Bishop Itiola podcast

Episode 861 - Prayer Theme: I shall not be wasted

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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And thank God he has allowed us to see another Friday evening, maybe I should call it Saturday morning for many of you that are watching us tonight, for many of you that are listening to us, with thank God for each and every one of you. I hope you've had a good week so far. Everything ends tomorrow as fast this week is concerned. I hope you've had a very productive week. God bless you as you gather together for the last prayer for this week. Thank God for for me you are here. You are the first on the line. I saw your picture on Facebook and say yeah that's for me. I can see you are far off. Bless the name of the Lord for you. And for as many of you as are joining us we are waiting for you. Thank God for those who are on the podcast right now. Joining us as we pray the prayers, we promise we will pray for tonight. David Bonatey and his family, my pastor, I welcome you. I welcome every member of your family also. I pray that today will be a day of great blessings for each and every one of us. Thank you all for being here tonight. Yesterday was great. I was telling someone this evening that we have so many people on Facebook and also on the podcast and also those who called in. We thank you all for being here. Lady Flourish, may you continue to flourish no matter what happens. Elder Adji, thank you so much for being here tonight. God bless you as always. That's someone I can depend on to share the link and I hope I'll be able to depend on every one of you to share the link. Now because we are looking for money but because we are looking for people to pray these prayers because they are necessary prayers. Bishabayango, my good friend from Kishuma area in Kenya. One of these days I'll come back to Kishuma and I hope you'll come out to see me. Let me give you a big hug. God bless you and your family, sir. We thank God for friends that would be together for a long, long, long time. Michael Sampson, that's the strong man of Nigeria. He's such a reliable young man. Thank you for posting all my internet adventures on the various WhatsApp groups that you post them. They mean a lot to me. You're such a reliable man. Michael Sampson I'm praying for you. That God will give you a good waifu that will not make you to change. Mr. Oslin, thank you so much for being here. You know, Susan that you brought on this program is irregular. I like that. God bless you. Hey, Pratapay, I don't know where you are or Pratapay, you need to send me a message. Let me know where you are because I see your pictures and I sometimes wonder, where is this man? All right. But wherever you are, I know the hand of God is upon your life to protect you and to keep you in all your ways. Sister B.C., always faithful. Thank you for being here tonight. Sister Bola, I'm laughing. You know I'm laughing. I pray God will be with you and be with the children and be with your husband also. There she goes. Susan Thomas. Bless you. I thank you. Are you in Rhode Island? I think you're somewhere around there. Bless the name of the Lord for you. Thank you for being so ever faithful. And for those of you whose faces I cannot see, whose names I cannot see, but God sees and God knows you. We're so happy you joined us tonight. If you are not with us last night, please, I'm begging you, access the prayers we prayed on the serious subject of breaking curses that have horses. I mean, I could have done part two, but I just say, you know what? That part one is loaded enough. People can just go and listen to it all over again. Sister Corrine, I was thinking about you today around 12 o'clock one o'clock. I'm so glad that you are here. God bless you. Tell your mama. Say hello. Tell your husband and your children. I say hello, too. The prayers of yesterday was nothing but an eye opener, something we need to pray on a daily basis. Very, very serious subject. Please share the link and let all of us come and join us. It's very important because what we want to do tonight is exactly what we did last Friday. If you recall last Friday, we devoted the prayers to praying about my salmon the previous Sunday. And I think we've had about 30 something thousand views on that salmon after we boosted it. And the one for last Sunday also, wow, so many people have watched it all around the world. Well, a month for last Sunday was I shall not be wasted. Those of you who are there with us in church or you are there with us online, you are blessed because this would be second time around for you to pray some prayers about that subject. I shall not be wasted. It's a declaration of faith. In order of people who love to waste us, but I shall not be wasted. We will not be wasted. That is where we want to use to pray some more. We prayed a little bit in church last week. We're going to pray much more tonight. So please share the link to the platform that you're watching us on or that you are listening to me on so others can join us and be equally blessed tonight. Let us pray. Spirit of the living God, we need you tonight. Without you, we can do nothing. I realize I'm standing, I'm sitting behind this microphone with no power of my own. I want you to load me with power, load me with wisdom, load me with anointing to be able to leave this prayer. I'm blessed to men and women all across the world that are joining us. In Jesus, mighty name, we pray. Everybody said, "Amen, I shall not be wasted." This is something you need to be saying to yourself when you are taking a shower. Same thing you need to be say to yourself when you are cooking. Same thing you need to be say to yourself when you are doing laundry. There are people out there that would love to waste me. I'm telling you. Unfortunately for them, I know some of them. They would like to hear that, "Hey, he's been wasted." There are people maybe that you know also, who are running from Pilata Post, tying black and white together to make sure they waste you and the works of your hands. But it's going to be a mission impossible. That's why we want to pray soon tonight and pray. Pastor Chanette, I've not seen you in a long time. I trust you are doing very well and I trust your church is doing well too. God bless you. Our text for tonight is Psalm 91, verse 5 and verse 6. "Thou shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor the arrow that flyeth by day." Verse 6, "Know the pestilence that worketh in darkness, nor the destruction that wasted at noon day." The last sentence in verse 6 is where our focus tonight will be, the destruction that wasted at noon day. You know, some people think that destruction only wasted at night, but they are greatly mistaken. Have you ever slept at 11 o'clock in the afternoon or in the morning or at 1 p.m. in the afternoon and you dream a serious dream and you see a great vision of warfare? There is a destruction that wasted at noon day. In fact, the early Jewish rabbis believe that there are two demons, one watches over the