Bishop Itiola podcast

Episode 846 - Songs of Deliverance. Part One

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
20 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Hello, good evening. Yes, good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening and welcome. Welcome, welcome, welcome to another week of praying the scriptures. You know, that's something we do here and if you've been with us, if you have been here for some time, you know that the only thing we do is find scriptures and base our prayers on the Bible. Yes, you know why we do that? God promises us that He watches over His Word to perform it. So when you base your prayers on the Word of God, you cannot ask a means and you will not means the answer to your prayers. So welcome, because that is what we are believing God to do for us tonight. We're believing God that as we pray His Word, He will answer our prayers. Welcome to this program tonight, as always, Sister Susan Thomas. God bless you. Thank you for being here. Bishop Richard O'Yango all the way from Kisumo in Kenya. I really appreciate you being here again tonight. So God bless you. Say hello to everybody. Oluwafiroppo Joe, one day I will meet this person. God bless you. Minister Angelo, thank you for being here today. I'm always happy to see you online to pray. Now, there are many of you out there on Facebook that don't show your name, you don't show your faces. That's why I don't have the opportunity to call you. I appreciate your being here. There are many of you on the podcast that I'll never see your faces. Sister Don, I know where you are. I don't know if you want me to tell the whole world where you are, but we are so glad you joined us from where you are. God bless you, man. We're praying for you and we're praying for your family. I want to thank those that you will never see their faces and those are the people on the podcast and also calling in on the prayer line. We'll give God the praise all of you as we consider the theme, songs of deliver us. Sister Raji, I don't get to call your name, but we'll bless you for being here. Sister Bola, God bless you for being here. From his back. Hey, we missed you. I hope you had a good time with your family. God bless you all that I don't know your names and I don't see your faces in Africa. We got people tonight joining us from Ghana. We got people joining us from Nigeria. People joining us from Botswana. People joining us from South Africa. With Andus of you from the Caribbean Islands. With Andus of you who are joining us from Europe, especially Wales. We got so many people in Wales who watch us and pray with us. We give God the praise for all of you. Sister Lovelin, thank you for being here tonight. Well, I wish I can call more names. But my time is telling me we've got to move on. Well, thank you all for being here. May God bless you as we pray together. Please do what I've always asked you to do. And that is to please share the link to the platform that you are listening to us or you are watching us on. We really need you to do that. The reason is not because we want to make a dollar and a dime from this program. Not at all. We don't monetize this program. But we do that so you can tell others so they can come here and be blessed. Sister Corinne, God bless you for being here. My love to your husband and to your children. Please do share the link so others can be blessed. This promises to be a live changing and uplifting experience. You're going to be glad you came tonight. And I think you will even be happier for tomorrow because this will flow into the prayers of tomorrow. Let's look up to God to help us tonight. Spirit of the Living God without you, we can do nothing. I don't have the strength to lead this press. Neither do I have the wisdom. Neither do I have the annoyance. So I depend wholly on you because without you I can do nothing. I pray you will give me grace to lead. You will give your people grace to pray. We pray for those who are yet to join us. We ask that you will quicken their steps so they can all come so we can all be blessed together. Thank you Lord for the answer. In Jesus' mighty name we pray. All God's people everywhere say Amen. Songs of Deliverance. Yes. I found that when I was reading the book of Psalms, Psalm 32 verse number seven. Look at what he says. "Thou at my hiding place, thou shalt preserve me from trouble. Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance." Isn't that beautiful? He said, God, you're going to surround me all around with songs of deliverance. In other words, you're going to give me deliverance on the right, deliverance on the left, deliverance in the front, deliverance in the back, and that will trigger songs of deliverance. Those whose lives are preserved from trouble. They understand what it means to sing songs of deliverance. Songs of deliverance by their nature are songs expressing gratitude to God for what one has been saved from. I know you've been saved from a couple of things since the year began. This song is usually talking about what the problem was and how God brought the challenge to an end. Let me tell you something. I don't know what the problem you are facing right now is. You're going to be singing songs about that problem because there is no problem that enjoys eternal life. No, it's going to come to an end one day and you're going to bust into a song of deliverance. For tonight, we will pray the words of a particular song of deliverance that Moses composed after Israel experienced a great, great deliverance from Egypt. The song was expressive of what God did and expressive of how God did it. We will have enough time to consider the first nine verses tonight. I was going to run through the whole thing, but I said, no, let me just take it easy. So we're going to take the first nine verses and pray on them tonight. The remainder of the song we will consider tomorrow. God's prayer in our lives. Exodus 15. I'm going to read verses one through nine. Then sang Moses and the children of Israel. This song onto the Lord and speaks in. I will sing unto the Lord for he hath triumphed gloriously. The horse and rider he hath thrown into the sea. You can see why this is a song of deliverance. I was saying, I was saying, going to the Lord. The Lord is my strength and my song. And he has become my salvation. He is my God. And I will prepare him an habitation. My father's God, I will exalt him. Verse three, the Lord is a man of war. The Lord is his name. Pharaoh's chariots on his host have he cast into the sea. His chosen captains also are drowned in the Red Sea. This is part of the song, people. The depths have covered them. They sank into the bottom like a stone. I'll hear you. Thy right hand, O