98.5 ONE FM Podcasts

KDL Show - June 29, 2024

This is a part of the Super Saturday Sports Show that you can listen to as to keep up to date with all the things happening around the Apprenticeship Factory Kyabram District Football & Netball League.

The show airs on a weekly basis on a Saturday throughout winter hosted by Sam Saracino and Mark "The Stats Man" Owens, on ONE FM Shepparton Radio.

Special guest this week is the co-coach of the Merrigum Seniors Football team Darcy Collins.

This week's program first aired on Saturday the 29th of June, 2024 on ONE FM 98.5 Shepparton.

You can contact the station on or (+613) 58313131

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29 Jun 2024
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Hi and welcome to the Apprentice Factory, Chaiabum District League Show. This is a part of the Super Saturday Sports Show that you can listen to as to keep up to date with all things happening around the Chaiabum District League. This show airs on a weekly basis on a Saturday throughout winter and is hosted by Sam Saracito on one FM, Shepherd and Radio. So let's have a listen and see what they have got up to this week. FM 98.5 live and local sports sees us in the apprenticeship factory, Chaiabum District League football and netball show around 10 action across the course of this weekend ahead of the second general by of the season next weekend. The publicity officer Sam Saracino joins me. How are you Sam? Morning Statsy and Morning Listers, a bit fresher this morning Statsy and I think we're going to need our winter Woolies this afternoon and potentially our Brawleys with some rain forecast for this afternoon which has been rare on the Saturdays. We haven't seen a lot of rain but I think there might be a little bit coming this afternoon Statsy and looking forward to this interview. My favourite side in the KDL, Merigam, a two-eyed Barrick 4, unachamedly of course, Darcy Collins, the co-coach of the Merigam Football Club out at the Canalab. We've got your Darcy. Yeah, here, boy. Welcome Darcy, thanks for taking some time out on a busy Saturday, especially on game today. How things have been at the Merigam Football Football Club this season, tell us a little bit about just what's been happening and how things have been going, training, Thursday night tees and the like. Yeah, it hasn't been too bad. Obviously a few games haven't gone our way but we keep moving on. Numbers are training have been probably the best they've ever been with, haven't had many nights under the 2025, the first training before round one, we had 43 on the track which was actually hard to train for because you don't really expect that many numbers, so drills start getting longer and more cones come out and yeah, it starts flying around, it's good. Yep, Morgana K as well too. I see that the A-Great girls are there abouts and still well and truly in the mix to play finals. Yeah, the nipple has been holding the club up for a few years which has been good, they've won a few flags and yeah, they've been pretty consistent in the finals the last probably two or three years which has been good to the girls. Are you finding that your Thursday nights are really strong and you're getting members of the community down to the club as well, not just footballers and net ballers? Yeah, absolutely, the town sort of coming together again, getting the culture back to what it should be. There has been a lot of faces that I've never seen before turn up on a Thursday night, they usually stand around the fire and then head upstairs for dinner which has been unreal. Tell us a little bit about Darcy Collins and your journey in football and how you landed at the Merrigan Football Netball Club. So I'm originally from Little Town in New South Wales called Oakland, played probably a 200-odd game for the Bilbong Crows and then met my now fiancé and moved over to Shep, started off at the Shep Swans because the bottling laws were there so I just went there with them and then ended up going out to Merrigan through Muddy's cousin, Jack McMillan, he was assistant coach at the time so I moved out there, what was it, mid-2021, got two games in and then Covid shut us down and then yeah loved it because that's the sort of footy I grew up playing, just country footy, come back and then yeah, last year got injured with a knee and our coach at the time was unavailable for the last two weeks so I sort of got asked to do the board and then yeah, Andrew Parkinson, the president rang me, probably the start of October and said how do you feel about coach in full time and I said if you can find someone to do it with me, I'd be happy to and yeah, Holly put his hand up and yeah, I haven't really looked back, it's been a good journey especially under Holly's supervision he played, he'll probably get into me about this, he would have played nearly 500 games of footy and yeah, his knowledge is fantastic to learn from so yeah, I'm just being a sponge around him and just absorbing everything I can with him. How important is it to have someone like Holly, because