The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

369 | The Anunnaki: Ancient Aliens, Co-Creators, Slave Masters, Giants, and Kings

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2h 35m
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22 Jul 2024
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The Anunnaki PDF: https://unexpected-cosmology.nyc3.dig... Article page: Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology  

Wow, what a week we're having. I have been preparing this Anunnaki talk for I think maybe a couple months now and I was just getting prepared. I had its schedule to give on Tuesday and then the weekend happens. I'm referring to the, to date this video, I'm referring to the Trump assassination attempt, whatever that was, whatever was going on there. And we had a discussion on Tuesday night, I bumped this video, brought some, brought some of the gang on, had a good discussion on it, go check it out, I hope you enjoy it. But tonight it is Anunnaki talk, ancient aliens. Now, for those of you who may not know, I'll go ahead and say this, you know, please like this video, subscribe if you haven't already. For those of you who don't know, the unexpected cosmology is way more than a YouTube channel. I mean, YouTube channel is like, the iceberg of what we do, we are a ministry, of course, we are a book publishing company, amongst other things, we are translating to Paleo-Hebrew, doing a lot of really exciting stuff. And I wanted to show you this here. This is one of the reasons I am always looking for ministry supporters. I'm looking for people who are looking to finance this ministry and help support us. We do, that don't even go into discussion of all that we do, but just look at this here. This is on my website. All right, so here's my website right here, the unexpected cosmology. You click this little button up here, archives and resource material, this is all free for everybody. No, you do not pay for this. This right here, you're looking at links, it's kind of a little blocked off, but that's okay, you can still see it. This is paper after paper, after paper, after paper, years worth of research, and I give it all away for free. This is not just hours of reading material, this is weeks and weeks and months of, see, I'm still scrolling, months of reading material. I mean, we're talking everything from the Titanic, to the Boston bombing, to Sandy Hook, to Auschwitz, Strata Turin, Paul is dead, mud fossils, giant trees, the mudflood, tons, I mean, dozens of papers on the Millennial Kingdom, we got the Mandela Effect, I mean, you name it, we're just, I cover a lot of topics on here, the glory's appearing in 78D, the Friday of the 13th Oaks, the Knights Templar, just goes on and on and on and on here. And of course, the Anunnaki ancient aliens is what we're going to talk about tonight. And on this here, this is the new articles and updates page on my website too, it kind of works like a diary. And because I'm writing papers, these papers are like, some of them will be 20 pages, some of them will be 150, 200 pages, I mean, they just, they're very detailed research and I'm always updating them and, you know, you can get lost in the weeds here. So what I do is every single day, this is like my diary and I show you everything that I'm updating in every single paper, all the new papers that come out and I'll tell you okay, well, you know, here's today's date, updated this in mud fossils, updated this in giant trees, updated this in my land of Eden, moon, maroo, paper, you know, high pace versus millennial kingdom, brand new, I haven't given that presentation yet, the legend of presser John, it goes on and on and on. So thank you everybody for joining me tonight, getting back to our, that was the commercial break in case you're wondering, that was, you know, I don't get paid for any of these videos, that was a commercial break right there. Moving on, the Anunnaki ancient aliens, I hope you guys enjoy this. Nearly half a million years ago, astronauts from another planet came to earth in hopes of advancing human evolution and acquiring, and acquiring gold for their home planet. I know, I too, and desperately trying to withhold a sarcastic pendulum swing of my eyes while typing this dribble out on the keyboard. On your end, all you have to do is digest the information, making sure to silently pronounce each syllable with your lips as you read this, of course you're listening to this, you might want to turn the volume down so that your family won't listen in to my latest report and end up becoming commy Darwinist or worse, a commy Darwinist trans, but me, I have to take one for the team and do the research and type report, such as this one, risking the fact that I haven't refilled my inhaler subscription for nearly a decade and may end up wheezing uncontrollably, you're welcome. Luckily, my current ministry salary allows for a study diet of coffee. I can make it to the end on caffeine and coffee fumes, if you can, speaking of which. Well, anyways, nearly half a million years ago, 450,000 to be exact, astronauts from another planet came to earth in hopes of advancing human evolution and acquiring gold for their home planet. After splashing down in the earth's seas, I hope hopefully I haven't lost some of you yet. After splashing down in the earth's seas and waiting ashore, they established a mission control center in Erudu, Erudu, which is modern day Iraq, where in gold might be acquired. But being short of staff, they manipulated DNA to acquire homo sapiens from their former relatives, homo, Hidal, Bergensis, or homo erectus, homo, something or other, I don't only know, some kind of homo. They called themselves the Anunnaki, and the reason for their acquiring gold was this. Due to a failing atmosphere on Nabooru, their home planet, Anu, their king, dispatched his preeminent scientists and first foreign son, Enki, on a spaced mission to earth. To recover enough gold that could be ionized in a layer of their atmosphere as some sort of solar radiation shield. I'm trying to make sense of this all as well. As you digest this, Nabooru had been noot, sigh, oh sigh, I know. Look, I'm just the messenger here. I'm not the one making this up. This guy is right here. His name is Zechariah Sitchin, in case you are not in Insomniac, and have therefore never tuned in to coast-to-coast AM with Art Bell, by which he was a staple. Zechariah Sitchin, if you've tuned in at any time back, at least definitely the 90s, and probably the first decade or the 21st century, he was on regularly. Not that I'm throwing him under the bus or anything. If that's what it looks like I'm doing, then I'm not. I'm simply laying the ground rules of the game. Zechariah Sitchin published his first book, "The Twelfth Planet," in 1976, before I was born, long before there was solid, quote unquote, scholarship on Sumerian sooniform. He would have something like eight books on the subject before nearly any one logged on to the internet, certainly before I logged on. I would say he had a head start. The fact that his books have sold millions of copies worldwide and in more than 25 languages tells me that I am not the first person to take an interest in the Anunnaki, by which we are fed the ancient alien storyline. The problem is that I cannot read ancient Sumerian tablets, and most likely neither can you. In fact, probably only a handful of people still to this day on this motionless plane still can. Which is why we depend largely upon men like Sitchin, because he claims he can. Sitchin's ideas have been resoundingly rejected by scientists, historians, anthropologists, and the scholars alike. The Sumerologists, Orientalists, and Assyrian, or Assyriologists, they all agree. In the late Michael Heiser, who will be commenting on a little bit tonight, who has described Sitchin as, "arguably the most important proponents of the ancient astronaut hypothesis over the last several decades," has ripped into him. He has ripped into him so often, claiming his translations to be beyond error, that one cannot unpack the Sitchin reports, there's a link to it right there, you can go to the Sitchin reports on his website or I should say that one can unpack it. I mean it's just article after article and video interview he does, just ripping into Sitchin's translations. Elsewhere, gods of the new millennium author Alan F. Alfred admits he initially became infatuated, infatuated with Sitchin's hypothesis, the one about aliens coming from the Buru 450,000 years ago, to manipulate DNA and mind for gold, but later became a critic of his interpretations. It appears as though everyone and their mother dismisses Sitchin's work as pseudoscience and pseudo-history, criticizing it for having a flawed methodology, ignoring archaeological and historical evidence, and mistranslations of ancient texts as well as for incorrect, astronomical and scientific claims. Arguably, we can also thank Zechariah Sitchin for having the, I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens guy from the ancient aliens show to contend with. Oh, I'm sure, what is his name, Georgio Succolos is a darling at all. I'm not here to throw him under the bus either, I'm really not. If anything, Georgio has given us countless memorable means and dark times to work with. Between Will Smith's slapp heard around the world and the movie that was Greta Thunberg, we must count our blessings. I am simply hoping to point out how difficult, if not near impossible, it is in 2024 to circumnavigate Sitchin's still have this present Anunnaki discussion. You should at least know that I'm not in the slightest concern with the scholar's dismissal of his work. Because really, if that's what you think is happening here, I'm not. All I want is the truth. Even if it fails to coincide with the peer review, or my own, my own understanding of the truth, it's what I want. Not that ancient Sumerians are necessarily speaking the truth either, there's that. I take their side of the argument. To borrow from Pontius Pilate for the moment, what is truth? Truth is a weighty word. What I want is an informative decision based upon what the ancient Sumerian tablets actually have to say of the Anunnaki, rather than the regurgitated plot point of a superman comic strip. But tell me, I want to know, I want to know what the Sumerians are actually saying, which may or may not be the truth. We can decide that after the fact. Afterwards, their witness account is up for each individual person to weigh out and decide. Capiche? Understood? Now, one very specific reason as to why Michael Heiser repelled Zechariah Sitchin with such ferocity is because of his own research into ancient cosmology. According to Heiser, all ancient cultures believed that the earth was flat and motionless under a solid firmament. The Egyptians, the Assyrians, and the Sumerians were certainly believers. The Babylonians, of course, come out of Sumeria. The firmament is Rekia in Hebrew. And the writers of the Bible believe the earth to exist in an enclosed ecosystem. They further advocated a celestial ocean of water containing the divine beings we call stars and a heavenly realm, which physically, not just spiritually, but physically manifests directly above the Rekia, because that's the firmament. That will be news only for a select few of you. The man famously gave a presentation on Hebrew cosmology. There's a link to it. By the way, you can follow this paper. I have a link to it underneath the video, so you can follow along if you want and hit all the links. The man famously gave a presentation on Hebrew cosmology back in the day. And at the perfect moment, when we most needed it, mind you, Heiser was not a flat-earthist. Heiser was just as much of a Copernican as Zachariah's sitchin to a degree, I guess. Why the disagreement then? Well, Heiser's position was one in which we were to recognize the Hebrew worldview as preserved for us in the Bible for what it said rather than attempting to redefine it or change its wording to fit with modern science, in which I fully agree with that. In no way does the Hebrew creation story describe a heliocentric universe. It's just not there, no matter how much you look for it, it's not there, quite the opposite. From there, Heiser was of the opinion that you can stay in bed with the space mythos if you prefer. In fact, he was dead set against anyone agreeing with the opinion of the Hebrew writers. He seemed to be kind of repulsed by how many of us took his amazing presentation and went with it. You're not actually supposed to believe that, especially those of us who take scripture at its word. I happen to take issue with that because it's not simply men, ignorant men, who attempted to describe the Creator's creation, no, the Creator. I like to use the word Yahuwaha, Yahuwaha gave personal testimony to it, and that's his paleo name and katriqir is. If the creation story is not to be believed, then neither is Yahuwaha. I invoke Michael Heisner this early into the conversation on the basis that he was, in the very least, correct regarding his assessment that all ancient cultures advocated a motionless plane of firmament cosmology, and to prove his point, Heiser challenged every Sumerian translator to show Sichin's gratuitous error. That's the unspoken elephant in the room right there. When you read about the universal dismissal of Sichin's work from the authorities, his promotion of modern cosmology tops their list. You see what I'm saying? So then, why is it dern nearly impossible to have a discussion on the Anunnaki and the chiseled stone which they derive from without running into Sichin's space opera narrative? Seeing as how I cannot read Sumerian's habits on my own, bummer, including the lost book of Inky, from which he pulls his yarn, looks like I have little choice but to rummage through Sichin's translation, trying my best to discern truth wherever it might be found. By the way, I checked so that you wouldn't have to. I'll tell you what I checked after I take another drink of coffee. Sichin was a, oh boy, Sichin was a Jew, and not just any member of the J crew, Sichin was raised in mandatory Palestine of all places. Mandatory Palestine was formed in 1920 under the terms of the League of Nations after the UK stuck a knife into the back of the Ottoman Empire, remaining until 1948 when the Zionist state became a nation. According to the New York Times, Sichin received a degree in economics from the University of London and was a journalist in Israel before moving to New York in 1952. We then learn that he taught himself Sumerian, soon a form while working as an executive for a shipping company. If so, then he is one of the few scholars capable of reading and interpreting either Sumerian or Acadian clay tablets. My question is why he is meeting with Vatican clergy. You probably saw that in the photo if you were scrolling with me. And will he be accredited as a creative consultant for Project Bluebeam? For comparison purposes, the Epic of Gilgamesh is pulled from 12 incomplete Acadian language tablets, whereas the Book of Inky can be found on 14. I would say they are somewhat comparable in length, though obviously the Book of Inky is two tablets longer. I will quote from the tablets when deemed necessary, though for the most part. The following script will be an overview. It's my overview of having read all 14 tablets, and I remind you that my reading comes through Sichin's translation. So some of this will be directly from his translation, and some of it will be maybe cutting through the mounds of dung that he has piled onto it. So it's going to be a recitation of the text, as well as my own evaluation of Sichin's translation. Here is the story of the Anunnaki according to the Book of Inky, but mostly Sichin's translation of it. The end is the beginning. Tablet 1, line 1 invokes the lamentation of the Lord Inky, first born son of Anu, who reigns on Nabiru. The reason for his sorrows has to do with the complete annihilation of summer, and probably the encompassing Mesopotamian region. Entire cities have been emptied, corpses are heaped into piles, fields are smitten, crops are withered, nothing swims anymore in the two great rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, which