esau and Jacob started in the womb. And you know what? They lived like that for most of their lives, Lord of mercy. So you see, things happen in the womb where you see a pregnant woman pray for her. If your wife is pregnant, lay hand off on her stomach while she's sleeping and bless those babies inside because things happen to babies in the womb, destinies are determined in the womb many, many times. Let me move on quickly. There are some battles that start not just in infancy, but before birth in the womb. It could be medical and you all know about that, you know, about problems that start in the womb, like children born to drug abusers. I know of a young and some boy whose mother was a drug addict. And now he has attention deficit, disorder, and I feel so sorry for this boy. So it could be a medical problem that started in the womb, but it could also be a spiritual problem that starts in the womb. I mean, if your mom or my mom is into witchcraft and they get pregnant with us and they take us to witchcraft covens for meetings, what kind of child is that? Is already troubled before he's born going to meetings with mommy and it could also be biological. That's why they said if you want to marry this, go check your blood type, go check that, go check that because many times it will lead to trouble. It could be a family line problem, but a battle is a battle. So because of the nature of the timing of the conception or the inception of this battle, this victim that Paul healed could not say anything about how his problems started. He just knew that from day one, I have been crippled. Even his parents, his mom and his dad will not be able to tell how he started. Only God, only God, many of the things you are now struggling with now, only God can tell us how it happened and we are going to pray to him tonight. You know, this problem this man had is one of those I would call I was born with it kind of battle or my memory cannot tell me when or how it happened kind of battle. He never walked in his life. Listen folks, we got some prayer to pray tonight or so if you have a friend, a neighbor, please send them a text message and tell them they need to pray this prayers with us because there are battles that often result in never do this and never do that. They carried that from the womb, carried that from the womb. The Bible says he never walked, that was his own war. Many people have never, never, never walk kind of battle, never, never succeed kind of battle, never, never do this kind of battle, never, never do that kind of battle. We need to pray against them, they never, never, never, he never, he never walked. Maybe some of the things you and I are struggling with that we want to do but we have never been allowed to do, maybe it was a battle that started in your mother's womb. Never healthy, never married, never this, never that. It is these kinds of battles that hinder the victims from measuring up to the level and to the standard of those who came to the world at the time they came to the world, or those who have born the same day, they could walk, they could run, they could jump but this guy couldn't. But I think I did not allow you to stop him from going to church, it did not allow him to stop him from going to gospel meetings, whatever you have that makes you wonder how and why, please don't let it stop you from hanging around the gospel because that's where Jesus meets you and that's where Jesus ends your battles. You may not be physically challenged tonight but your challenge could be anything, anything that commenced long before you were born, I repeat, maybe medical, maybe spiritual, maybe physical but I want to assure you, Jesus saves from all battles. I think I've talked long enough tonight don't you? Let's go and talk to Daddy and let's see what he will do for us because he has promised that we are two or three are gathered together in his name, there he is in the midst of them. Lord please manifest yourself tonight in Jesus name, amen. Let's go before God and thank him that is another Friday, thank God is Friday like they always say. I want you to say Lord I'm grateful for your preservation of our life all week long. Many of us went up and down, many of us travelled by air, many of us travelled by road, many of us travelled by train, many of us just walked around but God kept us, God washed over us and for that we give him praise, for that we give him glory, for that we give him honor, come on thank him for his protection over your life, he never asks you to pay him anything. He is all free of charge, Father God will bless you, Father God will worship you, Father God will adore you for your hand upon our lives, for your mercy that keeps us day in day out thanking for the prayers of last night. The battles that grow as we grow, yes thank God for the truth that there is always something giving life to whatever is growing. I learnt that from yesterday and I've been praying that all day, thank God because whatever is giving life to the battles in your life, God dealt with them yesterday and this is something you need to really really really keep at the back of your minds. There is nothing, nothing, nothing, that is working against you, something is giving it life, something is giving it life, it may be a sacrifice that somebody is making, it may be whatever someone is doing, it may be a spirit, it may be a demon that is giving life to that thing but God's power can crush them all, I want you to thank God because whatever is giving life to the battles in your life they have been dealt with and they will continue to be dealt with, thank God for Jesus, thank God for His power to deliver also from all battles that hang around us as we