Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Basra 23, 24a

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21 Jul 2024
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All right, Huff Bayes on the base, it's about 10 lines from the bottom, there's a new mission, huh? The issues with this park are distancing things that you have even though it's rightfully in your property but since you have a neighbor and you have to be sensitive to your neighbor, you have to maybe deal with things a little bit differently in your own property. So, what you can assess is, let's say you have a ladder in your property. There's a wall in between your property and the other property. However, in the other property, your neighbor has a little, I want to call it, a birdhouse, a dove cold, a little place where the birds are. Now, certainly, we have cats, I'm familiar with, the cats love the birds. Let's eat the birds. If you have a sullum on your side, you have to distance it. Mina shawivath, shawivath is, I guess, the birdhouse. Arba ama, at least four ama, so wait, why? It's called tik baizan demiya. Demiya is a weasel, some sort of little creature that loves attacking birds. Now, not that it can't climb up the ladder and then walk along the wall, but it's a lot better if it didn't climb up the ladder and surprise it and jump right into the birdhouse. That's the way I'm assuming the concern is. Es haque eso minama escreila, you would also distance the, as we actually saw on Friday. If you have a wall, even though you're in your own property, you have to distance the wall from the drain pipe for Amos. Why? Kedishei zeike, if it's a sullum. There's rights that the person has who's got the house and the drain pipe to be able to set up a ladder to climb up. I'm not sure why he can't climb up on the front side or the other side. And not clear about that. You just make it a mitzius, wait, doesn't have those sides. It could be. It could be. I mean, okay. All the sides. Could be. We could make a new character for that, but anyway, you have to leave the ability of somebody who's got something that they would I have drain pipes like this. You have to go up at least once you're just cleaning the leaves out. So for sure, you have to be able to have access to it. Okay. Says to the camera, lema must distance a little kibyosi. Why? What a kibyosi. Do you kibyosi? Ha amar. I think we had kibyosi not that long ago. He's the one who said, listen, you're in your property. Do what you want to do in your property. Zeike, for a beside shallot, this one could dig a bore in his property up until the property line. Does that know you take up his actual life and the other one can plant a tree in his property as long as it's in his property? So should we then say that this mission is not like kibyosi? No. I feel the same way, kibyosi. Ha amar ravashi, because ravashi explained when he was learning by his rashi shiva. Kia vinan, when we were a beyravkan, in the way of Svetashrov Ghanah, have a amar. Maite ribyosi, big giri de lei. Giri de lei is a giri de dei. Giri de dei is literally his arrows, which would mean a immediate possible damage, which would be in the case of planting a tree. Don't tell me what's going to be in three years. The roots are going to grow into your property. Or planting a bore. If there's no damage there, but this is a giri de lei. Hakanami, so too, this would actually, it seems a bit far-fetched, but imagine the person who's got the hatsar on this side is placing the ladder. And literally, as he places the ladder against the world right near the shiva, one of these weasels jumps on to the top rung and jumps into the birdhouse. Hakanami zimnin, de bahadi de manach lei. We have to basically have to make it so that it's not even like a minute delay, or five second delay, but as he's moving the sulam. So bahadi de manach lei, when he's placing the sulam, next two words, I perfectly are taken out. Kaftsa, the little weasel is jumping up and gets right to the birds. Great timing. Okay, even though that's the case though, isn't it still? It's not a direct damage. She's not directly damaged. It's a grommavaha, grommahu. So isn't grommav going to remove the person who's responsible one level and therefore make it okay? Well, not necessarily. Amoraph tobi, barmasana or tobi, barmasanas, isomeras. Grommav sometimes takes your liability away. However, grommav has been zikin. When it comes to damages, it's osser. Okay, now even according to the mandama who normally doesn't give much credibility to some, it's grommav. If it's a direct damage and you were directly gyrimit, you would be liable or responsible. Reviosaif, we circled. He had some palm trees. You can see there's big palm trees, middle size churches, huge little big palm trees, so the big palm trees, they were just regular palm trees. So they were little palm trees. Anyway, that's what he had. What about it? Umne, vyasvi, tutaius, so the common medical practice in those days was bloodletting. The bloodletters would come and they would sit, not on the side of his property, on the other side, and they would, and my wife would probably be very disgusted, but they would offer their services of bloodletting people, and there'd be lots of blood there. And apparently, like in Alfred Hitchcock horror movies, the ravens are attracted to the blood. They go together. So, Vazorvi and these ravens would come. Athly, Daman, they would enjoy the blood, I know, like I said, like human blood. Salki, and then, again, it's like years of change. Vyasvi, bit, tali, and then they would come over here, they'd have the blood, and oh, look at that, you know, we want to be safe, we don't want to be shoot away, we don't want to be shot, so they would go up into the palm trees, and that's really not nice to have human blood all over your date. Or dates, who miffs the deed, Tamri? Okay, that was the case. So, Vyasvi has these palm trees, there's the bloodletters over there. Amar-la-hu-re-veusif. So, Vyasvi says to the bloodletters, "Hey, fellas. Afiki-li-kork-or-me-he-he-he." Can you get rid of the core? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which is basically the sound that a raven makes. Like, you know, you can't do this over here because you're bringing the ravens. The ravens are ruining my dates. Amar-la-e-a-b-y-a-b-y-a-sest-re-veusif. This is Rebi, he says, "One second, you can't ask those people to leave. Vyas-grom-a-hu." They're not directly damaging your dates, they're causing it, but they're not directly doing it. Amar-la-e-a-so says back-re-veusif. Yeah, but Huk-a-mura-of-tou-vee-bar-masna-sois-a-mura-as-grom-a-miniz-alk-in-us-a-which-a-saw-that. Right, it's only a grom-a, but it's a grom-a-min-a-case of damages, that should be forbidden. It says back, I believe, I don't know what the article says, but I think this is a back-and-forth. Vaha-a-a-zik-le-hu. And there's a hazaka that these bludders, they've been doing it for years. Like everyone knows, I guess you can go on Monday and Thursday, and if you need to get some bloodlet, you can enjoy their services. Well, ha-amar-of-knach-men. Again, I don't know if this is an amar-la-a-mar-la-a-l-a of just the gomara-back-and-forth. I believe it's probably a back-and-forth. But I guess then reveals who would say back, well, one second. We have a statement of Rab-naaf-man, Amra-bar-vua. Ain-kazak-le-nizake. A person can establish a hazaka that something's theirs. But they can establish a hazaka if it's something that, from the onset, would have been damaging to somebody else. Can't have a hazaka to continue doing damaging to someone else? I am assuming it says back-a-bai-a-va-la of it-mar-a-la, but one second. Did we have a statement qualifying that? Rab-muri-amar-bikutra-rosid-amar-bai-bas-ha-kise. That that which we say there's no hazaka when it comes to the hazaka is for very limited things. Not for everything, but only let's say I have a furnace. And the furnace builds out smoke right next to your property. That's what we say in the hazaka-l-nizake. So I can't come and say, you can come and knock on my door so this is horrible, so I had enough of the smoke. I can't say, well, it's been there for four years, you know, it's fees. So like, no, no hazaka or resid would say it's a basicise. Listen, I like your words, but that basicise you got on the other side, you got to get rid of it. It's been there for like, you know, three, four years, you never complain. No, there's not, but only those cases. Amar-lay, so if Yoshi says, yeah, only those cases, but you know, that which is icky or not nice or smells or disgusts a person is a little bit subjective. And I, says Riviosef, and I am a very sensitive person, a very finicky person. And Anina says Riviosef. "Hannu la di di da Anina da toi," like everyone knows, I think he's in the shot. So if you place it, he's the one who's a bit finicky. "Ki kutru" basically say "dummy," which I don't think in the typical western world these days, human blood dripped by ravens onto dates would be very appetizing to just about anyone. So it certainly can understand. Riviosef would say that, listen, it might not be so disgusting to other people, but I just, I don't want to have other people's blood dripped on the dates that I'm going to want to pick shortly and eat. Okay, and therefore, blood letters, you gots to go. "Marquicanes a chevacmina yir" says the "mishnachamishimama." So if you have a, I guess we're on birdhouses now, you have a birdhouse, and now birdhouses you chevas a bird. And lots of birds, great if you like birds. We're certainly familiar with this. We're more familiar with the bird poo that gets all over the window sills, and the trissim, and the bird pessets, and cars, and streets, and everything. But "Marquicanes a chevacmina" is more your concern, maybe the bird might eat stuff, certainly, if you had fields, the birds would come and eat the rain. So you have to, if you have a birdhouse, you have to distance it, "mina yir chamishimama." There's out in the fields, and there's in the city. Even if it's on your own property, you want to put one, you got to make sure it's 50 amas with this 50 ama. Distancing is some sort of limitation that the birds would have. And a person cannot make a chevac in his own property, a new birdhouse. A new birdhouse, a chevacmina yir chamishimama le chorua. It's basically got to have 50 amas in all directions. However, there's another opinion review, who we underline. The distance that you have to have is arba kourin, which is a much larger distance than 50 ama. The arba kourin here is malle shiger hyena. That's essentially the distance that a bird would fly in one fly. They might stop and then fly further, but in one full swoop, that's where they can go to. 50 amas, excuse me, arba kourin, arba kourin is if you figure out arba kourin in each direction, it comes out to about 270, 280 amas, which is maybe five or six times the distance. V'im l'okhai, however, if you're not setting this up to start out with, but you purchased it, and it already was like that, then you need a much smaller distance. In other words, if the person you're purchasing it from already had established, it has the right to have this birdhouse there, then a filubase rova. Base rova is a tiny percentage of that. It comes out to about ten amas in each direction. So if you're purchasing somebody's property, and you're purchasing the property in the birdhouse, as long as there's about ten amas in each direction, you're good. Hareh, hu ba kascas sai. You can piggyback off of the previous kazaka that was established, assuming that that person, whoever the neighbor's worth at the time, he appeased them, and they all agreed that it was okay. Okay, so from the mission it seems like, at least the first part of the mission of the Tanacam would say, "How far do the birds go?" They have to be concerned, 50 amas. Really, the person's only going to go 50 amas. 75 feet, 100 feet, no more. Chameeshi mama, v'estullo asstagumora. We have a brice, the brice goes to the end of the next line. And it seems like we're concerned that birds fly much further than that. Because this Tanacam says, "Ain porsten nishpinn le yenen." Now, there's