I spoke to him last night off air and he's still playing and he's my age obviously and I'm happy to tell everyone how old I am and I'm 49 and Holly's 50, how important is it to still have someone like his stature on the field leading such probably what is a reasonably young side? It's next level, just having Holly's head on the ground, just to calm everyone down when things start getting a bit heated, just nothing faces him, he knows how to calm everyone down he's got that many different ideas for the club which is fantastic to watch him grow yeah, I don't think I'd be in the position I am now without Holly and the rest of the team behind me because yeah, it's been, it's been some ups and downs but yeah, Holly always been to find the positives in things so hats off to him, he's done an unreal job coming in especially as you said the coach and a very young side and he's just doing God's work on and off field just with crunching numbers, trying to work in with salary caps and points because I'm no good at that sort of stuff, I just sort of tell Holly what I've got and he makes a change into what he can fit in and yeah, we come together and that's how we do our thing, it's unreal. It's amazing to hear that DASP because obviously you both got your strength, you compliment one another, when you talk salary cap and points, how difficult is it every week? It must be challenging to juggle the player points, how many points do you guys play with because I know that every club is a little bit different in terms of their allocation, how many points do you guys have this year? We got 46 just because the last few years we've struggled a bit so we got an extra point from the league which has helped us a heap but yeah, it's not too bad at the moment. At the start of the year it was sort of getting a bit hairy but then a few blokes that said they'd played didn't play and then you sort of worked out, you'd save a bit of money for the club but at the moment I think we're sitting pretty comfortable points and salary cap was so it's been good but yeah, I didn't realise how difficult it actually was, I thought it was just yeah, pick a team all good but then you've got to go, oh geez, we've got, we're sitting at 48 points, we need to drop a play out, drop a 2 pointer and bring in a 1 pointer and then yeah, you sort of got to juggle a lot of things especially if there is a struggling for numbers as well, you can't really do too much to pinch out of them because you do want to see two games of footy getting played but as I say, like there's no senior side, there's no footy on a Sadie so yeah, it's been good especially with the two's coach, Zampa, Damon, he's doing phenomenal job as well, working with numbers as well and he knows that most weeks I'm coming to him going, I need to pinch a few players and he just goes, you know, here's what I've got, that's what you can take and yeah, he's doing an unreal job too. And it becomes an even bigger challenge as I was talking to Hawley about is the fact that you don't probably have an under 18 side, what sort of work is the club doing to potentially try and get some junior sides that would ultimately help because as we know, if you've got the soldiers which are the under 18s, you've got the army which are the seniors. Yeah, that's right, no, we're working around the clock since the start of the year to get a third side up. It's been difficult just with the amount of clubs that are around us and there's three different leagues, so it's hard to sort of pinch players from other leagues when they're no, they're comfortable, they've played there for a few years and they're not going off but what if they don't get a team up, what if they don't get a side up, so it's been difficult but the club is working tremendously towards having a third back because I haven't had a third at Merrigan since I was there my first year so I only seen two games of it and then that's when we had to pull the pin on the third, we just didn't have the cattle in there. Now tell us, I mean obviously thirds are important but you probably already started the focus on retention of players because then that helps you apply your points in terms of dropping for the following year which then probably gives you half a dozen extra points potentially up your sleeve to go and have a look at, okay, where's the gaps? Sorry, you cut out there, what'd you say, sorry. Sorry, what I was talking about is that if you can retain your playing list from this year, obviously a lot of those players would then drop a point which then helps for recruitment and what you might need to look at doing next year, have you already started to look at that? Absolutely, yeah, Holly's been all over that, we were trying very hard to pick up another A-grade football just before cut off just so we could get that four to six games into them and then drop them a point, especially if they're a five point player, you get them down to a four for the following year which helps heaps, they're very hard to come by, big name players at the moment, most of them are either