Bishop Itiola podcast

Episode 855 -What must I do. Part 2

1h 5m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

(clears throat) Hello everyone, good evening and welcome. Welcome to our program for tonight. I'm excited about this program, you know, is because the dimension we are going to turn to tonight is a little bit different. We're going to be talking about spiritual warfare tonight and we're going to be applying the question what must I do? Welcome back, this is part two of our prayers on that theme. What must I do? We literally took those words from the lips of the Philippian jailer who asked Paul and Silas what he had to do to be saved. Literally he said, what must I do to be saved? I told you last night that the statement is applicable to all aspects of life when you don't know what to do. We welcome you all and we bless the name of a lot for you. Ah, Minister Angelo, thank you for being here tonight. For me, thank you for being here also. They can, Stephen, we thank you for being here. Antibola, we thank you for being here. Susan Thomas, God bless you man for being here. I got your text message. I'll be replying you after the program tonight. It's been a very busy day for me. That's why you have not heard back from me, but I got your message. I'll reply you when I'm done tonight before I go to bed. Elder Ajay, good man. Thank you for being here also. For all of you who are on the podcast, I can't see your faces, it's only those whose names I see on Facebook that are mentioning their names. And I know many, many, many of you, especially outside the United States, in Ghana, in Nigeria, in East Africa, in South Africa, in Dubai, I think we had someone from Jordan the other day. We thank all of you from India. We just blessed the lot for you. We thank also those of you who are with us on the prayer line direct. Most of you are from the United States and the Caribbean Islands. Thank you so much for being here. Brad Topay, where are you? Seriously, I saw your picture of Facebook and I think you are somewhere where white people live. Aha, all right, because I saw everybody asking you questions. Well, we thank that for you. I know you are not in Port Hackart because that picture does not look like Port Hackart. Well, welcome you, sir. God bless you as you join us. Sister Loveline, can't wait to see you on Sunday because of what you did this week. So we'll see how it goes. God bless you. Well, thank you all so for being here, Eliana. Thank you so much for being here. God bless you. We pray that God will just reach out to each and every one of us and bless us in a very, very special way tonight. Our question, what must I do? Tonight is gonna be connected to spiritual warfare. Did you know that you are not likely to win a war that God doesn't give you the strategy to win? Yeah, many of us fight, but we don't have divine strategy or divine plan or divine way to win the war. And that's why this question is so important before you embark on any form of spiritual warfare. What we're used to doing is, or are you do not vigil, you'll win the war. Maybe you win the war. If you, if not vigil doesn't win it for you, then you're fast. Maybe you win the war. Maybe you'll pray on the mountain. Maybe you'll pray in the forest, or maybe you'll pray, we have different ways that we think. And many times it works. But do you know the easiest and the fastest way to win any battle is to go to the Lord and say, Lord, here is a war that is before me right now. What must I do? You'll be surprised the strategy that God will give you. That will give you the victory that you need. Ask in God what you must do. Always provokes answer for direction and solution. Now I'm going to prove that to you momentarily. That was what happened in the passage we are going to use for praying tonight. There are many other passages we could have used, but I just kind of want us to use this one. But before we do, please remember to share the link to the platform you are on. If you're on Facebook, if you're on YouTube, please share the link. Or if you're on the podcast, please share the link. And if you are calling in, I don't know you don't have any link to share. But God will bless you as you listen and as you pray tonight. Let us pray. Father, we are together again. We'll bless your name for the grace to come together. Father, it's been a very busy day for most of us, but we have come here to do warfare. We pray that the anointing to pray will be upon us all. And you give us the strength that the flesh cannot war against. In Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen. What must I do is a question, part number two. Turn with me to second chronicles chapter 20, verse number one. You know, we all hear the story about how Jehoshaphat did this and did that. We really don't pay attention to what brought that to pass. It's what we're talking about this week. All right, let me read. It came to pass in verse one of second chronicles chapter 20. It came to pass after this also, that the children of mob and the children of Ammon and with them other beside the Ammonites came against Jehoshaphat to battle. Then there came some that told Jehoshaphat saying, "There cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea, on this side, Syria. And behold, they be in His unzantema, which is angry. And Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the Lord and proclaimed the fast throughout all Judah. And Judah gathered together to ask help of the Lord, even out of all the cities of Judah that came to seek the Lord. And Jehoshaphat stood in the congregation of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of the Lord before the new court and said, "O Lord God of our fathers, and not thou God in heaven and ruleest, not thou of all the kingdoms of the heathen. And in the hand is there not power in my soul that none is able to withstand thee? Another our God who did drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people Israel and give us it to the seed of Abraham, thy friend forever. And they dwell there in and are built this sanctuary, there in for thy name, saying if when evil comeeth upon us, as the sword, judgment or pestilence or famine, we stand before this house. And in thy presence, for thy name is in this house. And we cry unto thee in our affliction, then thou wilt hear and help. And now behold, the children of Ammon and Moa and Mount Cyr, whom thou willest not let Israel invade when they came out of the land of Egypt. But the tongue from them and destroy them