surrounded the once lush cradle of civilization. Roads are emptied of travelers, the temples whose heads aspire to reach the heavens had been abandoned, and in her glorious cities, the wind howls, with death being its only smell. It is the aftermath of war. In the Council of the Gods, Inky had pleaded for peace among his brothers as well as the safety of mankind, whom he had hoped to create. Must the prior times be faded to repeat? To settle their dispute, a weapon of terror had been created. Inky refers to it as an evil wind. According to Inky's timeline, the wind deluge followed in the heels of the already catastrophic water deluge, whereas the water deluge was destined to happen, the death-dealing storm was not. It could have been stopped had the Council's oath not been undone. Sitchin then turns around and promotes Inky's wind deluge as a nuclear event, but we know better. Assuming you've read my mini-lives of Nimrod paper, top to bottom, so there's a link there, but if you just go to my website, boom, the whole page, you're going to find mini-lives at Nimrod there, then you already know about the wind flood. It really happens. It's not documented in the Bible, but it actually took place in the timeline between Genesis 11 and somewhere in Abraham's lifetime. Here's a quote about it, "God determined to put an end to the custom, or idolatry, and he made the wind flood. He opened the storehouses of the winds and set free the whirlwinds and hurricanes, and sent a blast of wind over all the earth. This wind swept through Babylonia and dashed the idols against each other and smashed them, and then it threw down upon them the buildings in which they had stood and piled the ruins and high mounds above the images and the devils that dwelt in them. The cities of Ur and Erich were laid waste, and their sights were only known from the huge mounds of rubbish, which were piled up by the wind flood, the book of the cave of treasures." Recall your Sunday school his story. Ur just so happens to be the city which Abraham was living in, and a little bit I'll show a map of this. Yahuwaha called him out of it, and now you know why. He was a prophet going around telling everyone that Allahiom abhorred idols, but they didn't listen. He would certainly explain why Nimrod fell out of power during the Genesis 13 war, or the whereabouts. The event leading up to the Sodom and Gomorrah fire-judgment. His kingdom was in ruins. Urich is also mentioned as being laid waste by the wind flood, another interesting name. It is known as the Second City of Nimrod, and just as importantly, identified with Uruk. That's the very city which Gilgamesh resided in. I am showing you references such as this one from Book of the Cave of Judges, so that you can begin to put timestamps on Sitchin's translation. I am slightly suspicious that the wind flood occurred before Abraham, and can be identified with the destruction of the Tower of Babel. I kind of think it was after Abraham, but it could have been the Tower of Babel, but even, okay, whatever, we'll get to it. Even according to the Book of Inky, the Tower of Babel is a different event. Its author, however, the Book of Cave of Judges, the author's name is Ephraim of Edessa, riding the whereabouts of 306 through 373 AD, suspects the wind flood was carried out as a judgment against Nabonidis, the last king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, ruling until the fall of Babylon to be, what is that, the Achaemenian Empire under Cyrus the Great in 539 BC. Some of you will insist that 539 events is way too recent in history for the events being described in Inky. Is it now? The Gilgamesh Epic was found in Acadian, a dialect which gradually replaced Sumerian as the primary spoken language, and there were about the 2000 BC. Sumerian continued to be used as a sacred, ceremonial, literary, and scientific language in Acadian-speaking Mesopotamian states, such as Assyria and Babylonia until the 1st century AD. It wouldn't fall into obscurity until that time. So I'm saying that the Book of Inky could have been written any time up to the 1st century AD. Like, you know, and Sitchin says, oh, it's a story from 450,000 years ago, no, no, no. It could be 2,500 years old. It doesn't have to be that old. And by the way, books were still being written on tablets as late as the 1st century AD. Found in the vicinity of Qumran was the words of the Archangel Michael, which I hope to get to soon, and it was written on stone, and it was the Qumran community or the whereabouts. I'm sorry to do this, especially to those of you who have toiled so laboriously to shed the pounds of indoctrination, but a chart of the Copernican universe is probably in order, or else Sitchin's cosmology may not be understood. The Naboo rule of Sitchin's cosmology is said to reside beyond Neptune and Pluto, the hypothetical planet X which so many have long to discover when we've been hearing about this our entire lives. I remember being fascinated with planet X as a child. Accordingly, it follows a long southern tilted elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system roughly every 3,600 years, and when that happens, there's a cosmic catastrophe that unfolds. On one such pass, the moon of Naboo Roo collided with Tiamat, a planet which was once located between Mars and Jupiter, when struck, Tiamat split in two. On a second pass, Naboo Roo itself struck the broken fragments, one half of Tiamat became the asteroid built as well as the comets which jettisoned across the universe. The second half was pushed into a new orbit and became planet Earth. Again, I'm just the messenger here. Even Pluto was affected by this. Originally a satellite of Saturn, Naboo Roo's gravity perturbed it, sending it to the outer solar system. That would kind of interesting. I do find the asteroid built if it even exists. I don't know. I've never looked at a telescope to the asteroid built. I've never done research on when it was discovered and by what, total ignorance are my part. But if there is such a thing as an asteroid built, it's kind of interesting what its origins might be, right? Before the prior times was the beginning. I'm quoting from Inky again, "After the prior times were the olden times and the Anunnaki never came to Earth during the prior times, though in the more recent olden times they arrived from Naboo Roo." I think that this is basically saying that there is Genesis 1, which is a recreation events. After that, they came, those were the olden times. The prior times of the Earth would be before Genesis chapter 1, and that's what they're saying. In the olden times, the Anunnaki arrived, after which Earth men were created. The reason for their arrival had to do with a catastrophic war on Naboo Roo as if a steady diet of cosmic collisions during their 3,600-year voyage around the sun were not enough. The short of it is that clans had gathered into tribes until two great nations, North and the South, face each other in mortal conflict. The destruction was fierce, nearly all life diminished. Eventually, a truce was declared between the North and the South, but the call for one kingdom, the lot going either to a warrior from the North or a warrior from the South, with their reigning queen being chosen from the opposite kingdom. So the idea is that if the king were to be from the North, the queen would come from the South. If the king would come from the South, the queen would come from the North. The lot fell to a warrior from the North, and for several successive generations, peace rained over Naboo Roo. Anyways, you may be asking yourself how Naboo Roo is able to stay warm enough to maintain life, being so far removed from the Sun and all. Volcanoes is the answer you should have gone with. Apparently, gases and ashy clouds and other such elements emitted from a constant flow of volcanic activity creating a natural canopy capable of warming the planet during its thousands of years of distant drifting through the icy vacuum of space and then working as a natural cooling unit as it made its slingshot approach around the Sun. I am not a Copernican, and will therefore let you make sense of that, because it doesn't make any sense to me, not that it has to. Sitchin published his findings in the 1970s, and so it is no surprise that Naboo Roo formed a hole in its ozone layer, ironically from a lack of erupting volcanoes, which threaten the life of all inhabitants on that planet. The wind was withheld, the wind blew harder, springs from the depths did not arise and the breasts of mothers went dry, crops failed. After usurping the throne, Alelu used nuclear weapons to stir volcanic gases, yes it was after all the cold war, when Sitchin busied himself translating nukes coming to this very often. Well, it surprised you to learn that they too were not a success, reproduction diminished unity was lost, I'm a little confused on what the nukes actually did to the volcanoes, apparently it didn't cause them to blow up and form more gases, not really sure what they did, and soon the inhabitants of Naboo resumed their warring factions which had nearly annihilated them earlier. There was a non-nuke solution in all of this, gold was a substance that could be ground into a fine powder and suspended in the heavens, whereby the breach in the ozone layer could be sealed. Not sure how that was supposed to work, I mean the nukes sure as hell didn't work, but let's just go with it, golds rarely on Naboo Roo, however created the next obstacle because they came up with the solution for gold that was going to save them, but there was like no gold, very little of it. Efforts to retrieve it was ultimately a lost cause, which is why the suggestion was made that somebody should prepare the celestial chariots, or I mean spaceships, according to Sitchin, for a key the seventh planet, because there was much gold to be found there you see, the long story made short and then even shorter is this, a new, a dynastic air disposed Elelu from the throne, prompting Elelu to steal a celestial chariot, excuse me, a nuclear-powered spacecraft, setting his course to key the planet we know as Earth. By the way, key is just a name for Earth, it doesn't mean planet. Elelu's quest for gold on the Earth was a resounding success. After transmitting the news of his find back to Naboo Roo, thereby re-instituting his kingship and astounded Anu put the issue before the Royal Council, Ea, Anu's firstborn son, was chosen to make the journey to Earth rather than Enlil, his half-brother. Now, you want to keep a track of those two names, Ea, the firstborn son of Anu, and his other son Enlil, Ea's half-brother, and I'll explain later but I'll explain in just a second. With Anu piloting the celestial boat, carrying 50 other Anunaki in tow, so originally 50 Anunaki come to the Earth. And FYI, as I was just saying, Ea and Enki are the same individuals, so when this is called the lost book of Enki, it's the same thing, Ea and Enki. Afterwards their arrival on Earth would get biblical. Actually, it wound up getting somewhat humorous. Look, hit pieces on the Bible are nothing new, they've been going on for many millennia, which is why I am here to tell you, I believe this is one of them. Assuming Sitchin's Translation is in any way reliable, that is, the idea sometimes put forward by the secular scholars is that the writers of the Bible were borrowing from the Sumerians creation story and then attempting to make it their own. Obviously, in seeing as how Noah's family survived the Great Deluge, we should expect great commonalities between Deluge and creation stories among his children, not forgetting incursion stories such as this one, the Anunaki. They can be found all over the world and for good reason, because all three separate events actually happened. That's why I had started out saying that Yahuwah's testimony falls into question if we cannot find his creation account, which describes a motionless enclosed realm to be a reliable one. But then there is another reality which is scarcely commented upon. After Yashirel, that'd be Israel, after Israel was removed from the land at the hands of Assyria, and then Judah, or as I say Yahuwah, after Yahuwah by Babylon, their captors were not always kind to their origin's narrative, and why would they be? Never is that more evident than with the translations of the very mysterious demon, or Damon, really, Damon, but an admitted ally of the Jesuits, and to the point that I suspect his name may be a hominem for demon, I always say demon, but Damon, but just take it out of him and he becomes a demon. Have you read his Nebuchadnezzar II tablets, OMG, they are not for the faint apart. I seriously am not recommending that for the faint heart. The Watchers show up in that one, and in fact, it happens to be fascinating insight into the biblical book of Daniel from the perspective of his controllers. The Babylonians, when it's not occupied, trashing the Yehudun prophet for being set apart. I mean, they just rip into Daniel, they make him have to be a sniveling coward. I think they had him beheaded, too, or something. To claim that Yehuduns would write a fictitious book about a nobody as damage control against an obscured tablet, which depicts Daniel as a weak coward, is just stupid and obnoxious. In fact, rebuttals, such as the Nebuchadnezzar II tablets, only seem to elevate the importance of the prophet, in my opinion, and what we have in the book of Daniel. Basically, Daniel has this book and is being circulated, and they hate this guy into like, let's come up with our own book just to trash this guy, just rip into him like an SNL skit. I mean, that's what the Nebuchadnezzar II tablets are. It's an SNL skit. It might have some truth to it, a kind of an interesting angle from the Babylon perspective, but no, it did not come before the book of Daniel. The same can be applied to the Enki tablets. I am no scholar, though I see no reason as to why the Enki tablets cannot be a response to the diaspora of Yashirel in Yehudah as well. Does that make sense to everybody? I hope so. And you'll see what I mean in a little bit, clearly, clearly, the Enki tablets are quoting from the Bible and not the other way around. There's just no way. Well, here it goes. On Earth, they establish Iridu, their mission, they're, I'll do, can you see my button in your quotes? You can't, because my screen is also right here, their mission control center and spaceport in seven days. Yup, get ready for a retelling of the creation story according to the Anunnaki and Sichin. Starting with day one, the astronauts splash down into the water, wearing their fish suits. Though I'm somewhat certain that Sichin intends them to be spacesuits. Iya Inki and his fellow spacemen come into contact with Allalu, Ilelu, presumed around the, presumably around the marshes of lower Mesopotamia, they then freak out to observe the setting of the sun and the darkness which surrounds them, which prompts Allalu to laugh his ass off. Now, keep in mind that he has landed there before Iya Inki and his band, right, because he was there to search out gold. He sends back a message saying, Hey, I found gold. And then the firstborn son, Inki, is sent in to on the second leg of the reconnaissance mission. I'm actually wondering if this was originally tended to mirror the separation of light from darkness and bearish yet one, one through four, implying that these particular Anunnaki were caught up in the dark side of the equation, because that's what it says in Genesis, right? He separated the light from the darkness. And so in this, they're talking about in that the light has left them and they're in the darkness and they're freaking out. So think about that from the Babylon from the Anunnaki perspective, it's really interesting. And we then read this, and it was evening and it was morning, their first day on earth it was Inki tablet three day two of bearish, or Genesis and allahayam created the firmament so as to separate the water above and below. But then look at what the Anunnaki were up to. Inki observed the evil serpents swimming in the ponds in marshlands. After contemplating the abundance of rainwater, he desired a way to mark boundaries which might