Melbourne based and they're getting big dollars to play and it could stand at a footy or they've just been at the club around here for a long time and they're hard to part ways with what they've been with for a while. Yep, now we're talking to Darcy Collins, the co-cage from the Merigam Football Napole clubs, that's what we might do, we've got Darcy on the line, let's have a look at today's round 10 games and get some input from Darcy and yourself. We'll have a look at the Merigam course on Dira going first, and we'll course Merigam are able to spot the three wins this season, on Dira yet to win a game in 14 spot. Darcy, what do you have to do well do you think today, on Dira, I haven't won a game but it's not one that you can certainly take lightly because the conditions might probably play apart today, I reckon if we do get some rain. No, that's exactly right, I'm Dira, they're battling but I hope that's off to them for turning up each week and building two sides every week. I think if we just play our basic brand of footy and play a team game then I think we can run away with the points, it'd be nice. How important is someone like a Jack Gasco and who's come to your club from Kyabram and he's been a real revelation, he's leading your goal kicking and he's kicked a couple of bags of goals when you have won some games, how important will he be today? My young junior, he's going to play a very important part today, being a small forward, especially in the conditions that I meant to happen, he should hopefully get on the end of another four or five this week, I'm hoping because he's been playing some tremendous footy, only being small but he plays as a tall which is fantastic. He kicked five and nine goals last week in the last last week to have and also, yeah, only five goals he sees and as you said. He's been good stats, do you give under any chance? They've got Riley Moon up forward, another forward who the Merigam defence with Darcy Collins defensively, it calls to coach who we're talking to currently, might keep their hands full a little bit but of course Riley Moon is an ex-maroot in the junior, vice captain of the club at Undira but I think Merigam at home should be too strong. I think the Bulldogs have been pretty competitive in most of their games and I think they'll see this as a real winnable game and I think they'll be too good for Undira, I think they'll have too much firepower up forward so let's have a look at the next game. Lancaster in second spot take on Dookie United in ten spot, eight wins to Lanky in a draw this season, Dookie United with the three wins six loss ratio. He's seen both of these sides this year, Darcy obviously got the chocolates against Dookie to give Dookie United any chance against Lanky today. I think if Kyle Tapscott can get on the few, get on the end of a few I think they will early trouble Lanky but I think Zach Serone will be too strong in the middle and Lanky will probably come away by about ten or twelve goals in the end. Stacey are you with Darcy there, yeah he's ranked four and the goal picking Zach Serone isn't he at the moment, he's one of my favourites for the McNamara medal. 38 goals, 38 goals he's season and of course leading goal kicker in 20-20 for as well. Yeah look I think they're just going to have too many weapons for Dookie United. I think I'm with Darcy, I think that Dookie will challenge him early, Dookie's been really good early in most games but they just haven't been able to sustain it for the four quarters so for me I think it'll be the only Premier that'll be too strong and yeah like Darcy probably win by about ten goals. Next one Stacey, the home are killing Heidi and the home in a foul as well at town in thirteen spot the one win this season eight losses take on Gagari in twelve spot with the one and eight record as well both clubs would see this as an opportunity. Definitely Darcy played Gagari on a Sunday and they got you by a goal, do you think that they'll be a bit too good for Volotown today? Yeah I think with the blokes that Jacob got up forward with Stevie Phillips I think that he's going to get on the end of a few today and I think it may end up being a fair probably a 12-14 goal win for Jig, they're just going to be, they'll run out of the midfield it's probably a bit higher than Volotown but I think Volotown has still got enough players to make it competitive and they'll just keep charging away, charging away but I think Jig will get on top in the end. Brady Webster's back for Volotown today but on thinking the same I'm thinking Jig, Brian Dryden in the rock, I've been talking about him all year for Gagari, I mean he's just going to win their best and fairer's by his streak, he's a great footballer. He is and then you know I've got some other players that have been good, Josh Moreno, Riley Cowley's been good, your man from Kai, the hyphened name Palmer Lubbmann? Yeah even Palmer Lubbmann who was a top junior at Kai a couple of years ago leading goal kicker in the under-eight aims a couple of seasons back. Yeah and that's what I think