Bishop Itiola podcast

Contending to go far in life

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07 Jul 2024
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[Music] We're not fasting today are we? I'm pretty sure this morning that you know very well the story of Israel and all the incidents and the events that led to their exit from Egypt. I am very fascinated by many of the individual details of the events that ended in their escape, their release from Egypt. But there is one that stands out in my mind above all others, and that is what will form the basis of my salmon for this morning. I am extracting this one fan from the four deals that Pharaoh offered Moses in order to keep God's people from going to their promised land. All the deals he offered them were unacceptable, but this one really and truly was bad. And the reason I'm talking about this today is because I see the enemy still using the same against us. It is recorded in Exodus chapter 8, verse 28, if you will turn there with me. Exodus 8, 28, and Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness. Only ye shall not go very far away. And then he asked for prayer, "Intreat for me." Now that deal is very easy to understand. Moses, you want to go? You can go. But please, I don't want you to go very far away. Of course, thank God for Moses, he flat out rejected the offer and rightfully so. And I say, stand behind this pulpit this morning, every offer to keep you from going very far. We reject them this morning in the name of Jesus. What Pharaoh offered as a proposal is no longer a proposal today, at least in the warfare catalog of the enemy. He does everything within his power to make sure that you and I don't go too far. In fact, I can correctly propose to you this morning that the battle that many of us are fighting today is with how far the enemy is willing to let you go. You want to go ten miles, but he wants you to go ten feet, then a battle begins. The title of my summon is very simple, "contending to go far in life." He said, "Battalo, listen to Bishabu, if you want to remain where you are, do nothing." If you don't have any good goals, if you don't want to reach far, do nothing. But ladies and gentlemen, if your desire is to go far in life, there is a war to fight. But by the grace of God, he will give you the grace to war the war. He will give you the grace to fight the fight in the name of Jesus. Every embargo against your upliftment in life may it receive divine judgment this morning in the name of Jesus. I pray for you that all barriers cause you to remain in one level. For many, many, many years, one level, many, many years, one level, I pray that before this service is over this morning, it will expire in the name of Jesus. Lonnie Lesson, my friend's Lonnie Lesson, from the words of all Pharaoh in that verse. The first choice of the enemy was not to let them go at all. And you know, you know what happened when they said they wanted to go. He made it more difficult for them to go because that was his choice. Where are you going? You're not going anywhere. So that's the same thing for us. He doesn't want me to go anywhere. He doesn't want you to go anywhere. Left to the devil, I will still be in the village. Tap in Pamwine. Or Havastin Kocoa and Cola Naut. So he doesn't want us to go anywhere, but often that fails. And when that fails, then he goes to this that I'm preaching about this morning. He makes sure that you go all right, but that you don't go very fine life. Do you know that many people die at the stage of not being allowed to go at all? But even many more people die at the stage of not going far. It shall not be your poshana. I need your ameno. I need your ameno because amen is so let it be. So if you don't want it to be, be quiet. My prayer for you is that you will not get to heaven only to discover who you could have been on earth, but you are not allowed to be. Only to discover how far you should have gone in life, but you are hindered. After me, say by the grace of God, ah-ha, now you are talking, say by the grace of God, I shall not only go, but I shall go very far in the name of Jesus. Brethren, brethren, brethren, listen to Bishop, please fight for your right to be a fully accomplished individual, here on earth, because what I just said is the mode of operation of the wicked one. When the enemy cannot stop you from going, he will seek to limit how far you go. Allow me to repeat that. When the enemy cannot stop you from going, he seeks to limit how far you can go. You know what I want you to do, take a look. Take a look around you, even maybe within you. You will discover that what I just said is the truth and nothing but the truth. The enemy does not like anyone going from where they are, but if they manage to free themselves, then he will do everything within his power to limit how far they can go. He said to Moses, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, Moses, I will let you go. But he may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness. I'll let you go, but you shall not go very far away. Listen to me very carefully. When the enemy says I will let you go and you are rejoicing, hey, rejoicing, I'm not against your rejoicing, but know that the battle is not over yet. Be let go is half of the battle won. There is a bigger, frustrating battle that hinders people from reaching their full potential. You are allowed to go. But you are not allowed to go very far. Can I ask you a simple question? And if you give me a honest answer, you will