collect the downpours from heaven. And so set in be lulu in charge of digging the ditches to which we read the following. Thus were the waters below from the waters above separated marsh waters from sweet waters asunder were set. And it was evening and it was morning the second day on earth it was Inki tablet three. The point I'm trying to make here is I'm going off a stitch in translation. But if you if you just cut out the kapurnican crap and all the space and all that kind of stuff and you you could even see in here embedded clearly, it's talking about a firmament being created, separating the waters above and below, anyways adorable, it's simply adorable. And how do you separate the waters from above and below and I don't know in a space situation. But anyways, well on day three, the Anunnaki set up places of grass and trees orchards that sort of thing. And keep in mind this whole creation account it's happening right there in kind of arudu that kind of cradle civilization right there in Mesopotamia. It's not talking about a creation of the whole world just that little section right there. It was evening and it was morning the third day moving on to the fourth day, which is somewhat confusing. Sitchin has tools from the cherry it brought forth rather than stars from the firmament. Huh? You mean to tell me the Anunnaki hadn't thought to retrieve their tools until the fourth day. I wouldn't be the least surprised to learn that Sitchin was even more confused as he couldn't have the sun moon and stars being created or else exposed his ridiculous space man narrative and so this is what we read in tablet three all day the sun was shining the great light by day it was by even time kingu earth's moon in fullness a pale light on earth is cast a lesser light to rule the night among the celestial gods amounted to be and it was evening and it was morning the fourth day on earth it was again adorable. I put such an emphasis on the sun and the light of the moon. If they were already in existence again Sitchin can't give that away right because he's going with a kapurnican model evolution and all that and and what did the sun in the moon have to do with the Anunnaki seven day formation formation of irudu their space board on earth none whatsoever. So it's really confusing the way Sitchin is telling this Sitchin was smoking something. If anything the moon's appearance at sunset gives one more piece of evidence for the calendar debaters particularly among those who insist the month begins with the fullness of light rather than a crescent. In fact it's so you got if you're completely confused by that there is an argument that is going on at least in my circle many other circles about when the month begins according to the lunar calendar is it begun begin with the crescents or the full moon and according to this it appears the full moon is the start of the month. In fact a little later on Ea Enki is specifically mentioned as creating the month based upon the moon as well as observing the two sun seasons summer and winter based upon their solstices. On day five the attention of the Anunnaki are turned away from building their space board to the fish of the sea and the foul of the air because again they're not building a space board. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the Genesis creation story either none whatsoever. It was evening and it was morning the fifth day well you'd be surprised to learn that the day six revolves around the creeping and the walking the animals. Ea Enki wanted to take account of them more familiarity but then on day seven it just gets ridiculous and we read this from tablet three let this day be a day of rest the seventh day hereafter a day of resting always to be which of course has nothing to do with the the months because apparently the month began on the on the fourth day. So this is the seventh day day of Sabbath rest are you telling me that the Anunnaki declared a day of Sabbath if so then they did a crappy job of instituting their day of rest among the Sumerians who worshiped them. Oh I'm sure the Yahoo Dean well in captivity invented their entire creation story around texts such as this one somebody picked up a tablet tablet excuse me I need more coffee. Somebody picked up a tablet mumbled through the words with his lips and then was like Sabbath every seven days swill idea why hadn't we thought of that in fact let's invent an entire elaborate history involving are being removed from the land for not keeping the Sabbath. Let's make it a motionless earth under a solid firmament rather than an ancient aliens Copernican model though ridiculous it's why I was stating earlier that epics such as this one may very likely fall in the heels of Yehudan captivity rather than the other way around. Though playing on their own creation accounts they may be making a mockery of Yasharel whom they had conquered that or the 1960 space race has such and so confused that he cannot tell the difference between a fish suit or a spacesuit a chariot of fire or a rocket ship the construction of Mesopotamia or a spaceport. Just give me the truth that's all I want guys and a good translation. Given another scenario in an equal likelihood Sitchin has stumbled upon a series of tablets which give stunning validation to the Anunnaki's part in the Genesis creation account or as I like to call Genesis Bereshit. So what I'm saying here is I think if we have a good translation it's gonna line up nicely very very closely with Genesis meaning they originally had full intent and I want you to listen to this part here the original the Anunnaki originally during the creation or as I called it the re-creation event had full intent to fall under Yahuwahaz Sabbath rest but more on their part as co-creators later on. So you can see right here this is kind of a it's a painting it's not legit right it's a kind of a reimagining of what Eridou would have looked like and if you look over here on this map where they're placing it and I know that you know this whole Mesopotamia region is you know by kind of alternative history research is up to question but according to archaeological ruins you can see right here Er and Eridou right here at the bottom and so the idea is historical Eden is right if you can see where my mouse is turning kind of the lower part between these two rivers here the Tigris and the Euphrates it would have been right down there and so interestingly enough Eridou which according this tablet is not in the Eden it's just right next to the Eden and it's right there in Ur is where Abraham came from right there so Eridou is supposed to be the first established city in Mesopotamia and this Enki says the same thing stepping away from the book of Enki for the moment the ruins of Sitchin's spaceport Eridou can today be found just to the southwest of Ur, Abraham's hometown as I just explained many to most scholars placed a historic garden of Eden directly east of there a hop and a skip really nestled in between the Tigris and the Euphrates River there's some interesting archaeological work that's been done there too where they can find because you know people are like well they're supposed to be four rivers why why they're not four rivers there's actually a huge river the east be there and there's evidence you could see it all the river stones and everything it was a gigantic river that has now dried up now you have likely heard my speculation regarding the land of Eden's placement on the lost continent of Lemuria Maru and Mu and as I showed on this is going to confuse some of you as I showed on the moon map it's there right where it's supposed to be in the Pacific a huge continent so I went through a whole study on that questioning is that the historical land of Eden which for all of you out there that think the Philippines is it well good news the Philippines is the remnants of that continent so I think you guys are on something and of course the Hawaiian Islands Fiji all that may be as well but for the moment let's go with traditional knowledge because however you feel about the scholarship the piece the pieces connect easily not especially in this narrative it just if you imagine it there in Mesopotamia it just makes total sense no reason to over complicate the relationship at least not today so today I'm going with modern Mesopotamia as the historic garden of Eden the land of Eden so every news main temple was devoted to Enki and was called eobzu meaning eobzu temple or alternatively engura meaning house of the subterranean waters it was a zegorot temple surrounded by the ancient marshlands close to the salty breeze of the Persian Gulf and is considered to be the first known temple to have been built in the region which is really interesting because again the archeologists say that in this tablets is the same thing this is a such in spaceport so there are search only connections to be made between the Anunnaki storyline and archeology as we know it speaking of which four separate excavations at the site have observed a shrine dating back 6,500 years sorry not 450,000 but 6,500 and estimated 18 expansions were made over the following 4,500 years until it was finally abandoned during the Persian period which lasted officially from 559 BC until 331 BC of which case I still think this tablet could have been written 6,500 years ago suggest that we're about to 4,500 BC that's quite the that's the official timeline of course we're going by you know believing that just assuming that each year documented was an actual year that's quite the difference from Sitchin's 450,000 years of human evolution the numbers are mostly the same though two zeroes have been removed I think that's kind of interesting so you take away two zeroes and you got 4,500 it's also a clean fit with my 7,000 year timeline deception hypothesis and may in fact prove to be a perfect fit so if the genesis reset or the recreation of it can be found it can be dated to the whereabouts of 5,307 BC and the deluge to about 3,043 BC then the foundations of inky's ziggurat is pitted directly between the two events I find that really interesting and in fact the Egyptian pyramids and all that is dated right after the deluge account after the 3,000 BCs it just it the all of human history fits perfectly with the Greek LXX timeline not the the Hebrew Masoretic timeline which is in most of the rivals and so that's just the sixth territory right there directly smack dab between the creation of the flood watchers central sure it means inky's ziggurat's would have originally been pre-deluvian but then that's what many of us are saying about the pyramids of Giza anyways it that it survived the flood there's water damage and everything and then it was finished being built afterwards and it certainly helps to explain the 18 renovations that was done on this ziggurat's so I'm saying that after the flood they would have gone back in and dug it out of the mud and so and they talk about how these places are buried under the mud in the inky tablets really interesting the name inky by the way is calmly translated to mean lord of the earth in you see means lord a title which was originally given to the high priest whereas key refers to the earth which is assumedly why he transformed from ea into inky he became lord of the earth only after he arrived in iridu he was originally the patreon deity of that city which is another way of saying the actual entity inky ruled over its when the anunnaki were doing their thing it was only later that his influence spread throughout misopotamia to Canaan perhaps in avraham's time other fun facts have inky being associated with the southern band of constellations called stars of ea his original name but also with the constellation as ikyu which is identified as the square of pegasus to add to that the planet mercury is associated with the Babylonian Naboo the reason being that Naboo was a patron of literacy the rational arts scribes with them in a divine messenger being not so dissimilar from Hermes and Greece and Toth and Egypt Naboo was the son of martuk and in case you didn't know martuk was the son of inky I'll be talking more about martuk as we go along in the early Sumerian times the planet mercury was not associated with martuk but with his father inky immediately after the founding of their mission control center in iridu the anunnaki set out in search of gold initially finding little success nevertheless they hailed their small discovery and tasked which hope to prove the gold's use as an atmospheric shield prove a success ea is finally named inky only to learn that in lil his half brother remember when I talked about his his other brother in lil back on Nibiru has arrived with reinforcements the two quarrel Anu their father and the ruler of Nibiru arrives only to be attacked and killed by his usurper Alelu remember he's the guy that goes to earth first so he's not too happy that the king of Nibiru arrives Anu and he kills him the murder happens to take place on the planet Mars only here it is referenced to as Lamu Alelu is then sentenced by the seven who judged to be exiled on Mars and it is there where a rock carved to resemble a law whose face serves as his tomb ah there it is right there guys this is this is like the 1970s keep in mind so remember I remember this I remember this was all the rage back when I was a child I used to look at pictures just fascinated by that you know is that the face of a of an alien on on Mars ah where was I oh that's right the Mars rock face that's where I was which was all the rage for time after it was picked up by the Viking one orbiter in 1976 I think what Sitchin meant to say was that elalu was buried in Greenland but I digress inky's wife Nikki arrives with their sons Martuk in Lill also has a wife named Ninma I'm going to be referring to Ninma a lot and Nikki so try to keep track and she is a Jurassic Park stylized scientist who arrives to earth with a group of like-minded scientist prone to experiment he then gains another wife said after raping and saring a child with her like any pantheon drama civilan quarrel or brothers lust after sisters there are date rapes and illegitimate children to be had rocket ships fly everywhere there are aerial battles or are they space battles don't only know eventually the Anunnaki numbering now to a tally of 600 are driven too hard in the gold production game and they mutiny in Lill and his son Ninerta via his wife Ninma denounce the mutineers inky then seeks gold in a place called the abzu which is beyond what has already been established at iridu whereas in Lill and Ninerta focus upon building up Eden that is the Eden the Garden of Eden the familiar garden in this tale it comes up from this point on it is mentioned all the time but then it is in the abzu where inky makes a stunning discovery inky discovers the existence of homo hidl burgences or homo erectus or whatever they are called or were they the homo neander tholensis maybe we just go with homo until this one can be worked out well anyways they look very much like the Anunnaki the homos even to see their own mirror reflection in them if not for the added hairy parts and this is finally quoting from the actual tablet this is what it says a solution is possible inky was saying let us create a lulu a primitive worker the hardship work to take over let the being let the being the toil of the Anunnaki carry on his back astounded were the besieged leader speechless indeed they were whoever heard of a being a fresh created a worker who the Anunnaki's work can do they some some enigma one who of healing and sick or was much knowing remember she's the scientist inky's words to her they repeated whoever of such a thing heard they her asked the task is unheard of she to inky said all beings from a seed have descended one being from another over aeons to develop none from nothing ever came how right you are my sister inky said smiling a secret of the obzu let me tell you all reveal the being that we need it already exists so what what uh nimma is doing here she is actually protest and she's like no no no no we're not creating anything here and in fact they say that like there is an there is the all creator he has created everything we're not creating anything here