Bishop Itiola podcast

Episode 863 - Battles that grow as we grow. Part 1

1h 5m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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[ Silence ] >> Hello everyone, welcome, welcome, welcome. Good evening and once again welcome to our prayers for tonight. I trust you've had a very, very good week thus far. You know what my prayer for you is? That the one day left in this work week will be a very productive one for all of us. By the way, the program we're going to have tonight is going to help put you on that path. If you are not there already and if you are there, it will help solidify you on that path to productive life. Our thing for this week is praying about the battles that grow as we grow. I welcome you to a life-changing prayer gathering. Raji, you are first in line. You beat for me tonight from his number four in line. [ Laughter ] For me, what happened? All right, you lost your place tonight. All right, all right, you took it over from you. This y'all by end go all the way from Kenya. We thank you for coming. May God bless you, sir. Susan Thomas, I owe you a text message. God bless you for joining us tonight. We thank you all that are calling in. May the Lord bless you as you faithfully have done that and as you faithfully continue to do that. Those of you who are listening to us on the podcast, we'll bless the name of the Lord for each and every one of you. We are about 138,000 downloads now from over 50 countries around the world. Thank you for being part of that and thank you for making it possible. Once again, our theme for this week is battles that grow as we grow. Now, those are basically battles that refuse to live. So, if they came on you when you were five, they are still hanging on on when you are 15. This battles may be hanging on when you are 50. Battles that grow with us. Lord, I'm mercy. You know what I found out? The enemy does not give a slack for the young or for the old. Whatever it latches on and whoever it latches on, it stays there. Yeah, once the enemy sets his eyes on an individual, regardless of the age. He sticks around for as long as he is allowed. Remember my expression? He sticks around for as long as he's allowed. He never said that again. He never willingly leaves. He has to be forced out. He has to be ejected. That's what the prayer of tonight will be about and the prayer of tomorrow night also. Thank you. I brought you there for being here today. We've been able to talk back and forth today. God bless you, Sir David Bonate my pastor. I bless you in the Bonate. Oh, yeah, Chukku, thank you for being here. God bless you very, very mindily as a family tonight. Once the enemy sets his eyes on an individual, he doesn't know how to say I want to go. You know why? The Bible tells us that he doesn't open the door for his prisoners. When he's engaged in a war with you, only God can dislodge him. Sister Loveland, I talk to you about an hour ago, maybe less. The days are creeping on us, it's almost here. God bless you and I'll pull that day for you and many, many more days like that in the name of Jesus. Battles that have affected us are still with us. I know the bad thing about these battles is that they affect quality of life and also they affect quantity of life. I'll talk about that momentarily. These are battles that sometimes you are just forced to accept them and count them as part and parcel of your lives. Many of us are things in our lives that we fought at the beginning. And we fought and fought and fought and we couldn't win, we just let go. Say, well, maybe this is my cross to carry. Jesus carried the cross. It's none of your business to carry this. And if it's not for God, if it's not from God, then it does not belong to you. Did you hear what I said? If it's not from God, it doesn't belong to you. And you should keep fighting, keep fighting until it drops off your life. That is exactly what we have come to do tonight, but we don't want you to do it alone. I plead with you to please send the link to the platform you are listening to us on or you are watching us on so that someone can be blessed by this prayer meeting. Sister Ruslan, good to have you, Sister Bola, we are happy to have you. My baby sister Raji, we are so happy to have you also. Did you know, did you know that there are three types of people on the face of the earth? Yeah, three types of people. At least when it comes to battles that hang around and refuse to leave. Three types of people. The first group of people are those who are blessed not to have any battle that they are fighting. Yeah, there are people like that who don't have any war, everything is peaceful. I think David was, David talked about that in one of his songs. But these people are always in the minority. They don't have any battles, everything is okay with them. The second group are those that have some battles that are not long ago battles, that is recent battles that they are fighting, from many of them like that. The third group are those who are fighting long-term battles that may even go as far back as infancy. Those in this group are very many. Now we're going to be focusing on one of them tonight. Thank you again for joining us. Well, who I threw up with Joe, I think you are in Maryland if I'm not mistaken because I searched you out of Facebook. God bless you for being here tonight. As you grow, as you grow, as you grow in life, guess what happens to you? You outgrow many things as you grow in life. You outgrow many things. You outgrow your clothes, you outgrow your shoes, sometimes you even outgrow your automobile and accommodation as your family grows. You outgrow things, but one thing that many times refuses to let you outgrow it is the battle of life. It clings to the victim and you say, "I want to outgrow you like I've outgrown my shoe." He says, "For where? I want to outgrow you like I've outgrown my clothes." He says, "For where?" He begins as a snake and he grows into a dragon, battles of life, becoming many, many, many forms, sometimes becoming the form of a health problem or a habit problem or a money problem. There's even a memory problem, the list is endless, that just hangs in there and the older you get, the older it gets also. It doesn't have any other house to go to. The things that your life, your house and everything that is connected to you belongs to him and just fights and fights and fights. A prayer is that God will wipe our slate clean tonight of whatever has attached itself to us and as refused to be disconnected from us, a classic example of what we are praying against tonight can be found in the book of Mark, chapter 9. In verse 17 he says, "One of the