is that they'll just have too much firepower so I think Jig for me two, the next one's that's it. Mergerson to Lambert keep rolling along on top, eight wins, the one draw, that was a gang's lanky earlier this year, take on Telly Garoutner in seventh spot, the five wins, four losses in season. Give the opposition here any chance or did you think Mergers to Lambert will be too strong? I think Merch, they're a step above the majority of nearly all the league. I think James Lloyd's a big big chance of kicking his hundreds today. Yeah but yeah, Jig, Merch have just got too many players that are a step above especially they're mid-jared with James Milne, Ashton Cash and getting a feed from divine in the middle. I can't see Telly getting close to Merch today. Statsey, you saw Telly a couple of weeks go out at Rushworth and it was a really tight, close game where Telly just got over the line in that last quarter. Do you give him any chance against Merch to Lambert? Merch just look at, as Dar said, it's just a well-balanced team. They've got good players in every third of the ground and for Telly, Telly's top end is really good but I think they probably fall away. I don't, the only way I can really see Telly troubling Merch is until every Bren Ajo can kick a bag up forward for Telly Groot. That happens, they might be some slight chance but Merch is until Amber like of course Darcy said. I think they've just got too many across all lines for Telly at the moment. Do you think Darcy and Statsey may be Darce first? The fact that there might be some rain around and Merch are a much taller team. Do you think that that could impact in any way? It'll definitely play a part that they've got enough smalls around the footy that if, obviously if Lloyd's not going to get used, then they're going to go to Cash and so I think either Lloyd or Cash will have a big day in front of the big six. Do you agree, Statsey, that even though they've got some tall timber like Borg, Lloyd and Divine down back and then they've obviously got James Lloyd and his other brother up forward Aiden, then Ryan, Divine through the middle. They seem to have a lot of tall timber but do you think that that is a concern at all? I don't think so because looking at the forecast, it might rain consistently but it's not going to rain heavy or a lot too. I believe the rain's going to come in about midday today and stay with us till about nine o'clock tonight so I suppose it gets there and the hell heavy the rain's going to be but I saw a merchant till amber in that grand final a couple of years ago slug it out with Lancaster on that horrendously wet grand final two years ago and look they didn't win it but they were in it for a long way against one of the best sides of the 20-noughties. Yep, definitely definitely but yeah so yeah we're all going for merch. Let's have a look at the next one, Statsey. Of course let's have a look at Nagambi taking on stand out. Nagambi in fifth spot the six and three record take on stand open six spot with a six and three record. This is going to be a bit of a bowder I think. Yeah definitely will I think Darcy this is one of those eight point games. Who do you like here? This will be pretty tight I reckon. I think Nagambi will run away with it just with the use of Blake and Nathan positive in the middle especially if Jono Moore is up and about he's pretty hard to stop if coming out of full forward. Bane on across half back will probably have a field day and have 25 in a set mark like he has against us the last probably two times we've battled with him. But we haven't come across stand out yet so I haven't seen much of their side but I think Big Tom Rennie can probably get on the end of a few today and Nathan O'Reilly will probably cause a headache in the middle as long as as they can nullify the stand out mid I think at Nagambi will run away with it in the end. Statsy I'm only going for Nagambi because it's at Nagambi today Daniel Flynn kicked five goals last week in their big win over Rushworth five of their seven eight goals he's kicked 14 for the season and yeah look Mark Wilson's been having a really good year in that midfield for a course in the Gambia as well of course we know he's played out at Key Law Park in the Essen and District Football League and has played some amos at pegs as well so he's kicked 16 goals I think this year kicked for a last week as well so I've got a feeling that they just might have too much midfield class with the father gills but wouldn't surprise me if it goes the other way but Nagambi at home. Yeah and look Big's is back playing too for Nagambi and then as Darcy said John I'm always back Dave came in him obviously share the rock duties and they've got you know a good group of young players who have got some good leg speed so I think yeah just Nagambi just I don't think there'll be much in it. Let's have a look at the next ones Statsy. Of course the final game on the Saturday they're six games and at one tomorrow Rushworth ironbark stayed him in ninth spot with the 30 wins six losses host Shepard and East