but inky's like no no you don't understand you don't understand the being we need already exists all we have to do is just give it a little bit of a tweak just a little tweak and we're gonna have what we want all that we have to do is put on it the mark of our essence thereby a lulu a primitive worker shall be created so did inky to them say let us hereby decision make a blessing to my plan give to create a primitive worker by the mark of our essence to fashion them so is inky to the leader saying that being that we need it already exists thus did inky to them a secret of the obzu revealed with astonishment at the other leaders inky's words here by the words they were fascinated creatures in the obzu they there are inky was saying that walk erect on two legs there are four legs they use as arms with hands they are provided among the animals of the steep they live they know not dressing in garments they eat plants with their mouths they drink water from lake and ditch shaggy with hair is their whole body their head hair is like a lion's with gazelles they jostle with teaming creatures in the water as they delight their leaders to inky's words with amazement listened no creature like that has ever in the eden been seen in little disbelieving said eons ago on nibburu our predecessors like that might have been nenmo was saying it is a being not a creature nenmo was saying to behold it must be a thrill to the house of life inky led them in strong cages there were some of the beings at the side of inky and the others they jumped up with fists on the cage with fist on the cage bars they were beating they were grunting and snorting no words were they speaking male and female they are inky was saying male hoods and female hoods they have like us from nibburu coming they are procreating the last book of inky tablet five through six it actually ends five begins six and you could probably see now why not just reading straight from the tablets because um i think summing it up is a little bit cleaner to listen to your ancient alien storyline and then not show right there that's it divine beings arrive from another planet to add that necessary ingredient into the evolutionary process thereby explaining what is otherwise unexplainable you know because evolution is just makes no sense whatsoever you have to have that added ingredient you have to then wonder what ancient aliens arrived on nibburu hundreds of thousands of years earlier kickstarting their evolutionary process because that's what sitchin is saying he's saying that well how does he explain where they came from well another alien landed on their planet hundreds of thousands or millions years before tweak their DNA now they're doing the same but i digress inky's entire argument was that they could augment the life essence of the homo creature with that of the anunnaki to create an intelligent primitive worker a slave of the gods and they'll protest it inky's plan creation belonged exclusively to the father of all beginning he argued that's a wise assessment to which nimma responded they would only give their image to an existing existing being rather than creating one from nothing to this everyone agreed they began experimenting upon the beings post-haste though like their quest for gold many failures followed two-legged sons were sired shaggy and incapable of holding tools or doing anything else but grunting again and again nimma rearrange the admixtures either the children of her experiment could not hear or see their hands were shaky their feet were paralyzed their liver or lungs and uh and something else had malfunctioned their arms were too short to reach their mouth or their semen dripped uncontrollably as that's what it says on the uh text evolution apparently was doing a better job than they were at it eventually nimma was prompted to try a new ingredient to her experiment she formed her next person from the clay of the obzu this is what gets really interesting rather than from niburu's crystals i guess they were creating them through crystals but now they try clay from the earth and they add gold and copper to it the egg was fertilized into the womb of nimma it was inserted by inky and conception was made nine months later actually it might have been 10 when the boy child was born inky slapped his butt declaring him to be the image of perfection they gave him a name his name was adamu shaggy like the wild men adamu was not he was nothing like the wild men his skin was smooth a dark red blood color so uh kind of uh kind of like i guess native american skin really that's the way i read it like the clay of the obzu was its hue like the anunnaki whom he was fashion after he was an image of perfection in every which way except for one a small itty bitty detail his male member had a little extra skin and so nimma circumcised him why was he circumcised as a sign that man and anunnaki having an earth had been bound unlike other men even adamu's member was an appearance like those of the gods so he was the first to be circumcised and nimma may have been the mother of adamu but she was also in lil's wife you will then want to recall how the inhabitants of niburu made it a king and a queen from the north from the south so as to promote peace and harmony well the same applies here when it came time to produce a female counterpart for adamu it is inky who stepped forward volunteering his wife ninky for the part in the ninth month or was it her tenth month i was a little confused on that in the text tea amat the mother of life in the eve of the story was born so her name was tea amat which means the mother of life adamu finally had a helper suitable for him from there the adamu and tea amat story takes on something resembling the original planet of the apes mankind were created in pairs of seven and placed in decages like animals for procreation purposes there is even a scene later down the road where the anunnaki chase primitive man a woman down in the wilds of obzu capturing them with nets l-o-l i think everybody here has probably seen planet of the apes by this point adamu and tea amat were also locked behind bars for a time but unlike the others they were capable of speaking rather than grunting incoherently again plot line planet of the x their arms and their hands as well as their feet and their legs their faces and their hair and skin everything about them including their inwards were proven perfection in fact they were in every which way mirror images of the anunnaki so perfect were adamu and tea amat model specimens their anunnaki parents did not have the heart to lead them into the mining operations which they were originally created for it's why decision was made to move them to inky city in iridu where an enclosure was built for them allowing the man and woman to roam freely about their abode was a garden the garden was eaten from there many anunnaki came to observe the creatures in their zoo exhibit including marduk remember he's the the son of inky and one by one their sketch uh their skepticism excuse me their skepticism diminished it's a sign that i need a little bit more coffee i just got a long ways ago hope you guys are enjoying this the anunnaki even stood around watching adamu and tea amat procreate excited that they would produce an endless number of laborers but therein was another problem nobody not even the other human pairs were conceiving children back to the back to the drawing board then the solution came from an individual named nengi uh shazida before i tell you what it is maybe i'll just call him nengi because there's a nengi zida i'm going to mispronounce that for you guys before i tell you what the solution is allows me allow me to pause and tell you a little bit more about him the possible meaning of nengi shida is lord of the good tree though contrarily it could also mean gishbanda which means little tree so it could be lord of the little tree the tree in his name appears to be associated with divine according to a seriologist giving him an association with wine i find this overly fascinating make a mental note of that other titillating tidbits assign nengi shida to be a misopotamian deity of vegetation the underworld and sometimes of war he was commonly associated with snakes depicted clothed with snakes as shown you can see up here in the picture he's clothed with snakes and was even believed to spend a uh the winter months in the land of the dead in which vegetation upon the earth would die telling us that he was an early manifestation of the mystery of religions in fact he was referred to as the chairbearer or chamberlain of the underworld now put those pieces together and tell me if he sounds like anyone else we've read about so anyways nengi shida needed to figure out a way to make procreation a successful part of the human experience after comparing the life essence of adamu and tiamat nengi shida discovered that he could separate the entwined spirits an obvious reference to their dna and i showed you up here you could see like in this old Sumerian race you could see the double coiling helix right there and their snakes though objection decisions translation is well noted i will quickly refer you to my paper shato de shambourd and that is the one where i took a field trip uh to france and saw with my own eyes the coiling double helix stairway to heaven long before walks in and creek discovered anything lol the ancients knew they all they knew about uh our dna did i mention that adamu and tiamat's entwined spirits and life essence was furthermore referred to as the tree of life what happened is nengi shida whispered his proposal to inky and to inlil's wife nimma leaving inlil out of it to which the conspirators agreed he then caused the four of them inky and nimma adamu and tiamat to fall into a deep sleep from which he extracted the life essence from inky's rib and placed it into adamu he then extracted the life essence from nimma's rib and inserted it into tiamat closing up the flesh afterwards to their tree of life two branches had been added the coiling double helix the operation was a success upon waking nimma declared let them freely roam as one flesh let them know each other adamu and tiamat also woken were returned to the orchard and edan only to become aware of their nakedness they wanted to be distinguished from the wild beast and presumably the wild men fashioning aprons from the leaves of the garden was their solution and so imagine inlil's surprise when he went strolling through edan to the heat in the heat of the day and joined the shade of the orchard only to encounter adamu and tiamat sporting shrubbery while inlil was pissed he wouldn't have any about that inky and nimma attempted to explain and rectify the situation on the basis that naburu was doomed if they failed their mission upon the earth but inlil would have nothing to do with it according to inlil they were now acting as creators in the place of the father of all beginning an action which he had opposed from the beginning to his defense nengi shida said he had introduced the quote knowing for procreation unquote to their tree though he had refrain from adding the branch of long living their defense failed to retrofit his anger inlil had the man and his woman adamu and tiamat expelled from edan where they were expected to remain in the obzu in the obzu tiamat remember she's the eve of the story she gave birth to twins with what i'm about to describe you think we were entering genesis six territory you know the part in the earlier pages of the bible where the sons of allahayam take the wives and men as their own technically we're entering genesis six though depending on one's point of view we are not i'm not trying to confuse you believe me the onunaki or the ones attempting to do that they're the ones i believe that are kind of confusing the story a little bit keep reading and you will see what i mean the onunaki may have been setting the watchers up to take the fall when in fact they were also the guilty party members the watchers have not touched down upon the mountaintop yet and already a great number of onunaki began arriving from the heavens having come to procreate with the daughters of men during this time nenar the moon god of misopotamia though he was commonly known as sin and nengal was his wife gave birth to twins of their own he sent in a daughter the names were in nana and uh utu and in nana comes into it later important um player get to know your mythology i know i'm kind of throwing a lot out you here it could be a lot to take in so utu also went by shamash and he was the misopotamian sun god and nana was the ancient samarian goddess of love sensuality fertility procreation and also of war she later became identified by the accadians and Assyrians is the goddess ishtar the hitite sauska the phoenician astarte and the greek aphrodite among many other names to add to that my humble opinion has ishtar aphrodite t doubling as a counterfeit to the ruha kakadesh that was would be the holy spirit a counterfeit holy spirit much like lilyth or the kundalini spirit researchers have claimed her to be semiramists as well and nimrod's mother and woman so it gets kind of convoluted rather than tell me the timeline is off with anana being pre-deluvian and semiramists being post-deluvian how about we refer once more to my many lives with nimrod paper in that one you can go back and look at the presentation or read for yourself i had suggested that nimrod was gilgamesh and that gilgamesh can be traced to a giant entity before the deluge by the same name gilgamesh i showed you the source implying that the ruha k the spirit of both were the same at the time my only mistake was in snubbing semiramists' potential for a pre-deluge starring role it appears that she existed before the flood and she may in fact have been uh anana it's very possible as i was saying the watchers have not arrived yet they will and it is immediately and only after inky's description of the anunnaki's procreation habits that we read of another familiar turn of events you probably already know what it is but allow me to set the scene anyways earth temperatures were recorded as rising i know the rains became heavier rivers were gushing the ice caps were melting can you believe it and in little time the borders of the sea were no longer contained from the depths of the earth volcanoes belched forth the ground trembled the writing was on the wall or rather embedded within the stars in the heavens nebiru was approaching its slingshot turn around the sun and the earth was in its path the earth would soon be flooded by the great deluge and something had to be done about it so just to point out here it is interesting that in these Sumerian tablets it's only after the anunnaki start taking wives the human wives and they start messing around with them and their DNA and all that kind of stuff that then all of the sudden this prophecy that the world's going to be flooded by a great deluge comes into it and you could see from their perspective what they're kind of playing their innocence like you know oh no no no this is this is beyond our control i had nothing to do with this but clearly it was destined to happen it was faded to happen because of them and of course they did not repent of it so let's keep moving on fun footnote upon learning of earth's fate inky took his son marduk to the moon seeking a plan be colonized colonization option only discovered that it was uninhabitable did they learn that it couldn't be landed upon as well i was really confused by this point what we're inking marduk had this moon adventure at least they shared a father's son moment well back to the earth they went to where the fish in the fowl were once plentiful but now came in short supply no thanks to the appetite of the anunnaki in the recent population explosion of primitive workers naburu was nearing the end was nai so it does seem in here that the the anunnaki are kind of devastating and destroying the earth they're just mining it they're killing all the animals eating them up uh it really seems to fit with the genesis six story pretty well regardless inky sexual appetite was an insatiable one he desired human women of his own and from those human women