Bishop Itiola podcast

Episode 858 - Praying to go far in life

1h 5m
Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
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good evening and welcome back to our prayers for tonight. Many of you are with us yesterday and we thank you all for being there during that prayer. The one for tonight is extremely important and I'm glad you made it here even as we requested yesterday. If you were with us yesterday you remember we devoted praying about our independence in Jesus Christ. That was specifically done to mark 4th of July the American independence celebration. Two things really stood out to me yesterday about the American independence and I'll share it with you momentarily. Well let me just welcome for me you are the first online tonight. You are back in the position you've always been. God bless you. Pastor David I don't know if it's you or your family but we thank you for being here tonight. Be sure by end though the rich recharge is good to see you all the way from Kenya tonight. Thank you so much for joining us. I'm always encouraged that you join us just about every time. I know how busy you are. When I see men and women of God who join the prayer line I feel humbled because what I'm doing you could easily do and even do better. It takes a lot of humility to be a man and woman of God and sit under the teaching of another man of God. God bless you for your humility. Bridgety thank you for being here. God bless you for all you do. The Raji always here and your wife also saw her last night. May God bless both of you. May God bless your family. May God increase you more and more. I hope I'll be like you when I grow up here the Raji because you got some grace upon your life that you don't find upon too many people. That is the truth. And I'll talk with you on Sunday if you'll please stop by my office. I got some things I want to discuss with you. May be after we finish discussing you with lay hands on me so I can be like you. God bless you all for joining us on the podcast. Yes there were many people on the podcast yesterday. I think we've had hundreds to listen to the program yesterday on Spreaker on all the other podcast providers. By the way it's not only on our Spreaker that you can listen to us. If you have Apple we're on there. If you have Spotify we're on there. If you have Amazon we're on there. Anybody that provides a podcast we are on their platforms so feel free to go anywhere and listen to us. You're gonna be blessed. Lady Flourish thank you for being here tonight. May God bless you as you join us and those of you who are calling in. May the good Lord bless you also as we gather together to pray tonight. Two things stood out to me yesterday like I was saying before I said hello to our friends on Facebook and on the other platforms. Two things stood out to me about the American independence. The first is the fact that once America became free from the British Empire America never went under the rule and control of the British Empire again till today. The second fact is that America grew to be greater than the Empire that once ruled over them. So great. The Britain now looks up to the United States and when I hear people in the White House talking they say our allies. Oh God they used to be under them now they are above them. I pray that those two will be your experience in life or your experiences in life. May you never go back to be under the control of what and who God saved you and gave you independence and freedom from. But secondarily may anyone and anything that once loaded it over your life. May they now come under your logic. May they now come under your control. That happens in life. If you did not join us yesterday please go online and pray those prayers at your convenience. Many people prayed them and many people were blessed by them. Freedom from all bandages is your God giving right. Did you hear what I said? Freedom. From all bandages is your God giving right. You need to fight for it in prayer. You need to put your feet down and say God died on the cross and he gave me that power to overcome. You are more than a conqueror my friend. Don't let anything lord eat over you. Let us pray. Spirit of the living God we need you tonight. There are many of our friends across the world that have already joined us. But there are many that probably have forgotten also falling asleep or God distracted. We pray that you will allot everyone that the time is here for us to spend one hour together. For that give me the grace to lead and give your people the grace to pray. We'll be careful to give you the praise at the end. In Jesus mighty name we pray. And all God's people everywhere said amen and amen. Now we're going to move to my promised theme for tonight. What we want to do tonight is we want to pray more about my summon of last Sunday. And the subject was contending to go far in life. In fact not just to go far in life but to go very far in life. Now these tonight promises to be a really really blessed time. So please sit tight and also reach out to your loved ones. Invite them to come and join us as we pray these very important prayers tonight. After all tell me who does not want to go far in fact very far in life. No one imagine me giving a prayer point and saying I want you to pray that you will not go far in life. Nobody will pray that prayer. Well I'm asking you to come now and let's gather at the feed of our Heavenly Father. I'm telling Lord I don't want limitations in my life. I want to go as far as you want me to go. And that's what God's going to do for you. So get ready. Our text will be the same one that I used last Sunday morning. Exodus chapter 8, in verse number 28. Don't worry I'm not preaching my summon all over again. Uh-uh. I just want to tell you some things that I need to tell you to prepare you to be able to pray. Exodus 8 28 says and I wanted to listen to this very well. And Pharaoh said I will let you go that he may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness. Only he shall not go very far away and then this dude asked for prayer. He said in treat for me. What I just read was a deal that Pharaoh offered Moses and the children of Israel. When it was obvious to him that God was serious about Israel leaving Egypt. What Pharaoh offered us a proposal is no longer a proposal to do. Uh-uh. It's no longer a proposal today. Rather it's something I found in