KTOD Radio - The Competitive Star Wars Unlimited Podcast

KTOD Radio Episode XIII - This is Where the Fun Begins!

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21 Jul 2024
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What's up, it's your boy Bobby Sapphire. And we are here for episode number 13 of the KTOD radio podcast. I am here with my boys fresh off the KTOD sleepover, Justin Desai. What's going on, buddy? It feels weird to be back online with all the in person hang seriously. Yeah, I feel like a lot's happened these past two weeks since we've lost it up on. Yeah, we've actually seen each other. Yeah. Yeah. I think I went Mike twice, which is crazy in real life. I really, you know, this game bringing, bringing friends back together, which I think has happened all over the country. Also got my brother, Matty, KTOD Matty. What's going on, buddy? Yeah, classic little brother syndrome wasn't invited to the sleepover. I remember being a young lad and Mike would have sleepovers in the downstairs. And there were these little like ventilation and I would open it up. And I would peak, try to through the grates to try to see what him and his friends are doing. Justin, I was secretly doing it at your house. So that was the background noise that people heard on YouTube is me trying to sneak into the to the party. That's also where dad yelled at us through those vents. This is Jason. Go to bed. This that's also your wedding toast that I made was about those very sleepovers in our basement. That's true. Yeah, that was a wild night. And then we got one of those hangs was at Steve's house where we cubed his cube and opened our boxes. Yeah, that was sweet. It's nice to get the cube together, probably about 90% foiled out right now. Thank you at Tata TD Tata for shipping me some foils. My other boys here. What about it? Yeah, we ship the foils. Yeah, it was drop the foils like crazy. Yeah, we're good for opening cards and just shipping you foils. And my youngest boy, we all do and he opened packs for Maddie. He's six. He was opening like a maniac, like seven legendaries in a row with just straight packs because we were kind of like throwing them around. So they were getting scrambled and they weren't. Yeah, we weren't even mapping it. Like he just had the hot hands. Yeah, this was pre pre-map. Here's a Poe and he opened a legendary in the last pack of like all three row boxes. We had like a crappy box and it was like Last Pack Poe. OK. Now the box, he was jazzed about that. You're he was killing it. You're oldest also handed me one pack and I opened it when it was a crate and I opened one pack for Maddie and it was a Poe and I had to take my hands off the wheel. I think you're those backwards. But yeah, I was really good. Oh, OK, yeah, you open my only crate that I have, Mike got you. Although I'd like six posts because I bought some and then I opened well, Henry opened some. So good, nice. All right. Well, today we're going to talk about some set two event results. S.C.G. Baltimore's next week. We're under predictions. We're going to talk about the box map issues and next top jencon. I think this is going to be our best episode ever because like this is what we've been waiting for. The game is real. Yeah. So we've got our first event results. There were two, uh, one case yesterday. One of them was in Iowa and it was 30 players. Boba Yellow swept Swiss, but Green Palp by Mickey D, one of our patreon subscribers took it down with Green Palp. That's where I love to see you in the quarterfinals. No, he was so he was working with a few people in that thread. Um, he's been pretty active playing Palp since day one. So we've spitballed Pakari in the discord has also been spitball. And so it's been really a good like collaboration, but this is all him, baby. Yeah, I got this image. She shouted out. If you look at the bottom, he shouted out, uh, Pakari and our thread. If you don't know the patreon, the discord patreon, patreon discord has threads for basically every deck and like, I didn't even know the, I mean, I'm sure I knew it existed, but I've never been in the Green Palp thread. Right. There's just a million. Come on. Come on down, baby. That's the thing with the discourse. I feel like we kind of own various channels. Like Maddie, you own this one. You've had like, I didn't for a while and like Mike, you're in the yellow one. Green Sabine is like, it's like the, it's, it's stressful at times to like manage it. Cause there's the volume of it so much. And it's one of the most popular decks, but I feel like I, I checked that every day and like provide feedback. Yeah. And it's like, it's like sometimes I'm into a different deck. So I'm hanging out in that, that channel and I have some other ones muted. So anything, um, shocking about this top eight before we, we delve a little bit deeper into that pout. I found that set one yellow, Boba, if they played a certain line was really hard for palp, but maybe with set two, um, there's a little more resilience. Like I found certain matchups have changed. So that was interesting. I'm like, I'm so pumped that he took it down in the face of kind of a, I wouldn't say it's as unfavorable as it used to be, but that's not an easy matchup. It's definitely not a slam dunk for palp. I'd say this surprise for me is zero green, Boba. Um, I actually really like green, Boba right now. And I think it's even though like, was the meta evolved and set one, um, you know, you saw like it did have bad matchups at first. You know, that very first London event. It was like top eight green, Boba's or whatever. Um, and like the meta evolved to be able to have some good angles. But it was still the boogie man of like pretty much the whole season. So to see zero copies seems a little surprising, but again, only 30 people. So yeah, and by otherwise this is a pretty, I mean, obviously you got eight different leader based combinations and Tarkin yellow, you know, normally an outlier, but has gained a lot of popularity in the last few weeks. So it's like makes sense that people are going to be, someone's going to be on that. Um, but yeah, I think this is another way. I'm surprised to be one, one triple, one triple doc grade deck in the top eight, to be honest. Cause I feel like at least in the discord, a lot of the chat lately has been how great that card is. Um, and told me to see one deck actually make it there. It's pretty telling, I think. Yeah. So Mike and I were, we were loving it. And then like, I think one thing that's happening with that deck is there is sort of like a psychological way to, like you can gain value playing against it, just knowing it exists. Like it just the, they had valued like just completely blowing people out when like they'd be like, Oh, you're phantom. Okay. Whatever. And then you'd end up stacking counters on it and stacking them in out of nowhere. Um, now I feel like, you know, the blue decks aren't going to be like resourcing, make an opening ever against you. They're going to maybe see and say, you're going to think, wait a second. I need to have my ship ready for the ECL target. So we noticed in playing a lot of red boba, um, with triple dark grade that it's not quite as adept. It's not even the people are hating it out. It's that like, if you just sort of recognize, you need to stop that plan. Um, from like the, from like your opening hand, it does become an easier