no problem catching birds that are hefger. There's a big problem catching birds that belongs to your neighbor, Bob. So you're not allowed to set up nets to catch birds. L.A.m. Kanhaya rakhutminayeshuv, unless you are distanced, unless you are how far away from inhabited areas where people would keep birds, schleishim ris. Now, schleishim ris comes out to, each one is about 2,000. Now, it's about four mil, two and a half miles. That's a huge amount of distance between that and we were saying 50 ama. So, do you have to be concerned that birds will only fly 50 ama? Or do you have to be concerned that birds will fly like 2.5 miles? Which way is it? Amra baie, so baie says they're both true. Maishat shayit tuba. They definitely fly further than 50 amas. However, that's not our concern. What's our concern? Our concern is, if you are going to set up a birdhouse, you can't have your birds eating other people's private food. And therefore, 2 and a half miles, it could be someone else's bird. But when the bird starts going, it looks for a worm here and it looks for a seed over there. By the time it gets to 50 amas away, it's got a full tummy. Krasayu bakhamishimamamamalya. So, as far as the issue of, is the bird going to, I am a bird owner. I want to be, I have to be concerned that it doesn't eat somebody else's stuff. As long as I'm more than 50 amas away from anyone else's things, I don't have to worry that it's going to eat any of its seeds. However, how far can it go? This is another issue. If I want to trap a bird, I have to be concerned up to about 2 and a half miles away that it might be trapping somebody else's private bird. Okay. Vigamara asked another question. Who may shut Schlesham risk with Sulu, even though 2 and a half miles sounds quite significant, is that really all you have to be concerned? They're only going to fly from wherever their nest is, wherever their little bird house is. About 2 and a half miles and a half further. Vatanya, we have a brison. I'm not exactly sure what to make of this brison. We'll read it, but it seems like Ubejishu, if you're in an area that is relatively inhabited, Afilo maya mill. Maya mill to me is 100 kilometers. So maybe I'm misunderstanding it, but I guess it's maybe a hashash that you have to have, that even if you're seemingly as far away as you could possibly be. Now, this is only with a bird. And birds do fly far distances. Afilo maya mill. La Yifreis, you can't set up, I don't know where you would set up your bird traps ever, if you have to be at least 100 kilometers away from any place else where there would be birds. But, okay, be that as it may. That's what the Tenaek store says. Certainly sounds to me like it's more than 2.5 kilometers. Sounds like it could be 100 kilometers. So, reveal Yifreis. My reveal Yifreis explains that no. The Tenaek store that we just quoted, it talks about 100 mill. I actually prefer to say mill instead of kilometers, because kilometers are just hard for me to swallow. But at the 100 mill is bejishu crummin. Yishu crummin, I don't know how much it helps, there's a picture of the Yishu crummin that does not look like 100 kilometers, but it's a Yishu that's got places where the birds can stop and rest and go further and further away. You and I both grew up knowing the birds migrate and it will go like, I don't know, 2,000 miles away. But maybe that's there, maybe that's wild birds, maybe we're talking about only domesticated birds. I don't think like peaches do that kind of fly. It's other birds. Yeah, but migrant birds. Okay, we'll be Yishu. And now we're not talking about birds that are owned by someone, the whole discussion is only if you own the birds, what's your responsibility to someone else? And then the event reveals to explains the Yishu crummin. So when you're 100 mill away, it's got to be, it can't be through an uninhabited area, it has to be inhabited, but semi-inhabited, meaning like it's vineyards. I don't know the rolling hills and Monterey and Carmel vineyards are in the Yuhuda mountains. How many kilometers of vineyards can you have? (indistinct) So if you explain to somebody, Yishu crummin. Okay, Rob has a different approach. Rob says, again, it has to be something going on between where the original birdhouse is and where you want to set your traps. He says be Yishu shaweevachin. And again, the picture is, if we're talking about a hundred mill, but it's a lot of little birdhouses. Which, I don't know, I had solar panels. If you ever go down, there's a few places in Israel, they have what seems like tens of thousands of these solar panels producing electricity. So there's a lot of birdhouses over there. Like picture 366. Okay, one second. If the whole concern is you've got this one birdhouse and you're going to go a hundred, let's say, 99 mill away, and there's other birdhouses in between, well, the tape will play Yishu shaweevachin. What are you worrying about the birdhouse? A hundred kilometers away. If there's birdhouses in the middle, what's the word about the birdhouse? That's 50 mill away. Or five mill away. Or four mill away. And the one that has three approaches to deal with this. E by SEMA, either you could say D-Day is that the birdhouse are all owned by the same person, which, that would kind of make sense, if it's his birdhouse, a hundred kilometers away. Or 50. Or five. It's the same concern. E by SEMA. Dikkenani, the issue is that there, the Gentile owned birds, and therefore it would not be an issue with the Jewish owned birds. E by SEMA. D-Hefger, which again, it's not a Jewish owned bird, and therefore there's not a concern. Rebute number, base, arbakorin, et cetera, and in the Mishnah, Rebute instead four core, which is the amount of distance that a bird, a Yona would fly. If you purchased it and it already was there, we set a base right above. Amor Apapavitimros, vid, zeis, and maris from here, we see from Amishna, Tainan leikath, the Tainan lei Irish. This is a very interesting, so do you. So you have the court system, for sure the Dayanim, and the Shafthim are experts in Jewish law. It's not their