day and one watches over the night and that's when they operate. And many of the old ancient writers also believe there is a spirit specifically that does wickedness during the day. Don't let anyone deceive you and tell you it is only at night the enemy walks. He walks around the clock. He goes to unfro. And even people in Africa, in their ancient beliefs, they believe also that there are spirits that walk around in the day. And that's why in my village in Africa, when you are pregnant, they counsel you not to go out at midday because they believe there is a spirit that can attack the pregnancy inside you. What are these things are true or not? It's open to debate, but one thing is sure. The Bible says there is a destroyer that wasted at noon day. And as I said last Sunday, there will have been no need to be insured or to pray against being wasted if westers don't exist. If the Bible talks about if the Bible talks about the destruction that wasted at noon day, it means there is a destroyer that works and wastes people at noon day. Listen people, there is a destroyer that loves to waste people's lives. The same destroyer would love to waste people's time. And the same destroyer specializes in wasting people's health. Our prayers for tonight will revolve around those three targets of the wister. I wish I had time. I will have read a text message that I got on Monday to you. The person who even sent me the text never came to church. She only watched us online and you said be sure I need to come in for deliverance. I need to come in for prayer because this thing about wister is affecting my son and it's affecting me also. And she mentioned various areas where the effect of these foolishness is going on in her life. There is a wister out there my friends. When you talk about life, when you talk about health, when you talk about time, the wister is expert at working against those areas. There is a long list when I'm talking about life westers, a long list of people in the Bible that wisters targeted their lives. They were to be stopped from living because the enemy was tired of them living productive lives. From Herod, remember old Herod? Who wanted to waste the life of Jesus at a tender age? In infancy was ready to waste the life of Jesus. In fact, what the Bible says is that Joseph take this boy and run because Herod will destroy him. That's another way of saying Herod will waste him. What about Saul, the first king of Israel? Did he not try to waste David's life? If not for the grace of God, David will have died in the palace of the king. What about the many Christians in Damascus whose lives Saul of Tarsals wanted to waste before he was arrested on the road to Damascus? I can go on and on. Even that simple himself, there were over 40 people that wanted to waste his life after he became a Christian and they vowed a vow not to eat and not to drink until they killed him. My people, sometimes this wisters can be very, very, very, very determined to do their wickedness. And maybe the reason your war is so hard is because of people that are fighting you are determined people. As all of these people fail in their attempt, so shall all who attempt to waste your life fail completely. Because the one that wanted to waste the life of Jesus failed, the one that wanted to waste the life of David failed, the one that wanted to waste the life of the Christians in Damascus failed. And the 40 plus that wanted to waste the life of Paul, they also failed. What about the one that rose up and said he was going to waste the life of Elisha because Elisha saw a prophecy and saw a vision of them trying to attack the king of Israel and he told the king of Israel they are coming hide and they found out that somebody was telling on them and when they found out it was Elisha, the king said let's go waste his life. You will not be wasted. You will not be wasted. Your life will not be wasted. You will not die until you finish your God's appointed mission here on earth. All those dreams that they are dreaming about you is not going to come to pass. It's the people who want to death that will die in your place. As they failed in their attempt to kill Paul, they will fail in their attempt to kill you in the name of Jesus. But it's not only life, waste has or there are health, waste has, health, waste has. In fact, many that are life, waste has will use health to waste somebody's life. I don't know if you have ever seen someone who has been sick for some time. You see them but you barely recognize them because their bodies have been ravaged and they are wasting away. Those of you who work in hospitals, I'm sure you've seen this many times, their bodies get wasted and they become a shadow of themselves and concise, very notorious for doing that. And I read about a man in the Bible and I will be using him to pray. The Bible says he was stricken in his bowels and for two years, for two years, he just wasted away and wasted away and wasted away until his bowels fell out. That's what the Bible says. Sometimes I wonder if it was a cancer of the colon that this king had. Of course, that one has a cause. It was a curse that was placed on him because of a cause. We're just going to pray tonight that whether it is with a causal or it is without a causal, any health challenge that is trying to waste your life shall pass over your head. It shall not stay on your head in the mighty name of Jesus. You see people, I've talked about the life-wister and I've also talked about health-wister. What about the time-wister? Time-wister. I told them in church on Sunday. I said, I'm sure you've heard the expression, time waits for no one. Time waits for no one. So whether you are achieving or you are not achieving or the clock keeps ticking away. Yeah. I think someone told me something this past week and said, my son or my daughter said, I still have time. Yeah, it was a young girl that said that. She said, I still have time. I can still afford to waste time. Well, that is what most young people think. I think that time on my side, you're wasting your life and you're wasting your time. That's what the wister likes. What then happens if the wister called delay has chosen to fight against you? Because the number one wister is the spirit of delay. I have never done a mass deliverance anywhere and I will call the spirit of delay and there will be no manifestation. The last one I had was in Australia and it was a tough night we had in that church when we called the spirit of delay. It's a time-wister. You are old enough to marry but you are delayed and they are wasting your time. You're old enough to have a child but you are delayed. You're wasting your time. You're old enough to graduate and you are delayed. Wistering your time is a time-wister at work. It becomes more and more difficult to get what you want the older you get. And even if you get it while you are old, how will you enjoy it? So we're going to pray against those three enemies tonight because they are massless. Semitaries and great yards are full of those whose lives God wasted, whose health God