Lord, is become glorious in power. Thy right hand, O Lord, hath dashed in pieces the enemy. You see what I told you? The song of deliverance would tell what happened and how God came through and the strategy that God used in coming through. And that's all you find in this song. And in the greatness of his excellency, thou has overthrown them that rose up against thee. I love that one. Are we going to pray for that? He says you have overthrown them that came against thee. Did you notice what Moses said? Moses did not say you have overthrown them that came against us. He said you have overthrown them that came against thee. Arise, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered. Listen, people, anyone who comes against you as a child of God is actually coming against God. Anyone who fights against you as a daughter of the Almighty is actually coming against the Almighty God. So he said in that verse, in the greatness of that excellency, that has overthrown them that rose up against thee. We're going to pray tonight that the Lord will take your battles and turn them into his own. Wow, then all you have to do is just fold your hands and watch God fight. Thou sendest forth thy wrath, which consumed them as stubble. And with the blast of an nostrils, the waters were gathered together. The flood stood upright as on heap and the depths were congealed in the heart of the sea. The enemy said, we're going to close with this one. The enemy said, and they are always saying something. They're always talking bla bla bla bla bla bla. I don't know of enemies who keep quiet. They are always talking. It's just like you don't hear what they say. The enemy said, look at what the enemy said. I love this. I will pursue the enemy said so. I will overtake the enemy said so. I will divide the spoil. They have not even gotten the spoil yet. They are dividing the spoil. The lost, my lost shall be satisfied upon them. And I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them. What happened? Zero. All the I will that Pharaoh said, all the I will that his soldier said, amounted to nothing. The same thing shall be your posture. And you'll be able to sing a song like this. They said this in my in lost house. They said this so in my neighborhood. They said this so in my family house. And none of them came to pass. That's going to be part of your song. What a powerful song of deliverance we are considering today. Let's use them, the nine verses, to pray tonight. You ready? If you are, God is ready. Let's begin with thanksgiving. Let's give God the praise. Let's give God the glory. Let's give God the honor. Let's give him the dominion. Let's give him the majesty. Thank God for allowing us to see another week of prayers tonight. Father, we bless you. We worship you. We adore you. We honor you. We dare not ask you anything without thanking you for everything. Lord, we thank you. Lord, we praise you. Lord, we worship you and we adore you for your good God to us. Thank God for his protection over your life for keeping you. Since we left here last week Friday, thank God for his menses upon you that endured it forever. Only God knows what the plans of the enemy why against you and against me. But God did not allow any one of them to come to pass. We give God the praise for that. Bless his name for keeping us. Since we left here last Friday, thank God, thank God, thank God, thank God, thank God for keeping you for keeping your children. Especially those of you who have children in the house, little children, they run into this, they run into that, they fall and God just keeps them, they get up and they keep running. Oh God, we thank you for not allowing us to spend the week in the hospital, sitting by our children, by their sick beds. Father, we bless you. Father, we worship you. Many of us were in airplanes, you kept us. Many of us were in trains, you kept us. Many of us were in automobiles, you kept us. Many of us in Africa were riding on the back of motorbikes, you kept us. Oh, you're keeping graces mighty upon our lives. Come on, give him praise, give him glory, give him honor, give him dominion, give him justice. I want you to thank God for everybody gathered together with us tonight. I see many people on Facebook already. And I don't see the people on the podcast, but I believe there are many, many, many people on that podcast. Sometimes we have 300 listening on the podcast. Father, God, we bless you. We worship you for those who are calling in also from all across the world. Glory be to your name, honor be to your name. Let's go back to last week. And thank God for the prayers of last week about Job's complaints. Hey, Papa, Job, really complain. Oh, thank God, because he will not allow you to attribute to God what Satan is doing, because that was exactly what Job did mistakenly. Everything that the devil did to him, he thought he was God that did it. I want you to thank God because from what we learned last week, you will never, never, never, never, never attribute to God what the enemy is doing. You will not complain against God. You will not harass God that see what you are doing when actually it's not God is the devil who is doing it. But I wanted to place his name for his glory on you that no one will be allowed to harvest. Because I was what the enemy was after the glory of God upon Job. Ah, he really harvested his glory. His children were his glory. He harvested them. His business was his glory. He harvested it them. His health was his glory. He harvested that. His wife was his glory. He harvested half of that. Father, God, we thank you. We bless you because we pray against all those things. That God, you will not allow our glory to be harvested. I want you to thank God because what you are looking at tonight and you are happy. What you are looking at tonight and you are smiling. The Lord will not let you look at them tomorrow and cry. The Lord will not let you look upon them tomorrow and will. But I thank you because this joy that I have about the glory that you have given me, the enemy is not going to take this glory from me in the mighty mighty mighty mighty name of Jesus. Why don't you let's thank God because everything that Job lost was restored to him. Say, Lord God, I thank you because that's what my portion is. Everything I've ever lost, everything I've ever lost, everything the enemy has ever taken away from me by your grace. I'm going to get everything back in the name of Jesus. Mark my words tonight. There's going to be a restoration of everything that the enemy has stolen from you. Everything that the enemy has stolen will not only be restored, it will be restored to the double portion measure. God will give you praise. God will give you glory. Papa