Bishop Itiola podcast

Episode 846 - The song of deliverance. Part 2

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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<i>Hello everyone, welcome back to the Friday edition of our prayers for this week.</i> <i>The theme of yesterday remains the same today.</i> <i>Songs of Deliverance, and I've deliberately written on the podcast and also on Facebook.</i> <i>You're simply the song of deliverance, because to be honest with you, this song right here is the song.</i> <i>I don't know if any song came before this in the Bible when it comes to a song of deliverance.</i> <i>Well, if you move on to the life of David, you find many songs of deliverances.</i> <i>And if you move to Hannah, you remember Hannah of old? You will say about other song, beautiful song.</i> <i>And then you read about Mary and the great Magnificant.</i> <i>So there are other songs, but this one right here is the song of all songs, the first in my own opinion, to ever be recorded.</i> <i>Please, get ready to be blessed tonight.</i> <i>Do us a favor by alerting someone of the program.</i> <i>The simple way to do that is to share the link to the platform you're watching us on, or that you are listening to us on.</i> <i>Anyone whose desire is to compose and sing their own songs of deliverance should be part of this meeting tonight, seriously.</i> <i>And I hope you will do them a big favor by letting them know that we are on, and we are on because of them, so they can be blessed, like we will be blessed.</i> <i>Let us pray.</i> <i>For that how we thank you for gathering us together from the four corners of this world.</i> <i>Thank you Lord God for reminding us all to be here, and here we are Lord.</i> <i>But we realize that without you there is absolutely no good that can come out of this meeting.</i> <i>So we're trusting you Lord God to lay your hand upon the program, to bless the program, to lay your hand upon me, and upon everyone that will be praying here tonight.</i> <i>Have your way, O Lord, without any distraction from anywhere.</i> <i>Help us all to be able to concentrate, and to be able to focus on what we're here for.</i> <i>Deliver us from any type of interference, deliver us from every type of distraction.</i> <i>Thank you Papa for the answer, in Jesus' mighty name we pray.</i> <i>A man, an amen, songs of deliverance, a song of deliverance tonight is our theme and our text.</i> <i>It's taken from where we stopped yesterday, you remember? We stopped in verse 9 of Exodus chapter 15.</i> <i>So we're going to begin in verse 10 tonight, and we will pray all the remaining verses that are connected with the song of deliverance that Moses composed.</i> <i>Come with me, Exodus chapter 15.</i> <i>I'm reading the end verse number 10, 'Thou deeds blow with thy wind, the sick of Adam, the sank as led in the mighty waters.</i> <i>Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like unto thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?</i> <i>Thou stretches out thy hand, the earth swallowed them.</i> <i>Thou in thy mercy has led forth the people which thou has redeemed.</i> <i>Thou has guided them in thy strength unto the holy habitation.</i> <i>The people did hear, and the people shall hear, rather, and be afraid.</i> <i>Sorrow shall take hold of the habitants of Palestinian.</i> <i>Then the dukes of Edom shall be amazed, the mighty men of mob, trembling shall take hold upon them all.</i> <i>All the inhabitants of Canaan shall melt away, isn't that powerful? The God can sow walk in your life that is going to shake people up, my Lord, have mercy.</i> <i>So tonight is going to be a beautiful night, it's going to be a very special prayer, as you can tell.</i> <i>Thus fifteen, fear and dread shall fall upon them.</i> <i>The greatness of an arm shall be, and they shall be as steel as stone.</i> <i>If you attend our church, you know I preached to someone on that about two or three years ago, till thy people pass over.</i> <i>O Lord, till thy people pass over, which thou hast purchased.</i> <i>Thou shall bring them in, hallelujah, O God, shall bring you in.</i> <i>God shall bring me in also, there are places that you and I want to enter in.</i> <i>May God take you by your hand and take you into the mountain of his inheritance for your life.</i> <i>In the place, O Lord, which thou hast made for thee to dwell in, in the sanctuary, O Lord, which thy hands have established.</i> <i>The Lord shall reign forever and ever, and in verse 19, for the horse of Pharaoh went in with his chariots and with his horsemen into the sea,</i> <i>and the Lord brought again the waters of the sea upon them.</i> <i>But the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea.</i> <i>And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Eran, took a timbre in her hand.</i> <i>And all the women went out after her with timbrels and guess what? With dances.</i> <i>And Miriam answered them, sing ye to the Lord for ye have triumphed gloriously.</i> <i>The horse and the rider have he thrown into the sea.</i> <i>Wow! What is song? And what a deliverance that triggered it.</i> <i>So let us turn this song into prayers tonight.</i> <i>Like we did for verses one through nine yesterday.</i> <i>And I hope you have shared the link.</i> <i>I hope you have told somebody about this.</i> <i>I hope you have invited them to come join us,</i> <i>because you're going to be blessed for being here tonight.</i> <i>Powerful prayers, songs of deliverance.</i> <i>And guess what, my friend? You are next! Yes!</i> <i>I am next.</i> <i>Let's begin with Thanksgiving, and then we'll go into praying those verses.</i> <i>I wanted to give God the praise for Friday again.</i> <i>Trans God is another Friday, Father will bless you.</i> <i>Father will worship you for being with us since Sunday.</i> <i>Monday Tuesday and here we are Friday, the end of the work week for many of us.</i> <i>Father will thank you for allowing us to see another Friday</i> <i>that you have made, hallelujah.</i> <i>Bless his name and worship him and honour him and glorify his holy name.</i> <i>Bless his name for being with us all through the work week.</i> <i>Thank God for watching over us, going up and down to work.</i> <i>Some of you in near places, some of you in far places.</i> <i>Some of you in dangerous environments, some of you in not so dangerous environment.</i> <i>God kept us, God watched over us with blessed name for it.</i> <i>Father, we don't take it lightly.</i> <i>You don't charge us, don't give us a bill week after week.</i> <i>It's all free of charge.</i> <i>All you've asked us to do is to come and say much obliged.</i> <i>Thank you Lord for what you have done.</i> <i>Thank you for the prayers of last night, folks.</i> <i>On the song of Moses, after their mighty deliverance from Egypt,</i> <i>Father, we thank you.</i> <i>We thank you for the prayer points you give us.</i> <i>From this passing last night, thank him.</i> <i>Because the songs of deliverance shall never dry out of your mouth in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>I'm sure there are things that have happened between yesterday and today,</i> <i>that you have a reason to be thankful for.</i> <i>There are things that have taken place, that you have a reason to be grateful for.</i> <i>I can say for sure as a person, that there have been things that happened between this time yesterday,</i> <i>and now that has made me to be very, very, very thankful,</i> <i>singing songs of deliverance.