position usually to pipe up, to give a winning claim to a litigant. Let each side say what they have to say. However, there are exceptional cases where we will jump in, and we will be Tainan for somebody who's a purchaser, or Tainan for someone who is a Yairish. Now, where do we see here that we are Tainan for leikath, a Tainan for a Yairish? So Rachik is a little bit of the background. When we said in the Mishnah, that if you purchased it, a piece of property that has a birdhouse in it, then as long as you're about 10 on this way, and all of your sides from anywhere else, you can keep that birdhouse there. What is that telling? It's that if you purchase it from someone else, if no one else is making fuss, then nothing happens. Let's say someone else is coming and saying, "Hey, Horowitz, you're the new owner of that birdhouse?" That birdhouse is like 12 or 15 on this way from my property, that we will jump in and we will make the claim that, now listen, the judges will say, Horowitz, purchase that. That was already there before, and we will make that claim for the leikath. Okay. Now, do we really see from here that you're Tainan or Taunin or Yairish? Tainina. We already know that from another Mishnah later on in the Masekta. It says, "I box it off, it goes for just about a line." "Habbami shumi arusha ina sartana." It's not expected that something, that a person inherits from their father, that they would know all the history of it, and therefore, we know for sure that courts will jump in and give a winning claim to somebody who inherited something, so we know that from another Mishnah. And the Gomarken seeds and says, "Yeah, okay, that's true, leikath history halei." Well, you know what we did in our Mishnah? The issues that we're doing for a low chaos. Well, low chaos, not me, Tainina. We don't need our Mishnah for that. There's another Mishnah that tells us that, and it goes as follows. It goes for a line and a word. I box it off. "Lakah Khatsar." So if you purchase a Khatsar now, I believe a Khatsar here would be not just the courtyard, but it's a Khatsar that has B'atim open up into it. The B'atim have, I guess, a door that opens up to the Khatsar. They also have the door that opens up on the other side to Arashoh Sarabim, like in a picture 368. Occasionally, you will see that there's things protruding out of a property. Now, what's the assumption, if you don't know otherwise, that the guy did that illegally? Like, you see somebody close off their garage and run up a Chemesh? Did they get Rishus to do that? Did they get permission? Did they have permits? Did they not have permits? It's an issue. How about here? Things protruding out to the Shoshram. You're not allowed to do that as it is. However, if the property actually had, let's say, a front yard. So the Shoshram didn't start till here, and the things protruding out would, possibly would assume that that would be okay. So, Luck Akhatsu. Let's say you bought a property. It's got a courier. It's got some buildings. Uba Zizimagistus to Royce. And there's protrusions. Either, like, beams that protrude out, or maybe even a little balcony, like in the picture. Harei Zuba Theskasa. You know what? You, as the purchaser, can assume it was done legally correctly, and you can keep it like that. So, how can you do that? You don't know what your claim is. You don't know if, really, that property right in front of you is Rishus Sarabim. Rishus Sarabim is not Rishus Sarabim. But yet, we, as the court system, will be toying for the lake house, and he can keep it like that. So, why do you need to tell me over here in our missiona? That will be toying for the lake chaos. In the case of a bird house, street hut. You need both. Diaschmininhasum. If we were told over there, in the case of, you bought a hut there, and there's protrusions out into an area that you don't know is Rishus Sarabim. Not Rishus Sarabim. That's Gabi Rishus Harabim. Anymore, I think the bat takes out the dalit, I'll tell you that you know what's going on here? Kaines la Seich Shaloi Havel. Even though it's not clear where the property line is exactly between the property and Rishus Sarabim, it must be that if there's things we're treating out, that he's not protruding out taking up Rishus Sarabim's base. Enami, a squeelenenenenenami. Alternatively, achulli, achulli, achulli, be name Rishus Sarabim, Gabi, or the people, or the representatives of, I guess, that city, were muy chulli to this person. Aval, however, and I believe the Giers wants to read, and you're just then saying Halka, when you're not talking about a Rishus Harabim, which the robin have control of, or rather, an individual, a malo, I might have thought for an individual that that would not be the case. And conversely, yeshminen Halka, if we heard an armishna, that the courts will put in a claim for a party, the one who purchased the property with the birdhouse, the yochid who aima, because when it's only one person that you're dealing with, paisei, paisei, and there's a lot of Giersianship have been my name. If you have two people, you can understand how one person would work out with the other. They'd get their lawyer, your people would meet my people, a bottom line, I'll pay you $50, $100, and we'll agree to let me have my birdhouse within, let's say, tenamas, or less than 50amas, enami achulli achulli achulli, or neighbors that like each other. "Hey, Bob, do you mind if I build X-Y or Z?" "Sure, Horowitz, go ahead." "Avalrabim," however, when we're talking about a case over here, if we didn't have the mission of there, "Mon paise, uman shavik." It's very hard to find a representative of the public who's able to give up those rights, and therefore ama, who I might have thought not. Therefore, three, that's why we need the mission. I used to tell us both in our case, whether you're dealing with a yochid neighbor and when you're dealing with a robin, you can have a scenario where a arrangement can be worked out to give the person those rights. "Haryu betes kessoy." So we said in the mission that it would be in its kazaka, meaning you