will give you honor because everything we've lost, you will restore unto us. I want you to thank God for the many episodes of deliverance that you have enjoyed from God. Yes, I can point to many many many many deliverances if there's any is that is good English that I've enjoyed from God. And so can we can all of you do too. Many many many things that God has done for you, many many many many jams that God has brought you out of. Father will bless you. Father will worship and adore you. Thank Him tonight that like Moses and Israel, you have songs of deliverance to sing concerning Pharaoh in your life. All the Pharaohs in your life. Thank God in advance. Say Lord I thank you because you're going to deal with all the Pharaohs in my life that I will just have songs of deliverance to sing concerning them. Whatever the challenges with you right now, whatever you're going through right now, I want you to just say Lord I thank you because I'm going to be singing songs of deliverance. I'm going to be dancing all over my house. I'm going to be dancing all over my church. I'm going to be dancing all over the street and people will think I've gone crazy because I'm thankful for what you have done. Thank Him because daily daily daily thank Him. Say Lord I thank you because daily songs of deliverance. Yes daily songs of deliverance shall never dry open your mouth as long as you live. Father thank you in advance O God that songs of deliverance shall never be wiped out of my mouth. I shall sing them month after month year after year in the name of Jesus Christ. We are blessing the name of the Lord. I want you to pray that God will give us prayer points from the songs of deliverance of Moses and Israel. He just burst into song. Who will pass to the Rexy and not sing? Lord we thank you that you will give us prayer points from the songs of deliverance of Moses and the children of Israel also. Who will not dance? The Bible says Miriam took the timbre and the ladies and began to dance and dance and dance. Oh my God God we put dancing on your feet in the name of Jesus. God we put singing in your mouth in the name of Jesus. Father we bless you. We worship you. We adore you because you will give us appropriate prayer points tonight even as we pray, even as we call upon your holy name. I want you to pray that sin. I will not hinder you tonight. I want you to pray that unbelief will not hinder you tonight. Those are the two greatest enemies we have when we pray, sin and unbelief. I want you to pray that the blood of Jesus that cleanses, that washes, the blood of Jesus that purifies and purifies will wash you and purge you and cleanse you in the mighty name of Jesus. That any sin of omission, any sin of commission, any sin of God, deliberate or not deliberate, the blood of Jesus will wash you and cleanse you in the name of Jesus. I want you to break the power of unbelief from your life that you will believe God. You will trust God in the name of Jesus. That unbelief will not hinder you tonight. You will sing songs of deliverance. You know when you go out and you come in that's a deliverance in itself. Yes, when you travel and you come back, that's a deliverance in itself. Now, brah Dayo, I'm seeing you, Ajayi, I'm seeing you on this program. You went to bury your mother, right? And you came back safely. That's his song of deliverance. And I want to congratulate all of you, all your brothers and everybody in the Ajayi family that went to bury their mother and came back safely. We saw everything on Facebook and we are very happy for you. And we pray that God will continue to protect you. Father, we thank you. I'm saying that because we have songs of deliverance we need to sing tonight. Hallelujah, like these people did. Father, I will glorify you for deliverance. Come on, just thank God for the many, many deliverances that God gave you in the last one day, in the last two weeks, in the last one year. Maybe it was in a dream and God just delivered you in that dream. They wanted to nail you in the dream so they can say that he died in his sleep. But God woke you up and you are still walking around saying, Lord, I give you praise. Say, Lord, I give you glory. Say, Lord, I give you honor. You need to compose a song of thanksgiving to God for his goodness unto you. Father, we just ask you that unbeliever doubt will not stand in our way even as we pray tonight. Lord, I pray that the blood of Jesus, we plead the blood of Jesus against doubt, we plead the blood of Jesus against unbelief, we plead the blood of Jesus against double-mindedness, in the mighty, mighty, mighty name of Jesus. People let us pray for grace tonight. Let's pray for grace tonight. Grace to be poured out upon us even as we pray here tonight. All of Paul grace out upon us as we call upon you tonight. Let grace be giving to me as I lead the prayers. Let grace be giving to everyone as they pray the prayers. All Lord, we pray that you give us grace to pray tonight because without you, we can do nothing. That's what the Bible says. So we know we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I want you to pray that the Lord will strengthen you as you pray tonight. I want you to pray that the Lord will strengthen you as you call on his name tonight in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Bless the name of the Lord. Worship him and adore him that he will give us grace to be able to pray tonight. I want us to pray for our friends in Africa. Oh, ah. Nigeria is already after midnight. Ghana is already after 11 o'clock and then you go to East Africa is late. You go to Europe is late. We give God a praise for all of you. I want us to send the word of God across the pond that the Lord will be with them even as they pray that sleep will not rob them. Those of them who intended to pray and they are having a problem with connection. We release the connection right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. May God strengthen you from all physical tiredness all across this world even here in the United States. In Canada, in South America, in India, in New Zealand, in the Caribbean Islands, all of San Forfeo strength, all across the radio waves and the people who are listening and watching that the Lord will strengthen all of us as we call upon him tonight. That the Lord will energize us as we call upon him tonight. That grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace will be poured out upon each and every one of us. I want you to pray for me especially that the Lord will give me grace to be able to leave this place. I've been doing this for so many years and you know what? I just don't feel tired yet. Sometimes you do some things and you just don't want to do it anymore. But God