not. Behold, I see how they reward us to cast us out of thy possession, which thou has given us to inherit. I wanted to notice verse 12 very well, because that's the key verse. All our God will thou not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us, neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee. Take special note, neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee. As you can plainly see, Israel under Jehoshaphat were outnumbered by their ungrateful adversaries, because Moses refused to touch those people. But when they got to the promised land, they went after the children of Israel and they gathered themselves together. Israel was obviously outgunned. Israel was obviously outmanned. And humanly speaking, there was no hope of winning for Israel. Then Jehoshaphat in his prayer said something very significant in verse number 12. All our God will thou not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us, neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee. That last statement ties with our theme for tonight. Neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee. Otherwise, he said, in other words, we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you to show us what to do. Can I repeat that? That's essentially what he said. We don't know what to do, but God, our eyes are on you to show us what to do. In other words, he was saying, what must we do? That was essentially what Jehoshaphat was asking. When you don't know what to do, ask the Lord what you must do. When you are faced with any warfare, and it may be warfare from one side, or it may be warfare of a lot of forces gathered together, like it happened here. When you don't know what to do, pause before you fight and ask the Lord, how do I hand you this? What is the strategy? What is the best way to go about when in this world? You remember he asked God, we don't know what to do, but our eyes are upon you that you will lead us, you will guide us, you will show us what to do. And you know this story as much as I do. They could not have come up by themselves with what God told them to do, impossible. Ah, this is why it is essential when you are faced with some battles of life to pause, wait a minute. And as God, sir, what must I do here? How do I hand you this? They could not have come up with what God told them to do. They were only to sing and to praise the name of the Lord as they face the enemy. What an awesome God we have. Listen, the way to win your war is in the hands of God. And if you will take time out to ask him, he will show you what must we do? And the answer was sing upon singers. Let them go in the front. No sword, no arrow, no bow, just sing. Well, the rest is history. The enemies rose against themselves and they handed Jehoshaphat a victory that he did not fight for. May I ask a question tonight? Are you in the middle of a battle right now? Battle with forces that you see, battle with forces that you don't see. Are you surrounded by powerful opposition? Have you tried everything you know how to do and you still cannot win? You still cannot find a solution. You know what I will first ask you to do? Put down your battle plans and tell the Lord of hosts that before I make any move, I just want you to know. I don't know what to do. My eyes are on you. So tell me what to do. Guess what? He might not tell you to appoint singers to sing like he did in the case of Jehoshaphat, but it will surely tell you the step to take to get the victory that you need. Go look at different warfare in the Bible. When God tells what to do, the battle is always easily won. What happened at Jericho? What happened at Jericho was not used twice in the Bible, it was only once it was used because God knew that was what to do at that point. Go around the city and then go around the city and then go around the city and then the last day what did he tell them to do? Blow the trumpet, make a noise and the wall came crashing down. Wow, God knows the way that you will win this battle. Ask him, ask him. Remember the battle that David wanted to fight in the book of Chronicles? You know what God told him? God, this God is amazing. God said, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Don't make any move until you hear the wind blowing on the mulberry trees. And when the wind blows on the mulberry trees, then you can move on and it won the battle. Then they got to the Red Sea. We talked about that last week. Pharaoh was behind them. Horsies and chariots were running after them. You know what God told them to do? It says stand still, stand still, don't do nothing. I'll tell you what to do. On his simply tall musces, the rod that is in your hand, stretch it towards the sea. Guess what happened? This imparted into two. I'm trying to say to you, my friends, that the strategy to win this war is in the hands of the Lord. I don't want to give my own personal stories and examples tonight. But believe me, I can keep you here till tomorrow night, telling you walls that God has worn for me when I had enough sense to pause and ask him what to do. This was Goliath. This was David. Of course, this was Saul and his soldiers hiding. And God just laid it on David's heart. Take a stone, fling the stone. Watch what happens, victory won. We can go on and on and on. Listen, people. When God is involved in the battle that you fight, when you invite him and ask him for direction and guidance, you will be surprised what God will tell you. Sometimes it will not even make any sense. And when he tells you what to do and you have enough faith in God to do it, victory. Victory is assured. You will easily win if you ask him what to do. I don't want to talk too much tonight because I want us to devote this whole hour to praying this victory that God gave Jehoshaphat simply for asking. Are you ready? If you are, God is ready. Let's go before God with thanksgiving, first and foremost. Father, we thank you. Father will bless you for allowing us to see the last Friday of June 2024. Can you believe it? This is the last Friday of this month. It was like yesterday we had the crossover. Father, God, we just thank you. Father, God, we just bless you. Father, God, we just worship you for allowing us to see this last Friday of this month. You'll be with us from day one, from day two, from day three, and from first week, from second week to third week. And here we are. Month is running to an end. And God, you've kept us. God, you've washed over us through many dangers, through many toils, through many snares. Father, we're