Bishop Itiola podcast

Episode 846 - What must I do? Part 1

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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- So recording has started. - Hello, good evening everyone, welcome. Yes, welcome you all to our prayers for this week. We give God the praise that He has made it possible for us to be together again. God is such an awesome God. He has kept us, He has watched over us since the last time we met in this place. And we give God the glory for that. We give God the honor for that. He is worthy, is worthy to be praised. Welcome. Our theme as advertised comes in the form of a question. What must I do? I don't ever remember or explained about something like this before, never. What must I do? Can I make a personal confession to you? Seriously. This thing has been a great blessing to me. Since I came up with it, I don't think a day have passed that I never use it to pray. And you will find out why in a minute, I will take you to where I found that statement in the Bible. And you will be touched by the seriousness of this. What must I do? Well, do what I've always asked of you to do, and that is to please take a few minutes out, maybe a few seconds, to chair the link to the platform you are on right now. This is very simple so that others can link up with us, either right now or later and be blessed by the benefits of praying this prayers. Welcome, all of you, Bishop Richard O'Yango. Thank you for being here all the way from Kenya. Pastor David Bonati, thank you, Sister Lovelin. It's very nice to have you with us today. Fermi, I mean Fermi was the first. Fermi I almost called you Fermi. I think your brother will be happy that I'm mixing up the names, but tell Fermi his name is not Fermi, and Fermi is Fermi. Elgigin, good to see you sir, very faithful man. Sister Thomas, it's good to see you. God bless you for being here tonight. And for those of them who will be joining us, I pray that God will bring them fast because we wanna go straight into the program for tonight. Sister Bola, an extremely faithful woman of God. We appreciate you, we appreciate your husband, we appreciate your children also. Please share the link, share the link, share the link, and be a blessing to some people that are connected to you. Let us pray. Father, we thank you for bringing us together from the corners of the world. Thank you because you are not tired of blessing us. Papa, this text for this week is for me. It's for me, personal is for me. And I pray that your people will say that when us will begin to pray, we all need this. That's why I plead with you Lord, those who are yet to join us, I pray that you will speed up their journey to this prayer meeting so they can come, so they can be blessed. Others will pray on the subject. Huh, what must I do? In Jesus' mighty name I pray. All God's people said, amen. Yes, our text can be found in the Acts of the Apostles. It's in the 16th chapter. It's in the 38th and the 31st verses of Acts chapter 16. I read and brought them out and said, "Sauce, what must I do to be saved?" And they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved and thy house." I want you to notice where I read that statement. I read it this way. What must I do than I post to be saved? What must I do to be saved? Now that was a question that the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas. After he experienced a midnight demonstration of the power of God, it came as a result of Paul and Silas praying and praising God in the middle of the night. The event that followed that singing and praying convinced this man that he needed to be saved, that he needed to be born again. Not knowing how to go about being born again, it was wise enough to ask the question, "All right, Paul, all right, Silas, please tell me, what must I do to be saved?" Now that was question number 48 in the New Testament, and it is one of the most used texts of scripture by soul winners and rightfully so. But, but listen people, by monologue for tonight is very, very important. This opening words will help explain why we are praying this. So please give me your divided attention. When you look at the question closely, you will discover that it is a question that is applicable not only to salvation, but to every other issue that we face under the heavens. And just like the answer to this question, give the Philippian jailor the solution to sin. So also, when applied to other issues of life, this same question can bring answers to many things that puzzle our minds. The Philippian jailor asked, what must I do to be saved? Now that shows that he desired to be saved but did not know how to be saved, right? So he asked, what must I do? I can see I need to get bored again. I need to become a Christian. I don't know how to become a Christian. Please what must I do in order to become a Christian? Now do you notice something here is obvious? If the Philippian jailor never asked that question, he probably will never have known how to be saved. The answer that he got showed him the simple step to salvation. Did you know? Did you know that the solution to whatever problem you are facing in life, seriously, can be found by asking similar question from God. Remember what I said? If he had never asked, he will never have been saved. If you also never ask, what must I do to be whatever you wanna be? You may never be what you wanna be and you may never be who you wanna be. You've got to ask, what must I do? You get it? You see, there is something you must do. I don't know what it is. You probably don't know what it is, but God does in order for you to be what you need to be, in order for you to have what you need to have, in order for you to become who you need to become. You need to ask, what must I do? Well, in all probability, you presently don't know what God will have you do in order to be who you so much desire to be. What must I do? What must I do to be saved? Was the question topmost in the heart of the Philippian jello? And guess what? He got the answer. Maybe you're already saved, but this question brings solution to all other, I don't know. I don't know areas of our lives. What must I do? And we got many of them. I personally got many, I don't know. And I've been asking this question since this thought dropped in my heart for us to pray about. What must I do? To find and be married to the