multitude answered and said, 'Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dom spirit.' And we are so ev'ry ticket he may teareth him and informeth and nasheth with his teeth and pineeth away, and I speak to thy disciples that he shall cast him out, but they couldn't. He answered him and said, 'O faithless generation, how long will I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Bring him to me.' And they brought him unto him and when he saw him, stripped with the Spirit, tear him and he fell to the ground and wallowed for me. And he asked his father, 'How long is he?' Since this came unto him and he said of his child, 'That's what I told you some problems you are dealing with, I've been with us for long.' And then you know the rest of the story, Jesus cast the Spirit out and the child was made whole, so that's the good news tonight. I don't care how long the battle is, if you don't give up, if you don't take it as your cross that you must carry until you die, if you keep fighting it, if you keep pressing in, the Lord will surely give you the victory. Let me tell you a couple of thoughts and then we'll go and pray. Number one, that one is obvious. From the story we just read, some of these battles can start from childhood or from middle age or from whatever. In this case, the battle started from childhood. That is something I must say to you that you need to get very well. So listen to this very closely. Anything that stays alive and grows is receiving life from somewhere. Oh, an agreement with that. Anything that stays alive and grows is receiving life from somewhere. As you all know, the reason we are growing is because of life in us. The doctor told me that the reason fibroids hang out is because there are blood vessels that feed them. What about a baby? The reason a baby grows in the mother is because that baby is being fed even though you don't see it. So the reason things grow and stay in place and grow is because they are receiving life from somewhere. Bring that to battles that just grow with you. As you are receiving life to grow, so are your battles receiving life to grow. Everything is feeding them to stay in place and keep growing. Can I repeat what I said? I said the battles that attach themselves to us and refuse to bulge, they are receiving life and strength from somewhere to stay in place and to keep growing. In this case, it's very simple to understand. The problem that this boy had was receiving life from an unclean spirit, garried of the unclean spirit and the problem is gone. That was what kept the problem of this boy in existence, and that was why the moment the spirit left, the problem left. Something is feeding your problem my friends. Something is feeding your battles and my battles. Get rid of the one behind it and freedom comes automatically. You know I have a friend in this United States who told me something and I was chatting with him yesterday. He had a medical condition and it's been on for long, it's been on for long and the doctors told him, "This one is not just something you got from your father, this is not something you got from your mother, this is not something because it's running in your family. This is so because there is something in your body that is feeding that problem." So they said, "Come, let's take out that thing that is feeding the problem." And when he was to go he told me, said, "Bish, pray with me, I pray this thing works." So he went to the doctors and they removed what was causing the medical problem a couple of months ago. Guess what happened? I texted him yesterday, I said, "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you." That problem you went to the hospital for and they said such and such a thing was causing such and such a problem and they took it out, is the problem still there, said, "No, Bishop, everything has stabilized since the God-read of what was giving it life. Hey, my friends, whatever is giving life to the problem in your life, it could be an equal spirit, it could be a medical condition, it could be a curse, it could be a covenant, it could be a sacrifice, it could be whatever, whatever." In this case, it was the presence of an evil spirit. We're going to pray against that tonight, whatever is in my life, fighting me, fighting my ministry, whatever is going on that is wrong, that is not right, that is not a God, faith is feeding it and if God will shut down what is feeding that discomfort, you'll be surprised you'll be all right. Let me give you a third here, is that one might not even know the origin of his battle, like the case of this child, you know what happened to this child? He grew up and could say like many of us, "I've been like this all my life, I've been like this all my life, maybe you've been like this, I don't know what that this is all your life." I pray that God would destroy the life of what keeps that pain in your life, but as another thought, battles that grow as we grow are always after one of two things, or two of two things. Can I repeat that? The battles that grow as we grow are always after one of two things, number one, quality of life, quality of life, quality of life, or quantity of life, watch those two areas. Either after your quality of life or after your quantity of life, in this case of this boy that we just read is both, his quality of life was affected and it will have ultimately taken his life one day, cut off his quantity of life, so whatever is fighting your quality of life, and would love to destroy your quantity of life, may God use the program of tonight to deliver you and rescue you, let me quickly move on, battles that grow as we grow. They also cause struggle, long struggle in life, I wanted to just imagine how this boy must have struggled not to be consumed by the water, not to be consumed by the fire that he constantly fell into, he was that desperation that led his father to his disciples, I want to say something to your fathers and mothers here, have enough compassion to help those who cannot help themselves, help them take their battles to the Lord like this father did, may be your children, may be your family members, may be your church members, people need to help people fight this kind of battle, so Jesus said, bring him to me, but I gotta tell you something before we go and pray and this may shock you, but I can tell you this from my experience in deliverance, battles from childhood are usually stubborn battles that are hard to defeat, can I repeat, battles from childhood are usually stubborn battles that are hard to defeat, they are dug in their roots, they've gone deep, deep, deep into the ground of your life, this problem in the life of this boy was so