children by which he would raise up offspring even greater than what nimma the scientists had dreamt when forming adamu and tiamat and quay pots he sought to create the civilized man now keep in mind before this we had the primitive worker now we're getting the civilized man which is why he went on a cruising expedition down the main drag of the marshlands of the eden ever on the prow he soon discovered two fine-looking ladies bathing by the bank of the river wild and naked with beauty firm-breasted and to quote sitchin this their sights the phallus of inky caused to water lovely thought one woman offered him fruit from a fruit tree the other berries from the field your typical mating ritual there was a kiss on the lips and then dot dot dot a pregnant pause and nine or ten months later civilized man was born a boy and a girl the girl's name was ti ti meaning one with life the boy's name was adapa recognize the name if not then you should for many adapa is a coin toss between two extremes myth or historical reality though nobody can deny his placeholder in the pantheon of legendary figures no promises but i think my next paper will be exclusively devoted to him now actually i i fully intended to write on adapa next and then the weekend happened and that whatever happened with that trump assassination uh kind of took my devotion but adapa is next on my list i want to give a presentation on him adapa deserves his own in-depth investigation because there are other sources on him he's not just in this text alone to do so here would be to distract uh detract from the story of the anunnaki which is why i'm holding back just know this one many have claimed there is no connection to be had between adapa and the biblical adam the book of inky states otherwise so i have read multiple texts now where the adam character is actually in the bible these other books one is egyptian and phoenician then now you have Sumerian they claim there's two atoms kind of interesting and they're kind of a composite of of the biblical adam and in fact sitchin's translation appears to agree with Sumerologist understanding of irreduce religiosity at least on this point adapa was their version of the biblical adam we have already met adamu but now we have adapa are they composites of the same person an overlap of character perhaps or we are dealing with or are we dealing with two atoms i will be sure to address that when delving into my adapa paper but for now let's just keep talking about adapa now before us is a cylinder seal of the acadian period which depicts anana remember i talked about anana is the uh pre deluvian semi-remis character utu enki and ismud in that order a couple of pages ago explain how naynar the moon god eningle his wife gave birth to twins anana and utu well naynar and ningle the parents of anana and utu are nowhere to be found in this clay tablet but then we in this right here in this i should say clay cylinder uh kind of like a scroll whatever but then we have this ismud character who is ismud well ismud was the divine attendant of inky he is the one depicted with two faces so looking up here again if you look to the right you could see this man here with two faces the original two face i guess having two faces directs us to a duality good and evil it is no coincidence in that he serves as a visier to inky during the birth of adapa and titti as well after the two primitive workers give birth to the children so remember enki sees these two hot looking babes primitive workers on the beach has intercourse with them nine ten minutes later give birth to children enki instructs ismud his visier visor to tell his wife niki delight to her saying that the two famines were discovered in read baskets among the bow rushes is it just me or has moche story been paralleled as well i will surely have more to say on that among the many other comparisons in my concluding thoughts niki uh his wife does not know that her husband she thinks that they were found in these in these baskets in the bow rushes she loves the families raising them as her own their contemporaries are maze defined that the two children not only mature slower than the primitive workers but that their wisdom excels far beyond everyone in aridu adapa is raised as a priest of enki that's really interesting because that's what adam was he was brought into the edan uh to be raised as a priest right and this is uh aridu is the original city right and i'll be talking more about that in my adapa paper uh making connections between the city of god new jerusalem as we know it's being on the earth once connected with edan and that's what adam saw and he was able to go into that city anyways it appears as though ninky jita remember the snake god taught adapa about the planets the sun and the moon have a month uh how the months chase one another in the counting of the year when word of adapa reaches a new on nibburu he orders the new prodigy on the first ever space journey yes it's a space journey to the anunnaki's home planet i know i know can we just cut it out dispense with the bs and all agree that adapa by all the indications was just translated to heaven above the firmament it's not rocket science people well anyways in heaven above the firmament or the planet of niburu or whatever adapa amazes everyone inky is pressed to admit his parentage up there i'm skipping through the whole tablet which he defends on the basis that they needed more food and workers to produce that food adapa now an ancient astronaut in his own right ironically is then sent back to the earth to begin cultivating the land by which in low and inky present him with crop seeds and sheep any guesses on where that story is heading so by the way and i've read uh at least another samarian tablet that does talk about adapa same story he's translated up to heaven he meets the the ancient of days up there the the creator uh alahiam and it's it's heaven above the firmament guys he's not flying through space with a fish suit you know in a rocket ship or anything like that but anyways any guesses on where the story is heading adapa and tt had twins their names were amazingly cane enable hmm no similar similarities there accordingly cane is translated to mean he who in the field food grows whereas able means he of the watered meadows cane was taught to dig now plow the fields till the land by which nenerta was his mentor inky son marta constructed able in the building of stalls and other shepherding skills in order to do so though uh a lamb a you had to be brought from nibburu as there had never been a lamb upon the earth beforehand i find that really interesting so if you just got that uh able is given a lamb from heaven capiche yep lambs are alien there is your alien invasion for you right there everybody panic the next time you let's go on and you see the lambs in the field aliens when it came i'm being kind of facetious and funny but i'm i'm not when it came time for the celebration of first uh the the first fruit a decree put forward by inlil uh cane put forward his offering before the feet of inky and inlil remember inking and lower the two brothers the half brothers and able did the same inlil gave a joyful blessing to both brothers extolling their labors inky however embrace his son martak having schooled able and lifted ables lamb into the air rather than canes this prompted able to boast to his brother cane cane was offended to add insult to injury a summer drought prompted able to drive his flocks towards his brother's canals for the purposes of drinking water cane ordered the sheep away when able refused the two spat upon the other and soon fists were exchanged cane then picked up a stone and struck his brother over the head after realizing what he done seeing that blood had been spilled cane sat for a long while calling out his brother's name but it was no use his soul had departed else where while in bed with adapa tt realized through a dream vision that ables blood had been spilled at the hands of cane in the morning adapa and tt left inlil to search out their sons own uh their sons only to find cane sitting silently by his brother's side adapa covered ables face with mud but then instructed that he should be buried under stones as was the custom of the anunnaki in iridu the council of seven assembled judgment passed cane was sentenced to wander eastward to the land to the land of wandering to distinguish his generations uh ningi shida altered his life essence so that he and his descendants could not grow a beard that's what the text says and so with his sister awan for a spouse cane departed the edan setting the land of wandering as his course the next order of business among the seven who judge was in regard to a proper heir now the able was dead his murderer excommunicated with inky's blessing adapa was told to know his wife tt again and again and again and again and in fact so many incidences that only daughters were born large range of daughters finally and perhaps with a sigh of relief tt delivered a son his name was sapti sounding very much like the biblical seft we know and love sapti is translated to mean he who life binds again in all adapa and tt had 30 sons and 30 daughters though in cane enables absence sapti was chosen as adapa's heir sapti the son of adapa took his sister azura as wife they had a son insti which sounds uh sounds very much like eenos doesn't it his name is translated to mean master of humanity that line continued father to son to son to son chosen priest of inky in iridu and then one day adapa hundreds of years old sat on his deathbed knowing that adapa's days were coming to an end inky sent nenerta and something described as the bird of heaven to the wandering lands in the east in search of cane the banish son with both sons uh called forth cane stood to his right sapti on his left the eyesight of adapa had failed and so the only way he could distinguish between both sons is with the beardless cane and the bearded sapti reminding us of isi's blessing of jacob rather than harry esol and of course i like to call isi because you can see yit shak and jacob yakov but no need to get lost in the uh the names adapa then put his right hand upon the face as sapti his left upon cane forming the very tov which yakov or jacob would later perform with yosip's children ephrym and manessa between this the sabbath in the basket story why do these biblical parallels keep happening well we're not through yet far from it because we a lot more of those uh biblical parallels insati's geological line and before adapa died there was a man named in kimi and kimi was not like the others concerning the heavens and all matter celestial he was constantly curious to him inky and marduk took a liking secrets once revealed to adapa to in kimi they were once again told how the months were counted by the moon and the circuit of years according to the son he was taught as well as the planetary family of the son the circle of the heavens divided into 12 parts parts each station being represented by a constellation each intended to honor a divine being onunaki he was taught in kimi lapped up the mysteries with devotion and was eager to explore the heavens he even understood two separate he i'm sorry he even undertook uh two separate journeys into the heavens with marduk as his personal instructor and guide on a second expedition he landed upon lamu do you remember lamu that would be as you were called planet mars there in kimi visited with the race of divine beings known as the igigi who took a liking with him in return the igigi by the way are the watchers in the story from uh from in kimi they learned the mysteries has passed down to adapa in the civilized earthlings and then this is what we read if you're not picking up on this and kimi is eenok same guy and this is what we read in the text of him it is in the annals said that to the heavens he departed that in the heavens he stayed till the end of his days before in kimi for the heavens departed all that in the heavens he was taught in writings in kimi a record made for his sons to know he wrote it let's talk about the book of eenok all that is in the heavens and the family of the son he wrote down and about the quarters of the earth and its land and its rivers too to the hands of mufushal his firstborn son the writings he entrusted with his brothers rajim and gedad to study and abide by the book of inky tablet eight his journey who are i should say his second journey into the heavens is the one where he departed and never returned the annals even say so wait what what annals he even wrote a record for his son mufushal being one of them well mufushal sounds an awful lot like mufushalak and mufushalak in case you were unaware was the son of eenok up until now i didn't want to say anything well i actually did tell you in advance but i i put a mask over him curious if you'd pick up on the finally recognizable features of his chin and make and make the inkymi inok connection they're clearly the same person the book of eenok is being referenced obviously inky is an ancient tablet regardless of where it lands in the bc timetable but even still this appears to be the earliest reference that i have ever encountered to the book of eenok the writer of inky had read it and in a little while i will show another passage which is undoubtedly quoting from eenok when i do the question you should be asking is why the writer change eenok to inkymi personally naming him after inky the allahayam of aridu rather than the god or the allahayam whom eenok claimed to serve by his account or how about how about i just show you now so once again quoting from the book the book of inky it says now this is the account of how the egege the daughters of the earthlings abduced and how afflictions followed and zeusudra oddly was born in a great number did the egege from lamu to earth come remember according to sichin lamu's mars only one third of them on lamu stayed to earth came two hundred to be with their leader marduk his wedding celebration to attend was their explanation unbeknownst to inky and in lill was their secret to abduct and have conjugation with was their plot unbeknownst to the leaders on earth a multitude of the egege on lamu got together what to marduk permitted is from us two should not be deprived to each other they said enough of suffering and loneliness of not having offspring ever having was their slogan during their comings and goings between lamu and earth the daughters of the earthlings the adoptite females as them they called they saw and after them they lusted and to each other the plotter said come let us choose wives from among the adoptite females and children we get one among them shamgas his name was their leader became even if none of you agrees i alone the deed shall do to others he said if the penalty for this sin shall be imposed i alone for all of you shall it bear one by one others in the plot joined together by an oath together to do it they swore by the time of marduk's wedding two hundred of them on the landing place descended upon the great platform and the cedar mountains they came down from there to iridu they journeyed among the toiling earthlings they passed together with the earthling throng and iridu they arrived after the wedding ceremony of marduk and sarpanet had taken place that marduk is marrying a human woman her name is sarpanet by a signal pre-arranged shamgas to the others a sign gave an earthling made in each one of the gigi seized by force they them abducted that's from the book of inky tablet nine let's put our heads together mix and match one account with another and see if we can figure this one out what do you say there were two hundred a gigi for starters which just so happens to be the exact number of watchers in eenox account the leader of the 200 gigi was shamgas whereas the leader of the watchers was shimiyaza or semjaza in most translations it's a match the cedar mountains which they landed upon reminds us of gilgamesh's quest for the cedar forest a sacred tree a sacred tree to divine beings the cedar forest was in lebanon to this day it's quite literally on the flag of lebanon which in turn reminds us of the giant cedars of lebanon mount herman just so happens to