right person. That's the question every single person needs to ask. What must I do? To find peace in a home that is going through turmoil. What must I do? What must I do, for example, to be pregnant? I've tried to be pregnant for so long. That may be a question that someone looking to be pregnant for a long time may need to ask God. Whatever you need, wherever you need to be, whatever you need to have, please take a minute out to ask God. God, I've done everything that I know to do, maybe. I prayed every prayer I need to pray, maybe. I've fasted every fast and I know to fast, maybe. I've gone to the top of the mountain. I've descended to the lower part of the valley. I've not got an answer. Look, could you please tell me what is the way? What must I do? What must I do to the student who is struggling to pass an exam? Maybe you need to do something that may be very simple. And you will pass your exam. What must I do, for example, to overcome this temptation, a particular specific temptation? Don't just fight that temptation alone. Don't just pray against that temptation alone. As a Lord, God, this temptation is here. What must I do in order to overcome this? And you'll be surprised. The one that promises us to provide a way of escape from temptation will answer you and show you how. For the one looking to grow a business, for example, what must I do to grow this business? Will be an appropriate question. What must I do? And you know what? God is faithful enough to answer you and show you, okay, do this or show you, do that. Get it very, very, very clear tonight, people. There is something you must do before you can reach your desired destination. And God knows what that thing is. And it's willing to tell you. It may be a specific instruction that you can never come up with by yourself, like the instruction that Elijah gave to name and the leper. He simply told him, go and dip in Jordan seven times and your skin will be clean and healed. How can, how can they might have come up with that? But that's what happens when we approach to God. He gives us specific direction, specific instruction. And many of us face many issues in life, many thorny problems in life. Nothing else will have brought healing to name man, just like nothing else will have brought salvation to the Philippian jailor, to the blind man. You remember that blind man? What must he do? You know what Jesus said? Oh, he said, okay. Go to the pool of Siloam and wash. I was what he told him. Some other people he prayed for them. Some other people he made a spittle and touched their eyes. But for this specific individual, there was nothing else he could have done to get his healing if he never went to the pool of Siloam. If he went to the pool of Bethesda, he will never have been healed. If he went to River Jordan, he will never have been healed. He had to go to the pool of Siloam. And guess what happened? When he did, excuse me, he came back, seen. Look at those 10 lepers that came to Jesus. What must they do? Go and show yourself to the priest. Oh, you're not gonna pray for us, no need. You're not gonna touch the leprosy, no need. He has touched on the leprosy in the past. He has touched on the lepers in the past and the ga'hil. But for these specific people, just go show yourself to the priest. And as they went, hallelujah, oh, they were cleansed. Have you ever stopped to ask God? Okay, God, I've reached the end of my rope. I don't know what else to do. Well, you've done everything you need to do as a human being. Let's go to God. Because God knows the way through the wilderness you are in. You just need to pause and ask him what most I do. Can I ask a question tonight before we pray? Are you in a situation right now that you need to find a way out? Are you in a situation right now that you need to find a way of escape? Are you searching for answers in one area or another? What must I do to be, to have? What must I do to go? Or to whatever? That's a question you need to ask, my friends. And we're gonna ask that tonight. And we're gonna ask that tomorrow night also. You know you must do something. You just don't know what it is. The jailer knew that he had to do something to get saved. Well, he never knew what he wants to do. Let's ask God tonight what that must do, friend is, that he say must do, my friends. If this yoke is gonna break from your life, if this victory that you desire so much is gonna be yours, if this moving forward is what you are going to embrace this year, then there is a question you need to ask God. What must I do to be saved from this problem, to be saved from that situation, to get into these that I wanna get into, to have these that I'm believing God for. You've got to ask God, and guess what? God will give you, listen to Bishop. God will give you the fastest and the surest route to what you are asking for. I repeat myself. God will give you the fastest and the surest route to what you are asking for and to what you are seeking for. Don't just waste your energy. Don't just waste your talent. Don't just waste your money. Don't just waste this and waste that. Wait upon God with this question. God, here we are now. I'm married this man, I'm married this woman. Look at it, mess that we are both in. What must I do? God, I have this much debt on me. God, what must I do? Often I've told you that many, many, many, many, many, many, many years ago, when we had our church in Brooklyn, we had a debt of $100,000 around this my neck, and we were having a night vigil, we were having a night vigil that night, and I laid down on the platform of that theater where we met, and I asked God the question, Lord, this debt is staring at me. What must I do? What must I do? And guess what God told me what to do and within two or three weeks, all the $100,000 debt vanished? Faithful! See, God, as a solution, don't carry this burden that you are carrying around you, that is giving you headache, that is giving you stomachache, that is giving you backache, when you can go to God and say, God, I've reached the end of my rope, I don't know what to do, what must I do? And God's gonna give you an answer, my friends. You ready to pray? If you are ready to pray, God is ready to answer. I want us to thank God for bringing us together and allowing us to see another Thursday, for that we praise you, for that we worship you, for that we adore you, for that we honor