stubborn that even the disciples could not defeat this particular one, even though they have had success with the thought of battles in people's lives, but this one, they couldn't do it, but the good news is that no matter what the battle is, no matter how long the battle has been, no matter how strong the people and the powers fighting you may be, the Lord will dislodge them just like that, so you know what we're gonna do tonight, we're gonna give the battle to the Lord, I'm gonna ask him to fight for us, we will take all our long and shut down battles to him tonight, believing that God would dislodge them from our lives, I've talked for long tonight because I wanted you to really have clarity about this, now we're gonna go and pray, we're gonna begin with thanksgiving, you ready? Join me, I wanted you to thank our Father and us to see another Thursday evening tonight for many of his already Friday morning, Father I will bless you, Father I will worship you, Father we adore you, Father we honor you, Father we glorify your name, thank you Lord, for allowing us to see another Thursday to come and pray, to come and call your name, thank you for being with us since we left here on Friday night, bless his name, for so many prayers he has answered for us since we knew how to pray, hallelujah, Father I will glorify you, thank you, thank you because we can say for sure that you have prayed answering God, you've been good to us in hearing us, you've been good to us in answering our prayers and before we ask you for anything tonight we just want to stop and say thank you Lord, thank him especially for the prayers he has answered for us since we started this prayer line, Father we thank you, we bless you for so many good things, for so many great things, for so many mighty things that you have done in our life since we started, thank him for the grace to pray that he has given to us, it's not by might, it's not by power, it's by my Spirit say the Lord, we bless your name O God, I want you to thank him because you still believe in the power of prayer, that one has not been shaken even though it's not every prayer that you have seen answered, but at least you still believe, hallelujah and the Lord will not fail you ultimately, thank God for the prayers of last week about curses that have curses, thank God for the things that were broken, thank God because they are forever broken, hallelujah, say Lord everything that broke is forever broken, I wanted to bless his name because grace will not allow you to give room to justify curses, that's something we need to really run away from, and they have a reason why they come, God will give us the grace and I believe he already has to keep us away from allowing and indulging in such things, thank God for the Friday prayer on not being wasted, ah Lord God, it's as President Trump was in our prayer meeting on Friday, my Lord, I must see, I want you to bless the Lord because of divine protection, that will not allow you or yours to be wasted, hallelujah, Father will bless you, we need that prayer all the time, I want us to thank God that as Trump escaped being wasted, you will always escape being wasted too in the name of Jesus Christ, I don't know what you think about Trump's political leanings, but one thing is sure, God had mercy on him and he allowed him not to be wasted last Saturday and I want to pray for you that the Lord will keep you, especially those of you who live in a place like I live, in this New York area we are sometimes bullets just fly around, that God will continue to keep you alive and continue to watch over you, and many of you live in countries where there are arm robots, living countries where there are kidnappers, your life shall never be wasted, but I would thank you for that prayer, if you are not with us, when we prayed on that last week, please join us, I was looking at President Trump with that thing by his ear that he used to cover where the bullet graced him and I said this is nothing but mercy, this is nothing but grace, you know what President Trump said, he said I turned to read my script and it was at that point that the bullet came, if he never turned his head, he will have gone straight into his head, will be preparing for his funeral now, I shall not be wasted, and you shall not be wasted also, in the mighty name of Jesus, I wanted to say no matter how close, mercy will enable me to escape at all times, in the name of Jesus, no matter how close I get, may mercy allow me to escape, you know God is a merciful God, don't let your mercy be upon every man, every woman, every boy, every girl, on this prayer line today that you will watch over them, watch over their children, watch over every member of their families that they will not be wasted, you can still pray that prayer, it's online that your children will not be wasted, you will not be wasted, thank God for the prayers of tonight about the battles of life, the battles that grow with us as we grow, I want you to thank God in advance that grace will disconnect you, say it, say Lord I thank you, because grace will disconnect me, in the name of Jesus, from battles that grow as I grow, and every battle that has grown with me up until this time is going to be disconnected from me by the grace of God, I want you to pray that the law will give us appropriate prayer points that we need to use and pray in tonight as individuals, and appropriate prayer points that we will use and pray in as a group, Lord, release it to us, I got about exactly 50 prayer points here, but the Lord can give us many, many, many, many, many more, Lord, we surrender and yield ourselves to you, even as we come to pray tonight that you will help us, you will strengthen us and give us all the grace we need to be able to call on you, to be able to cry to you, I want you to pray that sin will not hinder you tonight, I don't believe will not hinder you tonight, I want you to pray every sin of omission, every sin of commission, whatever they are, the blood of Jesus will touch you and wash you and purge you and purify you in the name of Jesus, for that I pray that you will touch me, you will touch all my friends all across the world that are watching us and listening to us at this time, that the blood of Jesus will wash them from every sin, that the accuser of the brethren will not be able to pick any sin, to walk against us in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray that all doubts are long believed, the Lord will remove them from our lives in the name of Jesus. Pastor Gerard is good to see you all the way from Benair Republic, I was watching what you are doing for the crusade, I pray that everything will go well with