deck to be. And that's a good point of like paying attention to how things are winning and why, because like, you know, I mean, we saw it with like, uh, like early in any set, like everyone plays the, you know, one deck, because they think this a matchup works a certain way. But once you find the line that you need, things can really flip. So that's why like, whenever I hear about results, I ask like how, how people were winning and what was happening. So you can find different lines to try to like flip that matchup or whatever. I think that's like the biggest thing. Yeah, along those lines, too, I don't know if you have a slide for it or not, but I noticed in the, um, the OP, the organized play announcements, they're changing it. So there's no open deckless for the open portion of the events. Yeah. Actually, yeah, I debated on whether or not we were going to talk about that stuff, but it's kind of a couple of weeks old now. And I figured plenty other people have, but yeah, no, no open deckless for Swiss. Um, I think that's actually a pretty big shift. Like, I, that's a lot of major impact. Um, it also means that like now all your testing data is actually real data. Yeah, exactly. You can actually hide things or entirety of the game. It's like, Oh, I got a deck. I want to try it. Okay. Cool. And then you don't actually know the list beforehand, which I often tell two weeks ago you did. Um, now it now allows you to like play on Carab last and actually like get real results. Also, like, just give me a couple of minutes of my life back. Like, I don't need to see a round one man. That's a good performance for a lot smoother too. Yeah. Yeah. And it's also a Matty buff, right? I don't get to get it. Oh my God. That's true. Fucking up. Yeah. You only want to be bad. That's amazing. All right. Let's take a look at this Palplist. Um, couple new inclusions, the scanning officers, Alicia's crumb, the, um, enterprising lackeys, the unkillable three, four cost five, five thinker. Uh, oh, and the three cost sentinels. Yeah. Black son and face three dark trooper, but mall and the board helps return in the board, fell the dragon in the board, paying six for that. Yeah. He talked about having answers to create. And so he liked fell there. Um, and like, you know, other stuff like records and posts and stuff like that. Um, and then the mall was just to make sure you can take out. Seven health leaders, um, which makes complete sense. Yeah. I mean, this looks good. You know, it's got a lot of great top end, um, relentless for the other control decks, devastating two traders for the, for the, um, seven, not seven fleet, the phantom tie. Yeah. Lurking tie or these, or these tark index. Yep. I really like traders. Yeah. I, I'm playing two in mine right now. But one thing, like I was a big proponent of early and it's, it's like the phase troopers and, and, um, ERG, just to make sure you're always like having sentinels. I've kind of cut down on mine as I test things out, but I liked that he went with this plan, especially early in the meta. You might be seeing more Sabine and, and the thing that I talked about when I played Vader and other things is like runner sentinels is the best way to kind of stonewall those plans. Um, so I liked that he went with that. Yeah. Don't, I don't understand is the two, one tie that puts a counter. So I was going to say, I liked that because I think it's for the sentinels. Um, to buff them and then you sack it with pal. So you actually get some value. It's only cost two, you get some value. Um, so I think, I think it's mainly for that. I think like you can probably buff anything if it's convenient, but a lot of times for the sentinels and the tie LN is probably a concession to the, the phantom because like you can just drop a tie, turn one and it, and they can't drop the phantom unless they deal with it, which is like really good value for one, even though I kind of like the, the one that draws a ship, the one that, the ship that the one one that draws a card, I would prefer it. But in a tie Phantom meta, I think like the LN is pretty cool. Ellen's also like a good late game cycle, you know, to get a ping. Like, I think that's why crumbs in there as well. But like later in the game, like getting, playing something for one and pinging, you know, for the other one is like, is way easier than that. Trying to suck. I know, I just like it with the, the draw card one. I can't think of its name at the top of my head, but yeah, being able to do a control craft or whatever he's having to do with three drop. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Like I think like the, um, you know, I'm like most of my testing is on aggro and then like, you know, people in our tournament testing team will be like, this deck's really good. And it's like not aggro. And I don't like the blue boba that we played that I played the other night on our feature match, Mike. I don't totally feel comfortable because it's like you're in this sort of middle ground and you're trying to get to the late game. Like this, this deck is not playing any games. Like it's just, it knows what it's doing. It's ramping to the end. It's not trying to get like, you know, a restock vigilance loop or anything like that. Like it has these huge guys at the top. It's got Sentinels at the bottom, trying to get beefy. Um, and it's like, I think pretty decent against control too, which is pretty cool. Um, yeah, he tested it, yeah. Yeah, I tested it and it's, it's definitely pretty good. Hold it's own. Yeah, I mean, when you're ramping to relentless against control, that's nice. We used to playing three when we got like a crazy control. Met it. That was pretty funny, but this deck is sweet. Um, Epic status, one of the fun cards to play it through, like just playing that arch, eating something. Yeah, it's crazy. It would be it. Yeah. P it that they ambush overwhelm. Mm hmm. Like, I mean, obviously, like Walker P, it's a wincon, but like, man, sometimes with that overwhelm ship, you just finish them off. It's pretty nice. All right, anything else before we move on to the other event? Oh, I've got the, they did a giant check, Justin. I figured you'd get a kick out of that. You're a big giant check fan. Oh, man, I love that check. Yeah. So shout out to Mac who took it down. So, and then there was another event. This one was streamed on the take the initiative YouTube. If you want to go check that out, I think I'm sure the vaud is there since it was on YouTube. Um, so we get to watch the whole tournament and mono. Bob four monobobas in the top eight and include in taking it down versus old Han. Yeah, those people were in this one in the top eight, I don't think. Yeah, I think it was 20. Okay. So again, another small sample size, but people, I mean, yellow got a lot of tools and people are really like in, um, are really like in monoboba right now. And I mean, it makes sense. Bobby Sapphire is still defining the meta a month later. It's happening. Um, let's take a look at that list. A lot of new additions here to get the bazine, get the Merck gunship. Uh, still a shoot first, which I like has one lurking tie, one relentless pursuit. I really like one relentless pursuit, but otherwise pretty standard. Got the gamble guards, the switch to the syndicate lackeys. Yeah, I think syndicate's a good call, especially with the new rule. I like the one phantom tie