be in the lebanon mountain range its summit straddles between syria and lebanon and if i'm not mistaken in this account as well as an eenok that's where the gigi watchers came down the added information in inky is that the egeegi slash watchers arrived for the purpose of attending marduk's wedding whether they were sent invites to lamu slash mars or they were wedding crashers we are not told marduk was the son of inky and he went by other names like bell or the ale which translates to lord or the lord originally he seemed to have been an allahayam of thunderstorms by allahayam hopefully you understand him that's the paleo for god he was the god of thunderstorms but then after conquering the monster of primeval chaos tiamat he became lord of the allahayam of heaven and earth now remember uh sitchin caused uh tiamat the the asteroid belt or whatever wherever he's getting that from but whatever among those who worshiped him but ale all nature including humanity suddenly owed its existence to him the destiny of entire kingdoms was in his hands that's quite the promotion so he basically marduk he starts out as this this kind of small time uh Sumerian god the son of inky and then he's promoted all of a sudden he just takes over and he's like over everything assuming you've read my leviathan paper or listened to the presentation then you recall the connection between ba'el and the mountain of ba'el zefan during the exodus crossing so when the israelites were leaving egypt they go up to the the reed sea or the red sea and it's right there at ba'el zefan that mountain and that mountain overlooks the red sea and can see Mount Sinai and the other end they like literally face each other like two towers and that's what of course drove pharaoh because this was ba'el this was the ba'el right this was his mountain and that was a sign of weakness and he was going to come in and take them out and also uh another breadcrumb trail can be found between ba'el zefan and the entity we know as hasatan now there's always gonna be that that smarty pants in the room that goes well hasatan just means the deceiver you guys know what i mean it the rabbit trail to the deceiver the accuser right the the serpent the dragon the temp same guy well then in another paper and presentation i recently gave a zazel in the five satans which uh takes off in the book of enoch where it talks about there's five satans and azazel is one of them i not only show this symbiotic relationship between azazel and the azazel go i showed without a question in my mind that azazel is the hasatan let that sink in and while it does let me tell you about a poem known as innuma illish which dates from the region of nevikineser the first in the whereabouts of one uh or 119 through 1098 bc the poem relates to martix rise to such pre-eminence that he became the god of 50 names at that time each one describing a deity or of a divine attribute was a zazel one of them a zazel i will remind you was not accounted among the 200 watchers he was already on the earth when the watchers arrived upon the summit of Mt hermen and he was welcoming them and so i will ask did shimiyaza and the watchers or contrarily shamgas and and the igiggy attend the wedding of a zazel of the ale assuming he is marduk that is i think he is it was at the wedding where shamgas and his co-conspirators agreed to take marduk's example and taking human women as their own. Marduk was marrying a human woman. Anton Lave was into satanic weddings but i think this one takes the icing on the cake how do you suppose it went down was it anything like the wedding of yakov with leah when the lights were out and he ended up uh you know while he was thinking he was going to marry his uh her her sister Rachel he ended up marrying leah did the junis priest tell the groom you can now kiss the bride in which shamgas took that as a as a signal to rustle up a handful of bridesmaids so many questions try not to forget that the book of inky is from the perspective of inky in the anunnaki from a straightforward reading and by all appearances inky is a zazel's father some of you are going to scoff at that but just a straightforward connect the dots uh with with his son marduk with with uh the ale with a zazel it makes sense it seems to me that in this instance that a zazel was marrying a human woman and the the watchers took his example among the many frustrations regarding sitchin's insistence that the space narrative play out he has the children of the yagigee being born on a landing platform in the cedar mountain with the names given to them being and i quote children of the rocket ships oh please just make it stop can somebody please give me the original wording on this one they were not the children of the rocket ship can somebody with the scholar badge retrieve this tablet from the samarian vault and tell me what it actually says nithalim is a heber word which means the fallen ones by the way as in did it hurt when you fell from heaven not seeing any space capsules in a statement like that one but that's sitchin's for you always fantasizing about those astronaut women so anyways the yagigee gave birth to the children of the rocket ships angering and will remember the half brother vinky most of the yagigee and the rocket ship children remained on the landing platform though others did manage to venture out to the land of high mountains in the east that would be a reference to the Himalayas in little then instructed his son in nurture to find the children of king the the beardless ones also in the far east so as to instruct them in tools and music apparently the yagigee were not the educators of heaven's mysteries at least not in sitchin's translation as they were in enoch now if you're confused what you're looking at right here most of you are not if you are a regular viewers of my work this is actually taken from the moon in which we can find a map of the greater of around you can see right there this is all on the moon you can see north south america you can see australia you can see russia and china and india and of course europeans all there and there is lumiria or mu the lost continent among the nurture's task was the building of a boat which might allow the sons of king to sail towards a new domain beyond the seas your basic native american origin story though i'm also thinking it could refer to the lost continent of lumiria which was most likely destroyed during the deluge it might be your inlanta story it was there in the new domain that they discovered a bounty of gold they also built a great city with uh the texas twin towers which i found kind of interesting a feat which would later be replicated in new york city in case narrative takes yet another familiar turn complete with its typical twist of the lemon when inky asked marduk to summon lumok son of muthushal son of inkymi to inloh and of course lumok sounds an awful lot like limic son of muthushala son of inok in lumok's absence inky stood on the rooftop and gazed down upon lumok's wife batanash while bathing he took her into his bed and conceived a child with him or i should say with her i'm sorry thereby mimicking the david ambashiva story lumok must have been absent for a great long while in his service to marduk because word eventually reached him that his wife had delivered a child upon returning home lumok was amazed and frightened to find a baby with skin as white as snow hair the color of wool and eyes as the sky is brilliant in shining so very blue eyes after hurrying to retrieve his father muthushal in the edan lumok demanded to know who the father of his child might be without giving the identity of her rapist batanash simply responded that he did not derive from the igiggy the watchers as was suspected why is this episode so familiar for one i covered this very mystery a few years back in the birth of no a man or angel article or paper at that time i was i concluded that noa was indeed an intercession from the heavens above based upon the text of my disposal and they'll keep in mind that enoch uh enoch the writings of abraham there's a few different books out there they all talk about when noa was born he was white as snow burning eyes all this kind of stuff i have now thrown my weight into the pre-existence camp and still incarnate though so i believe well that might be confusing some of you i'm just going to move on secondly noa's birth story can be found in the book of enoch the idea often put forward is that the closing chapters of enoch originally derived from the lost book and noa and then that one specifically chapter 105 so enoch chapter 105 lemich's wife became pregnant by him rather than somebody else all right so it wasn't a watcher that got her pregnant it was literally her husband lemich noa was born as white as snow and when he opened his eyes the radiance of them filled the house his father was rightfully disturbed he ran to his father muthusala who then turned to enoch in paradise for guidance that is not the only account which speaks of noa's birth though there is another one it dries from the dead sea scrolls in kumaran and here's what it says then bat enoch my wife spoke harshly and she cried and said oh my brother in a dome remember my pleasure the time of love gasping for breath i will tell you everything truth for it and then my heart began to ache when bat enoch realized my mood had changed then she wrote withheld her anger and said to me oh my adan and brother remember my pleasure i swear to you by the great holy one the king of the heavens that this seed pregnancy and planting of fruit comes from you and not a stranger not a watcher or son of the heaven why is your expressing changed in your spirit satin i speak honestly to you then i lemich went to my father muthusala and told him everything so that he would know the truth because he is well liked and he is in well with the holy ones and they share everything with him muthusala went to enoch to find the truth he will and he went to parvame where enoch lived he said to enoch oh my father and adenai to whom i i tell you do not be angry because i came here to you fear before you when it goes on that comes from tales of patria column two so the writer refers to lemoch's wife as bat enoch whereas here in the dead sea scrolls she is bat enoch from what i can tell she is never given a name in enoch you you got to love those kuman scrolls in hebrew bat enoch means daughter of enoch enoch was the first son of sath aden was her grandfather we have a match the defining difference with this tax in the Sumerian version is that bat enoch assures lemich that the child's father is neither a watcher nor a son of heaven the anunnaki may not be the egygy watchers they can however perhaps be classified as a son of heaven not only that bat enoch reminds her husband that he was indeed there for the child's conception as he is told to recollect her moment of pleasure when she was gasping for breath a little itty-bitty detail which inky conveniently leaves out now i i want to just quickly point out that i was really uh excited to read this portion in the book of inky because it is the only other book i have ever read which backs up tales of patrick that i can find where the mother of noah is named bat enoch or bat enoch it's a match so you have these two ancient documents that correspond with each other at least on this point but from very different religious perspectives up until now every sunday school character is given a similar name to their samarian counterparts adapa, cane, able, sati, enos, but fuschau, and kimi, lumok, bat enoch but then did i mention what noah's name was in this in this story i may have skipped that part according to inky it is zio sudra sounding nothing at all like noah why the name swap now i was at least half expecting uh you not what is it utnap-pish-tim the the noah character in gilgamesh to show face he doesn't though it is uh utnah not the samarian version of noah zio sudra reminds us of zerathustra and not by coincidence read ham's mystery children that's another um paper that i've written the cat is already out of the bag and the zerathustra of his story is ham as is pan as our narrator inky is giving an interesting confession even if it's done by way of misdirection he is saying that he raped zio sudra's mother making zerathustra the savior of humanity his child well ham zerathustra also just so happened to be a cane and cane is the seed of the serpent how any of this is possible can be summed up by noah having two wives shem and yapith were conceived through one and ham through naema who she is a cane she comes from the line of cane that's why there's the two lines and genesis it's why inky made the critical decision to make a swap ham was his boy it was in the days of zio sudra that plagues and of course zio sudra is noah but you know he's really ham but you know he's the noah character anyways it was in the days of zio sudra that plagues and pestilences afflicted the earth aches dizziness chills and fevers the heat index created a drought which reached unprecedented levels the earth shut its womb the water water did not rise vegetation failed to sprout the seasons became as one with nibiru finally being observed in the heavens even lamu mar shared a similar fate black spots were observed on the sun from its face flame shot out the glacial ice sheets of the white land lost their footing soon and very soon waters would rise sweeping away the earth in a great deluge the anunnaki fell into panic abandoning the primitive workers as well as civilized man and even their own children returning to the heavens in hopes of saving their own skin in lil had to create that all willing anunnaki must depart for nibiru though no human wives were allowed to accompany them by decree the igigi were to remain and told to climb the highest peaks in hope of escape mankind on the other hand was doomed it's not interesting how the igigi the watchers in the story were not able to go back into space they were sentenced to remain on the earth and be destroyed in the flood kind of interesting the savior of humanity as you've already guessed would be zio sudra the way it went down is that inky once again decided to go against the council of inlil and warn his glowing son of the coming cataclysm which actually kind of matches up with the gilgamesh story he told him to build a boat though sitchin insist it was a submarine no joke nuclear powered was it the catch being that zio sudra was to keep it a secret his submarine deceiving humanity rather than preaching repentance to them i hope he caught that because according to this book he was told not to preach repentance of people he was to hide it and they you know and he actually deceived them and you'll see because why would our anunnaki overlords be remotely interested in holiness remember that time when jona told his tarshish bound shipmates that yahua would be appeased and the storm would cease if they threw him overboard that's what zio sudra the wise was to tell the locals when asked even more messed up is the fact that he convinced them to help build his ship in a record seven days so that he might sail away thereby satisfying the wrath of the coming deluge wouldn't they expect the water to come from exactly so if you didn't catch that the no of the story tells the locals he's like look this great flood's gonna come he's gonna kill everybody but if you help me build the ship and allow me to sail away in it you will all be spared so he basically it looks like he lies to them all and lets them all die so he can make the escape technically the veliger's constructed zio sudra's boat in six days like the the creation account on that six day in ke's other son nene goal lord of the great waters and probably the pesoid and neptune of the story delivered to zio sudra a box of cedar wood containing the life essences and life eggs of all living creatures all of which had personally been collected by inky and nimah remember nimah's the scientist character thus nene goal explained were all beasts placed in the boat in tubes and they were just the life essence and eggs in the story they weren't actual animals at nimah was passing the white lens surface cracked like a broken egg shell creating a