you in the name, don't worry about the people that are canceled, the Lord will bring other people and you will be blessed, my brother, I want you to pray that God will give us grace to be able to pray and to stay focused tonight in the mighty name of Jesus, Father Paul, to your grace upon us tonight, Paul, to your grace upon me tonight, I want you to pray, we got about 30 minutes to pray that the Lord will give us the grace to be able to call upon him tonight, grace to be able to cry to him, I want you to pray for people in Africa, South Africa, East Africa, West Africa, North Africa, people in the Middle East that are joining us tonight, people also hallelujah in Europe that are joining us tonight, I got so many friends in Wales that join us week after week, we bless the name of the Lord for you, Ireland, we thank God for those of you in Ireland that join us week after week, I got so many friends in there in the mighty name of Jesus who bless the name of the Lord for those in the Caribbean island, give them grace to be able to pray tonight, and for those all over the United States that are joining us tonight, we bless the name of the Lord for you that are joining us, hallelujah, Sister and Nick O'Trell or the way from Birmingham, Alabama, I almost came to Birmingham, Alabama last month, things just changed the last minute, I will have seen you on a puzzle that day but I couldn't make it, God bless you, God bless your children, God bless your children's children, we bless the name of the Lord for all the people in California and Texas and New York and everywhere that the Lord will bless all of us and give us grace as we pray right now in the mighty name of Jesus, I want you to say, my father, my father, say Lord, travel back to my infancy even till today in the name of Jesus, I want you to apply this prayers of tonight, hallelujah, say Lord, I want you to apply the prayers of tonight to my life from infancy till now in the name of Jesus, the prayer of tomorrow will be getting into the womb, yeah, things happen in the womb, but we'll live the womb until tomorrow, there are things that people become alive, there are battles that people fight in life that start right from their mother's womb, we'll keep that till tomorrow, but for today I want you to pray that Lord will travel from your infancy till today in the name of Jesus that you are 40 something years old, 50 something years old, 60 something years old, 70 something years old, can I ask you to pray tonight, say my father, disconnect me from all battles that have connected themselves to my life since I was a little child, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, papad disconnect me, disconnect me, disconnect me, disconnect me, disconnect me, disconnect me, disconnect me from all battles that have connected themselves to my life since I was a little child in the name of Jesus, since I was an infant, battles of life that have connected themselves to me, oh God, we are grew up, we are going to school, we are going to college in my neighborhood, among family members, battles that have connected themselves to me, oh Lord, for years and years and years, and I'm still fighting till today, Father God, use the prayers of tonight to disconnect me from them all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you know those of us from Africa, we got all kinds of battles that grew up with us, and many of us may not know, you know some of these battles will not even manifest until you are 40 years old, until you are 50 years old, some of these battles were introduced into your life by so-called loved ones that put you, you and Voodoo, to help you and give you a spirit that will be battling you for the rest of your life, I wanted to pray that Lord, disconnect you, disconnect you from all your battles that have connected themselves to you since you were a little child, I wanted to pray for fire tonight, everybody say fire tonight, O Lord, let your fire visit every nuke and corner of my life, and destroy all battles that have risen up against me in the name of Jesus, let your fire, O God, visit every nuke, visit every corner of our lives, and destroy all battles that I am waging war against and that are waging war against me, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Father we call for fire tonight, to visit every area, every room, every corner, every living room, every bedroom, every kitchen, fire of God, fire of God, fire of God, visit every nuke and corner of our lives, and destroy all battles against us, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, battles that are growing us, we are growing, Father fire destroy them, battles that are around us as we are growing, fire destroy them, come on open your mouth and fire, pray us tonight, the battles that are growing as you are growing, they will be destroyed by the fire of God, fire of God, come down upon every man, come down upon every woman, every boy, every girl, joining us tonight, I'm talking about growing battles, growing financial battles, growing health battles, growing habit battles, all endless battles, fire of God, destroy them tonight, in the name of Jesus let your fire destroy them tonight, all my battles that have been growing us have been growing, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, battles that are financially oriented, battles concerning your health, battles concerning your habit, battles concerning whatever it is in your life, fire of God manifests tonight and destroy them, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, whatever battle I'm fighting, oh God that I may not even know, some of us are fighting but we don't even know what we are fighting, I don't know what is fighting us, Father with I know it or I don't know it, let your fire answer for me, oh God that answers by fire, be you Lord my helper tonight on this prayer line, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, oh God that answers by fire, oh Lord fight for me tonight and destroy every growing financial battle, destroy every health battle, I told you about somebody that I know very well, got put an end to that battle it has been in his life for long and God just put a hand on it and say take this out and he will be fine and he took that out and he was fine, I wanted to pray or whatever needs to be taken out, take it out, take it out, take it out, whatever needs to be taken out, take it out, take it out, take it out, whatever needs to be arrested, arrested, arrested and arrested, whatever needs to be destroyed, destroyed, destroyed and destroyed so that I'll be able to move forward in a life without battle for many of forces like I did Jesus Christ not come, for many of forces