much obliged. We thank you, we praise you, we bless you, we worship you. Come on, give him the praise. There's no one that can keep himself. There's no one that can keep ourselves. We are kept by the power of God. We are kept by the mercies of God. Blessed name for his protection on us since we're crossed over, even into 2024. Father, we thank you. Father, we bless you. Father, we worship you for how you've kept us, how you've fought our battles for us, how you've protected us, up until now, and we believe that you will continue to watch over us and protect us. Thank him for the opportunity that he has given us to be gathering every week, week after, week after, week after, week after week. I bless the name of the Lord for that. I wanted to thank God for many people that have been blessed by this prayer line. We've had, by this weekend, we'll have about 137,000 downloads. Yes, many, many, many, many people blessed from over 50 countries around the world. Father, we thank you because we are not tired. I want you to bless the name of the Lord for his mercies upon us. In the name of Jesus, many of you who are, who are with us when we first began. You remember how excited I was when we got to 600 downloads. I said, wow, we got 600 downloads. I made such a big noise about that. Now we're at 137,000 downloads. By this weekend, we should be at 137,000 downloads. Father, I will bless you for how people are blessed by this prayer, by this summons. Bless his name, worship him for the opportunity he has given us week after week to come and pray. Look how you brought us through the pandemic, hallelujah. Father, we thank you because we did not get swept away by COVID. Thank you for keeping up our interest and prayer, yes. And for answering our prayers also, a man can receive nothing except he'll be giving him from above. The reason we have what we have, the reason we are who we are, is because he answers our prayers. Father, we thank you because you are a prayer answering God. We bless you, we worship you, O God. Thank him for the prayers of last night on asking God for direction. I am so excited about the feedbacks I've got since yesterday. This is serious, so I don't know why I didn't say this as soon as to bring it to you. Because when we ask the Lord, what must we do? Our God is a merciful God. And when you ask God what you must do, he will not lead you wrong. Father, we thank you for keeping up our interest and prayers. And for the prayers of last night, we are we pleaded with you to tell us what we need to do specifically in different areas of our lives. I wanted to thank him for the specific directions that we asked God for yesterday. You remember I gave you time to ask God for specific directions in different areas of your life. Father, I will bless you with thank you for the specific directions that you have given us. Thank him for how clearly what to do will be communicated to you from now on. You will get direction loud and clear that you will not even have any doubt what God is saying. Father, God, we thank you because you will do that for us as a result of the prayers of this week, O God, in the name of Jesus. Thank him because you will never choose what to do by yourself. But you will by faith follow his leading. Yes, where he leads, I will follow. In the name of Jesus, that's our song. We will not take a step unless he guides us. We will not take a step unless he leads us. Thank him because it will be easy to differentiate what God is saying from what you are saying and from what the enemy is saying. Did you hear what I just said? From now on, thank God in advance. That will be easy for you to know what God is saying and differentiate it from what man is saying, from what you are saying and even from what the enemy is saying. I wanted to thank God because the Spirit of Confucion will not have a room in your life. Thank him in advance for the prayers of tonight on knowing what to do in spiritual warfare. We all have warfare every day, every moment. And we need to ask God, what's the strategy? How do I win this? How do I overcome this? But I will thank you in advance because we will know after tonight you will show us after tonight, you will not leave us, you will not forsake us. Every time the enemy comes, every time trouble comes, every time war comes, you will show us, go this way, go that way, do this and do that. Thank him in advance for divine directions, for divine directives, from now on, that will make your battles easy for you to fight, that will make my battles easy for me to fight, but not only fight, but easy to win. In the name of Jesus, I wanted to say Lord, I thank you because I am a winner, I'm not a loser because God never loses a battle. If God tells you to do something, then it will win. Alleluia, Father, I will bless you for that. Father, I will worship you for that. I wanted to thank him in advance because of the directions he will give you tonight. He will tell you what to do and how to do it. That's all we need. In the name of Jesus, I want you to pray that the Lord will give us appropriate prayer points in the name of Jesus, even as we call upon him tonight. Father, open up our minds, open up our understanding, give us appropriate prayer points. So, Father, as we call upon you this evening, the mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty name of Jesus, I pray Lord, God, that He will give us prayer points that are just in connection with what the theme of tonight is, what must I do when I'm faced with a wall. Father, God, we thank you because the prayers we need to pray, you have them in your mind. I have a few that are written down here, but you have thousands that have not even written here. We pray that you will have your way in this prayer meeting tonight. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I want you to pray that sin and unbelieve will not hinder you tonight. Those are our two greatest enemies. We must not allow them to stand between us and God tonight. Pray that every sin of commission, every sin of commission, the Lord will wash them off from you in the name of Jesus. Whatever you have done since the break of the day today, whatever you have said since the break of the day today, that God is not pleased with. I want you to pray that the blood of Jesus will wash you and cleanse you in the name of Jesus, especially I want you to pray that the Lord will forgive you for the sin of ignorance. You know, sometimes you do something and you don't know He's wrong. I want you to ask the Lord, please forgive me for every sin of ignorance, oh God. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father, wash us and cleanse us and pour just and purify us. Even as we pray tonight in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray that the Lord will take away all doubt from you. The Lord will take away all unbelieve from you. The Lord will take away all double-mindedness from you tonight in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father, have your way here this evening. Even as we call upon you, oh God, I want you to pour out grace upon us to pray tonight. Come on up in your mouth and say, Lord, pour out grace upon us. Father, pour out grace upon us tonight. I see many people joining us tonight from Africa. Thank you for being with us. Thank you for staying up for many of His almost midnight, for many of His past midnight. But we thank you. We thank God for bringing you here. We just pray that God will give you grace in the name of Jesus to stay up. Grace to stay awake to pray tonight. We pray also for those in East Africa, South Africa, in the name of Jesus, not Africa. Oh Lord, wherever anybody is supposed to be sleeping at this hour, we pray that you will strengthen them if you want to get up and pray. We pray for those who are struggling with sleep right now. We pray that you will wake them up and energize them to be able to call on you, oh God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Papa, what about those in Europe? Father, we pray that you will strengthen them to eat, to be able to call on you, to be able to pray unto you tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We pray for those who Lord in this part of the world, in North America and South America. What about Canada? That's part of North America also. That the lowest strength in our friends in Canada. We have many of them there. We have many of them in California, in Florida, in North Carolina, South Carolina, not to talk about New York City and all over the United States. We bless you, O God, for those in Alabama. We ask you Lord that you will give us strength in Texas to be able to pray tonight in the name of Jesus in Florida. We pray for those in the Caribbean Islands. We pray for those who God who are praying with us tonight, in the name of Jesus from Barbados. Those who are praying with us from Jamaica. Those who are praying with us from Guyana. Those who are praying with us all over the world for us strengthening them to pray in India. Even as we call upon you in Malaysia, you were strengthening everybody to be able to call upon you tonight in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. I want you to answer the Lord tonight. Say, "My Father, my God, give me, give Bishop the strength also to lead the prayer tonight." In the name of Jesus, some of you can stop when you to pray and stop praying, I cannot stop praying. I have to keep on encouraging you to pray. I want you to pray that the Lord will give me strength tonight to be able to pray. I want you to pray that God will continue to give me strength week after week to be able to lead this prayer. In the name of Jesus, pray that grace will be poured out upon me, poured out upon you, poured out upon those who feel sleepy tonight. So everybody will be able to pray and call upon God. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I want you to pray for favor. Say, "O Lord favor, say, "O Lord favor, say, "O Lord favor." O Lord, give me favor like you gave to Hoshapato to always do, to always know what to do when I am faced by adversaries. O Lord, give me favor to always know what to do, my Father. Come on, open your mouth and pray tonight. It's not by mind, it's not by power. O Lord, it's by your spirit. Father, give us favor to know what to do like you gave to Hoshapato favor. You are told to Hoshapato, I'll tell you what to do. And you sent him what to him. And you told him, "This is what you need to do." He did it and he won. Say, "O Lord favor from above." Say, "O Lord favor from heaven when war comes against my family to know what I need to do, O God." When war comes against my business to know what I need to do, O Lord. When war comes against my academic life to know exactly what to do, O God. When war comes against my ministry to know what I need to do, O God. Papa, you have to Hoshapato. He said, "I don't know what to do, but my eyes are on you." Can I ask you to pray that God will keep his eyes, your eyes on him. Papa, keep my eyes on, O Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. O Lord, he was not looking at his weapons. He was not looking at his soldiers. He said, "Lord, my eyes are not on my weapons because they cannot win this battle. My eyes are not on my soldiers because they are already outnumbered. But my eyes are on you for direction. I want you to pray, Lord, give me direction in every battle of life. Open your mouth and fire, prayer tonight. So, O Lord, give me direction. In every war that I'm involved in. O Lord, give me direction. O Lord, give me what to do. O Lord, give me what step to take. O Lord, give me exactly what I need to do when I am faced by adversaries. If you did it for Je Hoshapato, even in the Old Testament, you can do it for me during this season of grace. O Lord, be gracious to me. O Lord, be favorable to me. I want you to open your mouth and talk to the Aya. Talk to the Lord tonight that the Lord will be favorable to you. We be gracious to you in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. I love this Je Hoshaphat. He could have run into the battlefield, but he did not. I want you to pray that the Lord will deliver you from rushing to battle without consulting God. Did you hear what I said? Don't run into battle with your ex-husband, my friend. Don't run into battle with your ex-wife, my friend. Don't run into battle with your boss, my friend. Don't run into battle with your wife or husband. I want you to pray you will not run into the battle. You will not rush into any battle without consulting God. Father, help me, O Lord, to consult you before going, O Lord. I'm flying into the battlefield. O Lord, consultation, consultation, consultation. Help me to give time for consultation with heaven. We don't know what to do with what Je Hoshaphat said. He said, "But our eyes are upon you." O Lord, my eyes are upon you tonight. Show me what to do always, O God, in the name of Jesus. You know, David wants so many battles. You know why he wants so many battles? Because he consulted with God. I want you to pray that I will always be your warfare lifestyle, consultation with heaven, asking questions from heaven. Papa, how do I hand do this, O? This one is a wall. How do I hand do this, O? This one is a battle, O. I want you to pray. David did it, he won many battles. He never died on the battlefield. O Lord, here I come tonight, in the name of Jesus, that I may be a winner over many of my battles and all of my battles. Because I consult you like David consulted you, let me always be wise in wood and let this always be my warfare lifestyle. Open your mouth and talk to the Lord tonight. Say, O Lord, let this always be my warfare lifestyle. To ask, to check, to get direction. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You know, sometimes we feel pressured. Like Jehoshaphat was pressured. I mean, there were so many countries, so many nations that rose against him. And it felt like, ah, I cannot do anything. I want you to pray, I want you to pray, I want you to pray, that no matter how pressured you feel, sometimes we are under pressure. O Lord, let me never forget to pause and ask for what to do, O God. Let this be your lifestyle. Let this be my lifestyle. No matter how pressured. No matter how the pressure is on us to fight, O Lord, let me never forget to wait and pause and spend time out to ask God what to do in the name of Jesus. Christ will always ask you what to do in every war. Christ will always ask you what to do in every battle. Papa, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me. I want you to repeat after Jehoshaphat tonight. Did you hear what I said? I want you to repeat the words of Jehoshaphat tonight. Say, Lord, I know not what to do, but my eyes are on you regarding what to do. Open your mouth and pray that prayer. Say, O Lord, let me to always know that I don't know what to do. Hey, if you ask me what I know, I will tell you the only thing I know is that I don't know, I don't know what to do. For I got to be like Jehoshaphat. I don't know what to do, but my eyes are on you regarding what to do, O Lord. Father in every battle, Father in every war. Help us never to think that we know it all. Help us not to think that we've got it figured out, but to always know that we don't know what to do where our eyes will always be upon you. Open your mouth and let's talk to the Lord tonight. O Lord, keep my eyes on you tonight. O Lord, keep my eyes on you tonight. O Lord, keep my eyes on you tonight. In the name of Jesus regarding what to do. Papah, I don't know what to do. O Lord, God knows what he should do. The victory is very easy. If you let the Lord tell you how and what, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Father deliver me from messing things up. Did you hear what I said as you pray about? That the Lord will deliver you from messing things up. The person you are dealing with that you think is a difficult person. God knows how to take care of that person for you. O Lord, deliver me from using my mouth to mess things up. Deliver me from using my hand to mess things up. Deliver me from using my human weapons to mess things up. O Jehoshaphat said we don't know what to do. Lord, what do you want us to do? Our eyes are on you. I want you to pray that the Lord will take your eyes from what you think is your weapon. Did you hear what I said tonight? Pray until the Lord keep my eyes away from what I think is a weapon that we walk. Keep my eyes away from the strategy that I think it will work. Help me to always pause. Help me to always wait. Help me to always call. Help me to see daddy. What is the strategy, daddy? What is the plan, daddy? How are we going to do in order to win this battle, O God? In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I say repeat after Jehoshaphat. Say after him tonight. Say, Lord, I know not what to do. But my eyes are upon you regarding what to do. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. You know what I want you to do for two or three minutes? I want you to begin to present the battles that are facing you before God right now. Begin to tell the Lord what battles are facing you right now. And tell the Lord, I know not what to do. But my eyes are upon you to be told what to do. What are your battles tonight? I'm asking you a question, people. What are your battles tonight? What are the battles you are facing financially? What are the battles you are facing with your health? What are the battles you are facing with depth? What are the battles you are facing in the business? What are the battles you are facing on the job? What are the battles you are facing with family members? What are the battles you are facing with your in-laws? O God, O God, I don't know what to do. Tell me what to do. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. I remember the story of a man I've told you on this program before, one pastor took him to somewhere thinking that his church will grow. He followed this pastor, but he took him to a water spirit witchcraft place. And when they told him that you have to worship water spirit, he refused, said, I cannot worship water spirit. But they said, we have told you our secret. If you don't worship us, you will be in trouble. He said, no, I didn't know. I thought his prayer that you pray here. So he left and he went home. Listen to me, people, true story. When he got to the house, every water they gave him to drink in a cup in a bottle will always have fish inside it. There will be no fish when they give him the water to drink. There will be no fish when he gets the bottle of water that he buys. But the moment he's in his hand and he opens it to drink it, there will be fish inside it. He said, God, what kind of trouble is this? Oh, that's what you go to God for. And he said, Lord, I don't know what to do. But my eyes are on you. I said, there is no water that God does not have victory over. I would have thought he should go for seven day fast. I would have thought he should do 21 days night vigil. But when he went and asked God, God, how do I overcome this? Will I not drink water again? Here is fish in every water I try to drink. Guess what papa told him? I said he answered to your warfare. He's in the hand of God. So, Lord, tell me, show me, tell me, show me, tell me, show me. I don't know what area of water you are facing. I don't know what battle you are facing right now. God has the answer. He will show you what to do. You know what I told this man to do? He said, don't drink cold water again. Drink warm water in the name of Jesus. That's how he decided drinking warm