</i> <i>At this time yesterday, I was still wondering whether the song of deliverance will break through,</i> <i>but before night fell finally, everything was taken care of.</i> <i>Thank God tonight, because songs of deliverance shall never dry out of your mouth,</i> <i>whether in small things or in big things,</i> <i>God will ensure that it gives you song of deliverance.</i> <i>Just make sure you sing it, it will light in your soul and light in your spirit.</i> <i>Pray that God will give us as we go, prayer points, hallelujah.</i> <i>That will bring songs of deliverance, more songs of deliverance to us tonight.</i> <i>Hey, I thank God you are here, because you're going to be blessed by this program tonight.</i> <i>I wanted to thank God that he will be with us.</i> <i>Yes, he will be with us.</i> <i>As we go on praying the songs of deliverance of Moses,</i> <i>Pray that it will give us heaven, saint, prayer points.</i> <i>Only remaining parts of this song,</i> <i>in the mighty mighty mighty name of Jesus,</i> <i>God give us prayer points, personal prayer points,</i> <i>coparate prayer points or corporal prayer points.</i> <i>Father, give them to us, even as we pray tonight in the mighty mighty mighty name of Jesus.</i> <i>I wanted to pray that sin and unbelief will not hinder us tonight.</i> <i>Every sin of omission, every sin of commission.</i> <i>I wanted to pray that the Lord will forgive us and cleanse us and remove them from us.</i> <i>We cannot pray, but forgiveness of sin too much,</i> <i>because it will block our lives and our prayers if they are there present.</i> <i>I wanted to pray that everything you've done today,</i> <i>everywhere you have gone today, everything you've said today,</i> <i>everything you put your hand and your feet into today,</i> <i>that your conscience told you, you know this is wrong now,</i> <i>I wanted to ask a lot to forgive you in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>Don't excuse sin, don't reason it out, no, no, no, no.</i> <i>If it's wrong, it's wrong, say, Lord, even my conscience told me it's wrong.</i> <i>When it took place, I want it to ask a lot to forgive you, so you can have joy,</i> <i>so you can have rest, you can have peace of mind,</i> <i>and so you can have answer prayers tonight.</i> <i>Pray that God will be with you as you pray this songs of deliverance,</i> <i>and that unbelieve also will not stand in your way,</i> <i>for that pray that you will yank out of my soul,</i> <i>every doubt, every unbelieve, every double-mindedness,</i> <i>for that take it out of me, remove it from me completely tonight,</i> <i>in the mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty name of Jesus,</i> <i>people let us pray for grace,</i> <i>say, Lord, pour out grace upon us tonight to pray,</i> <i>in the mighty name of Jesus, pour out grace upon us to pray,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus, Father, I'm here receiving grace to lead this prayers,</i> <i>Father, give me the grace to be able to lead this prayers tonight,</i> <i>in the mighty, mighty name of Jesus,</i> <i>and give your people everywhere,</i> <i>the grace to be able to pray this prayers also in Jesus' name,</i> <i>I want you to pray that the willingness of the body,</i> <i>the weakness of the body,</i> <i>will not hinder you even as you pray here tonight,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>all the ups and downs will not hinder you for me, it's been a very busy day,</i> <i>just using my brain, using my head,</i> <i>I've had to prepare about three or four summers today,</i> <i>just to get ready for what I have in front of me this weekend,</i> <i>and that thing can be very exhausting,</i> <i>I pray that the Lord will just revive us as we pray tonight,</i> <i>many of you have been gone up and down,</i> <i>you've been doing this and doing that today,</i> <i>and here you are, sitting on your chair,</i> <i>sitting in your bed and lying down,</i> <i>I pray that the Lord will strengthen you as we pray tonight,</i> <i>I want us to pray for people in African Europe,</i> <i>especially tonight,</i> <i>that the Lord will strengthen them to be able to stay a lot,</i> <i>the Lord will strengthen them to be able to stay awake even as we pray,</i> <i>we've got about 45 more minutes to pray,</i> <i>I want you to pray that the Lord will make it to look like 4.5 minutes,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>because where there is grace,</i> <i>everything looks so simple,</i> <i>everything looks so easy,</i> <i>but for our grace to us,</i> <i>to be able to call on you,</i> <i>to be able to pray to you tonight,</i> <i>strength, grace, strength,</i> <i>grace, be poured out upon me,</i> <i>and upon every man,</i> <i>every woman, every boy,</i> <i>and every girl gathered together with us tonight,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus Christ,</i> <i>for the help of our friends in Africa,</i> <i>they are supposed to be sleeping on those of you in Nigeria,</i> <i>I see many of you on this prayer line right now,</i> <i>you are supposed to be about 12 midnight past 12 midnight,</i> <i>and here you are,</i> <i>awake and a lot with us,</i> <i>those of you in Ghana,</i> <i>well, the same thing,</i> <i>you are climbing slowly towards midnight,</i> <i>those of you in East Africa,</i> <i>you are a little bit longer.</i> <i>I pray that the law was</i> <i>stranding all of you,</i> <i>those of you in Europe,</i> <i>I pray that the law was</i> <i>stranding all of you.</i> <i>I know those of you in New Zealand,</i> <i>you are ready up,</i> <i>Hallelujah to God.</i> <i>Those of you in the Caribbean Island,</i> <i>you are running the same time</i> <i>with me here,</i> <i>may the law strengthen all</i> <i>of us to pray everybody</i> <i>in California, welcome.</i> <i>May the law strengthen you</i> <i>as you pray tonight.</i> <i>Those of you in Alabama,</i> <i>thank you for joining us.</i> <i>I was seeing the wife</i> <i>of one of my pastors</i> <i>actually a very good</i> <i>friend of mine,</i> <i>pastor Lola,</i> <i>thank you.</i> <i>I saw your majesty,</i> <i>God bless you.</i> <i>In the name of Jesus,</i> <i>all of you in Florida,</i> <i>all of you in North Carolina,</i> <i>South Carolina,</i> <i>all of you in New York City.</i> <i>Thank you for joining us.</i> <i>May God bless you,</i> <i>May God strengthen you.</i> <i>All of my friends in Canada,</i> <i>welcome</i> <i>without strengthening you</i> <i>and our friends all the way.</i> <i>In India, welcome</i> <i>May God strengthen you</i> <i>as we all pray together.</i> <i>For to give us strength</i> <i>to pray in faith,</i> <i>give us strength</i> <i>to pray in confidence tonight.</i> <i>As we pray about the</i> <i>song of deliverance of Moses,</i> <i>Moses, Alleluia and</i> <i>the children of Israel,</i> <i>they were delivered.</i> <i>And the first thing he did</i> <i>was break up into his song.</i> <i>His song of praise,</i> <i>the song of Thanksgiving,</i> <i>describing what God has done.</i> <i>I want you to pray tonight.</i> <i>That God will strengthen you, Alleluia,</i> <i>to always be thankful</i> <i>whenever he does anything for you,</i> <i>to always be grateful,</i> <i>whenever God does anything for you,</i> <i>to be a composer,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>I remember when I was in high school,</i> <i>they used to call me composer,</i> <i>because I used to compose songs for them.</i> <i>Well, now I compose spiritual songs.</i> <i>I wish I can.</i> <i>I want you to just say, Lord,</i> <i>I will always sing</i> <i>of the goodness of the Lord.</i> <i>I will always give praises</i> <i>for all the things you have done for me.