like I did Jesus Christ not die, for many of forces like I did Jesus Christ not say it is finished, I want you to pray that it will be finished, it will be finished, you will be finished, let's cry to God for mercy tonight, say oh Lord take me out, take me out, mercy take me out, come on say mercy take me out of the group of those who are fighting long-term battles, I said the people that are fighting long-term battles, they are the ones that are many, I want you to pray tonight, my brother fought long-term battles with that health condition, but now God is taking him out, if they are saying those who have this condition he's no more part of it, oh God show me mercy like he showed him mercy in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus the list is long people of those in the group of those fighting long-term battles, oh Lord God, mercy take me out, mercy take me out, mercy take me out, mercy remove my name, I want you to pray that all inherited battles will break apart from their roots in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, father of all my inherited battles, oh Lord, all battles that are inherited, oh Lord, from generations past, papale then break apart from their roots, oh God, that's why doctors will ask you, does anybody in your family have this, does anyone in your family suffer from this, has anyone dead or alive being afflicted by this, because they know but to stay in the family, I want you to pray right now any medical condition that I have, that I inherited from my father, that I inherited from my mother, let mercy destroy it for me, oh God, provide a way of escape for me, Lord Jesus, open your mouth and pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray tonight, Lord, whatever inherited battles are in my life, let them break from their roots, let them be uprooted, oh God, I remove from my life, in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ, oh Lord, let mercy, mercy, mercy put an end to all battles, all health battles, all financial battles, all filial battles that are inherited, oh God, break them apart from their roots, bum them down to their roots, remove them from their roots, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray that all your sins, infancy battles, did you hear the way I preached it, say my father, all my sins, infancy battles, break them by fire from me tonight, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, all my sins, infancy battles, papa, break them from me, break them from me, break them from me, break them from me, whether they are spiritual, whether they are material, whatever they are, oh Lord, whatever is in my life that has been in my life since I was a little baby, and I've struggled with it, I've fought against it, but it is still there, and I told you the longer they are there the more powerful they become, the longer they are there the more difficult it is to get rid of them, but with God all things are possible, is anything too hard for the Lord to do, say Lord Jesus, I know there's nothing too hard for you, I know there's nothing too difficult for you, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray, all battles that you picked up, in the name of Jesus, at infancy, and post infancy, the fire of God will visit you and destroy them tonight, say, oh Lord, all my battles, oh Jesus, all my battles that are picked up during infancy, and post infancy, papa, destroy them from me, destroy them from me, destroy them from me, I love to sit down when my brethren do deliverance in the church, many times I don't even do deliverance, I just sit down there, and I just pray quietly, but it will be going from the time you are born, to the time you are eight, to the time you are 16, to the time you are 35, and I always smile when they leave that prayer, I want you to pray Lord, travel back in my life, year by year, day by day, month by month, week by week, all my battles that are picked up when I was in my mother's womb will pray more about that tomorrow, all the battles that I picked up after I was born, all the battles that I picked up the day I was named, all the battles I picked up who got when I went to elementary school, all the battles I picked up when I went to high school, all the battles I picked up when I went to college, all the battles I picked up when I, when I met my first girlfriend, and I had a legal relationship with her, and he had lived your relationship with me, and from then you picked up a problem, maybe a spirit husband, maybe a spirit wife, I want you to pray that whatever battle you picked up as a journey through life, say "Fire of God", say "Mancy of God", destroy them, destroy them, destroy them, destroy them, destroy them, destroy them, destroy them, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, battles that I picked up who got, I didn't know they were battles, battles that I picked up who Lord I pray that you will break it, and no people that picked up battles when they smoke their Indian hemp, like we used to call them, and now they have brain that is all roosted, Father God, Masy, Masy, let's speak for people on this prayer line tonight, whatever it is that they picked up who God, that it did not pick up from you who God, and the battle just stays there as the growing grows, as the growing grows, Father destroyed, destroyed, destroyed, destroyed, destroyed, destroyed, destroyed, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I wanted to say "O" or "knowing God", yes, it's the omniscient God, say omniscient God, let all the battles, the root of which I don't even know, did you hear what I said? Many of us are fighting battles and we ask ourselves, what is the root of this? We have no answer, there are people you could have asked, but they are dead, and now you are battling and battling and battling, well they may be dead, but God is not dead, God is alive, he knows when the door was open for that thing to enter into your life, say "O Lord, I must see upon me, all the battles in my life that I don't know their root cause, I don't know how they came, I don't know when they came, I don't know why they came, O Lord, let me see, make them expire tonight, let fire bond them down for me tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I want you to praise him, my Father, my God, whatever battle has been in my life, since I cannot even remember, did you hear that prayer point, whatever battle has been in my life, since even I cannot remember, deliver me by fire, deliver me by fire, deliver me by fire, O God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whatever battle that is in my life, since I cannot even remember, O Lord, deliver me, deliver me by fire tonight, O