just keeps renewing my strength day in day, out day in day out. I give him praise for that. It's not by mind. It's not by power. It's not it's by his spirit. And God has kept your interest up in this prayers. Father will bless you. Father will worship you. Father, we adore you. We are going to about 136,000 downloads already. Now that's the mercy of God close to 800 and something episodes. Father, God, that's your grace and I want to say thank you. We want to say much obliged. We give you praise, we give you glory, we give you honor, we give you dominion. Songs of deliverance. Everybody say songs of deliverance shall be my personal for the rest of 2024. Come on up with your mouth and let's pray tonight. Say songs of deliverance shall be my personal for the rest of 2024 in the name of Jesus. Whatever the enemy throws my way, God shall deliver me and I shall bust into a new song. Come on, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray for my wife, for my husband, for my children, for my business, for my ministry. Songs of deliverance shall be my portion. I will be busting into songs of deliverance, songs of joy, songs of glory in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I want you to pray that great deliverance is the deliverance that leads to the singing. You see, I want you to pray that deliverance and singing will never stop in your life in the name of Jesus. I want you to mention the things you are going through right now. Say, "Oh Lord, I'm going through this and I'm going through that. And by your grace, I'm going to sing my way through to deliverance. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for that great deliverance, songs of deliverance shall never stop in my life. In the name of Jesus, papa, great deliverance, mighty deliverance from people and spirits. In the name of Jesus, for most of it, it's only three things. Great deliverance is from yourself. Great deliverance is from spirits. Great deliverance is from people in the name of Jesus because there is warfare and there is me, fair. I want you to pray that you will be delivered from me, fair and you will be delivered from warfare. In the name of Jesus and you will be delivered from people fair. In the name of Jesus and you will be singing songs, you will be giving her God glory. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Can I ask you to pray that grace, deliverance is to be poured out upon us tonight. Say, "Oh Lord, as a result of this prayer tonight, I'm praying about deliverance for the children of Israel. Let me also experience deliverance tonight, even a supreme body deliverance that Moses sang and that Moses and Israel experienced from the hand of wicked Pharaoh in the name of Jesus." You know what Moses said? Moses said, "I will sing." Isn't that beautiful? That's what he said. He said, "I will sing." I want you to begin with a decree tonight, saying the name of Jesus. Say, "I decree. I will never be reluctant to sing of the masses of God and of the deliverances of the Lord. Let me never be reluctant. Let me never be slow. Let me never drag my feet when I come to singing, singing, singing of the masses of the Lord, of the deliverances of the Lord." Moses said, "I will sing." Hallelujah. "I will sing." They were not in the promised land yet. They just crossed the Red Sea, but they kept on singing. Come on, say, Lord, give me this. To sing before it happens. To sing when it is happening. To sing after it happens. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Grace to sing before it happens. Grace to sing while it is happening. Grace to sing after it's all done. For the Lord, try ungluiously. Come and tell the Lord, try ungluiously. For me, over the Pharaohs in my life, O God. O Lord, you will try ungluiously. I want you to pray that God will try ungluiously, try ungluiously, O God. Over the Pharaohs in my life, in the name of Jesus. I want you to pray that the Lord will give you try ungluiously. You will try ungluiously glorify God, because he will try ungluiously, gloriously, give you victory. Over the Pharaohs in your life, in the name of Jesus. Lord, try ungluiously. Father, break through for me, O God. Father, come through for me, O God. And try ungluiously for me. Over the Pharaohs in my life, in the name of Jesus. The Pharaohs in my family that are pursuing me, O God. The Pharaohs, O Lord, God, in my church that are pursuing me, O God. The Pharaohs, O God, are my job that are pursuing me, O God. O Lord, I rise tonight and try ungluiously. O Lord, I rise and try ungluiously. Over them. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want you to pray that while you sing the song of deliverance. While you sing the song of deliverance, your enemies will sing the songs of lamentation. In the name of Jesus. Those are two separate things. So, if somebody is going to sing a song of deliverance, then somebody must sing a song of lamentation. I want you to pray. Lord, my own song will be a song of deliverance. Their own song will be a song of lamentation. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I'm sorry I like to make it very personal. I want you to say to Mr. Sue and Sue that I've been troubling you. I want you to say to Mrs. Sue and Sue that I've been troubling you. I'm talking about Mr. Bockett mouth that has been saying all kinds of rubbish about you, sending all kinds of causes against you. Say whether you like it or not Mr. Bockett mouth. I decree that I've seen songs of deliverance over all your causes, over all your foolishness. And you will have some to sing also and that will be song of lamentation. Mr. Bockett mouth. I baptize you with song of lamentation. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. All powers of darkness in my father's house. All witches in my mother's house. I baptize you with songs of lamentation while I sing gloriously unto the Lord. Songs of deliverance over your foolishness. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Father, let them sing songs of lamentation for their defeat, for their loss, for their setback. Did you hear what I said? All of them give them defeat. Give them losses. Give them setbacks and let them sing songs of lamentation. But for me, oh God, let me gloriously triumph over them and sing songs of deliverance like Moses and Israel and Miriam sang in this place. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. You know what Moses says, he said the horse and the rider they were overthrown in the sea. Isn't that beautiful? He said the horse came. The rider came on them. The chariots came also, but they were all overthrown. So he began to sing. Say, oh Lord, I'm singing my song in advance. Every horse, come on, come on, come on, come on. Say, every horse, say, say, say it. Every horse, every rider, every chariot, they will be overturned. In the name of Jesus. Say, I say it. In the name of Jesus. Papa, thank you, Lord God, because every horse they are riding on. Every horse, the rider is riding on. Every chariot that they are riding in. They will be overthrown like Pharaoh was overthrown. Say, papa, overthrow them. Say, papa, overthrow them. Say, papa, overthrow them. Say, papa, overthrow them. Say, papa, turn them around. Turn them over. In the name of Jesus. Every horse, every rider pursuing me be overthrown like Pharaoh was overthrown. Say, papa, throw them into the sea right now. He'll then into the sea. Throw them into the sea. Throw them into the sea. Throw them into the sea. Come on, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. Say, my father, throw them into the sea. Throw them into the sea. Throw them into the sea. Throw them into the sea. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Throw them into the river. Throw them into the lake. Throw them into the lagoon. Throw them where the canal lies against me anymore. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Say, papa, you did it for Pharaoh. You did it for his army. In the name of Jesus. Oh, Lord. Throw them into the sea. Throw them into the river. Throw them into the lake. Throw them into the lagoon. Throw them where the canal lies against me anymore. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Say, I must move forward. Say, I will move forward. Say, I shall move forward. They want to bring you back. You are not going back again. Did you hear what I said? You are not going back to that Egypt again because God came last night. Did you hear what I said? God came last night and dealt with them. And now they are pursuing after you to bring you back. Say, I'm not going back anymore. From where that brought me out. In the name of Jesus. And since they have come, oh, Lord. Overton them in the sea. Overton them in the lake. Overton them in the lagoon. Overton them in the river. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Come on, let's pray. Let's pray. Let's pray. Let's pray tonight. In the name of Jesus. Can I ask you to pray another prayer tonight? Say, papa, continue to be the focus of my song of deliverance. Did you hear what I said? Continue to be the focus of my song of deliverance. I shall not give the glory due to you, to another. Say, I shall not. Say, I will not. Say, I must not. Give any glory due to you, to an idol. You are the God of the worshipping. You are the God of keep on worshipping. You are the God that is delivering me. You are the God that will keep on delivering me. Continue to be the focus of my song. Continue to be the focus of my dancing. You know, people go to voodoo places. They go to juju places. They go to walkers of wickedness. They call them root walkers. And they go and do this for them. Do that for them. And then they begin to thank their papa. Thank you. If not for you. Say, we will never, never, never, never, never thank an idol. So trusting chariots. So trusting horses. But we will remember the name of the Lord our God. And when it's done, it is to him be all the glory, to him be all the honor, to him be all the dominion, to him be all the majesty. I want you to say, O Lord, you save me from my sins. Did you hear what I said? The greatest deliverance is to be saved from your sins. And guess what? The one that saved you from sin can save you from anything and everything. Say, O Lord, as you save me from sin tonight, O Lord, so save me in every area of my life where I need salvation in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, papa, so save me from sins. So save me in every area where I need salvation, O God. Papas, you have saved me from sin. The worst problem any man can ever be. The worst bondage anyone can ever be. The worst attack that can come upon anyone. You save me from that. Say, O Lord, your messenger, save me from sin. Let me save me in every area of my life. In the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, you cannot afford to sleep or please stay awake, walk around your house. In the name of Jesus and vocalize your prayers. Don't just whisper. Don't just pray your mind. You will easily drift off. In the name of Jesus, save my Lord. You save me from my sin. Now the same power, the same name from my sin. Let it save me in every area where I need salvation, physical salvation, marital salvation, business salvation. Save me, O Lord. Save me, O Lord. Continue to be my God and be exalted. Come open your mouth and pray. Say, O Lord, continue to be my Lord. Continue to be my God and be exalted over all the challenges in my life. Who doesn't have challenges in life? You tell me, who doesn't have challenges? Is it this or is it that? Is it that? Is it that? But when God is Lord, He will save you from every challenge you are under. Continue to be my God, O Lord. And always be exalted above all my challenges, O Lord. Maybe you have some challenges right now that you might want to mention to God. Say, God, here is one challenge. Lord, there is another challenge that I'm facing right now. Papa, save me from each and every one of them. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Papa, please, don't abandon me. Oh, and help me not to abandon you because you will not abandon me. If I don't abandon you, continue to be my God. Continue to be my salvation. Continue to be my deliverer. Come on, come on, come on, come on, talk to the Lord tonight. Say, O Lord, Jesus, continue to be my Savior. Continue to be my God. Always be exalted above all my challenges in life. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I want you to pray that God will help you to dwell in the secret place of the Almighty, that the enemy cannot invade. Papa, help me to always dwell in the secret place of the Almighty, where the enemy cannot invade. In the name of Jesus. He told the children of Israel, stay inside. Stay inside. There is an angel of death coming in the night. As long as they stayed inside, they were fine. I want you to pray and tell the Lord help me to stay inside always. Help me to stay inside always. Help me to stay inside always. Let me not listen to anything attracting me from outside. In the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ. You know one other thing that Musi said, Hallelujah. Musis called God a man of war. Can you believe that? He said, the Lord is a man of war. I want you to say, Lord, I know you are a man of war. Come on, say that again. You are a man of war. Come on, say it. You are a man of war. They're come on, praise him, praise him, praise him. I thank him because my father is a man of war. In the name of Jesus, my father is a man of war. My father will get you. My father will get you. All of you who are warring against me, warring against my husband, warring against my wife, warring against my children. My father is a man of war. I serve you, notice. In case you don't know in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Father, you are a man of war and you are my father. I want you to pray that all who fight against you. Say, O Lord, all who fight against me, let them experience your much less warfare power. Hey, your much less warfare power. That's the man of war. Let all who war against me. Let all who stand against me. Let all who fight against me. Let them experience, O Lord, your much less warfare power. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, all who fight against me. I am a daughter of a man of war. I am a son of a man of war. Let them experience your much less warfare prayer. If you know any mention in name, let me say so and so. Let her experience your much less warfare power. All the witches that are giving me a run in my dreams. All the witches that are sending animals to me in my dreams. O Lord, let them experience, O Lord, he counterattack. He counter warfare power. In the name of Jesus, Christ of Nazareth. Papai is a man of war. What are you afraid of? In the name of Jesus. My daddy is a man of war. He has never lost a battle. I wanted to say, Lord, I look in the Bible, say it. And I've never seen you lose one single battle. I've never seen you lose one single war. I want you to pray that the one who has never lost any battle will so fight for you that you will never be defeated by any Pharaoh. Say, O Lord, you who has never lost any war. You who has never lost any battle fight for me in such a way that I will never be defeated by any Pharaoh. In the name of Jesus, Christ of Nazareth. Go check in the scriptures. Old Testament, New Testament. He has never, never lost a battle. You will not lose this one that you are inside. Did you hear what I said? You are inside something right now. You are inside the war right now. Say, I saw my enemies notice. I will never lose this battle. They will lose this battle because my father is a man of war. I want you to open your mouth and say, Lord, prove to them that you are a man of war. Father, prove to those who are warring against me that you are a man of war. In the name of Jesus, that I can never be defeated, that you can never be defeated, that I will never be defeated because daddy is a man of war tonight. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, as you have never lost the battle, fight for me, O Lord, that I will never be defeated by any power warring against me. I don't know what Pharaoh thought. He pursued them. He forgot that the Lord who has never lost the battle was around them. I wanted to pray that all chariots, all hosts, let them be cast into the sea before you, as he did for Pharaoh of old. In the name of Jesus, let all pharaohs, let all chariots, let all hosts of warriors, let them be cast into the sea before me, O God, papa cast them into the sea, as you did to Pharaoh of old. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray tonight, say all captains, let them be drowned and swept away in the sea, like the Pharaoh of old. In the name of Jesus, Christ of Nazareth, all choosing captains, be drowned and swept away, be drowned and swept away, be drowned and swept away. In the name of Jesus, all choosing captains, all choosing warriors, be drowned, be swept away, be drowned, be swept away, be drowned, be swept away. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, I want you to pray that their choosing weapons that are being used against you will be swept away by God's flood, let their choosing weapons, let their choosing warriors, let their choosing weapons and their choosing warriors, papa suit them off, papa suit them off, papa suit them off, papa suit them off, all their choosing warriors, all their choosing fighters, all their choosing weapons, papa let them be swept off, let them be swept off, let them be swept off. I want you to pray, say Lord, whatever war is going on around me right now, whatever war is going on around me right now, papa suit sweep Pharaoh and all his warriors and all his weapons off at the crib, whatever war is going on around me that I know, many of you know you are going through warfare, many of you feel you are going through warfare, many of you see you are going through warfare, say papa suit did for them, sweep them off, sweep them away, in the name of Jesus, all the warriors, all the weapons, never touch the children of Israel, did you know that all the weapons, all the warriors, never touch, not a single thing, touch the children of Israel, papa let nothing touch me, papa let nothing touch me, let their arrows not touch me, and where they have touched me you God, oh yes, let's pray that one, say where they have touched me you Lord, wash it away, papa wash it away, papa wash it away, whichever way they have made contact with my body, whichever way they have made contact with my health, whichever way they have made contact with my family, whichever way they have made contact with my business, papa bring them and sheist them away, in the name of Jesus, sweep them away, can I ask you to pray that the depths, the depths will cover the enemy and his weapons, the depths, that's what Moses said in his song, he said the depths, cover them, oh Lord, cover the enemy and his weapons, as it happened to Pharaoh and his weapons, oh like what he said the analogy is beautiful, say oh Lord, let them sink before me, let them sink before me, come on, let them sink before me, come on, let them sink before me, like stones, sink in the water, he goes to the bottom, who let them go to the bottom, the bottom, the bottom, the bottom, the bottom, the bottom, the bottom, that's your home, that's your place, let the enemy go to the bottom, like stones, sink to the bottom of the river, like stones, sink to the bottom of the river, let them sink before me, oh God, to rise no more, come on, sink, to rise no more, come on, sink, to rise no more, powers of witchcraft, sink, to rise no more, powers that come on and off, to give me warfare, sink, to rise no more, come powers that come against my children, powers that come against my finances, powers that come against my health, sink, to rise no more, did you realize that when Pharaoh sank, he never rose again, when his chariot sank, he never rose again, when their warrior sank, they never rose again, say oh Lord, whoever I am pursuing you, I then back black and white together, oh Lord, let them sink tonight, let them sink tonight, let them sink tonight, let me be free tonight, let me not talk to