water. He didn't pray all. He didn't fast all. God just told him, don't worry about it. Just drink warm water. And you know what? The fish couldn't come inside the warm water. That's how the warfare came to an end. There is a solution for you, oh, my friends. No matter what the battle is. No matter what you see in your dream. They are defiling you in your dream. There is a solution for that. Oh, if spirit husband is troubling you. There is a solution for it. I want you to pray, oh, God. Whatever your present war is, papa, show it to me what the solution is. Oh, Lord, the problem with household weakness. The problem with household weakness. The problem, whatever it is. Oh, Lord, oh, Lord, show it to me. Tell me what to do. Hey, hey, the solution that God will give you might be so simple, so simple. And it might look so stupid. But you know, it will always work. It's just matched around the city. And then making noise the last day and see what will happen. The walls of Jericho came down as thick as it was. That is divine strategy. Your church is not growing, divine strategy. Your business is not going. What is the divine strategy? Whatever it is, oh, Lord, show me. Whatever it is, oh, Lord, I need to do. Come on, say, Lord, I don't know what to do, but my eyes on you. I don't know what to do, but my eyes on you. Father, show me what I need to do, oh, Lord. My eyes on you in this warfare. I can tell you stories upon stories, upon stories, stories upon stories about warfare that are real, but I don't have time for that. Let's just pray. I know your own warfare is real. It's only if you want to deceive yourself that you will say you have no warfare. Jesus Christ said, deliver us from the devil. How do you deliver us from the devil? It's up to him. I wanted to pray, Lord God, if there be anything I need to do, did you hear what I said? If there be anything I need to do in cooperation with you for my deliverance, for my victory, papa show it to me, papa reveal it to me, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Maybe you have a mother-in-law, a father-in-law, a brother-in-law, a sister-in-law that have committed themselves to fight against you. Why are you afraid? Just go and ask God. God, what is the way to win this battle? You'll be surprised how what God will tell you. You'll be surprised what God will show you. I said, my brother, my sister, bring your present battles before God right now, and tell him, whatever they are, explain them to him, and tell him I know not what to do, but my eyes are on you to be told what to do. Oh, Lord, my battles, I want you to tell me what to do. Come on, be specific. Come on, be specific. Come on, be specific. Come on, be specific. Until the Lord, what must I do? Show me what to do. What must I do? Show me what to do in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. You know, I used to be in Alabama, and I was part of a church in the name of Jesus. And there was this youth pastor in that church whose whose wife could not get pregnant. These were white people. These people didn't even understand warfare the way we do, but he went and prayed and gave him specific instruction. He said, if your wife is going to be pregnant, you have to do this, you have to do this, you have to do that. And he said, he did it, and immediately this woman got pregnant. I said, wow, God has the strategy for you, my friend, especially if your problem is warfare, especially if somebody's time black and white together, especially if somebody's going to do some sacrifice against you, there is something you need to do. I don't know what it is. It proffed me, not tell you what it is, but God will tell you what it is. Say, oh God, tell me. Say, oh God, tell me. Say, oh God, tell me. Say, oh God, tell me. Say, oh God, reveal it. Say, oh God, tell me. In the name of Jesus, I said, told you, who should have had what to do? Papa, tell me how to win every battle in my life. I said, told you, who should have had what to do? Always tell me how to win this battle in my life. Every single battle that I'm faced with right now. Papa, you know it and I know it. I'm going through warfare. I pray that you will show me what to do. You will tell me what to do. You will reveal to me what to do, God, like you revealed unto Jehoshaphat. In the name of Jesus, can I ask you to pray for wisdom and strategy? Say wisdom and strategy. Say wisdom and divine strategy. Divine wisdom, divine strategy. Divine wisdom, divine strategy. Divine wisdom, divine strategy. That will break the back. That will break the backbone of every attack against my life. Papa, you listen to me. Papa, you feel see to me. Papa, you listen to me. Papa, you feel see to me. Reveal to me, oh God. The wisdom that I need. Reveal it to me, oh God. The strategy that I need. That will break the back of all my attacks. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, can I ask you to pray that the Lord will help you? You know, many times when war comes, panic comes with war. And that was what happened to Jehoshaphat. The Bible says, Jehoshaphat feared. I want you to pray that Lord help me to never panic when wars arise. I want you to pray, oh Lord. Help me to never panic when the burned the enemy is making noise. He's not like a dog. That's what David said. He said they are making noise in the street like dogs. I want you to pray, oh Lord, grace to never panic, but to become and collected when wars arise. To remain calm, I ask you for that grace. In the name of Jesus, even as I ask you for the way out, I will remain calm and calculated in the name of Jesus. I want you to pray, Lord, as I ask you. Like Jehoshaphat asks you, you will answer me speedily. I want you to pray for speedy answers from heaven. Say, oh Lord, let me not be delayed in getting answers to what I need to do. Let my warfare experiences be like Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat prayed. And he said, what do I do? Did you notice what he did? He prayed now. He fasted. And at the end of the day, he told God, yes, I fasted, oh, yes, I prayed, oh. Now, I want to tell you, tell me what to do. Have you ever fasted only for God to ask God? What do I do? Yes, there's nothing wrong in fasting. Just to ask God the question, Lord, what do I do? What is the way out? How do I get the victory? Come on, my friends, ask what Jehoshaphat did. Deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me from fear, deliver me from fear, deliver me from fear. Help me to have faith in you. Now, when I ask you for direction, you will