Lord, deliver me by fire, pray, pray, pray, pray tonight, that the mercy of God will visit you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you know how we see, I've always been like this, I've always been like this, he has always been like this, O Lord, whatever I've always been like, in the name of Jesus, back to the time that I can remember, O Lord God, and it's not of you, it's not good for me, let mercy deliver me, let fire deliver me, let mercy deliver me, come on up with your mouth and talk to the Lord tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I want you to say what I said earlier, say, O Lord, as I have outgrown shoes, as I have outgrown clothes, let mercy cause me to outgrown battles that have long been attached to my life, in the name of Jesus, you know how many shoes you have used in your life now you have outgrown it, you know how many clothes you have used in your life now you have outgrown them, I want you to pray, I want you to pray as I have outgrown shoes, turn my up by battles into outgrown shoes, talk my battles into outgrown clothes, let mercy make me to outgrown, O Lord, and grow out, open your mouth and talk to the Lord tonight, let mercy cause me to grow out of battles that have long been attached to my life, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I want you to pray special prayer tonight to, O Lord, all baby snakes that want to grow into dragons against my life, they must die tonight in the name of Jesus, for their all baby snakes that want to grow into dragons against my life, let them die by fire tonight, these things always grow, in the book of Genesis, it was just a snake, it was no more than a snake, in the book of Genesis, it was just a snake, and then you get to the book of Revelation, it has become a dragon, O say O Lord, what used to be snake and now is a dragon in my life, you must die by fire, you must be destroyed by the mercy of God, mercy of God, move this dragon out of my life, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, O Lord all baby snakes that have been in my life, and then they become this big Florida snakes, and suddenly they become dragons, father let them die tonight, let these snakes die tonight, let these dragons be destroyed by mercy tonight, move them out of my way, move them out of my life tonight, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray that the Lord will take the heavenly broom, broom of fire, broom of fire, broom of fire, broom of fire, I want you to pray that it would sweep out of your life, whatever's attached itself to you, and as refused to go, O Lord let the broom of fire sweep them out of my life, in the name of Jesus, let your broom of fire sweep them out, let your broom of fire sweep them out, heavenly father, rise for me tonight, cause your broom to sweep out of my life, whatever's refused to be disconnected from me, whatever battle is still in my life, whether it is medical battle, sweep them out, whether it's financial battle, sweep them out, whether it is habit battle, sweep them out, somebody was telling me this past week, if I was somebody dead, that was really bad, and I said it's a yoke in his life, it's a battle he's dealing with, and it needs God to break it, and I told the person I can guarantee you he did not start yesterday, it has been in his life for long, I want you to pray that whatever has been in my life for long, whether from day one or day 16 years, or day 40 years, and it just keeps on growing, all Lord take the broom of fire, sweep it out of my life, if it is death, sweep it out of my life, if it is habit, sweep it out of my life, if it is sickness, sweep it out of my life, I want you to pray for your sons and your daughters tonight too, hey, I want you to pray for your loved ones tonight too, ah, deliver them, deliver them, deliver them Lord, deliver them, deliver them Lord, I want you to tell the Lord to deliver them from battles that are growing as they are growing, the battles my children are fighting, that are growing as they are growing, for I deliver them, deliver them, deliver them, deliver them from those battles, battles, battles you see little children, I want you to pray for them, that the Lord will give them deliverance from the battles that they are fighting, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, deliver them from battles that are growing as they are growing all God, mention your children's name, if you see something that they are doing, a habit that they are involved with and is growing and growing and growing and growing, the Lord will destroy it, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Father, take it out of their lives, oh God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we bring our sons, we bring our daughters, we bring our grandchildren, oh Lord and our loved ones, deliver them, deliver them, deliver them from battles that are growing as they are growing, your parents, if you are sincere, you know what your children are involved in, you know what your children are indulging in, pray that the Lord will bring the You from them in the name of Jesus, the Bible says there was a dumb spirit upon this child, a dumb spirit, a dumb spirit upon this child, say my Father, the dumb spirit are still here, they are here in New York who, they are here in London who, they are there in Africa who, they are there in Jamaica who dumb spirits who lot disconnect us, they connect us, disconnect us, from our dumb spirit, causing dumb havoc against our lives, in the name of Jesus, or dumb spirits, causing dumb havoc against my life, Father disconnect them from also God, in the name of Jesus, listen to me people, ah, we are so ever he ticketh him, that's what the Bible says, so it is not the boy that will take the spirit around, it is the spirit fighting him that will take him around, I want you to pray say, oh Lord, I reject to be taken here and there, I'm followed here and there, by battles of this life, I reject it tonight, come on, reject it, come on, reject it, I reject to be taken here and there, the Bible says we are so ever he ticketh him, I never take him to a good place, he either takes him to the fire, or he takes him to the water, so as to kill him, Lord I reject that, I reject that, I reject that, in the name of Jesus, from tonight all our battles, battles that take me here and there, battles that follow me here and there, break the yoke from my life, break the yoke from my children's life, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, it says we are so ever he ticketh him, Lord I must see, we are so ever he ticketh him, I want you to pray that whatever battles are determining where I go and what I do, command