tidal wave so immense that the entire sky became a wall of water why don't we get the feeling that the windows and the brachia opened up but let's let's just stay focused with zitchin's uh a story here the wall of water even swallowed up zio sudra's boat submerging it like a submarine though we are informed that not a single drop of water entered in everything on the ground was swept away vigiggy may have made it to the mountaintops with their wives and their rocket ship children but by the end of the day even the highest heights were overwhelmed there were no survivors all the giggy died all their nephilim children or excuse me the rocket ship children died as well and their wives from their aerial crafts more like their fiery chariots but whatever the anunnaki circled the earth and gazed down craving the fruits of the earth bemoaning what had become of it all nimah cried out like a woman in travail wailing inconsolably over the end of her creations and nana joined in weeping for the civilized men who had returned to clay for seven consecutive days of water from above mixed with the water below but even still the onslaught continued the rains continued for another 40 days until finally ninegal son of inky directed the boat towards the mountains of irata basically irat right seeking vegetation zio sudra released a swallow and a raven both of which returned empty handed but then a dove returned with a twig from a tree and zio sudra knew it was time to let his family off after building an altar of unhewn stone with the help of his sons zio sudra sacrificed an omelemish lamb in lil learning of zio sudra survival an inky secret plan to save them after descending to the earth as a whirlwind repented of wanting to destroy mankind so again remember inky he secretly saves this family on this boat and uh his brother in lil doesn't know about it because in lil destroy he was the one apparently which is strange it doesn't really make sense because according to sitchin it's naburu whatever like even his translation doesn't match up with what we know but anyways in lil apparently want to destroy the world with flood he repents of it afterwards after saying that the noa character in his family survived the flood so correction the anunnaki were also the watchers we read about in enochandaniel i know i had stated earlier that the egege took on the role so familiar to us in enoch but it is only after the deluge we come to learn that the anunnaki became the watchers in the new tongue so the help explain this the anunnaki or the watchers but that is not to say that they are the watchers who came down on mount herman there were 200 of them but they were already anunnaki on the earth right so you're kind of getting different pieces of information here and you'll see why i think this makes total sense they they were all anunnaki they were all watchers but they were different the 200 is specifically referring to those who did that evil act in fact after the earth was divided into three divisions which this book says three divisions the former land of edan now buried under the mud was sprung as the first division whereby it was now called key engi meaning land of the lofty watchers many of the anunnaki now taking on the watcher moniker resettled in the land once called edan though others disbanded with the civilized men they were after all created his worker bees and what is the fun in being a task master excuse me task master if there is no one to lord over the rest of that story regarding the inheritance division payload and all of that you are we know about you can read that in the bible especially if you've read hams mystery children my other paper which i've already linked you to and that one as well as this account you might say there was a symbiotic relationship between the sons of noah oh excuse me zio sudra and the anunnaki of old men began taking on roles of the anunnaki becoming avatars upon the earth while the god or the allahayam slash on a nuke anunnaki remains secluded in their mountain chat toes gazing down upon the daily actions of civilized man writing decrees sitting out messengers like the distant watchers they had become so you can see that the roles had changed before and after the deluge the deluge was a type of judgment event on them where they can no longer do what they want to have meaning i i believe before the flood they were literally sitting on thrones afterwards they were up in the heavens they had to have men do it for them you've also recall that i researched that one hams mystery children as a spin-off of the many lives of nimrod in which i came upon the startling discovery that there were three as many as four successive nimrods according to the historians each of which were married to their mother yeah lovely thought if it's perfectly with the seven thousand year timeline by the way according to the histories at my disposal the first three nimrods were at various times known as nimbroth the giant bellis his successor and nynus the first king of asiria nimbroth was the unifying king who built the tower of babble whereas nynus his grandson was king when avraham was born and they were all called by the biblical writers nimrod that's just my opinion but it also matches up with actual historians ancient historians who said the same thing my thesis is that esau yakos twin brother killed the fourth and final nimrod who we know as tamuz why is that important well it relates to the book of inky and give me a second and i'll explain as inky tells it the first post-diluvian city was kishi and its king was ninerta sounding very much like another variation of nynus laws of justice and righteous behavior were first put down in kishi probably by ninerta and may in fact be a reference to the code of hammurabi fun fact hammurabi was the sixth king of babble on officially living a couple of centuries after abraham even by the official narrative which is strange since sarah his wife appears to have invoked the code of hammurabi when it came time to remove hagar pharaoh's daughter from their camp and yeshmeo from their camp as well hagar son are the timelines not matching up or was there an earlier law of conduct put down before hammurabi see what i'm saying well anyways nynerta was the nimrod character of inky's tale as a mighty warrior he even had the archer constellation assigned in his honor that would be uh Hercules or Orion whatever um actually no it might not be Orion whatever scratched that i'm live miss i went off the cuff now probably wrong about that one it can't wave my hand like the um men in black and miki forget them so the epica galgamesh makes explicit mention of ishtar and tamuz inky goes with their classical samirian names do muzi and in nana remember we talked about in nana earlier but they are the same couple and nana you have already met she would be ishtar the fenetian astarte the greek aphroditi and of course simon ramus as well as lilith a tangled police lineup i know damuzi was the youngest son of inky and a shepherd just as able was after realizing that in nana had the hots for his youngest brother marduk became jealous of their love remember marduk is the azalean story and nana you will recall was the granddaughter of inlil inky's oldest brother inky had already attempted to usurp inlil's authority marduk knew this he thought that way little brother and the very powerful nana could usurp his own power hungry ambitions with a conjugal kiss so marduk wants to to do them in because he doesn't want this alliance of in nana and uh and uh tamuzi coming together because it means that he may lose control so it's kind of like the the children of the anunnenaki are are trying to claim control after the flood because the original parent anunnaki have all moved on so it's why he killed damuzi the tamuz of the story sending him to the underworld why would his soul and spirit be trapped on earth by the way if you heard in fact an astronaut is the unspoken rule one in which a person is internally trapped on the planet where he happens to expire i don't know this is kapurnican rules i guess and if so where does an astronaut go if he dies in space how any of that makes sense in anything other than a flat motionless enclosed cosmological model is beyond me and and another thing sichin even notes the tower which marduk built hoping to reach the heavens yes marduk built it that would be again hosatan right he helps in the mard build it more usurping of inlil it seems how does a construction project like project like that work on a wobbling spinning globe exactly sichin doesn't explain if it is a portal then what does have what does height have to do with it did they not already have rocket launch sites and admission control center why not just build another one if not were they planning to reach so high into the thermal sphere that they'd use a trampoline or ladder to insert nebiru's atmosphere on its next go around 3,600 years later tell me i want to know their aim was to conquer the realm of the anunnenaki no seems like it would be in heaven about the firmament inlil realize that they could do anything they set their minds to and so frustrated civilized man's once one universal language dividing it into many so there's your confusion at times right there inlil sons and grandsons were all in agreements the tower must not stand and so during the dead of night the anunnenaki arrived in their sky ships from nebiru raining down fire and brimstones upon the tower and the whole encampment it was total hay luck havoc it's getting late guys it was total havoc marduk and the leader of the people were scattered interesting having marduk kill damuzi considering that ham went about usurping thrones as i've shown in my research and even nimrod and ham though related attempted to usurp each other they were they were at odds with each other uh enoch and i mean sorry nimrod and ham did not get along esau played his part for ham's kingdom as well i bring this up because the war of the anunnaki slash watchers appears to be leveled against civilized man when once pre-diluvian men were simple slaves for the anunnaki now it looks like they have graduated becoming pawns in a game of chess never is that more evident than inlil confusing the tongues of men over marduk's insurrection and of course he was probably empowering the nurture to do it i know inky claims marduk was the one who killed damuzi but all all the same why can't avatars do his errands all right so uh what i'm saying is that marduk potentially killed damuzi in the same way that hosetan had yuhushah hama shia killed who did he have killed him you guys know that story it's in the gospels so hosetan didn't literally drive a stake into yuhushah's hands but he had people do it for him a such a suggestion like that will make more sense to you in my paper adam's return to paradise what seems evident is that annana's love for damuzi was such that she descended to the underworld to find him she died and then she returned to sumer a resurrected woman where she instituted the number the nimrotic religion of resurrection most if not all the old stories seem to agree on that one and inky is no exception taking plight marduk usurped the the second region dis uh disposing and exiling nengi shida declaring himself to be raw so that the second region would be africa egypt so on and so forth the first is you know is is uh sumeria babylon and then the third would be europe i will remind you that ham did the exact same thing and nengi zida also appears to be the toth in the story toth was an ancient egyptian deity of writing wisdom magic and the moon as an advisor and mediator to the pantheon he was also associated with order justice and the rule of um mat a divine balance principle which i have spoken of in random places as it plays heavily into the mysteries of isis so when he when when he is killed then the rule of peace and shalom is destroyed from the earth in egypt marduk slash raw so marduk becomes raw now he becomes a sun god which is what be able is as well right he's the sun god in egypt marduk slash raw would promise his royal followers eternal afterlife he even declared i found this really fascinating the age of the ram the most know it is aries as the sign of his kingdom now i checked aries lasted between 2200 and 100 bc nobody really knows when it began and ended you know when you're going to between the constellations but that's just kind of guesswork and it gave way to pysies and as i've already shown in vesica piscus pysies belong to yuhu shahama shia musiah and his kingdom that was his uh sign marduk raw is looking more and more like hasatan if he hasn't already is he not so basically his kingdom came to an end with the closing of the age of the ram summing all of this up the anunnaki parted ways geographically ruling over men in three separate divisions of the earth rather than from eden eventually anana was granted dominion of the third region europe or what the hebrews were referred to as the kittem from there she became afradaiti she had a name change and they all had name changes because of the confusion of tongues though the confusion of tongues was intended to stop marduk from collectively assembling men against the anunnaki it had a reverse effect in the end as conditions returned to how they had been on nebiru warring tribal factions rose up everywhere with patron anunnaki to support them all lined for supreme rule over the earth the council was divided in disarray and eventually they overruled and kispley resorting to weapons of terror the evil wind so here we are coming back to the beginning of the story again where we started the evil wind though sitchin insists it is a drifting nuclear cloud brought death to all sumer people fled to set in destruction but their efforts were futile as the bodies of those implied were stacked in the streets foam and blood trickling from their mouths those who chose to remain and lock their doors were crushed under the failing infrastructure waters were poisoned crops failed vegetation withered cattle died from sumer the evil wind spread out across the land and continued in all cardinal directions iridu in the south was overwhelmed and still the evil wind continued on the first division was desolate the second division in egypt was pummeled with confusion and even the third division that would be europe was wounded by the storm after surveying the land in the aftermath of destruction now keep in mind i believe this was in abraham's time it was a abraham was a great prophet who um told them to repent of their idolatry they didn't and this is why this winstone came after surveying the land in the aftermath of destruction the anunnaki were startled to learn that only one location in all of the first division remained bob lee means gateway of the god and would be an obvious reference to babylon it not only stood as an island all the rest of what we know is babylon all those other places were destroyed but babble itself remained it stood only it not only stood as an island completely unaffected by the wind illusion but it also just so happened to be martix chosen patron city though inky had lost his attempt to thwart the destruction he saw babbly as an omen of martix inevitable supremacy the age of aries had begun even inlil recognized the writing on the wall reflecting on the undone past with its various mutinies and destruction events inlil son of annu departed with his son nurta for the land beyond the oceans which is kind of interesting leaving inky alone to the thoughts of his heart the end so let me give you guys my concluding thoughts on this and here's uh you can see a picture here of the um some depictions of the anunnaki with crystals or falluses i don't know what's going on with those things that's what it looks like to me ever notice how the anunnaki are never seen wearing crowns i'm talking about the alien astronauts today the anunnaki of today they're never seen wearing crowns the ancient anunnaki are different though from what i can tell they are always sporting crowns on their noggin crown speak of authority but then there is the apparent fact by those who observe them that are alien visitors today no longer wear crowns telling us that authority has been stripped