in third spot with the eight and one record in season 2024. Do you give the the men from the ironbark stadium any chance Stats? I think that Liam Olderton, I was looking very big Rockman will be a good battle for Tom McCloskey but I think he'll be a bit more agile around the ground and when we played Rushy they come out like a house on fire and kick the first three goals so it wouldn't be surprising if they do the same as Shepard but I think vids as boys will just keep a calm head and yeah I think big Jake Sutherland will probably have another big day in front of goals like he did last week I think yeah Shepard is just going to be too strong in the end. Statsy. Yeah brought up 50 goals last week Jake Sullivan with a bag of 15 and calls to former Abinal leading goal kicker coming out of 2022 and yeah you got his eyes when he's met up forward and McCloskey in the Rock and look I like what Rushworth are doing they got those Arnold's in the midfield they picked up from White Hills in that Bendigo area but I think Shepard and East they're only lost his season last far as being to Lancaster so I think they're going to be way too strong for Rushworth. Yeah I think they'll have too much firepower so I think they'll win at this game and remain in that mixed to challenge merch and thank you for the top two. Let's have a look at the last one Statsy just very quickly because I know that the broadcast boy is tomorrow we'll have a look at this in a bit more depth. Yeah of course I call it the road Derby the Abinal Longwood Road of course the old Hume Highway back in the day Longwood in 11th spot with the three wins six losses this season Abinal in four spot tracking okay with the seven wins and two losses. Yeah those two losses have come to Shepard and East and merge for Abinal but otherwise they've been able to take care of the rest. Matt Hoy is doing a really good job down there. Look Longwood's was chasing four wins in a row last week but just got beaten by Dukie United in Patty McMullen's milestone game by Gull. They would have been disappointed with that because I reckon they would have set themselves for that. This will be another one that set themselves for be tight but I like the fact that Abinal will have been able to take care of business against those teams below them on the ladder. So Das who do you think? I think Abinal will be too strong but there will be only a kick or two in it. I think the two for most the brothers in the middle for Longwood will cause headaches today. They just know how each other play and they're very hard to stop when they're on a roll. But I think Abinal's Brad and Evola will cause huge headaches for the boys in the midfield and especially if he sneaks forward who will get on the end of a few. He did that to us last week. We just couldn't control him at times but I think Abinal too strong by probably a kick or two. Stacey, who do you like? I like Abinal. I can't wait to see their side because they've got a lot of influx as we know from Broadford. A couple of plays in from Wallen. Now I'm going to probably mark his surname up but I'll be really interested to see this Alex Crinko. I think that's how you pronounce it. C-R-N-K-O. He's only a youngster still. They're picking up from Wallen in the offseason. He's a gun, loves a goal. He's kicked 23 this season already and I think he played in Wallen's under 19. Premise it back in 2022. So really looking forward to see that forward mixed with of course Dylan Hoistead for Abinal. Yeah that'll be a good game but I think yeah Abinal. Now Dast, thank you so much for taking some time out this morning. Good luck today and good luck for the rest of the season. Unreal thanks for having me boys. That was Darcy Collins from the Merrigan football netball club. We'll go to a breakstats and then we'll come back and have a look at the A-grade netball. Admona Primary School takes pride in providing every child an opportunity in learning with highly qualified and passionate staff from the local area. Check us out. Search Admona Primary School online and take our virtual tour. Our culture is clear and present in all aspects of the school. Our school takes a lead in supporting individualised student learning programs and is known as one of the most popular schools in the local region. Search Admona Primary School today or find us on Facebook. 