have done yourself a lot of good. Can you, with all honesty, say that you have reached your full potential? No, seriously. That was a question I asked myself preparing this summer. I'm in the ministry, okay? You are a nurse. You work for the state. You are self-employed. You are a businesswoman. Can you say that you have reached your full potential in life? Almost before the answer is no. You know, years ago, the U.S. Army came up with a recruiting slogan that says, "Be all you can be." That sounds like heaven's scent of wish for all of us. Do you know that when you left heaven, the command that was giving you is when you get there, be all you can be. And you took off, you went into your mother's womb, and all you repeated for nine months was when I get there, finally, I will be, all I can be. And then on that delivery day, in that delivery room, you came out, and the first person you saw was Pharaoh. The told us in medical school that that is why children cry when they are born. Why are you laughing, did you go to medical school? So why you're in my class, you are not in my class now. But that's why they taught us in medical school that the reason children cry when they are going to ask my classmates who are here is that the moment they come out like this, they are met with Pharaoh, and Pharaoh says, "What are you saying? You want to be all you can be for where? You met me here, your wall starts today. You shall go far." No, you will not go far. You will not be all you can be. I pray for you. I said I pray for you, even though my illustration is lopsided, that all satanic officers that have been stationed around you when you were born, God in against your advancement in life, the Lord will scatter them this morning. The Lord will give you victory over them this morning. The Lord will give you dominion over them this morning, listen, listen. You can choose to remain the way you are, or you can choose to say, "No, we will fight this thing until we win, and by the grace of God, you will fight. By the grace of God, you will contend. By the grace of God, you will win. By the grace of God, you will go very far. My friends, we live in a world where the enemy does not want any one of us to go far. Hey." The man went to his pastor many years ago, was a member of the church born again, filled with a holy ghost. He said, "Pastor, he was shaking like this, and crying at the same time." The pastor said, "What's the problem?" He said, "Pastor, will God forgive every sin?" The pastor said, "Yes." If we confess our sins, it's faithful and just to forgive us, and to cleanse us from all our righteousness, nothing you have done that God cannot forgive. He said, "But what I've done, hey, what I've done, I used to trade in baby hair. The first hair that is taken from a baby, when they cut the hair, that's what I did. I traded in for years before I became a Christian. We use those hairs for ritual, for people, so they can go far in life." He said, "But the owners of the hair that we harvested, they will never go far in life." He said, "I was at the marketplace this afternoon, and I saw a soul, a soul, one man." The Spirit of God said, "Do you know that man?" I said, "I don't know him." He said, "That was one of your victims." See him? People who are buying yam, people who are buying beans, people who are buying rice, he was the one carrying it on his head to their automobiles. He said, "Your work reduced him to that." People who said, "The path to the pastor will God forgive me." I said, "You are a Christian, you have confessed your sins, God has forgiven you already." But for that guy, he needs to get saved. All right? And after he gets saved, he needs to fight to be delivered from what you did to him. I pray for you. Where your life's journey has been compromised. I'm an African, so I'm talking like an African. Where your life's journey has been compromised from childhood. Ah, me must see and suffer you. I said, "May the must see of God help you." I said, "May the must see of God deliver you in the name of Jesus Christ." Many, or many, many, there are that have the potential to go far in the academic line, but they are not allowed to rise above high school or at the most associate level. They cannot proceed because there is an authority that has been spoken. There is a commandment that has been given that this one will not go far academically. You can go, but you won't go too far. Many will have gone far, for example, in the nothing field, but they don't go beyond being not in assistance. They'll be doing not in assistance to their children's children, but they will not go far beyond that. I said, "Uncountable are people that can point to a day and a month and a year when they become Christians, but the enemy is fighting them from going far in the things of the spirit." And you look at them and wonder, this person has been a Christian for 10 years, 15 years, 20 years. They are just dancing in one spot because the enemy has said, "You escape me, you will not go far with Christ." May they are 19 to go and grow. May it follow upon you this Sunday in the name of Jesus. You know, I've seen many talented soccer players in Africa, really talented soccer players. I had one of them in my elementary school. This boy, hey, I forgot in his name, he should be playing in the Premier League by now. Oh no, he would be too old to play because it's my age. But this guy can play. We won every competition because of him. He will take the ball from the middle of the field and dribble everybody until