them to lose their hold upon your life, in the name of Jesus, command them to lose their mission upon your life, whatever it is, we are so ever he ticketh him, whatever battles determine where I go, whatever battles determine what I do, you don't understand what I'm saying, but I do, hey, have you ever seen people always get into wrong marriage, the first one they marry is trouble, the second one they marry is trouble, the third one they marry is trouble, the fourth one they marry is trouble, the fifth one they marry is trouble, I want you to pray, whatever battles determine where I go to the wrong place, what I do in the wrong place, let it lose their hold upon me tonight, in the name of Jesus, fire separate me, command say fire separate me, say fire separate me, in the name of Jesus, whatever battles determine where I go and what I do, in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray that whatever battles followed you to where you are right now, the Lord deliver you from it by fire, many of us are in some places and we are in the middle of this battle, we are in the middle of this war, we know it, those around us may not know it, but we know it ourselves, that this is battle I am inside, I want you to pray that there was a battle that followed you there, but the Lord is able to deliver you by fire, say oh Lord I am inside a battle, and I know I wasn't here until I got here, I wasn't in this battle until I got here, oh Lord I am here already, I am in it already oh Lord deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, you know what somebody told me this past week, it says some people will not show you their little color until you propose to them, after you propose to them and you say I do, then they bring out their true color and you say what, I am already in it, I want you to pray, whatever I am already in it in your life, whatever battle you are already in, the Lord will deliver you by fire, oh Lord deliver me by fire, oh Lord deliver me by fire, oh Lord deliver me by fire, whatever battle I put myself into, deliver me you God, deliver me you God, the Bible tells us, he takes him, he tears him, did you hear what it says, the battle takes him, the battle he tears him, I want you to pray, battles that are strong enough to take me and to tear me, be torn from my life, open your mouth and pray that prayer, battles that are strong enough, you say take it, tear it, I shall not be taken, I shall not be torn, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, battles that would take me, battles that would tear me, or battles that have already taken me, and battles that have already torn me, oh Lord deliver me by the power of Jesus, Lord deliver me by the power of Jesus, he takes him, he tears him, I shall not be taken, I shall not be torn, and many of us are torn, in the name of Jesus, and the Bible says he will fall into the water, he will fall into the fire, always falling, say oh no! Lord, battles that grew with me, that make me to always fall, let him be disconnected from my life, let him be disconnected from my life, whatever battle I'm fighting, that always makes me fall, he says sometimes he will fall into the fire, sometimes he will fall into the waters, oh God, battles that make me to always fall, be disconnected from my life, be disconnected from my life, even many times when you make vows, when you make decisions, when you make promises, that this is the last fall, I will not fall again, and the enemy is looking at you and saying you are falling, I want you to pray, battles that make me fall into ill health, battles that make me fall into bad health, battles that make me fall into wrong marriage, battles that make me fall into sin, battles that make me fall into indebtedness, battles that make me fall into disfavor, battles that make me fall into into failure, move out of my life, move out of my life, move out of my life, move out of my life, move out of my life, battles that make me to always fall, be disconnected from my life right now, in the name of Jesus, you made me fall into ill health, you made me fall into debt, you made me fall into sin, into disfavor, move out of my life, move out of my life, move out of my life, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray that faith will spring up in you this afternoon. Faith will spring up in you tonight to believe that the end will come to all your life's battles, you know, after you've been there for long, you try, you tend to give up, say, "Oh Lord, I shall not give up, I will fight this until I win, because Jesus won, and he wants me to win also, who let faith that believes, that an end will come to all my life's battles, let that faith come up on me, let that faith settle up on me, this will come to an end, this will not go on forever, in the name of Jesus, I have another prayer point to Jesus Christ, the disciples could not help him. I want you to pray tonight, battles that are so strong, that disciples and ministers of the gospel are unable to deliver me, say, "Lord Jesus, on that take for me tonight, deliver me tonight, I've been to disciples, they cannot deliver me, I've been to deliverance ministers, they cannot deliver me, I've been to Lord God to ministers of the gospel, I've been to prophets, I've been to the mountains, I've been to the hills, I've been to the valleys, this battle is so strong, they cannot help me, but Lord Jesus, I'm looking up to you tonight, I will look up on to the hills, from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord, who make the heavens and the earth, if you are strong enough to make the heavens and the earth, you can make battles to seas, you are the Lord who is able to make battles to seas, in the name of Jesus, I want you to open your mouth and pray whatever is given life, whatever is given strength, whatever is given growth, did you hear those three things I just said, say, "Whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever is given life, whatever is given strength, whatever is given growth to the battles in my life, for power of them, rob them, rob them of their power, by your power, rob them of their power, with your power, whatever is given life, whatever is given strength, whatever is given growth, to the battles in my life, for that Lord destroy them by your power, for that destroy them by your power, Lord cut off, cut off, cut off, cut off, the feeding tube, feeding growth of battles in my life, whatever tube is feeding them, for them to grow against me, whatever tube is feeding them, to make them to be stronger against me, I told you a doctor told me that the fibroids, the trouble women, that they are fed by blood vessels, I wanted to pray that the Lord