give me direction. I want you to pray that delays, delays in hearing back from God. It will not be your passion. Let me not be delayed in hearing from you. When I ask you for direction, oh, God, let me not be delayed in hearing from you. When I ask you for direction, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, let what to do in all my warfare. Be communicated to me in a clear manner. Did you hear what I said? What do you need to do? God would tell you so loudly. God would tell you so clearly that you will not have any problem knowing that this is God speaking to you. My Father, here I come before you tonight in the name of Jesus. What I need to do in all my warfare is let them be communicated in clear manner, in clear ways. In the name of Jesus, if you are giving me a dream, let them be clear. If you are speaking to a prophet, let him be clear. Whatever way you choose to talk to me, oh God, about what I need to do concerning my warfare. Oh, Lord, clean, clear communication. Let it be my portion, oh God. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Can I make a decree with you tonight? Say a decree, in the name of Jesus. Say a decree, in the name of Jesus. Say a decree, in the name of Jesus. No warfare will come my way without solution instruction. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Father, I decree in the name of the Father. I decree in the name of the Son. I decree in the name of the Holy Ghost. There will be no war that will come my way that will not be without a solution. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. You remember the story I told you about somebody in my church right here in New York? She couldn't pass an exam. I also told one of the deliverance ministers. I said, you know what we are going to do? We are going to change our strategy for this lady. Let's go and be praying in the parking lot. While she is doing her exam. It's a long story, it's a long story. He went, I couldn't go. And she passed the exam, finished. She has done it so many times and she got discouraged. I said there is a way out for you. Somebody needed to be interested in for her. Right there in the parking lot. And prayer was prayed. And guess what happened? She passed the exam. I don't know what exam you failed and failed and failed. As smart as you are, as brilliant as you are. You know this is warfare. Nothing but warfare. Now go to God tonight, say Lord. In the name of Jesus. No warfare I face will be without solution instruction. Say I decree it. Say I decree it tonight. There's no warfare that I will face. That will be without solution instruction. Oh Lord, solution instruction. Come on, cry to God tonight. Solution instruction. Say oh Lord, solution instruction. Instruction that will bring solution in my warfare. I give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me. Instruction, oh Lord. He gave instruction to Jehoshaphatu. He said you don't have any problem. He said just go and start singing. Wonderful, wonderful solution. And he went on singing and you know what happened. Oh Lord give me grace to believe and act on whatever you tell me to do, oh God. Whatever you ask me to do, oh God. Help me to do it in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. God said don't fight, just sing. God said don't fight, just sing. Wow, it's hard to believe. I wanted to pray that the Lord will help you to believe. All hard to believe and easy to believe instructions that will put an end to your warfare. Did you hear what I said? Oh Lord help me to believe, all hard to believe, an easy to believe instruction that puts an end to warfare in the name of Jesus. If you are with me online about two or three months ago, I told you of a lady that couldn't get pregnant because somebody was angry with her and God thinks she went to God, what do I do? I cannot get pregnant. This is warfare. God told her, this is beautiful. God told her, just cook meat, cook meat, cook meat, and take it to Mrs. So-and-so, and just give her meat. So she went and cook meat, the meat was tasting good and smelling good. She took it to this woman and the woman said, ah ah, you came from the other town. She said yes. Ah ah, you brought word. What did you bring for me? She said mama, I brought meat for you. She said what? You brought meat for me. The day you are doing your wedding, they never gave me meat. That's why I blocked you, that you will never get pregnant. But now that you have brought meat, I will eat the meat. Go back home, that month she became pregnant. I said God, I said solution, oh don't stop, don't start running from Pilateau Post. God has a solution for this problem that is facing you, that looks so impossible, another one like that that I know of, when she came to the wedding. She was looking for a, for Fanta, you know what I call Fanta? That orange soda, that's what she was looking for, they did not give her, and she blocked the pregnancy of that lady, and then she went to God, God, why can't I get pregnant? The doctor said there's nothing wrong with me, that I should be pregnant, and God spoke to her, it's orange soda you need to buy, go and give it to Mrs. Sue Anso, and say I brought this for you. She took the orange soda to this old lady, the lady said you finally did what you did not do at your wedding, now you can go and get pregnant, my people are not making this up. I can tell you many more story, direction, direction, papa, give me direction, papa, give me direction, tell me what to do, and when you tell me what to do, help me to do it, all human reasoning, let them not get in the way of receiving whatever you tell me to do, all human reasoning, all human reasoning, for I kill them in me, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, help me not to stop to reason how, and to reason why, once I'm sure you are the one that gave direction, help me, O Lord, whatever you instruct me to do, Father, begin to help me to do it, whatever you ask me to do, Father, help me to begin to do them, and as I carry out divine directives, let there be no delay in getting my victory, as I carry out your divine directives, let me, O Lord, to get instant victory, the enemies of Jehoshapha started fighting each other, the enemies of Jehoshapha, all he did was sing over, sang and sang and sang, and the enemies started fighting each other, what is the correlation, what is the connection between singing and the enemy fighting, that's none of my business, I just did what God told me to do, and I get the answer that God wants me to get, I