Bishop Itiola podcast

Episode 860 - Breaking curses that have causes

1h 6m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
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Good evening to each and every one of you. Or shall I say good morning? Well, for some of you, it's now morning. Thank you so much wherever you may be. Thank you so much for joining us tonight or this morning, depending on where you are. We're so happy that you chose to join us. I will believe that the Lord is going to bless you abundant late tonight. Our theme, breaking curses that have horses. Yeah, this one promises to be an eye opening and liberating theme. Yeah, breaking curses that have horses. Please do what I've always asked for and I've always pleaded with you to always do. Call someone right now and tell them to join us or simply share the link to as many as you possibly can. Now that way they can join us and be positively impacted by the prayers of tonight. The prayers of tonight people, wow, I don't know why we've not prayed this since we have been praying. Well, it's time tonight. Welcome, even as we go before God and ask him to help us. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for another week. Thank you for bringing us together. God ask that you give me freedom behind this microphone. I will give you people everywhere freedom to pray. Let this be a life-changing experience for those who are praying with us live. For those who may be praying this after we go off the air. We take authority of every hindrance. We pray that we will have freedom today to preach, to pray and to believe God for great things. In Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen. Yes, I said to preach. I want you to please forgive me tonight. If my opening statements, if you want to call it opening preaching, if my opening statement for tonight is a bit longer than usual, it is necessary because I need to explain our theme to you very well so you can pray with understanding, so you can pray with faith. Now, I got the idea of this theme from the wise words of King Solomon in the book of Proverbs in the 26th chapter written there in verse number two. This is what he says. I'm sure you've seen this before. At least you've heard someone say it before. As the bird, by wondering, as the swaddle, by flying, so the curse, costless, shall not come. What that verse is basically saying is this. The curse that is ordered against an innocent person will have no effect whatsoever. In fact, what he will do is that it will return to the one that ordered it. Such curses will be as vague as the flight of the sparrow and as endless as the flight of the swaddle. It will never reach its goal. So in practical terms, what is being said is very simple. When a person places a curse on you for an offense you did not commit, the curse will not work. It's that plain. It's that simple. Now, the flip side of that truth is this. And that is what our theme is for tonight. Listen to this very closely. Just as curses spoken without a curse will not work. So do curses spoken with a cause work. In other words, if a person does something wrong, something that deserves a curse, that curse will affect the individual because of the wrong that was done. See, you cannot be doing wrong and at the same time hiding on that truth that Christ has been made a curse for us and has redeemed us from the curse. No, it's the person that is living right, working right, doing right, that flying curses cannot affect. If a curse has a cause, it will land on the target. Can I repeat that? If a curse has a cause, it will land on the target. The message Bible puts it so beautifully. This is what it says. It says you have nothing to fear from an undeserved curse. Did you hear that? You have nothing to fear from an undeserved curse. A person has to deserve a curse for them to be affected by it. Excuse me. And you find that truth all over the Bible. Remember Deilak? He wanted Belom to help him curse Israel. But God blocked him. God blocked him from doing so simply because at that time in the history of the Israelites, they were living right. At least that was what God said in Numbers 23 verse 20. Let me read it to you. It says, "Behold, I have received commandment to bless, and he has blessed, and I cannot reverse it." Listen to the next one. "He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob. Neither have he seen professness in Israel. The Lord is God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them. So don't waste your time trying to curse them. Everything is A-O-K with them and me. You don't have any curse to place a curse on them that will work. So what did God do? God blocked Belom, God blocked Belom, and it didn't work. In 1 Samuel 2 we find something in Eli's household. Well, Eli had two boys. The boys were vagabonds. And God was not happy with Eli in the way he handled his boys. It's like they just did anything they wanted. So God came with a curse. Wherefore the Lord God of Israel said in verse 30, I said indeed that the house and the house of thy father should work before me forever. But now the Lord said, "Be it far from me. For them that honor me, I will honor, and they that despite me shall be likely esteemed." When you dishonor God, you are only yourself wide for crosses to come on you. "Behold it this come," God said, "that I will cut off thy arm and the arm of thy father's house that there shall be not an old man in thy house. And thou shall see an enemy in thy habitation and all the wealth which God shall give Israel, and there shall not be an old man in thy house forever. And the man of thine whom I shall not cut off from my altar shall be to consume thy eyes and to grieve thy heart, and all the increase of thy house shall die in the flower of their age. And they shall be assigned to thee that shall come upon thy two sons on Hoffenai and Finnehaz in one day shall they both die." That was a curse from God himself. And the curse had a cause. And even God attached his sign to it. God said, "So you know how serious I am. Your two boys are going to die the same day. And this and this and this and this will happen in your house or forever and ever." All right? We need to understand Bible law. We need to understand Bible law. Yes, crosses cannot affect you as a child of God. But don't let anybody deceive you. If you keep doing things that will bring a curse, you're going to get it. I teach a pastor's conference in Africa. I call it leadership style of African pastors. And I call it leadership style of Jesus. I always say to those