purchase land and that land has a birdhouse on it. You can assume, as long as it's about tenamas away from any of the borders, you can keep your birdhouse on it. It's whatever the previous kazaka was. (speaks in foreign language) What do you mean you can keep your kazaka? Birds will go to the neighbor's property and damage the things that they planted, they'll eat the seeds. Well, (speaks in foreign language) The same way we answered it before, that no, that statement of (speaks in foreign language) is very limited, either to smoke or a outhouse. But this case of a bird, not necessarily. It says the mission. Knee-fall or knee-pull, if you have a rush that goes up. Sometimes the little bird falls out of the nest. I think it's the knee-pull. It's usually during the nest until they can fly, but this one fell out. So (speaks in foreign language) You find, oh, look at this, a baby bird. Hmm, who's is it? I don't know. Can you ask the bird? You can't ask the bird. He doesn't have a little tag on him. (speaks in foreign language) It must be a bird coop, it is a bird coop, it's the owner of that bird coop, it's the owner of this bird. Can you keep it then? No, we'll get back to him. (speaks in foreign language) If you find a little bird, more than 50 hours away, (speaks in foreign language) might say it belongs to the one who found it. Let's say it's not so clear. He found a little bird, but (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) So, well, which one is it closer to? If you have one that's closer to, that's the one I'll give it back to. (speaks in foreign language) Let's say it's 50/50, it's right in the middle between the two. (speaks in foreign language) The two bird house owners will split the bird, or split the value of the bird, and if they'll chop, they'll do a Brisbane, I'm sorry, I'm like Avravinu did, but they'll split the bird, which means like a financial split. Okay, for the rest of the tomorrow, we're going to be dealing with Avranina, and so, Avranina is central enough that maybe we could firebox him. This is what Avranina says. "When you have a case of Suffolk, and you're not sure about something, and if you go Bazar-Rov, you say, well, what's the majority? When we conclude, you get to one conclusion, a conclusion A, and if you go Bazar-Kareva, where's it closer to? You would get to conclusion B, what do you do with? When you have a Rov versus a Kareva, in a situation where you're not sure. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) and double underlined Rov. That's Rov, (speaks in foreign language) says, "When you have Rov versus Kareva, how do you figure out what is going on?" You say, "Well, what's the Rov, and that's what I'm going to follow?" The Afa-Gav de Ruba-Daraisa, the Kaurva-Daraisa, even though both those principles are based on Torah ideas, you follow Rov, or you follow Kareva, Afido-Hav de Ruba-Adif. Those two, one against the other, Rov takes precedence. Massive, I put a triangle on this massive. This is going to be the first in a series of questions we're going to ask for in Planino. Three lines later, at the end of the line, is the word Tanan. I put a triangle around that Tanan. (speaks in foreign language) And then five lines from the bottom, near the end of the line, is a tashmah. I put a triangle on a tashmah. Get a little bit of everything. We get a massive. We get a tashmah. But they're all, essentially, snake sources, which are going to question Rov-Khanina. So, (speaks in foreign language) this one is actually from even a pasa. Now, the pasa says, "You know, you're walking along an artist's throne." "Oh, my goodness. This guy was murdered. You just find a dead person over there. So, what do you do? You have to bring that glerufa. Well, like, which city is responsible for?" So, (speaks in foreign language) What does it say? The city that's closest to the person who was murdered. Now, (speaks in foreign language) Let's say there's a city that's a little bit further, but has a greater population. That sounds like a Rov versus Karov. So, Rov of the people are from the city further away. There's Karov and found this. It seems like you follow Karov. Well, the more answers, that would be if that's the trunks, but that's not. (speaks in foreign language) There's basically only two cities, and they both have the same population. So, if you thought it was hard enough to get a case of regular Rufa, just by reading the book, even more. If it's one city, fine, but there's two. No. Okay. If it lays about Saruba Dalma. Why do you say that guy got murdered from people who are in the city one or city two? Could be from any city. Answers the Gomara. Well, the Macias of these two cities is (speaks in foreign language) It's been (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) The basic point is that the reasonable assumption is that one of the murderers came only from one of those two cities. Macamiceus were basically anyone who would have had (speaks in foreign language) was either from city one or city two. Which, by the way, in the picture, you want to have the deceased found exactly in between the two of them. The two of them. Okay. (speaks in foreign language) It's none. We have another today's source. (speaks in foreign language) Now, according to (speaks in foreign language) if you have Roe versus Kara, if you follow the Roe. What did our mission say? (speaks in foreign language) You have a bird. It fell out of the tree. It's within fifty. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) That belongs to the (speaks in foreign language) Hmm. Now, the Raj is going to read in a whole bunch of information over here, but let's just read a little bit (speaks in foreign language) Apparently, that would be even if there's another one that is greater. In other words, like a bigger (speaks in foreign language) So you have this one that is within fifty, another one that's bigger, and you're going to follow, which one you're going to follow, apparently, the (speaks in foreign language) over the Roe. Well, that would be the case if it was (speaks in foreign language) you don't have any bigger (speaks in foreign language) to attribute this lost bird to, well, one second (speaks in foreign language) If that's the case, (speaks in foreign language) Keep reading in our Mishnah. There's another line called from our Mishnah. (speaks in foreign language) So if you find it further than 50 amas away, then you can keep it. Well, one second. Why the world can't keep it? If there isn't another one over there, (speaks in foreign language) Where else did it come from? (speaks in foreign language) I don't know. It's got to be a type of bird that's not flung around in the trees. 