wasted and whose time God wasted. Many will perhaps still be here if not for the mission of wisters. Who are they? Live wisters, health wisters, time wisters. I don't even have time to talk to you about money wisters. Come against your finances, make you waste it on a hospital bill, make you waste it on days and waste it on that. And at the end of the day you have nothing to show for it, the destruction that wasted at noon day. What about opportunity wisters? Make sure you get good opportunities but you don't make use of them until time goes and it doesn't wait for you. By the grace of God things must turn around tonight. And I hope you came ready to pray. If you are ready to pray, God is ready to answer. Let us pray. With thanksgiving we come before you tonight. Father we thank you. Come and say Lord I praise you. Come and say Lord I worship you for allowing me to see this Friday. Give God the praise. Give God the glory. Give God the honor. Give God the dominion. Give God the majesty. Father I will bless you. Father I will worship you. Father we adore you. Thank you for bringing us together tonight on this Friday night. We'll bless your name on this Saturday morning for many of us who are with me tonight. Thank you Lord God for your protection of all of us all week long. For many of us it's been a very very busy week. We thank God for seeing us through this work week. For many of us it's been a time of warfare. A serious battle that you've had to fight this week. But thank God you are still alive. Hallelujah. I will bless the name of the Lord for that. Father we thank you. Father I will bless you. Thank God for keeping our interest up and calling upon you. To whom shall we go? We have no other helper. He's our only helper and we have come to call upon him. Bless his name for the prayers of last night. Oh hey. On breaking crosses with horses. Crosses that have reasons behind them. Thank God that both those with curses and those without causes are all broken in your life as a result of the prayers of yesterday. Thank him because you are blessed all around. Your life is without a curse. Thank God because he will keep you under the umbrella of his blessings and whatever causes, curses to come upon your life is taken care of. He was taken care of yesterday and he remains under your feet. Thank God for the prayers of tonight. Yes. Those of us who are in church on Sunday we prayed it some. In fact I did most of the praying on Sunday. I just told you to say amen and amen and amen. So that's why today I want you to pray with your own mouth in the name of Jesus. We're going to pray against being wasted in the name of Jesus. Thank him because this prayer will ensure. Yes. I want you to thank God tonight in advance. Say Lord I thank you because as a result of this prayer my life will not be wasted. Say it. My health will not be wasted. My opportunities will not be wasted. My finances will not be wasted. My destiny will not be wasted and my time will not be wasted as a result of the prayers of tonight. Let's say it again in advance. Let's say God we thank you in advance because as a result of the prayers tonight my time will no longer be wasted. My finances will not be wasted. My opportunities will not be wasted. You can waste money by putting money in wrong investments. That's part of the way the wisdom works. But I bless the name of the Lord that God will guard you and God will guide you all around you especially this little life of yours. This little life of yours that the enemy will like to cut short and take it away from you. No you got many more years to leave. You got much more to do for God. Thank you because tonight will be a night of recovery. Yes. I wanted to say it Lord I thank you because tonight will be a night of recovery from whatever have been wasted in my life in the mighty name of Jesus. Say by your grace I know I will recover everything that has been wasted in the name of Jesus Christ. Pray that God will take absolute control of your praying tonight. I will direct us to the prayer points that we will use tonight. I wanted to pray that sin and unbelieve will not stand in our way in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord any sin of omission any sin of commission. Whatever I've said, whatever I've done, whatever I've not said, whatever I've not done that is that is contrary to your will. We pray Father God that you will cleanse us, you will wash us, you will purge us and you will purify us tonight in the name of Jesus so that nothing will stand between us and you O God. We are farm believers in the fact that if we regard iniquity in our hearts the Lord will not hear us. Father God we will not regard iniquity. We will not bow to iniquity. We will not reverence iniquity in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father we pray for cleansing with the blood of Jesus. We pray for purging and purification with the blood of Jesus. What about unbelieve? I want you to pray that the Lord will help your faith and save you. Say Lord I believe. Help my unbelief tonight. You say Bishop why do we need to pray this prayer? We prayed it last Sunday. Hey my friends can prayer ever be too much. In fact this is one prayer you need to pray all the time. I shall not be wasted. I will not be wasted. Let us pray that unbelief will be removed far from us as we pray. Doubt and double mindedness will be removed far from us as we pray. Father I oppose to pray concentrating tonight in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I want you to pray that you will be able to pray free from saying. Free from unbelief. Free from double mindedness. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Let us pray for grace tonight in the name of Jesus. Father we reach out to all our friends across the ocean. Ah the constellment I see you in Nigeria. I hope you are enjoying your vacation. May the Lord bless you and your wife. I don't know if your children went with you or not but I think I saw your daughter on Sunday if I'm not mistaken. May God protect you as you are praying with us. Let us pray for all our friends all across the world in Nigeria, in Ghana, in Benair Republic, in Syria, Leona, in Liberia, Hallelujah, in the Cameroon, Hallelujah, in Kenya, in Palestine, Botswana, in South Africa. We got everywhere covered. Let us pray for them that the Lord will help them to stay up as we pray tonight. They will stay awake, they will stay a lot as we pray tonight in the name of Jesus. Father, as trending all our friends who are supposed to be sleeping at this time and the flesh is weak, the body is weak. Hold us trending them as they pray tonight to be able to stay up, to be able to stay up, to be able to stay awake in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Don't you want to pray for me all tonight? I beg you to pray for me please. That the Lord will strengthen me as I leave this prayer tonight in the name of Jesus. Father God without you I can do nothing but I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me. Lord, I'm praying as your people pray for me tonight that God