there. Like if you draw it, it makes people like kind of play weird. You've got like an interesting angle there. That's kind of nifty. I like that you can't have too many three cost ships, right? But like you do want a, like another option. Yeah, there's just so many three cost cards. Yeah, it's tough. No, it's just cool looking. This looks good. Yep. Zuckus and four alum in the board got the Boa armor in the board, which I really like a final showdown in the board, which I love. Um, that's, uh, I want. Yeah, I wonder if the winner is a subscriber because I've had one, one of final showdown in my board posted for a while. Obviously it's, you know, anyone can come up with that, but most people are pretty down on that car, but I think it's pretty cheeky against control to just try and steal a game. If it was actually in the no open deck list life, right? I like the game in the four on the board and that's cool. Yeah. So let me pursue, are you just always using it with Boba? Cause that's kind of how I've played it. Yeah, you can do others, but like I feel like that's, I think unless you're really in a jam, like if they throw a dark saber on Poe or something, you're going to fire it off. But otherwise on like three costs, Boba, given the shield and then like letting him kind of like really go to work, especially the post board. You've got the armor to on him and like they're not a bounce deck or something. Oh, right. You can just put it on him and also find on the, the defenders. There are two, which already has a shield. So like you're, you're kind of getting the value there. You don't need it to have a shield. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's already protected. Got you. But I think most of the time you're looking for Boba. Yeah. And giving the shield to then set up your cunning, right? Cause like getting rid of a shielded guy is like hard for a lot of people. I like that. I was running too, but I wasn't really pairing it that way, but I like the one one split because sometimes it's just kind of dead. Um, but yeah, I like, I like all the, you know, stock list callouts to two probe droids, you know, like it's just still got all the old stuff and then just made some room for new stuff. Yeah. 13, one plays is cool too. Yeah. I'd say the biggest surprise to me is no McClunky. We had so much talked about that when it was first boiled, the card for Boba. Yeah. We found that it's, it's tough. You don't like it takes guys off the board where you want to just be pushing. Um, is the hardest part, like it's nice when you have Greedo, but a lot of times Greedo isn't living in the current meta because so many things ping. Yeah. I also wonder too, like it's good against a like, um, like something like Sabine, but theoretically you were never really having as much of an issue there. Um, so like, why do you bring it in? You know, yeah, it's good against the three, three sentinels, but I don't know how prevalent they are in the meta, but I, I like McClunky as a sideboard card for sure because it's good against bounties too. Yeah. Yeah. If we see a rise in bounties, you see a rise in the clunky for sure. Yeah. Just a good deck though. I like that. Yeah. All right. And then a wild Han deck runner up, uh, lot of two of us here here, uh, Sundari peacekeeper DJ tech, uh, bright Hope is a two. I would personally run that as a three spark of Hope is a two. I think that should be a three. Um, well, only one cloud rider in three Greedos. So yeah, pretty wild lists, um, to make the finals a lot of everything. I, you know, often times see the two of battle, marine index. Yeah. I mean, I, you know, I did a Han video last week and I've been playing a little bit of Han and I really am just high on the cloud rider in that situation. Like just get the, get the three damage in. Ideally kill something and move on. This is a lot of low drops. Yeah. I'd be like, yeah, causing you wing, I guess, and like not getting too much into it, but then you can still like have your numbers right for you. Yeah. It's interesting because I mean, I feel like some of the utility cards, you'd want the two ofs and you'd want free battlefield, marine, because it's just like, you know, the most consistent best play you can be doing on it with two resources. Um, but yeah, that's the only thing I've seen is like when I play you wing decks, I, I have weird funky numbers on like, I'll me deck one act bar and stuff like that. Yeah, I think like playing the one ofs works. It's just all the two ofs, which is kind of weird and all the low drops are kind of weird, but I love, I love the Luke Skywalker for the show off the wing or, you know, nine, if you get to nine, um, I'm really, I like Marauder quite a bit. Kills basically everything in space. Um, you can do it a turn earlier with Han if you need to and it can ramp you, um, which is another reason why I don't like all these inconsistent numbers because I would rather just have, um, a bunch of the same stuff so that I could trigger my Marauder. I think one of the reasons possibly, um, with the two on the battlefield, Marine is one of the, I've been trying to do a on list where you play almost no two drops because like the power level of the three drops in this set have just spiked so much. Like you're so better at three wives now, like your turn one play, if you can drop one of those, it's always just going to outclass playing your three, three, two drops. Yeah. Yeah, like I'm both off to the two of those. Yeah, like I'm playing Han. I think my, my turn one, I always want to be dropping the three drop. It's better. Are you playing Ezra? Cause this isn't, but I, uh, which is interesting. I was playing Ezra, like the bliss. I haven't really gotten far with what I've been doing. Yeah. Um, but what I've been trying to do is just play no two drops. Like turn one is always a three drop. Yeah. Whether it be the Falcon, Ezra, DJ. Yeah. I like Ezra because you kind of get that card advantage back, but you run out of cards pretty quick, um, when you're doing it a lot. Um, but I don't hate it. Well, it kind of works in the three job plan, right? If you have a ton of three jobs, cause then you don't have to put out the following turn. Yeah. Three drop, turn one, three drop, turn two. Yeah. And then on turn four, you can go to five. Like the list I was playing had almost zero, four drops in it. Interesting. And zero, I like this list. Um, other than some of the things we pointed out, like I like the game plan. I, I'd like to say like playing things like spark with Keira to kind of like set up and protect your Han, you know, I think it's important to like be on the game plan. And then like, well, if you have a shot at doing the tech DJ combo, like that's another way to like protect that. Um, so other than like kind of nitpicking the numbers a little bit, I think this is like a really cool list. And I like some of the inclusions there. Cool. Oh, all right. So we're going to talk like we've got two cash events. And then I asked everyone to do their predictions for the top eight. SCG Baltimore coming up this weekend. Uh, you know, the first, the first SCG, which should be a monthly cash event on the SCG, the star city game circuit. So, um, yeah, we'll just fire these off. And, you know, Steve, you're up first. Your prediction was Keira, a green, Keira green, Boba, two red ray, two green, Sabine, yellow, Boba, green, Han