the warfare catalog of the enemy, modus operandi. This is how the enemy operates people. He borrowed a leaf from the warfare book of Pharaoh and now he uses it against God's people. He does listen everything within his power to make sure that you and I don't go far in life. Can I repeat that? The enemy will do everything within his power to ensure that you don't go far in life. The battle that many of us are fighting today is how far the enemy is willing to let you go. You want to go 20 miles? But the enemy wants you to go 20 feet. Then a battle ensues and those who cannot fight will just lay down and let the wheel of the enemy be done in their lives. That shall not be our portion on this prayer line. That's why we gather together to fight out this thing in prayer. I will go far and as I said last Sunday many of us will have gone very very far in life. That's the truth. Many of us will have gone far in our spiritual lives. Many of us will have gone far in business. Many of us will have gone far in ministry. You can come and ask me. Many of us will have gone far in our finances. Many of us will have gone very far in our profession in short. Many will have gone very far in all areas of life if not for the wickedness that keeps us from going far. Lani Lesson from the words of all Pharaoh in the verse are just right to you. He said you can go and sacrifice to your God in the wilderness but don't go very far. You can go but don't go very far. I love. The first choice of the enemy is not to let you go at all. Did you hear that? The first choice of the enemy is not to let you go at all. He will put all kinds of obstacles all kinds of barriers all kinds of hindrances and road blocks in our way to keep us from going. But when that fails, he goes for this one that we are praying about this evening. He makes sure that you don't go very far in life. Yeah, you can go. I mean, I can't stop you from going but I'm going to fight you from going far. Many people die at the stage of not being allowed to go at all but even many more die at the stage of not going very far. And last Sunday, if you are with us, we fought and contended in prayers against this thing that we're talking about. But I want you to contend even more tonight for your right to be a fully accomplished individual here on earth. Don't be a spectator. Now watch these other people who are accomplished. Get in the playing field and accomplish great things. Because what I just said is the mode of operation of Pharaoh. When the enemy cannot stop you from going, he will seek to limit how far you can go. The enemy does not like anyone going from where they are. But if they manage to free themselves, like I said, he will do everything to limit how father can go. He said to Moses, I will let you go. That he may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness. Only. Hey nonsense. Only he shall not go very far away. Listen folks, you who are jumping and dancing and rejoicing because they let you go. And you say, I want, I want, I want, I want, they finally let me go. You know many people that cross the border of Africa into Europe, they cross the border of Africa into the Americas, they cross the border of whatever nation they are in and they cross the Atlantic Ocean or cross the Pacific Ocean. That is half of the battle won. They've let you go. But I've seen many people in Europe, many people in America, many people in other parts of the world that they allowed to live their country, but they didn't go far where they went. And for some of them, you even tell them, it will have been better for you to remain where you are. I said, there is a bigger, frustrating battle that hinders people from reaching their full potential. You are allowed to go. But you are not allowed to go very far. Can I ask a question? Please forgive me for this question, but I got to ask it. Have you reached your full potential in life yet? For most people, the answer is no. That's why you need to pray tonight. That's why you need to pray this prayer even after tonight. I cannot tell you how many times I prayed the prayer on Sunday this week. That all satanic officers that have been stationed around your life, guarding you from advancing in life will be reassigned elsewhere. It's of no use praying that they will die. I laugh when people pray that they never will die. They never don't die. Demons don't die. But they can be reassigned. Leave this one alone. Go somewhere else until your final judgment comes. And you know what really I never said on Sunday, which I have to say today, is that sometimes this problem of not going very far in life is a collective captivity within a family. We are no one within that family is allowed to go, but they are not allowed to go far. But as a result of this prayer tonight, we are believing God that your potentials in life will come forth so you can go far. Now you see why I was begging you to share this link? Everyone that I know in life needs this. It's not too late to share the link or it's not too late to make a call. It's not too late to tell somebody to tune in. We're praying about you tonight. And I pray that God Almighty will use this prayer tonight to propel you far, to propel you far spiritually, professionally, financially, ministerially, business-wise, and in all areas of your life. Don't forget to fail whenever I want anyone to go. And if that does not work, it will do everything possible to keep you from going far. You know I made a man I believe it was saying Dubai a couple of years ago when we went to start our church there. The man came from Nigeria. He told me, he said, "Bish, I sold everything I had. I sold my car. I sold my even my mattress. I sold it. Everything I had, I sold it." And guess what happened? He got to Dubai and it discovered that they are hitting the wall. And he said, "I want to go back home." He said, "After all, if you cannot go forward, at least you can go backwards." But he asked me, he said, "Bish, what am I going backwards to meet? I sold everything." And you know what? As I said on Sunday, time is going on. Time is going. I wish I can see you eyeball to eyeball to tell you that time is going. Do you realize you are not getting younger? You're getting older. And this order, this wicked order that Pharaoh makes and made that time is making many people just mark time. It's making people just run on the spot while time flies away. The enemy is wasting your time, I