will give me strength and the God will give them strength also as we pray together tonight in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Sister Rachel, I see your face. God bless you on your vacation in the name of Jesus. I want you to make a decree tonight. Say my life. Come and say loud and clear. Say my life. Say my health. Say my time. Say my finances. Say my opportunities. Say my destiny. They shall not be wasted. They must not be wasted. They will not be wasted in the name of Jesus. Say my life is precious to God and my life is precious to me and there are many people that depend upon me and depend upon my life so I shall not die in the hand of life wisters. In the name of Jesus my life I decree for you tonight no matter what they have decreed no matter what they have written. They might have put the obituary in their coven. You shall not be wasted in the name of Jesus. In fact, all the people that want my life to be wasted by the grace of God I shall outlive every single one of them. In the name of Jesus I shall attend their funeral. Come on open your mouth and make that decree tonight. Say Lord I know them or I don't know them. I don't know who it is but I want you to decree if you know them mention their names. Say Mr. So-and-so, Mrs. So-and-so, you want my life to be wasted? I shall hear about your death. You will not hear about my death in the name of Jesus. For every battle you fought against me that I must die my life shall be elongated. My life shall be extended in the name of Jesus. Open your mouth people and decree it. The Bible says you shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto you. Say my life is precious. It shall not be wasted. This my life shall not be wasted. My health shall not become wasted. My time shall not be wasted by the spirit of delay. In the name of Jesus the opportunities God has given me shall not be wasted. I want you to decree it. It will not be wasted. It must not be wasted. It shall not be wasted. Say my money. Say my opportunities in life. They shall not be wasted. I will not put money into useless investment. In the name of Jesus, things that will just sweep away money shall not visit my life in the name of Jesus. My life shall not be wasted in the name of Jesus. My life shall not be wasted in the name of Jesus. Many of us overseas were from other countries and there are powers that I say you are just going there to waste your life. You are just going there to waste your time. Say it's a lie of the devil. I will achieve where I am in the name of Jesus. Whether I'm in my country where I was born or I'm in my another country where God sent me to. I shall be an achiever. I shall not waste money. I shall not waste time. I shall not waste my life in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Say every area of my life from tonight shall is ensured against waste us in the name of Jesus because that's some that we read some 91 actually is an insurance against waste us. Part of the many many many things that we are ensured against. I want you to decree tonight that every area of your life is ensured against waste us. Your money right now will not let them be ensured against waste us. My life will not let it be ensured against waste us who will not my time let it be ensured against delay in the name of Jesus the opportunities that you have given me especially those of you who are in the West. They always say that America is a land of opportunities but then you'll find people who are just wasting opportunities. I want you to pray that my life shall not be wasted. My opportunities are not be wasted in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ. I want you to confess that as a result of this prayer tonight live with us that are running up and down because of you. They shall run in vain. Open your mouth and pray. Hallelujah. Those who are live with us. They are running up and down making consultations. They are even making sacrifices because of me so my life can be wasted. You will run until you collapse. You are running in vain in the name of Jesus. I decree against life with us for my life. In the name of Jesus I want to waste my life. I want to waste your life with incurable sicknesses, with incurable diseases. They shall run in vain and whatever they wish for me shall become their portion. Open your mouth and let us talk to the Lord tonight. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. See, as I travel through this life, the wisdom, let me not make me the target in the name of Jesus. My Father, my God, as my children travel through this life don't allow the wisdom to make their lives their target in the name of Jesus. I told you earlier that Elisha told the king of Israel what this useless king of Syria was planning to do and he said I'm going to kill him. I'm going to waste his life in the name of Jesus because he leaked his plans to the king of Israel. What was wrong in doing that? That was a good thing to do. Open your mouth and pray. Those who want to kill me because I'm doing a good thing. Those who want to kill me because I'm blessed with a good thing. Oh, Lord, let them waste their lives. Not my own life. Those who are angry with me because God is at work in my life and they want to waste my life because I'm doing a good thing like Elisha did. Oh, Lord, let it be a waste of time in the name of Jesus. Elisha was protecting his people and they wanted to waste his life. I wanted to pray in the name of Jesus. Those who want to waste my life because I'm protecting who they want to waste. That was what Elisha did. Set my father. Set my God. Those who want to waste my life because I'm trying to protect who they want to waste. Say, "Oh, Lord, stand against them." Say, "Oh, Lord, fight against them." Say, "Oh, Lord, war against them." In the name of Jesus, Elisha was like a blockage to this useless king. I want you to pray those who want to waste my life because I'm blocking them from having their way. Did you hear what I said? Those who want to waste their life because I'm blocking them from having their way. Oh, Lord, block their way in the name of Jesus. A naughty man, a highly placed man, a director general in his office. He was blocking those who want to steal government money and they could not. And you know what they did? They told him, "We will waste your life." And guess what happened? They wasted his life. What did they do? They put Voodoo on his seat. He came to work, sat on that seat and he developed a big cancer on his thigh, ran up and down, ran up and down. I even went to a London hospital to visit him when he came there for help. And I said, "Lord, look how it's wasting away." Because some useless people wanted to steal money and block them and they killed that man. I want you to pray, pray, pray, pray tonight. Those who want to waste my life because I'm blocking them from having their way, because I'm blocking them from doing what they want to do. Oh, Lord, block their way, O God. Let them not rejoice against me. Let them not succeed against me. Come on, fire, pray at night in the name of Jesus. This man was a blessing to the people of Israel and the enemies wanted to waste his life. I want you to pray, the enemies of your friend. Did you hear what I said? Ah, the enemies of your friend that want to take you out because you are living to bless your friends. Oh, Lord, let them waste their own lives in the process. Let them waste their own lives in the process. The demons that they are using, the forces that they are using to come against me. Let it turn around and fight against them. My life shall not be wasted. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Don't you like what happened when they came into the land? In life I told them blindness. All of you who be blind and took them right into this into this city before you open their eyes. What is this grace? What is this grace? Say, Lord, this grace name. Come on, say this grace name. Come on, say this grace name. Come on, say this grace name. No matter who they are, I want to waste my life because of God's anointing upon my life. I want to waste my life because of the gift of God upon my life. They want to waste my life because of the talents of God upon my life. Oh, Lord, I pray that too, we disgrace them. Papad, disgrace them. Papad, disgrace them. Holy goes disgrace them. Those I want to waste my life because you are knighting on your giftings are operating in my life. Oh, Lord, disgrace them, disgrace them. You know, there was a young lady, a young lady that I talked to in the Caribbean Islands. She came from Africa to study medicine in the Caribbean Island. And she was so brilliant, so brilliant that she turned out to be the teacher of the students in the class. That's how brilliant she was. You know, what happened? The father called me one day and said, my daughter has become a mental patient. They went after her because of the gift and the talent. Yeah, envious of her. And I remember calling this young lady in the hospital. You would have believed this. The lady that answered my call told me, you cannot pray for her. I said, what? I said, okay, I will speak my local language. I will see whether you will hear it. And they said, you must speak English. You must not speak your local language. You must not pray for this girl. But I give God a praise. The lady, the lady's almost done. Now, if she's not even done, got to care of it. And she went back to class. I want you to pray tonight the gift upon you. Some people don't like it. The talent upon you. Some people don't like it. The beauty upon you. Some people don't like it. The glory of God upon you. Some people don't like it. And they want to waste it. They are nodding on you. They don't like it. And they want to waste it. Oh, Lord, I shall not be wasted. In the name of Jesus, the co-workers of Daniel, they could not waste his life. I want you to decree as they could not waste his life on the job. Nobody will be able to waste my life on the job. If you want to poison my challenge, then person it. If you want to poison my foolish, then person it. If you want to poison my pain, let them poison it. I shall overcome them. Open your mouth and say no lifewister on the job. No lifewister in my college. No lifewister in my neighborhood shall be able to succeed against me in the name of Jesus. My life shall not be wasted. Just like the life of Daniel could not be wasted. I want you to pray. Those who want to feed you to the lions because of the glory of God upon you. Because the glory of God upon you is brighter than their own glory. Because your star is shining brighter than their own star. And they want to feed you to the lions. Say, my father. Let their desires against me be their portion. Let their desires against me be their portion. Let their desires against me be their portion. They want me fed to the lions, and Lord, as it happened to those who wanted to feed Daniel to the lions. Let it become their portion. Let it become their portion. Let it become their portion. King Solo, let's go to the palace. King Solo could not waste the life of David. I want you to pray that every human authority that is trying to waste my life shall fail. No matter how strong they are, no matter how many people are working for them with God. I mean, a majority or Lord, let them not be able to waste my life. All the money authorities, all human authorities, let them never be able to waste my life. Oh God, you know, some people pride themselves that they are demonic authorities who is speaking. When God is speaking, I want you to pray that all the money authorities, all human authorities that are chasing you and they want to take out your life. They are throwing arrows at you. They are throwing javelins at you. They are throwing and you know these people are not playing about killing you. So Lord, my life shall not be wasted by those that I work for. David was working for Solo and Solo wanted him dead. He knew where David was going. I want you to pray tonight. Lord, those who are angry because of where I'm going. Those who are angry because of the prospects I have in life and they want to waste my life. Oh Lord, let their life be wasted in my place. Hit the name of Jesus. Hit the name of Jesus. That wish they wish for me. Let it be their person. Let my life not be wasted because of where I'm going in life. They already said it. That was what Herod did to Jesus. He knew where Jesus was going and he wanted to waste his life. But guess what happened? He died long before Jesus died. Say, O Lord God, I shall not die. I shall live as Herod could not waste the life of infant Jesus. I want us to pray for our young ones tonight. Let's pray for our young ones tonight. Most of them don't pray. Most of them don't see the need to pray. Yet the battles we are fighting, they are fighting also. I want you to pray as Herod could not waste infant life of Jesus. I want you to decrease your decree. In the name of Jesus, pray for your one year old. Pray for your two year old. Pray for your six year old. Pray for your eight year old. Pray for your seven year old. Say a decree for my son. Say a decree for my daughter. No one will be able to take out his life. No one will be able to take out her life. No one will be able to take out their lives. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I said 40 people, more than 40 people is what the acts of the apostles tells us. More than 40 people conspired to waste Paul, Lord and mercy. To waste Paul. What was the offense of Paul? He was preaching the gospel, healing the seed, resting the day, casting our demons, and exalting Jesus. What is the offense in that one? I want you to pray that the congregation of life whistles. If God were to show you how many demons are fighting you, if God were to show you how many demons are against you, you will be shocked. But thank God, if God were to show you how many angels are fighting for you also, say his life would not be wasted. I want you to pray no matter how many they are, congregation of life whistles that are congregated, that are planning to terminate my life. They shall not prosper. Say to them, they shall not prosper. All 40 of you shall not prosper. All 41 of you shall not prosper. The Bible says they shall gather together, but not by me. Whoever shall gather together against you shall fall for thy sake. I want you to decree tonight. Whoever is gathered together to destroy me, to waste my life, they shall fall. They must fall from tonight, begin to fall. Decreat. Say from tonight, let them begin to fall. From tonight, let them begin to fall. From tonight, let them begin to fall. In my dreams, let me begin to see their disease. Let me begin to see their crashing in the name of Jesus. All Lord, those who have made vows, that they must get rid of me, or they will never eat. Isn't that serious? They said we will not eat. They said we will not drink. Until we have kirpal, I want you to decree. All Lord, let them die of hunger. Let them die of fast. Let them die of hunger. Let them die of fast. Let them die of hunger. Let them die of hunger. Let them die of fast, because they will not get me in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. You know, it was a little nephew. Hallelujah, thank God for nephews. It was a little nephew, little child that found out their plans and told Paul the apostle, they will have wasted his life. All destruction that wasted at noon day. I wanted to pray that the secret plan, the secret plan, the secret plan, the secret plan, open your mouth. The secret plan of life wastes us. The secret plan of life wastes us. All Lord miraculously leak their plans into my hands. Miraculously leak their plans into my hands. All the plans of life waste us around me. Leak their plans. Leak their purposes. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I wanted to pray for revelation. Say, "Holy goes, holy goes, holy goes, holy goes, holy goes, holy goes, reveal their plans. Reveal their plans to waste my life. Reveal them to mean my dreams. Reveal them to mean my visions. Reveal them to mean prophetical transits. Let them not get me by surprise. Let them not get me by surprise. Holy goes, holy goes, holy goes, holy goes, holy goes, holy goes, revelation, revelation, revelation in my dreams, revelation in my visions, revelation in my prophecies. Oh Lord God, reveal, reveal, reveal, reveal, reveal, reveal. They covered themselves to waste my life. Say those who are covering themselves up, to waste my life. Flame of God, fire of God, bond their covering, bond their covering, fire of God, bond their covering. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Can I ask you to make a confession tonight? Say by the grace of God, I shall not die in the hand of any family life waste us. Families are full of them. When you get to the graveyard and God allows your eyes to open, you'll be surprised how many people are dead because family life waste us, wasted their families. I want you to pray I shall not be in the number. I shall not be in the number. Those that I've eaten with, those that I've drank with, those that I've slept on the same bed with, those that I've slept in the same house with and have turned out to be wasted. You shall not prosper. Come on, say this, shall not prosper. Come on, say this, shall not prosper. Come on, mention their name. So if you know them, those that you are close with in the family, those that you are intimate with in the family, those that you went in and out with in the family, those that you wore the same attire with in the same family. And now they are turned out to be black millets. They are turned out to be killers. They are turned out to be wisters. Say, oh Lord, they shall not prosper. They shall not prosper and decree that I shall not die in the hand of so-and-so. I shall not die in the hand of any family member, in the hand of any family friend, in the name of Jesus. The plan of him and the plan of him and the plan of him and backfire. I want you to pray, social, the plans of those who want to waste my life. Oh Lord, let their plan backfire. Let their plans backfire. Let it happen to him. Let him backfire. Let him backfire with shame. Let him backfire with judgment. Let him backfire with destruction. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want you to pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray as a plan of him and backfire. Who shall the plans of those who want to waste my life? So shall it backfire in the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ. People say again, my life shall not be wasted. Come on, say it, my life shall not be wasted. Come on, say it, my life shall not be wasted. Say it one more time, my life shall not be wasted. In the name of Jesus, the destruction of wasted at noon day. I want us to go to health because they are not only life-wisters. They are also health-wisters. I want you to pray that your health will be precious in the eyes of the Father. Say, O Lord, let my health be precious in your sight. Open your mouth and pray to the Lord tonight. Let my health be precious in your eyes. Let no disease waste my health. In the name of Jesus, Father, look at me. I cannot keep myself healthy. It's only you can keep me healthy. I will try my best and eat right. I will try my best and do right, but only God actually does it. In the name of Jesus, papa, in the name of Jesus. Let my life be precious in your sight. Let my health be precious in your sight. I know my health is not precious in the sight of health-wisters. O Lord, let no disease waste my health. Let no affliction of health waste my life. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I can ask you to pray again tonight. Say, O Lord, those that hire sickness is my Lord. Those who hire diseases, my Father, to waste people's lives, they shall not prosper against my health. In the name of Jesus, those who hire sicknesses, to waste people's lives, those who hire diseases, to waste people's lives, you shall not prosper against me. You shall not prosper against me. I lose of sicknesses from from health-wisters. I lose of diseases from health-wisters. You shall not come upon me. You shall not destroy me. You shall not come upon me. You shall not destroy me. Go and read the book of Chronicles. You will read about a King called Jihoram. Jihoram. What happened to you, King Jihoram? He came under a curse. Lord, I must say. He came under a curse of an evil disease of the stomach. And for two years, this King Jihoram, he wasted away till his bowels fell out, literally. I wanted to pray for your internal organs tonight. O Lord, keep my internal organs healthy and strong from health-wisters. In the name of Jesus, keep my internal organs healthy and strong from health-wisters. And my external organs also keep them healthy and strong from health-wisters. Let them know with them, not with the way, O Lord. Let my organs not with the way, O Lord. After the order of Jihoram, sometimes I wonder they have colon cancer, what? Because the thing ate him up until the babuses is too much fell out. I've never had anything like that. I want you to pray. My internal organs, my external organs, shall not be wasted by health-wisters. After the order of Jihoram. But mind you, listen