he's crossed the goal. The best he achieved in life was to play for his village club. Why? You can go. But don't go very far. What about actors, actors? You should have been on the big screen, but I'm not allowed to go far. Just a little acting here, a little acting there, a little acting there, then the turn 70-80, they retire. What about many businesses? Businesses that will have gone very far and become Fortune 500, but they are limited to unfortunate five because of Pharaoh. Haven't you had somebody sing and you wonder how come they are only singing to the limited audience that they are singing to? The reason may be that they have been captured and not allowed by the enemy to go very far. I pray for you again. I hope you will say, man, because there is an anointing upon this service and there is an anointing upon this prayer. I pray for you, all structures that have been put in place by the powers of darkness, to limit your progress in life, to limit how far you will go in life, may heavily bulldoze us, pull them down in the name of Jesus. I didn't hear your E-man, I didn't hear your E-man, I didn't hear your E-man, I didn't hear your E-man who Pharaoh told Moses, I will let you go, but I won't let you go far. That's what the witches of your father's house are saying. That's why the powers of your in-laws are saying, that your children will go, but they will not go beyond what their own children have gone, that your children may achieve, but they will not beat their own children in the family's circle. Everybody say, say, "La, la, la, la," in the name of Jesus Christ. Pharaoh said, "Moses, I won't let you go far and I must confess to you that is what many of us are battling right now, seriously." You know what? You know your potential, that's the truth. You know your ability, you know your gifts, you know your talents, but it's like there is a restraining power hindering force at work to keep you from bleaching your full potential. You look at yourself or you look at yourself, if I look at yourself in the mirror and you ask the question, what is wrong with me? I'm here to tell you what is wrong with you. My friends, Pharaoh is wrong with you, that is what is wrong with you. It's Pharaoh. Pharaoh is the one and that is wrong with you. We get authorities have spoken, I didn't know if you hear what I said, I said, "We get authorities have spoken, I repeat, I don't know when they spoke, but we get authorities have spoken, decrease have been issued, proclamations have been made in the pits of hell, that you must not be allowed to go, but you already beat that one, so they issued a stronger order, now with blood sacrifice," and they said, "Why did you let him go? Okay, with this blood that is shed on this altar, he must not go far. Everybody says, "Not my poshah, say it's not my children's poshah, in the name of Jesus." You see, you see, that is why, in spite of your efforts, it's like you are just running into closed iron doors and into concrete walls and you know what is troubling? This one troubled me when I thought of it yesterday, "Oh, you know what is troubling? Time is going, time is going on, every day, every day, every day that the authority walks against you, you are getting closer to your grave. This order from Pharaoh is just making you mark time, run on the spot while time flies away, they are wasting your time and believe it or not, they are wasting your life." That is why you need to pray with holy anger this morning, that the Lord will answer you, "I will let you go," Pharaoh said, "Only you shall not go far away." You remember at first, at first, it was, "I will let you go." In fact, no, no, no, no, that's not the way it was at first, at first it was, "I will not let you go," that's the way it was. Then he said, "The Lord said we shall go," he said, "Who is the Lord?" He said, "I don't even know who that Lord is, and I don't want to know who that Lord is." Then finally got soften him a little bit and he was forced to say, "Okay, you can go." But the problem this morning is that restriction was put in place, limitation was put in place, "Go!" but don't go far. And did you know that that was what Pharaoh ended up doing with the children of Israel? You remember, he let them go after the plague that killed the first bones. Then as they took off, he went after them that, "Listen, this people have gone. You after them before they go too far, so we can bring them back." But I thank God this morning that he arose, "I have arose, yes, he arose, he arose, he arose, he arose, God arose, and fought him off." I pray for you this morning, "Ah, may heaven arise for you." You didn't hear my prayer, "I said, 'May heaven arise for you,' as you rise on your feet, may heaven arise for you, as you stand off this morning, may heaven arise for you." "May your eyes not make heaven to arise for you, and fight for you in the name of Jesus." We are going to cry to God to rise up for us, and fight off all powers that are against our going far in the name of Jesus Christ. I want you to begin to thank God this morning, say, "Lord, bless you, say, Lord, I worship you." Two things are sure, "God, you want me to go, and you want me to go far. I want you to thank God, thank God, thank God, that Lord, you want me to go, and you want me to go far." Come on, give God a praise for that, come on, give God a glory for that, come on, give God a hannah for that, Lord, I thank you, because you want me to go, and you want me to go far. I'm not hearing your voices in the name of Jesus, thank