pastors, you pastor a church and they want to leave the church, you take their building, you take their chairs, you take their amplifiers, you take everything that belongs to the church that hired you, or you even change the sign in front of the church and put your own sign. Listen, if your overseer or your senior pastor places a curse on you. I don't care how much prayer you know how to do. Unless you make it right, that curse will come upon you. So that's why tonight I want us to pray on crosses that have horses. You remember Ghehasa, the servant of Elisha? Who went after Neiman and got some of those things that Elisha said they should not get? Well, he got it, came back inside and pretended as if he never did anything. In verse 25 of 2 Kings chapter 5, we are told, he went in, stood before his master and Elisha said unto him. Hey, Ghehasa, when's comments now? And he said, oh, I didn't go anywhere. And he said unto him, oh son, went not mine heart with thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee. Is it time to receive money and to receive garments and olive yachts and vineyards and sheep and oxen and so on and so forth? Then he pronounced a curse. He said, Mr. Ghehasa, because of the wrong that you did, here is a curse that will walk against you because there is a cause for it. He said the leprosy therefore of Neiman shall cleave unto thee and unto thy seed forever. And he went out from his presence in leper, white as snow. Cuses will not trouble you if there's not a cause. But they will trouble you if there is a cause. The bottom line is very simple, people. Deserved curse walks against the one that it is pronounced against. Can I repeat that? A curse that is deserved will walk against the one that it is pronounced against. Even Jesus dried up a fig tree that deserved a curse. You remember that story, don't you? Because in Mach 11, 13, seeing a fig tree are far off, having leaves, he came. If happily he might find anything they are on and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves. For the time of figs was not yet. And Jesus answered and said unto it, "No man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever." And his disciples heard it. So the next morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree was already dried up from the roots. And Peter, in Mach 11, 21, calling to remember and said unto Jesus, "Behold, the fig tree which thou cossest is withered away." Wow! What was the curse in this case is very simple. You see, in Judea, the fig tree puts forth its fruit first. So it is assumed that a fig tree that has leaves on it must of necessity have fruit on it. But when Jesus Christ got there, all he saw was tree, was leaves, no fruit. This one had leaves but no fruit, hence the curse for it for because of his fruitlessness. Oh, you see what the Bible says, the time of figs have not gone. What I want is actually saying is that the time of the harvest of fruit, because they have instead figs at the time of the Passover. And it was about four or five days to the Passover when Jesus was passing by there, and he expected to find fruit on it, but all he had were leaves. I can cite many other examples, but I think what I've said is sufficient, a crossless and undeserved curse will not affect anyone, like the attempt of Belak and Belam on Israel. Israel did not deserve to be cursed, so God blocked it. Please don't think that God just goes around blocking crosses for those who are living just anyhow. The one who deserves a curse, like Eli and his children, like Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, or the unfruitful Israelites that were typified by the fig tree, crosses spoken against an offender will walk. So we are going to pray tonight. Our help also to avoid things that invite and open doors for curses to work. Don't forget it. Crossless curses don't affect people, but curses resulting from doing wrong will surely affect its target. You know, I heard a story last week, about a woman in Africa that was very badly maltreated by her husband. And she was pregnant for him. So on the day of delivery, when this woman's bag broke and the baby came out, she took her hand and touched the blood of the fresh baby and pronounced a curse on her husband. And guess what? The curse walked against the husband because he deserved it. Was a woman right to curse him? That's between her and God. But the point I'm trying to make is this. Don't go around doing things that will make people pronounce a curse against you. We're going to be breaking curses tonight, and we're going to be breaking curses that have horses. Only God knows what we have done growing up since early. Only God knows the things we have done when we were not Christians, when we didn't know God. But forget about that. What about the things some people do even after they become Christians? And the people that do it to maybe a pastor, maybe a friend, maybe someone they're supposed to get married to, or somebody that they want. Only God knows what happens between husbands and wives before the divorce. And I'm talking about Christian husbands and Christian wives. You may treat your husband, you may treat your wife, and then you go get a divorce. If that man puts a curse on you, lady, and if he's right, or if that woman puts a curse on you and she's right, you're looking for big trouble. What about somebody you bring from overseas? They live in your house, and they eat in your house, and they drink in your house, and you just open up to them. And then, you know, I had a prophet pray yesterday, and I just laughed when I had that prophecy. He said, "God, those who ate my food and drank my water and slept in my house and lit my oil and turned around to war against me." And he pronounced it cross against them. I said, "No, I don't want to go that far, but the truth is this. People live right. People walk right. People treat people right. Because if they put a curse on you, I remember me driving not far from my house a couple of years ago with my family in the vehicle. And this guy just came and caught me off. I almost had an accident. I must confess to you, I put a curse on him. You know the curse that I put on him? I said, "You did that to me. The police will arrest you in Jesus name." And when I finished saying that, those who are in the car with me that they will remember this, the moment I finished saying that, I just saw a blue light turning behind me, and it passed me, and it stopped the guy. And the policeman told him to come out. And guess why he stopped him? Yeah, because of what he did