you. Thank you for allowing us to see another Thursday to come and pray in the name of Jesus, bless his name for being with us, since we left here last Friday, for that we worship you, for that we adore you. We honor your name. Thank you, Lord God, because you are not tired of our presence, you are not tired of hearing us, you are not tired of answering us. I want you to bless the name of the law, for its protection upon your life. I want you to bless the name of the law, for its provision for you. We've been up and down, up and down all week long, and God has kept us, the angels are being on our side, up and down, up and down. Many of the things God has done for us this week, that we have no idea that God was the one behind it, get walking for us, fighting for us, going in and out for us, for that we bless you, we worship you, we adore you. Thank God he has brought us back again to come and pray. Thank God, because you and I have not lost interest in praying, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Father, we thank you, because we still have something in our heart that is saying, I'm gonna go on, I'm gonna go on, I'm gonna go on, I'm gonna go on. Many of the discouragements we have faced, many of the troubles, many of the trials, many of the temptations, but something inside us is telling us to go on, and go on, and go on, and we have come to go on tonight. Father, accept our thanks in the name of Jesus. I wanted to thank God, hallelujah, for the song of deliverance of Moses, that we prayed about last week, what a beautiful song. We prayed about it on Thursday, we prayed about it on Friday. If you are not with us, you can still go up and watch it or listen to it on the podcast. Thank Him, because by His grace, you will never stop singing songs of deliverance in the name of Jesus. Did you know that even the prayer for tonight is a song of deliverance for me personally? Father, we thank you, because by Your grace, we will never, never, never stop singing songs of deliverance. Thank You, because every day You will do things in our lives. You will introduce great things into our lives that will make us sing songs of deliverance. Thank Him, because by His grace, you will never stop. Every day will be a day of singing deliverance song. Every night will be a night of singing deliverance songs. Father, I will bless You, Father, I will worship You. Thank Him, thank Him, thank Him, thank Him, thank Him, thank Him, because of His grace. It will never, never, never leave Your dry open Your life. Thank Him, because horses and riders will never, never have victory over You as we prayed on last week. Because the horses and the riders of the horses, they were both thrown, they were all thrown into the right sea. Same shall be for You, no horse, no rider on the horse. Shall be able to prevail over You in the name of Jesus. Thank Him, because we are God brought You out of, no power is able to bring You back in there, in the name of Jesus. Thank God, because we are God delivered You from. I want you to thank God for the many, many, many deliverances God has given You from the house of Pharaoh that God has brought You out of, from the bondage of Pharaoh that God has brought You out of. And by His grace, You are not going back in there in the name of Jesus. Father, we thank You, because when You bring us out, whoever wants to drag us back in, they will never, never, never succeed. They've been trying to bring You back in, but they have not succeeded. And by the grace of God, they will never succeed. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I want you to thank Him, because those chasing You will sink like a stone and go down like a lead. In the name of Jesus, that was what we saw in the song of Moses. They sunk like a stone. They went down like heavy lead. Father, we thank You, because instead of us going down, they will go down instead of us crashing on that city. The ones that were crashing on that city. Father, bless Your name. Father, we worship You. Thank Him for the program of this week on what must I do. Yes, say Lord, I thank You, because You know what I must do in the name of Jesus. Most especially when I've tried this, I've tried that, I've tried that. Many of us have even given up already. That's not what You should do. What you should do is to ask God, Lord, okay, we are where we are now. We've been traveling on this journey for a long time. We've traveled up to this point. I call it the bus stop of frustration. Father, God, I thank You, because of tonight, reviving my heart, reviving my soul, that there is victory in God. I will listen to God, we will wait on Him, to hear what He will have us to do in the name of Jesus. Thank Him, thank Him, thank Him, thank Him, thank Him, thank Him, for the program of this week on what You must do, hallelujah. That's something You must do. You don't know it yet. This prayer will bring it out to You. It will cause God to speak to You and show You, okay, Son. This is what You need to do. Daughter, this is what You need to do. The Lord will speak an answer of peace to You. The Lord will speak an answer of peace to Me in the name of Jesus. Thank Him, because the prayers of tonight, hallelujah, all areas of your life, where you need solution, you will be directed to what and where the solution is. God knows what the solution is, my friend. God knows where the solution is, my friend. I want us to thank God, because as we ask Him what to do, as we ask Him what the solution is, He will point them to us and say, go this direction, take this step, hallelujah, Lord, we are listening, we are here tonight. Bless us the people of God to be told what to do, oh God. Thank God, because the prayers of tonight will solve many issues for many people. For I'm clapping my hands because I know You will do it. For I'm clapping my hands because I know the prayers of tonight will solve many problems for us in our families, will solve many problems for us in our businesses, will solve many problems for us in our health, will solve many problems for us in all areas of our lives. I want you to pray tonight that God will give us appropriate prayer points that will address the issues that need to be addressed tonight in the name of Jesus, Christ of Nazareth. Father, we thank You, because tonight we are not praying in vain, tonight we are not talking to a God who is not interested in what we