grow, Father will bless you, Father will worship you because your power gives us the strength and the grace and the victory over all the battles of life that hang around us even as we grow. Thank God for Part 2 tonight that we are going to pray, I want you to pray that the law will be gracious unto you, the law will be gracious unto me that it will give us appropriate prayer points to be able to use and pray tonight, without him we can do nothing, we need his spirit to take control, many times I will deviate from my note and a prayer point will come to me, I want you to pray that God will give us prayer points spontaneously so we will be able to pray what God wants us to pray, let's go against two of our enemies, saying an unbelief, I want you to pray that the law will wash you, the law will cleanse you, the law will purge you, the law will purify you, any sin of commission, any sin of commission, whatever you have said today that it shouldn't have said, wherever you have done today that we shouldn't have gone, whatever you have done today that it shouldn't have done, I want you to pray that the blood of Jesus will wash you, the mercy of God will cleanse you, in the mighty name of Jesus, Father God the man of God said, if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me, Father God we don't want to regard any iniquity in our hearts tonight no matter how petty the same age, no matter how much we embrace and love it, it's saying it's sin and it will hinder prayers, Father we pray that you will cleanse us, we pray that you will wash us, we pray that you will purge us, we pray that you will purify us from anything and everything that we have done, we have said since day broke all God, since we left here yesterday that displeases you, we pray that you will wash us and cleanse us and be gracious unto us and be merciful unto us, so our time together tonight will not be a waste of time, I want you to pray that God will touch your faith, this man God delivered because of his faith, the Bible says Paul looked at him and he said, wow this guy has faith for healing, I want you to pray that God will give you faith for healing tonight, the Lord will give you faith for deliverance tonight, and all unbelieve or doubt or double mindedness in you and around you, they will catch fire tonight in the name of Jesus, that you be able to pray with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, with all your spirit, in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray for grace tonight, grace, grace, grace, the Bible says without me you can do nothing, but you can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth you, Father we pray that you come and give us strength to be able to pray tonight, give us strength to be able to call upon you tonight, grace to be able to stay awake for many, many of our friends who are supposed to be sleeping right now, we got many of them on this prayer line tonight, who are praying with us and are calling God with us, but they are supposed to be sleeping, there are people who are even having night vigils in their homes with their family and in their churches with us tonight, I want us to pray that the Lord will engend them, we're trying to be able to pray, trying to be able to stay up, trying to be able to stay awake in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, grace to pray, grace to stay focused, even as we pray, pray that there will be no evil occurrence on the prayer of tonight, there will be no technical difficulties that we will experience tonight on your side or on my side, we bind every hindrance, we bind every problem that we will not have anything to hinder us as we pray tonight, I want you to pray that the Lord will use the prayers of tonight to give you victory over all your health battles in the name of Jesus, because this man's problem was a health battle, he was battling this from his mother's womb, I want you to pray O Lord God, use this prayer meeting tonight to give me total and complete victory over all my health battles in the name of Jesus, come on open your mouth and let's pray just in case prayer, the one I'm about to give you now is just in case, because you don't know, I need that do I, but I want you to pray the health battles that started when you were telling your mother's womb, the mercy of God will put a name to it in the name of Jesus, challenges in your health, that you didn't know the origin of it, your dad didn't know the origin of it, your mom didn't know the origin of it, you just grew old, you go older, you could tell you're left from your right and you knew you had this problem and you have lived with it for long and you didn't know that actually the evil was planted in your mother's womb, I want you to pray the health battles O Lord, that started when I was telling my mother's womb O Lord let your mercy put an end to them for me tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, papaidi be any health battle that I'm fighting right now and it dates back to my mother's womb just like this man at Lystra, a pre-law guard that you will come and deliver me, a pre-law that you will come and set me free, a pre-law that you come and heal me and touch me and show me mercy, like you show this man of Lystra O God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I want you to pray tonight, say inside the womb health battles, say inside the womb health battles, say it one more time, say inside the womb health battles that were caused by your mother's negligence, that were caused by your mother's ignorance, the law will forgive and heal you tonight in the name of Jesus, there are people in Africa that drink local herbs and eat local herbs and they put poison and they put