yeah, you know, like after, so I did this last night and then looking through the slides before the, uh, pod, we started up today. I was like, Oh man, there's so many yellow bulb is like, maybe like green, but it's just that, but I think there's too many tools, too many tools now to like not try to expand a little bit. And my hope is that for this tournament, people are going to try some new things while still falling back from the old. Like, I think Sabine, while it's not probably the one of the best top three decks in the meta right now, it still has that ability to just, like, not draw and just win out. So I think if enough people play that, one of those will sneak in. I really do like the high green version. Um, but I don't know, would you, would you make any changes after going through the last two, um, events? Uh, there's only six up here, right? Do I have no, you have to, right. You know, Sabine, I have a couple doubled up. All the reasons Sabine's off. I'd probably, uh, slot an emperor green in there. Instead of what, like a ray. Yeah, I probably instead of one of the rays or instead of one of the Sabines. Cool. Uh, mine was similar then. I had one boss. What? Wait, is this mine or did I do? Yeah, dude. I'm looking. I just looked at my DM. That wasn't my picks. Now, did I reverse them? I think that was mine. Is this one yours? That one's my dad. Okay. I did the, I did the names wrong. That's why I was a little confused trying to improvise. Cause you said, yeah, cause you see, that's funny. Okay. Yeah, you do good improv. Yeah, you did. I, I, I'm not cutting this. I labeled them wrong. No, no, for sure. I can't fix it. Um, yeah. So, all right. So this is, this is yours. I guess like since we looked at the previous slide mine, I would probably cut one of the rays for one of the blue, the yellow boba's. But otherwise, like, I think it's pretty, like, accurate representation of what I just expect them to be and, you know, rise to the top. But usually one outlier. I just didn't make a bold claim on the outlier. All right. So this is yours. You had two Kira, Vader, Pelp, Red Han, sorry. Green Han, Green Bosque, green boba and red ray. All, all green bases, all ECL bases, except for the, uh, the red ray. Yeah. Um, yeah, you know, like, I think. I obviously don't play as much constructed as the rest of you guys. But from reading all of, like, the tournament testing team chats, I really think there's a lot of, I think there's a lot of room for new decks that people haven't seen. And I think people may not have necessarily played it this past weekend because they're just one case, but I think if people are definitely going to be trying something new for a star city games and then hopefully we get some spiciness out of it. Nice. All right. So hopefully I get this one right. And this is Matty's. Matty, you had a Vader in yours, right? Yeah, let me double, uh, let me double check the work, double check the, uh, DMS. Um, no, but yeah. Yeah. So I, I think like two things are going to happen at any like big event. Like people are going to try new stuff because it's, it's, you know, new and exciting. And that's why I have two Sabines in there. I think like, I think there are going to be Sabines that just hit the right matchups, hit some of these control decks that are trying to go big or hit some of the, you know, the sea of randomness and just steamroll people. Um, I think her demise is a little overstated, but, um, you know, I don't think she has like the stronghold that, you know, she wants had, um, and then. Yeah, like, I think Boba, you leaders just so cracked that like you can play him any, any, which way have one of every, the yellow green. Actually for the audio listeners, I should just say, Maddie's pick was one blue, Boba, one green, Boba, one yellow, Boba, two green Sabine, one green Cara, one green palpen, one green Darth Vader. Yeah, you've got the borders. It's a little hard to see, but if people, if we point them there, for watching, it's, yeah, it's for people that are just listening. Oh, got you. Um, like you can play Boba any, which way I think that, um, I think seeing the results, I think people are going to be thinking that Boba yellow is the deck to beat. And so, you know, playing things like Vader and blue Boba, um, and even green, I know, yeah, pal to kind of combat that. Um, and then just like, I'm surprised we haven't seen a Kiria. I think she's like, just such a strong upgrade over the blue green archetype that we had in set one, like, in set one, you had to either go chronic and try to like play this ECL game or you'd go item and try to kind of like go a little bigger. Now, like you just, like, Kiria does like just, just a better than bolts. You deploys on five. She can kind of match other leaders. So, uh, that's kind of one that I'm not out on a lemon because I think you guys are also seeing it, but that's one that I expect to, um, to rise in popularity. Cool. And then we got Justin's Justin has the sole cat. He picked a cad with blue kiro green, two green Boba's, two green Sabines, a green palp and a yellow Boba. Yeah, I really think that green Boba's going to kind of make its mark. Um, the next couple of weeks, I think it's really strong. I think we'll start seeing some less, you know, the thing is we haven't seen like a list to sort of go on, um, but some of the lists that I've seen of, you know, we've been working on it really strong. Um, cad blue is kind of like a weird one here. I just think there's something there with the ping and sort of like that control variation, but also being able to play a lot of units. One of the issues that I have with blue Boba is it's like the units. You don't really have a ton, um, and cad gets to play a lot of units and maybe even playing like Zuckus and Ba or Zuckus and, and Forlom and like, those guys are, you know, attacking or Forlom sort of essentially doing five damage, not just four, um, I like a lot of the things that are happening there. I also have the kiro. I think kind of what Maddie said, I think here is really, really strong. I think the green ramping Palpatine's really good. Um, if I had to switch it based on like what I saw, maybe I'd go, a second yellow Boba and just one green Boba. Just speaking of people are kind of leaning towards yellow Boba right now. But, you know, the Boba's got a lot of tools in the new set. Like the green ones would maybe you've got mall to look at now. You've got commissionally. Yeah, commission's so good. Oh, good. And, um, I just definitely think we'll see a rise there with green, green Boba. That's an interesting thing about this too. It's like, what do we think is good? But then what do we think people are going to play? How are they going to interpret? So there's a lot of like moving parts here. It's, it's, which makes it fun. Like that's what it's meant to be. Yeah, we'll have to revisit this next week pre-gen con to see, to see if we've nailed it. Yeah, we can do a lot of reaction content to our own content. So that was our meta discussion, both, you know, checking out the lab this weekend's events and predicting next weekend's events. And then, uh, yeah, then we'll have to see, uh, at Gen Con, what happens next? Uh, so the one thing I want to talk about briefly before we get to patreon questions and Gen Con is just the box mapping going on. Um, obviously this has been like a hot topic the last couple