are here for. Oh Lord, we thank You, because You will give us appropriate prayer points. Everybody say appropriate prayer points. Yes, appropriate prayer points that will address the issues that are in our lives. Father, the issues I'm facing may be different from the issues this men and women are facing, but we need answers to God. We thank You, because Your grace and Your mercy will give us answers as to what we need to do. I wanted to say Lord, thank You, because You will give us prayer points that will point us in the right direction in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. I wanted to pray that sin will not hinder You from getting through to God tonight. That sin will not hinder me from getting through to God tonight. Oh Lord, if there be any iniquity in our hands, we pray that the blood of Jesus will wash us and cleanse us and purge us and purify us. Father, for just tonight, cleanse us tonight, purify us tonight from every sin, from every iniquity. If our God iniquity in my heart, the Bible says the Lord will not hear me. Father, we will not regard iniquity. We will not respect iniquity. We will not allow iniquity. We will not bow down to any iniquity. If there be any sin in our lives, O Lord, cleanse us, purge us, purify us. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We are talking about sin of omission. We are talking of sin of commission. Let us be cleansed, let us be washed, let us be purge tonight. In the name of Jesus and all unbelief, all doubt, unbelief will hinder you, doubt will hinder me. Lord, we bring on believing our hearts to you tonight. We bring doubts and double-mindedness in our hearts to you tonight. Father, take them off, take them away, O God. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. O Lord, destroy sin. Who we are, they are, destroy unbelief. Where they are, we plead the blood of Jesus tonight. Father, we plead the blood of Jesus against every sin. We plead the blood of Jesus against every doubt. We plead the blood of Jesus against every double-mindedness. Help us tonight as we pray. Touch us tonight as we pray. I want you to pray for grace, to pray tonight. Papari, this grace, to pray on me, to lead this prayer. And for everyone on this prayer line, I want you to pray. O Lord, pour grace upon us. Those who are in Africa right now, pour grace upon them. I see people from Nigeria here. I see people from Ghana here. I see people from East Africa here. I see people from South Africa here. But papari, you're grace upon them to pray. People in North America, people in South America, people in Europe, we pray that you will pour grace, abundant grace upon them. To be able to pray tonight in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I want you to pray that you will find answers tonight. Yes, in the name of Jesus, pray that the prayers of tonight will bring answers to what you must do. Do you notice that it never took the Philippian jail or too long to know what to do? He asked and he received. I want you to thank her because as you ask, you will receive tonight. As I ask, I will receive tonight. Father, I'm thanking you in advance that whatever it is, that I need to do about this, about that. As I ask, O Lord, I will receive tonight in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank God, because God knows what you must do. When you don't know what you must do, hallelujah. God knows what you must do. When you don't know what you must do. You know the devil is in trouble tonight. Your problems are in trouble tonight. Oh yes, your frustrations are in trouble tonight because they knew all the while that you don't know what to do. And you didn't know to ask God what to do, but God has brought you to a junction of victory. God has brought you to a junction of breakthrough by asking God, Lord, what must I do? What must I do about this issue? It's been on me for long. It's been on me for many years. I know it is not your will, but since I got no victory, I just accepted it as mine. O Lord, it's not ours from now on. We are casting our bodies upon you by asking you what we must do, O God. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, why don't you thank Him tonight again, people? Because of His willingness to always show what must be done to those who ask. Did you hear what I said? God always shows what must be done. Do those who ask. Father God would know you to be a faithful God. Would know you to be a faithful Father. You always show us what we must do when we ask you. In the name of Jesus, I want you to pray, pray, pray, pray tonight. Say, my Father, let's call Him Father tonight. Let's call Him Father is our God, right? But let's call Him Father tonight. Let's address Him as Father tonight, because the Father, our Father, is interested in helping His children. I want you to pray, Father, I don't know what to do. All areas of my life, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. We don't know what to do. Let them all come under the revealing light of God. Father, shine your light on all dark areas of my life. We don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Father, all areas of my life that have done this, I've done that, I've tried this, I've tried that. I've done everything I know to do, but no solution for I come before you tonight. And I ask you every area of my life that I don't know what to do. Let them come under the revealing light of God. Father, revelation, revelation, revelation, revelation. Let the revelation of God. Let the light of revelation shine upon my life, upon my problems, upon my difficulties. So I'll be able to know what to do, Holy Father, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. You are the Lord who knows all things. And I'm your son, Father, I'm your daughter. Help me tonight, Father, help me tonight. Father, help me tonight, Father, help me tonight. All areas, we don't know what to do about my children. We don't know what to do about my spouse. I don't know what to do about my ministry. Oh, Baba, I don't know what to do about my health. Oh, Lord, shine your light tonight. Papa, shine your light tonight. Papa, shine your light tonight. All areas, come on, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, tell the Lord. All areas where you need guidance. Did you hear what I said? Yeah, all areas where you need guidance. He will make abundantly clear what I need to do, what