trouble in the bodies of their children and they grow up like that and those people didn't mean to poison their children but they were ignorant and out of the times they were negligent and wanted to pray that inside the womb health battles that you are carrying right now at 40 years old at 50 years old, at 20 something years old, inside the womb health wars caused by your mother's negligence, your mother's ignorance in the name of Jesus, the law will forgive and the Lord will heal tonight in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for that we pray for forgiveness tonight and we pray for healing tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, maybe our mothers meant well and who said they didn't mean well but they were ignorant, people came to them and gave them this, oh you're having this problem, okay eat this, okay take this and it led to a battle that we have been fighting for 30 something years, old lord, inside the womb health battles, the mommy allowed because of her negligence, because of her ignorance, for that I pray that Massey will visit me tonight, Massey will heal me tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you know sometimes it's a biological mismatch between your parents that caused this battle for you, old lord, inside the womb health battles that have been caused by biological mismatch, between my parents, Massey of God, intervene for me, intervene for me, intervene for me tonight, in the name of Jesus whatever I'm going through in my body, whatever I'm going through in my health, that is as a result of a biological mismatch, back in them days they didn't know any of those things, you gotta find out what group your blood group is and to say if you are belonging to this blood group, you cannot marry someone that belongs to this blood group, they didn't know nothing about that in those days, he just found someone to marry and that was it, but now the baby that is born now has problems, I want you to pray Lord God, I need Massey tonight, Massey tonight, Massey tonight, by the way next week we'll be praying about Massey's, I want you to pray that tonight, the Massey of God will intervene for you in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, for the inside the womb battles that came because of those that your mother was around, the people that were around your mommy and they brought battles into you, you never knew, that's why I said your previous prayer just in case, you say Bishop, you mean people can bring battles, yes I just told you about how Mary and Elizabeth met and when Mary greeted her, the baby lived in her womb, suppose it was Jezebel that was living with her day in day out, I don't know how the baby could have been affected, I want you to pray that useless people, foolish people, dangerous people, wicked people that lived around my mother when I was in her womb and you know the house that your mother came out my friend, you know who was around my mommy when she had pregnancy with you, I want you to pray just in case if my life has been tampered with, oh God, if a war has been introduced into my life, I'm thinking about myself in the village, I don't know if you know anything about the village but I want to pray for you tonight that whatever battle you have been exposed to because of the Jezebel your mother grew up around, because of the Jezebel that cooked food for your mother, when she was pregnant, the Jezebel that took care of her, when she was pregnant of you, I want you to pray that in case, just in case, papa, just in case any battle has been introduced into my life, just in case any foolishness has been introduced into my life, in those innocent days of mine, my mother's womb papa masyurivasa, masyur garyvasa, masyur garyvasa, masyur garyvasa, masyur garyvasa, masyur garyvasa, masyur garyvasa everything for us tonight, masyur garyvasa everything for us tonight, whatever people, whatever problem my mother was exposed to, whatever herbs, my mother ingested and I had to ingest the same thing papa, break the yolk, break the yolk, break the yolk, break the yolk, break the yolk, whatever it is that I'm dealing with, Father put an end, put an end to it for me in the name of Jesus. I want you to pray that all the battles, all the battles, hey, battles from the womb that continue in real life, like that of Isor and Jacob, my lord, if battle was in the womb and Isor and Jacob came to life, they were holding each other to even come out of the womb and all through their life it was one war after the other or towards the end of their lives then everything got settled. I want you to pray Lord God, whatever battle I'm fighting, I'm starting in the womb, whatever spiritual battle started in the womb for me, oh God, and it continues in real life and I cannot put a finger on it and look and I wonder why am I like this and look and I wonder why is this thing happening to me? Father, I rise for us tonight, travel back into a mother's womb, oh lord, break every yolk that needs to be broken, deliver us from what we need to be delivered from, loose us from what we need to be loose from, every binding, every tie in the name of Jesus, sorry I heard the story of a baby that was born in Africa with a chain, with a shackle on both hands, that baby was born as if she was in jail as if she was in prison, how could that get into the hands of a newborn baby, oh lord, whatever has happened, whatever has happened to me, oh God, in my mother's womb, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I pray you will break every yolk that has attached itself to my life, every water I've been fighting from my mother's womb, in the name of Jesus, if your mother grew up I'm bad people, wicked people, witches