to me in traffic. So be very careful, please, people. When someone really does you wrong, they do you bad. Please don't put a curse on them. Because if you put a curse on them, it will affect them or it will affect them. Well, maybe you have been a victim yourself. You've done some rough things and bad things. And someone got angry because of the bad things you did and they put a curse on you. Wow, that is trouble. So we're going to pray tonight and break every curse that has a cause behind it. You know, I had the story I was telling someone this last week of an old woman in Africa whose two sons in America completely abandoned. They never took care of this woman. Their father was dead. They were just having a good time in the United States and they forgot their mummy at home. So the woman got out one day and removed her clothes. And she put a curse on those two boys. And she said, "Before the end of this year, they will bring your dead bodies back home to me in caskets." And that was his stupid cross to place. And these are your children. Why don't you pray for them that they will have a change of heart? But she was so angry for the wrong they have done, she put a curse on death on them. And guess what? Before Christmas that year, they brought those two boys home in caskets. And I said to myself, come on, eat them now. Eat them for breakfast or eat them for lunch. You've caused them. And now, what are you going to do? They are dead. But this woman did not even shed one single tear. No drop of tear. She said they deserve the curse. And that's their bodies. I told you. I'm telling you people, please, I'm begging you. If your husband offensive, if your wife offensive, please call them and talk it over. Don't open your mouth and pronounce a curse. I think it will not affect them. If they truly did something wrong. And out of anger, you pronounce a curse on them. It will work. Don't go around offending your pastor or offending your parents because they can open their mouth and say some things. And then there is a curse. If there is no curse, the curse is a waste of time. What if there is a curse? Wow. It does work. And I hope you will be forgiven enough to people that offend you. But tonight, maybe there are people that you have offended growing up, high school, college, even elementary school. And the place they curse on you. You know, I had a brother in my church here in New York several years ago. He was always lead to church. He worked for the children in my church. And he was a good children worker. But his problem was that he will never get to church on time. So I called him one day, I said, brother, so and so. Why are you always lead to church? She said, Bishop, it's a curse. I said, what do you mean? He said, when I graduated secondary school, the king of the town invited all of us graduating seniors to come to his palace. And we just went drinking. We went partying. And the king waited and waited and waited and waited. And we came to his palace drunk. He said, the king was angry and pronounced a curse on all of them. And you know the curse that he pronounced at them? He said, all of you for treating me the way you treated me today. You will always be late to every good place that you need to go in life. She said, Bishop, I've gone to introduce late. I've gone to this late. I've gone to that late. I've lost so many job opportunities for lateness. We had to pray for him to break that yoke from his life. These things are real people. These things are true people. Maybe some things are affecting you now. Maybe a curse that needs to be broken. Let's go to work. Let's break them. That God was set us free. I wanted to go before God and say, Lord, I thank you and I bless you and I worship you and I adore you. I glorify you, O God, for the prayers of this evening. Come on, thank him. Come on, praise him. Come on, give him glory. Come on, give him honor. Say, Lord, I thank you for bringing me to this place of prayer. Thank you for bringing this truth to me tonight. Many of us were rough growing up in the name of Jesus and we need to pray this prayer. Just in case there's something still there affecting us. Father, I would bless you. I would bless you. I would bless you for bringing us together to consider such an important subject as this. We glorify you, O Lord. We honor you and we adore you. We bless your holy name. Come on, give him glory. Give him honor. Give him dominion. Give him majesty. Thank God tonight for the prayers on the issue of cussies that have cussies. I want you to thank God because Jesus died on the cross to give us the right to be protected from cussies and to break them. And that's what we're going to do tonight. Jesus died on the cross. You don't have to keep on carrying those cussies. You can't break them. And by his grace we are going to break them tonight. Thank God for the power to break them. Thank God for the power to destroy all cussies that are working against your life. Thank God because his death delivers us from cussies that have cussies or that don't have. Whichever way, whether it has a cuss or it doesn't have a cuss. If they say cuss on you, we can break them. And that's what we are going to do tonight. Bless his name, worship him. Thank God for cussies that have been deflected from your life. Yes, my people. Cussies that have been spoken, deflected from your life by the mercy of God. Say, Lord, thank you for your mercy that has delivered me from so many cussies. Cussies that I don't deserve. Cussies that people say, "Well, you did this. You did that." But Lord, what I did is not the same. But he went ahead and put a curse on me anyway. I wanted to thank God for breaking those yolks and for removing those foolishness from your life. Thank God that the power of cussies can be removed from us. Bless the name of the Lord for cussies that have been removed from our lives in the past. Even before we got saved, God was merciful to remove cussies that we deserved. How much more now that we are children of God? I wanted to thank God that such open doors are going to be shot tonight. Say in the name of Jesus. Say, Lord, I give you praise. I give you glory. I give you honor because every open door that allows cussies to come upon my life. They are going to be broken. They are going to be destroyed tonight. I give you praise. I give you glory. I give you honor. I give you dominion. I give you majesty. I wanted to pray that God will give us powerful and effective prayer points tonight in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I wanted to pray that all