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So call Michael on 042 725282 and visit us at 115 McLennan Street or messages on Facebook. One FM sponsor. One FM live and local sport. We are in the Kyber and District League Apprenticeship Factory footy show and netball show. About to have a look at the netball and of course Lancaster on top the 9 and 0 record take on Dookie United who are in full spot the 7 and 2 record. This will be a cracker. Certainly will be a huge statement win by Lanky again last week. Too good for Gagari. I must admit I put my hand up. I did go for Jig but Lanky were outstanding. Dookie have been really good. Big challenge here for Laura Henderson and her. Probably defensive third to try and nullify Lanky and I think that's what's going to be the difference in the end. You know Chiquita Vic up there and Casmo Holland are going to be pretty crucial. I think that will be the difference in the end. I think Lanky just another really big game. Violet Town in Pip's spot dropped their last three. A six and three record take on Gagari in third spot the seven and two record. Both coming off the back of losses and both will be very keen to turn it around. I think the better balanced team here right across the court is probably Gagari and I think if they can get on top early and certainly make the most of their opportunities in their attacking third through Jack Garn and a few of the other girls in that attacking third I think they can win this one. American 11th spot with the three wins take on Andira until spot the one win. Good win by American last week on the road. The girls had a thriller one-goal win. They'll be looking for two on the on the bounce and to you know stay in the mix for that bottom end of the six. I think that they'll be too strong front Deera. Mergers and Tlambra in nine spot take on Tally Grootner and Tim's spot. Had a massive win last week. The grasshopper girls against Andira and they'll certainly fancy themselves against Tally Grootner. Tally have you know turned their team over a little bit this year and had some change. I think Mergers and Tallyamba might be able to get them stats to make it two wins on the bounce and and also keep their top six aspirations alive. Another interesting game at Nagambi netball courts. Nagambi in six spot with the five and four record take on stand open seven spot with the five and four record. Eight point game in the footy eight point game in the netball. This will be tight flip of the coin and probably going for Nagambi's got some experience through their back third and through their attacking third. I think they might be able to get the chocolates. We're on the iron barks day in netball courts today. Rusworth hosting Shepna Nice. Rusworth still looking for their first win in season 2024. Shepna Nice the bunny had the one whilst seven wins. Yeah they're going really well the Shep B skills and Kate Dirling one of the co-coaches. We'll probably look to mix it up today and and probably throw her magnets around and she even talked about potentially blooding one or two of their juniors just to give them that opportunity at a grade level. I think that yeah they'll be too strong for the Rusworth girls at iron barks stadium today on the netball courts and of course tomorrow longwood in third aim spot in the road. Darby calls with the one win this season take on Avinol in eight spot who have got the five and four record and it's set to pounce if they can win tomorrow and take over from even the game be all stand up who got the same record. Yeah look Avinol were in the six and that lost last week that thrilling one goal loss to Merigam bumped them out of the six so they'll be pretty disappointed that they let that opportunity slip through their fingers at home. Look I think that they will be on the ball and will certainly be keen to make amends get that four points and make sure that they don't fall too far behind because as we can see statsy at that bottom end of the ladder six seven eight five you know it's all tight and then even as we said you wouldn't discount Merigam or merchant to Lambeau if results go according to plan today and they win they'll certainly be you know keeping that pressure on those teams that are sitting in you know fifth and sixth so yeah I think Avinol should get the win today. Yes and of course Sammy next week it's a general buy the second one of the season what do you think of that concept having a general buy I think it's a great idea for participants I think it's a fantastic idea what are your thoughts. Yeah look at the fact that it falls into school holidays I can see that it makes sense the KDL is not the only league that have got a general buy next week I see that the GV got a split round Murray league don't play and the Pakal league don't play so there's not much football that goes on on that middle weekend of the school holidays in winter I guess it gives people an opportunity to get away refresh recharge your batteries some of those ones that like to go up to the snow now Statsy yeah look I'm all for it I think it's just a really good time of the year to have a break because when you look at it you know winter probably started a little bit early this year I mean everyone said you know June 1's winter but I recall having my daughters 18th on May 12th which was Mother's Day week later it the temperature dropped from about 21 I reckon the 15 so we dropped by six and then we've seen some pretty cold days some frost say yeah I'm more for it thanks Sammy that's a wrap for the KDL show thanks I'll see you in a fortnight you certainly will if you have enjoyed the show then please let us know what you think at our socials one FM super Saturday sport on Facebook and Twitter and tune in from 8am next week to find out more Till next week, goodbye!