to me, people. The one for Jihoram was a curse. Jihoram was a bad boy, and the curse came upon him, and he came in the form of an affliction in his stomach. I want you to pray that no curse shall have a curse to waste away my organs. No curse shall have a reason to waste away my organs. No curse shall have a reason to waste away my health. In the name of Jesus. Say, O Lord, I'm crying for Matthew. It's Matthew a cry for. It's Matthew a cry for. It's Matthew a cry for. O Lord, it's Matthew a cry for. O Lord, it's Matthew a cry for. Don't allow any curse that have a curse to waste away my organs. In the name of Jesus. And two years, he was just losing weight. Two years, he was just wasting away. He was a king. He had money to take care of himself. He had doctors to take care of him, but it was to no avail. I want you to pray sicknesses that will be to no avail. That doctor will say, well, we've tried it. Have you gone to Mayo Clinic? Have you gone to this other clinic? Yeah, we're going to see this doctor. We've tried everything. I pray that sicknesses that will waste your life. That you will say, I've tried everything. There is nothing who learned that there will be something tonight. Anyone that is sick, O Lord, touch them. I pray that fire of God. Everybody say fire of God. Everybody say fire of God. Say incinerate. Say it. Say incinerate. Health afflictions. The West Body organ. The West Body cells. Fire of God. Fire of God incinerate incinerate incinerate incinerate incinerate. Bog them down. Bog them to ashes. All health afflictions. All health diseases. All health sicknesses. The West Body organ. The West Body health. In the name of Jesus. Where they were and where they destroyed them. In the name of Jesus. All health wistas inside me. Destroy them. Destroy them. Destroy them. Let them not turn me you God into an unrecognizable fashion of myself. Have you ever seen somebody who has been sick for a long time? What do they become? An unrecognizable fashion of themselves. Their glory fades away. It's wasted. They are fresh, fresh skin. It's wasted. I want you to pray I shall not waste. My skin shall not waste. My looks shall not waste from any sickness. O Lord, health wistas. Let them not turn me into an unrecognizable version of myself. Oh, Baba. Don't let any health wistas in their arrows, in their attacks. Turn me into an unrecognizable version of myself. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. My God, our time is almost gone. But I want us to pray for those who are sick on this prayer line tonight. If you're on this prayer line tonight and you are sick, could you please quickly get in some oil, some bottle of oil and anoint yourself? Please do it fast, fast, fast, fast. If you don't have olive oil, go and get the one that you use for cooking tonight. Go and get the one used for cooking yesterday. I want just to pray for those who are sick on this prayer line and the enemy wants to waste you and more than likely is life wistas that are behind your sickness. My brother, get your oil. My sister, get your oil. If you are not sick and you know someone who is sick, stand in proxy for them. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Now take this oil in your hand and touch yourself. In the name of Jesus. If you can touch, we are the sicknesses, touch it. If you cannot touch, we are the sicknesses, touch your forehead. I'm giving you a minute. I'm giving you a second so we can pray this. In the name of Jesus is the any sick among you from the power of health wistas. Let them call on the elders of the church. We have elders of churches around us tonight. We have pastors with us tonight. We have evangelists with us tonight. I see prophet Margaret with us tonight. Don't worry, prophet, it's Margaret. You we hear from me. I know you have no heart from me, but you hear from me. We've got prophetess and prophets on the line. I want us to pray tonight that we touch ourselves as we annoyed ourselves with oil. I want you to annoy yourself with oil and decorate every sickness on this my body that is trying to waste my life. Die by fire. Die by fire. Die by fire. Die by fire. Open your mouth and pray. Every affliction. Every sickness on this my temple. In this my temple. In this my body that wants to waste my health. Every affliction that wants to waste my life because the ultimate goal is to waste your life. Say, oh lord, every sickness, every disease. Die by fire. Die by fire. Die by fire. Die by fire. Affliction, sicknesses, diseases, internally, externally, from demons, from devils, from arrows, arrows of sicknesses. Come out by fire. Come out by fire. Come out by fire. Come out by fire. Come out by fire. Die by fire. Sickness is afflictions from your body. Afflictions from my body. I command them to die right now. I command them to die right now. In the name of Jesus. Receive your healing. Receive your deliverance. Receive your freedom from the Westas of good health. In the name of Jesus. May God restore you to the health person you used to be because now they want to take you away from their reality. And you'll be asking, you say, is this not the same meal of last year? Is this not the same meal of six months ago? Why am I like this? Is because the Westa has visited you, not deliver your people tonight, from every sickness, from every affliction. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want us to end by praying for our time. Our time. Our time. Our time. Say hello, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me from time-wasting delays. Papa, deliver me from time-wasting delays in all areas of my life. Father, deliver me from time-wasting delays in all areas of my life. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father, lose the timetable of my life from the hand of time-wastards. Maybe time-wastards have hijacked the timetable of your life. Those who are your equals, they have achieved much, they have gone far because they don't have the spirit of delay working against them. Time-wastards are not working against them. Say hello, your time-table for my life. From the hands of time-wastards deliver me. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want you to pray that God will control. God will control. God will control your life's calendar. The calendar of your life will be under God's control. Say hello, the calendar of my life. Let it be under your control. Let it be under your control. In the name of Jesus. Control my last calendar. Control my last calendar. Control my last calendar. Take the control from the hand of time-wastards. Take the control of the calendar of my life from time-wastards. In the name of Jesus. I want you to pray. I want you to pray. Let the times of my life begin to tick with the clock of God, not the clock of time-wastards. You see, time-wastards have their own clock. God has his own clock. I want you to decree the times of my life, the program of my life. Oh, Lord, let it begin to walk with the clock of God. Let it begin to tick. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. With the tick-tock of God's calendar. In the name of Jesus. Not with the tick-tock of the clock of wastards. In the name of Jesus. I want you to pray tonight. Time-wastards. They will not make me to wait, and wait, and wait, and wait for breakthroughs that are tied down. Oh, Lord, let the wittinesses in to be over. Make the wittinesses in to be over. Make my wittinesses in to be over. Time-wastards will waste your time. You will be in one place for a long time. So, Lord, lose my breakthrough on time. Lose my breakthrough on time. Oh, God, lose my breakthrough on time. In the name of Jesus. Pray that, Lord, we help you to always be on time and on target, on time and on target, on time and on target. With His time means for your life. With His time in for your life. Oh, Lord, let me be always on time. Let me be always on target. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I want us to pray just one prayer for our children before we go tonight. Say, Father, hey, baby, deliver our children from the dilution that they still have time to waste. Children, hey, I want you to pray that, Lord, deliver your children, the Lord, deliver my children from the dilution that they still have time to waste. In the name of Jesus, when we are told that time waits for no one, and many times it is when it is too late that they wake up. Oh, Lord, deliver our children, deliver our children, deliver our children from the dilution that they are still young. 30, 30 years old, you think you are still young. 32 years old, you think you are still young. 40 years old, you think you are still young. Let us just pray for our children, my people from the dilution that they still have time to wait. Oh, waste. I had a family member. She just wasted her life. She wasted her life like that. She wasted her time running around. And now it is too late. It is too late. I want you to pray for our friends, our loved ones, our families. The person I'm talking to you now is over 70 years old. Maybe, maybe close to 80 years old too. I want you to pray now with deliver our children from the dilution that they still have time to waste. You don't have time to waste. Make the best use of your time. In the name of Jesus, say, Lord, help me to make the best use of time. In the name of Jesus, whatever breakthrough has been delayed for so long. Father, move it to me right now. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I'm looking at the time and the time is gone. I'm three minutes ahead of her over time already. But I want you to say before we close tonight, say my life, say my health, say my finances, say my time, say my opportunities, shall not be wasted, will not be wasted, must not be wasted. Say it again, my life, say it again, my health, say it again, my finances, say it again, my time, my opportunities shall not be wasted, will not be wasted, must not be wasted. One more time, my life, a decree, my health, a decree, my finances, a decree, my time, a decree, my opportunities, a decree, shall not be wasted, must not be wasted, will not be wasted. In the name of Jesus Christ. I will you thank God for hearing us and answering our prayers tonight. I shall not be wasted. I will not be wasted. I must not be wasted. Thank you Lord for hearing us. And especially those of you who are sick, that anointed yourself with oil. I believe something has happened to you. The fire of God was born inside you. And if they attempt to come back to you again, somebody is going to lose their lives. If they don't back away from you, somebody is going to have an accident. If they don't back away from you. In the name of Jesus Christ. Those who are running up and die, it is when they are running to where they are going to do you harm that they will meet their Waterloo in the name of Jesus Christ. I want us to pray for a prayer request tonight. I want you to pray Lord by waiting for answers. I got my seven prayer requests here. My waiting for answers. Let them not be hijacked. Let them not be prolonged by time with us in the name of Jesus. So am I waiting for answers. Let them not be hijacked. Let them not be prolonged by time with us in the name of Jesus. I want you to pray that Lord we hasten your answers. The Lord we hasten your breakthroughs in this seven requests in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus. For I will bless you, will worship you. Thank you and glorify you. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers tonight. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen and amen and amen. I bless you in the name of the Father. I bless you in the name of the Son. I bless you in the name of the Holy Spirit. I pray for you that a strong insurance from heaven will be released into your life that will ensure your life against life with us, against health with us, against time with us, and against those who waste areas of people's lives in the name of Jesus. May you be an achiever from now on. May you not be delayed by those who just waste people's time. I decree fulfillment for you for all the prayers you have asked God to do for you tonight. May God give you an answer greater than what you have even asked. In Jesus name I pray. Amen and amen and amen. Thank you so much for joining us tonight to bless the name of the Lord for you. Let me make one or two announcements and then we say the grace before I let you go and rest. Next week Thursday, next week Friday, I'm bringing you something and so that we're going to pray about if Jesus carries. You know what we're going to pray about? Back to us that grow as we grow. Yeah. Back to us that grow as we grow. A child was brought to Jesus. Well, I would say a young man and Jesus asked the papa. Is that papa? How long does this thing been troubling this man, this young man? You know what the papa said? It says since he was a child. Since he was a child, Jesus, since he was a child. You know there are things that just grow up with you from childhood. There are causes that grow up with people from childhood. There are bindings that grow up with people from childhood. And if you ask them, how has this thing been, oh, you see, that's always been like that with me. Oh, since I was in elementary school, something happened, something triggered it and stayed with you. And as you grew, it grew. As you grew, it grew and still with you till today, God will break that yoke next week, Thursday. God will break that yoke next week, Friday. So please plan to join us and plan to be with us, battles that grow as we grow. They must be broken in the name of Jesus. May God keep you. May God preserve your life till then. Shall we share the grace as we go and rest for tonight. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forevermore. Amen and amen. Surely, goodness and mercy, shall follow us all the days of our lives. And we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Amen and amen. Brother John, my engineer, I'm very grateful for the good work you've done this way. John, I appreciate you. Sister Jaiyan, Texas, God bless you, good to see you. We all go rest for tonight. We'll see you next week in God Tarys. Good night.