feel all their foolishness, let them not touch me with all their foolishness, the Bible says, stretch out his right hand and save him and save them, so you'll stretch out your right hand, papa stretch out your right hand and save me, oh Lord, and all from all my adversaries, papa stretch out your right hand and save me, oh Lord, from my financial adversaries, from my business adversaries, from my health adversaries, from my family, marital adversaries, oh Lord, stretch out your powerful hand and save me, papa stretch out your powerful hand and save me, papa stretch out your powerful hand and save me, save me, oh Lord, save me, oh Lord, save me, oh Lord, he said he dashed them in pieces, papa dashed them in pieces, I hope you are praying somewhere tonight, I hope you are praying like I am praying, we got just 11 more minutes to go, say hello with your glorious power, dash them in pieces, dash them in pieces, dash them in pieces, dash them in pieces, dash them in pieces, dash them in pieces, with your glorious power, dash them in pieces, that's what Moses was thanking God for, he said papa, you did this for us, you dashed them in pieces, I love that, he dashed them in pieces and they couldn't put them together, they are like Humpty Dumpty, Humpty Dumpty, oh Lord, turn them into Humpty Dumpty, let them break into pieces that cannot be put together again, let your glorious power do it, let your glorious power do it, dash the enemy in pieces, dash their weapons in pieces, dash their arrows in pieces, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray tonight, please pray, please pray, we got just 10 more minutes, oh Lord, dash their arrows in pieces, papa dashed their weapons in pieces and set them on fire, set them on fire, set them on fire, set them on fire, set them on fire, all the weapons that they are using that is touching me, it makes me so feeling somehow, oh Lord, I'm tired of the enemy having glory, I'm tired of the enemy having up a hand, papa in the name of Jesus, papa in the name of Jesus with your glorious power, I don't have any power, I don't have any strength, but I have you, oh God, and if I have you, oh God, I've got the warrior on my side, if I have you, oh God, I'm in the winning team, glorious power, dash them in pieces, dash them in pieces, dash them in pieces, dash them in pieces in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, wouseful wickedness, papa, houseful wickedness, dash them in pieces, dash them in pieces, marine powers, dash them in pieces, witchcraft powers, dash them in pieces, I don't want God to conquer them alone, I don't want God to arrest them alone, I want Him to dash them in pieces that cannot be put together again in the name of Jesus, I want you to say Lord in the greatness of your excellency, overthrow them, overthrow them, overthrow them, say in the greatness of your excellency. I'm not the one that said so, it is a monster that said so, in the greatness of your excellency, papa, overthrow them, I beg, papa, overthrow them, oh Lord, those I want to overthrow me, and throw me into the pit, those I want to overthrow me, and throw me into the grave, papa, the greatness of your excellency, oh Lord, overthrow them, overthrow them, listen to this, overthrow them, say listen to this, they that are rising, they that will rise, they that will rise, they that have risen, it's three ways old, they that have risen against me, dash them in pieces, they that are rising right now, dash them in pieces, they that will rise again tomorrow, dash them in pieces, in the name of Jesus, past, present and future, dash them into pieces, papa, let them know that you are my God, you are the almighty one, dash them into pieces, dash them into pieces, dash them into pieces, dash them into pieces, dash them into pieces, dash them into pieces, I want you to pray that the Lord will handle them, as if they are rising against God personally, because he said it's your battle law, I'm not the one in battle law, you are the one who say oh Lord, undo them, undo them, undo them from tonight, undo them, I see they are risen personally against you, papa take my war, as your personal war, papa take my battles, as your personal battles, it shall be no longer mine, it is your oh Lord, I cast this care upon you, I cast this burden upon you, can you literally say that tonight, I mention whoever is fighting against you, say the battle that so and so is fighting me, I cast it upon you oh God, from now let him not hear from me, from now let him not hear from me, let him hear from you, in the name of Jesus, oh Lord, undo them, undo them, undo them, as if they are risen personally against you, let it be your battle law God, can ask you to pray that God will overthrow your enemies, like it will overthrow his personal enemies, but papa take them as your personal enemies, I hand them over to you, I give them over to you, overthrow them, overthrow them, overthrow them, like it will overthrow your own personal enemies oh God, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, you know what Musi said, Musi said sent forth your anger, sent forth your wrath, it's amazing, he said you sent forth your wrath and you consumed them like a stubble, I'm not the one who said it to Musi said it, he said you sent forth your anger and consumed them like a stubble, you think God doesn't see everything or the foolishness they are doing against you, you think God doesn't see all the nonsense they are saying behind your back, oh Lord, it's time to arise, oh Lord, it's time to arise, sent forth your wrath, sent forth your anger, sent forth your wrath and consumed them a stubble, oh Lord, sent forth your wrath and consumed them a stubble, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, then they want to consume me, papa let them be consumed, did you hear what I said, said them that want to consume me, those that want to consume my health, they want to consume my finances, they want to consume my destiny, they want to consume my children, they want to consume my home, oh Lord, consume them, consume them, that want to consume me, they came to consume Musis and the children of Israel, and God consumed them, say, oh Lord, all their plans to consume me, to consume my health, to consume my finances, to consume my destiny, to consume my family, to consume my innocent children, oh Lord, turn it upon their head, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, say, oh Lord, as they intend to into me, oh Lord, turn it upon their heads, let it become their portion, papa whatever they intend to do into me, let it be their portion, let them make great mistake, that will make their problem, they will intend for me to become their own in the name of Jesus, this