</i> <i>My friend, when you look back,</i> <i>when you look back,</i> <i>come on, look, look back,</i> <i>look back,</i> <i>look back,</i> <i>and see what the Lord has done.</i> <i>Yes, if you look back,</i> <i>you will know God's been good,</i> <i>God's been gracious,</i> <i>hey, God's been merciful,</i> <i>look where he brought you from,</i> <i>look where he brought you from,</i> <i>and look what he brought you from,</i> <i>for that we just want to stop by</i> <i>before we pray tonight,</i> <i>and say, Lord, we are thankful</i> <i>for your grace upon our lives,</i> <i>so pour out that grace upon us,</i> <i>even as we pray,</i> <i>the deliverance prayer that Moses sang</i> <i>in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,</i> <i>now let's go into the prayers right now.</i> <i>I want you to say, Father,</i> <i>all the prayers are prayed yesterday,</i> <i>let them be turned into testimonies,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.</i> <i>Say, Father, all the prayers</i> <i>that you gave me to pray yesterday,</i> <i>Father, please turn them into testimonies</i> <i>for me in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>Let all my sons of last night</i> <i>be turned into testimonies</i> <i>of God in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>All Lord, let those sons be turned</i> <i>into the testimony that Moses had,</i> <i>that God was good,</i> <i>that God delivered them</i> <i>from a pursuing army.</i> <i>Father, I thank you, Lord.</i> <i>Let all those prayers</i> <i>we prayed yesterday,</i> <i>let all those intercessions</i> <i>of yesterday.</i> <i>Let them be turned</i> <i>into testimonies, great testimonies,</i> <i>might be testimonies</i> <i>in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.</i> <i>Can we turn that prayer a little bit?</i> <i>See, Lord, all the prayers</i> <i>I will pray tonight,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>Open your mouth and talk</i> <i>to the Lord right now.</i> <i>See, Lord, all the prayers</i> <i>I will pray tonight.</i> <i>Tumb them into songs</i> <i>of deliverance.</i> <i>Sond them into songs</i> <i>of deliverance.</i> <i>In the name of Jesus.</i> <i>All the prayers</i> <i>I will pray this evening.</i> <i>Papa, turn them into songs</i> <i>of deliverance for me in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>Tumb them into songs</i> <i>of freedom for me in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>Tumb them into songs</i> <i>of liberation for me</i> <i>in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>I want you to find something</i> <i>right now</i> <i>that you need God</i> <i>to deliver you from.</i> <i>And let's test God</i> <i>in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>Let's trust God.</i> <i>Whatever it is right now</i> <i>that you want God</i> <i>to deliver you from.</i> <i>I want you to mention it to God</i> <i>right now.</i> <i>Whatever battle you are fighting</i> <i>physically.</i> <i>You are fighting spiritually.</i> <i>You are fighting emotionally.</i> <i>You are fighting in any way, Lee.</i> <i>I want you to pray that the Lord</i> <i>will deliver you from it</i> <i>in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>Whether it's a man like Pharaoh</i> <i>that is after you</i> <i>or a devil like the evil one</i> <i>that is after you</i> <i>or a human being that is after you</i> <i>I want you to pray Lord God</i> <i>for this particular thing that is</i> <i>going on in my life.</i> <i>Please deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me right now</i> <i>in the name of Jesus, as you deliver Moses and Israel.</i> <i>If there's any weight, any load</i> <i>upon you, upon your shoulder</i> <i>I want you to pray Lord, deliver me</i> <i>from this weight.</i> <i>In the name of Jesus,</i> <i>live this weight</i> <i>of my shoulder, O God,</i> <i>live this weight of my neck, O Lord.</i> <i>I want you to pray the Lord</i> <i>give you a release.</i> <i>The Lord will give you a relief,</i> <i>the Lord will give you freedom.</i> <i>Papallet deliverance</i> <i>flow in this place tonight.</i> <i>Any spirit that has caused this</i> <i>to happen to you,</i> <i>abind them and cast them out</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>you foul spirits that are pursuing</i> <i>God's people,</i> <i>abind you in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>abind you in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>whatever you have brought</i> <i>against on God's people</i> <i>since this day came,</i> <i>since yesterday,</i> <i>since the day before yesterday,</i> <i>since the beginning of the month,</i> <i>since the beginning of the year,</i> <i>whatever you have put upon God's</i> <i>people are commanded to be lifted,</i> <i>I command them to be delivered,</i> <i>spirits,</i> <i>loose God's people right now,</i> <i>spirits,</i> <i>loose God's people right now,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>a decree that every oppression</i> <i>upon you be lifted,</i> <i>a decree that every oppression</i> <i>on you be removed,</i> <i>mension whatever it is</i> <i>that you want God to deliver you from.</i> <i>So, oh Lord,</i> <i>deliver me,deliver me,deliver me,deliver me,</i> <i>deliver me,deliver me,deliver me,deliver me,deliver me,deliver me,</i> <i>he's a deliver,</i> <i>oh, don't carry that load, my friend.</i> <i>Why, you carry in the load</i> <i>and say,</i> <i>look at my load,</i> <i>look at my load,</i> <i>look at what it ever put on me.</i> <i>Come on, drop it in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>See, I drop it at the foot of the cross,</i> <i>and I receive deliverance from this one.</i> <i>I don't know what this one is,</i> <i>because I don't know what it is that is troubling your life.</i> <i>But God has guaranteed that you can be free.</i> <i>God has guaranteed that you can have freedom,</i> <i>oh Lord, I claim my freedom in the name of Jesus.</i> <i>Because of the price that Jesus Christ paid on the cross of cavalry,</i> <i>you can be delivered,</i> <i>you can be free.</i> <i>You don't have to be under the bondage to this and under the bondage to that.</i> <i>Lord, I break this yoke of my life,</i> <i>and I break it of your life also,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>oh Lord, let the prayers of tonight become prayers,</i> <i>testimonious of deliverance,</i> <i>oh Lord, give us songs of deliverance from this prayer.</i> <i>At the end of this prayer today,</i> <i>in about 37 minutes,</i> <i>let us be able to say,</i> <i>I came into this prayer with this,</i> <i>and I'm coming out without it,</i> <i>hallelujah!</i> <i>I came into it with this,</i> <i>but I've come out of this prayer without it,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,</i> <i>I want you to notice something,</i> <i>the people in Egypt,</i> <i>they wash Him the river,</i> <i>they wash Him anything water,</i> <i>they wash Him that,</i> <i>isn't it amazing that God destroyed them</i> <i>in the waters that they wash Him,</i> <i>oh, this God is an amazing God,</i> <i>I want you to pray that,</i> <i>as they pursue an Egyptian God destroyed,</i> <i>but the waters that they wash Him,</i> <i>or marine powers,</i> <i>fighting you,</i> <i>will experience over women destruction,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,</i> <i>I want you to pray that prayer,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>that as pursuing Egyptians,</i> <i>the God destroyed by the waters,</i> <i>that they wash Him,</i> <i>they died in the deluge of the God,</i> <i>and the God is what they wash Him,</i> <i>they own Lord,</i> <i>all marine powers,</i> <i>fighting me,</i> <i>all marine spirits,</i> <i>fighting me,</i> <i>all marine witchcraft,</i> <i>worrying against me,</i> <i>let them experience over women destruction,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,</i> <i>father put this powers down,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>the powers that are after me,</i> <i>and running after me,</i> <i>all Lord,</i> <i>put them down by fire,</i> <i>put them down by fire,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>I wanted to pray that those who wash Him</i> <i>what has,</i> <i>those who wash Him,</i> <i>water spirits,</i> <i>did you hear what I said?