and wizards, and she offended them, maybe, and then it's okay, we'll deal with the baby inside you, that baby will be a problem to you as long as you live, I want you to create great deliver, or great deliver, put an end to all my battles from the womb that continue in real life, like that of Esau, like that of Jacob, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, when this baby was born, people, he was born with problem in the bones, I want you to pray tonight, say oh great deliver, oh great deliver, deliver me from health battles in my bones, health battles in my muscles, health battles in my tendons, health battles in my skin, that started long before I was born, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, oh great deliver, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, from health battles in my bones, in my muscles, in my tendons, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ, I've seen babies who get born, they cannot eat, I've seen babies who get born, they cannot drink milk, I've seen babies who get born, they cannot take chocolate after the grow up, all these problems many times, I've seen babies who get born and they are skinned, rashes all over their skin, oh God, whatever I brought into the world, whatever battle I brought into the world from my mother's womb, father I thank you because Jesus died on the cross, so we can be free from battles in the womb and battles outside the womb, all not touch us tonight, let the blood of Jesus cleanse us tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I want you to pray, if your mother grew up around people with water spirits, they are likely to affect the baby inside her, she may not know, I want you to pray, every water spirit I've been exposed to, while I was in my mother's womb, every foolishness I've been exposed to, while I was in my mother's womb, papa deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, if you are born around the violin areas, if you are born around areas full of water, only God knows what you have been exposed to, while stealing your mother's womb, we'll break the yoke from your life tonight, say I break the yoke from my life tonight, say I cancel every evil, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ, I want you to pray every other health problem, every other spiritual problem, any spiritual problem, any health problem in your life, that has originated from your mother's womb, the Lord deliver you deliver you deliver you deliver you completely, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, Father come and touch us and deliver us completely, every negative spiritual issue, yes, all negative spiritual issues that we have been exposed to from our mother's womb, we remove it, we destroy it, we the blood of Jesus Christ tonight, whatever negative spiritual issues that we have been exposed to in our mother's womb, Father let it be broken, Father let it be destroyed, Father let it be removed by the blood of Jesus, papa we plead the blood of Jesus, papa we plead the blood of Jesus, papa we plead the blood of Jesus, all generational, and bloodline battles, inherited from my conception, let them be wiped away with the precious blood of Jesus tonight, did you hear what I said you should pray, generational, bloodline problems, bloodline battles, DNA that has been messed up, your DNA, your DNA that you got from your daddy, that you got from your mummy, from inside the womb, that is messing up your life right now, oh holy ghost, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, from all generational bloodline battles, in the name of Jesus, that started in my mother's womb, the Bible says this guy could not work, I want you to pray tonight, whatever I'm unable to do now, yes papa, whatever I'm unable to do now, because of whatever battle I was exposed to before I was born. "Masy of God deliver me you he couldn't work you he was exposed to that while he was in his mother's womb. Say father whatever I'm unable to do right now because of whatever battle I was exposed to before I was born. Masy of God deliver me deliver me deliver me deliver me deliver me Masy of God deliver me deliver me deliver me deliver me I want you to pray tonight whatever others are able to do but you cannot do this man could not work those who are born on the same day with him could work but he couldn't I want you to pray say my father my father my father whatever others are able to do but I cannot do because of inside womb injury hey inside womb battles masy of God deliver me tonight masy of God deliver me tonight masy of God deliver me tonight come on up with your mouth and talk to the Lord tonight whatever others are able to do that you cannot do whatever others are able to do that you cannot do because inside the womb something happened to you let masy deliver you like he delivered this important man of listra in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth there was a limitation in his life oh he couldn't jump he couldn't run I want you to pray hey papa help me oh all physical limitations all spiritual limitations come on open your mouth and talk to the Lord tonight all physical limitations all spiritual limitations that have been planted into my life from the womb be uprooted by fire be uprooted by fire be uprooted by fire be uprooted by fire all limitations physical limitations all limitations spiritual limitations that have been planted into my life from my mother's womb papari motley motley motley mover fruit papari motley motley mover fruit say fire out God fire out God bond them down fire out God bond them down fire out God bond them down all physical limitations all spiritual limitations have you ever seen people with all