98.5 ONE FM Podcasts

Activities in the Park with GSCC's Ariyana Gant

This interview first aired on Wednesday the 26th of June, 2024 on ONE FM 98.5 Shepparton.

One FM fill-in breakfast announcer Plemo interviews Ariyana Gant about the Greater Shepparton Get Mooving Activities in the Park program.

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Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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You're listening to a 1FM podcast. Ah, activities in the park. Part of the Get Moving Greater Shepperton initiative. It provides an opportunity for residents and visitors to explore the region, to engage with their community. Activities for all ages. Ariana now joins Plemmo on one FM 98.5. Good morning Ariana, good morning Plemmo. Good morning Ariana, how are you today? I'm great, how are you? Not too bad, I just wait waiting for the rain to come. It hasn't come yet. So, across my fingers, hopefully it'll rain and I'll get some sleep this afternoon. But let's not talk about the weather. Let's talk about all the fantastic activities you guys have got lined up for the start of the school holidays. On the 30th of June, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. balloon play. Talk to me. Well, balloon play, it's funny, it's exactly what it sounds like. We are going to get together and on the, I guess it's gonna be a pretty long session. It's funny enough, I'm actually looking at our website at the moment and I noticed it said 10 to three and I was like, that's a long session. It's actually 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. So I'll make that adjustment. Okay, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Okay. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, this upcoming Sunday, over at NIAC or the Meruipn Education and Activity Center. We're gonna play kipi-uppi and just look at some balloon animals, learn how to make some balloon animals. Pretty much any type of balloon play you can think of with the exception of water balloons. We're gonna do that day. Say the water balloons for summer. Now kipi-uppi, is that the Olympic sport? I think it should be the way that it's played in my house because our dog plays, my husband plays, we all play. Yeah, it's amazing how easily you can hurt your back while reaching to keep that balloon that's insignificant in the air. It's a serious sport that a lot of people take serious. Yeah. As far as balloons go. Now, let's talk about nature. There's lots of, nature heavy coming into the start of the school holidays. On the 2nd of July, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. you've got a scavenger hunt out in the nature. Yes, it's funny that you're talking about how much nature is going on because I love that we're still pushing people to go outside. It's funny because a friend of mine, her name's Andy, she always says there's no bad weather, just being dressed badly for weather. And I want everybody to keep that in mind as we go into all these activities 'cause they're outside but we can stay warm. And the first one is the nature scavenger hunt. It's right in Queens Garden. So it's not like it's so big that like it's going to take y'all a day or several hours. You can kind of come and go as you choose. You and the kids will be able to kind of walk around and it doesn't have to just be little kids. This can also be teens and just a variety of ages. We're going to get a little seat of what's applying and they're going to go around and do exactly what it sounds like. It's a scavenger hunt but instead of like finding little objects, it's going to be things that are related to nature. So no Pokemon but lots of nature to be learned about. - Yes, and study, you're exactly right. It could be a little bit like Pokemon Go. - Yeah, gotta catch 'em all. Is that what it is? Gotta catch 'em all. We've gotta get 'em all. - That's exactly the phrase. Pokemon Go's awesome. I actually like that game. - Oh, do you? Okay. We won't go into details. I didn't pick you. Being activities in the park. I never picked you to be a computer nerd. But there you go. - Well, you don't have to be a computer nerd to play Pokemon Go. I lived in Hong Kong when that first came out and it just took over the city. And it's an app. You can have fun and you could get prizes. It was great. - Oh, that's the one where you walk around, looking for stuff. - Yes, that's the one that's that one is. It's an app. It's Pokemon Go. It completely had an interface with the grid of the city. So it was fun. - Yep. Look, I've got an admission to make. I actually play the Jurassic World version of that. And I'm out catching dinosaurs while walking koo-joo some days. So uh... - Well, there you go. - I shouldn't tease you too much, should I? - Ah, it's not fun. - Now, the third of July, you've got more root in the community planting going on