Musis can sing, oh hey, you know what Musis said, Musis said the blast of your nostrils, my God, the blast of your nostrils, oh Lord, I want you to pray that the blast of the nostrils of God will be a strong defense in the name of Jesus, against the opposing forces in my life, and in your life, say, oh Lord, blast them with the breath of your nostrils, defend me with the breath of your nostrils, all God needs to do is blow, did you hear what I said? All God needs to do is blow, and it blows them away, say, oh Lord, blow them away with the breath of your nostrils, papa blew them away with the breath of your nostrils, blast them away with the blast of your nostrils, I'm not the one who said it, Musis said it when he was giving the song of deliverance, say, oh Lord, blast, blast, blast, blast, blast, blast of your nostrils, let him blow them away, oh Lord, and let none be able to escape, when you arise, papa let none be able to escape, when you arise, whoever is the chief, chief wicked master, and all those who are helping, all those who are supporting, all of blow them away with the breath of your nostrils, in the name of Jesus Christ, let none of them be able to escape, let none of them be able to escape, let none of them be able to escape, block them, prevent them from being able to escape, in the name of Jesus, father from now on, let them not be able to carry out their imaginations against me, the enemy has many imaginations, but God can stop them, but God can block them, in the name of Jesus, we got three more minutes, let's use it to pray about what the enemy said, you remember what I read to you in the book of Exodus chapter 15, he said I will pursue, he said I will overtake, he said I will divide the spoil, he said my loss shall be satisfied, he said I will draw the sword, and on and on and on again, let's pray, let's pray about that for the next two minutes, say, oh Lord, the enemy who said I will pursue, block them from pursuing me, oh God, papa blocked them from pursuing me from tonight, all the enemies that are that are planning, we are going to pursue him, oh Lord, block them from pursuing me, oh God, the enemy that said I will overtake, let them not be able to catch up with me, oh God, let them not be able to catch up with me, I'm feeling like singing the song that children sing, you can't catch me, you can't catch me, Satan, you can't catch me, Pharaoh, you can't catch me, oh Lord, those who said they will overtake me, oh Lord, let them be unable to overtake me, oh God, the enemy who said they will divide the spoil, can you imagine, he has not even won, he's already talking about dividing the spoil, say I shall not be spoiled, say I must not be spoiled, say I will not be spoiled, oh Lord, spoil them, in the name of Jesus, those who want to spoil me, papa spoiled them, those who want to spoil me, papa spoiled them, in the name of Jesus, they are lost, their desire, in the name of Jesus, say let it never be satisfied upon me, oh Lord, they may have their loss too, they may have their desire, but I'm not, I'm not the recipient, in the name of Jesus, let the enemy who said I will draw the sword, be unable to carry out their wicked enterprise, cripple the hand with which they want to carry the sword, make it impossible for them, in the name of Jesus, can we call for fire, can we call for fire, everybody say fire, fire, fire, fire, fire tonight, say fire, fire, fire tonight, say I will not send your fire, say I will not send your fire, say I will not send your fire, say I will not send your fire, consume their sword and all instruments of warfare against me, whatever instrument of warfare is working in my life and against my life, fire, consume them, fire upon them to ashes, fire, consume them, fire upon them to ashes, all instruments of warfare against my life, fire upon them, fire consume them, fire upon them, let your fire will be united tonight, upon their sword, upon their arrows, upon their bazookas, upon their AK-47, upon their atomic bombs, fire of God, consume them, instruments of warfare, consume them, weapons of warfare, consume them, in the name of Jesus, those who said they had shall destroy me, all all of them destroyed themselves in the process, that's what they said, oh they said our hand shall destroy, but they got destroyed in the process, I want you to pray that in the process of trying to destroy me, let them destroy themselves on my job, those who want to destroy me in my business, those who want to destroy me, let them end up destroying themselves, let them end up destroying themselves, let them end up destroying themselves, let the enemy who said that their hands shall destroy me, that their hands shall destroy my marriage, that their hands shall destroy my family, that their hands shall destroy my business, that their hands shall destroy my health, oh lord, let them be the oppression, let them destroy themselves in the process, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, oh got to stop here tonight is already gone, time is gone, I want you to begin to bless the name of the law for this song of deliverance so far, I told you this song is powerful, we have only looked at nine vases, oh about 51 prayer points, we got many, many, many more tomorrow, please join us tomorrow at seven o'clock, same time, New York time, please join us as we continue from vast end to the end, for I will bless you for the victory we have, we shall sing this song of deliverance, this is a beautiful song of deliverance, we are praying it, make a reality in our lives that will also have our own song to sing, come on shall hallelujah, come on shall praise the Lord, come on shall we give you praise, come on shall we give you honor, come on shall we give you glory, in Jesus mighty name we pray, amen, I pray for you in the name of Jesus, I pray that every prayer you have prayed tonight, the Lord will hear you, the Lord will answer you, the Lord will give you as you have asked for in the name of Jesus, that this song will not be limited only to Moses and all the other people, you will also sing song of deliverance, and many people in your church and your family will sing with you also, I bless you with answers to your prayers, in Jesus mighty name we pray, amen, amen, thank you so much for joining us tonight, we'll be back tomorrow night, please join us, you're gonna be blessed for doing so, shall we share the grace as you go and rest for the evening, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forevermore, amen, amen, surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives, and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever, amen, amen. Thank you for being here, go home and sing your song of deliverance, good night.