</i> <i>Say, "O Lord,</i> <i>those who wash Him,</i> <i>water spirits,</i> <i>and the war against me,</i> <i>some might really defeat them,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>defeat them,</i> <i>and the spirits of the worship,</i> <i>those who are warring against me,</i> <i>O Lord,</i> <i>through the water spirits,</i> <i>all Lord and the war against me,</i> <i>let them all be</i> <i>summerily defeated,</i> <i>with the spirits of the worship,</i> <i>be defeated,</i> <i>with the spirits of the worship,</i> <i>be defeated,</i> <i>with the spirits of the worship,</i> <i>be defeated,</i> <i>with the spirits of the worship,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>Christ of Nazareth,</i> <i>our God is superior,</i> <i>I wanted to bless His name,</i> <i>Lord, I bless your name,</i> <i>because you are superior,</i> <i>the gods that they worshiped</i> <i>in the waters,</i> <i>could not send them,</i> <i>God sent them in the waters,</i> <i>I wanted to say,</i> <i>my father,</i> <i>my father,</i> <i>my father proved to them,</i> <i>papa proved to them,</i> <i>papa demonstrated to them,</i> <i>to all my pursuing pharaohs,</i> <i>that you are superior to,</i> <i>they are idols,</i> <i>to all who are fighting me,</i> <i>O God,</i> <i>they are using this voodoo to fight me,</i> <i>they are using this juju to fight me,</i> <i>they are using this power to fight me,</i> <i>whole of proof to them this evening,</i> <i>that you are superior to their gods,</i> <i>that you are superior to the</i> <i>ones that they worship,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>I want you to prove to them,</i> <i>O my Lord,</i> <i>my God,</i> <i>come on open your mouth</i> <i>and pray wherever you are tonight,</i> <i>prove to them, O Heavenly Father,</i> <i>that your power to protect is superior</i> <i>than their power to destroy.</i> <i>Did you hear what I said?</i> <i>They can only steal,</i> <i>they can only kill,</i> <i>they can only destroy,</i> <i>but God's power is superior</i> <i>to protect me,</i> <i>so, O Lord,</i> <i>prove to them,</i> <i>O Father,</i> <i>prove to them,</i> <i>O Lord,</i> <i>prove to them,</i> <i>O Father,</i> <i>prove to them,</i> <i>that your power to protect,</i> <i>yes, your power to protect is superior</i> <i>to their power to destroy,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>that was what God did for the children of Israel,</i> <i>he proved to the Egyptians,</i> <i>he proved to Pharaoh,</i> <i>that his power was superior,</i> <i>very, very superior</i> <i>to their power to destroy,</i> <i>they came running,</i> <i>they came hopping and puffing,</i> <i>that they were going to destroy,</i> <i>you remember what we read yesterday,</i> <i>I will do this,</i> <i>I will do that,</i> <i>I will do that,</i> <i>and God says,</i> <i>I'm superior,</i> <i>I want you to produce,</i> <i>you are saying rubbish about you,</i> <i>you are doing rubbish about you,</i> <i>you are saying,</i> <i>cosses about you,</i> <i>you are saying,</i> <i>contitions about you,</i> <i>papa proved to them,</i> <i>mentioned their name,</i> <i>if you know them,</i> <i>prove to them that you have</i> <i>superior power to protect,</i> <i>oh, from their power to destroy,</i> <i>oh, Lord,</i> <i>the power to destroy,</i> <i>mysterso and so,</i> <i>the power to destroy,</i> <i>myso and so,</i> <i>oh, Lord,</i> <i>prove to them and their powers,</i> <i>that your power to protect</i> <i>superior,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>papa proved to them</i> <i>that your power to keep,</i> <i>your power to watch,</i> <i>your power to protect,</i> <i>is superior to their power to destroy,</i> <i>they cannot put anything good together,</i> <i>they only destroy good things,</i> <i>I want you to pray that</i> <i>all the good things in your life,</i> <i>the Lord will keep them,</i> <i>the Lord will protect them,</i> <i>say, my Father,</i> <i>say, my Father,</i> <i>every good thing in my life,</i> <i>every good thing going in my life,</i> <i>oh, Lord, protect me,</i> <i>protect me, protect me,</i> <i>protect me with your superior power,</i> <i>from their power to destroy,</i> <i>they want to steal,</i> <i>they want to kill,</i> <i>they want to destroy,</i> <i>papa manifests your power,</i> <i>papa arrives and manifests your power,</i> <i>oh, Lord,</i> <i>the power is to destroy,</i> <i>oh, Lord, protect me from</i> <i>their destruction,</i> <i>mention their names,</i> <i>if you know them,</i> <i>all the people that are</i> <i>giving you evil, evil looks,</i> <i>that are giving you bad dreams,</i> <i>oh, Lord, protect me, protect me,</i> <i>protect me, protect me,</i> <i>protect me, protect me,</i> <i>and show the superiority</i> <i>of your protection,</i> <i>a mighty name of Jesus,</i> <i>Christ of Nazareth,</i> <i>Oh, Lord, where's your wind?</i> <i>Where's your wind?</i> <i>Papa, where's your wind?</i> <i>I'm asking you, Father,</i> <i>where's your wind?</i> <i>Blow with your wind,</i> <i>papa, blow with your wind,</i> <i>because the Bible says</i> <i>the wind blew on them,</i> <i>papa, let that wind blow again,</i> <i>come on open your mouth</i> <i>and pray tonight,</i> <i>say, Father, blow with your wind again,</i> <i>blow with your wind again,</i> <i>blow with your wind again,</i> <i>blow with your wind again,</i> <i>and devastate all powers</i> <i>that are pursuing me,</i> <i>papa, chase them with your wind,</i> <i>chase them with your wind,</i> <i>chase them with your wind,</i> <i>chase them with your wind,</i> <i>who'll wrap them into one,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>tonedow wind,</i> <i>hore he can't win,</i> <i>wrap them into one,</i> <i>and pursue and run after them,</i> <i>and chase them away from my territory,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>papa, blue with your wind tonight,</i> <i>papa, blue with your wind tonight,</i> <i>and devastate all powers</i> <i>that are pursuing after me,</i> <i>pursuing after my children,</i> <i>pursuing after my destiny,</i> <i>pursuing after your purpose in my life,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>so Lord,</i> <i>let this see of life,</i> <i>covadema,</i> <i>covadema,</i> <i>papa, covadema,</i> <i>covadema with the see of life,</i> <i>not just the Red Sea,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>not just the Nile River,</i> <i>the see of life,</i> <i>let it cover them up,</i> <i>let them sink,</i> <i>as lead,</i> <i>in the mighty waters of life,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>all that are out against me,</i> <i>all that are ready to fight me,</i> <i>and pull me back into bondage,</i> <i>papa, let them sink as they come,</i> <i>let them sink one by one as they come,</i> <i>open the ground and swallow them up,</i> <i>papa, let them sink,</i> <i>papa, let them