you need to do. Papa, you a merciful God. Show us mercy on this prayer line, Father. Show us mercy on this prayer line, our Father. In the name of Jesus. All areas where I need guidance. All areas where I need direction. All areas where I need to be told what to do. Papa, abundant clearance, abundantly clear. Make it abundantly clear, come on, pray. Make it abundantly clear what I need to do. Make it abundantly clear what I need to do. Make it abundantly clear what I need to do. Papa, make it abundantly clear what I need to do. Papa, make it abundantly clear what I need to do. I want you to pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, all areas. All areas where you need to be guided. All areas where you need to be led. This guy needed to be led into salvation. He didn't know how to be led, but he was wise. He asked the right person, what must I do? We are asking the Father tonight. We are not asking an individual tonight. We are going directly to the Father who can save us from all our problems. What must we do, O God? What must we do, O God? What must I do, O God? I want you to pray the enemy will not block. The enemy will not block you from hearing tonight. Say, O Lord, don't let the enemy block me from hearing what you want me to do. Don't let the enemy block me from knowing what you want me to do. Don't let the enemy block me from knowing the step you want me to take. Some of you need to take some steps. If you don't ask God and get direction from God, my friend, you will take a wrong step and you will just get into more trouble. Father, I don't want to take a step without you directing me. I don't want to go in any direction without you directing me. Father, I don't let the enemy block the communication. The communication line revealing steps God wants me to take. Enemy, I bind you and I banish you. You will not block the communication line between me and God. Father, speak directly and clear the road. In the name of Jesus, let it not be intercepted what God is saying. Let me not be hindered from hearing what God is saying. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. He went to the people that knew and he said, what must I do? What must I do to be saved? I want you to pray tonight in the name of Jesus. I want you to pray for those on this prayer line. I want you to pray for those on this platform that God will help them to believe on Jesus because he told him. He said, just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved and the household. Let's begin our prayers there that as many as don't know Jesus, on this prayer line tonight, as many as don't know the Lord, on this prayer line tonight, the Lord will reveal himself to them, the Lord will save them, the Lord will bring the power of sin and the dominion of sin and the bondage to sin and set him free and free indeed, oh God, as many as need to be saved on this platform tonight. In the name of Jesus, God, help them to believe on Jesus, help them to believe on your son. Father, I have them to believe on your son. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want you to pray for yourself. God, we're happy to believe tonight. In the name of Jesus, that God will tell you specific things for specific situations. In the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, help me to believe you, to tell me specific things I need to do to fit on, get fine solution to specific situations in my life. Father, please help me to believe. Don't just come to pray without believing. Lord, I come to pray believing tonight that you will also tell me what I need to do about my specific situation. This man needs a salvation from sin, winning salvation from many other things. Say, oh Lord, every area of my life, we are in salvation, oh, it's the same Savior, it's the same Savior that saves from sin, that saves from all the problems of life. Oh, bless his Savior. Come and save me tonight, come and save me tonight. Come and show me what I need to do. Come and show me the step I need to take. There are situations in my marriage. There are situations of my job. There are situations in my profession. It needs divine intervention. Father, show me what to do. Father, tell me what to do. Father, tell me what I must do. Father, show me what I must do. Father, tell me what I must do. Father, show me what I must do. And help me to believe all that Jesus Christ is interested in unraveling whatever looks like a ritual to me. Many of us are facing things that look like a ritual, things that look like mystery. Father, whatever is like a ritual, whatever is like a mystery, Lord Jesus, unravel it, unravel it, unravel it, unravel it. Solution, solution, instruction for solution. Come on, open your mouth and plead with him. Say, Father, mercifully show me instructions. Mercifully give me instructions for solution. Solution, solution, solution is what I'm looking for. This man got the solution to saying when he asked. Simple question, what must I do for I come tonight? That all my doubts about you speaking to me, guiding me, directing me will have no place in me in the name of Jesus. Did you hear what I said? I said, you need to pray that all doubts, all double mindedness about the law speaking to you, about the law guiding you, about the law directing you, will have no place in you, will have no place in you. Papa, what will you have me to do? Papa, what will you have me to do? Say, O Lord, I believe, come on open and let's confess it. Say, Father, I believe that you will tell me what I must do. Please have my own belief tonight. Say, my Father, say, my God. I believe you will tell me what I must do. Please have my own belief tonight. Please have my doubt tonight. You know, after you've been in a situation for so long and people say, well, if you ask God, God will tell you what to do, he will show you what to do. You are lucky to say, for where? After how many years, Father, please destroy my doubt about you speaking, destroy my doubt, about you speaking, destroy my own belief, about you speaking. I believe you will tell me what I must do, O God. Please have my own belief. Papa, please have my own belief. O Lord, have our own belief on this prayer line tonight. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Father, we are facing situations on our jobs, situations in our churches, situations on Lord in our friendships, situations on Lord here in our extended families. O Lord, and if you just tell us what to do, O Lord, it will be all right. Help our own belief, help our own belief. Lord, we believe, part of us believe. But part of us is saying, can God give, tell me something? Well, as he did talk to me, O Father, overcome for us tonight by speaking to us, pick to us, pick to us, pick to us, pick to us, now I want you to take about three minutes. All right, to begin to ask God about the specific, what must I do? There are specific, what must I do in your life? There are specific, what must I do in my life? Mention those specific needs right now, in the name of Jesus. Mention those specific needs. For the Philippian jailor, it was salvation. What must I do? Papa, what must I do to be saved? Please, what must I do? I want you to pray tonight as we proceed. I want you to precede your prayers, that Lord, what must I do? What must I do? What must I do? What must I do? If it is a business issue, as Lord, what must I do with this business? What must I do to grow this business? What must I do to increase this business? Ask him what he must do? At least somebody knows what he must do. His name is God Almighty. He's the omnipotent God. He's the omniscient God who knows all things. Is it a marital issue you are facing tonight? Please ask him what you must do. I talked about pregnancy issue. You've lost many pregnancies and you don't know what to do. Please ask the Lord, what must I do? Is it an academic issue? You failed and failed and failed and failed again. And you are afraid to try again. Please tell the Lord, what must I do? What must I do? What must I do? In the name of Jesus, is it a family issue? Things going on in your family that nobody knows? I want you to ask the Lord, God, I cannot fight my siblings. I cannot fight my parents. I cannot fight my children. Papa, what must I do? What must I do? What should I do? What must I do? I want you to go to the specific. Is it a ministerial issue? You want to ask the Lord tonight? What must I do about this ministerial problem? What must I do about this ministerial issue? Even when ministers have issues, even when ministers have problems? Oh, Lord, is it a temptation issue that you need to shake off? I want you to pray tonight. What must I do about this temper? What might I do about this temptress? What must I do about this problem that is tempting me here and there? Oh, Lord, help me. Show me what to do. What must I do? Open your mouth. What must I do? About what? You only knows what? Then tell God what it is. What might I do about this, O God? What must I do about this, O God? Papa, speak to me. I told you I've enjoyed this prayer. Since I came up with this idea written in the Bible, you can ask God and God can answer. He gave you the answer about salvation. What else do you need? That is greater than salvation. Oh, Lord, if you can answer the question of salvation for me, you should be able to answer the question about marriage for me. You should be able to answer the question about my health. You should be able to answer the question about my money. You should be able to answer the question about my business. Papa, what must I do? Tell the Lord what it is. Is it a legal issue? Is it a court case? Papa, what must I do? Papa, what must I do? Papa, what must I do? Papa, what must I do? Please ask the Lord. Tell the Lord that you need answers. Tell the Lord that you need guidance. Tell the Lord that you need light. Tell the Lord I need answers. Papa, I need answers. Papa, I need answers. Papa, I need guidance. Papa, I need light. Papa, I need direction. Oh, Lord, what must I do? What what is only you who knows for what? Mention it to God. Let the Lord know what you are asking Him for. Let the Lord know the area that you need direction for. Father, help me, help me, help me, help me, help me, help me, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Maybe you have a son, maybe you have a daughter, maybe you have someone who doesn't pray like you do. Why don't you stand in the God for them tonight? And say, Lord, show them what they must do. Know Him what he must do. Show how what she must do. What must they do? Let's intercede on behalf of our friends. Let's intercede on behalf of our family. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Father, show me what to do. What must I do, papa? What must I do, papa? To get a breakthrough? What must I do, papa? To have a solution? What must I do? I want it to remind the Lord. So, Lord, you told the name of what he must do to end his embarrassment. In the name of his embarrassment came to an end. His sickness of many years came to an end. Oh, Lord, tell me also what to do. Tell me also what to do. Tell me also what to do, O God. As you told me, man, go to the river and take it deep. Seven times, papa, whatever you tell me to do, I'm willing to do. Whatever direction you gave me, I'm willing to follow. Just tell me, don't be quiet. Just tell me, don't be quiet. Papa, don't be quiet to me, O Lord. Lead me, lead me, lead me to where my solution is. As you lead me, lead me to where my solution is, O God. Come on, pray and ask a lot tonight. Lead me to where my solution is. The solution for name man was in the hand of the prophet, of God, Elijah, I want you to pray. Lead me by your step, by your grace. Lead me by your mercy to where my solution is. As you lead me, man, you know Job, Job was sick, and he didn't know the way out, and a lot told him, go and pray for your friends. Go and pray for your friends. I want you to tell God, tell me what I must do, that I'm not paying attention to. Whatever I need to do, that I'm not paying attention to. Father, God, speak to me about them. Speak to me about it. Speak to me about them. Speak to me about it. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. You remember, O David, there was famine year after year for three years, and God said, this is what you need to do in order for this famine to come to an end. I want you to pray. Whatever needs to come to an end in my life. Tell me what I must do, O God. Tell me what I must do, O God. It was a curse that was upon David and Israel. Father, this curse, this curse that has been spoken, that is affecting my life, that is bringing dryness financially to me, that is bringing famine into my life, that is bringing spiritual dryness, that is bringing financial dryness, that is bringing business dryness. O God, what must I do, O God? Show me, O Father. Show me, O God. Show me, O Father. What must I do to bring in rain? What must I do to bring in rain into my life? There was no rain. There was famine for three whole years until he went to God, and God said, what you must do? The reason for this famine is this, and this is what you must do. I want you to pray that God showed David what he had to do for the curse that was brought upon Israel. Because of Samuel, say, O Lord, show me what I must do. Every generation I curse. The problem was not his problem, ooh. It was Saul's problem, Saul was dead, Saul was gone, but he was still carrying the pain, hey, Jesus. If David had gone to pray, Lord, what is my sin? Lord, what did I do wrong? No, no, no, no, it's not you. It's a generation I curse. I want you to pray that Lord will show you what you must do for generation I curse on you and yours to end. Whatever generation I curse, I'm on. Whatever somebody in the past, whatever somebody in my bloodline, whatever somebody who has died and gone, they have done that I didn't know that I was not part of. And here I am, connected to them in blood, connected to them in royalty. O Lord, show me what they did, show me what I must do. Show me what they did, show me what I must do. Because many of us are baffled, oh God, we try to live right, we try to walk right, and yet nothing is right. Lord, whatever is wrong, show us the way out, show us the way out, show us the way out, show us the way out, whatever is wrong, whatever is going on. As you showed Joseph, I'm very old, the thing that they must do, hey, he told them, run to Egypt, that's what he told them. He said run to Egypt, he said run to Egypt. I want you to pray for direction in your warfare. We are going to talk more about warfare tomorrow, don't miss it. I want you to pray, Lord, give me direction in warfare. O Lord, give me direction in my warfare, and many of us fight warfare. But it's like warfare is not going anywhere because you have not asked God what you must do. God said you must go to Egypt in the name of Jesus. But going to Egypt looks like running from Herod, but God said it, run. I want you to pray, the law will give you direction. O Lord, give yourself a merry husband and wife on this prayer line. May God give you direction in the world that is facing your family, in the world that is facing your little baby. May the law give you direction on what to do, that the enemy will not destroy your baby in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, God spoke to Joseph in a dream. I want you to pray that as God used dreams to direct yourself, the law will flood your life with dreams that show you what you must do. All that flood my life with dreams that will show me what to do. I'm talking about clear dreams, direct dreams in the name of Jesus. I want you to tell the Lord, you don't want useless dreams. You don't want dreams that have no consequence. O Lord, you don't want business of the dead dreams. You want dreams that are from God, giving you direction as to where to go, as to what to do, as to where not to go, as to what not to do. In the name of Jesus, God used true prophets to guide people. I pray that God would send true prophets to tell you what he wants you to do also. There are still good prophets today who may God send them to you, not the prophet liars of today who, in the name of Jesus. I want you to pray that the law will deliver you from falling into the hands of false prophets. There are too many of them around. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, can I tell you something? After God tells you what to do, you must not disobey. That was what name man said. Name man was told, what you need to do to be free, what you need to do to be healed, is to go to this river. And name man said noop, I'm not going to the river. Why not this river? Why not the river? I'm praying that disobedience, disobedience, disobedience, disobedience, waging war against what God said will not make you suffer in the name of Jesus. But power, whatever you say, help me to obey, whatever you say, help me to do, whatever you direct, help me to do, in the name of Jesus. Those who are traveling with Saul, they disobeyed Saul when God told Saul to tell them, don't move yet, because if you move, we will suffer shipwreck, but they decided to go. Saul, deliver me from self-will, deliver me from what I want to do, deliver me from I know it all. In the name of Jesus, help me to submit, help me to submit, help me to submit to the direction of God, to the leading of God. In the name of Jesus, send a name of Jesus, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me from ignoring divine directions. In the name of Jesus, once it is clear, once it is clear, once it is clear, pop up in them clear, pop up in them clear, pop up in them clear, and once they are clear, O Lord, show me what they are, O Lord, help me to obey, help me not to ignore what you said. They ignore what Paul said, O, and they got into a storm. Many times what we need to do, God will tell us, and we will go our own way, and we end up in a storm. I want you to pray that you will not walk contrary to what God says, so you will not get into a storm, and when they got into a storm, Paul, the apostle, told them, he said you should not have got into this trouble, have you listened to me? I want you to say, Lord, open my ears, let me hear, open my heart, let me perceive, and let me understand, and let me do what you want me to do. I want you to pray, Lord, don't let me go through this life without telling me what I must do every step of the way, can I ask you to pray, God, just five more minutes, O Lord, don't let me go through this life without telling me what I must do, every step I must take, let me not get ahead of you, let me not be slow, O Lord, let me walk side by side with heaven, open your mouth and pray tonight, pappal, let me walk side on side with heaven, in the name of Jesus, and where I have deliberately disobeyed divine directions, where I have deliberately disobeyed you, pappa forgive me tonight, where I have deliberately disobeyed you, where I have deliberately gone my own way, where I have deliberately done my own thing, pappa forgive me, pappa forgive me, pappa forgive me, what my slit clean, where I have disobeyed, pappa give me another chance, O, to be led by you, pappa