must say to you. And quite frankly, he's happy to waste any life. A prayer that your life will not be wasted, or by the way, I'm preaching this coming Sunday in church and online on I shall not be wasted. That's how our 19th service this coming Sunday. Plan to join us. So that's why we need to pray with holy anger tonight. Loose me and let me go. I want to go forward. I want to move forward in life. And God will answer those prayers. I think I've said enough. I'm just going to ask you to please get ready to be blessed tonight because God is here to bless us. Did you hear what I said? God is here to bless us. If you are with me on Facebook, you probably noticed that I got cut off. Do ask me how I got cut off and why I got cut off. Well, the enemy doesn't like this kind of prayer we are praying tonight. That's why I got cut off. But I'm back on stay where you are. That's the work of the enemy right there. But we are back on. So we're going to keep in prayer tonight that nothing will hinder us even as we pray together. So if I lost you, I wasn't the one that lost you as Facebook itself that lost you. I love this when it happens because it means God is going to do something good, something powerful, something glorious. That's why we got cut off momentarily. I'm keeping my eye on Facebook and I prayed the Lord will bless us tonight. Let's go before him and go with thanksgiving tonight. I want you to say, Lord, we'll give you praise. We'll give you glory. We'll give you honor. We'll give you dominion for allowing us to see another night tonight. For allowing us to see another Friday night. I want you to give him praise. I want you to give him glory. I want you to give him honor. If you know someone who has been knocked off Facebook and we all did, I want you to give them a call and tell them we're back on Facebook. Don't go away. Pray the prayer tonight. The enemy doesn't want us to pray. This has not happened in many, many, many, many, many months. That's how the enemy operates. It's angry that we're going to go far. Thank God for being with us all work week long. Father, I will bless you. We'll worship you. I want you to thank him for the prayers of last night on the independence that Christ gives us. Hallelujah. Thank him that in reality you have experienced that freedom that is in him. There's nothing like knowing Christ. There's nothing like having that freedom that only Jesus Christ can give. Have you ever had the song only Jesus can save? Yes, he's the one that can save us from bondage. He's the one that can give us independence. Thank him tonight for all the yokes of bandages that he has destroyed in your life. But I personally give you praise. I personally give you glory for all yokes of bandages that you have destroyed in my life. I want you to thank him because like the United States, you will not go under the rule of powers that God has freed you from. I want you to say, Lord, I just give you praise because I will not be brought under the bondage, under the rulership, under the control of whatever you have given me victory over. I want you to thank him because his grace will make those that rule you, never to rule you again. Yeah, they ruled you in the past, but they will not rule you again. That's what happened to the United States. That's why they can rejoice yesterday because when they got free from the British Empire, the British Empire never ruled them again. I want you to thank him because his grace will make you free and free forever and will make you even better than those who ruled over you one time. Thank him for exposing the enemy for who he is, the enemy that doesn't want us to go far in the name of Jesus. Father, we thank you for exposing Satan for who he is tonight because he doesn't want us to go. And when we go, he doesn't want us to go far. Come on bless his name and worship him. Adore him and honor him and glorify him because he's a good God. He loves to lose his people. He loves to release his people so his people can go far in life. Thank him for exposing the enemy for who he is. Oh, he's the enemy that is against us going far. Thank God because he will not allow you to get to heaven before you realize how far you could have gone on earth. Father, we thank you because we will not die and they realize, oh, we could have gone far. We could have gone far. No, we will go far now before we see Jesus face to face at last. Father would bless you for that. We thank you. I would glorify you for that. Oh God, thank him because in all aspects of your life, you will not only go, but you will go very far. Did you hear what I said? I want you to thank him in advance right now because in all aspects of your life, in all aspects of my life, we will not only go, but we will go very, very far in the name of Jesus. Thank him because with God on your side, nothing shall slow you down or even be able to stop you. You are unstoppable, my friends. You're going to go all the way and fulfill destiny in the name of Jesus. I want you to bless his name for that. I want you to thank him for that. Thank him because with God on your side, with God on the side of your children, they're going to go far. In fact, your children, we accomplish better than you have accomplished. Your children will go farther than you have been able to go. I want you to thank God because he will give us appropriate prayers tonight that will propel us very, very far away from where the enemy wants us to be. I want you to pray that God will take care of sin, God will take care of unbelieving our lives tonight. I want you to pray that the Lord will wash you, the Lord will cleanse you, the Lord will purge you, the Lord will purify you and remove any iniquity from your life tonight. In the mighty name of Jesus, I want you to pray that any sin of omission, any sin of commission, any sin in word, any sin and thought, any sin indeed, the blood of Jesus will come down tonight and cleanse us and wash us and purge us. And purify us tonight even as we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, for our prayed iniquity will not stand between us and you tonight. We plead the blood of Jesus, everybody plead the blood of Jesus again saying that the Lord will wash you, we Lord will cleanse you, the Lord will purge you, the Lord will purify you. That sin will not be a barrier between you and what God wants to do for you tonight. You must go far, we will go far. I want you to pray that