of weeks, just like these are the sort of some of the images that I used to, um, try and map my boxes, which is just like looking at pictures of people who post their picks in order by the column of packs. And then there's some spreadsheets going around that actually correspond where you actually look at the rapper to see which, which character is on the rapper. And it tells you if it's the run, the right runner. That's kind of crazy. Take this with a grain of salt because Mike walked me through two of these boxes in our public, this, in our discord the other day, and we've bricked every single one of them. Not true. I called the poll. Exactly. The one poll you call. So what I never going to get into it, but we're wasting a bunch of packs. You were going to open those packs anyway, buddy. Yeah, you were going to go the whole thing that I Yeah, that's why I'm holding the rest of the boxes. You should give me the rest of your boxes, actually. Yeah. All right. Look, I have this right here and I have absolutely no temptation to open it. Well, whatever I'm feeling down now, I just hope I just open a pack. It's open a pack. So he's out obviously. I will say, like, even though this issue happened, like it's still fun. Like it was fun being in there and being like, go five down and this is a po and like hitting is like kind of correct. I think that I mean, maybe we're just positive people, but like, and nobody wants to buy loose booster packs. Yeah. Yeah, I got it before you. Well, that's the issue is like you can't necessarily feel safe buying a booster pack. Right. You can't really like ethically justify selling your extra booster packs. Right. If you just map and then like take all the good stuff and then sell the loose ones, that's kind of correct. That's like, yeah, that stinks. Yeah. But saving them for draft is fine. Like, yeah, it's be like non legend drafts. And you kind of like know that going in, which is a little poop button. Legend draft drop off and then karma gets you. Yeah. I mean, there's still showcases. There's still hyper's like, you know, right. I mean, I'd honestly like if I was playing in a draft, I'd love for no to know that no one's going to have a photo, like wreck my day. Yeah, at the same. I'd say the same time I went to a draft and someone opened a po first pick and was like, go to po. And I was like, man, I hope I get the crate. And it wasn't me. It was the guy across from me. So like, you just know, you know, the run. Yeah, I'm cracking back for showcases. Anyway, yeah, that's the only reason why I might crack my last box is like we vote. You open your whole case, you and Justin. Yeah. And there was no showcases. We've opened three boxes from the other case. We've got two stash for the team for drafts at Gen Con. And I've got one here and like right now, let's go. Yeah, I would say to people like the drafting of this set is so fun. Like, don't like just say, save them if you're worried about it. Or if you know, if you know the run, whatever. Yeah, we're gonna have some draft videos. I just want that showcase. Yeah, showcases are correct. I mean, you should open them. Just play games with them. Yeah, let's let's do another meetup. And this we can do a 2v2, like a like a property impact. I would do that. Yeah, that's fun. I'm done. All right. So, Patreon update. We've got all the shirts in. That's my wife's car with all the the shirts. And I'll get six giant boxes of shirts. We've got the coins. We're sending out the form. Actually, we need to do that today, Justin, right after a record. And yeah, so people are going to start getting their rewards pre Gencon and at Gencon. This is, oh, no, I don't have the shirt on. I wear the green shirt today. Matties get the shirt on. I got a shirt on and I got the coins right here. I keep them right near me at all times. So quick informational update. Any Patreon members who've been with us for a while, definitely check your email because we want to make sure we have the right information for you on the swag. Also update on the stickers, the QR code was kind of a bust. So we made a few adjustments, but the stickers came out great. Yeah, the stickers are fire. I'm excited in the in the boxes. And I ended up I ended up getting scammed on the QR code. Had to cancel my credit card. But all is good after after cutting, hand cutting stickers, 500 of them. We've got really cool holographic stickers. We'll be giving those out of Gencon. We give a note. So cool. But yeah, yeah, that was a, you know, we made lemonade, right? There's no QR code, but they're still pretty cool. Yeah, also, I bought a thermal printer for all the shipping stuff. So we are at 899 Patreon subscribers, paid subscribers. Yeah, I was hoping I kept my email open the whole time. When we get to 900, you know, last time on the pot, I asked for a push to get to 5,000. We hit 5,000 and we have just kept cranking. 200 past that on YouTube. So really like active new members, too. There's been a few people who come in, like hit the ground running. Mike, you posted like a welcome video. Oh, yeah, I did make a video that kind of gave people a rundown on how to use the discord. I think that really was huge. Because now that we're so big and there's so many channels, it can be a little intimidating. You would get in here and you're like, all right, what should I actually sign up for? Like, where do I go? So if you sign up, if you're a new user, definitely hit up Mike's video that kind of walks you through the various channels. Because even for us, I think, sometimes we're like, wow, there's just so many channels to check in a lot going on. Yeah, I should definitely watch that video. The other thing I was going to say, too, is I think at some point we'll make it free just so people can see like everything there is before kind of signing up. Yeah, because it's really remarkable, like where this started and where it's kind of gone. And like having new people come in and like you said, like hit the ground running, like, you know, a call back to like the deck, the deckless channels with the, you know, the Sabine. The two Sabines kind of melded. We got people from the yellow Sabine coming into the green one. That's kind of taken on into life. Like the 1K winner shouting out the like, there's just so much going on. I mean, I'm talking about wheel of time with some people. Yeah, I'm on TCG. We might have to do something if we get to 1000 though. Well, yeah, we movie club two. We were given away. We were given stuff away for 100 and 150 because we were like, Oh my God, this is huge. Actually, later, I still don't have Vader's sort of sad. Wait, so I've been actually now that you bring that up. I've been stockpiling things to give away at some point, whether we do an in person, meet up, whatever, foil avenger, hyper foil, what is this called? I'm not giving away this, but I got pelt daddy, hyper foil Vader, the con leaders, I still have. So I've actually stockpiling stuff to give away. Yeah, I just want to make sure it's the right time. And I win a Vader, my member. No, you can't win. You can sign up. Yeah. All right, let's get to these questions. What if Mephisto, what decks are you interested most in working right? I didn't, what decks are you most interested in working right on right now? I've been working mostly on the yellow Boba, but I need to, I've been struggling into Sabine. So I need to switch