'Cause I see birds everywhere I go in the world. So it's got to be a bird that you have to attribute to some sort of bird coop and that bird coop, well, where in the world would it have come from? So the word explains (speaks in foreign language) It's the type of bird that can't really fly yet, and I would say it can't even really flutter around yet, but it can hop. If you ever see a baby bird the way it gets around before it can fly is kind of hops around. It's waddling or hopping. (speaks in foreign language) The general rule is don't ask if this is set in stone, because if the rabbandans say, then the sheer is set in stone, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) A waddling bird will only waddle up to 50 almonds away. That's why if you find it further than 50 almonds away, you don't have to assume it belongs to the bird coop, which is 51 or 55 almonds away. (speaks in foreign language) Now if you're Mia, well there's a bit of a character, also one of the (speaks in foreign language) Ask the following question. (speaks in foreign language) So you tell me 50 almonds (speaks in foreign language) Let's say it's got one leg on one side of 50 almonds, and the other leg on the other side of 50 almonds, and now there's nothing wrong with asking a question, it has to be asked in the correct way, it has to be asked properly, but (speaks in foreign language) Cool, or (speaks in foreign language) Baby, brush up. (speaks in foreign language) This is what got him chucked out of the vase, Madras, for asking this particular question. (speaks in foreign language) The tisis points out. (speaks in foreign language) If we said that you have a waddling bird, or a medada, and it doesn't go more than 50 llama, then the question is what happens if it's half more than 50 llama, it doesn't go more than 50 llama. Which by the way, you don't have to be concerned. You don't have to, for a headband, four and a half months from now, and (speaks in foreign language) The Gamor over there says, (speaks in foreign language) They let him back into a segment. So even though he gets kicked out where we now, in the end of July, so August, September, October, November, by the time we have the U.S. election, he's gonna be allowed back into the vase, Madras, you know what I mean? So, it must be concerned. (speaks in foreign language) Take, yeah. (speaks in foreign language) 140 of later. There we go. Okay. (speaks in foreign language) We do have another safe source, and we're just gonna try to bring, again, we have (speaks in foreign language) who says, when you have (speaks in foreign language) versus (speaks in foreign language) You go with the (speaks in foreign language) Says the (speaks in foreign language) The Mishnah. (speaks in foreign language) If you found it in between two (speaks in foreign language) This is what our Mishnah said. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Huh. Now, what does seems to be the defining issue, which one is it closer to? Not which one is bigger. Sounds like, when you have a row versus curve, you follow the (speaks in foreign language) The (speaks in foreign language) Even though one of the two might be bigger than the other one. Says (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) What's the case over here? (speaks in foreign language) This birdhouse has the same number of birds as the other birdhouse. Okay. Well, then one second. If you have it in between two (speaks in foreign language) and it could be like 25 (speaks in foreign language) 25 (speaks in foreign language) 40 (speaks in foreign language) 60 (speaks in foreign language) whatever it is, (speaks in foreign language) Once it's more than 50 (speaks in foreign language) Why are you only assuming it comes from one of those two? You can assume it comes from anywhere. (speaks in foreign language) Well, what's the case? The case is that you found it. It is quite a (speaks in foreign language) But (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Picture 378 is a pathway in the vineyard. I think the issue is going to be that a baby bird, which we'll see momentarily, will waddle 50 (speaks in foreign language) away in general. However, if it's able to look back and, I know, here it's mother or see its little nest, it might even go 60 or 70 (speaks in foreign language) What it will not do is go more than 50 (speaks in foreign language) if it can't see its little house or for that matter, it won't go. If its house is over here here, you won't even find it over there. So the only (speaks in foreign language) is like in picture 378 is it came from this bird house or this bird house. (speaks in foreign language) if you're concerned it might have been from somewhere else, (speaks in foreign language) since there's no way it would have come from somewhere else because (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) only if it could turn back and look at its nest and feel secure. Will it waddle that far? Be elo and if not, (speaks in foreign language) and that's why we're not concerned about it coming from anywhere else, only from the two that it can see from its vantage point in between the rows of the vines. (speaks in foreign language) We have a snake source that would support (speaks in foreign language) who says when you have a row on one side versus a car on the other, you follow the row. Now we're gonna totally transport ourselves into another (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) and you have a woman and she's got