sink,</i> <i>papa, let them sink,</i> <i>papa, let them sink,</i> <i>let them sink as lead,</i> <i>in the mighty waters,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>all that the see of life must cover them,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>where they are doing their foolishness,</i> <i>let it cover them,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>I want you to pray to the God of wonders,</i> <i>say God of wonders,</i> <i>say God of wonders,</i> <i>say God of wonders,</i> <i>arise,</i> <i>way against those that are stressing me out,</i> <i>that are stressing out my life,</i> <i>they are warning me, oh God,</i> <i>papa, you are the God of wonders,</i> <i>arise, oh God of wonders,</i> <i>are you praying,</i> <i>are you praying,</i> <i>are you praying tonight,</i> <i>please pray,</i> <i>please pray,</i> <i>please pray,</i> <i>in the name of Jesus,</i> <i>say I rise,</i> <i>now God of wonders,</i> <i>and those who are worrying me,</i> <i>those who are stressing out my life,</i> <i>way against them,</i> <i>papa,</i> <i>way against them,</i> <i>papa,</i> <i>way against them,</i> <i>papa,</i> <i>those who are stressing me out,</i> <i>many of us have been stressed out,</i> <i>every day we are stressed out,</i> <i>we are troubled on every side,</i> <i>is I know what Paul the Apostle said,</i> <i>he said,</i> <i>we are troubled on every side,</i> <i>I want you to pray for yourself,</i> <i>every area we are</i> <i>the troubling me,</i> <i>the realm of the Spirit,</i> <i>every area we are</i> <i>the troubling me,</i> <i>the realm of the physical,</i> <i>papa,</i> <i>arise,</i> <i>God of wonders,</i> <i>let them see your</i> <i>wonder-walking power,</i> Let them see your wonder-working power to fight, to reward against them in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Papadif, worry me long enough. Papadif, stress me out long enough. Deliver me, deliver me, deliver me from their stress. Deliver me, deliver me, deliver me from their worries. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. All break the yoke of stress, that they are put upon me, O Lord. Break the yoke of sickness, that they are put upon me, O God. Break the puke of sadness and sorrow, that they are put upon me, O God. Break the yoke, break the yoke, break the yoke in the name of Jesus. All now of this sickness, command, carry it, it's not mine. All now of this trouble, command, carry it, it's not mine. And then Moses said, "Who is like unto the O Lord among the gods?" You remember we have a song, but it's actually a song that came out of his song. Who is like unto the O Lord among the gods? Who is like the glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? We sing that song all the time. I want you to pray that God will prove to your pharaohs, that you don't belong to the class of their idols. Did you hear what I said? Say, O Lord, prove to pharaohs, that are warring against me, that you don't belong to the class of their idols, that they don't mess with your child. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Say, O Lord, prove to the pharaohs in my life, the pharaohs that are reason against my life, on my job, in my family, in my ministry. O Lord, prove to them that you God, that you don't belong to the class of their idols. Say, O Lord, outclass them, outman, over them, outgun them. All forces that are reason up against me. O Lord, who is like unto thee? O Lord, outclass them, let them know you are not like them, outman, over them. Let them know you are not like them, outgun them, let them know you have more weapons than they do. All forces, all powers that are reason up against me, from my husband's house, from my wife's house, from my father's house, from my mother's house, from the compound I grew up. O God, outclass them, outman, over them, outgun them, they brought out their classes, they brought out their guns. O Lord, O Lord, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, I'm laughing because of a video that I saw. I think this thing happened in India. Somebody was ready to fight another person who, hey, I saw that video just before, sometimes today, and he brought out his stick, and he told the guy sitting in the front of the car behind him. He said, come out, let me wall up you, let me break your head, and he took this stick in his hand, long stick, and it was threatening him. He said, come out, I dare you to come out, and the guy sitting in front of the car actually stepped out majestically, as if he was going to the guy to hit him on the head. But guess what he had in his hand? He had AK-47 in his hand, come and see this other man, Ron, who, hey, he quickly ran to his car and took off. I want you to pray, O Lord, outclass them, O Lord, outman, over them, O Lord, outgun them, let them know you are bigger than them, bigger than them, bigger than my problems, bigger than my troubles, bigger than the warriors that are warring against me. Father proved to them that you are not to be mess with, you got AK-47, all they have is his stick in their hand, and they are threatening me when my father has the AK-47. He said, papa, bring out the weapons, papa, bring out the weapons, and show them you can outgun them, you can outman over them, you can outclass them. Why should I be like this? When I've got a God like this, did you hear what I said? I want you to ask God that question, papa, why should things be like this for me? When I've got a God like you on my side, papa, prove to them you on my side, papa, prove to them you on my side, papa, prove to them you on my side, I am not that they are messy. In the name of Jesus, I am not that they are messy, their dream is not my portion, their oppression is not my portion, their arrows is not my portion, I'm bigger than them because my God is bigger than them. All the economy is useless stick, my father has an AK-47, you better run for your life. Father, let me see the enemy run. I love, I watched that video about five times, seriously. He want me to send it to you, I will send it to you because I saved it. And they run, the guy just ran, and the other guy with the AK-47 just looked at him and shook his head. He got into his car and took off, O Lord, make our enemies to take off. In the name of Jesus with their useless weapon in their hand, compare to what you bring out, who is like unto the O Lord, among the God. Seriously, who is like unto you, O Lord, but you've got to prove it to them for my sake. You've got to prove it to them for my sake, O Lord, prove it to them for my sake, that I'm saving the God that is bigger than all of them combined. In the name of Jesus, say it against the papa, outclass them, say papa, outmanouva them, say papa, outgun them, all the forces, all the powers that are risen up against me and mine. In the name of Jesus, why should they press me down? When my father is the Almighty, I want you to pray, O Lord, let my enemies know that there is none like you, O Lord. Let my enemy, hey, hey, let every fellow in my life, on my job, in my family, O God, let them know that there's none like you, O God, let them know that there's none like Jehovah. Let them know that there's no one like Jehovah, let them know that there's no one like Jehovah, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Let my enemies know that there's none like Jehovah, O Lord, demonstrate. Come on open your mouth, say demonstrate. Come on open your mouth, say demonstrate. Come on open your mouth, say demonstrate. Come on, don't put your mouth and say papa, demonstrate to them that you are the one who is