gears, I'll probably start working on Kira a little bit because I haven't gotten enough games with it yet. Did you mean yellow Boba or blue Boba? I meant blue Boba. Yeah. You said yellow, but yeah, I'm like sort of at a flux capacitor spot where like I have the decks that like I'm more experienced with like 18. So like kind of is like not a backup, but like, okay, if my other ideas don't go well, I've got like a solid Sabine, I've got a solid yellow Boba that helped decks intriguing. But then I've got Kylo is something I'm really been working on a little bit. I've been trying to make it work. I had the all space one, I had a Toro list. Right now I'm trying to work on green Kylo with commission. And what's the reanimator card called the Palpatine somehow, Palpatine is returning. That card's like really fascinating me right now. For a couple of different reasons, the discard ability and also the ability to like be able to make your deck like with a higher top end because you missed this car the low end, like discarded pumping. Yeah. So that's that's my new weekly experiment. Maybe I'll post a video with some ideas coming up shortly. Yeah, it's too bad we had our pal, I'm not our pal, our Kylo chat before, you know, we, but it's cool to kind of pick your brain and see where you're at because, because that is definitely, I think, I think green, green red villain, preferably a red leader. So your Vader's, your Kylo's, your GIs, your boss with it with the ECL has been my kind of way to attack that. I think it's got a lot of good tools in this set and it was good to end the last set. I mean, I was a big blue, green villain guy. So Kira and Palpat are two that I'm working on there. And then, yeah, you know, a little bit bigger yellow, the yellow Java. Not so much using the bounties to necessarily focus on ramping, but more so just to get some value, get that three, four bounty hunter that drops down for two, play in the fourth, three bounty hunter that gets a shield when there's a bounty, I found it really strong like going turn one, I was done into him on turn two, just all those shields and we really start to get in there. And the other thing I've been working on is some type of a harmless. We were always just starting with that three drop that I mentioned before. It seems like I've been approached by that Java a few times. Did you? Yeah. It's some really cool things. Yeah. You had me. I tried and boss. Yeah. It turns all in like play Java, then play dried and play their guy like that's been absolutely silly. Yeah. Talk about insane leader flip turns like that. Yeah. You know, how do you beat that? Like that's especially against these decks that are, you know, trying to go a little bit bigger with their Crete dragons or their, you know, pose records like, yeah, a lot. I just, it's really rough, raw at the moment. And I think there's some avenue there for Java to be competitive, it's just not quite there. Yeah. At least I have to figure out the right combination. All right. This is from Mickey D, the guy that won the 1k earlier after playing some games, which cards have your opinion swung the most on from when they were previewed till now. For me it was super high was super high on a Vazen, but after a few games have cooled way off on that card, we've kind of like swung both ways on that card. It's good. It's bad. It's good. I'm still not sure. I would say probably for me it's McClunky, but also like, I think I might be wrong about McClunky sort of the way about Dr. E, like I think I was super high on it, then super down on it and probably need to fall somewhere in the middle. I think the blaster is like good, but it's not like quite as amazing as I thought. It's just hard to find decorum for it and like the three costs later on in the game. It's not quite the same as the other cards, but you know, it's sort of the impact I thought it would have. That's the one for me. Triple dark rate is one that like I keep going back and forth on. I think it's amazing sometimes, but then there's just times where it's not, I mean it's variance right with seven cards. Try to make that work. I think it's certainly a major player. Yeah. It's not sure how broken it is versus how, like, do you have to accept the variance? It's good, but it's not always going to do the broken things. For me, it's definitely boss. I mean, when we first did that mod with good, bad, or broken, I was like, there's no way anyone's playing this card and now I have them in my top eight for Star City game Baltimore. Yep. So happy to admit. Yeah. But yeah. Goddamn. Yeah. I didn't even think of leaders, but yeah, that's a good one. Man, I'm not going through my list and like one card, I still like this card a lot, but it takes a lot of deck building resources is Django. Like I think he's still very good, but like the problem that I have with Django is you have to play the bounties or play them in like Java, but then you don't get ECL. So like to make him good, you generally need bounties, you generally need ECL and he eats up a lot of deck building slots. And then like really what he's doing for you is like, he's getting you like a very incremental like two and a half for one at best. Like he's killing something and drawing you a card, but then he's getting traded back on pretty easily. So I would say like I was a lot higher on Django. Yeah, that makes sense, even though I'm playing him in a bunch of decks. I really liked Afra and I still think there's a place for her, but I think right now, not quite there. I thought there would be more to get more friends, right? Yeah. That was spoiled. I just thought like milling yourself fast could be great, but the fact that you can't turn that mill off at the end sort of makes things a bit complex. Yeah. All right, next one, buying boxes versus buying the card you want. So it was my first TCG. I have access to buy some boxes, but I'm unsure if it's better to buy boxes or buy the cards you need to complete the set. I enjoy the fun of opening packs, but see, like, that's the thing, like, I hate, I hate opening box. I hate buying boxes. Just give me my singles. That's it. But I know you guys are box openers. I think this answer to this question is like, what are your own personal goals and what do you actually find fun? So like, for instance, like in a lot of games, there's some people who want to like win worlds, right? Or like win the biggest tournament and there's other people who want to play a lot and like the local experience. There's other people that like to collect and like the feeling of like opening a showcase or what have you. Like that showcase that you open even has more significance than when you might buy on eBay or something. Yeah. And you opened it. So I think like there's no great answer to this on a universal scale. Like you should just do what you want to do. Like we had a great time. I opened the four boxes with my kids. We had a wonderful time. You know, I did a bunch of trades the next day and turned like hyper rares and hyperfoils into like the legends that I needed. I traded for seven legends that next day online and got some hookups as well. Shout out to Carl Parlass for some sweet hookups. But like then there's Mike who like knows exactly what the cards he wants and he's also opening. Right. So I think if you're trying to like actually build a deck probably buying like on TCG player is great. Like if