unbelieve will not stop you also because you know after you've been in a position for so long, you feel that, hey, I don't think I'm going anywhere. Yes, you are going somewhere my friend. I want you to bless the name of the Lord for that and pray that all unbelieve, all doubt, all double-mindedness, the Lord will cross them from your life, the Lord will remove them from you completely in the name of Jesus. I want you to pray that God will give us grace tonight, God will pour our grace to us as we call on him tonight, we'll stay focused in the mighty name of Jesus, papa, we raise our hand for grace. I raise my own hand for special grace tonight, for that give me grace to be able to lead this prayer tonight, give me grace to be able to lead your people even as we pray and give them grace to be able to pray also in the name of Jesus. I want you to pray for our friends who are scattered all across the world in Africa, in Europe, in Asia, in the far, far, far Pacific that the Lord will just give them the strength in Japan, even as we pray tonight, in the name of Jesus, in the Middle East, the Lord will give them grace to be able to pray as we pray tonight, the Lord will have them that are supposed to be sleeping at this time, to be a lot, to be awake, even as we call upon God in the name of Jesus. Father, keep us awake, keep us alert, those who are feeling sleepy, I pray that we shake them up so they can be awake to pray tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I want you to pray for me that the Lord will give me strength to be able to lead this prayer tonight, in the name of Jesus. Father, strengthen me, strengthen everyone, even as we call upon you, as we cry unto you tonight, for the next 30 minutes or so that we have left, in the name of Jesus, have your way, ooh God, have your way, ooh God, have your way, ooh God. I want you to take control over the airwaves in the name of Jesus that will not have any problem with the transmission of this prayer, that the cutoff that we had on Facebook about five minutes ago will not experience that again in the name of Jesus. Father, keep everything working perfectly, even as we pray on the podcast, even on the prayer line, ooh God, in the name of Jesus. Father, let there be no interruption from the pizza of hell. Let there be no hindrance from the pizza of hell to hinder the prayers. We're bind every attack against the prayers of tonight. Let everything go smoothly, ooh God, in the name of Jesus. You know what I want us to do tonight? I want us to begin with confession. I want you to confess tonight. Say, I will go, and I will go far in life in the name of Jesus. So, put your mouth, open your mouth, open your mouth. Say, I will go, and I will go far. Say, I will go, and I will go far. Say, I will go, and I will go far. Say, I will go, and I will go far in life. In the name of Jesus, I will go, and I will go far in life. I want it to open your mouth and really pray tonight. Say, I will go, and I will go far in life in the name of Jesus, that I'm unstoppable in the name of Jesus, that nothing will be able to hinder me from going far. I want you to make that confession tonight. Whatever you say to God is what God will give you. When you say it, the Bible says, "Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you." I want you to confess and to say it. I will go, and I will go far in life in the name of Jesus. Mercy will help me to go far in life. I will go far in life in the name of Jesus. Open your mouth and let's make that declaration as we begin to pray tonight. Say, "I did grace of God. I will go, and I will go far in life in the name of Jesus." I want you to say that in all areas of your life. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Say, "In all areas of my life, I will go, and I will go far in the name of Jesus." That runs contrary to what Pharaoh said to Moses. He said, "You can go, but don't go very far. I want it to put very far in it tonight. Say, not only will I go in all areas of my life, but the grace of God, I will go very far in the name of Jesus. I want you to have areas of your life at the back of your mind, even as we pray this prayer that you are contending with hindrance, that you are contending with being slowed down, that you are contending with the enemy pushing you back. You want to go forward. It's like the tide rope around you and each chain around you. You take one step forward, they pull you back three steps because they don't want you to go far. Whoever them are, whoever they are, I want you to confess to them. Say, "In the name of Jesus, in all areas of my life, oh God, come on, pray tonight. Please pray tonight. Say, in all areas of my life, I will go, and I will go far. I will go, and I will go far. Somebody needs to compose a song on this. I think that song will be a bestseller that you will go, and you will go far in life. I think everybody will gravitate towards that song. All you composers that are out there start writing, brought up a start writing in the name of Jesus, that I will go, and I will go far in life in the name of Jesus. Somebody needs to come up with a chorus, my friends, and listen this every Sunday, that by the grace of God in all areas of my life, come on open your mouth and confess it, that I will go, and I will go far in life. I will go, I will go far in life. Mention areas of your life where you want to go, and you want to go far. On my job, I will go far. In my business, I will go far. In my spiritual life, I will go far. In my academic life, I will go far. In my ministry, I will go far. In my profession, I will go far. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. I wanted to say, "Oh Lord, I rise tonight. Come on open your mouth and pray where you are. Don't fall asleep. Oh, say, "Oh Lord, I rise tonight and fight all powers that are fighting me from going far. As far as God intends me to big go go. All powers that are fighting me tonight. All powers that are raising against me tonight. Oh Lord, rise up against them, oh God, and fight for me tonight. Fight for my children tonight, because the same traces you saw in yourself. Now you are beginning to see them in your children. Oh Lord, for every member of my family, I rise for also God. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, papa, I rise and fight all powers. All powers like that of Pharaoh, all authorities like that of Pharaoh that are fighting me from going far in life. As far as God wants me to go, He cannot stop you from going. You are already born again, but He will contend against you. That is true. You are born again now, but we will not let you go far. I want you to pray. Oh God, those who have said they will not let me go far. Oh Lord, don't let them carry out their foolishness against me. Loose me by fire. Giants of limitation. Loose me by fire. Giants of limitation. Fighting me from going far. Loose me by fire. Loose me by fire. Come on pray. Loose me by fire. Come on pray. All giants of limitation that are fighting against you going forward. You know how far you could have gone. You know how far you should have gone. Oh Lord, giants of limitation. Fighting me from going far. Loose me by fire. Loose me by fire. Oh Lord, fight all the giants in my life. Fight all the demons that are contending against me and are saying I must not. I will not go far. Oh Lord, I rise. I want you to pray the forces of darkness that are assigned to tie you down in one spot. They be pushed off by fire. Oh Lord, push them off by fire. Oh Lord, push them off by fire. Oh Lord, push them off by fire. On sin forces of darkness. On sin powers of human beings that have been assigned to tie me down in one spot. Sometimes it's an individual on your job. Sometimes it's a supervisor. Sometimes it's a director. Sometimes it's a manager. He rises up against you and they assigned him against you. Make sure he doesn't rise. Make sure she doesn't rise. Oh Lord, push them away by fire. Oh Lord, push them away by fire. Whoever is standing against me on my job that says I will not rise on this job. Father, send them to Arizona desert. In the name of Jesus. Send them to Wyoming desert. In the name of Jesus. Send them to wherever you want to send them. But I must move forward. I must go far. In the name of Jesus. I will not be marking time. I will not be on one spot. I will not be at one spot. I've been here long enough. I want you to pray, pray, pray, pray tonight. Say oh Lord, I've been here long enough. I need to move. I've been here long enough. I need to go forward. I have been here long enough. I want to move forward. Father, touch me tonight. In the name of look at your spiritual life. You've been safe for 40 years. Is this where you are supposed to be? You've been safe for 20 something years. Is this where you are supposed to be? Oh Lord, whatever is hindering me from flying in the spirit. Whatever is full hindering me from being an eagle Christian. Father, destroy them tonight. Let me go find the things of the spirit. Let me go find the things of the spirit. Make me a spiritual giant and not a dwarf in the name of Jesus. Pharaoh said you can go, but you will not go far. Say your spiritual life. Oh Lord, help me to go far. Giants of limitations. Authorities that have been spoken. Words that have been spoken that I must not go far. I can't sue them tonight in the name of Jesus. Coses that have been issued against me. Open your mouth people and let us pray tonight. Coses that have been issued that your children will not pass you. And you know the battle that you fought. Look at these pretty girls who are your children. Look at these handsome boys who are your children. They are contending with trouble at 20 something. They are contending with trouble at 30 something. It's like their life is not moving forward. Oh God, who is behind this? Oh God, what is behind this? Let fire a judge for me tonight. Let fire a judge for me tonight. All giants of limitation that are hindering me from going far. Hold on. Let loose me. Giants of limitation. Loose me. Let me go far and let me go very far. Forces of darkness. Come on up with your mouth and pray that I've been assigned to tie you down in one spot. Forces of wickedness that have been assigned that are working night and day to make sure they tie you down in one spot. These people will be giving you calls. How's everything now? What are you doing now? What are your children doing now? They are collecting information to see whether you are moving forward or not. You yourself, you talk too much. Stop giving them information. Just tell them God is in control. Finish. Forces of darkness that have been assigned to tie me down in one spot. Release me by fire. Fire releases me from you. Say fire releases me from you. Fire releases me tonight from the group of those who only go around in circles. Did you hear what I said? They've taken you and they put you in the group of those who only go around in circles. Say fire of God. Release me from that group. Fire of God. Release me from that group. Fire of God. Release me from that group of nonachivas. Release me from that group of people who are stagnant. Release me from that group. For let me see, let me see progress. Let me see moving forward. I want you to pray tonight that all demons that have been assigned open your mouth and pray tonight. Say all demons that have been assigned to keep me from going far. Say papari assigned them tonight. All unclean spirits that know me very well. All familiar spirits that have been assigned against me from my mother's womb to keep me from going far. All God fight against them for me. Reassign them for me. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want you to open your mouth and say catch fire tonight. Open your mouth and say catch fire tonight. I said open your mouth and say catch fire tonight. Say Satanic fences catch fire tonight. Satanic borders catch fire tonight. Satanic parameters built around my life to keep me from going far. Catch fire tonight. Catch fire tonight. Catch fire tonight. Catch fire tonight. All Satanic fences that have been built around my life and I run into them when I want to move forward. Catch fire tonight. Down down to ashes tonight. All parameters. All barriers. All hindrances. All fences that have been built around me to keep me from going forward. Catch fire. Catch fire. Catch fire. Catch fire. Catch fire. Catch fire. I want you to pray also about people that have been planted into your life. People that have been planted into your life in the past. People that have been planted into your life in the present to keep you from going far. See papas catadam. See papas catadam. See papas catadam. See papas catadam. Whoever has been planted into my life to keep me from going far. Father let them be scattered. Father let them be scattered. Pray for your children because many