glorious in holiness, who is fearful in praises, that you are the one who is doing wonders. In the name of Jesus, all these people need my father is a demonstration of who you are, and they will talk in their tail and run. Papa, demonstrate to them that you are glorious in holiness, demonstrate to them that you are fearful in praises, demonstrate to them that you are the one who does wonders. Do one that's for me, do one that's for me, do one that's for me, do one that's for me that will put a name to the award against me, do one that's for me that will put a name to the award against me. All warriors, all warriors, let them see your wonders in open display. All warriors against me, O God, whichever category they belong to, whichever place they come from, whether they use physical weapon or they use spiritual weapons, all warriors against me, O God, let them see your wonders in open display. Let them see your wonders in open display. All warriors against me, my father, let them see your wonders in open display in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, in the name of the Holy Spirit, all warriors in my life, all warriors against my life, all warriors reason against me, O God, either in the family or in the place of walk or in the marketplace. Let your wonders wipe out their resolve, let your wonders wipe out their weapons, because that was what God did in the Red Sea. They had a resolution, they had a resolve that we are going after them, we are bringing them back, but let's look at what happened. Look at their weapons, look at their resolve, all were wiped out, papi in the name of Jesus, your wonder, work in power, demonstrate it against their O God, your wonder, work in power, demonstrate it against their O God. Can I ask you to ask God to stretch out his hands? Say, Father, stretch out your hands against us while fighting against me, wipe them out, wipe them out, put an end to them, wipe them out, put them out of existence, wipe them out, that they cannot rise to fight anymore. Let their acts swallow them up like it did for Kura, Dithan and Abairam in the name of Jesus. Oh, Pharaohs, be swallowed up, be swallowed up, be swallowed up, yes, be swallowed up, in the name of the Father be swallowed up, in the name of the Son be swallowed up, in the name of the Holy Ghost be swallowed up, let their weapons fall down, let it be swallowed up, let their horses be swallowed up, let their chariots be swallowed up, let their warriors be swallowed up. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I like what it says, he led them, I love that, he led them, he led them, he led them, he led them into the Promised Land. My friends, you know you are going to a Promised Land, God will lead you there. Did you hear what I said? It's been a long journey, it's been a tiny journey, but hold on, God will take you to your Promised Land. I wanted to pray for the mercy of God this evening, say, O Lord, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, come and say, O Lord, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, say, O Lord, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, say, O Lord, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, say, O Lord, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, say, O Lord, have mercy on me, say, O Lord, have mercy on me, O God, lead me out of every land of bondage. Lead me out by your mercy of every land of oppression, as you did for Israel, mercy, that was mercy that brought them out, they never threw a single arrow, they never fought any fight. God did it all for them, but do it all for me, O God, I've prayed, I've not seen any difference, I've fasted, I've not seen any difference, I've done this, I've done that, I've gone to the mountain, I've gone to the valley, O Lord, nothing has happened. I want you to pray in mercy, mercy is what I'm praying for tonight, mercy is what I'm pleading for tonight, let your mercy lead me out of every land of oppression, let your mercy lead me out of every land of bondage, as you did for the children of Israel. It was not the award that led them out of, it was not the prayerfulness that even led them out, it was the mercy of God, papa prayed for mercy tonight, let your mercy, O Lord, have a conjugment for me, let your mercy, have a conjugment of the weekend, the same power, come and pray, say, O Lord, the same power that saved me from sin, let it save me from every attack, in the name of Jesus, that same power, that saved me from sin. You are the God of my salvation, yes, he is the God of my salvation, I want you to pray that the same power that saved you from sin will save you from every sinful attack, because every attack against you is a sin against God, that the same power that saved you from sin, that the same power that saved you from iniquity will save you from every attack against you, all attacks against you, not most attacks, not many attacks, all attacks, mercy of God. It was mercy that saved you from sin, it would be just that same mercy that would save you from every attack, in the name of Jesus, the Bible said he guided them, he guided them, he guided them, how did you say, "Father, take me by the hand and guide me, take me by the hand and guide me, guide me your strength to my promised land, open your mouth, say, "Promise land before you, say, "Papa guide me your strength, say, "Papa guide me your power, say, "Papa guide me your favor," in the door I promised land. "Papa guide me your power, you're strength to my promised land." Can I ask you to pray another prayer? We are going to use your guide, and we are going to use your guide, guide and guide. So you will guide me out, and guide me in, G-U-A-R-D, G-U-I-D-E, guide me out, guide me in, guide me out, guide me in, let me be guided out, let me be guided in, let me be guided out, let me be guided in, let me be guided out, let me be guided in, is that not what God did for Israel? He guided them out, and he guarded them right and left in. You are going in now, me God be on your right, me God be on your left. In the name of Jesus, the cloud of fire, the cloud of fire, in the name of Jesus, O Lord guide me out and guide me in, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I wanted to pray for that God would deliver you in such a powerful way that everybody who hears about your deliverance shall fear and tremble, I want you to pray for your enemies tonight that O Lord I want you to so deliver me that when they hear about my deliverance they will tremble and they will fear in the name of Jesus because they never think I will escape I want you to pray that they will open their mouth, they will not be able to shut it, Father when you finish with me, when you are done with me, when my song of deliverance is complete, you will deliver me in such a powerful way, all who hear, shall fear, all who hear, shall tremble all who hear, shall fear, all who hear, shall tremble, Papa, God me out, deliver me O Lord in a powerful way, your powerful hand, and that all who hear will fear, all who hear will tremble, all who hear will fear, all who hear will tremble, oh God, overton them, overton them, overton them. Prayer number 32, he says, "O Vaterne, all present sorrows in my life." Did you hear what I said? That's what I have written here, O Lord, prayer number 32, overton them, overton them, overton them, overton them, all present sorrows in my life and let them become the portion of my enemies, sorrow will not buy my portion, sadness will not be my portion, depression will not be my portion, that's prayer number 