you're looking at some of the list that we published and it's like, okay, I need to make that deck. Don't. If you're trying to make a specific list, it's better to buy on TCG player. Yeah. And you know, he says, how many pack boxes would you need to buy three posts? Like you could open a 10 boxes and not get three posts. So like, pick trying to get, oh, buy them on TCG pick a number of boxes, 10 boxes. And I've only gotten one of those double green lackeys and I've still gotten no. So the only answer is just to make your rain more pack wrappers, baby. No way. See, listen, get like two to three boxes will get you a place at a commons and uncommons for the most part. So like three boxes, see how many pose you get, like pick a couple decks, like Justin said, and buy the rest of the legendaries. But if you're opening boxes just to find a po, like you should not be doing it. Yeah. Don't do that. Are you in, are you in the Cape or Worcester today? I've been with her right now. You want to get it back to boxes. My boxes are in the Cape. I think that can otherwise you be cracking right now. Yeah. I'm really going to open mine. The same sentiment is like, if you're trying to do it on like a cost effective standpoint, it's always going to be buying seagulls and like, now I'll give you the hundred bucks and I get to keep the cards now because there's a showcase in here. I can feel it. Yeah. There's definitely a showcase. If I stock the pose on TCG just real quick and I got them at like 38 a pop and I thought that was a really good deal. Now they're in the fifties and for three of my four sellers came through and waiting on the last. So it's pretty good. I bought an extra one just to be sure, which is fine. But like, I remember being 12 and like having to like scrounge for cards. So like now I'm open in box today, baby. But that ain't the most effective way to do it. You mean being 12 and going to F&M and me buying a box a week and you taking all the cards? I did. So that's why I throw you so many rares now and stuff because I, oh my god, I traded his, was a chrome mocks for like, I traded under, what a chrome mocks is worth. Oh, I don't want to know. Steve, you want me to? Should I crack this? That was a big deal. I'm not going to crack the whole box right now, but you want to open a pack? Wait, wait, crack a pack, crack a pack and let's see the map. Yeah, let's see. That's a good one. Steve, backyard break style box, no box cutter. This officially, this is not Steve's box. This is not seat box. This is my. Great. Okay. Wow. This is my start on the right top pack. Oh, he's going to get a showcase. This is our content too. So you know what? All right. Not a showcase. We've got a Mandalorian armor. It was a bow pack with the Mandalorian armor. You guys are going to have to talk. I don't want to say you know armor with a po. I'm pretty sure. I'm going to have an armor in every single one of my boxes. Yeah. So here's the thing. When I opened mine, I didn't look at the wrapper and the wrapper didn't affect me at all. Yeah. It didn't affect me either and I was able to find that po and the crate without looking at the wrapper. So I think that there's a Mando armor within Stones. There's not Snoke's or Kylo's, I don't. Also we got to, I know this is not. Somebody break Kylo. I opened so many of those guys, like he's not bad, but actually, you know, Kylo might be one of an overrated. Poe is a couple cards above Mando armor on one of these charts. If this is a mall, then I have a bad box. Okay. If this is only of two malls. Yeah. There's a big shopping. Well, it could be a shopping. Here's the other thing. Okay. So it's a, here's, can I just say one thing I've noticed that sometimes like half the box is mapped. Oh, I want that. Actually, that should go in the cube. What was it? Bounty hunter. It's a hyper foil though. It's hyper foil though. Oh, okay. Um, that's a card that I freaking love right now is the bounty hunter squaring. I think that card is silly. Is this the DJ overwhelming the lead chain card is box? I don't know. This is the, this is the final showdown box. See? Yep. Oh, you just ripped it. Look at that. See, you said I was bad at this, but I'm not. I know what I'm doing. Yeah. So the only relation is you were sandbag at me that time. No, I think you had what I had, which is you had one half was mapped and then the other half was mapped differently. That's the other legend. Because I had that. I had my box. Uh, so I'll have rule with respect and, um, and I, which I don't want to open. My next card is a Django, which I did order some Django. So yes. You probably don't need it. Save them for draft. We'll draft them. Yeah. We'll draft them. The only thing is, the only thing is like that only shows one column. So I'm just going to open the top on the left column. I was going to say, I can find what's on there. Um, and we can see, uh, it is a MIGs Mayfield, which is two after rule. With respect. So I can't. So you're a full mapped box. Nah. It's still, I've got to figure out, I've, I've got to go too down because the next one below that will be tech. Oh, actually I need a tech. So I'm going to open my tech and I'm going to open one more and see. I opened a MIGs into a tech. So that makes sense, actually. Tech. Yep. And then we'll see what, see if this tells us what other box we have, uh, because that's the bottom of the box right there. Right. That's what attack hyperfoot, unrefusable offer. Oh, that is where is that? If you go back to your slide a few ago, it's mapped there, I think. Yep. But that was at the bottom, I think, you know, as soon as I get back to the cake pub crack and some packs now, it's like the addiction. I, I, I opened my first box, ripped a ratio case, live stream in the discord. Only one person was watching in your eye. But it was, but it was funny. Yeah. Oh, so that's like he's equals a hundred people. Um, I, I screenshot everyone, but like, man, some nights there's like fricking 30 people and they're barning like a, a, either a game or a stream open it, uh, you know, crack and packs. It's so good. That's my favorite stuff. I can't find unrefusable offer anywhere on any of these charts. I can try to help. Hold on. Sorry. I don't want to hold up the pot a ton. Yeah. I think you kind of demonstrated how it works. It's unfortunate that you don't have like the sickest. I think you're near within the eye shot of like maybe, no, I don't think you're near the silos. So the thing is it, it goes makes Kylo unrefusable offer. Okay. tech. And so like, I don't have the Kylo one. I have the other. Right. Right. And I can't find it anywhere. Yeah. I had that one, but then my box also gave me a snokey. I mean, I wouldn't hate having a snoke. You do guys do the next question. How do you feel about update tournament rules? What do you feel still needs to be updated? GDJT. So, I mean, I like, I think we talked about it. And I don't remember all the rules of my head, unfortunately. But I think I, I think we agreed that we like no open deck list for the Swiss. That's the thing. I think being able to hide those cards and like not take five minutes at the start of every round, like move things along. For me, the big thing is FFG is listening to the players, which I think by base the bomb, what they made for changes. It's clear that they're actually listening to us, which I think will go really far in terms of the