of them have eyes. They don't see. They have this. That's my friend. That's my best friend and that one is a warrior for demons. I want you to pray that whoever is planted around my children. Oh Lord God. Whoever is presently connected to my children with the purpose of keeping them from going far. Many of these people they don't want to go far and they want to keep your own children from going far. See who lost catadams, catadams, catadams, catadams, catadam. I want you to pray for your old boys. I want you to pray for your girls that are not even married yet. See who Lord when they marry you papa. Don't let them marry a man that will keep them from going far. Don't let them marry a woman that will keep them from going far. Don't let them marry a jesebel. Don't let them marry an ahab. Don't let them marry an absolom that will keep them from going far. All the people that have been planted into my life in the past. People that have been planted into my life even right now. Oh Lord. If their purpose is to keep me from going far. Papas, catadams, catadams, catadams, catadam. There's somebody on your team on your job. If there's anyone on your team on your job that will hinder you from going far. Say, O Lord, I'll prove them from my team. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Now let's pray for you. Let's pray for you. That anything about you. That anything about me. That is slowing us down in our journey into breakthrough. Let it be destroyed tonight. Whichever way I'm hindering myself from going far, whatever I'm doing that is keeping me from going far, whatever I love that is keeping me from going far, whoever I love that is keeping me from going far, papa, deliver me, deliver me, separate me, separate me, come on, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. You never know whatever it is that you are put your hand into, whatever it is that you are put your feet into that is hindering you from going far in life. Papa, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me tonight. Papa, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me tonight. Let me not be the one hindering myself. Let me not be the one hindering myself. Let me not be the one blocking myself. Let me not be the one putting barriers and hindrances in my way. Anything about me, O God, anything about me, O God, that is slowing me down in my journey to my breakthrough, in my journey to where you want me to go, for I destroy them, for I destroy those things. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, can we come against chains of darkness around your life? Say, papa, every chain of darkness, every chain of witchcraft around my life, pulling me back from going far. Papa, let the chain break by fire. Let the rope break by fire. Let the chain break by fire. Let the rope break by fire. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, chains of darkness, chains of witchcraft, rope of darkness, rope of witchcraft around my life, around my waste. That is pulling me back and pulling me back from going forward and going far. Father, break it by fire. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, many of you, none of those things is red tape, human red tape. I want you to pray that any red tape that is keeping you from rising, any red tape that is keeping you from going forward, any red tape that is keeping you from going far, O Lord, destroy them, O Lord, destroy them, O Lord, destroy the red tape, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Let's come against every sacrifice that has been offered against you. Oh, this thing is serious, folks. Sacrifices, sacrifices, blood sacrifices that have been issued, that have been offered to ensure that I don't go far in life. Father, cancel those sacrifices with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Whatever sacrifice has been sacrificed to make sure that I don't go far in life, cancel them by fire, cancel them by the sacrifice of the blood of Jesus. Let's go into your generation past. Say, "Generation and limitations." Papa, Matthew, we all have generations. Papa, generational limitations, troubling them in my family line. Lose your hold on me in the name of Jesus. Lose your hold on my journey in life in the name of Jesus. Are you praying where you are tonight? This thing is serious. Moses and Pharaoh, he said, "Mosey, you can go, but don't go far. I reject that word. I reject that commandment. Open your mouth. Whatever they have spoken with authority, because Pharaoh was a man of authority, whatever he said, came to pass. I want you to pray as he did not come to pass in the life of the Israelites. As he did not come to pass in the life of Moses, it shall not. It will not. It must not come to pass in my life. Whoever has spoken in my generation past, maybe 40 years ago, maybe 100 years ago, maybe 300 years ago, and there are poor limitations on us in our family. And I'm struggling under that limitation. Hold on! Let it lose its hold. Let it lose its hold. Whatever you lose on us, I'll be losing heaven. I'll lose the hold of generational limitations that are troubling them in my family life. I lose their hold on my life's journey in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Let me take it another way. I want you to pray that abandoned. Here what I said, say abandoned, ancient, ancient family idols, abandoned, ancient family idols, fighting, you're going fine life. Oh Lord! Let it lose its hold on me. Let it lose its power on me. In the name of Jesus. Let's just power on me be loosed. Let's just control on me be broken. Abandoned, ancient family idols. Family idols that my ancestors made covenant with and made promises to. And now we don't worship those idols anymore, even though it shows in our names, even though he shows and marks in our bodies. All not whatever is made trouble by ancient idols that have been abandoned. All not God and they are fighting me. They are fighting my siblings. They are fighting people in my family from going far. Lose your hold. Lose your hold. Lose your hold. Lose your power. Lose your hold. Lose your power. Ancient, ancient family idols that have been abandoned. Now we've gone to college. We have our back shallows. We have our masters. We have our PhD. Why should we go and put oil on the rock? Why should we go and cook beans for an idol? Now we've gone beyond that, but his spirit has not gone beyond that too. He says, "You will not worship