cut off, cut off everything feeding the battles that are in your life, making them strong every day, making them strong every minute, making them strong every hour, whatever my battles are receiving life from, all Lord, wherever they are receiving life from, wherever my battles are receiving life from, all Lord let death come upon them, let death come upon them, let death come upon them, wherever, wherever, whoever, whoever, all Lord, my battles are receiving life from, and it's making them strong to grow, as I grow, take it away, take it away from this point, rebuild them, all Lord, and let death come upon the life that they have, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the case of this child, my friends, it was an unclean spirit, yes, it was an unclean spirit too, that was feeding this problem, and many many many many many of our problems, it's unclean spirits, yes unclean spirits, witchcraft spirits, marine spirits, I wanted to pray, Lord, remove them and remove them, rebuild them and remove them, Lord, remove them, Lord remove them, all long clean spritzes are behind my battles that are growing in my life, properly build them tonight, properly move them tonight, properly build them tonight, properly move them tonight, all Lord, remove them, all long clean spirits that are behind all battles growing in my life, because that was what Jesus did for this boy, he rebuilt the unclean spirit, he rebuilt the dumb spirit, I wanted to say, say, Lord Jesus, rebuild them for me tonight, every unclean spirit, every unclean power that is making this thing, to just stay in one place, fast and afraid, it's not going anywhere, Lord, rebuild them and remove them, Lord Jesus will build them and remove them, I'm trusting you that you love me, not to deliver me, rebuild them and remove them, remove them, all causes, all covenants that make battles to stay in my life, all sacrifices that make battles to be, to stay in my life, that renew battles in my life, break them tonight, break them tonight, break them tonight, let your angels chase the spirits, let your angels chase the demons, let your angels chase the unclean spirits, out of my life, out of my life, you demons that know me so well, they call them familiar spirits, they are so familiar with you, they've been with you since you were zero, I mean, you are now 40-something, they've been around you for 40-something years, they must be expert at knowing how to fight you, I want you to pray on clean spirits, familiar spirits that have been hanging around me since I was a little child, all bring them and cancel their power in the name of Jesus, causes that have been around me, all bring them and destroy them, can ask you to pray that whatever has been taken from your body, whatever has been taken from your belongings, that are helping battles to stick to you, that fire of God destroyed them, papa let fire of God destroyed them, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, can ask you to pray we are about to close now, that law will give you your quality of life back, say papa give me my quality of life back, you know the type of life I want, you know the type of success I want, papa give me my quality of life back, in the name of Jesus, where my quality of life has been affected by growing battles, whole not deliver me, whole not deliver me, whole not deliver me, whole not deliver me, where my quality of life has been affected by growing battles, the quality of life of this small boy has been affected by falling into the fire, by falling into the water, oh God, he came and delivered him, oh Lord I'm next in line, oh Lord I'm next in line, deliver me tonight, deliver me tonight, deliver me tonight, deliver me tonight, deliver me tonight, in the name of Jesus, that boy would have died one day, his quantity of life would have been, would have been shot short, I wanted to pray that where your quantity of life was, where your quantity of life has been threatened right now by some battle, whatever the battle is, where your quantity of life has been threatened, the law would deliver you, the law would deliver you, the law would deliver you, in the name of Jesus, I wanted to pray that no battle would be too strong for Jesus to neutralize for you, oh Lord, let no battle be too strong for you to neutralize, let no power that is feeding my battles be so strong that you cannot neutralize it, father, walk for my victory tonight, Lord Jesus, walk for my victory tonight, let fire come down and chase every power, let fire come down and consume them in their headquarters, let fire come down and visit every nook and corner of my body and of my life, where battle is going on, papa put an end to it, oh God in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, oh he's already three minutes past the hour, let's round it up, let's round it up with thanksgiving tonight, say Lord I bless you, say Lord I praise you, say Lord I worship you, say Lord I thank you for answering my prayers tonight, yes we're more than concours because Jesus died on the cross of Calvary, we can overcome and we have overcome, father will bless your name because battles that grow with us have something feeding them, whatever is feeding them is dead tonight, whatever is feeding them is removed tonight, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, say Lord I praise you, say Lord I thank you, say Lord I worship you in Jesus mighty name we pray, amen and amen and amen, I bless you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost and I pray for you my friends that the Lord who delivered this young boy who has been fighting this battle for long will deliver you also as a result of the prayers you are praying tonight, as said whatever is feeding the battles in your life and giving them life and giving them strength, the Lord will cut them off and deliver you completely would bless you papa for the answer, thank you Lord Jesus, in Jesus mighty name we pray amen and amen and amen, battles that grow as we grow, these things are very real tomorrow you know what we're gonna do tomorrow, we're gonna go into the womb tomorrow, you know there are battles that begin inside the womb, you didn't know that, okay, just join us tomorrow at 7pm New York time we'll be praying about that tomorrow, battles that grow as we grow, they must stop in the name of Jesus, shall we share the grace as we go and rest for the evening, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the shit fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forevermore amen, surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever, amen and amen we'll see you tomorrow Jesus Terry's, until then stay victorious, good night [Music]