development and a longevity of this game. So to me, that's a really good sign. And I'm pretty pumped about that. What the, like the nitty gritty of the rules, I don't know all of them. But the fact that they're actually listening to the playing community, I think is going to really help us out in the long run. It's just to piggyback off that, like they're listening, but they didn't like, they didn't immediately, when people had an outrage, they didn't immediately change. They like got their own feedback, you know what I mean, too. So like, I like that that they're not just like, choosing on a dime. All right, Mike. Should be evacuate. Should be evacuate. Nope, it's Pershing. So the next, so sorry, this is Pershing. So the next one's evacuate. I think I found it. Yeah. Yeah. Anything from you, Justin? I think I echo what both of you guys said, I'd say the other thing is what still needs to be added. It's not a rule per se, but the tournament software would like the breakers. That's a cool one. They did say they have a new, you're under agreement with the new, new breaker software provider or whatever. They didn't announce like when it's changing, but they did say that they have like a contract or something with a different tournament software provider for when organized play starts. Oh, I wanted to pick your guys brain on this one. This is, I don't like, I think there's a lot of good. So this is a negative one. In my opinion is like, I think the way the tiebreaker rule and like the, the remaining health when you win thing, like you have to remember how much health someone had when you beat them. Yeah. That rules. That rule is trash. There's no way that rule stays actually. Yeah. It's hot garbage because now we have to pay attention to everyone's life total, then you could also concede while somebody's like in the middle of casting something, at which point you're going to get into an argument over, oh, I conceded. No, I cast, you know what I mean? So like, here's a, here's a tip to you. If you're about to play vigilance and he'll five, don't tap your research. Say I play vigilance and then, you know, because someone could see that you're doing that theoretically. Oh, you're muted again. Yeah. Good, no, good, no, in the old decipher game, like you couldn't concede because differential was like one by, so you actually can see you have, we would have games where you, you'd have to go through the motions for like 10 minutes, knowing you had zero chance to win was pretty cool. Yeah. Well, I hated that. Yeah. So that is kind of a trash rule and like, but like we said, they've made a lot of good changes and hopefully that they see why this one isn't great. But also like, if you're 30 base, verse 25, that gives like kind of an advantage there, right to the 30 base a little bit, yeah, which like, I don't know if we need to have that. So I found my box, yeah. It skipped over Kylo. It skipped over evacuate to get Snoke. No, Snoke should be below and because I got to Zuri at the bottom and like, there's only rares in between, so like, it could be stolen land speeder, Kira imprisoned, palps return. And there's one that isn't, that isn't charted if it skips both. So I'm just going to do this whole row. Oh, it could be a ray. Why do you want a ray? I have like nine rays. I'm not saying I want a race that it could be one because I remember. So this is stolen. Yeah. Foil second chance, though, Steve. Do you need that one? Which second chance was that one? Where's the legendary reanimator? I think so. Double blue. Double blue. Yeah. So this should be a Kira. While you're cracking that, how do people feel about the like, no ID double lost thing? You called it. Yeah. It's a ray. Yeah. No ID double lost thing. I mean, I still dislike it. Yeah. I was going to say that's, you know, those are the two boogie men for me. Like, and again, like they're making changes. They're listening, so I'm not like going to stand on soapbox, but those are the two that I'm kind of like. I don't know. I don't know. There's a good showcase in there. That means we're drafting for actual showcases and. Well, I haven't opened the whole box, but I'm going to open this PELPS return because I need one. Yeah. That'll be savage. I'm going to. I'm going to feel really bad for like Chrono and Wu when we team draft first them and get their showcase playing for it. Hey, Mike, you know what's funny? That box is one that like I never opened because I have, I have no makes. I have no stolen land speeder. I have no PELPS return and I have like, you know, like that whole line of the game. I don't. I didn't know. I'm kind of happy that I didn't open it because it's not the best stuff. It's not that hot. Yeah. But I have zero of those rares and I have pretty much five of everything else. Well, that's my fifth ray. So you could definitely take a ray and I have like a bunch of stolen land speeders now so you can at least have that. But I did. I don't need any help. That's true. Isn't it crazy? Like, isn't it crazy? Like a four seven on five. You just like not excited to play but like, yeah, it's a difference in a leader and a follower, I guess. Yeah. All right. That's it for the pod. Unless you guys have anything else you wanted to chat about. Did you have any rule thing you wanted to comment on or are you? Oh, yeah. I mean, I like that they're making changes. I still think the double loss thing is bad. I think that the health total tiebreaker thing is really, really bad. Not especially since a lot of people don't use a notepad for their scores. I use the dice and the notepad, which is a lot of work and I wouldn't expect everyone to be able to do that, you know, in a casual setting. I think like in the competitive scene, maybe you could expect people to do that. But I think doing the dice, like, I do it locally because I want to practice having both the dice in the counters on the base and the pad, but I mean, I see people struggle just to do the dice. So. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's a good way to put it is like you should practice those things and. Just as counter. Yeah. I don't know what's going on. Yeah. Oh, you cracking packs? Yes. Okay. Wow. The pod that will never end. What was I going to say? Oh, yeah. Locally too. Like you just don't have enough room to like to have all that set up. Like sometimes it's enough just having your deck bar. Mm hmm. So what are you doing over there, Justin? That was weird. I was looking at my phone and like I hit something that connected my phone to my camera was on my phone. Yeah. We're officially boomers with our technology. I could have got what that could have been way worse if I wasn't. Yeah. Yeah. You could have launched. You could have launched. The only fans right there. All right. Well, with that, we'll close the pod. And yeah. So next up, Gencon, we'll see everyone at Gencon will have swag to give away to everyone. We'll have swag for our subscribers and we'll do we're scheduled to do a pod the Sunday we get back, which we obviously won't record, but we'll try and record something live. It might not be a full hour podcast, but maybe we'll give you like 15, 20 minutes of a special live episode of K2D radio. That'll be exciting. Wait, before we send off two things, if you see us at Gencon, say what's up. And also for Patreon members, stay tuned, we're going to have a meetup at some point. Oh yeah. All right.