kinds of challenges and they say it was bond like that well Jesus can rebound you if that is good English Jesus can touch you like he touched this boy at listra oh lord all my physical limitations all my spiritual limitations planted into my life oh God from the womb papa let him be uprooted by fire papa let him be uprooted by fire papa let him be uprooted by fire this thing is serious so hey as for with a grandmother about two months ago and her grandson called not pull her grandson called not pull they have to take him and do surgery for him somewhere in a in a in an advanced country and i said wow other people are born with no problem i want you to pray all physical limitations that i have all spiritual limitations that i have that i planted into my life from the womb oh lord remove them remove them remove them remove them remove them heal me and set me free o lord i was talking to a mother two weeks ago and the son had a as a condition a condition that that smells so bad and and i said how did he start said he started he was born like that and and and the mother said but i believe God can touch him God can heal him but as far as medical there's nothing medical can do medical science can do i want you to pray whatever you brought into this world from your mother's womb in the cause of your formation did you hear what i said and i hope the mother is with us tonight praying and praying for that son whatever i brought into the world whatever my son brought into the world whatever my daughter brought into the world from the womb and the doctor said as the way he was malformed that's the way she was malformed and there's nothing anybody can do we know you are not just anybody lord jesus we know you are somebody and you can give us a miracle you can give us a deliverance fire of god set to law limitations physical limitations spiritual limitations or spiritual battles that started from the time of conception oh lord remove them remove them remove them remove them remove them remove them remove them remove them remove them tonight i said all spiritual battles that started from my time of conception papa deliver me deliver me deliver me deliver my children or spiritual battles there are battles when we are pregnant to some survive it some don't survive it i know of a lady who had lost eight pregnancies eight pregnancies she lost eight babies died of the battle and what was the battle when she gets pregnant anytime she sees a dream and she sees something red in her dream the pregnancy will come down. The baby will die. Thank God you didn't die. Only God knows what you brought into the world. Hold on. Touch me. Oh, thank God. I didn't die in my mother's womb. But whatever I brought out, when I came out, whatever came upon me, when I was in my mother's womb, oh God. Deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, whatever problems started in my life from conception. It may be physically, maybe spiritually, maybe whatever. Hold on. Deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me. The prayer, many of you are prayed right. You don't even know you are just praying. That's what I call just in case. I want you to pray tonight. The Bible says, this man, this is something that really touches my heart. He said, he never walked. He never walked. Let's pray for grace tonight. Say God of all grace, enable me to begin doing what conception battles have so far prevented me from doing. Many of you have never done some things because you got that never anointing in your mother's womb. I break that never anointing from my life. I break that never anointing from your life. You will never walk when you get into the world. We break that anointing with demonic anointing in the name of Jesus. I wanted to say Father, cancel them, cancel them, cancel them. All they never, all they never could. That are results of battles in my life in the womb. They said he never walked. He got that one from the womb and he continued when he was born. Say, oh Lord, all they never never never never do this, never mount this, never achieve this. We cancel them tonight. We cancel them tonight. We cancel them tonight. We cancel them tonight. All they never, results of India, results of battles in my life. I want you to pray that the Lord will cancel them and remove them. I want you to see all Lord, advance them, revise them, revise them, revise them. Come on, open your mouth and pray tonight. Say that the Lord will revise them for you all the inside the womb battles that have resulted in you becoming dependent on others. Did you hear what I said? It has resulted in you becoming dependent on others. This man became dependent until he met Jesus and Jesus made him independent. Say, oh Lord, revise, revise, revise, revise inside the womb battles that have resulted in me becoming dependent on others in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. And he went to church. I love this guy. At least he went to where the gospel was preached. I want you to pray for yourself tonight. A long time battles will not drive you away from hearing the word of God. Did you hear what I said? That long time battles will not drive you away from hearing the word of God. That you will love the Lord with all your heart in spite of all the battles that you are fighting in the name of Jesus. You will still love to go and hear the word of God, even if you are deaf in one ear and have hearing in the other ear. Let long time battles not drive me away from hearing the word of God. In the name of Jesus. They say, pray that I just came to my mind right now. I want us to pray. Every battle that those who pass through the womb of your mother, that is your brothers, your sisters, every battle that they are