sins, all unbeliefs, that may be in our lives, the blood of Jesus will remove them. Any sin of commission, any sin of commission, whatever we have said, whatever we have done, whatever is an open door to cussies in our lives. We pray, Lord, God, that you will wash us tonight. We pray, Lord, God, that you will cleanse us tonight. We pray, Lord, God, that you will purify us tonight. I want you to pray that sin will not hinder your prayers tonight, that unbelief will not hinder your prayers tonight in the mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty name of Jesus. I want you to pray tonight that the Lord will give you grace to be able to pray. I see many of our friends in Africa with us tonight. Many people are with us in the name of Jesus. We thank you all for coming in the name of Jesus. I want you to pray for them that the Lord will give them grace to stay up. For many of them is almost midnight. For many of them is past midnight. We thank God for those of you in Europe that are supposed to be sleeping at this time. But to join us, we pray for you. That strength will be given to you, grace will be given to you, energy and power will be given to you to be able to pray tonight. Let's pray for those of us who are still daylight. I want us to pray that the Lord will just give us strength to be able to pray tonight. O Lord, give us grace to be able to pray tonight. Those in the Caribbean Islands, may you receive grace to pray tonight. Those in other parts of the world that are joining us tonight. O Lord, give us all grace to pray tonight. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I want you to pray for me that the Lord will give me grace to be able to leave the prayers and give you grace to be able to pray the prayers tonight also. In the mighty name of Jesus, we are breaking curses that have causes. In the name of Jesus. I want you to pray, let's begin praying tonight. Say, Father, give me grace to abstain, grace to abstain from doing anything that would trigger a curse against my life. Open your mouth and talk to the Lord tonight that the Lord will give you grace to abstain from doing anything that will trigger a curse against your life. Whether to your friends, whether to your wife, whether to your husband, whether to your children, whether to your parents. I want you to pray that God just give me grace to abstain, to run away from anything that will bring curses upon my life. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I want you to pray that we're not indulging any foolishness. Say, Father, say my God, give me grace tonight, never to indulge in any foolishness that will open the door for the entry of curses into my life. In the name of Jesus, papa let me not allow anything. Let me not indulge in anything, especially the foolishness of this world that will open the door for the entry of curses upon my life. Father, God, give me the grace. Restraining grace, come on, pray, pray, pray tonight. Restraining grace, let it be upon me tonight. Let restraining grace be upon us tonight, O God. Even as we pray in this place tonight, restrain me, O God, from indulging in any foolishness that will open the door for the end. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I want you to pray that the Lord deliver you from demonic manipulation. Hey, demonic manipulation that will put your hand in things that will invite curses. In the name of Jesus, I remember a lady I walked with in Alabama years ago. There was a witch in her house that wanted to place a curse on her. And they tried and tried and tried and tried. The curse will not work because she was living right. So one of them said, "Let's just put sin in her life. Let's put iniquity in her life." She looked at me, she said, "Bish of the moment that put sin in my life, trouble came into my life. I want you to pray tonight." Every manipulation from the pits of hell. Every manipulation from the pits of hell. To put my hands in things that will invite curses. Oh, not deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Do you know that Belam and Belak, even though they couldn't cross the children of Israel. Because, God said, there is no iniquity in them. That there is no pervasteness in them. You are wasting your time trying to cross them. Do you know what Belam did? He taught Belak what to do. He said, "Belak, these people are living right. They will not be cursed. But put some ladies among them. Put some Angelina among them. Some skimpy close ladies among them. And let them begin to commit sin with them. He said the moment the commit sin with them. God himself will fight against them." Do you know that was exactly what happened? The moment these people started playing with the ladies of Moab. God brought enjoyment upon them. A curse of death upon death came upon them. "My people, I want you to pray." Hey! When they look for you and they cannot get you. Because the protection of God is so tight around you. They will look for how to manipulate you to do long. They will look for way to manipulate you to put your hand in foolishness. And that will automatically invite curses. And if any witch, any wizard wants to curse you. There is an open door. I want you to pray that Lord help me tonight. Help me tonight. Help me tonight. Please pray. Those of you who are just joining us. We are breaking curses that have causes. Because the Bible says it curse. Costless shall not come. That means that it cause will come. If there is a cause for it. I hope I'm communicating. I want you to pray, Lord. Let me be a lover of those things that invite blessings. Let me be a lover of those things that invite blessings. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thank God for Brother Iki. Thank God for what you wrote. He wrote on Facebook. He said I love this. Yes! Because this is the truth, people. Thank you for loving this, my brother. Oh Lord. Let me not indulge in any foolishness. Oh, that will open doors. For the entry of causes into my life. Deliver me from the pits of hell manipulations. Open your mouth and pray tonight. Say all that manipulations from the pits of hell. Let me not put my hands in things that will invite causes. Oh Lord. Let me not put my hand in it. Let me not put my mouth in it. Let me not put my thoughts in it. I want you to pray that you will always be a lover. In love of things that will invite blessings. In the name of Jesus. But by helping me to always surrender my life. I'll leave according to the things that will bring blessings. Not the things that will bring causes, oh God. In the name of Jesus. Let me be a lover of those things that bring blessings. Let me be a lover of those things that invite blessings. I want you to pray that you will have perfect hatred. Did you hear what I said? Say all Lord. Let me to have perfect hatred. For those things that open doors to causes. In the name of Jesus. Listen, people. Which is can cause if they want. There is a strong protection around you as a believer. Don't let that protection break my friends. I remember 1982. An ex-witch came to me in the church in Africa. She told me. She said you know you cannot cause a believer and it will work. She said we have tried it so many times to cause believers that it doesn't work. I said but I know some believers that you have cursed and it worked. And she smiled. She said my pastor. Check them out. There is a cause that opened the door for it to happen. Oh God. I want you to look at my life. Look at my life. Look at my life. Oh God. I want you to look at my life. Look at my life. Look at my life. Oh God. Let me hit with perfect hatred. Those things that opened us for causes to come. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want you to pray that causes that affect whole family. As they did in the case of Eli and his boys. They shall not be your portion in the name of Jesus. The father causes that affect whole family. As they did in the case of Eli and his boys. God was looking at them. They were playing with fire. They didn't know. My friend if it is wrong. Don't play with it. If it is not right. Don't play with it. It opens the door for causes. Sometimes it is causes from God. Oh. Bye bye in the name of Jesus. Let it not be the portion of my family. Let it not be the portion of my children. Oh God. Let it not be the portion of my husband, my wife. Oh God. Let us not put our hands and our mouth and our lives into things. That will bring causes upon us as a family. I want you to pray for parents that are on this prayer line tonight. I want you to pray that we parents. We will not be so soft on our children. When they are doing cusp-provoking things. Like Eli did. God said to Eli, "You are too soft on your boys. I will kill them. And I will kill you. And I will take the priesthood from you." And God did everything that he said he will do. Up till now in Israel. I won't be surprised if there are people, generations of Eli that are still dying at the flower of their age. Boys. I want you to pray, O Lord, help us in my family. Oh, help me and my husband. Help me and my wife that will be able to bring up our children in the nurture and the admonition of God. That will not allow any foolishness in their lives. That will bring a cause upon them and bring a cause upon my family. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I want you to pray tonight because God said everything. I promised you Eli. I have reversed it. I told you I would do this. I won't do it again. I told you I would do that for you. I will not do it again. People let us pray and beg God tonight. Curses that will revise. The promises of God for us. The promises of God for our children. The promises of God for our ministry. Curses. Curses that will revise them. Oh God. Let us not invite them upon ourselves. Like Eli's family did. What we will do as a family. What we will do as individuals. That will make God to revise what he promised us. In the name of Jesus. You know the Bible says God is not a man that is July. Now that is in the Son of Man that is your event. As he says he not do it. As he is spoken he not bring it to pass. You will be living anyhow. And see what God will do. I want you to pray Lord. Help me not to just leave anyhow. Oh God. Let me not leave as if there is no God. Let me not leave as if there is no Bible. There are people who are hiding on the grace. And I'm asking you tonight. Shall we continue in sin that grace me about. The Bible says God for God. You cannot continue in sin and grace will be about. If you fall into sin repent and get out. But if you continue in it my friend. Cause will come. I want you to pray in the name of Jesus. Cause is that will revise your promise for me and my family. Cause is that will revise your promise for me and my family. Let us not invite them upon ourselves. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I said cause is that will bring trouble upon my family. Let us not invite them. Lord upon ourselves. Like Eli and his children did. In the name, look at the problem of God. I was covetousness. Covetousness. It went after name. I went after the lepros guide. I just got healed. I just forgot his name. And he called him back. He got the things from him. And he told his boss. No, I didn't go anywhere. I've been here all the while. When did I not go with you? Did my eyes not see you? Why are you so covetous? Why are you going after what we said we should not take? Okay, because of what you do. Here is your curse. You will have this. You will have that. My friend. Say Jesus. We've come all. We've come all. We don't want to take advantage of just anything. Say we are on the grace. How did you do this? How did you open yourself to this? Yes, somebody just reminded me that it was Neman. Yes, Neman. Oh, Neman went free. But he has, I got it. I want you to pray that the causes that others will leave behind. I need to be me who will carry them. But let it not be my portion. Let me not go into covetousness. What is not mine that I'm running after? What does not consummate that is running after? What my boss have said is not ours that I'm running after. Papa, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me. Can I ask you to pray a prayer that whatever is on you tonight, that is as a result of a deserved curse. Whatever is on me tonight, that is as a result of a deserved curse. Mercy. Remove it from me, you God. Whatever causes on me tonight, that I really and truly deserve. For the movie, movie, movie, movie, movie, movie, movie. Haven't you seen people that go to profit? And the profit would tell them, "Ah, this problem that is on you." It's because you offended somebody who you did this to somebody, you did this to somebody, you did this to somebody. Go and apologize. Go and make it right. And you go. You apologize. You go. And you make it right. And you know what happens? The curse is lifted. My friends, curses cannot walk against a believer that is walking right, but let me tell you something. There are curses that come upon them because of causes. I wanted to pray any cause that I put my hand into. Anything I put my hand into. Anything that I've got myself