said, Your warfare has an antidote, did you hear what I said, Your warfare has an antidote, say, O Lord, show me the antidote to this poisonous warfare, show me the way around this poisonous warfare, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, Lord, as I carry out what you instruct, come on up in your mouth, as I carry out what you instruct, let there be confusion in the camp of my enemy, in the name of Jesus, let there be confusion in the camp of the enemy, as I do what you tell me to do, as I will be what you tell me to do, in the video or position, let them commit mistakes that will make them lose this battle, and if there are many papa ignite confusion among them, did you hear what I said, ignite confusion among them, oh, that will make them fight each other, all these people that have ganged up against you in the family, ganged up against you in the office, ganged up against you in the ministry, don't worry about it, go to daddy and say daddy, I don't know what to do, but my eyes are on you and you'll be amazed what the Lord will tell you, I don't know what to do, I remember the story of a couple in Africa, oh, they had this house girl, and since she came into the house, there was fight between the husband and the wife, and they said we used not to fight, now what is this, so they told we went to God, and said, God, tell us what to do, what is going on, tell us what to do, what is going on, you know what God told them, God said, go look behind the refrigerator, go look behind the refrigerator, the shoes that are missing, your slippers that are missing, they are behind the refrigerator, they are turned against each other, left with right with right, go and take them out, and you will be fine, and that was the end of the fight in the house and the girl confessed that she was into witchcraft, I can go on and on and on and on and on tonight, so Lord, whatever will give me victory in the battle in my family, whatever will give me victory in the battle in my job, whatever will give me victory in the battle in my ministry, who will not show me, who will not tell me, who will not show me, who will not tell me, who will not show me, who will not tell me, what I must do in order to win this war, what I must do in order to win this battle, this thing, God knows it now, but as a solution, he has the antidote for that show me, show me, show me, show me, show me, show me, show me, did you know that Jewish effort did not need to fight, say, oh Lord, I don't need to fight, oh Lord fight for me, oh God, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, ah, my time is gone, say, oh Lord, let all the question, let that question always be on my lips, whenever I'm confronted by oppositions, what must I do, but what must I do, let that question always be on my lips from tonight, whenever I'm faced with any war, whenever I'm faced with any battle, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I'm holding my seven prayer requests in my hand and I have only one prayer point and that is this, that the Lord, if there is anything you need to, I need to do about this prayer request, oh Lord, show me what to do, oh God, in the name of Jesus, if there be anything I need to do concerning this seven prayer requests, Father, show me what I need to do, reveal to me what I need to do, my eyes are on you, oh God, if I knew what to do, I will not write this prayer request down, Father, I don't know what to do, but my eyes are on you, I wanted to tell the Lord about this seven requests, say my eyes are on you, I don't know what to do, papa, give me instruction that will lead to deliverance, that will lead to healing, that will lead to breakthrough, I wanted to pray that the Lord will reveal to you simple steps that will lead to major answers to all these requests, simple steps, simple steps, simple steps that will lead to major answers to these seven requests, I wish we had more time tonight, begin to thank God, begin to give him praise, begin to say Lord, I thank you for the opportunity to come before you to pray tonight, Father, I will bless you, we worship you, we adore you for bringing us together to pray tonight, in Jesus' mighty name we pray, amen, amen, I pray for you, my brother, my sister, I pray that this wall that is going on from tonight, the law will begin to open your eyes, we begin to open your understanding, we begin to reveal to you, we begin to show you what you need to do in order to win this wall, don't worry about how ferocious the wall is, don't worry about how ganged up they are, God has the answer, I pray that the law will open your eyes to see, it will open your ears to hear, it will open your understanding to perceive exactly what God has in mind to bring victory to you in the name of Jesus, and from now on may you never be confronted with a wall that has no solution instruction, may God give you solution instructions to every wall in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank you Paka for the answer, in Jesus' name we pray, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, thank you so much for joining us tonight, I'm sorry I went over time, all programs remain the same for the weekend, special message, hey, you don't want to miss Sunday online, for those of you who always watch us on live stream, we have a very special revival Sunday, this Sunday, that will be our last Sunday of revival Sunday for June, please subscribe to our Facebook and YouTube pages so you will be joining us, but for those of you in the New York area, don't stay home, don't watch me online, come join us in church so we can all be blessed together, please don't forget Sunday night, cross over, yeah, cross over on communion service right here online, Sunday at 7 p.m. New York time, it's always good to pray and have communion as you cross over, please join us this Sunday at 7 p.m. The prayer is for next week, you know it's Independence Day, so we're going to be praying about independence in Jesus, independence in Jesus on Thursday independence in Jesus on Friday, make it a point to join us, you will be glad you did, so I wish you had a grace, I should go rest for the evening. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, ah, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forevermore, amen and amen, surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives, and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever, amen and amen. Thank you so much for being here, may God bless you and may this blessed said we can for all of us. Good night.