fighting, that you are also fighting, that the law will come and deliver you tonight in the name of Jesus. I'm not saying your mother was a bad woman. No, no, no, no, no, no, but you can see, you can see a parent that your sister who passed through the same womb, your brothers who passed through the same womb, they are having the same issues. Hola, break the yoke from my life in the name of Jesus. I break the yoke from their lives also while you are breaking mine in the name of Jesus, wherever battles with fought in our mother's womb that always shows after we are born. O great deliver a rise tonight and deliver us. This thing that is running in our family that began running when when our mother's womb. I don't know what happened to Lord. You are the one that knows everything and you are the great deliver and deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver tonight in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Bible says this man had faith to be healed. I love that. He had faith to be healed. I wanted to pray that your faith will be strong enough to believe God for freedom from battles dating back to your mother's womb. You know it takes a lot of faith to believe that because the one that came into your life while you are alive while you came into the world, you are having a hard time believing God. How much more do you want that you are not even conscious of? But the Lord can help you. Faith is a gift. I wanted to pray that the Lord will give you the faith to believe him. O Lord, faith to be healed like this man had. Let my faith be strong enough. O Lord, strengthen my faith. O Lord, grow my faith. O Lord, energize my faith. O Lord, empower my faith to be strong enough to believe you for freedom. Freedom from battles that date back to my mother's womb. Freedom from battles. Freedom from battles that date back to my mother's womb. Faith to be healed. Point out upon this prayer line tonight. Faith to be delivered. Faith to be rescued from whatever happened in your mother's womb. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Faith to be healed. Spring forth in me. Faith to be healed. Spring forth in me. To be delivered. Faith to be delivered. Come upon me right now. Faith to be successful. Come upon me right now. Faith to be blessed. Fall upon me right now. Faith to be favored. Fall upon me. Fall upon me. Fall upon me right now. The Bible says he stood upright. He was leaping. He was walking. Totally delivered from inside the womb. Battles. Edechemo, say, O Lord, my own dish. Come also. And today shall be my day, O Lord. Everything that is crooked, that is not straight. O Lord, all areas of my life, where there is crookedness, all areas of my life, where things are not straight. Consonema academics, consonema marriage, consonema finances, consonema business. O Lord, all areas of my life that things are not straight and things are not strong. The Bible says this man got up. Lipping and walking and pressing God. I want you to pray that all crooked areas, all not so straight areas of my life, caused by issues in the womb, will be healed tonight. Say, O Lord, heal me tonight. Say, O Lord, deliver me tonight. Say, O Lord, rescue me tonight. I want you to pray that Lord will release to you grace, grace, grace, grace. Come on open your mouth, say, O grace, grace to begin doing what I have never done because of battles. O Lord, grace to begin doing them, because the Bible says he began dipping. He began jumping. O Lord, what I couldn't do before, because of womb inside womb battles. O Lord, God, let grace be given to me to begin doing those things in the name of Jesus. I wanted to pray against all your handicaps. All your handicaps, all your handicaps, say, O Lord, all my spiritual handicaps, all my physical handicaps, all my emotional handicaps, connected to in womb battles, be ended by mercy tonight, be ended by mercy tonight, all my spiritual handicaps, all my physical handicaps, all my emotional handicaps, whatever way I am handicapped, O Lord, that is what of us are able to do. I'm not able to do. O Lord, mercy of God, if it's connected to my mother's womb, deliver me tonight, deliver me tonight, deliver me tonight. I want you to pray tonight that the Lord will heal you of any kind of handicap, spiritual, physical, emotional, connected to inside womb battles. The Lord will deliver you, deliver you, deliver you, deliver you, deliver you tonight. Can I ask you to pray that Lord will give you the kind of victory that this man in Lystra, the kind of victory he had. It was a talk of the town. The whole town came jumping and praising God. Say O Lord, make people to jump with me and praise you with me, O God, make people to jump with me and praise you with me, O Lord, whatever happened in my mother's womb, O Lord, that is affecting my life. I want you to so deliver me. I want you to so rescue me in the name of Jesus that I begin to praise God. I begin to give God the glory and people will gather on me all over town. People will gather on me all over church. People will gather on me all over the community and they say we've never seen anything like this yet. Oh Lord, let them see what they have never seen that masi can do. In the name of Jesus, give me a talk of the town victory. Give me a talk of the town victory. Give me a talk of the town victory. Give me a talk of the town miracle over battles in my life that are known by others. Everybody knew this guy to be important. Everybody knew this guy to be crippled, but when God came, everybody also knew that Jesus reigns. Say O Lord, come and reign over my in womb battles. Come and reign and rule over my in womb battles. After all, you are the Lord, Adonai. You are the master. You are the one that has proper power over every problem of life. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I wish we had more time. Well, God, just about less than two minutes. I want us to go and pray about our prayer request tonight. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I want you to pray that the power that that can solve any long-term problem because the problem of this man in Listra was a long-term problem. Long-term problem. Oh Lord, if your power can solve a problem that started in the womb, you can visit my seven prayer request tonight. Say O Lord, my own came old. Maybe after you came out of the womb. In the name of Jesus, papa, whenever this one started, you who healed, you who delivered a man that had been that had been sick in his mother's womb. Father, come and touch this my needs tonight. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Oh Lord, you are not your respecter of persons. You did it for the man of Listra. Come and do it for me, O God. Yes, my home may not be physical paralysis, but you know what areas of my life that are paralyzed, that are written in that paper, that are written in those requests. Oh Lord, intervene for me and answer me, O God. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Oh Lord, let my feet spring up in me like never before. For answers to this seven requests. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I wanted to pray that the Lord will answer this prayer that people will come and rejoice with you. That people will come and thank God for you. That people will come and thank God with you. In the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ. I wish we had more time. Let's go before God and give him praise. Father, we thank you. Father, I will bless you for this seven prayer requests. Even for the 50 prayer requests or so that we are prayed earlier. Oh Lord, give us an answer of peace. Oh Lord, do great things and mighty things for also God. In the name of Jesus. Battles from our mother's womb. Thank you Lord, because you've given us victory over them. Especially spiritual battles. They give me something to eat. They give me something to rub on us. Oh Lord, Africa, Africa, you like this. They give you something to rub on your pregnancy and that was where the problem started. I decree healing for you and deliverance for you. Whichever way your pregnancy was tampered with. Because your mother was young. Because your mother was innocent. Because your mother was ignorant. I pray the Lord will overlook all that and give you victory tonight and give you freedom tonight. In the name of Jesus Christ. Whichever way you were tampered with in a dream. Your mother was pregnant and he had this, she had this dream and death from then on. Problem started with the pregnancy. Even till now you are 40 years old, 50 years old. Oh Lord, travel back and deliver us. Travel back and rescue us. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Come on, thank God for hearing us tonight. Come on, thank God for giving us the victory tonight. Father, I will bless you. Father, I will worship you. Father, we adore you. Father, we thank you. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. I bless you in the name of the Father. I bless you in the name of a Son. I bless you in the name of the Holy Spirit. As you are prayed tonight, may the Lord grant you all the desires of your heart. Whatever happened to you, you had no idea what it was. Maybe your parents even had no idea what it was. But God knew and if anybody did anything to you, they also knew. I want God to move for you from tonight. I want God to break whatever your needs to be broken. I want God to deliver you in whichever area you need to be delivered that you will walk away from this place free. Whatever we need to do your pregnancy, the pregnancy inside you yourself are prayed that it shall not prosper. Whatever happened to you, your dream when you were pregnant and it's now affecting your child and you even don't know a pre-God would deliver you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Long pregnancy, long labels always lead to a very difficult life. I found that out in deliverance. When you are in your modern swoop and the labor is hard, the labor is difficult. That person is likely to live a very hard and difficult life. May that yoke be broken from your life. May things be easy for you from now on in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Son. Thank you, Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. And amen. And amen. Thank you so much for joining us tonight to announcements and then I'll let you go rest for the weekend. The first announcement has to do with the podcast for next week. The theme for next week is Acts of God's Mercy. You know you need God's Mercy. Without this Mercy you cannot make it. That's why I kept praying about Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy tonight. So to next Thursday, next Friday, our prayer will be on the Acts of God's Mercy. I've got a long list that we are going to use to pray next week. Please make plans to be with us. And don't forget the first Sunday of August, anointing service. The title is kind of strange but when you get there you'll find out. It's simply beware. Predators are patient. Yeah, beware. Hey, predators are patient. We're going to be preaching about that in church and we're going to be beaming it online also. May God spare our lives to see that day. Shall we share the grace as we go and retire for a peaceful night. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forevermore. Amen and amen. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Amen and amen. Thank you so much. Have a blessed weekend. Bye-bye.