indulging, whatever is in my life, that as a result of a deserved curse. Did you hear what I said? Say whatever is in on me tonight, as a result of a deserved curse. Whatever is in my health, whatever is in my ministry, whatever is in my marriage, whatever is in my finances. That is as a result of a deserved curse. Hold on, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me. In the name of Jesus, Father, deliver me. You know, when you employ people and you don't pay them. Did you hear what I'm saying? You employ people and you don't pay them. And they go and put a curse on you. I don't care if you speak in terms, 24 hours non-stop. That curse will affect you. Even though you are a believer, because the Bible says when you take advantage of people like that and they cry to God, God will ask you questions. I want you to pray whatever I've done. No Lord, whatever is on me tonight, as a result of a deserved curse. That's why I don't play with people that work for me. I pay them and let them go. Even when they want to cheat me, I pay them. Just go, just go. Don't bring a curse upon my life. Whatever is on me tonight, oh God, that I've even forgotten. Whatever I have done, that I've even forgotten a long time ago. That is a deserved curse. My serious movie for me. My serious movie for me. My serious movie for me. I break you in the name of Jesus. I break you in the name of Jesus. Whatever the enemy has managed to place on me for any curse, for any reason. Did you hear what I said? I want you to pray, oh Lord. Whatever the enemy has money to place on me for any reason, for any curse. Blood of Jesus claims me tonight. Blood of Jesus claims me tonight. Blood of Jesus claims me tonight. Whatever the enemy has money to place on me, oh God. In the name of Jesus, for any curse whatsoever, for any reason whatsoever. Blood of Jesus claims me tonight. Blood of Jesus claims me tonight and help me a lot to make it right. Help me a lot to make it right. Can I pray for you tonight? No, I'm not going to pray for you. I want you to pray for yourself. Say, oh Lord, no foolishness. No foolishness of mine. No foolishness of mine. Let no foolishness of mine, oh God. Cause the commandment to bless, to become reversed in my life. Oh Lord. All foolishness in my life. All foolishness in my hand. That is causing blessings to be reversed. Father have mercy tonight. Father have mercy tonight. You know what God said about Israel when Belak wanted them cursed? He said there's no iniquity in them now. He said there's no pathlessness in them. Open your mouth and let's cry. Let no iniquity or pathlessness be found in me, oh God. Iniquity, pathlessness, iniquity, pathlessness, iniquity, pathlessness. Let it not come upon me. Let it not go in my life. Let it not go in my hand. Let it not go in my head. Let it not go in my feet. No iniquity. No pathlessness. No iniquity. No pathlessness. No iniquity. No iniquity. No pathlessness. When those people committed iniquity with the children, with the girls in Moab. Immediately, judgment came. Cross of death came. Papa have mercy, have mercy, have mercy, have mercy, have mercy, have mercy. Let no iniquity or law be found in our hands. Let no pathlessness be found in our hands in the name of Jesus. He was right living, oh, he was right living people that prevented Belak from being able to curse the children of Israel. There was no cause. So the cause did not walk. Say, "Oh Lord, take every cause from my life that will make causes to walk against me." Say, "Remove them far from me." Come on, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. Say, "Papari, move them far from me." All reasons, all causes that make causes to walk. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I remember a pastor in one church that attended many, many years ago in Africa. His wife was trying to deliver a baby. The wife could not deliver a baby. Oh, it was all labor, labor, labor, 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours. And they always delivered baby in the church. So they saw that this girl was dying. This wife was dying. So you know what they did? They sent for the pastor because she was a pastor's wife. They sent for the pastor and said, "Dad, do you come home? We don't want to lose mommy, oh." And then he came. He told everybody in the room. He said, "Everybody please go out. Everybody please go out. Everybody please go out. I need to talk to my wife." And he looked at his wife. He said, "Honey, I told you. I told you that the way you are treating our house girls, the way you are treating our house boys, the way you are using your mouth, your mouth is sharper than razor. I told you. This thing will affect you on the day of delivery. Now here you are. They shall be saved by childbirth if they live right." And the woman said, "Baga, father, forgive me. Forgive me. What I need to my this. What I need to my that. What I said to this. What I said to that. What I need to this. What I said to that. I truly painted the baby just came out like that. The baby just came out like that. And the pastor had to run out to go and call the people. The baby is here. Oh, the baby is here. Oh." And they said, "Daddy, what did you do? What did you do? You prayed for her?" Said, "No, I never prayed for her. What she did is between me and her. I want you to pray. Oh Lord. Whatever it is in my life. Oh God. That is bringing causes upon me. That is bringing difficulties upon me. The way I use my mouth. The way I use my temper. The way I run my life. Blood of Jesus. Wash me tonight and break every cause and remove the causes. In the name of Jesus. Every desire of curse. That is blocking ways for me. That is putting barriers in my life. Oh Lord. Let your massive visit me tonight. In my mouth. I speak rubbish. I speak rubbish to my husband. I speak rubbish to my wife. And they don't reply me. But oh Lord. Causes will come upon me. Oh Lord. Break the causes tonight. Because that's why Jesus Christ came. As you did for Israel. Let the shout of the king. Be always with me. And around me. The shout of the king. Let his silence. The shout of curses. Say oh Lord. The shout of the king. Let his silence. The shout of curses. The shout of the king. Let his silence. The shout of curses. Because that's what God told. Belak and Belam. He said the shout of the king. It's among them. When the shout of the king is among us. It's silence is the shout of the causes. Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Silence every sin. Silence every iniquity. Silence every pavasness. In the name of Jesus. Deliver me, oh Lord. Deliver me, oh Lord. I want you to pray this prayer. Oh hey. Say father. Mmm. Say deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me. From once in a while righteousness. Once in a while of brightness. Papa deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me. From once in a while of brightness. From once in a while righteousness. You know what they do? They provide once in a while protection from causes. Once in a while of brightness, we only give you once in a while protection from causes. Why should this be happening to a child of God? I want you to see Lord flinging away from me. Every garment of righteousness. Every garment of righteousness. In my words. In my deeds. In my actions. In the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, deliver me from once in a while of brightness. That provides once in a while protection from causes. Can I ask you to pray? Say oh Lord, shut them down. Open your mouth. Say oh Lord, shut them down. Say shut them down. Say close them up. Every opening in my armor. That lets the stone of the enemy through. It was the opening in the armor of Goliath. That allowed that stone in you. So Lord, let my armor be tight in the name of Jesus. And where there is an opening in the way I think. Well, there is an opening in what I watch on the internet. Where there is an opening in my habit. Where there is an opening of an easily besetting secret scene. Lord of Jesus. Oh Lord, shut them, destroy them. Oh God, let grace be giving me tonight. Say let grace be giving me tonight. Not to play with actions that deserve causes. But let me not play with them. Actions that deserve causes. Actions that deserve causes. Open your mouth. Please pray. Open your mouth. Please pray. Pray for grace tonight. Pray for grace tonight. That every weakness in your life. That opens the door for causes. The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Look at that fig tree. Fruitlessness. Fruitlessness. I wanted to pray that the Lord will save you from fruitlessness. That expose the fig tree to the cause of Jesus. And Jesus was actually doing that to send the message to the Jews. Because they were fruitless. And God said, there is a cause on you for being fruitless. Oh Lord, just have mercy upon us. Let me never fall short of your expectation of me, oh God. Did you hear what I said? When Jesus got there, he was expecting to find figs. But he found nothing. I want you to pray that the Lord will not come to you. And he will find nothing. Oh Lord, let me never feel your expectation. Let me never fall short of your expectation. If you know how I've prayed this prayer since this beginning of this week. Because he just got my attention. I want you to pray every deserved cause from the throne of heaven. It was not the devil that caused Elayo. It was not the devil that caused the Israelites. And they mess with the Moabite ladies. It was not the devil that dealt with an anise and suffirous. It was God himself. I want you to pray tonight. Oh Lord, let your mercy live from my life. Every deserved cause from the throne of heaven. Let it be lifted. Let it be lifted. Let it be lifted. Let it be lifted. In the name of Jesus. Let it be removed. Mercy removed them from me. Every deserved cause from my husband. Every deserved cause from my wife. Mercy of God removed tonight. Every deserved cause from my husband. Every deserved cause from my wife. Papari movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie tonight. In the name of Jesus. Every cause that I deserve from my husband. Every cause that I deserve from my wife. Oh, Mercy of God. Removing tonight. Removing tonight. Removing tonight. Removing tonight. Come on up with your mouth and let's pray. Whatever causes the words of my mouth have exposed me to. Let Mercy remove me from my life. Oh Lord, whatever causes that my tempos exposed me to. Let Mercy cleanse me tonight. In the name of Jesus. What about mistreatment of others? Oh Lord, whatever deserved causes. Restreatment of others have exposed me to. Papari movie movie from me tonight. In the name of Jesus. Whatever I am suffering under. Because of her cause other people to suffer. Have you ever seen some believers that are. That you can just call them wicked believers. Have you ever seen some pastors? Men of God? Women of God that are wicked men of God. Wicked women of God. They aren't die because of. Because of people they did wickedness. You know how these wicked men of God are able to get away with it. Because they believe us that they are wicked too. They don't put causes on them. They say I cannot cause my pastor now. But actually what they did. Deserves a curse. But they say I'm a child of God. I cannot be causing my pastor. I want you to pray tonight. Deserve causes mistreatment of others. That you have exposed yourself to. Mercy will remove me from you tonight. Mercy will remove me from you tonight. Mercy will remove me from you tonight. Mercy will remove me from you tonight. Mercy will remove me from you tonight. I don't know how true the story is. But I heard of the story of a man of God that died. When he got to the other side. He told him you cannot enter here. You cannot enter here. He said but I'm a man of God. I started a church of many branches. They say you cannot enter here. They said we will let you go back. And make peace with one of the people in your church. That to be treated. You did this to them. You did this to them. You did this to them. And they cried. They cried. And we heard. And with that kind of mistreatment you cannot get here. So he went. He opened his eyes. And they said we thought papa was dead. Papa said I'm not dead. Don't call me brother so and so. He called him. He begged him. He pleaded with him. I'm sorry for what I did to you. I'm sorry for the way I treated you. It was not right. But I just wanted to show you Pepe. But now they have showed me Pepe. Where I went. And when he said that and they made it alright. He died again. And I believe he went to heaven. Whatever desire. Whatever desire causes. That mistreatment of others. Have exposed me to you God. Let me see you remove it from me you God. Whatever desire causes. This obedience to your word. Have brought upon my life. Let me see deliver me tonight. Whatever causes. The violation of your word. Has brought upon my life. All God of mercy. Ask me tonight. Ask me tonight. Podge me tonight. Validation of giving principles. Do you know violation of giving principles? Well bring causes upon the one that violates them. Whether giving to God or giving to man. Mercy of God deliver me tonight. Mercy of God deliver me tonight. Even the book of Proverbs. Say when you see the poor and you don't have them. The poor will put a cause on you. Oh Lord. You know why we're able to get away with many things. People in the church don't put causes on people. But then you go and do it for people out there. You go and do it for people out there. Ahhh. My people. Causes for not giving to God. Causes for not giving to man. Oh Lord they have brought into my life. Let mercy cleanse me you Lord. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Can I ask you to pray prayer tonight. This came to me as I was preparing ignorant disobedience to the Word of God. You know sometimes you disobey the Word of God and you disobey it ignorantly. And it opens the door for causes. Oh Lord. I play the blood of Jesus. I break them tonight. I'm sorry you God. I play the blood of Jesus and I break them tonight. Whatever blessings. The wings of causes have blown out of my life. Have blown away from my life. Oh Lord he stole them tonight. Come on pray pray pray. We're about to close. Whatever blessings. The wings of causes have blown out of my life. Lord he stole them tonight. Lord he stole them tonight. Whatever causes. The broken vows. And broken promises to God. And man. Have brought upon my life. Blood of Jesus washed them off tonight in the name of Jesus. You know those people who make a vow. You make a vow. The Bible says if you don't have to make a vow. But if you make a vow you don't pay it. You put yourself on thy curse. I want you to pray all Lord vows that I have made. Promises that I have made that I have brought them. And they have become causes. For curses. Oh Lord claims me. Watch me. Point me tonight. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Now let's begin to pray for the blessings of God upon our lives as we close. Say oh Lord let your blessings begin to reign. We are curses once rained in my life. Let your blessings begin to reign. We are curses rained in my life. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want us to pray against undesired causes. Yes. Sometimes the enemy will want to force on you. Causes that you don't deserve. Is that not what he did for Job? Did Job deserve what he got? The enemy forced it on him. I want you to pray. Arise and deliver me tonight. Arise and deliver me tonight. Everyone on deserve curse. That the enemy tries to put on me like Job. Father remove it. Father break it. You know Hezekiah? He shook off. On deserve curse of death. Yes. That's put your house together for you shall die. He said don't die for where. Show me where I must die. I live right, I walk right, I'm upright. Why shall I die? I want you to pray. Those who are put in the cause of death upon you. On deserve curse of death. Say hello, take them away. Take them away. Take them away. Take them away. All on deserve causes of death. I shake them off. Like Hezekiah shook them off. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Say every plan to end my life. Father take away every move. Father take away every move. Father take away every move to end my life. Take away every move to end my life. Take away every move to end my life. Take away every desire move to end my life. Those who are running around. Because I help people that want to kill me. Because I do allow them to have their way. They want to kill me. Everyone deserve curse of death. Everyone deserve curse of death. Take them away from me you God. Move them to an end in my life. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. It's already two minutes past my close in time. Begin to thank God for answering our prayers. In the Hallelujah. Ooh. Breaking, breaking, breaking, breaking. Cusses that have cusses. Father we thank you because they are broken tonight. I thank God because we are free tonight. I thank God because the burden is lifted from us. We are free and free indeed. And God's grace will hold us. God's grace will sustain us. Not to put our hand on our mouth and our temper and our whatever into things that will cause us trouble. We bless you for the answer. We worship and adore you God. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. I bless you. I bless you. In the name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Ghost. We are you have been cursed on your job. Cursing your family. Cursing your school. Whatever cuss have been placed upon you. If it is that it has a reason. And it's a deserve curse. A prim Massey will meet with you tonight. Massey will wash you tonight. Massey will stand against judgment for you tonight. In the name of Jesus Christ. And if it's not a curse that you deserve. I command it to bread by fire. In the name of Jesus Christ. May your life be loaded with the blessings of God from this day on. In Jesus mighty name we pray. All God's people said amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Do me a favor. Oh. Send this link to somebody who is. Send it to them. Send it to them. Send it to them. Especially those who hide on that grace. Not knowing that as we say that grace will abound. Well we are living anyhow. I want you to pray that the law will let this message go far. So people can walk in the freedom where with Christ has made them free. Tomorrow evening before you go please, please, please don't go. Tomorrow evening. I'm going to do again what I did last Friday evening. You remember what I did last Friday evening? We prayed about the Sunday service of two Sundays ago. That's exactly what we're going to do tomorrow. We are going to pray, pray us connected to my last Sunday summer. Do you know what my last Sunday summer was? The title was, I shall not be wasted. I shall not be wasted. You will not believe how many responses I've got from that summer. Well, we can't pray in 20 minutes in the church like we ought to. So tomorrow we're going to take that summer and we're going to pray on it. I shall not be wasted. Your life shall not be wasted. Your finances shall not be wasted. Your God-given opportunities shall not be wasted. No, your time shall not be wasted. Your health shall not be wasted. Please join us tomorrow 7 p.m. New York time. We promise this to be a blessed time in the name of Jesus. Let's share the grace before we retire for the evening. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forevermore. Amen and amen surely. Goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. And we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Amen and amen. Go and rest and be blessed, brothers and sisters. Good night. Good night. [BLANK_AUDIO]