you, because you want me to go, and you want me to go far in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, come on, give you praise, give him glory, give him hannah, that he wants you to go, he wants you to go far in the name of Jesus. Father, bless you, Father, I worship you, because you want me to go, you want my children to go, and you want us to go far in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah I will give you praise, hallelujah I will give you hannah, I will love you, I will bless your name, oh Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, hey, Jesus name we pray, amen, I hope we your mouth and say, say, I will go, I will go, and I will go far, and I will go far in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I will put your mouth and make that declaration, and I will go far, and I will go far in the name of Jesus, I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far in the name of Jesus Christ, I will go far I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far, and I will go far My God, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, I will go fast, Oh God, Jesus name with prayer. Amen. The next prayer is perhaps the most important prayer we are going to pray this morning. Say, oh Holy Ghost. Oh Holy Ghost. I cry out loud. Oh Holy Ghost. We check out where I am hindering myself. Whichever way I am hindering myself. Did you see what I said is the most important prayer. So Holy Ghost. Whichever way I'm hindering myself. Whichever way I'm hindering myself. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Believe me by fire. Deliver me by fire, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver say all powers all powers i want you to open your mouth sell powers all powers fighting me fighting me from going far from going far fire god oh god i'm so good i'm so good i'm so good i'm so good i'm so good i'm so good i'm so [MUSIC] [CROSSTALK] [MUSIC] [CROSSTALK] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Giants of limitation. [MUSIC] Giants of limitation. [MUSIC] Fighting you from going far. Giants of limitation. Keeping you from going far. [MUSIC] I pray for you. I wanted to raise your hand up. It's me, O Lord. Lord, look at these hands, including my own. Demons that are assigned to us, to keep us from going far. Lord, reassign them in the name of Jesus. I pray for you, O keep your hands up. It's me, O Lord. Satanic fences, Satanic bodies, Satanic perimeters. Built around your life to keep you from going far. Authority is issued from this poor business money. In the name of Jesus. Keep your hand raised. I pray for you this morning. It's already afternoon. The people that are planted into your life. People that are planted on your job. People that are planted in your church. People that are planted in your extended family. People that are planted into your life in the past and in the present. To keep you from going far. I pray for you. In the name of Jesus. I speak by authority this morning. And it must be established in your life. All chains of darkness around your life, around your waist, pulling you back. They have tied you around you, tied it around you. You take off you want to go something that just pulls you back. You take off you want to go something that just pulls you back. All chains of darkness around your life that are pulling you back from going far. Break by fire. Break by fire. Break by fire. Keep your hand raised up because I want to cancel some things in your life. Sacrifices. Sacrifices that have been offered to ensure the shed blood. To ensure that you don't go far in life. Lord of Jesus, cancel everything in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Generational limitations. Generational limitations. Generational limitations. Traveling them in your families. All of you that are here with us this morning. I command them to lose your hold. Amen. Command them to lose their hold. Amen. Command them to lose their hold. Amen. Command them to lose their hold. Amen. Everybody say lose your hold. Lose your hold. Everybody say you lose your hold. Lose your hold. Everybody say lose your hold. Lose your hold. Everybody say lose your hold. Lose your hold. Take generational limitations. Generational limitations. Lose your hold. Lose your hold. Upon my life. Upon my children. Upon my children. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Shut fire. Fire. Shut fire. Fire. Shut fire. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's the time? Okay. Witchcraft. That's our African problem. Caribbean island problem. It is American problem. It is Chinese problem. It is the problem of the world. Witchcraft. Witchcraft blockages. Witchcraft barriers. Witchcraft entrances. That are keeping you from rising. Keeping you from rising. Keeping you from rising. All those barriers. All those blockages. All those hindrances. A degree by authority. Fire. Destroy them. Amen. Fire. Destroy them. Amen. Fire. Destroy them. Amen. Amen. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. Amen. A degree that every cross placed upon your life. From infancy. Determining how far you can go in life. Cross. Be broken by fire. Amen. Be broken by fire. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. A command for the last time. And then you can put down your hands. Every sponsor. There are some people that sponsor them. The sponsor limitation. It was felt as sponsored it. It's how you will not go far. And all these commandas will be hidden. So there are some sponsors in your family. There are some sponsors maybe even in this church. They are sponsoring limitation against fresh anointing. Ah. Your end has come. Amen. I said I pray for you. With all the love in my heart for your freedom. Every sponsor of stagnation in your life. May they be disgrace by five men, they be disgrace by five men, they be disgrace by five men in the name of cheese Hey, name of cheese. Hey man. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I said hallelujah. I said hallelujah I said hallelujah I will do you I'm moving forward hallelujah I'm moving forward hallelujah, I'm moving forward hallelujah, I'm moving forward hallelujah, I'm moving forward hallelujah, I'm moving forward hallelujah, I'm moving forward hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I'm moving forward, hallelujah, I I'm goin' for ya, I am movin' for ya I'm movin' for ya, I'm movin' for ya And she's a slave, amen Say after me say O Lord, O Lord Say I receive speed, I receive speed To move, to move beyond where I am Beyond where I am, I receive speed I receive speed, to move beyond To move beyond, I am right now Where I am right now In the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus We am outta make that declaration In the name of Jesus I receive speed, I receive speed To move beyond, I receive speed To move beyond Where I am, right now I receive speed, to move beyond We are outta am right now I receive speed, to move beyond I receive speed, to move beyond In the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus I receive speed, to move beyond To move beyond, I am right now In the name of Jesus When I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right now, I am right (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Advancement in all the areas of your life, advance, advance all the areas of my life, advancement in all the areas of my life, advancement in all the areas of my life, advancement in all the areas of my life, advancement in all the areas of my life, advancement in all the areas of my life, advancement in all the areas of my life, advancement in all the areas of my life, advancement in all the areas of my life, advancement in all the areas of my life, advancement in all the areas of my life. This is my teenage we pray. Amen. You shall go. Amen. And you shall go very far. Amen. Maybe you're in your sixties. Yeah. Or you're in your seventies. What they did not let you accomplish when you were fifteen, when you were twenty, you will accomplish before you die. Amen. You will not get to heaven. And there's a sorry. You never got there. No matter how old you are. Amen. As a result of the anointing upon this service, you will get there. Amen. You will get there. If you look at somebody, if you look at somebody, this is the last prayer. Hey, I may prophesy to them. Say every greatness. Every greatness. Come and say to them as if you believe it. Say every greatness. That God has proposed for you. That God has proposed for you and your loved ones and your loved ones in this life, in this life. Before you die, before you die, you will get there. You will get there. And it begins today. And he begins today in the name of Jesus, everybody say, I receive it, everybody say, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, I receive it, Jesus, man, they've kept tossing one place long enough, it's too long. Now we are singing, and we are declaring, now we are moving forward, turn to somebody and tell them we are moving forward, turn to another person and tell them we are moving forward, we are moving forward, we are moving forward, I am moving forward, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, the song that I want us to sing is very simple. We are moving forward, hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, amen, we are moving forward. We are moving forward, hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, amen, I am moving forward, hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah, amen, I said I am moving forward, hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, check it one more time, I am moving forward, hallelujah, amen, in the name of Jesus, hallelujah, amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, somebody must move, for you to move, amen, wherever must move, for you to move, move in the name of Jesus, amen. You don't get in that prayer, I said somebody must move, for you to move, when God moved, the people of Israel moved, wherever must move, for me to move forward, wherever must move, for you to move forward, move in the name of Jesus, amen. Somebody must move, oh, yes, man, for that we are everybody may be, who ever they may be, that must move, amen, that is blocking us, that is keeping us down, that is entering us, who ever whatever, we command them today, we are going to command them together, we command them today, somebody have me say move, move, somebody have me say move, move, move in the name of Jesus, amen, we give you glory Lord, we give you praise, we give you honor, thank you Jesus, thank you for the victory, thank you because we are moving forward, amen, in the name of Jesus, amen. Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, Jesus mighty name we have prayed, amen, we are going to shout, we are going to shout to the Alleluia, is that enough? Alleluia, let's go as we closings, we want to go, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Congratulations to your neighbor, congratulations, congratulations, amen, congratulations. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]