don't turn your back to me, pappa don't turn your death air to me, don't say, I led you to do this, you didn't do it, I told you to do that, you didn't do that, now you are coming back to me again, pappa must cease what we have come to ask for tonight, pappa must cease what we have come to ask for tonight, let the blood of Jesus and the mercy of God, wash away our disobedience, O Lord, our safe will, where we have disobeyed divine direction, pappa give us another chance, to be led by you, pappa let's start a phrase from tonight, to be led by you, I'm from today, O God, from today, help us not to take any step without being sure, you have told us what we must do, no matter how pressured we are, what you've told us we must do is what we do, that's what destroyed the first king of Israel, O, sorrow was his name, somewhere told him this is what you must do, wait for me, I am coming in seven days, he did not wait O, he did not follow divine directions, pappa, deliver me from being in a hurry, deliver me from being impatient, deliver me from being in a hurry, deliver me from being impatient, deliver me from being in a hurry, sorrow was in a hurry, sorrow was impatient, he offered his sacrifice and then Samuel came and God rejected him, pappa don't reject me, I'm where you have rejected me, let must ye have set me back, I want you to pray, as God tells you what you must do, you will not do otherwise, I want you to pray that God will help you, help you, help me to know the seriousness, when God says this is what you must do, because that is what the jailer asked Paul, he said what must, must I do, O Lord, that which I must do, don't let me change it to what I might do, there's a difference between what you must do and what you might do for that in this day of permissiveness, in this day of permissiveness, oh Lord deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me from walking, O Lord, in the second best of God, in the permissive will of God, pappa don't let me walk in the permissive will of God, oh, hey, God told Lord, he said run to the mountain, and Lord said not so Lord, let me run to this city, he said not a small city, and God said do I do whatever you want to do, hey, pappa let me not miss it, when you tell me what I must do, let me not miss it, he went to that city, he got into trouble, he was a mountain, got told him to run to, that he ended up running to at last, oh Lord don't let me with my life, oh Lord don't Let me with my time or Lord don't let me with my energy running We are God does not want me to run going we are done. God does not going want me to go Living with those who God does not want me to live with partner with those who God does not want me to partner with all of the Concassive will completely in me. Concassive will completely in me Please pray. Please pray. Please pray. Please pray. Oh God will many times say okay, is that what you want to do fine? Glue it and you see our heart from God again I know he told me don't do but now he has told me to do it Oh, no, what you tell me to do? That's what I need to do and that's what I will do and that's what I must do But I have me to remember it is a must when God speaks it is a must when God speaks It is a must I want you to pray Lord. Have your way in my life from now on Have your way in my life from now on papa. Have your way in my life from now on in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus And for us I do what you tell me to do let it outcome always be glorious Yes, as I do what you ask me to do papa, let it outcome always be glorious as you tell as I do what you tell me to do Let it out our outcome. Let it be immediate. Let it be glorious This man got saved that night. It was not the second night in God saved Father as I ask you and as I do what you tell me to do for the lady answer be immediate Let my change come in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I wanted to begin to bless the name of the Lord. I wanted to begin to thank him I wanted to begin to say Lord. I worship you Lord. I adore you. What must I do? Yes, he will tell you what you must do in the name of Jesus And we change your life. He will transform your life forever Father will bless you. Father will worship you. Father. We adore you for answering our prayers tonight Glory be to your name. Hana be to your name Dominion and majesty be to your holy name. Oh God in Jesus mighty name We pray a man and a man I bless you in the name of the father I bless you in the name of the son. I bless you in the name of the Holy Spirit I need this pray as much as you do and I pray that the Lord will help us to leave our lives from now on By this principle of checking with God What must I do and I pray that all the things that you have asked God for Specific things that have asked God what you must do I pray that God will speak to you loud and clear that we know what to do And as he tells you what to do you will do them And if you even if it doesn't come when you think as you talk Patiently wait for him in the name of Jesus Father bless us with more than you have blessed us even this hour let the blessing continue even as you go to rest In Jesus name we pray a man and a man and a man God bless you for being here tonight What must I do it continues tomorrow now? Please don't miss it. We'll be using a powerful passage of scripture tomorrow is about warfare Do you know that your warfare is could actually be easier if you only ask God what must you do? Yeah, many times we take this warfare and we fight it like we fought the one for last year We take this warfare and we fight it like the one we fought for two years ago Uh-uh there is a divine strategy of what you must do for every warfare Have you ever asked God what must I do what must I do or tomorrow? It's gonna be a blessing. Please join us 7 p.m. New York time And don't forget that convenient and crossover is on Sunday evening at 7 p.m. New York time It's gonna be a blessed time. Let's share the grace as we go and rest for the evening made in grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and The sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever more a man and a man surely goodness and mercy Shall follow us all the days of our lives We shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever Hey man, and amen. Thank you. We'll see you tomorrow night in Jesus. Taris good night You [BLANK_AUDIO]