a vaginal canal and you find blood or there's blood that's found there. Where is it from? There's certain parts of her internal body where it would come from where it would make her tummy and there's certain parts where it would come from that it's totally fine. How do you know where it came from? (speaks in foreign language) I think that's what we call the vaginal canal of a woman. If it came from the mucker, which I think is usually translated as the womb or the uterus, that's where it is a problem. If it came from anywhere else, it's not a problem. So (speaks in foreign language) if you're not sure where that dam came from, you assume tummy. You can assume tummy, definitely (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) because the assumption is it came from the mucker or the uterus area. Now that is going to be, explains the (speaks in foreign language) even though there's another possibility (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) it means like some other area in that part of the female anatomy, (speaks in foreign language) that would be closer. And the picture is, I don't know how accurate it is as far as what it really looks like, but if you have the mucker and that is where the blood comes from, and if there's blood found in the prose door, then it's going to be (speaks in foreign language) and you have this other organ in a (speaks in foreign language) which has got a ability to also have blood. Now even though the blood was found in picture, I guess picture 378, picture 378, or 379, excuse me, the blood is found over here. It's closer to the (speaks in foreign language) but yet, robe of the blood comes from the mucker. So (speaks in foreign language) and it would seem like then when you have robe versus (speaks in foreign language) since robe of the blood comes from the mucker, that's why I're assuming that it's going to be (speaks in foreign language) by the way, blood, if you knew for sure it came from the (speaks in foreign language) it would be totally fine. She wouldn't be (speaks in foreign language) Okay, that's Abai's attempt to say that we have a mission which supports (speaks in foreign language) Amalay Rava, underlying Rava. Rava says, well, one second, you're bringing in an issue which is actually not comparable. That's a case of robe and motsui. It not only does robe of the blood come from the mucker, but also the majority of what you find there comes, the majority of blood is from the mucker. So that's a robe and a motsui versus a carot. And when you have a robe and a motsui, (speaks in foreign language) there's like nobody who would say otherwise, that even though the (speaks in foreign language) is closer, that if robe of the blood comes from here and the most common type of blood would come from here, that you would say it comes from the (speaks in foreign language) Okay, so nice, but it's not necessarily a support. The thesis prefers to take the dollard out, in which case it's not like a further point, but rather a slightly new point. (speaks in foreign language) Here brings the following two-line brice. (speaks in foreign language) As long as we're on this topic, there's a woman she finds, oh, look at that, there's some blood in the pro-store area. (speaks in foreign language) Apparently we're not gonna view that as a suffix, where it came from, is it to me, it's not to me, we are going to say if she came into the (speaks in foreign language) that way, she doesn't have to bring a carbon, which by the way, she doesn't have to bring a carbon, that's bringing (speaks in foreign language) which is this with her isa. We will, if you have a case where she came into contact after that, with truma, we'll burn the truma, which we don't do unless we know for sure that it is (speaks in foreign language) that's the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Well, (speaks in foreign language) apparently we can conclude from this (speaks in foreign language) from this (speaks in foreign language) three things, we'll go over some of these, but let's see the list. Number one, (speaks in foreign language) when you have (speaks in foreign language) versus (speaks in foreign language) you follow the (speaks in foreign language) so since (speaks in foreign language) comes from the (speaks in foreign language) and that makes her definitely (speaks in foreign language) that's what you're gonna assume. (speaks in foreign language) Number two, (speaks in foreign language) must be (speaks in foreign language) because there's no way we're gonna have you bring the carbon or (speaks in foreign language) unless it was (speaks in foreign language) and number three, (speaks in foreign language) isa (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) we agree with and we follow (speaks in foreign language) what did (speaks in foreign language) say (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) this is the standard case, we're all quite familiar with it. Hey, look at this, Bob, there's a piece of meat here. Think it's kosher? I don't know, let's check. Nine of the shops in this town have kosher meat. One of them has non-cosher meat. You could follow the road. Do you need to have just that or the doors of the town are open? And the majority of the butcher shops outside the town are also selling kosher meat, which is you have two robes. If it came from the stuff in the town, you can assume a robe is kosher. And also a robe of the stuff from out of town is kosher. Well, (speaks in foreign language) it's even if the dalsis of this place are closed, which means you only have one robe, that's good enough. (speaks in foreign language) for when you have the case of the woman, (speaks in foreign language) you are not going to find blood in a woman's vaginal canal. That didn't come from her, right? It came, which part of her, that's going to be the issue. But it definitely came from her. (speaks in foreign language) even though there's only one robe when it comes to the woman, (speaks in foreign language) we'll follow the robe. (speaks in foreign language) Okay. And that's what Rava said, commenting off of the Rekliabraisa. The Lord says, "Well, didn't Rava like right before the Rekliabraisa come and say with the case of Dom found in the prose door, that it's not only a robe case, it's a robe and a Matsui." That was the point he made to Abhaye. (speaks in foreign language) there's nobody who disagrees with that. So why is he then literally three lines later saying, "Oh, here you see it's a case of robe." (speaks in foreign language) it must be that Rava backed out of that original approach and didn't understand it necessarily of a case of robe and Matsui, Matsui rather just a robe versus Karoj, and he followed the robe. (speaks in foreign language) You have a few more minutes? - Yeah. - Okay. Let's see if we can flip the page, get to the next Mishnah. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) you have a barrel, a barrel of wine. (speaks in foreign language) Look at that. Three. On the river. There's a barrel of wine floating down the river. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) I'm a Rava, I circled Rava, and two lines later, the beginning of the line is schmool, I circled schmool. Rava says, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) So where's this barrel found? Right across from a city that's basically a majority Jewish? (speaks in foreign language) Pop open the barrel of wine and enjoy. It's totally mutter. (speaks in foreign language) If you find it in the city, you find it across from the Christian city, Gentile city, then it would be us, sir. Okay, that's what Rava says. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Oh no, even if you found it across from the city where it's majority Jewish, there'll be us, or comma connector. (speaks in foreign language) 'Cause I could tell you, okay, fine. This is a Jewish city, but a little bit further upstream is going to be a very large Gentile city. (speaks in foreign language) Any more, I could tell you, (speaks in foreign language) which is the large city, which is a majority Gentile. (speaks in foreign language) Okay, hmm, are we able to say that this (speaks in foreign language) would be a (speaks in foreign language) 'Cause it seems like we have a row, and it seems like we have a (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) This would be (speaks in foreign language) of the opinion, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) who says, you go with the row, and that (speaks in foreign language) city of the Gentiles, that's like a, three times the population of the Jewish city, and therefore you'd follow the row, whereas Marzovar, Rav, who had said, oh no, you can take it, (speaks in foreign language) that row versus Karayv, you would follow the row. No, the Karayv, it's closest to the Jewish city, you can assume it's Jewish kosher wine, so should we say that's what they're arguing about? Which, by the way, we would prefer to have every (speaks in foreign language) like every other town in Amara. So it's really a question on, should we say that this is a (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Everyone agrees with that idea of (speaks in foreign language) which is a row versus a Karayv, you follow the row. (speaks in foreign language) This is the (speaks in foreign language) Marzovar, I would underline Marz, this would be Rav, he said the opinion. (speaks in foreign language) If this barrel came from (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) is pretty far upstream, and it's a pretty raging river, and therefore if it came all the way over there, the (speaks in foreign language) The (speaks in foreign language) is the rock outcroppings, the (speaks in foreign language) is the melting snow caps, in other words, so raging is that river, the barrel ones have made it from all the way up there to down here, it would have smashed already, and therefore you can assume it's from this place. (speaks in foreign language) Marzovar, I don't like this one, (speaks in foreign language) of the opinion, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Maybe yes, but maybe no, if it was in the middle of the river, that it somehow fell off maybe a boat, then the swiftness of the water could have brought it down to where we are right now. (speaks in foreign language) Period. Another case of wine that was found, (speaks in foreign language) He had a barrel of hammer of wine, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) I'm not sure about this one, either, I don't know, I don't know if you're allowed to turn your orla grapes into wine, I always thought that you weren't allowed to, because why would you? It's totally us, sir. But, let's say you find a barrel of wine, and it's next to a vineyard. (speaks in foreign language) And it's next to a vineyard. (speaks in foreign language) Okay, now what was that based on, should we say, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) That if you have a (speaks in foreign language) even though (speaks in foreign language) would probably tell you that, if you found the barrel. Next to the field that has orla, that it is orla wine, but Rov would tell you, it's from other vineyards, and it must be fine, should we say that's because he subscribes to (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Nope, (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) It's not a big aviolo mitzvie. The concern is it might have been stolen from this field, but it's highly unlikely, if you're a thief, you're gonna steal it from an area and then hide it in that same area. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) I guess if you're stealing grapes from a vineyard, it's more likely that you would hide it in that vineyard, as opposed to, if you were stealing the barrel of wine, which is probably much harder to hide, you wouldn't hide it in that same vineyard. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Maybe you're gonna come back and get it later that night. (speaks in foreign language) I'll be back in just have to go for one minute and then we'll finish it up. 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