AI-Powered Marketing - Conversations about AI , and digital marketing

Unlock 13P Sales Funnel Formula by Gusten Sun | #216

Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
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Welcome back to the AI powered marketing show, where we explore the intersection of artificial intelligence with cutting edge digital marketing strategy. If you are a digital marketer and entrepreneur or a tech enthusiast, you are in the right place. I'm your host, Keith Bell. Welcome. Today, we're diving into a game changing strategy that can significantly boost your sales and marketing effort. It's called the ultimate 13P sales funnel formula created by the renowned Guston Sunt. Guston is known as the celebrity funnel builder. Guston has been highlighted on sales funnel resources website and is praised by Russell Brunson himself. So let's get started. Welcome to the digital marketing revolution. This is the AI powered marketing show, where the future of marketing is not just imagine, it's already here. Are you an entrepreneur, a digital marketer, or a tech enthusiast, then you're in the right place. Every day, we explore the cutting edge tools that help you manifest and monetize your expertise through the power of funnel hubs, supercharged with artificial intelligence. Unlock the secrets of turning your expertise into a digital powerhouse. From actionable insights to transformative strategies, we've got you covered. Now, let's dive into the world where AI meets marketing, where ideas meet execution, and where you meet success. Your journey to marketing mastery starts here. Here's your host, Keith Bell, bringing the future of marketing to you today. Welcome back, everybody, and let's begin with the first peak promise. Here the goal is to grab your audience's attention from the get go. Think about what your potential customers really want and how you provide it effortlessly. It's all about crafting a promise that hooks them instantly. Now, typically, when you design a page, this order is going to be from top to bottom. So the promise is going to be at the very top of the page and then so forth as we go down. Next, we address the problem at stake. What are your audience's current struggles? Identifying these pain points creates urgency and relevance. This brings us to the third peak, pain points. Dive deeper into the issues that your audience faces by acknowledging their struggles you build, empathy, and trust. So once the problem and the pain are clear, bring in the proof of results, showcase your credibility with success stories, media features, and testimonials, just demonstrating your expertise builds trust and shows you can deliver results. Now it's time for the process. Introduce your neat method for achieving the desired outcome. Create any breakthrough moments or unique strategies that lead to this approach. Then we have the positioning of offer. Clearly show why your solution is the best option available. What sets your offer apart from the competition? This is where you highlight your unique selling points. The next step is the no brainer deal price anchoring. Boy, that's a mouthful. Using a price reference to emphasize the value of your offer, it's about making your offer irresistible by showcasing its worth. Incorporate testimonials to build further trust. People trust what other people say more than what you say about yourself. Use testimonials, case studies, and endorsements to let your satisfied customers speak for you. Next, address the pushback reflex. By tackling any fears or hesitations, offer risk-free guarantees to eliminate doubts. Making clear there's no risk involving and taking the next step. Next up, we have the purpose of offer. Explain why you're making this offer. If it seems too good to be true, clarify your reasons. Perhaps it's a special promotion or a way to introduce a new product. Next, we talk about the persona. Tailor your solution to specific niches or business types to ensure everyone feels included. This personalization makes your offer more relevant and appealing. Create a sense of urgency or priority. Introduce elements of scarcity or time limits to promote immediate action. Make it clear why they need to act now. Finally, provide next steps. Answer FAQs and clear up any confusion about the offer. Make it easy for your audience to take the next step. Guide them through the process to ensure they know exactly what to do. Now let's look at some real-life examples of funnel hubs, websites that use this formula effectively. ClickFunnels. They implement this formula to attract customers and demonstrate their platform's effectiveness. Digital Marketer. They promote their courses and services by highlighting the promise, problem-proof, and positioning of their offers. Tony Robbins uses his formula market his events, programs, and coaching services focused on pain points, proof of results, and the purpose of the offering. These examples show how businesses use the Ultimate 13-P sales funnel formula to effectively communicate their value, build trust, and convert visitors into customers. That's all for today's episode of the AI-powered marketing show. I hope this breakdown of the Ultimate 13-P sales funnel formula was insightful and actionable. Remember, connecting with your audience, addressing their needs, and guiding them smoothly through a journey, is key to a successful sales funnel. Thanks for tuning in, until next time, keep innovating, keep iterating, and stay ahead of the curve. Take care, see you in the next episode. This newsletter has you covered. Don't miss out on the chance to supercharge your marketing efforts. Subscribe now. Just click the link in the show notes to sign up today, and remember, the future of marketing is here and it's powered by AI. See you in the newsletter. (upbeat music)