from them is this simply an age of aries issue no it is not you probably already know where my thoughts are going on that one it has to do with the fact that the 70 allaham the 70 elihim the 70 shepherds whatever you want to call them as spoken about in the bible we're judged during the age of Pisces or at least i think at the conclusion of it i've covered that in a few places such as the resurrection the 70 of the realm there's one link right there the watchers released that was another one and also the war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness i gave that presentation about a month ago and as i say the anunnaki may have been in control at one time or one epoch of his story but that no longer appears to be the case they've lost all their authority which means they've been judged for the remainder of this exercise i will be showing you where this is where there is truth to be found in the anunnaki account biblically speaking and why we are not to brush it off like some silly fantasy as though we have just read a baron stein baron stein baron's book the truth is stranger than fiction you know what's sad about this i just realized that the addition i'm reading you is not the most recent one where i talk about giants but whatever they're giants too they're the giants of war most of you are expecting me to say the ancient alien story is hogwash and baloney or some other unclean animal you know hogwash or baloney that the anunnaki had no part in the creation of man and woman that the government is gearing up for project blue being and the coming antichrist will be an illuminati sponsored alien or anunnaki here to tell us of man's creation at his hands others will surely make a snark remark something like if i don't recant the if nold has a recant the entire account then he too will be deceived when it happens well then i happen to disagree with those sentiments there is truth to the ancient alien story line doesn't mean i'm gonna be deceived at all the anunnaki did happen to play a part in mankind's creation even if they refuse to abstain from hogs and baloney and other unclean animals unsuitable for righteous being for righteous living and all i'm asking is that you hear me out to the end so this is what we read of reread allahion that would be god elihim then declared let us fashion adam under our shadow like our appearance and subject to them the fish of the waters and the winged foul of ha shamayam and the quadruped as well as the whole of ha'arats that would be the whole of the earth and every creeping reptile that creeps upon it so allahion created adam under his own shadow creating them in the shadow of allahion and constituting them male and female that comes from paleogenesis paleo barisheth chapter one 26 through 27 just so we're clear the lettuce passage in barisheth is not the trinity having a conversation with himself in a triangular house of mirrors contrarily it is between allahion and the divine council they are the benny elihim the sons of god those would be the anunnaki allahion referring here either to yahwaha allahion or the father allahion you can argue which brings up the matter and it appears as though everyone falls in agreement but then notice what happens allahion who i believe is yahwaha is accredited with personally following through with the suggestion creating male and female in his as well as their image does that mean the anunnaki stood idly by while he went about with his task i wasn't there and i couldn't say the anunnaki claimed a certain number of them had a very specific role in altering primitive man's DNA so that it nearly matched their own all i know is a king gives decrees and his subjects go about making sure that they transpire as commanded that there's nothing scandalous in that i'll give you an example of what i'm talking about so this comes from third baruque the Slavonic version of third baruque and the angel said to me when elihim made the garden and commanded mike elle that would be michael the archangel to gather 200 000 and three angels so that they could plant the garden he's referring to eden mike elle planted the olive and gavereel or gavereel the apple ureel the nut raffaeel the melon and satinaeel the vine satinaeel would be satin the serpent for at first his name and former times with satinaeel and similarly all the angels planted various trees earlier we had read a creation account from the perspective of the anunnaki of course through sitchin's very twisted translation in which the cultivation of the eden was a community project and here we see there's a very same activity it's not scandalous i could show you the passage and bearish yet two eight in which yahua alwah is personally credited with planting the garden but then here you can see another witness which agrees in part it was a group effort because again the king gives the decree and his workers go out and see that it's done he's accredited with it but there are labors slavonic baruch claims there were some 200 000 divine beings who said about to add their own contribution to yahua has kingdom that's interesting 200 000 mike el we are told planted the trees the tree of yashareel the olive whereas gavereel planted the apple sorry not the tree of knowledge of good and evil that people think it wasn't an apple tree ureel the nut raffio the melon and satin al the vine remember when i was making a big deal about the vine tree earlier in the the snake god how many of those divine beings to you suspect later fell into rebellion against the father of spirits well certainly not Gabriel and raffio but how many of those 200 000 fell into rebellion probably a great number of them it started out well but did it in that way for everyone on the team there was a rebellion earlier i had told you that uh ningi shida whom marduk later disposed in egypt had various attributes which connected him with serpent wine being one of them wait which one is azazel then ningi shida or marduk or is it possible that he is a composite of both if you have any more questions comments or concerns regarding the tree of knowledge of good and evil being a vineyard or the apparent fact that all wine on all the earth presently derives from it then i will direct you to my serpent seed paper called a serpent seed and Noah's vineyard moving on there were occasions during my recitation of the book of inky where i could not keep my mouth shut when when uh exciting comparisons were to be had i wasn't able to keep a lid on it when the Noah characters mother's mother was named uh bat enosh from what i have so far been able to find batonash has only one other mention and it is bat enosh in the uh tales of the patriarchs it is stunt it is stunning pieces of evidence such as that one which tells us the ancients had a common framework at their disposal which we do not and we're just now trying to piece it all back together again keeping that in mind here's another this is a fascinating comparison this is the account of adam and cha waha now cha waha just you know is eve all right this is the the paleo Hebrew word for eve after they went out of paradise adam took cha waha his wife and went up into the east and he remained there 18 years and two months in cha waha conceived and brought four two sons dia photos called cane and amalabi is called hable that's interesting in and of itself because this Hebrew text is admitting that they actually have different names it's not just cane and able different cultures call them different names and after this adam and cha waha were with one another and when they lay down cha waha said to adam her adenai my adenai i have seen in a dream this night the blood of my son able who is or amalabi's who is called able thrown into the mouth of cane his brother and he drank it without pity he drank his blood and he entreated him to grant him a little of it but he did not listen to him but drank it all up and it did not remain in his belly but came forth out of his mouth this was all in her vision or dream and adam said to cha waha let us arise and go see what has happened to them less perchance the enemy should be in any way warring against them and having both gone they found hable killed by the hand of cane his brother that comes from the revelation of moshay remember when titti had a dream that cane would kill able she woke adapa up from his sleep to let him in on her premonition on the following morning they ventured out in search of their sons only to find cane by able's corpse the exact same scene is played for us in the revelation of moshay what are the odds who was looking over the shoulder of whom in the writing process the more likely option is that the original sources can no longer be found many will read an account like inky throw up their arms and declare oh my god the bible isn't true such a shame it is responses like that which have me writing this commentary inky doesn't line up perfectly with the bible and i say so what the deluge the tower of babble and the watchers incursion are told to us in hundreds of cultures all over the world none of which perfectly agree with the bible much less anyone else contrary it is the very fact that these stories are told which gives certifiable testimony to the historicity and the reliability of the bible if the bible were the only storyteller to be telling you about the deluge the tower of babble the incursion all that kind of stuff the confusion of tongues then one might have justification and claiming everything within the bible is invented but no it's not the worship of the serpent is practiced worldwide to this day even amongst the governments of our world and the watchers incursion is told in probably every ancient culture well on the flip yahua is the only all the hyam if you dare to say anonaki but yahua is the only the only divine being to expose them for what they truly are he's the only one because the all the other cultures they they praise this kind of stuff you know they they worship the serpent remember when adapo was set into a basket among the reeds the story was similar to that of mochay commented on that at the time we can sit down two opponents to argue all day regarding which account was written first the Sumerian or the Hebrew but might i just add however you slice the cake the basket the basket story of mochay was seen as a sign of judgment against the all the hyam of egypt starting with horse the the deity who ejaculated his semen into the Nile unlike inky with adapa there was no sexual promiscuity or duplicity to hide that fact and it's it's interesting that in the story he talked about his semen was dropped into water and then this child in the basket was conceived right so mochay was clearly a judgment against against this clearly that's a defining difference between yahua and his anunnaki contemporaries in any ways marduk and inky usurped egypt becoming their allahayam yahua judged them in the exodus and think about that marduk of course was the last judged uh Beo it was the last to be judged when all is said and done my critics will throw my decision to go with the bible into question on the anthropological basis that one account has no bearing over the other i've heard this one a lot that is to say considering the weight of evidence before us which accounts are to be believed i mean why not go with the anunnaki account rather than the bible i mean for me that's just an idiotic question but because the answer is so overwhelming to me but let's just go with it for a second in the moment of decision i will take yahua has account any day of the week and here is why this comes from john 519 so yahoosha said to them yahoosha is yahoosha is crease deuce or jesus christ you could say yeshua if you want but so yahoosha said to them truly truly i say to you the son can do nothing on his own accord but only what he sees the father doing for whatever the father does the son does like ways that's yokanon or john 519 yahoosha did nothing of his own accord nothing he said nothing he did was pronounced or practiced apart from what he'd heard seen observed or learned from the father of spirits the father of vuakoth do show me where the anunnaki applied the same lifestyle practice they did not they were constantly sneaking around each other backstabbing sleeping around finding the rules often caught with their pants down literally or red-handed and in outright defiance of their father the story of the anunnaki cannot be told apart from the unblemished lamb with the division of the seventy nations after babble yahwah allahayam inherited yahsharell and of course i'm of the opinion that yahwah or yahwah or yahwah was the son of allahayam he is the son of the father that means that he and yahoosha hama shiok was the same person while the anunnaki were busily engaged with adultery covetousness murder and the like yahwah made a covenant with Abraham which he himself promised to fulfill in the person of yahoosha hama shiok his mission was a success father allahayam raised him from the dead and handed him the rod of iron by which he rules the kingdoms away this is why the evidence for me is overwhelming that yahwah or yahoosha hama shiok is who he said he was and that he did with none of the other anunnaki ever even cared to do but then why pray tell is yahwah i don't know if you can hear my daughter screaming the other one right now it's late and she's tired but then why pray tell is yahwah has suspiciously absent from every known Sumerian tablet or text and furthermore why is critic given to other allahayam that's a good question for some a reading of the anunnaki story made paint in lil as his counterpart though i don't believe that to be the case in the late 19th and early 20th century some scholars proposed that the allahayam of israel was none other than yahinky you should know then that this theory has been entirely abandoned even the liberal scholars have almost unanimously agreed that yahwah is nowhere to be found in the Sumerian pantheon he doesn't exist there and in fact aside from the passing reference or two in the later annals of egypt he is a unique allahayam of yashrael to be found nowhere else on earth well i happen to agree with that assessment yahwah is nowhere to be found in Sumerian or cadian literature and i'm fine with it it wasn't always easy but i've learned to accept that fact and in fact this entire process writing and researching and writing this paper has been therapeutic to say the least what do you suppose will happen if and when any number of ancient aliens return to the earth claiming us as their own will they even think to mention yahwah when taking all the credit for themselves no they won't as fallen creatures given to their central impulses pride has a habit of blinding thoughts and darkening vision even of those once enlightened pathological liars have been doing it so long that there is very good reason to conclude that they no longer know they are even doing it ego has a way of making the most egotistical narcissist believe they cannot possibly lose and then there is the ugliness of entitlement the anunnaki are entitled as hell wanting to steal all the glory from yahwaha and take the credit do you understand yahwah's absence has nothing to do with averham or moshays imagination or the figment of any later writer in history if we are to believe that the anunnaki were once a force to be reckoned with then what of the kingdom of mashiach spread out into all corners of the earth is that not testimony in and of itself the anunnaki is an age of aries narrative told from inky's perspective inky was the father of the ale need i remind you that neither of them were set apart or holy our father's instructions and righteous living as given in the torah of yahwaha was not something they were interested in for this reason the allahayam of yasharel was outright snubbed by his contemporaries it's an unwritten though totally true rule has anything changed anyone who pursues the way of our heavenly father the ancient path of yahwaha and yahushah mashiach will be shunned by our spiritual controllers and all those who fall in allegiance with them even when they cross paths the narrative is rarely if ever set up to tell our side of the story good night everybody [BLANK_AUDIO]