32, overton all present sorrows. Overton all present sadness, overton all present depression in my life, let them become the portion of my enemies in the name of Jesus, they want me to be sorrowful, they want me to be sad, they want me to be to be unhappy, but I know the joy of the Lord is my strength. I receive the joy of the Lord, save it, I receive the joy of the Lord and the strength that comes with it tonight, overton, overton, destroy it, let it catch fire, let it catch fire, let it catch fire, let it catch fire, or ongoing sorrows, sadness is depression in my life, let them become the portion of my enemies who are throwing back at them, I give it back to them, take your sorrow, take your sadness, take your depression, overton, overton, overton, overton, in the name of Jesus. You know, Israel was so scared, Israel was so afraid, Israel was so sorrowful when they saw Egyptians coming behind them, but it says stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Say papa, I want to sing that song of salvation, let me see your salvation, salvation from sorrow, salvation from fear, salvation from double-mindedness, let it become the portion of my enemies, let it become laughing, because you can imagine how they felt when they saw the Red Sea, when they saw the sea, closing on them, from the right and from the left, just coming like a wall upon them, can you see how fearful they were, can you see how scared they were? Can you see how sorrowful they were? I want you to pray, all the sorrow I've ever had, all the fears I've ever had, all the depression I've ever had, leave me by fire, go to my enemies in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. I want you to pray that your deliverance, say, "O Lord, my deliverance, let it put all hosting takers in my family, into perpetual sorrow, in the name of Jesus, O Lord, deliver me tonight, come on, pray, pray, pray, pray, deliver me tonight, and let it put all hosting takers, because right now may be they have taken your hostage, all hosting takers in your father's house, in your mother's house, in your wife's house, in your husband's house. All hosting takers, O Lord, throw them into perpetual sorrow, in the name of Jesus, that was what happened, can you imagine the sorrow that was in Egypt, that all the big men that followed after Israel, they never came back. O Lord, those who are following me, if they don't leave me alone, they will not survive these things they are doing to me, they will look for them, they will not find them again, I want you to pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, let it be unto them. As it was unto Pharaoh, those who will not leave me alone, those who will not leave me alone, their fathers will look for them, they will not find them, their mothers will look for them, they will not find them. There are people who will look for them, they will not find them, because they destroy themselves, trying to destroy me, in the name of Jesus Christ, O Lord, my deliverance, let it put all warriors, or warriors in my family, in my immediate family, in my extended family. Let it put them in perpetual sorrow, in the name of Jesus, can I ask you that the Lord will amaze them, yes, that's what God did. Say, O Lord, amaze them, say, O Lord, terrify them, say, O Lord, amaze them, say, O Lord, terrify them, the mighty men, warning against me, cause them to tremble, cause them to tremble, let things happen to them that will cause them to shake, let things happen to them that will cause them to tremble, let things happen to them that will cause them to shake, let things happen to them that will cause them to tremble, can I ask you to make a decree, please make a decree tonight. Say a decree that fear and dread, fear and dread shall fall upon all those who are opposing me, and all they are sympathizers, let fear come upon them, let dread come upon them, all who oppose me, all who are sympathizing with them, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. You know what I love about this story, people? The story of Pharaoh and his defeat can never be forgotten. Did you notice that? No, no, no, no, it's not possible. The story of Pharaoh's defeat can never be forgotten. I wanted to pray, let it defeat a former or possessor, go written down in stone, let them never be forgotten, let them be so defeated that they will land this, even in warfare schools, in the name of Jesus. Let their defeat be so complete, let their defeat be so total that it will never be forgotten, they will be telling the story how I overcame from generation to generation, from generation to generation. That's something I want us to pray before we go, about before we go today, it's said they shall be as still as a stone, as still as a stone. I want you to pray that every opposition, every opposition against you will become as still as a stone in the name of Jesus. If you put a stone somewhere 10 years, you are still going to meet it there, say Allah, they are not moving, they are not progressing, they are not going anywhere. All those who are opposing me, all those who are fighting me, let them become as still as a stone in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. A stone cannot move, unless somebody moves it, it is immobilized. Did you hear what I said? All the positions and their weapons against you say are commanded, they become immobilized, like a stone is immobilized in the name of Jesus. Make their weapons as still as a stone, make their warriors as still as a stone, unable to move, unable to function in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, say I shall pass through to destiny, and they shall not know when, hallelujah. Say I shall pass through to my place of destiny, and they shall not know when, because they shall be gone in the sea. And I will be marching on to Canaan land, a decreeate, in the name of the Father, a decreeate, I shall pass through to destiny, and they shall not know when, I shall pass through to destiny, and they shall not know when. Those who are opposed to by going into destiny, they will not know it. When I cross over, they will just hear, he is now in Canaan. What? How did he get there? I want you to pray, every, every, every plan to stop you shall not walk in the name of Jesus. Can you please pray that all demons that are assigned to watch over you will become still as a stone until you escape? You remember those soldiers that were watching Jesus? There were still as a stone, and Jesus left. I want you to pray that all demons that have been assigned against you to watch your door, to watch your son, to watch your wife, to watch your husband, they will become still as you escape. They will become still, they will be made still as you escape in the name of Jesus. Pray, another prayer, O say, Lord, bring me in, plant me in, bring me in, plant me in, bring me in, plant me in, bring me in. Bring me in, plant me in, in my God, in Promised Land. Father, bring me into my God, in Promised Land. Father, plant me in my God, in Promised Land. That was what he did for Israel. That was what he did for Moses, and the people that followed him. I want you to pray that the Father will bring you in. Say, Father, I cannot bring myself in. I cannot bring myself in. You have to bring me in. I cannot plant myself there. When I get there, you have to plant me there. So, Lord, do those two things for me, O Lord. Bring me in, plant me in, bring me in, plant me there, bring me there, plant me there, bring me there, plant me there. I don't know where there is for you. Say, Papa, I cannot bring myself there. No matter how hard I try, but you can bring me there. You have the power to bring me there. Father, bring me there. Father, plant me there. Father, bring me there. Father, plant me there. Father, plant me there. My God, in Promised Land. In the name of Jesus. Egypt is not my Promised Land. Father, for your people on this prayer line. Wherever their Promised Land is tonight. Father, bring them in. Father, plant them in. Father, bring them there. Father, plant them there. Say, Lord, bring me there. Say, Father, plant me there. Say, Lord, bring me there. Say, Father, plant me there. Say, Father, plant me there. In the name of Jesus. O Lord, establish me, establish me, establish me. In the place, O Lord, that your hand has set for me to be established. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Say, O Lord, dethrone them that are reigning over my life. Say, O Lord, dethrone them that are reigning over my life. Say, O Lord, dethrone them that are reigning over my life. I know they are reigning over your life because in your dream they win. In real life they win. But God can dethrone them. Say, my Father dethrone them that are reigning. dethrone them forever and ever. dethrone them forever and ever. O Lord, reign over them. dethrone them. O Lord, dethrone them. All that are reigning over my life. All that are chasing after me today. Let them go on in every turning journey. Like, Pharaoh and his warriors. They went on a journey old and never returned. I wanted to pray those who are running after you. Those who are fighting you. Those who are making boast. I seem they'd have tomorrow in their hands. O Lord, send them on in every turning journey. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Can I ask you to pray that mighty things will begin to happen in your life that will make you dance. That will make you sing. Day and night. Papalet mighty things begin to happen in my life that will make me sing. That will make me dance. Mighty things. Let them begin to happen in my life. You don't believe. You don't believe. You don't believe. I want you to believe. God can make mighty things to happen in your life that can make you sing. That can make you dance. O Lord, I want to sing. O Lord, I want to dance. O Lord, I want to sing. O Lord, I want to dance. We got just three more minutes. O Lord, let things begin to happen in my life that will make me sing. That will make me dance. Come on, let things begin to happen in my life. Hey, hey. That will make me sing. That will make me dance. Let things begin to happen in my life. O God, that will make me sing. That will make me dance. In the name of Jesus. Lord, gloriously triumph over those that are fighting me. They are hosts and they are writers that are pursuing me. Glorious, let triumph over them. Papa, glorious, let triumph over them. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want you to thank God for hearing you. I want you to thank God for answering your prayers tonight. In the name of Jesus. What a beautiful song of deliverance to pray about. Oh, these are my seven prayer requests too. I want you to pray. Say, O Lord, for this prayer request, please let me sing. Please let me dance. For this seven prayer request. Father, let me sing. Every one of them. Let me dance. Because of the answers you will give me on this request. Come on, open your mouth, say, O Lord, let me sing. Say, O Lord, let me dance. Say, O Lord, let me sing. Say, O Lord, let me dance. Concerning this seven request. Papa, Lord, put a song in my mouth. Put a dance in my feet. Put a song in my mouth. Put a dance in my feet. On this seven request. I shall sing. I shall dance. I shall sing. Songs of deliverance. I shall dance. Dance of deliverance. Papa, do it for me. Do it for me. Can you see Miriam? All the ladies on this program. You will dance like Miriam danced. All the women on this program will join you and help you to dance. Women in your family will join you and help you to dance. In the name of Jesus. Let no one be left out of God. All these requests that we have written down. Father, let us sing. Let us sing. Songs of deliverance. Concerning them. Let us dance. Dance of deliverance. Concerning them. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Let mighty things begin to happen. Concerning this seven prayer request. That will make us to sing. That will make us to dance. Mighty things. Great things. Glorious things. Let them continue to happen. Concerning this seven prayer request. That will make us dance. That will make us sing. In the name of Jesus Christ. Come on, begin to give God a praise. Begin to give God a glory. We've got less than one moment to go. Let's just give God a praise for the remaining few seconds that we have. Father, I will bless you. Father, I will worship you. Father, we adore you. Father, we honor you. We shall sing. We shall dance. We shall dance in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Son. Thank you, Holy Spirit. We'll bless you for our own song of deliverance that has started it all right now. In the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. I pray for you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. I pray that your own jubilation in singing and in dancing songs of deliverance and dance of deliverance may begin tonight in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray that those things that you pray about specifically at the beginning of this prayer that God will give you deliverance about those specific things, may it be so for you. In the name of Jesus, many other things that you have not prayed about may the Lord see to it that as he delivered Pharaoh from the hand of the Egyptians, he would deliver you also and give you daily songs of deliverance. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much for joining us this week. We'll bless the name of the Lord for you. Don't forget on Sunday, O.A. Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha Sunday. Don't miss Sunday. Please, don't miss Sunday. I've got a word. You know, June is our revival services. We have revival services every Sunday. And this coming Sunday, eight, day after tomorrow, God's prayer in our lives. Cha, our live stream, those of you who watch us on Facebook and on YouTube. Please, don't forget to join us. It's going to be powerful this Sunday. You don't want to miss it. I'm tempted to tell you what it is all about, but I'll keep it to myself. The message is ready. It's dusted. It's all wrapped up. We just need to open it up on Sunday morning. So join us in charge on Sunday morning if you're in this area. If you're not in this area, check us out on Facebook and on YouTube. It's going to be a powerful time that you don't want to miss. Next week, guess what our prayer next week theme is? What must I do? Ah, ah! Many of you are at the place now where you're asking, "What must I do? What must I do? What must I do?" This is going to be powerful. Next, Thursday and next Friday. The theme for our prayers will simply be, "What must I do? What must I do?" And I believe God will tell you what you need to do and show you the solution that you need so much. Thank you for being here tonight. Let's share the grace as we go and rest for the evening. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forevermore. Amen and amen. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives, and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Amen and amen. Thank you for being here tonight. Have a blessed weekend full of songs of deliverance. Good night. [BLANK_AUDIO]