from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. - Yeah, we've got, I do want to just mention the mergers in one since it's on the same day as the nature scavenger hunt. If that's okay with you. - Yeah, that's fine. - Yeah, I mean, we're doing a series of community planting. This is in partnership with the River Connect Program Council, which always is trying to work on, obviously, connecting our community to all the natural waterways throughout the region, having an emphasis on, you know, environmental conservation, that sort of thing. But whenever we get together and we actually plant, it gives people an opportunity to socialize as well as it helps the environment. And also learn about the plant. So on the second, which is obviously this upcoming Sunday as well, I'm sorry, not this Sunday, that's the balloons. When is this? It's on the Tuesday, that's right. I had to do math in my head really quick. - Sunday's a scavenger hunt. - Yes, it's the same day as the scavenger hunt on the Tuesday. And that's gonna be from two to three, we'll be in Murchison. And that's one of our first ones for the community planting. And there will be street. I think I should mention that 'cause I don't know, maybe everybody in Murchison, there's exactly where to go, but I want it. So we'll be street as well, we'll be for that. And then the next day on the Wednesday, we'll be in Murchison at the same time from two to three. And we're gonna meet at the Heathmont Estate. And I guess I'll talk about the third one, and then just describe a little bit more about what they actually are. So that's all right with you. - Yep, go ahead. - The last one will actually be out in Dookie. And that's gonna be on the fourth. And again, that's from two to three, but we'll be at Perdita Street. So all of these are essentially the same activity in different places, but it's the community coming together to just increase vegetation. And some of this is gonna be actual vegetables, but a lot of it's just gonna be, what do they call it when it's just kind of coverage? - Scrub. - Yeah. (laughing) - Scrub, is that right? - Yeah, but yeah, they're plants. I mean, look, we need more plants, and that's what we're doing to get out there. And it's also that an educational element to it. - Well, there's an extremely alarming percentage that's on these activities. And it says, "Did you know there's less than 2%, less than 2% of native vegetation left in Greater Shepperton?" That's amazing. - Yeah, it is, actually. And I wouldn't have known, and this is what's so great about River Connect and working with them, because we usually focus, I mean, we do focus some on, you know, different educational activities and things like that. But we're more about like the fun, get moving, get active, and if it's gonna be mental, physical, health and wellbeing, we have to usually work with River Connect to get involved with the environmental activities, but they put so much effort into helping to learn all of these things. And as somebody that obviously is a from Greater Shepperton, I'm always amazed by like how gorgeous the birds are and how unique all the plants are. So it's actually something that somebody like myself would really enjoy, 'cause I like to learn more about what is native to this region. So it's a great chance for people to get out and see it, because yes, it's less than 2% if we don't do something about it in 10 years, some of that stuff won't even be here anymore. - Yeah, I know, look, I've lived here 90% of my life, and I had no idea, absolutely no idea. And I dare say a lot of our listeners would have no idea that less than 2% of native vegetation left in Greater Shepperton, but that's all right, because activity's in the park. Well, you guys are helping re-vegetate the yordi order. Merchants and community planting on the second July, two to three p.m., third of July from two to three p.m., at the Maroon community planting. And the fourth of July, the DeMuke Dookie community planting between two and three p.m., so you're doing a great job at re-vegetating the Goblin Valley. - Yeah, let's hope that this is just the beginning. - Yeah, well, thank you very much for taking some time out this morning to speak to me today, Ariana. - Always a pleasure, thank you so much, I'll talk to you soon. - Yep, I'm gonna speak to you next week, 98.5, but one FM live and local, that was Ariana from activities in the park. 2% of native vegetation left in Greater Shepparton. I had no idea. I had no idea, did you have an idea? I had no clue. I can remember being out like our rumba, out the bush, as a kid, and there'd be like a flock of hundreds of budgery guards, and I don't think I've seen that for 30 years, maybe 35 years. You just don't see that many budgies out in the bush anymore. But 2% of native vegetation is left. Wow, we have slaughtered the place, that's not good, 98.5, 1FM. You've been listening to a 1FM podcast.