me. Okay, you will not go far. Papa, pray that you will cancel it, cancel it, cancel it, cancel it. Whatever is troubling me from my fathers. Whatever is troubling us from our grandfathers. Whatever is troubling us from our generation past. This tool in our family that is troubling them from going far. In my family, Papa, deliver me, release me, deliver me, release me, deliver me, release me, deliver me, release me, oh God, from the control of those powers, from the control of those spirits. In the name of Jesus, what about which craft? My friends, I said what about which craft? All which craft blockages? All which craft barriers? All which craft hindrances? Come on, say it after me, which craft blockages? Come on, say it after me, which craft barriers? Please say it after me, which craft hindrances? Keeping me from rising, keeping me from rising. Oh Lord, destroy those blockages by fire. Destroy those barriers by fire. Destroy those hindrances by fire. I told you, oh, it's one thing to be able to go. It's another thing to be able to go far. You can go, but going far is another battle in itself. I thank God he has allowed you to go. I want you to pray that all which craft blockages, all which craft barriers, all which craft hindrances that will keep you from rising. You know how you fought and fought and fought before you are allowed to go. Now you are gone. Now they are still here. Oh, they don't want you to go far. Oh Lord, have mercy on us. Oh Lord, have mercy on us. Guess what happened? I was going to New Jersey one evening with one of the pastors in my church. We were going to preach in New Jersey and somebody stopped us around Atlantic Avenue about 1000 block of Atlantic Avenue. For those of you who live in New York, the man walked up to us and he was begging for money. He was saying, one quark, you give me a quark, who you give me a quark, you give me a quark and we found out from his accent that he's from, he's from, he's not even from Nigeria, he's from another country in Africa. And we said, wow, this one left Africa only to come and be begging for quarter in New York City. And the man was mad rich. The man was very prosperous. But he said, you are going, you will not go far. I want you to pray which craft in my father's house, which craft in my mother's house, blocking my life, putting barriers in my life, putting hindrances in my life, keeping me from rising, be destroyed, be destroyed, blockages be destroyed, barriers be destroyed, hindrances be destroyed, whatever they put in my life, when the announcement has been made, that so and so it's about to rise. So listen to Bishop, when the announcement has been made that you're about to rise, then the battle rises against you. All Lord, every battle that has risen against me, when they had the announcement, about me beginning to rise, and now it's a fight, and now it's a struggle. The turbulence is much, the airplane cannot rise. All Lord, send your wind, send your wind, send your wind, and blow the barriers away, and blow the hindrances away, and blow the blockages away in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Open your mouth and pray against the tiny cages, every satanic cage, holding you back, from going forth, every satanic cage, holding you back, from going forth, every satanic cage, give me holding you down, from being able to go far. You can only go within the cage, oh, you cannot go outside the cage. Papa loose me, Father set it on fire, set this cage on fire, set this cage on fire, in the name of Jesus. I wanted to pray that all limitations like cages in life have set for you, have set for you limitations in your career, limitations in your health. I command them to be destroyed by fire, all altars of darkness, putting useless hindrances in your way, heat useless hindrances in my way, all altars, putting cages in your way, setting limitations in your path, in your career, in your health, in your marital life. Papa sent fire, jointment of fire tonight, every course, every course, come on, pray, pray, pray, pray, say every course that has been placed upon my life since I was born, limiting how far I will go in life, limiting how far I can go in life, let the cost be broken tonight, papa let the cost be broken tonight, papa let the cost be broken tonight, whoever was angry with me, when you announce that I was going forward and it placed the cost on me and the cost is affecting me, who will revise the cost tonight, so I can begin to go far in the name of Jesus, whoever is sponsoring it, oh Lord, whoever is sponsoring it, all stagnation in my life, whoever is sponsoring stagnations in my life, for that disgrace them by releasing me, disgrace them by setting me free, whoever it is, however, however close they are to me, they are the sponsors of stagnation in my life, for they release me and disgrace them, release me and disgrace them, say after me, say I receive, I receive, I receive, say I receive speed to move forward from where I am right now, beyond where I am right now, papa receive speed, divine speed to move forward from where I am right now, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I want us to pray that everything you have lost, I want you to pray that everything you have lost to stagnation, everything you have lost to stagnation, everything you have lost to being tied down, shall be restored, and restored quickly, shall be restored, and restored speedily in the name of Jesus. I want you to tell the Lord advancement. Lord, I receive advancement. Lord, I receive advancement. Yay, I receive advancement in all areas of my life, in all areas of my family. I receive advancement tonight. Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. Say I shall advance. Say I will advance. Say I must advance. Very, very far. I will advance. I must advance. I shall advance. Very, very far. From now on, I want you to pray. Say every greatness that God had in mind for you when he sent you to the world. Every, yeah, every greatness that God has in mind for you. You saw it in your dream, didn't you? You had it in prophecies, didn't you? And you had confirmation upon confirmation. But they said, no. Say everybody's saying no. Papa, slap them tonight in the name of Jesus. Every greatness that you propose for me, oh God, that they have said no to in covence, that they have said no to in my father's house, that they have said no to in my wife's house, that they have said no to in my husband's house. Oh Lord, say yes. When Jesus say yes, who can say no? Tell me who can say no. I want you to pray and say, "Lord, whatever they have said, no to in my life, papa say yes to them in the name of Jesus." Let's come against this embargo. Embago against your upliftment. Say, "Every embargo against my upliftment. Receive divine destruction. Receive divine destruction. Receive divine destruction. Receive divine destruction. Receive divine destruction. Please pray. Please pray. Please pray. Every embargo. You will go this far, but we no go beyond here. Destroy a circle around you. Sir, Lord, every circle they have drawn around me, I'm stepping out of the circle. Yes, I'm stepping out of the circle. Every circle they have drawn around me, oh God, by your grace, I'm stepping out of this circle. I'm moving forward into greatness. Destroy. Every embargo they have placed upon me tonight, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Lord, I refuse to remain in one level. Lord, I'm tired of being in one level 10. Yes, one level 20. Yes, one level 30. Yes, all barriers, all hindrances, causing me to remain in one level for many years. Expire by fire. Expire by fire. Expire by fire. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Oh my, look at the time. It's almost the top of the hour. I'm just enjoying this. I want you to pray that grace to run and not be weary. Grace to work and not faint. Did you hear what I said? Grace to run and not be weary. Grace to work and not faint. Possess me tonight to go find the name of Jesus. Grace to run. Possess me to go far. Grace to run and not be weary. Possess me to go far. Grace to work and not faint. Possess me to go far in life. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Oh, Lord, my God. Say, I refuse to be Pharaoh. I refuse to be Pharaoh. I refuse to be Pharaoh. I shall not obey you. I will go and I will go far. Papastati tonight. Let me begin to see your hand and pushing me forward and pushing me far. Push me, push me, don't stop. Papapop push me, push me, don't stop. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want us to thank our for answering our prayers tonight. Father, I will give you glory. Father, I will give you praise. Father, we give you honor. We give you dominion. We give you majesty for what you have done in our lives tonight. We bless you and we worship you. In the name of Jesus. Let's pray one prayer point about our prayer request tonight. Father, we remember every Friday we pray about this request. Lord, we ask you where this answers. The answers to these seven prayers. Where they have not come because the enemy knows that the answer would take we have far-reaching breakthroughs. Far-reaching breakthroughs. The enemy knows all that in this prayer has answered. It will have far-reaching breakthroughs. I wanted to say, "Lord, give me answers. Deliver my answers. Let me have far-reaching breakthroughs. Deliver the answers that the enemy is trying to stop because he doesn't want me to go far. Answers to these prayers will help me go far. We'll help the people that I'm praying for to go far. Every blocking, every barrier. Father, we move very, move very, move very, move very, move very, move very, move it. Powers that are hindering my prayers from going to your throne. And answers from reaching down to me. Father, remove very, move very, move very, move very, move very, move very, move it tonight. Removing tonight in the name of Jesus Christ. I wish we had more time. Come on, give God the praise. Give God the glory. Give God the honor. Give God the dominion. Give God the majesty. Say, "Lord, I thank you." Say, "Lord, I praise you." Say, "Lord, I worship you." Say, "Lord, I adore you." Thank you for answering my prayers. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Let me tell you something. We all need this prayer. That's just the truth. I plead with you. Go back again and pray these prayers over and over and over again. I think these are prayers that should be prayed on a daily basis because the enemy doesn't want you to go far. And you will go far by the grace of God. I will go far by the grace of God. I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. That your prayers tonight will not be a waste of your time, but that it will get the attention of heaven and that you will see changes beginning this evening, beginning this morning for many of you, for that open the doorway and clear the barriers out of the way of your people so they can move forward and go far in life. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Two important announcements. Before I let you go and rest for the weekend, the first is the Anointing Service for Sunday. Hey, you don't want to miss the Anointing Service for Sunday. We're going to have the oil ready for you. And if you are watching us on Facebook or YouTube or listening to us wherever you are, please have your oil ready with you on Sunday. You know what? Our Anointing Service on Sunday, the theme is I shall not be wasted. I shall not be wasted. That's what we're going to be preaching about on Sunday. You don't want to miss it. You can join us in person that's even preferable, but if you cannot join us in person, then do the next thing that is close to that. Next week, Thursday and Friday. If Jesus Christ carries, we're going to be praying some serious prayers. Have you ever had a description in the book of Proverbs that says, "A curse, costless shall not come." I'm sure you've read that before. "A curse, costless shall not come." Well, next Sunday, I mean, next Thursday and Friday, our prayer will be breaking curses that have causes. You hear what I said? Breaking curses that have causes. When there is a curse and there's a good reason for someone to be cursed, the curse will walk or don't let anyone deceive you. It only says if there's no cause, the curse will not walk. Well, what about causes that are there? They open the door for curses to walk. Join us next Thursday and next Friday. You're going to be blessed. Breaking curses that have causes. Thank God for Jesus that died on the cross so we can be free from the power of the curse. Let's share the grace as we go and rest for the evening. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forevermore. Amen and amen. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Amen and amen. Thank you so much for joining us. Have a good blessed weekend. Bye-bye. [Music]